
台灣產長腳蛛科蜘蛛(蛛形綱:蜘蛛目) 之分類研究(銀腹蛛屬除外) A Taxonomic study on the Family Tetragnathidae (Arachnida: Araneae) of Taiwan (Except for )

研 究 生:蔡 旻 昇 Ming-Sheng Tsai

指導教授 : 陳 世 煌 博士 Shyh-Hwang Chen

中 華 民 國 一百零二年五月






以及論文完稿前一次又一次費心地修改; 同時也感謝兩位口委陳順




讓我無後顧之憂做我有興趣的研究,謝謝爸媽,我完成了! 謝謝實驗

室的學長姐: 典諺、珞璿、嘉容、明哲及宸瑜,在論文研究的期間與

我討論及採集並給予許多不錯的建議; 謝謝文俊學長的指導,雖然人

不在台北也時時給予關心及鼓勵; 謝謝俊志幫了很多忙,在撰寫過程

中有個伴一起努力讓我更有動力支撐下去; 謝謝 BASS 帶我進入攝影

的世界,也給我許多這方面的資訊; 謝謝系壘的大家讓我研究疲憊時

還有個發洩的場所,期望以後還能跟大家一起在球場上揮灑汗水; 謝

謝許多志同道合的大哥大姊: 大尾哥、竹子姊及 Suede 哥 讓我在野

外認識了更多美妙的事物; 謝謝小頭三年來的陪伴,雖然沒能繼續走

下去,但我擁有許多美好的回憶,希望妳能完成妳的夢想; 感謝好友

咚咚,有你這最無話不談的朋友,碩班生活多了許多樂趣; 謝謝三重


進; 謝謝 BuBu 和 ChaCha,雖然妳們只會吃、睡和搗蛋,但是有你們

的陪伴,讓我覺得很幸福; 最後謝謝小孟在碩班最後半年走進我的世




目錄 ...... i

圖目次 ...... v

附錄目次 ...... x

中文摘要 ...... xi

Abstract ...... xiii

壹、緒論 ...... 1

貳、材料與方法 ...... 9

一、研究材料 ...... 9

二、形態鑑定研究方法 ...... 14

參、結果 ...... 16

Family Tetragnathidae Menge, 1866 長腳蛛科 ...... 18

Subfamily Metinae Simon, 1984 后蛛亞科 ...... 20

Genus Diphya Nicolet, 1849 雙勝蛛屬 ...... 22

Diphya taiwanica Tanikawa, 1995 臺灣雙勝蛛 ...... 23

Genus Dolichognatha O. P.-Cambridge, 1869 長螯蛛屬 ...... 27

Dolichognatha umbrophila Tanikawa, 1991 喜蔭長螯蛛 28

Genus Menosira Chikuni, 1955 麥蛛屬 ...... 33

Menosira ornata Chikuni, 1955 美麗麥蛛...... 34


Genus Meta C. L. Koch, 1836 后蛛屬 ...... 38

Meta alishanensis Tsai et Chen, sp. nov. 阿里山后蛛 ...... 40

Meta kueilinensis Tsai et Chen, sp. nov. 檜林后蛛 ...... 42

Meta laisheshanensis Tsai et Chen, sp. nov. 來社山后蛛 . 45

Meta nigridorsalis Tanikawa, 1994 黑背后蛛 ...... 47

Meta taiwanica Tsai et Chen, sp. nov. 台灣后蛛 ...... 50

Meta wuluensis Tsai et Chen, sp. nov. 霧鹿后蛛 ...... 54

Subfamily Tetragnathinae Menge, 1866 長腳蛛亞科 ...... 57

Genus Tetragnatha Latreille, 1804 長腳蛛屬 ...... 58

Tetragnatha caudicula (Karsch, 1879) 尖尾長腳蛛 ...... 63

Tetragnatha ceylonica Cambridge, 1869 錫蘭長腳蛛 ...... 68

Tetragnatha chauliodus (Thorell, 1890) 細長腳蛛 ...... 75

Tetragnatha esakii Okuma, 1988 江崎長腳蛛 ...... 80

Tetragnatha hiroshii Okuma, 1988 長沼氏長腳蛛 ...... 84

Tetragnatha javana (Thorell, 1890) 爪哇長腳蛛 ...... 88

Tetragnatha lauta Yaginuma, 1959 方網長腳蛛 ...... 93

Tetragnatha mandibulata Walckenaer, 1841 大長腳蛛 ..... 97

Tetragnatha maxillosa Thorell, 1895 日本長腳蛛 ...... 103

Tetragnatha nitens (Audouin, 1826) 華麗長腳蛛 ...... 110


Tetragnatha praedonia L. Koch, 1878 前齒長腳蛛 ...... 116

Tetragnatha squamata Karsch, 1879 綠鱗長腳蛛 ...... 122

Subfamily Leucauginae White, 1841 銀腹蛛亞科 ...... 127

Genus Mesida Kulczyn'ski, 1911 天星蛛屬 ...... 130

Mesida gemmea (Hasselt, 1882) 裝飾天星蛛 ...... 132

Mesida taiwanica Tsai et Chen, sp. nov. 台灣天星蛛..... 136

Mesida yini Zhu, Song et Zhang, 2003 印氏天星蛛...... 139

Genus Metleucauge Levi, 1980 長蹠蛛屬 ...... 144

Metleucauge chikunii Tanikawa,1992 褐腹長蹠蛛 ...... 146

Metleucauge davidi (Schenkel, 1963) 高山長蹠蛛 ...... 151

Metleucauge kompirensis (Bösenberg et Strand, 1906)

金比羅長蹠蛛 ...... 155

Genus Okileucauge Tanikawa, 2001 沖繩蛛屬 ...... 159

Okileucauge sasakii Tanikawa, 2001 佐佐木沖繩蛛 ...... 160

Genus Opadometa Archer, 1951 隨蛛屬 ...... 164

Opadometa grata (Guérin, 1838) 喜隨蛛 ...... 165

Genus Tylorida Simon, 1894 高腹蛛屬 ...... 168

Tylorida striata (Thorell, 1877) 條紋高腹蛛 ...... 170

Tylorida tianlin Zhu, Song et Zhang, 2003 田林高腹蛛 .. 175


Tylorida ventralis (Thorell, 1877) 橫帶高腹蛛 ...... 180

肆、參考文獻...... 185

伍、結論 ...... 205



Figure 1. External features of family Tetragnathidae...... 207 Figure 2. Copulatory organs of family Tetragnathidae...... 208 Figure 3. Different types of female vulva of genus Tetragnatha...... 209 Figure 4. Male cheliceral teeth of Tetragnatha...... 210 Figure 5. Male palpal organ...... 211 Figure 6. Diphya taiwanica Tanikawa, 1995 ...... 212 Figure 7. Dolichognatha umbrophila Tanikawa, 1991, Female ...... 213 Figure 8. Dolichognatha umbrophila Tanikawa, 1991, Male ...... 214 Figure 9. Menosira ornata Chikuni, 1955, Female ...... 215 Figure 10. Menosira ornata Chikuni, 1955, Male ...... 216 Figure 11. Meta alishanensis Tsai et Chen, sp. nov., Male ...... 217 Figure 12. Meta kueilinensis Tsai et Chen, sp. nov., Female ...... 218 Figure 13. Meta kueilinensis Tsai et Chen, sp. nov., Male ...... 219 Figure 14. Meta laisheshanensis Tsai et Chen, sp. nov., Female ...... 220 Figure 15. Meta nigridorsalis Tanikawa,1994, Male ...... 221 Figure 16. Meta taiwanica Tsai et Chen, sp. nov., Female ...... 222 Figure 17. Meta taiwanica Tsai et Chen, sp. nov., Male ...... 223 Figure 18 Meta wuluensis Tsai et Chen, sp. nov., Female...... 224 Figure 19. Tetragnatha caudicula (Karsch, 1879), Female ...... 225 Figure 20. Tetragnatha caudicula (Karsch, 1879), Male ...... 226 Figure 21. Tetragnatha ceylonica Cambridge, 1869, Female ...... 227 Figure 22. Tetragnatha ceylonica Cambridge, 1869, Male ...... 228 Figure 23. Tetragnatha chauliodus (Thorell, 1890), Female ...... 229 Figure 24. Tetragnatha chauliodus (Thorell, 1890), Male ...... 230


Figure 25. Tetragnatha esakii Okuma, 1988, Female ...... 231 Figure 26. Tetragnatha esakii Okuma, 1988, Male ...... 232 Figure 27. Tetragnatha hiroshii Okuma, 1988, Female ...... 233 Figure 28. Tetragnatha hiroshii Okuma, 1988, Male ...... 234 Figure 29. Tetragnatha javana (Thorell, 1890), Female ...... 235 Figure 30. Tetragnatha javana (Thorell, 1890), Male ...... 236 Figure 31. Tetragnatha lauta Yaginuma, 1959, Female ...... 237 Figure 32. Tetragnatha lauta Yaginuma, 1959, Male ...... 238 Figure 33. Tetragnatha mandibulata Walckenaer, 1841, Female ...... 239 Figure 34. Tetragnatha mandibulata Walckenaer, 1841, Male ...... 240 Figure 35. Tetragnatha maxillosa Thorell, 1895, Female ...... 241 Figure 36. Tetragnatha maxillosa Thorell, 1895, Male ...... 242 Figure 37. Tetragnatha nitens (Audouin, 1826), Female ...... 243 Figure 38. Tetragnatha nitens (Audouin, 1826), Male ...... 244 Figure 39. Tetragnatha praedonia L. Koch, 1878, Female ...... 245 Figure 40. Tetragnatha praedonia L. Koch, 1878, Male ...... 246 Figure 41. Tetragnatha squamata Karsch, 1879, Female ...... 247 Figure 42. Tetragnatha squamata Karsch, 1879, Male ...... 248 Figure 43. Mesida gemmea (Hasselt, 1882). Female ...... 249 Figure 44. Mesida gemmea (Hasselt, 1882). Male ...... 250 Figure 45. Mesida taiwanica Tsai et Chen, sp. nov., Female ...... 251 Figure 46. Mesida yini Zhu, Song et Zhang, 2003. Female ...... 252 Figure 47. Mesida yini Zhu, Song et Zhang, 2003. Male ...... 253 Figure 48. Metleucauge chikunii Tanikawa,1992, Female ...... 254 Figure 49. Metleucauge chikunii Tanikawa,1992, Male ...... 255


Figure 50. Metleucauge davidi (Schenkel, 1963), Female ...... 256 Figure 51. Metleucauge davidi (Schenkel, 1963), Male...... 257 Figure 52. Metleucauge kompirensis (Bösenberg et Strand, 1906), Female ...... 258 Figure 53. Metleucauge kompirensis (Bösenberg et Strand, 1906), Male ...... 259 Figure 54. Okileucauge sasakii Tanikawa, 2001 ...... 260 Figure 55. Opadometa grata (Guérin, 1838), Female ...... 261 Figure 56. Tylorida striata (Thorell, 1877), Female ...... 262 Figure 57. Tylorida striata (Thorell, 1877), Male ...... 263 Figure 58. Tylorida tianlin Zhu, Song et Zhang, 2003, Female ...... 264 Figure 59. Tylorida tianlin Zhu, Song et Zhang, 2003, Male ...... 265 Figure 60. Tylorida ventralis (Thorell, 1877), Female ...... 266 Figure 61. Tylorida ventralis (Thorell, 1877), Male ...... 267 Figure 62. Collecting locations of Diphya taiwanica Tanikawa, 1995 in Taiwan...... 268 Figure 63. Collecting locations of Dolichognatha umbrophila Tanikawa, 1991 in Taiwan...... 269 Figure 64. Collecting locations of Menosira ornata Chikuni, 1955 in Taiwan...... 270 Figure 65. Collecting locations of Meta spp. in Taiwan...... 271 Figure 66. Collecting locations of Tetragnatha caudicula (Karsch, 1879) in Taiwan...... 272 Figure 67. Collecting locations of Tetragnatha ceylonica Cambridge, 1869 in Taiwan...... 273


Figure 68. Collecting locations of Tetragnatha chauliodus (Thorell, 1890) in Taiwan...... 274 Figure 69. Collecting locations of Tetragnatha esakii Okuma, 1988 in Taiwan...... 275 Figure 70. Collecting locations of Tetragnatha hiroshii Okuma, 1988 in Taiwan...... 276 Figure 71. Collecting locations of Tetragnatha javana (Thorell, 1890) in Taiwan...... 277 Figure 72. Collecting locations of Tetragnatha lauta Yaginuma, 1959 in Taiwan...... 278 Figure 73. Collecting locations of Tetragnatha mandibulata Walckenaer, 1841 in Taiwan...... 279 Figure 74. Collecting locations of Tetragnatha maxillosa Thorell, 1895 in Taiwan...... 280 Figure 75. Collecting locations of Tetragnatha nitens (Audouin, 1826) in Taiwan...... 281 Figure 76. Collecting locations of Tetragnatha praedonia L. Koch, 1878 in Taiwan...... 282 Figure 77. Collecting locations of Tetragnatha squamata Karsch, 1879 in Taiwan...... 283 Figure 78. Collecting locations of Mesida spp. in Taiwan...... 284 Figure 79. Collecting locations of Metleucauge spp. in Taiwan...... 285 Figure 80. Collecting locations of Okileucauge sasakii Tanikawa, 2001 in Taiwan...... 286 Figure 81. Collecting location of Opadometa grata (Guérin, 1838) in


Taiwan...... 287 Figure 82. Collecting locations of Tylorida striata (Thorell, 1877) in Taiwan...... 288 Figure 83. Collecting locations of Tylorida tianlin Zhu, Song et Zhang, 2003 in Taiwan...... 289 Figure 84. Collecting locations of Tylorida ventralis (Thorell, 1877) in Taiwan...... 290



Appendix 1. Collecting locations in Chinese and English ...... 291 Appendix 2. A revised checklist of family Tetragnathidae from Taiwan (except for genus Leucauge) ...... 297 Appendix 3. Color plates of some tetragnathid from Taiwan .... 300






肢相當發達,具有成排的大齒; 雌蛛無外雌器與受精管等器官; 雄


雌器骨化程度較強,受精囊骨化; 雄蛛觸肢器的脛節或杯葉基部有


囊呈薄壁狀; 雄蛛的亞盾板較小,插入器被引導器包覆。台灣的長



方式進行採集,並以 70%的酒精固定保存製成標本,進行物種辨識


后蛛亞科 4 屬 9 種,長腳蛛亞科 1 屬 12 種,以及銀腹蛛亞科 5 屬

11 種,其中美麗麥蛛 Menosira ornata Chikuni, 1955、黑背后蛛

Meta nigridorsalis Tanikawa, 1994、印氏天星蛛 Mesida yini Zhu,

Song et Zhang, 2003、佐佐木沖繩蛛 Okileucauge sasakii Tanikawa,

2001、喜隨蛛 Opadometa grata (Guérin, 1838) 和田林高腹蛛

Tylorida tianlin Zhu, Song et Zhang, 2003 等 6 種為台灣首次記錄;


而 Meta alishanensis Tsai et Chen, sp. nov. 阿里山后蛛,Meta

kueilinensis Tsai et Chen, sp. nov. 檜林后蛛,Meta laisheshanensis

Tsai et Chen, sp. nov. 來社山后蛛,Meta taiwanica Tsai et Chen, sp.

nov. 台灣后蛛,Meta wuluensis Tsai et Chen, sp. nov. 霧鹿后蛛和

Mesida taiwanica Tsai et Chen, sp. nov. 台灣天星蛛等共 6 種為新

種。排除種 Tetragnatha gracilis (Bryant, 1923)及疑問種 Tetragnatha

nepaeformis Doleschall, 1859 各一種。

關鍵詞: 蜘蛛目、長腳蛛科、新紀錄種、新種、台灣。



In terms of diversity, Tetragnathidae is recognized as one of the top ten family of Araneae in the world. They are widely distributed over paddy fields, shrubs, and woodland, where soil is usually damp in Taiwan. A total of 3 subfamilies, 7 genera and 32 species (genus Leucauge included) of tetragnathids had been recorded in Taiwan. Members of the Tetragnathinae have a pair of prominent chelicerae, and complex teeth. Females lack a prominent epigynum and fertilization tubes, whereas males have a long and narrow cymbium, from which are connected with paracymbium by a joint. Members of the Metinae possess a strongly sclerotized epigynum and spermatheca in females; palpal tibia with an apophysis, and embolus and conductor separated in male. Members of the Leucaginae prossess a slightly sclerotized epigynum, thin-walled spermatheca, embolus of palpus enwrapped by conductor. At present, there is no complete taxonomic study on tetragnathid spiders in Taiwan, with only some sporadic reports available on newly recorded species and new species. This study will provide a comprehensive species documentation and geographical distribution in Taiwan. I collected specimens with bare hands or sweeping nets from Taiwan and adjacent islands. Specimens will be preserved in 70% alcohol and used for identification and measurements. As a result of present revison, there are three subfamies,10 genera and 32 species of Tatragnathidae (except for genus Leucauge) found in Taiwan. Six species, Menosira ornata Chikuni, 1955, Meta nigridorsalis Tanikawa, 1994, Meta nigridorsalis Tanikawa, 1994, Mesida yini Zhu, Song et Zhang, 2003, Okileucauge sasakii


Tanikawa, 2001, Opadometa grata (Guérin, 1838) and Tylorida tianlin

Zhu, Song et Zhang, 2003 are newly recorded in Taiwan. Six species, Meta alishanensis Tsai et Chen, sp. nov., Meta kueilinensis Tsai et Chen, sp. nov., Meta laisheshanensis Tsai et Chen, sp. nov., Meta taiwanica Tsai et Chen, sp. nov. and Meta wuluensis Tsai et Chen, sp. nov. and Mesida taiwanica Tsai et Chen, sp. nov. are new to science. Tetragnatha gracilis (Bryant, 1923) is excluded from the fauna of Taiwan, and T. nepaeformis Doleschall, 1859 is remained doubtful.

Key words: Araneae, Tetragnathidae, new species, new record, Taiwan.



蜘蛛屬於節肢動物門 (Arthropoda),蛛形綱 (Arachnida),蜘蛛目

(Araneae)。目前已知種類共計有 112科,3898屬,43678種 (Platnick,


大陸又稱為肖蛸科,為世界廣泛分布的蜘蛛,目前記錄有 47屬,957

種 (Platnick, 2013)。根據 Coddington 和 Levi (1991)的系統演化研究


蛛形綱 (Arachnida)

蜘蛛目 (Araneae)

後紡亞目 (Suborder Opisthothelae)

新蛛下目 (Infraorder )

新篩疣類 (Neocribellatae)

新蛛類 (Araneoclada)

完全性域類 (Entelegynae)

圓蛛總科 (Araneoidea)

長腳蛛科 (Tetragnathidae)




與圓蛛科 (Araneidae)蜘蛛所結的圓網相似,但不具網心,稱為空心


前伸直的姿勢等待獵物。而目前已知粗螯蛛屬 (Pachygnatha)與鋸螯

蛛屬 (Dyschiriognatha)蜘蛛至少在成蛛階段是不結網的,生活在植物

的下部接近地表附近 (Zhu et al., 2003)。

長腳蛛科最早是由 Menge在1886年建立 (Levi, 1986),但法國蜘

蛛學家 Simon(1892)把長腳蛛各屬分別歸類在金蛛科 (Argiopidae)下

的長腳蛛亞科(Tetragnathinae)與絡新婦蛛亞科 (Nephilinae)之中。在

Roewer (1942)的蜘蛛名錄中則把長腳蛛亞科作為獨立的科,且將后蛛

類 (metines)和絡新婦蛛類 (nephilines)作為亞科並放在圓蛛科

(Araneidae)之下。Kaston (1948)以腿節上聽毛的存在、螫肢上的突起


科中分別出來 (Levi, 1986),但后蛛屬 (Meta)仍被保留於圓蛛科中。

Comstock (1940)以胃外溝 (epigastric furrows)之彎曲或平直,將金蛛

科下的長腳蛛分成長腳蛛亞科 (Tetragnathinae)和后蛛亞科

(Metinae)。Bonnet (1956, 1957, 1958, 1959)將長腳蛛科各屬歸於金蛛

科。Locket et al. (1974)將歐洲產后蛛屬歸於長腳蛛科。Levi (1980)將


時指出絡新婦蛛屬可能隸屬於一個獨立的亞群 (subgroup)或亞科。


Brignoli (1983)將長腳蛛處理為后蛛科 (Metidae)及長腳蛛科

(Tetragnathidae)二個類群,並把絡新婦蛛亞科歸於圓蛛科。Levi et al.


併。Davies (1988)以檢索表的形式將長腳蛛科分為六個亞科,包含:

長腳蛛亞科 (Tetragnathinae)、坊螯蛛亞科 (Phonognathinae)、長螯蛛

亞科 (Dolichognathinae)、銀腹蛛亞科 (Leucauginae)、后蛛亞科

(Metinae)和絡新婦蛛亞科 (Nephilinae)。Coddington (1990)依據圓蛛總

科 (Araneoidea)15個類群雄性觸肢器的特徵,利用支序分析

(cladistics)的原理與方法,以四個可能的共衍徵 (synapomorphies): 具

有后蛛類觸肢(Metine palp)、副杯葉 (Paracymbium)的形狀、盾板精

導管呈Z字形 (switchback)和中突 (median apophysis)消失等,支持長

腳蛛科為單系群。Hormiga et al. (1995)選用60個特徵,包含蜘蛛的行




亞科 (Leucaugine)。Griswold et al. (1998)選用93個特徵,包含雄蛛生



-盾片膜 (embolus-tegulum membrane)的存在、及中突消失等共衍徵,



等三亞科,而銀腹蛛屬 (Leucauge)、后蛛屬 (Meta)、長腳蛛屬

(Tetragnatha)及骨螯蛛屬 (Glenognatha)則被歸在長腳蛛亞科之內。

Tanikawa (2001)以20個形態特徵,認為銀腹蛛屬 (Leucauge) 的姊妹

群為[沖繩蛛屬 (Okileucauge) + 高腹蛛屬 (Tylorida) + 天星蛛屬

(Mesida)]。Zhu et al. (2003)利用46種特徵對中國大陸長腳蛛科的20屬


亞科 (Guizygiellinae),包括:桂齊蛛屬 (Guizygiella); 后蛛亞科

(Metinae),包括:麥蛛屬 (Menosira)、后蛛屬 (Meta)、南寧蛛屬

(Nanningia)、滇銀鱗蛛屬 (Dianleucauge)和雙勝蛛屬 (Diphya);絡新婦

蛛亞科 (Nephilinae),包括:裂腹蛛屬 (Herennia)、絡新婦蛛屬

(Nephila)和近絡新婦蛛屬 (Nephilengys); 長腳蛛亞科

(Tetragnathinae),包括: 長腳蛛屬 (Tetragnatha)、粗螯蛛屬

(Pachygnatha);銀腹蛛亞科 (Leucauginae),包括: 臥龍蛛屬

(Wolongia)、長蹠蛛屬 (Metleucauge)、高腹蛛屬 (Tylorida)、波斑蛛

屬 (Orsinome)、隨蛛屬 (Opadometa)、銀腹蛛屬 (Leucauge)、天星蛛

屬 (Mesida)和沖繩蛛屬(Okileucauge); 鋸螯蛛亞科

(Dyschiriognathinae),包括: 鋸螯蛛屬(Dyschiriognatha)。Kuntner (2006)




婦科。而本研究之分類系統則採用Zhu et al. (2003) 所提出的系統。


人 Nakajima (1921) 於台北新公園 (現址:台北市二二八紀念公園)

蜘蛛名錄中記載了銀腹蛛屬的肩斑銀腹蛛 (Leucauge blanda L. Koch,

1878)以及長腳蛛屬的前齒長腳蛛 (Tetragnatha praedonia L. Koch,

1878)。Kayashima (1932) 於《臺灣演習林動物目錄》記錄日本長腳

蛛 (Tetragnatha japonica Bösenberg et Strand, 1906),而Okuma (1983)

已將此物種處理為 Tetragnatha maxillosa (Thorell, 1895)的同物異

名。Saito (1933) 記述爪哇長腳蛛 (Tetragnatha javana Thorell, 1890a)

與脈斑銀腹蛛 (Lecauge venusta Walckenaer, 1841)。Saito (1933)的脈


前已知僅分布於美洲地區美國到巴拿馬 (Platnick, 2012; Zhu et al.,

2003),Song et al. (1999)已將其分布於台灣視為一疑問種。Yaginuma

(1941)記錄銀長腳蛛 (Tetragnatha gracilis Bryant, 1923)。Kayashima

(1943)首次描繪了大銀腹蛛 (Lecauge magnifica Yaginuma, 1954),但

僅有外觀的圖片,無學名。Lee (1964)在《台灣的蜘蛛》一書中,共


蛛和脈斑銀腹蛛; 高腹蛛屬的條紋高腹蛛 (Tylorida striata Thorell,


1877); 長腳蛛屬的前齒長腳蛛、日本長腳蛛、綠鱗長腳蛛

(Tetragnatha squamata Karsch, 1879)和爪哇長腳蛛;以及長蹠蛛屬的眼

鏡長蹠蛛 (Meta yunohamensis Böesenberg et Strand, 1906)和金比羅長

蹠蛛 (Meta kompirensis Böesenberg et Strand, 1906)。而當時 Lee(1964)

將長蹠蛛屬歸類在金蛛科 (Araneidae)下,Yaginuma (1955)將金比羅

長蹠蛛改屬至Metleucauge,Chen et Huang (1999)證實眼鏡長蹠蛛為褐

腹長蹠蛛(Metleucauge chikunii Tanikawa, 1992)之誤判,故目前已從名

錄中除名。之後,Okuma (1968a) 記錄了華麗長腳蛛 (Tetragnatha nitens Audouin, 1826)。Chu et Okuma (1970)首次記錄台灣的尖尾銀腹

蛛 (Leucauge decorata Blackwall, 1864)、錫蘭長腳蛛 (Tetragnatha ceylonica Cambridge, 1869)、大長腳蛛 (Tetragnatha mandibulata

Walckenaer, 1841)、臺灣長腳蛛 (Tetragnatha nepaeformis Doleschall,

1859)。Yoshida (1978)首次記錄橫帶高腹蛛 (Tylorida ventralis Thorell,

1877)。Okuma (1988)描述台灣的長沼氏長腳蛛 (Tetragnatha hiroshii

Okuma, 1988)的雄蛛及江崎長腳蛛 (Tetragnatha esakii Okuma, 1988)

兩新種,並記錄了方網長腳蛛 (Tetragnatha lauta Yaginuma, 1959)與

細長腳蛛 (Tetragnatha chauliodus Thorell, 1890b)。Tanikawa (1992)首

次記錄褐腹長蹠蛛 (Metleucauge chikunii Tanikawa, 1992),並在1995

年 (Tanikawa, 1995)描述新種的台灣雙勝蛛 (Diphya taiwanica


Tanikawa, 1995),但缺乏雄蛛的記錄。Chen (1996)首次記錄台灣的端

斑銀腹蛛 (Leucauge termisticta Song et Zhu, 1992)與尖尾長腳蛛

(Tetragnatha caudicula Karsch, 1879),但端斑銀腹蛛後來經Zhu et al.

(2003),修訂為方格銀腹蛛 (Leucauge tessellata Thorell, 1887)的異

名。Tanikawa et Chang (1997)首次記錄高山長蹠蛛 (Metleucauge davidi Schenkel, 1963)。Tso et Tanikawa (2000)首次記錄雪銀腹蛛

(Leucauge argentina Hasselt, 1882)、方格銀腹蛛與裝飾天星蛛 (Mesida gemmea Hasselt, 1882)。Zhu et al. (2003)認為大銀腹蛛可能為西里銀腹

蛛 ( Walckenaer, 1841)的同物異名。Chang et Tso

(2004)首次記錄喜蔭長螯蛛 (Dolichognatha umbrophila Tanikawa,

1991)。Yoshida (2009)發表了一種新記錄種與新種的銀腹蛛,分別是

劉氏銀腹蛛 (Leucauge liui Zhu et al., 2003)與臺灣銀腹蛛 (Leucauge taiwanica Yoshida, 2009),並正式將大銀腹蛛處理為西里銀腹蛛之異

名。此外,Liu (2009)未發表資料也描述三種新記錄銀腹蛛分別是十

字銀腹蛛(Leucauge crucinota Böesenberg et Strand, 1906)、小肩斑銀腹

蛛 (Leucauge subblanda Böesenberg et Strand, 1906)及武陵銀腹蛛

(Leucauge wulingensis Song et Zhu, 1992)且將脈斑銀腹蛛處理為排除


銀腹蛛屬),其三亞科分別是長腳蛛亞科 (Tetragnathinae)、后蛛亞科


(Metinae)以及銀腹蛛亞科 (Leucauginae)。長腳蛛亞科的蜘蛛其螯肢

相當發達,具有成排的大齒; 雌蛛無生殖溝、外雌器與受精管等器官;


雌器骨化程度較強,受精囊骨化; 雄蛛的觸肢脛節或杯葉基部有突


蛛骨化程度弱,受精囊呈薄壁狀; 雄蛛的亞盾板較小,位於盾板的內

側,插入器被引導器包覆 (Zhu et al. , 2003)。

長腳蛛科在中國目前記錄有20屬119種 (Zhu et al., 2003),而日本有

11屬44種 (Tanikawa, 2007),台灣目前記錄則有7屬32種(包含銀腹蛛











後,至全臺灣各地採集 (附錄一)。長腳蛛科蜘蛛在台灣平地至高海







範大學生命科學系標本館 (NTNUB-Ar )。除了新鮮材料,並檢視師



長腳蛛科的身體可區分為頭胸部 (cephalothorax)與腹部

(abdomen)兩部分,兩者以腹柄 (pedicel)相連結。


(1) 頭胸部

頭胸部具有幾丁質的外骨骼,背面為背甲 (carapace),腹面則為


(chelicera); 第二對為觸肢 (Palpal); 第三至第六對則為步足 (leg),共

有四對。背甲的前端為頭區 (cephalic region),後端為胸區 (thoracic region),頭區與胸區由頸溝 (cervical grooves)做為分界,胸區中央凹

陷的地方稱為中窩 (fovea),中窩的兩側具有放射溝 (radial furrows)。

頭區前端具有八枚單眼,前四眼排為一列,稱為前眼列 (anterior eye row, AER),前眼列的中間兩眼稱為前中眼 (anterior median eye,

AME),側邊左右兩眼稱為前側眼 (anterior lateral eye, ALE); 後四眼

排為一列,稱為後眼列 (posterior eye row, PER),後眼列的中間兩眼

稱為後中眼 (posterior median eye, PME),側邊左右兩眼稱為後側眼

(posterior lateral eye, PLE); 前後中眼所圍成的區域稱為中眼域

(median ocular area, MOA); 前中眼下緣至背甲前緣之間的區域稱為

額 (clypeus)。

螯肢 (chelicera)上具有毒牙 (fang),毒牙平時收在牙溝內 (fang furrows),牙溝前後有許多鋸齒突起,前側稱為前牙堤齒 (promarginal teeth); 後側稱為後牙堤齒 (retromarginal teeth),牙堤齒的排列、數目




距 (nuptial spur),功能是與雌蛛交配時能卡握住雌蛛的螯肢,以便固

定交配時的姿勢; 有時在毒牙基部的背側或腹側中央具有尖突


觸肢 (palp)是頭胸部的第二對附肢,由基節 (coxa)、轉節

(trochanter)、腿節 (femur)、膝節 (patella)、脛節 (tibia)和跗節 (tarsus)

六節組成,成熟雄蛛的觸肢跗節膨大為觸肢器 (palpus),基節向內側

擴展增大形成的葉片狀構造為顎葉 (maxilla 或 endite),下唇

(labium)位於胸板的正前方。 而四對步足皆由七節構成,由基部依序

分別為基節 (coxa)、轉節 (trochanter)、腿節 (femur)、膝節 (patella)、

脛節 (tibia)、蹠節 (metatarsus)和跗節 (tarsus)。步足相對長度以足式

(leg formula)來表示,一般長腳蛛科蜘蛛的足式為: I > II > III > IV。部

分的長腳蛛科蜘蛛如天星蛛屬 (Mesida)、隨蛛屬 (Opadometa)與高腹

蛛屬 (Tylorida)其第四對步足的腿節基部會有成列的聽毛



(2) 腹部 (abdomen)



線。而腹部上方通常還有一些成對凹陷的筋點 (sigilla),是肌肉附著

的地方。腹部腹面前方有一條胃外溝 (epigastric furrows),兩側為書

肺 (book lungs)之開口,稱為書肺氣門 (booklung slit)。

生殖孔 (genital opening)位於胃外溝的前方,而成熟的雌蛛其生殖孔

的前方通常呈現角質化 (sclerotized)的構造,稱為外雌器 (epigynum);


因此不明顯。腹部末端有三對絲疣 (spinneret),分別為前側絲疣

(anterior lateral spinneret, ALS)、後中絲疣 (posterior median spinneret,

PMS)以及後側絲疣 (posterior lateral spinneret, PLS),而前中絲疣

(anterior median spinneret, AMS)退化成絲疣前方一個舌狀結構,稱為

舌狀體 (colulus); 絲疣的後面有一個肛丘 (anal tubercle)。


(3) 生殖器官




雌蛛外部的生殖構造為外雌器 (epigynum),其外部多有角質化


區 (gential zone)僅由無角質化的生殖蓋 (genital cover)包覆,且某些



對的交配孔 (copulatory opening),經由交配管 (copulatory duct)連接

至受精囊 (spermatheca),可暫時儲存精子,不同物種具一至三個不等

的腔室 (chambers I, II, III),受精囊另一端連接受精管 (fertilization duct),可將精子送至子宮與陰道交會處與卵子結合,子宮左右兩邊各


Agriognatha屬蜘蛛在生殖區中間具有後囊(posterior sac),但後者其構

造較發達具有儲精功能 (Dimitrov et al., 2007)。



雄性的腹部消化道下方有一對精巢 (testes),精子經輸精管運輸




杯葉 (cymbium)與生殖球 (genital bulb),杯葉背面上緣具跗節器

(tarsal organ),外側基部有大小不等、分叉或不分叉的突起稱為副杯

葉 (paracymbium),而生殖球包含了引導器 (conductor)、插入器

(embolus)、精導管 (sperm duct)、小盾板 (subtegulum)及盾板 (tegulum)

等構造,而高腹蛛屬雄蛛其引導器具導片 (guiding lamella)。

二、形態鑑定研究方法 :


蛛左觸肢器的轉節處剪下,標本於解剖顯微鏡 (Leica Wild M3Z )下觀

察觸肢器各部份骨片的詳細構造,並進行不同角度的繪圖工作; 而觀



質後,觀察幾丁質的受精囊 (spermatheca)與受精管 (fertilization duct)

等內部生殖構造。而身體外部各部形態,如眼區 (eye area)、背甲


(carapace)、腹部 (abdomen)、下唇 (labium)、下顎 (endite)、胸板

(sternum)、牙堤齒 (marginal teeth)、步足 (leg)等,加以繪圖、測量



行測量工作,測量單位為公釐 (mm),精確至小數點第二位,其形質

包含:體長 (背甲長 + 腹部長); 背甲長 (頭胸部前緣至後緣最長處

之距離); 背甲寬 (背甲最寬處之距離); 腹長 (腹部最前緣至肛丘末

端之距離,不包含絲疣的長度); 腹寬 (腹部最寬處之距離)、步足長

為步足腿節 (femur)、膝節 (patella)+脛節 (tibia)、蹠節 (metatarsus)

與跗節 (tarsus)長度之和,雄蛛觸肢長為腿節 (femur)、膝節

(patella)、脛節 (tibia)與杯葉 (cymbium)長度之和。雌蛛則為腿節、


(median ocular area, MOA)為前中眼與後中眼所圍成的區域,中眼域長

(length of MOA, MOA-L)為前中眼前緣至後中眼後緣的距離; 中眼域

前寬 (anterior width of MOA, MOA-AW)為兩顆前中眼外緣間的距離;

中眼域後寬 (posterior width of MOA, MOA-PW)為兩顆後中眼外緣間

的距離。額 (clypeus)高為前中眼下緣至背甲前緣最凹處之距離。



本論文共報告臺灣產長腳蛛科(不含銀腹蛛屬)共 3 亞科 10 屬

32 種 (附錄二),包含后蛛亞科 (Metinae): 雙勝蛛屬 (Diphiya)、

長螯蛛屬 (Dolichognatha)、麥蛛屬 (Menosira)各 1 種、后蛛屬

(Meta) 6 種; 長腳蛛亞科 (Tatragnthinae): 長腳蛛屬

(Tetragnatha)12 種; 銀腹蛛亞科 (Leucauginae): 天星蛛屬

(Mesida) 3 種、長蹠蛛屬 (Metleucauge) 3 種、沖繩蛛屬

(Okileucauge) 1 種、隨蛛屬 (Opadometa) 1 種、高腹蛛屬 (Tylorida)

3 種。其中有館藏標本者 32 種,僅文獻記錄者 2 種。長腳蛛科的

新記錄屬為麥蛛屬 (Menosira)、后蛛屬 (Meta)和隨蛛屬

(Opadometa)三屬; 新記錄種 6 種,分別為美麗麥蛛 (Menosira ornata)、黑背后蛛 (Meta nigridosalis)、印氏天星蛛 (Mesida yini)、佐佐木沖繩蛛 (Okileucauge sasakii)、喜隨蛛 (Opadometa grata)、田林高腹蛛 (Tylorida tianlin); 新種 6 種,分別為 Meta wuluensis Tsai et Chen, sp. nov. 霧鹿后蛛, Meta taiwanica Tsai et

Chen, sp. nov. 台灣后蛛, Meta kueilinensis Tsai et Chen, sp. nov.

檜林后蛛, Meta laisheshanensis Tsai et Chen, sp. nov. 來社山后蛛,

Meta alishanensis Tsai et Chen, sp. nov. 阿里山后蛛和 Mesida taiwanica Tsai et Chen, sp. nov. 台灣天星蛛。另外,Tetragnatha


gracilis (Bryant, 1923) 因分布地區侷限在美洲地區,且之後無任

何採集紀錄,故本論文將其物種列為排除種; Tetragnatha nepaeformis Doleschall, 1859 僅分布於印尼,其他地區未分布

(Platnick, 2013),台灣地區自 Chu et Okuma (1970)首次記錄後,



台灣地區長腳蛛科(不含銀腹蛛屬)共 32 種,現依其形態分類



Family Tetragnathidae Menge, 1866 長腳蛛科

Type genus: Tetragnatha Latreille, 1804a

Diagnosis. Body sizes varied according to species from 3.12 to 19.40. Carapace length longer than width, light brown to dark brown. Eight eyes arranged in two recurved rows; each eye with black margins. Leg I longest, leg III shortest, leg formula: 1-2-4-3. Basal femur IV of some genera, i.e. genera Leucauge, Mesida, Opadometa and Tylorida, with many trichobothria. Shape of abdomen varied by different genera, i.g. abdomen of genus Tetragnatha long cylindrical shaped, genus Diphya pear-shaped, most members of genera Metleucauge, Mesida, Menosira and Tylorida with oval-shaped abdomen, most members of genus Meta with globular abdomen, abdomen of genus Dolichognatha with four mound-shaped processes, and abdomen of genus Opadometa strongly extended forward. This study will follow the classification scheme of Zhu et al. (2003). Three subfamilies of the Tetragnathidae are included in Taiwan: Metinae, Tetragnathinae and Leucauginae.


Key to subfamilies of the family Tetragnathidae from Taiwan.

1. Chelicerae prominent armed with complex teeth; female lacking a prominent epigynum and fertilization tube; males with a long and

narrow cymbium...... Tetragnathinae (長腳蛛亞科)

Chelicerae not prominent; female having a prominent epigynum and fertilization tube; cymbium not elongated and widened in middle...... 2 2. Epigynum slightly sclerotized and spermatheca thin-walled; embolus

enwrapped by conductor...... Leucauginae (銀腹蛛亞科)

Both epigynum and spermatheca strongly sclerotized; embolus and

conductor separated……...... …Metinae (后蛛亞科)


Subfamily Metinae Simon, 1984 后蛛亞科

Type genus: Meta C. L. Koch, 1836

Diagnosis. Members of Metinae possess a strongly sclerotized epigynum and spermatheca in females; palpal tibia with an apophysis or cymbial basal process; embolus and conductor of palpus separated in males.

Note. Nine species in four genera are known from Taiwan.


Key to genera of subfamily Metinae from Taiwan.

1. Dorsum of abdomen with four mound-shaped processes; sternum with

some dark markings……………...... …..…Dolichognatha (長螯蛛屬)

Abdomen smooth; sternum without any marking……...... …2 2. Abdomen pear-shaped; AME the smallest; paracymbium of male palpus not forked; retrolateral side of cymbium with a spinous cornute

process; conductor separated from embolus...... …Diphya (雙勝蛛屬)

Abdomen not pear-shaped; AME not the smallest; paracymbium forked; retrolateral side of cymbium without a spinous process; conductor close to embolus..…..………….…...... …3 3. Abdomen long oval-shaped; abdomen of female with a median white stripe on dorsum; with 3 promarginal and 4 retromarginal teeth on

both sexes; epigynum sloped in central...... Menosira (麥蛛屬)

With 2 - 3 promarginal and 4 retromarginal teeth in female; epigynum

lip-shaped, with a median septum...…...…...... …Meta (后蛛屬)


Genus Diphya Nicolet, 1849 雙勝蛛屬

Type species: Diphya macrophthalma Nicolet, 1849

Diagnosis. The external appearance and size of genus Diphya most resemble those of Dolichognatha. Genus Diphya having the smallest anterior median eyes; dorsum of abdomen without any mound-shaped process; tegulum globular in shape, sperm ducts inconspicuous through the tegulum; cymbium bearing a cornute process, and conductor sparated from embolus in male palpus. In contrast, genus Dolichogantha having its posterior median eyes smallest; dorsum of abdomen having four mound-shaped processes; male palpus narrow, with its sperm ducts winding and visible through tegulum, cymbium without a cornute process.

Note. Currently 12 species in the genus Diphya are known worldwide (Platnick, 2013), and only one species is found in Taiwan.


Diphya taiwanica Tanikawa, 1995 臺灣雙勝蛛

(Figs. 5A-G,61) Diphya taiwanica Tanikawa, 1995: 105, f. 14-16; Song, Zhu et Chen, 1999: 213, f. 119N; Zhu, Song et Zhang, 2003: 58, f. 24A-C.

Specimens examined. NANTOU COUNTY: LENAI, Tunyuan, alt. 1800 m, 1 male (NTNUB-Ar 32129), 2-I-2007, Ya-Hui LIN leg.; LENAI, Yunhai. alt. 1900 m, 1 male and 1 female (NTNUB-Ar 50662, 50663), 28-III-2009, Shyh-Hwang CHEN leg.; 5 females (NTNUB-Ar 52163-52167), 18-IV-2010, Shyh-Hwang CHEN leg.; 4 males (NTNUB-Ar 62448-62451), 21-XI-2010, Shyh-Hwang CHEN leg. HUALIEN COUNTY: HSIULIN, Kueilin, alt. 2100 m, 2 females (NTNUB-Ar 32170, 30171), 31-XII-2006, Ya-Hui LIN leg.; HSIULIN, Kueilin, alt. 2100 m, 2 males (NTNUB-Ar 32201, 32204), 7-II-2007, Shyh-Hwang CHEN leg.; HSIULIN, Kueilin, alt. 2100 m, 2 females and 1 male (NTNUB-Ar 32212, 32213, 32288), 8-II-2007, Shyh-Hwang CHEN leg.

Diagnosis. Diphya taiwanica resembles D. qianica by the shape of epigynum, but can be distinguished from the latter by having a wider median septum; abdomen dark brown on both sides.


Description. Female (NTNUB-Ar 32070). Total length 3.60: cephalothorax length 1.60, width 1.12; abdomen length 2.00, width 1.64. Length / width of carapace = 1.43 in ratio. Diameter of eyes in ratio, AME: ALE: PME: PLE = 7: 11: 14: 14. MOA-L: MOA-AW: MOA-PW: 0.51: 0.18: 0.35. Clypeus height 0.18. Measurements of palpus and legs: palpus 1.40 (0.39, 0.18, 0.31, 0.52), leg I 5.15 (1.40, 1.65, 1.27, 0.83), leg II 4.57 (1.27, 1.46, 1.14, 0.70), leg III 2.60 (0.70, 0.89, 0.64, 1.08), leg IV 3.56 (1.14, 1.21, 0.76, 0.45). Carapace brown, with a median light band behind ocular region. Cervical grooves and radial furrows inconspicuous, upper edge of thoracic groove arc-shaped. Both eye rows slightly recurved. AMEs smallest, and eyes with huge black margins. Chelicerae brown, length 0.80, with 3 promarginal and 4 retromarginal teeth. Labium, maxillae and sternum brown. Leg light brown, surface of those covered with some black spines. legs I and II with many pectinate spines from tibia to metatarsus (Fig. 5B). Leg formula: 1-2-4-3. Abdomen pear-shaped, both sides dark brown, dorsum light brown covered with patches of silver freckles anteriorly, some indistinct brown transverse bars posteriorly and two pairs of sigillae. Epigynum mushroom-shaped, bordered with dark brown color. Spermatheca sclerotized,with two semiopaque cystic structures.


Male (NTNUB-Ar 32288). Total length 3.12; cephalothorax length 1.52, width 1.16; abdomen length 1.60, width 1.16, length / width of carapace = 1.31 in ratio. Diameter of eyes in ratio, AME: ALE: PME: PLE = 3: 5: 6: 6. MOA-L: MOA-AW: MOA-PW: 0.47: 0.17: 0.33. Clypeus height 0.15. Chelicera length 0.80. Measurements of palpus and legs: palpus 1.29 (0.39, 0.18, 0.28, 0.44), leg I 5.02 (1.46, 1.78, 1.14, 0.64), leg II 4.32 (1.14, 1.46, 1.08, 0.64), leg III 2.23 (0.57, 0.70, 0.64, 0.32), leg IV 3.19 (0.89, 1.02, 0.83, 0.45). Male similar to female in body markings and eye arrangement, but slightly smaller and having darker carapace.Chelicerae brown, with 3 promarginal and 4 retromarginal teeth. Labium, maxillae and sternum dark brown. Legs light brown, covered with some black spines; metatarsi I and II with some thick and short spines arranged in a row. Leg formula: 1-2-4-3. Tegulum of male palpus globular, cymbium with a cornute process, conductor separated from embolus.

Variations. Measurements for 5 females followed by those of 5 males (mean ± SD in parentheses): Body length 3.44 - 3.80 (3.58 ± 0.14), 3.12 - 3.80 (3.36 ± 0.27). Carapace length 1.44 - 1.64 (1.53 ± 0.09), 1.48 - 1.92 (1.66 ± 0.18); width 1.12 - 1.36 (1.22 ± 0.09), 1.16 - 1.40 (1.24 ± 0.09). Abdomen length 1.96 - 2.16 (2.06 ± 0.10), 1.56 - 1.88 (1.70 ± 0.13); width 1.60 - 2.40 (1.84 ± 0.33), 1.12 - 1.48 (1.25 ± 0.14).


Distribution. Taiwan

Remarks. Only females of Diphya taiwanica were described by Tanikawa (1995). The male of D. taiwanica is described for the first time. Diphya taiwanica is distributed in the high altitude mountain areas of Taiwan. Mature males were found from November to March.


Genus Dolichognatha O. P.-Cambridge, 1869 長螯蛛屬

Type species: Dolichognatha nietneri O. P.-Cambridge, 1869

Diagnosis. The external appearance and size of genus Dolichognatha most resemble those of Diphya. Genus Dolichognatha having the smallest posterior median eyes, close each other but not contacted. Dorsum of abdomen with four mound-shaped processes, sternum with some dark markings, male palpal organ narrow, with its sperm ducts winding and visible through the tegulum. In contrast, genus Diphya having its anterior median eyes smallest , two posterior median eyes not close each other, dorsum of abdomen without mound-shaped process, sternum without markings. Tegulum of genus Diphya globular and cymbium bearing a cornute process.

Note. Totally 29 species of genus Dolichognatha are known worldwide (Platnick, 2013), and only one species is recorded from Taiwan.


Dolichognatha umbrophila Tanikawa, 1991 喜蔭長螯蛛

(Figs. 6A-F, 7A-D, 62) Dolichognatha umbrophila Tanikawa, 1991: 38, f. 1-10; Chang et Tso, 2004: 31, f. 19-22; Tanikawa, 2007: 96, f. 318-319, 772-773;Tanikawa, 2009: 406, f. 9-10.

Specimens examined. KEELUNG CITY: ANLE, Hsishih Reservoir, alt. 100 m, 1 female (NTNUB-Ar 13680), 11-VII-1995, Shyh-Hwang CHEN leg. NEW TAIPEI CITY: HSINTIEN, Yinghotung, alt. 100 m, 1 male and 6 females (NTNUB-Ar 13250-13256), 25-I-1999, Shyh-Hwang CHEN leg.; SHIHTING, Feitsui Reservoir, alt. 170 m, 1 male (NTNUB-Ar 6994), 8-IV-2000, Shyh-Hwang CHEN leg.; SHIHTING, Hsiaochukeng, alt. 350 m, 1 male (NTNUB-Ar 46558), 30-IV-2008, Shyh-Hwang CHEN leg.; WULAI, Paochingkung, alt. 550 m, 1 female (NTNUB-Ar 60767), 23-XI-2010, Wen-Jean HUANG leg. NANTOU COUNTY: LENAI, Wushe, alt. 1145 m, 2 males and 4 females (NTNUB-Ar 11481-11486), 28-VIII-1996, Shyh-Hwang CHEN leg.; LENAI, Huisun forest farm, alt. 700 m, 4 females (NTNUB-Ar 22563-22566), 2-II-2004, Wen-Jean HUANG leg. CHIAYI COUNTY: ALISHAN, Fengshan, alt. 700 m, 7 females (NTNUB-Ar 5743-5749), 15-II-1995, Shyh-Hwang CHEN leg. TAINAN CITY: PAIHO, Kuantzeling, alt. 350 m, 2 males and 3 females (NTNUB-Ar 12778-12782), 28-IX-1996, Wen-Jean HUANG leg.; 1 male (NTNUB-Ar 11207), 1-I-1998, Shyh-Hwang CHEN leg.; 3 males and 5 females (NTNUB-Ar 35138-35145), 9-II-2006, Shyh-Hwang CHEN leg.;


TANEI, Choumalai, alt. 50 m, 1 female (NTNUB-Ar 11013), 29-VIII-2001, Shyh-Hwang CHEN leg.; NANHUA, Nanhua Reservoir, alt. 550 m, 1 male (NTNUB-Ar 26976), 12-VIII-2004, Shyh-Hwang CHEN leg. ILAN COUNTY: TOUCHENG, Dali, alt. 100 m, 1 male (NTNUB-Ar 21719), 12-VIII-1996, Wen-Jean HUANG leg.; CHIAOCHI, Paoma Trail, alt. 300 m, 1 male (NTNUB-Ar 639), 13-V-2000, Shyh-Hwang CHEN leg. TAITUNG COUNTY: TUNGHO, Tungho Farm, alt. 400 m, 1 female (NTNUB-Ar 22359), 24-IV-2004, Shyh-Hwang CHEN leg.

Diagnosis. Dolichognatha umbrophila resembles D. raveni (Smith, 2008) in having processes on dorsum of abdomen , but can be distinguished from the latter (characters in parentheses) by having two (one) pairs of mound-shaped processes, and cephalic region parallel (not parallel) in both sides.


Description. Female (NTNUB-Ar 12502). Total length 4.20: cephalothorax length 1.97, width 1.27; abdomen length 2.23, width 1.91. Length / width of carapace = 1.55 in ratio. Diameter of eyes in ratio, eyes in ratio, AME: ALE: PME: PLE = 4: 6: 5: 6. MOA-L: MOA-AW: MOA-PW: 0.41: 0.36: 0.21. Clypeus height 0.05. Chelicera length 0.89. Measurements of palpus and legs: palpus 1.57 (0.49, 0.23, 0.31, 0.54), leg I 7.06 (2.23, 2.54, 1.59, 0.70), leg II 5.59 (1.84, 1.97, 1.21, 0.57), leg III 2.92 (0.95, 0.95, 0.64, 0.38), leg IV 3.69 (1.40, 1.08, 0.76, 0.45). Carapace light brown, both sides of carapace with brown stripes. Cephalic region dark and elongate, parallel in both sides with an unapparent midline. Cervical grooves and radial furrows conspicuous, thoracic groove radial shaped. Both eye rows slightly recurved, and eyes with black margins. Chelicerae brown, with 3 promarginal and 3 retromarginal teeth. Labium and maxillae brown. Sternum light brown, with some dark markings. Legs light brown, surface covered with some spines. Legs III and IV with some annular dark markings. Leg formula: 1-2-4-3. Dorsum of abdomen with four mound-shaped processes, center with one pair of sigillae. Upper edge of epigynum M-shaped, spermatheca crutch-shaped.


Male (NTNUB-Ar 6994). Total length 4.20: cephalothorax length 2.29, width 1.40; abdomen length 1.91, width 1.65, length / width of carapace = 1.64 in ratio. Diameter of eyes in ratio, AME: ALE: PME: PLE = 6: 4: 5: 6. MOA-L: MOA-AW: MOA-PW: 0.41: 0.39: 0.21. Clypeus height 0.08. Chelicera length 1.34. Measurements of palpus and legs: palpus 1.66 (0.62, 0.21, 0.26, 0.57), leg I 10.30 (3.24, 3.69, 2.48, 0.89), leg II 7.25 (2.42, 2.54, 1.59, 0.70), leg III 3.43 (1.27, 1.14, 0.70, 0.32), leg IV 3.82 (1.40, 1.34, 0.70, 0.38). Male similar to female in coloration, body markings, eye arrangement and body size. Chelicerae brown, with 2 promarginal and 3 retromarginal teeth. Male palpus slender, with a cymbial basal process, surface of paracymbium bearing with some fine hairs. Sperm ducts winding and visible through tegulum; conductor milky in color, originated from upper portion of tegulum.

Variations. Measurements for 5 females followed by those of 4 males (mean ± SD in parentheses): Body length 3.88 - 4.96 (4.31 ± 0.40), 3.43 - 4.20 (3.96 ± 0.35). Carapace length 1.71 - 2.04 (1.95 ± 0.13), 1.78 - 2.29 (2.11 ± 0.23); width 1.08 - 1.27 (1.21 ± 0.09), 0.95 - 1.40 (1.24 ± 0.20). Abdomen length 2.16 - 2.93 (2.37 ± 0.32), 1.65 - 1.97 (1.84 ± 0.14); width 1.91 - 2.93 (2.12 ± 0.45), 1.34 - 1.65 (1.49 ± 0.15).


Distribution. Taiwan, Japan.

Remarks. Dolichognatha umbrophila is a small-sized spider of the family Tetragnathidae in Taiwan and distributed mainly in plains, low or middle altitude mountains throughout the entire island. They build their retreats by silks, gravel, or soil grains under woods or grasses.


Genus Menosira Chikuni, 1955 麥蛛屬

Type species: Menosira ornata Chikuni, 1955

Diagnosis. Male palpus of genus Menosira is similar to genera Metellina and Meta, but differs in having the following combination of characters: abdomen of genus Menosira long oval-shaped; dorsum of abdomen in female with some white stripes; 4 retromarginal teeth in both sexes; female epigynum swelled in center; base of cymbium with three processes; top of embolus likes a nail.

Note. Only one species of genus Menosira is known worldwide (Platnick, 2013), and one species M. ornata, is recorded in Taiwan.


Menosira ornata Chikuni, 1955 美麗麥蛛

(Figs. 8A-F, 9A-E, 63) Menosira ornata Chikuni, 1955: 31, f. 2A-H, pl. 4; Namkung, Paik et Yoon, 1972: 93, f. 12; Yaginuma, 1986: 129, f. 69.1; Chikuni, 1989: 92, f. 9; Kim, Kim et Lee, 1999: 51, f. 7, 32, 54; Namkung, 2002: 227, f. 18.14a-c; Kim et Cho, 2002: 317, f. 859-864; Zhu, Song et Zhang, 2003: 60, f. 25A-I, pl. IIE-H; Namkung, 2003: 229, f. 18.14a-c; Tanikawa, 2007c: 96, f. 320-321, 774-775; Kim, Kim et Lee, 2008: 36, f. 7, 32, 32.1-2; Tanikawa, 2009: 406, f. 11-12; Marusik et Kovblyuk, 2011: 235, f. 34.21.

Specimens examined. HSINCHU COUNTY: WUFENG, Kuanwu, alt. 2000 m, 2 females (NTNUB-Ar 49084, 49096), 12-X-2010, Ming-Sheng TSAI leg. NANTOU COUNTY: LENAI, Tunyuan-Yunhai, alt. 2300 m, 1 male (NTNUB-Ar 52696), 25-IX-2010, Tien-Yen YANG leg.; 1 female (NTNUB-Ar 52993), 16-X-2010, Tien-Yen YANG leg.

Diagnosis: Abdomen of female Menosira ornata with some white stripes on dorsum. Epigynum with a trace of X-shaped marking, central swelled, paracymbium of male palpus large and tri-forked.


Description. Female (NTNUB-Ar 49096). Total length 7.25: cephalothorax length 2.80, width 2.04; abdomen length 4.45, width 2.48. Length / width of carapace = 1.38 in the ratio. Diameter of eyes in ratio, AME: ALE: PME: PLE = 1: 1: 1: 1. MOA-L: MOA-AW: MOA-PW: 0.44: 0.41: 0.44. Clypeus height 0.15. Chelicera length 1.40. Measurements of palpus and legs: palpus 3.76 (1.20, 0.36, 0.92, 1.28); leg I 19.99 (5.08, 6.61, 6.15, 2.15); leg II 14.61 (4.00, 5.08, 4.15, 1.38); leg III 7.53 (2.61, 2.46, 1.69, 0.77); leg IV 10.92 (3.38, 3.85, 2.77, 0.92). Carapace light brown, with a dark marking from ocular region to rear of carapace, forepart of marking with three forks, and both sides of carapace with an undulated brown stripe. Cervical grooves and radial furrows conspicuous. Both eye rows recurved, and eyes with black margins. Chelicerae dark brown, with 3 promarginal and 4 retromarginal teeth. Labium, maxillae brown and sternum light brown. Leg segments light brown, surface of those covered with many long spines, and the spines below the legs especially long. Leg formula: 1-2-4-3. Abdomen long oval shaped, and mid-line of dorsum with some vary sized white stripes. Epigynum brown, with a trace of X-shaped marking, central swelled; vulva with two pairs of sclerotized spermatheca.


Male (NTNUB-Ar 52696). Total length 6.17: cephalothorax length 2.86, width 1.72; abdomen length 3.31, width 1.34, length / width of carapace = 1.67 in the ratio. Diameter of eyes in ratio, AME: ALE: PME: PLE = 1: 1: 1: 1. MOA-L: MOA-AW: MOA-PW: 0.41: 0.41: 0.41. Clypeus height 0.15. Chelicera length 1.34. Measurements of palpus and legs: palpus 2.60 (1.08, 0.32, 0.48, 0.72); leg I 21.99 (5.54, 7.23, 6.92, 2.30); leg II 16.30 (4.46, 5.69, 4.61, 1.54); leg III 7.99 (2.61, 2.61, 2.00, 0.77); leg IV 12.00 (3.69, 4.00, 3.23, 1.08). Male similar to female in coloration, and arrangement of eyes, external features and formula, but the dorsum of abdomen without white stripes, and body size smaller than female. Chelicerae brown, with 3 promarginal and 4 retromarginal teeth. Labium, maxillae brown and sternum light brown. Paracymbium of male palpus huge, base of cymbium with three processes, top of embolus likes a nail.

Variations. Measurements for 3 females (mean ± SD in parentheses): Body length 7.06 - 7.19 (7.10 ± 0.07). Carapace length 2.61 - 2.80 (2.71 ± 0.10); width 1.91 - 2.04 (1.97 ± 0.06). Abdomen length 4.45; width 1.97 - 2.54 (2.33 ± 0.31).


Distribution. China, Korea, Japan and Taiwan (new record).

Remarks. Menosira ornata is a newly recorded species in Taiwan. It is distributed in mountains above 2,000 m. Mature males were found in September.


Genus Meta C. L. Koch, 1836 后蛛屬

Type species: Aranea menardii Latreille, 1804a

Diagnosis. Genus Meta resembles genera Metleucauge and Meteillina, but differs in having a globular abdomen in most members, copulatory openings located at rear end of epigynum, instead of at center of epigynum of the latter genera. Spermatheca well sclerotized; conductor and embolus of male palpus well sclerotized; base of cymbium with different shaped processes.

Note. Totally 34 species of genus Meta are known worldwide (Platnick,

2013), and 6 species are recorded in Taiwan.


Key to species of genus Meta from Taiwan. 1. Male…….…………………………………………..…………………2 Female….…………………………………………………………..…5

2. Tip of cymbium not forked………...……M. nigridorsalis (黑背后蛛)

Tip of cymbium forked………...... ………..3 3. Base of cymbium bearing a process, with a bumpy upper edge......

...... ………...…...... M. alishanensis sp. nov. (阿里山后蛛)

Base of cymbium bearing a process, upper edge not bumpy...... 4 4. Base of cymbium with two different sized chubby processes.

...... M. kueilinensis sp. nov. (檜林后蛛)

Base of cymbium with a clavate process......

...... M. taiwanica sp. nov. (台灣后蛛)

5. Median septum of epigynum thick, two pairs of spermathecae......

...... ………...... …M. laisheshanensis sp. nov. (來社山后蛛)

Median septum of epigynum thin, one pair of spermathecae ...... ……6 6. Both spermathecae close or in contact…………...…..…………...…..7 Both spermathecae widely separated......

...... M. taiwanica sp. nov. (台灣后蛛)

7. Median septum becoming narrow gradually toward genital groove, and a Y-shape sclerotized plate on both sides......

...... M. wuluensis sp. nov. (霧鹿后蛛)

Top of median septum of epigynum thinner most, and sclerotized

plate on both sides not Y-shaped.M. kueilinensis sp. nov. (檜林后蛛)


Meta alishanensis Tsai et Chen, sp. nov. 阿里山后蛛

(Figs. 10A-E, 64) Type series. Holotype: male (NTNUB-Ar 26391), Alishan, ALISHAN, CHIAYI COUNTY, alt. 2200 m, 9-VIII-2004, Wen-Jean HUANG leg.

Diagnosis. Meta alishanensis sp. nov. is most similar to M. taiwanica sp. nov. by the external appearance, but can be distinguished from the latter by having the base of cymbium bearing a process, with a bumpy upper edge, and a nearby another small tubercular apophysis, instead of bearing a clavate process of the latter.

Description. Male (holotype). Total length 4.80: cephalothorax length 2.40, width 1.60; abdomen length 2.40, width 1.80. Length / width of carapace = 1.50 in the ratio. Diameter of eyes in ratio, AME: ALE: PME: PLE = 1: 1: 1: 1. MOA-L: MOA-AW: MOA-PW: 0.41: 0.49: 0.54. Clypeus height 0.13. Chelicera length 1.56. Measurements of palpus and legs: palpus 2.56 (0.72, 0.28, 0.28, 1.28), leg I 12.77 (3.39, 4.77, 3.08, 1.23), leg II 8.91 (2.61, 3.53, 1.85, 0.92), leg III 4=5.84 (2.00, 1.69, 1.38, 0.77), leg IV 7.24 (2.31, 2.31, 1.85, 0.77). Carapace light brown; cephalic region with an unclear midline, with a pair of minute dents on both sides. Cervical grooves conspicuous, but radial furrows not clear; thoracic groove radiate. Both


eye rows slightly recurved; eyes with black margins, and a brown banded stripe behind PLEs. Chelicerae brown, with 1 promarginal tooth and 4 retromarginal teeth. Labium, maxillae and sternum brown. Legs light brown, each segment covered with few short spines, with few black spots on femur and tibia and more than three dark annulations on tibia and metatarsus. Leg formula: 1-2-4-3. Abdomen oval-shaped, dorsum with a white triangular marking in front, with a pair of white markings on both sides of central and posterior region, and with some lateral folds in behind. Tibia with two thick hairs, different in length. Tip of cymbium forked, paracymbium ivory-white, covered with some thin hairs; base of cymbium bearing a process, and with a bumpy upper edge, and a nearby another small tubercular apophysis. Shape of conductor as shown in Figs 10B and C.

Distribution. Taiwan

Etymology. The specific name is derived from the type locality Alishan, Taiwan, where the new species was discovered.

Remarks. Up to the present, Meta alishanensis sp. nov. can only be found at the type locality in Chiayi county.


Meta kueilinensis Tsai et Chen, sp. nov. 檜林后蛛

(Figs. 11A-E, 12A-D, 64) Type series. Holotype: male (NTNUB-Ar 32034), Kueilin, HSIULIN, HUALIEN COUNTY, alt. 2150 m, 14-IX-2006, Shyh-Hwang CHEN leg. Paratype: 3 males and 1 female (NTNUB-Ar 32036-32039), 2 females (NTNUB-Ar 32286, 32287), data same as in holotype.

Diagnosis. Meta kueilinensis sp. nov. is most similar to M. taiwanica sp. nov. by the external appearance, but can be distinguished from the latter by having the female epigynum with an oval-shaped hollow area in center to which divided in middle by a median septum, and vulva with two spermathecae tightly in contact to form a circle; the male palpus with two different sized chubby processes on base of cymbium.

Description. Male (holotype). Total length 5.20: cephalothorax length 2.60, width 1.88; abdomen length 2.60, width 2.08, length / width of carapace = 1. 38 in the ratio. Diameter of eyes in ratio, AME: ALE: PME: PLE = 1: 1: 1: 1. MOA-L: MOA-AW: MOA-PW: 0.36: 0.44: 0.44. Clypeus height 0.15. Chelicera length 1.64. Measurements of palpus and legs: palpus 3.16 (0.76, 0.36, 0.32, 1.72), leg I 15.80 (4.40, 5.50, 4.30, 1.60), leg II 11.40 (3.50, 3.80, 2.90, 1.20), leg III 6.80 (2.30, 2.00, 1.70, 0.80), leg IV 9.10 (3.00, 2.80,


2.40, 0.90). Carapace light brown, with irregular brown stripes on both sides. Cephalic region with an unapparent midline, both sides of that with a pair of little dents. Cervical grooves conspicuous but radial furrows inconspicuous, thoracic groove radiate. Both eye rows slightly recurved, eyes with black margins, behind PLEs with a brown banded stripe. Chelicerae dark brown, with 1 promarginal teeth and 3 retromarginal teeth. Labium, maxillae dark brown and sternum brown. Leg segments brown, except for femura which are light brown, each of those covered with few short spines, surface of femura and tibiae covered with some black spots, tibia and metatarsi with more than three dark annulations. Leg formula: 1-2-4-3. Abdomen globular, central abdomen with an unapparent midline, posterior abdomen with some lateral folds. Tip of cymbium forked; paracymbium ivory-white, covered with some thin hairs; base of cymbium with two different sized chubby processes; shape of conductor as shown in Figs. 12A and B.

Female (one paratype, NTNUB-Ar 32287). Total length 7.20: cephalothorax length 2.88, width 1.96; abdomen length 4.32, width 3.92. Length / width of carapace = 1.47 in the ratio. Diameter of eyes in ratio, AME: ALE: PME: PLE = 1: 1: 1: 1. MOA-L: MOA-AW: MOA-PW: 0.44: 0.49: 0.52. Clypeus height 0.26. Chelicera length 1.60. Measurements of palpus and legs: palpus 3.24 (0.96, 0.32, 0.68, 1.28), leg I 12.10 (3.50, 4.20, 3.00, 1.40), leg II 9.30 (2.70, 3.30, 2.20, 1.10), leg III 5.60 (1.80, 1.70, 1.30, 0.80), leg IV 7.70 (2.50, 2.50, 1.80, 0.90). Female similar to male in coloration, body markings, eye


arrangement, leg formula and features, but with a larger body size. Chelicerae with 3 promarginal teeth and 4 retromarginal teeth. Epigynum lip-shaped, central epigynum with an oval-shaped hollow area, which divided in middle by a median septum, top of median septum thinner, vulva with two spermathecae which tightly in contact to form a circle.

Variations. Measurements for 4 males followed by those of 3 females (mean ± SD in parentheses): Body length 4.92 - 5.32 (5.11 ± 0.18), 7.20 - 7.60 (7.37 ± 0.21). Carapace length 2.36 - 2.60 (2.54 ± 0.12), 2.80 - 3.20 (2.96 ± 0.21); width 1.72 - 1.88 (1.83 ± 0.08), 1.96 - 2.20 (2.12 ± 0.14). Abdomen length 2.40 - 2.72 (2.57 ± 0.13), 4.32 - 4.52 (4.41 ± 0.10); width 1.96 - 2.16 (2.08 ± 0.09), 3.92 - 4.32 (4.08 ± 0.21).

Distribution. Taiwan

Etymology. The specific name is derived from the type locality Kueilin, Taiwan, where the new species was discovered.

Remarks. Up to the present, Meta kueilinensis sp. nov. can only be found at the type locality in Hualien county, where M. kueilinensis sp. nov. and M. taiwanica sp. nov. are distributed sympatrically.


Meta laisheshanensis Tsai et Chen, sp. nov. 來社山后蛛

(Figs. 13A-E, 64) Type series. Holotype: female (NTNUB-Ar 15459), Laisheshan, LAIYI, PINTUNG COUNTY, alt. 1854 m, 10-I-2003, Her-Ming CHANG leg.

Diagnosis. Meta laisheshanensis sp. nov. is most similar to M. taiwanica sp. nov. by external appearance, but differs in having a very thick median septum in female epigynum and having two pairs of spermatheca, instead of one pair of the latter.

Description. Female (holotype). Total length 6.60: cephalothorax length 2.40, width 1.84; abdomen length 4.20, width 3.88. Length / width of carapace = 1.30 in the ratio. Diameter of eyes in ratio, AME: ALE: PME: PLE = 1: 1: 1: 1. MOA-L: MOA-AW: MOA-PW: 1: 1: 1. Clypeus height 0.13. Chelicera length 1.20. Measurements of palpus and legs: palpus 2.76 (0.80, 0.28, 0.56, 1.12), leg I 10.92 (2.77, 4.00, 2.77, 1.38), leg II 8.29 (2.30, 2.92, 2.15, 0.92), leg III 4.77 (1.54, 1.38, 1.08, 0.77), leg IV 6.92 (2.46, 2.15, 1.54, 0.77). Carapace light brown, with thin brown stripes on both sides. Cephalic region with an unapparent midline. Cervical grooves conspicuous but radial furrows inconspicuous; thoracic groove radiate. Both eye rows slightly recurved; eyes with black margins, and a brown


banded stripe behind PLEs. Chelicerae dark brown, with 3 promarginal teeth and 4 retromarginal teeth. Labium, maxillae and sternum dark brown. Leg segments brown, except for femura light brown; surface of femur and tibia covered with some black spots, tibia and metatarsus with more than three dark annulations. Leg formula: 1-2-4-3. Abdomen globular, dorsum of abdomen with a gray arrowhead marking, a pair of sigillas in center , and with some lateral folds in behind. Epigynum lip-shaped, median septum thick, with two pairs of spermathecae, top of outside one spermatheca divided into two rooms.

Male. Unkown.

Distribution. Taiwan

Etymology. The specific name is derived from the type locality Laisheshan, Taiwan, where the new species was discovered.

Remarks. Up to now, Meta laisheshanensis sp. nov. was only found at the type locatily, in the middle altitude of the Southern Central Mountain Range.


Meta nigridorsalis Tanikawa, 1994 黑背后蛛

(Figs. 14A-E, 64) Meta nigridorsalis Tanikawa, 1994: 66, f. 1-10; Zhu, Song et Zhang, 2003: 63, f. 26A-F, 27A-H, pl. IIIA-D; Tanikawa, 2007: 97, f. 323-324, 778-779; Tanikawa, 2009: 407, f. 15-16.

Specimens examined. HUALIEN COUNTY: FULI, Loshan, alt. 400 m, 1 male (NTNUB-Ar 60968), 17-XII-2010, Wen-Jean HUANG leg.

Diagnosis. Meta nigridorsalis resembles M. wuluensis sp. nov. by the elongated abdomen, but can be distinguished from the latter by having a wavy abdomen on both sides, tip of cymbium of male palpus not forked, and base of cymbium with two equal sized furcate processes.

Description. Female (Not examined). Epigynum transversely elliptical in shape and slightly concaved anteriorly. Spermatheca connected with thick fertilization tubes. (See Zhu, Song et Zhang, 2003)


Male (NTNUB-Ar 60968). Total length 6.00: cephalothorax length 2.80, width 1.92; abdomen length 3.20, width 1.76. Length / width of carapace = 1.46 in the ratio. Diameter of eyes in ratio, AME: ALE: PME: PLE = 1: 1: 1: 1. MOA-L: MOA-AW: MOA-PW: 0.54: 0.44: 0.39. Clypeus height 0.03. Chelicera length 1.60. Measurements of palpus and legs: palpus 2.20 (0.64, 0.28, 0.48, 0.80); leg I 13.06 (3.69, 4.61, 3.38, 1.38), leg II 10.14 (2.92, 3.53, 2.61, 1.08), leg III 4.93 (1.69, 1.54, 1.08, 0.62), leg IV 6.76 (2.15, 2.46, 1.38, 0.77). Carapace light brown, both sides and posterior margin of carapace with wide brown stripes. Cephalic region with a blurred midline and a pair of spots on both sides of its midway. Cervical grooves and radial furrows conspicuous; thoracic groove ovate in shape. Bothr eye rows slightly recurved, eyes with small black margin. Chelicerae light brown, with 2 promarginal and 4 retromarginal teeth. Labium dark brown, maxillae and sternum brown. Legs brown and each leg segment present few black short spines, and present dark annulations on proximal, middle and distal end of each segment. Leg formula: 1-2-4-3. Abdomen black, lighter anteriorly, elliptical shape, and wavy on both sides, dorsum of abdomen with 3 to 4 pairs of sigillae and posterior edge of that with some lateral folds. Top of cymbium blunt without fork, paracymbium ivory-white, covered with some thin hairs, base of cymbium with two equal sized furcate processes, conductor hook-shaped.


Distribution. China, Japan and Taiwan (new record).

Remarks. Tanikawa (1994) indicated that the generic status of M. nigridorsalis is not clear, because features of abdomen and palpal organ are similar to those members of genus Metellina. However, Tanikawa placed it in genus Meta based on following features: chelicera with 4 retromarginal teeth; epigynum with copulatory openings on posterior end; and male palpus rather sclerotized. Unfortunately, only one male specimen was available for the present study. I follow the opinion of Tanikawa (1994), keeping M. nigridorsalis in genus Meta.


Meta taiwanica Tsai et Chen, sp. nov. 台灣后蛛

(Figs.15A-E, 16A-D, 64) Type series. Holotype: male (NTNUB-Ar 61124), Yunhai, JENAI, NANTOU COUNTY, alt. 1900 m, 5-VIII-2010, Shyh-Hwang CHEN leg. Paratype: 3 males, (NTNUB-Ar 61024, 61125, 61126), data same as in holotype, 6 females (NTNUB-Ar 61058-61062, 61065), Tienchih, JENAI, NANTOU COUNTY, alt. 2860 m, 6-VIII-2010, Shyh-Hwang CHEN leg.

Other specimens examined. NANTOU COUNTY: JENAI, Meifeng, alt. 2100 m. 1 female (NTNUB-Ar 14958), 9-VI-2001, Shyh-Hwang CHEN leg.; JENAI, Meifeng, alt. 2100 m. 1 female (NTNUB-Ar 10816), 24-VIII-2001, Shyh-Hwang CHEN leg.; JENAI, Tienchih, alt. 2860 m, 6 females (NTNUB-Ar 61058-61062, 61065), 6-VIII-2010, Shyh-Hwang CHEN leg. TAICHUNG COUNTY: HOPING, Szuyuanyakou, alt. 1984 m, 4 females (NTNUB-Ar 22284-22286), 6-XII-2003, Wen-Jean HUANG leg. HUALIEN COUNTY: HSIULIN, Kueilin, alt. 2150 m, 1 female (NTNUB-Ar 32035), 9-IX-2006, Shyh-Hwang CHEN leg.

Diagnosis. Meta taiwanica sp. nov. is most similar to M. laisheshanensis sp. nov. by the external appearance, but differs in having a thiner median septum in female epigynum, and base of cymbium with a clavate fork.


Description. Male (holotype). Total length 5.08: cephalothorax length 2.28, width 1.84; abdomen length 2.80, width 2.32, length / width of carapace = 1.24 in the ratio. Diameter of eyes in ratio, AME: ALE: PME: PLE = 1: 1: 1: 1. MOA-L: MOA-AW: MOA-PW: 0.44: 0.44: 0.46. Clypeus height 0.10. Chelicera length 1.60. Measurements of palpus and legs: palpus 2.88 (0.92, 0.32, 0.32, 1.32), leg I 16.70 (4.60, 6.00, 4.50, 1.60), leg II 12.10 (3.50, 4.20, 3.20, 1.20), leg III 6.50 (2.20, 1.80, 1.70, 0.80), leg IV 9.00 (2.90, 3.00, 2.20, 0.90). Carapace brown, both sides of carapace with thin brown stripes. Cephalic region with a blurred midline. Cervical grooves conspicuous but radial furrows inconspicuous, thoracic groove radiate. Both eye rows slightly recurved; eyes with black margins, and a brown band behind PLEs. Chelicerae dark brown, with 1 promarginal and 4 retromarginal teeth. Labium, maxillae and sternum dark brown. Legs brown, except for femura which light brown, surface of femur and tibia covered with some black spots, tibia and metatarsus with more than three dark annulations. Leg formula:1-2-4-3. Abdomen globular in shape, dorsum of abdomen with a white crisscross marking and two pairs of sigillae, and following by a pair of white markings. Tip of cymbium forked, paracymbium ivory-white, covered with some thin hairs, base of cymbium with a clavate process; shape of conductor as shown in Figs. 16A and B.


Female (one paratype, NTNUB-Ar 61058). Total length 7.36: cephalothorax length 2.96, width 2.00; abdomen length 4.40, width 4.36. Length / width of carapace = 1.48 in the ratio. Diameter of eyes in ratio, AME: ALE: PME: PLE = 1: 1: 1: 1. MOA-AW: MOA-PW:0.49: 0.42: 0.52. Clypeus height 0.21. Chelicera length 1.36. Measurements of palpus and legs: palpus 3.08 (0.92, 0.36, 0.60, 1.20), leg I 11.90 (3.30, 4.20, 3.00, 1.40), leg II 8.90 (2.50, 3.30, 2.20, 0.90), leg III 5.30 (1.80, 1.50, 1.20, 0.80), leg IV 7.70 (2.40, 2.70, 1.70, 0.90). Female similar to male in coloration, body markings, eye arrangement, leg formula and features, but with larger body size. Chelicerae with 3 promarginal and 4 retromarginal teeth. Epigynum lip-shaped, median septum thinner in middle, copulatory duct connect with a pair of sclerotized spermatheca, which forepart swollen.

Variations. Measurements for 4 males followed by those of 5 females (mean ± SD in parentheses): Body length 4.80 - 5.16 (5.04 ± 0.16), 5.72 - 7.36 (6.68 ± 0.70). Carapace length 2.28 - 2.56 (2.45 ± 0.12), 2.24 - 3.00 (2.70 ± 0.31); width 1.80 - 1.92 (1.85 ± 0.05), 1.64 - 2.16 (1.90 ± 0.21). Abdomen length 2.32 - 2.80 (2.59 ± 0.20), 3.48 - 4.40 (3.98 ± 0.39); width 2.00 - 2.32 (2.18 ± 0.14), 3.36 - 4.60 (3.84 ± 0.58).


Distribution. Taiwan

Etymology. The specific name is derived from Taiwan, where the new species was discovered.

Remarks. Meta taiwanica sp. nov. is distributed in central Taiwan at the high altitude mountains more than 1900 meters. Furthermore, Meta taiwanica sp. nov. and M. kueilinensis sp. nov. are distributed at kueilin, Hualien County sympatrically.


Meta wuluensis Tsai et Chen, sp. nov. 霧鹿后蛛

(Figs. 17A-E, 64) Type series. Holotype: female (NTNUB-Ar 24642), Wulu, HAITUAN, TAITUNG COUNTY, alt. 2250 m, 26-I-2004, Shyh-Hwang CHEN leg.

Diagnosis. Both Meta wuluensis sp. nov. and M. nigridorsalis without a globular abdomen, that can be distinguished from other congeners in Taiwan. Meta wuluensis sp. nov. differs from M. nigridorsalis by having a smooth abdomen on both sides; epigynum with a median septum becoming narrow gradually toward genital groove, and a Y-shaped sclerotized plate on both sides.

Description. Female (holotype). Total length 6.00: cephalothorax length 2.60, width 1.68; abdomen length 3.40, width 2.28. Length / width of carapace = 1.55 in the ratio. Diameter of eyes in ratio, AME: ALE: PME: PLE = 6: 7: 8: 7. MOA-L: MOA-AW: MOA-PW: 0.46: 0.46: 0.52. Clypeus height 0.18. Chelicera length 1.20. Measurements of palpus and legs: palpus 3.28 (1.32, 0.32, 0.60, 1.04), leg I 11.23 (3.23, 4.00, 2.92, 1.08), leg II 8.47 (2.31, 2.77, 2.31, 1.08), leg III 5.23 (1.69, 1.54, 1.23, 0.77), leg IV 6.92 (2.31, 2.15, 1.69, 0.77). Carapace light brown, posterior cephalic region dark brown. Both sides of carapace with thin brown stripes. Cephalic region with an a


blurred midline, with a pair of little dents on both sides. Cervical grooves and radial furrows conspicuous, thoracic groove radiate. Both eye rows slightly recurved, eyes with black margins. Chelicerae brown, with 3 promarginal and 4 retromarginal teeth. Labium, maxillae and sternum dark brown. Leg segments brown, except femura which light brown; surface of femur and tibia covered with some black spots; tibia and metatarsus with more than three dark annulations. Leg formula: 1-2-4-3. Abdomen black, lighter anteriorly; widest at 1/3 abdomen in dorsal view. Surface of abdomen rough, dorsum of abdomen with two pairs of sigillae and some lateral folds at rear part of that. Epigynum with a median septum becoming thinner gradually toward genital groove; and a Y-shape sclerotized plate on both sides. Vulva with fertilization tubes behind Y-shape sclerotized plate, both saccate spermathecae colse each other.

Male. Unkown.

Distribution. Taiwan

Etymology. The specific name is derived from the type locality Wulu, Taiwan, where the new species was discovered.


Remarks. Only one female of Meta wuluensis sp. nov. is available for the present study. It needs further investigation in the future to understand its biology.


Subfamily Tetragnathinae Menge, 1866 長腳蛛亞科

Type genus: Tetragnatha Latreille, 1804a

Diagnosis. Members of Tetragnathinae have a pair of prominent chelicerae, with complex teeth. Females lack an epigynum and fertilization tube, whereas males have a long and narrow cymbium, which connected with paracymbium by a joint.

Note. Only one genus Tetragnatha of the subfamily Tetragnathinae is known from Taiwan.


Genus Tetragnatha Latreille, 1804a 長腳蛛屬

Type species: Aranea extensa Linnaeus, 1758

Diagnosis. Members of genus Tetragnatha all have a cylindrical-shaped abdomen, on which covered with many silver scale-shaped flecks; chelicerae of males and part of females well developed, and armed with complicated and different arranged teeth that are species specific.

Note. Totally 345 species of genus Tetragnatha are known worldwide (Platnick, 2013), and 12 species are recorded in Taiwan.


Key to species of genus Tetragnatha from Taiwan. 1. Abdomen much extending over anal tubercle as a tail...... 2 Abdomen not much extending over anal tubercle ...... 3 2. Length of tail about one-fifth of entire abdomen; length of genital cover approximately a half of its width; top of embolus hook-shaped

in male palpus...... T. caudicula (尖尾長腳蛛)

Length of tail about a half of entire abdomen; length of genital cover longer than its width; top of embolus triangular in male palpus......

...... …...... T. javana (爪哇長腳蛛)

3. Male……………………………………………………….…..………4 Female…………………………………………………...…….…….13 4. Conductor of male palp with fold………………………….………...... 5 Conductor of male palp without fold……………………..……...…...6 5. Both lateral eyes separated; middle part of paracymbium narrow, with a V-shaped gap on top; fang with an excrescence on dorsal side, and a

cusp on inner side…………...... …...T. praedonia (前齒長腳蛛)

Both lateral eyes close and located on an eye tubercle; upper edge of paracymbium jagged, with a translucent and sickle-shaped structure

on distal end.………..………...... …...T. ceylonica (錫蘭長腳蛛)

6. Fang with an excrescence on dorsal side near base…….……....……..7 Fang without excrescence……………………………..……………...9 7. Inner side of fang with a cusp; top of conductor curved......

…...... ………………………...….……T. hiroshii (長沼氏長腳蛛)

Inner side of fang without a cusp…………………….……....……….8 59

8. Conductor very long, with a semicircle-shaped apophysis on its top; abdomen with a pair of black spots above spinnerets......

...... T. esakii (江崎長腳蛛)

Top of conductor likes a hook; abdomen with a red stripe on dorsum.

...... T. squamata (綠鱗長腳蛛)

9. Top of nuptial spur forked……………………………...... …….………..10 Top of nuptial spur not forked…………………………...... ………..12 10. Second promarginal tooth normal; first promarginal tooth, anterior shield tooth and nuptial spur close and similar in size; top of conductor translucent scoop-shaped, middle of paracymbium wide.

…………...... ……………...... ….T. nitens (華麗長腳蛛)

Second promarginal tooth giant…………………….……………….11 11. With a small anterior and posterior shield teeth; inner side of fang with a cusp; top of paracymbium with a V-shaped notch......

...... …...... T. maxillosa (日本長腳蛛)

Without a shield tooth; fang without a cusp; top of paracymbium

angular……………………...... …………... T. chauliodus (細長腳蛛)

12. First promarginal tooth largest; top of conductor tongue-shaped; top of

paracymbium with a V-shaped notch...... T. mandibulata (大長腳蛛)

Second promarginal tooth largest; first promarginal tooth some distance away from base of fang; upper part of paracymbium wide,

with a semicircular notch on its top…...……….T. lauta (方網長腳蛛)

13. Vulva with one pair of spermathecae………...……….…..….…..….14


Vulva with two pairs of spermathecae.....…………………..…..…...21 14. Vulva with a posterior sac…………...... ………………….15 Vulva without a posterior sac…….………..……...... ….....20 15. With a giant posterior shield tooth; length/width of genital cover about

3 in ratio...... ……………...….T. mandibulata (大長腳蛛)

Posterior shield tooth small; length/width of genital cover less than 3 in ratio ……………...…...... 16 16. Both spermathecae and posterior sac claviform; abdomen very

attenuated………...……...... …T. chauliodus (細長腳蛛)

Spermathecae and posterior sac not claviform; abdomen not attenuated……...... 17 17. Body green (alive); posterior sac irregular-shaped...... 18 Body not green (alive); posterior sac not irregular-shaped...... 19 18. Length of genital cover slightly longer than its width; dorsum with a pair of black spots above spinnerets......

...... …...... T.esakii (江崎長腳蛛)

Width of genital cover longer than its length; dorsum without a pair of

black spots above spinnerets. …...... …T. hiroshii (長沼氏長腳蛛)

19. First promarginal and retromarginal teeth large, and first promarginal tooth far away from second one; fang without an excrescence......

...... ……….….T. maxillosa (日本長腳蛛)

First promarginal and retromarginal teeth small; fang S-shaped curved, base of fang with an excrescence on lateral side......

...... T. nitens (華麗長腳蛛) 61

20. Body not green (alive), only anteriolateral abdomen covered with silver scale-shaped flecks; both sides of thoracic region with a broad

yellow stripe; spermatheca kidney-shaped……..T. lauta (方網長腳蛛)

Body green (alive), entire abdomen covered with scale-shaped flecks; both sides of thoracic region without a wide stripe; spermatheca

oval-shaped...... T. squameta (綠鱗長腳蛛)

21. Base of fang without an excrescence on dorsal side; both lateral eyes close and located on an eye tubercle, anterior portion of abdomen

significantly uplifted...... …T. ceylonica (錫蘭長腳蛛)

Base of fang with an excrescence on dorsal side; both lateral eyes separated, anterior portion of abdomen slightly uplifted.

………...... ….. T. praedonia (前齒長腳蛛)


Tetragnatha caudicula (Karsch, 1879) 尖尾長腳蛛

(Figs. 18A-G, 19A-F, 65) Eugnatha caudicula Karsch, 1879: 66, pl. 1, f. 4 Eucta caudicula: Simon, 1881: 7; Crome, 1954: 427. f. 4-5, 7, 9; Saito, 1959: 110, f. 132a-h Tetragnatha caudicula: Bösenberg et Strand, 1906: 179, pl. 15, f. 408; Paik et Namkung, 1979: 52, f. 35; Hu, 1984: 140, f. 143.1-3; Hu et Wu, 1985: 96, f. 2.1-12; Okuma, 1988: 167, f. 1A-L; Chikuni, 1989b: 94, f. 16; Hu et Wu, 1989: 112, f. 87.1-12; Chen et Gao, 1990: 79, f. 99a-e; Kurenshchikov, 1994: 58, f. 2-11; Chen, 1996: 115, f. 3A-F; Kim, Kim et Lee, 1999: 63, f. 14, 39, 61, 70-71; Song, Zhu et Chen, 1999: 221, f. 125J, L-O; Hu, 2001: 595, f. 405.1-8; Zhu et al., 2002: 80, f. 2A-N; Namkung, 2002: 222, f. 18.9a-d; Zhu, Song et Zhang, 2003: 122, f. 54A-G, 55A-G; Namkung, 2003: 224, f. 18.9a-d; Tanikawa, 2007: 105, f. 372, 824-827; Kim, Kim et Lee, 2008: 37, f. 8, 27, 27.1-3; Tanikawa, 2009: 414, f. 58-61.

Specimens examined. NEW TAIPEI CITY: HSINTIEN, Ankeng, alt. 20 m, 1 male (NTNUB-Ar 48866), 29-VI-2011, Shyh-Hwang CHEN leg. TAOYUAN COUNTY: YANGMEI, Sanhu, alt. 100 m, 2 females (NTNUB-Ar 13790, 13791), VIII-1984, Shyh-Hwang CHEN leg.; 1 male and 2 females (NTNUB-Ar 8242-8245), 15-XI-1998, Shyh-Hwang CHEN leg. HSINCHU COUNTY: HUKOU, Hukou terrace, alt. 250 m, 1 female (NTNUB-Ar 12211), IV-1987, Shyh-Hwang CHEN leg.


Diagnosis. Tetragnatha caudicula resembles T. javana in having a tail-like terminal abdomen extension , but can be distinguished from the latter (characters in parentheses) by having a tail-like extension about one-fifth times of entire abdomen (half times of it); top of embolus hook-shaped (triangular) in male, base of fang with an excrescence on dorsal side (without an excrescence) in female, and length of genital cover shorter than its width in female (length of genital cover longer than width).

Description. Female (NTNUB-Ar 13790). Total length 13.40: cephalothorax length 2.80, width 1.50; abdomen length 10.60, width 1.50. Length / width of carapace = 1.87 in ratio. Diameter of eyes in ratio, AME: ALE: PME: PLE = 5: 3: 4: 3. MOA-L: MOA-AW: MOA-PW: 0.31: 0.34: 0.41. Clypeus height 0.18. Chelicera length1.40. Measurements of palpus and legs: palpus 3.17 (1.16, 0.39, 0.72, 0.90); leg I 28.00 (8.20, 9.50, 8.80, 1.50); leg II 16.50 (5.30, 5.40, 4.90, 0.90); leg III 7.30 (2.80, 2.00, 1.80, 0.70); leg IV 18.40 (6.50, 6.00, 5.00, 0.90). Carapace light brown; cephalic region long and both sides parallel; width of cephalic region less than that of thoracic region significantly. Cervical grooves and radial furrows conspicuous; upper edge of fovea “︹”-shaped. Both eye rows recurved, and posterior eye row strongly recurved. Eyes surrounded with black margins. Chelicerae light brown, with a small tumor-shaped apophysis on its base; base of fang with an excrescence on dorsal side; no anterior shield tooth; 7


promarginal teeth, first one largest and separated far from second one, second one slightly smaller than third one, following 4 teeth becoming smaller gradually toward base of chelicera. With a posterior shield tooth and 6 retromarginal teeth, space between first and second retromarginal teeth slightly larger than those of others; all teeth except for the smallest are similar in size. Labium dark brown, maxillae and sternum brown. Legs brown and each leg segment covered with few short black spines. Leg formula: 1-2-4-3. Abdomen cylindrical shaped, posterior end of alongated abdomen exceed spinnerets significantly likes a tail, dorsal and lateral sides of abdomen densely covered with small silver scale-shaped flecks. Dorsum of abdomen with a dark branching midline without flecks. Ventral side of abdomen brown, with few silver scale-shaped flecks; length of genital cover approximately a half times of its width. Vulva with two pairs of spermathecae different in sizes and vertical arrangement.

Male (NTNUB-Ar 48866). Total length 9.40: cephalothorax length 2.50, width 1.40; abdomen length 6.90, width 1.00. Length / width of carapace= 1.79 in ratio. Diameter of eyes in ratio, AME: ALE: PME: PLE = 5: 3: 4: 3. MOA-L: MOA-AW: MOA-PW: 0.34: 0.34: 0.39. Clypeus height 0.15. Chelicera length 1.78. Measurements of palpus and legs: palpus 3.28 (1.41, 0.41, 0.62, 0.83); leg I 27.40 (7.70, 9.20, 9.00, 1.50); leg II 14.90 (4.60, 4.90, 4.50, 0.90); leg III 6.10 (2.20, 1.60, 1.70, 0.60); leg IV 14.70 (5.10, 4.70, 4.10, 0.80). Male similar to female in coloration, markings, arrangement


of eyes and leg formula, but slightly smaller than female in body size. Chelicerae light brown, a nuptial spur with an asymmetric forked distal end located in front of chelicera. With a small anterior shield tooth and 8 promarginal teeth; first two promarginal teeth very small, located at ridge and arranged in line with second retromarginal tooth, third promarginal tooth largest, following five teeth becoming smaller and closer gradually toward base of chelicera; With a posterior shield tooth, and 7 retromarginal teeth, first tooth largest and separated far from second tooth, following 6 teeth similar in sizes and teeth spaces, except for last tooth smaller in size. Conductor of palpus with fold and top of embolus hook-shaped, top of paracymbium obtuse.

Variations. Measurements for 5 females are followed by those of 2 males (mean ± SD in parentheses): Body length 8.70 - 13.40 (10.6 ± 1.90), 8.20 - 9.40 (8.8 ± 0.85). Carapace length 1.90 - 2.80 (2.4 ± 0.32), 2.20 - 2.50 (2.35 ± 0.21); width 1.00 - 1.50 (1.18 ± 0.19), 1.10 - 1.40 (1.25 ± 0.21). Abdomen length 6.30 - 10.60 (8.20 ± 1.68), 6.00 - 6.90 (6.45 ± 0.64); width 0.90 - 1.50 (1.12 ± 0.24), 0.80 - 1.00 (0.90 ± 0.14).


Distribution. China, Japan, Korea, Russia and Taiwan.

Remarks. Tetragnatha caudicula is not common in Taiwan. Only few sporadical records were found in northern and central parts of Taiwan. They often inhabit in grass near farms or ditches.


Tetragnatha ceylonica Cambridge, 1869 錫蘭長腳蛛

(Figs. 20A-G, 21A-F, 66) Tetragnatha ceylonica O. P.-Cambridge, 1869: 394, pl. 13, f. 83-88; Okuma, 1968b: 99, f. 2A-F; 1976: 45, f. 1-9; 1977: 32, f. 10-11; Yaginuma, 1986: 133, f. 71.4; Okuma, 1987: 48, f. 6A-I; 1988: 170, f. 3A-L; Okuma et Dippenaar-Schoeman, 1988: 227, f. 5A-L; Okuma et al., 1993: 43, f. 39A-G; T. c. Barrion et Litsinger, 1995: 513, f. 315a-g, 316a-m; Song, Zhu et Chen, 1999: 221, f. 125K, P-S; Yoo et Kim, 2002: 25, f. 14; Zhu, Song et Zhang, 2003: 125, f. 57A-G, 58A-G; Saaristo, 2003: 23, f. 22, 26; Tanikawa, 2007: 106, 378-380, 835-838; Tanikawa, 2009: 414, f. 69-72 Tetragnatha latifrons Thorell, 1877: 434 Tetragnatha fronto Thorell, 1890a: 214 Tetragnatha tridens Thorell, 1898: 328. Tetragnatha gracilis Merian, 1911: 181, f. K-P.; Gravely, 1921: 427, 436, f. 1 Tetragnatha modesta Hirst, 1911: 385, f. 2; Benoit, 1978: 666, f. 2A-C Tetragnatha eitapensis Strand, 1913: 115; 1915: 196, pl. 15, f. 40; Chrysanthus, 1975: 6, f. 4-7


Specimens examined. TAIPEI CITY: NEIHU, Neikou Stream, alt. 50 m, 1 male and 1 female (NTNUB-Ar 47358, 47359), 14-X-2011, Ming-Sheng TSAI leg.; WENSHAN, Chihnankung, alt. 150 m, 3 females (NTNUB-Ar 21829-21831), 31-XII-2003, Shyh-Hwang CHEN leg. NEW TAIPEI CITY: HSINTIEN, Yinghotung, alt. 100 m, 1 female (NTNUB-Ar 8363), 6-I-1999, Jui-Lung HSIAO leg.; KUNGLIAO, Fulung, alt. 100 m, 1 male and 1 female (NTNUB-Ar 60177, 60178), 28-IX-2010, Wen-Chun HUANG leg.; SHIHTING, Feitsui Reservoir, alt. 170 m, 1 male (NTNUB-Ar 10001), 8-IV-2000, Shyh-Hwang CHEN leg. MIAOLI COUNTY: TSAOCHIAO, Hsientsaikeng, alt. 100 m, 1 male (NTNUB-Ar 47213), 13-VIII-2010, Ming-Che GUO leg. NANTOU COUNTY: Sun-moon Lake, alt. 700 m, 1 male (NTNUB-Ar 18634), 3-VIII-2003, Shyh-Hwang CHEN leg. TAINAN CITY: NANHUA, wushan, alt. 300 m, 1 male (NTNUB-Ar 26451), 12-VIII-2004, Shyh-Hwang CHEN leg.; PAIHO, Kuantzeling, alt. 350 m, 1 male and 2 females (NTNUB-Ar 10385-10387), 6-IV-2000, Yi-Ting CHEN leg.; TANEI, Choumalai, alt. 50 m, 1 male (NTNUB-Ar 10996), 29-VIII-2001, Shyh-Hwang CHEN leg. PINTUNG COUNTY: MANCHOU, Nanshan Village, alt. 320 m, 2 females (NTNUB-Ar 13505-13506), 12-IX-1984, Shyh-Hwang CHEN leg.; 1 female (NTNUB-Ar 21474), 18-IX-1983, Shyh-Hwang CHEN leg. ILAN COUNTY: TALI, 1 female (NTNUB-Ar 21714), 12-VIII-1996, Wen-Chun HUANG leg. HUALIEN COUNTY: FULI, Loshan, alt. 400 m, 1 female (NTNUB-Ar 60940), 17-XII-2010, Wen-Chun HUANG leg.; SHOUFENG, Chihhsueh, alt. 50 m, 1 male


(NTNUB-Ar 33514), 30-VIII-2010, Chen-Yu HUANG leg.; Liyu lake, alt. 300 m, 5 females (NTNUB-Ar 13041-13045), 3-III-1996, Wen-Chun HUANG leg.; 1 female (NTNUB-Ar 24935), 1-III-2003, Hon-Zen WEI leg.; YULI, Antung, alt. 150 m, 2 males and 1 female (NTNUB-Ar 11726-11728), 22-VI-2002, Shyh-Hwang CHEN leg.; 1 male (NTNUB-Ar 24858), 31-VII-2004, Wen-Chun HUANG leg. TAITUNG COUNTY: KUANSHAN, Changlin, alt. 400 m, 1 female (NTNUB-Ar 63408), 11-III-2010, Wen-Chun HUANG leg.; LANYU, Chung-ai Bridge, alt. 10 m, 1 female (NTNUB-Ar 11868), 27-X-2000, Wen-Chun HUANG leg.; 1 male and 1 female (NTNUB-Ar 11959-11960), 14-I-2001, Wen-Chun HUANG leg.; 1 female (NTNUB-Ar 12946), 4-II-2001, Wen-Chun HUANG leg.; PEINAN, Chiafeng, alt. 150 m,1 male and 4 females (NTNUB-Ar 10954-10958), 27-VIII-2001, Shyh-Hwang CHEN leg.; Chihpen, alt. 150 m, 1 female (NTNUB-Ar 44678), 18-IV-2010, Lo-Hsuan CHUNG leg.; TAJEN, Tawu Stream , alt. 10 m, 3 females (NTNUB-Ar 13997-13999), 5-IX-1993, Shyh-Hwang CHEN leg.; Tupan, alt. 740 m, 1 male and 1 female (NTNUB-Ar 14198, 14199), 17-VIII-2002, Shyh-Hwang CHEN leg.; TAWU, Chialopan, alt. 100 m, 1 female (NTNUB-Ar 11430), 4-II-1994, Shyh-Hwang CHEN leg.; TUNGHO, Taiyuan, alt. 100 m, 1 female (NTNUB-Ar 22103), 3-I-2004, Wen-Chun HUANG leg.; 1 male and 1 female (NTNUB-Ar 18305, 18306), 27-VI-2003, Shyh-Hwang CHEN leg.; Tulan, alt. 100 m, 2 females (NTNUB-Ar 14305, 14306), 14-VIII-2002, Shyh-Hwang CHEN leg.; 1 female (NTNUB-Ar 24335), 25-IV-2004, Shyh-Hwang CHEN leg.


Diagnosis. Tetragnatha ceylonica most resembles T. praedonia in external appearance of female genital cover and arrangement of spermatheca, but can be distinguished from the latter (characters in parentheses) by having both lateral eyes close and located on an eye tubercle (lateral eyes not close), anterior part of abdomen uplifted significantly in female (anterior part of abdomen uplifted slightly), and the upper edge of paracymbium of male palp jagged (not jagged), with a translucent and sickle-shaped structure on top of paracymbium (without any protrudent structure).

Description. Female (NTNUB-Ar 60940). Total length 11.00: cephalothorax length 3.00, width 1.30; abdomen length 8.00, width 2.30. Length / width of carapace = 1.67 in ratio. Diameter of eyes in ratio, AME: ALE: PME: PLE = 5: 3: 5: 5. MOA-L: MOA-AW: MOA-PW: 0.39: 0.44: 0.67. Clypeus height 0.10. Chelicera length 1.78. Measurements of palpus and legs: palpus 3.28 (1.21, 0.31, 0.72, 1.03); leg I 22.30 (6.50, 7.60, 6.70, 1.50); leg II 12.60 (4.00, 4.30, 3.40, 0.90); leg III 5.80 (1.90, 1.70, 1.50, 0.70); leg IV 13.20(4.60, 4.00, 3.70, 0.90). Carapace light brown, cephalic region uplifted, rear of cephalic region with a yellow spot and posterior edge of central carapace with a pair of yellow spots. Cervical grooves and radial furrows conspicuous , upper edge of fovea “︹”-shaped. Both eye rows slightly recurved. Both lateral eyes closed and located on a protruding eye tubercle. Eyes of posterior eye row surrounded by black margins.


Chelicerae brown. No anterior shield tooth. Cheliceral groove armed with 9 promarginal teeth, first three promarginal teeth larger and interdistance between first three teeth wider than those of following six smaller teeth. A small posterior shield tooth and 9 retromarginal teeth, first and second retromarginal teeth large and some distance apart from third one, spaces of following 7 teeth small, and size of teeth becoming smaller gradually toward base of chelicera, basal 5th and 6th teeth connected. Outer edge of chelicera with an obvious median apophysis in front view and posterior side of chelicera with a small tumor-shaped apophysis near its base. Labium dark brown, maxillae and sternum brown. Legs light brown and each segment of legs covered with a few black spines. Leg formula: 1-2-4-3. Abdomen cylindrical shaped, forepart of abdomen uplifted significantly, rear end of abdomen not exceed spinnerets; dorsal and lateral sides of abdomen densely covered with small silver scale-shaped flecks. Dorsum of abdomen with a dark branching midline without flecks. Venter of abdomen brown, central part with a dark vertical bar in which with few silver scale-shaped flecks. Length of genital cover approximately equal to width of that. Vulva with 2 pairs of spermathecae and a ball-shaped distal end of posterior sac.


Male (NTNUB-Ar 47213). Total length 8.50: cephalothorax length 2.80, width 1.70; abdomen length 5.70, width 1.30. Length / width of carapace = 1.65 in ratio. Diameter of eyes in ratio, AME: ALE: PME: PLE = 5: 3: 5: 5. MOA-L: MOA-AW: MOA-PW: 0.41: 0.44: 0.65. Clypeus height 0.1. Chelicera length 2.23. Measurements of palpus and legs: palpus 4.39 (1.99, 0.46, 0.90, 1.03); leg I 30.40 (8.50, 9.80, 10.50, 1.60); leg II 17.50 (5.80, 5.50, 5.20, 1.00); leg III 7.10 (2.40, 2.00, 2.10, 0.60); leg IV 16.50 (5.60, 4.80, 5.10, 1.00). Male similar to female in coloration, markings, arrangement of eyes and leg formula, but slightly smaller than female in body size, forepart of abdomen of male not uplifted. Chelicerae brown, posterior side of chelicera with a small tumor-shaped apophysis near its base, front chelicerae with a symmetrical forked nuptial spur, with an auxiliary tooth in front of nuptial spur. No anterior shield tooth, 8 promarginal teeth, first tooth located a distance away from base of fang, second tooth largest, and located far from fang furrows, following 6 teeth becoming smaller gradually toward base of chelicera; With a posterior shield tooth and 7 retromarginal teeth, first tooth largest and close to posterior shield tooth, 2nd to 5th teeth similar in size, last two teeth smaller and closer than others. Conductor of palpus with fold and top hook-shaped, upper edge of paracymbium jagged and top with a translucent and sickle-shaped structure.


Variations. Measurements for 5 females are followed by those of 5 males (mean ± SD in parentheses): Body length 8.40 – 11.00 (9.32 ± 1.11), 6.90 - 8.50 (7.82 ± 0.678). Carapace length 2.40 – 3.00 (2.74 ± 0.24), 2.50 - 2.90 (2.66 ± 0.18); width 1.60 - 1.90 (1.74 ± 0.13), 1.30 - 1.70 (1.54 ± 0.17). Abdomen length 5.70 – 8.00 (6.58 ± 0.95), 4.40 - 5.70 (5.16 ± 0.52); width 1.40 - 2.30 (1.82 ± 0.34), 1.20 - 1.40 (1.28 ± 0.08).

Distribution. China, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, New Britain,

Seychelles Philippines, South Africa, Taiwan, Thailand and Vietnam.

Remarks. Tetragnatha ceylonica is a very common species in Taiwan. Mature individuals were found almost in the whole year. They usually use twigs as a framework to build an orb web. Especially there is one of the twigs penetrated through the center of orb web, where spider rests and produces egg sacs.


Tetragnatha chauliodus (Thorell, 1890b) 細長腳蛛

(Figs. 22A-G, 23A-F, 67) Limoxera chauliodus Thorell, 1890b: 292 Tetragnatha chauliodus: Gravely, 1921: 425; Okuma, 1987: 62, f. 15A-E; Okuma, 1988: 196, f. 11A-L; Tanikawa, 1990: 9, f. 1-9; Okuma et al., 1993: 44, f. 40A-G; Song, Zhu et Chen, 1999: 221, f. 126A, G, W-X, 127A-B; Zhu, Song et Zhang, 2003: 128, f. 59A-G, 60A-G; Tanikawa, 2007: 108, f. 401-402, 865-867; Tanikawa, 2009: 416, f. 107-109.

Specimens examined. NANTOU COUNTY: YUCHIH, Sun-moon Lake, alt. 700 m, 1 male and 1 female (NTNUB-Ar 46022, 46027), 20-VIII-2010, Shyh-Hwang CHEN leg. TAINAN CITY: PAIHO, Kuantzeling, alt. 350 m, 2 females (NTNUB-Ar 11234, 11235), 1-I-1998, Shyh-Hwang CHEN leg.; 1 male and 1 female (NTNUB-Ar 10109, 10390), 6-IV-2000, Shyh-Hwang CHEN leg.; 1 female (NTNUB-Ar 11371), 3-IV-2002, Hon-Zen WEI leg. KAOHSIUNG CITY: LIUKUEI, Liukuei, alt. 200 m, 1 female (NTNUB-Ar 11421), 16-IV-1983, Shyh-Hwang CHEN leg. TAITUNG COUNTY: PEINAN, Chiafeng, alt. 150 m, 1 female, (NTNUB-Ar 10950), 27-VIII-2001, Shyh-Hwang CHEN leg.


Diagnosis. Tetragnatha chauliodus most resembles T. maxillosa in having a slim abdomen, the female with several pairs of spots on dorsum of abdomen, and the male having a nuptial spur without a fork and a giant second promarginal tooth, but can be distinguished from the latter (characters in parentheses) in having a shorter genital cover in female, length / width about 1.33 in ratio (longer, length / width about 2.00 in ratio); inner side of fang in male without a cusp (present), angular of paracymbium not forked (forked) and the conductor not folded (folded).

Description. Female (NTNUB-Ar 10390). Total length 10.60: cephalothorax length 2.30, width 1.00; abdomen length 8.30, width 1.00. Length / width of carapace = 2.30 in ratio. Diameter of eyes in ratio, AME: ALE: PME: PLE = 5: 3: 4: 4. MOA-L: MOA-AW: MOA-PW: 0.26: 0.26: 0.31. Clypeus height 0.08. Chelicera length 1.21. Measurements of palpus and legs: palpus 2.40 (0.83, 0.26, 0.59, 0.72); leg I 23.20 (7.00, 7.70, 7.00, 1.50); leg II 12.90 (4.40, 4.00, 3.50, 1.00); leg III 5.70 (2.20, 1.30, 1.50, 0.70); leg IV 14.30(5.20, 4.50, 3.70, 0.90). Carapace brown, cephalic region long and both sides parallel, width of cephalic region less than that of thoracic region. Cervical grooves and radial furrows conspicuous, fovea edge “( )”- shaped. Both eye rows recurved. Around eyes with black margins. Chelicerae brown, inner side of fang with a cusp; anterior shield tooth not present; armed with 6 promarginal teeth, first tooth maximum and very far away from


second one, following five teeth becoming smaller gradually toward base of chelicera; without a posterior shield tooth; armed with 9 retromarginal teeth, first tooth maximum, following eight teeth becoming smaller gradually toward base of chelicera. Labium dark brown, maxillae and sternum brown. Legs light brown and each leg segment covered with few black spines. Leg formula: 1-2-4-3. Abdomen very attenuated, posterior margin of abdomen not exceed spinneret, surface of dorsal and lateral abdomen densely covered with small silver scale-shaped flecks. Dorsum of abdomen with a thin dark midline without flecks and both sides of midline with 5 pairs of symmetrical black spots. Venter of abdomen brown, with a vertical bar, containing few silver scale-shaped flecks in central part. Length of genital cover approximately 4/3 width of that. Vulva with one pair of claviform spermathecae and a claviform posterior sac, top of spermatheca and lung slit at same height.

Male (NTNUB-Ar 10109). Total length 9.40: cephalothorax length 2.10, width 1.00; abdomen length 7.30, width 0.80. Length / width of carapace = 2.10 in ratio. Diameter of eyes in ratio, AME: ALE: PME: PLE = 5: 3: 4: 4. MOA-L: MOA-AW: MOA-PW: 0.26: 0.28: 0.31. Clypeus height 0.13. Chelicera length 1.44. Measurements of palpus and legs: palpus 2.59 (1.03, 0.34, 0.39, 0.83); leg I 23.80 (7.10, 7.90, 7.20, 1.60); leg II 13.40 (4.30, 4.30, 3.80, 1.00); leg III 5.50 (2.10, 1.40, 1.50, 0.50); leg IV 12.90 (4.70, 4.20, 3.10, 0.90). Male similar to female in coloration, markings, arrangement of eyes and leg formula, but slightly smaller than female in body size.


Chelicerae brown, front chelicerae with an asymmetric forked nuptial spur. No anterior shield tooth, with 6 promarginal teeth, first tooth located little distance away from base of fang and tip of tooth pointed forward, second tooth maximum, spaces of first three teeth similar in each other, following three teeth becoming smaller gradually toward base of chelicera. No posterior shield tooth; with 8 retromarginal teeth, first tooth maximum and located at base of fang, second tooth smaller than first one significantly, following six teeth slightly smaller than second tooth, size of those and spaces between each other similar. Conductor of palpus without a fold and top of that sharp; middle paracymbium wide, top of that sharp.

Variations. Measurements for 5 females are followed by those of 2 males (mean ± SD in parentheses): Body length 10.60 - 11.00 (10.9 ± 0.17), 7.50 - 9.40 (8.45 ± 1.34). Carapace length 2.30 - 2.50 (2.44 ± 0.09), 2.10 - 2.30 (2.2 ± 0.14); width 1.00 - 1.20 (1.08 ± 0.08), 1.00 (1.00 ± 0.00). Abdomen length 8.30 - 8.60 (8.46 ± 0.11), 5.20 - 7.30 (6.25 ± 1.48); width 0.90 - 1.10 (0.98 ± 0.08), 0.80 (0.80 ± 0.00).


Distribution. China, Myanmar to New Guinea, Japan and Taiwan.

Remarks. Tetragnatha chauliodus is rare in Taiwan. It is not distributed in northern part of Taiwan, and only sporadically distributed in the rest areas of Taiwan. They often inhabit in grass nearby farms or ditches.


Tetragnatha esakii Okuma, 1988 江崎長腳蛛

(Figs. 24A-G, 25A-F, 68) Tetragnatha esakii Okuma, 1988a: 71, f. 1A-K; Okuma, 1988b: 187, f. 4A-K; Song, Zhu et Chen, 1999: 221, f. 126B, H, 127C-F; Zhu, Song et Zhang, 2003: 132, f. 62A-E, 63A-G

Specimens examined. HUALIEN COUNTY: SHOUFENG, Liyu lake, alt. 300 m, 1 female (NYNUB-Ar 24921), 1-III-2003, Hon-Zen WEI leg.; 1 female (NYNUB-Ar 24904), 2-III-2003, Hon-Zen WEI leg.; YULI, Antung, alt. 150 m, 1 female (NTNUB-Ar 24251), 15-VI-2004, Wen-Chun HUANG leg.; FULI, Loshan, alt. 400 m, 1 male and 3 females (NTNUB-Ar 47347-47350), 1-IV-2011, Wen-Chun HUANG leg. TAITUNG COUNTY: TAJEN, Hsinhsing, alt. 500 m, 1 male (NTNUB-Ar 14512), 18-VIII-2002, Shyh-Hwang CHEN leg.

Diagnosis. Tetragnatha esakii is similar to T. hiroshii by its green body color (alive); females with an irregular-shaped cystic posterior sac in vulva. But it can be distinguished from T. hiroshii (characters in parentheses) in having a pair of black spots above spinnerets (without any spot), conductor of male palpus very long, and a semicircle-shaped apophysis on its top (top of conductor curved); length of genital cover longer than its width (opposite in T. hiroshii).


Description. Female (NTNUB-Ar 47347). Total length 6.52: cephalothorax length 1.80, width 1.04; abdomen length 4.72, width 1.44. Length / width of carapace = 1.73 in ratio. Diameter of eyes in ratio, AME: ALE: PME: PLE = 4: 2: 2: 3. MOA-L: MOA-AW: MOA-PW: 0.26: 0.26: 0.28. Clypeus height 0.13. Chelicera length 0.76. Measurements of palpus and legs: palpus 2.77 (0.88, 0.26, 0.57, 1.06); leg I 15.50 (4.10, 5.10, 4.80, 1.50); leg II 11.20 (3.20, 3.50, 3.50, 1.00); leg III 5.80 (2.00, 1.90, 1.40, 0.50); leg IV 9.70(3.40, 3.10, 2.60, 0.60). Carapace light brown, Cervical grooves and radial furrows conspicuous, fovea edge “( )”- shaped. Both eye rows recurved and posterior eye row strong recurved, around eyes with black margins. Chelicerae light brown. No anterior shield tooth, with 7 promarginal teeth, first three teeth equal sized and located equal distance, following four teeth becoming smaller and closer gradually toward base of chelicera. No posterior shield tooth, with 6 retromarginal teeth, first tooth maximum, following five teeth becoming smaller gradually toward base of chelicera. Labium, maxillae and sternum light brown. Legs light brown, base of each leg segment armed with a few long spines. Leg formula: 1-2-4-3. Abdomen cylindrical shaped, spinnerets not exceed posterior end of abdomen, dorsal and lateral surface of abdomen densely covered with small silver scale-shaped flecks. Dorsum of abdomen with a branching midline without flecks, and present a pair of black spots above spinnerets. Venter of abdomen light brown, with a vertical bar on its center and present few silver scale-shaped flecks. Length of genital cover slightly


longer than its width. Vulva with one pair of long oval-shaped spermathecae and an irregular cystic posterior sac.

Male (NTNUB-Ar 47350). Total length 5.68: cephalothorax length 1.68, width 1.04; abdomen length 4.00, width 0.80. Length / width of carapace = 1.62 in ratio. Diameter of eyes in ratio, AME: ALE: PME: PLE = 4: 2: 2: 3. MOA-L: MOA-AW: MOA-PW: 0.23: 0.21: 0.26. Clypeus height 0.10. Chelicera length 1.56. Measurements of palpus and legs: palpus 2.84 (1.14, 0.23, 0.26, 1.21); leg I 17.60 (4.80, 5.70, 5.50, 1.60); leg II 12.50 (3.90, 4.00, 3.50, 1.10); leg III 5.40 (1.30, 1.90, 1.70, 0.50); leg IV 10.80 (3.80, 3.40, 2.90, 0.70). Male similar to female in coloration, markings, arrangement of eyes and leg formula, but slightly smaller than female in body size. Chelicerae light brown, base of fang with an excrescence on its dorsal side, with a nuptial spur in front of chelicera. Present an anterior shield tooth and 7 promarginal teeth, first tooth maximum, following six teeth becoming smaller gradually toward base of chelicera, compared with spaces of first four teeth: 2nd – 3rd > 1st – 2nd > 3rd – 4th. With a posterior shield tooth and 6 retromarginal teeth, first tooth maximum and near to base of first tooth present a small tooth-shaped apophysis, following five teeth becoming smaller gradually toward base of chelicera. Conductor of palpus very long, without fold and with a semicircle-shaped apophysis on its top; paracymbium with a dark triangular apophysis on lateral side.


Variations. Measurements for 4 females are followed by those of 2 males (mean ± SD in parentheses): Body length 5.08 - 6.84 (6.15 ± 0.77), 4.72 - 5.68 (5.2 ± 0.68). Carapace length 1.84 - 1.92 (1.86 ± 0.05), 1.52 - 1.68 (1.86 ± 0.11); width 0.96 - 1.16 (1.06 ± 0.08), 0.96 - 1.04 (1.00 ± 0.06). Abdomen length 3.20 - 4.92 (4.29 ± 0.77), 3.20 - 4.00 (3.60 ± 0.57); width 1.04 - 1.48 (1.27 ± 0.22), 0.76 - 0.80 (0.78 ± 0.03) .

Distribution. China and Taiwan.

Remarks. Tetragnatha esakii is rare and has a restricted distribution. At present, it can only be found in eastern part of Taiwan, Hualien and Taitung Counties. Reproductive season lasts for five months, and mature individuals were found from March to August.


Tetragnatha hiroshii Okuma, 1988 長沼氏長腳蛛

(Figs. 26A-G, 27A-F, 69) Tetragnatha hiroshii Okuma, 1988: 72, f. 2A-E.; Okuma, 1988c: 183, f. 1A-H.; Song, Zhu et Chen, 1999: 221, f. 126K, 127 m-N.; Zhu, Song et Zhang, 2003: 145, f. 72A-H.

Specimens examined. MIAOLI COUNTY: TAIAN, Kuanwu, alt. 2000 m, 1 male (NTNUB-Ar 47357), 19-VIII-2008, Ming-Sheng TASI leg. NANTOU COUNTY: JENAI, Tunyuan-Yunhai, alt. 2300 m, 1 female (NTNUB-Ar 66552), 15-V-2010, Tien-Yen YANG leg. HUALIEN COUNTY: HSIULIN, Kueilin-E, alt. 2100 m, 2 females (NTNUB-Ar 65583, 65584), 2-VII-2007, Shyh-Hwang CHEN leg.

Diagnosis. Tetragnatha hiroshii is similar to T. esakii in the green body color (alive), present an excrescence on the dorsal side of the base of fang in male and both vulva of T. hiroshii and T. esakii present an irregular-shaped cystic posterior sac in female; but can be distinguished from the latter (characters in parenrheses) in having a cusp located at the inner side of fang (without a cusp) and top of conductor curved (top of conductor present a semicircle-shaped apophysis) in male, and width of genital cover of the female wider than its length (length longer than its width).


Description. Female (NTNUB-Ar 66552). Total length 7.50: cephalothorax length 2.10, width 1.30; abdomen length 5.40, width 1.60. Length / width of carapace = 1.62 in ratio. Diameter of eyes in ratio, AME: ALE: PME: PLE = 1: 1: 1: 1. MOA-L: MOA-AW: MOA-PW: 0.28: 0.26: 0.31. Clypeus height 0.05. Chelicera length 0.88. Measurements of palpus and legs: palpus 2.99 (0.95, 0.31, 0.62, 1.11); leg I 17.60 (4.70, 5.80, 5.50, 1.60); leg II 12.10 (3.20, 4.10, 3.70, 1.10); leg III 5.70 (2.00, 1.70, 1.40, 0.60); leg IV 10.40(3.50, 3.50, 2.70, 0.70). Carapace light brown, cervical grooves and radial furrows conspicuous, fovea ovate shaped. Both eye rows recurved, around eyes with black margins. Chelicerae light brown, with a small tumor-shaped apophysis near to base of chelicera at posterior side. No anterior shield tooth, with 7 promarginal teeth, first tooth near to fang, second tooth larger than first one, following five teeth becoming smaller and closer gradually toward base of chelicera; No posterior shield tooth, with 6 retromarginal teeth, teeth becoming smaller gradually toward base of chelicera. Labium, maxillae and sternum light brown. Legs light brown, each leg segment covered with a few black spines. Leg formula: 1-2-4-3. Abdomen cylindrical shaped, posterior end of abdomen not exceed spinnerets, dorsal and lateral surface of abdomen densely covered with small silver scale-shaped flecks. Dorsum of abdomen with a branching midline without flecks. Venter of abdomen light brown, with a vertical bar, but no silver scale-shaped flecks present in center. Length of genital cover slightly shorter than its width. Vulva with one pair of long


oval-shaped spermathecae and an irregular cystic posterior sac.

Male (NTNUB-Ar 47357). Total length 5.70: cephalothorax length 1.90, width 1.20; abdomen length 3.80, width 0.90. Length / width of carapace = 1.58 in ratio. Diameter of eyes in ratio, AME: ALE: PME: PLE = 1: 1: 1: 1. MOA-L: MOA-AW: MOA-PW: 0.27: 0.26: 0.31. Clypeus height 0.13. Chelicera length 1.72. Measurements of palpus and legs: palpus 2.84 (1.29, 0.21, 0.26, 1.08); leg I 17.20 (4.50, 5.60, 5.60, 1.50); leg II 12.00 (3.50, 4.00, 3.50, 1.00); leg III 5.90 (2.20, 1.60, 1.50, 0.60); leg IV 10.30 (3.50, 3.30, 2.80, 0.70). Male similar to female in coloration, arrangement of eyes and leg formula, but body size smaller than female. Chelicerae light brown, base of fang with an excrescence on dorsal side, and a cusp on inner side, and with a nuptial spur in front of chelicera. An anterior shield tooth present and 7 promarginal teeth, first tooth near to base of fang, second tooth resembles first tooth in size, first three teeth far away from each other, following four teeth becoming smaller and closer gradually toward base of chelicera. No posterior shield tooth, 5 retromarginal teeth present, every tooth far away from each other, first tooth maximum and near to base of fang, following four teeth becoming smaller gradually toward base of chelicera. Conductor of palpus very long, without a fold, top of conductor curved, top of paracymbium obtuse, with a dark apophysis on lateral side.


Variations. Measurements for 3 females (mean ± SD in parentheses): Body length 7.50 - 8.00 (7.80 ± 0.26). Carapace length 2.10 - 2.50 (2.37 ± 0.23); width 1.30 - 1.70 (1.53 ± 0.21). Abdomen length 5.40 - 5.50 (5.43 ± 0.06); width 1.60 - 1.80 (1.67 ± 0.12).

Distribution. Taiwan.

Remarks. Tetragnatha hiroshii is rare and only distributed in high altitude mountains of Taiwan. Okuma (1988) first described it based on a male holotype from Loloshan, Taoyuan county in Taiwan. The female of T. hiroshii is described for the first time in the present study.


Tetragnatha javana (Thorell, 1890a) 爪哇長腳蛛

(Figs. 28A-G, 29A-F, 70) Eucta javana Thorell, 1890a: 236; Thorell, 1895: 146; Gravely, 1922: 1047, pl. 2, f. 4;Saito, 1933: 47, pl. 3, f. 28; Chrysanthus, 1963: 733, f. 30-35. Eugnatha vermiventris Schenkel, 1963: 129, f. 76a-b. Tetragnatha javana: Okuma, 1968b: 100, f. 4A-F; Yin, 1976: 125, pl. XI.1-13; Song, 1980: 128, f. 67a-h; Okuma, 1984: 88, f. 2A-L; Yaginuma, 1986: 133, f. 71.2; Okuma, 1988: 169, f. 2A-L; Chen et Gao, 1990: 80, f. 101a-e; Chen et Zhang, 1991: 126, f. 120.1-12; Vungsilabutr, 1988: 68, f. 2A-H; Okuma et al., 1993: 36, f. 31A-G; Zhao, 1993: 271, f. 130a-d; Barrion et Litsinger, 1994: 324, f. 1700-1703; Barrion et Litsinger, 1995: 494, f. 303a-f, 304a-f; Biswas et Raychaudhuri, 1996: 46, f. 1-8; Song, Zhu et Chen, 1999: 221, f. 126L, 127O-Q; Zhu et al., 2002: 81, f. 4A-N; Zhu, Song et Zhang, 2003: 149, f. 75A-G, 76A-G; Tanikawa, 2007: 105, f. 373-376, 828-831; Kim et Lee, 2008: 77, f. 1a-d, 2a-d; Dimitrov et Hormiga, 2009: 104, f. 67A-G, 68A-I, 69A-D.


Specimens examined. TAINAN CITY: KUEIJEN, Shalun, alt. 50 m, 1 female (NTNUB-Ar 12583), 2-XI-2001, Shyh-Hwang CHEN leg. KAOHSIUNG CITY: MEINUNG, Fuan, alt. 50 m, 2 males and 7 females (NTNUB-Ar 47378-47386), 9-II-2012, Ming-Sheng TSAI leg.; 1 male and 7 females (NTNUB-Ar 47379-47386 ), 9-II-2012, Ming-Sheng TSAI leg. HUALIEN COUNTY: KUANGFU, Kuangfu, alt. 100 m, 2 females (NTNUB-Ar 11477, 11478), 24-XII-1994, Shyh-Hwang CHEN leg.

Diagnosis. Tetragnatha javana resembles T. caudicula in having a tail-like terminal abdomen extension , but can be distinguished from latter (characters in parenrheses) by a tail-like extension about half times of entire abdomen (one-fifth times of it); top of embolus triangular (hook-shaped) in male, base of fang without an excrescence on dorsal side (with an excrescence) in female, and length of genital cover longer than its width in female (length of genital cover shorter than its width).


Description. Female (NTNUB-Ar 47381). Total length 15.40: cephalothorax length 2.70, width 1.50; abdomen length 12.70, width 1.50. Length / width of carapace = 1.80 in ratio. Diameter of eyes in ratio, AME: ALE: PME: PLE = 5: 4: 4: 3. MOA-L: MOA-AW: MOA-PW: 0.28 : 0.31: 0.34. Clypeus height 0.15. Chelicera length 1.48. Measurements of palpus and legs: palpus 2.69 (0.93, 0.31, 0.62, 0.83); leg I 23.10 (6.60, 8.00, 7.10, 1.40); leg II 13.00 (4.30, 4.10, 3.80, 0.80); leg III 5.30 (2.00, 1.60, 1.30, 0.40); leg IV 12.90(4.70, 4.30, 3.30, 0.60). Carapace light brown, cephalic region long and both sides of that parallel, width of cephalic region less than that of thoracic region significantly. Cervical grooves and radial furrows conspicuous, fovea edge “/ \”- shaped. Both eye rows recurved, and posterior eye row recurved more stronger than anterior eye row does. Around eyes with small black margins. Chelicerae light brown, with a small tumor-shaped apophysis on outer edge of chelicera. Chelicera with a small anterior shield tooth near to first promarginal tooth, and 7 promarginal teeth, first promarginal tooth maximum, second tooth far away from first one, and located at outside of promarginal row, third tooth slightly smaller than first one and located at same height with second one, following four teeth becoming smaller and closer gradually toward base of chelicera. No posterior shield tooth, but with 6 retromarginal teeth, first tooth maximum and near to base of fang, second tooth far away from first one, following four teeth close and similar in size. Labium dark brown, maxillae light brown and sternum brown. Except for leg I darker, other legs light brown,


each leg segment covered with a few black spines, prolateral side of each femur with some trichobothria. Leg formula: 1-2-4-3. Abdomen cylindrical shaped, abdomen greatly extended backward and exceeding spinnerets significantly likes a tail, length of tail about a half of entire abdomen. Dorsal and lateral surface of abdomen densely covered with small silver scale-shaped flecks. Dorsum of abdomen with a dark branching midline without flecks. Venter of abdomen brown, with a dark vertical bar on its center and present few silver scale-shaped flecks. Length of genital cover slightly longer than its width. Vulva with two pairs of unequal sized spermathecae, oval-shaped small spermatheca located at ventral side of kidney-shaped big one.

Male (NTNUB-Ar 47386). Total length 8.40: cephalothorax length 2.40, width 1.20; abdomen length 6.00, width 0.80. Carapace longer than wide, length / width = 2.00 in ratio. Diameter of eyes in ratio, AME: ALE: PME: PLE = 5: 4: 4: 3. MOA-L: MOA-AW: MOA-PW: 0.34: 0.31: 0.34. Clypeus height 0.13. Chelicera length 1.60. Measurements of palpus and legs: palpus 3.09 (1.29, 0.41, 0.59, 0.80); leg I 23.70 (6.60, 8.00, 7.60, 1.50); leg II 13.30 (4.40, 4.10, 3.90, 0.90); leg III 5.30 (2.00, 1.50, 1.30, 0.50); leg IV 13.20 (4.80, 4.10, 3.50, 0.80). Male similar to female in coloration, markings, arrangement of eyes and leg formula, but has a smaller body size. Chelicerae light brown, with an asymmetric forked nuptial spur in front of chelicera and present a small anterior shield tooth and 8 promarginal teeth; first two promarginal teeth and second retromarginal tooth located


at a ridge and arranged in line, third promarginal tooth maximum, but located far from promarginal row; following five teeth becoming smaller gradually toward base of chelicera; posterior shield tooth not prresent; with 5 retromarginal teeth, first one maximum, tip of second tooth pointed downward; following three teeth similar in size. Conductor of palpal organ with a fold, terminal of embolus triangular, top of paracymbium obtuse with a dark tumor-shaped apophysis on its lateral side.

Variations. Measurements for 5 females (mean ± SD in parentheses): Body length 11.60 - 19.40 (14.86 ± 3.29). Carapace length 2.20 - 2.70 (2.52 ± 0.25); width 1.10 - 1.60 (1.40 ± 0.20). Abdomen length 9.30 - 16.70 (12.34 ± 3.07); width 1.00 - 2.10 (1.44 ± 0.46).

Distribution. Africa, China, India, Indonesia, Japan, Myanmar, Philippines, Taiwan and Thailand.

Remarks. Tetragnatha javana is mainly distributed in southern and eastern parts of Taiwan. Males were found in February. They often inhabit in grass nearby farms or ditches.


Tetragnatha lauta Yaginuma, 1959 方網長腳蛛

(Figs. 30A-G, 31A-F, 71) Tetragnatha lauta Yaginuma, 1959: 11, f. 1-7; Paik et Namkung, 1979: 53, f. 37.1-2; Yaginuma, 1986: 131, f. 70.6; Okuma, 1988: 200, f. 14A-K; Chikuni, 1989: 93, f. 11; Kim, Kim et Lee, 1999: 66, f. 17, 41, 64, 75-76; Song, Zhu et Chen, 1999: 221, f. 126D, M, 127R-U; Zhu, Song et Zhang, 2003: 152, f. 77A-G, 78A-G; Tanikawa, 2007: 108, f. 403, 868-869; Tanikawa, 2009: 416, f. 110-111.

Specimens examined. NEW TAIPEI CITY: WULAI, 10 Km E Hsiaoyi, alt. 300 m, 1 male and 1 female (NTNUB-Ar 7958, 7959), 30-IX-1995, Shyh-Hwang CHEN leg. NANTOU COUNTY: LUKU, Fenghuangku, alt. 700 m, 1 male (NTNUB-Ar 12484), 17-IX-1995, Shyh-Hwang CHEN leg. PINTUNG COUNTY: MANCHOU, Nanjenshan, alt. 300 m, 1 male (NTNUB-Ar 33516), 15-IX-2010, Chen-Yu HUANG leg. HUALIEN COUNTY: WANJUNG, Hongyeh-Weuchuan, alt. 250 m, 1 female (NTNUB-Ar 19709), 3-VII-1988, Shyh-Hwang CHEN leg.; YULI, Antung, alt. 150 m, 1 female (NTNUB-Ar 24258), 15-VI-2004, Wen-Chun HUANG leg. TAITUNG COUNTY: TAJEN, Maloshihshan, alt. 1000 m, 2 males (NTNUB-Ar 36085, 36086), 5-IX-1993, Shyh-Hwang CHEN leg.


Diagnosis. Tetragnatha lauta is similar to T. esakii and T. hiroshii in their body form, but can be distinguished from the latters by the body color not green when it alive, and only anteriolateral side of abdomen with silver scale-shaped flecks. In additon, top of paracymbium with a semicircular gap. Vulva has a pair of kidney-shaped spermatheca and without a cyslic posterior sac in female of T. lauta, but has a pair of long oval-shaped spermatheca and an irregular-shaped cystic Posterior sac in females of other two species.

Description. Female (NTNUB-Ar 24258). Total length 5.66: cephalothorax length 1.59, width 0.95; abdomen length 4.07, width 1.21. Length / width of carapace = 1.67 in ratio. Diameter of eyes in ratio, AME: ALE: PME: PLE = 5: 3: 4: 4. MOA-L: MOA-AW: MOA-PW: 0.26: 0.26: 0.26. Clypeus height 0.10. Chelicera length 0.68. Measurements of palpus and legs: palpus 1.65 (0.54, 0.23, 0.34, 0.54); leg I 15.59 (4.71, 4.90, 4.90, 1.08); leg II 7.38 (2.54, 2.16, 2.04, 0.64); leg III 3.50 (1.27, 0.95, 0.83, 0.45); leg IV 7.63(2.86, 2.16, 2.04, 0.57). Carapace brown, cervical grooves and radial furrows conspicuous, both sides of thoracic region with a wide yellow stripe. Both eye rows recurved and posterior eye row more strong recurved. Chelicerae light brown, no anterior shield tooth, with 5 promarginal teeth, first two teeth similar in size and some distance away from each other, following three teeth becoming smaller gradually toward base of


chelicera; no posterior shield tooth, with 7 retromarginal teeth, first tooth maximum, second tooth smaller than first one, following five teeth small. Labium dark brown, maxillae and sternum brown. Legs brown without spines. Leg formula: 1-4-2-3. Abdomen cylindrical shaped, and spinnerets not exceed posterior end of abdomen, surface of upper lateral side of abdomen densely covered with small silver scale-shaped flecks, surfaces of dorsum, lower lateral and ventral sides of abdomen dark, without any scale-shaped fleck. Length of genital cover slightly shorter than its width. Vulva with one pair of kidney-shaped spermatheca.

Male (NTNUB-Ar 33516). Total length 4.20: cephalothorax length 1.40, width 0.80; abdomen length 3.00, width 0.70. Length / width of carapace = 1.75 in ratio. Diameter of eyes in ratio, AME: ALE: PME: PLE = 5: 3: 4: 4. MOA-L: MOA-AW: MOA-PW: 0.26: 0.26: 0.28. Clypeus height 0.08. Chelicera length 1.04. Measurements of palpus and legs: palpus 2.14 (0.88, 0.23, 0.31, 0.72); leg I 13.60 (4.10, 4.40, 4.10, 1.00); leg II 6.40 (2.20, 2.00, 1.70, 0.50); leg III 2.70 (0.90, 0.60, 0.80, 0.40); leg IV 6.00 (2.20, 1.90, 1.50, 0.40). Male similar to female in coloration, markings, arrangement of eyes and leg formula, but smaller in body size. Chelicerae brown, with a nuptial spur in front of chelicerae. No anterior shield tooth, present 6 promarginal teeth, first tooth some distance away from base of fang, second tooth maximum, following four teeth becoming smaller gradually toward base of chelicera; no posterior shield tooth, present 5 retromarginal teeth, first two teeth close each other, first tooth slightly


larger than second one, following three teeth becoming smaller gradually toward base of chelicera. Conductor of palpal organ without fold; upper part of paracymbium wide, top of that with a semicircular gap at top.

Variations. Measurements for 2 females are followed by those of 4 males (mean ± SD in parentheses): Body length 5.66 - 6.11(5.88 ± 0.31), 4.20 - 4.39 (4.33 ± 0.09). Carapace length 1.59, 1.40 - 1.59 (1.49 ± 0.08); width 0.89 - 0.95 (0.92 ± 0.04), 0.70 - 0.89 (0.79 ± 0.08). Abdomen length 4.07 - 4.52 (4.29 ± 0.31), 2.80 - 3.00 (2.88 ± 0.10); width 1.21 - 1.34 (1.27 ± 0.09), 0.70 - 0.76 (0.72 ± 0.03).

Distribution. Hong Kong, Korea, Laos, Taiwan and Japan.

Remarks. Tetragnatha lauta is not common in Taiwan. It is sporadically found in the mountains of Taiwan from low to median altitude. The males were found in September.


Tetragnatha mandibulata Walckenaer, 1841 大長腳蛛

(Figs. 32A-G, 33A-F, 72) Tetragnatha mandibulata Walckenaer, 1841: 211; Pocock, 1900: 215, f. 67; Simon,1900: 468, pl. 19, f. 7; Gravely, 1921: 429, 441 f. 1d, 3d-e; Roewer, 1938: 51, f. 37-38; Chrysanthus, 1963: 733, f. 24-26, 36-39; Okuma, 1968a: 40, f. 1-8; Okuma, 1968b: 101, f. 6A-G; Yin, 1976: 124, pl. IV.1-12; Song, 1980: 123, f. 64a-h; Yin, Wang et Hu, 1983: 34, f. 2B, 5A; Hu, 1984: 146, f. 149.1-10; Okuma, 1983: 70, f. 2A-L; Okuma, 1987: 85, f. 32A-J; Okuma, 1988: 204, f. 17A-J; Chen et Gao, 1990: 81, f. 102a-e; Vungsilabutr, 1988: 71, f. 5A-I; Okuma et al., 1993: 39, f. 35A-G; Barrion et Litsinger, 1994: 326, f. 1718-1722, 1735-1737; Barrion et Litsinger, 1995: 516, f. 317a-e, 318a-h; Biswas et Raychaudhuri, 1996: 56, f. 38-45; Song, Zhu et Chen, 1999: 221, f. 126N, 127V-Y; Zhu et al., 2002: 81, f. 5A-N; Yoo et Kim, 2002: 25, f. 12; Zhu, Song et Zhang, 2003: 154, f. 79A-G, 80A-G; Tanikawa, 2007: 108, f. 404-405, 870-873; Tanikawa, 2009: 419, f. 112-115. Tetragnatha minax Blackwall, 1877: 20, pl. 2, f. 14. Tetragnatha minatoria Simon, 1877: 83. Tetragnatha leptognatha Thorell, 1877: 441. Tetragnatha graciliventris Schenkel, 1963: 125, f. 74a-f


Specimens examined. TAIPEI CITY: SHIHLIN, Waishuanghsi, alt. 100 m, 1 female (NTNUB-Ar 13937), 5-X-1983, Shyh-Hwang CHEN leg. NEW TAIPEI CITY: WANLI, Chungfu, alt. 100 m, 1 male (NTNUB-Ar 18502), 29-V-2003, Shyh-Hwang CHEN leg.; HSINTIEN, Ankeng, alt. 20 m, 1 male (NTNUB-Ar 48865), 29-VI-2011, Shyh-Hwang CHEN leg. TAOYUAN COUNTY: YANGMEI, Sanhu, alt. 100 m, 1 male and 1 female (NTNUB-Ar 13801, 13802), 5-VIII-1984, Shyh-Hwang CHEN leg.; 2 males and 1 female (NTNUB-Ar 8254, 8261, 8262), 15-XI-1998, Shyh-Hwang CHEN leg. TAINAN CITY: PAIHO, Kuantzeling, alt. 350 m, 1 female (NTNUB-Ar 11209), 1-I-1998, Shyh-Hwang CHEN leg.; KUEIJEN, Shalun, alt. 50 m, 1 female (NTNUB-Ar 12581), 2-XI-2001, Shyh-Hwang CHEN leg.; ANNAN, Szutsao, 4 males (NTNUB-Ar 47366 - 47369), 7-II-2012, Ming-Sheng TSAI leg. KAOHSIUNG CITY: MEINUNG, Shuanghsi, alt. 100 m, 3 females (NTNUB-Ar 12227-12229), 5-V-1995, Shyh-Hwang CHEN leg. PINTUNG COUNTY: LAIYI, Laiyi, alt. 200 m, 2 females (NTNUB-Ar 21502, 21503), 11-III-1993, Shyh-Hwang CHEN leg.; MACHIA, Chiayi elementary school, alt. 60 m, 1 male (NTNUB-Ar 12604), 25-X-1996, Hsien-Tsung HUNG leg.; MANCHOU, Lider, alt. 50 m, 1 female (NTNUB-Ar 60361), 31-III-2007, Shyh-Hwang CHEN leg. TAITUNG COUNTY: TAIMALI, Chinlun, alt. 50 m, 4 females (NTNUB-Ar 13991-13994), 25-IV-1993, Shyh-Hwang CHEN leg.; TAJEN, Tupan, alt. 740 m, 2 males and 2 females (NTNUB-Ar 14163-14166), 17-VIII-2002, Shyh-Hwang CHEN leg.


Diagnosis. Tetragnatha mandibulata can be distinguished from other Taiwanese Tetragnatha by the female having an unique giant posterior shield tooth, and length of genital cover approximately three times to its width. Tetragnatha mandibulata most resembles T. nitens in male, but differs from the latter in having a giant anterior shield tooth, top of conductor tongue-shaped, and top of paracymbium with a V-shaped gap.

Description. Female (NTNUB-Ar 12581). Total length 12.90: cephalothorax length 2.80, width 1.90; abdomen length 10.10, width 2.40. Length / width of carapace = 1.47 in ratio, Diameter of eyes in ratio, AME: ALE: PME: PLE = 7: 5: 6: 6. MOA-L: MOA-AW: MOA-PW: 0.41: 0.44: 0:46. Clypeus height 0.18. Chelicera length 2.28. Measurements of palpus and legs: palpus 3.87 (1.29, 0.39, 0.98, 1.21); leg I 24.70 (7.20, 8.00, 7.80, 1.70); leg II 15.00 (4.90, 4.70, 4.20, 1.20); leg III 7.90 (2.60, 2.30, 2.30, 0.70); leg IV 15.50(5.50, 4.50, 4.40, 1.10). Carapace brown, with dark wide markings on both sides. Cervical grooves and radial furrows conspicuous, fovea edge “/ \”-shaped. Both eye rows slightly recurved. Eyes bordered with small black margins except anterior median eyes. Chelicerae brown; fang dark brown, S-shaped, base of fang with an excrescence on lateral side, inner side of fang with a cusp; with an anterior shield tooth and 11 promarginal teeth, spaces of first three teeth larger, following eight teeth becoming smaller gradually toward base of chelicera; with a giant posterior shield


tooth with its forwarded tip; with 12 retromarginal teeth, first tooth smaller than posterior shield tooth and near to posterior shield tooth, tooth spaces from second to fifth tooth larger, following seven teeth becoming smaller gradually toward base of chelicera. Labium dark brown, maxillae and sternum brown. Legs light brown, femora I and II covered with some short black spines while other leg segments covered fewer, forepart of each femur with some trichobothria, leg formula: 1-4-2-3. Abdomen cylindrical shaped, anterior abdomen wide and dorsum of that uplifted, end of abdomen slightly exceed spinnerets, surface of dorsal and lateral sides of abdomen densely covered with small silver scale-shaped flecks. Anterior edge of dorsum with a pair of “Π”-shaped black strips, dorsum of abdomen with a dark branching midline without flecks and 4 to 5 pairs of symmetrical black markings. Venter of abdomen brown, with a dark vertical bar in center, which with few silver scale-shaped flecks. Genital cover very long, length approximately three times to its width; vulva with a pair of spermathecae and a claviform posterior sac.

Male (NTNUB-Ar 47386). Total length 9.30: cephalothorax length 2.90, width 1.70; abdomen length 6.40, width 1.40. Length / width of carapace = 1.71 in ratio. Diameter of eyes in ratio, AME: ALE: PME: PLE = 7: 5: 6: 6. MOA-L: MOA-AW: MOA-PW: 0.41: 0.44: 0:44. Clypeus height 0.26. Chelicera length 2.88. Measurements of palpus and legs: palpus 4.42 (1.91, 0.65, 0.67, 1.19); leg I 30.20 (8.40, 10.10, 9.70, 2.00); leg II 18.40 (5.90, 6.00, 5.30, 1.20); leg III 8.10 (3.00, 2.30, 2.10, 0.70); leg IV 17.60 (6.10, 5.30,


5.20, 1.00). Male similar to female in coloration, arrangement of eyes and leg formula, but smaller in body size, anterior portion of abdomen not uplifted and not wider than posterior portion, dorsum of abdomen without obvious stripes. Chelicerae brown and slender, almost equal to cephalothorax length, with a nuptial spur in front of chelicerae; no anterior shield tooth; present 12 promarginal teeth, first tooth maximum, near to base of fang, second tooth close to first one and smaller than both first and third teeth, following ten teeth becoming smaller and closer gradually toward base of chelicera; a posterior shield tooth present, 10 retromarginal teeth, first three teeth separated by some distance, following seven teeth becoming smaller and closer each other gradually toward base of chelicera. Conductor of palpal organ without fold and end of conductor likes a tongue, top of paracymbium with a V-shaped gap.

Variations. Measurements for 5 females are followed by those of 5 males (mean ± SD in parentheses): Body length 10.70 - 15.90 (13.12 ± 1.65), 8.90 - 11.50 (10.42 ± 1.22). Carapace length 2.80 - 3.70 (2.14 ± 0.40), 2.90 - 3.70 (3.48 ± 0.38); width 1.90 - 2.20 (1.98 ± 0.13), 1.70 - 1.90 (1.82 ± 0.11). Abdomen length 7.70 - 11.50 (9.88 ± 1.40), 5.50 - 7.80 (6.94 ± 0.98); width 1.80 - 3.20 (2.52 ± 0.52), 1.20 - 2.00 (1.50 ± 0.30).


Distribution. Australia, Bangladesh, Cambodia, China, Laos, Myanmar, Philippines, Taiwan, Thailand, Vietnam and West Africa.

Remarks. Tetragnatha mandibulata is widespread in Taiwan. It is a large species in the genus Tetragnatha in Taiwan. Individuals often inhabit in grass nearby farms, ditches or rivers, and males were found almost in the whole year.


Tetragnatha maxillosa Thorell, 1895 日本長腳蛛

(Figs. 34A-G, 35A-F, 73) Tetragnatha maxillosa Thorell, 1895: 139; Gravely, 1921: 430; Chrysanthus, 1975: 8, f. 14-21; Okuma, 1983: 72, f. 3A-J; Yaginuma, 1986: 130, f. 70.2; Okuma, 1987: 83, f. 30A-J; Song, 1987: 184, f. 143; Zhang, 1987: 95, f. 77.1-7; Okuma, 1988: 206, f. 18A-J; Okuma et Dippenaar-Schoeman, 1988: 231, f. 8A-J; Song, 1988: 124, f. 2A-E; Chikuni, 1989: 95, f. 18; Hu et Wu, 1989: 113, f. 88.1-7; Feng, 1990: 106, f. 81.1-10; Chen et Gao, 1990: 81, f. 103a-e; Chen et Zhang, 1991: 125, f. 119.1-12; Vungsilabutr, 1988: 73, f. 7A-I; Song, Zhu et Li, 1993: 868, f. 30A-F; Okuma et al., 1993: 37, f. 33A-G; Zhao, 1993: 273, f. 131a-f; Barrion et Litsinger, 1994: 326, f. 1724-1726, 1731-1734; Barrion et Litsinger, 1995: 509, f. 313a-f, 314a-I; Song, Chen et Zhu, 1997: 1710, f. 8a-f; Kim, Kim et Lee, 1999: 67, f. 18, 42, 66, 77-78; Song, Zhu et Chen, 1999: 221, f. 126O, 128A-D; Hu, 2001: 598, f. 407.1-6; Song, Zhu et Chen, 2001: 171, f. 100A-J; Zhu et al., 2002: 84, f. 6A-N; Namkung, 2002: 215, f. 18.2a-d; Kim et Cho, 2002: 319, f. 883-888; Zhu, Song et Zhang, 2003: 153, f. 81A-G, 82A-G; Namkung, 2003: 217, f. 18.2a-d; Tanikawa, 2007: 110, f. 406-409, 874-877; Kim, Kim et Lee, 2008: 38, f. 13, 20, 20.1-2; Tanikawa, 2009: 419, f. 116-119. Tetragnatha japonica Bösenberg et Strand, 1906: 177, pl. 15, f. 409; Saito 1933: 46, pl. 3, f. 21; Saito 1939: 57, f. 9 (1); Saito, 1959: 118, f. 143a-d; Lee, 1964: 57, f. 20a-d; Okuma, 1968b: 100, f. 3A-G; Yin, 1976: 122, pl. VI.1-12; Song et al., 1976: 38, f. 3A-I; Paik et


Namkung, 1979: 52, f. 36; Song, 1980: 118, f. 61a-k; Zhu, 1983: 39; Hu, 1984: 143, f. 146-147; Guo, 1985: 86, f. 2-34.1-9; Zhu et al., 1985: 90, f. 78a-f; Tetragnatha listeri Gravely, 1921: 443, f. 4c-d. Tetragnatha conformans Chamberlin, 1924a: 9, pl. 2, f. 13-15. Tetragnatha propioides Schenkel, 1936: 89, f. 31. Tetragnatha cliens Yin, 1976: 122, pl. V.1-12; Hu, 1984: 141, f. 144.1-6; Guo, 1985: 83, f. 2-32.1-5; Tetragnatha diensens Zhao, 1993: 267, f. 128a-d.

Specimens examined. KEELUNG CITY: NUANNUAN, Hsishih Reservoir, alt. 100 m, 1 male (NTNUB-Ar 13684), 11-VII-1995, Shyh-Hwang CHEN leg. TAIPEI CITY: WENSHAN, Chihnankung, alt. 150 m, 2 females (NTNUB-Ar 24097, 24098), 1-IV-2004, Shyh-Hwang CHEN leg.; NEIHU, Neikou Stream, alt. 50 m, 1 male and 1 female (NTNUB-Ar 47360, 47361), 14-X-2011, Ming-Sheng TSAI leg. NEW TAIPEI CITY: WULAI, 10 Km E Hsiaoyi, alt. 300 m, 1 female (NTNUB-Ar 7979), 30-IX-1995, Shyh-Hwang CHEN leg.; HSINTIEN, Yinghotung, alt. 350 m, 3 females (NTNUB-Ar 13236-13238), 25-I-1999, Shyh-Hwang CHEN leg.; SHIHTING, Feitsui Reservoir, alt. 170 m, 1 male (NTNUB-Ar 6990), 8-IV-2000, Shyh-Hwang CHEN leg. TAOYUAN COUNTY: FUHSING, Paling, alt. 650 m, 1 male (NTNUB-Ar 7408), 1-IV-1997, Shyh-Hwang CHEN leg.; 1 male (NTNUB-Ar 6753), 14-II-2000, Hon-Zen WEI leg.; YANGMEI, Kaojung village, alt. 50 m, 1


female (NTNUB-Ar 47351), 9-VIII-2011, Ming-Sheng TSAI leg. HSINCHU COUNTY: HUKOU, Hukou terrace, alt. 250 m, 1 female (NTNUB-Ar 12210), IV-1978, Shyh-Hwang CHEN leg. NANTOU COUNTY: PULI, Puli, alt. 500 m, 1 female (NTNUB-Ar 11434), 9-VII-1984, Shyh-Hwang CHEN leg.; YUCHIH, Lienhuachih, alt. 700 m, 3 females (NTNUB-Ar 17836-17838), 28-VIII-1989, Shyh-Hwang CHEN leg. CHIAYI COUNTY: TAPU, Chiayi Farm, alt. 300 m, 1 female (NTNUB-Ar 36142), 3-IV-1986, Shyh-Hwang CHEN leg. TAINAN CITY: PAIHO, Kuantzeling, alt. 350 m, 1 male and 1 female (NTNUB-Ar 11323, 11347), 3-IV-2002, Hon-Zen WEI leg.; 1 male and 2 females (NTNUB-Ar 10391-10393), 6-IV-2004, Yi-Ting CHEN leg.; 1 male (NTNUB-Ar 35172), 9-II-2006, Shyh-Hwang CHEN leg. ILAN COUNTY: SUAO, Wulaokeng, alt. 50 m, 2 females (NTNUB-Ar 12678, 12679), 14-V-1995, Wen-Chun HUANG leg. TAITUNG COUNTY: PEINAN, Chihpen, alt. 400 m, 1 female (NTNUB-Ar 44625), 17-IV-2010, Lo-Hsuan CHUNG leg. HUALIEN COUNTY: SHOUFENG, Hualien bridge, alt. 50 m, 1 female (NTNUB-Ar 9441), 17-II-1998, Shyh-Hwang CHEN leg.


Diagnosis. Tetragnatha maxillosa is similar to T. nitens, in both females having one pair of spermatheca and a posterior sac, and male conductor without fold. Nevertheless,it differs from the latter by both the first promarginal and retromarginal tooth being largest in female; having a giant second promarginal tooth, a small apophysis in front of nuptial spur, and top of paracymbium with a V-shaped gap in male.

Description. Female (NTNUB-Ar 47351). Total length 12.00: cephalothorax length 2.70, width 1.50; abdomen length 9.30, width 2.20. Length / width of carapace = 1.80 in ratio. Diameter of eyes in ratio, AME: ALE: PME: PLE = 6: 4: 5: 5, MOA-L: MOA-AW: MOA-PW: 0.39: 0.39: 0:39. Clypeus height 0.13. Chelicera length 2.48. Measurements of palpus and legs: palpus 3.68 (1.26, 0.36, 0.90, 1.16); leg I 28.50 (8.40, 9.10, 9.20, 1.80); leg II 16.60 (5.30, 5.00, 5.10, 1.20); leg III 7.60 (2.80, 2.00, 2.00, 0.80); leg IV 16.20(5.80, 4.60, 4.80, 1.00). Carapace brown, both edges of thoracic region slightly wavy and with dark stripes. Cervical grooves and radial furrows conspicuous, fovea edge “( )”-shaped. Both eye rows recurved, eyes with large black margins. Chelicerae brown, fang dark brown. No anterior shield tooth and with 9 promarginal teeth, first three teeth largest, first tooth near to base of fang, second tooth far away from first one, following seven teeth becoming smaller and closer each other gradually toward base of chelicera; with a small posterior shield tooth and with 11 retromarginal


teeth, first tooth maximum and near to base of fang, following nine teeth similar in size, last tooth smallest, first four teeth apart from each other by some distance, but following seven teeth close each other. Labium dark brown, maxillae and sternum brown. Legs light brown, all leg segment covered with few short black spines, forepart of each femur with some trichobothria, leg formula: 1-2-4-3. Abdomen cylindrical shaped, anterior wide and become thinner gradually toward end. Dorsal and upper lateral surface of abdomen densely covered with small silver scale-shaped flecks; dorsum with a dark branching midline without flecks, both sides of midline with several pairs of symmetrical spots. Venter and lower lateral side of abdomen dark brown, with few silver scale-shaped flecks. Genital cover long, length approximately two times to its width. Vulva with a pair of spermathecae and a claviform posterior sac.

Male (NTNUB-Ar 11323). Total length 6.30: cephalothorax length 2.20, width 1.20; abdomen length 4.10, width 1.00. Length / width of carapace = 1.83 in ratio. Diameter of eyes in ratio, AME: ALE: PME: PLE = 6: 4: 5: 5. MOA-L: MOA-AW: MOA-PW: 0.34: 0.34: 0:36. Clypeus height 0.10. Chelicera length 2.42. Measurements of palpus and legs: palpus 2.76 (1.14, 0.39, 0.46, 0.77); leg I 21.20 (5.80, 6.70, 7.00, 1.70); leg II 13.80 (4.70, 4.30, 4.00, 0.80); leg III 5.40 (2.00, 1.20, 1.60, 0.60); leg IV 11.60 (3.70, 3.70, 3.30, 0.90). Male similar to female in markings, arrangement of eyes and leg formula, but smaller in body size, having pale abdomen, and anterior portion of abdomen not wider than posterior portion. Chelicerae brown


and slender, almost equal to cephalothorax length. Inner side of fang with a cusp, with an asymmetric forked of nuptial spur in front chelicerae and with a small apophysis in front of nuptial spur. A small anterior shield tooth present, and 9 promarginal teeth, first tooth near to base of fang, second tooth maximum and far away from first one, first four teeth separated by equal distance, following five teeth becoming smaller and closer gradually toward base of chelicera; a small posterior shield tooth present and 12 retromarginal teeth, first tooth maximum and near to base of fang, second tooth to sixth tooth close and similar in size, seventh and eighth tooth far apart from each other, following four teeth becoming smaller and closer gradually toward base of chelicera. Conductor of palpal organ without fold and top of conductor obtuse, top of paracymbium with a V-shaped gap.

Variations. Measurements for 5 females are followed by those of 5 males (mean ± SD in parentheses): Body length 8.90 - 12.00 (10.22 ± 1.14), 5.60 - 9.00 (6.80 ± 1.39). Carapace length 2.40 - 2.70 (2.56 ± 0.13), 2.10 - 3.20 (2.50 ± 0.45); width 1.30 - 1.50 (1.40 ± 0.07), 1.10 - 1.70 (1.36 ± 0.27). Abdomen length 6.50 - 9.30 (7.66 ± 1.06), 3.30 - 5.80 (4.30 ± 0.97); width 1.70 - 2.30 (2.06 ± 0.25), 1.00 -1.40 (1.12 ± 0.18).


Distribution. Bangladesh, Cambodia, China, Laos, Myanmar, New Hebrides, Philippines, South Africa, Taiwan and Vietnam.

Remarks. Tetragnatha maxillosa has wide ranged distribution in Taiwan. Adult individuals can be found in the whole year, except for winter season. Tetragnatha maxillosa rests in grass nearby farms, ditches, rivers or standing water and builds a hollow orb web to hunt preys.


Tetragnatha nitens (Audouin, 1826) 華麗長腳蛛

(Figs. 36A-G, 37A-F, 74) Eugnatha nitens Audouin, 1826: 323, pl. 2, f. 2. Tetragnatha nitens Walckenaer, 1841: 209; Keyserling, 1865: 845, pl. 21, f. 1-4; Simon, 1929: 646, 748, f. 994-995; Parrott, 1946: 82; Wiehle, 1962: 377, f. 6a, 7-8, 12-13; Okuma, 1968: 40, f. 9-16; Okuma, 1968b: 102, f. 7A-E; Yin, 1976: 123, pl. VIII.1-12; Song et al., 1976: 39, f. 4A-H; Song, 1980: 122, f. 63a-h; Levi, 1981: 291, f. 23-34, pl. 5a-b; Okuma, 1983: 75, f.4A-L; Hu, 1984: 146, f. 150-151; Guo, 1985: 89, f. 2-36.1-7; Yaginuma, 1986: 135, f. 72.1; Okuma, 1987: 84, f. 31A-I; Song, 1987: 185, f. 144; Zhang, 1987: 96, f. 78.1-6; Okuma, 1988: 207, f. 19A-K; Davies, 1988: 282, f. 8; Okuma et Dippenaar-Schoeman, 1988: 231, f. 9A-K; Feng, 1990: 107, f. 82.1-11; Chen et Gao, 1990: 83, f. 105a-e; Chen et Zhang, 1991: 127, f. 121.1-13; Vungsilabutr, 1988: 72, f. 6A-I; Okuma, 1992: 235, f. 15A-L; Wunderlich, 1992: 365, f. 341-344; Okuma et al., 1993: 45, f. 41A-G; Zhao, 1993: 276, f. 132a-c; Barrion et Litsinger, 1994: 324, f. 1715-1717, 1742-1744; Barrion et Litsinger, 1995: 518, f. 319a-f, 320a-i; Song, Zhu et Chen, 1999: 222, f. 126Q-R, 128G-H; Song, Zhu et Chen, 2001: 172, f. 101A-H; Zhu et al., 2002: 84, f. 7A-N; Yoo et Kim, 2002: 25, f. 13; Namkung, 2002: 218, f. 18.5a-d; Zhu, Song et Zhang, 2003: 164, f. 85A-G, 86A-G; Namkung, 2003: 220, f. 18.5a-d; Tanikawa, 2007: 111, f. 412-414, 881-884; Kim, Kim et Li, 2008: 44, f. 23, 23.1-2; Tanikawa, 2009: 419, f. 123-126; Wunderlich, 2011: 210, f. 16-29.


Tetragnatha eremita Chamberlin, 1924b: 645, f. 89-90. Tetragnatha nitens kullmanni Wiehle, 1962: 379, f. 1-5, 6b, 9-11, 14-15. Tetragnatha hotingchiehi Schenkel, 1963: 127, f. 75a-e.

Specimens examined. TAOYUAN COUNTY: YANGMEI, Sanhu, alt. 150 m, 1 male and 4 females (NTNUB-Ar 8259,8260,8263-8265), 15-XII-1998, Shyh-Hwang CHEN leg.; 1 male (NTNUB-Ar 11611), 16-VI-2002, Shyh-Hwang CHEN leg. CHIAYI COUNTY: YICHU, Peihua Village, alt. 20 m, 1 male and 3 females (NTNUB-Ar 47317, 47320-47322), 26-III-2011, Ming-Sheng TSAI leg. TAINAN CITY: ANNAN, Luerhmen, alt. 10 m, 2 males and 1 female (NTNUB-Ar 31512-31514), 9-III-2006, Chao-Chuan LEE leg.; ANPING, Chiumaoyuan, alt. 5 m, 1 female (NTNUB-Ar 12784), 16-IV-1983, Shyh-Hwang CHEN leg. KAOHSIUNG CITY: NANTZE, Lantien, alt. 120 m, 3 males and 2 females (NTNUB-Ar 18805-18809), 23-X-2003, Shyh-Hwang CHEN leg. PINTUNG COUNTY: CHIUZU, Chiuzu, alt. 50 m, 3 females (NTNUB-Ar 21538-21540), 1-XI-1993, Shyh-Hwang CHEN leg.; NEIPU, Neipu, alt. 20 m, 2 females (NTNUB-Ar 60359-60360), 24-VII-2007, Shyh-Hwang CHEN leg. ILAN COUNTY: NANAO, Tsuifeng Lake, alt. 1800 m, 1 female (NTNUB-Ar 10892), 30-VI-1994, Shyh-Hwang CHEN leg.; TOUCHENG, Dashi, alt. 20 m, 1 female (NTNUB-Ar 12662), 19-V-1996, Shyh-Hwang CHEN leg. HUALIEN COUNTY: SHOUFENG, Hualien bridge, alt. 50 m, 4 females (NTNUB-Ar 9437-9440), 17-II-1998, Shyh-Hwang CHEN leg.


TAITUNG COUNTY: TAIMALI, Chinlun, alt. 50 m, 4 males (NTNUB-Ar 13987-13990), 25-IV-1993, Shyh-Hwang CHEN leg.; 4 males and 2 females (NTNUB-Ar 14009-14014), 20-V-1993, Shyh-Hwang CHEN leg.; TAJEN, 1.8Km NE Maloshihshan, alt. 1000 m, 1 female (NTNUB-Ar 36084), 5-IX-1993, Shyh-Hwang CHEN leg.; Tupan, alt. 740 m, 3 males and 3 females (NTNUB-Ar 14138-14143), 17-VIII-2002, Shyh-Hwang CHEN leg.; TAITUNG CITY, Pipa Lake, alt. 5 m, 2 females (NTNUB-Ar 22727-22728), 25-IV-2004, Shyh-Hwang CHEN leg.

Diagnosis. Tetragnatha nitens is similar to Tetragnatha maxillosa in both females having one pair of spermathecae and a posterior sac, and conductor of both males without a fold. Nevertheless, female of T. nitens has a S-shaped fang and an excrescence on lateral side of its base, both spermathecae and posterior sac almost at the same height in vulva ; male of T. nitens has the first promarginal, anterior shield tooth and nuptial spur all close and similar in size, and the male palpus with top of conductor translucent scoop-shaped, middle of paracymbium wide.


Description. Female (NTNUB-Ar 47321). Total length 11.40: cephalothorax length 3.30, width 2.10; abdomen length 8.10, width 3.00. Length / width of carapace = 1.57 Diameter of eyes in ratio, AME: ALE: PME: PLE = 6: 4: 5: 5. MOA-L: MOA-AW: MOA-PW: 0.36: 0. 41: 0:46. Clypeus height 0.21. Chelicera length 3.32. Measurements of palpus and legs: palpus 4.96 (1.81, 0.49, 1.03, 1.63); leg I 22.70 (6.80, 7.50, 6.60, 1.80); leg II 15.90 (5.20, 5.00, 4.50, 1.20); leg III 7.30 (2.70, 2.20, 1.80, 0.60); leg IV 14.60(5.00, 4.70, 4.00, 0.90). Carapace brown, cervical grooves and radial furrows conspicuous, fovea edge “/ \”-shaped. Both eye rows slightly recurved. Eyes bordered with small black margins. Chelicerae brown, fang dark brown and curved in S-shaped, base of fang with an excrescence on its lateral side. With a small anterior shield tooth and 10 promarginal teeth, first tooth near to base of fang and some distance away from second one, second tooth smaller than both first and third teeth, following eight teeth becoming smaller and closer gradually toward base of chelicera; with a posterior shield tooth which larger than anterior one; 11 retromarginal teeth, first tooth maximum, following ten teeth similar in size. Labium dark brown, maxillae and sternum brown. Legs light brown, each leg segment covered with a few short black spines, forepart of each femur with some trichobothria, leg formula: 1-4-2-3. Abdomen cylindrical shaped; anterior portion of abdomen wide and then becoming thinner gradually toward end of abdomen, posterior end of abdomen slightly exceed spinnerets; dorsal and lateral surface of abdomen densely covered with small silver


scale-shaped flecks, dorsum of abdomen darker and with a dark branching midline without flecks, both sides of midline with two pairs of sigilla and wavy stripes. Venter of abdomen dark brown, with a dark vertical bar in center. Length of genital cover approximately 3/2 times to its width. Vulva with one pair of spermathecae and a posterior sac, almost at same height.

Male (NTNUB-Ar 18806). Total length 9.60: cephalothorax length 3.20, width 1.70; abdomen length 6.40, width 1.30. Length / width of carapace = 1.88 in ratio. Diameter of eyes in ratio, AME: ALE: PME: PLE = 6: 4: 5: 5. MOA-L: MOA-AW: MOA-PW: 0.41: 0. 36: 0:44. Clypeus height 0.21. Chelicera length 3.50. Measurements of palpus and legs: palpus 4.83 (2.01, 0.70, 0.98, 1.14); leg I 24.50 (6.90, 8.30, 7.50, 1.80); leg II 16.10 (5.30, 5.60, 4.10, 1.10); leg III 7.40 (2.50, 2.20, 2.00, 0.70); leg IV 15.30 (5.30, 4.60, 4.40, 1.00). Male similar to female in arrangement of eyes and leg formula, but having a smaller body size, and abdomen not wider in front and dorsum without obvious stripes. Chelicerae brown, with an asymmetrical forked nuptial spur in front chelicera, and a cusp on inner side of fang. Present a giant anterior shield tooth and 11 promarginal teeth, first tooth maximum, near to anterior shield tooth and nuptial spur, second tooth smaller than first one significantly; third tooth far away from second tooth, following eight teeth becoming smaller and closer gradually toward base of chelicera. Present a posterior shield tooth and 12 retromarginal teeth; first tooth maximum, following eleven teeth


becoming smaller gradually toward base of chelicera. Conductor of palpal organ without fold and top of conductor translucent scoop-shaped; middle of paracymbium wide, with a dark tumor-shaped apophysis on lateral side.

Variations. Measurements for 5 females are followed by those of 5 males (mean ± SD in parentheses): Body length 9.10 - 13.50 (11.54 ± 1.59), 9.20 - 10.30 (9.74 ± 0.45). Carapace length 2.70- 3.80 (3.34 ± 0.40), 3.10 - 3.50 (3.30 ± 0.19); width 1.60 - 2.50 (2.16 ± 0.34), 1.70 - 2.00 (1.84 ± 0.13). Abdomen length 6.40 - 9.70 (8.20 ± 1.19), 6.00 - 7.20 (6.44 ± 0.50); width 2.30 - 3.40 (3.02 ± 0.43), 1.30 - 2.00 (1.52 ± 0.29).

Distribution. Russia, China, Laos, Korea, Taiwan and Japan.

Remarks. Tetragnatha nitens has a widely distribution in Taiwan. We found adult individuals in the whole year. They rest and lay egg sacs on twigs of plants nearby farms, ditches, rivers or standing water, and build a hollow orb web to hunt preys.


Tetragnatha praedonia L. Koch, 1878 前齒長腳蛛

(Figs. 38A-G, 39A-F, 75) Tetragnatha praedonia L. Koch, 1878: 744, pl. 15, f. 6-9; Bösenberg et Strand, 1906: 177, pl. 3, f. 7, pl. 15, f. 404; Saito, 1933: 47, pl. 3, f. 22; Saito, 1939: 58, f. 7 (2); Saito, 1959: 118, f. 144a-h; Yin, 1976: 121, pl. IV.1-11; Hikichi, 1977: 154, f. 44; Paik et Namkung, 1979: 53, f. 38.1-2; Song, 1980: 120, f. 62a-I; Ono, 1981: 5, f. 3-7; Hu, 1984: 148, f. 153-154; Yaginuma, 1986: 130, f. 70.1; Zhang, 1987: 98, f. 80.1-8; Okuma, 1988: 174, f. 6A-L; Chikuni, 1989: 95, f. 17; Feng, 1990: 109, f. 84.1-10; Chen et Gao, 1990: 85, f. 106a-e; Logunov, 1992: 63, f. 8; Kurenshchikov, 1994: 61, f. 17-24; Barrion et Litsinger, 1994: 326, f. 1727-1730, 1739-1741; Kim, Kim et Lee, 1999: 70, f. 20, 44, 68, 81-82; Hu, 2001: 599, f. 408.1-9; Song, Zhu et Chen, 2001: 175, f. 103A-L; Zhu et al., 2002: 88, f. 9A-N; Namkung, 2002: 214, f. 18.1a-d; Kim et Cho, 2002: 320, f. 895-900; Zhu, Song et Zhang, 2003: 175, f. 90A-G, 91A-G; Namkung, 2003: 216, f. 18.1a-d; Tanikawa, 2007: 106, f. 384-385, 843-845; Kim, Kim et Lee, 2008: 39, f. 15, 19, 19.1-3; Tanikawa, 2009: 414, f. 81-83. Tetragnatha nigrita niccensis Bösenberg et Strand, 1906: 179.


Specimens examined. KEELUNG CITY: NUANNUAN, Hsishih Reservoir, alt. 100 m, 1 male and 1 female (NTNUB-Ar 14647, 14648), 11-VII-1995, Shyh-Hwang CHEN leg. TAIPEI CITY: WENSHAN, Chihnankung, alt. 150 m, 1 female (NTNUB-Ar 12663), 23-VII-1983, Shyh-Hwang CHEN leg. NEW TAIPEI CITY: WULAI, 10 Km E Hsiaoyi, alt. 300 m, 1 female (NTNUB-Ar 7971), 30-IX-1995, Shyh-Hwang CHEN leg.; HSINTIEN, Yinghotung, alt. 100 m, 1 female (NTNUB-Ar 47356), 25-I-1999, Shyh-Hwang CHEN leg.; WULAI, Chiachiuliao, alt.200 m, 2 females (NTNUB-Ar 47354-47355), 8-IX-2011, Ming-Sheng-TSAI leg. TAOYUAN COUNTY: YANGMEI, Sanhu, alt. 150 m, 2 males (NTNUB-Ar 13797, 13798), VIII-1984, Shyh-Hwang CHEN leg.; 1 male and 1 female (NTNUB-Ar 8257, 8258), 15-XI-1998, Shyh-Hwang CHEN leg. HSINCHU COUNTY: HUKOU, Chunghsing, 3 females (NTNUB-Ar 36137-36139), 15-IV-1978, Shyh-Hwang CHEN leg.; Hukou terrace, alt. 250 m, 2 female (NTNUB-Ar 12208, 12209), IV-1987, Shyh-Hwang CHEN leg. NANTOU COUNTY: YUCHIH, Sun-moon Lake, alt. 700 m, 2 males and 3 females (NTNUB-Ar 46002, 46005, 46023, 46025, 46026), 20-VIII-2010, Shyh-Hwang CHEN leg.


Diagnosis. Tetragnatha praedonia is similar to T. ceylonica in both females having two pairs of spermathecae and a posterior sac, and conductor of both males with a fold, but can be distinguished from the latter (characters in parentheses) by both lateral eyes separated (both lateral eyes close on a protruding eye tubercle), with three tooth-rows (two tooth-rows), present (not present) an excrescence on dorsal side of fang and a cusp on inner side of fang in male, paracymbium narrow(wide) in middle and with(without) a V-shaped gap at top; second retromarginal tooth mastoid(not mastoid) in female.

Description. Female (NTNUB-Ar 47355). Total length 9.40: cephalothorax length 3.00, width 2.00; abdomen length 6.40, width 2.00. Length / width of carapace = 1.50 in ratio. Diameter of eyes in ratio, AME: ALE: PME: PLE = 7: 5: 6: 6. MOA-L: MOA-AW: MOA-PW: 0.46: 0. 44: 0:52. Clypeus height 0.10. Chelicera length 2.20. Measurements of palpus and legs: palpus 4.13 (1.55, 0.44, 0.98, 1.16); leg I 31.20 (9.30, 9.70, 10.50, 1.70); leg II 17.90 (5.70, 5.50, 5.60, 1.10); leg III 7.70 (2.70, 2.20, 2.00, 0.80); leg IV 16.40(6.00, 4.50, 5.00, 0.90). Carapace brown, Cervical grooves and radial furrows conspicuous, fovea edge “( )”-shaped. Both eye rows slightly recurved. Eyes bordered with large black margins. Chelicerae brown. Fang dark brown, base of fang with an excrescence on its dorsal side. With an anterior shield tooth and 8 promarginal teeth, first tooth maximum and far


away from second one, following seven teeth becoming smaller gradually toward base of chelicera; with a posterior shield tooth and 9 retromarginal teeth, first tooth close to posterior shield tooth and a distance away from second one, second tooth mastoid, following seven teeth becoming smaller gradually toward base of chelicera. Labium dark brown, maxillae and sternum brown. Legs light brown, all leg segments covered with some short black spines. Leg formula: 1-4-2-3. Abdomen cylindrical, anterior portion wide, and becoming thinner gradually toward its end, posterior end not exceed spinnerets, dorsal and lateral surface of abdomen densely covered with small silver scale-shaped flecks. Dorsum of abdomen with a dark branching midline without flecks, two pairs of sigilla, and two pairs of brown spots above spinnerets. Venter dark brown, with a dark without silver flecks vertical bar in center. Length of genital cover approximately a half of its width. Vulva with two pairs of spermathecae and a claviform posterior sac.

Male (NTNUB-Ar 13797). Total length 8.30: cephalothorax length 2.60, width 1.80; abdomen length 5.70, width 1.30. Carapace longer than wide, length / width = 1.44 in ratio. Diameter of eyes in ratio, AME: ALE: PME: PLE = 7: 5: 6: 6. MOA-L: MOA-AW: MOA-PW: 0.39: 0. 41: 0:49. Clypeus height 0.18. Chelicera length 2.40. Measurements of palpus and legs: palpus 4.59 (2.09, 0.54, 0.98, 0.98); leg I 28.80 (8.00, 9.80, 9.50, 1.50); leg II 18.00 (5.50, 5.70, 5.70, 1.10); leg III 7.60 (2.60, 2.20, 2.10, 0.70); leg IV 16.90 (5.50, 5.20, 5.40, 0.80). Male similar to female in markings, arrangement


of eyes and leg formula, but body size smaller than female, anterior abdomen not wide, coloration of abdomen lighter than female. Chelicerae brown and slender, almost equal to cephalothorax length, with an symmetrical forked nuptial spur in front of chelicerae, and an auxiliary tooth in front of nuptial spur; base of fang with a small excrescence on its dorsal side, and with a cusp on inner side of fang. Present an anterior shield tooth and 9 promarginal teeth, first tooth mastoid, second tooth maximum, following seven teeth becoming smaller and closer gradually toward base of chelicera. Ten midmarginal teeth, first tooth large and following nine teeth similar in size, last tooth smallest. A posterior shield tooth and 2 retromarginal teeth, first retromarginal tooth larger than second one. Conductor of palpal organ with a fold and a bend on its top; middle part of paracymbium narrow, with a V-shaped gap on top and with a dark tumor-shaped apophysis on lateral side.

Variations. Measurements for 5 females are followed by those of 5 males (mean ± SD in parentheses): Body length 9.40 - 10.30 (9.62 ± 0.42), 7.00 - 9.50 (8.38 ± 0.93). Carapace length 2.80 - 3.30 (3.06 ± 0.19), 2.50 - 3.00 (2.76 ± 0.21); width 1.80 - 2.10 (1.98 ± 0.11), 1.50 - 1.80 (1.70 ± 0.12). Abdomen length 6.20 - 7.00 (6.60 ± 0.34), 4.60 - 6.50 (5.62 ± 0.75); width 1.80 - 2.10 (2.00 ± 0.12), 1 1.20 - 1.50 (1.34 ± 0.11).


Distribution. Russia, China, Laos, Korea, Taiwan and Japan.

Remarks. Tetragnatha praedonia weaves a horizontal orb-web between bushes, and active at night. At present, T. praedonia can only be found in low altitude mountains in north and central part of Taiwan. Breeding seasons are probably from July to November.


Tetragnatha squamata Karsch, 1879 綠鱗長腳蛛

(Figs. 40A-G, 41A-F, 76) Tetragnatha squamata Karsch, 1879: 65, pl. 1, f. 3; Strand, 1918: 95, pl. 2, f. 5;Bösenberg et Strand, 1906: 176, pl. 3, f. 5, pl. 15, f. 405; Saito, 1934a: 338, f. 9; Saito, 1934b: 333, pl. 15, f. 69; Saito, 1939: 59, f. 7 (3); Saito, 1959: 118, f. 146a-g; Lee, 1964: 57, f. 20e-g; Yin, 1976: 124, pl. X.1-11; Paik et Namkung, 1979: 55, f. 40.1-2; Song, 1980: 126, f. 66a-g; Hu, 1984: 150, f. 156.1-8; Guo, 1985: 92, f. 2-38.1-7; Yaginuma, 1986: 135, f. 71.7; Zhang, 1987: 100, f. 81.1-6; Okuma, 1988: 188, f. 5A-K; Chikuni, 1989: 94, f. 14; Feng, 1990: 108, f. 83.1-8; Chen et Gao, 1990: 85, f. 107a-e; Chen et Zhang, 1991: 130, f. 123.1-11; Zhao, 1993: 293, f. 135a-c; Barrion et Litsinger, 1994: 324, f. 1704-1706, 1711-1712; Kim, Kim et Lee, 1999: 72, f. 21, 45, 69, 83-84; Song, Zhu et Chen, 1999: 223, f. 126U, 128R-S, W; Zhu et al., 2002: 94, f. 10A-N; Yoo et Kim, 2002: 26, f. 16; Namkung, 2002: 220, f. 18.7a-c; Zhu, Song et Zhang, 2003: 183, f. 97A-G, 98A-G; Namkung, 2003: 222, f. 18.7a-c; Tanikawa, 2007c: 108, f. 396-398, 859-860; Kim, Kim et Lee, 2008: 40, f. 16, 25, 25.1-2; Tanikawa, 2009: 416, f. 97-98. Tetragnatha recurva Schenkel, 1936: 85, f. 29; Hu et Li, 1987: 269, f. 14.1-7; Kurenshchikov, 1994: 61, f. 50-58; Hu, 2001: 600, f. 409.1-7.


Specimens examined. TAIPEI CITY: SHIHLIN, Fulin Bridge, alt. 100 m, 1 male and 1 female (NTNUB-Ar 36374, 36375), 30-I-2012, Ming-Sheng TSAI leg. NEW TAIPEI CITY: WULAI, 10 Km E Hsiaoyi, alt. 300 m, 1 male (NTNUB-Ar 7972), 30-IX-1995, Shyh-Hwang CHEN leg. TAOYUAN COUNTY: YANGMEI, Sanhu, alt. 100 m, 2 males and 2 females (NTNUB-Ar 18765-18768), VIII-1984, Shyh-Hwang CHEN leg.; Kaojung village, alt. 50 m, 2 males (NTNUB-Ar 47352, 47353), 9-VIII-2011, Ming-Sheng TSAI leg. NANTOU COUNTY: YUCHIH, Sun-moon Lake, alt. 700 m, 1 male (NTNUB-Ar 46024), 20-VIII-2010, Shyh-Hwang CHEN leg. ILAN COUNTY: TATUNG, Taipingshan, alt. 1900 m, 1 female (NTNUB-Ar 11060), 29-VI-1994, Shyh-Hwang CHEN leg. TAITUNG COUNTY: HAITUAN, 7 Km SW Wulu, alt. 2250 m, 2 males and 2 females (NTNUB-Ar 18160-18163), 28-VI-2003, Shyh-Hwang CHEN leg.; 1 female (NTNUB-Ar 48041), 31-VII-2009, Wen-Chun HUANG leg.

Diagnosis. Tetragnatha squameta is similar to T. esakii by the green body (alive), body size and an excrescence on dorsal side of base of fang in male. Nevertheless, male of T. squameta often present a large red stripe on the dorsum of abdomen, and top of conductor likes a hook; female with a spermatheca oval-shaped, vulva without an irregular-shaped cystic posterior sac that can be distinguished from T. esakii.


Description. Female (NTNUB-Ar 47365). Total length 5.10: cephalothorax length 1.60, width 1.00; abdomen length 3.50, width 1.50. Length / width of carapace = 1.60 in ratio. Diameter of eyes in ratio, AME: ALE: PME: PLE = 4: 2: 3: 3. MOA-L: MOA-AW: MOA-PW: 0.23: 0.23: 0.23. Clypeus height 0.13. Chelicera length 0.72. Measurements of palpal, legs: palpal 2.40 (0.83, 0.18, 0.49, 0.90); leg I 11.90 (3.20, 3.90, 3.70, 1.10); leg II 9.40 (2.90, 2.80, 2.80, 0.90); leg III 5.20 (1.80, 1.60, 1.30, 0.50); leg IV 8.30(2.80, 2.60, 2.20, 0.70). Carapace light brown. Cervical grooves and radial furrows conspicuous, fovea ovate-shaped. Both eye rows recurved. Eyes bordered with small black margins. Chelicerae light brown, no anterior shield tooth; 7 promarginal teeth, first tooth near to fang, second tooth larger than first one, and following five teeth becoming smaller gradually toward base of chelicera; no posterior shield tooth, 5 retromarginal teeth. Labium, maxillae and sternum light brown. Legs light brown, all leg segments covered with a few black spines while tibia with more and longer black spines. Leg formula: 1-2-4-3. Abdomen cylindrical shaped, spinnerets not exceed posterior end of abdomen, dorsal and lateral surface of abdomen densely covered with small silver scale-shaped flecks. Dorsum of abdomen with a branching midline without flecks. Venter with few silver scale-shaped flecks. Length of genital cover slightly shorter than its width, Vulva with one pair of long ovate spermathecae.


Male (NTNUB-Ar 47364). Total length 4.60: cephalothorax length 1.76, width 1.12; abdomen length 2.84, width 1.12. Length / width of carapace = 1.57 in ratio. Diameter of eyes in ratio, AME: ALE: PME: PLE = 4: 2: 3: 3. MOA-L: MOA-AW: MOA-PW: 0.26: 0.26: 0.26. Clypeus height 0.13. Chelicera length 1.08. Measurements of palpus and legs: palpus 2.55 (1.03, 0.23, 0.23, 1.06); leg I 13.80 (4.00, 4.60, 4.20, 1.00); leg II 11.20 (3.50, 3.50, 3.20, 1.00); leg III 7.40 (2.10, 1.90, 2.80, 0.60); leg IV 9.60 (3.10, 3.10, 2.70, 0.70). Male similar to female in coloration, arrangement of eyes and leg formula, but body size slightly smaller than female, dorsum of anterior and posterior portions of dorsal abdomen often with a large red stripe. Chelicerae light brown, base of fang with an excrescence on dorsal side, with a nuptial spur in front of chelicerae. An anterior shield tooth and 8 promarginal teeth, first tooth maximum and near to base of fang, first three teeth separated by a distance from each other, following five teeth becoming smaller and closer gradually toward base of chelicera; A posterior shield tooth and 5 retromarginal teeth, first tooth maximum with a small tooth-shaped apophysis near to its base, following four teeth becoming smaller gradually toward base of chelicera. Conductor of palpal organ long, without fold, top of conductor likes a hook. Top of paracymbium obtuse, with a dark apophysis on lateral side.


Variations. Measurements for 5 females are followed by those of 5 males (mean ± SD in parentheses): Body length 4.90 - 7.10 (5.62 ± 0.91), 4.30 - 5.40 (4.62 ± 0.45). Carapace length 1.60 - 2.20 (1.84 ± 0.23), 1.76 - 2.00 (1.85 ± 0.98); width 1.00 - 1.30 (1.06 ± 0.13), 0.90 - 1.12 (1.02 ± 0.11). Abdomen length 3.20 - 4.90 (3.78 - 0.70), 2.40 - 3.40 (2.77 ± 0.39); width 1.50 - 1.60 (1.54 ± 0.05), 0.70 - 1.12 (0.88 ± 0.17).

Distribution. Russia, China, Korea, Taiwan and Japan.

Remarks. Tetragnatha squamata is widespread in plains and low altitude mountains in Taiwan. They often inhabit under leaves, and build a hollow orb-web nearby nest at night.


Subfamily Leucauginae White, 1841 銀腹蛛亞科

Type genus: Leucauge White, 1841.

Diagnosis. Members of Leucaginae possess a slightly sclerotized epigynum, spermatheca thin-walled, embolus of palpus enwrapped by conductor.

Note. Except for genus Leucauge, there are five genera known from Taiwan.


Key to genera of subfamily Leucaginae including genus Leucauge from Taiwan:

1. Proximal part of femur IV without trichobothria……..…...... 2 Proximal part of femur IV with trichobothria………………..…...... 4 2. Center of epigynum with a nose-shaped swell; male palpus with a distal spur in trochanter; palpal tibia without plumose trichobothria.

...... ……………...... Metleucauge (長蹠蛛屬)

Center of epigynum not swellen; trochanter of male palpal without a spur-shaped apophysis; palpal tibia with long and plumose

trichobothria…...... Okileucauge (沖繩蛛屬)

3. Femur IV with plumose trichobothria; male with a clasping spur in

front of chelicera…...... Mesida (天星蛛屬)

Femur IV without plumose trichobothria; male chelicerae without clasping a spur………………...... ……...... ………5 4. Abdomen of female strongly extending forward, and covering posterior half of carapace; base of conductor with a hook......

...... …Opadometa (隨蛛屬)

Abdomen of female slightly extending forward or not; conductor covered by guiding lamella, without a hook...... 6 5. Tegulum large and swollen containing long and winding sperm ducts; female spermatheca with 2 chambers; femur IV with 2 short rows of

short trichobothria...... ….Tylorida (高腹蛛屬)


Tegulum normal and without winding sperm ducts; female spermatheca usually with 3 chambers; femur IV with 2 long rows of long trichobothria...... Leucauge (銀腹蛛屬)


Genus Mesida Kulczyn'ski, 1911 天星蛛屬

Type species: Mesida humilis Kulczyn'ski, 1911

Diagnosis. Genus Mesida resembles genera Leucauge, Orsinome and Opadometa by the proximal part of femur IV with two rows of trichobothria, but the trichobothria of genus Mesida are plumose. Furthermore, the male of genus Mesida bears a spur in front of chelicera, that differs from other genera in the subfamily Leucauginae.

Distribution. Australasia and Indomalaya ecozone. Note. Totally 13 species of genus Mesida are known worldwide (Platnick, 2013), and 3 species are recorded in Taiwan.


Key to the species of genus Mesida from Taiwan:

1. Male……………………………………...... ………..……..………2 Female……………………………………………..………...………..3 2. End of abdomen blunt; conductor of male palp slender, without a

guiding lamella on top...... M. gemmea (裝飾天星蛛)

End of abdomen sharp; conductor of male palp columned, with a dark

hooked guiding lamella on top...... …M. yini (印氏天星蛛)

3. Epigynum without a median septum; dorsum of abdomen with two dark stripes from center extending to spinnerets; both extremities of metatarsus and terminal end of patella with dark speckles......

...... …...... M. taiwanica (台灣天星蛛)

Median septum of epigynum present, with a circular indentation; dorsum of abdomen without dark stripes; leg segments without dark speckles…...... …4 4. Silver flecks very dense, covered on dorsal and anteriolateral sides of abdomen; venter of abdomen with a crescent marking composed of

silver flecks...... ……………...... M. yini (印氏天星蛛)

Silver flecks not dense, covered on entire abdomen; venter of abdomen with a median dark brown strip......

...... …M. gemmea (裝飾天星蛛)


Mesida gemmea (Hasselt, 1882) 裝飾天星蛛

(Figs. 42A-F, 43A-E, 77) Meta gemmea Hasselt, 1882: 26, pl. 2, f. 4. Argyroepeira gemmea: Thorell, 1890a: 206; Thorell, 1895: 152; Workman, 1896: 56, pl. 56. Leucauge gemmea: Simon, 1905: 61. Mesida gemmea: Chrysanthus, 1975: 27, f. 103; Tso et Tanikawa, 2000: 129, f. 10-16; Zhu, Song et Zhang, 2003: 263, f. 144A-I, 145A-F.

Specimens examined. TAITUNG COUNTY: LANYU, Chung-ai Bridge, alt. 10 m, 2 males and 1female (NTNUB-Ar 11874-11876), 27-X-2000, Wen-Chun HUANG leg.; 3 males and 8 females (NTNUB-Ar 11965-11975), 14-I-2001, Wen-Chun HUANG leg.; 3 males and 6 females (NTNUB-Ar 12983-12991), 4-II-2001, Wen-Chun HUANG leg.

Diagnosis. Mesida gemmea resembles M. yini by the shape of epigynum , but can be distinguished from latter (characters in parenrheses) by end of abdomen blunt (sharp); silver flecks covered on entire abdomen (only covered on dorsal and anteriolateral sides of abdomen); venter of abdomen with a median dark brown strip (with a crescent marking composed of silver flecks in center); conductor of male palp slender, without a guiding lamella on top (conductor of male palp columned, with a dark hooked guiding lamella on top).


Description. Female (NTNUB-Ar 12983). Total length 5.15: cephalothorax length 2.10, width 1.34; abdomen length 3.05, width 1.72. Length / width of carapace = 1.57 in the ratio. Diameter of eyes in ratio, AME: ALE: PME: PLE = 1: 1: 1: 1. MOA-L: MOA-AW: MOA-PW: 0.28: 0.31: 0.31. Clypeus height 0.10. Chelicera length 0.76. Measurements of palpus and legs: palpus 1.83 (0.59, 0.26, 0.39, 0.59); leg I 10.92 (2.46, 4.00, 3.38, 1.08); leg II 8.16 (2.31, 2.77, 2.31, 0.77); leg III 4.31 (1.38, 1.23, 1.08, 0.62); leg IV 6.47 (1.85, 2.15, 1.85, 0.62). Carapace light brown, cervical grooves and radial furrows conspicuous. Both eye rows recurved, and eyes with black margins. Chelicera light brown, with 3 promarginal and 4 retromarginal teeth. Labium and maxillae brown, sternum light brown. Leg segments light brown, surface covered with a few short spines, proximal femur IV with two rows of plumose trichobothria. Leg formula: 1-2-4-3. Abdomen oval-shaped, longer than wide, end of abdomen blunt. Abdomen covered with silver flecks on entire abdomen, central of ventral abdomen with a dark brown vertical bar, dorsum with a branching midline, two pairs of sigillas and two pairs of dark markings on rear end. Epigynum brown, top of midan septum with a circular indentation, to form a tennis racket shape, and both sides of midan septum with a mound apophysis. Spermatheca with three chambers.


Male (NTNUB-Ar 11874). Total length 4.39: cephalothorax length 1.78, width 1.34; abdomen length 2.61, width 1.27, length / width of carapace = 1.33 in the ratio. Diameter of eyes in ratio, AME: ALE: PME: PLE = 1: 1: 1: 1. MOA-L: MOA-AW: MOA-PW: 0.28: 0.31: 0.31. Clypeus height 0.10. Chelicera length 0.83. Measurements of palpus and legs: palpus 1.71 (0.70, 0.13, 0.26, 0.62); leg I 13.08 (3.54, 4.31, 4.00, 1.23); leg II 9.68 (2.61, 3.23, 2.92, 0.92); leg III 4.78 (1.54, 1.54, 1.08, 0.62); leg IV 7.39 (2.31, 2.46, 2.00, 0.62). Male similar to female in coloration, leg formula, external features and the arrangement of eyes, but differs in abdomen covered with silver scale-shaped flecks only on both sides of dorsum and having smaller body size. Chelicerae armed with 3 promarginal and 4 retromarginal teeth, and present a spur in front side. Leg segments covered with many black spines. Metatarsus I with some thick and short spines arranged in rows. Tegulum of male palpus huge, containing winding sperm ducts. Conductor and paracymbium long; top of embolus exposed, base of cymbium with a retrolateral spur.


Variations. Measurements for 5 females are followed by those of 5 males (mean ± SD in parentheses): Body length 4.45 - 5.27 (5.00 ± 0.33), 3.82 - 5.15 (4.32 ± 0.51). Carapace length 1.84 - 2.10 (1.98 ± 0.11), 1.59 - 1.78 (1.69 ± 0.07); width 1.34 - 1.40 (1.36 ± 0.03), 1.14 - 1.34 (1.23 ± 0.07). Abdomen length 2.54 - 3.18 (3.01 ± 0.27), 2.16 - 2.61 (2.38 ± 0.19); width 1.65 - 2.04 (1.84 ± 0.16), 0.95 - 1.27 (1.11 ± 0.12).

Distribution. Burma, Singapore, Indonesia and Taiwan.

Remarks. According to the literature (Tso et Tanikawa, 2000; Zhu et al., 2003 ) and examined materials, the distribution of M. gemmea in Taiwan seems to be restricted at Lanyu, Taitung. Males were found from October to February.


Mesida taiwanicaTsai et Chen, sp. nov. 台灣天星蛛

(Figs. 44A-G, 77) Type series. Holotype: female (NTNUB-Ar 63678), Loshan, FULI, HUALIEN COUNTY, alt. 400 m, 1-IV-2011, Wen-Chun HUANG leg. Paratype: 1 female, Shanping , MAOLIN, KAOHSIUNG CITY, alt. 700 m, 28-VI-1995, Shyh-Hwang CHEN leg.; 1 female (NTNUB-Ar 14515), Hsinhsing, TAJEN, TAITUNG COUNTY, alt. 500 m, 18-VIII-2002, Shyh-Hwang CHEN leg.

Diagnosis. Mesida taiwanica sp. nov. most resembles M. yini in having a sharp end of abdomen, and silver scale-shaped flecks covered on dorsal and anteriolateral sides of abdomen. However, the abdomen of M. taiwanica sp. nov. with two dark stripes from mid- dorsum extends to the spinnerets, and the shape of epigynum without a median septum is quite different from that of M. yini. In contrast, female epigynum of M. taiwanica sp. nov. resembles that of Tylorida ventralis, but can be distinguished from the latter by upper edage of epigynum not depressed, in having the spermatheca sclerotized, and connected with a translucent chamber. Both extremities of tibia I of M. taiwanica sp. nov. present dark speckles, which are not shown on those of M. gemmea and M. yini.


Description. Female (holotype). Total length 6.04: cephalothorax length 2.04, width 1.53; abdomen length 4.01, width 2.23. Length / width of carapace = 1.33 in the ratio. Diameter of eyes in ratio, AME: ALE: PME: PLE = 1: 1: 1: 1. MOA-L: MOA-AW: MOA-PW: 0.34: 0.34: 0.34. Clypeus height 0.10. Chelicera length 0.88. Measurements of palpus and legs: palpus 2.28 (0.80, 0.28, 0.40, 0.80); leg I 13.39 (3.85, 4.15, 4.31, 1.08); leg II 8.76 (2.61, 2.77, 2.61, 0.77); leg III 4.61 (1.54, 1.38, 1.23, 0.46); leg IV 7.54 (2.46, 2.31, 2.15, 0.62). Carapace light brown, both edges of thoracic region with a thin dark stripe, cervical grooves and radial furrows conspicuous, thoracic groove spear-shaped. Both eye rows recurved, and eyes with black margins. Chelicerae brown, armed with 3 promarginal and 4 retromarginal teeth. Labium dark brown, maxillae and sternum brown. Leg segments light brown, both extremities of metatarsus and terminal patella with dark speck. Proximal femur IV with two rows of plumose trichobothria. Leg formula: 1-2-4-3. Abdomen oval-shaped, longer than wide, terminal abdomen sharp. Silver scale-shaped flecks covered on dorsal and upper lateral sides of abdomen. Dorsum of abdomen with a branching midline and two dark stripes extends from central dorsum to spinnerets. Venter of abdomen with a dark brown vertical strips in center, and one pair of dark markings near both sides of spinnerets. Epigynum brown, with a symmetrical L-shaped shadows in center; spermatheca sclerotized, and connected with a translucent chamber.


Male. Unknown.

Variations. Measurements for 3 females (mean ± SD in parentheses): Body length 5.98 - 7.12 (6.38 ± 0.64). Carapace length 2.04 - 2.23 (2.14 ± 0.10); width1.53 - 1.65 (1.59 ± 0.06). Abdomen length 3.82 - 4.90 (4.24 ± 0.58); width 2.23 - 2.67 (2.37 ± 0.26).

Distribution. Taiwan.

Etymology. The specific name is derived from Taiwan, where the new species was discovered.

Remarks. Mesida taiwanica sp. nov. was found in southern and south-eastern parts of Taiwan from July to August.


Mesida yini Zhu, Song et Zhang, 2003 印氏天星蛛

(Figs. 45A-G, 46A-F, 77) Mesida yini Zhu, Song et Zhang, 2003: 264, f. 147A-E; Jäger et Praxaysombath, 2011: 21, f. 46-52.

Specimens examined. NEW TAIPEI CITY: SHIHTING, Nanku, alt. 250 m, 1 female (NTNUB-Ar 16339), 1-III-2003, Shyh-Hwang CHEN leg.; WULAI, Paochingkung, alt. 550 m, 2 females (NTNUB-Ar 60769, 60770), 23-XI-2010, Wen-Chun HUANG leg. TAOYUAN COUNTY: FUHSING, Paling, alt. 650 m, 1 female (NTNUB-Ar 6755), 14-II-2000, Hon-Zen WEI leg. HSINCHU COUNTY: PEIPU, Wutzushan, alt. 850 m, 1 female (NTNUB-Ar 10720), 3-III-2002, Shyh-Hwang CHEN leg.; WUFENG, Shihlu trail, 1520 m, 1 female (NTNUB-Ar 14612), 23-XI-2002, Shyh-Hwang CHEN leg.; Chingchuan, alt. 530 m, 3 females (NTNUB-Ar 14622-14624), 24-XI-2002, Hon-Zen WEI leg. NANTOU COUNTY: LENAI, Meifeng, alt. 2100 m, 6 males and 9 females (NTNUB-Ar 10831-10846), 24-VIII-2001, Shyh-Hwang CHEN leg.; Chingching Farm, alt. 1850 m, 1 female (NTNUB-Ar 14520), 25-VIII-2002, Hsin-Shao LEE leg.; Tunyuan-Yunhai, alt. 2300 m, 1 female (NTNUB-Ar 32009), 18-IX-2006, Shyh-Hwang CHEN leg.; 1 male and 1female (NTNUB-Ar 50180, 50181), 5-VIII-2008, Shyh-Hwang CHEN leg. CHIAYI COUNTY: ALISHAN, Alishan, alt. 2250 m, 1 female (NTNUB-Ar 13619), 5-VIII-1995, Wen-Chun HUANG leg.; 1 female (NTNUB-Ar 21472), 18-IX-1995, Shyh-Hwang CHEN leg.


ILAN COUNTY: TATUNG, Tungshan, alt. 1800 m, 2 females (NTNUB-Ar 12444, 12445), 4-VIII-2002, Shyh-Hwang CHEN leg. HUALIEN COUNTY: HSIULIN, Chilaisheshanzhuang, alt. 1340 m, 1 female (NTNUB-Ar 32179), 29-XII-2006, Ya-Hui LIN leg.

Diagnosis. Mesida yini resembles M. gemmea by the external appearance of epigynum , but can be distinguished from latter (characters in parenrheses) by end of abdomen sharp (blunt); flecks only covered on dorsal and anteriolateral sides of abdomen (covered on entire abdomen); with a crescent marking composed of flecks in center (venter of abdomen with a median dark brown strip); conductor of male palp columned, with a dark hooked guiding lamella on top (conductor of male palp slender, without a guiding lamella on top).


Description. Female (NTNUB-Ar 10720). Total length 5.28: cephalothorax length 1.65, width 1.14; abdomen length 3.63, width 1.97. Length / width of carapace = 1.44 in the ratio. Diameter of eyes in ratio, AME: ALE: PME: PLE = 1: 1: 1: 1. MOA-L: MOA-AW: MOA-PW: 0.23: 0.23: 0.28. Clypeus height 0.05. Chelicera length 0.76. Measurements of palpus and legs: palpus 1.54 (0.54, 0.15, 0.28, 0.57); leg I 8.65 (2.42, 2.73, 2.67, 0.83); leg II 6.43 (1.91, 2.04, 1.78, 0.70); leg III 3.37 (1.08, 0.95, 0.83, 0.51); leg IV 5.09 (1.59, 1.53, 1.40, 0.57). Carapace light brown, cervical grooves and radial furrows conspicuous, thoracic groove spear-shaped. Both eye rows recurved, and eyes with black margins. Chelicerae light brown, with 3 promarginal and 4 retromarginal teeth. Labium and maxillae dark brown, sternum brown. Leg segments light brown, proximal femur IV with two rows of plumose trichobothria. Leg formula: 1-2-4-3. Abdomen oval-shaped, longer than wide, with a sharp end. Silver scale-shaped flecks dense, covered on dorsal and upper lateral sides of abdomen. Dorsum of abdomen with a branching midline, two pairs of sigillas and two pairs of dark markings. A pair of bigger one dark markings on terminal end of abdomen and a smaller pair ones near both sides of spinnerets. Venter of abdomen with a crescent marking composed of flecks in center. Epigynum top of midan septum with a circular indentation, to form a tennis racket, and both sides of midan septum with a mound apophysis.


Male (NTNUB-Ar 50180). Total length 3.88: cephalothorax length 1.40, width 1.21; abdomen length 2.48, width 1.27, length / width of carapace = 1.16 in the ratio. Diameter of eyes in ratio, AME: ALE: PME: PLE = 1: 1: 1: 1. MOA-L: MOA-AW: MOA-PW: 0.21: 0.23: 0.28. Clypeus height 0.08. Chelicera length 0.72. Measurements of palpus and legs: palpus 1.57 (0.59, 0.15, 0.26, 0.57); leg I 9.98 (2.86, 3.37, 2.86, 0.89); leg II 7.44 (2.16, 2.35, 2.23, 0.70); leg III 3.24 (1.08, 1.08, 0.70, 0.38); leg IV 5.27 (1.65, 1.65, 1.46, 0.51). Male similar to female in coloration, markings, leg formula, external features and arrangement of eyes, but differs in dorsal silver flecks only covered on both sides of abdomen, and smaller body size. Chelicerae with 3 promarginal and 4 retromarginal teeth and a spur in middle in front side. Leg segments covered with many black spines. Metatarsus I with some thick and short spines arranged in a row. Tegulum of male palpus huge, containing winding sperm ducts. Conductor of columned, with a dark hook-shaped guiding lamella on top; base of cymbium with a retrolateral spur.

Variations. Measurements for 5 females are followed by those of 5 males (mean ± SD in parentheses): Body length 4.90 - 6.11 (5.63 ± 0.52), 3.82 - 4.13 (3.92 ± 0.12). Carapace length 1.65 - 2.10 (1.83 ± 0.17), 1.40 - 1.65 (1.56 ± 0.10); width 1.14 - 1.40 (1.27 ± 0.12), 1.14 - 1.27 (1.22 ± 0.05). Abdomen length 3.18 - 4.26 (3.80 ± 0.43), 2.23 - 2.54 (2.35 ± 0.15); width 1.59 - 2.10 (1.95 ± 0.21), 1.08 - 1.27 (1.20 ± 0.08).


Distribution. China, Laos and Taiwan (new record).

Remarks. Mesida yini is a newly recorded species in Taiwan. It is widely distributed from low to high altitudinal mountain region in Taiwan. The mature individuals were found almost in the whole year.


Genus Metleucauge Levi, 1980 長蹠蛛屬

Type species: Metleucauge eldorado Levi, 1980.

Diagnosis. Genus Metleucauge resembles genus Meta by the general external features, but can be distinguished from the latter (characters in parentheses) by having the epigynum with (without) lateral pockets; paracymbium small, without fork (paracymbium with different shapes of forks); with (without) a distinct spur on distal end of palpal trochanter; spermatheca well (slightly) sclerotized.

Note. Totally7 species of genus Metleucauge are known worldwide (Platnick, 2013), and 3 species are recorded in Taiwan.


Key to the species of genus Metleucauge from Taiwan:

1. Legs I and II densely covered with black spots; median marking of carapace reaching the rear of carapace; base of cymbium with an elongated fork; lateral pockets of female epigynum flattened......

...... ………...... ……....……….M. davidi (高山長蹠蛛)

Legs I and II sparsely covered with black spots; median marking of carapace not reaching the rear of carapace; base of cymbium without an elongated fork; lateral pockets of female epigynum distinctly concave…………………..…...... …...... …..…....2 2. Median marking of carapace ending in the fovea; median septum with

a nose-shaped swelling.……...... …..M. chikunii (褐腹長蹠蛛)

Median marking of carapace extending beyond the fovea; median septum with only a gently sloping bulge......

...... M. kompirensis (金比羅長蹠蛛)


Metleucauge chikunii Tanikawa,1992 褐腹長蹠蛛

(Figs. 47A-E, 48A-F, 78) Metleucauge kompirensis (nec Bösenberg et Strand, 1906): Chikuni, 1989: 88, f. 82. Metleucauge chikunii Tanikawa, 1992: 169, f. 16-23.; Namkung, 2002: 230, f. 18.17a-d; Kim et Cho, 2002: 317, f. 865-870; Zhu, Song et Zhang, 2003: 267, f. 148A-I; Namkung, 2003: 232, f. 18.17a-d; Tanikawa, 2007: 98, f. 328-330, 782-784; Tanikawa, 2009: 408, f. 19-21. Metleucauge chikuni: Song, Zhu et Chen, 1999: 216, f. 123J, N-O; Chen et Huang, 1999: 13, f. 2-8.

Specimens examined. TAIPEI CITY: WENSHAN, Chihnankung, alt. 150 m, 1 female (NTNUB-Ar 13963), 9-XII-1995, Wen-Chun HUANG leg. NEW TAIPEI CITY: CHINSHAN, Matsao, alt. 550 m, 1 female (NTNUB-Ar 11461), 3-IV-1998, Yu-Feng HSU leg.; WULAI, Wulai, alt. 200 m, 1 female (NTNUB-Ar 13719), 2-VI-1995, Wen-Chun HUANG leg.; 1 female (NTNUB-Ar 12304), 14-II-1996, Wen-Chun HUANG leg. NANTOU COUNTY: LENAI, Wushe, alt. 1145 m, 2 males (NTNUB-Ar 11501, 11502), 28-VIII-1996, Shyh-Hwang CHEN leg. KAOHSIUNG CITY: MAOLIN, Tona trail, alt. 1050 m, 1 female (NTNUB-Ar 12847), 24-XI-1996, Hsien-Tsung HUNG leg. PINTUNG COUNTY: LAIYI, Laiyi, alt. 200 m, 1 female (NTNUB-Ar 12770), 10-VII-1993, Shyh-Hwang CHEN leg. ILAN COUNTY: TATUNG, Sunglo Lake, alt.


1200 m, 1 female (NTNUB-Ar 14969), 19-VIII-1983, Shyh-Hwang CHEN leg.; CHIAOCHI, Paoma Trail, alt. 300 m, 1 male and 1 female (NTNUB-Ar 44739, 44701), 19-III-2005, Shyh-Hwang CHEN leg.

Diagnosis. Metleucauge chikunii resembles M. kompirensis by the lateral pockets of female epigynum distinctly concave, only few black spots on the base of setae on legs, and median marking of carapace not reaching the rear of carapace. But it can be distinguished from M. kompirensis (characters in parentheses) in having a median marking of carapace ending in (extending beyond) the fovea; median septum with a nose-shaped swelling (gently sloping bulge).


Description. Female (NTNUB-Ar 12304). Total length 10.35: cephalothorax length 3.85, width 2.92; abdomen length 6.50, width 4.00. Length / width of carapace = 1.32 in the ratio. Diameter of eyes in ratio, AME: ALE: PME: PLE = 8: 7: 8: 7. MOA-L: MOA-AW: MOA-PW: 0.59: 0.57: 0.65. Clypeus height 0.26. Chelicera length 1.60. Measurements of palpus and legs: palpus 4.44 (1.44, 0.52, 1.00, 1.48); leg I 20.62 (5.70, 6.92, 6.15, 1.85); leg II 16.15 (4.46, 5.38, 4.77, 1.54); leg III 8.77 (2.61, 2.77, 2.31, 1.08); leg IV 12.77 (4.00, 4.31, 3.38, 1.08). Carapace light brown, both sides of carapace with undulated brown stripes. Cephalic region with a brown marking and an unapparent midline, and the marking of carapace ending in the fovea. Cervical grooves and radial furrows conspicuous, thoracic groove hourglass-shaped. Both eye rows slightly recurved, eyes with black margins. Chelicerae brown, with 3 promarginal and 4 retromarginal teeth. Labium, maxillae and sternum dark brown. Leg segments light brown, covered with some black setae, and only few black spots on the base of setae on legs I and II. Leg formula: 1-2-4-3. Abdomen oval-shaped, dorsum with a light ground colored branching midline, and two pairs of sigillas. Epigynum dark brown, well sclerotized, with a nose-shaped swelling in the middle, and a concaved pocket on each side; spermatheca elliptical.


Male (NTNUB-Ar 44739). Total length 6.30: cephalothorax length 2.92, width 2.31; abdomen length 3.38, width 2.61, length / width of carapace = 1.27 in the ratio. Diameter of eyes in ratio, AME: ALE: PME: PLE = 8: 7: 8: 7. MOA-L: MOA-AW: MOA-PW: 0.58: 0.39: 0.54. Clypeus height 0.26. Chelicera length 1.40. Measurements of palpus and legs: palpus 5.24 (2.32, 0.44, 1.32, 1.16); leg I 18.46 (5.23, 6.15, 5.23, 1.85); leg II 13.84 (4.00, 4.61, 4.00, 1.23); leg III 7.07 (2.15, 2.15, 2.00, 0.77); leg IV 10.30 (3.08, 3.38, 2.92, 0.92). Male similar to female in coloration, markings, arrangement of eyes, quantity of teeth, leg formula and external features, but having a smaller body size. Male palpus thin and long, one side of male cymbium sharp; patella and distal end of tibia with a long and thick hair; distal end of trochanter armed with a distinct spur.

Variations. Measurements for 5 females are followed by those of 3 males (mean ± SD in parentheses): Body length 10.15 - 11.38 (10.74 ± 0.60), 6.31 - 7.92 (6.77 ± 0.41). Carapace length 3.38 - 4.46 (3.91 ± 0.42), 2.92 - 3.38 (3.18 ± 0.23); width 2.77 - 3.23 (2.98 ± 0.18). Abdomen length 6.00 - 7.69 (6.83 ± 0.66), 3.38 -3.69 (3.59 ± 0.18); width 4.00 - 6.31 (4.92 ± 0.97), 1.85 - 2.61 (2.20 ± 0.39).


Distribution. China, Japan, Korea and Taiwan.

Remarks. Metleucauge chikunii is the most common species of the genus Metleucauge in mountain areas below 2500 m in Taiwan. Saito (1933) first reported Metleucauge yunohamensis from Taiwan. However, no additional specimen of M. yunohamensis was found in Taiwan since Saito (1933). Moreover, the female epigynum, male palp and other morphological characters of M. yunohamensis drawn by Saito (1993) are identical to those of M. chikunii (Chen et Huang, 1999). In additon, Saito (1933) collected M. yunohamensis from Taiboku (Taipei, northern of Taiwan) and Kanshirei (Tainan, southern of Taiwan). Both localities are also within the boundary of M. chikunii in Taiwan. Therefore, I agree with Chen and Huang's comment (Chen et Huang, 1999) that the occurrence of M. yunohamensis in Taiwan is probably due to a misidentification of M. chikunii. Metleucauge yunohamensis should be excluded from the spider fauna of Taiwan.


Metleucauge davidi ( Schenkel, 1963) 高山長蹠蛛

(Figs. 49A-F, 50A-F, 78) Meta davidi Schenkel, 1963: 130, f. 77. Metleucauge davidi Tanikawa et Chang, 1997: 121, f. 1-6; Song, Zhu et Chen, 1999: 217, f. 123K, P-Q; Chen et Huang, 1999: 13, f. 9-15; Zhu, Song et Zhang, 2003: 269, f. 149A-H, 150A-F.

Specimens examined. CHIAYI COUNTY: ALISHAN, Alishan, alt. 2200 m, 1 male and 3 females (NTNUB-Ar 7868-7872), 12-II-1997, Wen-Chun HUANG leg.; 1 male (NTNUB-Ar 22911), 15-V-2004, Ya-Ching YANG leg. HUALIEN COUNTY: HSIULIN, Kueilin, alt. 2150 m, 2 females (NTNTUB-Ar 65986, 65987), 12-V-2007, Si-Syuan LIOU leg. TAITUNG COUNTY: HAITUAN, 7 Km SW Wulu, alt. 2250 m, 1 female (NTNUB-Ar 18166), 28-VI-2003, Shyh-Hwang CHEN leg.; Hsiangyang, alt. 2700 m, 1 female (NTNUB-Ar 48042), 31-VII-2009, Wen-Chun HUANG leg.; CHINFENG, 1km S Mt. peitawu, alt. 2450 m, 1 male (NTNUB-Ar 29034), 1-XII-2005, Shyh-Hwang CHEN leg.


Diagnosis. Metleucauge davidi resembles M. kompirensis by having a gently sloping bulge in the median septum of epigynum, but can be distinguished from the latter (characters in parentheses) in having lateral pockets of female epigynum flattened (distinctly concave); with black spots on the base of setae and some small brown spots on legs (only few black spots on the base of setae on legs); median marking of carapace reaching (not reaching) the rear of carapace; base of cymbium with (without) an elongated fork.

Description. Female (NTNUB-Ar 65987). Total length 9.68: cephalothorax length 3.53, width 2.61; abdomen length 6.15, width 5.08. Length / width of carapace = 1.35 in the ratio. Diameter of eyes in ratio, AME: ALE: PME: PLE = 8: 8: 9: 8. MOA-L: MOA-AW: MOA-PW: 0.54: 0.49: 0.62. Clypeus height 0.18. Chelicera length 1.68. Measurements of palpus, legs: palpus 4.24 (1.40, 0.44, 1.00, 1.40); leg I 21.68 (5.84, 7.38, 6.31, 2.15); leg II 15.69 (4.31, 5.38, 4.46, 1.54); leg III 8.45 (2.77, 2.61, 2.15, 0.92); leg IV 12.16 (3.69, 4.31, 3.08, 1.08). Carapace light brown, both sides of carapace with an undulated brown stripe, cephalic region with a dark brown marking and a light midline, and the marking of carapace reaching the rear of carapace. Cervical grooves and radial furrows conspicuous. Both eye rows slightly recurved, and eyes with black margins. Chelicerae dark brown, with 3 promarginal and 4 retromarginal teeth. Labium, maxillae and sternum


brown. Leg segments light brown, with a few black setae, with black spots on the base of setae and some small brown spots on legs. brown spots much dense in legs I and II than other legs. Leg formula: 1-2-4-3. Abdomen oval-shaped, dorsum white, with a huge, brown foliate marking, and a median symmetrical branching white markings; two pairs of sigillas. Epigynum brown, well sclerotized, with a gently sloping bulge in the middle of epigynum, and a flattened pocket on each side; spermatheca quadrangular in shape.

Male (NTNUB-Ar 22911). Total length 7.69: cephalothorax length 3.23, width 2.61; abdomen length 4.46, width 2.46, length / width of carapace = 1.24 in the ratio. Diameter of eyes in ratio, AME: ALE: PME: PLE = 8: 8: 9: 8. MOA-L: MOA-AW: MOA-PW: 0.54: 0.52: 0.62. Clypeus height 0.21. Chelicera length 1.78. Measurements of palpus and legs: palpus 6.16 (2.60, 0.60, 2.00, 096); leg I 28.76 (7.69, 9.54, 8.92, 2.61); leg II 19.23 (5.38, 6.46, 5.54, 1.85); leg III 9.55 (3.08, 3.08, 2.31, 1.08); leg IV 14.92 (4.92, 4.92, 3.85, 1.23). Male similar to female in coloration, markings, arrangement of eyes, quantity of teeth, leg formula and external features, but smaller in body size. Male palpus thin and long, patella and distal end of tibia with a long and thick hair, distal end of palpal trochanter armed with an elongated spur. Base of cymbium with an elongated fork.


Variations. Measurements for 5 females are followed by those of 3 males (mean ± SD in parentheses): Body length 9.69 - 10.46 (10.12 ± 0.30), 6.77 - 10.77 (8.41 ± 2.09). Carapace length 3.54 - 4.61 (3.91 ± 0.42), 3.08 - 4.77 (3.69 ± 0.94); width 2.61 - 3.08 (2.86 ± 0.18), 2.31 - 3.38 (2.77 ± 0.55). Abdomen length 5.38 - 6.77 (6.21 ± 0.52), 3.69 - 6.00 (4.72 ± 1.17); width 3.69 - 5.38 (4.58 ± 0.67), 2.31 - 3.38 (2.72 ± 0.58).

Distribution. China and Taiwan.

Remarks. Metleucauge davidi was first recorded by Tanikawa and Chang (1997) from Chilaisheshan (3000 m alt.), Hualien. It is mainly distributed in the high altitudinal mountain areas of Taiwan, where it often weaves an open orb-web in the humid place, including low vegetation under forests, above the standing water or on the roadside.


Metleucauge kompirensis (Bösenberg et Strand, 1906) 金比羅長蹠蛛

(Figs. 51A-F, 52A-F, 78) Meta kompirensis Bösenberg et Strand, 1906: 181, pl. 11, f. 242; Yaginuma, 1955: 16; Yaginuma, 1958: 25, f. 16-18; Yaginuma, 1960: 69, f. 65; Lee, 1964: 53, f. 18a-c; Yaginuma, 1971: 69, f. 65; Hu, 1984: 118, f. 117.1-3; Chen et Gao, 1990: 64, f. 78 Metleucauge kompirensis Levi, 1980: 46, f. 151 (Tf from Meta); Yaginuma, 1986: 124, f. 66.2; Chen et Zhang, 1991: 103, f. 96.1-5; Tanikawa, 1992: 171, f. 24-30; Chen et Huang, 1999: 13, f. 16-22; Kim, Kim et Lee, 1999: 55, f. 10, 35, 57; Song, Zhu et Chen, 1999: 217, f. 124A. C-D; Zhu, Song et Zhang, 2003: 272, f. 151A-H, 152A-H; Tanikawa, 2007: 99, f. 331, 785-787; Tanikawa, 2009: 408, f. 22-24; Marusik et Kovblyuk, 2011: 235, f. 34.4-5, 13, 15-18.

Specimens examined. TAIPEI CITY: DAAN, Fuyang park, alt. 10 m, 2 females (NTNUB-Ar 47323, 47324), 1-IV-2011, Ming-Sheng TSAI leg. NEW TAIPEI CITY: HSINTIEN, Szukanshui, alt. 100 m, 1 female (NTNUB-Ar 65323), 30-IV-2011, Che-Chang YANG leg.; WULAI, Wulai, alt. 200 m, 2 females (NTNUB-Ar 13627, 13628), 24-IV-1997, Shyh-Hwang CHEN leg. NANTOU COUNTY: LUKU, Sunlinchi, alt. 1600-1700 m, 1 male and 2 females (NTNUB-Ar 1784-1786), 11-II-1997, Shyh-Hwang CHEN leg.


Diagnosis. Metleucauge kompirensis resembles M. chikunii by lateral pockets of female epigynum distinctly concave, only few black spots around the base of setae on legs, and median marking of carapace not reaching the rear of carapace, but can be distinguished from the latter (characters in parentheses) in having a median marking of carapace extending beyond (ending in) the fovea; epigynum with a gently sloping bulge (nose-shaped swelling) in median septum.

Description. Female (NTNUB-Ar 65323). Total length 12.76: cephalothorax length 4.61, width 4.00; abdomen length 8.15, width 5.08. Length / width of carapace = 1.15 in the ratio. Diameter of eyes in ratio, AME: ALE: PME: PLE = 8: 7: 8: 7. MOA-L: MOA-AW: MOA-PW: 0.68: 0.62: 0.70. Clypeus height 0.26. Chelicera length 1.60. Measurements of palpus and legs: palpus 4.64 (1.60, 0.60, 0.96, 1.48); leg I 26.92 (7.69, 8.77, 8.31, 2.15); leg II 20.30 (6.00, 6.61, 6.15, 1.54); leg III 12.46 (3.23, 3.38, 4.77, 1.08); leg IV 16.46 (5.23, 5.38, 4.77, 1.08). Carapace light brown, both sides of carapace with a brown stripe. Cephalic region with a brown marking and a light midline, the marking extending beyond the fovea, but not reaching the rear of carapace. Cervical grooves and radial furrows conspicuous. Both eye rows slightly recurved, and eyes with black margins. Chelicerae brown, with 3 promarginal and 4 retromarginal teeth. Labium, maxillae and sternum brown. Leg segments brown, covered with some black setae,


only few black spots on the base of setae on legs. Leg formula: 1-2-4-3. Abdomen oval-shaped, dorsum white, with a grayish brown foliate marking in which more darker in front, two pairs of sigillas, two pairs of brown spots in posterior end of abdomen. Epigynum dark brown, well sclerotized, with a gently sloping bulge in middle, and a concave pocket on each side, spermatheca ovoid-shaped.

Male (NTNUB-Ar 1784). Total length 7.84: cephalothorax length 3.23, width 2.77; abdomen length 4.61, width 2.77, length / width of carapace = 1.17 in the ratio. Diameter of eyes in ratio, AME: ALE: PME: PLE = 8: 7: 8: 7. MOA-L: MOA-AW: MOA-PW: 0.57: 0.54: 0.57. Clypeus height 0.26. Chelicera length 1.92. Measurements of palpus and legs: palpus 5.04 (2.20, 0.48, 1.40, 096); leg I 21.22 (6.15, 6.92, 6.15, 2.00); leg II 15.99 (4.61, 5.23, 4.61, 1.54); leg III 7.84 (2.46, 2.61, 2.00, 0.77); leg IV 11.54 (3.69, 3.85, 3.08, 0.92). Male similar to female in coloration, markings, arrangement of eyes, quantity of teeth, leg formula and external features, but smaller in body size. Chelicerae dark brown, male palpus thin and long, patella and distal end of tibia with a long and thick hair, distal end of palpal trochanter armed with a triangular spur.


Variations. Measurements for 5 females (mean ± SD in parentheses): Body length 11.07 - 14.46 (12.68 ± 1.34). Carapace length 3.23 - 4.77 (4.18 ± 0.68); width 3.08 - 4.00 (3.57 ± 0.40). Abdomen length 7.38 - 9.69 (8.37 ± 0.89); width 4.46 - 5.54 (5.01 ± 0.47).

Distribution. Russia, China, Korea, Japan and Taiwan.

Remarks. Metleucauge kompirensis is very common in the low altitudinal mountain areas in Taiwan, but geographically it is restricted in northern and central Taiwan, where M. chikunii is sympatrically distributed.


Genus Okileucauge Tanikawa, 2001 沖繩蛛屬

Type species: Okileucauge sasakii Tanikawa, 2001

Diagnosis. Genus Okileucauge resembles genus Wolongica by the external appearance, but can be distinguished from the latter (characters in parentheses) by epigynum depressed at central part (epigynum with a lip-shaped swelling); spermatheca with three chambers (one chamber); the tegulum of male contains long and winding (squatty) sperm ducts, base of embolus covered by conductor (embolus without cover); cymbium smooth (with a cornute process on retrolateral side). In addition, it can be distinguished from genera Leucauge, Mesida and Tylorida by the base of femur IV without trichobothrium.


Okileucauge sasakii Tanikawa, 2001 佐佐木沖繩蛛

(Figs. 53A-E, 79) Okileucauge sasakii Tanikawa, 2001: 19, f. 2-8; Tanikawa, 2007: 100, f. 335-337, 794-795; 2009: 408, f. 31-32

Diagnosis. Okileucauge sasakii most resembles O. nigricauda (Zhu, Song et Zhang, 2003) by having a dark patch without silver fleck on rear of abdomen, but can be distinguished from the latter (characters in parentheses) by having the dark patch trigeminal shaped (squarish) on rear of abdomen; conductor and embolus covered by a long-oval shaped (S-shaped) guiding lamella.

Specimens examined. NANTOU COUNTY: LENAI, Wushe, alt. 1145 m, 3 females (NTNUB-Ar 11517-11519), 28-VIII-1996, Shyh-Hwang CHEN leg.; Tunyuan-Yunhai, alt. 2300 m, 2 females (NTNUB-Ar 50183, 50184), 5-VIII-2008, Shyh-Hwang CHEN leg.; Tunyuan, alt. 1800 m, 9 males and 6 females (NTNUB-Ar 52080, 52081, 52091, 52092, 52096-52098, 52114-52117, 52125-52128), 17-IV-2010, Tien-Yen YANG leg.; 3 male and 5 females (NTNUB-Ar 52390, 52391, 52404-52406, 52413-52415), 15-V-2010, Tien-Yen YANG leg. HUALIEN COUNTY: HSIULIN, Kueilin, alt. 2150 m, 3 males and 2 females (NTNUB-Ar 34619, 34620, 66002-66004), 12-V-2007, Si-Syuan LIOU leg.; 1 female (NTNUB-Ar 34618), 13-V-2007, Si-Syuan LIOU leg.; Chilai, alt. 1800 m, 1 female


(NTNUB-Ar 65988), 13-V-2007, Si-Syuan LIOU leg.

Description. Female (NTNUB-Ar 34618). Total length 2.37: cephalothorax length 1.03, width 0.90; abdomen length 1.34, width 1.03. Length / width of carapace = 1.14 in the ratio. Diameter of eyes in ratio, AME: ALE: PME: PLE = 1: 1: 1: 1. MOA-L: MOA-AW: MOA-PW: 0.46: 0.41: 0.46. Clypeus height 0.18. Chelicera length 0.52. Measurements of palpus and legs: palpus 1.17 (0.39, 0.13, 0.26, 0.39); leg I 6.16 (1.68, 1.92, 1.84, 0.72); leg II 4.20 (1.28, 1.36, 1.08, 0.48); leg III 2.32 (0.80, 0.60, 0.60, 0.32); leg IV 3.50 (1.08, 0.96, 0.96, 0.50). Carapace light brown, with a dark marking from ocular region to thoracic grooves; thoracic groove hourglass-shaped and dark in color. Cervical grooves and radial furrows conspicuous. Both eye rows recurved, and eyes with black margins. Chelicerae brown, with 3 promarginal and 4 retromarginal teeth. Labium, maxillae and sternum brown. Leg segments light brown, covered with some short spines; every base of tibia with a long dark spine; femur without trichobothrium. palpal tibia with many plumose trichobothria on dorsal side. Leg formula: 1-2-4-3. Abdomen oval shaped, covered with various sized silver flecks, and present a dark trigeminal shaped patch without silver fleck on abdomen. Epigynum light brown, upper edge with a hood, and central part with a pair of symmetrical L-shaped shadows. Vulva with three chambered spermathecae, largest one thin walled.


Male (NTNUB-Ar 52080). Total length 2.17: cephalothorax length 0.93, width 0.77; abdomen length 1.24, width 0.90, length / width of carapace = 1.20 in the ratio. Diameter of eyes in ratio, AME: ALE: PME: PLE = 1: 1: 1: 1. MOA-L: MOA-AW: MOA-PW: 0.21: 0.18: 0.21. Clypeus height 0.10. Chelicera length 0.39. Measurements of palpus and legs: palpus 1.14 (0.52, 0.13, 0.18, 0.31); leg I 5.88 (1.60, 1.88, 1.76, 0.64); leg II 4.24 (1.20, 1.32, 1.20, 0.52); leg III 2.04 (0.64, 0.60, 0.44, 0.36); leg IV 3.08 (1.12, 0.76, 0.80, 0.40). Male similar to female in coloration, quantity of teeth, arrangement of eyes, external features and formula, but smaller in body size . Palpal tibia with many plumose trichobothria. Tegulum contains long and winding sperm ducts; base of embolus covered by conductor; conductor and embolus covered by a long-oval shaped guiding lamella; paracymbium short.

Variations. Measurements for 5 females are followed by those of 5 males (mean ± SD in parentheses): Body length 2.17 - 2.37 (2.28 ± 0.10), 1.83 - 2.32 (2.08 ± 0.19). Carapace length 0.93 - 1.06 (1.00 ± 0.06), 0.70 - 0.98 (0.89 ± 0.08); width 0.83 - 0.90 (0.87 ± 0.03), 0.65 - 0.83 (0.74 ± 0.07). Abdomen length 1.21 - 1.34 (1.27 ± 0.05), 1.03 - 1.34 (1.19 ± 0.12); width 0.93 - 1.03 (0.98 ± 0.04), 0.80 - 0.95 (0.87 ± 0.06).


Distribution. Japan and Taiwan.

Remarks. Genus Okileucauge is a small genus of the family Tetragnathidae. Up to present, only nine species had been described worldwide (Platnick, 2013) and most species are distributed in China, except for O. sasakii that is distributed in Japan and Taiwan at the high-altitude mountain areas.


Genus Opadometa Archer, 1951 隨蛛屬

Type species: Opadometa grata Guérin-Méneville, 1838

Diagnosis. Genus Opadometa most resembles genus Leucauge, but can be distinguished from the latter by having the abdomen strongly extending forward, and covering above the carapace; copulatory openings located at rear side of female epigynum; base of conductor with a spinous apophysis in male palpus.

Note. Totally 10 species of genus Mesida are known worldwide (Platnick, 2013), and 1 species is recorded in Taiwan.


Opadometa grata (Guérin-Méneville, 1838) 喜隨蛛

(Figs. 54A-I, 80)

Epeira grata Guérin-Méneville, 1838: 51. Leucauge grata: Kulczyn'ski, 1911: 454, pl. 19, f. 30-31, 36, 38; Berland, 1938: 168, f. 112-118; Roewer, 1938: 49, f. 34; Chrysanthus, 1963: 729, f. 18-23; Chrysanthus, 1975: 21, f. 78-80 Opadometa grata: Archer, 1951: 8, f. 10, 13-14 (Tmf from Leucauge); Zhu, Song et Zhang, 2003: 287, f. 160A-J, 161A-E; Kuntner, Coddington et Hormiga, 2008: 176, f. 18A-F; Ono, 2011: 459, f. 82-89, 98-99. Leucauge trigonosa Wang, 1991: 153, f. 1-6; Song, Zhu et Chen, 1999: 216, f. 121K, 123C-D, 131C-D.

Specimens examined. PINTUNG COUNTY: MANCHOU, Nanjenshan, alt. 300 m, 3 females (NTNUB-Ar 34615-34617), 13-IX-1984, Shyh-Hwang CHEN leg.


Diagnosis. Opadometa grata most resembles O. fastigata (Simon, 1877) by the external appearance, but can be distinguished from the latter (characters in parentheses) by having the median septum of epigynum hourglass-shaped (both sides of median septum at rear portion almost parallel); fertilization duct short (long).

Description. Female (NTNUB-Ar 34615). Total length 10.05: cephalothorax length 3.50, width 2.86; abdomen length 7.82, width 3.94. Length / width of carapace = 1.22 in the ratio. Diameter of eyes in ratio, AME: ALE: PME: PLE = 7: 7: 6: 7. MOA-L: MOA-AW: MOA-PW: 0.46: 0.44: 0.46. Clypeus height 0.15. Chelicera length 1.48. Measurements of palpus and legs: palpus 3.36 (1.12, 0.48, 0.68, 1.08); leg I 14.61 (4.46, 4.61, 4.31, 1.23); leg II 11.85 (3.85, 3.69, 3.23, 1.08); leg III 6.31 (2.31, 1.69, 1.54, 0.77); leg IV 10.30 (3.69, 2.92, 2.77, 0.92). Carapace brown, cervical grooves conspicuous but radial furrows inconspicuous. Both eye rows recurved, and eyes with black margins. Chelicerae brown, with 3 promarginal and 4 retromarginal teeth. Labium dark brown, maxillae brown, and sternum brown bordered with light brown. Leg segments light brown. proximal portion of Femur IV with some trichobothria, and tibia IV with tufts of setae. Leg formula: 1-2-4-3. Abdomen pear-shaped, strongly extends forward, and covers above carapace. Surface of abdomen dark brown, with some irregular silvery white flakes. Central epigynum with a hourglass-shaped median


septum, copulatory opening located at rear side of epigynum, vulva with one pair of huge saccate spermathecae and short fertilization ducts.

Male (No examined). Abdomen oval-shaped, but not extends forward. Conductor of male palpus wide, triangular, with a curved top, and a spinous apophysis on its base; base of cymbium with a long hook-shaped apophysis. (See Zhu, Song et Zhang, 2003)

Variations. Measurements for 3 females (mean ± SD in parentheses): Body length 8.71 - 10.05 (9.29 ± 0.69). Carapace length 2.67 - 3.50 (2.97 ± 0.46); width 2.10 - 2.86 (2.40 ± 0.41). Abdomen length 6.04 - 7.82 (6.74 ± 0.95); width 2.67 - 3.94 (3.35 ± 0.64).

Distribution. China, Japan, Laos, Indonesia, New Guinea, Solomon and Taiwan.

Remarks. Genus Opadometa is a newly recorded genus in Taiwan. Opadometa grata is only distributed in southern part of Taiwan. Mature individuals currently were found only in September, and male individuals have not yet been recorded from Taiwan.


Genus Tylorida Simon, 1894 高腹蛛屬

Typical species: Meta striata Thorell, 1877

Diagnosis. Genus Tylorida resembles genus Orsinome by the external appearance, but can be distinguished from the latter (characters in parentheses) by having a big tegulum which contains long and winding sperm ducts (tegulum normal); base of cymbium with a retrolateral spur (middle portion of cymbium with a retrolateral spur); a translucent oval-shaped guiding lamella covers the conductor (without a guiding lamella); male with 5 (2-5) retromarginal teeth on chelicera; upper edge of epigynum depressed (depressed not necessarily).

Note. Totally 9 species of genus Tylorida are known worldwide (Platnick, 2013), and 3 species are recorded in Taiwan.


Key to the species of genus Tylorida from Taiwan:

1. Male…………………………………………………...………………2 Female………………………………………………….……………..4 2. Abdomen covered with golden scale-shaped flecks; front of dorsum

uplifted significantly……...…………………..T. striata (條紋高腹蛛)

Abdomen without golden fleck; front of dorsum slightly uplifted...... 3 3. Carapace dark brown; sperm ducts relatively short and not winding in tegulum; venter of abdomen with a large central dark marking, in couple with a triangular dark marking behind epigastric furrow on

both sides.……...………...... ……..T. tianlin (田林高腹蛛)

Carapace light brown; sperm ducts long and winding in tegulum; venter of abdomen with a large central dark marking between epigastric furrow and spinnerets in couple with a dark marking in

middle of both sides……...... …….T. ventralis (橫帶高腹蛛)

4. Front of abdomen uplifted significantly; surface of legs without any

spot...... T. striata (條紋高腹蛛)

Front of abdomen relatively flat; legs covered with spots...... ….....…5 5. Lower portion of epigynum narrow; legs covered with dense hairs and

brown spots………...... ……. T. tianlin (田林高腹蛛)

Lower portion of epigynum wide; legs covered with sparse hairs and

brown spots……...... …...…T. ventralis (橫帶高腹蛛)


Tylorida striata (Thorell, 1877) 條紋高腹蛛

(Figs. 55A-E, 56A-C, 81) Meta striata Thorell, 1877: 427; Hasselt, 1882: 25. Argyroepeira bigibba Thorell, 1887: 140 . Argyroepeira striata: Thorell, 1887: 142; Workman et Workman, 1894: 19, pl. 19. Tylorida striata: Simon, 1894: 737, fig. 809; Bösenberg et Strand, 1906: 187, pl. 15, fig. 420; Nakahira, 1958: 7, fig. 1; Yaginuma, 1960: 72, fig. 67; Chrysanthus, 1963: 727, fig. 1-4; Lee, 1964: 56, fig. 19e-f; Yaginuma, 1971: 72, fig. 67; Chrysanthus, 1975: 30, fig. 115-116; Yoshida, 1978: 8, fig. 7-10; Hu, 1984: 153, fig. 157.1-3; Yaginuma, 1986: 129, fig. 68.6; Song, 1987: 188, fig. 147; Davies, 1988: 288, fig. 13; Chikuni, 1989: 93, fig. 10; Feng, 1990: 111, fig. 86.1-6; Chen et Gao, 1990: 87, fig. 109a-b; Chen et Zhang, 1991: 124, fig. 118.1-2; Barrion et Litsinger, 1994: 328, fig. 1748-1750; Barrion et Litsinger, 1995: 530, fig. 327a-j, 328a-f; Song, Zhu et Chen, 1999: 223, fig. 129A-B, E; Hu, 2001: 603, fig. 411.1-3; Zhu, Wu et Song, 2002: 27, fig. 2A-H, 3A-E; Zhu, Song et Zhang, 2003: 304, fig. 169A-H, 170A-E; Tanikawa, 2005: 151, fig. 1-2, 5-6; Tanikawa, 2007: 100, fig. 338-339, 796-797; Dimitrov, Á lvarez-Padilla et Hormiga, 2008: 51, fig. 1A-D; Á lvarez-Padilla et al., 2009: 141, fig. 8f, 9f; Tanikawa, 2009: 410, fig. 33-34.


Specimens examined. TAIPEI CITY: Wenshan, Hsienchiyen, alt. 100 m, 1 female (NTNUB-Ar 8334), 31-XII-1998, Shyh-Hwang CHEN leg.; 1 female (NTNUB-Ar 8498), 21-IV-1999, Shyh-Hwang CHEN leg. NEW TAIPEI CITY: Shinting, Huangtitien, alt. 250 m, 1 female (NTNUB-Ar 8639), 29-X-1999, Shyh-Hwang CHEN leg. NANTOU COUNTY: CHUSHAN, Shuiche, alt. 150 m, 1 female (NTNUB-Ar 8348), 3-I-1999, Kuan-Chou CHEN leg.; Yuchih, Lienhuachih, alt. 700 m, 1 male (NTNUB-Ar 47327), 11-VII-1984, Shyh-Hwang CHEN leg. CHIAYI COUNTY: FANLU, Chukou, alt. 250 m, 1 female (NTNUB-Ar 9799), 10-III-1989, Shyh-Hwang CHEN leg. TAINAN CITY: PAIHO, Kuantzeling, alt. 350 m, 1 female (NTNUB-Ar 14774), 5-II-2002, Shyh-Hwang CHEN leg. ILAN COUNTY: Tatung, Kulu, alt. 350 m, 2 females (NTNUB-Ar47328, 47329), 22-I-1998, Shyh-Hwang CHEN leg.

Diagnosis. Tylorida striata most resembles T. verntralis by shapes of the epigynum and palpus, but can be distinguished from the latter (characters in parentheses) by having the abdomen with golden scale-shaped flecks (without golden flecks); front of abdomen uplifted significantly (relatively flat); venter of abdomen with a black marking nearby the spinnerets (with a large black marking between epigastric furrow and spinnerets); legs without spots (with sparse brown spots).


Description. Female (NTNUB-Ar 8334). Total length 5.32: cephalothorax length 1.88, width 1.48; abdomen length 3.40, width 2.24. Length / width of carapace = 1.27 in the ratio. Diameter of eyes in ratio, AME: ALE: PME: PLE = 1: 1: 1: 1. MOA-L: MOA-AW: MOA-PW: 0.46: 0.44: 0.46. Clypeus height 0.13. Measurements of palpus and legs: palpus 2.12 (0.72, 0.20, 0.40, 0.80); leg I 14.91 (4.46, 4.61, 4.61, 1.23); leg II 9.08 (2.77, 2.77, 2.77, 0.77); leg III 5.54 (2.15, 1.69, 1.08, 0.62); leg IV 8.61 (2.77, 2.61, 2.46, 0.77). Carapace light brown, with a thin brown stripe on both sides ,and a median dark brown Y - shaped marking behind ocular region. Cervical grooves and radial furrows conspicuous. Both eye rows slightly recurved, and eyes with black margins. Chelicerae light brown, with 3 promarginal and 4 retromarginal teeth, fang dark brown. Labium, maxillae and sternum light brown. Leg light brown without spots, distal end of tibia I dark covered with many long black spines, proximal portion of each femur present some trichobothria. Leg formula: 1-2-4-3. Abdomen yellow, covered with golden scale-shaped flecks, front of abdomen uplifted significantly. Both front and back of the highest point ridge on midline with a black spot respectively, and rear part of abdomen with a long and two black spots. Venter of abdomen nearby spinneret present a median black marking. Epigynum light brown, upper edge with a hood, central with a pair of V-shaped shadows. Spermatheca with two chambers, a sclerotized with wrinkled surface one, and another swollen balloon-shaped one.


Male (NTNUB-Ar 47327). Total length 4.36: cephalothorax length 1.88, width 1.40; abdomen length 2.48, width 1.48, length / width of carapace = 1.34 in the ratio. Diameter of eyes in ratio, AME: ALE: PME: PLE = 1: 1: 1: 1. MOA-L: MOA-AW: MOA-PW: 0.31: 0.31: 0.28. Clypeus height 0.18. Measurements of palpus and legs: palpus 2.52 (1.16, 0.20, 0.32, 0.84); leg I 17.99 (4.92, 5.84, 6.15, 1.08); leg II 9.68 (2.92, 2.92, 2.92, 0.92); leg III 5.13 (2.00, 1.28, 1.23, 0.62); leg IV 8.61 (2.92, 2.46, 2.46, 0.77). Male similar to female in coloration, markings, arrangement of eyes and leg formula and external features, but smaller in body size. Chelicerae with 3 promarginal and 5 retromarginal teeth. Labium, maxillae and sternum brown. Tegulum big obviously, containing long and winding sperm ducts. Paracymbium short; base of cymbium with a retrolateral spur, guiding lamella translucent and oval-shaped, covers conductor.

Variations. Measurements for 5 females (mean ± SD in parentheses): Body length 5.24 - 7.48 (6.43 ± 0.82). Carapace length 1.76 - 2.72 (2.38 ± 0.37); width 1.4 - 1.96 (1.66 ± 0.21). Abdomen length 3.48 - 4.76 (4.05 ± 0.5); width 1.8 - 2.76 (2.3 ± 0.39).


Distribution. China, Japan, Myanmar, Papua New Guinea, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand and Vietnam.

Remarks. Tylorida striata was first recorded by Lee (1964) in Taiwan. They often inhabit in the grass nearby farms, ditches or roadside and weave a horizontal open orb-web. Their body color will be changed when they are startled, and this behavior is more common in the spiderling stage.


Tylorida tianlin Zhu, Song et Zhang, 2003 田林高腹蛛

(Figs. 57A-E, 58A-C, 82)

Tylorida tianlin Zhu, Song et Zhang, 2003: 307, fig. 171A-G.

Specimens examined. NEW TAIPEI CITY: HSINTIEN, Yinghotung, alt. 100 m, 5 females (NTNUB-Ar 7089-7093), 28-III-1996, Shyh-Hwang CHEN leg.; PINGLIN, Chingshan Bridge, alt. 300 m, 1 male (NTNUB-Ar 31273), 14-VII- 2003, Shyh-Hwang CHEN leg.; PihuBridge, alt. 300 m, 2 females (NTNUB-Ar 1475, 1476), 13-VIII-1996, Shyh-Hwang CHEN leg.; 2 females (NTNUB-Ar 5439, 5440), 4-IX-1999, Shyh-Hwang CHEN leg.; Kungliao, Tsaoling Trail, 1 male (NTNUB-Ar 24143),14-VII- 2004, Wen-Chun HUANG leg.; SHIHTING, Hsiaochukeng, alt. 350 m, 3 females (NTNUB-Ar 36562-36564), 30-IV-2008, Shyh-Hwang CHEN leg.; 3 females (NTNUB-Ar 6504-6506), 2-VI-1995, Shyh-Hwang CHEN leg. HSINCHU COUNTY: PEIPU, Wutzushan, alt. 850 m, 1 male and 1 female (NTNUB-Ar 7775, 7776), 3-IV-1997, Shyh-Hwang CHEN leg. MIAOLI COUNTY: NANCHUANG, Hsiangtien Lake, alt. 750 m, 1 female (NTNUB-Ar 8273), 12-XII-1998, Shyh-Hwang CHEN leg. TAICHUNG CITY: TUNGSHIH, Ssuchiaolin, alt. 500 m, 1 male (NTNUB-Ar 1641), 17-I-1997, Shyh-Hwang CHEN leg.; HOPING, Chiapaotai, alt. 1000 m, 1 female (NTNUB-Ar 1649), 18-I-1997, Shyh-Hwang CHEN leg.; 2 females (NTNUB-Ar 1691, 1692), 1-II-1997, Shyh-Hwang CHEN leg. NANTOU COUNTY: LUKU, Chitou, alt. 1150 m, 1 female 175

(NTNUB-Ar 1450), 18-II-1994. Shyh-Hwang CHEN leg.; 1 male and 3 females (NTNUB-Ar 1737-1739, 1950), 12-II-1997, Shyh-Hwang CHEN leg. Chitou, alt. 1000 m, 2 males (NTNUB-Ar 18601, 18602), 7-VII- 2003, Wen-Chun HUANG leg. TAINAN CITY: PAIHO, Kuantzeling, alt. 350 m, 3 females (NTNUB-Ar 35093-35096), 9-II-2006, Shyh-Hwang CHEN leg. KAOHSIUNG CITY: MAOLIN, Shanping, alt. 700 m, 2 females (NTNUB-Ar 47344, 47346), 9-VI-1998, Shyh-Hwang CHEN leg. ILAN COUNTY: NANAO, Secret Lake, alt. 1000 m, 1 female (NTNUB-Ar 36627), 20-IV-2008, Chen-Yu HUANG leg. HUALIEN COUNTY: SHOUFENG, Liyushan, alt. 300 m, 1 female (NTNUB-Ar 24909), 2-III-2003, Hon-Zen WEI leg. TAITUNG COUNTY: TUNGHO, Tungho Farm, alt. 400 m, 5 females and 1 male (NTNUB-Ar 21866-21871), 5-XII-2003, Shyh-Hwang CHEN leg.

Diagnosis. Tylorida tianlin most resembles to T. verntralis by legs present spots and venter of abdomen present a large black marking between epigastric furrow and spinnerets, but can be distinguished from the latter (characters in parentheses) by having legs present dense (sparse) spots; lower portion of epigynum narrow (wide); sperm ducts in tegulum short and not winding (long and winding).


Description. Female (NTNUB-Ar 21870). Total length 7.28: cephalothorax length 2.92, width 1.92; abdomen length 4.36, width 3.28. Length / width of carapace = 1.52 in the ratio. Diameter of eyes in ratio, AME : ALE : PME : PLE = 7 : 7 : 6 : 6. MOA-L: MOA-AW: MOA-PW: 046: 0.46: 0.44. Clypus height 0.13. Measurements of palpus and legs: palpus 3.24 (1.08, 0.36, 0.68, 1.12); leg I 14.15 (4.00, 4.61, 4.31, 1.23); leg II 10.16 (3.08, 3.08, 2.77, 1.23); leg III 5.85 (1.85, 1.85, 1.38, 0.77); leg IV 8.46 (2.77, 2.61, 2.31, 0.77). Carapace light brown, with an undulated brown stripe on both sides. Cervical grooves and radial furrows conspicuous. Both eye rows slightly recurved, eyes with black margins. Chelicera and fang dark brown, with 3 promarginal and 4 retromarginal teeth. Labium, maxillae and sternum dark brown. Legs light brown, legs I and II covered with dense dark spots. Leg segments covered with some black spines and long hairs, and proximal portion of each femur bearing with some trichobothria. Leg formula: 1-2-4-3. Abdomen dark brown, oval-shaped. Dorsum of abdomen with a dark branching midline without flecks, and both sides with silvery white flecks. Venter of abdomen having a large median black marking between gastric furrow and spinnerets, and a small triangular black marking belind gastric furrow on both sides. Epigynum mushroom-shaped, upper edge with a hood. Spermatheca with two chambers, including a sclerotized with wrinkled surface one, and another swollen balloon-shaped one.


Male (NTNUB-Ar 21866). Total length 5.28: cephalothorax length 2.48, width 1.84; abdomen length 2.80, width 1.68, length / width of carapace = 1.35 in the ratio. Diameter of eyes in ratio, AME : ALE : PME : PLE = 7 : 7 : 6 : 6. MOA-L: MOA-AW: MOA-PW: 044: 0.44: 0.41. Clypus height 0.13. Measurements of palpus and legs: palpus 3.24 (1.64, 0.28, 0.40, 092); leg I 15.23 (4.00, 4.92, 4.92, 1.38); leg II 10.00 (2.77, 3.08, 3.08, 1.08); leg III 5.23 (1.69, 1.54, 1.23, 0.77); leg IV 7.69 (2.46, 2.31, 2.15, 0.77). Male similar to female in markings, arrangement of eyes and external features, but smaller in body size. Carapace dark brown. Chelicerae dark brown, with 3 promarginal and 5 retromarginal teeth. Labium, maxillae and sternum dark brown. Leg I darker than other legs. Sperm ducts in tegulum shorter and less winding. Paracymbium short; base of cymbium with a retrolateral spur. Guiding lamella translucent and oval-shaped covers conductor.

Variations. Measurements for 5 females are followed by those of 5 males (mean ± SD in parentheses): Body length 5.24 - 7.48 (6.43 ± 0.82), 5.08 - 6.48 (5.8 ± 0.51). Carapace length 1.76 - 2.72 (2.38 ± 0.37), 2.16 - 2.76 (2.48 ± 0.23); width 1.4 - 1.96 (1.66 ± 0.21), 1.56 - 1.8 (1.7 ± 0.10). Abdomen length 3.48 - 4.76 (4.05 ± 0.5), 2.92 - 3.72 (3.30 ± 0.29); width 1.8 - 2.76 (2.3 ± 0.39), 1.56 - 1.8 (1.69 ± 0.09).


Distribution. China and Taiwan (new record).

Remarks. Tylorida tianlin is a newly recorded species in Taiwan. It is widely distributed in the low or medium altitudinal mountain areas in Taiwan. The males were found in the whole year.


Tylorida ventralis (Thorell, 1877) 橫帶高腹蛛

(Figs. 59A-E, 60A-C, 83) Meta ventralis Thorell, 1877: 423. Argyroepeira ventralis: Thorell, 1887: 138; Workman, 1896: 55, pl. 55. Leucauge ventralis: Pocock, 1904: 800, pl. 66, fig. 3; Tikader, 1982: 85, fig. 168-171 Anopas ventralis: Archer, 1951: 7, fig. 8-9 (from Leucauge). Tylorida ventralis: Chrysanthus, 1975: 31, fig. 117-120 ( from Anopas); Yoshida, 1978: 8, fig. 1-6; Song, Zhu et Chen, 1999: 223, fig. 129C-D, F; Zhu, Wu et Song, 2002: 29, fig. 4A-J; . Zhu, Song et Zhang, 2003: 308, fig. 172A-J, pl. XE-H; Tanikawa, 2005: 153, fig. 3-4, 7-8; Tanikawa, 2007: 100, fig. 340-342, 798-799; Tanikawa, 2009: 410, fig. 35-36; Jäger et Praxaysombath, 2009: 35, fig. 18, 24-37. Leucauge sphenoida Wang, 1991: 157, fig. 17-20; Song, Zhu et Chen, 1999: 216, fig. 121O, 122K-L, 130R.

Specimens examined. TAIPEI CITY: WENSHAN, Hsienchiyen, alt.100 m, 1 female (NTNUB-Ar 8324), 27-XII-1988, Jui-Lung HSIAO leg.; 2 males (NTNUB-Ar 36501, 36502), 10-IV-2008, Shyh-Hwang CHEN leg. DAAN, Fuyang park, alt. 10 m, 2 males and 1 female (NTNUB-Ar 47167-47169), 19-I-2010, Ming-Che GUO leg.; 2 females (NTNUB-Ar 47325-47326), 1-IV-2011, Ming-Sheng TSAI leg. NEW TAIPEI CITY: WULAI, Wulai, alt. 200 m, 1 male (NTNUB-Ar 47330), 24-III-1997, Shyh-Hwang CHEN leg. PINGLIN, Pinglin, alt. 200 m, 1 male and 1


female (NTNUB-Ar 47331-47332), 18-IX-1993, Shyh-Hwang CHEN leg. CHIAYI COUNTY: TAPU, Chiayi Farm, alt. 300 m, 2 males and 1 female (NTNUB-Ar 16354-16356), 2-IV-2003, Shyh-Hwang CHEN leg. TAINAN CITY: NANHUA, Nanhua Reservoir, alt. 550 m, 2 males (NTNUB-Ar 26958-26959), 12-VIII-2004, Shyh-Hwang CHEN leg. PAIHO, Kuantzeling, alt. 350 m, 1 female (NTNUB-Ar 5998), 5-II-2002, Shyh-Hwang CHEN leg.; 1 male and 4 females (NTNUB-Ar 35054-35058), 9-II-2006, Shyh-Hwang CHEN leg. KAOHSIUNG CITY: KUSHAN, Shoushan, alt. 300 m, 1 male and 2 females (NTNUB-Ar 7943- 7945), 3-IV-1997, Ching-Yi CHANG leg. LIUKUEI, Liukuei, alt. 200 m, 1 male (NTNUB-Ar 47334), 3-IV-1983, Shyh-Hwang CHEN leg.

Diagnosis. Tylorida ventralis most resembles to T. tianlin by legs present spots and venter of abdomen present a large median black marking between epigastric furrow and spinnerets, but can be distinguished from the latter (characters in parentheses) by having legs present sparse (dense) spots; lower portion of epigynum wide (narrow); sperm ducts in tegulum long and winding (short and not winding).


Description. Female (NTNUB-Ar 47332). Total length 6.32: cephalothorax length 2.40, width 1.60; abdomen length 3.92, width 2.16. Length / width of carapace = 1.50 in the ratio. Diameter of eyes in ratio, AME: ALE: PME: PLE = 6: 6: 5: 5. MOA-L: MOA-AW: MOA-PW: 036: 0.39: 0.36. Clypeus height 0.13. Measurements of palpus and legs: palpus 2.64 (0.88, 0.24, 0.60, 0.92); leg I 18.14 (5.23, 5.84, 5.84, 1.23); leg II 10.77 (3.23, 3.23, 3.38, 0.93); leg III 5.08 (1.69, 1.54, 1.23, 0.62); leg IV 9.69 (3.54, 2.61, 2.77, 0.77). Carapace light brown, with a wide brown stripe on both sides, a median V-shaped brown marking behind ocular region. Cervical grooves and radial furrows conspicuous. Both eye rows slightly recurved, and eyes with black margins. Chelicerae brown, with 3 promarginal and 4 retromarginal teeth, fang dark brown. Labium, maxillae and sternum dark brown. Leg light brown, covered with some black spines and a few brown spots. Proximal portion of each femur having with some trichobothria Leg formula: 1-2-4-3. Abdomen gray, covered with many silvery white flecks. Front of dorsal abdomen slightly uplifted. Dorsum with a dark branching midline without flecks. Venter of abdomen having a large black median marking between gastric furrow and spinnerets, and a black marking in the middle of each side. Epigynum light brown, upper edge of that with a hood, and a pair of symmetrical L-shaped shadows in center. Spermatheca with two chambers, including a L-shaped one , and a swollen balloon-shaped one.


Male (NTNUB-Ar 47331). Total length 5.80: cephalothorax length 2.60, width 1.72; abdomen length 3.20, width 1.56, length / width of carapace = 1.51 in the ratio. Diameter of eyes in ratio, AME : ALE : PME : PLE = 7 : 7 : 6 : 6. MOA-L: MOA-AW: MOA-PW: 041: 0.41: 0.39. Clypus height 0.13. Measurements of palpus and legs: palpus 2.80 (1.36, 0.20, 0.28, 096); leg I 26.61 (7.07, 8.46, 9.54, 1.54); leg II 14.76 (4.31, 4.61, 4.61, 1.23); leg III 6.16 (2.00, 1.85, 1.54, 0.77); leg IV 11.54 (3.69, 3.23, 3.69, 0.93). Male similar to female in coloration, markings, arrangement of eyes, leg formula and features, but smaller in body size. Chelicerae brown, with 3 promarginal and 5 retromarginal teeth. Tegulum with long and winding sperm ducts. Paracymbium short; base of cymbium with a retrolateral spur. Guiding lamella translucent and oval-shaped covers conductor.

Variations. Measurements for 5 females are followed by those of 5 males (mean ± SD in parentheses): Body length 5.24 - 7.48 (6.43 ± 0.82), 5.08 - 6.48 (5.8 ± 0.51). Carapace length 1.76 - 2.72 (2.38 ± 0.37), 2.16 - 2.76 (2.48 ± 0.23); width 1.4 - 1.96 (1.66 ± 0.21), 1.56 - 1.8 (1.7 ± 0.10). Abdomen length 3.48 - 4.76 (4.05 ± 0.5), 2.92 - 3.72 (3.30 ± 0.29); width 1.8 - 2.76 (2.3 ± 0.39), 1.56 - 1.8 (1.69 ± 0.09).


Distribution. China, India, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Myanmar, Papua New Guinea, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Taiwan and Vietnam.

Remarks. Tylorida ventralis is common in low altitudinal mountain areas in Taiwan. They often inhabit in the grasses or twigs of plants nearby farms, ditches or roadside where they weave a horizontal open orb-web.



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科( Metinae )的后蛛屬 (Meta) ,以及銀腹蛛亞科 (Leucauginae)的麥

蛛屬 (Menosira) 和隨蛛屬 (Opadometa)為臺灣的新記錄屬。種類方


亞科的黑背后蛛 (Meta nigridosalis) 與銀腹蛛亞科的美麗麥蛛

(Menosira ornata)、印氏天星蛛 (Mesida yini)、佐佐木沖繩蛛

(Okileucauge sasakii)、喜隨蛛 (Opadometa grata)和田林高腹蛛

(Tylorida tianlin);另外6種為尚未發表的新種,分別是后蛛亞科的霧

鹿后蛛 Meta wuluensis Tsai et Chen, sp. nov., 台灣后蛛 Meta taiwanica Tsai et Chen, sp. nov., 檜林后蛛 Meta kueilinensis Tsai et

Chen, sp. nov., 來社山后蛛 Meta laisheshanensis Tsai et Chen, sp. nov.

和阿里山后蛛 Meta alishanensis Tsai et Chen, sp. nov.等5種,以及銀

腹蛛亞科的台灣天星蛛 Mesida taiwanica Tsai et Chen, sp. nov.。此

外,本論文首次記錄描述臺灣雙勝蛛 (Diphya taiwanica)的雄蛛及長

沼氏長腳蛛 (Tetragnatha hiroshii)的雌蛛。 而臺灣地區的Tetragnatha gracilis (Bryant, 1923)在Yaginuma(1941)首次記錄之後即無任何採集


2013),故本論文將其列為排除種; 另外,目前所知Tetragnatha


nepaeformis Doleschall, 1859 僅分布於印尼(Platnick, 2013),雖然Chu

& Okuma (1970)首次記錄台灣地區的Tetragnatha nepaeformis

Doleschall, 1859,但是後續也無任何可信的採集紀錄,本人曾嘗試找

尋Chu & Okuma (1970)的存證標本以供檢視,但並無所獲,故將其列

為疑問種。最後,大長腳蛛 (Tetragnatha mandibulata)、華麗長腳蛛

(Tetragnatha nitens)、綠鱗長腳蛛 (Tetragnatha squamata)、條紋高腹

蛛 (Tylorida striata)及橫帶高腹蛛 (Tylorida ventralis)等五種,應為全









Fe Pal ♂ Pal ♀

Ch Ma La RF Ps St ThG Bl Tr Ep Os EF


Figure 1. External features of family Tetragnathidae. A. Body, dorsal view; B. Body, ventral view. Abbreviations: ALS, anterior lateral spinneret; AT, anal tubercle; Bl, booklung; Ch, chelicerae; EF, epigastric furrows; Ep, epigynum; Fe, femur; La, labium; Ma, maxillae; Mt, metatarsus; Os, opisthosoma; Pa, patella; Pal, palp; PLS, posterior lateral spinneret; PMS, posterior median spinneret; Ps, prosoma; RF, radial furrows; St, sternum; Ta, tarsus; ThG, thoracic groove; Ti, tibia; Tr, trichobothrium.


Ho Bl


Ch I Sp


Figure 2. Female copulatory organs of family Tetragnathidae. A. Female genitalia of general Tetragnathinae, ventral view; B. Epigynum (Tylorida), ventral view; C. Vulva of genernal Tetragnathinae, dorsal view; D. Vulva (Tylorida), dorsal view. Abbreviations: Bl, booklung; BS, booklung slit; CD, copulatory duct; Ch, chamber (of spermatheca); COp, copulatory opening; FD, fertilization duct; GC, genital cover; Ho, hood; PS, posterior sac; Sp, spermatheca.





Figure 3. Different types of female vulva of genus Tetragnatha. A. Vulva with one pair of spermathecae (T. lauta); B. Vulva with one pair of spermathecae and one globular poserior sac (T. maxillosa); C. Vulva with one pair of spermathecae and one irregular cystic poserior sac (T. hiroshii); D. Vulva with two pairs of spermathecae (T. caudicula); E. Vulva with two pairs of spermathecae and one globular poserior sac (T. ceylonica).








Figure 4. Male cheliceral teeth of Tetragnatha. A. Chelicera, front view; B. Chelicera, prolateral view; C. Chelicera, posterior view. Abbreviations: AST, anterior shield tooth; AT, auxiliary tooth; Cu, cusp; Ex, excrescence; MmT, midmarginal tooth; NS, nuptial spur; PmT, promarginal tooth; PST, posterior shield tooth; RmT, retromarginal tooth.



GL Co To Cy SD


Te Ste

SD Ste

A Pc B

Figure 5. Male palpal organ. A. Male palpal organ of Tylorida, ventral view; B. Male palpal organ of Tetragnatha, ventral view. Abbreviations: Co, conductor; Cy, cymbium; Em, embolus; GL, guiding lamella; Pc, paracymbium; SD, sperm duct; Ste, subtegulum; Te, tegulum; To, tarsal organ.








Figure 6. Diphya taiwanica Tanikawa, 1995. A - D. Female (NTNUB-Ar 32070). A. Carapace and abdomen, dorsal view; B. Left leg I, patella to tarsus; C. Epigynum, ventral view; D. Vulva, dorsal view. E - G. Male (NTNUB-Ar 32288). E. Left leg I, patella to tarsus; F. Left male palpus, retrolateral view; G. Cymbium, dorsal view. Abbreviations: Cy, cymbium; CP, cornute process; Pc, paracymbium; PS, pectinate spines Scale: A, B, E = 0.50 mm; C, D, F, G = 0.20 mm.





Figure 7. Dolichognatha umbrophila Tanikawa, 1991. Female (NTNUB-Ar 12502). A. Carapace and abdomen, dorsal view; B. Sternum, ventral view; C. Left chelicera, front view; D. Left chelicera, posterior view; E. Epigynum, ventral view; F. Vulva, dorsal view. Abbreviations: MSP, mound-shaped processes. Scale: A, B = 0.50 mm; C, D = 0.20 mm; E, F = 0.10 mm.





Figure 8. Dolichognatha umbrophila Tanikawa, 1991. Male (NTNUB-Ar 6994). A. Left male palpus, ventral view; B. Left male palpus, retrolateral view; C. Left chelicera, front view; D. Left chelicera, posterior view. Abbreviations: CBP, cymbial basal process. Scale: A - D = 0.20 mm.






Figure 9. Menosira ornata Chikuni, 1955. Female (NTNUB-Ar 49096). A. Carapace and abdomen, dorsal view; B. Left chelicera, front view; C. Left chelicera, posterior view; D. Epigynum, ventral view; E. Vulva, dorsal view; F. Epigynum, lateral view. Scale: A = 1.00 mm; B, C = 0.50 mm; D - F = 0.20 mm.




Pc Pc





Figure 10. Menosira ornata Chikuni, 1955. Male (NTNUB-Ar 52696). A. Left male palpus, lateral view; B. Left male palpus, ventral view; C. Left chelicera, front view; D. Left chelicera, posterior view; E. Patella and tibia of left leg I I. Abbreviations: CBP, cymbial basal process; Cy, cymbium; Em, embolus; Pc, paracymbium. Scale: A, B = 0.20 mm; C, D

= 0.50 mm; E = 1.00 mm.








Figure 11. Meta alishanensis Tsai et Chen, sp. nov. Male (NTNUB-Ar 26391). A. Carapace anf abdomen, dorsal view; B. Left male palpus, ventral view; C. Left male palpus, lateral view; D. Left chelicera, front view; E. Left chelicera, posterior view. Abbreviations: CBP, cymbial basal process; Co, conductor; Pc, paracymbium. Scale: A = 1.00 mm; B - E = 0.50 mm.







Figure 12. Meta kueilinensis Tsai et Chen, sp. nov. Female (NTNUB-Ar 632287). A. Carapace and abdomen, dorsal view; B. Epigynum, ventral view; C. Vulva, dorsal view; D. Left chelicera, front view; E. Left chelicera, posterior view. Abbreviations: MbS, membranous structure; MS, median septum; Sp, spermatheca. Scale: A = 1.00 mm; B - E = 0.50 mm.







Figure 13. Meta kueilinensis Tsai et Chen, sp. nov. Male (NTNUB-Ar 32034). A. Left male palpus, ventral view; B. Left male palpu, lateral view; C. Left chelicera, front view; D. Left chelicera, posterior view. Abbreviations: CBP, cymbial basal process; Co, conductor; Pc, paracymbium. Scale: A - D = 0.50 mm.










Figure 14. Meta laisheshanensis Tsai et Chen, sp. nov. Female (NTNUB-Ar 15459). A. Carapace and abdomen, dorsal view; B. Epigynum, ventral view; C. Vulva, dorsal view; D. Left chelicera, front view; E. Left chelicera, posterior view. Abbreviations: CD, copulatory duct; MbS, membranous structure; MS, median septum; Sp, spermatheca. Scale: A = 1.00 mm; B - E = 0.50 mm.






Figure 15. Meta nigridorsalis Tanikawa,1994. Male (NTNUB-Ar 60968). A. Carapace and abdomen, dorsal view; B. Left male palpus, retrolateral view; C. Left male palpus, ventral view; D. Left chelicera, front view; E. Left chelicera, posterior view. Abbreviations: CBP, cymbial basal process; Cy, cymbium; Pc, paracymbium. Scale: A = 1.00 mm; B - E = 0.50 mm.






Figure 16. Meta taiwanica Tsai et Chen, sp. nov. Female (NTNUB-Ar 61058). A. Carapace and abdomen, dorsal view; B. Epigynum, ventral view; C. Vulva, dorsal view; D. Left chelicera, front view; E. Left chelicera, posterior view. Abbreviations: CD, copulatory duct; MbS, membranous structure; MS, median septum; Sp, spermatheca. Scale: A = 1.00 mm; B - E = 0.50 mm.







Figure 17. Meta taiwanica Tsai et Chen, sp. nov. Male (NTNUB-Ar 61124). A. Left male palpus, ventral view; B. Left male palpus, lateral view; C. Left chelicera, front view; D. Left chelicera, posterior view. Abbreviations: CBP, cymbial basal process; Co, conductor; Pc, paracymbium. Scale: A - D = 0.50 mm.







Figure 18. Meta wuluensis Tsai et Chen, sp. nov. Female (NTNUB-Ar 24642). A. Carapace and abdomen, dorsal view; B. Epigynum, ventral view; C. Vulva, dorsal view; D. Left chelicera, front view; E. Left chelicera, posterior view. Abbreviations: MbS, membranous structure; MS, median septum; Sp, spermatheca. Scale: A = 1.00 mm; B - E = 0.50 mm.




GC BS B C D Ex PmT 1 PST RmT 1

RmT 6 PmT 7 E F G

Figure 19. Tetragnatha caudicula (Karsch, 1879), Female (NTNUB-Ar 13790), A. Abdomen, lateral view; B. Genital zone, ventral view; C. Vulva, dorsal view; D. Eye group, dorsal view; E. Left chelicera, front view; F. Left chelicera, prolateral view; G. Left chelicera, posterior view. Abbreviations: BS, booklung slit; Ex, excrescence; GC, genital cover; PmT, promarginal tooth; PST, posterior shield tooth; RmT, retromarginal tooth; Sp, spermatheca. Scale: A = 1.00 mm; B, C, D, E, F, G = 0.50 mm.



PmT 3 PmT 3 RmT 7 PmT 8 A B C


Co E Te Pc Em Co



Figure 20. Tetragnatha caudicula (Karsch, 1879), Male (NTNUB-Ar 48866), A. Left chelicera, front view; B. Left chelicera, prolateral view; C. Left chelicera, posterior view; D. Left male palpus, ventral view; E. Paracymbium; F. Tip of conductor and embolus. Abbreviations: AST, anterior shield tooth; Co, conductor; Cy, cymbium; Em, embolus; NS, nuptial spur; Pc, paracymbium; PmT, promarginal tooth; PST, posterior shield tooth; RmT, retromarginal tooth; Te, tegulum. Scale: A, B, C, D = 0.50 mm; E = 0.25 mm. 226


Bl Sp



RmT 1

RmT 5,6

PmT 9 RmT 9

E F G Figure 21. Tetragnatha ceylonica Cambridge, 1869, Female (NTNUB-Ar 60940), A. Abdomen, lateral view; B. Gnital zone, ventral view; C. Vulva, dorsal view; D. Eye group, dorsal view; E. Left chelicera, front view; F. Left chelicera, prolateral view; G. Left chelicera, posterior view. Abbreviations: Bl, booklung; BS, booklung slit; COp, copulatory opening; GC, genital cover; PmT, promarginal tooth; PS, posterior sac; PST, posterior shield tooth; RmT, retromarginal tooth; Sp, spermatheca. Scale: A, D = 1.00 mm; B, C, E, F, G = 0.50 mm.



NS NS PST PmT 1 PmT 2 RmT 1

PmT 2

RmT 7

PmT 8


Cy Co

Te E

Pc Co


D F Figure 22. Tetragnatha ceylonica Cambridge, 1869, Male (NTNUB-Ar 47213), A. Left chelicera, front view; B. Left chelicera, prolateral view; C. Left chelicera, posterior view; D. Left male palpus, ventral view; E. Paracymbium; F. Tip of conductor and embolus. Abbreviations: AT, auxiliary tooth; Co, conductor; Cy, cymbium; Em, embolus; NS, nuptial spur; Pc, paracymbium; PmT, promarginal tooth; PST, posterior shield tooth; RmT, retromarginal tooth; Te, tegulum. Scale: A, B, C = 0.50 mm; D, E = 0.25 mm.




PmT 1 RmT 1 Cu

RmT 9 PmT 6 E F G

Figure 23. Tetragnatha chauliodus (Thorell, 1890), Female (NTNUB-Ar 10390), A. Abdomen, lateral view; B. Genital zone, ventral view; C. Vulva, dorsal view; D. Eye group, dorsal view; E. Left chelicera, front view; F. Left chelicera, prolateral view; G. Left chelicera, posterior view. Abbreviations: Cu, cusp; PmT, promarginal tooth; RmT, retromarginal tooth. Scale: A = 1.00 mm; B, C, D, E, F, G = 0.50 mm.


PmT 1 NS RmT 1 NS

PmT 2

RmT 8

PmT 6 A B C



Figure 24. Tetragnatha chauliodus (Thorell, 1890), Male (NTNUB-Ar 10109), A. Left chelicera, front view; B. Left chelicera, prolateral view; C. Left chelicera, posterior view; D. Left male palpus, ventral view; E. Paracymbium; F. Tip of conductor and embolus. Abbreviations: NS, nuptial spur; PmT, promarginal tooth; RmT, retromarginal tooth. Scale: A, B, C = 0.50 mm; D, E = 0.25 mm.




RmT 1 PmT 1

RmT 6

PmT 7 E F G

Figure 25. Tetragnatha esakii Okuma, 1988, Female (NTNUB-Ar 47347), A. Abdomen, lateral view; B. Genital zone, ventral view; C. Vulva, dorsal view; D. Eye group, dorsal view; E. Left chelicera, front view; F. Left chelicera, prolateral view; G. Left chelicera, posterior view. Abbreviations: PmT, promarginal tooth; RmT, retromarginal tooth. Scale: A = 1.00 mm; B, C, D, E, F, G = 0.50 mm.



RmT 1 NS

RmT 6

PmT 7 A B C



Figure 26. Tetragnatha esakii Okuma, 1988, Male (NTNUB-Ar 10109), A. Left chelicera, front view; B. Left chelicera, prolateral view; C. Left chelicera, posterior view; D. Left male palpus, ventral view; E. Paracymbium; F. Tip of conductor and embolus. Abbreviations: AST, anterior shield tooth; Ex, excrescence; NS, nuptial spur; PmT, promarginal tooth; PST, posterior shield tooth; RmT, retromarginal tooth. Scale: E. = 0.25 mm; others = 0.50 mm. 232



RmT 1 PmT 1

PmT 7 RmT 6


Figure 27. Tetragnatha hiroshii Okuma, 1988, Female (NTNUB-Ar 66552), A. Abdomen, lateral view; B. Genital zone, ventral view; C. Vulva, dorsal view; D. Eye group, dorsal view; E. Left chelicera, front view; F. Left chelicera, prolateral view; G. Left chelicera, posterior view. Abbreviations: PmT, promarginal tooth; RmT, retromarginal tooth. Scale: A = 1.00 mm; B, C, D, E, F, G = 0.50 mm.


Ex PmT 1 Cu AST NS RmT 1 RmT 1 NS

RmT 5

PmT 7 A B C



Figure 28. Tetragnatha hiroshii Okuma, 1988, Male (NTNUB-Ar 47357), A. Left chelicera, front view; B. Left chelicera, prolateral view; C. Left chelicera, posterior view; D. Left male palpus, ventral view; E. Paracymbium; F. Tip of conductor and embolus. Abbreviations: AST, anterior shield tooth; Cu, cusp; Ex, excrescence; NS, nuptial spur; PmT, promarginal tooth; PST, posterior shield tooth; RmT, retromarginal tooth. Scale: A, B, C = 0.50 mm; D, E = 0.25 mm.




AST PmT 1 RmT 1

RmT 6 PmT 2 PmT 7 F G E

Figure 29. Tetragnatha javana (Thorell, 1890), Female (NTNUB-Ar 47381), A. Abdomen, lateral view; B. Genital zone, ventral view; C. Vulva, dorsal view; D. Eye group, dorsal view; E. Left chelicera, front view; F. Left chelicera, prolateral view; G. Left chelicera, posterior view. Abbreviations: AST, anterior shield tooth; PmT, promarginal tooth; RmT, retromarginal tooth. Scale: A = 1.00 mm; B, C, D, E, F, G = 0.50 mm.


AST PmT 1 NS NS PmT 2 RmT 1 RmT 2

PmT 3 NS

RmT 5




Figure 30. Tetragnatha javana (Thorell, 1890), Male (NTNUB-Ar 47386), A. Left chelicera, front view; B. Left chelicera, prolateral view; C. Left chelicera, posterior view; D. Left male palpus, ventral view; E. Paracymbium; F. Tip of conductor and embolus. Abbreviations: AST, anterior shield tooth; NS, nuptial spur; PmT, promarginal tooth; RmT, retromarginal tooth. Scale: A, B, C = 0.50 mm; D, E = 0.25 mm.



B C D PmT 1 RmT 1

RmT 7 PmT 5

E F G Figure 31. Tetragnatha lauta Yaginuma, 1959, Female (NTNUB-Ar 24258), A. Abdomen, lateral view; B. Genital zone, ventral view; C. Vulva, dorsal view; D. Eye group, dorsal view; E. Left chelicera, front view; F. Left chelicera, prolateral view; G. Left chelicera, posterior view. Abbreviations: PmT, promarginal tooth; RmT, retromarginal tooth.Scale: A = 1.00 mm; B, C, D, E, F, G = 0.50 mm.



PmT 1

RmT 5

PmT 6 A B C



Figure 32. Tetragnatha lauta Yaginuma, 1959, Male (NTNUB-Ar 33516), A. Left chelicera, front view; B. Left chelicera, prolateral view; C. Left chelicera, posterior view; D. Left male palpus, ventral view; E. Paracymbium; F. Tip of conductor and embolus. Abbreviations: NS, nuptial spur; PmT, promarginal tooth; RmT, retromarginal tooth. Scale: A, B, C, D, E = 0.50 mm.




PmT 11 RmT 12 E F G Figure 33. Tetragnatha mandibulata Walckenaer, 1841, Female (NTNUB-Ar 12581), A. Abdomen, lateral view; B. Genital zone, ventral view; C. Vulva, dorsal view; D. Eye group, dorsal view; E. Left chelicera, front view; F. Left chelicera, prolateral view; G. Left chelicera, posterior view. Abbreviations: AST, anterior shield tooth; Cu, cusp; Ex, excrescence; PmT, promarginal tooth; PST, posterior shield tooth; RmT, retromarginal tooth. Scale: A, D = 1.00 mm; B, C, E, F, G = 0.50 mm.


PmT 1 PST NS RmT 1

RmT 10 PmT 12 A B





Figure 34. Tetragnatha mandibulata Walckenaer, 1841, Male (NTNUB-Ar 47386), A. Left chelicera, front view; B. Left chelicera, prolateral view; C. Left chelicera, posterior view; D. Left male palpus, ventral view; E. Paracymbium; F. Tip of conductor and embolus. Abbreviations: NS, nuptial spur; PmT, promarginal tooth; PST, posterior shield tooth; RmT, retromarginal tooth.Scale: A, B, C = 0.50 mm; D, E = 0.25 mm.




RmT 1

PmT 9 RmT 11

E F G Figure 35. Tetragnatha maxillosa Thorell, 1895, Female (NTNUB-Ar 47351), A. Abdomen, lateral view; B. Genital zone, ventral view; C. Vulva, dorsal view; D. Eye group, dorsal view; E. Left chelicera, front view; F. Left chelicera, prolateral view; G. Left chelicera, posterior view. Abbreviations: PmT, promarginal tooth; PST, posterior shield tooth; RmT, retromarginal tooth.Scale: A = 1.00 mm; B, C, D, E, F, G = 0.50 mm. 241


PmT 2


RmT 12 PmT 9 A B C



D Figure 36. Tetragnatha maxillosa Thorell, 1895, Male (NTNUB-Ar 11323), A. Left chelicera, front view; B. Left chelicera, prolateral view; C. Left chelicera, posterior view; D. Left male palpus, ventral view; E. Paracymbium; F. Tip of conductor and embolus. Abbreviations: AST, anterior shield tooth; Cu, cusp; NS, nuptial spur; PmT, promarginal tooth; PST, posterior shield tooth; RmT, retromarginal tooth. Scale: A, B, C = 0.50 mm; D, E = 0.25 mm.



B C D AST Ex PST PmT 1 RmT 1

RmT 11 PmT 10 E F G Figure 37. Tetragnatha nitens (Audouin, 1826), Female (NTNUB-Ar 47321), A. Abdomen, lateral view; B. Genital zone, ventral view; C. Vulva, dorsal view; D. Eye group, dorsal view; E. Left chelicera, front view; F. Left chelicera, prolateral view; G. Left chelicera, posterior view. Abbreviations: AST, anterior shield tooth; Ex, excrescence; PmT, promarginal tooth; PST, posterior shield tooth; RmT, retromarginal tooth. Scale: A, B, C, D, E, F, G = 1.00 mm.



PmT 11 RmT 12 A B C



D Figure 38. Tetragnatha nitens (Audouin, 1826), Male (NTNUB-Ar 18806), A. Left chelicera, front view; B. Left chelicera, prolateral view; C. Left chelicera, posterior view; D. Left male palpus, ventral view; E. Paracymbium; F. Tip of conductor and embolus. Abbreviations: AST, anterior shield tooth; Cu, cusp; NS, nuptial spur; PmT, promarginal tooth; PST, posterior shield tooth; RmT, retromarginal tooth. Scale: A, B, C = 0.50 mm; D, E = 0.25 mm.




B C D PST Ex AST RmT 1 PmT 1 RmT 2

PmT 8 RmT 9

E F G Figure 39. Tetragnatha praedonia L. Koch, 1878, Female (NTNUB-Ar 47355), A. Abdomen, lateral view; B. Genital zone, ventral view; C. Vulva, dorsal view; D. Eye group, dorsal view; E. Left chelicera, front view; F. Left chelicera, prolateral view; G. Left chelicera, posterior view. Abbreviations: AST, anterior shield tooth; Ex, excrescence; PmT, promarginal tooth; PS, posterior sac; PST, posterior shield tooth; RmT, retromarginal tooth; Sp, spermatheca. Scale: A = 1.00 mm; B, C, D, E, F, G = 0.50 mm.


Ex NS PST AST MmT 1 RmT 1 NS Cu PmT 1

PmT 1

PmT 2 PmT 9 MmT 10 A B C


F D Figure 40. Tetragnatha praedonia L. Koch, 1878, Male (NTNUB-Ar 13797), A. Left chelicera, front view; B. Left chelicera, prolateral view; C. Left chelicera, posterior view; D. Left male palpus, ventral view; E. Paracymbium; F. Tip of conductor and embolus. Abbreviations: AST, anterior shield tooth; Cu, cusp; Ex, excrescence; MmT, midmarginal tooth; NS, nuptial spur; PmT, promarginal tooth; PST, posterior shield tooth; RmT, retromarginal tooth. Scale: A, B, C = 0.50 mm; D, E = 0.25 mm.



B C D RmT 1 PmT 1

RmT 5 PmT 7

F G E Figure 41. Tetragnatha squamata Karsch, 1879, Female (NTNUB-Ar 47365), A. Abdomen, lateral view; B. Genital zone, ventral view; C. Vulva, dorsal view; D. Eye group, dorsal view; E. Left chelicera, front view; F. Left chelicera, prolateral view; G. Left chelicera, posterior view. Abbreviations: PmT, promarginal tooth; RmT, retromarginal tooth. Scale: A = 1.00 mm; B, C, D, E, F, G = 0.50 mm.


AST Ex NS PST Pmt 1 NS RmT 1

RmT 5 Pmt 8 A B C



Figure 42. Tetragnatha squamata Karsch, 1879, Male (NTNUB-Ar 47364), A. Left chelicera, front view; B. Left chelicera, prolateral view; C. Left chelicera, posterior view; D. Left male palpus, ventral view; E. Paracymbium; F. Tip of conductor and embolus. Abbreviations: AST, anterior shield tooth; Ex, excrescence; NS, nuptial spur; PmT, promarginal tooth; PST, posterior shield tooth; RmT, retromarginal tooth. Scale: A, B, C, D = 0.50 mm; E = 0.25 mm.


A B MSep

E Ch I Ch II


Figure 43. Mesida gemmea (Hasselt, 1882). Female (NTNUB-Ar 12983). A. Carapace and abdomen, dorsal view; B. Abdomen, ventral view; C. Left chelicera, anterior view; D. Left chelicera, posterior view; E. Epigynum, ventral view; F. Vulva, dorsal view. Abbreviations: Ch, chamer (of spermatheca); FD, fertilization duct; MSep, median septum. Scale: A - D = 0.50 mm; E, F= 0.20 mm.


Em Cy Co

Ste SD






Figure 44. Mesida gemmea (Hasselt, 1882). Male (NTNUB-Ar 11874). A. Left male palpus, ventral view; B. Left male palpus, lateral view; C. Left chelicera, anterior view; D. Left chelicera, posterior view; E. Metatarsus I. Abbreviations: Co, conductor; Cy, cymbium; Em; embolus; Pc, paracymbium; RS, retrolateral spur; S, spur; SD, sperm duct; Ste, subtegulum. Scale: A, B = 0.20 mm; C, D, E = 0.50 mm.





G Ti Figure 45. Mesida taiwanica Tsai et Chen sp. nov. Female (NTNUB-Ar 63678). A. Carapace and abdomen, dorsal view; B. Abdomen, ventral view; C. Left chelicera, anterior view; D. Left chelicera, posterior view; E. Epigynum, ventral view; F. Vulva, dorsal view. G. Patella +tibia I. Abbreviations: P, patella; Ti, tibia. Scale: A, B, G= 1.00 mm; C, D = 0.50 mm; E, F= 0.20 mm.




Tr F


Figure 46. Mesida yini Zhu, Song et Zhang, 2003. Female (NTNUB-Ar 10720). A. Carapace and abdomen, dorsal view; B. Abdomen, ventral view; C. Left chelicera, anterior view; D. Left chelicera, posterior view; E. Epigynum, ventral view; F. Vulva, dorsal view. G. Femur IV. Abbreviations: Tr, trichobothria. Scale: A, B = 1.00 mm; C, D, G = 0.50 mm; E, F= 0.20 mm.





Figure 47. Mesida yini Zhu, Song et Zhang, 2003. Male (NTNUB-Ar 50180). A. Carapace and abdomen, dorsal view; B. Left male palpus, ventral view; C. Left male palpus, lateral view; D. Left chelicera, anterior view; E. Left chelicera, posterior view; F. Metatarsus I. Scale: A = 1.00 mm; B - F = 0.50 mm.






Figure 48. Metleucauge chikunii Tanikawa,1992. Female (NTNUB-Ar 12304). A. Carapace and abdomen, dorsal view; B. Left chelicera, front view; C. Left chelicera, posterior view; D. Epigynum, ventral view; E. Vulva dorsal view; F. Epigynum, lateral view. Abbreviations: FD, fertilization duct; Sp, spermatheca. Scale: A = 1.00 mm; B, C, D, E, F = 0.50 mm.


Em Co Cy SD





Figure 49. Metleucauge chikunii Tanikawa,1992. Male (NTNUB-Ar 44739). A. Left male palpus, lateral view; B. Left male palpus, ventral view; C. Left palpal; D. Left chelicera, front view; E. Left chelicera, posterior view; F. Cymbium, dorsal view. Abbreviations: Co, conductor; Cy, cymbium; Em, embolus, Pc, paracymbium; S, spur; SD, sperm duct. Scale: C = 1.00 mm; A, B, D, E, F = 0.50 mm.





Figure 50. Metleucauge davidi (Schenkel, 1963). Female (NTNUB-Ar 65987). A. Carapace and abdomen, dorsal view; B. Left chelicera, front view; C. Left chelicera, posterior view; D. Epigynum, ventral view; E. Vulva dorsal view; F. Epigynum, lateral view. Scale: A = 1.00 mm; B, C, D, E, F = 0.50 mm.





Figure 51. Metleucauge davidi (Schenkel, 1963). Male (NTNUB-Ar 22911). A. Left male palpus, lateral view; B. Left male palpus, ventral view; C. Left palpal; D. Left chelicera, front view; E. Left chelicera, posterior view; F. Cymbium, dorsal view. Scale: C = 1.00 mm; A, B, D, E, F = 0.50 mm.





Figure 52. Metleucauge kompirensis (Bösenberg et Strand, 1906). Female (NTNUB-Ar 65323). A. Carapace and abdomen, dorsal view; B. Left chelicera, front view; C. Left chelicera, posterior view; D. Epigynum, ventral view; E. Vulva dorsal view; F. Epigynum, lateral view. Scale: A = 1.00 mm; B, C, D, E, F = 0.50 mm.






Figure 53. Metleucauge kompirensis (Bösenberg et Strand, 1906). Male (NTNUB-Ar 1784). A. Left male palpus, lateral view; B. Left male palpus, ventral view; C. Left palpal; D. Left chelicera, front view; E. Left chelicera, posterior view; F. Cymbium, dorsal view. Scale: C = 1.00 mm; A, B, D, E, F = 0.50 mm.



Ch I B




Em GL Co Cy

RS Pc Tr

D E Figure 54. Okileucauge sasakii Tanikawa, 2001. A - C. Female (NTNUB-Ar 34618). A. Carapace and abdomen, dorsal view; B. Epigynum, ventral view; C. Vulva, dorsal view. D - E. Male (NTNUB-Ar 52080). D. Left male palpus, lateral view; E. Left male palpus, ventral view. Abbreviations: Ch, chamber (of spermatheca); Co, conductor; Cy, cymbium; Em; embolus; GL, guiding lamella; Ho, hood; Pc, paracymbium; RS, retrolateral spur; Tr, trichobothrium. Scale: A = 0.50 mm; B, C = 0.10 mm; D, E = 0.20 mm.



La G St


I E F Tu


Figure 55. Opadometa grata (Guérin, 1838). Female (NTNUB-Ar 34615). A. Carapace, dorsal view; B. Abdomen, dorsal view; C. Abdomen. lateral view; D. Labium, maxillae and sternum; E. Left chelicera, front view; F. Left chelicera, posterior view; G. Epigynum, ventral view; H. Vulva, dorsal view; I. Tibia IV. Abbreviations: La, labium; Ma, maxillae; St, sternum; Tu, tuft. Scale: A, B, C, I = 1.00 mm; D, E, F, G, H = 0.50 mm.



Ch I


Figure 56. Tylorida striata (Thorell, 1877). Female (NTNUB-Ar 8334). A. Abdomen, dorsal view; B. Abdomen, ventral view; C. Left chelicera, posterior view; D. Epigynum, ventral view; E. Vulva, dorsal view. Abbreviations: COp, copulatory opening; Ch, chamber (of spermatheca); FD, fertilization duct. Scale: A, B = 1.00 mm; C, D, E = 0.20 mm.


Em Em GL Co Te Cy SD


Pc RS Pc



Figure 57. Tylorida striata (Thorell, 1877). Male (NTNUB-Ar 47327). A. Left male palpus, ventral view; B. Left male palpus, lateral view; C. Left chelicera, posterior view. Abbreviations: Co, conductor; Cy, cymbium; Em; embolus; GL, guiding lamella; Pc, paracymbium; RS, retrolateral spur; SD, sperm duct; Ste, subtegulum; Te, tegulum. Scale: A, B, C = 0.20 mm. 263




Figure 58. Tylorida tianlin Zhu, Song et Zhang, 2003. Female (NTNUB-Ar 21870). A. Abdomen, dorsal view; B. Abdomen, ventral view; C. Left chelicera, posterior view; D. Epigynum, ventral view; E. Vulva, dorsal view. Scale: A, B = 1.00 mm; C, D, E = 0.20 mm.




Figure 59. Tylorida tianlin Zhu, Song et Zhang, 2003. Male (NTNUB-Ar 21866). A. Left male palpus, ventral view; B. Left male palpus, lateral view; C. Left chelicera, posterior view. Scale: A, B, C = 0.20 mm.





Figure 60. Tylorida ventralis (Thorell, 1877). Female (NTNUB-Ar 47332). A. Abdomen, dorsal view; B. Abdomen, ventral view; C. Left chelicera, posterior view; D. Epigynum, ventral view; E. Vulva, dorsal view. Scale: A, B = 1.00 mm; C, D, E = 0.20 mm.




Figure 61. Tylorida ventralis (Thorell, 1877). Male (NTNUB-Ar 47331). A. Left male palpus, ventral view; B. Left male palpus, lateral view; C. Left chelicera, posterior view. Scale: A, B, C = 0.20 mm.


Figure 62. Collecting locations of Diphya taiwanica Tanikawa, 1995 in Taiwan.


Figure 63. Collecting locations of Dolichognatha umbrophila Tanikawa, 1991 in Taiwan.


Figure 64. Collecting locations of Menosira ornata Chikuni, 1955 in Taiwan.


Figure 65. Collecting locations of Meta spp. in Taiwan.


Figure 66. Collecting locations of Tetragnatha caudicula (Karsch, 1879) in Taiwan.


Figure 67. Collecting locations of Tetragnatha ceylonica Cambridge, 1869 in Taiwan.


Figure 68. Collecting locations of Tetragnatha chauliodus (Thorell, 1890) in Taiwan.


Figure 69. Collecting locations of Tetragnatha esakii Okuma, 1988 in Taiwan.


Figure 70. Collecting locations of Tetragnatha hiroshii Okuma, 1988 in Taiwan.


Figure 71. Collecting locations of Tetragnatha javana (Thorell, 1890) in Taiwan.


Figure 72. Collecting locations of Tetragnatha lauta Yaginuma, 1959 in Taiwan.


Figure 73. Collecting locations of Tetragnatha mandibulata Walckenaer, 1841 in Taiwan.


Figure 74. Collecting locations of Tetragnatha maxillosa Thorell, 1895 in Taiwan.


Figure 75. Collecting locations of Tetragnatha nitens (Audouin, 1826) in Taiwan.


Figure 76. Collecting locations of Tetragnatha praedonia L. Koch, 1878 in Taiwan.


Figure 77. Collecting locations of Tetragnatha squamata Karsch, 1879 in Taiwan.


Figure 78. Collecting locations of Mesida spp. in Taiwan.


Figure 79. Collecting locations of Metleucauge spp. in Taiwan.


Figure 80. Collecting locations of Okileucauge sasakii Tanikawa, 2001 in Taiwan.


Figure 81. Collecting location of Opadometa grata (Guérin, 1838) in Taiwan.


Figure 82. Collecting locations of Tylorida striata (Thorell, 1877) in Taiwan.


Figure 83. Collecting locations of Tylorida tianlin Zhu, Song et Zhang, 2003 in Taiwan.


Figure 84. Collecting locations of Tylorida ventralis (Thorell, 1877) in Taiwan.


附錄 Appendix 1. Collecting locations in Chinese and English 附錄一、採集地名中英對照表

中文地名 Locations in English

基隆市 KEELUNG CITY 安樂區 ANLE 新山水庫 Hsishih Reservoir

台北市 TAIPEI CITY 大安區 DAAN 富陽公園 Fuyang Park 內湖區 NEIHU 內溝溪 Neikou Stream 士林區 SHIHLIN 福林橋 Fulin Bridge 外雙溪 Waishuanghsi 文山區 WENSHAN 指南宮 Chihnankung

新北市 NEW TAIPEI CITY 金山區 CHINSHAN 馬槽 Matsao 新店區 HSINTIEN 安坑 Ankeng 四崁水 Szukanshui 銀河洞 Yinghotung 貢寮區 KUNGLIAO 福隆 Fulung 草嶺古道 Tsaoling Trail 坪林區 PINGLIN 青山橋 Chingshan Bridge 坪林 Pinglin 碧湖橋 Pihu Bridge


石槽 Shihtsao 石碇區 SHIHTING 翡翠水庫 Feitsui Reservoir 皇帝殿 Huangtitien 小粗坑 Hsiaochukeng 湳窟 Nanku 萬里區 WANLI 中福 Chungfu 烏來區 WULAI 孝義 Hsiaoyi 保慶宮 Paochingkung 烏來 Wulai

桃園縣 TAOYUAN COUNTY 復興鄉 FUHSING 巴陵 Paling 楊梅市 YANGMEI 高榮里 Kaojung Village 三湖 Sanhu

新竹縣 HSINCHU COUNTY 湖口鄉 HUKOU 中興 Chunghsing 湖口台地 Hukou Terrace 北埔鄉 PEIPU 五指山 Wutzushan 五峰鄉 WUFENG 清泉 Chingchuan 石鹿古道 Shihlu Trail

苗栗縣 MIAOLI COUNTY 南庄鄉 NANCHUANG 向天湖 Hsiangtien Lake 泰安鄉 TAIAN 觀霧 Kuanwu 造橋鄉 TSAOCHIAO 鹹菜坑 Hsientsaikeng


臺中市 TAICHUNG CITY 和平區 HOPING 佳保台 Chiapaotai 思源啞口 Szuyuanyakou 東勢區 TUNGSHIH 四角林 Ssuchiaolin

南投縣 NANTOU COUNTY 竹山鄉 CHUSHAN 水車 Shuiche 仁愛鄉 JENAI 清境農場 Chingching Farm 惠蓀林場 Huisun forest farm 梅峰 Meifeng 天池 Tienchih 屯原 Tunyuan 屯原-雲海 Tunyuan-Yunhai 霧社 Wushe 雲海 Yunhai 鹿谷鄉 LUKU 溪頭 Chitou 鳳凰谷 Fenghuangku 杉林溪 Sunlinchi 埔里鎮 PULI 埔里 Puli 魚池鄉 YUCHIH 蓮華池 Lienhuachih 日月潭 Sun-moon Lake

嘉義縣 CHIAYI COUNTY 阿里山鄉 ALISHAN 阿里山 Alishan 豐山 Fengshan 番路鄉 FANLU 觸口 Chukou 大埔鄉 TAPU 嘉義農場 Chiayi Farm


義竹鄉 YICHU 北華村 Peihua Village

台南市 TAINAN CITY 安南區 ANNAN 鹿耳門 Luerhmen 安平區 ANPING 邱茂園 Chiumaoyuan 歸仁區 KUEIJEN 沙崙里 Shalun 南化區 NANHUA 南化水庫 Nanhua Reservoir 烏山 Wushan 白河區 PAIHO 關子嶺 Kuantzeling 大內區 TANEI 走馬瀨 Choumalai

高雄市 KAOHSIUNG CITY 鼓山區 KUSHAN 壽山 Shoushan 六龜區 LIUKUEI 六龜 Liukuei 美濃區 MEINUNG 福安里 Fuan 雙溪 Shuanghsi 茂林區 MAOLIN 扇平 Shanping 多納古道 Tona Trail 楠梓區 NANTZE 藍田 Lantien

屏東縣 PINTUNG COUNTY 九如鄉 CHIUZU 九如 Chiuzu 來義鄉 LAIYI 來義 Laiyi 來社山 Laisheshan 294

瑪家鄉 MACHIA 佳義國小 Chiayi Elementary School 滿州鄉 MANCHOU 南仁山 Nanjenshan 南山村 Nanshan Village 里德 Lider 內埔鄉 NEIPU 內埔 Neipu

宜蘭縣 ILAN COUNTY 礁溪鄉 CHIAOCHI 跑馬古道 Paoma Trail 南澳鄉 NANAO 神祕湖 Secret Lake 翠峰湖 Tsuifeng Lake 蘇澳鎮 SUAO 武荖坑 Wulaokeng 大同鄉 TATUNG 古魯 Kulu 松蘿湖 Sunglo Lake 太平山 Taipingshan 銅山 Tungshan 頭城鄉 TOUCHENG 大里 Dali 大溪 Dashi

花蓮縣 HUALIEN COUNTY 富里鄉 FULI 羅山 Loshan 秀林鄉 HSIULIN 奇萊山莊 Chilaishanzhuang 檜林 Kueilin 光復鄉 KUANGFU 光復 Kuangfu 壽豐鄉 SHOUFENG 志學 Chihhsueh 花蓮大橋 Hualien Bridge 鯉魚潭 Liyu Lake 295

鯉魚山 Liyushan 萬榮鄉 WANJUNG 紅葉溫泉 Hongyeh-Weuchuan 玉里鎮 YULI 安通 Antung

台東縣 TAITUNG COUNTY 金峰鄉 CHINFENG 北大武山 Mt. Peitawu 海端鄉 HAITUAN 向陽 Hsiangyang 霧鹿 Wulu 關山鎮 KUANSHAN 昌林 Changlin 蘭嶼鄉 LANYU 忠愛橋 Chungai Bridge 卑南鄉 PEINAN 嘉豐 Chiafeng 知本 Chihpen 太麻里鄉 TAIMALI 金崙 Chinlun 台東市 TAITUNG CITY 琵琶湖 Pipa Lake 達仁鄉 TAJEN 新興 Hsinhsing 馬羅寺山 Maloshihshan 大武溪 Tawu Stream 土坂 Tupan 大武鄉 TAWU 加羅板 Chialopan 東河鄉 TUNGHO 泰源 Taiyuan 都蘭 Tulan 東河農場 Tungho Farm


Appendix 2. A revised checklist of family Tetragnthidae of Taiwan (Except for Genus Leucauge)


Subfamily Metinae Simon, 1984 后蛛亞科

Genus Diphya Nicolet, 1849 雙勝蛛屬

Diphya taiwanica Tanikawa, 1995 臺灣雙勝蛛

Genus Dolichognatha O. P.-Cambridge, 1869 長螯蛛屬

Dolichognatha umbrophila Tanikawa, 1991 喜蔭長螯蛛

Genus Menosira Chikuni, 1955 麥蛛屬

Menosira ornata Chikuni, 1955* 美麗麥蛛

Genus Meta C. L. Koch, 1836 后蛛屬

Meta alishanensis Tsai et Chen, sp. nov.** 阿里山后蛛

Meta kueilinensis Tsai et Chen, sp. nov.** 檜林后蛛

Meta laisheshanensis Tsai et Chen, sp. nov.** 來社山后蛛

Meta nigridorsalis Tanikawa, 1994* 黑背后蛛

Meta taiwanica Tsai et Chen, sp. nov.** 台灣后蛛

Meta wuluensis Tsai et Chen, sp. nov.** 霧鹿后蛛

Subfamily Tetragnathinae Menge, 1866 長腳蛛亞科

Genus Tetragnatha Latreille, 1804 長腳蛛屬


Tetragnatha caudicula (Karsch, 1879) 尖尾長腳蛛

Tetragnatha ceylonica Cambridge, 1869 錫蘭長腳蛛

Tetragnatha chauliodus (Thorell, 1890) 細長腳蛛

Tetragnatha esakii Okuma, 1988 江崎長腳蛛

Tetragnatha hiroshii Okuma, 1988 長沼氏長腳蛛

Tetragnatha javana (Thorell, 1890) 爪哇長腳蛛

Tetragnatha lauta Yaginuma, 1959 方網長腳蛛

Tetragnatha mandibulata Walckenaer, 1841 大長腳蛛

Tetragnatha maxillosa Thorell, 1895 日本長腳蛛

Tetragnatha nitens (Audouin, 1826) 華麗長腳蛛

Tetragnatha praedonia L. Koch, 1878 前齒長腳蛛

Tetragnatha squamata Karsch, 1879 綠鱗長腳蛛

Subfamily Leucauginae White, 1841 銀腹蛛亞科

Genus Mesida Kulczyn'ski, 1911 天星蛛屬

Mesida gemmea (Hasselt, 1882) 裝飾天星蛛

Mesida taiwanica Tsai et Chen, sp. nov.** 台灣天星蛛

Mesida yini Zhu, Song et Zhang, 2003* 印氏天星蛛

Genus Metleucauge Levi, 1980 長蹠蛛屬

Metleucauge chikunii (Tanikawa,1992) 褐腹長蹠蛛


Metleucauge kompirensis (Bösenberg et Strand, 1906) 金比羅長


Metleucauge davidi (Schenkel, 1963) 高山長蹠蛛

Genus Okileucauge Tanikawa, 2001 沖繩蛛屬

Okileucauge sasakii Tanikawa, 2001* 佐佐木沖繩蛛

Genus Opadometa Archer, 1951 隨蛛屬

Opadometa grata (Guérin, 1838)* 喜隨蛛

Genus Tylorida Simon, 1894 高腹蛛屬

Tylorida striata (Thorell, 1877) 條紋高腹蛛

Tylorida tianlin Zhu, Song et Zhang, 2003* 田林高腹蛛

Tylorida ventralis (Thorell, 1877) 橫帶高腹蛛

*: new record 新記錄種

**: new species 新種


Appendix 3. Color plates of some tetragnathid spiders from Taiwan 附錄三、數種台灣產長腳蛛科蜘蛛之彩色照片




Plate 1. A. Tylorida striata, male; B. Tylorida ventralis, female; C. Metleucauge kompirensis, female; D. Metleucauge kompirensis, female and web; E. Tetragnatha maxillosa, female; F. Tetragnatha maxillosa, male.





Plate 2. A. Tetragnatha javana, female; B. Tetragnatha javana, male; C. Tetragnatha squamata, male; D. Tetragnatha lauta, female; E. Tetragnatha ceylonica, female; F. Web of Tetragnatha ceylonica.