Westfield Leader During 1966 the Leading and Most Widely Circulated Weekly Newspaper in Union County
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DRIVE TO EXIST THE WESTFIELD LEADER DURING 1966 THE LEADING AND MOST WIDELY CIRCULATED WEEKLY NEWSPAPER IN UNION COUNTY BIXTH YEAR—No. 44 WESTFIELD, NEW JKRSKY. THURSDAY. JUNK 23, J»66 Kv«ry TUuixt.iy 32 P»ge«—1O Cent* Says He "Farewell To Westfield 555 WHS Graduates Receive Walter Carraro of Padua. Italy For Reelection an American Fieki Service exchangi. John P. Fife, Demo- ativc of the Fourth a guest at the home of ihe Jam ' Diplomas At Commencement : Council for the past for me have IK-CII interesting and alf years, today an- challenging. family on Hawthorn? l>r,. has ' wouki not seek a penned a "Farewell to Westfield" j "As one who has been a political prior lo his departure (or his uati\e Job Opening Ceremony Held Out-of-Doors; minority of one during most of my land next week. •j(c of 448 Otisco Dr., I'oliot' Chtrf Jump* Murun hns four ye«rs on council. I |M,|,V. lnal Walter wrote: ased business pres- Playfields umiounrod mi enlraner exnini- my retirement will not see tht' end Kirslienbaum Top Honor Pupil tos decision neces- •June 211 1 shall leave tliis beauli milioii for the tcrnde of pulrul- of bi-parlisan government in West- ful and charming Westfield. Hut he first Democrat in field, A minority Councilman in a ninn. I'ollrp I^pitrtinrul, Town The third largest class of graduates since 1963 received i crack the GOP hold hosted me fur almost a year eonclud «r WcsitlPld, will lip given nt the their Westfield High School diplomas last night in the second democratic form of sowrmneul has iii>! a wonderful period of time; ten Will Open seats, when he en- an essential role to play, tie must H'fuUield Munlrlpul Bulldln«, ceremony conducted out of doors. The diploma* were presented •th Ward conlest in months of exciting experiences »md July 6, at T-30 li ill. r prod his fellow Coimcilmen when he fruitful achievements Ihat I cannot: to the f>5,) graduates by Norman Morash, president of the Board two year term that Appllcnnts Ditist be brtween feels prodding is necessary, lie must and shall not forget. of Education at tite Recreation Field on Rahway Ave. gained his second publicize council activities when lie Tuesday the ages of 21-90 and ill gaud The class consisted of 200 boys and 287 girls with a total "Now, when (<•« days separate me her 1964 when he beat physical condition. believes this is necessary. from leaving WesHield, I realize how honor group of 141 students. In this category the girlg led with ello, GOP candidate. Starting annual tuilnry la $£,- "During the jiast four years I have great a privilege it is to IK- an ex- 87 being cited and 54 boys. |fe sought reelection Kcgistrntion 050 with Increments lu $7,3UO alt- done my share of liolh. Typical have change student with tin1 American Mnrkci Lows $400 To The commencement program Bid have faced Morris er four yvnlD. opened with the Processional be- candidate, who re- been the town yard location, its liti- Field Sen-ire. Al All Grounds For Drawer Thief ing played by Linda S. Lyman, or- gation and the resulting exorbitant "Tlie greatest aehievemcut can be ed his bid for council A yoiitlK tmm lifted $400 froni a ganist and member of the lenior costs, the fight lo prevent industrial- summarized in one word: learning. Town's Children WALTER CAHHAKO cosh drawer nt the Kinust store, class. The Invocation wai given by ization of the Lamberts Mill Kd. It is not that kind of knowledge one YM-YW Organize Under tlie direction of Joseph 2(11) North Ave., nlwut 12:40 p.m. tho Rev. William K. Cobor of the §Fife, whose minority area, the fight for a reasonable re- gels from books, but the greater il. Colenian, tlio liecrention Com- Tuesday and escaped in a stolen First Baptist Church, end the beno- i been heard on muni- serve and surplus approach in our kind of knowledge, more valuable, mission of Wcstficld is planning Planning Unit For during his stretch on town budget, and lhe struggle to hold ;mto. diction wns offered by the Rev. and universal: I lie knowledge that Chamber Offers unotlier full season for the 10 Walter A. Keuning of Hedeemer : the following state- Hie tax line in Westfield. comes from the direct contact with school playgrounds. John Hoi- Store MaiiHKer Warren Abrnlimson lvported the theft to police iind a Lutheran Church. "1 shall, of course, continue to people of different ideas, attitudes brook will bo the special assis- $400,000 Goal Sales Tax Data description of 11 KeUiway uuto lteiid- Charles W. H. Schroth HI, preal- ' regret I must an- maintain a keen interest in the civic and ways of living: it is the enrich- tant of Mr. Coleman. The ]>lay- dont of the graduating class, gave icision not to become ment of the mind in its largest moan- grounds will officially open for The formation of n planning com- in;; inward Cranford wn» obtnincd, affairs of Weslficld. Those of us Informational material concerning mittee to relate to a proposed YM tlie nddre.ss of welcome, end Dr. re-election to the ing. the summer season Tuesday and the. At l:;il> |i,ni. (Miinfoixl iwlicc loenfed familiar with our town cannot fail New Jersey's new sales tax has CA-YWCA capital fund camiKiign the miU) ab:in<lojiMl. Robert I/. Foose, principal, made [ Weslficld. Increased clusing date will Ix! August 10. to realize that WestfieM will face "Thanks to hea\c?n who gave me been received at the Wcstfield Area wns announced jointly today by Mi's. the honors announcements. res make this deci- l The ear Imd IxH'ti re|)oi1ed Klolen many problems in the future, prob- such an opportunity, hut more sin- Chamber of Commerce office at 4 Registration will lx Kln Monday (ieoi'KU A. I'lenly, president of the lems which, if ignored, will quickly cere thanks to all of you people of Kim St. and will continue through Hie sum- from Iceland Soffel of Numc» of Hcnlor School YW board of dircetoi-s, ami Holiort (Iraduatc* ys be grateful ro my change the character of the town we Westfield, those whom I know und According to the Chamber's execu- mer at each individual ground. Reg- J. Lincoln, president of tho YM 8*c. 1, Page 5 hjhbors wlio elected love so well." to those whom I unfortunately did tive vice president. Jack II. Stell istration curds and insurance, forms board of directors. not fiel to meet, because you, you have IKH'II distributed among the ing, area businesses may pick up Boro Ordinance Tho presentation of awards was all, made my staying possible by children at tlxi schools. YOIUIBSU'FK According to Mrs. l'lenly imd Ml'. copies of Hie sales tax literature tnado by Dr. S. N, Ewan Jr., In contributing financially to the AFS between the nges of 5 and 11 arc Lincoln, the. exact magnitude of the at the (aiatnlier c/tticc between t> Ills fiunl offielal appearance as program and tjecnu.se you made it a eligible for participation in the pro- project, which lias the iipproval ui Sets Salaries, a.m. and 12 noon stvui again from ll.e hoards of directors juul Irustei's Superintendent of Schools, and the \on Roosevelt liappy stay accei>ting me with such 1 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. gram.s at the gratnniur KCIIIHIIS. The Hecessioiml wus |ilayed by Miss ly- 9 an encouraging benevolence and sin- Teen ("enter, locnUsl nt Wi'.slfidd of botti Y's has net yet been deter- Slclling staled lhal lie find oilier Rules For Pool man. cere friendship. High School, is under the direction mined, though the campaign goal Chamber officials will nlleml a suites Howard D. Klrshenbaum received of CHcnn MagHb mid is ciinfincd t» will probably he nboul 54(Ki.OOl). "A particular thankful thought I lax seminar (it the Hobcrt Treat Moiiiitniiinliln — llorou^h Council tho American Flag presented by dual ions Held teenagers 12 to Hi years of age. The hulk of the project goal will l>car for Hie Al-'S committee, headed Tuesday nljiht :nlo)>t«l ordinances Hotel in Newark Monday at 2 p.m. he represented by ;i ]»orlgag« CMICI- Westfield Chapter DAK, i\s the first by Mrs. Hcrliericii and to all Ihe riulilrciL must register at tho play- providliiK a sntilry seliediilc for fSEVELT EDISON lie explained lhal the meeting will Iracled in lhe facility expansion pro- honor student. He also received a •fellows' and 'fellas' of Wcslficltl ground they pluu li> attend and the swim [)(xpl i>ers(winel ami estnblisli- Ive conducted by representatives gram of lt)t(2, when H timv gyninas- one-year honorary subscription to eremonios for 27U Diplomas were presented (o 28!) High School: the committee because curds should be filled out by the. ini! rt'Kiilntlons for ojiernllon (if the from the SUile Safe.s Tax llurcaii. ium, swimmlJiK pool (Iliu Kliirencc Header's Pittesl presented by the |Id Tuesday night in pupils at Edison Junior iligli School it has been a safety licit to grab my- par<'nts. Other rofiifitration cards comiminily p»ol. Tlie fucillly is Society of Certified Public Account- Murray Wullnco nalntoriuiui, wid editors of tlie magazine. High School. The graduation exercises Tuesday f.elf lo in periods of difficulty; the will IK uvailablc at all playgrounds. slated to o|Hii July 15. ants as well as an industrial tux con- locker complex were adde<l to fli-o Other ownrds and their recipient* |prescnted during (he in the school auditorium.