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EDITORS Amelia Narigon and Trevor Miller

Dear Alumni and Friends DESIGNER of the College of Design, Calee Cecconi As each of us knows, design is everywhere. And designers are uniquely positioned to frame COPY EDITOR and orchestrate problem-solving as our society grapples with increasingly complex issues. Sharon Grimes Our faculty, students, and alumni demonstrate ways in which design and design thinking can COLLEGE LEADERSHIP generate much-needed solutions. Carol Strohecker, dean; Marilyn Delong, associate dean for academic affairs; Abimbola Asojo, associate dean This issue highlights a few of the research projects currently underway. They range from for research, creative scholarship, and engagement; Kate Maple, assistant dean for student services; creating more accessible websites (p. 9) to reimagining coastal landscapes in the era of Trevor Miller, assistant dean climate change (p. 15); from apparel design faculty creating safer equipment for female ACADEMIC UNIT HEADS firefighters (p. 9), to our School of Architecture's lead role in partnerships with the University Missy Bye, Department of Design, Housing, and Apparel; of Puerto Rico to rebuild post-Hurricane Maria (p. 9). To help showcase more of this work, I Joe Favour, Department of Landscape Architecture; am delighted that interior design Professor Abimbola Asojo has accepted the position of Marc Swackhamer, School of Architecture associate dean for research, creative scholarsh ip, and engagement. She is already diligently COLLEGE OF DESIGN ADVISORY BOARD working with college leaders to advance research-related coll aborations, support-systems, Stuart Ackerberg, Michael Alexin, Dan Avchen, Maurice Blanks, Roberta Bonoff, Mark Butler, and outcomes for our coll ege (p. 9). Emily Callaghan, Pat Cummens, John Cuningham, Jo Davison, Damon Farber, Kelly Gage, Mary McNellis, Our students are also hard at work with their own research and creative projects. For her Tom Meyer, Linda Mona, Sandy Morris, Dave Norback, capstone, Leslie Johnson (M .L.A '18) joined a team of researchers in Dhamori, India, to help Paul Reyelts, Susan Sokolowski, Mark Swenson, Gary Tushie, Burt Visnick local residents tackle water management issues (p. 6). Students in Professor James Boyd Brent's Color and Form in Surface Design course learned about the consu mer supply chain OUR MISSION and created marketing posters to help to promote heirloom bean production in Minnesota Through a unique commitment to creativity and advancing technologies, the College of Design at the (p. 14). Such experiences are formative in our students becoming proficient, community­ leads, innovates, and educates engaged designers. Our 2018 commencement speakers, the internationally renowned in a full range of design fields by researching ongoing and emerging issues, exploring new knowledge, and graphic designers Nancy Skolos and Thomas Wedell, spoke to this wh il e elucidating tenets addressing and solving real-world problems, all while of good design through their duet-like address (p. 16). adhering to socially responsible, sustainable principles and collaborative design thinking. College of Design alumni also continue to make waves. I am proud that-for the second year Emerging is published fall and spring semesters by the in a row-a coll ege alumnus has received the Un iversity of Min nesota Alumni Association's University of Minnesota College of Design for alumni, faculty, staff, and friends of the college. This publication u40 Award. This year the recipient is Kaamil Haider (B.F.A. '17), an outstanding member is available in alternative formats upon request. Please of th e contemporary Somal i arts and design community (p. 12). In addition, four of our call 612-624-9751. architecture alumni were inducted into the American Institute of Architects' prestigious Send address changes to design~umn.edu. College of Fellows. Further updates appear in the Alumni Notes section (p. 13). Emerging is available online at deslgn.umn.edu/emerging. Every day, members of the College of Design community are contributing solutions to Th e University of Minnesota is an equal opportunity the problems of our time and equipping the next generation of designers to do the same. educator and employer. Through Coordinated Action Pl ann in g, we are identifying ways to focus our resources and strengthen our concentrated efforts. I look forward to seeing what we ca n build together in MIX I"'." 'lJ, Pape, r,om I A the next academic year. ~: responsible sources L-.) ~ \ .... Ci I FSC Bl,(?,~q :4s -- Fsc• c10352s Sincerely, -- COLLEGE OF DESIGN Carol Strohecker, Ph.D. Professor and Dean College of Design UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA

On the cover: A close-up of student work from a graduate architecture capstone studio (top) and a peek at the aftermath of a semester's worth of screen printing in our graphic design print studios (bottom). 2 EME RGIN G FALL 2018 5

9 design.umn.edu l!◄ Pl•1 N•~ rct••~• ►'49it1411 11 tiffl~!


UNIVERSAL (~-- r,~ DESIGN to the Self-Checkout ~ ~,01"'9Vr ~ rr~ ~~

Counter The self-checkout counter is a common sight in grocery stores across the nation. But what impact does it have on the design of a store and on people who use it? Architecture student Ryan Hansen worked with Associate Professor Hye-Young Kim (Retail Merchandising) to answer this question in his honors thesis.

Why did you decide to team up with the retail merchandising program for your thesis? L-1 ~•rr Working with retail merchandising helped me better understand how a retail space is viewed all the way from top designers to the actu al people that are shopping there.

t-,.,r Where did the idea for your honors thesis originate?

My honors thesis started with a question I had on Japanese retail design. Th is line of questioning evolved into researching what. the self-checkout line means for our cities and the people in our cities. Working with my advisor and my classmates, I focused on St. Paul and particularly Lund's and Byerly's. I decided to research what a self-checkout counter means for clerks, for space, and, even more specifically, what it means for individuals with disabilities.

Why specifically individuals with disabilities?

In the School of Architecture, they really emphasize recognizing our own biases. I've never particularly liked the self-checkout counter and when I talked to my thesis advisor, who is partially blind, I really started to recognize that there are a lot of people who don't fit into the mold that this machine tells us we should fit into.

Read the full interview at z.umn.edu/emgf18a.

4 EMERGING FALL 2018 0 facebook.com/uofmdesign C) @uofmdesign @ instagram/umndesign EXPLORING UNIVERSAL DESIGN

EXPLORING CULTURALLY SENSITIVE Interior Design Interior design juniors explored the ins and individuals who would be using the space outs of universal and cu lturally sensitive and how we would design for them. I took design when they were assigned to the approach of making all of my rooms research th e Hmong culture and design easy to separate or rearrange as needed." a house that combined Hmong and For his house, Ryan Welters based his American lifestyles. "We were asked to entire design on the lotus flower and the think about designing so that oth er water lily. "In Laos, where th e Hmong cultures could adapt the same space for people are originally from, they have the their own needs," explained Rachael lotus flower. Here in the U.S., we have the Springman. Through readings, th e water lily, and so I incorporated both students became familiar with Hmong flowers into my design." This is just one history and cultural practices, which they of the many overlaps that Welters was then incorporated into individual housing surprised to find between the two cultures. designs for a vacant plot of land in St. Paul. "I found it quite easy to design for multiple communities in one house without Th e students had four different hypothetical overthinking it or overcomplicating it. clients they could choose to design for. It's interesting to me that designers don't "Most of us picked the family with eight naturally include these universal design individuals: two parents, two ch ildren at elements when it's quite easy to do." college, three children at home, and an Read the full story at z.umn.edu/emgf18b. elderly relative," explained Abi Lundstrom. "We had to consider the number of

design.umn.edu COLLEGE OF DESIGN FALL 2018 5 J~l \.A.A

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Looking Back to MOVE FORWARD

Around the world, governments and their University of Fl orida As sistant Professor prior to colonization, not only to hold practices al igned to what Dhamori citizens are grappling with issues of water Alpa Nawre at th e 2017 Landscape excess water, but also as gathering places residents wanted and become self­ availability, cleanliness, and management. Architecture Foundation Summit. Nawre for the village. My capstone work expands sustaining," sa id Johnson. invited Johnson to join her five-person upon these ideas, especially re lated to In her graduate capstone, landscape Upon its completion, the report was research team and help create a report traditional rainwater haNesting techniques." architecture alumna Leslie Johnson (M.L.A. given to a member of India's parliament, on how to improve the water management '18) addressed these issues in the village of Many farm ponds in the region surrounding which has sparked interest from other practices in Dhamori. Dhamori, India, with the hope that her Dhamori are now defunct or unable to hold members of parliament and led to an research will one day be scaled up to "In the village of Dhamori, water is a big water. Johnson helped conduct public invitation for Nawre and her team to help others. "I wanted to work with water issue, not necessarily for drinking but for workshops and canvas local community conduct more resea rch. "I th ink it would issues because they are so vast and irrigation availability. The team I was members to devise a set of strategies that be exciting if the research I've developed multifaceted. I think design is a great way working with explored different water would encourage use of farm ponds. "It throughout my capstone could be taken to address some of those issues because management strategies to try and was very important to us tha t we provide and applied as a general framework for other groups to use to address their own I don't think they can be handled in a set, incorporate those practices into solving strategies that were not reliant on outsiders. siloed way," said Johnson. water issues," sa id Johnson. this issue. One of the main things we We wanted to make sure that we had Johnson became interested in water looked at was farm ponds," explained local stakeholders taking part and getting management after connecting with Johnson. "Farm ponds were used in India interested in the work, to ensure that these

6 EM ERG ING FALL 2018 0 facebook.com/uofmdesign C) @uofmdesign @ instagram/umndeslgn I

(") 0 r­ r- ~ m 0 "Tl 0 m 1/1 i5 z Why is specific Male-d~ construe increase However, the fit an· for fema' prone t survey o 80 perc ill-fitting

Whyisi profeui or garlll Improving !=unction, School of Architecture Upgrading Introducing Our Improving !=it Partners with University ~ealth Resources New Associate Dean Female firefighters are often overlooked of Puerto Rico with Design for Research when it comes to providing safe and secure work equipment. Assistant The School of Architecture and the Professor Linsey Griffin (Apparel Design) University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez, hosted the 2018 RISE Convergence is working to change that. Workshop in June.

The workshop in Mayaguez, Puerto Rico, was organized in part by Assistant Professor Jacob Mans and Adjunct Professor Alex Heid (both Architecture), and brought together collaborators from the National Institute for Island Energy and Sustainability, national Navigating treatment options and academic institutions, local organizational outcomes is an overwhelming prospect leaders, and local island residents and for patients in need of a kidney transplant. Why is your research focused stakeholders. "Through the workshop An interdisciplinary collaboration specifically on female firefighters? we wanted to identify problems, turn among Professor Sauman Chu (Graphic them into actionable items, and develop Male-dominant career fields, such as Design), Professor Marilyn Bruin a network to address them. We didn't construction and firefighting, have seen an (Housing Studies), and Dr. Allyson Hart just want these to be academic projects, increase in the diversity of their workers. (University of Minnesota Medical School) "I hope to increase the but ones with physical and deployable However, there are major inadequacies in solut ions," explained Mans. will help patients better understand their t he fit and function of protective products options through the launch of a new for female workers, leaving them more informational website. prone to injury as a result. In a recent survey of 675 male and female firefighters, 80 percent of women reported having Formerly the head of the Interior Design ill-fitting gear. Program, Professor Abimbola Asojo is now the associate dean for research, creative scholarship, and engagement at the College of Design. In this role, Asojo will work closely with Dean Carol Strohecker and other college leaders One such solution is the Solar Oasis. to advance research and outreach goals Why is it dangerous for emergency Based in part on designs created by for faculty, centers, and the college. professionals to have ill-fitting gear Arizona State University, the Solar Oasis is " I hope to increase the visibility of a small building that can be sent to Puerto research, creative scholarship, and or garments? "We created this online decision aid to Rico in one crate and easily built from its engagement with faculty in order to Clothing that does not fit well cannot own shipping container and local materials. estimate a patient's likely outcomes on better highlight how our work relates offer function, protection, or safety. One the wa it list for a kidney transplant based to the University mission, Minnesota, of the most alarming trends that we're Once built, the pop-up provides basic on their wait region. By communicating charging capacity for a small community's seeing across occupations is that workers options and outcomes, the tool helps and the national and global community," phones, computers, and other equipment. will actually forego wearing protective patients understand the chance of being said Asojo. By focusing on collaborating It also acts as a community gathering products (despite the dangerous work offered a transplant while waiting on with faculty, Asojo also hopes to identify point. Mans and his team have refined the environments and risk of injury) if that the list for three, five, and seven years," support systems across the University design for the Solar Oasis and are building product is uncomfortable or the fit is bad. explained Chu. Read the full story at to help develop, mentor, support, and Read the full interview with Griffin prototypes to ship to Puerto Rico. Read z.umn.edu/emgf18e. promote these sa me initiatives. at z.umn.edu/emgf18c. the full story at z.umn.edu/emgf18d.

COLLEGE OF DESIGN FALL 2018 9 design.umn.edu ~ !. I(,. • I , ...0 I: ;· :I ~ 0(II :a..-:"'"·~ \..--_ .... .,. ~- .. ~ (')DI .-,,,_._. •;\• ». a..,;.....-. ,=•

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For the second year in a row, an alu mnus House of Art and was the graphic designer from the College of Design will receive the for the recent coll aboration between the University of Minnesota Alumni Association's Somali Museum of Minnesota and the u40 Award. Th e award is given to an Minnesota History Center that resulted in exceptional alumnus age 40 or younger who the exhibition "Somalis + Minnesota." "I am has excelled in his or her career. Last year's honored and humbled to receive the u40 recipient was Ben VandenWymelenberg Award and grateful to be sharing this award (B.S. '12, Architecture), founder of with the U's leaders and our community. Woodchuck, In c. This year's recipient Getting to th is stage has not been easy is Kaamil A. Haider (B.F.A. '17, Graphic but it has been the most rewarding path I Design). Born in Somalia and now based have taken thus far. I am looking forward in , Haider is involved in the to continuing the work and mentorship," contemporary Soma li arts and design said Haider. community. He is the cofounder of Soomaal

0 facebook.com/uofmdesign C) @uofmdesign @ instagram/umnd esign ...... ------===-...... !,·.1._-~1.:i.a...... :

ALUMNI NOTES !; in Urban Design and City Planning Gabby Goetz (B.S. '12, Apparel Lee Tran (B.S. '16, Apparel Design) ;,: 1966 1998 2004 Kris Layon (M.F.A '04, DHA) Program beginning September 2018. Design) joined Creative Partners Joined Kleinfeld Manhattan as a fitter C' Joel H. Goodman's (B.Arch '66) Matthew Kreilich (B.A. ·95, for bridal gowns. T.;_ article "The Building Interior Architecture; M.Arch '98) presented at the 2018 Niagara Group as an account manager. •..=.: Kira Elizabeth Schlepp Evacuated Tubes and Reflectors was elevated to the AIA's Summit in New Orleans. He spoke (B.S. '08, Apparel Design) and l (BIETR) Long-Span Study: Atrium College of Fellows. about user experience design for Brita Hauser (M.Arch ·12) 2017 Sandy Meirovitz's (B.F.A. '17, ~ Hotel" was published in the spring Internet of Things products. her line Kira Elizabeth Designs was promoted to associate at Graphic Design) posters for i:S 2018 issue of Solar Today Magazine. Malini Srivastava (M.Arch '98) were featured in the February NewStudio Architecture. "' Terri Ulrick (M.Arch •04) was Gluek Beer won gold at Ad Fed's "-. He also presented "BIETR etc.." an was awarded a 2018 AIA Young 2018 issue of She Magazine. Architects Award. promoted to the position of 2018 The Show. exhibition of 58 framed works at the Lizzie Hillmann (B.S. ·12, Apparel principal at BWBR. Iowa County Courthouse. 2009 Design) has launched a workout and 1999 Ben Alpert (B.S. ·09, Graphic lifestyle apparel line, MAI Movement. Abby Schumacher (B.S. '17, 1969 John Cary (B.A. '99, 2005 Design) is now a senior designer Apparel Design) was a featured Architecture) presented the Jeong-Ju (Jay) Yoo (Ph.D. ·05, DHA) designer in the Northern Vogue Ed Kodet's (M.Arch '69) firm, at Ultra Creative. Kari Kachelmacher (B.S. ·12, TED talk "How Architecture has been selected to receive the runway fashion show. Kodet Architectural Group, Ltd., Apparel Design) has joined Can Create Dignity for All." 2018 American Association of Family Heba Y. Amin (M.F.A. ·09) was Jillson & Roberts as a graphic artist. was awarded AIA Minnesota's and Consumer Sciences-Texas curated into the Berlin Biennale Shanice Williams (B.S. '17, Retail 2017 Firm of the Year Award. 2000 Affiliate Leader Award. for Contemporary Art. Ahti Westphal's (M.S. '12, Merchandising) took a new position Meg Arnosti's (M.L.A. ·oo) Renn 1976 Architecture) office. Studio ATLAS, within Target. She is now an Backyard Project was featured 2006 associate sourcing manager for Christopher Shears (B.Arch '76) Adam Jarvi, AIA, (B.S. Arch '05, was chosen to exhibit at the 2018 in the MNLA Summer Landscape Tracey Kinney (M.L.A. '06, beauty and essentials. was elevated to the AIA's Design Tour. M.U.R.P '07) has joined the M.Arch ·09) was promoted to Biennale Architettura-La Biennale associate principal at NewStudio di Venezia. College of Fellows. Metropolitan Council of the 2018 Beth Miller (B.S. ·oo, Design Twin Cities as a parks planner. Architecture. Miranda Meier (B.S. '18, Product 1979 Communications) was included on 2013 Design) is now working as a· Michael Bjornberg (B.Arch '88, R.Y. Minneapolis Business Magazine's Megan Wannarka (B.S. '06, Jackie Millea (B.A. '98. Architecture; Christopher Brenny (M.Arch '13) technical design engineer for '79) was awarded an International Power 50 of 2018. She is the chief Apparel Design) cofounded M.Arch ·09) was named AIA was promoted to associate at furniture at Target. Study Travel Grant to travel to management officer for Magid. the Minnesota-based nonprofit Minnesota's 2018 Emerging Talent. NewStudio Architecture. the Havana International Design bee.otany, which supports Sarah Prescott (B.S. '18, Product Charrette. Bjornberg was also Ana Nelson (M.L.A. ·oo) started a education, research, and charitable Edward Wolf (B.Arch ·09) was Beau Sinchai (B.D.A. '13) Design) is now a ux designer and named the 2018 chair of the AIA new position as senior landscape programming that promotes promoted to assistant project joined Target as a product pollinator habitat and sustainability. programmer at Avanade. Historic Resource Committee. architect and urban design lead at manager of development for insight researcher. Cuningham Group. Life Time Healthy Way of Life. Interior design alumni Abigail 1980 2007 Matthew Traucht (M.L.A. '13) 2001 Rebecca Noran (M.F.A. ·07, DHA) Carlson ('16), Bethany Deline Eric Odor (M.Arch '80) was 2010 was promoted from landscape Frank Fitzgerald's (M.L.A. ·01). joined Ameriprise Financial's ('15), Cara Haberman ('16), Allison named AIA Minnesota's 2018 designer to associate at Oculus. Lauren DePoint (B.S. ·10, Interior Johnson ('15), Brittney Just Architect of Distinction. Bergum Residence was featured user experience area, creating in the MNLA Summer Landscape microcopy that makes its websites Design) was promoted to interior ('14), Mary Kennedy ('15), Julie designer II at Ryan A&E. 2015 1984 Design Tour. and applications easier to use. Masterson ('15), Ashley Ochiagha Alissa Foley (B.S. ·15, Retail ('15), Natalie Rethlake ('16), and Mary Mortenson (M.A. '84, Home Geri Huibregtse (B.S. ·01 Design Alana Zbaren (B.S. •07, Michael Keenan's (B.E.D. '08, Merchandising) is now a Claire Rozman ('16) passed the Economics) has two pieces juried Communications, M.ED ·13) joined Interior Design) joined the M.L.A. ',o) Garden Isle was featured merchandise analyst for into the 2018 Handweavers Guild National Council for Interior Design Aeritae Consulting Group as a Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer in the MNLA Summer Landscape juniors activewear at Kohl's. of America runway show. Qualification exam. solutions consultant in its customer Center as a grants specialist. Design Tour. Angelita Scott (B.S. '99, Interior 1989 success practice. In Memoriam 2008 Stefnee Trzpuc (M.S. ·10, Design) Design; M.S. '14, Design; Ph.D ·15, Alchemy Architects, founded Mary Ellen McFarland (B.S. '43, Ariane Laxo (B.S. ·01, Interior Beth Bowman (Post Bach. was promoted to the position of Design) took on a new role as by Geoffrey Warner (B.Arch Home Economics Ed) passed away Design) was promoted to associate Certificate '08. Housing Studies) associate principal at BWBR. program coordinator and assistant '89), received one of AIA's 2018 on January 28, 2018. vice president at HGA and elected was selected to participate in professor of interior design at Small Project Awards for their to the IIDA Northland Chapter Board. the Creative Center at University 2011 Georgia Southern University. Dolores "Dolly" Thornes (B.S. '49, Sonoma weeHouse. Settlement's Training Institute for Shida Du (M.Arch '11, Metropolitan Home Economics) passed away David Motzenbecker's (M.L.A. ·01) Artists and Administrators. Design Certificate '11) was awarded 2016 June 11, 2018. 1990 Eloise Butler Wildflower Garden the 2018 Ralph Rapson Traveling Jesse Campos (M.Arch '16) started R. David Frum (B.A. '81, Architecture; Wetland Boardwalk was featured Carrie Christensen (M.L.A. '08) Study Fellowship. a new position as a senior architect Cynthia Grossman (B.S. '68, M.Arch '90) was elevated to the in the MNLA Summer Landscape and Anna Claussen (M.L.A. '07) at GGLO Design. AIA's College of Fellows. Design Tour. presented at the ASLA-MN Home Economics) passed away Education Conference. 2012 on April 9. 2018. 1993 2002 Mari Ansera (B.S. ·12, Interior Evgenia Hutson (B.S. '16, Retail Merchandising) joined Tamara Eagle Bull (M.Arch '93) Melanie Baumhover (B.A. '98, Katie O'Neil (B.S. '08, Housing Design) was elected to the IIDA Carol Rexion Anderson (B.S. '47; Sears Holdings Corporation as was elevated to the AIA's Architecture; M.Arch ·02) was Studies) has been accepted into the Northland Chapter Board. She is M.Ed '78, Home Economics Ed) an online merchandiser. College of Fellows. promoted to principal at BWBR. University College London Masters a senior associate at HGA. passed away on February 2, 2018.

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APPAREL DESIGN STUDENTS l=nR THF LOV IMAGINE ECO-FRIENDLY Students in Color and Form in Surface Design acted OF MINn as an important part of the consumer supply chain this spring when they made screen-printed promotional The global fa shion industry is one of the most resource­ Home to some of the largest and most important clothing posters for heirloom bean production in Min nesota. A intensive in the world. Apparel design students illuminated designers and re tailers in th e world, New York City looms Archt the industry's environmental impact at the Weisman Art large in the imagination of any design student. Thi s year, partnership between Riverbend Farm and Sustainable in Jai Museum's (RE)generation showcase. By considering all 17 students had the chance to spend their spring break in Agriculture and Food Systems asked students to create Worlc stages of production-from the material, construction. the city that never sleeps and get a behind-the-scenes handmade screen prints in limited editions of 10 prints, Kans consumer use. and eventual disposal-student designers look at the retail world. "This experience was so incredible each print consisting of four screen layers. The finished in Os worked to create garments out of recycled and reused and gave me rea lly great insight into th e fashion world," posters were used to help stimulate discussion about joine materials. The event's goal was to encourage industry sa id Abbie Meschke (Retail Merchandising). possible future directions for promoting heirloom bean gene changes to create a healthier planet. z.umn.edu/emgf18h z.umn.edu/emgf18i production and consumption. pictu

1 14 EMERGING FALL 2018 0 facebook.com/uofmdesign O @uofmdesign @ instagram/umndesign deslgfl. MAKING CONNECTIONS \AflTH I l")~ll

Interior design students have a new way to connect with one another and the design community in the revamped Interior Design Student Association (IDSA). The 2018 senior class expanded the student group by creating larger scale events and focusing on forging connections between students and the local design community. "We strive to create a positive learning environment that provides opportunities to network while strengthening the bond among our cohort," said student group leader Abi Lundstrom. z.umn.edu/emgf18I

REIMAGINING LANDSCAPES IN FINDING COMMUNITY ARCHITECTURE IN THE THE AGE OF Cllfv'l~Tf rHANGF WITH PROnLJrT nF~IGN Our changing climate will radically transform not only our NG WORLD Former president of the student group Product Design landscapes but also the industries that have developed Minnesota and alumna Sarah Prescott (B.S. '18, Product Architecture students spent three weeks this May traveling around them. In her recent capstone, Rachel Valenziano in Japan as part of the course Architecture in the Floating (M.L.A '18) explored how to redevelop areas of the Design) reflected on the product design community in a World. Participants worked with students and faculty from Louisiana coastline that are currently used by the oil special guest post. "When I came to college I was initially Kansai University and generated critical design proposals and gas industry. 'Tm exploring the potential for this site planning to major in chemical engineering, but didn't in Osaka, Kyoto, Tokyo, and beyond. They were also to become a place for cultural and ecological learning, really feel like I had found my niche. I liked the people in joined by alumnus Burt Visnick (M.Arch '85) who has where people who are, or were, from a vulnerable coast my major, but I didn't feel like I belonged. Now that I am generously supported the program for many years. See can reconnect with a cultural heritage." Read more about in product design, I have found my passion." Read more pictures from the trip at z.umn.edu/emgf18j. Valenziano's work z.umn.edu/emgf18k. about her experiences at z.umn.edu/emgf18m.

COLLEGE OF DESIGN FALL 2018 15 design.umn.edu STUDENTS

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Caroline Albers (Apparel Design), Rachel Duerksen (Retail Dana Kingery (Graphic Design) Yidong Yang (Architecture) Walter Lee (Human Factors and Merchandising) received an won the 2018 AIGA Smartpress received third place in the Ergonomics), and Stephanie Ambassador Awa rd from the Scholarship. College Division of the 32nd Wang (Apparel Design) won National Retail Federation Annual Japanese Language first place in the 2018 Industrial Foundation. Mikaila Kopcho (Interior Design) Speech Contest. Fabrics Association International was named a semifinalist in student competition for their the 2017 NEXT Student Design Noah Exum (I nterior Design) Weican Zuo (Architecture) was electromyography garment. Competition. awarded the 2018 Student Merit received the Sheryl Smith Memorial Award by the Association of Scholarship from the American Graphic design students Jessie Ben Krause (Product Design) Licensed Architects. Society of Interior Designers. Austin , Katelyn Bremer, Alex made the top 64 of the 2018 World Colburn, Madison DeMeuse, Sneaker Championship. Th e student group Design U Rachael Granberry (Apparel and Emily Nihart were selected received the 2018 Tony Diggs Studies) received the 2017 to design a mural for the St. Paul Maia Peterson (Architecture) and Excellence People's Choice Award Award of Excellence Medical and Student Union by the Student Roohi Katarya (Product Design) for Undergraduate Group. Un ion Association. Disaster Relief from the Industrial were named 2017-18 University Fabrics Association. She also Innovation Fellows. The landscape architecture earned second place at the 2018 Danielle Baehm (Architecture) student journal Litorum received International Conference on was awarded the University of The School of Architecture class an Honorable Mention in the 2018 Environmental Systems student Minnesota BWB R Prize. of 1967's Sketchbook Prize was Douglas Haskell Award for Student poster competition for her work awarded to architecture student Journ als competition. Justin Baker and Soo Jin Kang , on shape changing textiles. Dana Saari. (both Graphic Design) presented at At the 2018 Honors and Awards Ryan Hansen (Architecture) AWARD-WINNING the Minnesota eLearning Summit in Hana Saifullah (Architecture) Ceremony undergraduates, Au gust 2018. received th e 2018 Student Merit received the College of Design's graduates, and student groups DESIGNERS GIVE 2018 2018 Outstanding Undergraduate Award from the Association of received Student Academic Raquel Ann Benedict (Graphic Studen t Award. Licensed Arc hitects. Excellence Awards. You can find COMMENCEMENT SPEECH Design) was awarded the DIS Fall the full list at z.umn.edu/emgf18n. 2017 Design Excellence Award Re tail merchandising students Angela Scott (Architecture) was College of Design graduates had not one, but two, for her work in the graphic design Katelyn Hockert, Alyssa Le, named a 2018 Yo ung Arc hitects commencement spea kers this year: husband and wife studio class. Elizabeth Pagel, and Meriah Award Recipient by AIA National. tea m Nancy Skolos and Thomas Wedell. Skolos and Peterson had th eir design selected Vanessa Berglund (Graphic for the spring 2018 window display Lexi Sosalla's (Interior Design) Wedell teach graphic design at th e Rh ode Island School Design) won the 2018 A IGA of Weisman Art Museum's in-house project "Reflectera" was a finalist of Design and have written two books: Type, Image, Minnesota Fellows Leadership gift shop. in the 2018 ID EC Student Design Scholarship. Her work for Competition for the Midwest Region. Message, and Graphic Design Process. Inca ndescence was also fea tured Sydney Jacobson (Graphic Design) on the Dieline. Quinessa Stibbins (Apparel won the 2018 Global Student Their work has received top pri zes at design competitions Design) received the College Entrepreneurship Award Minnesota Pratibha Chauhan, Kyrshanbor of Design's 2018 Committee's around th e worl d, and th ey were both awarded th e AIGA with her company Sydopia and was Hynniewta, and Joseph Mills (all Choice Award. Medal in 2017. Wi dely publi shed and exhibited, th eir named one of the Top 25 Student Architecture) received the 2018 Entrepreneurs in the country. In Dec work is included in th e graphic design coll ecti ons of th e Thomas F. Ellerbe Scholarships. Emily Walther (Interior Design) Adjun Museum of Modern Art, Metropolitan Museum of Art, th e joined the LHB Mi nneapolis office Leslie Johnson (Landscape Angella Dariah (Architecture) as an interior design intern. Dozie Cooper Hewitt Smithsonian Design Museum , th e Li brary Architecture) received the presented at the ARCC conference quick! of Congress, and more. on her research on the exploration National ASLA Rising Star in Interior design students Kotono to tea Advocacy Award from the American of acoustica l design for children Watanabe and Adrienne acted Du ring their speech Skolos and Wedell discussed Society of La ndscape Arch itects. wi th special needs. Melchiorre placed first and second, in Ra She also received th e College respectively, in the 2018 Haworth th e sequence of events th at brought them to where of De Corinne Deger, Kate Stanger, and of Design's 2018 Outstanding Third Space Work Cafe Contest. they are today. They urged graduates to recognize Vanessa Walton (Architecture) Graduate Student Award. of fan the wide array of experi ences that each one of them were nominated for the Resilient Kerstin Wetterstrom ca rri es. "Always remember that your story has meaning Communities Project Outstanding Rea Jorgaqi's (Interior Design) (Retail Merchandising) was Student Project Award for their work project "Art Sanctuary" was a finalist awarded the Rising Star for yourself as a person to draw strength from and in th e on the city of Ramsey's historic in the 2018 IDEC Student Design Award by the National Retail z.um bi gger story of design and life." Ramsey Town Hall. Competition for the Midwest Region. Federation Foundation.

deslgn.u1 16 EMERGING FALL 2018 0 facebook.com/uofmdesign () @uofmdesign in stagram/umndesign FACULTY

PRODUCT DESIGN PROGRAM GRADUATES STEVEN MCCARTHY INAUGURAL CLASS NAMED ROMAN J. WITT In May 2018 the Product Design Program graduated its VISITING ARTIST inaugural class. This first class of students is the result of seven years of hard work by College of Design facu lty and Professor Steven McCarthy (Graphic Design) was recently staff-in particular, Associate Professor Barry Kudrowitz, named a Roman J. Witt Visiting Artist in the Stamps School who is head of the program. Kudrowitz reflected on the of Art and Design at the . During the journey the program has taken in a recent interview, which short-term residency, McCarthy participated in workshops and gave presentations to students based on his own you can read in full at z.umn.edu/emgf180. IN MEMORIAM: JIM DOZIER bookmaking practice. "I demonstrated how to create three simple book structures: a booklet using a pamphlet stitch, an What's been the best part of shaping the Product Design Program? In December 2017 the School of Architecture lost accordion, and a Japanese-stitched book," he explained. Adjunct Teaching Assistant Professor Jim Dozier. The students are the best part of this program and that Dozier started at the School of Architecture in 1994 and McCarthy also visited an Ann Arbor kindergarten class and a is why I'm doing it. The state of Minnesota and all of the quickly became a beloved faculty member. In addition Detroit fifth-grade class with University of Michigan students to teaching digital design and representation, Dozier Twin Cities product companies also benefit from a local and Professors Nick Tobier and Omar Sosa-Tzec. While acted as the exhibition coordinator for the HGA Ga llery industrial design program. It's been great working closely at the elementary schools, the group showed the pupils in Rapson Hall and worked with the Goldstein Museum with industry to craft this degree. examples of folding paper and binding, "We focused on of Design where he organized and insta lled a number structures they could easily make with limited time." of fantastic architecture exhibitions. He was key to How does it feel to have the first class graduating? The opportunity to introduce children to design and making expanding the HGA Ga llery's impact and used the gallery to provide opportunities for faculty to showcase new I'm overjoyed for these students. Before this I'd only is an important one. "It is empowering. They get a deeper ideas and research. He will be greatly missed. seen product design minors walk across the stage at sense of satisfaction to write and draw into books they've z.umn.edu/375m commencement and so this was an important moment for me. made by hand," concluded McCarthy.


Abimbola Asojo (Interior Design) Renee Cheng (Architecture) Former Design, Housing, and Hyunjoo Im (Retail Merchandising) Best Article Award from ACRA for Dean Carol Strohecker was among received the International Interior received the 2018 Distinguished Apparel visiting scholar KeySook received the Best Paper Award his piece "Scaling for Non-Expert 50 invitees nationwide selected Design Association's 2017 Professor Award and the 2018 Geum designed the uniforms from the Korean Society of Production" in the Journal of to participate in the National Diversity Award. Asojo also Practice Leadership Award from and dresses for the 2018 Winter Clothing and Textiles. Im also Architectural Education. Academies of Sciences, Engineering, received a 2018 Imagine the Association of Collegiate Olympics Opening Ceremony. received a Multicultural Research z.umn .edu/emgf18p and Medicine's National Executive Fund Grant and a grant from the Schools of Architecture. Award from the Institute for Leadership Working Meeting on Women and Girls of Color Research z.umn.edu/emgf18p Richard Graves (CSBR) was named Diversity, Equity, and Advocacy. Caren Martin (Interior Design) was Integration in Higher Education. and Engagement Initiative. a finalist for the Latrobe Prize by the inducted into the Interior Design Sauman Chu (Graphic Design) Al A's College of Fellows. Julie Irish (Interior Design) Educators' Council of Fellows. Marc Swackhamer received a 2018 Imagine Fund Grant. Abimbola Asojo (Interior Design), was selected as the winner (Architecture) won Minneapolis's Tasoulla Hadjiyanni (Interior Timothy Griffin (MDC) was elevated of the American Society of Barbara Martinson Creative City Challenge Greg Donofrio (Architecture), Design), and Hye-Young Kim (Retail to AIA's College of Fellows. Interior Designer Foundation's (Graphic Design) received competition with his design Gail Dubrow (Architecture), Merchandising) presented at the 2018 Joel Polsky Academic the University of Minnesota's collaborative, Minn-Lab. Robert Ferguson (Architecture), University's Advancing Publicly- Kevin Groenke (Fabrication Achievement Award. 2017-18 Award for Outstanding Tom Fisher (MDC). Pat Nunnally Engaged Research, Teaching, and Shops) is now seated on the Contributions to Graduate and Frances Trice (Graphic Design) (Landscape Architecture), board of directors of the Student Learning to Address Society's Grand Hannah Johnson (Graphic Design) Professional Education. presented at the Minnesota Daniela Sandler (Architecture). Shop Managers Consortium. and James Wilson (Product Design) eLearning Summit in August 2018. Challenges Conference. and Katherine Solomonson received the College of Design's Lin Nelson Mayson (Goldstein (Architecture) participated in the Mary Guzowski (Architecture) 2018 Outstanding Teaching Awards. Museum of Design) participated on Abimbola Asojo, Suyeon Society of Architectural Historian's published Art of Architectural a panel at the Building Museums Bae, Tasoulla Hadjiyanni, 71st Annual Conference. Daylighting: Design & Technology. Hye-Young Kim (Retail Symposium entitled "Resilient Julie Irish , and Hoa Vo (all Merchandising) received a Design: Planning for the Unknown." Interior Design) presented at the Gail Dubrow (Architecture) Tasoulla Hadjiyanni (Interior 2018 Imagine Fund Grant. Kim 2018 Interior Design Educators published an essay in the National Design) received an honorable also presented five different Jennifer Newsom (Architecture) Council Conference. Trust for Historic Preservation's mention for the Council for Interior papers at the 2018 Global was awarded a $10,000 Minnesota magazine Preservation. Design Accreditation Award for Marketing Conference. State Arts Board grant to develop Courtney Miller Bellairs Excellence for her submission, a new installation titled "Barricade." (Architecture) was featured in Lucy Dunne (Apparel Design) "Unraveling Culture through Digital John Koepke (Landscape Newsom also received a 2018 Southwest Metro. delivered the keynote at the 2018 Storytelling." Hadjiyanni also Architecture) was elevated Faculty Design Award from ACRA IEEE Haptics Symposium. received the College of Design's to the position of Fellow by and was named a semi-finalist in Jill Bezecny (Finance) received 2018 Outstanding Contributions to the Council of Educators in the 2017-18 Jerome Foundation Karl Engebretson (Graphic Design) the College of Design's 2018 Equity and Diversity Award. Landscape Architecture. Fellowships for Emerging Artist, was awarded the University of Outstanding Civil Service and Labor and the Architect-in-Residence Minnesota's 2018 Outstanding Represented Award. Daniel Handeen (CSBR) was Dave Loranger (Retail Teaching Award. for Art Omi. Newsom's firm, awarded the University of Minnesota Merchandising) was awarded Dream the Combine, was also Blaine Brownell (Architecture) the 2018 American Collegiate Tom Fisher (MDC) presented with Extension Dean's 2017 Award for awarded the 2018 MOMA PS1 published a new book, Retailing Association's Best Paper a panel of University personnel Distinguished Team. Young Architects Program. Transmoterial Next. on advancing spatial science and Award jointly with Amy Dorie for the the workforce of tomorrow at the Julie Hillman (DHA) received paper "Spread the Word: A Stage- Daniela Sandler (Architecture) Marilyn Bruin (Housing Studies) 2018 ESRI User Conference. He the College of Design's 2018 One Study of Intergenerational received the College of Design's and Sauman Chu (Graphic Design) also wrote the afterword, "A Public Outstanding P&A Award. Differences in Opinion Leadership 2018 Outstanding Research Award. along with colleagues from the Interest Design Platform," for the and Market Mavenism." Sandler also wrote two book Hennepin County Medical Center recently published Public Interest Brad Hokanson (Graphic Design) chapters, reviewed two books, and the University Medical School Design Education Guidebook. presented and moderated at the Jacob Mans (Architecture) was and published her own book, had six abstracts included in Minnesota eLearning Summit. awarded sponsored research Counterpreservation: Architectural the 2018 American Transplant Tom Fisher (MDC), Joseph Hang projects with the USDA Forest Decay in Berlin since 1989. Congress Conference. (MDC), John Koepke (Landscape Brad Holschuh (Apparel Design) Service and Anoka County and is Architecture), and David Pitt presented at the 2018 IEEE one of the recipients of the 2017 Kate Solomonson (Architecture) Arthur Chen (Architecture) (Landscape Architecture) Haptics Symposium and was Institute for Diversity, Equity, and cochaired the 2018 Society of published a monograph related presented at the 2018 ASLA-MN awarded 3M's 2017 Nontenured Advocacy's Multicultural Research Architectural Historians Conference to his Fasil Ghebbi project. Education Conference. Faculty Grant Award. Awards. Mans also received a 2018 held in St. Paul.

18 EMERGING FALL 2018 0 facebook.com/uofmdesign C) @uofmdeslgn lnstagram/umndeslgn KEEP IN TOUCH Here are five (free) ways you can support the College of Design.

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COLLEGE OF DESIGN FALL 2018 19 A.. Nonprofit Org. HIDE & SEEK WINS U.S. Postage COLLEGE OF DESIGN 2018 YOUNG ELECTRONIC SERVICE REQUESTED PAID UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA Twin Cities, MN ARCHITECT PROGRAM Permit No. 90155 32 McNeal Hall Now in its 19th edition, the Young Architects Program at 1985 Buford Avenue UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA tGIT 55410 the Museum of Modern Art an d MOMA PS1 has offered St. Pau l, MN 55108 49 emerging architectural talent the opportunity to design llllll llllllllllllllllllllllllll/li! lllllliilllllilll llllllllllllllllllllll llllll and present innovative projects, challenging each year's 3 1951 003 714998 L w in ners to develop creative designs for a temporary, Ed ina MN 55410:2734 20 outdoor installation that provides shade, seating, and water. The 2018 winner was Hide & Seek by Assistant 1111,,1,1,11,,,1,11,11,111•11•111,111,1,,11,1,111ll1111l1lllll1l1 Professor Jennifer Newsom (Architecture) and Tom Carruthers of Dream The Combine, in collaboration with Clayton Binkley of ARUP. Th e installation was on display from June 28-September 3, 2018.