Jurassic and palaeogeography and stratigraphic comparisons in the North Greenland– region

Henning Dypvik, Eckart Håkansson & Claus Heinberg

We present sedimentological comparisons and stratigraphical correlations of the and Cretaceous epicontinental shelf deposits of Svalbard and updated descriptions of the shallow-marine North Greenland sedi- ments of East Peary Land and Kronprins Christians Land (Kilen). The Callovian to Volgian Agardhfjellet Formation of Svalbard is correlated to the lower part of the Ladegårdsåen Formation on East Peary Land, and to the Birkelund Fjeld, Splitbæk, and Kuglelejet formations of Kronprins Christian Land (Kilen). The to Hauterivian Rurikfjellet For- mation (Svalbard) correlates with the Dromledome and Lichen Ryg for- mations from Kilen and the middle part of the Ladegårdsåen Formation from East Peary Land. The Galadriel Fjeld Formation from Kilen and the upper part of the Ladegårdsåen Formation (East Peary Land) are com- parable to the Helvetiafjellet and Carolinefjellet formations of Svalbard. These comparisons between Svalbard and North Greenland are combined with stratigraphical information from neighbouring regions in palaeogeo- graphical reconstructions. Five selected time slices are presented within a setting of the most recent plate tectonic reconstructions for the area.

H. Dypvik, Dept. of Geology, University of Oslo, Box 1047, N-0316 Oslo, ; E. Håkansson, Geological Institute, University of Copenhagen, Øster Voldgade 10, DK-1350 Copenhagen K, Denmark; C. Heinberg, University of Roskilde, Box 260, DK-4000 Roskilde, Denmark

The Mesozoic successions of the Arctic reflect The newly presented plate configurations of generally marine shelf to terrestrial depositional Lawver et al. (1999) have been used in the palaeo- conditions (Parker 1967; Håkansson, Heinberg & geographic reconstructions presented herein. Stemmerik 1981; Balkwill et al. 1983; Århus et Break-up of the north-east Atlantic rift system al. 1990; Århus 1991a; Dypvik et al. 1991; Embry (chron 24r) about 55–55.5 Mya (Eldholm et al. 1991; Håkansson et al. 1991). The stratigraphy of 1994; Skogseid et al. 2000) took place along the these successions is relatively well known. The Mohns and Knipovich ridges and was accom- correlations and paleogeographic maps of Juras- panied by strike–slip movements between Sval- sic and Cretaceous formations presented herein bard and North Greenland (Fig. 1). Extension and are based both on published information and development of a rift margin between Svalbard on recent field observations. During the last 25 and North Greenland started some time after the years, plate tectonic reconstructions of the Arctic change in relative plate motion (chron 13) about have been the main focus of several geophysical 34 Mya (Lawver et al. 1990; Faleide et al. 1993; investigations (e.g. Herron et al. 1974; Talwani & Eldholm et al. 1994). Eldholm 1977; Lawver et al. 1990; Faleide et al. North Greenland and Svalbard are key areas for 1993; Eldholm et al. 1994; Skogseid et al. 2000). the geological reconstruction of the Jurassic and

Dypvik et al. 2002: Polar Research 21(1), 91–108 91 restricted, and structural and stratigraphic rela- tionships are more complex (Fig. 2). Recent palaeogeographical models for the region (Dorè & Gage 1987; Larsen 1987; Kelly 1988; Ziegler 1988; Dorè 1991) are based mainly on published sedimentological and stratigraphical compilations. Consequently, their maps are gen- eralized and represent time slices of long dura- tion. Owen (1988), however, presented detailed reconstructions for the Albian at the ammonite zonal level.

General geology

The relative positions of Svalbard and North Greenland in the Mesozoic have now been clar- ified by the most recent palinspastic tectonic recontructions of Lawver et al. (1990), Faleide et al. (1993) and Lawver et al. (1999). In North Greenland a well developed Jurassic to Tertiary succession rests on Upper Paleozoic and strata, with sandstones Fig. 1. Map of Svalbard and North Greenland with the pres- being the oldest Jurassic beds present (Heinberg ent positions of plate boundaries marked. Jurassic and Creta- ceous outcrops discussed in the paper are marked with black. & Håkansson 1994) (Fig. 2). The overlying Juras- The stars show the study locations on Svalbard (Oppdalsåta, sic and Cretaceous section is dominated by shales Lardyfjellet and Aasgardfjellet) and North Greenland (Kilen, and siltstones (Håkansson et al. 1991), which i.e. Dromledomen, and East Peary Land, i.e. Sildredomen). in the Kilen area are represented by six shal- low-marine stratigraphic formations (Birkelund Fjeld, Splitbæk, Kuglelejet, Dromledome, Lichen Ryg and Galdriel Fjeld formations) (Heinberg & Cretaceous Arctic because they provide impor- Håkansson 1994). The East Peary Land succes- tant links between the Canadian and Siberian sion has not yet been described in detail. Through basins. An understanding of the structural and the Middle Jurassic and the , the sedimentological evolution of the North Green- North Greenland and Svalbard region was domi- land–Svalbard regions, and their mutual strati- nated by a deep to shallow-marine, epicontinental graphical relations, is therefore important for shelf sea with marginal marine to terrestrial con- understanding the evolution of the entire Arctic ditions at the basin margin. province. The Wilhelmøya Subgroup (Figs. 2, 5) of Detailed stratigraphic and sedimentologi- Svalbard comprises an Upper Triassic to Lower cal investigations have been performed in the Jurassic succession of shallow-marine and del- Jurassic and Cretaceous succession, in Svalbard taic strata. A significant mid-Jurassic transgres- (e.g. Parker 1967; Pchelina 1967; Major & Nagy sion was followed by the establishment of fluvio- 1972; Harland 1973; Steel et al. 1978; Birkenma- deltaic to deep marine depositional conditions, jer et al. 1982; Bäckström & Nagy 1985; Dypvik represented by the Adventdalen Group. This et al. 1991, 1992; Nemec 1992; Gjelberg & Steel transgression was initiated in the mid-Bathonian, 1995) and North Greenland (e.g. Håkansson, followed by mid-Callovian regression and then Heinberg & Stemmerik 1981; Håkansson et al. by renewed transgression in the Late Callo- 1991; Håkansson et al. 1993; Håkansson, Hein- vian (Smelror, pers. comm. 2000). After a major berg, Madsen et al. 1994; Heinberg & Håkansson regression in the , there was then a 1994). While the Jurassic and Cretaceous Sval- long-term transgression through the Albian (Gjel- bard succession is accessible in extensive out- berg & Steel 1995). No post-Albian Cretaceous crops, the North Greenland exposures are more deposits have yet been found on Spitsbergen, a

92 Jurassic and Cretaceous palaeogeography and stratigraphic comparisons Dypvik et al. 2002: Polar Research 21(1), 91–108 93 Fig. 2. Stratigraphic correlation between North Greenland, Svalbard and the Barents Sea successions. Based on Dypvik et al. (1991), Håkansson et al. (1993), Gradstein et al. (1994), Heinberg & Håkansson (1994), Mørk et al. (1999) and Smelror (pers. comm. 2000). The inset subdivision in the stage column marks the boreal stratigraphical subdivision where Po = Portlandian, Kimm = Kimmeridgian.

result of extensive Late Cretaceous uplift and the Rurikfjellet Formation. The overlying Bar- erosion (Major & Nagy 1972; Faleide et al. 1993). remian–Albian Kolje and Kolmule formations However, according to Smelror (pers. comm. are correlative with the Helvetiafjellet and Car- 2000), reworked late Cretaceous are pres- olinefjellet formations, respectively (Worsley et ent in the Middle to Upper Paleocene beds of al. 1988; Nøttvedt et al. 1992; Mørk & Smelror Sørkapp Land, suggesting that some Late Cre- 1998; Smelror et al. 1998; Mørk et al. 1999) (Fig. taceous sedimentation occurred somewhere in 2). Late Cretaceous uplift and erosion was not as the region. severe in the southern Barents Sea as in Svalbard In the Barents Sea, the Adventdalen Group is to the north; consequently, condensed Upper Cre- represented by six formations. The Bathonian to taceous sediments of the Nygrunnen Group are Ryazanian Fuglen and Hekkingen formations can preserved in the Barents Sea (Mørk & Smelror be correlated to the Agardhfjellet Formation on 1998). The Jurassic and Cretaceous Barents Svalbard, whereas the Lower Cretaceous Knurr Sea succession is made up of deep to shallow- and Klippfisk formations can be correlated to marine shelf deposits (Mørk et al. 1999). Juras-

92 Jurassic and Cretaceous palaeogeography and stratigraphic comparisons Dypvik et al. 2002: Polar Research 21(1), 91–108 93 Fig. 3. Stratigraphic columns of the Jurassic and Cretaceous sections on North Greenland. Sildredomen section of the Ladegård- såen Formation in the left column. The sections are presented in Håkansson (1979) and Håkansson, Birkelund et al. (1981). sic and Cretaceous sedimentation in the basins of Stratigraphy North Greenland, Svalbard and the Barents Sea was highly influenced by their proximity to tec- North Greenland tonically active neighbouring plate boundaries (Lawver et al. 1990; Faleide et al. 1993; Håkans- The two main Jurassic / Cretaceous sedimentary son & Pedersen 2001; Lawver, pers. comm. successions in North Greenland are located in 2001). In North Greenland, late Cretaceous sed- East Peary Land and at Kilen (Håkansson, Birke- imentation took place in fault-controlled “pull- lund et al. 1981; Håkansson, Heinberg & Stem- apart” basins (Birkelund & Håkansson 1983; merik 1981; Håkansson et al. 1991; Håkansson, Håkansson et al. 1991). Heinberg, Madsen et al. 1994; Håkansson, Hein-

94 Jurassic and Cretaceous palaeogeography and stratigraphic comparisons Dypvik et al. 2002: Polar Research 21(1), 91–108 95 Fig. 4. Legend for the stratigraphic logs shown in Figs. 3 and 5 - 11 and palaeogeographical maps (Fig. 12).

berg & Pedersen 1994; Heinberg & Håkansson units normally terminate in 5 - 20 cm thick beds 1994) (Figs. 1 - 4, 6 - 9). In both areas, Oxford- of bioturbated, poorly to moderately sorted, grey ian / Kimmeridgian to Albian deposits are pres- silty sandstones. The succeeding units from the ent. middle part of the Ladegårdsåen Formation are The Ladegårdsåen Formation (> 250 m thick) of sand-dominated, highly bioturbated and the East Peary Land (Figs. 1 - 3, 6 - 7) comprises shal- poorly sorted sandstones, are locally rich in plant low-marine shales, siltsones and sandstones of fragments and may contain siderite concretions. Middle Oxfordian to early Cretaceous age. In the At this stratigraphical level, in the lower part of lower part of the formation (Fig. 6), well-bedded the middle Ladegårdsåen Formation (Fig. 6), the to parallel laminated, dark grey shales and shaley upward-coarsening units are somewhat thicker sandstones, commonly containing plant frag- than below, forming 2 - 6 m thick units that possi- ments, form 10 - 30 cm thick upward-coarsening bly reflect deposition in shallow-marine bars. units. Faint remnants of possible current ripples Both the shales and the sandstones in the lower have been observed. These coarsening-upward and middle part of the Ladegårdsåen Formation

94 Jurassic and Cretaceous palaeogeography and stratigraphic comparisons Dypvik et al. 2002: Polar Research 21(1), 91–108 95 Fig. 5. Stratigraphic column of the Jurassic and Cretaceous successions on Svalbard. The sections are described and presented in Dypvik et al. (1992).

show marine bioturbation burrows (e.g. Thalassi- sections (Figs. 2 - 3, 8). The coarse-grained Lade- noides). The silty shales and shaly sandstones are gårdsåen Formation sandstone units have ero- rich in plant fragments and poor in macrofossils; sional bases, with lag conglomerates overlain only a modest number of belemnites and bivalves, by well sorted, planar to tangential cross-strati- along with vertebrate remains (possibly of a ple- fied sets varying in thickness from 0.4 - 2 m. The siosaurid) have been found. lags may, in addition to coarse basement clasts, The silty and sandy shale-dominated pack- contain mud flakes, plant remains and coal frag- ages in the middle parts of the Ladegårdsåen For- ments. These upward fining, cross-bedded sets mation are overlain by a prominent, cemented, commonly consist of about 0.2 - 1.5 cm thick cross-stratified, light grey, probably more than normal graded beds, displaying overall well 100 m thick sandstone unit of Valanginian age defined palaeocurrents measured to predominant (Figs. 6 - 7) (Håkansson et al. 1991). This sand- southerly transportation directions (Fig. 6). The stone may be correlated to the Lichen Ryg For- southerly directions are well developed, and are mation, a comparable unit present in the Kilen only in one location somewhat twisted to more

96 Jurassic and Cretaceous palaeogeography and stratigraphic comparisons Dypvik et al. 2002: Polar Research 21(1), 91–108 97 eastward-directed palaeocurrents (ripples in shales from a local lagoonal setting, 230 m level in Fig. 6). This easterly palaeocurrent direction is also present in the lower, more shaly units of the adjacent Sildredomen section (Fig. 6). Tangen- tial cross-bedded, as well as trough cross-bedded units carrying convolute lamination structures, are present in some beds. The cross-stratified and ripple-laminated coarse sandstones may locally comprise up to 6 m thick fining-upward units. The good sort- ing, lack of red colouration and the similar sed- imentological development of this sandstone in the North Greenland localities visited, combined with well developed southerly directions of trans- port, suggest a shallow-marine, coastal sand of shoreface origin. Deposition was highly influ- enced by south-easterly coast-parallel currents. At one location, lagoonal organic-rich black shales directly overlie the cross-bedded sand- stones. In this lagoonal facies, ripple laminated sandstones with easterly transportation direc- tions possibly reflect currents away from land, striking at a right angle to the palaeo-coastline. A barrier island configuration with associated, cross-bedded, well sorted tidal inlet sands there- fore cannot be excluded, even with the dominant southerly palaeocurrent directions present. Above the Valanginian sandstones, succes- sions of shallow-marine to non-marine shales and sandstones are present (Håkansson, Heinberg & Stemmerik 1981; Håkansson et al. 1991; Håkans- son, Heinberg, Madsen et al. 1994; Heinberg & Håkansson 1994). In East Peary Land, shallow- marine to Albian shaly and sandy sedi- ments are found locally (Fig. 3). In the Kilen area of Kronprins Christian Land (Figs. 1 - 3, 8 - 9), the upper Mesozoic succession Fig. 6. Stratigraphic log from Sildredomen, East Peary Land— (> 3500 m thick) has a possible Late Oxford- the Ladegårdsåen Formation of Oxfordian–Valanginian age. Rose diagram of transportation directions based on ripples ian / Early Kimmeridgian base, and the succes- and cross-bedding. sion is more continuously exposed than in East Peary Land. The lowermost 350 m of the Kilen succession is made up of highly bioturbated, dark grey shales and sandstones of Kimmeridgian to Thalassinoides, Rhizocorallium and Planolites Valanginian age. The marine successions contain ichnofossils are common in the lower parts of the ammonites and bivalves, and often form upward- succession, whereas imprints of cycad leaves and coarsening units. Some of the coarser grained stems are present throughout the formation (Figs. intervals contain plant fragments and glauco- 2, 8). The latter suggest a strong terrestrial influ- nitic beds. ence. Well developed bioturbation gives the unit a The highly bioturbated, well-bedded, poorly rubbly appearance. The Splitbæk Formation (Figs. sorted medium-grained, belemnite sandstones of 2, 8) overlies the Birkelund Fjeld Formation and the Birkelund Fjeld Formation (Figs. 2, 8), rep- consists of 18 m of organic-rich, finely laminated resent shallow-marine depositional conditions. black shales in its lower part, in a total thickness

96 Jurassic and Cretaceous palaeogeography and stratigraphic comparisons Dypvik et al. 2002: Polar Research 21(1), 91–108 97 Fig. 7. Detailed logs and photograph from the Valanginian Sandstone of the Ladegårdsåen Formation, Skvatdalen, East Peary Land. of 30 m. The uppermost 12 m consists of paral- eral cross-stratified, channelized beds in a 6m lel laminated, bioturbated, fine-grained sand- thick unit, exhibiting clear south-easterly palaeo- stones. The Splitbæk Formation is overlain by the current directions. These units contain the ichno- 90 m thick, overall upward-coarsening sandstone fossils Skolithos and Diplocraterion habichi, and and shale formation of the Kuglelejet Formation cut-and-fill structures which are 30 - 60 cm deep. (Fig. 2). The formation is partly cemented sand- Their erosional bases carry grains of glauconite stones and bioturbated with Thalassinoides, Hel- in lag conglomerates. The dark grey to black minthoidea and Teichichnus. Overall the lower- shales of the Dromledome Formation (Figs. 2, most 40 m of the Kuglelejet Formation is made 8) (70 m thick) overlie the Kuglelejet Formation. up of several 5 - 20 m thick coarsening-upward These shales show only faint bioturbation, but successions, whereas the uppermost, more finer- a few traces of Zoophycos have been observed. grained, 50 m of the formation are composed The Dromledome Formation contains Buchia and of 1 - 2 m thick coarsening-upward intervals. In normally comprises parallel laminated shales. detail the lowermost 20 m are seen to be com- The various depositional units possess dispersed posed of 1 - 3 m thick upward-coarsening units, 10 - 30 cm thick siderite beds, partly with nodular with a few ripples and plant fragments present. developments. The uppermost part of the Drom- The beds contain scattered ammonites and well ledome Formation is formed by a 2.5 m thick preserved skeletal remains probably belonging to fine, micaceous sandstone bed with hummocky Plesiosaurus. The central part of the Kuglelejet cross-stratification. The Dromledome Formation Formation (level 125 m in Fig. 8) comprises sev- is overlain by the well sorted, medium to coarse-

98 Jurassic and Cretaceous palaeogeography and stratigraphic comparisons Dypvik et al. 2002: Polar Research 21(1), 91–108 99 grained, light grey sandstones of the Lichen Ryg Formation (Figs. 2, 8). The shallow-marine, yellowish weathering ?Valanginian sandstones of the Lichen Ryg For- mation form a 30 - 50 m thick unit, creating the steepest local relief in the area. These well- cemented, cross-stratified sandstones have a similar appearance in the Kilen sections to the above-mentioned Valanginian sandstone unit in East Peary Land. In the Kilen sections, how- ever, a greater spread of palaeocurrent directions has been measured, but a southerly direction is also documented there. The cross-strata are com- monly tangential with erosional bases and con- glomeratic lags, often with mud flakes in the 0.5 - 2 m thick beds; they may represent tidal inlet deposits of a barrier island dominated coast. The upward-fining sandstone beds are cross-strati- fied to ripple-laminated, and in some units con- volute lamination has been observed. Plant frag- ments are common. The upper part of the Lichen Ryg sandstone unit is highly bioturbated and con- tains well developed Diplocraterion and Thalass- inoides traces. The ?Valanginian Lichen Ryg For- mation at Kilen is highly stylolitized. The open marine bioturbated shales and sand- stones of the Galadriel Fjeld Formation overlie the Lichen Ryg Formation in the Kilen area, dis- playing open marine sedimentation. In the lower- most part of the Galadriel Fjeld Formation (Figs. 2, 8 - 9), well developed hummocky cross-stratifi- cation and cone-in-cone structures occur. Ripple crest orientations have been measured as striking east–west (level 390 m) (Fig. 8.). The overlying Upper Cretaceous formations represent several coarsening-upwards marine sequences accumu- lated in a pull-apart basin developed in a right- lateral strike–slip regime (Håkansson, Heinberg, Madsen et al. 1994).


The uppermost Triassic and Lower Jurassic suc- Fig. 8. A compilation of the stratigraphical succession at cession of Svalbard (Wilhelmøya Subgroup) Dromledomen, Kilen. Rose diagram of transportation direc- tions are measured from ripples and cross-bedding. In the (Figs. 2, 5, 10) is dominated by shallow-marine Galadriel Fjeld Formation ripple crest orientation is shown. sediments, deposited during a period character- ized by reduced terrigeneous clastic influx and several stratigraphic breaks. The Wilhelmøya Subgroup is succeeded by the basal beds of the regressive phase (Smelror, pers. comm. 2000). Janusfjellet Subgroup, showing initiation and The transgressive development continued well advance of the major Bathonian–Callovian trans- into the Oxfordian, as seen in the transition of gression in the area (Bäckström & Nagy 1985; the phosphatic conglomerate of the Brentskard- Nagy et al. 1990) disrupted by a mid-Callovian haugen Bed up into the black, organic-rich, finely

98 Jurassic and Cretaceous palaeogeography and stratigraphic comparisons Dypvik et al. 2002: Polar Research 21(1), 91–108 99 Fig. 9. A detailed lithological log and field photos of the ripple laminated heterolithic strata of coarsening-upward successions of the Galadriel Fjeld Formation near Dromledomen, Kilen.

laminated shales of the Lardyfjellet Member of offshore bars and sublittoral sheet sands at this the Agardhfjellet Formation (Figs. 2, 5). In the time. The uppermost coarsening-upward inter- Late Oxfordian / Early Kimmeridgian, a trans- vals of the Oppdalsåta Member consist of rather gression most likely affected the North Green- homogeneous silt- and sandstones with well- land localities, and the first Jurassic shallow- oriented belemnites. marine sands (Ladegårdsåen and Birkelund Fjeld The dark grey shales of the Lardyfjellet and formations) were deposited there, while black, Slottsmøya members, separated by the sandy organic-rich clays were formed on Svalbard and storm-dominated Oppdalsåta Member, span the in the Barents Sea (Fig. 2). This configuration Oxfordian to Middle Volgian (Fig. 10). They continued into the Kimmeridgian. can most likely be correlated with the Birke- Depositional conditions were dominated by lund Fjeld, Splitbæk and Kuglelejet formations anoxic to hypoxic sedimentation during the in Kilen (Håkansson, Heinberg & Stemmerik Oxfordian and Kimmeridgian (Lardyfjellet, Opp- 1981; Håkansson et al. 1991; Håkansson, Hein- dalsåta and Slottsmøya members) (Figs. 2, 5, berg, Madsen et al. 1994; Heinberg & Håkans- 10). Periods with high wind and storm activity son 1994) (Figs. 2, 5, 8). However, only the dark locally disrupted the sedimentation of organic- shales of the Splitbæk Formation show a lithol- rich clays, with deposition of offshore sand bars ogy comparable to the shales of the Agardhfjel- (the upper Kimmeridgian–lower Volgian Opp- let Formation. dalsåta Member; Dypvik et al. 1991). Periods of The sedimentation of black, organic-rich clays generally north–north-westward blowing storms continued on Svalbard throughout the Juras- reworked the prodeltaic and shelf deposits which sic (although Smelror claims the possibility of a until then had been fed from the north (Dypvik et late Volgian hiatus; pers. comm. 2000) (Figs. 5, al. 1991; Dypvik et al. 1992), creating widespread 10 - 11) under partly reducing conditions. This is

100 Jurassic and Cretaceous palaeogeography and stratigraphic comparisons Dypvik et al. 2002: Polar Research 21(1), 91–108 101 reflected by dark grey shales (the paper shales of group (Major & Nagy 1972; Edwards 1976; Steel the Slottsmøya Formation), highly enriched in 1977; Steel et al. 1978; Nemec et al. 1988; Grøs- trace elements such as V, Ni, U and Cr (Dypvik fjeld 1992; Nemec 1992; Gjelberg & Steel 1995). 1980; Nagy et al. 1988, 1990). In contrast, the Although there is no major hiatus at the base of time-equivalent North Greenland successions the Barremian section, and despite the regression display higher sand content, lighter colours and seen in the Ullaberget Member, there is clear ero- a lower organic content. The upward-coarsen- sion and likely deep fluvial incision in places at the ing development of the Slottsmøya Member cul- base of the Helvetiafjellet Formation (with fluvial minated at the contact between the Agardhfjellet deposits directly on offshore shales in places). and Rurikfjellet formations, marked by the Mykle- This has been interpreted as a pronounced phase gardfjellet Bed. The base of this bed represents a of forced regression (sea level fall) succeeding transgressive surface which seems to be correla- the earlier normal regression (Gjelberg & Steel tive with the contact between the Kuglelejet and 1995). The overlying plant- and coal-bearing Dromledome formations. succession of the Glitrefjellet Member displays After maximum transgression around the interdistributary bay to delta top depositional Ryazanian–Valanginian transition (Fig. 2), an conditions (Steel 1977; Gjelberg & Steel 1995), upward-shallowing, regressive development directly overlain by the shallow-marine, trans- took place during Valanginian and Hauterivian gressive Carolinefjellet Formation of Aptian– times. In this period shallow-marine and partly Albian age (Nagy 1970; Major & Nagy 1972). prodeltaic conditions dominated on Svalbard, The Carolinefjellet Formation is composed of in an overall southward-prograding, regressive prodeltaic to deeper shelf shales and sandstones. development (Figs. 5, 10 - 11). The Ryazanian– In this case, south-westward deltaic progradation Valanginian Wimanfjellet Member is made up occurred and depositional conditions were highly mainly of very fine-grained claystones with a few influenced by storm and wind activity. A major dispersed sideritic beds (Fig. 10). The Wiman- stratigraphic break is documented between the fjellet Member has been interpreted to repre- Albian Carolinefjellet Formation and the overly- sent the deepest water conditions of the Janus- ing Paleogene beds; no Upper Cretaceous sedi- fjellet Subgroup (Nagy et al. 1990). These are ments are recorded in Svalbard. probably correlative with the shales of the Drom- Compared to these published profiles from ledome Formation in the Kilen section. The suc- Svalbard, sections from the Barents Sea gener- ceeding sand-prone Ullaberget Member (mainly ally show more distal, open marine conditions, Hauterivian) forms a sedimentological continu- dominated by clastic fine-grained sedimenta- ation in an overall upward-coarsening develop- tion through the Jurassic. The Lower Cretaceous ment that can be subdivided into at least three formations of the Barents Sea are dominated by small-scale coarsening-upward intervals. These marine shales, but also contain carbonate-rich intervals contain several cross-bedded and rip- marly sediments of platform facies (Smelror et pled units, varying from a few centimetres to al. 1998). A thick succession of Barremian and more than 30 cm in thickness. In the uppermost younger sandy turbidites is predicted south to parts, hummocky cross-stratification is common. south-east of Svalbard by the sequence strati- These developments reflect storm-wave and cur- graphic analyses of Gjelberg & Steel (1995) rent influenced delta-front sedimentation in a pro- (Steel, pers. comm 2001). grading shallow-marine delta complex (Dypvik et al. 1991). The southerly palaeocurrent direc- tions (deltaic progradation) match well with the Palaeogeography southerly ?Valanginian transport directions in the light grey, cross-bedded sandstones of the Lichen Published offshore data presently available from Ryg Formation in Kilen (see above). the Barents Sea region are relatively sparse. In The progradational deltaic developments in contrast, detailed sedimentological published and the Svalbard region terminated in the Barre- unpublished logs are available for more than 50 mian, with the deposition of the up to 30 m thick, onshore Svalbard and North Greenland localities coarse-grained, fluviodeltaic Festningen Sand- and this information is incorporated into the pal- stone Member of the Helvetiafjellet Formation. aeogeographical reconstructions presented here. This unit directly overlies the Janusfjellet Sub- The Jurassic part of the Svalbard succession

100 Jurassic and Cretaceous palaeogeography and stratigraphic comparisons Dypvik et al. 2002: Polar Research 21(1), 91–108 101 Fig. 10. Stratigraphic log of the Janusfjellet Subgroup at Lardyfjellet, Svalbard. The lower photograph shows the paper shales of the Slottsmøya Member and the upper photo shows the well developed boundary between the silty shales of the Ullaberget Member and the coarse grained Festningen Sand- stone Member.

102 Jurassic and Cretaceous palaeogeography and stratigraphic comparisons Dypvik et al. 2002: Polar Research 21(1), 91–108 103 clearly reflects a more basin central position dom- The appearance of Upper Oxfordian paper shales inated by shales compared to the sandy, time- on Svalbard and the transgressive development in equivalent marginal marine North Greenland East Peary Land could be distal reflections of this successions. Both the Svalbard and North Green- second phase, the Oxfordian T–R sequence of land sections comprise more shallow-marine the Sverdrup Basin and the Canadian Arctic (the depositional conditions in the Lower Cretaceous Ringnes Formation). (regressive developments) than the Jurassic sec- During the Late Oxfordian and Kimmeridgian tions. However, the Lower Cretaceous Svalbard (Fig. 12b, c), the Svalbard and North Greenland succession is less sandy than the North Greenland region was covered by a shallow epicontinen- ones. In the North Greenland sections, marine tal sea. Fine-grained sediments were deposited, Upper Cretaceous deposits are also present. only interrupted by shifting fluxes of sands, The geological analyses which have been car- most likely due to wind- and storm-generated ried out in both regions display related sedimen- currents. Some of these sands were deposited tological developments. In the Jurassic succes- on topographic highs, with a possible tectonic sions, typically coarsening-upward developments origin (Haremo et al. 1993). Similar sand ridges are observed with no clear-cut signals of global have been described from the Sverdrup Basin sequentiality (Milankovitch cycles). These have, (Awingak Formation), as four poorly defined T–R most likely, been overprinted by a combination of sequences. Each cycle was initiated by a relative tectonic, local climatic and diagenetic factors. sea level rise, which was followed by basinward The Callovian paleogeographic reconstruction progradation of shallow shelf sands, in combina- (Fig. 12a) displays “palaeo-North Greenland” as tion with a gradual decline in the sediment supply a land area, where erosion was active, while shal- toward the end of the Jurassic (Embry 1991). In low-marine depositional conditions dominated on comparison, the uppermost Kimmeridgian and Svalbard (Oppdalen Member). A narrow seaway Volgian units of the Svalbard succession show existed towards the Sverdrup Basin (McCon- a similar faint transgressive development (Nagy nell Island Formation) to the west with a possible et al. 1990). The (Late Oxfordian “Crockerland” (Embry 1991) north of Svalbard. to Volgian) of the Barents Sea was dominated by In the western parts of the Barents Sea, marine deposition of fine-grained, commonly organic- shelf conditions dominated (Fuglen Formation) rich clays in shallow to deep shelf environments, (Worsley et al. 1988). with partly anoxic bottom conditions (Worsley et In Late Oxfordian times (Fig. 12b) the regional al. 1988). transgression that initiated in the Bathonian (the The Lower Cretaceous beds of this study show so-called Callovian transgression), developed related sequential developments in the North further and shallow-marine sands, silts and clays Greenland and Svalbard sections. In both places, were deposited in North Greenland and open the units are dominated by minor fining-upward marine conditions prevailed on Svalbard. Max- units and homogeneous beds (about 0.5 m in aver- imum expansion of offshore shelf conditions age thickness), reflecting deposition from suspen- took place during deposition of the Lardyfjel- sion and turbidity currents. The successions are let, Oppdalsåta and Lower Slottsmøya members interpreted to represent parts of a southerly pro- (Svalbard) and the Splitbæk Formation of North grading deltaic/prodeltaic facies. Faint sequen- Greenland. The coarsening-upward intervals ciality can be recognized, but they clearly have of the Lardyfjellet and Oppdalsåta members been overshadowed by the regional sedimento- reflect coastal sand bodies building up as shal- logical imprint of the northerly Early Cretaceous low-marine bars, partly climatically controlled uplift (Faleide et al. 1993). (Dypvik 1992; Dypvik et al. 1992). The seaway The Valanginian stage (Fig. 12d) is regionally connection towards the Sverdrup Basin in the characterized as a regressive phase. The uplift west probably widened due to a coeval size reduc- of Svalbard and areas north of Svalbard initi- tion of land to the north (“Crockerland” of Embry ated the southward advance of a major, north- 1991). In contrast to the single major transgres- erly located clastic shoreline depositional system. sive development in the Svalbard–North Green- The southerly transportation directions measured land region, two large-scale T–R sequences in the cross-bedding of the Hauterivian Ullaber- (one Callovian and one Oxfordian) have been get Member from Svalbard support this inter- described from the Sverdrup basin (Embry 1991). pretation. There was also Valanginian shallow-

102 Jurassic and Cretaceous palaeogeography and stratigraphic comparisons Dypvik et al. 2002: Polar Research 21(1), 91–108 103 Fig. 11. Stratigraphic log of the Janusfjellet Subgroup at Aas- gaardfjellet, Svalbard. The photos show the typical coars- ening-upward developments of the Ullaberget Member with details of hummocky cross bedded strata in the lower pho- tograph.

marine and lagoonal sedimentation in North Lichen Ryg Formation, possibly reflecting addi- Greenland (East Peary Land), a response to the tional mechanisms of coastal marine deposition Late Jurassic to Early Cretaceous levelling of the (e.g. rip currents and tidal inlets) in parts of these landscape. The so-called Valanginian Sandstones shallow-marine sandstones. Mainly clays were of Peary Land and the Lichen Ryg Formation of deposited on Svalbard, except for local carbonate Kilen both display dominant southerly directions banks in the eastern regions of Kong Karls Land. of possible coast-parallel transport. Some devi- Sediments of the Valanginian sea, dominated ations in the directions have been found in the by platform deposition of a condensed sequence

104 Jurassic and Cretaceous palaeogeography and stratigraphic comparisons Dypvik et al. 2002: Polar Research 21(1), 91–108 105 (a) (b)

(c) (d)

Fig. 12. Palaeogeographic reconstructions, based on the plate (e) tectonics of Lawver et al. (1999): (a) Callovian; (b) Late Oxfordian; (c) Kimmeridgian; (d) Valanginian; (e) Aptian/ Albian.

of marly sediments in the western Barents Sea (Klippfisk Formation) pass laterally southward into open marine shales of the Knurr Formation (Worsley et al. 1988; Århus et al. 1990; Århus 1991b; Smelror et al. 1998). Northerly uplift/ doming started in Valanginian times and contin- ued through the Early Cretaceous (Fig. 12d). This uplift represents the first geological signals of the Barremian rifting, which started about 10 My later along the Gakkel Ridge, north of Svalbard (Fig. 1) (Lawver et al. 1990; Faleide et al. 1993). Member of the Helvetiafjellet Formation. The Valanginian to Hauterivian regressive, coarsen- Helvetiafjellet Formation itself shows an overall ing-upward sequences are also well developed in transgressive trend (Gjelberg & Steel, 1995), but the Sverdrup Basin (Isachsen Formation) where contains numerous punctuated regressive pulses they terminate in the early Barremian (Embry within the general back-stepping transgression. 1991). In Svalbard, Barremian coastal progra- The Barremian transgression sediments in dation is marked by the erosive forced regres- Svalbard continued in a punctuated manner into sion base of the prominent Festningen Sandstone the Aptian, which is also evident in the Sver-

104 Jurassic and Cretaceous palaeogeography and stratigraphic comparisons Dypvik et al. 2002: Polar Research 21(1), 91–108 105 drup Basin (Fig. 12e) (Embry 1991). In the post- References Aptian / pre-Paleocene period, northern Sval- bard was uplifted and severely eroded (Nagy Århus, N. 1991a: Dinoflagellate cyst stratigraphy of some 1970; Major & Nagy 1972) and no sedimentary Aptian and Albian sections from North Greenland, south- units are present from this time interval, though eastern Spitsbergen and the Barents Sea. Cretac. Res. 12, the products of all this erosion should have accu- 209–225. Århus, N. 1991b: The transition from deposition of con- mulated on the Barents Shelf farther south. In densed carbonates to dark claystones in the Lower Cre- contrast, marine to terrestrial Cretaceous sedi- taceous succession of the southwestern Barents Sea. Nor. mentation continued in the Sverdrup Basin and Geol. Tidsskr. 71, 259–263. in pull-apart basins of North Greenland. 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