Seder that Falls After

Dear Members,

When Erev Pesach falls on Shabbat there are a few challenges that must be overcome to ensure that Shabbat is preserved along with the laws of Pesach.

Challenge One: Chametz and Shabbat meals This first challenge is the most significant. Chametz must be eaten by 11:11am and ​ destroyed by 12:15pm. So, what should we use for Lechem Mishneh, our two loaves of bread ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ necessary for each Shabbat meal? There are three options:

Option 1 Use a small quantity of bread, such as rolls. Remember: You will ​ need two for Shabbat dinner on Friday evening; and two for Shabbat lunch on Saturday, which must be consumed no later than 11:11am. By eating them completely, it is ​ considered as though they have been destroyed for the purpose of . You can dispose of any remaining crumbs by sprinkling them into the wind (if you live within the , if not flush them down the toilet).

Option 2 Use egg matzah, which can be used for Friday night, Shabbat lunch and ​ Seudah Shelishit (Third Meal). Note: Technically, egg matzah may not be used for Seder, unless there are specific health considerations which preclude the consumption of regular matzah.)

As we will be selling the Chametz before Shabbat begins, the balance of the Shabbat ​ ​ meals should be kosher for Passover (to facilitate clean-up of table and dishes). If you still ​ have leftover Chametz, you can destroy it in one of the following ways: a) sprinkle into the wind, b) flush down the toilet, c) feed it to your dog.

Option 3 For the truly adventurous, have a full chametz meal on Shabbat morning, just ​ make sure to finish it by 11:11am. Why is this permissible? The sale of Chametz will ​ take place on Friday, March 26th, before midday. We will ask the non-Jew to whom the Chametz is sold to gift us the portion of our sold Chametz that will be used on Friday afternoon, Friday night and Erev Pesach before 11:11 am. Thus, if there are significant leftovers they can be stored with the sold Chametz, to be included in the sale. The portion that you ate will be considered a gift from the Chametz that you sold the previous day. This can be extremely tricky and washing dishes can also be complicated, ​ please make sure you plan accordingly or use one of the first two options.

NOTE: In order to accommodate those choosing this option and wishing to eat Chametz on Shabbat morning, our minyanim on Saturday, March 27th/Erev Pesach will be at ​ 7:30am and 9:00am

Seudah Shelishit (Third Meal): Although one may use egg matzah, some have a custom to ​ abstain from any matzah in any form for one month before Pesach. Those who feel strongly about the spirit of avoiding matzah before Seder should use fruit or other foods that have the bracha of Ha’adamah, Ha’etz or Shehakol for Seudah Shelishit. This meal should be completed ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ by 5 pm.

Challenge Two: Preparing for Seder One may not use Shabbat to prepare for Yom Tov. Thus one must wait until 8:25 pm, when Pesach candles may be lit, to do any preparations for Seder, such as setting the ​ ​ table, heating food or cooking. If weather permits and one has a porch, kitchenette or other ​ ​ eating space, one can set up the Seder table in the dining room and eat Shabbat meals outside, or in the kitchenette to facilitate the prompt start to the Seder.

One may use Shabbat to review the Haggadah, the laws of Pesach or to prepare any content for the Seder.

Havdalah following Shabbat is recited together with the at the beginning of the Seder. One drinks the same cup of wine for both the Kiddush and Havdalah. The order of the ​ ​ ​ brachot is found in most Haggadot. Havdalah this Seder night will include the recitation of Borei ​ Pri Hagafen on the wine, Kiddush, the Borei Pri Ha-esh (the brachah on a flame), which will be ​ ​ ​ on the Yom Tov candles, and conclude with the extra bracha of Shehechiyanu. ​

Special Notes: There is no requirement to lift or move the candles during Havdalah. And we do not use the besamim (spices) at this Havdalah. ​ ​

Challenge Three: Shabbat Hagadol Drasha This drasha would normally be given on the Shabbat before Pesach. However, because we are restricted in our minyanim due to Covid, the traditional Shabbat Hagadol drasha will be ​ ​ given via ZOOM this year on the Wednesday night before the Seder, March 24th.

Search and Destroy Before Shabbat: Bedikat Chametz The search for chametz should take place on Thursday night, March 25th, the 13th of Nissan, after 8:15 pm. One should destroy chametz the next morning, March 26th before ​ 12:15 pm. Although Thursday the 25th and Friday the 26th are a full two days before Pesach, we burn the chametz at the same time of day of other years so as not to create confusion from one year to the next.

Extra Resources

Below are links for extra resources to enhance your Seder, as well as information on our Pesach schedule, Sale of Chometz Form, and our Pesach Hakol 5778.

1. Songs of the Seder. Great for putting on in the car or around the home for kids (of all ages) to learn. ​

2. Successful Seder with Kids. ​

3. Games for the Seder: ​

4. How to Clean up for Passover in ONE day!

This photo when printed on an 8.5 x 11 inch piece of paper details the amounts of food required for various aspects of the Seder. ​ ​