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® ©2013 The Company Inc. All rights Reserved. Battletech Adventure: Necromo Nightmare, Classic BattleTech, BattleTech, BattleMech and ’Mech are registered trademarks and/or trademarks of The Topps Company, Inc. in the United States and/or other countries. and the Catalyst Game Labs logo are trademarks of InMediaRes Production, LLC.

Isaac Newton (order #5214387) The World of the Dead

COMMERCE DISTRICT Shelter! LANDINGPLACE Somewhere behind him, he heard—and felt—another crash…then NECROMO, CAPELLAN CONFEDERATION a rushing sound. Instincts honed on battlefields across a dozen worlds 30 OCTOBER 3071 kicked in, altered his course to the right. The forward half of a semi-truck spun past, smashing into the pavement This is not the way I was supposed to die! so hard it nearly sent him flying again. On impact, the vehicle seemed to The thought echoed in Edward Halperin’s head as he ran across the shatter. A massive shape—larger than Edward’s torso—bounced across shattered ferrocrete pavement. His breath came in ragged gasps that the street just one meter ahead of him. His brain only registered that it echoed in his ears, and added a rancid tinge to the stench of his own was probably a tire half a second later. sweat, soaking into the filter of his vapor mask. His legs burned, and with A new surge of fear powered him onward as the rest of the wreck skit- every stride, he felt a shock of pain running from his left heel all the way tered off to his left. to the hip that nearly tripped him several times already. Another roar filled the air, and then a rapid thumping of gigantic metal- Something’s broken there, his mind warned him, perhaps for the mil- shod feet. lionth time. It’s seen me! Yet he raced on, the agony only adding to his urgency. Up the stairs Edward ran, his left leg jarring him with every lurching Headlamps on his helmet provided his only cues against missteps, cut- step. Aiming his good shoulder at the main door, he charged without a ting through the dusty dark to illuminate a scant few meters ahead of moment’s thought. him. But it was the adrenaline, burning in his veins for the longest time The new wave of pain that overcame him finally forced a cry of pain in his panicked memory, which made it possible for him to vault over the from his ragged throat. blackened wreckage of an overturned vehicle. The door never even budged. …Only to land with his full weight on a mass of squishy meat, wrapped A snarl echoed in the void behind him. around a twisted pile of broken bones. This time, Edward looked. The slick carcass gave way with a wet crunch, and slid sharply beneath The massive, metallic beast looked like it had walked through Hell itself. him, sending Edward tumbling forward. Teeth clenched, he spun himself What remained of its pitted and cracked armor was scorched black, and as best as he could in the instant before impact, letting his left shoulder one of its four legs dragged. Though its features were styled to resemble bear the shock. Even so, he felt the sharp jabs on his right side, radiating that of some kind of anthropomorphized boar, it lurched about on all from his shoulder to somewhere just below his elbow. fours like some kind of simian. Now standing about four meters to its Stars danced across his eyes. shoulder, Edward imagined it would come up to his Warhammer’s waist Don’t pass out! his mind screamed at him. Don’t pass out! if it stood upright. Gasping, he scrambled back to his feet. His head swam. His legs …And if he still had his Warhammer! shook. The fingers in his right hand felt frozen, but he didn’t bother to There was a pistol at his hip—a nice, quality Hawk Eagle—but Edward look at them. knew it would not even faze the monstrosity hovering nearby. Even as he began a wobbling run again, he noticed the world had He had never seen a ProtoMech up this close and personal before, but grown even dimmer than before. One of his helmet lamps must have suddenly Edward felt a new appreciation for the terror the mud sloggers shattered in the fall. back home on Arc-Royal used to rant about. As he gaped at the beast, it It became the least of his concerns when he heard the crash, some- lumbered closer, smashing through a field of discarded metal and decay- where behind him. ing bodies almost casually now. No, gods damn it! Don’t look back! He saw the beast’s weapon mounts—lasers, the MechWarrior part of A booming roar—augmented by external speakers designed to be his mind told him—pointing uselessly at the ground, and wondered why heard over the din of battle—reverberated through the ruined street. The the pilot wasn’t using them. Then he noticed the gore, hanging off the sound communicated a rage so primal, so anguished, that Edward could machine’s dented tusks. not imagine it formed within human lungs. Tusks! On a six-meter tall war machine! Ahead, a massive edifice loomed. Even in the hazy dark, he could tell that The monster stomped closer, its foreleg snapping through the same half its walls were blackened and caved in, and most of its windows were ruined vehicle he’d jumped over less than a minute ago. A deep growl shattered—but what remained looked solid enough. Debris—both human issued forth from its speakers, rising to another inhuman bellow. and human-made—lay strewn about the wide steps toward the entry. Edward blinked.

Isaac Newton (order #5214387) 1 Momentarily trapped, the beast let out a roar that threatened to split his eardrums. Edward felt his heart skip several beats, but he willed himself on. Gods, let there be a vault or something open back there!

The vault was small, and one wall had partially collapsed. A duke’s ransom in personal valuables lay strewn across the floor, but Edward was too busy struggling to close the heavy steel door as the monster continued to tear a way into the bank’s foyer. He had the door half-closed when he heard the shuffling behind him, and realized he wasn’t alone in the vault. Spinning, Edward let his helmet lamp illumi- nate the chamber. The grayish dust—thicker indoors than outside—swirled around, creating a particulate fog that almost obscured the figure slumped in the corner. His good hand left the vault door handle and fumbled for his sidearm.

“Who’s there?” he snapped. He tried to put an authoritarian edge into his voice, but instead, his words came out as a weak croak. The figure was struggling to stand. It was fe- male, swathed in a tattered skirt, a torn blouse, and a suit jacket that looked to be the same dark shade of color as the skirt. Her hair was long and dark, but matted and disheveled. Her face was ashen, and sunken eyes struggled to regard him. She raised a hand to shield herself from his light, and he automatically tipped his head, just enough to move the direct glare off her. “Don’t be alarmed,” he said as he suddenly real- ized he was looking at a survivor. Perhaps the first one he’d seen in…hours? Days? “I am a soldier,” he continued. “Did you work here?” The woman didn’t answer. She simply stared at him for several long moments. Outside, Edward could hear the monster tear- ing itself free of the wall. Damn it! He swung around again, grabbing the vault His eyes darted to the nearest window. door handle. With a final, hard pull, he managed to force it closed, and Man and machine lunged at the same moment. yanked the latch up. This time, the man was faster. “That should keep it from finding us,” he said—as much to assure him- With little glass left in the frame to stop him, Edward leapt over the sill self as the civilian in the room with him, “do you—?” and careened into the building just as the blackened metal monstrosity He looked back her way, and found the woman was suddenly mere slammed itself head-first into the massive doors that stopped him ear- centimeters from him. lier. Against several tons of war machine, the bank’s thick doors were no Edward’s heart skipped a beat and his blood ran cold. Now that she match at all, but the blow sent a pile of loosened stone edifice tumbling was this close, he could see that her eyes were clouded over, and that down on the armored hull. her face was nearly bloodless…bloodless, that was, except for the matter Edward did not dare hope that the collapse would be enough to stop caked around her lips, running down her chin, and clinging to the collar it. He scrambled to his feet, scurried over the cracked pseudo-marble of her blouse. floor, and ducked over several tattered, overturned pieces of indefinable Oh, gods, no! furnishings, his helmet lamp desperately seeking a back door among all Once again, he reached for his weapon. the alien shadows. He never made it.

Isaac Newton (order #5214387) 2 BATTLETECH ADVENTURES NECROMO NIGHTMARE TM attleTech Adventures: Necromo Nightmare is a special game aid for use with A Time of War: The BattleTech Role-Playing Game and the A Time of War Companion. Designed for experienced players familiar with the setting, the rules and descriptions in this book B presume the players are familiar with the terms and core role-playing rules presented in A Time of War, as well as the war game rules found in Total Warfare, Tactical Operations, and Strategic Operations. This adventure may run several sessions, based on the players’ available time and resources. Game masters should note that only some of the information in this book should be made available to the players, while the rest is designed for both the players and the game master. Throughout this book, the information available to the players will be clearly identi- fied, but should be made available only as the players’ characters actively pursue it. For example, while the bulk of what is covered in the World Guide section is common knowledge, characters who have not taken the time to bone up on their basic research should not be aware of much beyond what they directly experience on the world of Necromo, where this adventure takes place. The general information contained here should provide the tools needed for an adventure group to play out any number of sessions set on the dark world of Necromo in the wake of a devastating Word of Blake attack there during the Jihad. But as this particular adven- ture is a special, Halloween holiday-themed edition The World Guide section presents a global view followed by some quick facts about the world where this adventure is set. Included in this section is a general description of the history and key features of the world, and local news pertaining to events current with the setting of the adventure. Additional rules at the back of this product cover the planetary information in greater detail, including terrain types, environment, and other rules that can be used to enhance the game experience. The Persons of Interest section gives details on the factions and key players that will (or may) play a role in this adventure and can be used by GMs who do not wish to create their own NPCs from scratch. Gameplay data on these characters will be found in the Character Dossiers at the back of the book. Much of this information is GM only, and may contain spoilers, so players should not read this section. The Tracks section presents a means to interact with several pivotal events that occur in this adventure, though they are not the only ones. Please do not allow the players read the GM ONLY section, cover it with a sheet of paper while the players read their mission brief section. The Gamemaster’s Sourcebook contains official character sheets for key personalities from the Persons of Interest section, as well as record sheets and rules useful for running the more unique aspects of this adventure. Remember that it is not the function of this product to micromanage your adventure, however: If a situation arises where the rules are in question, it’s up to the gamemaster and players to work out a resolution suitable for their game table. The goal is to have fun, so don’t let the rules bog you down.


Project Development: Herbert A. Beas II BattleTech Line Developer: Randall N. Bills STAR LEAGUE ERA CLAN INVASION ERA JIHAD ERA Writing: Herbert A. Beas II Plotting Assistance: Paul Sjardijn Production Staff Cover Design and Layout: Ray Arrastia Evolved Faction Logos Design: Jason Vargas Maps and Logos: Ray Arrastia Record Sheets: Ray Arrastia Factchecking/Playtesting: Jason Bouchard, Richard Putz, Paul Sjardijn. Special Thanks: To William Pennington, for the name of the Charmed Life merc outfit. Also to Thomas Parker, Sam McLean, Kevin Highlander, James Dagenhardt, Colin Toenjes, Dru Eubanks, Ben H. Rome, Roy Carl, Marc- Michael Schroll, Chris Hussey, Tom Heath, Bill Derer, Cody Bergman, and Cräig Morris for suggesting alternatives. SUCCESSION WARS ERA CIVIL WAR ERA DARK AGE ERA

Isaac Newton (order #5214387) 3 Isaac Newton (order #5214387) Necromo government was keepingtop secret facilitiesthere underwraps. ofConfederation orsomeotheragency persisted that theMaskirovka more heavily thanever, tiedto theaerospace industry butrumors manent residents. economyThe and infrastructure planetary remained population exploded over decadeto amillionandhalfper thenext eration’s WarShip manufacturing. With itsdevelopment, Necromo’s oftheConfed complexin 3058,anorbital that becamethebackbone - dramatic, ofcourse, was theunveiling Shipyards Memorial oftheAris More HPG,andaninfluxofmore workers and civilian support. planetary by the League—and, extension, Word theinstallation ofa ofBlake—saw research centers to for amassprison politicaldissidents. asa result, manysurfaced ranging from top secret naval and factories at thetime. Many aboutwhat rumorsandtheories was goingonhere from HPG allsources, madeeasier by thelackofaplanetary aneffort monitoring that even theiraccess constricted to outsidecommunication included rotating tours, extensive debriefings, andround-the-clock was measures, kept in place onlyunder themoststringent security which heavily simplyto reliant survive. onagricultural imports This workforce and citizens—all of whom were employed in the on-world facilities and Ship repair andapermanentpopulation ofonly5,000servitors facility crosshairs ofnumerous raids andinvasions by theFederated Suns. Wars that followed, however, placed squarely theshippingindustries inthe St. Ives Commonalities. The collapse of the Star League and the Succession and mercantilemilitary waypoint between the Confederation’s Capella and anding a defensive aerospace industry service complex as that a served of a world—was andshippinghubthat a minor industrial hosted a sprawl- By thelateBy 3050s, theCapellan resurgence asanallyoftheFree Worlds the close of By the Third War, little remained on the planet but a Drop thedaysIn barren oftheStar League, backwater otherwise Necromo—an Socio-Industrial LevelsSocio-Industrial : A-A-D-B-F Population: 1,500,000 Highest Native Life : Mammals Class TypeHPG : B Recharging Station: Zenith andNadir WaterSurface : 12percent Equatorial Temperature: 39°C(Arid) Atm. Pressure: Low (Breathable) GravitySurface : 1.03 Number ofSatellites: 1(Acorna) Time to JumpPoint : 2.45days Position inSystem: 10 Star Type(Recharge Time): Noble Ruler:Lord Tang Wu Sen necromo M5V (206hours) - - 4 fishing and farming takes andfarming locateddistricts, closeto theshorelines, where muchoftheworld’s onlyinthelastdecadeandahalf,constructed aswell astheagro complexes lietheresidentialfactory sectors, several ofwhichwere local trade college, andthelargest hospitalon Necromo. Beyond the standacentral events stadiumfordistrict a andconcerts, sporting shoppingcenters, bank, andrestaurants.mary thesocialservices In rail station hub. The includestheplanet’s commercial district - pri andintelligence command centers, military services, andthecentral HPG,capitalbuilding, police includestheplanetary ernment district district. acommercial andasocial services Thedistrict, district, gov city’s three olddomeboundaries, whichtoday houseagovernment “unnecessary strain” onthethinatmosphere. vehicles poweredwheel-driven by fuel cells or fusion motors, to avoid towns andvillagesbeyond, are to restricted whilepersonaltransports avenuesprovides oftravel theprimary across andto thevarious thecity place. Amasstransitand well-districted system available to thepublic governmentcades by strict controls, Landingplace isaseverely ordered the localriver ways. to ascattering thecity ofsmallercommunitiesconnecting located along Few roads leadoutofLandingplace to cutthrough thesewoodlands, tain ranges andvast hillssurrounding thelarge water bodyandthecity. throughoutextend theGreat Basin,aregion Sea bordered by themoun- than today. the world’s colonial period, whenitsatmosphere was even thinner the city’s interior, asatestament to domedsettlements the early from world’s permanentresidents. ofinternal Aseries walls standwithin and housing as forcapital, spaceport, well over 85 percent of the of theGreat justsouthoftheplanet’s Sea, equator, serves thecity edgecally hadanextremelylow population. Situated onthenorthern Landingplace presenceheavy inthesystem. CCAFreason andtheConfederation theMaskirovka, allmaintains navy a course, to thestate, makestheworld importance ofcritical andfor that DropShipconstructing hullsandconventional JumpShips. This, of facilities alsocontinue theirtraditional role ofrepairing, refitting, and much oftheConfederation. addition,Necromo’s In yards andground ers, builttheCapellan usingcomponents navy across manufactured “marvel ofCapellan engineering”. ingplace ortransparent installed skylights rooftops to bestviewthe recreational capitalofLand- andgovernment buildingsintheplanetary with Acorna initsfull-moonphase. For thisreason, many ofthemajor ofthelocals,the pride andcould beseenwiththenakedeye, even League and the Word of Blake, the Aris Yards became a key point in moon, Acorna. complex were boosted into theL4trojan ofNecromo andhersingle drives for WarShip use),thefirstelementsfactory ofthisorbiting of Capella,them Rashpur-Owens which provides interplanetary While suppliedby anumberofConfederation (chiefamong industries call theplanet’s soleraison d’être Shipyards.—are Memorial theAris The Aris Memorial Yards The factory and repairThe sites factory are arranged as aaround ring the builtmainlyaroundAs concerns acity industrial andcontrolled for de Forests, fed by therivers oftheGreat surround Sea, Landinglace and Landingplace istheonlyreal onNecromo, city whichhashistori- oftheAris product The primary Yards istheFeng ofcruis- Huang -class While builtandexpanded withsignificant aidfrom theFree Worlds for Necromo—indeed, what somemight industry The primary - -

Isaac Newton (order #5214387) Necromo earliest opportunity. opportunity. earliest the at terms further discuss to ameeting arrange will we and channels, usual the through respond are—please you that hope I sincerely interested—as are you if but missive, this in closed option). this waive to choose you (unless Confederation the by provided be will destination target the from and to tation infringed. be not will case, this in decisions, command all that assured Rest needed. as mation infor operation-relevant select share to authorized liaison a field and resolution. mainder upon successful re the and payment advance apartial with fees, operational normal the double to authorized been have we mission, this For discretion. professional and set skill collective unit’s your to suited uniquely recommended. highly Sun, NewSaganZenithRechargePoint,28August3071 graveyard…” a above floating were we felt…like It planet. background noise.Therewasnothingatallcomingfromthe gone. Shipyardsystemslikethatarealwayshummingwith of anykind.Itwasasiftheworldjust… broadcasts the planet.NotjustadeadHPGsystem;noradio,beacons, at allthere!Zip.Nada.Therewasnothingcomingfrom relevant information…” the jumppoint.” transmissions fromthesystem,nornotedanytrafficat no We recorded at Necromo. point jump the nadir was point current destination:Gei-FuviaArmaxa.Ourlasttransit Captain Cho.Pleasemakeyourstatement.” with ConfederationMerchantCodeAlertFifteen.” information torelayregardingNecromo,inaccordance be ofassistance?” line transmissionprotocols.” on channel40-2,SecuredGreen.” thecaptain Havehimcontact available? supervisor station You arefourthonqueueforrecharging.” Deathly Silent —Communications intercept from the State Trader Dynasty’s —Communications interceptfromtheStateTraderDynasty’s [ [ [Cho]: “ThisisCaptainEvanoftheDynasty’sSun, [ [ [ [Control]: [Dynasty’s Sun]:“Thankyou,Control.Umm,isthe [Sagan Control]: Gollanski Pavlo Sub-director --Deputy the Confederation! For be cannot dis the operation regarding information Further transpor necessary and brief, be will mission this of nature The support technical top-level provided be will you operation, this For acrisis created have Confederation the within events Recent come have you and demand, in more once are Your services warriors, Esteemed 3072 5 January Ying]: “ThisisHarbormasterDuvalisYing.HowcanI Cho]: “No,youdon’tunderstand.Werecordednothing Ying]: “CitizenCho…nodisrespect,butthat’shardly Cho]: “MasterYing,thisisCaptainCho.Ihave Ying]: “Standby…Recordinginitiated.Goahead, Mercenary Procurement Mercenary THE CELESTIALTHRONENEEDSYOU NECROMO INTHENEWS “Copy that. Switching now. Engaging secure- now. Engaging “Copythat.Switching “Welcome to New Sagan, Dynasty’s Sun. to NewSagan,Dynasty’s “Welcome - - - - 5 lives isafairprice to pay. of highercallingto beat usallinto abetter world. theyare fighting becausetheythink it’sto conquer territory; somekind unlike any seeninallofhumanhistory. The Word ofBlakeisnotfighting honor, allthewhileprofessing to do so for thegoodofall mankind. sense onasuitofbattle armor. They fight withoutany or senseofmorality listofgrafted weapons andcomponentsa laundry that would makemore self-styled “Hands of the Master”. These lunatics have for traded body parts make therank andfilezealots looksaneby Domini, comparison, theManei agent. been acommon nerve entire eco-systems, whilethechemicalsusedonAtreus are saidto have according andGalax, Alarion were to experts, orpoison tailored to kill revel inwhat happenedonOutreach. The deployed bio-weapons on cally deniedtheuseofnukeson yet andGaledon, practically Tharkad preemptively, withnodemandsortimetablesoffered. emphati - They’ve when theenemy surrendered. others, In theweapons were thelaunched have threatened to deliver theirindiscriminate death andheldtheirfire asawarning to somecases, serve In theBlakists all ofitisthework ofonegroup: the Word ofBlake. Mitchel. bombing onKansu. Wasat. Tamar. intercepted DropShip. dence of something far nastier is found of an among the wreckage medicine.and plaguesdefyingallmodern cal agents. Dragon’s thousandsormore. capital, killing and athird oftheBremen continent. theentireradioactive cloudthat wipesoutpractically Lyran government Word ofBlake: The Monsters We All Face may beattacked without warning. unauthorized traffic to theNecromo system willbepresumed hostileand terrorists responsible iscurrently underway. Until itiscompleted, any forofunwarranted thisact parties aggression.guilty statethe championsofourglorious willavenge thefallenandpursue tude hasbeenmadeagainstourbrothers andsisters onNecromo, andthat that atreacherous itknown Be attack ofindeterminate magni butterrible - of Necromo hasbeenplaced underimmediate andcomplete quarantine. lestial Wisdom, Chancellor oftheCapellan Confederation, thesolarsystem citizens oftheConfederation! and from the Ministry Tradeadvisory and Exchange and to all servitors Travel Necromo Advisory: And inthissacred quest, thesemonsters believe any cost inhuman Combine these two and we see that we are in the midst of a holy war Then there are thenightmare fanatics amongthem,thelunatics who There seemsto beno setpattern to theusage, nounifyingpreamble The listisasimpressive asitishorrific, andwithfew exceptions (ifany), fireChemical weapons fire Orbital onSlocum.Massie onKansuu. Kathil, 3069: Nuclear weapons gas are and used, nerve and evi- 3069: Alarion and Galax, Two more planets are snuffed out by nukes 3069:An entireGaledon, world diesover thecourse ofayear. Atreus, 3068: gasattack. inanerve Thousands killed Altair and Yori, abillionmore 3068:Over dieto nuclearandbiologi - Luthien, 3068:Anukeflattens thebiggest’Mechin manufacturer Outreach, 3068:An entire planetisbombedfrom withatomic orbit fire. – bombardment 3068: Orbital Tharkad, setsoffa Galatea [MERCNET] 3072) (5 January A fullinvestigation into thenature oftheattack andthecowardly Directorate,On the orders of of the the CeMaskirovka and the authority – The following travel isanURGENT Sian [SIANHEADLINEREPORT] (1 September 3071) - - Isaac Newton (order #5214387) Persons of Interest characters forcharacters thisadventure, XPallotment of8,000XPis astarting equalfooting. newplayer- making team onotherwise ofcharacters If been given capabilities optimized to challenge even a veteran-level Adjusting NPCExperience should bepeers, even iftheyeachhave theirown specialties. higher in the amount of XP that was used to create their fellow PCs. They dedicated scouts andtechnical personnel. federation, however, ismainlyinterested whoalsohave inwarriors some the more likely it is to find alternative solutions to aproblem. The Con- line ofhow bestto cover multipleaspects. The more versatile thegroup, “backup” Skills. may finditdifficultto contribute inall Tracks unlesstheyhave sufficient for thelast. Player specificallygeared characters to beMechWarriors thus or needlessly overpowering for the first Track, much necessary but very outside of their vehicles. An all-’Mech force would prove either useless a company intotal size andshouldoperatives capableoffunctioning vehicles if the GM so desires, but a “discrete force” needs to be under are helpful: existing player groups may besuitablefor thiscampaign. technical information theyneed—butonlyifneedit. andto providewill beonlyintherole ofobservation, any mission-critical sion, andpromises notto interfere incommand decisions. Herpresence Nadda Jarrod, willbetaskedwithaccompanying theplayers ontheirmis- director intheCapellan government namedPavlo Anewliaison, Gollanski. handsomely”, following areferral by oneoftheirpastcontacts, amid-level objective raidrisk for which the Celestial Throne is willing to pay quite tant as this. Confederation feels theycanreally trustthemwithamissionasimpor erations for bothCapellan andCanopian employers inthepast, sothe sensitive ortop-secret missions. They have completed several suchop Canopian, orCapellan areputation outfitthat hasearned for handling THE PLAYERS information shouldbeconsidered data. inthissection gamemaster-only key NPCsiftheyare resourceful enoughto allofthe doso. Otherwise, aboutthese with adequate research facts efforts,learn orotherin-game who theymay interact withinthecourse ofthisadventure. Players may, as the descriptions and nature of the key non-player characters (NPCs) capabilitiesoftheplayers’key detailsontheexpected group aswell The non-player (NPCs)created characters for thisadventure have Try to ensure noneoftheplayer are characters significantly lower or Try to Fields focus on a using wide the rangeSkill of skills, as a guide This campaign should feature at least one lance of BattleMechs or creatingIf anewgroup for this adventure, thefollowing guidelines There are usuallyseveral ways to resolve a Track, of soawidevariety The team begins thisadventure withtheoffer ofaassignment: a “high- Ideally, the players for this adventure should be a small mercenary, isto for provide isprimarily gamemasters.function This section Its PERSONS OFINTEREST ' GROUP - - - 6 mission contracts, seepp. 217-229,ATime ofWar Companion. entering acomplex that willnotaccommodate BattleMechs. personal weaponry, oftheassignment willentail stating that at leastpart hazardous-environment gearonhand, aswell asanadequate supplyof way, she will make a point of suggesting that the players have suitable regarding Before theplayers getunder sion willbeto oversee theoperation and, asnecessary, provide technical the players that herrole isnotto assumecommand. Herrole onthemis- duced to theirtechnical liaison,Citizen NaddaJerrod, whowillassure but presumed to be “significant”. the operation unfolds. resistance Expected at thetarget site isunknown, mission, andwillbeauthorized to information provide as need-to-know assure onspecificdetailsofthe theplayers, expert isasecurity-cleared how best to approach. The liaison they insist upon assigning, they will unidentified theprovided crisis; thedestination and JumpShipwillknow world itliesonisstillwithinCapellan borders, butthat itisinastate of ment site within Confederation space. that Theythe willacknowledge of this “objective raid” is to be, that beyond it is a secret the fact govern- deliverable uponcompletion anddebriefing. percent of the promised pay to the mercenaries up-front, with the rest rity”). To sweeten the deal, the Confederation will even provide up to 20 to employ itsown JumpShips(again,dueto “interests ofnational secu- cal liaison to oversee the mission, nor thewill players’ they permit unit payment rate, but the Capellans will not budge on appointing a techni The players may negotiate thepayment thenormal upashightriple salvage obtained is not of vital interest to Capellan national security). by the state. Salvage rights will be negotiable (on the caveat that the to andfromcommand site and transportation theobjective provided raidbilled asanobjective paying pay the normal twice rate, withliaison team to atop secret operation ontheirallies’ behalfasasign ofgoodwill.) at thispoint inhistory, andsowould have asmuchinterest inlendinga of Canopus is closely allied withtheCapellanMagistracy Confederation sending down orders to themfrom theirstate’s Command. High (The them involved in the mission is as simply as having them volunteer or Involved ThemGetting Traits seemavailable. theXPs to divert can elect allotted for Traits to Attributes ifnosuitable 300 XPs to theNPCs’ Traits, and100XPs to theNPCs’ Attributes. The GM 1,000 XP differencetheir extra would add 600 XPs to the NPCs’ Skills, ratio. For example, if the players’ average characters 9,000 XP each, to adjust their Skills, Traits and Attributes accordingly, using a6:3:1 thisdifferencethem, addorsubtract between theplayers’ XPs to NPCs player-characters have ahigherorlower average amount ofXPamong best recommended to attain thesamerelative challengelevel. the If Note: For operations, rulesonmercenary includingthenegotiation of Once the players’ group accepts theassignment, theywillbeintro allofthe negotiations,In theCapellans willnotdivulgewhat thetarget force, theplayers ofamercenary If are part the offered missionwillbe the players a CanopianIf or Capellan are House force, part getting - - - Isaac Newton (order #5214387) Persons of Interest outlived their tactical usefulnesstooutlived him. theirtactical just on the as likely players turn the moment he finds that they have to hissuperiors.him to escape and report This, ofcourse, meanshewill thisencountercollaboration grounds; may onpractical enable surviving to himthat hemay beinclinedto work withthem.He willjustifythis when theplayers encounter Labanwillbesounusualanduntenable whenthe stranded elements ofhis forceattack, were afflicted. nation ofimplants proved ofthe intheaftermath especiallyfortuitous inand amongNecromo’sout survivors secret installations. combi- His which involved biological weapons to deployment ferret andaneffort This madehimidealfor theground phaseoftheNecromo operation, suited to personalcombat andreconnaissance inhostileenvironments. be calculating hisoptionsfor maximum effect. others asheisto cutthemdown withhisweapons, andalways seemsto scheme. Heisjustaslikelyto negotiate, converse, andeven jokewith while simultaneously not proclaiming himself superiorin the grand demonstratingmost Domini, casualdisregard for non-augmented “frails”, matically. Hemaintains asimilarhumble-yet-monstrous airfound in Precentor Apollyon, through buthasnotrisen theranks asdra nearly - andbackgroundshares to asimilarhistory that oftheDomini’s leader, World ofJardine, hewas oneofthe “first generation” Hethus Domini. of hisrobe, orcovered by ablackglove andthelongsleeves ofhisjacket. the prosthetic nature of his right hand, either be keeping it within the folds thereforespeed. It to seemssomewhat conceal oddthat hetakesaneffort and the backward-canted “faun legs” that provide him with incredible land erative, thanksto theobvious breathing filters around thebaseofhisneck, ca.3042(approximatelyBorn: 30in3072) Rank/Title: Poltergeist Adept Tau Shadow Division oftheForty-eighth the safety ofthegroup’s DropShip, thewholetime. She willthusprefer to relay and information instructions remotely, from endanger thefruitsofherandcolleagues’ laborsat theNecromo site. protectivedecisions ofothers, ofanything butwillbevery that might matters,arms, Jerrod ormilitary willnotinterfere withthecommand there, whichsheclaimswould be “a science”. ofmodern triumph fears for theirsafety, aswell asthat theyworked ofthespecialproject on several of her colleagues were on-planet when it went off the grid, and Necromo asaworld, seeingitasjustanotherjobsite, that butknows back to Sianonbusiness. Shethusdemonstrates nospecialfondness for “Outpost Aberdeen”—and spent six months there before she was called developed simplyas at place asecret onNecromo—a known facility se, butherloyalty to theConfederation isbeyond reproach. oftheCCAF,Jerrod isnotpart per norissheanagent oftheMaskirovka withtheCCAF. itselfandinconjunction bothfor theagency ects Nadda whorecruited herto assistthemwithnumerousMaskirovka, specialproj- civilian markets, andlaserweapons for theCCAF. interstellar conglomerate mostly for known producing for electronics as aresearch directorlate-3060s at Firmir department Commercial, an in Capellanlogic science and electronic security journals, and spent the at Sian University. Shehaspublishedafew papersonadvanced artificial technique onCapellan, Institute andtheotherincomputer engineering Nadda Jerrod holds two doctorates, one in psychology from the Philo 3039(33in3072) Born: Rank/Title: Special Technical Consultant for theMaskirovka CITIZEN DOCTOR NADDA JERROD POLTERGEIST ADEPT TAU LABAN ELIKA Despite hisintense devotion to the Word, thesituation onNecromo As aPoltergeist-class, heisaspecialoperative, hisimplants are ideally Labanisafanatic’s Domini, Like allManei fanatic. ontheHidden Born A casualglance at Adept op Domini Labaneasilyidentifies himasaManei small arts, As anon-combatant,with onlyminimaltraining inmartial 3070,Dr.In Jerrod was attached to being aspecialtop-secret project 3069,Jerrod’sBy accomplishments hertheattention earned ofthe Though andraised born onGeifer intheCapellan Commonality, - - 7 which have beenstranded onNecromo for anindeterminate period. anyone whomight offer technical aidandrescue hisbeleaguered forces, but his likenesscontinues to transmit distress signals, appealingfor cifically to obfuscate. that Stepanov was never married, andthat hemakesuptheyarnspe talk aboutthingshisex-wife usedto doorsay, think butsomeactually information hefeels is “restricted”. favorite isusuallyto His deflection rapidly whenconversation for subjects known shifting steers closeto putsthosewhointeract withhimatdemeanor often ease, butheis smokescreen As activities. such,his affable for state-sponsored actual or another, to whoeitherturned merc orissimplyusingitasa work, even musedthat hemight have operative beenaMask at onetime ofkeepinghisandemployers’sonal policy secrets at any cost. Some specialized indiscrete operations, likerecon, espionage, andlight raiding. withtheConfederation.service Liketheplayers’ own group, Life Charmed small, company-sized of storied) history outfitthat hasalong(butnotvery himasadecent andwillknow veteran-leveltribute check, commander ofa will recognizeservice Stepanov Life andhisCharmed onagoodINTAt and peculiarincontent. the secret Capellan facilities on Necromo, and will seem both choppy recorded videofeeds emanating from the region Aberdeen, ofOutpost signal arrival. soonafter Stepanov willappearingrainy, apparently pre- Life,outfit, theCharmed buttheplayers willmeethimviaadistress 3033(39in3072) Born: Rank/Title: Captain, CO Life oftheCharmed company mercenary defense protocol, adangerous measure given itsincomplete nature. proposals was her suggestion to activate the AI itself as an emergency access to research. theirmostcritical The mostcontroversial ofthese numerous fail-safeenacting measures to deny any enemiesofthestate either moving the project entirely to a more secure interior world, or sibly a Word ontheplanet, Johansenadvocated ofBlake—incursion an ongoing stateduring of war. Fearing another Davion—or, worse, pos- border world that hadbeenraided lessthan five years before, especially the Confederation’s determination to leave inplace theproject ona off balance. ing onwhat shecalled “universal humansympathies” to throw anenemy involved more “psychological warfare”, including and misdirection play itsresourcesconserve inafluidbattle, Johansen’s ofthesoftware part was on devising that the software enabled the system to better use and ligence as that cameto beknown Broken”.“the Butwhere Jerrod’s focus commandher agoodfitindeveloping intel antheadaptive- artificial computer controlling Aberdeen theOutpost complex. corded videologs, andwhosevoice seemsto betheoneusedfor the the mostaboutthischaracter, whoalsowillappearmainlyinpre-re league oftheplayers’ liaison,Dr. Jerrod. Jerrod canthustell theplayers Aberdeen onNecromo, facility Carol Doctor Lynne Johansenwas acol - 3030(42in3072) Born: Rank/Title: Project Director at Aberdeen Outpost CAPTAIN DUNCANSTEPANOV CITIZEN DOCTOR CAROL LYNNE JOHANSEN At the time of the adventure, Stepanov and his team dead, are actually Stepanov himselfran tight ship, afairly to adhering aper strictly Players withanestablishedbackground inCapellan and/or mercenary Nobody told theplayers aboutStepanov, orabouthismercenary In Jerrod’sIn time on Necromo, Johansen was concerned clearly about Like Jerrod, Johansen’s in computers and psychology expertise made computer at project thetop-secret OutpostAs head of themilitary - - - - - Isaac Newton (order #5214387) Adventure Tracks largely unknown, buttheparty’slargely unknown, DropShip captain,Richard Grishanov, suspected Word thenature ofBlakeattack, ofany threats onworld are Opposition the planet is now covered haze swirling ofash in aperpetually and dust.) are going to be outside of a contained and sealed atmosphere; all, after will makeapoint ofsuggestingtheplayers at leastusefilter masksifthey the vessel. nobodyelseintheplayer (If group even suggestsit, Dr. Jerrod of environmentalthem, plus a selection suits the CCAF keeps on hand in relay from theship. instructions players can convince her it’s safe; she is not combat-trained and plans to Nadda Jerrod willalsonotaccompany theplayers offtheshipunless divulge detailsofwhere on Necromo theplayers were headed. Doctor andthecrewsing thetransports, andcaptainsofthosevessels willnot assets. The Confederation ofprovid would notbudgeonanything- short here, except for any attached permanently DropShip andJumpShip Assets no signs of life at allfrom theblackworld beneath you. target; your team willneedto makealandapproach. track and fire uponthe incoming vessel if it descends too close to the tomated—or, worse, possiblyenemy-controlled—defenses might easily the basehasformidable defenses to keepitsairspace clear. These au- that thecaptaindares notlandtoo closeto thehiddenfacilitiesbecause a few hundred southeastofthat city. kilometers ButDr. Jerrod explains place, shouldstand. Necromo’s where theplanet’s unseensurface onlygreat city, Landing- DropShip for below landingdirectly field, thedebris toward thepoint on of Necromo’s red sun. cloudoflifeless wreckage, glinting outthere—a feeblydebris intheglow shipyards…but theship’s scopes now reveal metal onlyafieldofdrifting placessmall moon is where the massive orbital telemetry Aris Memorial glimpse ofthelandscapebelow. apparent, abouttheatmosphere, swirling denying thescopes even a below. As the DropShip moves in, streaks ofblackand gray become by withoutinputfromsatellites insilence, theplanet drift inorbit inert minutes and hours since your have arrival dragged by without incident. Though theship’s crew—and your own—tensed for the instant action, Necromo, you over could cloudsswirling almostseethedark itssurface. Briefing Mission TOUCHDOWN With nocommunications pickedupfrom the theplanetduring All equipment intheplayer characters’ own inventories are available to that’sEverything available to theplayers’ force isavailable to them The sound. alarms It’s timeto strap infor landing. The DropShip dips below the plane, orbital and still there is no signal, The lostCapellan base your employers sent you here to investigate lies thecaptainangles inorbit, satisfiedGrimly at thelackoflife-signs discofAcornaCloser still, rises. below thebone-white Directly the From theworld itself, nosignal. sensorsdetect The few man-made The JumpShip delivered you via anon-standard point so close to ADVENTURE TRACKS 8 continue EMsignatures noactive to detect orheat signals inthearea. an agro farm. but a smattering of low be buildings mistaken that for could otherwise doesnotregisteractually ontheship’s sensorsasasinglecompound, eastofthenearest hillstensome rocky river, kilometers Aberdeen itself facility’s entrance was onapproach. alsodetected Builtinto thebaseof between them. ofthemonorailThe linewhichledpastthe wreckage hillyterrain,detect withthescorched remnants ofaforest aboutmidway southofAberdeen. theshipandbase,kilometers Between sensors reaching theoutpost facilities. command decisions, approach Jerrod will not advise any to particular have notanswered any hailssuggeststheyare not anissuenow. detachment assigned to theinterior.infantry that thesetroopsThe fact scale threatsagainst was infantry considered a job for an elite CCAF ment was meant for fighters, bigger prey: vehicles, and ’Mechs. Defense that agreatlast visit. Shedoesknow dealof the basedefense equip Aberdeen, because they were evidently undergoing a refit her during Tactical Analysis from Dr. Jerrod onhow to proceed. cess. The players instructions theDropShip mustthencontact for further SuccessMission Conditions base, uponarrival, theywillneedto breach thedoorsandgoinonfoot. most light andmediumweaponry. However theplayers proceed to the the building’s façadeandthemaindoorsare strong enoughto withstand AberdeenOutpost is sized only, for human-scale entry but the front of tions later; any loyal troops onplanetshouldhave checkedinby now. totries prevent this, theplayers are authorized to shoot first andaskques- the landing site and Aberdeen should be simple a fairly matter. anyone If Objectives automated to target any intruders. there may belandminesandfixed defense turrets inthearea, stillactive (whichan is presumed activegarrison to be destroyed now), but that Aberdeenthe Outpost site may beactive. Jerrod says had theOutpost proceed unarmed, astheybelieve anumberofautomated defenses at seemsto firmly believeMask that Necromo isdead, notoccupied. maintains that there forces noactive Maskirovka appearto bepresent. The found inthesystem, notraces andthat thebestanalysis ofactivity ofthe passing through thesystem lessthanaweek to prior theirmission also forcesgestive that military noactive remain present. can tell them that communications the lack of active sug- chatter is very All inall, theterrain iseasygoingonfoot orinvehicles, andsensors Their DropShip hassetdown inarelatively openplainsome thirty to herpromiseSticking notto interfere withtheteam’s tactical thespecificsoffixedJerrod doesnotknow defenses at Outpost Breaching Outpost Aberdeen’s counts front as a mission entryway suc 2. Secure andEnter theAberdeen Facilities. The main entrance of between kilometers to Aberdeen.1. Get Outpost Crossing thethirty Nevertheless, neither Grishanov nor Jerrod will suggest the party tell pressed, theplayersIf JumpShip Grishanov canfurther that asurvey - - Isaac Newton (order #5214387) Adventure Tracks and theirDropShip from zombie attack. asurprise tives for this track come into with a rescuenew objective: conflict Jerrod receive that callfrom Dr. Jerrod. At that point, theplayers’ objec actual to fight themoff accordingly, butthereal whentheplayers arises crisis Objectives ally is. Visibility isthusquite poor. seems shrouded night, inperpetual nomatter- what timeofday itactu has beenblown into Necromo’s upperatmosphere here that theworld ing aneffectsimilarto fog. Furthermore, matter somuchparticulate LOS andtheairisthickwithblowing purposes), dustandash,produc challenge for (treat mobility allwoods aslight woods for movement and much oftheregion into afuneral pyre that hassince out. burned an asteroid bombardment by Word of Blake has essentially transformed mildandvisibility At thetimeofparty’s arrival, however, and scattered woods. The air is thinner than standard, but weather is usu- Local Conditions amid soundsofagunfight inthebackground. saying the vessel is under attack by “monsters”. The message cuts off players willreceive afrantic distress callfrom Dr. Jerrod at theDropShip, that have already passed. this modified If roll comes to 0 or less, the 2D6 perround ofcombat, ofcombat thenumberofturns subtracting any rangedout andlacking damagevalues. toons of foot per player infantry unit, with 2D6 troopers already marked a meters ofanytheymight reasonably obstruction hidebehind.using If from any once direction theplayers enter the woods and pass within 15 the backofthisbook. These “zombies” may emerge from concealment Zombified templates Soldier found chapter Dossiers intheCharacter at at communication. and rather mindlessly—attack theparty, andwillignore any attempts people infected by alocalplague. These peoplewillimmediately— meters from the ship, however, they will disturb a horde of unarmed AsBattleMechs). theypassthrough thecharred woodlands ten kilo tion, regardless to of how proceed they elect (on foot or in vehicles/ Enemies Total Warfare scale ofplay, these zombies will emerge as1D6–1pla- As soonas thefirstwave ofzombies appears, theplayers willneed AboutNecromo…See (pp. 18-19)for more information anddetails. Any vegetation that remains isthuscharred, butmay stillpresent a Normally, Necromo’s terrain inthisregion mild, isfairly withrolling hills As theplayers fight offthisfirstwave ofzombies, theGMshouldroll theplayersIf are proceeding onfoot, usetheZombified Civilian and Upon their initial departure, the players’ team will face no opposi <<< GM ONLY - - - - 9 the charred woods, but will only appear in ones and twos inside the ship. party” will consist of the same zombie who faced types the players in at engineeringleast to sections ensure control. The zombie “boarding the zombies and thebridge insidethevessel securing deckby deck, contracting theNecromicrisk Plague (seeTheNecromic Plague, pp. 19-20). how forced to breathe intheatmosphere will withoutsuitablelife support, members injured by azombie,party however, memberssome orparty unless theplayers to meleethezombies foolishly ontheirterms. try Any Difficulty them. Alternatively, onthisdeadworld. they canlookfor othersurvivors Aberdeen hopethat andperhaps theCapellans sendanotherteam after on Necromo. Their onlyreal optionat thispoint willbeto getto Outpost sel willbelost(possiblyeven destroyed), leaving theplayers stranded or consider anotherrunat thebaseat theirleisure. mental protections. will be heavily inoculated, and warned to take no chances with environ- off-world disease, whichmay characters alsobeairborne. Any surviving thatsurmised theplagueisengineered oraweaponized mutation ofan world plague that resists most of their treatments. will be quickly It and/orzombies,bodies ofthevictims andidentify itasastrange, off- theship’s oftheattack, aftermath medicmay beableto examine the enough of the ship’s crew to manage an escape from Necromo. the In mined by the gamemaster—they may save actually Dr. Jerrod and Aftermath must proceed to thenext Track. selves (seeTheNecromic Plague, pp. 19-20).At that point, theplayers orasthecrewreaction, eventually notimmediately zombify killed them- either as the desperateof the initial attack, fightchain sets off a surprise ship willeventually bedestroyed (oritscrew wipedout)withinhours that someonehassurvived…) possibility oftheshipmight besealed, however,cannibals. parts Some leaving the crewmatesthe surprised littlerecourse against ahorde ofbloodthirsty pened, the sparse personnel and of tight a DropShip quarters provide theafter party’s departure, to sample the atmosphere. Whatever hap oneoftheship’sperhaps crew openedahatch for somestrange reason If theplayersIf doublebackto theDropShip, theywillneedto clearout Crossing the terrain to Outpost Aberdeen should be a piece of cake If theplayersIf donotgetbackto theDropShip withinanhour, theves- Once back incontrol oftheDropShip, canattempt to retreat theparty the playersIf get back to enough—as deter the DropShip quickly If theplayersIf donotheadbackto theDropShip immediately, the (How thezombies gotto the DropShip isamatter upto theGM; >>> - - - Isaac Newton (order #5214387) Adventure Tracks Mech chargesMech at them. Opposition from itintheprevioustheir departure Track. planet with, or anything that on board was left the ship at the time of do noteven have access to Jerrod’s input, avessel to escapethe expert back to the DropShip in time to save Dr. Jerrod or any of the crew, they last Track, lesswhatever theylostto theplayers thispoint. If failedto get Assets scuffs, gore…and thelogoof bearing Word ofBlake! Thundering across theplaincomes ametal-shodmini-’Mech covered in something bigger and meaner than a Necroman gone berserk: survivor onfoot,the facility inanarea crawling with “zombies”. at getting to Aberdeen that theywillhave withtheknowledge to gointo the original missionremains andtheymustmakeanotherattempt intact, isnow withoutitsguide, to boot. theparty come alongat thestart, system ready to fire upon them. And if they couldn’t convince her to that may facility ormay nothavea top-secret military defense anactive back to theshipisalostcause, shelter inthearea andtheonlyknown is some… thelocalsinto flesh-eaters. Headingthing hasturned horrible now quite dire. They are trapped inthefield, onablackenedworld where nightmare inthespanofjustcouple hours. proportions Briefing Mission YOU DON THERE If the playersIf are in the field and on foot, a single Word of Blake Proto has access the group toThe everything over party carries from the Either way, theapproach anew problem whensensorsdetect of arises hassecured itsDropShip offby andnotchosento now, lift theparty If hasnotsecured itsown DropShip, theparty If thesituation is infact, The missionhasgonefrom raid asimpleobjective to amalf-upof ' S SOMETHING ' T SEEEVERYDAY

… - 10 should findaplace to lay low whileyou figure outwhat to donext. Blake ProtoMechs. Objectives Sphere? planto unleashontheInner another newweapon theBlakists to feed ontheNecroman population? Are thesetechno-monstrosities ror bloodandgore. mixofdried Have beentrying thesehorrors actually dents, cracks, andscuffs are evident ontheseunits…along withahor withtooth andclaw. to lungeat theparty and trying As theydraw near, act—more likeanimals,move—and growling through speakers external close inandengagethemmeleeaction. unwilling) to usetheirweapons, ProtoMechs to theBlakist are trying anything from anuisance to agenuineterror. Eitherunable(orsimply or encasedinarmored vehicles oftheirown, theProtoMechs may be Tactical Analysis Necromans might makethat abit challenging. withthesamesymptomsappears to astheprevious beafflicted wave of course,situation. Of if the players are on foot, a multi-ton machine that SuccessMission Conditions they charge toward you. speakers are emitting what sounds like animalistic growls and grunts as moving onallfours, likehigh-tech simians. Stranger still, theirexternal theplayersMechs have seenorheard of, thesemachinesappearto be race theyseemintent forward. fact, onclosingin.UnlikeotherProto In Ship), several ProtoMechs approach. 2. Seek Shelter!2. Seek 1. Destroy Those Abominations! Destroy thezombified Word of Though eachisdesigned asahumanoidmachine, theseProtoMechs onwhether the players’Depending team isin the fieldand on foot, Survive the ProtoMech attack, and try to get a better the ProtoMech handle on this Survive and try attack, These battered-looking machines do not fire their weapons as they theyareIf invehicles (includinginsidetheDrop or’Mechs ofany kind You’re stuckon aworld fullofmonsters. Maybe you - - - Isaac Newton (order #5214387) Adventure Tracks prove butthe players ahugeboonto suchaneffort, willneedto balance help from Accepting survivors. LabanandhisDomini Laban’s offer may valid goalsaswell. plete the missionthey came here for, and escape Necromo alive, remain Objectives Local Conditions personnel explosive. explosive charges deliver theequivalent damageto aClassDanti- suicide implant that willactivate themoment theirvitalsflat-line. These that eachofthese Word anexplosive alsocarries ofBlakecyber-soldiers willimmediatelyDomini move them. to kill players the attack Laban(orany survivors), ofhisteamDomini ofManei sist themincompleting theirassignment to that earn passage. Butifthe to surrender hismeninexchange for safe passageoff-world, oreven as- nate escapemethod liesinside. theplayers If do have theirship, heoffers together to storm theautomated defenses ofAberdeen, to seeifanalter somehow. theyhave If losttheirDropShip, hewillsuggestworking his team isnotthreatened by themandcangetthemselves offworld anyone remains onthisworld, theyare themore to feral. turn certain against themutualthreat oftheinfected, stating simplythat thelonger where somehave already succumbed to theplague, heoffers atruce request aparlay. Explaining that hismenare alsostranded onNecromo, who identifies himselfas “Adept LabanoftheMaster’s Elika Hands”, will somewhat contemptuous, inthepresence ofthe “frails”. Buttheirleader, as many ’Mechs astheplayers have units)—will remain cautious, and members (or,half as many as the party if the players are mounted, half legs ofamechanicalfawn. leader—a towering, man—walks onwhat dark-skinned appearto bethe troops also bear the broadsword logos of the Word of Blake, and their come to help. attack thelastProtoMech, demonstrating that theyhave by theiractions rocket andgrenade launchers. Using these weapons, thenewcomers will wearing what amixof appearto becamouflagerobes,try andcarrying falls, the players another approaching will detect force, a team of infan- that many ProtoMechs (chosenfrom thesamelist). up intheirDropShip instead, theGMshouldroll 1D6+2andattack with the players are onfoot inthefield.theyare If invehicles, ’Mechs, orholed to underWord ofBlake ProtoMechs (seep. 21).Onlyoneshouldbeusedif Enemies Seeking shelter in the base means proceedingSeeking onward, with or without istheplayers’Surviving to com here,- firstpriority buttheopportunity The environmental remain conditions earlier described ineffect. toShould theplayers remember itisimportant attack theDomini, Note: These Word soldiers—numbering, of Domini Blake Manei at most, As theydraw near, however, theplayers seethat these will quickly Regardless ofthesituation, before thelastProtoMech (orjustafter) The firstenemiesshouldbepickedfrom thelistofProtoMechs referred Labaniswilling to work withtheplayers, for aslonghefeels <<< GM ONLY - 11 after all, picking a fight with Manei Domini isnever Domini afight withManei agoodidea! all,after picking Assignmentchosen from theRandom Tables inATime ofWar.) orregular-rated,back ofthisbook, mediumweight Capellan ’Mechs regular-rated native (Use survivors. eitherthetemplate provided inthe ing badly, theGMcanattempt to offset theoddsby throwing insome force thebiggerthreat whentheyarrive onthescene. infected ProtoMechs Laban’s will only attempt melee attacks—making they willfindtheProtoMechs littlemore the thanadistraction—since mini. Conversely, iftheyare invehicles or’Mechs whenthis Track starts, oppositionfromface overwhelming theferal ProtoMech orLaban’s Do including whetherornottheywere caught inthefieldonfoot, theymay or fight him as well. Also, depending on the state of the players’ force, on theirhand, dependingonwhethertheyaccept Laban’s offer to help Difficulty inside thefacilities. as theword “DropShip” thephrase aboutfindingaDropShip triggering applies. general, In theresponse messageswillbekeyword-based, such and ignore most questions unless a pre-recorded message somehow corded, theplayers’ themessageswillnever acknowledge group directly, explain individuals. thesituation to they are unknown Because pre-re which comes from to hailhisteammates, Stepanov trying callfor help, or to callfor help, andafraid (orunable)to useitsown voice whiledoingso. players sometimebefore. insidethebaseisusingvoice agency Some force, Life, theCharmed was sent to Necromo onthesamemissionas tions madeby thelate Captain Stepanov, Duncan whosemercenary down!” a ’Mech assault…” tone from sentence to sentence. sounds strange, clippedasifsomehow spliced together, alternating in parently coming from theAberdeen baseitself. The voice ofthecaller will receive anewtransmission, ap oftheirparty Laban, thesurvivors Aftermath the players at opportunity. theearliest Necromo to begin with,andthere isnoguarantee on theywillnotturn that the that againstthefact Word devastated Domini ofBlakeManei But try notto betoo generous inprovidingBut try last-minute assistance; theplayersIf battle andfindthemselves LabanandhisDomini, los- At thisstageoftheadventure, theplayers may have oneormore fights This into allleads directly thenext Track. The voice willcontinue transmitting snippetsliketheabove, muchof These messagesare, excerpts infact, from intercepted communica - “Is there anyone out there? … Can anyone hear me? … We’re pinned mustbesomethingaround here we“There canuse…” we we“If could could find parts, maybe usethat shipto getout…” “We’ve found aDropShip seemsto inside, bebroken.” but… It baseiscrawling withdefenses,“This butmostseemto befocused on isCaptain Stepanov, Duncan “This Life…” oftheCharmed However the players resolve the ProtoMech threat and deal with >>> - - - Isaac Newton (order #5214387) Adventure Tracks kilometer oftheirpositions(thoughtheCapellan ’Mechs willappear un- kilometer move closesto unitofany less thana themoment avehicle-sized kind might even pick out the movement of turret weapons in the hills nearby. andtheirobjective, andastheplayers drawparty near, combat sensors regimentalwith noknown insignia) appearto bestandingbetween the Opposition suspicious, andadvisescaution. but even hewilladmitthat thesituation at Aberdeen Outpost sounds advice,tactical much of which seems to confirm what “Stepanov” says, their muscleandfirepower. Labanhimselfwillbeableto offer alittle ful that anything ofusefulness can bepulledfrom mostofthembeyond the inevitable failure of the Houses to stand against evil”,“true it is doubt to onthegreatness diatribes oftheMaster, Blake’s “divine mission”, and while remaining aloofandcontemptuous oftheplayers at large. willwork alongsidethem,butdoingso survivors Domini his team ofManei have at theirdisposalat thistime. theystruckadealwithLaban,heand If Assets ahead ofyou. never bothered toMaskirovka tell you that othershadbeensent here might besuspicious. Hell, it’s that the at leastassuspiciousthefact at Aberdeen. Outpost has now calledoutfrom thedarkness The offer Briefing Mission COME RIGHTIN These machineswillnotrespond to hails, andthe’Mechs willbegin to oftheCapellan ConfederationBattleMechs, themarkings bearing (but inconversation toDomini engageManei Since trying inevitablyleads Whatever theplayers have remaining from theprevious Track isallthey But, under your current circumstances, can you really afford to ignore it? A voice, claimingto bethat ofamansent here before you arrived, ! ( MIND THEGUARDS !) - 12 than theopen,ash-covered plainsofNecromo. installation willbemorethe interior defensible ofaCapellan military been overrun. For surely, even if there is no DropShip to be found inside, party’s iftheirown vehicles DropShip or’Mechs—especially hasalready getting insideisgoodfor more thanonereason. ers’ original (themission top-secret objective Capellan data cores) lies, Aberdeenhidden insideOutpost itself. Since that isalsowhere theplay SuccessMission Conditions guard units, butsimplygettinginto proper. thefacility Objectives impaired. reveal willquickly themselvesweapon to skills benowhere nearas unwilling to stray too farfrom theirbase(ormove well at all),their very ment they come into range. firing Though the Capellan ’Mechs appear however, theywillface thewrath oftheselurching machinesthemo immediately wipethemout. the machinesat andmove any time, to theywillstop ignoring theparty the guard ’Mechs andanti-vehicle turrets, butiftheplayers optto fire on Tactical Analysis vault-like doorsasachallengeto entry. seem to much atreact all, leaving entrance’s only the facility reinforced, impaired. the pilotsmight bedrunkorotherwise players might notice theydosowithapronounced lurching, almostasif willing to stray more from than half a kilometer their base). As they move, Doing somayDoing befarmore preferable, thansaving any infact, ofthe themessages areIf to bebelieved, there may beaway offNecromo Inside! 1. Get True success doesnotnecessarily entail destroying the the playersIf refuse to abandon any vehicles or ’Mechs they have, Approaching onfoot thefacility isthesafest methodfor gettingpast If the playersIf approach on foot, however, these machines will not - - Isaac Newton (order #5214387) Adventure Tracks tural damage willbeapparent. andthedrone ’Mechs, struc on thebuildingsurfaces thoughlittleactual by some great fire that swept through here. Scorching can also be seen rimeter, but much of it now lies in twisted ruins, melted at least partially standing between itandthemaindoors. Afence once ran alongthepe roughly 200meters from themainentrance, withaprocessing station automated turrets. A wrecked monorail line passes alongthe ground buildingssuchassheds, are guardstructures secondary towers, andthe entrance, builtintoings—including theprimary thesideofhills. located at thebase ofachain oflarge hills, with all of themain build- won’t beimproving any timesoon. The Aberdeen facility, however, is Local Conditions communicate. likely dealing with someone who’s just manipulating an audio track to something is “wrong” withthetransmission, andthat theyare most successful INTcheckby any recognize player willquickly character that Captain Stepanov.beyond Duncan that ofitsown assumedidentity: A playerswering actual questionsdirectly, andnever usingproper names should enforce this by repeating stock phrases for help, ignoring an- and non-responsive to player inquiries. When playing thisout, theGM giveaway. This makesthetransmission for helpsound somewhat choppy mander’s transmissions, believingthat itsown digitized voice willbea is parsingtogether thefragments ofaprevious force mercenary com- self-aware orconscious inany real way. itsappealfor help, making In it crews whobailoutoftheirmachines. ignore aconventional foot-based approach orany vehicle pilotsand weapons.or other heavy Thus, the automated defenses will effectively erdeen outpost, but does not want them to do so with ’Mechs, vehicles, arrived onNecromo weeks before, wants theplayers to getinsidetheAb pre-recorded transmissions ofaprevious team ofinvestigators who the problems. intelligence prototype,This artificial usingthenameand that has basicallygonehaywire withoutitsoperators around to correct ligence that iscallingfor aidfrom insidethefacility, anadaptive program ignoring anyonewhile virtually approaching onfoot. these drones willengageany vehicular forces theplayers approach with, including command-detonated weapon minefieldsandheavy turrets, based oncommon 3050-vintage machines. Together withfixed defenses are presented Drone ’Mechs at thebackofthisbook(seeSample , p. 22), players’ team somehow overlooked. Several suggested drone models rays itselfindefense, by passive systems warning early likelyalerted the Enemies The vast bulkofAberdeen liesunderground, surface sothevarious The samefoggy, night-like conditions stillapply. Necromo’s climate Note: Though itmight seemconvincing enough,theAIisnottruly beingdirected truth,theseenemiesare by thesameintelIn actually - As theplayers approach thebase, anarmy ofdrone ar BattleMechs <<< GM ONLY - - - - 13 which willsoonenter thefieldto reinforce thedefenses. fenses, the computer will activate asecond wave ofdefending drones, mounted, butappearto beprevailing de too easilyover thestarting at it, threat. oristoo smallto poseareal military Thus, iftheplayers are that approach, but a blind turns eye to anything else that doesn’t shoot attack. right Thus, itwants to destroy ordisableany vehicles or’Mechs to defendto itself against anout getinside while simultaneously trying players failto work itoutfor themselves. willbeableto warriors approach thedoorsonfootthe cybernetic ifthe foot; iftheplayers withAdept are working Laban’s team, Domini Manei these various defensive systems operate. tered aboutaswell. TheBroken’s See (pp. Defenses 21-22)for rulesonhow and there should be at least 2D6 command-detonated minefields scat 2 drone ’Mechs shouldalsobepresent player-controlled for every unit, of covering anarea offire that includestheentrance dooritself. At least should beat least6anti-vehicle weapon turrets inthearea, eachcapable Difficulty behindiftheyare toleft proceed farther. human-sized occupants only, soany vehicles and’Mechs willhave to be somehow, but will find that the interior of the facilities are scaled for sealed. The players’ to blow thedoorsorforce team cantry themapart drones orsomehow gettingpastthemto enter proper. thefacility getting into theAberdeen at thispoint. facility This meansdefeating the Objectives player shouldtheydecideare characters nolongerneeded. interior will only make it easier for Laban and his cronies to take out the thealliance, ofthebasepoint to since re-evaluate theclosequarters are with Laban’s still working this might survivors, be a goodDomini mode. ofalert still insomekind interior. warning Red lights also flicker inside, indicating that the base is the access down tunnelsthat thecharacters willbring into Aberdeen’s to be avast foyer, apparent withacorridor beyond it. of This isthestart Aftermath to thefacilities. buildingswillnotgrant theplayersThe othersurface any form ofaccess stroyed forced orotherwise to provide theplayers withany entrance. The toward ultimate goaltheAIisworking isto allow theplayer forces thatRemember thedrones andturrets willnotengageanyone on theenemyThe forces gamemaster canvary at thisstage, butthere The main entrance building is the easiest way in, but its doors are Whether ornottheybelieve it’s atrap, theplayers’ bestoptionremains At thispoint, there’s nowhere for theplayers to gobutonward. they If As thebase doorsopen(orfall),lights flickerto life insidewhat appears The facility entranceThe facility isheavily reinforced, anditsdoorsmustbede >>> - - - - Isaac Newton (order #5214387) Adventure Tracks from them at onepoint oranother. As theplayers come into thebase, personnel turrets andfilledwithcorpses that apparently mettheirend Opposition willbefine”.erything as that may failsafes“trip elsewhere insidethefacility”. the escape protocols, but cautionswith its againstown tampering core, The AIappeals to the players to resolve theseissues, so that itcaninitiate damaged drive components andthecurrently closedlaunch bay hatch. systems themselves are unableto reporting engagedueto missingor tell the playersfurther that the ship’s diagnostic computers and flight cargo bay, to will prior beingwired into It thebasedefense network. protocols, coresecurity was relocated itsprimary to theshuttle’s interior hatchway. The Broken willexplain that, pursuant to recent changesin where a K-1 class DropShuttle isdocked beneath a large, currently-closed through several inside Aberdeen, winding corridors to alarge chamber deavor. theyrespond intheaffirmative, If thecomputer willguidethem inaccordancedeparture, escapeprotocols”. withemergency where it requires technical assistance in “repairing itsdrive for immediate ofitscommand defenses insideAberdeen,active center, left to theheart willalsoconfide thatless. itwishesto guidetheplayers It pastthe few tecture, andisincommand ofthefacility’s interior defenses…more or identify itselfassuch,andfollow itwiththeinformal name: Broken”.“the intelligenceheard belongs to that, aprototype whenasked, artificial will have now. left addition,thedisembodiedvoice In theplayers have just Assets one. XinSheng!” unauthorized tampering. We hopeyour stay withuswillbeapleasant but remain ready for deployment at a moment’s notice in the event of assured that the interior defenses have been deactivated for your safety, English: accent—suddenlywith thehint ofaMandarin speaksoutinstandard ered, butadullred glow coming from itsmotionsensor. machine gun,perched onatripod, simplysittingthere, itsweapons low fire.heavy Glancingdownward andalongthecorridor, you seealight the bodies of several base personnel lie beneath these tell-tale signs of and scorches weapon fire from cover support thewall ofacorridor, and madeitswayoutside clearly insideaswell. these bodiesare unarmed, somewithfaces covered ingore. The plague handgunsandneedlers—lieamongthedead.arms—mostly Butmore of CCAF, liestrewn about, stagesofdecay. invarious Asmattering ofsmall Corpses, somedressed inlabcoats, andothersintheuniforms ofthe inside,first corridor you seethat theinterior hasbecome anabattoir. the other doors, but not longcrossing after the foyer and entering the Briefing Mission IN THEBELLYOFBEAST The androoms corridors ofthebaseare dotted withrandom anti- As long as the players work with it, the Broken assures them that “ev The Broken willasktheplayers iftheyare willingto assistitinthisen- The Broken willexplain that ofCapellan itisatriumph logical archi - theplayersEverything at theendofprior hadleft Track isallthey “Welcome to Aberdeen, Outpost guests of hisCelestial Wisdom. Be thebase PAOver system, anewvoice—feminine, professional, but youSoon, seeanotherreason for someofthesedeaths: bulletholes AberdeenOutpost welcoming seemsoutright whenyou firstbreach - - 14 the destruction of Outpost Aberdeen ofOutpost itself.the destruction and activate anumberofanti-personnel protocols upto andincluding two options, however, will instantly the Broken turn against the party, repair theship, sever theAIfrom it, orrefuse to repair theship. The latter tomated flight, withtheAImated to it, theplayers may eitherattempt to it can initiate it’s escape protocols. that for the ship is rigged Seeing au- they willbeaskedto repair several systems onthe “Broken’s” shipsothat facility, insidewhichtheywillfindthecore oftheAIcallingitself “Broken”, usingavoicedarin, otherthanthat ofthefacility’s AI). answerwho fails to a request quickly for pass codes issued in Man (often tomight suddenlyspring life withoutwarning, openingfire onanyone rooms, andelsewhere. ofthesewillbeinactive, Most butoneortwo anti-personnel turrets scattered at ofhallways, thejunctures inseveral Tactical Analysis lure theplayers inside. matter. did, all, after apparently It fakebeingsomeoneelseinorder to aid from the AI, awesome, but trusting this machine may be another Necromo andto their waiting JumpShip either. this canbedone with If course, Of it’sbeen sent to perform. allfor naught iftheycan’t getoff SuccessMission Conditions ship, ontheotherhand… straightforward. Trusting the computer that apparently would helm the found around the base. the launch doors opened is also fairly Getting thankfully, rather minor and can be repaired with tools and components way offNecromo alive at thispoint. The damagekeepingitgrounded is, or simplycan’t decidewhetheryou are orfoe. trulyfriend that the automated systems here either are either completely unstable, to dojustthat. blow theopportunity you here isto secure thedata cores that record theirresearch here. Don’t Objectives to helpit. access to theoutside, anyone theAIwillbedetermined to kill whofails Combined withnumerous theplayers’ chamberlocksthat willrestrict of false wall and ceiling panels where they were previously concealed. passage. Afew newonesmay even emerge insomeareas, poppingout willnow allactivate andfire ontheir andinert ously seemedinactive that the real dangerhaspassed. Laban andhisparty, ontheplayers whowillmostlylikelyturn here, now randomly anti-personnel activating defenses and(ifhe’s stillaround) were outfitthat camebefore someofthat mercenary you. like what thebase personnel were wearing; you may that surmise these bodieshere out-of-place evenSome show insignia that are notCCAF or not infected, andmay have by theturrets orby beenkilled oneanother. seemsthat personnel, manyinherefacility itactually were ofthevictims evident inhere, suggestingthat theNecromic plaguealsoinfected the some bloodyinternal fighting. Butwhilesome “zombified” remains are following the prompts of the AI guiding them, they will see evidence of Once the players maketheirway ofthe to theDropShuttle at theheart As the players enter the facility, they willseenumerous unmanned Securing theAIcoreSecuring willaccomplish the missiontheplayers have 3. Repairthat DropShip? The Broken’s DropShuttle could beyour only theBase.2. Survive The randomness oftheinterior defenses shows 1. Secure theData Core. The wholereason theConfederation sent If theplayersIf refuse theAI’s request for repairs, theturrets that previ- Either way, the real oppositionhere isthechallengeofgettingpast - Isaac Newton (order #5214387) Adventure Tracks fact that able to itisclearly deceive,fact itisunableto intuit liesfrom others. It cannot understand sarcasm,misses nuances anddespite inspeech. It the cate with humans and even make convincing conversation, it nevertheless to communi- functions battlefield butgivendirect tactics, enoughancillary intelligence, approximationartificial butarudimentary ofone. Designed to replacement components to bypass. fully replaced by anautomated control system that would takehoursand the shuttle’s cargo bay. They willalsofindthat theshuttle’s hasbeen cockpit players willfindthedata core aswell astheAIcore theyseek, itself, inside recently, astheAIwas relocated into theshuttleitself. theshuttle, Inside the command center. These rooms have beenhastilyabandonedsomewhat designed to aidinthemaintenance oftheshuttle. also exist, includingamachineshop,storage, andfuelstorage parts bay—all from theship’s takeoff. rooms beyond Afew theDropShuttle ancillary bay the flooraround theDropShuttle, designed to contain any spillover exhaust command center. theceiling hatch If is opened, from blast panels will rise features amassive vault doorontheceiling that canbecontrolled from the further corridor cated anothershort “inward” from thecommand center, and central room that appearsto beacommand center. smaller offices andconference centers exist, mostclustered nearthelarge hospital rooms large enoughto accommodate 5patients each.Anumberof includesitsownThe barracks facility for soldiers, two messhalls, andthree radiatingridors outfrom acentral point andcrisscrossed grid. into acurved laid out in a largelypattern, with cor half-circular It to the surface will thusexpose themselves to infection. player who doff whatever characters filters or respirators they are wearing the Necromic and stillevidently even at plagueisairborne work, inside. Any make theirway past theouter defenses for to come fresh looking prey. the base’s front dooropenwhentheyarrived, eventually more zombies will for theplayers to makeawrong somewhere. turn Likewise, if theplayers left insome of the sealed rooms throughoutstill lurking the facility, just waiting contend with. sequence the players will have self-destruct to a base-wide so will trigger accomplishing thecore themission goalofsecuring by default, butdoing disengage theBroken from itsconnections, neutralizing itasathreat and to leave thebasebefore repairing theDropShuttle. base defenses and/ortheAI’s to them,orseeinganyone connection attempt interpret asdefiance), having anyone attempt to damageortamperwiththe utter the word “refuse” to its requests, which the basic AI programming will been betrayed, whichincludeshaving theplayers refuse to assistit(orsimply outside, too.) These turrets willengagethemoment theAIbelieves ithas a moment’s goesfor sameactually thedrone ’Mechs andturrets notice. (The to what theBroken claims—are andready allactive to engagetheplayers at DropShuttle drives. (NoneofLaban’s skills.) team hasthenecessary theywillonlydosoonce theplayers finishrepairing thethem. Otherwise, the moment anyone in the players’ team so much as argues with one of AI for theirown ends. This betrayal isunlikelyat first, butcanbetriggered themandseize control to kill oftheAberdeening for opportunity theearliest Objectives Local Conditions Enemies The biggest that problem it is not witha true the AI is the fact with working The islargely AIproject basedinlaboratories located offthesideof The DropShuttle launchbay is aspecial, extra-large circular chamberlo thebaseislargely underground,Otherwise, andalmostchillycompared Although the interior Aberdeen of Outpost has cleaner air and is well lit, Finally, there remains achance that zombified basestaffand/orguards are successA spectacular on a Tech/Electronics roll might be enough to areAlso withinthefacility numerous anti-personnel turrets that—contrary withtheplayers, Labanisstillworking If heandhisteam willnow belook <<< GM ONLY - - - 15 first, rising onlyastheplayersfirst, rising begin runningout oftime. zombies that show upinsidethebase shouldalsodosoinsmallnumbersat not activate allofitsinternal defense turrets unlesstheplayers betray it. Any until they’re sure theycantakeitfrom there, orinstance, andtheBroken will all thestops, to cheating. butdonotresort Labanandhisteam won’t attack Necromo,bie-infested orthebrass ring. The GMshouldfeel free to pullout from anykill numberofsources, apotentially stranding permanent onzom- for dead. the GMshouldconsider whetherornot theyare eventually rescued, or left either stranded inspace, onNecromo oradrift awaiting rescue. eithercase, In ofthebase,bined launchoftheBroken theymay andthedestruction beleft sure journey in interstellar to take years space—a orlonger. an improper hail, andattempt to flyto apreset point rendezvous somewhere codes to convinceMaskirovka theBroken it’s friendly. The Broken willignore but itmay out(at theGM’s turn discretion) that theJumpShiplacksproper possible to even calltheConfederation JumpShipinsystem for arendezvous, can override this and system, engage the life and it is theoretically support heat levels rapidly plungetoward zero. Any players withsuitabletech skills leaving thehumanswithinto suffocate astheoxygen supplyandinternal to save onlyitself, itwillnever activate systems, theon-board life support it willlaunchitselfinto space withthemonboard, but since itwas meant ship’s launchchamber, sequence. andmay thebaseself-destruct alsotrigger the resulting wave of fire leadinginto corridor willwash through the every that blast shields to contain the superheated engine exhaust will be down; burstfrom itsengines.tary With thelaunchbay doorsshut, thisalsomeans amomen- firing itslaunch,butonlyafter still shut, theDropShuttle willabort beforeoff theshipandoutoffacility thelaunchbay ignition. doorsare If ing launchsequence. The players willbegiven lessthanthree minutes to get stating thatDirector itisnow Johansen),andaskthemto initiat disembark, thank themfor their “service to thestate”, usingits “own” voice (that ofProject registers asdestroyed to thebasesensors. sequence initiatesstruct themoment theBroken’s DropShuttle launchesor charges foundations builtintoself destruct thevery ofthefacility. The de its own failsafe system inplace once thelaunchtook place: theignition of Aberdeen Outpost had to theMaskirovka. onlyknown signal onafrequency sible capture. Once inspace, itwas to sendoutaperiodic, scrambled distress within aDropShuttle andsetto launchitselfinto space intheevent ofpos- ter that for after more ideas. rather thanlater. avaluable prize. Laban’stotype—as team willneed to bedealtwithsooner, technology, oneas andlikelyseesanAI—even “broken” asthisCapellan pro ifthegroup Necromo, that killed with them.Labanispart agroup that covets objective, whichisto launchitselfoutofthebase. its primary non-Capellans, andplansto leave themto theirfates uponthecompletion of does, however, recognize that thehumanswhohave entered are itsfacility the shuttleinorder to fullysucceed…. accomplishing theirgoal…and willmerely have to somehow takecontrol of ontheBroken’sdepart DropShuttle, theywillhave come alongway toward off this planetinonepiece and return their pay. to collect they can thus If thing theplayers have doneto thispoint willbefor nothingiftheycan’t get Difficulty Aftermath If theygetoutalive,If consult theAftermath chap below andtheDebriefing This isthelastphaseofadventure, andcaneitherendinatotal player If, by some miracle of creativity, the players the com- manage to survive theplayers If stay onboard theDropShuttle, andthebay doorsare open, theplayersIf manageto gettheBroken’s DropShuttle repaired, theAIwill intelligenceThe dubbed artificial Broken”“the by itscreators was housed Finally, of course, is the simple matter of escaping Necromo alive. Every concern to theplayers secondary that Labanisstill isthepossibility Of >>> - - - - - Isaac Newton (order #5214387) Debriefing they canberescued by thenewcomers. role keepingthezombified ofthelocalsurvivors, population at bay until Capellan government this case, sends in.In the players willfallinto the longenoughto team beonhandfor the ofthenext survive thearrival encounter theremains oftheirown forebears. new party, even perhaps allowing theplayers’ replacement to characters theadventure restart that thegamemaster with anentirely canactually cating their fate to the Confederation that sent them there. This means eventually succumb, they will have done so with no means of communi- like willeventually betheirundoing. If, inthisscenario, thecharacters containedconstructing shelters, butdwindlingfood sources andthe another until theentire team isdead. contract thediseaseandeventually “zombify”, onone turning that the playerscally airborne, it is almost a willcertainty supplies runout. Worse, withtheNecromic plaguebasi- life, anditisonlyamatter oftimebefore theplayers’ human and theplague, Necromo cannotsupport day. Devastated by theasteroid bombardment their ordeal dramatically rise witheachpassing reason, thechances that theywillever survive Failure to Launch ed, andpotentially executed astraitors to thestate. were sent to accomplish. simply insisttheteam return andfinishthejobthey oftreachery.them againstthepossibility Ortheymay and send the players on their way, keeping tabs on recovered by anenemy agency. sensitive Capellan technology behind, possibly to be missionandleft that theyabandonedtheprimary is not going to overlook thefact the Maskirovka sals by explaining thehorrors theywitnessed, but to talktheirway repri outofserious They- cantry Capellan government willbemostdispleased. ofgettingintojective Aberdeen, Outpost the Abort! Abort! sketched out below. must have cheated). The oftheseoutcomes aftermath are launch (stranded onNecromo), ormissionsuccess (really? they (failure withoutinvestigation),end: missionabortion failure to to Necromo withinanothermonth orso. and likely means team that the next could be scrambled and deployed generally gives the players about a week to do their business on world, is charged ifthere hasbeennoword from theground team by then. This JumpShip that delivers assoonitsdrive themisto return andreport won’ttheir failure—they to the state-owned be the last. Instructions ers were notthefirstonessent into investigate, and—intheevent of before itwent dark. This, aswe have already seen,meansthat theplay state’s was ontheplanet enemiesthat somethingvery, important very to thecause, that sendinganything knowing larger willonlytipoffthe our gallant heroes, butthere’s always achance that someonewillpullitoff. tale. As theadventure unfolds, ofcourse, thisgetslessandlikelyfor world isto have ateam successfully land, investigate, andescapeto tell the the Capellan Confederation isgoingto everwhat happenedonthis know DEBRIEFING Alternatively, a more forgiving gamemaster may allow the players to or by seeking players theirsurvival Crafty canpossiblyextend thegroupIf failsto escapeNecromo for any worst,At thefailedteam the very may bearrest willcancel least, thecontract theMask At thevery thegroupIf fledwithoutcompleting itsob the final analysis,In there are three main ways this adventure can willcontinue smallteamsUntil that to happens, divert theMaskirovka With the lack of communication to and from Necromo, the only way - - - 16 Isaac Newton (order #5214387) Debriefing future adventures; theyhave collaborated enemy withaknown to pretty tion what theyfound. This cancreate intheteam’s aninteresting wrinkle a manofuniqueintegrity, allowing themto escapeto tell theConfedera- the players do manage this, Laban mayactually and Domini prove to be plish thiswiththeplayers’ help, againstoneanother. ifnobody turns If to to theirsuperiors. escapeto report trying They may manageto accom- Outcomes Other intelligence mayin artificial come to light. them shouldtheConfederation ever fear that theirbreakthrough research mercenaries, hunters, bounty or assassins may eventually be unleashed on this mission, and it’safter not out of the realm that other of possibility eventually findthat thestate iskeeping tabsonthemfor months oryears will not likely do anything at first, but so the the playersMaskirovka may time they come back fromevery a successful operation is a bad practice, tion will about. be comfortable with them Executing knowing mercenaries suicide runs. however, becauseany thisare missionstheygetafter justaslikelyto be thiscase,off awin.In theplayers might sooncome to cursetheirsuccess, dangerous conditions, but out turned to be awesome enough to still pull that they not only proved their competence under unusual and highly missions intheoffingto sendtheteam into othertrouble areas, now their way withthesamewarnings asabove. There may even bemore grateful Confederation will thank them, pay them, and send them on on Necromo, ofcourse. the proper towarnings live—with never disclose what they saw or did Confederation may even pay themtherest oftheirfee andletthem theplayersIf are andgive honestwiththeMask goodenoughintel, the conditions andthreats that mayplanetary interfere withfuture attempts. providing theCapellans withamuchclearer ofthestate picture ofthe They alsowillneedto identify thehazards involved them, insecuring if they’re found in possession of state secrets while claiming otherwise.) to ensure theplayers aren’t pullingafastone, andwoe unto theteam and alltheirpersonalbelongings theirpost-mission during debriefing any willbesearching Mask enemy theirDropShip agency, orwhat? (The the state ofthosecores: were theydestroyed, behind, captured left by To succeed withoutthecores, theplayers needto beableto account for events there may do so with or without actually the requested data cores. definitely want to hearallaboutit. willmost planet, theywillhave to tell—and theMaskirovka quite astory drone ’Mechs, prevailed butactually over themandsomehow gotoffthe persevere whentheysaw thezombies, ProtoMechs, Domini Manei and Huge Success! The Word onNecromo willalsobeinterested left ofBlakesurvivors in Either way, seenway theteam more hasactually thantheConfedera- theplayersIf getofNecromo withthecores avery andeverything, The players whosuccessfully investigating getofftheplanetafter the therather unlikelyeventIn that ourheroes notonlymanagedto 17 of their kind, or a technological dead-end? oratechnologicalof theirkind, dead-end? other systems? ProtoMechs?What aboutthoseBlakist Were theythefirst themselves safe and sound? What if the AI is designed to copy itself into come carriers, somehow, orcontract theillnesseven theyconsider after more of the stuff, waiting to be unleashed? What if the players have be Necromic to plagueand tries spread itelsewhere? What ifthe Word has the focus offuture adventures. What ofthisvirulent ifsomeonelearns ons that combined into a nightmare scenario, any one of which can be intrigue between duelingagenciesofhyper-elite operatives. into Sphere, theouter oftheInner rim orexplore awholenewlevel of allies. This anglesetsthestagefor adventures that could taketheplayers nologies, andresearch ofthe evenWord theirown Capellan ofBlake—or may to extend theirown gathering intelligence tech on theactivities, - enhanced operatives. Their interest in the players this mission after versatile andwell-funded organization to employ known itsown cyber- theEbonMagistratemystery even to isanamazingly the Maskirovka, yond Canopian space, andhiddenagendasmethodsthat remain a until justbefore theJihad. With facilitiespossiblylocated unknown be the Canopians’ was acomplete secret Intelligence Ministry Magistracy secretive (even to theirallies in the Confederation), the elite branch of most likelychapter intheirlife andtimes. the players ofduplicity. A “prison escape” adventure would bethenext the missiononlyto dosomethingthat makestheConfederation suspect and/orsucceeding in withtheBlakists consequence ofeitherworking to acampinthemiddleofnowhere. Once more, theseoutcomes are a or Capellan inthewake oftheadventure, authorities and dragged off on ashiprunby aparanoid computer program. corpses willonlybefound decadesto centuries from now (ifat all),adrift stocked witheither. This canpossiblymeanthat theplayers’ mummified oxygen orconsume organic foods to andthusmay survive, notbewell vessel operating under automatic pilot—a vessel that need not breathe forwill not beit anylooking time soon, leaving the players trapped on Unaware that theirAIhasgonerogue andisinflight, theConfederation boat” itsway across interstellar space to apre-programmed destination. toship willnotnecessarily headfor theirJumpShipbutinstead try “slow ways, isjustasbadfailingto escapefrom Necromo at all, becausethe escaping DropShuttle controlled by theBroken. This outcome, inmany spill state secrets. to unleash its own hounds toMaskirovka silence the players, lest they pened onNecromo. thelatter case, In thiswilllikelyprompt aparanoid the Word, orto pumpthemfor information onjustwhat theheckhap theteam out, eitherforlead othersto seeking othermissionsagainst likely regard themwithextreme suspicion.Sucharevelation could also much theentire Sphere, Inner andanyone whofindsoutaboutitwill On Necromo, theplayers have super-weap seenanumberofhorrible Then comes thereal wildcard: theEbonMagistrate. Exceedingly Yet anotheroneisthat theplayers are captured by the Word ofBlake isthat theplayersAnother possibility findthemselves trapped onthe - - - - Isaac Newton (order #5214387) Gamemaster's Sourcebook planet’s daylight hours. so that afull-moonnight onNecromo canalmostbemistaken for the Like Terra’s moon,itisan excellent reflector ofthesun’s light, somuch what closerinandthuslooks to beaboutthesamesize inthenight sky. Number ofSatellites conditions willhave changed. below See for more information. and tainted the atmospherethe skies to such thatan extent the lighting mo’s sunperse, theeffects oftheasteroid bombardment have blackened acceleration.planetfall at comfortable the starmeansthat suchvessels are lessthanthree parked days from hours to fully recharge their sails, but the lower gravitational of impact once theyhavefor darkness spent more thanafew hoursacclimating. benefit of moonlight, will not characters suffer any additional modifiers restrial at sunset—even highnoon.Fortunately, between thisandthe smaller andtends to castaruddyglow across theplanetsimilarto ater planet receives. the planet’s upperatmosphere, whichhelpto trap muchoftheheat the is a higher-than-averagefactor concentration of greenhouse gases in Necromo alittle lessthanhalfway into thesolar “life zone”. The second smaller, moon-sized rocks andthinasteroid belts, placingthemassof compared to theterrestrial standards, withmostpositionsoccupied by “orbital positions” intheNecromo solarsystem are quite compact icegiant, ball, were dark, itnot for two factors. First that the isthe fact star, that would factors ordinarily translate the world into to making a Star Type, Position inSystem, Time to JumpPoint ers willnothave ofthisinformation knowledge inadvance. analysis onthe planet. ofpre-landing some kind Their Capellan employ with theplayer aheadoftime, characters unlesstheymanageto perform experimental bio-weapon. For thisreason, thisdata shouldnotbeshared asteroid, whichincluded not onlyahurled attack, but the release of an for theenvironmental changescausedasaresult ofthe Word ofBlake core rulesthat apply, basedontheindicated world data. world and any located objective(s) there. The following rulesidentify the tailortheirgameplay,further theuniquefeatures reflecting ofthethis series. This data provides key details that the gamemaster can use to including theHandbooksourcebooks PDF-exclusive andtheObjectives a blockofbasicdata usedinmany ofourrecent BattleTech products, ABOUT NECROMO A Time ofWar adventure. ment both the plague and the Broken’s challenges in the context of this discover on their own, there are also rules here covering how to imple addition to providing and details the playersdescriptions will need to as experimental AIknown The Broken, andtheBroken’s drone forces. In all vitalbackground information onNecromo, theNecromic Plague, the Necromo’s moon—Acorna—is smallerthan Terra’s some butorbits Post-Attack: While the Word ofBlakeattack hasdonenothingto Necro JumpShips stationed at Necromo’s main jumppoints require 206 Compared to thesunasseenfrom Terra, Necromo’s starappears Necromo is located at the tenth position orbital from a red, M-class GM’s Note: Additional detailsare presented here aswell, to account details providedThe inthis adventure planetary were presented as The following pagesare for thegamemaster’s useonly, andcontain … GAMEMASTER SOURCEBOOK - - - - - 18 the planet’s gravity. conditions. orvehiclecharacter would beableto normally traverse undernormal duce most movement speeds by about1 meter 30 metersfor the every atdistances any inmeters become point, important the effect will re on theplanet(especiallyasallwillbeaffected equally),butifmovement rule, and of vehiclesmost characters this should not affect the mobility GravitySurface advised to donenvironmental gear orrespirators before goingoutside. as theplayers’ andtheplayers orbit, DropShip enters should be planetary pp. 19-20). tional consequences cough (see The beyond ahacking breathing Necromo’s atmosphere without protection willhave addi- version works more slowly thantheingested orbloodexposure version, the bio-agents Word released measure. asanextra While theairborne Checks requiring DEX,RFL,STR,orBOD. asthoughStunned, and willsufferfunction a–2modifierto allAction andcoughing inthethroes fit. Characters ofsuchcoughinghacking fits inorder turn, roll to avoid modifierevery giving into anuncontrollable as afilter maskwillalsoneedto makeaBODAttribute Checkwitha–2 AToW is draped in lightaffected fog as ifeverything , pp. (see Visibility 236-237, at (dependingontimeofday), groundDark visibility level willalsobe full moon,are obscured by roiling cloudsofblackandgray. the light castby thelocalstar at highnoon,orthereflected light ofthe this effect leaves the planet in a state of near-permanent night, as even thetimeplayers withsmokeandash.By arrive,to theskies darken into theatmosphere whichhasmixed withthefires ofignited woodlands debris mountain range,ahugeamount hurled ofparticulate theimpact fromcity themaximumeffects, thanksto thepresence ofanintervening ingplace kilometers. by onlyfifty While that was enoughto shieldthe advance ofthe Word’s ofLand- city ground assaultmissedtheprimary would circumstances undernormal (seep. 189,AToW ferred by most DropShip crews) will suffer double the fatigue they effects used to standard pressure pressure (including the normal levels pre While it is technically breathable without special apparatus, characters Atmospheric Pressure andBreathability the dustandashraised by theasteroid bombardment. the planet’s even iftheatmosphere surface, was withall notstillswirling cally targeted theyards. What remains debris would notbevisiblefrom are ofthe gone, victims Word ofBlakeattack ontheplanetwhichspecifi- beeasilyspotted byplanet andthemoon—could thenakedeye. cluster facilities—placed oforbiting at theLaGrange between the orbit the Aris Yards could beviewed even full-mooncycles, during whenthe on theplanethave before fact, skylights. In the Word ofBlakeattack, to inthelatedustries orbit 3050s—iswhy somany homesandbusinesses Post-Attack: The Word ofBlakeattack onNecromo hasnotaffected Necromo’s gravity is3percent surface higherthan Terra’s. As ageneral The post-attack damage to Necromo’s environment will be evident even even greaterOf andash inthe airare the concern than the particles Rules: Post-Attack: Necromo’s atmosphere is noticeably thinner than Terran standard. Post-Attack: At thetimeofthisadventure, ofcourse, thesefacilities This therelocation feature—and ofmany oftheplanet’s spacecraft in- ). Characters whoattempt). Characters to breathe thelocalairwithoutsomuch In additionto lighting In conditions ranging from Pitch Black to The asteroid bombardment that struck Necromo in ' S ). Necromic Plague, - - Isaac Newton (order #5214387) Gamemaster's Sourcebook go days oreven weeks between messagepackets. capital. As a Class B station, it wasplanetary considered for normal it to were completely unmanned at thetimeof Word ofBlakeattack. gradually modifiedfor fullautomation inthe3050s. Thus, these stations were originally designed to bemannedby skeleton crews, butwere jump points. These facilities, placed inthe system thelate during 3030s, jump recharging stations, one each located near the zenith and nadir Recharging Station, HPGClass, Native Life scattered debris state throughout ofotherassorted theseenvironments. hexes ofrubblepermapsheetinadditionto this, to thegeneral reflect with rubble if this would destroy the building. Scatter an additional 3D6 base, apply2D6x10points ofdamageto thestructure’s CF, andreplace it be treated area. urban asaheavy base istreated asalight environment, urban andLandingplace should place of outside Landingplace of the city or the CCAF base. The CCAF use dominantly open,hilly, orbadlandsterrain for any scenarios that take east—the Aberdeen. secret ofOutpost facility to thenorth and—further by foliage willreveal thelocation of both asecret base CCAF military east ofthecity, however, routes that would have beenbetter concealed by wildfires, oracombination disease, ofallthree. starvation, Farther ing to thesetiny clusters of humanity, butmostwillhave beenravaged players thewakeGreat oftheattack, In may Sea. findroads andrails lead- ingplace, thoughafew smalltownships existed alongthebanksof be vanishingly small. extremely highamount ofdamagedoneto theirworld, thechances will by theplayers, population butgiven andthe theextremely low planetary mic plaguethat followed. groups smallsurvivor may Some yet befound ortosuccumbed thefires to sustainedintheattack, injuries andNecro remain have whatdents survivors were theaftermath, either In killed. weather rain. shouldbewindstorms andanoccasional light, murky precipitation, sotheworst theplayers willgenerally seeinterms oflocal ness. Weather patterns in the region but with minimal remain perturbed, dropped by several site—has degreesimpact dueto thesustaineddark the basin’s foliage, theplanet’s overall nearthe temperature—especially set thewoodlands ablaze andshrouded theseainash. the massive but crater notonly blackenedtheskies debris andthehurled a mountain ridge. While that spared from thecity complete obliteration, or so on the far side of and missed Landingplace kilometers by only fifty plus several garrison. thousanditinerant workers andthelocalmilitary romo’s population numbered justover 1.5millionpermanent residents, south polestending toward tundra. and withthenorth of Necromo badlandsanddeserts, rocky are actually orsoawaydred kilometers from therivers. The bulkoftheinlandareas lightly forested, butwhichgive into ahun- after grasslands, thendeserts situated. place—is The basinisedgedby mountains andhillsthat are the shores of the Great that Sea, the planet’s only major city—Landing just south of the equator. edge ofthis region, on is on thenorthern It largest group simplyastheGreat Basin,located ofwhichisknown Sea gases, thinatmosphere, distance andcloserorbital relative to Terra. this is, once again,dueto thecombination oftheplanet’s greenhouse face water available: 12 percent versus Terra’s 71 percent. A great dealof than and drier Terra—a low amount alsoevident ofsur inthevery fact warmer theplanetactually sification as39°C(Arid), isdescribed making Climate, Terrain, andPopulation Necromo’s hyperpulse generator was located inLandingplace, the Prior to the Word Necromo ofBlakeattack, was hostto two automated When placingany onmapsfor structures Landingplace ortheCCAF Rules: For any Total Warfare place onthisworld,-scale battles taking allofNecromo’sVirtually population officiallylived ofLand- inthecity the During Word allofNecromo’s nearly ofBlakeattack, native resi- After theinitialfirestorms passed, whicheffectively wiped out muchof Post-Attack: The asteroid was aimedat theGreat impact Basin, Sea census—Nec Prior planetary to theJihad—at thetimeoflastknown ofNecromo’sMost water takestheforms ofseasandrivers, surface the Necromo’s equatorial temperature andgeneral environmental clas------19 Socio-Industrial LevelsSocio-Industrial andDefending Forces BOD hoursthereafter that remains thecharacter untreated. this effect If an additional–1 modifierappliedto bothAttributes 1D6 + for every impose a –1 modifierto the character’s BOD andSTRAttributes, with ofantibiotics.a battery can bemoved into aclean-airenvironment andsuccessfully treated with fever, andthelike. The effectswillworsen over time, unlessthecharacter will experience flu-likesymptoms includingvomiting, headache, high since entered aproperly filtered environment. At that point, thesubject who doessowillshow symptoms within1D6hours, even iftheyhave breathes theplanet’s atmosphere Anyone withoutat leastafilter mask. Airborne Exposure the spread amongtheirscattered troops found onlylimited success. populace ofNecromo,well asthesurviving to contain andtheirefforts or intheirrelease strategy, theirown troops afflicting as inadvertently once as known “mad cow disease”). form ofspongiform encephalopathy ofwhichwas (thebovine variety food chain—with a debilitatingand thus infect the bulk of the surviving vectors, population viaairborne andtaint thewaterplanetary table— suit Necromo’s atmospheric conditions, and was designed to sicken the THE NECROMICPLAGUE that stillhadafew secrets for andsurprises theplayers to find. was a ghost world—albeit departed one the Blakists behind after left nihilated itsindustries, itspopulation, anditsdefending forces. What was was lost, bothhaving beenrotated to theplanetpendingrecovery. Legion andHomeGuard were bothpresent on-planetwhenallcontact invaders, theCCAF heldfastto thevitalshipyard world, andtheShin outside sources for itsagricultural andraw material needs. to itsplace asamajorshipyard planet, butitwas whollydependingon that was high-tech, heavily industrialized, andhaddecent outputdue not be daring enough to take part inthisadventure. enoughtonot bedaring takepart time of the players’ arrival. Though many outliers may persist, most will damage hasallbuteradicated theplanet’s non-humanlife forms by the aerospace forces in the ground assault that preceded the asteroid strike. naval defense. because of the lossreasons—or of a Blakist WarShip to the Capellans’ oftheattack was theinitialbattle,after butthispart “scrubbed” for time is equally possible that the stationsIt were supposed to be destroyed attack originated thatfirmation from Blakist non-standard jumppoints. recharging stationstheirassault. aloneduring This may betakenascon- initial settlement. animal species introduced by humans in the centuries since Necromo’s vast wastes, mostofthesecreatures hadbeenlargely displaced by the prowled many oftheplanet’s forests. With limited habitats bordered by of theGreat andaburrowing, Sea, four-armed, beastthat pseudo-ursine native eel that thrived specimensincludedafive-tentacle inthewaters avians were biosphere. also present far the largest By in the planetary pests or scavengers. A limited of fish, amphibians, selection insects, and Many ofthesewere localrodent-like forms, many ofwhichwere seenas least reached thepoint where smallmammaliancreatures were common. The component gameplay of theairborne effects ofNecromic plague componentThe airborne ofthe “Necromic Plague” anyone afflicts who Apparently, inthiscase, the Word’s scientists erred intheircalculations The Word ofBlake’s experimental bio-weapon was hastilymodifiedto Post-Attack: The Word of Blake assault on Necromo has effectively an- theinitialfighting oftheJihad,During againstrebel forces andDavion Necromo’s to index prior theattack definedaworld socio-industrial The asteroid strike, andresultant biological attack, environmental The HPGstation was anothermatter, andwas destroyed by Blakist Post-Attack: Curiously, the Word bothofNecromo’s ofBlakeleft Necromo’s limited ecosystem was home to limited fauna, but had at Isaac Newton (order #5214387) Gamemaster's Sourcebook animal, andresolves asacreature allactions incombat (seepp. 239-242), ing fresh for meat and blood, the zombified effectively becomes aferal STR, andRFL.Now operating level, onaprimal withaninsatiable crav dropping to anINTand WIL score of3 each, but doubles his original BOD, to life astheypassby. situations that may where arise seemingly “dead” bodiessuddenlyjump ter someonewhofallsprey to zombification, andmay even explain any naturally, to theplayers should notbeknown thefirsttimetheyencoun- isto dosothe moment hecollapses fromout ofhismisery seizure. This, This generally meansthat thebestway to putazombified character may Some even be rousedvictim. by loudnoisesornearby vibrations. disturbed in some way, such as by attempting to move or awaken the effects, hewillbe rendered permanently catatonic orcomatose. transition could meansthat becured even victim ofthese ifastricken higher brain functions. The severe damageto thebrain causedby this metabolism, andaninsatiable bloodlustthat overrides any remaining madness, suffering anovercharged fromis actually disease-induced the zombies oflore, ofcourse, isnotareanimated thevictim corpse, but ter sheet off to theGM,asthat hasbecome character “zombified”. Unlike sent theminto seizure, thecontrolling player mustthenhandhischarac ZOMBIFICATION the seizure that transforms himinto azombie, itistoo late. tempted stagesofinfection; once intheearly experiences thecharacter the illness recovery rules. Unfortunately, this treatment can only be at (rounded down) for the purposesof any Attribute Checks required by character’sflicted BOD must be treated as having its half its current score conventional treatments andnatural humanimmunitiesalike, anaf- it is an engineeredof 6. Because disease specifically designed to resist AToW becomescharacter “zombified” (seebelow). attempt to move himwill rouse ordisturb himinaviolent outburstasthe the character’s rate andrespiration heart willrapidly accelerate, andany collapse inaviolent seizure andappearto beunconscious. At thistime, willbehave thecharacter ofaction, asifStunned.each, andeachturn time, thecharacter’s effective BODandSTRwillbereduced by 1point to exposure, that of theairborne butwithoutany vomiting. this During hours. This will manifest at first as a fever and extreme lethargy similar Attribute Check(witharoll modifierof–4),andbecome within1D6 active lopathy willenter thecharacter’s bloodstream onafailedBOD directly an infected animalorhuman).At thispoint, amutated form ofencepha- (suchasbeingpiercedblood contact by orbitten aninfected by object, ofinfectedcomes food through ordrinks, theeating ordrinking orvia Ingestion orBloodExposure zombie, itistoo late for any treatment. once experiences thecharacter theseizure that transforms himinto a attempted retains BODandSTRscores aslongthevictim of2ormore; Checks required by theillnessrecovery rules. This treatment canonlybe half itscurrent score (rounded down) for ofany thepurposes Attribute nities alike, character’s an afflicted BOD must be treated as having its designed to resist conventional treatments andnatural humanimmu- of3.However,Severity becauseitisanengineered diseasespecifically AToW Zombification, below). undergoes aseizure andcollapses, andwillbecome “zombified” (see reduces the character’s effective STR or BOD to 1 or less, the character A zombified loses character allof his higher brain effectively functions, Zombified theinitialseizure after willnotrise unless characters Once hasreached acharacter thepoint where Necromic plague has Treatment and Recovery: After another1D6+BODhours, theinfected willsuddenly character The far more version fast-acting of Necromic plague is the form that Treatment and Recovery: , treat thisversion ofNecromic plagueasanillnesswithaSeverity , treat form theairborne ofNecromic plagueasanillnesswitha Using thediseaserulesonpp. 248-249, Using thediseaserulesonpp. 248-249, - - - 20 Mechs will focusMechs onlyonmeleeactions. weapons andtargeting all infected Proto systems, Domini sovirtually have needed to effectively lostthehigher functions usetheiron-board results. with Once gory again, these infectedtheir path-often warriors to catch,speakers, and kill, and trying “eat” any warm bodies that cross of their machines), roaring and snarling incoherently through external onallfourto thepoint limbs(despite ofwalking thehumanoidshape the ProtoMech’s exhibit undertheircontrol, andmany have regressed havewarriors succumbs and mannerism to now action bleedsinto every withtheProtoMechs, neuralrect interface behaviors theseprimal these meansto consume actual ofthenature Because oftheir di- not satiate their real hunger, metal because their hulking “bodies” have time theplayers encounter them. these ProtoMech are warriors outoftheirmindswithabloodlustby the form ofencephalopathy that spread to many infantry, oftheDomini theNecromoduring operation. Now somehow infected by thesame monstrous—combination ofmanandmachine that theychoseto test to thinkaboutthat too much),the Word devisedanothereffective—if onintravenousperiods (it’s nutrients andrecycled bio-matter best not apparatus for thatwith alife enables themto extended survive support viaanadapted warriors formDomini ofthe Word’s VDNI technology, toMechs. Using captured Clanchassis, butpiloted by special, limbless on Necromo also included a small number of experimental hybrid Pro sealed battlesuits. with bloodlust and a desperate hunger they cannot sate within their brethren, willengageonlyinmeleecombat, thesewarriors driven mad strength to prey ononlythosewhodraw near. Liketheirunarmored their intheruins andconserving remain againstallodds, active lurking suits have shutdown from damageandpower drain—but afew might ers arrive, ortheir mostofthesesoulshave andself-destructed, starved still buttoned into their suits when they went feral. the time the play By either, types infantry butahandfulofbattle armored troopers whowere bomb that desperately seeksto itcanfind. closewiththenearest victim their vitalsflat-line, transforming eachinfected trooper into awalking suicide charges active that will detonatebies still carry if the event that machines.them trulyfearsome killing Worse still, theseaugmented zom- augmented strength, speed, andsensesofthesezombified have made efforts. Combinedtheir attacks withtheirferal andtracking nature, the weapons andenhanced sensors, are ableto usetheseenhancements in infantry,Domini prosthetics withmelee armed many ofwhomsport Manei Domini infantry, Domini Manei ProtoMechs. andinfectedDomini Manei has created an even more fearsome threat theplayers may face: infected including operatives. aDomini number of Manei two broad In cases, this but there have already to beensignificant itseffects, casualtiesandvictims generally requiredbrain functions have beenlostto theillness. with any accuracy. Vehicular operation isrightout, asthecomplex higher- weapons—including firearms—will suddenly bebeyond to use hisability to swingmeleeweapons, force doorsopen,andthrow butranged objects, to operateloses theability technological items effectively. Hewillbeable and TechnologyZombies level of2each. be the same as any he hadbefore becoming a “zombie”, to a minimum Any Perception and Tracking possessedwilllikewise thecharacter Skills his transition (rounded level down), of3. to Skill aminimumAniMelee he originally had, and will beequal to half that Skill’s level at the time of use ofBODfor determining Fatigue modifiers, rather than WIL. including theuseofcreature at creature combat Skills TNs of5,andthe Though their life support systemsThough are theirlife stillsustainingthem,they can- support Manei DominiProtoMechs:Infected The Word of Blake attack force doesThe not simply include infectedunarmored infantry Domini Infected Manei Domini Troopers: At venture thetimecharacters to Necromo, theplagueisrampant, At least, that’s how itworks for mostvictims. For whohasgoneferal acharacter via themostpart, “zombification” The zombified character’s AniMelee Skill replaces any Martial Arts Skill The zombified Skill character’s Arts replaces any Skill AniMelee Martial enhancedThe cybernetically - - - Isaac Newton (order #5214387) Gamemaster's Sourcebook in theevent ofcapture. As succumbed thefew to theNecromic survivors remaining on-planet, andifcompromised, to itselfby preserve launching forcesagainst non-Capellan ontheplanet, alongsideany CCAF troops out its last directives:continued to defend to carry its base installation went defensive into anemergency mode. Left to itsown devices, it and—in itsown way—learning. AI a “broken chess master”, were claimingthat itstactics overly simplistic. successful. Capellanwas Some engineers onlypartially proclaimed the battlefield prowess,elite-grade andruthlessness, tactics, theexperiment augment elite CCAF commando forces by providing thesame level of designed to direct an army of drone troops. Intended to help further era Caspar technology intheform mainframe ofaDropShip-mobile operational—AI that now construct calls itself Broken”.“The their haste, theoverlooked item: acritical theexperimental—yet quite what appeared to be another blitz against the CCAF defenders. Butin with programming specsandothertechnical data thechaosof during Aberdeen, asOutpost known escaping off aquickraid ofahiddenfacility behindwhentheplanetwas bombardedof theDivisionnotleft pulled proved to beamissingpiece ofthetechnological puzzle. The survivors Shadow out,But as it turns Division’sthe Forty-eighth raid on Necromo of centuries ofsecret research into thelost Star League engineering. the final defense of Terra andelsewhere was presumed to betheresult THE BROKEN destroy theunitentirely. its Front Locations Hit Table. Reroll ordisregard any damagethat would roll is1or more, applythat many 2-point hitsto theProtoMech, using tered by rolling 7from 2D6andsubtracting theresult. themodified If damageto eachProtoMechmay decideto encoun applypre-existing - by 1point (increasing theSkill TN inTW Skill TNs of2or3). Gunnery each underATime ofWar , whichtranslates toTotal Warfare Piloting and sidered to have Veteran-level (levels 5or6in Skills Piloting andGunnery ProtoMechs Domini in theManei Table. The operators Domini are con- Necromo by thetimeplayers arrive. The modelsavailable are listed Clan models. all, there In are ten ofthesemachines(orless)present on Manei DominiProtoMechs When its handlers were killed during the Blakist attack, attack, When theBlakist itshandlerswere during killed Broken”“The What they apparently failedto notice was that theAIwas listening, Broken”“The was asecret Capellan attempt to mimicStar League- For oftheJihad, the survivors Word ofBlake’s useofrobotic drones in To andalackofrepair battlefield resources, prior action reflect theGM ProtoMechsPlague-stricken reduce theireffective level Piloting Skill For gameplay purposes, ProtoMechs theDomini are merely captured Minotaur [9] Minotaur Gorgon [8] [7] Roc Hydra [6] Hydra [6] [6] Chrysoar [4] Satyr [4] Satyr Orc [4] Erinyes [2] Model [Tonnage] Manei Domini ProtoMechsTable ), and may not use Gunnery Skills. ), andmay notuseGunnery (TRO: 3060) (TRO: 3060) (TRO: 3060) (TRO: 3060) (TRO: 3060) (TRO: 3075) (TRO: 3060) (TRO: 3060) (TRO: 3075) (TRO: 3075) (TRO: Source 21 flechette weapons orballisticweapons usingfrangible rounds. be equippedwith explosive munitions. These turrets willinstead favor turrets encountered within the Broken’s DropShuttle will K1-class not weapons onany hitthat delivers damage. small turret (dueto theirsmallsize), butwillautomatically destroy such Vehicular weapons suffer modifierto attack anadditional+1to-hit a BAR of3/3/3/3,andcansustain upto 5points ofBDin personalcombat. of5inTW level of3(aGunnery medium range, withaneffective orSupport SmallArms Weapons Skill Aberdeen,Outpost willonlyengageat distances upto theirweapons’ within theirrange. These turrets may befound bothoutside andwithin field of fire and motion anysensors to and use thermal detect targets kilograms’ ofpersonalweapons andammo—have worth a360-degree field withintheBroken’s sensorrange. nated by theBroken any ECM enters timeahostileunit withoutactive a damagerating.damage butwitharandom tactical They may bedeto atfields whichtheAIcantrigger will. Eachofthesedelivers conventional has deployed anindeterminate number ofcommand-detonated mine Drone ’Mechs below. Reckoning (seepp. 142-143,J:FR),butwithexceptions under described echs usetherulesfor robotic drone presented BattleMechs inJihad:Final and will not be negatively affected by ECM in any way. The drone BatleM terrain ofthebaseentrances). withinfive kilometers surface sensor suites Aberdeen ofOutpost allofthe itself(whichcover virtually inputprovidedfenses by largely itsdrones viasensory andthefixed thesede directs DropShuttle itishousedwithin.It damaged K1-class tive perimeter—including theweapons mounted onamodified, slightly and accessBattleMechs to fixed defenses establishedaround itsprotec The Broken’s Defenses • • • • • to pursue: is effectively operating withmultiple, competing personalities. entersfriendly theperimeter. The isthat maddeningeffect Broken”“The measures inthemoment anyone invariably kick itdoesnotregard as it inclined to allow othersto get inside its base to doso, the defense itself andopenitsDropShuttle’s underground launchbay, thusmaking tential loopholewhere wishesto theAIearnestly findsomeoneto repair while simultaneously preparing them. to kill Though this creates a po communicates theserequests to anyone whocommunicates withit, to fixitsvessel andprepare itfor launch. Thus, theBroken paradoxically DropShuttle’s diagnostic systems, theAIkeepsreceiving urgent directives enemies, inorder to lure zone. theminto itskill lay traps,will actually ambushes, andeven offer potential alliances to its Capellans, measures evolved all),itssecurity after to thepoint where it a complex andconvoluted logic designed by andfor themostfanatical own masters aswell asany otherlivingthreat onNecromo. tives coming from them. Thus, theBroken beganto wage war againstits remaining Capellans on-world oftreachery, direc andrefused allfurther munications allofthe ashostile. itthenbeganto extension, suspect By plague, theAIprocessed thosewhofailedto respond to itsrelayed com- In an effort to minimize aneffort unintended damage,In any anti-personnel Anti-Personnel Turrets: ofmounting 50 The smallerturrets—capable Minefields: The Broken (or, more likely, its original Capellan masters) mostofthesefixedUnless noted otherwise, defenses are automated To tasks, theBroken hasasmall army outitsmilitary ofdrone carry base selfdestruct. theeventIn ofpossiblecapture, launchthevessel, andinitiate the itscommandRepair vessel. withitsCCAF contact Reestablish commanders. forces. Defend itscommand Aberdeen shipandOutpost from unfriendly Destroy forces allnon-friendly onNecromo. summary,In theBroken hasseveral keydirectives try itwillactively matters worse that,Making is thewith in conjunction fact its own Though theAIremains farfrom selfaware (itsresponses are basedon ). If attacked,). If asmallturret hasan effective ------Isaac Newton (order #5214387) Gamemaster's Sourcebook tion as otherwise-normal human-driven BattleMech units. human-driven tion asotherwise-normal aptitude, andlack ofhumancontrol, meanthat thesedrones may func stellar Players 2),theBroken’s nature, lesspredictable enhanced tactical (asfirstdefined onpp.their actions 124-125,JihadConspiracies: Inter Though players Robotics rulesto determine may makeuseoftheSmart of 5 (which translates rating to a Piloting of 3/3 in and Gunnery theinterference passes. orfoe—until unit onthefield—friend the drone goes “berserk”, thenearest active closingwithandattacking delivering noattacks, untilbut otherwise theinterference stops. On4+, course andspeed, charging any intheirpath unitorstructure oftravel stops. Onaresult of2-3,thedrone willcontinue moving alongitslast until theinterference actions the drone stops deadandtakesnofurther attempt to retreat; instead, drone anafflicted rolls 1D6.Onaresult of1, Pods,Hywire offailedConsciousness Checks, adrone ’Mech willnever Capellan engineers claimthisisnotabug, but afeature.)effect. (The Check asahumanpilot, andwilltreat afailedcheckasHostileInterference ammo explosions, adrone ’Mech mustmake aMechWarrior Consciousness from headhits, falls, heat, andinternal instead ofignoring MechWarrior Effects to “random aggression”. To this, reflect stable inthesedrones, andmore prone the endofwar.) intheirown ’Mechmobility drones by willeventually abandonbipedal Blakists than walking. (For thisreason, the time theyuseamovement modeother and musteven make suchchecksany checks,get modifieronallPiloting Skill biped drones suffer anadditional+4tar difficulties withbalance, however, these were builtinto bipedframes. to Due the Reckoning, theseCapellan-made drones munition to compensate). amount ofweapons, heat sinks, oram- half-ton—and remove an appropriate upto thenearesttonnage—rounding weight by 5percent of ’Mech’s total (increaseBattleMechs thecockpit in thechassisofspeciallymodified seen inJihad: Final Reckoning form Drone oftheRobotic system Broken’s command useaprototype modifiersto attackto-hit alarge turret. Vehicular weapons suffer noadditional cal damagebefore beingdestroyed. - and cansustain upto 20points oftacti (BAR10/10/10/10) armor vehicle-grade attacked, turrets heavy have military 4inTW these turrets is4(Gunnery level of Skill The effective Gunnery range bracket.that enter theirshort scale targets (includingbattle armor) range, butwillonlyengageinfantry- fighters, andProtoMechs) upto long vehicular targets (including’Mechs, targets in their range. They will engage sensors to any detect use vehicle-grade also have fieldoffire a360-degree and tons weapons of heavy and ammo— ofmounting uptorets—capable 10 The Broken’s drones have and Pilotinglevel an effective Skill Gunnery Furthermore, intheevent from ofHostileInterference ECM,EMpulse, The programming is also alittle less Unlike therobotic drones from Final Drone ’Mechs: Anti-Vehicle Turrets: The larger tur The ’Mechs at the , placed ). If ). If - - TW ). ). - - 22 Streak launchersandtheir ammunition. SRM-2 weightcockpit to 7tons to account for robotic drone control. Drop both intrusion (beyond theturrets andlandmines, anyway). Outpost Aberdeen, as the last line of defense and thus serves against Awesome Drone arm. jump jetsandaddanERSmallLaser to theleft weightcockpit to 6.5tons to account for robotic drone control. Drop all ers to handle. up theVindicator Cataphract Drone ammo binwithanadditionaldoubleheat sink. torso Lasers, LRM 5 Replacewith 2 ER Medium the left and the right torso robotic drone control. Drop torso. initsright alljumpjetsandtheCASE Changes: Using theAWS-9M model(from 3050U ), increase TRO: the The Changes: The Cataphract Awesome TRO: 3050U),increase model(from the TRO: Using theCTF-3D drone istheheaviest andrarest drone model seenat s, andsent to dealwithany threats too bigfor theoth- drone brawler istheheavy drone, usedmainlyto back pit weight to 5.5 tons to account for (from fense theinitialwave after ofRavens. formingoften thesecond line of de favored brawler oftheBroken’s drones, Vindicator Drone the TAG and 1heat sink. account for robotic drone control. Drop weightincrease cockpit to 5tons to necessary. up, and engaging lighter forces as stray signals that theBroken picks mainly arecon unit, investigating any 3050U),theRaven TRO: Raven Drone favored by theCCAF. modifications are basedonmachines Drone ’MechsSample for agoodscare.) can thrash at anyone whocomes close destroyed, deploy the droneit anyway; leave adrone ’Mech crippled, butnot engine destruction). orthe unit outright (such as cockpit any damageeffectsthat would destroy forRoll hitsasnormal, critical butreroll the ’Mech’s Front Locations Hit Table. signed randomly to thedrone, using damage groupings that mustbeas- 0). The result isthenumberof5-point result (to a minimum modified result of should roll 7from 2D6,andsubtract the tosheet prior play, thegamemaster preparing eachdrone ’Mech’s record the players arrive. To this, reflect when are battered inafairly state by thetime the means to repair its drones, several Changes: Using the model VND-3L The variant,Changes: Using theRVN-3L model (fromBased on the RVN-3L The following sampledrone ’Mech damage theresults ofpre-existing (If theBecause Broken does not have TRO: 3050U), increaseTRO: thecock Vindicator drone hasbecome the drone isused - - TM


PERSONAL DATA Name: Dr. Nadda Jerrod Player: NPC Height: 1,650 cm Weight: 51 kg Affiliation: Capellan Confederation Hair: Black Eyes: Black Extra:

ATTRIBUTES COMBAT DATA Attribute Score Link XP Condition Monitor STR 4 0 Standard Damage: ■■■■■■■■■■■■ BOD 3 -1 ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ Fatigue Damage: RFL 5 0 ■■■■■■ 4 0 ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ DEX Stun: Unconscious: INT 8 +1 Movement (Meters per Turn) WIL 7 +1 8 2 CHA 5 0 Walk: Climb: EDG 4 0 Run/Evade: 18 Crawl: 2 Sprint: 36 Swim: 4 TRAITS (PERSONAL) Personal Armor (Loc) Armor Type BAR (M/B/E/X) None ( ): ( / / / ) Trait TP Page Ref. XP Citizenship 2 109, AToW ( ): ( / / / ) Combat Paralysis -4 110, AToW ( ): ( / / / ) Compulsion/Paranoia -1 110, AToW ( ): ( / / / ) Connections 7 111, AToW Weapon Skill AP/BD Range Ammo Notes In for Life/Maskirovka -3 120, AToW Martial Arts +2 0M / 1 ( Melee ) N/A Natural Aptitude/Science/Psychology 3 121, AToW Hold-Out Pistol +1 3B / 3 ( 2 / 5 / 8 / 20 ) 2 Reputation 3 124, AToW / ( / / / ) / ( / / / )

SKILLS Skill Lvl Links TN/C XP Skill Lvl Links TN/C XP Acting +3 CHA 8 / CB Martial Arts +2 DEX 7 / SB Administration +3 INT+WIL 8 / SA MedTech +3 INT 7 / SB Career/Doctor +2 INT 7 / SB Perception +5 INT 7 / SB Career/Scientist +8 INT 7 / SB Protocol/Capellan Confederation +5 WIL+CHA 9 / CA Career/Military Scientist +6 INT 7 / SB Protocol/Federated Suns 0 WIL+CHA 9 / CA Communications/Conventional +3 INT 7 / SB Science/Psychology +5 INT+WIL 9 / CA Computers +8 DEX+INT 9 / CA Security Systems/Electronic +4 DEX+INT 9 / CA Cryptography +4 INT+WIL 9 / CA Small Arms +1 DEX 7 / SB Driving/Ground Vehicles 0 RFL+DEX 8 / SA Strategy +3 RFL+INT 8 / SA Interest/Literature +4 WIL+CHA 9 / CA Tactics/Ground +4 INT+WIL 9 / CA Interest/Military History +3 WIL+CHA 9 / CA Training +5 INT+WIL 9 / CA Investigation +5 INT+WIL 9 / CA / Language/English +4 CHA 8 / SA / Language/Mandarin +3 CHA 8 / SA / Leadership +3 WIL+CHA 8 / SA /

© 2013 The Topps Company, Inc. Classic BattleTech, BattleTech, ’Mech and BattleMech are trademarks of The Topps Company, Inc. All rights reserved. Catalyst Game Labs and the Catalyst Game Labs logo are trademarks of InMediaRes Production, LLC. Permission to photocopy for personal use. Isaac Newton (order #5214387) TM


PERSONAL DATA Name: Poltergeist Adept Tau Elika Laban Player: NPC Height: 1,930 cm Weight: 134 kg Affiliation: Word of Blake (Manei Domini) Hair: Brown Eyes: Brown Extra: Cybernetics: Prosthetic Leg MASC, Filter Lung/Liver Implants, Improved Prosthetic Arm (See AToW Companion)

ATTRIBUTES COMBAT DATA Attribute Score Link XP Condition Monitor STR 8 +1 Standard Damage: ■■■■ BOD 8 +1 ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ Fatigue Damage: RFL 7 +1 ■■■■ 7 +1 ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ DEX Stun: Unconscious: INT 6 0 Movement (Meters per Turn) WIL 8 +1 15 12 CHA 5 0 Walk: Climb: EDG 3 -1 Run/Evade: 30 Crawl: 4 Sprint: 60 (120 w/ MASC) Swim: 17 TRAITS (PERSONAL) Personal Armor (Loc) Armor Type BAR (M/B/E/X) Ablative/Flak Suit ( Full ): Personal ( 2 / 4 / 5 / 2 ) Trait TP Page Ref. XP Combat Sense 4 110, AToW ( ): ( / / / ) Compulsion/Paranoia -2 110, AToW ( ): ( / / / ) Connections 7 111, AToW ( ): ( / / / ) Enemy -9 113, AToW Weapon Skill AP/BD Range Ammo Notes In for Life/Word of Blake -3 120, AToW Martial Arts +8 0M / 2 ( Melee ) N/A Implants/Prosthetics (4) 27 49, AToWC Arm Vibroblade +8 4M / 4 ( 1 / -- / -- / -- ) 1 PPS In Prosthetic Right Arm Lost Limbs (3) -15 121, AToW Automatic Shotgun +7 2B / 5BS ( 4 / 10 / 20 / 45 ) 12 Burst 5; Recoil -1 Poison Resistance 2 122, AToW Martial Eagle MP +7 3B / 3B ( 5 / 20 / 50 / 100 ) 30 Burst 10; Recoil -1

SKILLS Skill Lvl Links TN/C XP Skill Lvl Links TN/C XP Acrobatics/Free-Fall +3 RFL 7 / SB Martial Arts +8 RFL+DEX 8 / SA Acrobatics/Gymnastic +3 RFL 7 / SB MedTech +3 INT 7 / SB Administration +2 INT+WIL 8 / SA Melee Weapons +8 RFL+DEX 8 / SA Artillery +3 INT+WIL 8 / SA Navigation/Ground +5 INT 7 / SB Career/Soldier +5 INT 7 / SB Negotiation +3 CHA 8 / CB Communications/Conventional +3 INT 7 / SB Perception +5 INT 7 / SB Computers +2 INT 8 / CB Protocol/Word of Blake +6 WIL+CHA 9 / CA Climbing +4 DEX 7 / SB Running +5 RFL 7 / SB Demolitions +4 DEX+INT 9 / CA Security Systems/Electronic +3 DEX+INT 9 / CA Driving/Ground Vehicles +3 RFL+DEX 8 / SA Small Arms +7 DEX 7 / SB Interest/Writings of Blake +5 WIL+CHA 9 / CA Stealth +4 RFL+INT 8 / SA Interest/Writings of the Master +6 WIL+CHA 9 / CA Support Weapons +4 DEX 7 / SB Interrogation +1 WIL+CHA 9 / CA Swimming +2 STR 7 / SB Language/English +3 CHA 8 / SA Tactics/Infantry +5 INT+WIL 9 / CA Leadership +5 WIL+CHA 8 / SA Tracking/Wilds +4 INT+WIL 8 / SA

© 2013 The Topps Company, Inc. Classic BattleTech, BattleTech, ’Mech and BattleMech are trademarks of The Topps Company, Inc. All rights reserved. Catalyst Game Labs and the Catalyst Game Labs logo are trademarks of InMediaRes Production, LLC. Permission to photocopy for personal use. Isaac Newton (order #5214387) TM ZOMBIFIEDSQUAD CIVILIAN COMBAT SQUAD RECORDRECORD SHEETSHEET

TROOPER 1 Character Name: Squad: Condition Monitor Armor Standard Damage: Armor Type:None BAR (M/B/E/X):( / / / ) Fatigue Damage: Notes: Stun: Unconscious: Movement Data Weapon Skill AP/BD Range Ammo Notes Walk: 16 m Run/Evade: 26 m Sprint: 52 m Hand-to-HandAniMelee Martial+3 Arts 0M / 2 ( Melee ) N/A Check for Plague Infection Climb: 4 m Crawl: 4 m Swim: 0 m / ( / / / ) / ( / / / )

TROOPER 2 Character Name: Squad: Condition Monitor Armor Standard Damage: Armor Type:None BAR (M/B/E/X):( / / / ) Fatigue Damage: Notes: Stun: Unconscious: Movement Data Weapon Skill AP/BD Range Ammo Notes Walk: 16 m Run/Evade: 26 m Sprint: 52 m Hand-to-HandAniMelee Martial+3 Arts 0M / 2 ( Melee ) N/A Check for Plague Infection Climb: 4 m Crawl: 4 m Swim: 0 m / ( / / / ) / ( / / / )

TROOPER 3 Character Name: Squad: Condition Monitor Armor Standard Damage: Armor Type:None BAR (M/B/E/X):( / / / ) Fatigue Damage: Notes: Stun: Unconscious: Movement Data Weapon Skill AP/BD Range Ammo Notes Walk: 16 m Run/Evade: 26 m Sprint: 52 m Hand-to-HandAniMelee Martial+3 Arts 0M / 2 ( Melee ) N/A Check for Plague Infection Climb: 4 m Crawl: 4 m Swim: 0 m / ( / / / ) / ( / / / )

TROOPER 4 Character Name: Squad: Condition Monitor Armor Standard Damage: Armor Type:None BAR (M/B/E/X):( / / / ) Fatigue Damage: Notes: Stun: Unconscious: Movement Data Weapon Skill AP/BD Range Ammo Notes Walk: 16 m Run/Evade: 26 m Sprint: 52 m Hand-to-HandAniMelee Martial+3 Arts 0M / 2 ( Melee ) N/A Check for Plague Infection Climb: 4 m Crawl: 4 m Swim: 0 m / ( / / / ) / ( / / / )

TROOPER 5 Character Name: Squad: Condition Monitor Armor Standard Damage: Armor Type:None BAR (M/B/E/X):( / / / ) Fatigue Damage: Notes: Stun: Unconscious: Movement Data Weapon Skill AP/BD Range Ammo Notes Walk: 16 m Run/Evade: 26 m Sprint: 52 m Hand-to-HandAniMelee Martial+3 Arts 0M / 2 ( Melee ) N/A Check for Plague Infection Climb: 4 m Crawl: 4 m Swim: 0 m / ( / / / ) / ( / / / )

TROOPER 6 Character Name: Squad: Condition Monitor Armor Standard Damage: Armor Type:None BAR (M/B/E/X):( / / / ) Fatigue Damage: Notes: Stun: Unconscious: Movement Data Weapon Skill AP/BD Range Ammo Notes Walk: 16 m Run/Evade: 26 m Sprint: 52 m Hand-to-HandAniMelee Martial+3 Arts 0M / 2 ( Melee ) N/A Check for Plague Infection Climb: 4 m Crawl: 4 m Swim: 0 m / ( / / / ) / ( / / / )

TROOPER 7 Character Name: Squad: Condition Monitor Armor Standard Damage: Armor Type:None BAR (M/B/E/X):( / / / ) Fatigue Damage: Notes: Stun: Unconscious: Movement Data Weapon Skill AP/BD Range Ammo Notes Walk: 16 m Run/Evade: 26 m Sprint: 52 m Hand-to-HandAniMelee Martial+3 Arts 0M / 2 ( Melee ) N/A Check for Plague Infection Climb: 4 m Crawl: 4 m Swim: 0 m / ( / / / ) / ( / / / )

© 20132010 The Topps Company, Inc. Classic BattleTech, BattleTech, ’Mech and BattleMech are trademarks of The Topps Company, Inc. All rights reserved. Catalyst Game Labs and the Catalyst Game Labs logo are trademarks of InMediaRes Production, LLC. Permission to photocopy for personal use. Isaac Newton (order #5214387) TM ZOMBIFIEDSQUAD SOLDIER COMBAT SQUAD RECORDRECORD SHEETSHEET

TROOPER 1 Character Name: Squad: Condition Monitor Armor Standard Damage: Armor Type:Flak Vest (Torso) BAR (M/B/E/X):( 3 / 4 / 3 / 2 ) Fatigue Damage: Notes: Stun: Unconscious: Movement Data Weapon Skill AP/BD Range Ammo Notes Walk: 24 m Run/Evade: 34 m Sprint: 68 m Hand-to-HandAniMelee Martial+4 Arts 0M / 3 ( Melee ) N/A Check for Plague Infection Climb: 6 m Crawl: 6 m Swim: 0 m / ( / / / ) / ( / / / )

TROOPER 2 Character Name: Squad: Condition Monitor Armor Standard Damage: Armor Type:Flak Vest (Torso) BAR (M/B/E/X):( 3 / 4 / 3 / 2 ) Fatigue Damage: Notes: Stun: Unconscious: Movement Data Weapon Skill AP/BD Range Ammo Notes Walk: 24 m Run/Evade: 34 m Sprint: 68 m Hand-to-HandAniMelee Martial+4 Arts 0M / 3 ( Melee ) N/A Check for Plague Infection Climb: 6 m Crawl: 6 m Swim: 0 m / ( / / / ) / ( / / / )

TROOPER 3 Character Name: Squad: Condition Monitor Armor Standard Damage: Armor Type:Flak Vest (Torso) BAR (M/B/E/X):( 3 / 4 / 3 / 2 ) Fatigue Damage: Notes: Stun: Unconscious: Movement Data Weapon Skill AP/BD Range Ammo Notes Walk: 24 m Run/Evade: 34 m Sprint: 68 m Hand-to-HandAniMelee Martial+4 Arts 0M / 3 ( Melee ) N/A Check for Plague Infection Climb: 6 m Crawl: 6 m Swim: 0 m / ( / / / ) / ( / / / )

TROOPER 4 Character Name: Squad: Condition Monitor Armor Standard Damage: Armor Type:Flak Vest (Torso) BAR (M/B/E/X):( 3 / 4 / 3 / 2 ) Fatigue Damage: Notes: Stun: Unconscious: Movement Data Weapon Skill AP/BD Range Ammo Notes Walk: 24 m Run/Evade: 34 m Sprint: 68 m Hand-to-HandAniMelee Martial+4 Arts 0M / 3 ( Melee ) N/A Check for Plague Infection Climb: 6 m Crawl: 6 m Swim: 0 m / ( / / / ) / ( / / / )

TROOPER 5 Character Name: Squad: Condition Monitor Armor Standard Damage: Armor Type:Flak Vest (Torso) BAR (M/B/E/X):( 3 / 4 / 3 / 2 ) Fatigue Damage: Notes: Stun: Unconscious: Movement Data Weapon Skill AP/BD Range Ammo Notes Walk: 24 m Run/Evade: 34 m Sprint: 68 m Hand-to-HandAniMelee Martial+4 Arts 0M / 3 ( Melee ) N/A Check for Plague Infection Climb: 6 m Crawl: 6 m Swim: 0 m / ( / / / ) / ( / / / )

TROOPER 6 Character Name: Squad: Condition Monitor Armor Standard Damage: Armor Type:Flak Vest (Torso) BAR (M/B/E/X):( 3 / 4 / 3 / 2 ) Fatigue Damage: Notes: Stun: Unconscious: Movement Data Weapon Skill AP/BD Range Ammo Notes Walk: 24 m Run/Evade: 34 m Sprint: 68 m Hand-to-HandAniMelee Martial+4 Arts 0M / 3 ( Melee ) N/A Check for Plague Infection Climb: 6 m Crawl: 6 m Swim: 0 m / ( / / / ) / ( / / / )

TROOPER 7 Character Name: Squad: Condition Monitor Armor Standard Damage: Armor Type:Flak Vest (Torso) BAR (M/B/E/X):( 3 / 4 / 3 / 2 ) Fatigue Damage: Notes: Stun: Unconscious: Movement Data Weapon Skill AP/BD Range Ammo Notes Walk: 24 m Run/Evade: 34 m Sprint: 68 m Hand-to-HandAniMelee Martial+4 Arts 0M / 3 ( Melee ) N/A Check for Plague Infection Climb: 6 m Crawl: 6 m Swim: 0 m / ( / / / ) / ( / / / )

© 20132010 The Topps Company, Inc. Classic BattleTech, BattleTech, ’Mech and BattleMech are trademarks of The Topps Company, Inc. All rights reserved. Catalyst Game Labs and the Catalyst Game Labs logo are trademarks of InMediaRes Production, LLC. Permission to photocopy for personal use. Isaac Newton (order #5214387) TM ZOMBIFIEDSQUAD MANEI COMBAT DOMINI SQUAD RECORDRECORD SHEETSHEET

TROOPER 1 Character Name: Squad: Condition Monitor Armor Standard Damage: Fatigue Armor Type:Dermal (Full) BAR (M/B/E/X):( 4 / 4 / 3 / 4 ) Damage:Fatigue Damage: Damage: Notes: Stun: Unconscious: Movement Data Weapon Skill AP/BD Range Ammo Notes Walk: 30 m Run/Evade: 40 m Sprint: 80 m Hand-to-HandAniMelee Martial+5 Arts 0M / 4 ( Melee ) N/A Check for Plague Infection Climb: 7 m Crawl: 8 m Swim: 0 m Arm Blade +5 1M / 5 ( /Melee / / ) N/A / ( / / / )

TROOPER 2 Character Name: Squad: Condition Monitor Armor Standard Damage: Fatigue Armor Type:Dermal (Full) BAR (M/B/E/X):( 4 / 4 / 3 / 4 ) Damage:Fatigue Damage: Damage: Notes: Stun: Unconscious: Movement Data Weapon Skill AP/BD Range Ammo Notes Walk: 30 m Run/Evade: 40 m Sprint: 80 m Hand-to-HandAniMelee Martial+5 Arts 0M / 4 ( Melee ) N/A Check for Plague Infection Climb: 7 m Crawl: 8 m Swim: 0 m Arm Blade +5 1M / 5 ( /Melee / / ) N/A / ( / / / )

TROOPER 3 Character Name: Squad: Condition Monitor Armor Standard Damage: Fatigue Armor Type:Dermal (Full) BAR (M/B/E/X):( 4 / 4 / 3 / 4 ) Damage:Fatigue Damage: Damage: Notes: Stun: Unconscious: Movement Data Weapon Skill AP/BD Range Ammo Notes Walk: 30 m Run/Evade: 40 m Sprint: 80 m Hand-to-HandAniMelee Martial+5 Arts 0M / 4 ( Melee ) N/A Check for Plague Infection Climb: 7 m Crawl: 8 m Swim: 0 m Arm Blade +5 1M / 5 ( /Melee / / ) N/A / ( / / / )

TROOPER 4 Character Name: Squad: Condition Monitor Armor Standard Damage: Fatigue Armor Type:Dermal (Full) BAR (M/B/E/X):( 4 / 4 / 3 / 4 ) Damage:Fatigue Damage: Damage: Notes: Stun: Unconscious: Movement Data Weapon Skill AP/BD Range Ammo Notes Walk: 30 m Run/Evade: 40 m Sprint: 80 m Hand-to-HandAniMelee Martial+5 Arts 0M / 4 ( Melee ) N/A Check for Plague Infection Climb: 7 m Crawl: 8 m Swim: 0 m Arm Blade +5 1M / 5 ( /Melee / / ) N/A / ( / / / )

TROOPER 5 Character Name: Squad: Condition Monitor Armor Standard Damage: Fatigue Armor Type:Dermal (Full) BAR (M/B/E/X):( 4 / 4 / 3 / 4 ) Damage:Fatigue Damage: Damage: Notes: Stun: Unconscious: Movement Data Weapon Skill AP/BD Range Ammo Notes Walk: 30 m Run/Evade: 40 m Sprint: 80 m Hand-to-HandAniMelee Martial+5 Arts 0M / 4 ( Melee ) N/A Check for Plague Infection Climb: 7 m Crawl: 8 m Swim: 0 m Arm Blade +5 1M / 5 ( /Melee / / ) N/A / ( / / / )

TROOPER 6 Character Name: Squad: Condition Monitor Armor Standard Damage: Fatigue Armor Type:Dermal (Full) BAR (M/B/E/X):( 4 / 4 / 3 / 4 ) Damage:Fatigue Damage: Damage: Notes: Stun: Unconscious: Movement Data Weapon Skill AP/BD Range Ammo Notes Walk: 30 m Run/Evade: 40 m Sprint: 80 m Hand-to-HandAniMelee Martial+5 Arts 0M / 4 ( Melee ) N/A Check for Plague Infection Climb: 7 m Crawl: 8 m Swim: 0 m Arm Blade +5 1M / 5 ( /Melee / / ) N/A / ( / / / )

TROOPER 7 Character Name: Squad: Condition Monitor Armor Standard Damage: Fatigue Armor Type:Dermal (Full) BAR (M/B/E/X):( 4 / 4 / 3 / 4 ) Damage:Fatigue Damage: Damage: Notes: Stun: Unconscious: Movement Data Weapon Skill AP/BD Range Ammo Notes Walk: 30 m Run/Evade: 40 m Sprint: 80 m Hand-to-HandAniMelee Martial+5 Arts 0M / 4 ( Melee ) N/A Check for Plague Infection Climb: 7 m Crawl: 8 m Swim: 0 m Arm Blade +5 1M / 5 ( /Melee / / ) N/A / ( / / / )

© 20132010 The Topps Company, Inc. Classic BattleTech, BattleTech, ’Mech and BattleMech are trademarks of The Topps Company, Inc. All rights reserved. Catalyst Game Labs and the Catalyst Game Labs logo are trademarks of InMediaRes Production, LLC. Permission to photocopy for personal use. Isaac Newton (order #5214387) TM NECROMOSQUAD SURVIVOR COMBAT SQUAD RECORDRECORD SHEETSHEET

TROOPER 1 Character Name: Squad: Condition Monitor Armor Standard Damage: Armor Type:Flak Vest (Torso) BAR (M/B/E/X):( 3 / 4 / 3 / 2 ) Fatigue Damage: Notes: Stun: Unconscious: Movement Data Weapon Skill AP/BD Range Ammo Notes Walk: 12 m Run/Evade: 22 m Sprint: 44 m Hand-to-HandMartial Arts Martial+3 Arts 0M / 1 ( Melee ) N/A Climb: 3 m Crawl: 3 m Swim: 3 m Auto Pistol +3 3B / 4 ( 5 /20 /45 /105 ) 10 Jam on Fumble Knife +1 1M / 1 ( /Melee / / ) N/A TROOPER 2 Character Name: Squad: Condition Monitor Armor Standard Damage: Armor Type:Flak Vest (Torso) BAR (M/B/E/X):( 3 / 4 / 3 / 2 ) Fatigue Damage: Notes: Stun: Unconscious: Movement Data Weapon Skill AP/BD Range Ammo Notes Walk: 12 m Run/Evade: 22 m Sprint: 44 m Hand-to-HandMartial Arts Martial+3 Arts 0M / 1 ( Melee ) N/A Climb: 3 m Crawl: 3 m Swim: 3 m Auto Pistol +3 3B / 4 ( 5 /20 /45 /105 ) 10 Jam on Fumble Knife +1 1M / 1 ( /Melee / / ) N/A TROOPER 3 Character Name: Squad: Condition Monitor Armor Standard Damage: Armor Type:Flak Vest (Torso) BAR (M/B/E/X):( 3 / 4 / 3 / 2 ) Fatigue Damage: Notes: Stun: Unconscious: Movement Data Weapon Skill AP/BD Range Ammo Notes Walk: 12 m Run/Evade: 22 m Sprint: 44 m Hand-to-HandMartial Arts Martial+3 Arts 0M / 1 ( Melee ) N/A Climb: 3 m Crawl: 3 m Swim: 3 m Auto Pistol +3 3B / 4 ( 5 /20 /45 /105 ) 10 Jam on Fumble Knife +1 1M / 1 ( /Melee / / ) N/A TROOPER 4 Character Name: Squad: Condition Monitor Armor Standard Damage: Armor Type:Flak Vest (Torso) BAR (M/B/E/X):( 3 / 4 / 3 / 2 ) Fatigue Damage: Notes: Stun: Unconscious: Movement Data Weapon Skill AP/BD Range Ammo Notes Walk: 12 m Run/Evade: 22 m Sprint: 44 m Hand-to-HandMartial Arts Martial+3 Arts 0M / 1 ( Melee ) N/A Climb: 3 m Crawl: 3 m Swim: 3 m Auto Pistol +3 3B / 4 ( 5 /20 /45 /105 ) 10 Jam on Fumble Knife +1 1M / 1 ( /Melee / / ) N/A TROOPER 5 Character Name: Squad: Condition Monitor Armor Standard Damage: Armor Type:Flak Vest (Torso) BAR (M/B/E/X):( 3 / 4 / 3 / 2 ) Fatigue Damage: Notes: Stun: Unconscious: Movement Data Weapon Skill AP/BD Range Ammo Notes Walk: 12 m Run/Evade: 22 m Sprint: 44 m Hand-to-HandMartial Arts Martial+3 Arts 0M / 1 ( Melee ) N/A Climb: 3 m Crawl: 3 m Swim: 3 m Auto Pistol +3 3B / 4 ( 5 /20 /45 /105 ) 10 Jam on Fumble Knife +1 1M / 1 ( /Melee / / ) N/A TROOPER 6 Character Name: Squad: Condition Monitor Armor Standard Damage: Armor Type:Flak Vest (Torso) BAR (M/B/E/X):( 3 / 4 / 3 / 2 ) Fatigue Damage: Notes: Stun: Unconscious: Movement Data Weapon Skill AP/BD Range Ammo Notes Walk: 12 m Run/Evade: 22 m Sprint: 44 m Hand-to-HandMartial Arts Martial+3 Arts 0M / 1 ( Melee ) N/A Climb: 3 m Crawl: 3 m Swim: 3 m Auto Pistol +3 3B / 4 ( 5 /20 /45 /105 ) 10 Jam on Fumble Knife +1 1M / 1 ( /Melee / / ) N/A TROOPER 7 Character Name: Squad: Condition Monitor Armor Standard Damage: Armor Type:Flak Vest (Torso) BAR (M/B/E/X):( 3 / 4 / 3 / 2 ) Fatigue Damage: Notes: Stun: Unconscious: Movement Data Weapon Skill AP/BD Range Ammo Notes Walk: 12 m Run/Evade: 22 m Sprint: 44 m Hand-to-HandMartial Arts Martial+3 Arts 0M / 1 ( Melee ) N/A Climb: 3 m Crawl: 3 m Swim: 3 m Auto Pistol +3 3B / 4 ( 5 /20 /45 /105 ) 10 Jam on Fumble Knife +1 1M / 1 ( /Melee / / ) N/A

© 20132010 The Topps Company, Inc. Classic BattleTech, BattleTech, ’Mech and BattleMech are trademarks of The Topps Company, Inc. All rights reserved. Catalyst Game Labs and the Catalyst Game Labs logo are trademarks of InMediaRes Production, LLC. Permission to photocopy for personal use. Isaac Newton (order #5214387) TM MANEI DOMINISQUAD SURVIVOR COMBAT SQUAD RECORDRECORD SHEETSHEET

TROOPER 1 Character Name: Squad: Condition Monitor Armor Standard Damage: Armor Type:WoB Suit (Full) BAR (M/B/E/X):( 4 / 6 / 5 / 4 ) Fatigue Damage: Notes: Stun: Unconscious: Movement Data Weapon Skill AP/BD Range Ammo Notes Walk: 16 m Run/Evade: 26 m Sprint: 52 m Hand-to-HandMartial Arts Martial+8 Arts 0M / 2 ( Melee ) N/A Climb: 8 m Crawl: 4 m Swim: 8 m Vibroblade +8 6M / 4 ( /Melee / / ) 1 PPS Mauser 1200 LSS +8 4E / 4B ( 55 /170 /365 /740 ) 5 PPS Burst 5; Recoil 0 TROOPER 2 Character Name: Squad: Condition Monitor Armor Standard Damage: Armor Type:WoB Suit (Full) BAR (M/B/E/X):( 4 / 6 / 5 / 4 ) Fatigue Damage: Notes: Stun: Unconscious: Movement Data Weapon Skill AP/BD Range Ammo Notes Walk: 16 m Run/Evade: 26 m Sprint: 52 m Hand-to-HandMartial Arts Martial+8 Arts 0M / 2 ( Melee ) N/A Climb: 8 m Crawl: 4 m Swim: 8 m Vibroblade +8 6M / 4 ( /Melee / / ) 1 PPS Mauser 1200 LSS +8 4E / 4B ( 55 /170 /365 /740 ) 5 PPS Burst 5; Recoil 0 TROOPER 3 Character Name: Squad: Condition Monitor Armor Standard Damage: Armor Type:WoB Suit (Full) BAR (M/B/E/X):( 4 / 6 / 5 / 4 ) Fatigue Damage: Notes: Stun: Unconscious: Movement Data Weapon Skill AP/BD Range Ammo Notes Walk: 16 m Run/Evade: 26 m Sprint: 52 m Hand-to-HandMartial Arts Martial+8 Arts 0M / 2 ( Melee ) N/A Climb: 8 m Crawl: 4 m Swim: 8 m Vibroblade +8 6M / 4 ( /Melee / / ) 1 PPS Mauser 1200 LSS +8 4E / 4B ( 55 /170 /365 /740 ) 5 PPS Burst 5; Recoil 0 TROOPER 4 Character Name: Squad: Condition Monitor Armor Standard Damage: Armor Type:WoB Suit (Full) BAR (M/B/E/X):( 4 / 6 / 5 / 4 ) Fatigue Damage: Notes: Stun: Unconscious: Movement Data Weapon Skill AP/BD Range Ammo Notes Walk: 16 m Run/Evade: 26 m Sprint: 52 m Hand-to-HandMartial Arts Martial+8 Arts 0M / 2 ( Melee ) N/A Climb: 8 m Crawl: 4 m Swim: 8 m Vibroblade +8 6M / 4 ( /Melee / / ) 1 PPS Mauser 1200 LSS +8 4E / 4B ( 55 /170 /365 /740 ) 5 PPS Burst 5; Recoil 0 TROOPER 5 Character Name: Squad: Condition Monitor Armor Standard Damage: Armor Type:WoB Suit (Full) BAR (M/B/E/X):( 4 / 6 / 5 / 4 ) Fatigue Damage: Notes: Stun: Unconscious: Movement Data Weapon Skill AP/BD Range Ammo Notes Walk: 16 m Run/Evade: 26 m Sprint: 52 m Hand-to-HandMartial Arts Martial+8 Arts 0M / 2 ( Melee ) N/A Climb: 8 m Crawl: 4 m Swim: 8 m Vibroblade +8 6M / 4 ( /Melee / / ) 1 PPS Mauser 1200 LSS +8 4E / 4B ( 55 /170 /365 /740 ) 5 PPS Burst 5; Recoil 0 TROOPER 6 Character Name: Squad: Condition Monitor Armor Standard Damage: Armor Type:WoB Suit (Full) BAR (M/B/E/X):( 4 / 6 / 5 / 4 ) Fatigue Damage: Notes: Stun: Unconscious: Movement Data Weapon Skill AP/BD Range Ammo Notes Walk: 16 m Run/Evade: 26 m Sprint: 52 m Hand-to-HandMartial Arts Martial+8 Arts 0M / 2 ( Melee ) N/A Climb: 8 m Crawl: 4 m Swim: 8 m Vibroblade +8 6M / 4 ( /Melee / / ) 1 PPS Mauser 1200 LSS +8 4E / 4B ( 55 /170 /365 /740 ) 5 PPS Burst 5; Recoil 0 TROOPER 7 Character Name: Squad: Condition Monitor Armor Standard Damage: Armor Type:WoB Suit (Full) BAR (M/B/E/X):( 4 / 6 / 5 / 4 ) Fatigue Damage: Notes: Stun: Unconscious: Movement Data Weapon Skill AP/BD Range Ammo Notes Walk: 16 m Run/Evade: 26 m Sprint: 52 m Hand-to-HandMartial Arts Martial+8 Arts 0M / 2 ( Melee ) N/A Climb: 8 m Crawl: 4 m Swim: 8 m Vibroblade +8 6M / 4 ( /Melee / / ) 1 PPS Mauser 1200 LSS +8 4E / 4B ( 55 /170 /365 /740 ) 5 PPS Burst 5; Recoil 0

© 20132010 The Topps Company, Inc. Classic BattleTech, BattleTech, ’Mech and BattleMech are trademarks of The Topps Company, Inc. All rights reserved. Catalyst Game Labs and the Catalyst Game Labs logo are trademarks of InMediaRes Production, LLC. Permission to photocopy for personal use. Isaac Newton (order #5214387) TM TM ARMOR DIAGRAM ARMORHead DIAGRAM (6) Left Torso Right Torso Head (6) Left Torso(11) Right(11) Torso (11) (11) ’MECH RECORD SHEET ’MECH RECORD SHEET 'MECH DATA WARRIOR DATA 'MECH DATA WARRIOR DATA Type: RVN-3L RAVEN Name: Type:MovementRVN-3LdRVN-3L Points: RAVEN RAVENTonnage: (Drone) 35 GunneryName: Skill: Piloting Skill: Movement Points: Tonnage: 35 Gunnery Skill: Piloting Skill: Walking: 6 Tech Base: Inner Sphere Hits Taken 1 2 3 4 5 6 Running:Walking: 96 Tech Base: InnerSuccession Sphere Consciousness#Hits Taken 13 25 37 10 4 11 5 Dead 6 Jumping:Running: 09 SuccessionWars Consciousness# 3 5 7 10 11 Dead Jumping: 0 Wars Weapons & Equipment Inventory (hexes) QtyWeapons Type & EquipmentLoc Ht Inventory Dmg Min Sht(hexes) Med Lng Qty2 TypeMedium Laser Loc RA Ht 3 5 Dmg [DE] Min— Sht3 Med 6 Lng 9 Center Left Arm Right Arm 21 MediumNarc Missile Laser RALA 30 5 [E][DE] — 3 6 9 CenterTorso Left(8) Arm (11) Right(8) Arm 1 NarcBeacon Missile LA 0 [E] — 3 6 9 Torso (8) (11) (8) 1 SRMBeacon 6 RT 4 2/Msl — 3 6 9 1 SRM 6 RT 4 [M,C,S] 2/Msl — 3 6 9 1 TAG RT 0 [M,C,S] [E] — 5 9 15 Left Right 1 TAGGuardian ECM RT LT —0 [E] — — 5 — 9 15 6 LeftLeg Center RightLeg (8) (8) 1 SuiteGuardian ECM LT — [E] — — — 6 Leg CenterTorso Leg (8) Rear (3) (8) 1 SuiteBeagle Active CT — [E] — — — 4 Torso Rear (3) 1 ProbeBeagle Active CT — [E] — — — 4 Probe

The Broken Left Right BV: 708 TorsoLeft Rear TorsoRight Rear BV: 708 Torso(3) Rear Torso(3) Rear (3) (3) Heat CRITICAL HIT TABLE INTERNAL STRUCTURE DIAGRAM CRITICAL HIT TABLE Head ScaleHeat INTERNAL STRUCTUREHead DIAGRAM ScaleOverflow Left Arm 1.HeadLife Support Right Arm Left Torso (8) Head Right Torso (8) Overflow 1. Shoulder 2. Sensors 1. Shoulder Left Arm 1. Life Support Right Arm Left Torso (8) Right Torso (8) 2. Upper Arm Actuator 3. Cockpit 2. Upper Arm Actuator 1. Shoulder 2. Sensors 1. Shoulder 30 * 2.3. Narc Upper Missile Arm Actuator Beacon 3.4. HeatCockpitRobotic Sink Cockpit 2.3. MediumUpper Arm Laser Actuator 1-3 1-3 2930 * 3.4. Narc Missile Beacon 4.5. HeatSensorsRoll Again Sink 3.4. Medium Laser 1-3 4.5. NarcFerro-Fibrous Missile Beacon 5.6. SensorsLife Support 1-3 4.5. MediumFerro-Fibrous Laser 2829 * 5.6. Ferro-Fibrous 6. Life Support 5.6. Ferro-Fibrous 2728 * 6. Ferro-Fibrous 6. Ferro-Fibrous 1. Ferro-Fibrous Center Torso 1. Ferro-Fibrous Left Right 2627 * 1. XL Fusion Engine 1.2. Ferro-Fibrous Center Torso 1.2. Ferro-Fibrous ArmLeft RightArm 2526 * 2. XL Fusion Engine 2.3. Ferro-Fibrous 1. XL Fusion Engine 2.3. Ferro-Fibrous Arm(6) Arm (6) 4-6 3. XL Fusion Engine 4-6 2425 * 3.4. Ferro-Fibrous 2. XL Fusion Engine 3.4. Ferro-Fibrous (6) (6) 1-3 4. Gyro Center 2324 * 4-6 4.5. Ferro-Fibrous 3. XL Fusion Engine 4-6 4.5. Ferro-Fibrous 1-3 5. Gyro CenterTorso 5.6. Ferro-FibrousRoll Again 4. Gyro 5.6. Ferro-FibrousRoll Again 2223 * 6. Gyro Torso(11) 6. Roll Again 5. Gyro 6. Roll Again 2122 * (11) 6. Gyro Left Right 1. Gyro 2021 * 2. XL Fusion Engine LeftLeg RightLeg Left Torso 1. Gyro Right Torso 1920 * 2.3. XL Fusion Engine Leg(8) Leg(8) 1.LeftXL Fusion Torso Engine 1.RightXL Fusion Torso Engine 19 * 4-6 3.4. XL Fusion Engine (8) (8) 18 1.2. XL Fusion Engine 1.2. XL Fusion Engine 4-6 4.5. XLBeagle Fusion Active Engine Probe 1718 * 2.3. XL Fusion Engine 2.3. XL Fusion Engine 1-3 5.6. Beagle Active Probe 1-3 1617 * 3.4. XLAmmo Fusion (Narc Engine Pods) 6 3.4. XLSRM Fusion 6 Engine 6. Beagle Active Probe 1-3 4.5. Ammo (Narc Pods) 6 1-3 4.5. SRM 6 HEAT DATA 1516 * 5.6. Ammo (Narc(SRM 6Pods) Narc) 6 15 Engine Hits 5.6. SRMTAG 6 HeatHEAT DATA Heat Sinks: 1415 * Engine Hits Effects 11 1.6. GuardianAmmo (SRM ECM 6 SuiteNarc) 15 Gyro Hits 1.6. RollTAG Again Level*Heat Heat Sinks: 1314 * Level*30 ShutdownEffects Single1110 1.2. Guardian ECM Suite SensorGyro Hits 1.2. Roll Again 1213 * 2830 AmmoShutdown Exp. avoid on 8+ Single 2.3. GuardianCASE ECM Suite LifeSensor Support Hits 2.3. Roll Again 4-6 4-6 2826 AmmoShutdown, Exp. avoid avoid on on 10+ 8+ 1112 3.4. CASERoll Again 3.4. Roll Again Life Support 2625 Shutdown,–5 Movement avoid Points on 10+ 11 4-6 5. Roll Again 4-6 5. Roll Again 10 * 4. Roll Again 4. Roll Again 2524 –5+4 MovementModifier to PointsFire 10 9 * 5.6. Roll Again 5.6. Roll Again 2423 +4Ammo Modifier Exp. avoidto Fire on 6+ 6. Roll Again 6. Roll Again 2322 AmmoShutdown, Exp. avoid avoid on on 8+ 6+ 89 * 20 –4 Movement Points 22 Shutdown, avoid on 8+ 78 * 2019 –4Ammo Movement Exp. avoid Points on 4+ 7 Left Leg Right Leg 1918 AmmoShutdown, Exp. avoid avoid on on 6+ 4+ 6 1.Left Hip Leg 1.RightHip Leg 1817 Shutdown,+3 Modifier avoid to Fire on 6+ 56 * 15 –3 Movement Points 1.2. HipUpper Leg Actuator 1.2. HipUpper Leg Actuator 17 +3 Modifier to Fire 5 * 14 Shutdown, avoid on 4+ 4 2.3. UpperLower Leg Actuator 2.3. UpperLower Leg Actuator 15 –3 Movement Points 13 Shutdown,+2 Modifier avoid to Fire on 4+ 34 3.4. LowerFoot Actuator Leg Actuator 3.4. LowerFoot Actuator Leg Actuator 14 1310 +2–2 MovementModifier to PointsFire 3 4.5. FootHeat ActuatorSink 4.5. HeatFoot ActuatorSink 2 Damage Transfer 10 8 –2+1 MovementModifier to PointsFire 5.6. HeatRoll Again Sink 5.6. HeatRoll Again Sink 12 DamageDiagram Transfer 85 +1–1 MovementModifier to PointsFire 6. Roll Again 6. Roll Again Diagram 5 –1 Movement Points 01 © 2010 The Topps Company, Inc. Classic BattleTech, BattleTech, ’Mech and BattleMech are trademarks of The Topps Company, Inc. All rights reserved. Catalyst Game Labs and the 0 © 20132010 The Topps Company, Inc.Catalyst Classic GameBattleTech, Labs logoBattleTech, are trademarks ’Mech and of BattleMechInMediaRes areProduction, trademarks LLC. of Permission The Topps toCompany, photocopy Inc. for All personal rights reserved. use. Catalyst Game Labs and the Catalyst Game Labs logo are trademarks of InMediaRes Production, LLC. Permission to photocopy for personal use. Isaac Newton (order #5214387) TM ARMOR DIAGRAM Head (9) TM Left Torso Right Torso ARMOR(16) DIAGRAM(16) Head (9) Left Torso Right Torso ’MECH RECORD SHEET (16) (16) 'MECH DATA WARRIOR DATA ’MECH RECORD SHEET Type: VND-3LdVND-3L VINDICATOR VINDICATOR (Drone) Name: 'MECHMovement DATA Points: Tonnage: 45 GunneryWARRIOR Skill: DATA Piloting Skill:

Type:Walking:VND-3L 4 VINDICATORTech Base: Inner Sphere Name:Hits Taken 1 2 3 4 5 6 Clan Invasion MovementRunning: Points:6 Tonnage: 45 Consciousness#Gunnery Skill: 3 5 Piloting 7 10 Skill: 11 Dead Jumping: 40 Walking: 4 Tech Base: Inner Sphere Hits Taken 1 2 3 4 5 6 WeaponsRunning: & Equipment6 Inventory Clan(hexes) Invasion Consciousness# 3 5 7 10 11 Dead Jumping: 4 Qty Type Loc Ht Dmg Min Sht Med Lng 1 ER PPC RA 15 10 (DE) — 7 14 23 Center Weapons & Equipment Inventory (hexes) Left Arm Torso Right Arm 21 ER LRM Medium 5 Lasers LLTT 5 2 1/Msl5 (DE) — 6 4 7 148 1221 (14) (14) Qty Type Loc Ht Dmg Min Sht Med Lng (18) 1 Med. Pulse Laser HD 4 (M,C,S)6 (P) — 2 4 6 1 ER PPC RA 15 10 (DE) — 7 14 23 Center 1 Med. Pulse Laser HD 4 6 (P) — 2 4 6 Left Arm Right Arm 1 LRM 5 LT 2 1/Msl 6 7 14 21 Torso (14) (18) (14) (M,C,S) Left Right 1 Med. Pulse Laser HD 4 6 (P) — 2 4 6 Leg Center Leg (18) Torso (18) Left Rear (9) Right Leg Center Leg (18) Torso (18) The Broken Rear (9)

Left Right BV: 1,105 Torso Rear Torso Rear (6) (6) Left Right BV: 1,105 Torso Rear Torso HeatRear CRITICAL HIT TABLE INTERNAL STRUCTURE DIAGRAM Head (6) (6)Scale Head Overflow Left Arm 1. Life Support Right Arm CRITICAL HIT TABLE Left Torso (11) Right Torso (11) Heat 1. Shoulder 2. Sensors 1. Shoulder INTERNAL STRUCTURE DIAGRAM Scale 2. Upper Arm Actuator 3.HeadCockpitRobotic Cockpit 2. Upper Arm Actuator Head Overflow30 * 3.LeftLower Arm Arm Actuator 1.4. LifeMedium Support Pulse Laser 3.RightLower ArmArm Actuator Left Torso (11) Right Torso (11) 1-3 1.4. ShoulderHand Actuator 2.5. Sensors 1-3 1.4. ShoulderDouble Heat Sink 29 2.5. UpperDouble Arm Heat Actuator Sink 3.6. CockpitLife Support 2.5. DoubleUpper Arm Heat Actuator Sink 28 * 30 * 3.6. LowerDouble Arm Heat Actuator Sink 4. Medium Pulse Laser 3.6. DoubleLower Arm Heat Actuator Sink 27 1-3 4. Hand Actuator 5. Sensors 1-3 4. Double Heat Sink 29 1. Double Heat Sink Center Torso 1. ER PPC Left Right 26 * 5. Double Heat Sink 6. Life Support 5. Double Heat Sink 28 * 2. Roll Again 1. Fusion Engine 2. ER PPC Arm Arm 6. Double Heat Sink 6. Double Heat Sink 25 * 3. Roll Again 2. Fusion Engine 3. ER PPC (7) (7) 27 24 * 4-6 1.4. DoubleRoll Again Heat Sink 3.CenterFusion Engine Torso 4-6 1.4. ERRoll PPC Again Left Right 26 * 1-3 Center * 2.5. Roll Again 1.4. FusionGyro Engine 2.5. ERRoll PPC Again Arm Arm 23 Torso 25 * 3.6. Roll Again 2.5. FusionGyro Engine 3.6. ERRoll PPC Again (7) (7) 22 * 4-6 6.3. GyroFusion Engine 4-6 (14) 24 * 4. Roll Again 4. Roll Again 21 1-3 4. Gyro Center 23 * 5. Roll Again 1. Gyro 5. Roll Again Left Right 5. Gyro Torso 20 * 6. Roll Again 2. Fusion Engine 6. Roll Again Leg Leg 22 * Left Torso 6. Gyro Right Torso (14) 19 * 3. Fusion Engine (11) (11) 21 1. Double Heat Sink 1. Double Heat Sink 4-6 4.1. FusionGyro Engine Left Right 18 * 2. Double Heat Sink 2. Double Heat Sink 20 * 2.5. RollFusionJump Again Jet Engine Leg Leg 17 * 3.LeftDouble Torso Heat Sink 3.RightDouble TorsoHeat Sink 19 * 3.6. RollFusionJump Again Jet Engine (11) (11) 1-3 1.4. Double Heat Sink 1-3 1.4. Double Heat Sink 16 4-6 4. Fusion Engine 18 * 2.5. Double Heat Sink 2.5. Double Heat Sink HEAT DATA 15 * 5. Jump Jet 17 * 3.6. Double Heat Sink Engine Hits 3.6. Double Heat Sink Heat Heat Sinks: 14 * 6. Jump Jet 16 1-3 4. Double Heat Sink 1-3 4. Double Heat Sink Effects 1615 (32)(30) 1. Double Heat Sink Gyro Hits 1. Double Heat Sink Level* 13 * 5. Double Heat Sink 5. Double Heat Sink 30HEATShutdown DATA Double 15 * 2. Double Heat Sink Sensor Hits 2. Double Heat Sink 6. Double Heat Sink Engine Hits 6. Double Heat Sink 28 Ammo Exp. avoid on 8+ Heat Sinks: 12 * 3. Double Heat Sink 3. Double Heat Sink Heat 14 Life Support 26 Shutdown,Effects avoid on 10+ 15 (30) 11 4-6 1.4. DoubleLRMER Medium 5 Heat Laser Sink Gyro Hits 4-6 1.4. DoubleAmmo (LRMHeat Sink5) 24 Level* 13 * 2530 –5Shutdown Movement Points Double 2.5. DoubleRollER MediumAgain Heat Laser Sink Sensor Hits 2.5. DoubleCASE Heat Sink 10 * 2824 Ammo+4 Modifier Exp. avoidto Fire on 8+ 12 3.6. DoubleRoll Again Heat Sink 3.6. DoubleRoll Again Heat Sink 9 4-6 Life Support 4-6 2623 Shutdown,Ammo Exp. avoid avoid on on 10+ 6+ 11 4. LRM 5 4. Ammo (LRM 5) 24 2522 –5Shutdown, Movement avoid Points on 8+ 8 * 5. Roll Again 5. CASE 20 –4 Movement Points 10 * 24 +4 Modifier to Fire 7 6. Roll Again 6. Roll Again 2319 Ammo Exp. avoid on 6+4+ 9 Shutdown, avoid on 6+ 6 Left Leg Right Leg 2218 Shutdown, avoid on 8+ 8 * 1. Hip 1. Hip 2017 –4+3 MovementModifier to PointsFire 5 * 7 2. Upper Leg Actuator 2. Upper Leg Actuator 1915 Ammo–3 Movement Exp. avoid Points on 4+ Shutdown, avoid on 4+ 4 3.Left Lower Leg Leg Actuator 3.RightLower LegLeg Actuator 1814 Shutdown, avoid on 6+ 6 13 +2 Modifier to Fire 3 1.4. HipFoot Actuator 1.4. HipFoot Actuator 17 +3 Modifier to Fire 5 * 10 –2 Movement Points 2.5. UpperJumpRoll Again JetLeg Actuator 2.5. RollUpperJump Again JetLeg Actuator 15 –3 Movement Points 2 Damage Transfer 14 8 Shutdown,+1 Modifier avoid to Fire on 4+ 4 3.6. LowerRoll Again Leg Actuator 3.6. LowerRoll Again Leg Actuator 1 Diagram 13 5 +2–1 MovementModifier to PointsFire 3 4. Foot Actuator 4. Foot Actuator 10 –2 Movement Points 0 5. Jump Jet 5. Jump Jet 2 © 20132010 The Topps Company, Inc. Classic BattleTech, BattleTech,Damage ’Mech Transfer and BattleMech are trademarks of The Topps Company, 8 Inc. +1All rightsModifier reserved. to Fire Catalyst Game Labs and the 6. Roll Again 6. Roll Again 1 Catalyst Game Labs logo are trademarksDiagram of InMediaRes Production, LLC. Permission to photocopy 5 for–1 personal Movement use. Points Isaac Newton (order #5214387) 0 © 2010 The Topps Company, Inc. Classic BattleTech, BattleTech, ’Mech and BattleMech are trademarks of The Topps Company, Inc. All rights reserved. Catalyst Game Labs and the Catalyst Game Labs logo are trademarks of InMediaRes Production, LLC. Permission to photocopy for personal use. TM ARMOR DIAGRAM Head (9) Left Torso Right Torso (16) (16)

’MECH RECORD SHEET 'MECH DATA WARRIOR DATA Type: CTF-3DdCTF-3D CATAPHRACT CATAPHRACT (Drone) Name: Movement Points: Tonnage: 70 Gunnery Skill: Piloting Skill:

Walking: 4 Tech Base: Inner Sphere Hits Taken 1 2 3 4 5 6 Running: 6 Clan Invasion Consciousness# 3 5 7 10 11 Dead Jumping: 40

Weapons & Equipment Inventory (hexes) Qty Type Loc Ht Dmg Min Sht Med Lng 1 Ultra AC/5 RA 1/Sht 5/Sht 2 6 13 20 Center Left Arm Right Arm [DB,R/C] Torso (22) (26) (22) 1 Medium Laser RA 3 5 [DE] — 3 6 9 1 Medium Laser LA 3 5 [DE] — 3 6 9 1 ER LB Small10-X ACLaser RTLA 2 3 10(DE) — 2 6 124 185 1 LB 10-X AC R T 2 [DB,C/F/S]10 — 6 12 18 Left Right 1 Medium Laser RT(R) 3 [DB,C/F/S] 5 [DE] — 3 6 9 Leg Center Leg 1 Medium Laser R LT(R)T(R) 3 5 [DE] — 3 6 9 (19) Torso (19) Rear (9) 1 Medium Laser LT(R) 3 5 [DE] — 3 6 9

The Broken Left Right BV: 1,325 Torso Rear Torso Rear (9) (9)

Heat CRITICAL HIT TABLE INTERNAL STRUCTURE DIAGRAM Head Scale Head Overflow Left Arm 1. Life Support Right Arm Left Torso (15) Right Torso (15) 1. Shoulder 2. Sensors 1. Shoulder 2. Upper Arm Actuator 3. CockpitRobotic Cockpit 2. Upper Arm Actuator 30 * 3. Lower Arm Actuator 4. Heat Sink 3. Lower Arm Actuator 1-3 4. Hand Actuator 5. Sensors 1-3 4. Ultra AC/5 29 5. Medium Laser 6. Life Support 5. Ultra AC/5 28 * 6. RollER SmallAgain Laser 6. Ultra AC/5 27 1. Roll Again Center Torso 1. Ultra AC/5 Left Right 26 * 1. XL Fusion Engine 2. Roll Again 2. Ultra AC/5 Arm Arm 25 * 3. Roll Again 2. XL Fusion Engine 3. Medium Laser (11) (11) 24 * 4-6 4. Roll Again 3. XL Fusion Engine 4-6 4. Roll Again 1-3 Center 5. Roll Again 4. Gyro 5. Roll Again 23 * Torso 6. Roll Again 5. Gyro 6. Roll Again 22 * 6. Gyro (22) 21 Left Right 1. Gyro 20 * 2. XL Fusion Engine Leg Leg Left Torso Right Torso 19 * 3. XL Fusion Engine (15) (15) 1. XL Fusion Engine 1. XL Fusion Engine 4-6 4. XL Fusion Engine 18 * 2. XL Fusion Engine 2. XL Fusion Engine 5. Heat Sink 17 * 3. XL Fusion Engine 3. XL Fusion Engine 6. Heat Sink 1-3 4. Heat Sink 1-3 4. LB 10-X AC 16 5. Heat Sink 5. LB 10-X AC HEAT DATA 15 * 6. Medium Laser (R) Engine Hits 6. LB 10-X AC Heat Heat Sinks: 14 * Effects 16 1. Ammo (LB 10-X AC) 10 Gyro Hits 1. LB 10-X AC Level* 13 * 30 Shutdown Single 2. Ammo (LB 10-X AC Cluster) 10 Sensor Hits 2. LB 10-X AC 28 Ammo Exp. avoid on 8+ 12 3. CASE 3. LB 10-X AC 4-6 Life Support 4-6 26 Shutdown, avoid on 10+ 11 4. Roll Again 4. Medium Laser (R) –5 Movement Points 25 10 * 5. Roll Again 5. Ammo (Ultra AC/5) 20 24 +4 Modifier to Fire 6. Roll Again 6. CASE 23 Ammo Exp. avoid on 6+ 9 22 Shutdown, avoid on 8+ 8 * 20 –4 Movement Points 7 19 Ammo Exp. avoid on 4+ Left Leg Right Leg 18 Shutdown, avoid on 6+ 6 1. Hip 1. Hip 17 +3 Modifier to Fire 5 * 2. Upper Leg Actuator 2. Upper Leg Actuator 15 –3 Movement Points Shutdown, avoid on 4+ 4 3. Lower Leg Actuator 3. Lower Leg Actuator 14 13 +2 Modifier to Fire 3 4. Foot Actuator 4. Foot Actuator 10 –2 Movement Points 5. RollJump Again Jet 5. RollJump Again Jet 2 Damage Transfer 8 +1 Modifier to Fire 6. RollJump Again Jet 6. RollJump Again Jet Diagram 5 –1 Movement Points 1 0 © 20132010 The Topps Company, Inc. Classic BattleTech, BattleTech, ’Mech and BattleMech are trademarks of The Topps Company, Inc. All rights reserved. Catalyst Game Labs and the Catalyst Game Labs logo are trademarks of InMediaRes Production, LLC. Permission to photocopy for personal use. Isaac Newton (order #5214387) TM ARMOR DIAGRAM Head (9) Left Torso Right Torso (24) (24)

’MECH RECORD SHEET 'MECH DATA WARRIOR DATA Type: AWS-9MdAWS-9M AWESOME AWESOME (Drone) Name: Movement Points: Tonnage: 80 Gunnery Skill: Piloting Skill:

Walking: 4 Tech Base: Inner Sphere Hits Taken 1 2 3 4 5 6 Running: 6 Clan Invasion Consciousness# 3 5 7 10 11 Dead Jumping: 0

Weapons & Equipment Inventory (hexes) Qty Type Loc Ht Dmg Min Sht Med Lng 1 ER PPC RA 15 10 (DE) — 7 14 21 Center Left Arm Right Arm 1 ER Streak PPC SRM 2 R LAT 15 2 10 2/Msl (DE) — 73 14 6 21 7 Torso (26) (30) (26) 1 ER PPC LT 15 10(M,C) (DE) — 7 14 21 1 Med. ER PPC Pulse Laser CTRT 154 106 (P)(DE) — 2 7 144 216 1 Small ER PPC Pulse Laser HDLT 152 103 (P)(DE) — 1 7 142 213 1 Med. Pulse Laser CT 4 6 (P) — 2 4 6 Left Right 1 Streak SRM 2 CT 2 2/Msl — 3 6 7 Leg Center Leg (M,C) (34) Torso (34) Rear (20) 1 Small Pulse Laser HD 2 3 (P) — 1 2 3 The Broken

Left Right BV: 1,812 Torso Rear Torso Rear (10) (10)

Heat CRITICAL HIT TABLE INTERNAL STRUCTURE DIAGRAM Head Scale Head Overflow Left Arm 1. Life Support Right Arm Left Torso (17) Right Torso (17) 1. Shoulder 2. Sensors 1. Shoulder 2. Upper Arm Actuator 3. CockpitRobotic Cockpit 2. Upper Arm Actuator 30 * 3. Lower Arm Actuator 4. Small Pulse Laser 3. Lower Arm Actuator 1-3 4. Hand Actuator 5. Sensors 1-3 4. Double Heat Sink 29 5. Double Heat Sink 6. Life Support 5. Double Heat Sink 28 * 6. Double Heat Sink 6. Double Heat Sink 27 1. Double Heat Sink Center Torso 1. Double Heat Sink Left Right 26 * 1. XL Fusion Engine 2. Double Heat Sink 2. Double Heat Sink Arm Arm 25 * 3. Double Heat Sink 2. XL Fusion Engine 3. Double Heat Sink (13) (13) 24 * 4-6 4. Double Heat Sink 3. XL Fusion Engine 4-6 4. ER PPC 1-3 4. Gyro Center 23 * 5. RollStreak Again SRM 2 5. ER PPC Torso 6. Roll Again 5. Gyro 6. ER PPC 22 * 6. Gyro (25) 21 Left Right 1. Gyro 20 * 2. XL Fusion Engine Leg Leg Left Torso Right Torso 19 * 3. XL Fusion Engine (17) (17) 1. XL Fusion Engine 1. XL Fusion Engine 4-6 4. XL Fusion Engine 18 * 2. XL Fusion Engine 2. XL Fusion Engine 5. Medium Pulse Laser 17 * 3. XL Fusion Engine 3. XL Fusion Engine 6. RollStreak Again SRM 2 1-3 4. Double Heat Sink 1-3 4. Double Heat Sink 16 5. Double Heat Sink 5. Double Heat Sink HEAT DATA 15 * 6. Double Heat Sink Engine Hits 6. Double Heat Sink Heat Heat Sinks: 14 * Effects 20 (40) 1. Double Heat Sinknk Gyro Hits 1. Double Heat Sink Level* 13 * 30 Shutdown Double 2. Double Heat Sink Sensor Hits 2. Double Heat Sink 28 Ammo Exp. avoid on 8+ 12 3. Double Heat Sink 3. Double Heat Sink 4-6 Life Support 4-6 26 Shutdown, avoid on 10+ 11 4. ER PPC 4. ER PPC –5 Movement Points 25 10 * 5. ER PPC 5. ER PPC 24 +4 Modifier to Fire 6. ER PPC 6. ER PPC 23 Ammo Exp. avoid on 6+ 9 22 Shutdown, avoid on 8+ 8 * 20 –4 Movement Points 7 19 Ammo Exp. avoid on 4+ Left Leg Right Leg 18 Shutdown, avoid on 6+ 6 1. Hip 1. Hip 17 +3 Modifier to Fire 5 * 2. Upper Leg Actuator 2. Upper Leg Actuator 15 –3 Movement Points Shutdown, avoid on 4+ 4 3. Lower Leg Actuator 3. Lower Leg Actuator 14 13 +2 Modifier to Fire 3 4. Foot Actuator 4. Foot Actuator 10 –2 Movement Points 5. RollAmmo Again (Streak SRM 2) 50 5. Roll Again 2 Damage Transfer 8 +1 Modifier to Fire 6. Roll Again 6. Roll Again Diagram 5 –1 Movement Points 1 0 © 20132010 The Topps Company, Inc. Classic BattleTech, BattleTech, ’Mech and BattleMech are trademarks of The Topps Company, Inc. All rights reserved. Catalyst Game Labs and the Catalyst Game Labs logo are trademarks of InMediaRes Production, LLC. Permission to photocopy for personal use. Isaac Newton (order #5214387) OO

















Isaac Newton (order #5214387) O OO























Isaac Newton (order #5214387)