
Minutes of the 2nd Meeting of the District Works and Facilities Management Committee 5th District Council Hong Kong Special Administrative Region

Date : 18 February 2016 (Thursday) Time : 4:00 p.m. Venue : Council Conference Room, 21/F Southorn Centre, 130 Road, Hong Kong

Present Chairperson Mr WONG Wang-tai, Ivan, MH

Vice-chairperson Mr LEE Man-lung, Joey

Members Mr NG Kam-chun, Stephen, BBS, MH, JP Dr CHOW Kit-bing, Jennifer, BBS, MH Ms LEE Pik-yee, Peggy Ms CHUNG Ka-man, Jacqueline Ms NG Yuen-ting, Yolanda, MH Mr LAM Wai-man, Wind, Anson Mr CHENG Ki-kin Miss YEUNG Suet-ying, Clarisse

Representatives of Government Departments Ms LUK Yee-wah, Angela, JP District Officer (Wan Chai) Miss LAI Wai-yee, Renie Assistant District Officer (Wan Chai) Mr KAM Chun-cheong, Patrick Senior Executive Officer (District Management), Wan Chai District Office Ms CHAN Siu-ping, Daphne Senior Liaison Officer (Community Affairs), Wan Chai District Office Mr LIU Wai-shing, Simon Chief Leisure Manager (Hong Kong East), Leisure and Cultural Services Department Ms YEUNG Yuet-ngor, Brenda District Leisure Manager (Wan Chai),

5th_dwfmc_minutes_02_e_update - 1 - Leisure and Cultural Services Department Mr CHU Ka-chun, Gordon Acting District Leisure Manager (Wan Chai), Leisure and Cultural Services Department Mr SIN Yiu-shun Senior Librarian (Wan Chai), Leisure and Cultural Services Department

Representatives of Other Government Departments and Organisations Mr LEE Kit-wai Inspector of Works (Hong Kong), [Agenda Item 3] Works Section, Home Affairs Department

Secretary Miss LAU Po-ki, Kiki Executive Officer I (District Council), Wan Chai District Office

Action Opening Remarks The Chairperson welcomed Members and representatives of government departments to the 2nd Meeting of the District Works and Facilities Management Committee (DWFMC).

2. The Chairperson reminded Members to declare their interests at the meeting where necessary, and to complete the “Registration Form for Declaration of Interests in Respect of a District Works Application”.

Item 1: Confirmation of Minutes of the 1st Meeting of DWFMC 3. The minutes of the 1st meeting were confirmed by means of a motion moved by Mr Stephen NG and seconded by Ms Peggy LEE.

Information Items Item 2: Bi-monthly Report on the Management of Wan Chai District Recreation and Sports Facilities (December 2015 – January 2016) and Works Progress by the Leisure and Cultural Services Department (LCSD) (DWFMC Paper No. 1/2016) (Revised) 4. The key points of the report were summarised as follows:

(I) Management of Facilities - The usage of recreation and sports facilities in Wan Chai District was stable in December 2015 and January 2016; - During the same period, the performance of the contractors

5th_dwfmc_minutes_02_e_update - 2 - Action providing security guard and horticultural maintenance services respectively was good. LCSD would continue to urge the cleansing service contractor to strengthen their anti-mosquito work and eliminate mosquito breeding.

(II) Greening Works - In December 2015 and January 2016, LCSD planted one tree on Perkins Road; 320 annuals at the / Sitting-out Area, Wan Chai Park, Green Lane Service Reservoir Sitting-out Area, Stubbs Road Lookout, Wan Chai Gap Park, Coombe Road Children’s Playground, Gloucester Road Garden and Tung Lo Wan Garden; 5 560 shrubs at Kwai Fong Street Playground, Southorn Playground, Lockhart Road Playground, Eastern Hospital Road Sitting-out Area, Kwong Ming Street Children’s Playground, Queen’s Road East/Swatow Street Sitting-out Area, Lun Fat Street Sitting-out Area, Ka Ning Path Garden, Queen’s Road East/Hennessy Road Sitting-out Area, Stone Nullah Lane Garden, Gloucester Road/Cannon Street Sitting-out Area, Lin Fa Kung Garden, Hennessy Road Playground, Queen’s Road East/Morrison Hill Road amenity plot, Wong Nai Chung Road and Leighton Road flower plots, as well as Hennessy Road central divider’s planting area, in order to beautify the environment; - During the same period, four trees located at the Victoria Park, Perkins Road and Wong Nai Chung Road were removed. They were infected by pests and diseases or found to have structural problems. They were infected by pests and diseases or found to have structural problems. Despite the careful maintenance by LCSD, the trees continued to deteriorate in health and showed no sign of recovery. LCSD had to remove them as there were no other feasible alternatives to improve their health. Replanting of trees would be considered depending on the actual circumstances of the sites.

(III) District Works Projects and Facility Improvement Works Funded by DWFMC - Provision of additional changing rooms and toilets at Happy Valley Recreation Ground (WC-DMW128): The Drainage Services

5th_dwfmc_minutes_02_e_update - 3 - Action Department (DSD) was the works agent for this project. The structural works were completed in January 2016. Installation of electrical and mechanical facilities as well as the interior renovation works were underway. The facility was expected to be opened in the third quarter of 2016. - Improvement works at Hong Kong Tennis Centre (WC-DMW 138): Installation of toilet facilities and a drinking fountain for children was completed in October 2015. The installation of a PA system and an outdoor LED screen with time and temperature display by the Electrical and Mechanical Services Department (EMSD) commenced in January 2016 and was expected to be completed in March 2016. - Renovation and extension of the jogging track at Happy Valley Recreation Ground (WC-DMW140): The works agent was DSD. The works were divided into five phases. The first phase commenced in December 2015. The whole project was expected to be completed by 2017. - Greening works in the parks and roadside amenity plots in the Wan Chai District (WC-DMW 145): The works agent was LCSD. The first three rounds of greening works were completed in early July, early October and mid-December 2015 respectively. The fourth round of greening works commenced in late January 2016 and was expected to be completed by the end of March 2016. - Installation of elderly fitness equipment at Tung Lo Wan Garden (WC- DMW 147): The works agent was the Technical Unit of LCSD. The procurement work had been completed. The works were expected to be completed in February 2016. - Installation of elderly fitness equipment at Tai Wo Street Playground (WC- DMW 148): The works agent was the Technical Unit of LCSD. The works commenced in November 2015 and were expected to be completed in February 2016. - Installation of CCTV system at Tennis Court (WC- DMW 149): The works agent was EMSD. The works were completed on 11 December 2015. - Installation of CCTV cameras at Wong Nai Chung Sports Centre Children’s Playroom (Small) (WC- DMW 150): The works agent was EMSD. The works were completed on 6 January 2016.

5th_dwfmc_minutes_02_e_update - 4 - Action (IV) Annual Maintenance of Victoria Park Swimming Pool - Victoria Park Swimming Pool (VPSP) would be closed from 25 February to 15 April 2016 for annual maintenance work. The facility would be re-opened for public use on 16 April 2016.

(V) Proposed Adjustment of Water Depth at Main Pool of VPSP - It was proposed to adjust the water depth at one end of Main Pool (i.e. near the scoreboard side) from 1.2m to 1.4m and maintain the water depth at the opposite side at 1.2m with effect from 16 April 2016. The water depth of the multi-purpose pool would continue to be maintained at 1.2m. LCSD would put up notices at conspicuous places at VPSP to remind users or swimmers about the new water depth arrangement. The proposed arrangement would be reviewed after a six-month trial period.

[Post-meeting note: Mr CHENG Ki-kin joined the meeting at 4:20 p.m.]

Item 3: Progress Report of District Minor Works Projects by the Wan Chai District Office (DWFMC Paper No. 3/2016) 5. The Chairperson welcomed the following representative of a government department to the meeting for the discussion of this agenda item:

Works Section, Inspector of Works (Hong Kong) Home Affairs Department Mr LEE Kit-wai

6. Mr Patrick KAM reported to the Committee on the progress of various district minor works projects, with the following key points:

(I) Erection of Fences under the Flyover along the Section of Gloucester Road in Causeway Bay (off Marco Polo Mansion) (WC-DMW 143) 7. The works had commenced after the signing of a contract between the Wan Chai District Office (WCDO) and the successful tenderer in November 2015. The works were expected to be completed by March 2016.

(II) Anti-blockage Scheme of Community Facility Drains 2015/2016 (WC-DMW 144) 8. Regular drainage cleansing works were underway. The whole project

5th_dwfmc_minutes_02_e_update - 5 - Action was expected to be completed by August 2016.

(III) Provision of Seats on Moorsom Road (between the minibus stop and the bus stop off Cavendish Heights) (WC-DMW 151) 9. When the term contractor of the Works Section of Home Affairs Department (HAD) was carrying out the first phase of trial trench excavation at the above location on 17 September 2015, a member of the public raised objection and interfered with the works. After discussing with the project proponent and obtaining his consent, WCDO instructed the contractor to suspend the works concerned.

10. Besides, WCDO received a letter from a member of the public on 21 September 2015 saying that he was a resident of Cavendish Heights and he objected to the works project. The reasons given were generally as follows:

(a) Provision of seats at the above location was unnecessary; (b) There was only limited space between the bus stop and minibus stop. Provision of seats there would obstruct pedestrians and people waiting for buses/minibuses; (c) The works might affect the growth and stability of a tree nearby; (d) There was a fire hydrant near the works site. Provision of seats might impede emergency fire rescue work; (e) If seats were provided at the above location, people walking their dogs would stop and rest there, thus causing environmental hygiene problem.

11. Members raised the following comments regarding the works concerned: (i) The District Council (DC) Member of the constituency concerned said that he had issued questionnaires to over 600 households of the estates near the works site from late January to early February 2016. Around 72% of the respondents opposed the works and considered the site investigation works unnecessary. This indicated that a majority of the residents objected to the works concerned. Most of the reasons given for opposing the works included considering the works unnecessary, causing obstruction to pedestrians and giving rise to environmental hygiene problem. Half of the respondents opposing the works considered the works a waste of public money. Lastly, 80% of the respondents were unaware of the above proposed works.

5th_dwfmc_minutes_02_e_update - 6 - Action (ii) A Member said that the works was initially proposed by the then DC Member of the constituency concerned who claimed to have support from local residents. Following the commencement of the new DC term, the current-term DC Member of the constituency concerned consulted the local residents again. The results showed that most of the residents objected to the continued implementation of the works concerned. It was believed that the Chairperson could make a decision having regard to the views clearly shown in the reports and submissions.

12. After discussion, the Committee agreed unanimously that the works would not continue.

Written Questions Item 4: To Urge the Authority Concerned to Consider the Proposal to Convert Lin Fa Kung Garden in into a Pet Garden (DWFMC Paper No. 8/2016) 13. The Chairperson asked Miss Clarisse YEUNG to give supplementary information on her written question.

14. Miss Clarisse YEUNG gave the following supplementary information on the agenda item: (i) The ancillary facilities for people to get along with dogs in the community were relatively inadequate; (ii) Results of a questionnaire survey conducted by a community platform revealed that some residents expressed concerns over the hygiene problem caused by pets and the lack of space issue; (iii) All residents, be they pet owners or not, had reached a consensus that Lin Fa Kung Garden should be revitalised into a pet garden, in order to solve the community problem; (iv) Two meetings with residents had been held. The preliminary estimated cost based on professional advice was considered acceptable, and residents’ comments had been incorporated into the proposal; (v) Residents not keeping any pets also hoped that there would be a common space for the shared use by people and pets.

15. Ms Brenda YEUNG of LCSD briefed the Committee on the general

5th_dwfmc_minutes_02_e_update - 7 - Action condition of the location concerned and gave the following responses to the paper: (i) LCSD was open-minded about the issue but due consideration should be given in handling the issue; (ii) The DC concerned, relevant area committee and local residents should be consulted. If support from the DC was obtained, an extensive consultation exercise should be conducted with targets including local residents, relevant organisations and garden users; (iii) Possible impacts on the residents nearby should be taken into account; (iv) Coordination with relevant departments would be required; (v) The utilisation rate of certain facilities in the garden was relatively low.

16. Members expressed the following views during the discussion of the paper: (i) A Member enquired if there was any pet garden in Wan Chai District. Ms Brenda YEUNG of LCSD responded that Tai Hang Drive Sitting-out Area in Wan Chai District was provided with a pet garden which was under the purview of LCSD. A lot of pet owners also made use of other venues not managed by LCSD, including Shan Kwong Road Park and Fire Dragon Path. Another Member supplemented that Shan Kwong Road Park located in Happy Valley was currently under the management of the Hong Kong Jockey Club. (ii) Members expressed concern about the traffic condition in Tai Hang. The possible additional traffic flow following the establishment of a pet garden might lead to traffic problems. They proposed inviting representatives of the Transport Department (TD) to attend the next meeting to brief Members on the current traffic condition in Tai Hang. (iii) A Member pointed out that after proactive efforts by the Wan Chai District Council (WCDC), Mrs Carrie LAM had pledged to include the provision of a pet garden in Wan Chai District in the future harbourfront planning proposal. (iv) A Member inquired if the joint statement and the election leaflet provided in the Annexes to the paper could be submitted as meeting papers. The Secretariat responded that the papers were submitted

5th_dwfmc_minutes_02_e_update - 8 - Action by Miss Clarisse YEUNG. Though she had proposed presenting the papers with the aid of a PowerPoint presentation for Members’ reference to save the use of paper, it was decided to print out the papers instead for Members’ perusal having regard to the tight deadline and the completeness of those papers. Besides, the WCDC Standing Orders did not specify that election documents should not be incorporated into meeting papers in the form of annexes. (v) A Member enquired whether the pet garden near Jordan had led to traffic or management problems. (vi) A Member suggested that other district organisations in Tai Hang should be consulted as well, in order to ensure effective public consultation and communication. (vii) A Member requested LCSD to submit the repair/maintenance cost of Lin Fa Kung Garden in Tai Hang and the estimated cost of the alteration works at the next meeting for the Committee’s consideration. (viii) A Member suggested that LCSD should respond to each item of the proposal in detail, especially the proposed management.

17. Miss Clarisse YEUNG provided supplementary information in response to Members’ enquiries/comments. Fire Dragon Path was a public area where people and dogs sometimes had to compete for space. Since a small pet garden could not cope with the community needs, it was hoped that an additional place could be provided where dogs were free to run off leash.

18. The Chairperson concluded that after preliminary discussion, the agenda item would be further discussed at the next meeting. LCSD should submit a detailed written reply to Members’ enquiries/comments and representatives of TD should be invited to attend the meeting. The DC Member of the constituency concerned should make full preparations.

Information Papers Item 5: Position of the District Minor Works Funds 2015/16 (DWFMC Paper No. 4/2016) 19. The Secretary reported that prior to this meeting, about $18,555,000 had been approved by the Committee for the implementation of various district minor works.

5th_dwfmc_minutes_02_e_update - 9 - Action 20. The Committee noted the report.

Item 6: Position of the WCDC Funds Appropriated to the DWFMC for 2015/16 (DWFMC Paper No. 5/2016) 21. The Secretary reported that prior to this meeting, a total of $44,210 had been approved by the Committee for organising district activities related to the district minor works projects.

22. The Committee noted the report.

Applications for District Minor Works Funds 23. The Chairperson said that three funding applications for District Minor Works Funds would be discussed at this meeting.

Item 7: Wan Chai District Recreation and Sports Facilities Improvement Project 2016/17 [Phase 1] by LCSD (DWFMC Paper No. 2/2016) 24. Ms Brenda YEUNG of LCSD briefed the Committee on the paper. LCSD LCSD had submitted a total of four funding applications, details of which were as follows:

Project Title Project Cost Greening works in parks and roadside amenity $1,000,000 areas of Wan Chai District Improving the circulation system, the ventilation $1,866,000 system, CCTV cameras and installation of heat exchanger system at the foot baths of male and female changing rooms at Morrison Hill Swimming Pool Upgrading of Water Heater System at Lockhart $440,000 Road Sports Centre Upgrading of the aquatic timing system of Victoria $237,000 Park Swimming Pool

25. Members expressed the following views during the discussion of the funding application: (i) A Member suggested LCSD should choose evergreen plants or species not easily wither, and enquired if there were any policies for reducing replacement of annuals, in order to avoid wastage. Ms Brenda YEUNG of LCSD responded that LCSD concurred with the

5th_dwfmc_minutes_02_e_update - 10 - Action Member’s comments. While the usual practice was to choose evergreen plants as far as practicable, a proper balance had to be made by planting small number of colourful species at tourist spots such as Wan Chai and Causeway Bay, etc. (ii) A Member said that following the adjustment in the demarcation of the district boundary, applications for District Minor Works Funds from Victoria Park and Tin Hau constituencies would be transferred to Wan Chai District. It was asked whether the total amount of District Minor Works Funds for Wan Chai District would be adjusted accordingly, or whether HAD would provide additional resources to meet the needs of both constituencies. Another Member indicated that District Minor Works Funds would not be sufficient for use if the repair/maintenance cost of Victoria Park’s facilities was included in the recurrent expenditure of Wan Chai District. District Officer (Wan Chai) responded that in view of the general election of DCs and the adjustment in constituency areas, the chairmen of two DCs reached a consensus after last year’s discussion that the expenses incurred in organising activities in Victoria Park and Tin Hau constituencies by LCSD would be transferred to Wan Chai District. However, they had not discussed the District Minor Works Funds. The Chairperson of WCDC might ask for additional resources from the authorities concerned. Ms Brenda YEUNG of LCSD supplemented that the funding adjustment discussed in the last term of DC involved the expenses incurred in organising activities in Victoria Park and Tin Hau constituencies by LCSD. The DC Chairperson responded that the funding arrangement for activities organised by LCSD had been discussed earlier, but District Minor Funds were not mentioned in the discussion. As Victoria Park and Tin Hau constituencies were now included in Wan Chai District, works arising from the additional constituencies should be implemented. It was therefore necessary to seek additional resources. (iii) A Member opined that this was a problem arising from the handover between constituencies. Despite the fact that applications for District Minor Works Funds now included those for the two newly added constituencies, the funding amount had not been raised accordingly. The total funding amount or the funding limit should be adjusted in the light of the increasing expenses of the district.

5th_dwfmc_minutes_02_e_update - 11 - Action The DC Chairperson was asked to raise Members’ comments at the meeting with Chairpersons and Vice-chairpersons of 18 DCs. (iv) A Member said that although located in the Victoria Park constituency, Victoria Park was a territory-wide facility. Its repair and maintenance works were different from the general District Minor Works. If the expenditure involved in the maintenance of Victoria Park was to be met by the District Minor Works Funds of Wan Chai District, dedicated funding should be provided. A Member emphasised that no matter if additional resources could be obtained or if a request should be made to HAD for additional resources, there should be an estimate on the expenses of maintenance/beautification works of a facility, or consideration should be given to providing dedicated funding by using the total allocation. Another Member pointed out that the maintenance cost of territory-wide facilities such as Hong Kong Central Library and Hong Kong Stadium had been borne by LCSD, and no relevant applications for District Minor Works Funds had been submitted. Ms Brenda YEUNG of LCSD responded that Victoria Park was a territory-wide facility and it also catered for the needs of local residents. LCSD welcomed the provision of dedicated funding for the recurrent expenses of the facility. (v) A Member enquired what department had borne the maintenance fee of Victoria Park’s facilities in the past. Ms Brenda YEUNG of LCSD responded that the past practice was to make funding applications to Eastern District Council (EDC) for each maintenance/beautification works project of Victoria Park’s facilities where necessary, and there was no funding ceiling. A Member of the constituencies concerned added that EDC had used to set aside funding for meeting the expenses of maintenance/beautification works projects of Victoria Park’s facilities.

26. After discussion, the Committee agreed to carry out the above four works projects and approved the funding application.

Item 8: Replacement of the District Council Logo Signs in Victoria Park and Tin Hau Constituencies (DWFMC Paper No. 6/2016) 27. Mr Patrick KAM briefed the Committee on the paper. Various WCDO

5th_dwfmc_minutes_02_e_update - 12 - Action greening and community facilities including planter pots, notice boards, rain shelters and seats were provided in Victoria Park and Tin Hau constituencies by EDC under the District Minor Works Programme. Following the re-delineation of the district boundary, the areas at which the above facilities located fell within the purview of WCDC with effect from 1 January 2016. Hence, WCDO suggested replacing the EDC logo signs shown on these facilities with WCDC logo signs. The locations and number of works projects were set out in the Annex for Members’ perusal.

28. After discussion, the Committee supported the above works and approved the funding application.

Item 9: Reprovisioning of the WCDC’s Sign Showing “Welcome to Wan Chai District” (DWFMC Paper No. 7/2016) 29. Mr Patrick KAM briefed the Committee on the paper. Following WCDO the re-delineation of the boundary between Wan Chai District and Eastern District in 1 January 2016, Victoria Park and Tin Hau constituencies, which were originally within Eastern District, were included in Wan Chai District on the same date. In the light of the above adjustment in the district boundary, WCDO suggested removing two WCDC’s signs showing“Welcome to Wan Chai District” located respectively on Victoria Park Road (near Paterson Street Refuse Collection Point) and Causeway Road (near Queen's College) and erecting new signs at other suitable locations within Wan Chai District.

30. Members raised the following enquiries/comments regarding the funding application: (i) A Member enquired whether reprovisioning of the existing signs would be more cost-effective than making new ones. Mr LEE Kit-wai of the Works Section responded that as the design of existing signs did not meet the latest standards, alterations were required before reprovisioning. The cost involved might be generally the same as that of making a new sign. The Works Section had refurbished a similar sign for the Southern District at a cost of around $120,000. The preliminary estimated cost of making a new sign was $140,000. This showed that not much could be saved by refurbishing a sign. In addition, as the existing signs had to be altered and reconstructed before reprovisioning, including replacement of two poles, the labour

5th_dwfmc_minutes_02_e_update - 13 - Action cost would be higher. (ii) A Member inquired why the removal and reprovisioning of signs should be made two separate works projects, and whether combining them into a single project would be more cost-effective. Mr Patrick KAM responded that WCDO had considered combining the two projects into one, and was open-minded about such arrangement. However, as the new locations of the signs were yet to be confirmed, while the locations of the existing signs would be considered inappropriate due to the re-delineation of the district boundary, it was suggested that the existing signs be removed first. (iii) A Member was concerned about the construction waste, and hoped that the existing construction materials could be reused as far as possible. (iv) A Member considered that since the signs showing “Welcome to Wan Chai District” were erected within Wan Chai District, there was no urgency in their removal. It was therefore proposed that they should be kept, pending the commencement of the removal/reprovisioning works at one go. (v) A Member indicated that a harbourfront greening programme had been carried out in the vicinity of Paterson Street Refuse Collection Point, but the road section on which a sign was erected was not included. It was therefore suggested that greening or beautification works should be carried out on the road section after removal of the sign. (vi) A Member enquired about the feasibility of using the existing signs at the proposed new locations and the time required for exploring new locations. Mr Patrick KAM responded that WCDO would first consult relevant government departments and make reference to the plans of underground facilities, including those of public utilities. Trial trench works would be required if underground facilities were found in the preliminary investigation. WCDO would report to the Committee on the work progress at the next meeting.

31. After discussion, the Committee requested WCDO to take note of Members’ comments and conduct the removal and reprovisioning works later at one go.

5th_dwfmc_minutes_02_e_update - 14 - Action

Item 10: Any Other Business

32. A Member raised the following issues: (i) The display boards in “Wan Chai Coastline” had become WCDO dilapidated. Consideration should be given to the feasibility of carrying out refurbishment works and the cost involved. (ii) Renovation of the “Olympic Bridge” was also required. (iii) The “Anecdotes Gallery” on the footbridge across Yee Wo Street was filthy. Consideration should be given to whether WCDO or WCDC should provide resources for carrying out the cleansing work and whether maintenance work was required.

33. Members hoped that the three items raised above would be discussed at the next meeting.

Item 11: Date of Next Meeting 34. The Chairperson announced that the next meeting would be held on 12 April 2016 (Tuesday).

35. There being no other business, the meeting was adjourned at 5:30 p.m.

Wan Chai District Council Secretariat March 2016

These minutes of meeting were confirmed on 12 April 2016.

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