R AD CA LE OCTOBER 16, 2000 www.broadcastingca: coni

GOODBYE, ue RIGHT-OF- REPLY Court kills controversial rules, but they could be resurrected later. PAGE 6 TILL o HOLLYWOOD With time 'CAVED IN, running out, SAYS VINCE FCC's Kennard MCMAHON tries to salvage ,,F chairman slams public -interest show biz execs for bowing to Washington pressure. agenda » PAGE 22 » PAGE 10 DOUBTING DOTCOMS For ex- broadcasters at Internet startups, it has been a tough year. » PAGE 38 O AUTOMATED WORKPLACE Special tech report on how digital is changing the way television stations operate. » PAGE 48

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Top of the Week October 16, 2000


Reviving an agenda FCC chief Bill Kennard (center at left) returns to old theme. » 10

Q &A with B &C Kennard vents his frustration. » 13

We beg to differ Broadcasters and set makers say must - carry is ignored issue. » 14


Court throws out right -of-reply rules, but FCC could still justify and resurrect them. » 6 SPECIAL REPORT

ALIVE AND KICKING Station automation Broadcasters Reports of networks' demise is premature, as seek cost -effective, reliable systems for numbers stay strong in week two. » 16 multichannel operations. » 48

DOWNSIZED Tailor -made System automates two Texas In drive for financing, Zatso Internet news- PBS stations on a tight budget. » 56 cast service cuts staff. » 17

Suppliers Some of the technology leaders in automation and media management. » 58 Programming Advertising Eye opening CBS starts new season with Windfall TV stations win, with political ratings up, median age down. » 20 spending on track to beat forecasts. » 36 B &C Eye 4 Hubbard's proposed movie Trailer talk -barker Bednarski's Column 18 channel draws skepticism. » 21 Interactive Media Broadcast Ratings 31 Ex- Slamming Hollywood WWFs Vince McMahon Slowing migration broadcasters advise Cable Ratings 30 'took before you leap' to dotcoms. » 38 blasts response to pressure on violence. » 22 Changing Hands 34 Classifieds 70 Air standards WRAL -IV sets rules for Global broadband Industry forum readies Common Ground 44 candidates using free airtime. » 24 recommendations for content delivery. » 42 Editorials 82 Ratings magic Sabrina is the winner among Facetime 64 the 11 freshmen off -net series. » 26 Technology Fates & Fortunes 66 HDNG That's high- definition news Fifth Estater 68 gathering at wRAL -rv. » 46 Business Financial Wrap -Up 17 Sprucing up Hughes Electronics, DirecTV Station Break 28 At mall Grass Valley hi -def servers are courted by media suitors. » 34 the will be used to peddle high -end consumer Syndication Ratings 29 goods and services. » 47 Two Cents 80

Broadcasting & Cable /10 -16 -00 3 (YE

SYNDICATION Hassel -off SPORTS TV Don't look for David Hasselhoff to be showing up on the beach of Does heartland Baywatch Hawaii anytime soon. The former star of the Pearson REGULATIC',1 want NY Series? Television syndicated action series still carries an executive producer tide, but his acting days on the show appear over, sources say. He's no chicken The notion of a Mets -Yankees Hasselhoffs character was expected to return for up to eight episodes Green Party candidate and ever- subway series intoxicates Big during this it's 11th season in syndication, but he's a no show. green consumer advocate Ralph Apple baseball fans. But will it Baywatch has gone in a new direction this season. The show has a new Nader compares Al Gore ant play with fans in Peoria and cast, a new location and younger-skewing storylines. Pearson execs George Dubya to chickens, but elsewhere? Results of an informal say Hasselhoff still has the option to make guest appearances. even though Gore defends restor- poll of ad agency executives and ing the Fairness Doctrine, Nader TV sports consultants suggest it is the fighting rooster on that won't. "The match -up would not issue. Way back in 1987 whey be particularly attractive to the the FCC dumped the rule, Nader national TV audience," says was arguably the doctrine's host independent TV sports consultant high -profile defender. He lei a Neal Pilson. The consensus is a protest in the FCC meeting oom World Series pitting the Yankees complete with sign- waving sup- against St. Louis Cardinals would porters and an impromptu p-ess be the ideal ratings catcher, conference on the "ultimate combining the No. 1 market with transfer of monopoly power.' the Cardinals' Midwest fan base.

GADZOOKS! ITS ZOBMONDO says. "But when you look at radio valuations that have dropped Like With four syndicated strips in development, Stone Stanley is bank- a lead balloon you've got to re- evaluate." The company is still ing that something's gotta stick. The front -runner for NATPE looks mulling whether the TV or radio assets would be spun off. "Right like game /talk hybrid Zobmondo! (Stone Stanley is producing, investors don't seem to want either one so it makes it a little Studios USA is distributing), based on the board game of the same tougher," he notes. The reaction from Wall Street was that the com- name. The completed pilot, hosted by comic J.D. Roberto has pan- pany made the right move in delaying any decision. "The market is elists asking questions starting with the phrase 'Would you rather...; just too volatile right now," says one company follower. "looks really strong," says one source close to the project. JUST CALL US UPN BACKTRACKING STOCK UPN will likely remain UPN come Jan. 1. Sources say :he Viacom - Emmis Communications had planned owned network, which announced earlier this year that it would

to announce the creation of a tracking change its name to the Paramount Network on New Year's Day, stock last week to separate its TV and won't make the change until summer. Executives at the embat- radio holdings. But given recent market tled network are apparently waiting until after key affiliation conditions, the plan has been delayed, deals with its Chris- Craft/United TV stations are done. News Emmis Chairman Jeff Smulyan acknowl- Corp.'s pending acquisition of those stations has delayed edges. "We're still studying it," Smulyan those deals, sources say. i

4 Broadcasting & Cable /10 -16 -00 MORE USERS.



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P A O L O TOP OF THE WEEK Court scraps reply rules

Fairness Doctrine vestiges thrown out, with caveat that they could be revived on merits

cast content. The Commission still has not provided adequate justification for the Frank Lloyd, a Washington communica- rules, and... provides no assurance that it Will do so. The suspension of tions attorney, was disappointed to see the right -of-reply rules fall. `But the door is the rules for 60 days simply has the effect of further postponing a final definitely open for the FCC to adopt some- decision by the Commission....It is folly to suppose that the [FCC's] 60- thing similar." day suspension and call to update the record cures anything. FCC Chairman William Kennard made that dear last week. "We intend to move -Judge Judith Rogers for the U.S. Court of Appeals in Washington forward promptly to study the public- inter- est obligations of broadcasters in the digital By Paige Albiniak But the panel did not nail the coffin shut. age, including whether these rules should he U.S. Court of Appeals in Because the court did not rule on their be reinstated." Washington last week threw out the legal merits, the rules may still be revived Kennard had recused himself from this T FCC's right -of -reply rules, which by the FCC if it chooses to justify them. By issue because he had argued for scrapping required TV and radio stations to provide the same logic, the FCC also could reinstate the rules and the Fairness Doctrine when airtime for respondents to political editori- the Fairness Doctrine (as the Democratic he worked for the National Association of als or personal attacks. But like a horror- party has pledged to do), which required Broadcasters. But last month, after the movie killer, they still could rise again. TV and radio stations that air controversial court set a deadline for justifying the rules, The court chastised the FCC for its end- issues to provide airtime for opposing view- he unrecused himself to break a 2 -2 tie less delays and inability or unwillingness to points. The FCC scrapped the doctrine in along party lines. justify the rules, which were the remaining 1987, but left the personal-attack and polit- But rather than justifying the rules, the vestiges of the long -gone Fairness Doctrine ical- editorial rules on the books. FCC's answer to the court was to suspend (see sidebar, opposite page): "The "The court's decision doesn't dose the the rules for 60 days to gather information Commission still has not provided ade- door, and it doesn't decide the ultimate on how broadcasters would handle their quate justification for the rules," Judge constitutional issues," said Robert Corn- newfound freedom. The Commission still Judith Rogers and Chief Judge Harry Revere, a Washington First Amendment plans to collect that information. Edwards found last week. attorney opposed to rules governing broad- Some saw the suspension and fact- finding

FCC's Kennard: "We intend...to study... RTNDA's Cochran: "They are dead. They are NAB's Fritts: "This decision represents an whether these rules should be reinstated." dead. But we can't ease oui vigilance." historic victory."

6 Broadcasting & Cable /10 -16 -00 TOP OF THE WEEK

as a way to further delay the court and engi- neer a win -win scenario: If broadcasters didn't Birth of a notion air political editorials, the FCC would be able to say that the rules didn't stifle free speech. If The Fairness Doctrine evolved in the late 1940s from a series of FCC decisions and positions they did, the FCC could say that broadcasters that expanded Section 315 of the Communications Act of 1934. That law required, and still didn't provide equal time. "Whatever hap- requires, that broadcasters who allow a candidate to use their airtime must offer airtime to pened, it would have been taken as a reason to other candidates. Broadcasters are not required to give up airtime to any candidate, however, revive the rules," Corn-Revere says. so it is an all- or- nothing scenario. But the FCC's decision only angered the The Fairness Doctrine was the court. FCC's extension of that law into a "It is folly to suppose that the 60 -day general rule that broadcasters had suspension and call to update the record an affirmative obligation to "afford cures anything. As petitioners point out ... reasonable opportunity for the dis- the Commission updated the record four cussion of conflicting views on years ago and still did not provide an ade- issues of public importance," thus a quate justification for the rules." kind of equal time for issues. It was Still, even with the possibility that the upheld as constitutional by the rules could be revived, the National Supreme Court in the 1959 Red Lion On Aug. 4, 1987, a unanimous and bipartisan FCC Association of Broadcasters and the Radio - decision, which offered spectrum repealed the Fairness Doctrine. Television News Directors Association, scarcity as a justification for what who had petitioned the court to throw out the court conceded was a lesser First Amendment status than that of print media. the rules, were overjoyed. The personal attack and political editorializing corollaries represented a codification by the

"This decision represents an historic vic- FCC of Fairness Doctrine principles. Until last week, the rules required that a) if a broadcaster's tory.... It is clear from this decision that presentation of views on a controversial issue includes a personal attack, the broadcaster had to future FCC attempts to regulate free speech notify the subject of the attack and offer airtime for reply, and b) if a broadcaster endorses a will be viewed with a high degree of skepti- candidate, said broadcaster must seek out other "qualified" candidates and offer them airtime. cism," says NAB President Eddie Fritts. The rules were codified in 1967, including the provision that "bona fide" news broadcasts "They are dead. They are dead," said were exempt from the personal attack rule. RTNDA/NAB's court challenge of the rules dates RTNDA Executive Director Barbara from July of that year, when they, along with CBS, first filed suit challenging the rules, saying Cochran. "But we can't ease our vigilance." they violated the First Amendment. Some say Kennard is eager to fight for Broadcasters would make that case the rules because some Democrats want to on and off for two decades before revive the Fairness Doctrine. Democrats victory appeared theirs. called for "reinstatement of the Fairness In 1987, the FCC, saying the Doctrine" in their party platform. scarcity rationale no longer applied, "Given that it was in the ... platform, it is struck down the Fairness Doctrine, to Kennard's advantage to show that he and saying: "If we must choose between they are implementing it," says Dan Troy, a whether editorial decisions are to be partner at the Washington law firm of Wiley, made in the free judgment of indi- Rein & Fielding who represented both NAB vidual broadcasters or imposed by FCC Chairman Dennis Patrick, aide Lisa Hook (c) and in fighting the rules. bureaucratic fiat, the choice must be RINDA and General Counsel Diane Killory prepared the order Even some who wanted the rules to stay that held the Doctrine to be unconstitutional. for freedom." At the time of codifi- in place sympathized with the court. cation in 1967, the commission said "The court was expressing its not sur- the personal attack /political editorializing rules "will serve to effectuate important aspects of the prising frustration and anger at the com- well- established Fairness Doctrine; they do not alter or add substance to the Doctrine." mission for not ruling on underlyng mer- This statement led many in the industry to believe that with the FCC's decision to ditch the its," said Andrew Schwartzman, president Doctrine, the corollaries must surely follow. They didn't. The 1987 FCC said it wasn't sure its of non -profit law firm Media Access ruling encompassed the corollaries and would address the question in "the near future." After Project. "The American people are the 13 years, more NAB /RTNDA challenges and several new commissions, the FCC's "near future" ones victimized by the FCC's inability to get finally ran out last week. -John Eggerton its act together."

Broadcasting & Cable/10-16-00 7 //ar t;/.7.14)! r


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©2000 G chal Crossiig Ltd. Global L3rossiny anc t-e SA pooled by MI Cable Design are trademarks df Global Croseing Holding= Iti TOP OF THE WEEK The chairman steps out With attacks on industry and a flurry of proposals, FCC head George Bush is talking about a family -view- looks to: a) salvage a legacy; b) help a elect president; ing hour and how we can protect kids dur- c) all of the above ing prime time from being bom- barded with negative messages." By Bill McConnell and Paige Albiniak But Kennard's critics hardly see William Kennard's scathing attack a coincidence in the timing, and on the broadcast industry last they note that some of his recent week had a familiar ring. Perhaps suggestions, such as reviving the because he sounded the same bell when he Fairness Doctrine or TV code of took office three years ago. conduct, are part of the Gore/ The FCC chairman dusted off contro- Democratic platform or are ideas versial broadcast proposals-free airtime vice presidential candidate Joseph for candidates and increased public- service Lieberman has long supported. duties for stations -in a speech to the Until repealed by the FCC in Museum of Television and Radio. 1987, the Fairness Doctrine re- Those ideas had been shelved after key quired broadcasters to air contro- members of Congress, prompted by broad- versial public issues and to seek casters, sharply criticized Kennard for them out comment on all sides of them. early in his administration. But as his tenure "Bill's political agenda is, I draws to a dose, Kennard appears to be think, Al Gore's political agenda. girding to fight for his public -interest agen- Chairman Bill Kennard has accused broadcasters of I think that's fairly clear," says da one more time. "brazen" disregard for public service and digital House Telecommunications Sub- "spectrum squatting." Democrat Kennard's term on the com- committee Chairman Billy mission expires next June, but, if Repub- Tauzin (R-La.). lican George W. Bush wins the White opportunities for Gore's presidential bid, Although issues like media violence and House, Kennard likely will be gone by the as some of Kennard's critics suggest? political airtime for candidates hardly seem end of January. Even if Democrat Al Gore After all, they note, Gore has directed to be big vote -getters, having the FCC push prevails, many FCC watchers believe White House telecommunications policy the issues would help to placate some of the Kennard will make an early exit. since President Clinton took office in 1992. vice president's core supporters, particularly In addition to accusing broadcasters of Free airtime and other new obligations for public advocates, who in the last three years "brazen" disregard for public service, broadcasters have always been on the have reaped few rewards for their backing. Kennard last week accused broadcasters of administration's -and the vice presi- "To a certain extent, this is a defensive digital "spectrum squatting" and called on dent's -wish list. Conveniently, but per- move," says Dan Troy, a Washington attor- Congress to force them to give up their ana- haps not coincidentally, timed FCC and ney who led the industry's effort to elimi- log frequencies by 2006, regardless of Federal Trade Commission initiatives on nate the FCC's right -of-reply rules for polit- whether viewers have purchased enough digital stations' obligations and media sex ical editorials and personal attacks. "Some digital receivers to kick in the current 85% and violence have given the Gore/ people in the Democratic base who care penetration that triggers the give -back. If Lieberman ticket a ready public -policy about this" may say "how come your FCC they don't, he wants Congress to impose a platform to showcase their concerns. hasn't done this? [Gore] may almost feel variation of one Clinton- administration For his part, Kennard insists he's simply they have to do this to avoid being labeled idea: spectrum fees. Kennard would levy trying to fulfill his early promises and dis- as hypocrites." them only on those that don't return analog misses suggestions of political motives. Certainly, the rewards for public advo- spectrum by 2006. "I've been talking about these issues since I cates during the past three years -low- The big question: Is he mounting a seri- became chairman," he said in an interview power FM stations and introduction of the ous effort to make good on his pledges, or last week (see story, page 13). "Frankly, I V-chip channel -blocking technology, for is he waging a thinly cloaked campaign to think the reason why candidates are talking instance-have been small potatoes corn- turn controversial issues into stumping about this issue is they are good ideas. pared with their defeats, such as a wave of

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consolidation ushered in by the protect broadcasters. 1996 Telecommunications Act KENNARD ERA Rather than a meaningful dead- and subsequent FCC relaxation line, they say, the 2006 goal was dri- of industry ownership limits. ven solely by budget priorities, Sworn in as FCC chairman NOV. 1997 While most of these develop- which included auctioning analog ments were not Kennard's fault, TV /radio combos get tentative OK DEC. 1997 spectrum in 2002. "2006 was the no doubt he would like his time Tells broadcasters to do more for public interest furthest out you could return spec- Clinton urges free in JAN. 1998 at the FCC remembered for airtime State of Union speech; trum and get people to pay for it in Kennard endorses next day more than sitting by helplessly as 2002," said National Association Congressional opposition stalls free airtime bid the corporations gobbled up MARCH 1998 of Broadcasters counsel Jack Calls for new minority ownership incentives independent stations and the Goodman. "The budget situation Federal judges minority- recruiting rules APRIL 1998 courts dismantled minority- strike down has changed radically, and the need recruiting rules and jettisoned Broadcasters attack plan to tighten industry for the 2002 revenue is gone." NOV. 1998 the right -of -reply rules. ownership rules NBC lobbyist Robert Okun "This is a last -ditch attempt AT &T /TCI merger approved MARCH 1999 says broadcasters make an easy for Bill to be relevant," said one Rejects effort to impose cable open- access on target for criticism, but it will be DEC. 1998 Senate Democratic aide. AT &T /TCI merger very hard to force stations to give

Supporters of Kennard's ini- V -Chips required in half of TV sets up spectrum if the transition isn't JULY 1999 tiative, however, say the chair- 13 inches and bigger complete. "Any politician knows man is shrewdly taking advan- TV duopolies ownership TV is sacred," he said. "If we permitted; station AUG. 1999 tage of animosity built up against rules loosened don't have 85 % penetration by broadcasters thanks to the FTC's Broadcasters start minority media investment fund NOV. 1999 2006, a lot of people will be angry report last month on the market- if we have to give spectrum back." Launches inquiry into DTV public -interest obligations DEC. 1999 ing of movies, violent games and Not surprisingly, wireless New minority- recruiting rules approved other "age- inappropriate" prod- providers were quick to cheer V -Chip required in all 13 -inch and bigger TVs JAN. 2000 ucts to kids, as well as what some Low -power radio approved Kennard's call for a tougher stand see as heavy -handed lobbying by on broadcasters' digital rollout. Sinclair Broadcasting demand for DTV standard FEB. 2000 the industry against the low - change rejected "Chairman Kennard has it right," power FM plan. Verizon Wireless cheered in a CBS -Viacom merger approved MAY 2000 "He sees the rising unhappi- press release. "This spectrum Loosening of dual network rule proposed ness with broadcasters," says JUNE 2000 holds great promise ... that will AT &T /MediaOne merger approved Media Access Project President be realized only if wireless compa- Labeling, cable- operable standards set for DTV Andrew Schwartzman. "More nies like Verizon can use it." DTV public- interest proposals issued SEPT. 2000 and more people, including peo- Cable open -access inquiry launched It's unclear, however, whether ple on the Hill, are getting fed up Kennard has time to complete his Court rejects FCC response; throws out reply rules OCT. 2000 with the broadcasters. Initiatives goals or whether he even has suffi- that he didn't see as particularly cient clout with Congress to per- achievable now seem somewhat more speech "the most blistering attack on broad- suade lawmakers to consider his proposals. achievable." casters since Newton Minow dedared TV a On the side of public- interest obligations, Kennard also has made it clear that vast wasteland." the FCC has power to write the regulations paving the way for third -generation wire- Broadcasters complain they are being itself, Kennard says, and last month launched less services for Internet and other broad- unfairly maligned by the attacks. The DTV rulemakings to create new obligations in the band products is a top priority. Some hang -up, they say, is the fault of uncertain- areas of kids and digital programming. Last industry sources say he would like nothing ty over technical specifications. They also week, Kennard said he would ask the com- better than to establish the rollout of such bristled at many of the terms Kennard used missioners to consider whether stations services as one of his legacies and to jump - to characterize their role in the DTV transi- should have to carry every presidential start the stalled DTV rollout. tion, particularly calling the digital -spec- debate, to cover state and local campaigns, to Cheering him on from the sidelines, if not trum allotment a "$70 billion giveaway." air more public -service announcements dur- actually helping with locker -room strategy, They also noted that the 85 % trigger level ing peak hours, to provide free airtime dur- has been Kennard's predecessor Reed was included to safeguard poor viewers ing the last weeks of an election season, and Hundt, who proudly called the chairman's and others unable to buy digital sets, not to to adhere to a code of conduct.

12 Broadcasting & Cable /10 -16 -00 TOP OF THE WEEK

Comments on public- interest duties are tions with top members of the House ing candidates for the chairman post, Tauzin due in mid January, perhaps giving Kennard Commerce Committee. Even if Democrats and Rep. Michael Oxley (R- Ohio), will take enough time to finish the new rules. His sug- win the House, there's no guarantee of a their cues from Kennard either. gested changes to the digital- rollout sched- warmer relationship, because the Commerce But Schwartzman says he's optimistic ule, however, will take an act of Congress. Committee will be led by John Dingell (D- Kennard can still add to his résumé. "I The chance for swaying lawmakers is a Mich.), a longtime nemesis. If Republicans think it's awfully premature to write Bill long shot, because he has antagonistic rela- stay in charge, it's equally unlikely that lead- Kennard's regulatory obituary."

You criticized the industry heavily for the Kennard's mad as hell lack of progress on the DTV transition? The spectrum drought we have in this FCC Chairman Bill Kennard last week charged that broadcasters' disregard for their public-interest country is becoming one of the major gating obligations had "reached a new low." The outburst, at the Museum of Television and Radio in New factors for the new economy. The Internet is York, was sparked by the refusal of NBC and Fox to commit to live coverage of debates, actions he migrating out of the PC and into networked derided as "disregardfor the American democratic process." Kennard said stations should: handheld devices. More and more, people Commit to carrying every single presidential debate as well as covering state and local races. are pointing to broadcast spectrum and say- Increase public service announcements during peak audience hours. ing that it is 108 MHz of beachfront prop- Provide free airtime to federal candidates. erty that is not being utilized. Establish a code of conduct. And to make sure broadcasters do not "trump their contract with the American people," You said it's time to close the 85% DTV Kennard and his fellow commissioners will hold a hearing today at the FCC on the public- inter- penetration "loophole" and make 2006 est obligations of digital TV stations. a hard deadline for returning analog In the New York speech, Kennard also blasted broadcasters for "squatting on empty spec- spectrum no matter what. But wasn't trum" -that is, not aggressively developing high -definition and other types of programming for this provision included to ensure that the second digital channels they received from Congress. To speed the transition to digital TV viewers too poor to buy DTVs or other- and the return of analog spectrum he asked Congress to: wise slow to adopt new technologies Eliminate the "loophole" allowing stations to keep analog channels until 85% of households continue to get free over -the -air TV? have DTV. It's a very legitimate issue. The last thing we Require all new TV sets to come equipped with digital receivers by Jan. 1, 2003. want is for Americans' analog TVs sudden- Impose a "spectrum squatters fee" on broadcasters who don't vacate analog spectrum by 2006. ly to go blank and become worthless. But Kennard, in an interview with BROADCASTING & CABLE Assistant Editor Bill McConnell fol- we have to recognize that the 85 % -2006 lowing the speech, said his frustration has been building fora long time. Here's an edited transcript: standard is illusory. Let's get real about this. We have to find other ways to expedite this transition. For those people who don't You hammered NBC and Fox for not com- putting financial interests above the want to buy a digital TV set or have multi- mitting to full coverage of the debates. public interest. Any other examples? ple sets, downconverters are the best But how was the public hurt? Nearly I get hundreds of e- marls every week from option. They're pretty expensive now. But everyone in the country could watch on parents concerned about what their chil- if you require all sets to receive DTV, you other broadcast networks or cable. dren are exposed to in prime time televi- prime the pump for the manufacture of Once a network begins to counter -program sion. There's a widespread sense around receivers and chipsets and drive down the against the debates, others will be under the country that there's been a general cost. Ideally, you want to get to where cost increasing financial pressure not to cover coarsening of broadcast standards during of a downconverter is about the cost of a the debates. It's the time when networks prime time. When I ask network executives large pizza. have focused the nation's collective elec- about this, they give answers I know are torate on arguably the most important unacceptable to parents: "We are not the Is it fair to call broadcasters "squat- political decision most Americans make. problem. You should focus on gun control. ters," as if they aren't making use of

It's unacceptable that we could begin erod- You should focus on parental supervision . digital spectrum? After all, digital ing a tradition built over many decades. or you should focus on drugs in society.- transmissions are ahead of the govern- We all collectively have to exercise more ment's mandated schedule. You said broadcasters are increasingly responsibility. They're building out. I commend those

Broadcasting & Cable/10-16-00 13 TOP OF THE WEEK

who met our deadlines. It's true there are broadcasters that supports another stan- transmitters on the air, but there's no prod- Kennard's DTV dard," says Rick Clancy, Sony senior vice uct for which there is a business plan. president of corporate communications. smokescreen? Bill Mannion, vice president and general How can that be fixed? manager of Panasonic's television and net- Broadcasters have not coalesced around a Broadcasters, set makers say work systems division, points out that, until business model for using this spectrum. must -carry is ignored issue there is a "final decision on the various Now, the question is who is going to transmission formats," Panasonic won't assume the risk of uncertainty? Is it going to By Glen Dickson know whether it will need to build sets with be the broadcaster who has this valuable roadcasters and TV-set manufac- only an 8 -VSB tuner, or whether it will have and free resource, or will it be the American turers have often pointed fingers at to include COFDM tuners as well. public, which has a resource that is not B each other. But both sides agree Panasonic might be able to make the being developed? that FCC Chairman William Kennard's proposed 2003 deadline for induding DTV proposal last week to speed the DTV tran- reception in all TV sets, probably at a cost Do you think Congress will Listen to you? sition through government intervention of several hundred dollars per set, Mannion We were asked by [House Telecommunica- ignores fundamental questions. says. "It's a possibility. But we've got to start tions Subcommittee] Chairman [Billy] Executives from both industries say today to do that. If anything's going to Tauzin when he held a hearing on DTV Kennard's three -part DTV plan- making change, we can't make that date." transmission to give [our] best thinking 2006 a hard deadline for returning analog - Mitsubishi Director of Marketing Bob about how to get DTV off the dock. I believe broadcast spectrum, requiring all TV sets Perry thinks 8 -VSB works just fine. He says I have the responsibility to tell Congress to include DTV reception capability by the lack of digital must -carry is the "real ways we can get this process moving. 2003 and imposing a "spectrum- squatters impediment" to the DTV fee" on broadcasters occu- rollout. "The FCC should Why haven't you decided whether TV pying analog spectrum issue a definitive state- stations are entitled to dual analog/dig- after 2006 -does not ment about cable must - ital cable must -carry rules during the address the debate over the carry for digital TV, transition? DTV modulation standard, including a timeline for Two reasons. One, I don't believe there's a copy -protection concerns digital must-carry." consensus at the agency on how to deal or digital must -carry. The average U.S. with this issue. Second, when it is dear "The real problem with household has 25 televi- there is no business plan for how to use this DTV is that all these issues sion sets, says Perry, and spectrum, the right answer is not for the are sitting and sitting and sit- Mitsubishi's upscale cus- government to provide the plan by guaran- ting at the commission," tomers probably average teeing distribution for, not one, but two says NAB regulatory counsel 3.5 sets. Some broadcast- over -the -air signals. Jack Goodman. "The commission put out ers have said they expect they'll have to a proposal on digital must -carry in July continue analog broadcasts past 2006 sim- You've suggested it might be time to 1998. We're at the two -year mark, and they ply to serve those secondary sets in the bring back some old ideas with new say they need our business plans. It's odd home. Perry disagrees. twists, such as possibly reviving the that here the commission seems to be so "Our belief is, there's no reason to carry Fairness Doctrine, bringing back a reticent to go forward and in other issues is on NTSC operation after 2006, as long as we broadcast code of conduct. Why return willing to leap first [new EEO rules, low - have had a number of years of digital must - to ideas courts and commissions have power radio, for instance] and worry later carry before 2006." struck down? about whether it's on sound legal ground." Cable operators could also take a DTV sig- It's not a return to old regulatory models. One broadcast source believes that nal, downconvert it to NTSC at the headend, We're not taking about ascertainment and Kennard's 2006 deadline will actually "stoke and offer it as a "lifeline service" to customers some of the models we've used in the past. the fires on the modulation debate" because who haven't bought DTV receivers. But, as We're trying to find new technology solu- some broadcasters will use the controversy Perry sees it, "the FCC has been extraordi- tions to serving the public interest, and that's over 8 -VSB modulation as a stalling tactic. narily silent about any kind of phased timeline an entirely legitimate exercise, because the But he thinks the FCC has already made up on cable. It's almost as though we're not in the world shifted when Congress gave broad- its mind and "we're stuck with 8- VSB." business of selling products." casters $70 billion worth of spectrum. "But there is still a large contingent of Bill McConnell contributed to this story.

14 Broadcasting & Cable /10 -16 -00 THE TEN COMMANDMENTS







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02000. Actidate Inc. TOP OF THE WEEK INBRIEF Not too bad, so far EU OK'S Vivendi's $30 billion acquisition Network premieres get fall season off to a strong start of Canadian -based was approved by European Union reg- By Joe Schlosser The CBS newcomer that followed Midler, ulators Friday after the companies Ihis just in: Network television is alive the droll Welcome to New York, opened with agreed to address pay -TV antitrust issues. Vivendi will sell its 20% and kicking. The story at 8, 9 and 10 12.7 million viewers and a CBS -strong 5.0/13 piece of BskyB, Rupert Murdoch's p.m. Indeed, across the board, ratings in adults 18 -49. The sitcom from David British satellite pay -TV provider. at the Big Six networks continued to impress Letterman's Worldwide Pants studio improved Vivendi owns half of Canal Plus, at the end of week two of the 2000 -2001 sea- its 8:30 p.m. ET/PT Wednesday night time Europe's largest pay -TV. son. Familiar faces -Bette Midler, Geena period by almost 100% in adults 18 -49. Davis and NBC's Thursday -night gang -pro- ABC's The Geena Davis Show, a night earli- CLINTON SEEKS duced strong ratings for their debut episodes. er, attracted 172 million viewers and held SPECTRUM REVIEW Although NBC's overall ratings are down 93% of its Dharma & Greg lead -in. It also President Clinton Friday ordered the FCC and other regulatory from year -to -year, mainly due to tepid base- averaged the same adults 18-49 figure (7.6/19) agencies to identify spectrum ball playoff ratings, CBS, ABC and Fox as the veteran comedy, which had the benefit that can be reallocated for wire- gained in total viewers over last year in the of Millionaire as its lead -in. The advertiser-free less Internet and other third -gen- early going. CBS is up (3 %), or 500,000 view- launch of Andre Braugher's new ABC drama eration wireless services. Among ers, through the first seven days of the season Gideon's Crossing averaged 15.4 million view- the frequencies under review are vs. last year, while ABC added some 600,000 ers and a 6.7/18 in adults 18-49. Gideon's channels used for instructional TV viewers (6 %) and Fox jumped dose to one placed second in total viewers in its 10 p.m. and multichannel, multipoint dis- (12 tribution systems. million viewers %). NBC's Thursday lineup (Oct. 12) got the New shows have produced bright num- week's best overall 8 -11 p.m. ratings. A double BASEBALL SLUMPS bers. CBS' new comedy Bette debuted on shot of Friends drew an average of 26 million Through six games of the division Wednesday (Oct. 11) with 15.7 million view- viewers. Emmy Award -winner Will & Grace and league championship series ers and a divine demographic rating, indud- moved into its new 9 p.m. slot and averaged last Thursday, Fox and NBC were ing a 5.5 rating/16 share in adults 18-49 (see nearly the same numbers that Frasier posted to averaging a 5.1 rating, 9 share. CBS ratings story on page 20). Bette topped start last season, 25 million viewers and a That was a 29% drop from last ABC's Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? in 15.9/24 rating. And network TV's top drama year's 7.2/12 through seven games, according to Nielsen Media every ratings category except total viewers; ER started off with 29 million viewers, down Research. The first two games of Millionaire pulled in over 17 million. two million viewers from last year's debut. the New York Mets -St. Louis Cardinals series scored an average 6.9/12 for Fox. That's off 23% from the first two Mets- Atlanta Middle East turmoil dominates TV news Braves games in last year's NLCS, Associated Press Television News which averaged a 9/18 on NBC. caught the image of the car carrying

FCC PLUGGING LEAKS three Israeli soldiers who took a To stop leaks of documents, the wrong turn into Ramallah (l). A mob FCC last week required lobbyists killed two of the soldiers later; the and others with business before third was found dead in the car. the commission to return any Separately, CNN put a hold on non -public materials they acquire some of the early images of the without distributing them to victims of the apparent suicide anyone else. Violators could be attack on the destroyer USS Cole, barred from representing clients before the FCC and regulated after the Pentagon asked the net- companies could be fined. The work for time to notify victims' rel- rules do not apply to journalists. atives before they saw TV coverage.

16 Broadcasting & Cable /10 -16 -00 B R O A D C A S T I N G & C A B L E / B L O O M B E R G S T O C K I N D E X E S

FINANCIAL BROADCAST TV (10/15/99- 10/13/00) CABLE TV (10/15/99- 10/13/00) RADIO (10/15/99- 10/13/00) WRAP -UP 350- 400 1200 350 - 300 1000 - 300 250 Week of October 9 -13 250 B00 200 200 600 WINNERS 150 150 400 10/13 % change 100 100 Scripps Co $56.83 9.51 50 50 200 Clark (Dick) Prod $9.13 5.8 0 0 Entercom Comm $28.25 4.3 Week ending 10/13110 Week nding In: 13/00 Week ending 10/13/00 Citadel Comm $18.50 3.5 Close 277.10 3.0% Close 265.74 5.0% Close 496.37 4.3% Belo Corp $18.25 3.92 High 285.32 High 281.20 High 510.42 Low 269.42 Low 257.28 Low 469.87 LOSERS 10/13 % change DOW JONES NASDAQ S&P 500 Liberty Satellite $6.00 (30.93) Week ending 10/13 00 Weekending 10 /I3 /00 Week ending 10/13/00 Liberty Digital $11.50 (24.59) Close 10192.20 3.8% Close 3316.50 1.3% Close 1374.10 2.5% Unapix $0.44 (22.22) High 10568.40 High 3355.56 High 1402.03 Motorola Inc $22.00 (20.72) Low 10034.60 Low 3074.68 Low 1329.78 Radio One Inc $5.88 (18.96)

For Zatso, not so greatso INBRIEF Personalized Internet newscast firm cuts staff to draw cash DR. LAURA GETS BUMPED WGRZ -TV Buffalo, New York, has given Dr. Laura the boot to a By Ken Kerschbaumer sites, allowing site visitors to register and indi- lesser daypart -she'll move from atso.com, which offers viewers the cate news -topic preferences. The range of 3 p.m. down to 10 a.m. Pearson opportunity to create personalized news includes news gathered from the affiliat- Television's Family Feud, which

Internet newscasts and has partnerships ed stations as well as stories created by part- previously ran at 3 p.m. before with 42 stations, including Media General, ners including Bloomberg Television, getting bumped to 10 a.m. to Meredith, and Scripps Howard stations, laid CourtTV, Quokka Sports, C -SPAN, and The make room for Paramount's new off roughly half of its staff to save money and Weather Channels. talker, will move back to its old afternoon home. make it more attractive to potential investors. Karl Rhodes, manager of external commu- "We discovered that the funding and financ- nications for Media General says that the GEOCAST REACHES FOR ing to continue operation was- company has a 5 % stake in '[W]e made the ECHOSTAR n't coming through at the Zatso and 11 stations online Datacaster Geocast Network degree we had thought, and so painful decision to with the service. "We'll bring Systems today (Oct. 16) will we made the painful decision three more online in the next unveil a partnership "that signif- ... as it's called in to downsize, or, as it's called in 30 days and we expect to icantly expands Geocast's cover- for its multi- the Internet market, rightsize," the Internet market, have all of our stations online age area" proposed media service. A likely suspect is says Craig Marrs, Zatso vice with Zatso by the first quarter rightsize. EchoStar, which has just begun president of business develop- of 2001," he adds. -Craig Marrs broadcasting from its sixth satel- ment and affiliate relations. Marrs says Zatso's busi- lite. "We're sized for our existing partnerships." ness plan calls for advertising revenue to start The San Francisco -based company now has in the second quarter of 2001. The ongoing LILLEY TO LOBBY FOR 38 employees, and Marrs says the company efforts to keep the company afloat, which NEWS CORP. will continue to serve its clients as usual. "We include a potential merger or acquisition, are Justin Lilley, counsel to the made this move in anticipation of looking designed to keep the firm alive until then. House Committee on Commerce, will lobby for News Corp. starting more attractive to the investment community, Zatso's position has become common in next week. Lilley has served as a and we've had positive reaction from the the streaming-media segment, which requires chief aide to House Commerce investment community so far," he adds. "With hefty pre -revenue investment and still awaits a Committee Chairman Tom Bliley this move we have a chance to extend our life." critical mass in broadband deployment. The (R -Va.) since 1997. Bliley Zatso is currently offering its personal stock -market plunge in April has made the announced his retirement earlier newscast service on approximately 35 Web raising of capital more difficult. this year.

Broadcasting & Cable /10 -16 -00 17 P.J. Bednarski EXECUTIVE EDITOR

Excuses, excuses

Without the FCC to blame, how will broadcasters justify their timidity?

Oh, now that they don't have to worry about giving time for put huge roadblocks in the way they had nothing nice to say, a reply to a personal attack or an editorial endorsing a of a station that wanted to have they should just shut up. So candidate, we can expect broadcasters to begin taking some punch. that's what a lot of them did. controversial stances left and right. And why don't stations shake No great tradition evolved. Please, don't make me laugh. things up at 6 and 11? Next to And they didn't ask for feed- Unfortunately, a lot of television and radio stations didn't need a sex, nothing much sells better back. They ran away away from rule to be timid and bland. It's what they do. Take away the folksy than controversy, or, more plain- it, actually. Few television and weatherman and the nutty sports anchor, and what you have left at ly, a good, tough story that roils radio stations provide anything hundreds of stations are grind -it -out news shops that are spineless the status quo, or a reporter's like those "letters to the editor" repackagers of the morning paper. against- the -grain point of view forums for viewers. You can Few television and radio stations are opinion leaders, and the that gets people thinking. scarcely talk back to television suggestion that the FCC's rules chilled them is just a cold canard (if American newspapers, which or radio. Why is this so? It's not you'll excuse the pun). They were never in the game. are lame enough these days a Fairness Doctrine thing; it's a Since 1987, when repeal of the Fairness Doctrine left intact only themselves, still manage to em- fairness thing. the rules of personal attack and political editorial response, broad- ploy disagreeable columnists Don't local newscasts get let- casters have been barely affected: and cranky editori- ters and com- For each of those years, the FCC received an average of three or al writers the whole It's not a plaints? Isn't the town loves to hate. Fairness Doctrine station invested On television enough in the four complaints from politi- eign groups or foreign public and radio, the edi- thing; it's a community to do cians about a station that hadn't figures. Foreigners specifically torial or pointed fairness thing. strong editorials? afforded them a chance to re- weren't covered by the rules commentary is a Maybe not. Lots spond to an editorial endorsing (there's an Ugly American fact). rare event. I wonder why. So of television and radio stations their opponent; It is hard to tell, actually, how what if a television station edi- are run these days by well-paid And on average, the commis- one could have made a person- torial said -assuming the facts transients who don't know (and sion got 25 to 30 complaints a al attack that would trigger the supported it -that Mayor couldn't care less) about prob- year alleging a station had made FCC's disapproval. Blowhard was a liar and incom- lems in their communities, won't a personal attack, and the FCC The political- endorsement petent, and so what if the sta- spend the resources to find out rejected almost all of them. rules say, if a station endorses a tion might feel pressure to and, frankly, wouldn't want to In short, these rules didn't candidate, the station must allow the mayor to respond? offend their car-dealer cronies inhibit much, except the fact inform opponents and offer How horrible is that? by coming out on the wrong side that some aggrieved source them a chance to respond. Big Oh, no! Ouch! An exclusive of an issue. Far too many sta- might try, in vain, to invoke deal. It's just a matter of remem- with the city's top elected offi- tions don't have the nerve or them. But under the personal - bering to make a phone call or cial? What a calamity. journalistic chops to have a truly attack rules struck down last write a couple letters, and free Maybe it is historical. The controversial opinion. week, reporters could say pret- up two minutes of airtime. Fairness Doctrine and its per- If you disagree, we'd print ty much whatever they wanted But it wasn't the FCC that sonal- attack and editorial - your letter to the editor. It in a newscast, as commentary was nipping at newscasters; the response provisions might have won't kill us. or analysis. Candidates could problem was in the front office. seemed uncomfortable enough say whatever they wanted; so These were stupid rules. I'm that general managers, news Bednarski can be reached at could their aides. And anybody not saying they weren't. But I directors and their corporate [email protected] or at could say anything about for- would argue that they didn't lawyers decided long ago that if 212 -337 -6965.

18 Broadcasting & Cable /10 -16 -00 ATURDAY,

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But one strong sign for the network was the median-age average, which fell to 50. Last season, CBS' first week averaged view- ers 52.4 years old; the whole season, just over 53. "Early on, our median age is down a few years, so, clearly, you are seeing some younger people who watched Survivor and saw the promotions," says Moonves. All five of CBS' new series fared well in their premiere outings, induding weekend hours The Fugitive and C.S.I.: Crime Scene Investigators. But it was C.S.I. (the Las Vegas-set action series), not The Fugitive, that shined the brightest on the weekend. Of five new CBS series, C.S.I.: C.S.I. dominated its Friday 9 p.m. ET/PT Crime Scene Investigators shined the brightest, with time period, bringing in 17.3 million view- 17.3 million viewers, 11.8/21 ers and an 11.8 /21 in households, accord- in households. ing to Nielsen Media Research. The Fugitive, easily CBS' most promoted new action series, held its own on Friday night as well. The premiere episode attracted The Eye opens 13 million viewers at 8 p.m. Friday and a 93/17 in households. Combining that with the season premiere of Nash Bridges, CBS posted its strongest Friday -night ratings with a twinkle (including adults 18-49) since '94. Saturday's debut of Craig T. Nelson's The District post- CBS wins week one; ratings are up, median age is down ed strong opening numbers, averaging 14.6 million viewers and a 4.3/13 in adults 18-49. By Joe Schlosser week two," says ad buyer Paul Schulman. CBS' Monday -night sitcom block didn't The Survivor- network pulled off a The network captured the first week of miss a beat. Everybody Loves Raymond week -one upset in the ratings and the 2000 -01 season in total viewers, house- started its fifth season with an hour special showed early signs of a network on holds and even adults 18-49-the demo- that attracted 22 million viewers and its the decline -in median age, that is. graphic that the network has been strug- strongest demographic ratings ever. New With the Super Bowl and a second gling to attract for a decade. It was CBS' comedy Yes, Dear, with 14.6 million view- installment of Survivor on tap for winter, first premiere-week win in adults 18-49 ers, improved in all demographics for the CBS was sitting pretty as it carried summer since 1991 and the network's first weekly Monday 8:30 p.m. time period. momentum into the fall with strong ratings victory in the category (without sports) in The beat kept going for CBS last week, for both new and returning series. Al- over six years. CBS averaged a 10.0 rat - too. The network unveiled new comedy though it was an irregular first week of the ing/16 share in households, 14.5 million Bette after a Monday night that saw the net- season, with politics and baseball stealing viewers and a 5.0/13 in adults 18 -49 -well work dominate with its comedies, and a much of the spotlight, CBS showed growth ahead of both NBC and ABC. Tuesday that had drama Judging Amy scor- nearly across the board. "We were very pleased with what hap- ing its best -ever ratings with women. Bette "I was impressed with CBS' development, pened, but I'm always hesitant to talk about Midler's new comedy debuted Wednesday and now I'm impressed with CBS' week -one it because it's only one week," says CBS with 152 million viewers, a 5.1/15 in adults numbers. If the people liked what they saw Television President Les Moonves. "Let's 18 -49 and time -period bests in every other as much as I did, I think they are back in just say I'm cautiously optimistic." demo.

20 Broadcasting & Cable /10 -16 -00 Programming Moviewatch moves few INBRIEF

Hubbard's proposed movie -barker channel generates skepticism NET CATCHES HERZOG Doug Herzog, Fox's recently By Deborah D. McAdams cable operators have said, why should we pro- departed entertainment chief, has resurfaced as chairman of pitching Ben Stiller squirm through mote movies in theaters? That doesn't help us." the board of Internet -based Robert De Niro's polygraph test in The Hubbards are also counting on the Comedy World. Effective immedi- the trailer for Meet the Parents is proliferation of pay -per -view movie channels, ately, Herzog will serve as strate- funny the first couple of times. Then the gag the difference being that proliferation is actu- gic adviser to the company, a gets old, and that's precisely what sank ally happening rather than being predicted as 24 -hour online network that Movietime, a movie -trailer channel that was it was in the early '90s. MSOs are stuffing dig- streams original comedy pro- remade into E! Entertainment Television. ital tiers with PPV channels for the additional gramming. Now the concept is being resurrected in the incremental revenue, and buy -rates are climb- "I see Comedy World poised for tremendous growth," said form of Moviewatch, a cable network being ing. But a huge chunk of those PPV channels Herzog. "I've been impressed developed by the folks from Hubbard Broad- are controlled by InDemand, a programming with the progress the company a casting, family-owned television group in St. originator and distributor owned by four has made and look forward to Paul, Minn. MSOs that control more than half of all cable evolving it into a major enter- Executives throughout the cable industry homes: , Time Warner, tainment brand." arc giving Moviewatch a thumbs down. and AT &T. And InDemand already Prior to his short stint with "There's a question of validity," said an offers three barker channels customized for Fox, Herzog was president and CEO of Central, executive from one of the top five MSOs. "It's whatever combination of its 35 PPV channels Comedy oversee- ing the launches of South Park been tried before." an MSO carries. and The Daily Show, among oth- The Popcorn Channel was one previous Sources dose to Moviewatch say the net- ers. Before that, he worked for a incarnation of network that ran movie trailers work will be more than movie trailers -think 11 years as MTV's executive VP, and theater listings, typically referred to as a 's Profiles or Inside the Actor's Studio. And programming and production. "barker" channel. Popcorn was launched in late the Hubbards have earmarked $50 million a 1995 and backed by a triad of companies includ- year for programming, putting it in the neigh- TOUCHED GROUNDED ing The New York Times. It peaked at 3 million borhood of History Channel, Speedvision and CBS' season premiere of drama Touched by an Angel was pushed subscribers and folded after about a year. Home & Garden Television, according to esti- back a week because of a late - Movietime also lasted about a year before mates from Paul Kagan Associates. running NFL game on Sunday. Lee Masters, now the head of Liberty Digital, of the major things Moviewatch has One The game between the San was brought in to save the channel. going for it could also work against it: 10 mil- Francisco 49ers and Oakland "It was like MTV but with movie trailers," lion DirecTV subscribers. The channel will Raiders ran an hour longer than said Masters. "It wasn't broad enough. The first launch on DirecTV, via a deal by which the expected, and CBS executives time you see a trailer, it's fabulous. The second Hubbards retained space for two channels opted to pull Touched by an time, it's OK. The third time, not that exciting." when the company sold its share of USSB to Angel rather than 60 Minutes. Touched was scheduled to get its Movietime reached 8 million subscribers; DirecTV last year. If not for that, DirecTV new season under way Sunday, 70% of them only part -time, before the over- would never carry the channel, said one Oct. 15, football permitting. haul to E! in 1990. The driving assumption industry executive. CBS still managed to post its behind Movietime was that pay- per-view "It has sprung from DirecTV and the satel- usually strong Sunday -night rat- movie channels and interactivity would prolif- lite guys," said another industry executive. ings, winning the night with 60 erate rapidly and people would seek out a "Right then and there, the cable guys are Minutes and its original movie, guide channel. going to hate it." Personally Yours. CBS won Sunday night in total "The idea was, as interactivity increased, you And forget about getting MSOs to pay for viewers (16.3 million) and a 5.2 could click on a trailer and get local theaters," the channel, he said. "So they put it on rating /13 share in adults 18 -49. said Larry Gerbrandt, senior vice president of DirecTV and get 10 million homes. That's ABC's Who Wants to Be a Paul Kagan Associates Inc. "The studios liked barely enough to be monitored by Nielsen. It's Millionaire? was the night's most - it. It was free promotion. ... But it was hard for not going to get much, if any, revenue from watched show, averaging 20.2 operators to get excited about a channel they affiliate fees or ad revenues. The whole model million viewers at 8 p.m. ET /PT. perceived as being mostly promotions. The will never get off the ground."

Broadcasting & Cable/10 -16 -00 21 Programming

INBRIEF the camera on the many different weekly events, said he would "love" to testify in McMahon: Washington and defend the First Amendment. ED BOWLS OVER "We at the WWF, we'll stand up, and I've THE COMPETITION been waiting for the phone to ring and Sen. NBC's critically acclaimed new Hollywood McCain to say, `Vince, come on down and tes- Sunday -night drama Ed, about a tify.' I would have loved that," he said. barrister /bowling entrepreneur, "Maybe I'll still get the opportunity. I'd tell got off to a strong start on a usually tough night for the net- took a dive these people what America thinks, not what work. Ed averaged 15.8 million they think America thinks." viewers and a 6.5 rating /16 Says industry yielded to UPN President Dean Valentine, who sat on share in adults 18 -49, according the dais with McMahon at the luncheon and pressure on violence issue to Nielsen Media Research. Ed also carries WWF Smackdown! each week, won its 8 p.m. ET /PT time period said, "I think Vince was very honest and made in adults 18 -49 and gave NBC its By Joe Schlosser a lot of good points. Was it a call to action? I best ratings in the period since this comer, WWF Chairman Vince it I just 1997. In didn't see as that. think he had an opin- McMahon, the new champion of the ion and he wanted to share it with this group." KATSKY ON NEW First Amendment. McMahon defended the WWF's track LAUGH TRACK Surrounded by some of the top executives record on the violence front, saying that his Tracy Katsky has moved across in TV, the wrestling billionaire laid into wrestling organization takes extra precautions the studio lot to join Gail Hollywood's recent response to the political during early evening hours when children Berman at Fox Broadcasting Co. backlash against violence on the small and big might be watching. "On Saturday and Sunday as the network's new senior VP screens. mornings [when WWF airs in broadcast syndi- of comedy development. In usual dramatic fashion, we very Katsky was formerly senior VP cation], are concerned of comedy at co -owned Regency McMahon told a gathering of with who can watch our pro- 'And at 8 -9 p.m., Television, the studio Fox the Hollywood Radio and gramming," McMahon noted. Entertainment President Berman Television Society last week quite frankly, believe "We are far more concerned ran for the two years prior to that film and TV executives we with what we produce there joining Fox. it or not, don't "caved in" to political pres- than we are from 10 to 11 p.m. Regency TV says Erin Simon sure at the recent Senate hear- even use the word [on cable]. And at 8 -9 p.m., Berenson will be taking over for ings and warned of the slip- quite frankly, believe it or not, Katsky as senior VP of comedy at ass on UPN during pery slope down which gov- we don't that studio. that hour. even use the word ass ernment officials are sliding. on UPN during that hour." INCORPOREALITY TV "Quite frankly, I was dis- -Vince McM ahon McMahon said that his ABC is getting into the appointed in you," he told organization has been unfairly Halloween reality spirit, adding the audience, which included the top execu- targeted by groups unhappy with his pro- World's Scariest Ghosts: Caught On tives of NBC, UPN, The WB and various gramming and that such efforts have Tape to its schedule. The hour Hollywood studios. "I was disappointed by "absolutely" taken a big chunk out of the special will air on Saturday, Oct. the way Hollywood handled its response to WWF's ad revenue on broadcast TV. (He said 28, at 10 p.m. ET /PT. Oscar win- ner James Coburn will narrate that subcommittee. You have the privilege to many advertisers have moved over to WWF's the special from reality producer go to work every day, the privilege to practice cable airings [it's now on TNN and MTV].) Bruce Nash. your craft. You got there because the people But McMahon claimed he was ready to go to ABC executives say the show who preceded you made this opportunity for the mat with such groups. "does not make the assertion that you. What do you do with it? Hollywood has "You have to take these people head -on," ghosts actually exist, but it does always been the last bastion of protecting First he said. "We will be going after their jugular, present enough evidence to make Amendment rights." exposing them for who they really are and the even non -believers look over their shoulders." McMahon said the entertainment industry way they conduct their business practices. The special will be filled with can't give "an inch" to election -year politics There is no murder, no rape, no knifes and no amateur video of alleged ecto- and he's ready to tackle Washington politicos guns on our programming." plasmic encounters. himself. McMahon, who not only presides over Outside of the political arena, McMahon WWF Entertainment but also gets in front of also promoted his upcoming football league,

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INBRIEF The XFL, calling it the best reality show that sports league in history, and it will take you mto will ever hit television. He took shots at the the locker room, on the sidelines and into the NFL, saying it had forgotten the middle class stands, where the fans will be a big part of the CANDICE BERGEN and how the game is supposed to be played. show, just as they are on the WWF." RENEWS WITH OXYGEN McMahon said The XFL, which will air on McMahon asserted that The XFL will be Candice Bergen will return for cable as well as UPN and NBC this winter, legitimate and that Las Vegas casinos will have her second season as host of will have cameras and microphones in every weekly betting odds on games. And WWF Oxygen's Exhale With Candice conceivable location and no "boring" kicks wrestlers such as The Rock and Stone Cold Bergen in January. Exhale is Oxygen's nightly on extra points. Teams will have to earn the Steve Austin won't be suiting up for football hour -long talk show with Emmy point with either a run or pass. duties. "They don't want to take the pay cut," Award winner Bergen interview- "The XFL will be the most well- promoted he said. ing who's who in the media. Of the gig thus far, Bergen said her favorite moment was being yelled at by Dan Quayle. Kinder, gentler politics Bergen is half of Oxygen's major star power; Oprah Winfrey hosts an innocuous computer - WRAL -TV sets standards for its free political time surf show. Much of the rest of Oxygen By Dan Trigoboff tem, about campaign financing and about programming is a mish -mash of WRAL -TV Raleigh, N.C. -an early negative advertising. And most races are cov- live talk, discussion and feature provider of free airtime for political ered like sporting events, horse -race coverage. segments. candidates -has put conditions on "I am not in favor of giving candidates free candidates' participation. commercials," continued Goodmon, who was USA ACQUIRES MOVIES Although the rules requiring stations to a member of the Gore Commission that rec- USA Network has acquired the broadcast windows for five films provide airtime for replies to personal attacks ommended stations provide free political air- from sister have been scrapped -the FCC suspended time as part of their public- service commit- Pictures. them and the court subse- ment in exchange for digital USA will get Meet the Parents, quently threw them out alto- 'The most important spectrum. "What I'm trying the just released comedy starring gether -the station still wants to do is provide free time for Ben Stiller, Robert DeNiro and [thing] is that they no personal attacks on its air. discussion of issues," with Blythe Danner; Nurse Betty, star- "We require that candi- do not discuss the station proposing the ring Renee Zellweger; Bring It dates do not resort to person- issues to be ad- On, with Kirsten Dunst; The their opposition. This particular al attacks and do not talk dressed. Watcher, with Keanu Reeves; and is not about their Beyond the Mat, a documentary about their opponents," said "When I testified before on professional wrestlers with John Harris, wRAL -TV former opponent.' the Gore commission," said many of the stars of the World news director and current -Jim Goodmon, Capitol Paul Taylor, head of the Wrestling Federation, which special -projects director. Broadcasting Alliance for Better Cam- pulled its programming from USA The spots will be aired on paigns, "Jim mentioned that in late September. Capitol Broadcasting's wRAL -Tv and he would like this prohibition on attacking. USA's four -year window begins in 2004. wRAz(Tv) Raleigh newscasts and on wjzv(Tv) As much as I hate to disagree even slightly and wFvT(Tv), both Charlotte. with Jim Goodmon-because we like what CORRECTION "Candidates have been invited to state they're doing in covering politics-criticizing The quotation in the caption on their positions on certain issues," said Capitol is part of the political process." page 26 of the Oct. 9 issue was Broadcasting President and CEO Jim In St. Louis, viewers wanted that face -to- incorrectly attributed. It should Goodmon. "The most important [thing] is face confrontation. PBS station KETC(TV) had have been attributed to Eric that they do not discuss their opposition. This decided not to run a (Missouri) gubernatorial Tannenbaum, president and CEO is not about their opponent. If you want to debate hosted by Kansas City, Mo.'s KCPT--TV, of ATG Studio. call your opponent a crook, buy the commer- but after dozens of phone calls some raising cial time. We've always emphasized political free -speech concerns or at least asking to coverage in our newscast. But we're con- make their own decisions regarding the cerned about the amount of money in the sys- debate's value -KETC changed its mind.

24 Broadcasting & Cable /10 -16 -00 Demand Itelco

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By Susanne Ault t For ABC's discarded Sabrina, the Teenage Witch to beat ABC's prized Spin City, someone had to have cast a spell on something. Yet that's the story unfolding with this year's off-network freshmen series Sabrina, now in originals on The WB and the only show to perform any real ratings magic.

Among the 11 newcomers, Sabrina's top - , ^' rated 2.6/6 weighted metered -market aver- - age for the week ended Oct. 7 (according to Nielsen Media Research) was the lone entry The WB's Sabrina, to grow from 1999's comparable time-peri- the Teenage Witch od average (up 8% from 2.4/5) and lead -in pulled in a 2.6/6 weighted metered - average (up 30% from a 2.0/5). market average. Runner -up Spin City (2.4/4) -no Millionaire but still high -profile at ABC - came in close but was down 11% from its matters, even if they're all Paramount's," Spin City doesn't do as well in access or pre- year-ago 2.7/6 and slipped 17% from its says one TV- station source. "If you're a sta- access times, particularly on the nontradi- 2.9/15 lead -in. tion that bought a show that's not working, tional [youth -skewing] WBs, UPNs and Both are distributed by Paramount you will be upset." Foxes of the world," says Katz TV's Bill Domestic Television, and sleeper Sabrina Typical in TV but nevertheless annoy- Carroll, who points out that late -night, probably cancels out slow - ing, explanations for the which attracts fewer rating points, would bloomer Spin City. Sabrina -over-Spin City sit- attract more of Spin City's fan base. 'A "I'm in a really good program that's uation vary. Other reasons for Sabrina's off-net place," says John No- canceled from the "I'm not surprised strength include The WB's hyping the gawski, the studio's presi- about Sabrina. By putting it show's prime time acquisition launch network that goes and dent of distribution. He's on between 5 and 6 p.m. vs. ABC's delaying Spin City's new fall-sea- also steering Moesha into syndication is a [its usual daypart], you'll son premiere, shutting out potential syndi- (2.1/5, 9% off its year -ago loser every time. get adolescents and teen- cated buzz. 2.3/6, 5% below its 2.2/5 agers to watch. And if And beyond everyone's favorite "it's too That's why some get lead -in) and Clueless you're a 10 -, 11 -, 12- or 13- soon to tell" line, more -obvious party spoil-

(1.4/4, down 13% from its lost in the shuffle: year-old, Sabrina is must - ers are the Olympics, election coverage and 1.6/5 year -ago but up 8% see TV," says Garnett baseball play -offs. -Garnett Losaz, Blair TV from its 1.3/4 lead-in). Losak, Blair TV's director To reiterate, Paramount's Nogawski "I do have a lot of shelf and vice president of pro- says: "It's way too early for Spin City. Talk space occupied by our television shows," gramming. "I know this because I have a 10- to me in a month, and we'll be having a Nogawski adds. year -old daughter." very positive conversation." However, "[each show's performance] In contrast, "a more traditional show like The big picture is that none of the new

26 Broadcasting & Cable /10 -16 -00 Programming

guys have approached, much less nipped from its 1.5/5 year -ago, 13% from its 1.6/5 ution. "I really believe that the predictabil- at, the heels of current off-net leaders, lead -in) and Nash Bridges (1.3/3, down ity of off-net and its known environment Warner Bros.' Friends (4.9/9, for the week 15% from its 1.5/4 year -ago, down 28% for advertisers make them a logical alterna- ended Oct. 7) and Columbia TriStar's from its 1.8/4 lead -in). tive to the risky roll of the dice with a lot of Seinfeld (4.8/9 for the same period). On a positive side, most of the off -nets the first -run shows that are being offered." While last year's top -rated 3rd Rock are at least matching and, in many cases, Being realistic, Carroll says, "With the From the Sun (2.6/6) from Carsey -Werner creaming the rookie first -run efforts. "I current fractionalization of the audience, and The Drew Carey Show from Warner think it's everyone's intent [to replace cer- we keep changing where we put the bar in Bros. (3.2/6) appear healthier than most, tain low -rated first-run shows with off -net both network and syndication. ... [W]e the bulk of the off-nets are down from their shows]," opines Robert Raleigh, Carsey used to be doing the pole vault, and now lead -in and year-ago numbers. On the heels Wemer's president of domestic TV distrib- we're doing the high jump." of Sabrina, Spin City and Moesha are Warner Bros.' The Jamie Foxx Show (2.0/4, 13 % below its year -ago 2.3/5 and 20% less than its 25/5 lead -in) and Warner Bros.' Suddenly Susan (1.7/5, 19% lower than its year -ago 2.1/6 and down 26% from its THRee GianTs. 2.3/6 lead -in). Unlike Friends and Seinfeld, none of the FOUR newer off-net entries had a permanent CiTies. nor a Japanese monsreR movie.) piece of NBC Thursday real estate, hurting (no, iT's their break -out odds in syndication. rrs a mons-reR cc a senw aR TAUGHT R9 One source asked Dick Robertson, TV Sates GURUS Ron STeileR, Davy LLDwvG, cRalo li1aRSHaf.L Warner Bros.' syndication chief, what the ally special- GUeST SPeaKeRS. deal was with Drew Carey, normally a top - Actually, the monster challenge for television stations today is having the 25 network show. right sales management team in place. Turnover is costly and new "He said it was `all men' that tuned in. hires are never guaranteed. The superior approach is to invest in your There weren't enough women to support own people and make them the best possible sales managers to lead, it," says the source, who adds that a syndi- fight, and win the battle for increased revenue and profitability. cated show may attract specific viewers but must grab more than just one group. Ron Steiner, David Ludwig, and Craig Marshall of the Television Sales & Management Institute are the industry's best. In key examples, Moesha and Jamie Foxx Along with selected guest speakers, Steiner, Ludwig and Marshall have been labeled African- American niche will share a wealth of insights and tools to help attendees overcome players; Sabrina, teen girls; Suddenly Susan, the challenges of today and the future. This intense curriculum will women. Among other freshmen, there's the cover leadership, management, revenue development, productivity, young -girl- targeted Clueless and older- resource management, communications skills and a lot more. aimed Cosby (1.0/2, down 9% from its year- ago 1.1/3 and even with its 1.0/3 lead -in). Budget for the class today. Taught by a base of professionals with 100 years of successful experience in the broadcast television Moreover, "off -net strips and concur- business, you'll want to make the Institute part of your 2001 budget. rent network runs are very symbiotic," says Space is limited to 30 per class. So apply today. Blair TV's Losak. "A program that's can- celed from the network [for example, Atlanta February 4 - February 9 Suddenly Susan, Clueless or Cosby] that Portland May 6 - May 11 goes into syndication is a loser every time. Pittsburgh August 19 - August 24 4 - That's why some get lost in the shuffle." Albuquerque November November 9 Further low scorers are strip drama 7th To register and learn more, visit www.tvsalesinstitute.com Heaven (1.5/4, down 12% from its 1.7/5 or call 505.232.8823. year -ago, down 6% from its 1.6/5 lead -in); TELEVISION and weeklies Pretender (15/4, up 7% from SALES MANAGEMENT its 1.4/4 year -ago, down 12% from its 1.7/4 INSTITUTE lead -in), Early Edition (1.4/5, down 7%

Broadcasting & Cable /10 -16 -00 27 Station Break


SELL HIM A BRIDGE IRKED OVER ACCESS interviews while a new prisoner interviews, scheduled through At least WCBS -TV New York's Difficulty gaining interview adjusts, and then favors inter- this week, to Mexico- and Marcia Kramer was in distin- access to Angel Maturino view requests from Texas U.S. -based Spanish -language guished company. Resendiz, the media -friendly media, he said, accommodating media, including the Univsion Republican New York Senate Railcar Killer, has left some the prisoner's constitutional network and its Houston and candidate Rick Lazio also Spanish -language TV news rights to grant interviews as San Antonio stations. bought into the notion of outlets wondering if the Texas best the system can. "The non- Federal 602P, the fictional prison system has an English - Texas media -and then some DENVER NEWS legislation that would force language bias. Deanna Texas-based media-who DIRECTOR RESURFACES e- mailers to pay 5 cents to Landron, assignment editor at besieged us with requests for Diane Mulligan, formerly the Post Office for every e- Univision's KXLN(TV) interviews did not know," said news director at KMGH -TV, mail they send. Kramer, who Houston, said that, following corrections spokesman Glen has accepted a position as moderated the Oct. 9 debate, a letter requesting an inter- Castlebury, "and then failed to vice president, national com- did not write the question view, the death -row inmate grasp and understand the long- munications, at the National but received it via a still-tax- wrote back saying he was not standing policy that an inmate Stroke Association. The for- free e-mail as part of an allowed to talk to Univision. first goes through a period of mer news director says she is effort to include the public Meanwhile, Landron said, adjustment-dictated by his pleased by the opportunity to in the debate. weeks went by without a reply warden." Then, he said, the stay in Denver, to work with Lazio's Democratic oppo- from the usually cooperative media turned the system's broadcasters and other jour- nent, Hillary Clinton, said she Texas Department of Criminal Texas priority into an "English - nalists in promoting her non - had no idea about the alleged- Justice. Other complaints from speaking priority. I have never profit's work, and to have a ly proposed law -an unchar- Mexico -based journalists and been accused of [participating schedule that is far more actistic admission of ignorance U.S. -based Spanish -language in] a racist operation in my life. workable for a mother with a for a politician, particularly in outlets brought activists from I take offense. This ain't racism; young son. the face of Lazio's apparently the League of United Latin this is mathematics." already set opposition to the American Citizens (LULAC) LULAC remains uncon- BOSTON MEDIA FIGURE "government's greedy hand." into the matter, contacting vinced and may ask the state INJURED IN FALL But the 602P is a nonexis- state and federal officials. legislature for a non- discrimi- Marty Sender, a longtime tent bill from a nonexistent Prison officials said they natory policy. When all was Boston TV reporter still congressman, a hoax that resented notions of discrimina- said and done, though, active in the media as a con- apparently made the rounds tion and insisted there has been Resendiz, who apparently sultant, was injured last week last year and prompted the confusion over their policy. favors Spanish -speaking media, after a fall from a golf cart. Post Office to issue a state- That policy first grants no was allowed to give his first six Local news reported that ment of denial in May 1999. Sender had a head injury but no apparent brain damage PHILLY PRESS AIDE and was recovering in an JOINS KYW -TV area hospital. Barbara Grant, spokes- Sender was a TV magazine woman for Philadelphia host in the 1970s and a pro- Mayor John Street, has taken ducer and reporter for CBS the road less traveled, leaving News before joining wHDH- a public- relations job-albeit TV, where he was a reporter a government one-for jour- for six years. nalism. Grant will start this Water, water everywhere month as executive producer WTI/3(TV) Miami put together an electronic scrapbook of flooding All news is local. Contact Dan for special projects at CBS - and storm photos and video -provided by viewers -on its Web Trigoboff at (301) 260 -0923, owned KYW -TV in site following recent heavy rains in South Florida. e -mail dtrig @erols.com, or fax Philadelphia. (202) 463 -3742.

28 Broadcasting & Cable /10 -16 -00 Syndication Watch SEPT. 25 -OCT. 1 Broadcast network prime time ratings according to Nielsen Media Research


HH HH Rank /Program AA GAA Arresting development 1 Wheel of Fortune 7.0 7.0 2 Judge Judy 6.6 9.8 Straight out of an unexplained case, Arrest & 3 Jeopardy 6.2 6.2 Trial's Oct. 9 metered -market average 4 Oprah Winfrey 5.8 5.9 weighted 5 Friends 5.0 5.8 (1.7/4) was 15% below both its lead -in aver- 6 Seinfeld 4.7 4.7 age (2.0/4) and year -ago time -period average 7 Entertainment Tonight 4.5 4.6 8 Frasier 4.3 4.8 (2.0/5) yet prompted this response from pro- 9 Judge Joe Brown 3.8 5.0 ducer Dick Wolf: "We're off to a very encourag- 10 Live With Regis 3.6 3.6 11 Drew Carey 3.4 3.8 ing start. I don't want to jinx anything, but 12 Hollywood 3.3 Squares 3.4 we're trending in the right direction." 13 Montel Williams 3.3 3.4 14 3rd Rock From the Sun 3.2 3.4 But this puzzle is easily solved. Last Monday's 15 Jerry Springer 3.1 3.4 numbers, according to Nielsen Media Research, 16 Maury 3.1 3.2 were a 21% show's Oct. 17 Seinfeld (wknd) 3.1 3.1 healthy higher than the 18 Rosie O'Donnell 2.9 2.9 2 debut (1.4/3), which was 50% lower than its 19 Wheel of Fortune (wknd) 2.9 2.9 averaged lead -in (2.8/6) and 25% down from its 20 Divorce Court 2.8 3.7 21 X-Files 2.8 3.2 year-ago average (2.0/4). 22 Entertainment Tonight (wknd) 2.8 2.8 Arrest & Trial also posted a 3.1/5 last 23 Ricki Lake 2.6 2.7

24 ER 2.5 2.6 Monday on top- market station WWOR-TV New 25 Friends (wknd) 2.5 2.7 York, beating its Spin City lead -in (2.0/3) by

67% and topping its Oct. 2 debut (1.8/3) by

TOP COURT SHOWS Wolf on Arrest & Trial: "We're off to a very 72 %. In more good news, its Oct. 9 outing on encouraging start -I don't want to jinx HH HH anything." KcoP(TV) Los Angeles (3.0/5) trumped the prior AA GAA week's premiere (1.6/2) by 88 %. 1 Judge Judy 6.6 9.8 "That was a great way to start a Tuesday," says Wolf. "I don't expect those sorts of jumps 2 Judge Joe Brown 3.8 5.0 3 Divorce Court 2.8 3.7 every week, but I think people are finding the show and coming back." 4 Power of Attorney 2.2 2.7 The performances are more impressive, considering that, on both Mondays Arrest & Trial 5 People's Court 2.1 2.1 improved while going head -to -head with Monday Night Football on both WWOR and KCOP and in According to Nielsen Media Research nine other top -20 markets. Not to mention that baseball playoffs are also vying for viewers' Syndication Service Ranking Report Sept. 25 -Oct. 1 attention in Arrest & Trials access dayparts. HH /AA = Average Audience Rating (households) Plus, Steve Rosenberg, Studios USA's president of domestic television, notes, "by being in HH /GAA = Gross Aggregate Average One Nielsen rating = 1,008,000 households, which access, [Arrest & Trial] is up against Wheel of Fortune, Jeopardy and off -net sitcoms. So our represents 1% of the 100.8 million TV Households in competition is stronger vs. other [mostly daytime] rookie first -run efforts." -Susanne Ault the United States N/A = Not available

...._ ATTOHN EY Rosie O Donnell House Calls

Dr. lGura Matlock

36 3.3 2.9 1.6 1.6 Peoule S Court KDFW/F KHAS N WFAA: A KT11T; C KHTHi l 0.I KSTP;I Cab te Watch OCT. 2 - 8 Cable programming ratings according to Nielsen Media Research

C A B L E ' S T O P 20

Following are the top 20 basic cable programs ranked by ratings. Cable rating is coverage area rating within each basic cable network's universe. U.S. rating is of 100.6 million TV households. Cable share is the program's percentage of cable households using television. Ratings HHs Cable Rank Program Network Day Time Duration Cable U.S. (000) Share 1 WWF Entertainment TNN Mon 1C:OOP 69 5.9 4.6 4605 9.3 2 NFL /Ravens /Jaguars ESPN Sun 8:28P 215 5.6 4.5 4440 8.7 3 WWF Entertainment TNN Mon 9:00P 60 4.8 3.8 3755 6.7 4 NASCAR /UAW -GM 500 TBS Sun 1:05P 269 3.4 2.7 2733 7.1 4 MLB /Braves /Cardinals ESPN Thu 4:00P 192 3.4 2.7 2713 8.2 4 Rugrats NICK Sat 9:30A 30 3.4 2.7 2692 10.5 7 MLB /Cardinals /Braves ESPN Sat 1:00P 208 3.3 2.6 2589 8.3 7 Rugrats NICK Sun 9:30A 30 3.3 2.6 2568 9.6 9 MLB /Mariners /White Sox ESPN Tue 4:46P 217 3.2 2.6 2552 6.8 9 Rugrats NICK Mon 7:30P 30 3.2 2.5 2507 5.3 9 m/ 'The Killing Secret' LIF Sun 6:00P 120 3.2 2.5 2506 5.5 12 MLB/White Sox /Mariners ESPN Fri 4:00P 175 3.1 2.5 2473 7.8 12 Rugrats NICK Thu 7:30P 30 3.1 2.5 2462 5.4 12 WCW Monday Nitro Live! TNT Mon 8:OOP 60 3.1 2.5 2432 4.6 12 Hey Arnold NICK Mon 7:00P 30 3.1 2.4 2411 5.5 16 Spongebob NICK Sat 10:OOA 30 3.0 2.4 2342 9.2 17 MLB /Mets /Giants ESPN Wed 4:28P 171 2.9 2.4 2345 6.8 17 MLB /Giants /Mets ESPN Sun 4:00P 185 2.9 2.4 2306 5.6 17 MLB /Braves /Cardinals ESPN Tue _:00P 226 2.9 2.3 2277 9.4 17 Rugrats NICK Sun 9:00P 30 2.9 2.3 2268 9.3 17 Jackass MTV Sun 9:00P 30 2.9 2.3 2180 4.0

D E M O T R A C K E R : W O M E N 18 49

Following are the top 10 basic cable programs by demographic for the week of Oct. 2 -8, ranked by ratings. Source: Fox Family Channel. Ratings HHs Cable Rank Program Network Day lime Duration Cable U.S, (000) Share 1 WWF Entertainment TNN Mon 10:00P 69 2.9 2.2 1404 7.2 2 m/ 'The Killing Secret' LIF Sun 6:00P 120 2.7 2.1 1295 8.2 3 WWF Entertainment TNN Mon 9:00P 60 2.4 1.9 1181 5.2 4 Any Day Now LIF Sun 8:00P 60 2.2 1.7 1054 5.1 5 NFL /Ravens /Jaguars ESPN Sun 8:28P 215 1.9 1.5 928 4.6 6 m/ 'A Perfect Stranger' LIF Sat 4:00P 120 1.8 1.4 871 8.7 6 m/ 'Nobody Lives Forever' LIF Sun 4:00P 120 1.8 1.4 876 6.6 8 Facts of Life NICK Fri 11:30P 30 1.7 1.3 832 6.5 8 m/ 'Baby' TNT Sun 8:00P 120 1.7 1.4 851 3.8 10 Jackass MTV Sun 9:00P 30 1.6 1.2 773 3.4 10 Debate 2000- Boston CNN Tue 9:00P 90 1.6 1.3 786 3.6 10 Facts of Life NICK Thu 9:30P 30 1.6 1.2 769 3.8 10 m/ 'She Woke Up Pregnant' LIF Sun 2:00P 120 1.6 1.2 762 6.3 10 m/ Trice of a Broken Heart' LIF Sat 6:00P 120 1.6 1.2 785 6.4


Issue Date: October 9, 2000 CABLE Ad Close: Friday, September 2 Materials Due: Tuesday, October 3 PROGRAMMING Chuck Bolkcom: 775- 852 -1290 Marcia Orcutt: 323- 549 -4114 Yvonne Pettus: 212- 337 -6945 Rob Payne: 212- 337 -7022 Michael Farina: 212 -337 -6941 B roa d cast Watch COMPILED BY KENNETH RAY OCT. 2 -Ú Broadcast network prime time ratings according to Nielsen Media Research

Week .. ÑB ® Io (V4pIN .... i 9.9/16 11.5/18 8.4/13 6.0/9 2.5/4 3.8/6

8:00 37.20/20 Downtown c'3. King of Queens 9.3/15 49. Daddio 5.6/9 5. Moesha 2.4/4 58.7th Heaven 4.6/7 6.7/11 The Porkers Q 8:30 20. Yes, Dear* 9.6/15 45. Tucker* 5.9/9 43. Sexiest Bachelor in 2.6/4

America Pageant 6.0 9 74. The Hu hle y s Z 9:00 2. Everybody Loves 9 / 9 2.6/4 73. Roswell 3.0/4 9. NFL Monday Night 18. Deadline* 9.8/14 O 9.30 Y 9 Raymond 14.6/21 84. Girlfriends 2.3/3 E Football- Seattle vs. 10:00 Kansas 10.3/18 14. Family Law 10.6/17 20. Third Watch 9.6/16 10:30 13.1/20 8.8/14 3.6/5 9.9/15 2.3/3 3.5/5

8:00 '. Who Wants to Be a 31. That '70s Show 7.7/12 62. Buffy the Vampire 22 JAG 94 Millionaire? 3.9/6 14.1/22 / 35. Titus 6.8/10 84. UPN Tuesday Movie- Slayer 8:30 65 MLB AL Playoffs C Broken Arrow 1.7/3 9:00 Game 2 -New York 72. Angel 3.1/4 9;30 Presidential Debate Presidential Debate Yankees vs. Oakland A's 3.7/6 10. Dark Angel' 11.2/17 10:00

10:30 E Debate Analysis :J..:7 3 ?. Campaign 2000 7.2/11 9.1/14 10.9/17 13.6/21 5.3/8 3.9/6 3.0/5

)- 8:00 5. Who Wants to Be a 68. Star Trek: Voyager . Titans' 8.1/13 68. Dawson's Creek 3.4/5 p 8 :30 Millionaire? 13.4/21 3.4/5 52 MLB AL Playoffs 1134th. Annual Country HO 28. Drew Carey 9.0/13 Game 2 -New York 60. Star Trek: Voyager Music Association 76. Felicity 2.5/4 35. Norm 6.8/10 Yankees vs. Oakland A's 4.5/7 W 9:30 Awards 10.9!17 1. The West Wing 16.3/25 5.3/9 10:00 43. Best of Whose Line Is

10:30 It Anyway? 6.0/10 11.3/19 4.6/8 8.1/13 4.8/8 5.0/8 4.4/7

>. 8:3. Who Wants to Be a 57.48 Hours 4.9/8 27. Friends 9.2/15 67. Gilmore Girls* 3.5/6 Q Millionaire? 13.7/22 8.30 _ MLB NL Playoffs 55.WWFSmackdown! 5.C/8 9:00 Game 2 -New York Q 53. Charmed 5.2/8 Mets vs. San Francisco = 9 :30 Vice Presidential Debate Vice Presidential Debate Vice Presidential Debate Giants 5.0/9 10:00

10:30 41. Debate Analysis 6.2/11 64. Campaign 2000 31; 6 50. Decision 2000 5.5/9 6.6/12 10.2/19 6.3/12 4.8/9 1.7/3 2.1/4

8 :00 48. Two Guys /A Girl 5.7/11 50. World's Wildest Police 76. Sabrina /Witch 2.5/5 23. The Fugitive* 9.3/17 8 :30 58. Trouble w /Nrmal* 4.6/8 Videos 5.5/10 91. UPN Special Feature- 87. Grosse Pointe 2.0/4 Q 41 MLB AL Playoffs Broken Arrow 1.7/3 9;00 54. Norm 5.1/9 Game 3- Oakland A's 8. C.S.I.' 11.8/21 61. Freakylinks` 4.1/7 89. Popular 1.9/3 0 vs. New York Yankees E 9:30 45. Madigan Men* 3.2/6 6.2'.2 10:00 23.20/20 9.3/17 19. Nash Bridges 9.7/18 10:30

6.6/12 8.1/14 3.4/6 5.7/11 KEY: RANKING /SHOW TITLE/PROGRAM RATING /SHARE TOP TEN SHOWS OF THE WE K ARE NUMBERED IN RED B00 40. That's 6.4/12 47. MLB NL PlayoffsPla Y } Life* TV UNIVERSE ESTIMATED AT 102.2 MILLION HOUSEHOLDS; 8:30 Game 3 -San Francisco C 68 MLB AL Playoffs ONE RATINGS POINT IS EQUAL TO 1,022,000 TV HOMES Giants vs. New York C4 9:00 38. ABC Saturday Night 31. Walker, Texas Ranger Game 4- Oakland A's YELLOW TINT IS WINNER OF TIME SLOT (NR) Nor 4.4,10 Movie- Ransom 6.6/12 7.7/14 vs. New York Yankees Mets RANKED; RATING/SHARE ESTIMATED FOR PERIOD SHOWN 9:30 3.4/6 *PREMIERE S -T -D SEASON TO DATE PROGRAMS LESS 10:00 THAN 15 MINUTES IN LENGTH NOT SHOWN 17. The District* 10.1 /18 SOURCES: NIELSEN MEDIA RESEARCH, CBS RESEARCH 10:30 8.9/14 11.9/19 8.4/13 5.5/9 2.3/4

7:00 (nr) NFL National Game 2 71. Futurama 3.3/6 8?. Jamie Foxx 2.0/3 Dateline NBC 7.2/12 Wonderful World of 14.1/25 " 7:30 47 79. MLB Pre -Game 2.4/4 34. For Your Love 2.3/4 Disney -Mighty Joe 6. Steve Harvey 2.5/4 8:00 Young 5.8/9 Q 7.60 Minutes 12.8/20 13. Ed* 10.7 /16 9. The PJs 2.4/4 z 8:30 38 MLB NL Playoffs 79. Hype* 2.4/4 Ñ 9:00 6. Who Wants to Be a Game 5 -New York Millionaire? 13.1/19 29. NBC Sunday Night Yankees vs. Oakland A's 9:30 16. CBS Sunday Movie- Nikki' Movie -Kiss the Girls Personally Yours 10.4/16 10:00 8.1/13 11. The Practice 10.9/17 10:30

WEEKAVG 8.9/15 10.0/16 7.6/12 6.1/10 3.1,'5 3.1/5

5- 1 -1AVG 8.9/15 10.0/16 7.6/12 6.1/10 3.1/5 3.1/5

Broadcasting & Cable /10 -16 -00 31 Business Sprucing up for a sale

Hughes Electronics, DirecTV put a happy face on operational problems for media suitors

By John M. Higgins that dramatic." thing GM acknowledges may happen.

As media suitors woo General Motors The operational problems shouldn't Hughes Consumer Sector Senior Vice for the hand of Hughes Electronics repel too many suitors. Even bulls believe President Eddy Hartenstein insisted that and its DirecTV in merger, execu- that DirecTV's subscriber growth will peak DirecTV's subscriber growth remains solid, tives of the two satellite companies are this year. But, with DirecTV expected to particularly in urban and suburban mar- fighting hard to make their operations seem break 10 million subscribers, the sale of kets where the company has started to as lustrous as they were a few weeks ago. Hughes has attracted primarily entertain- deliver the signals of local broadcasters via Hughes' stock continued ment companies enticed by the satellite. That "local- into -local" plan its steep slide last week, pro- national reach of the third - robbed cable of its biggest advantage over pelled by word that DirecTV largest distributor of multi- DBS. In some rural markets, growth has was having a harder time channel programming. That slowed, Hartenstein acknowledged, but in growing its subscriber base clout could be useful in fights New York, Los Angeles and Boston, where than expected. Hughes against cable operators balking local stations came on the bird this year, Electronics' earnings report at carrying certain cable net- growth exceeded 50 %. last week offered the gory works or broadcast stations. But he does give fuel to one of investors' details. A $2- per-month "You've got to be looking at greatest fears: that digital cable can pinch Hartenstein: "Pi ttsburgh and basic -rate increase and ever- Portland were a nemic for us what happened between Disney DirecTV. Hartenstein noted that "we really until we actua lly launched cheaper installs mean that and Time Warner," said a senior got hurt" in Portland and Pittsburgh local -into -lo cal there." - customer churn is rising executive at one entertainment both AT &T Broadband markets that are from 18% annualized to 20.4 %, not huge giant, citing the MSO's decision in June to heavily pushing digital cable. DirecTV was but not a good sign. Subscriber growth in drop stations owned by Disney's ABC net- not able to start delivering local broadcast rural markets is slowing sharply. The corn - work in a dispute over carriage of Disney's signals in those markets until late spring. pany lost 600,000 of rival Primestar's 2.1 cable networks. "You might want some dis- "Pittsburgh and Portland were anemic for million subscribers in that takeover. And tribution of your own to counter that." us until we actually launched local -into- competition from newly fattened digital That's in part why suitors include local there," he said. Analysts took his com- cable systems is stunting DBS growth. Disney, Viacom and Sony. ment as evidence that Even though the snags have chopped But the ones expressing local -in-local only offsets DirecTV 1 s moving 30% out of Hughes' stock price in two the greatest interest are damage that digital cable ahead on weeks, cable operators shouldn't cheer too News Corp., which technology can inflict on DBS sales. hard. The snags mean that DirecTV's sub- already has DBS opera- to increase DirecTV is moving scriber base will probably grow just 44% tions in Europe and Asia, revenues and hold ahead on technology to this year instead of the more than 50% that and General Electric increase revenues and had been expected, with many of those sub- Corp., which has a broad- subscribers. hold subscribers. It has scribers corning out of the hide of MSOs. cast network and an exist- started rolling out a com- But they also show that, if DirecTV does get ing satellite services division that competes bined receiver and TiVo personal video a new owner, it will have plenty of problems with Hughes' other divisions. recorder that will allow DirecTV to try to to wrestle with in getting the company to Hughes is a "tracking stock" subsidiary create a video -on -demand service. The generate some meaningful cash flow. of GM: It trades separately but isn't truly company is introducing boxes enabled for "The market has been fearing that the independent of the automaker. DirecTV Wink interactive TV programming, im-

DBS market has been slowing dramatical- has been such a success that GM and proving its DirectPC higher -speed Internet . ly," said Merrill Lynch & Co. satellite ana- Hughes shareholders are pressuring the car delivery, and offering free installation, a lyst Marc Nabi. "It's slowed, but it's not company to fully spin it off or sell it, some- $200 benefit.

32 Broadcasting & Cable /10 -16 -00 Lj BROADCASTING & CABLE SPECIAL REPORT


At Broadcasting & Cable, we consider it our per - sonal responsibility to keep the industry informed and up -to -date on the thriving developments in the deployment, successes, and oppor_unities with Steaming Media.

Our upcoming supplement in Broadcasting & Cable is devoted to this booming technological innovation. Written by our editors, this supplement is packed with essential coverage on the latest hot topics in Streaming Media, includirg an analysis on the battle of media streaming formats- Real, M crosoft, and Apple; applications being adopted Issue Date: by entertainment companies; and Streaming December 11, 2000 Technology service and equipment providers.

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Ns WUNI -TV -DT Worcester/Boston, Mass. Trades Price: $47.5 million By dollar volume and number of sales; Buyer. Entravision Communications does not include mergers or acquisitions involving substantial non -station assets Corp., Santa Monica, Calif. (Walter A. Ulloa, chairman/10.6% owner; Philip C. Wilkinson, president/10.6% owner; Univision Communications Inc., 26.25% TV /Radio 0 $0 D 0 owner); owns /is buying 17 other TV and TVs $47,500,000 0 1 57 radio stations; is swapping KRVA(FM) Combos 0 $31,287,500 0 6 Campbell/Dallas (formerly KZDF[FM] FMs 0 $23,711,800 0 6 McKinney/Dallas) and KRVF(FM) Kerens AMs 0 $4,250,000 0 2 (formerly KZDL[FM] Terrell/Dallas), Texas, Total 0 $106,749,308 0 15 for KXGM -FM Muenster /Gainesville/ Dallas, Texas (see FM item, below). Seller: Jasas Corp., Washington (Barbara TV /Radio i $2,133,450 Foster, owner); is selling WBDC -Tv Washington to Tribune Co. (Changing Hands, Sept. 6, 1999) Facilities: Ch. 27, 1,150 kW visual, 245 kW aural, ant. 1,528 ft. Affiliation: Univision

Combos KMNS(AM) -KSEZ(FM) and KWSL(AM)- KGLI(FM) Sioux City, Iowa, and KSFT -FM South Sioux City, Neb. /Sioux City Price: $12.275 million cash (includes non- compete agreement) Buyer: Clear Channel Communications Inc., San Antonio; L. Lowry Mays, chair- man; Randy Michaels, chairman, Clear Channel Radio); owns /is buying 19 TVs and 1,110 other radio stations, including those involved in deals listed below Sellen Radioworks Inc., Sioux City (Cy W. Chesterman Sr., vice president/direc - tor). Radioworks directors have interests in KsjB(AM)- csjz(FM) Jamestown, N.D. Facilities: KMNs: 620 kHz, 1 kW; KSEZ: 97.9 MHz, 100 kW, ant. 643 ft.; KWSL: 1470 kHz, 5 kW; KGLI: 95.5 MHz, 100 kW, ant. 900 ft.; KSFr-FM: 107.1 MHz, 1.55 kW, ant. 328 ft. Formats: KMNS: news /talk, farm; KSEZ: classic rock; KWSL: oldies; KGLI: hot AC; KSFT-FM: soft rock Broken RE. Meador (seller) WTSL(AM) -WGXL(FM) Hanover, WXXK(FM) Lebanon /Hanover and WVVR(FM) Newport/Lebanon /Hanover, N.H. Price: $11 million Buyer: Clear Channel (see preceding item) Sellers: Bob and Cheryl Frisch, Hanover; no other broadcast interests

34 Broadcasting & Cable /10 -16 -00 Changing Hands

W night; FM: 101.7 MHz, 101.7 MHz, 3 WKNZ(FM) Collins /Hattiesburg and WQNU(FM) Naples Park/Naples/Fort kW, ant. 328 ft. WXHB(FM) Richton /Hattiesburg, Miss. Myers, Fla. (see Combo item). Note: Clear Formats: AM: MOR, big band; FM: Price: $690,000 Channel bought wccF(AM)- wIKX(FM) country Buyer. Radio Broadcasters LLC, Punta Gorda/Fort Myers and wcvu(FM) Broker: Hadden & Associates (buyer) Meridian, Miss. (Kenneth R Rainey Sr., Solana/Punta Gorda/Fort Myers, Fla., managing/50% member); owns wMXI(FM) from seller in February 1999 FMs LaureVHattiesburg, wzKR(FM) Kosciusko Seller: InterMart Broadcasting of Florida Swap of KRVA(FM) Campbell/Dallas (for- (near Jackson and Meridian) and Inc., Bonita Springs, Fla. (Patricia Dahlin, merly KZDF[FM] McKinney/Dallas) and WMYQ(AM) Newton/Meridian, Miss. vice president); owns two FMs and two KRVF(FM) Kerens (formerly KZDF[FM] Seller. Sunbelt Broadcasting Corp., AMs in Georgia and Florida Terrell /Dallas), Texas, for KXGM -FM Columbia, Miss. (Thomas F. McDaniel, Facilities: 98.9 MHz, 5.5 kW, ant. 341 ft. Muenster /Gainesville/Dallas, Texas principal); no other broadcast interests Value: $19.75 million (being paid by Facilities: WKNZ: 107.1 MHz, 225 kW, ant. AMs swapper of KRVA and KRVF to swapper of 541 ft.; wxHS: 96.5 MHz, 6 kW, ant. 328 ft. KKYD(AM) Denver KXGM -FM) Formats: WKNZ: Groovin' Oldies; wxHB: Price: $4.2 million cash Swapper, KRVA, KRVF: Entravision; owns talk/news Buyer: Colorado Public Radio, Denver KRVA(AM) Cockrell HilVDallas and four KADA -FM Ada, Okla. (Max Wycisk, president); owns KCFR(FM) Texas TVs; is buying WUNI -TV -DT Price: $596,808 plus proceeds of sale of Denver Worcester/Boston, Mass. (see TV item, real estate and equipment of KTLS(AM) Seller: Catholic Radio Network, San above) Holdenville/Ada, Olda. (price includes Diego (John Bitting, CEO); is selling seven Swapper, KXGM -FM: First Broadcasting Co. $35,000 worth of advertising and $11,808 other AMs LP, Dallas (Ronald A. Unkefer, member); for three -year tower lease) Facilities: 1340 kHz, 1 kW no other broadcast interests Buyer: Tres Broadcasting LLC, Dallas Format: Talk, religion; to be classical Note: FBC recently acquired KXGM -FM for (Richard Witkovski, 100% member); Broker: Media Services Group Inc. (seller) $4.11 million (Changing Hands, July 1) owns eight other FMs and five AMs, WLLB(AM) Rumford/Portland, Maine Facilities: KRVA: 106.9 MHz, 2.5 kW, ant. including KAco(FM) Ardmore/Ada and Price: $50,000 cash 351 ft.; KRVF: 107.1 MHz, 3.3 kW, ant. 440 KtCM(FM) Healdton/Ada, Okla. Buyer: Mountain Valley Broadcasting Inc., ft.; KXGM -FM: 1065 MHz, 6 kW, ant. 328 ft. Seller: Chickasaw Nation Inc., Ada (Bill Norway, Maine (Richard Gleason, presi- Formats: KRVA: Spanish; KRVF: rebroad- Anoatubby, governor); owns KADA(AM) dent/owner); owns WTBM(FM) casts KRVA; KXGM -FM: oldies Ada. Note: Seller gets half -hour time slot Mexico/Norway, Maine. Gleason also Broker: Media Venture Partners (FBC) on Sundays for next three years on KADA, owns WOXO -FM Norway, wTME(AM) KMOU(FM) and KSFX(FM) Roswell, N.M. KACO and KICM Lewiston/Norway and wKTQ(AM) South Price: $1.25 million ($750,000 for KMOu; Facilities: 99.3 MHz, 5.5 kW, ant. 299 ft. Paris/Norway, Maine 5500,000 for KsFx) Format: Duplicates KADA(AM) (country) Seller. Carter Broadcasting Corp., Boston Buyer: Roswell Radio Inc., Roswell (John Construction permit for WHHD(FM) (Kenneth R Carter, president; owns four M. and Trisha K. Dunn, co- owners); owns Murdock /Punta Gorda (near Fort Myers), AMs.) Note: Carter had agreed to sell KBCQ(FM) Roswell Fla. VC/LLB and two other Portland stations to Seller: Blaze Broadcasting Co./Roswell FM Price: $500,000 Atlantic Coast Radio LLC for $3.5 million Joint Venture, Roswell (Warren Scott, prin- Buyer: Clear Channel; owns w0Lz(FM) (Changing Hands, Aug. 14) cipal); no other broadcast interests. Note: Fort Myers/Naples, WCKT(FM) Lehigh Facilities: 790 kHz, 1 kW day, 50 W night Scott acquired KMOU for $350,000 in 1996 Acres/Fort Myers/Naples, wosT(FM) Port Format: Religion Facilities: KMOU: 104.7 MHz, 50 kW, Charlotte/Fort Myers/Naples and -Compiled by Elizabeth A. Rathbun ant. 410 ft.; KSFX: 100.5 MHz, 100 kW, ant. 122 ft. Formats: KMOU: country; KSFX: classic rock, AOR Closed: Broker: Explorer Communications Inc. (buyer) CP- KQOK(TV) WNWS -FM Jackson, Tenn. Shawnee, OK Price: $925,000 OKC - 30 Television, L.L.C. Buyer: Radiocorp of Jackson Inc., to Brownsville, Tenn. (co- owners Lyle Reid and Carlton Veirs, president); owns Shawnee Broadcasting, Inc. wNws(AM)- WTBG(FM) Brownsville; is sell- We are pleased to have served as broker for Mrs. Bae, a 50% member in OKC - 30. ing WTNE(AM)- wwEz(FM) Trenton, Tenn. (Changing Hands, Oct. 2) Seller. Jackson Broadcasters LP, Jackson (Murinell Huntspun, principal); no other QUESTCOMW..- broadcast interests Facilities: 101.5 MHz, 3 kW, ant. 300 ft. Format: News /talk MEDIA BROKERAGE, INC. (704) 948-9800

Broadcasting & Cable /10 -16 -00 35 Advertising

Early returns: TV stations win

Estimates of local political spending upped to $650 million; networks' take drops

By Steve McClellan $650 million are in line with spending tallies that will solicit funds out of state in his bid With a dead -even presidential race so far, given that the bulk of spending to beat First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton. and tight congressional races occurs in the last six weeks of the campaign. According to political analysts, it is the around the country, political The CMAG data shows New York, with first time that a state candidate has used spending this year may be even higher than a hotly contested Senate race, as having the national TV to appeal to a broader audi- the record levels initially forecast. highest level of political spending to date, ence to raise money. Lazio is trying tap The Television Advertising Bureau with $30 million spent through Sept. 14. nationwide anti -Clinton (both Bill and (TVB) recently boosted its projection for Los Angeles is second, with $21 million Hillary) sentiment in his fundraising drive, broadcast -TV spending to $665 million, driven by efforts to win voters on various CMAG's Tracey says. "Tactically speaking, $65 million more than originally it's the right thing to do." projected. TVB estimates stations Political ads are exploiting the will rake in $650 million, or $100 Internet in unprecedented ways, million more than the TV -sales Tracey notes. More frequently than trade group had initially projected. ever, those ads are being used by Some Wall Street analysts project candidates to say, I have a plan, see $700 million or more. my Web site. "The Web seems to At the same time, TVB reduced have replaced candidates' having its estimate for the major broad- to outline their positions," he says. cast networks, to a mere $15 mil- "It's really sort of a way not to have lion from the originally projected a plan." $50 million. That's in line with Politicians are also using the Web recent spending patterns as the to make political attacks. To bolster presidential candidates focus on their claims, they create Web sites regions that are up for grabs late in that detail opponents' records, and the campaign. In a first, Rick Lazio uses ads on national cable networks to their ads refer viewers to the sites. attract anti- Clinton funds in New York Senate race. In 1992, political advertising on Meanwhile, Greedyty org, the the networks peaked at $74 mil- Web site created recently by the lion, although the winner that year, Bill ballot initiatives. Philadelphia TV sta- Alliance for Better Campaigns, reports that Clinton, spent just $10 million there, using tions- benefiting from hot races in WNBC -TV New York has benefited most the rest of his TV ad budget on spot TV. By Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Delaware - from political spending so far this year, rak- 1996, the network total dropped by more have accumulated $17.9 million. ing in a little over $11 million through mid - than half to $34 million. And it's expected The fourth -richest market this year is September. But the Web site calls the sta- to drop by half again this year. Detroit, where the primaries were hotly con- tion one of the "good guys," noting that the A TVB official said the estimates were tested, with almost $13 million. Seattle, with NBC stations group has agreed to earmark revised in response to incoming numbers lots of ballot initiatives and competitive five minutes of nightly newscast time to from ad- tracking services. gubernatorial and congressional races, is political issues. o

According to data compiled by the fifth, with $12 million. ABC gets the organization's greediest - Alexandria, Va. -based Campaign Media Not only are the numbers bigger, but group award for raking in roughly $40 mil- Analysis Group (CMAG), $307 million politicians are also using the ads in different lion in political spending without making a was spent on political ads through Sept. 14. ways this year. In New York last week, sen- so -called "free -time" commitment, along CMAG doesn't project a final sum, but atorial contender Rick Lazio announced an the lines of recent commitments by CBS, á President Evan Tracey says projections of ad campaign on national cable networks NBC, Hearst -Argyle and others. a.

36 Broadcasting & Cable /10 -16 -00 BROADCASTING & CABLE SPECIAL REPORT

LOCAL CABLE ADV EATISING The Outlook for Local Cable Ad Sales

In our November 20th issue, Broadcasting Et Cable is showcasing a special section on Local Cable Advertising Sales covering the key developments in 2000 and the emerging trends for 2001. Produced in conjunction with the CAB, this advertising supplement covers relevant issues from cable advertising's local and national growth to web and interactive advertising. In other words, it's a must -read for all leading advertising executives.

This issue will reach all the major players at the MSO's, cable systems, networks and the key ad agency media buyers and planners, all of which rely on Broadcasting & Cable to deliver the latest television industry news. Make sure they see your message. Call your Broadcasting & Cable representative and reserve your space today. ISSUE SPACE CLOSING MATERIALS CLOSING DATE: DATE: DATE: NOVEMBER 20, 2000 NOVEMBER 6, 2000 NOVEMBER 14, 2000

Special Supplement Published in Conjunction with the CAB

BROADCAS1INIiCABLE Chuck Bolkcom: 775 -852 -1290 Marcia Orcutt: 323 -549 -4114 Yvonne Pettus: 212 -337 -6945 Rob Payne: 212 -337 -7022 Michael Farina: 212 -337 -6941 Classified Advertising & Marketplace Advertising: 866- 258 -1075 VISIT OUR WEB SITE: www.broadcastingcable.com Interactive Media Walk, don't run, to new media

Ex- broadcasters are still enthusiastic but say dotcom business isn't what it used to be

By Ken Kerschbaumer TV Search l o, It was only a year ago

Get 100% and TODAY DX CISTTY that a jump from a you could win a TitamJi000emme Sex oynd Werorrre to Neat Yoro Goal to Town traditional broadcast - the cart, BeneMldlers oedneGladness prizel - nheta: Old style or substance Prevelli media company to the eeteres oa oras promise of the Internet, Newer, r na Anne to 0.aaeertahle Ratinai the New Seas° Fawcett Snuht Fellow 'Charlie's render r all Tv fnVarene 1r -12nor, trnnear Eves HBO Fllm Pole broadband and almost what's termer!. Tomah(

GIST TA NOT L any other "new- media" (pya! rot or Mrç.s Galt your Veta on NB New Fall Chows. ryas ltcvdar Become unreal, company seemed like a yJas Wear Wim s Promote a Wrnna, ì Is Oarl. Masi Heavenly, m Ws Ndro shrewd move. The execu- TOPAYS PICAS UPDATES.

htalat 1 d adYfdrl The One With Mnroca's Thunder', Season oremorei k eaves ,1C to On Sn Foal smaer F0. n n rn m lno. (Season u,eerelml tive migration, it seemed, el F/" (19001 TY fo. Fromdu nnn BAB' to Pr.nnv OQp would be endless. CELEBRITY ICNOSCOVIS 'me? .;.era Oa.s ncx. g ial:=rda, And then came April. Having worked for large and successful Sony and ABC, Gist's Saul Shapiro likes the excitement of the startup. The stock market's cor- rection, with its knock on new -economy stocks, rattled many and couple of months, and it's been tough." to see companies go out of business. It's claimed numerous victims as once promis- Microcast is an example of the kind of twisted. We're building a $100 million ing ventures migrated from the IPO list to company that attracted numerous broad- telecommunications network in a very hot the land of "Once upon a time." Zatso's cast veterans. Among its executives who but mercurial business: streaming media. layoffs are only the latest in what have made the switch from the cable and broad- And we're being buffeted by the same become common ailments in the industry: cast industries are Richard Burke (former- winds that everyone else is." startup layoffs, outright failures and the ly of WTN); Rich Frank (formerly of For each of the ex- broadcast executives challenge of burn rate. Disney); Gary Montanus (formerly of contacted for this article, the lure of the "The psychology of the market is com- Worldvision Entertainment); and Andrew new -media playground was different. Some pletely different from what it was earlier in Capone (formerly of NBC). The recent saw a chance to leave large broadcast orga- the year, so we're obviously trying to posi- Internet chill is something they notice but nizations that have layers of bureaucracy, tion ourselves to maximize the potential of try to ignore. while others found the right fit at the right getting our latest round of financing "You have to protect yourself from the time. closed," says Microcast Chairman and nature of rumors," says Capone. "We're in "I think there were a lot of people who CEO Paul Nash. "It's been an interesting a culture where people are almost thrilled moved over because they were frustrated

Ji.i1, Mixed Signals interáctivél Wheel Of Fortune and Truly Interactive EyNighit Interactive Media and saw a land of untold riches in this new- hard to change their strategy," he says. "So TOP 10 SPORTS SITES media world," says Ken Solomon, presi- every day I woke up and knew what my August 2000 dent of iBlast, a datacasting company that goals were, because the strategies were Unique Site visitors (000s) hopes to help make broad- clear, time -tested and - ESPN* 6,269 casters a major force in the almost by definition -suc- SportsLine.com sites* 5,361 'You have to protect NFL.com 2,621 delivery of data and cessful, because you don't CNNSI.com 2,608 Internet content. yourself from the get big and old by failing. Sandbox.com 1,724 NASCAR.com 1,399 Solomon's previous nature of rumors. But, on a personal level, MajorLeagueBasebatt.com 1,394 jobs include working with this is more challenging SportingNews.com 1,130 We're in a culture FoxSports.com 1,104 Fox Corp., being presi- and exciting." FansOnly.com 1,066 dent of Studios USA and where people are As numerous compa- Total WWW audience 77,020 co- heading DreamWorks almost thrilled to nies have been over- Source: Media Metrix Television. "I had been whelmed by the challenge TOP lucky enough to be at great see companies go and closed up shop in CABLE -TV SITES, companies at great times," out of business. recent months, what had RANKED BY ONE -YEAR he says, "but it was time It's twisted: been an attractive leap to GROWTH for something new." new media now seems a 2000 -Andrew Capone, Microcast August For Saul Shapiro, who risky one. Even so, Unique % Growth joined Gist as COO after Jonathan Klein, former Site Visitors (000s) since 1999 CNBC.com 1,253 405.2% serving as vice president, broadcast tech- executive vice president at CBS News and CartoonNetwork.com 2,181 192.7% nologies, at ABC Television Network, the now president and CEO of The EOnline.com 4,930 138.0 ° /o VH1.com 878 127.6% move was based on frustration at the slow FeedRoom, a broadband -based video FoodTV.com 1,511 90.7% pace of the rollout of digital services and news service, still considers it a move Discovery.com 3,108 82.7 °/o CNN.com 7,253 74.2% the feeling that his role worth taking. FoxNews.com 1,510 56.8% at ABC wasn't in tune "A year ago, it was a ESPN* 6,269 51.7% HGTV.com 693 43.7% with what he wanted. deceptively easy deci- Weather.com 7,590 36.2% Shapiro had also sion to make," he MTV.com 2,988 32.7% 16.5% worked as a manager points out. "It turns ComedyCenterat.com 655 SciFi.com 838 14.7% of business develop- out that a lot more Country.com 416 -0.1% ment for Sony homework needed to Source: Media Metrix Electronics, so he had be done by a lot more more than a little people. That said, peo- Represents an aggregation of commonly owned /brand- ed domain names. understanding of what ple who made the leap it means to work at a year ago are stronger Media Metrix Definitions: Unique visitors: The estimated number of total users successful, large com- candidates for new - who visited the reported Web site or online property at least once in the given month. All unique visitors, at panies. media jobs, because home or at work, are counted only once. "The good thing they have a skill set that Sample Size: Approximately 55,000 individuals through- After several studio stints, iBlast's Ken out the U.S. participate in the Media Metrix sample. about the old -media Solomon thought "it was time for will be extremely valu- companies is, it's very something new." able on either side of

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INBRIEF The FeedReom

NICK.COM REVAMPS Nick.com has renovated its online offering, taking a two - track approach to reach tomor- row's Internet users today. "We're going to work very MARKET closely with the TV network to nr t,.oat develop convergent content An explosiva -laden raft slammed into a U.S. Navy destroyer off Me coast of Yemen on Thursday HE.r" plays, which throw kids into women. iaSg a serias and m,unry 31 So far. nn one has claimed lespon.,,, v for ene wast what we call virtual circles that "e yeti a f:f.e ar,o 1. HatadM re throw them from the TV to rec online and from online to TV," FeedRoom's Jonathan Klein advises would -be old -media émigrés to do their homework. says General Manager Mike Skagerlind. "The other part of the media fence." ened, and those considering a move to an the strategy is to develop useful is tools for kids, which adults take Nonetheless, the lesson learned an old Internet startup are advised to take a look at for granted." one: Look before you leap. The promise of the startup's books to make sure the money is A number of tools will be avail- options and the opportunity to be the next as real as the idea. A 10,000 -gallon fish tank in able to visitors, including Amazon has given way to the reality that even a lobby may be impressive, but it doesn't nec- Internet radio provided by the first Amazon can fall on less than spectac- essarily mean a company is destined for suc- weather forecasts, per- SonicNet, ular times. Companies bragging about IPOs cess. sonal calendars and access to have been replaced by companies bragging "If you're seeking employment at one of Encyclopedia Britannica. about not being IPOs. these companies, you have every right to ask DIRECTV OFFERS WINK "The market itself is continuing to look to see the books," Klein explains. "If you're DirecTV Interactive is up and harder at what the costs are, and the ability of serious about working there and they're seri- running with the help of Wink. a company to go public is ous about employing you, More than 1 million DirecTV cus- being discounted because and you've signed a non- 'The market is tomers with Wink- capable RCA that's something that really disclosure agreement, you received a DirecTV receivers have isn't in the cards for most continuing to look should ask to see some of the software download to bring Wink Internet companies," Nash detailed business projections. to their TV sets. harder at the costs, notes. You need to ask some hard Thirty interactive broadcast and the ability of channels are available, including "I tell people you aren't questions and look at the dedicated DirecTV interactive going to get rich in a a company to go facts, because the numbers channels and networks -among month," Solomon says. "If aren't going to lie." public is being them NBC, CBS, CNN, ESPN, The you're making the jump He also believes potential Weather Channel, E!, TBS and just because you want to discounted because employees should speak with CNBC. win the lottery, don't make that really isn't in the the companies that are fund- the move. But if you want ing the startup to find out why E! ONLINE PARTNERS cards for most WITH METATV to forge new ground and they believe in it and think it's E! Online, Entertainment's Home find new ways to bring Internet companies. going to last. Page, has partnered with interac- people entertainment and For all the recent woes, -Paul Na sh, Microcast tive television provider MetaTV information, in some ways, many who have made the to bring celebrity gossip and it's better now because you move still see potential in the entertainment news to con- can start to see the forest for the trees. new-media business. sumers via MetaTV's portal -part- There's still a lot of leaves in the way, but it's "I do believe that fortune favors the brave," ner program. E! Online users will getting easier to see what's real and what's Solomon says. "And I still think there is a be able to access many areas of the MetaTV Web site through not." tremendous opportunity not only to move their televisions using a remote In recent weeks, the easiest way to make into this world, but to bridge the [broadcast control. that distinction is to see who has cash and who and Internet] worlds. That is where the real

doesn't. The venture - capital market has tight- gold is."



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INBRIEF i Focus on delivery BBC AMERICA GETS ANIMATED RANDY Forum set to unveil plans to move global broadband forward Sister Randy, an original online program for Dotcomix, will be By Dan Luzadder Most of the discussion in Boston was focused making the move to the bigger Globai interconnectivity and commercial on trying to narrow down those proprietary screen. in BBC America will broadcast opportunities high -speed data trans- interests, to set quantifiable industry objec- episodes of the animated mission are central issues in first -round tives, which was a difficult task " program on Oct. 21. Sister recommendations expected to be unveiled It became clear at the Boston meeting, he Randy can also be seen at this week at the Broadband Content Delivery said, that introducing a range of "skill sets" www.bbcamerica.com. Forum's fall meeting in Nice, France. into the discussions would broaden the per- Three major committees-Infrastructure, spectives of all the participants. "Being able to STREAMGENIE IMPROVED Content Applications and Market Develop- define objectives that span or have a common Pinnacle Systems has introduced ment-have spent three language associated with an improved version of its StreamGenie portable live months drafting the propos- 'With the breakdown them was one of the goals." als in preparation for the Oct. Another priority Webcaster, which now includes a in geographical was to set seamless connection to 17 -19 gathering. objectives for the committees Pinnacle's CastConnect The Forum (BCDF) boundaries that and their working groups. Webcasting services. evolved from an exploratory comes with the The Infrastructure Com- The company also says it has initiative by Nortel Networks mittee will map ways to meet improved processing speed by Internet, there is the earlier this year. Nortel exec- the service needs identified offering tight integration of the utives were interested in greatest -ever need to by the Content and Appli- RealNetworks RealVideo 8 code. speeding of The new version of Stream - the adoption develop common cations Committee and the Genie is scheduled to ship this global standards and agree- business models as outlined month. ments on the use of interna- approaches to by the Marketing Develop- Registered customers may tional broadband technology. content delivery. ment group. upgrade their software at no The effort has attracted The Content and Appli- -Nick Ros e, BT additional charge through a CD- leading Internet technology cations Committee is charged ROM or FTP download. companies, infrastructure and architecture with exploring improvement in the end user's BEST BUY BROADBAND experts, and telecommunications providers, broadband experience and studying how the Best Buy retail stores will offer as well as content and applications creators. infrastructure and technical industries can selected AT &T Broadband ser- BCDF members say their goal is to pro- address concerns of content providers. The vices beginning this fall. mote an understanding of the needs -and the committee will also handle legal and regulato- Customers will be able to learn vision -of both systems builders and content ry issues. about and buy the services at providers and to fmd profitable markets that The Market Development Committee has interactive kiosks at Best Buy will lead to shared economic opportunities been asked to chart ways to "fast- track" locations within AT &T Broadband from a worldwide consumer base. industry consensus on business models. service areas around the nation. Initial plans call for offering The BCDF held its initial meeting in April Technological advances are driving a sense AT &T Digital Cable service, fea- in Las Vegas and met again in July in Boston. of urgency for the Forum, said BT's Nick turing more than 100 channels Working groups within the committees were Rose. "With the availability of the new DSL of television programming, and assigned issues, and committee heads set. services becoming a reality for the mass mar- high -speed cable Internet service Currently, 115 firms are involved. ket, the entire content -delivery industry will via AT &T @Home or AT Road &T 3NO Systems Inc.'s Bryan Bain, chairman undergo massive technological change as new Runner. of the Market Awareness group, said in multimedia, feature -rich content is developed. Boston that the biggest challenge is finding a [And] with the breakdown in geographical balance between corporate self-interest and boundaries that comes with the Internet, the companies' shared goals. "As with any there is the greatest -ever need for people in forum activity, the membership early on is the industry to develop common approaches more concerned with proprietary interests. [internationally] to content delivery."

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with marketing common sense. Learn from their mistakes Moral: While there are always exceptions, body- pierced How not to run a Web site if you really want to succeed folk with attitude are fine for the mail room but not for designing your Web content. Ihere's a Web site that chronicles the almost daily an- subscribers' registering with THE LAST WORD: There's nouncements of, and gossip about, Web sites that are going them and giving approval for nothing like the real thing, and down for the count. Some call this bad -news site the "Dot - their name to be sold to third Common Ground would love com Deadpool." We are too polite to mention the site's real parties, e- stores with inade- to hear your stories. All road name, which includes a popular vulgarism, but here are two clues: quate inventory. tales are appreciated. Please The site's title has the same initials as "FailedCompany.com "; if you Moral: You haven't gotten e -mail me at russellshaw@ still don't get it, think of a California -based NHL team and then get this far in your media company delphi.com if one or more of out your rhyming dictionary. by being a spring chicken. If an these applies to you: Just like a researcher at the Centers for Disease Control examin- e- commerce company comes You've experimented with ing cadavers to understand disease, we can gain some instructive to you seeking partnership streaming media on your sta- pointers from reading about dotcoms that have left this world. opportunities, turn up the gain tion, program or cable - system Some FailedCompanies are TV- related Web sites, others are not. on your mo -goo detector. Web site. If so, have you been The number of whispered stories that came true and were first Do a credit check on your able to monetize this offering? reported on the Web site whose name we dare not speak is aston- partners. FailedCompany has Do you even care to, or do you ishingly high. But since some reports can't be totally confirmed, we several "paychecks bounced" view posting your newscast as a won't mention the companies involved unless their travails have reports. If you do business with promotional loss -leader? such a site as an e- commerce The holiday season is coming partner, an advertiser, or both, up. What are your e- commerce been made public. But here are promotional mailing lists. you might not get paid. plans? If you did e- commerce just a few, categorized: This isn't necessarily a bad Moral: Dun & Bradstreet on your site last year, what have Aggregator news sites are a idea: TV- station Web sites use can help weed out the finan- you learned? Are e- commerce lousy business. As we've previ- this method to reach viewers cially shaky before you sign up advertisers advertising on your ously reported, FasTV, which with promos, announcements with losers. station or cable network this acted as a streaming-media por- and news updates. But some of Don't assume everyone has a Christmas season? tal for televised news reports, is the opt -in e-mail companies are broadband connection. Some television networks of blessed memory. And Failed - in hot water because they didn't Psuedo.com and Digital Enter- strongly urge their affiliates to Company reported a little more have effective policies for distin- tainment Network have come use standardized graphical than a week ago that at least one guishing opt -in e-mail (good) to highly publicized ends, but "templates" for their Web sites. other news aggregator site, with from spam (bad). several other wannabes have If you are one of those stations, a slang -tinged name, had "hired Moral: If you offer opt -in failed as well. do you regard these templates a bankruptcy attorney." e -mail on your site, be careful Before we bury this issue, as blessed time- savers, creativi- Moral: Why pay an aggrega- not to overwhelm subscribers the postmortem needs to be ty- inhibitors or some of both? tor site to highlight your with needless messages and writ large: When you hire cool If you have a problem with streamed news content if you offers from third parties. people who hang out with these "templates" but don't can offer it on your own site? Approach silly ideas with other cool people who all know want your name to be used, Opt -in e-mail is hard to do caution. The killing fields of how to use Flash and have we'd be OK with that. well. FailedCompany is rife cyberspace have been littered high -bandwidth Internet con- with reports and postmortems of late with the carcasses of bad nectivity, realize that humans of Russell Shaw's column about of Internet companies that or poorly executed e- ideas: such ilk are generally incapable Internet and interactive issue have staked their business party planning and sites that of muting their supercharged appears regularly. Reach him at plans on signing up people for give away stuff in exchange for graphical -interface impulses russellshaw@delphi. com.


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WRAL -TV opts for hi -def news

Panasonic equipment will support NTSC and DTV broadcasts newscasts will air live in 1080i on digital sta- tion WRAL -DT and will be downconverted to ivi 4:3 analog NTSC for broadcast on wRAL- WRAL -TV will acquire all studio and field TV. The station's camera operators will news footage with DVCPRO HD tape gear, say Panasonic Broadcast's Warren Allgyer "protect" for 4:3 pictures when shooting (l) and Capitol Broadcasting's Jim with the 16:9 HDTV cameras, says General Goodmon. Manager Bill Peterson. It is improved NTSC pictures that are "clearly the driver" for the HDTV purchase, he says. "The real benefit is that any viewer on any set, including all analog viewers, will see a crisper, brighter picture. We're not doing this for those 500 to 1,000 households that have purchased high- definition sets." WRAL -Tv is buying 59 DVCPRO HD studio VTRs, 29 camcorders, an HD video server, three universal format converters, a 10 -input 1080i switcher, HD monitors, 32- )CBS inch DT- M3050W HD monitors, and related accessories. Neither WRAL -Tv nor Panasonic has disdosed financial terms of By Glen Dickson tion firm HD Vision to build an HDTV the deal, but the list value of the HD equip- HDTV pioneer WRAL -TV Raleigh, mobile truck. Now WRAL -TV aims to be the ment is more than $4.8 million. N.C., has taken another big step first station to acquire all of its studio and Although Panasonic's consumer elec- into the digital future, closing a field news footage in HDTV, using tronics business has done a subsidy deal deal with Panasonic Broadcast to convert Panasonic's 1080 -line interlace DVCPRO with CBS to support prime time HD pro- its entire news operation to HDTV. HD tape gear. (KING -DT and KOMO -DT in gramming, Panasonic Broadcast President The Capitol Broadcasting station and Seattle launched HDTV newscasts last year Warren Allgyer stresses that the WRAL -Tv CBS affiliate was the first station to launch but shoot their field material in SDTV and deal is a legitimate sale, not a giveaway. DTV signals, in 1996, and has been a leader upconvert it for broadcast.) "This is not a gift. This is a commercial in producing local programming in HDTV, Beginning in January, wRAL -Tv will pro- deal, and we made a profit on it." even forming a joint venture with produc- duce 6.5 hours of news daily in HDTV. The Allgyer, who previously worked with


100 DTV stations on the air. We like to think of them as letters of endorsement. Technology

Peterson at WKYC-Tv Cleveland (he as ENG manager, Peterson as news director), thinks GVG goes to the mall Panasonic will be able to sell other stations on buying DVCPRO HD to improve their Hi -def servers will be used in high -end advertising displays NTSC now. "When we can demonstrate to the average news director what a picture By Glen Dickson projection screen, each center will have two looks like in standard definition, they may Continuing its campaign to find new HDTV monitors in the mall outside the the- say, `That might be the half a [ratings] point business outside the traditional ater, one displaying a program guide and the that gets me the extra $5 million in revenue broadcast market, Grass Valley other showing highlights. The Profile will that allows me to do this.' I've seen stations Group has snagged a contract to install its generate all three HDTV feeds and will pro- and news directors spend a lot more money Profile video servers in shopping malls vide a fourth channel for redundancy. with less justification." across the country. EBC is the brainchild of Tom Wade, a WRAL -Tv, in fact, is deflecting some of Scotts Valley, Calif. -based Enterprise cabinet retailer who grew disappointed with the cost of the Panasonic HI) gear by trad- Broadcasting Corp. (EBC) has selected the effectiveness of traditional TV advertis- ing in its DVCPRO 50 50 -Mb/s standard - Grass Valley's Profile XP serv- definition equipment, which the station er to play back HDTV pro- installed only 18 months ago. The station gramming for its Network has already received some DVCPRO HD Event Centers, luxury the- equipment and, at press time, was sched- aters that will feature a 23 -foot

uled to produce a live remote news broad- HDTV screen to peddle high - cast from the North Carolina state fair on end consumer goods and ser- Friday, Oct. 13, at 5 p.m. and broadcast it vices, such as luxury cars and in HDTV on WRAL -DT. resort vacations. EBC plans to When WRAL -TV does launch full-time roll out the theaters, which HDTV newscasts in January, it will be in will also include leather seats conjunction with the launch of its new with touch -screen terminals An artist's rendering of how EBC's Luxury theaters wilt Look. HDTV studio, HDTV control room and for on -site shopping, in first digital newsroom. But that wasn't the orig- quarter 2001 in New York, Chicago, ing in selling his big -ticket items. After inal plan, says Peterson. WRAL -Tv didn't Washington, Detroit and Silicon Valley. The experimenting with 3 -D animation on a big start considering HDTV news production 5- year -old company counts financial firm screen at a company called Cybertron, until June, when Capitol Broadcasting Ernst & Young as an equity partner and has Wade got turned on to the benefits of CEO Jim Goodmon learned of DVCPRO signed a deal with mall owner and develop- HDTV and formed EBC. Partners include HD's progress from Panasonic executives er Taubman Co. to install EBC theaters in at Sony (HDTV production equipment) and while attending the Montreux symposium least half its 30 malls nationwide. JVC (HDTV projectors). in Switzerland. EBC will use Profiles to play out pro- Brian Cabeceiras, director of strategic "We didn't envision that the HDTV gramming from its network operations cen- business development for Grass Valley, says field equipment would develop as fast as it ter in Scotts Valley. The programming will the EBC deal is "huge for us" in demonstrat- has," says Peterson. "There's a certain be distributed via satellite, received and ing how the manufacturer's products can amount of serendipity in that." stored on Profiles at the centers. Besides the function in a non -broadcast environment.



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Automation and systems provider Philips has centralized master control for the HG netwo J 0 Broadcasters seek cost -effective, reliable solutions to operate in a multichannel world

By Karen Anderson Prikios However, the challenge for broadcasters is D'Amore, vice president of business and ith digital technology already to find the most cost -effective and reliable technology development for Burbank, Calif. - deployed in many markets, tele- way to manage the operation of a station or based Philips Broadcasting. "Even the sim- vision stations and station groups station group in a multichannel environment. plest conversion to DTV requires that you are looking for ways to offset their multi- Many are finding that the solution is station operate two channels -one analog and one billion -dollar DTV investments. One of the automation, which allows broadcasters to digital-even if you're- sending the same pro- ways broadcasters are exploiting that manage and control multiple programming gram channel. You need either two master - investment is by using the added spectrum channels without sinking entire budgets into control operators or one guy with long arms." to offer new services-including HDTV, staffing. In fact, for many owners, automa- Many stations already have some form of datacasting and multichannel broadcast - tion is no longer an option; it's a given, at least automation for their NTSC broadcast in the ing -especially now that Webcasting pro- for any station converting to DTV. software used for running video servers for vides a new way for broadcasters to distrib- "In the past, most television stations had commercial and spot playback, and several ute valuable information to viewers and one channel that went through master control are getting ready to take the next step. "A provide additional revenue opportunities. and one master -control operator," says Mike lot of people out there have an old cart

48 Broadcasting & Cable /10 -16 -00 What happens when you combine a video storage system with next- generation networking?

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thinking of themselves as multiple - channel content publishers." Automation vendors are developing KGET -TV Bakersfield, Calif., is an Ackerley Group station using the Digital CentralCasting system.

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The "old way," still in place at many sta- satellite markets. Louth ABC affiliate wixT-Tv tions, relies on production assistants to continues to operate in Syracuse, N.Y.; NBC search racks of videotapes and run through Palo Alto as an indepen- affiliate KGET-TV Bakers- hallways transporting labeled tapes from dent business unit of field, Calif.; and Fox af- storage rooms to editing and playout Harris Corp.'s Broadcast filiate KCBA -TV Mon- rooms. Not only is this an inefficient Communications terey/Salinas, Calif. method of managing assets, but it also lim- Division. All incoming com- its access to videotape. Moreover, it's easy mercials and program- to misplace a tape or to play out at the CENTRALIZATION KGO -TV San Francisco has a ming are digitized with master -control room that uses wrong time. Several station groups OmniBus software. embedded audio and fed "Now servers give multiple people are taking advantage of into the server at the hub access to it," says OmniBus' Ioannou. "It's automation to centralize master control and station, while a digital router feeds pro- really all about being able to get to the link stations through local- and wide -area gramming to the appropriate station. News media without having to worry about networks, allowing them to maximize their production and sales are handled locally. where it is." operations and resources. The Ackerley Each of the hubs' subordinate stations have The change in how stations approach Group, USA Broadcasting, The New York station managers, local sales managers and systems solutions has become evident with Times Broadcast Group, Sinclair news directors who report to senior man- recent mergers of automation providers Broadcasting and Tribune are station agers at the hub station. with station- management software and sys- groups that have taken the lead in develop- Sundance President Robert Johnson tems providers. ing such systems. says this model has worked well for "As the market evolves, we're not just a "The idea of centralization," Goldsmith Ackerley, so far. But it's not for every station product, we're a strategy," says Goldsmith. says, "is that you relieve the work from the group. "If they can get decent prices on "Columbine JDS and Enterprise Software remote locations. People are talking about fiber connections -for some stations, it's [together offer] a wider breadth of prod- that as a business model. In a sense, you easy; for some, it's hard to do-it works." uct," he says of the newly created Encoda. require less capital equipment cost." "Most broadcasters are not doing it yet, "What the operation gave us was a critical Ackerley has been an aggressive propo- but a number of groups are looking [at the mass of people and expertise." nent of centralization with its Digital model]," Johnson adds. "We anticipate next In January, Harris acquired Palo Alto, CentralCasting system. The system is based year bringing in a number of CentralCasting Calif. -based Louth Automation. In addi- on Sundance FastBreak Automation and systems, not all as large as the Ackerley [in- tion to augmenting its position in the SeaChange servers. stallation]." broadcast- television market, the acquisi- Currently, the group's three regional cen- Johnson believes the model makes more tion enables Harris to enter the cable and tral hubs, or "pods," are operational at sense for smaller -market stations, where the dollars tend to be tighter and they need to

im .11,1°) -,s get the most efficiency out of their opera- .... tions. Centralizing can help save money by 1111 311,R11 . :' `r _ conserving precious disk space, because "1; archived video is stored in a central database g e. 1%, rather than in many servers. gm e:i-ft- At the local stations' servers, "they play it once and dump it out," D'Amore points out. In addition to centralizing storage, sta- tions can centralize master control for net- work or station -group programming. Weather and local news, for example, can be produced and controlled on a local or regional level depending on where the sta- tions are located. With this model, network OmniBus provides BBC 1 with comprehensive feed control in programming or shows that will be broad- its master -control room. cast across a station group can be pulled from a central server onto a local server for

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playout-all under the control of a single trot. Most experts see centralization automation system. as a logical next step. "People using video servers now DISTRIBUTED ASSETS want to start moving media files over Odetics' L'Hereux also believes in net- wide -area networks," says Harris' worked station -group operations, but he Lay. "It has received enough atten- advocates a "distributed shared database." tion that every group is looking at Encoda's D -MAS system for DirecTV is With this model, all content in the hub that as an option. The cost of networking to similar to this BSkyB system in London. database is accessible in real time in the tie stations together is still a factor." satellite facilities, eliminating transfer time DirecTV gets for files to the stations. STAFF CHANGES "The content doesn't reside in the data- Not everyone is thrilled with the idea of flexible control base; only the metadata resides in the data- automation. As broadcasters move to DTV, many are base," says L'Hereux. "You're not duplicat- "Automation still is a scary word for sta- beginning to explore the possibility of ing [files]. Content resides on a play -to -air tion [employees]," says Sundance's Johnson. using automation to create a multichannel server connected to the network and "Master- control operators think they're los- environment. Stations are locking at trans- mitting six or more channels through resides in an archive server. It's a more effi- ing their jobs. Automation really doesn't broadcast facilities that used to run just cient way managing multiple iterations of reduce the workload; it just shifts it." of one or two channels. But that's nothing the same content." There are certain things that technology compared with satellite broadcasters, who In this model, content can be stored in cannot replace. You can never have an were among the first to use automation to several archive servers throughout the net- automation system determine whether the run hundreds of channels simultaneously, work to be shared among several stations. picture looks good or looks bad. pushing the limits of automation. DirecTV, which runs more than 500 chan- Users can move full- bandwidth files on the "The intent is to do more with the same, nels, has begun using CJDS DAL (now servers as needed. not the same with less," Ioannou says. "I Encoda) automation for its new Los Angeles Although many broadcasters are dis- think it's wrong to say that computers will Broadcast Center. cussing centralized operations, few are tak- replace people. Computers are just a tool The installation includes the new D -MAS ing the plunge just yet. "Old legacy equip- for letting people do their jobs." A8000 Multichannel Automation System, as well as the D -MAS A8800 Ingest Automation ment doesn't really give the ability to cen- D'Amore agrees. "You still need a mas- System. The A8000 system is based on tralize Ioannou says. ter- control operator who can take control resources," OmniBus' "podless" architecture, which allows for the Centralizing requires a complete equipment and bypass [the automation system]. The allocation of channels to operator positions overhaul, replacing older playout equipment operator is more the pilot watching the for large multichannel facilities. with video -server systems and enterprise master control than the person running the Each operator views a monitor wall, storage systems for centralized master con- master control. which shows all the outgoing channels under the operator's control and includes an overmonitor display that notes the state of the channel. With Encoda's architecture, DirecTV can operate any channel from any workstation in the plant. In addition, any playback device within the operation can be used to IN Mh. !. replay any material to any of the channels. II "Now any operator can be allocated to any channel. It's a fundamental change,"

says Encoda CEO Barry Goldsmith. Managing content also becomes critical as you begin to add channels. To help man- age its huge content library, DirecTV has

added the D -MAS A8800 Ingest Automation Philips supplied System, which automates the transfer of automation new material into a StorageTek library, as technology for the Weather well as any of the Pinnacle Ingest servers. Channel master - DirecTV can also record onto VTRs for both control room in high -definition and standard -definition Atlanta. video. -K.A.P.

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Working with a routing switcher, any Air Two bangs for the Station can be switched to control any chan- nel. This ability is especially helpful for the overnight at the station. "We operate automation buck with one person, and we are able to consoli- date the control system into one worksta- tion," says Owen. KERA -TV/KDTN(TV) adds Sundance software for DTV capability So far the biggest challenge has been redefining the operational procedures and duties, says Owen. But it also helped jump - start the staff. "Our operators' jobs are evolving into managing playlists to digitize material and making sure that they have the right file to play out on the server," he says. Because it has been an "evolutionary" process, KERA/KDTN is adding new equipment almost weekly. One of the latest purchases is a master -control switcher by British com- Sundance Automation is providin pany Oxtel, which integrates DVE opera- cost -effective solution for turnip full Texas PBS stations into DTV s tion and multilevel keying and offers audio control. Another key element of the stations' By Karen Anderson Prikios that can be viewed from any desktop on the operation is the Motorola DTV encoder or North Texas Public Broadcasting, network. Sundance's Intelli -Sat's Broadcast through which KERA -Tv and KDTN will run DTV is providing an opportunity for Recording Manager automates the station's their digital channels -ch. 14 and ch. 43, F its stations to increase their education- scheduling and recording of incoming satel- respectively. The station plans to run a com- al programming and provide new services for lite feeds. bination of four standard -definition chan- viewers. But, for a PBS affiliate organization "It's been online for several months. It's nels and one high -definition channel. on a tight budget, spending a lot of money on doing extremely well," says KERA/KDTN "We have not tried to integrate so much staff increases wasn't an option, and neither Chief Engineer Rick Owen. "It's a very good with the legacy equipment," Owen says. was paying top dollar for an automation sys- marriage of what we con- "We're not trying to con- video trol tape machines on the tem. So the broadcaster turned to Sundance sider one of the best 'It's a very good to provide automation for KERA -Tv in Dallas servers on the market with air or BetaCarts. We tried and KDTN (Tv) in Denton, Texas-both run a pretty straightforward marriage of what to pare down our system to from the same facility. automation system with a we consider one of maximize the use of the Automation- practically next- good interface." SeaChange server to make Sundance the best video door in Irving, Texas -is providing the sta- Sundance's Air Station it easier for the Sundance tion with a cost -effective solution tailored to control stations are locat- servers on the automation system to con- meet the stations' needs. The system is set ed at various points in the market: trol it. We're reducing the up around the SeaChange MediaCluster facility. From the control complexity of what the -Rick Owen KERA -TV /KDTN(TV) server, which has the capacity for eight stations, users can operate automation system has to record channels, 12 playback channels and all functions of the system. deal with." 200 hours of storage, all under the control of Each element in the event list, for example, KERA/KDTN is looking forward to taking Sundance's FastBreak automation software. can be triggered as a manual event, a dock - the next step: adding a nearline archive sys- The Texas station is also using Sundance's hit time or a follow event -when the next tem. Sales View software, which lets the sales and event automatically starts at the completion Owen wouldn't say exactly how much the production staffers view low -resolution of the previous event. The Air Station can the station spent on the system, but he says video from their desktops. As the station also control a master-control switcher to it was "considerably less than 1 million," automatically digitizes material into the serv- provide smooth transitions between the including the automation package, video er, it creates an MPEG -1 version of the video events. server and data tape archive system.

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duced to the global broadcast market Opus (OmniBus Process Unification System) at The auto pilots the International Broadcasters' Convention in Amsterdam. Some of the technology leaders in station automation systems The system is designed to enable broad- casters to plan, coordinate and integrate all By Karen Anderson Prikios the technology and processes within their n station automation and media man- stations and to integrate business- manage- agement, there are a few manufactur- ment software for applications like airtime ers that dominate the broadcast mar- sales scheduling and human- resources ket. Here's a look at the companies that are management. major players and some of the systems and In addition, OmniBus' new Workflow equipment they offer. Manager can link a facility's IT and broad- cast infrastructures through a single graph- ODETICS ical interface and trigger the next logical "We're migrating to more -sophisticated action in a particular broadcast process. media- management solutions, leveraging content and repurposing it for the OmniBus introduced its Opus system, which is PHILIPS designed to enable broadcasters to integrate Internet," says all the tecnologies throughout their stations. Automation and systems provider Philips Odetics Broad- Broadcasting has introduced a business cast President OmniBus Systems Inc. "We provide the unit called Media Networking and Control Steve L'Hereux. solutions to enable content to be repur- based in Salt Lake City. "We're develop- posed more easily and to allow the produc- Under an initiative called "Control Your ing systems and er to be able to World," Philips' NetCaptain software sys- solutions that are get to the assets tem will allow broadcasters to monitor multidistribu- that they have. information and content from remote sites tion-p ath- We're provid- using the Internet. According to Mike L'Hereux: "We're developing D'Amore, vice president, business and systems and solutions enabled. [Broad- ing the solution that are multidistribution- casters need] to to be able to do technology development, this venture takes path- enabled." be able to dis- that with one the concept of asset management and sta- tribute content however and whenever the single database tion networking and automation to a new it." with keyword level. In fact, using it in conjunction with viewer wants it or needs Ioannou: "We provide With that in mind, Odetics' facility-man- the solutions to enable searches, pic- automation software, an operator could content to be repurposed ture searches, conceivably monitor the operations of a agement system, Roswell, was designed more easily." with multichannel broadcast and datacast- across multiple small station or an overnight shift from the ing applications. The Windows NT-based sites or within a facility or group." comfort of home. system automates the acquisition, manipu- To support the move to greater facility "Over the Internet, you can request to lation, on -air presentation and manage- integration, the company last month intro- preview content using MPEG 4, switch the ment of all broadcast content and associat- routing switcher, and start a machine," ed metadata, and interfaces with traffic and says D'Amore. billing systems. Philips offers its MC -2098 high -end Its new eDetics technology provides =:: .- A Philips automation workstation could new economic opportunities on the Web :.. include any of its MC series software for multichannel functionality. by allowing broadcasters to insert an ad into their regular video broadcast and

simultaneously air a different one on a PHILIPS Webcast version of the program.

PH LIDS OMNIBUS 9iiiiiiiiiiïiiiiii iiiii "We're not really a technology provider," says Andy Ioannou, vice president of

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CJDS DAL /ENCODA The company's full- featured D -MAS Encoda, the new company formed by the automation product line is designed for merger of CJDS DAL and Enterprise large multichannel operations and is cur- Software, is focusing not only on automa- rently used by DirecTV. It offers device tion but also on the management of assets control via dual serial connections for in a multichannel environment. redundancy. MCAS -III is a single -channel "It's not a product. It's a whole process," master-control automation product that says Encoda CEO Barry Goldsmith. can be scaled to support multichannel In addition to offering its D -MAS multi- operations. channel automation product, Encoda spe- cializes in inte- SUNDANCE Philips software is helping broadcasters grating traffic Sundance Automation offers a line of cost - from tape to video servers. move and scheduling effective products designed to provide functions-key broadcasters scalable solutions from entry- multichannel automation system, the MC- areas of any level server -control systems to multichannel 900A lower -end software for on -air control automation sys- automation systems. of one to six channels, and the MSL -4000, tem. The company's FastBreak automation an entry-level product that provides the Goldsmith solution is based on its SIDON ( Sundance direct interface to broadcast devices for says his compa- Integrated Digital Operations Network) Goldsmith: "It's not a allows serial device control of VTRs, video servers, cart product. It's a whole ny has long rec- Architecture, which process." machines and character generators. ognized the control -VTRs, video servers, routers, importance of CGs, etc. -across a standard TCP/IP net- HARRIS media management to the automation sys- work. Since Harris Broadcast merged with Louth tem. CJDS was built on a variety of such SalesView, used in conjunction with in January, it has released several new prod- products: Columbine, an in -house media - FastBreak, allows the sales department to ucts designed for greater integration of the management system for spot and media view the inventory of material on the automation system into overall broadcast scheduling on IBM AS /400 computers; video server and play elements back operations. JDS 2000, a media -management system either directly from the server or as a low - NewSource links newsroom computers that integrates traffic, billing, accounts resolution copy. Intelli -Sat Broadcast to the automation system. It supports both receivable and sales -management applica- Recording Manager for FastBreak auto- the Media Object Server (MOS) Protocol, tions; and Paradigm, a station - automation mates the scheduling and recording of an initiative led by AP Broadcast, and the system. satellite feeds. established BetaCart protocols. It allows broadcasters to control news servers, VTRs and cart machines in the control room from a single interface. It can also transfer any changes to the program rundown made on newsroom computers to the automation system, which will reorder the playlist for each device under its control. DTV Manager provides control of DTV transmission devices like video- and audio - format converters, encoders, multiplexers, compression preprocessors and other types of equipment in the DTV transmission chain. For more tightly integrated asset man- agement, Media Browser provides desktop access to content, allowing users to review

frame -accurate low - resolution video and New York Times station -group facility in Norfolk, Va. audio matched to the server or archive. Encodá s MCAS automation system at the

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DR. LAURA'S ATONEMENT Just after Yom Kippur last week, Dr. Laura Schlessinger ran a full - page "heartfelt message" in a Hollywood trade paper, trying once again to fix her problem with gays. "In talking about gays and lesbians, some of my words were poorly chosen," she wrote. "Many people perceived them as hate speech. This fact has been Unemployed, again

personally and professionally The leaves are changing, so it's to me as well as to devastating time for Leo Hindery to get many others." squeezed out of another job. It But, for the Gay & Lesbian was just a year ago that the Alliance Against Defamation, former AT &T Broadband chief was the ad didn't cut it: "Laura Schlessinger once again blames pushed out the door with a $200 others for the impact of her Rob Refiner's million package (on top of the rhetoric," said GLAAD. $300 million he got as part of

TCI's sale to AT &T). Now Hindery FIGURE THE FIGURES! should collect about $258 mil- "We're just wondering what rib roast lion as he exits Global Crossing you've got to do," laughed Inc., where he clashed with Randall Bongarten, new presi- When Comedy Central airs The N.Y. Friars Club Roast of Rob dent of Emmis Television, regard- Reiner on Nov. 1, viewers will see Billy Crystal bringing down the Chairman Gary Winnick. Hindery ing a continuing slide in the house with a rollicking send -up of the actor-turned- director who did cut a deal to sell Global company's stocks, despite record helped Crystal's career by landing him a recurring role on All in the Crossing's Web- hosting unit, to cash flow for the third quarter. Family nearly 30 years ago. rival Exodus Communications for No matter. Emmis is charging At the live event earlier this month, he couldn't help tweaking $6.5 billion, and he gets a 5.5% ahead in the TV marketplace by Reiner for his heavyweight status as a Democratic fund- raiser and, cut of that, too. Next stop? The acquiring eight stations from literally, claiming at one point that he staunch Republican- turned- Lee Enterprises. Borrowing from well, as being a heavyweight, says he'll be his 27 years in radio, Bongarten knew Reiner when his weight was just in "triple figures." Democratic activist will introduce radio strategies to Crystal added, "He calls the President `Bill.' He calls the Vice looking "more toward some pub- TV, such as off-air sponsorship President `Al,' And he calls Domino's five times a week. When his lic- service role." and promotional tie -ins. wife was pregnant, which was three times, Rob would eat for two."

FCC Chairman Bill Kennard's suggestion to require channel stations to attract advertising.

that all new TV sets include DTV receivers by 2003 According to BROADCASTING's July 16, 1962, issue, recalls the passage of the AR Channel Receiver Act when President Kennedy signed the law, it was a

in 1962, requiring sets sold after July 1, 1964, to quiet affair. That's because adding the UHF receiver

be capable of tuning both VHF and UHF. raised the price of TV sets by $25, and many

Sen. Norris Cotton (R -N.H.) was against it, saying thought that would come back to haunt politicians consumers would lose freedom of choice. Sen. John later. Proponent Lester Lindow (1), executive direc-

Pastore (D -R.I.) countered that the scarcity of sets tor of the Association for Maximum Service

capable of receiving UHF made it difficult for high- Telecasters, got the pen JFK used to sign the law.

64 Broadcasting & Cable /10 -16 -00 CABLE

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F A T E S& F O R T U N E S

Broadcasting Bushelman, regional product Grant, director of communi- New York, joins as VP, on -air Appointments at CBS, New manager, Covington, Ky., cations, mayor's office, creative; Steve Dara, account York: Jane Gottlieb, execu- named director, there; Gary Philadelphia, joins as execu- manager, Sports Illustrated, tive producer, named VP Gray, manager, cash and rev- tive producer, special projects. Detroit, joins as director, ad and executive producer, enue operations department, Laura Gregory, per diem sales, Detroit. marketing and communica- HBO, New York, joins as business reporter, KRwB(AM) Robin Lia Whitaker, tions; Anthony Ambrosio, manager of financial planning, Los Angeles, named director, national promo - VP, human resources, New York. MarketWatch.com business tions, Fox Kids, and execu- named senior VP, human Appointments at Cox reporter, there. tive producer, Fox Family resources. Communications, Atlanta: Howard Liberman, reporter, Countdown Radio Show, Tracy Katsky, senior VP, Doug Brooks, manager of wINS(AM) New York, joins Los Angeles, named VP, comedy, Regency Television, cable and satellite operations, Bloomberg Radio, there, as national promotions and Los Angeles, joins Fox Foxtel, Sydney, Australia, joins afternoon assignment editor sales development, Fox Kids Broadcasting Co., Los Cox Communications, and reporter. Network. Angeles, as senior VP, comedy Atlanta, as director of capital Ron Geller, VP, corporate development. expenditures planning and Programming development, Europe, Sony Colleen B. Brown, presi- tracking; Chris Bowick, Libby Gill, VP, development Pictures Entertainment, dent, broadcast group, Lee senior VP, technology and and programming, Studios London, named senior VP, Enterprises Inc., Davenport, development, named execu- USA, Los Angeles, creates Sony Pictures Digital Iowa, joins Belo, Dallas, tive VP of engineering. Libby Gill & Co., Los Entertainment, there. as senior VP, business Kate Murphy, director, Angeles. Elizabeth Ross, account development. media relations, telephone and Appointments at TNT, executive, Katz Media Inc., Jacquie Basha, VP, Philip Internet services, Cablevision, Atlanta: Michael Borza, VP, Washington, joins Discovery Hamersmith Inc. and Bethpage, N.Y., named direc- creative services, named senior Networks, Bethesda, Md., as Associates, Miami, joins tor, media and community VP, on -air creative; Ron Korb, VP, northern region, for affili- WPLG -TV Miami as director of relations, New Jersey area, creative director, creative ser- ate sales and marketing. marketing and development. Randolph, N.J. vices, named VP and cre- Appointments at Oxygen ative director. Media, New York: Rebecca Cable Journalism Appointments at Comedy Farwell, executive VP /GM, Appointments at Insight Appointments at KYW -TV Central, New York: Lauren OnHealth Network, Seattle, Communications: Mary Philadelphia: Rich Edwards, Gray, VP, production, named joins as president, Thrive Rhodes, VP, customer service assignment manager for fran- senior VP, production; Bob Online, and senior VP, cre- administration, New York, chises and planning, named Pederson, creative director, ative energies online; Tara named senior VP; Gloria managing editor; Barbara on -air, Lifetime Television, DeVeaux Donalds, VP,

Jacquie Basha Kate Murphy Libby Gill Elizabeth Ross

66 Broadcasting & Cable /10 -16 -00 ft4

F A T E S& F O R T U N E S

audience development, Advertising /Marketing/ Communications, San Diego, Communications Corp.: named VP, young audiences Public Relations joins DemandVideo, Mark Lowden, director of group; Stacey Navins, VP, Elliot DeBear, senior VP, Mountain View, Calif., as sales, named VP, sales; finance, named VP, audience business development, president and CEO. Michael Romeo, account development. SFM/Media Planning, New manager, sports division, Ed Stephen, creative ser- York, joins Independent Internet GlobeCast America and JK vices and promotion direc- Media Services, New York, as Scott Schiller, senior VP, Sports Publishing, New tor, WPGH -TV and WCWB -Tv senior executive VP. advertising, The Walt York, joins as account execu- Pittsburgh, joins CNN Mike Lum, account execu- Disney Co., New York, tive. They will split their Newsource, Atlanta, as VP, tive, Katz Television Group, named senior VP, strategic time between Northvale, marketing, sales. New York, named manager, partnership marketing, N.J., and New York. Anthony Glickman, direc- program time sales, direct Walt Disney Internet tor of research and market- marketing division. Group. Association/Law Firms ing, Carsey- Werner J. Riley McDonough, VP, Ed Turlington, deputy cam- International, London, Radio sales and marketing, eCal paign manager, Bill Bradley named VP, research and Ernie Caldemone, general Corp., Philadelphia, joins for President, West Orange, marketing. sales manager, Nineteenth Star ESPN Internet Group, New N.J., joins Brooks, Pierce, Barry Gribbon, executive Productions, Indianapolis, York, as VP, advertising McLendon, Humphrey & producer, Scripps joins WMDH -FM/AM New sales. Leonard LLP, Raleigh, N.C., Productions, named VP, pro- Castle, Ind., as GM. as attorney. duction, Knoxville, Tenn., Stephanie McNamara, gen- Satellite /Wireless and Los Angeles. eral sales manager, WAXQ(FM) Appointments at Atlantic Compiled by Beth Shapouri Russell Best, VP /GM, New York, joins WADO(AM) Satellite Communications 212/337 -7147 National Video Network, New York and WCAA -FM Inc. and Waterfront [email protected] New York, named senior Newark, N.J., as GM. VP/GM. Steve Harris, VP, urban As recognized as Melissa Bornes, VP, busi- programming, ABC Radio ness development at Networks, Dallas, joins XM "Singing in The Rain." Estyle.com and Satellite Radio, Washington, Kidstyle.com, Los Angeles, as VP, external programming. joins DIC Entertainment, Los Angeles, as executive Technology VP, worldwide consumer Richard Hercules, president, products. Datron World


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Miami as an example of Success is the family way Beasley's management skills. The station rose to No. 2 Beasley aims to be among the top five radio groups in the country overall in its market this sum- mer, according to Arbitron. WPow also provides evi- Blood is thicker than water, but ratings are really what dence of Beasley's Web strate- counts, according to Bruce Beasley, who has overseen gy, Wallace notes. He describes the operation of his family's 42- station radio group for the station's site, wpow.com, as the past three years. "one of the hottest -looking." The Beasley family is close -knit -five siblings, four in the Where other radio compa- business -but professionalism has dominated from the begin- nies have been slow to jump ning, Bruce Beasley says. The only difference now that the radio on the Internet, Beasley has group is public is that he reports to shareholders well beyond its own Internet division to immediate family members. "My job is to create value for stock- address both online creativity holders, whether it's my family or an institution," he says. and sales. "I'm not sure how Beasley was virtually born into the business. His father, quickly [the Internet] is going George G. Beasley, founded the company in 1961. Like the to be a large revenue genera- members of several other renowned parent- offspring radio tor," but it will be, Bruce Bruce George Beasley Beasley to stay in the family busi- Beasley insists, adding that teams, Bruce decided President/C00, Beasley ness -after his chemistry grades dashed his dreams of being Broadcast Group Inc. the company should start see- a veterinarian. ing some Internet revenue in the fourth quarter of this year. B. Aug. 22, 1957, Mount Airy, Beasley's terrestrial radio He enjoyed his on -air stints be totally happy with anyone" N.C.; BS, business administra- goal is to become one of the at Beasley stations during in that position. tion, Eastern Carolina University, nation's top five radio groups. high school but knew that Bruce Beasley is used to the Greenville, N.C., 1980; sales- To get there, he is looking to man, WRNS(AM) Kinston/ "the money was in sales." On pressure. His father was prin- buy about $100 million worth Greenville /Jacksonville, N.C., graduating from Eastern cipal of the school he attended. of stations per year, particu- 1980 -85; general sales manager, Carolina University, he took a But the pressure has grown larly in top -100 markets WRNS- AM -FM, 1985; general sales job at his father's AM in even more intense since the where the company already manager, WRXK(FM) Fort Myers, (its small Kinston, N.C. Naples, Fla. -based company, Fla., 1986 -91 (added vice owns stations major -mar- Despite being the owner's the nation's No. 16 group by president, operations, 1989); ket holdings include stations son, "[Bruce Beasley] started revenue, went public on Feb. general manager, WXTU(FM) in Philadelphia, Boston and at the bottom," his father 11. Bruce Beasley says he has Philadelphia, 1991 -94; current Atlanta). says. "I insisted on that." had to adjust to a Wall Street positions since 1997; m. Teresa That goal was exceeded in Father still holds son to that is "a little shortsighted." Brown, Nov. 29, 1980; children: June, when Beasley Broadcast high standards. Bruce Beasley (Beasley stock is down about Diana, 16; Ryan, 12. agreed to pay $137.5 million "has had a fair amount of suc- 40% from its offering price, a for Centennial Broadcasting cess as president and COO of better showing than the 50% Wallace, a media analyst at LLC's six stations in Las this company," George average of most other radio Banc of America Securities, Vegas and New Orleans. Beasley says, "and he contin- stocks in the past nine which helped take Beasley And, with about 40% of its ues to grow in that position." months [B &C, Oct. 9].) Broadcast public. "He's sur- radio stations still being Far from damning his son Beasley knows that hiring rounded himself with very developed, "our opportuni- with faint praise, Beasley, who high -quality employees will good managers" and doesn't ties for [internal] growth are chairs the firm, notes, "I ensure the company's long- micromanage them. very strong," Bruce Beasley don't think that I could ever term success, says W. Timothy Wallace cites wPow(FM) says. Elizabeth A. Rathbun

68 Broadcasting & Cable /10 -16 -00 BROADCASTING & CABLE SPECIAL REPORT

ASSET MANAGEML SPECIAL REPORT Are you Manage-rent of your and audio asses Fas become a chcl eige as companies ad.,cnce to digita technology and begin to reshcpe their content fcr rew distrib_tion platforms. Ou- November ss.ie of covering Broadcast rg & Coole is devo -ing a special p-o=ile or Digitcl Asset Management. The broadcasting and cable market asse see is our one cf tie strongest for asset management. These -ecnnological innovctic,s --sJch as digité storcge libraries, vide.: severs and sacFisti- cated sof-ware -cre the per =ect vehi- cles to access vast amoun-s of con- igital Assets tent in c mininal amount of time. Media ccrrpanies are looking tc this technclog-e for sizeable savings, expanded productivity and new revenue potential that is! Broadcasting s< Caale's special report on Asset Management wi I reach thcx.sands cf incus-ry leaders who are getting connec -ed to -his cut- ting -edge echnolcgy Be sure to con- ISSUE DA= E: November 6, 2000 vey your message or how y .L.r com- pany is covering is assets. Contact AD CLOSE: Friday, October 27, 2000 your Broadcas-ing & Cable ccve-tis- ing representctive to reserve yorur MATERIALS DUE Wednesday, November 1 space.



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70 Broadcasting & Cable /10 -16 -001 Classifieds


igital Captioning and Subtitling KOVR 2 -3566 S B G SINCLAIR BROADCAST GROUP _J KOVR 13 in Sacramento, CA is aggressively DIRECTORCAREERS seeking an experienced General Sales Manager to lead DIRECTOR/EDITOR our Saleseam. Responsibilities include REQUIREMENTS: WOOD TV8 has an recruiting, hiring & diféloping the best people for this immediate opportunity for a full -time Director/ Editor in our Sony 9100 digital edit suite. This business. Individual will focus on growing our top accounts, position requires schedule flexibility, plus the embrace and develop NTR, maximize the inventory and ability to work independently and meet dead- lines. Communication skills are a must, as you'll support the market effort. Will akii exceed the budgets and be working with multiple departments and out- side clients. Broadcast degree preferred. outpace the market. Qualified candidate must have a CONTACT: Send resume to: bachelor's degree and at least 5 years experience. Please Patrick Linehan rush Production Manager your resume to Bob Finke, 2713 KOVR Drive, West WOOD TV8 120 College Avenue, SE Sacramento, CA 95605. Grand Rapids, MI 49503 No phone calls please. Sinclair Broadcast Group, Inc. owns or programs 62 TV stations in 40 markets and has WOOD TV IS AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER affiliations with all 6 networks. We reach nearly 25% of the U.S. and aggressively lead the evolution of broadcasting in technology, programming, promotions, and sales. Sinclair is proud to be an Equal Opportunity Employer and a Drug-Free Workplace. Women and Minorities are encouraged to apply. EXECUTIVECAREERS 1

VP - EASTERN SALES PROMOTIONSCAREERS PROGRAMMINGCAREERS WebFN, a dynamic Internet streaming Media PROMOTION/PUBLIC AFFAIRS MANAGER PROGRAMMING Company, seeks a Vice President of Eastern Madison, Wisconsin UPN affiliate, has an Vice President Broadcasting, sales. Primary responsibilities include generating outstanding opportunity for a creative, dynamic Communications and Educational Services new business in the broadband market by individual who will be responsible for on -air WTVI, Charlotte, NC developing and implementing a sales strategy to promotion, all media advertising and marketing WTVI, a community-owned market streaming services to WebFN Network as well as community relations for the station. station in the fast growing 28th market located in the Sunbelt and affiliated sites. This includes consulting with Applicant should have broad knowledge of fully funded for digital conversion, seeks an out- clients to assess their business objectives and marketing, budgeting, internet, and possess standing PTV program professional with at least a proactively targeting marketing partners presentation/communication skills. Send your for the Bachelor's Degree in communications or related Networks writing samples and resume to: Human of WebFN. This also includes business field 5 -10 Resources, WHPN UPN 57, 2814 Syene Road, and years senior broadcast manage- development in the "convergent, television meets ment experience,. Madison WI 53713, fax 608- 270 -5717 or e-mail This senior- management Vice Internet model." The ideal candidate will be a to kathy @whpntv57.com EOE President will supervise the Program Consultant, strategic sales executive with a reputation for Traffic, Promotion, Outreach and related educa- developing new business and forging lasting tional services, WEB site development and public relationships. Other requirements include: COMMUNICATIONSCAREER r information; and implement the new multicast channels working with area agencies. A thorough understanding of a wide variety DIRECTOR, COMMUNICATIONS & of Internet advertising models. Send resume, salary requirement and three PUBLICITY professional references to Personnel, WTVI, Entrepreneurial risk taker that is able to ODYSSEY NETWORK 3242 Commonwealth Avenue, Charlotte, NC make decisions effectively and one who 28205 or fax 704- 371 -8807. Closing date Odyssey Network seeks a key player to develop can make things happen. October 31, 2000. EOE. and implement strategies and campaigns for Must be able to truly think out of the box" corporate public relations, media relations and Ability to manage multiple tasks and program publicity. Responsibilities include: TECHNICALCAREERS responsibilities simultaneously. initiate & organize network corp events & Enjoys playing a hands -on roll and has no activities; secure positive placement & position- MASTER CONTROL OPERATOR problem rolling up their sleeves with the rest ing of network/executives in relevant media; Media General Broadcast Group of the team. prepare written & creative materials; serve www.mgbg.com Strong communication, written, analytical as resource for outside media; develop and WCBD -TV Is looking and reporting skills. implement publicity campaigns for original for a Master Control Operator responsi- ble for switching programming. Xlt writing, communication & org. commercial and promotional Appreciation for pioneering new sales and material on-air. the individual is also responsible skills, strong media contacts & industry exp. marketing initiatives. for recording satellite feeds updating the FCC req'd. BA in PR or Commun. pref'd. Resume We offer appropriate salary, commission and logs. Candidates must be familiar with commercial w/sal req. to resumes @odysseyhhn.com or comprehensive benefits plans as well as stock automation systems, computer literate, and able fax 818/755 -2473. Odyssey Network is owned options. To learn more about WebFN, visit our to work flexible hours. and operated by Crown Media Holdings, Inc., EOE website at www.WebFN.com. M/F Drug Screen. Send resume to HR Dept. an affiliate of Hallmark Entertainment, Inc. 210 West Coleman Blvd., Mt. Pleasant, SC 29464

Broadcasting & Cable /10 -16 -00 71 Classifieds Television TECHNICALCAREERS

ASSISTANT CHIEF ENGINEER: CHIEF ENGINEER THE In the beautiful rolling hills of the Pocono WESH -TV, Orlando's Hearst-Argyle television Mountains, WNEP -TV is looking for an engineering station and NBC affiliate has an opening for an WEATHER leader. As Chief Engineer, you will have the oppor- Assistant Chief Engineer. We are in the process CHANNEL tunity of combining senior management with hands of building a new tower and DTV transmission on engineering installation and maintenance. plant. Successful applicant will be a strong self - Moving aggressively toward the conversion to DTV, starter, team player and goal oriented individual. weather.com WNEP invites you to play an active part in the role. Duties include assisting the Chief Engineer in Staged in a beautifully equipped 43,000 sq. foot BROADCAST SYSTEMS ENGINEER to day to day operation of the engineering depart- facility, WNEP is on a fast track toward adapting repair analog, digital, video Competitive salary, and ment including system planning, implementation Will maintain and the changing technologies. and audio systems; including routers, switch - excellent benefits, and an unbeatably quality of life, and maintenance of studio, microwave and satel- ers, automation systems, VTR's, cameras, makes this opportunity a once in a lifetime. If you lite equipment plus high power RF transmission. and related broadcast technology. Must have would like to join our team, send resume to: Frank Preferred qualifications include previous supervi- ability and desire to develop skills in UNIX, A. Chebalo, Sr. VP Engineering and Operations, sory experience, FCC General Class license and Windows NT, and networking systems. The New York Times Company Broadcast Group, college degree in Engineering or equivalent. VA 23510. Required: 4 years experience as Broadcast 720 Boush Street, Norfolk, with VHF transmitter maintenance Experience Maintenance Engineer, with TV broadcast to Richard Monn, Chief desired. Send resume related systems and equipment. Engineer, WESH -TV, P.O. Box 547697, Orlando, SALESCAREERS our team! Send your resume today Florida 32854. An Equal Opportunity Employer. Come join to: Jobs @weather.com, or fax to 770/226 - NATIONAL SALES MANAGER 2959. *Reference " Engineer BC" in response. STUDIO MAINTENANCE ENGINEER WAXN -TV, Cox owned Independent in Charlotte, The Weather Channel, 300 Interstate North Must be able to perform the following duties: NC, the 28th market, is seeking a strong, ener- install and maintain studio transmission equip- Parkway, Atlanta, GA 30339 getic, professional for the position of National ment including video switchers, audio consoles, Sales Manager. The person must have solid DVE, CG, SS, cameras, and robotics. Familiarity leadership qualities and negotiation skills. with automation systems and master control envi- RESEARCH ANALYST Previous National Sales experience preferred. ronment. Should possess a general computer/ Briggs, Sales Manager, networking background. Must be able to work on Paxson Communications Corporation is seeking Send resume to: Paul a rotating shift schedule. Candidate should have an !ndiv. to prepare daily flashes, reports, esti- WAXN -TV, Dept. 95, P.O. Box 34665, Charlotte, an engineering degree or equivalent technical mates & presentations. Resp. inc. maint. audi- NC 28234 -4665 or call (704) 371 -3120. training. SBE/FCC certification a plus. If you want ence history & rating estimates. Must have exp. EOE M/F to be a part of the exciting transition to HDTV in w /Excel, PowerPoint & Nielsen ratings. Must have the most exciting city in the world, please send exp. w/Donovan, CJDS, TV Scan, Nielsen Galaxy your resume and cover letter to: Kurt Hanson, Navigator /Explorer, SNAP & MRI. Broadcast LOCAL SALES MANAGER Must detail- oriented w /apti- Chief Engineer, WABC -TV, 7 Lincoln Square, New background pref. be WCIA -TV has an immediate opening for a tude for numbers. Submit resume w /salary req. to: York, NY 10023. No telephone calls or faxes Local Sales Manager. The ideal candidate will an equal opportunity employer. Paxson Communications Corporation please. We are have a proven track record in local- direct sales Ref: Research Analyst will be able to work with agen- 601 Clearwater Pk. Rd. development, DIRECTOR OF ENGINEERING W.P.B., FL 33401 cies, and will be able to develop and implement Major National Broadcast and AN Systems Fax: (561) 655 -7343 sales promotion ideas. Minimum of 5 years tel- Director of Engineering. Integrator seeking E -mail: employment @pax.net evision sales or related media experience Candidate should have BSEE or equivalent. Ten Equal Opportunity Employer required. Send resume to Dick Livesay, GSM, years management experience in broadcasting WCIA, PO Box 20, Champaign, IL 61824 -0020 (systems integration, systems architecture, or Fax to (217) 373 -3673. EOE. installation/maintenance, testing & repair ) . Project Management experience is a plus. GRAPHIC DESIGNER have basic knowledge of Applicants should also DESCRIPTION OF DUTIES: KGO TV, ABC 7 in LOCAL SALES MANAGER architectural, mechanical and electrical systems; San Francisco is looking for creative and talent- position for 100+ LSM or top AE strong oral and written communications skills, Challenging ed designers for staff and freelance positions. ready to move to top 100 market. We are expand- strong people management skills, strong budg- daily news graphics, Responsibilities include ing local sales teams. Customer service comes et management skills and be computer literate. support for promotion, print and web design. EOE - Pre-employment Drug Screen first, sales and leadership training is provided. Please send resumes to:Broadcasting and REQUIREMENTS: KGO TV, ABC 7 in San Are you a leader with proven success who wants Cable Magazine,275 Washington St., Newton Francisco is looking for creative and talented to work their way to the top within a fast-growing MA. 02458. Box 1016. designers for staff and freelance positions. group? Send resume with letter detailing Responsibilities include daily news graphics, sales/management philosophy, career and earn- support for promotion, print and web design. BROADCAST MAINTENANCE ings goals for 2001 and beyond, to: Broadcasting ENGINEER PLEASE SEND REEL AND RESUME TO: and Cable Magazine,275 Washington St., Newton MA. 02458. Box 1017. EOE Needed at WLWT-TV. Position requires trou- KGOTELEVISION bleshooting and repair skills along with detailed 900 Front Street system maintenance, design and installation San Francisco, CA 94111 SALES PROFESSIONAL abilities. Experience with automation, BTS Attn: Human Resources Department WTOG -TV, one of the country's strongest UPN routers, switchers, various videotape formats, NO PHONE CALLS ACCEPTED affiliates, seeks a motivated, enthusiastic sales ENG equipment, computer systems, RF professional interested in advancing their KGOTELEVISION, an owned station of ABC, maintenance desired. careers to join our sales team. Successful systems and transmitter Inc. is an Equal Opportunity Employer. 3 years in television maintenance, high school candidates will have 3 -5 years broadcast televi- plus tech/college and a valid driver's license sion sales experience, possess a mastery of and proof of insurance are required. ratings knowledge, excellent written and verbal Experienced candidate may also qualify for a communication skills, great attention to detail, supervisor position. CALL 617 -558 -4532 OR 617- 558 -448*4 and an obsession for winning. Please forward Send resumes to: 1700 Young St. Cincinnati FOR INFORMATION ON ADVERTISING./ qualifications to: HR, WTOG -TV, 365 105 Terrace OH 45210. EOE NE, St. Petersburg, FL 33716 EOE

72 Broadcasting & Cable /10 -16 -00 Classifieds Television SALESCAREERS PRODUCER. AREERS

GENERAL SALES MANAGER NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC EXPLORER One of America's leading television stations, National Geographic's weekly TV documentary magazine show is looking for a talented producer /direc- WNEP -TV 16 has a leadership opportunity for a tor/writer willing to relocate to our Washington DC headquarters. Must have extensive experience in General Sales Manager. Were part of a progres- documentary, strong initiative, and be enthusiastic about demonstrate sive and aggressive broadcast group owned by travel. Must evidence of character The New York Times Company. We have the driven stories and strong visual imagination. Other highly valued characteristics: international and outdoor highest -rated local newscast in America, and adventure experience, language skills, shooting skills. No phone calls please. need a GSM to lead our expert staff of account Send resume via email to: ngsjobs @ngs.org or fax NATIONAL executives in strong negotiating and communicat- 202 -857 -7741 or mail to: Director of HR, National GEOGRAPHIC ing. WNEP has new media ventures in the works Geographic, 1145 17th St. NW, Washington, DC and are looking for the right person to grow with 20036. Equal Opportunity Employer. our station and broadcast group. If you would like Explorier Weekends on CINBC to join our team, send resume to: Debra Drechin, Executive Administrative Assistant, WNEP -TV, Director of Production Management - PRODUCER 16 Montage Mountain Road, Moosic, PA 18507 Santa Monica, CA: Supervise all staffing WHAS -TV, market leader, seeks or e-mail to debbie.drechin @wnep.com producer with and production for MW West Coast music 3 -5 years of news producing experierce. Must series, news and specials, including be a self-starter with excellent writing and LOCAL SALES MANAGER pre -production, production, and post -production organizational skills and have innovative We are looking for a dynamic Local Sales phases. Eight years strong production approaches to producing news. Must exercise Manager who can teach, lead and inspire a management experience required, including good news judgment and have the ability to talented and enthusiastic local sales team. ability to work with senior creative executives in adapt quickly to changes during live broad- The successful candidate will have at least fast -paced, challenging production environment. casts. Strong pre -production skills are 3 -5 years local sales experience with a Experience in long -form series, multi -camera necessary and candidate will have to con- proven record of developing new business live event and news production desired. Strong tribute daily to news story ideas. College opportunities as well as possess strong orga- recruiting, staffing skills needed. Code DPM. degree preferred. Great benefit package. nizational skills. Creativity, vision and high Interested candidates forward resume, tape Production Manager - Santa Monica, energy are vital. Responsibilities will include and cover letter to: CA: Manage multiple large- scale, multi- camera direct supervision of the local sales team as Cindy Vaughn, HR productions simultaneously, on location and in Director well as developing new local sales promotions HR #00 studio. Five years production management -27 and opportunities. Please send letter and WHAS11 experience required, with strengths in staffing, resume to: Nancy Linebaugh, General Sales 520 W. Chestnut St. personnel supervision, scheduling, budgeting, Manager, WMBD -TV, 3131 N. University, Louisville, KY 40202 Peoria, IL 61604. legal, vendor negotiations. Code PM. EOE Please fax resume and salary history and CODE to Human Resources: (310) 752 -8811. SALES ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE MW Networks is an active equal opportunity NEWS PRODUCER Immediate opportunity to join the #1 sales team in employer, No calls, please. WXYZ -TV Detroit is looking for an early the Raleigh- Durham market. WTVD -TV, an ABC morning producer to lead an award winning owned and operated station is seeking a televi- sion executive with two or more years experience NEWS PRODUCER newscast. If you have a proven record of success, can write and produce with the best, and the desire to be a part of a winning team. NBC Affiliate, WNDU -TV is looking for an Applicants should possess and can react to breaking news, come join a excellent negotiating energetic, hardworking news producer who skills, the ability to make new business presenta- team that knows how to win and have fun at the knows how to craft a great newscast. We need tions and the creativity to meet the ever -changing same time. Please send your resume and someone who can write well and be responsible demands of our business. Computer proficiency salary requirements to: and for everything in his/her newscast. We require experience utilizing various sources of Human Resources resource material helpful. This is an opportunity one to two years experience in a television news- to WXYZ -TV join a great sales team, a great television station room, and experience with satellite and 20777 W. Ten Mile Rd. and a great company that all represent a great microwave live shots. If you love to be a part of Southfield, MI 48037 career opportunity. Please forward your resume to a winning team, send your resume and non- John Idler, WTVD -TV, 411 Liberty or email to: wxyzjobs @scripps.com Street, Durham, returnable tape to: WNDU -TV Position #281, NC 27701. We are an EOE employer. Attention Human Resources, P 0 Box 1616, EOE South Bend, IN 46634, or e-mail your resume to JOBS @WNDU.COM. WNDU -TV is an Equal PRODUCERCAREERS Opportunity Employer. NEWSCAREERS ASSOCIATE PRODUCER EXECUTIVE PRODUCER METEOROLOGIST KTRK -TV is looking for an Associate Producer for CBS affiliate in Milwaukee is seeking Executive the Debra Duncan WDAF-W, a Fox O & O in Kansas City, is seek- Show. Applicant must pos- News Producer to join its staff. Successful can- sess strong research and writing ing an experienced meteorologist for the noon skills. Must have didate will be a key player on our management the ability to generate compelling show ideas newscasts. Responsibilities will include prepar- and team and will supervise and work closely with guests, excellent phone skills and working knowl- ing daily forecasts and supplemental line producers to help execute fast -paced and explanato- edge of television production. compelling newscasts. Must have strong news ry information. Must be able to report live from Field producing experience a plus. judgement, excellent people skills, and at least breaking news events. Qualified applicants will Interested candidates should mail their resumes to: three years experience as a line producer. NO have a degree in meteorology or equivalent Wendy Granato PHONE CALLS PLEASE. Rush non -returnable training. Should be AMS certified or be able to Executive Producer tape and resume to: meet the qualifications to obtain the AMS seal. KTRK -TV Director of Human Resources Experience with KAVOURAS weather systems 3310 Bissonnet WDJT -TV preferred. For consideration, please send Houston, TX 77005 809 S. 60th Street resume and VHS demo tape to WDAF-TV; Please no phone calls. Milwaukee, WI 53214 Human Resources/BC; 3030 Summit: Kansas Equal Opportunity Employer M/FN /D EOE City, MO 64108. EOE M /F /DN

Broadcasting & Cable /10 -15 -00 73 Classifieds Television NEWS

NBC 10, NBC's O &O in Philadelphia has several tremendous opportunities. INVESTIGATIVE UNIT If you want to grow, be part of the future and have a say in what gets on the air, then read below: PHOTOGRAPHER/EDITOR 1. Consumer Producer. You must be a self starter and operate on your own. Will be responsible for turning WABC -TV New York has an immediate opening a story a day that is hard in nature - recalls, investigative. Previous producing and writing required. for a Photographer/Editor to work in our award -

2. Special projects producer - Hard edge, high production value. Undercover and investigative. Must have winning Investigative Unit. The successful candi- strong editorial, writing, production skills. Must be able to identify legal issues. date is a creative, visual storyteller with strong a plus.) 3. Show producer. Grow with the best. We have the technology. We have the news. Need someone who editing skills (Avid editing experience can write, develop a show with good elements. Great growth opportunities. Candidates should have at least 5 years photogra- phy/editing experience and be familiar with inves- 4. Reporter/back up anchor. Do you like live? Do you like breaking news? Do you like hard news enterprise stories? If you answer yes to the above then we want to see your tape ASAR. tigative techniques, including undercover photog- raphy. Send resume and non -returnable Beta Send Tapes and Resumes to Steve Schwaid, VP of News, NBC10, format tape to: Ted Holtzclaw, News Operations 10 Monument Road, Bala Cynwyd, Pa, 19004 Manager, WABC -TV, 7 Lincoln Square, New York, NO PHONE CALLS. NY 10023. No telephone calls or faxes please. We NBC 10 is an Equal Opportunity Employer. are an equal opportunity employer.

JOIN THE NEWS 12 TEAM! NEWS DIRECTOR KRCG, Jefferson City, MO, seeks an experienced News 12 Networks, located in Norwalk, CT, individual to head up the news department of this currently has the following opportunities available: CBS affiliate, which is the leading news station in this Mid -Missouri market which includes the NEWS ANCHOR/REPORTER Missouri State Capital and The University of Missouri. It offers an excellent opportunity for a We are seeking a personable, charismatic professional with the ability to deliver on -air, traditional news. Selected candidate will use dynamic individual who has either experience as developed reporting skills in the field and in the studio. Position also News Director in a small -to- medium market or involves developing concepts into formal reports. A minimum of 2 news executive position in a larger market. years proven on -air reporting experience within a medium to major market required. College degree with a You'll work with a staff that is a blend of experi- major in Journalism preferred. Must have a dedication to journalistic standards of accuracy. enced professionals and enthusiastic young REF # 1016BfrC0000PMD. journalists who are committed to providing an ENGINEER outstanding news product. CHIEF Responsibilities include managing day to day Selected candidate will have exceptional organizational skills to prioritize and coordinate maintenance efforts. operations of the news department, developing Position also involves scheduling and repairing equipment and facilities and participation in planning and all newscasts, providing ongo- implementation of projects. Must have a 4 year degree or equivalent and a minimum of 3 years broadcast strategic plans for engineering experience. Strong leadership and interpersonal skills beneficial. ing training and guidance to news personnel, REF # 1016BfC2892PMD meeting financial goals, working with other departments to further the station's goals and VIDEO ENGINEER community image. Applicant must possess excellent communication, business, administra- Selected candidate will be responsible for maintaining and repairing equipment and facilities in conjunction tive and interpersonal skills. with supervisor. Position also involves assisting with anticipating service and maintenance needs, responding to emergencies related to failed equipment and maintaining departmental record keeping of equipment If you're qualified, and would like to join an service records, wiring diagrams and inventory. Must have a 4 year degree or equivalent and a minimum of 2 independent company and news leader in a years broadcast engineering or related electronics maintenance experience. Familiarity with repairing/aligning market which provides an excellent family of the audio /video signal, tape dynamics and satellite and RF production equipment and knowledge environment, cultural and recreational advan- technology preferred. Excellent troubleshooting, organizational and multi-tasking skills required. tages as well as easy accessibility to major REF #1016B&C4714PMD metropolitan areas, submit resume and cover letter to Betsy Farris, General Manager, pressure with Positions require the ability to work under KRCG -TV, P.O.Box 659, Jefferson City. MO and the ability to work a NEWS deadlines in an on -air environment 65102. Or e-mail to bfarris @krcg.com. KRCG is flexible schedule including nights, weekends and holidays. an Equal Opportunity Employer.

We offer a competitive compensation and a comprehensive benefits package. Mail resume, which must include REF # in cover letter, to: Rainbow Staffing, Dept PMD, 1111 Stewart Avenue, Bethpage, NY 11714 or Email to: careers @cablevision.com (indicate REF # in NEWSCAST DIRECTOR subject line of email). EOE WTNH -TV, Connecticut's ABC station, has an immediate opening for a newscast and special projects director. Our new digital control room WANT TO BE "ON THE BEACH "? NEWS PHOTOGRAPHER/EDITOR will be on line in a few weeks, and we need No we're not talking about un- employment... someone who will drive the equipment. Our WABC -TV has an immediate opening for an we're talking lifestyle! Network affiliate, mid -sized fast paced newscasts require clear thinking experienced, highly creative photographer/edi - market, owned by a premiere media company, and flexibility. Experience directing and techni- tor. Ideal candidate must be able to 'Yell the great for people who love the beach is in cal directing is a must. The ideal candidate story" while working under constant time search of PRODUCERS, REPORTERS AND must understand ALL the elements that go into constraints. Experience operating a live truck is REPORTER/ANCHORS. a winning newscast. If you meet and exceed are at Beta tape and resume to: If you have at least three years experience, a plus. Send these standards, and have at least 3 years of your game, love TV news, and want a News Operations Manager, the top Ted Holtzclaw, experience in the television industry, send great place to live, send your resume and tape Square, New York, NY WABC -TV, 7 Lincoln a tape with director's track to: Jerry Min, IMMEDIATELY to News Department, P.O. Box 10023. No telephone calls or faxes please. We Production Manager, WTNH -TV, 8 Elm St., 300, Norfolk, VA 23501. No phone calls, please. are an Equal Opportunity Employer. New Haven, CT 06510. EOE. We are an equal opportunity employer.

74 Broadcasting & Cable /10 -16 -00 Classifieds Television NEWS


the television Live and work in beautiful New England! Adelphia Media Services is looking for highly motivated, team building sales leaders in Maine advertising and New Hampshire! You'll oversee and develop the local retail This opportunity will assist the Traffic sales staff and achieve company goals. Bachelor's degree, plus division of Manager in the daily operation of the 3 yrs. sales /sales management experience. PC proficiency and department, as well as work with some travel required. Adelphia format, copy, and log administrators to ensure that logs are delivered on time Communications REGIONAL SALES MANAGER with no errors. In addition, you will also coordinate receipt of copy and Corporation, instructions for advertiser schedules. Provide direction, training and development of Sales Managers and Qualified candidates must be able to Sales Staff throughout the Northeast Region. Establish one of the business plans work in a high -pressure, deadline and sales strategies to reach company goals. Bachelor's degree plus intensive environment; be detail - 5 yrs. media sales management experience. Cable industry country's most experi- oriented; be organized and articulate; ence preferred. Computer literacy and some travel (30 %) required. and have good communication and progressive interpersonal skills. Television traffic NATIONAL ACCOUNTS MANAGER experience preferred; enterprise traffic communications system experience a plus.

companies, has Oversee the national spot sales efforts of select DMA's throughout To apply on -line, please access our the Northeast Region. Bachelor's degree or equivalent plus 3 yrs. recruiting site at: been providing media sales experience. National spot sales development experi- http: //fox. recruitingcenter.net/ ence, and PC proficiency preferred. Some travel (40 %) required. consumers with publicjobs Send resume and salary history to: or you can mail your resume to: FOX quality products Todd Kuhn, Regional Director, 35 Resnik Road, Cable Networks, Job Code: LX/TS - Plymouth, MA 02360; Fax: (508) 830 -3580. AS103221, Human Resources, 1440 S. services E -mail: tkuhn @adelphia.net and Sepulveda Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90025. Adelphia offers a superb benefits package that includes for more than competitive salaries, comprehensive health & life insur- ance, and 401k. Successful applicant must pass drug/ 40 years. alcohol test, physical, and criminal record check. Adelphia is an Equal Opportunity Employer. CABLE NETWORKS Adeiphia No phone calls, please. EOE. MEDIA SERVICES TRAFFIC MANAGER For more information on opportunities at Adelphia Cable Communications, WESH -TV, Orlando's Hearst -Argyle television visit our website at: station and NBC affiliate has an opening for Traffic Manager. Individual will be responsible for all traf- fic department functions: log preparation, inventory www.adelphia.net management, report generation. Must be able to interact with all other station departments and work closely with sales account executives and sales INVESTIGATIVE REPORTER managers. Must be able to effectively manage Investigative Reporter Wanted. Aggressive, individuals within the traffic department as well as competitive journalist who knows how to dig WEATHER ANCHOR/REPORTER organize work responsibilities for the department. for great stor es. Will work with Call For Action WIFR -TV is currently looking for a Weather Knowledge of BIAS traffic system a plus. Send staff to investigate consumer stories. Must be Anchor /Reporter. The applicant will be responsi- resume to Joe Chaplinski,General Sales Manager, ble for reporting 3 days a week and anchoring great at live and a superb storyteller. Anchor WESH -TV, P. O. Box 547697, Orlando, FL 32854. our weekend weathercasts. ability a plus. Minimum two years experience. This position is not An Equal Opportunity Employer. Send resume and non -returnable tape to for beginners!! Applicant must have at least 6 months experience in reporting or anchoring a Personnel Administrator - 155, WTOL -TV, P.O. at broadcast television station. Working NEWS DIRECTOR Box 1111, Toledo, Ohio 43699-1111. No phone knowledge of weather computers and WTVR -TV in Richmond, VA, a Raycom Media calls please. EOE or a degree in Meteorology a plus. We dominate the market in station is searching for a News Director with at least 5 Weather coverage! The person we hire will be years of news management experience, a proven record of ratings growth and KJRH in Tulsa. OK needs the following: Weekend expected to continue that dominance. If you fit strong news content. Great opportunity to join and lead a news Co- Anchor -- 3 -5 years reporting experience this criteria, send your resume and vhs tape to team already enjoying ratings growth and propel required; anchoring experience preferred; Mark Vittorio, News Director, WIFR -TV, P.O. Box the team to the next level. Send resume, outline Reporter -- 2 -4 years experience required; 123, Rockford, IL 61105 WIFR -TV is an equal of news philosophy, and salary requirements to Meteorologist -- 2 -4 years experience required; opportunity employer. Mark Pimentel, VP & General Manager, WTVR meteorology degree preferred. Tapes and TV, 3301 W. Broad St. Richmond, VA. 23230 or Resumes to: Todd Spessard, News Director; e -mail at mpimentel @raycommedia.com . KJRH -TV; 3701 S. Peoria; Tulsa, OK 74105. EOE WTVR-TV is an EOE M /F.

Broadcasting & Cable /10 -16 -00 75 Classifieds


DIRECTOR OF ONLINE AD SALES & SPONSORSHIPS CAHNERS TELEVISION GROUP Join the digital division of a leading business -to- business (B2B) trade publisher focusing on the dynamic Television industry. The Cahners Television Group is a division of Cahners Business Information, the lead- Fox ing US B2B trade publisher, with trade publications such as Broadcasting & Cable, Multichannel News, Cablevision, Wireless Week, Publishers Weekly, and over 100 more vertically oriented trade magazines. BUSINESS MANAGER We are launching an Internet portal targeting television and media professionals and seek a Director of FOX 49 KPDX -TV's senior management Online Ad Sales and Sponsorships to join our team. team seeks a veteran broadcaster to As a Director of Online Ad Sales and Sponsorships for the Cahners Television Portal, you will be respon- help complete the build -out of a brand sible for guiding Internet ad pricing strategy, responding to RFPs for online advertising, working closely new facility, launch a new news depart- structuring, closing and with the print ad sales staff to structure and close online ad sales deals, creatively ment, exercise cost control over future sales staff regarding new sales techniques, executing online sponsorships, periodic training of the print programming and capital acquisitions processes or special sponsorship opportunities. and, of course, the routine duties of the Qualifications: College degree with 7+ years traditional sales experience in print or entertainment- relat- Business Manager. Duties include sales experience including the sale of banners, buttons and ed industry and a minimum of 2 years online directing the activities of 4 people to sponsorships. include, accounting, salary administra- Location: New York City, NY tion, personnel, EEO compliance, Contact: Sharon Thorn, Cahners Business Information 245 W. 17th St. New York, NY 10011 Fax: employee benefits and credit and collec- (212) 727 -2425 Internet: hrny- [email protected] tions. Minimum qualifications include a 4-year degree in accounting/business ANCHOR/REPORTER NEWS ANCHOR/REPORTER administration or equivalent work experi- We have an opening for a person who is WAVY-TV and its sister station WVBT -TV have an ence. Must have proficient knowledge of competitive, loves to schmooze for good opening for a News Anchor /Reporter. The exact GAAP, internal controls, accounting theo- stories, and is a superb communicator. This anchoring assignment is still to be determined, ry and systems. Oracle experience is person would also anchor out weekend AM but it will NOT be on one of WAVY's evening helpful. Obtain the REQUIRED employ- newscast in addition to breaking stories four newscasts. At least three years experience, as ment application by calling (503) 548- days a week. A minimum of two years experi- an anchor of a weekday newscast at a network 4949. Submit application in person or by con- ence. If you are this person, please send your affiliate television station is necessary to be mail no later than October 20, 2000 to reporting resume and tape to Personnel Administrator - sidered for this position. Excellent "live" FOX 49 KPDX -TV, 14975 NW Greenbrier will not look at your 154, WTOL -TV, P.O. Box 1111, Toledo, Ohio skills are also a must. We Parkway, Beaverton, OR 97006. EOE 43699-1111. No phone calls please. EOE tape unless the above requirements are met. Please send tapes with at least four packages WEEKEND ANCHOR/REPORTER and live shots, plus a resume WITH REFER- ereduth ENCES, to Jim Turpin, News Director, WAVY-TV, WFMJ TV has an immediate opening for a AlIBROAoCASTING GROUP 300 Wavy Street, Portsmouth, VA 23704. EOE weekend anchor /reporter. Serious candidates will have previous anchoring and reporting experience. We're looking for someone with MANAGEMENTCAREERS strong writing, packaging and live shot skills. Send tape and resume to, Mona Alexander, PUBLIC AFFAIRS News Director, WFMJ TV, 101 W. Boardman Street, Youngstown, Ohio, 44053. No phone calls. EOE, women and minorities MANAGER, GOVERNMENT AFFAIRS encouraged to apply. Cablevision's Morris area operations has an excellent opportunity for a hands -on WEATHER ANCHOR MORNING professional to act as a liaison with various government bodies/officials. Position also has an immediate opening for a morn- WFMJ -TV involves implementing franchise developments and compliance and continuing a positive ing weather anchor. We have an aggressive and to customers, appointed officials and the media. A minimum lively two hour morning newscast with a great crew perception of our company a similar environment that loves to innovate. We're looking for a morning of 2 years experience in government relations activities within weather anchor who takes weather seriously but highly desired. Ability to interpret State and Federal regulations and legislation required. A can still have fun in the morning. The right candi- background in the franchise renewal process and in the Government Arena is preferred. date will have a great on air personality, chemistry Excellent public speaking and writing skills along with a BS or BA degree a must. with their co- anchors and the ability to communi- cate on air with an audience. Previous weather Cablevision offers competitive salary and excellent company benefits. E -mail, mail or fax experience preferred. Send tape and resume to, your resume to: Staffing Department 00BC10160001TDT, Cablevision, 275 Centennial Mona Alexander, News Director, WFMJ -TV, 101 Ave, Piscataway, NJ 08854, E -mail: njjobs @cablevision.com. Fax: 732 -885 -5723. Boardman Street, Youngstown, Ohio, 44503. EOE.

FREELANCE DGA PERSONNEL Fox Television Station in New York (WNYW FOX -5) is looking for talented, motivated Directors /Associates Directors who are capable il/illC4 81E VISION of working in a fast paced, live broadcast Equal Opportunity Employer environment. Candidates should have a mini- mum of 2 -3 years of hands -on related experi- ence in live news control rooms and master con- BEST trol centers Background in live sporting events a BE SURE YOU'RE REACHING THE plus. Please send resume and cover letter to: & MOST QUALIFIED PROFESSIONALS IN THE INDUSTRY. Fox Television Station -DGA, 205 East 67th Street, NY, NY 10021 EEOC CALL 617 -558 -4532 OR 617 -558 -4481

76 Broadcasting & Cable /10 -16 -00 Classifieds


Sooner or later, people ask where you work.

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The American Red Cross national headquarters is currently seeking a dynamic individual to lead and manage its business television net- work, ARC -N, a 160 -site, satellite delivered network. The Business Television Manager directs and oversees the development and pro- duction of live, interactive information and training programs. Coordinate live broadcast production with clients, design consultants, content experts, and line producer /directors. EXPERIENCE THE FUTURE OF BUSINESS WITH Write promotional material for BN programs; oversee the BN web page and program schedule. Collaborate with online media staff to Bloomberg develop and implement plans and policies for the video components of the three American Red Cross websites. Purchase satellite space segments and transmission paths for all Red SATELLITE MANAGER Cross programs. Research, analyze, develop With more than 800 editors and reporters in 78 bureaus worldwide. Bloomberg News is the premier source for financial and administer public television distribution and business information. We are the definitive business- information source for investors, financial advisers. and entrepreneurs who rely on us as an invaluable aid to critical business and financial decision- activities for the development of new applica- making. Experience the future of business with the fastest growing financial TV news company. tions and avenues for video product. Working :n our progressive environment, you will manage the Bloomberg international satellite and uplinking Bachelor's degree in liberal arts, fine arts, facilities. as well as manage all aspects of relationships with satellite service vendors. including selection, speech, broadcasting or equivalent required. contracts and performance. Bring your in -depth understanding of current technology and trends in satellite services. including satellites, Business management experience desired. dishes. IRDs, conditional access. compression, IP/DVB interface and encoding, as you communicate business. budget and competitive implications of current and future technology to senior Minimum five years experience in progressively Bloomberg management. Additionally. you will manage Bloomberg's IRD database and customer technical responsible positions spanning corporate video communications. and broadcasting, demonstrating program To qualify. you must possess a technical education background and a minimum of 5 years of experience development, creative rendering, and adminis- in satellite services with a broadcaster. satellite operator or satellite service vendor. This energetic self- starter will possess excellent trative management skills. Strong functional communication skills and thrive in our fast- paced. cross functional team environment. knowledge of broadcasting tools and tech- Please send your resume to: Bloomberg. Attn D. Maloney, 499 Park Avenue, New York. NY 10022. E -mail: niques, including private satellite network operations @bloomberg.com. Fax: (917) 369-6201. No phone calls. please. Bloomberg is proud to be an equal opportunity employer M/F /DN committed to workforce diversity. administration. Sound marketing and inter- personal skills to advocate and develop innovative video applications. Accomplished, www.bloomberg.com versatile writer, skilled in both creative and business writing. CREATIVE DESIGN STRATEGIST, Salary range in the $50s. Comprehensive bene- MANAGER fits package includes health, dental, life and Excellent career opportunity with top internation- FORSALESTATIONS matching 401(lo. Mail, e-mail or fax cover let- ally known brand company for savvy marketing ter, resume & salary requirements to: minded individual with 7 -10 years experience as talented director with ad agency or media American Red Cross HR Dept, industry experienced person to direct the creative 431 18th Street, NW, Attn: VJC, execution of strategic marketing programs for Washington DC 20006 major cable network. Responsible for increasing .iG/o%lft`/. Fax: 202 -639 -3141 consumer awareness, viewership and ratings for Cg network. Must be well -versed in E -mail: [email protected] video, print and online marketing, able to provide creative vision for copy direction and oversee creative teams. Budget management experience a plus. Please Red email resumes to TV_Positions @yahoo.com or Cross fax to 1.800.835.7445. Ron Swanson, V.P. We'll be there. 570/563 -0900 CALL 617- 558 -4532 OR An equal opportunity employer. 617 -558 -4481 SwansonRonC&AOL. cor www.redcross.org/jobs/ FOR INFORMATION ON ADVERTISING.

Broadcasting & Cable /10 -16 -00 77 Classifieds Allied Fiel, SALES REERS TECHNICIANS WANTED rFORSALE

SALES MANAGER TECHNICIAN Audio/video production /duplication facility seeks BEAT THE BUDGET. Towers, Inc., one of the leading Richland qualified technician to install, repair and maintain and work tapes our recy- broadcast tower development companies in the audio, video, as well as electronic and mechanical For dubs, demos, auditions U.S. is expanding its sales department. equipment. Broadcast or production engineering cled tapes are perfect. And half the cost of new. All resume and salary Sales Manager: Responsibilities will include experience preferred. Send formats, fully guaranteed -to order Reading adding broadcasters to current Richland Tower requirements to: Curtis, Inc., 2025 Road, Suite 130, Cincinnati, Ohio, 45202, Attn: sites, generating broadcaster information to Personnel, or email bschwab @curtisinc.com. (800)238 -4300 develop new tower projects as well as develop- ing and maintaining corporate and local rela- tionships with broadcasters. Contact Kristin Parker We now transfer video to true DVD This position will report to the Vice President of (kbparker @cahners.com) www.carpelvidea.com Sales and Marketing. or Neil Andrews Qualified candidates should submit resumes to ddenton @rtowers.com or fax (813) 286 -4130. (nandrews @cahners.com) DFWP, EOE. to place an ad in B &C.



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78 Broadcasting & Cable /10 -16 -00 Classifieds Professional Cards

du Treil, Lundin & Rackley, Inc. CARL T. JONES = LOHNES AND CULVER COHEN, DIPPELL AND EVERIST, P.C. Consulting Engineer, CORPORATION CONSULTING ENGINEERS CONSULTING 201 Fletcher Avenue ENGINEERS Domestic and International Communications Sarasota, Florida 1937 34237 CONSULTING ENGINEERS 8309 Cherry Lane Since Phone: (941)329 -6000 7901 Yarnwood Court Laurel, MD 20707 4830 1300'L" STREET, N.W., Suite 1100 WASHINGTON, DC 20006 FAX: (941)329 -6030 Springfield, Virginia 22153 (301) 776-4488 PHONE: (202) 898-0111 FAX: (202) 898 -0895 www.dlr.com (703) 569-7704 Be 569-6417 (703) I C'- locul @locuLcom E -MAIL [email protected] MEMBER AFCCE MEMBER AFCCE www.ctjcaam, Member AFCCE Since 1944 Member AFCCE

John F.X. Browne HAMMETT & EDISON, INC. Advertise in the Professional Cards and Services Section & Associates CONSULTING ENGINEERS and get the results you need! A Professional Corporation Box 280068 San Member AFCCE Francisco, California 94228 Call 617 -558 -4532 or 617 -558 -4481 for more information. BROADCAST/TELECOMMUNICATIONS 707/996 -5200 Bloomfield Hills, MI Washington, DC 248.642.6226 (TEL) 202.293.2020 HE 202/396 -5200 248.642.6027 (FAX) 202.293.2021 www.jtxb.com www.h -e.com TOWER /ANTENNA CONSULTANTS

CARL E. SMITH NATIONWIDE Denny & Associates, Pc TOWER COMPANY CONSULTING ENGINEERS itenemllterE NWogOtel Consulting Engineers NS DISMANTLES ANTENNA RELAMP AM FM TV Engineering Consultants LTRAS0W t STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS RUNT LeBLANC Broadcast Inc. Complete Tower and Rigging Services PH 202 -452 -5630 INSPECTIONS RIMY ENGINEERING 'Serving the broadcast industry Ray Carnevale President DENNY P.O. BOX 18991 BMIERS0N, xY 42419 -t890 for over 60 years' FX 202 -452 -5620 MOM (VO) M0.8000 FAX (270) 8ee -8500 Tel (3031865-501e Fax: 665 --8805 Box 807 Bath, Ohio 44210 RMABa tilduatorsikatalawidatoweuion (330) 659 -4440 Member AFCCE anilfo@deuycom ARH78BRENORA PSBRIICBAWLABLB laBIANC. L ARON

Munn -Reese, Inc. Shoolbred En Mullaney Engineering, Inc. f;j,lrrtnanra {en "'r aUNIVERSAL TOWES. Inc Consulting Telecommunications Engineers Broadcast Engineering Consultants Towers and Antenna SITU:Mfes Manufacturer of 9049 Shady Grove Court self-Supporting Towe rs, P.O. Box 220 Ruben A. Shoolhred, P.E. Gaithersburg, MD 20877 Guyed Towers and Accessories Coldwater, Michigan 49036 301 -921 -0115 e0e0 Alsrrissw Brirs P.O. One 278 Henderson, Kentucky 42419-0278 Phone: 517 -278-7339 Te5 270-533-9151 270-5331479 Member AFCCE Cherlepr. S.C. 29403 (fiW) $7.4681 www.ueveraxewer.00m

HATFIELD & DAWSON Cavell, Mertz & Davis, Inc. Engineering, Technology Solve Your Consulting Engineers Fir Management Solutions 9500 Greenwood Ave., N. 10300 Eaton Place, Suite 200 Advertising Seattle, Washington 98103 Fairfax, VA 22032. (206) 783 -9151 (703) 5 332.0110 Puzzle E Facsimile Fu (703) 591 -011S (206) 789 -9834 www.cmdconsuhing.com MEMBER AFCCE www.DTVlnfo.com with Broadcasting & Cable's ,- 101 West Ohio St. Classified Ads and WALLACE 20th Floor Contact Kristin Parker Professional Cards & Services Indianapolis IN or Neil Andrews ; ASSOCIATES 4004 to place an ad in the Dennis Wallace 13171 -6754 wallace dtvaoL684 rom Professional Cards and Call Classified Sales 617 -558 -4532 or SPECIALIZING Services Section. IN DIGITAL TELEVISION Call 1- 866 -258-1075 617- 558 -4481


Broadcasting & Cable /10 -16 -00 79 T W O C E N T S

York Times, attacking broad- Night With David Letterman "One of the things t like about the show is it redefines the casters for their digital spec- idea of what it is to be a mother, which at its most basic trum deal. "You've heard of chickcoms? level is to take cara of a child. It doesn't mean you have to Well, Bette and Welcome to New look like the ladies in the Lysol commercials." "Come on. There's not a puppet York rank as bitchcoms." on or anything." -The Toronto Star's Antonia -Lauren Graham, star of the WB's Gilmore Girls, explaining it to New York cre- Zerbisias to E!Online her sexy portrayal of a mother. -Welcome ator Barbara Wallace in the Chicago Tribune responding "It was seeing- eye -dog night." to a critic's claim that the -PBS political analyst Mark show was the worst sitcom Shields on the "vision "of the ever. presidential candidates, expressed during the second 'And new 'Weekend Update' debate. anchors Tina Fey and Jimmy Fallon actually made you miss "'I drive in here in my 1994 Colin Quinn. Yikes." automobile, and I come up and -Seattle Times's Melanie do this show,' he said. Mr. McFarland on the season pre- O'Reilly was asked what kind of miere of Saturday Night Live. 1994 automobile he had. 'A Lexus,' he said. 'But you know, "Bette Midler has her own show it's a 1994 -it's got some dings "In terms of ripping off the tax- the most valuable natural on CBS. This is very important, in it. " payers ... nothing compares with resource of the information age: because Bette Midler brings us -Jason Gay, writing in The the broadcasters' lobby. This the digital television spectrum the highly coveted over-55 gay - New York Observer about Bill phalanx of freeloaders has stolen owned by the American people." male viewer." O'Reilly, host of Fox News the free use of great chunks of -William Safire, in The New -David Letterman on Late Channel's The O'Reilly Factor

In this excerpt from Larry Kane's Philadelphia Congress voted to deregulate the broadcast indus- (Temple University Press), the KYw -w anchorman try, so they have themselves to blame. Larry Kane discusses the demise of political cov- "Deregulation has been a financial boon to my erage: business, but it has also lowered government "Politicians often complain to me about the expectations for public service and community - scarcity of political coverage. They are right on tar- based coverage. get, but they try to connect coverage with another "Deregulation is what freedom is all about-but issue. They seek free time during campaigns, an politicians have to accept the new reality -that effort to separate access to huge amounts of without regulation, stations are free to be what money from political results. Other democratic they want to be. My advice to Congress: If you nations require licensed stations to provide free give away the candy store, don't expect free time to candidates. We do not. Members of candy."

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ChuckBokccm:775-8s2`"297 Marcia Orcutt: 323-549-4-14 Yworre Deft us: 2-2-337-6945 Rob Favre: 212-337-702 Michael Farina: 212-337-6941 Classifiec Advertisng & Marketplace hdertising: 866-258-1075 tow 71/a WEB SITE: www.broadcaEtingcable.corn Editorials BROADCASTING CABLE COMMITTED TO THE FIRST AMENDMENT www.broadcastingcable.com William McGorry / GROuP VICE PRESIDENT /212- 463 -6543 Lawrence Oliver /GROUP PUBLISHER/212- 463 -6544 Donald V. West /Group EDITOR IN CHIEF /202- 463 -3701 Harry A. Jessell/EDITOR /212- 337 -6964 Denise O'Connor /ASSOCIATE PUBLISHER /212- 337 -6961 EDITORIAL/NEW YORK Harry A. Jessell /EDITOR/212- 337 -6964 So close P.J. Bednarski /ExEcurivE EDITOR /212- 337 -6965 Stephen McClellan /DEPUTY EDIroR /212- 337 -7023 John M. Higgins /DEPUTY EonoR /212- 337 -7024 More than 33 years after the Radio- Television News Directors Association, CBS and others first Susan Oualtrough /MANAGING EonoR /212- 463 -6432 Evette Porter /AsslsrANr MANAGING EoiroR/212- 337 -7148 filed suit against the personal attack/political editorializing rules, and 13 years after the FCC Glen Dickson /AssoCIATE EmroR/212- 337 -6952 Richard Tedesco/ASSOCIATE EDITOR /212.337 -7025 should have held them unconstitutional along with the Fairness Doctrine, a court finally threw Ken Kerschbaumer/AssocrATE EoiroR /212- 337.7011 for its Deborah McAdams /STAFF WRITER/212- 337 -7027 out the rules last week. In doing so, the court rightfully took the FCC to the woodshed Patricia A. Carter /SENIOR COPY EorroR /212.337 -7143 the books without justifying them. Beatrice Williams- Rude /COPY EorroR /212- 337.7140 transparent attempt to continue to keep the rules on Nancy Catmull /EDITORIAL AssrsTANT/212- 337 -7141 With its decision, the court dispensed with the last vestiges of the Doctrine, which has Beth Shapouri/EDrroRioi INTERN /212- 337 -7147 DESIGN /NEW YORK haunted broadcasters for half a century. We'd like to think that this puts an exclamation Todd J. Gast/ART DIRECTOR /212- 337 -7017 Adam Woods /ASSISTANT ART DIRECTOR /212- 337 -1144 point on the statement made by the 1987 FCC in scrapping the Doctrine: "Because we Irasema Rivera /DESIGN CONSULTANT /bigiranch @aol.com believe it will serve the public interest, we seek to extend to the electronic press the same EDITORIAL /WASHINGTON Donald V. West /GROUP EDITOR IN CHIEF/202-463 -3701 First Amendment guarantees that the print media have enjoyed since our country's incep- John S. Eggerton /DEPUTY EDITOR /202- 463 -3712 Dan Trigoboff/SENIOR EDITOR /301- 260 -0923 tion. The First Amendment does not guarantee a fair press, only a free press." As we say, Elizabeth A. Rathbun/ASSOCIATE EonoR/202- 463 -3709 Paige Albiniak /ASSISTANT EDITOR /202- 463 -3708 we'd like to think so, but we have been on this roller coaster ride for too long not to see the Bill McConnell /ASSISTANT EDITOR /202- 463 -3706 Kim McAvoy/CoNrR100TING EDITOR/540- 341 -4234 next potential twist. Kira Greene/CONTRIBUTING EorTOR/703- 524 -7793 it did not rule Rick Higgs /SYsnENs MANAGER /202- 463 -3718 The court threw out the rules because the FCC still refused to justify them, but Alisa Holmes /WEB PRODUCTION MANAGER /202- 463 -3703 Kelly /OFFICE MANAGER /202- 463 -3711 on the merits and said the FCC could reinstate the rules if it could support them. That's the twist. Doris EDITORIAL /LOS ANGELES The stomach -turning vertical drop is that to preserve the rules, the FCC will have to reinstate Joe Schlosser /BuREAU CHIEF /323- 549 -4111 Susanne M. Ault /STAFF WRITER/323- 965 -5361

the entire Fairness Doctrine. (We know the issue of whether the reply rules stand on their own ADVERTISING /NEW YORK from the 1967 commission that codified the rules [see Denise O'Connor /ASSOCIATE PUBLISHER/212- 337 -6961 has been endlessly debated, but the quote Yvonne Pettus /SENIOR Amur ExccunvE/212- 337 -6945 /ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE /212- 337 -6941 page 7] could not be dearer. They don't.) And as anyone who has read this editorial page Michael Farina box, Rob Payne /ACCOUNT ExEcunvE /212- 337 -7022 or the party platforms knows, reinstating the Doctrine is just what the Democratic party has in Tamika Brown /SALES COORDINATOR /212-337 -6940 Dana Levitt /MARKETING SERVICES DIRECTOR /212- 463 -6546 mind as part of its general campaign finance reform initiative. The FCC chairman is already Georgina SCUICO /ART DIR.,CREATIVE SERVICES /212 -337 -7154 a ride ADVERTISING /LOS ANGELES looking for ways to help (see below). How much longer will broadcasters be taken for Marcia OrUUtt /ADVERTISING DIRECTOR, SYNDICATION /323 -549 -4114 rights that should be theirs? Eric Low /SALES COORDINATOR/323- 549 -4113 before they gain the full First Amendment Chuck BolkCOm /DIRECTOR OF TECHNOLOGY ADVERTISING 775- 852 -1290; Fax 775- 852-1291; email: chuckbolk @aol.com

ADVERTISING /ASIA Yukari Media Inc. /Masayuki Harihara Who am I? 81- 66956 -1125; Fax 81- 66956 -5015 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING /NEWTON. MASS on the frame or rouge on the corpse? It's hard to tell exactly what is motivating the flur- Kristin Parker /ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE/866- 258 -1075 Gilt Neil Andrews/ACCOUNT EXECUnvE /866- 258 -1075 ry of anti- broadcaster activity coming from the FCC chairman's office. 275 Washington St., Newton, Mass. 02458; Fax 617- 630 -3955 EVENTS Chairman Kennard, whose term ends in June but whose departure could come as early as Steve Labunski /DIRECTOR, SPECIAL EVENTS /212- 337 -7158 Sandy Friedman /SPECIAL EVENTS CDORDINAroR /212- 463 -6740 read the industry the riot act last week, calling members irresponsible "spec- January, broadcast PRODUCTION /NEW YORK trum squatters" and saying he would call on Congress to crack down on them on several fronts. Luis Mendes/PRODUCTION MANAGER /212 -463 -6524 Justin Torres /PRODUCTION ASSISTANT /212- 463 -6571 We can't help but see some political method in the chairman's madness (we mean `madness' as CIRCULATION /NEW YORK John LaMarca /CIRCULATION MANAGER /212- 337 -7080 a here, not a suggestion of compromised faculties). Baseball games supplanted play on anger SUBSCRIPTIONS presidential debates on networks in the two previous elections without calls of "off with their BROADCASTING & CABLE: 800 -554 -5729 BROADCASTING & CABLE YEARBOOK: 800 -521 -8110 heads" from the FCC. Not so this year. The Fairness Doctrine is nailed onto the Democratic CARLEDAY: 800 -563 -9056, TV FAX: 800 -554 -5729 editorializing FFICES party plank and the chairman unrecuses himself on the personal attack/political New York: 245 W. 17th St., 10011 212 -645 -0067; Edit Fax 212 -337 -7028; Ad Fax 212 -337 6948 is of reviving the Doctrine and those rules as part corollaries and there talk at the commission Washington: 1627 K Street NW, 20006 digital TV public- interest obligations. There is more, but you get the idea. 202 -463 -3711; Edit Fax 202 -463 -3742 of new Los Angeles: 5700 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 120, 90036 Our hunch is that the charges that the allocation of digital spectrum was a $70 billion give- 323 -549 -4100; Edit Fax 323 -937 -4240; Ad Fax 323 -937 -5272 away, rather than an in -kind exchange for analog spectrum, or that not enough tribute was iCahnerS2. playing field have rankled the chair- exacted from broadcasters for a leveling of the regulatory CANNERS BUSINESS INFORMATION man's Democratic friends and prompted him to start making noise while people will still listen. Marc Teren /CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER Brian Nairn /CHIEF OPERATING OFFICER Fortunately, our guess is that most congressmen are more concerned with getting home and Glenn Rogers /EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT ENTERTAINMENT, COMMUNICATIONS AND MEDIA GROUP getting re- elected than in joining Kennard's effort to reshape/salvage/establish his legacy. Dan Mart /VICE PRESIDENT, FINANCE Sol Taishoff /FOUNDER AND EDITOR (1904 -1982)

82 Broadcasting & Cable /10 -16 -00 r.. .1,46111.,411Miikv,


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