THE STAR September 2018 Bethlehem Lutheran Church A Place For You Wahoo, Nebraska Ph# 402-443-3160 Pastor Bob [email protected] - Ph# 402-672-1345 Church office hours: Mon.-Fri. 8:00 - 4:30 p.m. Church website: Church email: [email protected]

Starting on September 12th!

Worship 6:30 - 7:00 PM

Christian Education 7:00 - 7:45 PM

Sunday School for Pre-school - 5th Grade

Middle School Ministry Women’s Bible Study (7:00 - 8:00 PM)

Middle School Ministry will have supper together at 6:00 PM.

“And now look how far we’ve come…So far from where we used to be…But not so far that we’ve forgotten…How it was before… September morn”—“September Morn”—Neil Diamond

Dear Members and Friends of Bethlehem Lutheran Church…. Cindy and I have been life-long fans of the music of Neil Diamond and we have been saddened at the news of Mr. Diamond’s Parkinson’s Disease that has forced him to stop performing on stage. Just this past Saturday I read an article about Mr. Diamond where he continues to be upbeat and will on occasion, make appearances performing only one of his countless hit songs. Our prayers for him will continue. I cannot look at the calendar and see the month of September arrive without thinking of one of those hits, “September Morn”. September for me at least has been one of those transitional months of God’s Creation where the heat of summer begins to fade replaced by cool, crisp mornings, mid-day warmth, the beginning of nature’s color-change, of harvest, of crickets and cicadas, and all the other pleasant rewards of faithful hard work throughout the summer. September is a time to enjoy the fruits of our labors in countless ways. The lyrics from Neil’s song seem to resonate to the essence of September: “And now look how far we’ve come…so far from where we used to be…” Reflecting from where we were before to the present is a healthy exercise. Just as Christ welcomes our questioning of Him, of our faith, I think it is good to review, to question our shared walk of faith at Bethlehem. Looking forward by looking back, our two- plus year reflection of worship is about to be harvested in our “Worship on Wednesdays— Engaging People In Christ”. Combining what has been in place with new worship and education opportunities, especially for those whose Sundays often require them to be in places away from Bethlehem, we will be worshiping for thirty minutes on Wednesdays beginning at 6:30 p.m. This worship, as stated before will not be a repeat of the previous Sunday, instead a fresh, new service using different, rarely used Scriptures. A call to worship litany, one scripture, children’s time, message, confession and forgiveness, and two or three shortened hymns will be the frame. Holy Communion will be offered on the first Wednesday of the month. This will be a familiar…but different service. “But not so far that we’ve forgotten…how it was before.” Our hope is that not only those who missed the previous Sunday, but those who attended the previous Sunday will come out to worship. This service is for everyone! In addition to Middle School Ministry, other adult and children’s education will be provided. Typical Sunday School aged children will gather in a ‘one-room Sunday School format’ while adults will gather in women’s or men’s or combined groups or in choir rehearsal. Our goal is to be completed with these education opportunities no later than 8:00 p.m. As has been the plea from the beginning of all this, additional and different participation in worship as song leaders, musicians, ushers, set-up, clean-up, teachers are needed. This is a perfect opportunity for those of you would love to participate on Sunday but are restricted by other commitments can share your talents, gifts, and service to our church as you faithfully serve our Lord. Our hope and prayer is that Worship on Wednesdays will be an oasis from the busyness of the week. A time to relax in God’s Word; sing His praises; worship with your children and grandchildren, and get to know each other even better. See you on Sundays…see you on Wednesdays! “And now look how far we’ve come…so far from where we used to be…but not so far that we’ve forgotten…how it was before.”

Blessings & Spiritual Growth Pastor Bob

Middle School Ministry Middle School Ministry will begin on Wednesday, September 5th with a parent-student meeting at 6:30 p.m. in the fellowship hall. On that night we will hand out student books, seek parent volunteer co-teachers, sign-up for parent provided meals, talk about student expectations, and offer a general overview of our confirmation program at Bethlehem. Quick note on Wednesday schedule: dinner for students and teachers will be from 6:00 to 6:25. Worship is from 6:30 to 7:00; class time will be from as close to 7:00 to approximately 7:45. We will gather, disperse into the various class rooms in Sunday School area for group and individual work. This arrangement proved to work quite well last year.

This year we will continue with the “Colaborate” series, focusing on the Old Testament along with other catechism type learning. This curriculum does a great job of dispelling many myths about the Old Testament and how its teachings and stories are just as relevant as today’s life

Bethlehem Women

th On August 16 , 2018, nine ladies gathered for Bethlehem Women for the third study on prayer.

Arlene Johnson opened the meeting with the daily devotional from “Christ In Our Home” entitled “Listening to our listening

God” based on PSALM 34: 9-14 because it concerned prayer.

During the Business meeting we heard the regular reports. Mary McKay told us we have completed gathering our items for the LWR kits. Arlene thanked Alvina Mumm for serving and

Sherry Hageman for leading our lesson.

In Old Business we were reminded of Autumn Renewal in Hastings on September 22nd with registrations due September 14th. Eight of us plan to go to the salad luncheon at St.

Mark’s, Valley tomorrow.

Marilyn Volin and Marcia Pearson reported on their contributions to the Carol Joy Holling quilt auction. The three donated items brought in $995.00 for the camp.

The Fall Bible study which starts in September is on “Repentance.”

In New Business Mary McKay and Marilyn Volin volunteered to donate cookies to the Bloodmobile being held the 21st and 22nd of August. Arlene covered the items in the letter from our board representative, Luanne Schwartzkopf. The birthdays noted for this month are Deloris Smith and Joyce Breunig. Anniversaries noted were Gary and Gayle

Rasmussen and Jerry and Marilyn Volin.

We closed the business meeting by receiving our offerings and praying together the opening prayer from our lesson.

Sherry led us in our lesson on Contemplative Prayer based on Romans 8: 26-28 and I Corinthians 12: 4-11. The theme verse was Romans 8: 26 “Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness; for we do not know how to pray as we ought, but that very Spirit intercedes with sighs too deep for words.”

We closed our meeting with the closing prayer from our lesson. Alvina served a delicious carrot cake for dessert.

FOR YOUR CALENDAR: Tuesday, September 11th 9 am Quilting (Old Basement) Friday, September 14th Registrations due for Autumn Renewal (Registration Blanks in the church office) Thursday, September 20th Bethlehem Women 2 pm (Fellowship Hall) Diane Reece- Hostess, Marcia Pearson, Lesson Leader Saturday, September 22nd Autumn Renewal, Hastings, NE. Tuesday, September 25th 9 am Quilting (Old Basement)

Acolyte Schedule: September 2nd 9:30 AM - Lilly Harris and Autumn Iversen September 9th 9:30 AM - Harper Hancock and Jack Mortensen

September 16th 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM - September 23rd 9:00 AM - The rest of the September 11:00 AM - schedule will be emailed after September 30th 9:00 AM - the September 5th Parent / 11:00 AM - Student Meeting.

Update on our seminarians, Hillary (Fick) Christensen and husband, Evan Christensen

Evan and Hillary arrived in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania in late July to begin their 4 year journey to become Lutheran pastors. They are living on the campus of United Lutheran Seminary and enrolled in a 3 week crash course (Greek language) before starting fall classes in Gettysburg.

To Bethlehem Lutheran Church Moving day outside Congregation: their living quarters on Gettysburg campus. It was a privilege for both of us to be a part of the service on July 22 and appreciate the guidance of Pastor Bob. We are so thankful for the support Bethlehem congregation has shown us as we begin our school- ing. We're very excited about it all and we look forward to visiting Bethlehem when we're back in Nebraska.

Hillary & Evan Marlene Obert 9/15 Nolan Pehrson 9/15 Kim Schnakenberg 9/15 Dale Larsen 9/16 Nicholas Lausterer 9/16 Gary Rasmussen 9/16 Karen Kennedy 9/18 Khris Lihs 9/18 Ashtyn Price 9/18 September Birthdays: Rachel Stratman 9/18 Tommy Johnston 9/1 Marilyn Volin 9/18 Jacob Rosencrantz 9/1 Cali Britton 9/19 Briggs Barry 9/2 Rollie Feilmeier 9/19 Donald Hanson 9/2 Karissa Forbes 9/19 Nicole Josephson 9/2 Lori Mortensen 9/19 Andrew Waido 9/2 Keith Obert 9/19 Evan Reynolds 9/3 Allen Rubesh 9/20 Abigail Borchers 9/4 Susan Wagner 9/20 Tom Lindau 9/4 Sandra Brizendine 9/21 John Vybiral 9/4 Andy Havlovic 9/21 Gayle Rasmussen 9/5 MaKenna Meyer 9/21 Sandra Chmelka 9/6 Kathy Hancock 9/22 Sarah Harris 9/6 Michael Klahn 9/22 Laurie Pehrson 9/6 Rilynn Nelson 9/22 Branden Koranda 9/7 Cameron Duckworth 9/23 Kaylen Stewart 9/7 Jordan Larsen 9/26 Brian Homes 9/8 Jill Pokorny 9/26 Bruce Burkey 9/9 Todd Blaske 9/27 Lily Rafteseth 9/9 Andrew Harris 9/27 Tucker Hancock 9/10 Gloria Pearson 9/27 Jaxsen Wilt 9/10 Colton Spangler 9/28 Everett Inbody II 9/13 Deborah Rubesh 9/29 Patti Inbody 9/13 Joel Lindstrom 9/30 Mary Ann Ondracek 9/13 Josie Schnakenberg 9/30 Donna Lynn 9/14 Donald Fick 9/14 If you do not see your birthday or Cindy Pearson 9/14 anniversary, please let Amy know in the Erin Sutton 9/14 office know at 402-443-3160/ Jim Smith 9/14 [email protected] so we can Hailey Havlovic 9/15 correct our database. Thank you! Joseph Lang 9/15 Join in for Fellowship & Treats! 9/2 & 9/9—10:30 AM Starting 9/16—10:00 AM

September Anniversaries: Dalton & Whitney Fletcher 9/3 Gaylord & Deyo Anderson 9/5 Nick & Christine Delozier 9/10 Tim & Julie Reimer 9/10 Laird & Carol Sayers 9/13 Ryan & April Watts 9/14 Justin & Ashley Sharpe 9/16 Harley & Valesta Larsen 9/18 Robert & Andrea Zara 9/18 John & Michelle Vybiral 9/26 Brett & Alicia Holtorf 9/27 Tylor & Lindsey Shull 9/27 Josh & Julie Borchers 9/29 Andy & Lindsey Havlovic 9/29 Colton & Cortney Spangler 9/30 September 2018 Sunday Monday Tuesday

First Step Preschool M/W 9:00 -11:00 AM T/TH 9:00 -11:00 AM MWF 12:30 -3:00 PM

2 3 4 9:30 AM Worship Office Closed Preschool Begins! 10:30 AM Fun and Fellowship

6:30 PM Boy Scouts


9:30 AM Worship 6:30 PM Boy Scout 9:00 AM Quilting 10:30 AM Fun and Fellowship

7:00 PM Music & Worship Mtg

16 God’s Work, Our Hands 17 18

9:00 AM Worship

10:00 AM Sunday School / 9:00 AM WIC

Fellowship 11:00 AM Worship 6:30 PM Boy Scouts 12:00 PM Council Meeting

23 Global Sunday 24 25 9:00 AM Worship 10:00 AM Sunday School / Fellowship 6:30 PM Boy Scouts 9:00 AM Quilting 11:00 AM Worship 9:00 AM Worship 10:00 AM Sunday School / Fellowship *Newsletter article deadline 30 11:00 AM Worship September 2018 Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday


5 6 7 8 6:30 PM - MSM Parent / Student Meeting

7:00 PM AA Meeting

12 Wednesday Night Lights! 13 14 15

6:00 PM MSM Krazy Quilters 6:30 PM Worship

7:00 PM Christian Education 7:00 PM AA Meeting

19 Wednesday Night Lights! 20 21 22

6:00 PM MSM First Step Preschool 6:30 PM Worship 2:00 PM WELCA 7:00 PM Christian Education MWF 8:30 –11 AM 7:00 PM AA Meeting 12:30 - 3:00 PM T/TH 9:00 - 11 AM

26 Wednesday Night Lights! 27 28 29

6:00 PM MSM 6:30 PM Worship 7:00 PM Christian Education 7:00 PM AA Meeting

Sunday, August 12th, 2018 Bethlehem Lutheran Church Council Meeting

Members Present: Luke Simons, Mike Christen, Chad Fox, Ryan Ideus, Michelle Koranda, Colette Rathke, Jarred Royal, and Pastor Bob Hayden. Excused Members: Missy Abbott & Julie Scott. Guests Present: Dean Biggerstaff

CALL TO ORDER-President Ideus called the meeting to order at 10:40am.

JULY MINUTES July of 2018 council meeting minutes were presented by President Ideus for council consideration. Motion to approve by Christen and seconded by Simons. Motion unanimously approved:

JULY FINANCIALS July of 2018 financial reports were presented and a Motion to approve was made by Simons and seconded by Koranda and was approved unanimously.

PASTOR’S ACTIVITY REPORT Pastor Bob Hayden presented his Activity report to the council.

COMMITTEE LIAISON REPORTS EDUCATION ENDOWMENT- Meeting this month. PROPERTY COMMITTEE MEN OF ACTION-Will be painting entry & Halls leading down to the Sunday School Rooms. Meet on Sunday Evenings. LONG-RANGE PLANNING EVANGELISM- Meeting Tues. MISSION SCOUTS STEWARDSHIP- Meeting Wed WOMEN OF THE CHURCH-Meet 3rd Thursday. WORSHIP & MUSIC – Finalizing the Wed night Services which will start on September 12th

NEW BUSINESS Discussion was held with Dean Biggerstaff on allowing Girls to join Boy Scouts.

OLD BUSINESS Decision was made on the church adding Push Pay online giving from your electronic device.

No other old business was presented to the council for consideration.

ADJOURNMENT- The meeting was adjourned by President Ideus at 12:45PM and closed with the Lords Prayer.

NEXT COUNCIL MEETING: Next meeting will be held Sunday September 16th Noon.

Respectfully submitted: Michelle Koranda

Special Music for Global Sunday

September 23, Global Sunday, the Bethlehem Singers will sing a new arrangement of a familiar piece, We Are Called with guest violinist (Elly Harris) and piano accompanist (Lyn Harris) at both services.

We are excited to have Elly and her mother at Bethlehem. Elly Harris is a 9th grader at Lincoln High School in Kansas City. She has been taking violin lessons since she was 5 years old and plays in her high school's orchestra. She likes playing Bach and fiddle tunes. Her grandparents are Ed and Deb Banks.

Coming Soon….. September 9 Marketplace Fall Opening Many new items! “Inventory Reduction” going on now in Fellowship Hall!

September 16 God’s Work – Our Hands “Spreading God’s Light through Random Acts of Kindness” How can we make a difference in our community? -Diaper Drive bring packs of diapers for all ages to church on or before the 16th -Random Acts of Kindness (chocolate chip cookies delivered to those working Sunday or in any community service job; fresh cinnamon rolls to a shut-in, work at the Clothes Closet for 1-2 hours, mow or rake a lawn, communion to Welcome to our a shut-in, write a thank you. . .) Do you know newest members! someone who needs assistance in some way? Let Diane Reece or the church office know by Sept. 9th. Haley Foutch WE NEED YOUR IDEAS and suggestions!

& Options to reach out will be plentiful on the Braden Storm 16th as we use Our Hands to do God’s Work! A Note From Sunday School: Rally Sunday September 9th! It’s that time of year again! We are looking for three year olds to participate in Sunday School again this year. We will celebrate their joining us with Cradle Roll on Sunday, September 9th. If you have a little one or know of someone who would like to be involved, please contact Lori Mortensen (402-218-7642 or [email protected]) or leave your information at the church office.

“God can

restore what is broken and change it into something amazing. All you

need is faith .”

- Joel 2:25

Artist Nate Hall, 3 timber studio, Lincoln, carved a cross from the tree stump in our preschool

playground. First Step Preschool News

We have been very busy working during August to get ready for a new school year! We had an Open House on Aug. 23th. It was fun meeting our new students and welcoming back familiar faces, from last year! We are excited to start working with and getting to know our new friends! We are looking forward to a fun and educational year!

We are excited to welcome Jen Kaminski to our Preschool staff! Some of you may already know her as she is the owner of Mrs. H’s Daycare. Her experience with children will be an asset to our program! Jen will be taking over as Director of First Step Preschool when Debbie retires in May of 2019. Her ability to lead will also be beneficial to the program! First Step will continue to offer the highest quality of Preschool education as it has for many, many years!

We are very fortunate to be fully staffed and have 41 students enrolled!

All the teachers want to shout out a huge THANK YOU to everyone who helped move our totes to the storage room. We so appreciate your time and muscles! We would also like to thank Catherine Rafteseth for her donation of play doh toys! We are really excited about them knowing our students will love playing with them! This would be a good time to thank Amy for always assisting us and Deyo for keeping our room clean all year long! Last but not least we want to thank Pastor Bob for all the polishing of the tile floors! They look wonderful! Pastor also shares a bible story with our students most every week! The students look forward to their story time with Pastor Bob! We so appreciate all the support that is extended to our program by church members!

Sincerely, Debbie, Jen and Julie

Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it. - Proverbs 22:6 Bethlehem’s Blessings

Thank you to Sherry Hageman for helping with data entry in the office!

Thank you to Tom Zeleny for hanging up the new bulletin board strips for the preschool!

Thank you to Tom Johnston for his continual work on the flower beds!

Thank you to Pastor Bob for polishing all the tile floors!

Thanks to all those who have been helping to paint the fellowship hall!

Thanks to Don and Lois Fick for arranging the cross carving in the preschool playground!

It is in blessing others that we are blessed with a precious blessing of our own~

2018 Pictorial Directory!

You can now schedule your appointment online to get your photograph taken for the new directory! Use the link below or scan the QR code to take you directly to the scheduling site. Pictures will be taken October 23—27.

*We will have in person sign ups beginning on September 9th.

Help us stay in touch with you! Has your address or phone number changed? Do we have your email address?

If you aren’t getting emails from the church, we don’t have your correct address! Please let the office know your email and of any changes in your address and / or phone number at 402-443-3160 or [email protected]. Thank you!

Bethlehem Lutheran Church Nonprofit Org. Permit No. 23 504 West 8th St. U.S. Postage PAID Wahoo, Nebraska 68066 Wahoo, NE 68066 402-443-3160 Return Service Requested Newsletter mailed 8/29/2018

Let Us Know Your Email Address! If you would prefer “THE STAR” via email let us know. Also, having an email address can help us update people faster and without postage costs. Simply email the church office at: [email protected] and give us your email.

Our Members at the Care Centers: South Haven: Eunice Brodahl & Robert Peterson Care Center: Jenny Iversen Saunders House: Tom Lindau & Stanley Dokulil

Please let us know: If you are going to the hospital or having a procedure done please give the office a call to let us know. HIPAA rules prevent hospitals from calling us.

* Deadline for submitting articles for the October newsletter is September 25th.