A Bibliography of English Language Sources, 1977-1986, on the Five Dynasties, Liao, Sung, Hsi-Hsia

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A Bibliography of English Language Sources, 1977-1986, on the Five Dynasties, Liao, Sung, Hsi-Hsia " BIHNIISmU.. Ame D. , "ShiIIO Y\n;I an:!. His Ocnoapt or hn JbM, • .Jq.ttm! or Ch1pM Al \l95Q'by 11: 4 (Dec 82), 367-394. m.o:::t!, InIne, "Q'I the Matter the K1n::l.: 'lh8 MBtaphy&ical BMia ArDIS, Sir J. M. of ort:he ~ Milterlals. NY, Rlilip wilJrcn PI.:hliBhan, 1978. Selr," w. 293-330, in D<:lnal.d J. M.Inro, ed., IrRiyjrl"al1a and Hol!ai S!:ud,ig --, ~ and lOOlin, labl 'iUan ~ at Wtian,· in QmfIriaD NIl 'DIg'S vall_. (M:i.ctligM ~ in 0\1neae Sb.dies, nwert1qe or the orltrJtal pmmic Sg;;iot;y (l.oodcn) 45 (1980-1), 54-66. No.52), Am 1U.1xr: oantar tor 0Unese St1d1., 'Ibs lAwersity ot K1ctW)an, mm, J9SI!llh A. Divination and ihiJ.osqlhy' 0lU lisPs ~ or the 1- 1985. d\in;J. Al.D. diu., tlniVlmtity of california, 1984. 00, Shang, MAfteJ:" the 1tInt," Chir«. 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