Book2 16 Frozenfood-Clarence Birdseye Was a Man of Vision.Hwp
Clarence Birdseye Clarence Birdseye was a man of vision, curiosity, and persistence. He was a naturalist, a businessman and a skillful inventor who used his unique gifts to develop a freezing process that not only preserved food safely, but also preserved its taste and appearance. Birdseye observed, first hand, the ways of the Eskimos who lived in the Arctic and how the use of ice, wind, and temperature almost instantly froze just-caught fish straight through. When the frozen fish were thawed 1) , cooked, and eaten, there was almost no difference in taste and texture than if they would have been prepared from fresh. He concluded it was rapid freezing in the extremely low temperatures that made the food retain 2) its freshness until it was thawed and eaten months later– a procedure called flash freezing. During flash freezing, items are frozen so fast that only small ice crystals are able to form. The cell walls are not damaged, and the frozen food, when thawed, keeps its maximum flavor 3) , texture, and color. This understanding of simple biology would revolutionize 4) the frozen food industry. 1)thaw [θɔ́ ː ] 녹다 of ice and snow to turn back into water after being frozen/silver thaw우빙 (雨氷 ), 무빙(霧氷 ) defrost [diː frɔ́ ː st] 없애다 /demist; 냉동 식품을 녹이다 ; 자산 동결을 해제하다 서리 [ 얼음 ] 가 걷히다 얼은 것이 녹다/thaw snowbreak [-brèik] 눈막이 방설림防雪林 해설 解雪 눈녹음thaw 나무가 눈의 무게 때문에 부러짐 2)retain [ritéin] 계속 유지하다 to keep sth 3)flavor enhancer 화학 조미료 flavored맛이 나는 , 풍미가… 한 /flavorful 풍미 있는 , 맛좋은 /flavoring 맛내기 , 조미 (調味 ), UC 조미료 , 양념 flavorless풍미 없는 , 운치 없는 /flavorous 풍미 있는 , 맛있는 , 풍취 있는 /flavorsome 풍미 있는 , 맛좋은 / flavory풍미가 풍부한 , 향기로운 - 1 - Birdseye returned to the U.S.
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