The Po Chiu Times Issue 2 14-15 June 2015

MODERN TECHNOLOGY IN OUR FREE TIME In this edition we will look at how mobile phones, electronics and the Internet play a bigger and bigger part in our leisure time. ALSO —



E-BOOKS by Alex Wong (5A) With the advanced technology generation, e-books have started to be popular in Hong Kong, with many electronic devices supporting them. They are an innovative way to read. However, there are some doubts about which are better between e-books and traditional books.

Technology has penetrated into every part of our lives. With a lit- tle device, we can read a dozen books everywhere on our palm. Abso- lutely it is convenient for us to read a book through a device, and read- ers can have some interaction with the book by flicking the screen to maximize or minimize the words. Moreover, e-books may contain some games, animations and sounds; they are more attractive for chil- dren, so they will be more keen to read a book and learn from it. Be- sides, e-books are adjustable and storable, and the prices are cheaper than buying a traditional book because they don’t include the print fees. There will not be too many limitations in reading an e-book compared to a traditional book.


However, there is a controversy about traditional books still having their value to readers. To a certain extent, a traditional book is a kind of collection and symbol of history. Some readers like to hold a real book because it feels more realistic and admirable than an e-book. More im- portantly, people will never actually be able to resell electronic books, so they will lose their value. Keeping reading e-books will also influ- ence one’s health, for example causing problems like short sightedness.

Actually you can find advantages and disadvantages with both types of books. It is a good example to show that people are standing at the crossroads in this age. Everything is becoming intelligent, but it is important to keep progressing while also retaining the value of tradi- tional things.


LETTER TO THE EDITOR Dear Editor, Legislation on banning e-cigarettes I am a F.5 student. I am writing to express my views regard- ing the importance of the effects of e-cigarettes on teenagers through your column. I strongly think that this problem has been noticed.

First of all, why can teenagers buy e-cigarettes? The goods are not expensive so they can afford the price. If anyone buys a pack of cigarettes, they must pay the tobacco tax. Nowadays, the tax on cigarettes is increasing each year in Hong Kong. The government wants to reduce the smoking rate. Therefore, e- cigarettes must be cheaper than cigarettes. Not only is the selling price cheap, but also e-cigarettes are lawfully sold. Underage teens can purchase them normally. E- cigarettes are unrestricted under the law. So these are the main points; the e-cigarettes’ advertisers promote these to teenagers.


In addition, have you ever heard about peer pressure? Juveniles easily follow their peers. If there are people amongst their friends who buy brand name bags, they may desire to buy them too. Lots of teens are disobedient. They trust their friends more than their family. If one of them is addicted to smoking e-cigarettes and says they are great, they will try them extremely easily. Juveniles want to attract their group’s attention. They may think that if they smoke e-cigarettes they are equal to an adult since they want to be a lady or a man fast. They may think that e-cigarettes are both cool and trendy, so I certainly sug- gest that the government ban the e-cigarette as soon as possible.


Lastly, it is undeniable that banning e-cigarettes will limit the chances of teenagers smoking. The drawbacks of smoking e-cigarettes for teenagers not only include physical problems but also psychological problems. Although many salesmen swear that e-cigarettes have no nicotine, it is wrong. Doctors say that e-cigarettes have nicotine, but just less than cigarettes. If teenagers are addicted to smoking, they may suffer from cancer or they could lead on to other diseases. Teenagers may think that they make friends so easily because they think by smok- ing they can meet new friends. I think this is not a correct view.

In brief, legislation on banning e-cigarettes is crucial. I obviously support the idea that the government should ban e-cigarettes in the mar- ket. Yours faithfully, Joshua Lau 5A


Favourite Pop Stars

Do you like listening to music and watching films? Nowadays, Taiwanese and Korean pop stars are popular among our students. Two students are going to tell you more about their favourite Taiwanese and Korean pop stars, and what they can learn from their idols.

Betty Shek Pik Ching (4A)

Pets Tseng

Hello everyone, I would like to tell you about an artist. She comes from Taiwan. She is a singer and also an actress. Who is she? Her name is Pets Tseng. You may not know who she is, but she is very famous in Taiwan. Let me introduce her to you!

She took part in the second season of ‘One Million Star’ (It is a big singing competition in Taiwan) and finished in sixth place. Then she started her career as a singer. Her voice is very appealing and able to touch people's hearts. Apart from singing, she has also started acting. 7

She has written a book about herself to let her fans know more about her. So far, she has held more than five concerts, and at the end of this year there will be her debut solo album.

However, I like her not only because of her singing and acting. I like her because she is brave in making her dreams come true. Once she wanted to abandon this industry because she thought she could not be successful, but in the end she decided not to give up. She persisted because she likes singing and she always makes efforts to be the best. I think we should learn how to be determined from her. She is also nice as she cares a lot about her fans. During different activities and con- certs, she considers the safety of the fans.

Many people say that it is not good to consider a singer or actor as an idol, but I think if we can learn from him/her, it is beneficial all the same.

Kitty Ng Pui Yee (4A)

I first got to know 2PM, a Korean team of four boys, when I watched their music video. They started their singing career in 2008. There are six members in this team including Kim Min Jun (Jun.k), Nichkhun, Ok Taecyeon, Jang Woo Young, Lee Jun Ho, and Hwang Chansung.


They have been very popular since the beginning. They have re- leased four albums up to 2014 and they won the award for Annual K- Pop Music Charts Singles Winner in 2013 and K-pop Music Charts Entertainer of the Year.

Why do I like them? Is it worthwhile?

It is because I like listening to their songs. They have many things that we can learn.

In the variety show "Wild Bunny", someone kept talking in an annoying way many times. However, Ok Taecyeon did not get angry, and I think he is such a gentle man. Besides, they are also willing to help other people.


At the end of July 2011, Thailand suffered from very serious floods. Nichkhun launched a total of three fund raising drives. They first donated 400 million Baht in the name of 2PM. Then they also started an auction of personal belongings for the fans and got a total of 1.3 million Baht. Last but not least, they donated indi- vidually four million Baht again. From the above examples, we can see that they are very generous and this is what we should learn from them. We should always be generous, forgiving and humble.



I was silent and afraid of speaking English. I did not have enough self es- teem to speak this language. It made me feel embarrassed and ashamed. After listening to a guest’s talk, I would try to speak English. It was a kind of differ- ent version for me to learn. Our school provided different ways for students to have more opportunities to speak English, for example the new English Cor- ner and plenty of English activities, which were really entertaining and which encouraged and motivated the students. To some extent they changed my life.

I started to speak a lot. I think the best way to learn is to follow the student’s interests. In these years I have learnt how to communicate with other people.

Being the chairlady of the English Society, I have met with a lot of diffi- culties. Standing on the stage is appallingly nerve-wracking. This has not been an easy task, but I have gained a lot from it. It has broadened my horizons and taught me how to be a responsible person. Although it has not been easy, I have found that if you try your best, you will get some rewards. ‘No pain, no gain,’ as they say.



The Po Chiu Times June 2015. Editors: Sam Wong (5A), Joshua Lau (5A). Contributors: Joshua Lau (5A), Betty Shek Pik Ching (4A), Kitty Ng Pui Yee (4A).