I BOX ib'tB ST AUaO3II:ii FLA 32024

*7 ~& * - £ ' ?*" 5: Ann Landers 2B Oct. 19-21, 1967 Classifieds 10-11A Hi Lo Rain Editorials 4A Thurs. 82 62 0 Sports 6A Fri. 84 62 0 Young People Think IB CA RATON NEWS Sat. 82 62 tr. Vol. 12, No. 144 Sunday, October 22, 1967 20 Pages Marymount New test gets funds slated for for library lake weeds Solution to the weed control problem in Sabal Lake^is still A $100,000 gift for construc- up in the air — or underwater tion of a new library at Mary- — some 21 days" after test ap- mount College has been received plication of a new chemical con- from the Milton F. and Rita C, trol agent. . Lewis Charitable Foundation. City crews treated an acre of the lake with a solution of Di- Receipt of the gift was an- quat and copper sulphate, a nounced Friday at a reception special mixture devised by Dr. at the College to honor the Robert Blackburn, aquatic weed family. specialist for the U.S. Depart- "Receipt of this generous ment of Agriculture. The mix- contribution from the Lewis ture was intended to kill the family, whose daughter Maureen weeds ~ mostly Florida Elo- graduated from the college in dea — without injuring the fish. May, 1967, provides that much However, as the trial period needed incentive which will en- drew to a close, high water able the college to complete levels in the lake made evalua- the library fund drive success- tion of the test difficult, ac- fully," Sister de la Croix, pres- cording to Public Works Direc- ident of the college commented. tor William Prendergast, He In presenting the gift to the t 1 said the water level is now college, Lewis stated that the about a foot higher than when grant was made to the college, ; : the chemicals were applied. in part, because of his admir- ^;4*& ^' >i * 1^?^ Prendergast said samples of ation of the work the Religious the weeds have been sent to of the Sacred Heart of Mary Blackburn for evaluation in his were doing among the poor and laboratory. Samples both of migrant children. weeds "burned" by the chemi- cals and fresh growth were "Marymount College has been sent. a glowing example in this field of assistance to the underpriv- "We feel that we've gotten ileged," he said. some results," Prendergast Total cost of the new library Mascots and special acts are coming cuter ev- said, "but it's difficult to de- is $720,000. Construction is Cindy, but it's old hat for Kim Southards, the termine how effective the chem- planned to begin in February, Homecoming eryday, it seems, especially at Boca Raton High two-year-old mascot for the high school's Pom icals were." 1968, with completion set for School. Little Cindy Hall, 5, daughter of the high Pom Girls. Kim, the daughter of Paul Southards He said that another one- December, 1968. school band director, Albert Hall, led the major- and niece of Pom Pom Girl Sue Monlgomery, leads acre test will get underway Lewis is a member of the ettes in the high school's homecoming parade the girls at every high school football game. More next week. For the new test, college's board of regents and Friday evening. All this fuss might be new for homecoming pictures on page 7A. Prendergast said, city crews is a general partner in the in- will use straight copper sul- vestment banking firm of Hall- phate, garten & Co., members of the Most came with objections "It shouldn't bother the New York Stock Exchange. fish," he said, "since, they'll be able to move away from the chemicals and into the untreated portion of the lake." house for P&Z hearings Copper sulphate is the cheap- est chemical that can be used, Boca Harbour and Lake Rog- ing to appose the petition of be rescheduled for public hear- Reed, again attorney for It- but heavy doses are also fatal to the fish population. When used Couple emerging from a ers Isles residents turned out Florida Palm Aire Corp. for ing at the board's Nov. 16 meet- venus, based his plea for re- enmasse at city hall Thursday rezoning of property bounded by ing. zoning on the fact that before in small quantities in combina- downtown lounge startled prac- tion with Diquat, the dose is not tically out of their wits by all night to either object to or put Tropic Isles, Boca Harbour, The overflow crowd stayed the land was annexed to Boca in a good word for two rezoning Intracoastal and Federal High- on, though, to hear the petition Raton, Delray Beach City large enough to kill fish. the hornblowing, cheering and The Sabal Lake hassle has what not of Friday's Home- petitions by Itvenus Corporation way from R1A to RBI, R3 and of Itvenus Development and In- Council had been considering and Charles B. Marqusee. R3A to allow for a business dustrial Corp. for rezoning of rezoning the area for residen- been in and out of the city coun- coming parade. ..Congressman cil chambers for some months, PAUL ROGERS quitting Wash- The Boca Harbour residents and apartment complex. How- land along the C-15 canal bound- tial to multiple dwellings to originally came to the Planning ever, Don Reed, attorney for ed by Hidden Valley and Intra- allow for an apartments and still is a long way from being ington briefly to make a few solved. Councilmen have been remarks at yesterday morn- and Zoning Board's public hear- Palm Aire asked that the matter coastal Waterway. townhouses complex by Itvenus. Itvenus had planned to pur- reluctant to foot the bill for lake ing's Post Office ceremony, maintenance with tax funds and Postmaster CECIL RO- chase the property- at the time of the annexation in June 1967, since there is no public access SEKE beaming with pleasure to the lake. Residents on the as one of his men was honor- City's teens start to work to Reed said. However, the actual purchase did not take place un- lake shore maintain that since ed. . .Despite dogged efforts the city owns the lake, it ought to dampen the area down, huge til after the annexation, It- venus, Reed said did not con- to be maintained with municipal clouds of dust kicked up by funds. traffic hanging over the Dixie- put 'Humpty' together again test the annexation because Palmetto intersection. . .Beach Boca Raton city councilmen said they would consider rezoning bunnies getting the last of sum- Boca Raton teenagers are the teenagers themselves. droves. New master's mer's tanning rays. . .Surfers the area for Itvenus upon the making like "all the kings men "It certainly was different "We were really surprised," approval of Planning and Zon- taking advantage of a school and trying to put humpty dumpty from that last dance we held Rutherford said, "but so were 9 holiday Friday and strong east ing Board. together again" in their attempt when only 63 teenagers showed the kids. They kept saying'what • The board members, how- degree OK d winds piling up waves. . .Winter to re-organize Teen Town. up, 36 of whom were from out are you doing here?' and 'I traffic starting to pile up on ever tabled the issue so they Approval for immediate start Only difference is they just of town," Rutherford said. thought you said you wouldn't could study it further in rela- Number One Street. . .Lady may be a hundred percent more "We had only expected 30 be here.' " on a program in anthropology driver churning east on the tion to the Palm Aire petition leading to the master of arts de- successful than the king's men teenagers," he added, "and we Rutherford said he had 46 which would affect land next west-bound traffic lane at the were in the famous nursery had been told by just about all candidates for the center's six gree has been granted by the Camino Real-2nd Avenue in- to Itvenus and Charles B. Mar- Board of Regents to the College rhyme. the teenagers we talked to that offices. One candidate is a re- qusee' s petition which also terchange, throwing several they wouldn't be able to make it cent high school graduate, of Social Science's anthropology motorists into semi-shock, .. A total of 92 teenagers came would affect land to the south of department at Florida Atlantic to the faltering center's rescue that night." "We've got a good group of Itvenus. The scene at Boca Raton High Wednesday night, much to the However, come 7:30 p.m., candidates, he added. "They University. School Friday night resembling Marqusee is asking for re- This marks the eleventh surprise of not only Jim Ruth- cars began rolling into the Com- are a good mixture of senior zoning of land along Federal a game of musical cars. erford, recreation director, but munity Center parking lot in (Continued on Page 12A) graduate program to be insti- (Continued on Page 12A) tuted at the four year old uni- versity and the third in the College of Social Science which already offers the master's in psychology and political sci- ence. / Emphasis in the anthropology graduate program will be on field work, and four major areas will be covered. Dr. William Sears, chairman of the depart- ment, will be the major advisor for human pre-history; Dr. Gerald Weiss will handle cul- tural anthropology; Dr. Audrey Sublett, physical anthropology, and Dr. Julian Granberry, an- thropological linguistics. A thesis preferably based on original field work will be re- quired of all students, including those preparing to teach on the junior college level, so that they will all have experience in re- search methods, a necessity for anyone who wishes to keep abreast of new discoveries, ac- cording to Dr. Sears, Two students who have al- ready received their bachelor's A "Citation of Merit" was presented to the Boca Raton Post- degrees at FAU and who stayed office Saturday. Making the presentation, above, was B.G. Maginn, on to begin graduate work in postal service officer. Cecil W. Roseke, acting postmaster, (left) anticipation of the program's received the award on behalf of the postoffice. Congressman Paul. approval are expected to be the Rogers, spoke at the program honoring the facility for its part in first two to receive degrees. President Johnson's Natural Beauty Program. They are James MacLaury (Continued on Page 12A) 2A Sunday, October 22, 1967 BOCA RATON NEWS RITCHEY'S Public Notices BATH AND BOUDOIR SHOPPE MITCH WOODBURY REPORTS: The outstanding store of its kind! Select clien- FISTIT10US NAME NOTICE tele from Palm Beach to Ft. Lauderdale. Fine NOTICE -IS HEREBY GIVEN that •the undersigned, desiring to en- bath and boudoir accessories. A well establish- gage in business in Royal Palm ed profitable business showing excellent growth Joe Plaza, Boca Raton, Florida, un- der the fictitious, name of history. Complete information available. MLS — RITCHEYS BATH and BOUD- SB-3. OIR SHOPPE, intends to regis- ailing ter the said name with the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Palm FIRST REALTY CORP. Beach County, Florida, 20 S.E. 1st Ave. RITCHEYS BATH and BOUDOIR SHOPPE Boca Raton - 395-8600 Plenty Smart . . . The baseball world knows Royal Palm Plaza 1 that Dick Williams, the Boston Red Sox manager, Boca Raton, Florida played it plenty smart all season long in bring- Publish: Oct. 15, 22, 29, Nov. AWNING ing his Cinderella team to the pennant on the final 5, 1967 new WINDOW day of the season. And the same can be said Furnish Proof of Publication of the world series, Floridians now know he Replaces jalousies with ease is playing it smart even after the diamond year without removing frame has passed into limbo. The reason? Dick has FICTITIOUS NAME NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN COURTEOUS FREE ESTIMATES decided to move to Florida. He and his wife that the undersigned, aesiring are taking up residence in Riviera Beach and will to engage in business in Royal live there until spring training time rolls around. Palm Plaza, Boca Raton, Flor- HURRICANE SERVICE COJ ida, under the fictitious name A letter to yours truly from Joe E. Brown of THE TREE HOUSE, intends 986 N. DIXIE HWY., BOGA reveals the mammouth mouthed comedian is not to register the said name with Pat-Pend feeling too well these days. Joe, who came to Boca the Clerk of the Circuit Court 2,708,015 Call Anytime 399"7878 of Palm Beach County, Florida FREE INSTALLATION with 3 or more windows Raton for the fiesta last February, is bothered THE TREE HOUSE by a bad back, which was injured years ago when 409 Golfview Drive he was a boy acrobat. In fact, it caused him con- Boca Raton, Florida siderable pain when he was in town last winter. Jeffery C. Hart, Owner Publish: Oct. 1, 8, 15, 22, 1967 Cole-McDaniel's Furnish Proof of Publication Unusual Experience . . „ Joe and Jean Jann- sen, of Boca Raton, were the leading players &.t FRANCHISE DEAUER Magnavox in an unusual experience the other day. Seems OLIVETTI UHDERWOp they departed from Boca together, Joe heading J for Philadelphia on business and Jean going ILE^ *!VPEWRITERS to Fayetteville, Tenru, to visit her mother,, ASTRO-SONIC STEREO Neither knew how long they would be away, so gppgis'CALCULATORS no definite date was set as to their return. gSMe? *m. MACH. Jean was having coffee at the Atlanta airport 1 when she felt a pair of masculine arms around Judy McKeehan shows the reason Southern Bell Telephone Co. is the ^ her shoulders. She was about to shout for the largest holder of track licenses in Boca Raton. The firm needed 36 of the FREI TRIAi police when she recognized the sound of her bumper stickers to cover the fleet of trucks which operates from home base ESTABLISHED 1934 husband's voice saying a few words of endear- here. All trucks of firms located in Boca Raton are required to have the ment. HAND'S OFFICE SUPPLY Neither knew the other was within miles of license stickers, which cost 25 cents each. Atlanta. Joe just happened to spot her as he en- Ph 276-4194 tered the coffee shop. So they returned to Boca Public Notices HOME? together via Palm Beach. 5I11IHG NO TUBES—Advanced, highly efficient Magnavox NOTICE UNDER * * * FICTITIOUS NAME LAW solid-state circuitry replaces tubes and component-damaging NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN heat. .. sets an entirely new, never-before-possible Hole In One . . . Congratulations to Agnes that the undersigned, desiring Gaffney, of Boca Raton. She scored a hole to engage in business under the standard of breath-taking performance and lasting reliability! in one the other day on the Sun and Surf Beach fictitious name of PARKER STUDIO APARTMENTS at num- club course. She got her ace on the narrow ber 444 E. Palmetto Park Road, 120 yard sixth hole using a 9 iron. in the City of Boca Raton, Flor- Mr. and Mrs. Chester Glowacki, from my old ida, intends to register the said name with the Clerk of the Cir- ill YOUR REALTOR home town of Toledo, have returned to Boca cuit Court of Palm Beach Raton and moved into their winter home in the County, Florida. Cloister Beach apartments. Chet, a gin rummy Dated at Boca Raton, Florida, rival of mine at the Inverness Club in the Ohio this 25th day of September, 1967. city, says they'll be here until late spring. JAYDEECEE CORPORATION * * * By Joseph Jacob * Pumps Joseph Jacob, President DO-lT-YOURSELf Beauty On Ice ... The prettiest thing I've Attest: S/Sal Calante * Weils SPRINKLER seen on ice since they removed that magnum of George Van Zee was Sal Calante, Secretary * Sprinkler SUPPLIES champagne from the bucket for my birthday elected president of the Ben Lawson party — that's the new skating carnival, "Fiesta Attorney for Applicant Systems Tropicana," in the Cabaret Caprice of Fort Boca Raton Board of 1205 Biscayne Building Lauderdale's Sheraton Hotel. Realtors at Thursday's Miami, Florida 33130 Radio Dispatched m mu DANCE NEEDED This is a lush and lavish silvery blade exhibit luncheon meeting. Other Publish: Oct. 1, 8, 15, 22, 1967 5-1828 in which pretty girls, deftly conceived lighting officers elected were: Furnish proof of Publication V_ 158 iW 13th St." Boca Raton ^ effects and dazzling, colorful costumes all contri- Patrick Galvin, first vice bute to a pictorial and diverting 45 minute revue president; John Dolan, which rates as the hostelry's most spectacular second vice president, to date. Old-World Mediterranean-model 3704 with all features Jinx Clark, formerly of ."Holiday On Ice," and Clyde Hamblen, sec- See This Man for Your below; storage for over 65 records. On concealed swivel is the leading ballerina of this extravaganza. retary-treasurer. Named casters for easy moving. It is one of over 30 Magnavox. She's a comely lady of grace and skill on the to the board of directors styles in authentic fine furniture. ice who whips up considerable excitement with her were Bruce Darrell, Jay MONEY NEEDS jumps, rolls and spins in a solo number and MacLaren and Milton later reveals her diversity with some amazing M. Weir Jr. adiago work when teamed with Manuel Del Toro, m f@ $600.00 a sharpie on the blades himself. In addition, Jinx is floated and made to dis- ® Up to 24 Months To Repay appear in air by magician Del Breece. And the hearty voice of Enrique Herrera frequently punc- ® Persona! and Signature Loans tuates the proceedings with song. Johnny Flanagan, who doubles as the producer FRED STURM • One Place To Borrow-One Place To Pay of the show, is the only holdover performer. He MANAGER again does his "Wacky Wac5' routine which has become a comedy skating classic. Aside to the males; there's plenty of decollette revealed by MIDLAND FINANCE CO. the half dozen ensemble gals, plus a strip tease led by Jinx. AKTSTYLE 292 So. Federal Highway * * * JA 4-7822 Palm-Aire Shopping Center Meeting Tarzan ... In Fort Lauderdale's FT. LAUOERDALE. FLA. Cotton Tail Lounge the other evening the mixo- Deerfield Beach, Florida logist, Joe Conti, an old friend from Toledo, introduced me to Johnny Weismuller, famed swim- Classified Ad Service Phone: 399-4743 ming record holder and the screen's former Phone 395-8300 Beautiful French Provincial-model 3702 with all features Tartan. Seems Johnny now lives in the apart- below; storage for over 70 records. It is one of over 30 ment building next to the lounge. Magnavox styles in authentic fine furniture. Tarzan, who says he is 66, revealed he still swims several hours daily in the Swimming Hall Surpasses all other achievements of Fame pool. He also reported that Frank Sinatra always in the re-creation of sound! calls him "Daddy," The reason? Johnny's Jane in the Tarzan series was Maureen 0'Sullivan. • Re-creates music flawlessly • with magnificent And you must certainly know that Sinatra is now tonal dimension and fidelity from records or Stereo married to Maureen's daughter, Mia Farrow. FM/AM radio • 30-Watts undistorted music power output • two high-efficiency 15" Bass Woofers a two 1,000 cycle Exponential Treble Horns « exclusive Addenda . . . Harriet Wellman is back in Boca Micromatic Player eliminates pitch distortions — following a trip to Europe and again can be Sherle Wagner faucets, banishes discernible record and Diamond Stylus found frequently on the golf course ~ Deerfield American crystal and wear • Now—your records can last a lifetime! Country Club and Sun and Surf Beach Club. Stylebuilt vanity ac- Newcomers to Delray Beach from Toledo — Tom Pemberton, Jr., and his family. Young cessories. Maig na vox Sol id-State Stereo consoles Tom has been employed by a brokerage house from $149.50.>,portables frorn^ril^ in that community. His father, Tom, Sr., To- ledo Cadillac dealer is moving into the new oceanside Dorchester House in Delray. Boca's Earl Trinkner, pianist with the Lou Feher orchestra, tells me he'll not return to BUDGET HUMS work until Wednesday. Seems Lome Cameron, Marble Molded RomanTub... 90-DAY CHARGE ACCOUNT, Up to 24 mo of the Beefeater restaurant in Fort Lauderdale, set back his reopening eight days. The eatery of molded marble is now available in dec- -^ HOURS: 9:00 TO 5:30 by the way, is changing its name. When it orator colors and custom sizes. The one reopens it will be known as the Beefeder in- stead of the Beefeater. piece vanity top and bowl completes the Mike Carney, affable maitre'd, is back on maintenance free marble investment. the job at Pal's Captain's Table In Deerfield after a lengthy summer's vacation. FIELDCREST TOWELS, CUSTOM MONOGRAPHED Cole-McDaniel '

One More For The Road . . . One of the performers with the Moscow Circus, currently BATH & BOUDOIR touring the U.S.A., was chatting backstage with HOME ENTERTAINMENT CENTER pianist-band leader Bill Snyder and, in the course of conversation, Margaret Truman's name was ROYAL PALM PLAZA 3333 H Fed. Hwy. Boca Raton 395-1201 mentioned. "I wonder if she could be related Boca Raton 998 N. Fed. Hwy. Pompsno Beach 941-1441 met to the English tennis star, Christine Truman?" asked the Russian. "No," replied Snyder, "she's jMAGNAVOX FACTORY AUTHORIZED SERVICE SINCE 195! related to a piano player." 395-5623 BOCA RATON NEWS Sunday, October 22, 1967 3A

The Boca Raton Municipal Band will its first concert of the season Tuesday at 7:45 p.m. in the Community Center. Oboe? 'Sad9 instrument just needs to have some company

By FRED SCHAAL plus a stint in World ed Sorenson to turn to erican Legion Band for War I with a Navy band Marquette University seven years. Did you ever hear proved to young Soren- Dental School instead of He's also holding anything sadder than an son that while music a career as a golf pro- "hath charms to soothe fessional. He laid aside down first chair for the oboe? sixth consecutive sea- The Boca Raton the savage beast," it the dental drill and ex- Band's Chief Oboeist, doesn't necessarily tractors in 1953 and or- son in the Symphony Or- NQRHAl DOWN PAYHENT Dr. M, M. Sorenson, soothe a debtor. ganized and managed the chestra of the Palm FOR... takes exception to the A flip of the coin caus- Fort Lauderdale Am- Beaches. UP 10 3 YEARS TO PAY opinion that oboes have a "plaintive" or sad voice. CALL AND COMPARE PAYMENTS He says "anybody who says an oboe sounds sad BOCA NATIONAL'S 3.8% NEW CAR FINANCINS just doesn't appreciate MONTHLY PAYMENTS fine art. Tell him to AMOUNT go back to the Beverly FINANCED 12 MOS. 24 MOS. I 36 MOS. Hillbillies and the Mon- kees on television." PER- 1000.00 86.98 45.12 31.17 However, oboes do 1500.00 730.33 67.61 46.70 need company, and not merely the company of rnmn 2000.00 173.68 90.10 62.25 other oboes. If you had a whole ensemble of ob- 25U0.00 217.05 112.59 Tin oes, they'd still sound sad. They're grega- 3000.00 260.40 135.09 93.31 rious, Sorenson says, 303.76 and enjoy being sur- 3500.00 157.58 103.85 rounded by flutes, vio- lins, clarinets, and bas- soons . . . "and Oriental dancing girls." The same thing is true with most band and or- chestra instruments, with the exception of the liliiiii! clarinet, the strings, and the piano. They re Dr. Sorenson self-sufficient enough to play by themselves. But iiiiii who wants to hear a glockenspiel solo? Not even another glocken- spiel! Sorenson, now a re- \,\ \\ 1 • / tired dentist, fingered the piano for such out- standing silent pictures as "Perils of Pauline" and "The Great Train SHOES Robbery" when he was In Shoppers Haven, 342! N. Federal Hwy., Pompano Beach moonlighting between performances of the Open 10 A.M. to 9 P.M. Daily - Phone 941-2542 Milwaukee Symphony Orchestra. Vaudeville, This Area's Most Complete Family Shoe Store stage bands, road shows

By Bob Babione We overheard a remark the other day when a person was saying: "He took a mighty hard fall ... but he booiced right back onto his feet" You know that is one of the greatest com- pliments that can he said of a man— ". . . He bounced right ililili back onto his feet." There are few among us who do not at one time or another stumble and fall as we weave our way through the briarpatch of life. Often we ar£ > innocent victims of fate . . . sometimes our mis- CALL fortunes are of a nature which YELLOW KIQ lays the blame squarely on our PINK KiO own shoulders. 395-1010 Whatever the nature of our BOCA RATON FOR fall, there is a great amount of CORRECT respect and glory in the ability to rise again. TIME-OFOAY Many years ago, from the pen NATIONAL BANK (24 Hours » Day) of Oliver Goldsmith, came these words: "Our greatest glory consists DAILY DOUBLE $15 not in never failing ... but in rising every time we fall.. -" As we.recaU the remark being made of the one bouncing back onto his feet ... there was no mention courage ... or strength ... or gHKy, but it was there—it is always there. Our thought to remember: "IT IS THROUGH COURAGE ±ND "STRENGTH—THE FALL- CALL 395-2300 EN RISE AGAIN." Lome-Babione Fashion iS Of Contrasting mind! Color contrast! Texture contrast! S. FEDERAL HWY. at CAMINO REAL, Boca Raton, Fia. Funeral Home Spicy two-toning for a boldly blunt little Socialite like this . . . with its low chunk 7188 No. Federal of heel balanced by a wide squared toe. Great to get you to where all the fun is. MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM AX!) 24 Hour Ambulance Service FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION 395-8787 1

The view from Tallahassee Impartial judiciary A\

By MALCOLM B. JOHNSON general election ballot against re-election simply because a Republicans. Republican opponent rode apop- A judge is supposed to be im- One flaw in this system, for ular ticket onto the bench. The partial, so the law shouldn't the judiciary, is that a candidate same thing can happen to Re- require him to be partisan to for judge can't conduct much of publican judges; and it shouldn't get and hold his position. a campaign without going into happen to any of them. Sewer benefits That's the simple, sensible debt personally or putting him- If the drafting committee's reasoning behind action of the self in debt to contributors, recommendation gets through Constitution draftimg commit- either individuals or a political the House on its second attempt, party, that may later come be- The Winfield Park-Area "L" sewer line as- fit he receives bears any relationship at all to tee's decision to accept the Sen- candidates for circuit, district fore him in litigation. and supreme court judgeships sessment battle keeps dragging on, with folks the cost of the project. If he lived on a dirt road ate provision that Florida jud- * * * at City Hall currently a bit stymied by the prob- and had enjoyed only the drafty comfort of the ges should be subject to elec- would no longer run intheparty lem of computing the square footage of every lot Chick Sales, his benefits might come closer to tion on a ballot without refer- Also, there is hardly any- primaries for nomination. involved, the actual cost. ence to whether they areDemo- thing a judge can say about his Their names would go on the A quick look at the situation indicated that the Not only is the cost of a sewer line involved, crats or Republicans,, leanings on popular issues that ballot in the general election but it's hard to believe that a person who lives couldn t be construed as pre- without party designation. Even computations are going to be long and involved... This also was the recommen- judice if those same issues though a judge might be pub- and perhaps expensive. Even at that, there's little on a properly paved street accrues much bene- dation of the Constitution Revi- came before him for adjudica- likelihood that a new assessment roll based on fit'from having the street re-paved.. .butunder sion Commission, but the House licly known as a Democrat or a square footage alone will solve the problems. tion. Republican, this would substan- the existing system, he'll pay for it anyway. of Representatives balked at it The result is that our- judges tially eliminate the risk of a ju- A square-foot assessment roll may result in a At Tuesday night's City Council meeting, much — partly because of an informal to their c r e d i t, hardly ever dicial turnover in a wave of , leveling out of some discrepancies, particularly was made of a judge's comments that "no system coalition of hopeful Republican campaign. When we had a one- straight-ticket voting for one in the case of corner lots, coud result in even (for benefits and assessments) has been devised and confident Democratic law- party or another. greater inequities,, that is not open to some criticism," yer members who may have party state, Democratic nomi- As it now stands, the city finds itself in the po- However, other parts of the decision made it preferred partisan opportunity. nations usually went without If we wanted to go whole hog sition of simply trying to find a way to divvy up clear that the St. Petersburg City Council had contest and there seldom was a in this matter, we could require the cost of the sewer project. Granted that the At present, Florida elects its Republican opponent in the gen- a judge or a candidate for judge failed to determine that assessments were not in judges in precisely the manner eral election. So we had, in ef- to shed all party clothing and stated objective of the City Council is to do it in excess of the benefits, that cost of the improve- it uses to select all other pub- an equitable manner, the discussions so far have ments were the only factor considered in ar- fect, non-partisan selection. register as an Independent. But completely disregarded the notion of benefit. lic officials. They run as can- With the rise of the Republi- this would deny him any vote, riving at the assessments to be made, and that didates for party nomination. can party, some veryfineDem- as an individual, for state and There's no logical reason in the world to as- assessments were not based on the benefits to If they win, Democrats go on the ocratic judges were defeated for local officials in either party sume that "benefit" is related in any way what- be derived. primary. Some would consider soever to "cost." It doesn't matter whether one So far, cost of improvements is the only that unfair. is talking about sewer lines or bread. The bene- factor that the Boca Raton City Council is con- fit of remaining alive presumably is essentially sidering. The Court of Appeals decision in the Muddied Commandments • * * * the same as it was a century ago, but the cost of St. Petersburg case seems to make it clear — Of course, the candidate for living is considerably higher. to us laymen — that the city must consider ben- judge would have to conduct If the city had delayed six months, the cost of efits, and it must consider benefits not only to some sort of campaign to get installing the sewer lines would have been great- the property improved but to the city at large. his name favorably before the er than now, but what about the benefits? A sew- Back to the slide rule, boys. voters in the non-partisan gen- er line is a sewer line. Having a house located eral election; but it would be only on a sewer line is a desirable thing and it ob- one campaign, instead of two. viously benefits the property owner and/or the Hula hoop Also, the proposed system would occupants of the premises. remove all inference of party The city charter is quite clear on the point This extraordinary summer will be remem- indebtedness when issues of that property owners cannot be assessed for an bered for a variety of things, including a record partisan interest arose. amount greater than the benefit derived. Con- dry spell in the Pacific Northwest and a record There was a strong move- sider the case of a residence on a well-paced flood in Fairbanks, Alaska, which is also in the ment within the Florida bar and street, with a properly operating septic tank. As Pacific Northwest. Also, it may be remembered through a statewide laymen's it now stands, he'll pay a share of the actual cost for the revival of the hula hoop. conference on judicial problems of installing sewage collection lines through a to remove judges from political large area, past the front of his own home, and There is a risk, however, in this progres- campaigns entirely. The plan for re-paving the street past his home. Within a sion through the generations. The hula hoop was to have vacancies filled by certain amount of time, he'll also have to hire generation of 1958 is already at the age when a a special nominating commis- a plumber to connect his home to the sewer line, hula hoop may be almost, as dangerous as LSD. sion. Then, upon completion and foot the bill himself. What ever happened to the skate boards? of a term, the people would vote In this case, it's hard to believe that the bene- -The Oregonian only whether each judge should be kept or removed. If they said "no," the nominating com- The sidewalk superintendent mission would select another man. This proposal was not viewed warmly by many sitting judges, and it was taking the judiciary a little too far away from elec- oing 'round toral politics to suit many law- yers and legislators — but it has good points. By JIM RIFENBURG building that tall, anyway, but is going around town with a The House - Senate drafting do they make a ladder 24 stor- story. Seems a young chap committee has edged a little Rumors are going around the ies tall? One day we will have named Jose (like Ho-say) went way toward such a plan, though, roundhouse (that's language the hotel tower. to a ball game and Wouldn't get by proposing a constitutional used with trains) that the area is As a matter of fact, do they a seat. Someone told him to sit nominating commission to about to get three more golf make aerial ladders tall enough on top of the flag pole. "Do you nominate qualified candidates courses. Two eighteen hole full to reach to the top of some of know, they have really wonder- to Governors for appointments size jobbies and a little execu- our present condominiums? ful people there," he told the Boca Raton is unique in thefact to fill vacancies. It's a sound tive course. folks at home. "Before the ball step. Someone in the choo - choo that all our buildings are either game started, everyone stood up business must be looking for only two stories tall or else turned in my direction and sang spectacular growth in Boca Ra- they go way up in the air. Per- Jose, can you see?" ton. haps we need one short ladder and one very long fireman. In Iowa they call it cornl Let's see now, we have the * * * hotel course, Royal Palm, Sun * * * Only one more week remains and Surf, the country club up at City workers this week re- of daylight saving time. Next Hidden Valley and one being newed work on the Dixie High- Sunday night we turn the clock built at 51st street. Across the way bike path. It is being ex- back an hour. city line is the University Park tended on toward 13th street at Self determination course. Oh, yes, we also have the moment. Theoretically, you are sup- the rather exclusive one out by Thought for a while they had posed to turn it back at 2 a.m. were told that this was sound there. the turnpike. given it up. Monday. So, if you go to bed at To the Editor: 11 p.m., set your alarm for 3 The plight of the people of fiscal policy. Nevertheless, be- The City Council was so en- If we get three more, no one Bill Prendergast says it will the Winfield Park area is some- cause of past performance, one grossed in ramrodding this pro- should have to wait very long to tie in with the sidewalk down o'clock. You can get up when it can readily understand the re- ject, they lost sight of the one tee off on any given bright sun- Palmetto Park Road. For those rings, go back to bed and get an thing that should be of deep con- extra hour of sleep. cern to every citizen of Boca luctance with which this policy most important thing, the shiny morning. of you who have only lived here Raton. Work on their sewer sys- was accepted. people, the people of Winfield * * * a few months, Palmetto really On the other hand if you are tem has already begun, yet, no When it was time for setting Park and Boca Verde who now Much talk was heard the and truly does go west from the like a lot of people, come Sun- resident there, nor any council- up the assessment roll, the City have to foot the bill. other day at the big fire about railroad tracks. We may get it day night, you'll go to bed and man, can say how the bill will Council used the old method of The "right of self-determin- aerial ladders and ladder back for a Christmas present. forget all about it. Come Mon- be paid. The only thing we know lineal front footage. They in- ation" is something we are trucks. Nothing was said about * * * day morning you'll get co the of- for sure is that the City Council tended to have a minimum foot- fighting for throughout the the many thousands of dollars it Wonder what ever happened fice and wonder why the rest of has unanimously decreed that age assessment of 75 feet, but world. Why don't we apply it takes to buy one of these things. to that big, tall business build- the crew isn't there yet. the cost of the project shall be forgot to include it in the orig- right here at home? Our City Heard one man say "how do ing we were going to get in the One lady will be happy. She paid for, in full, by the free- inal resolution. They were going Council should prepare as many you get a ladder long enough to downtown area? said her grass has been burning holders of the Winfield Park to amend the original resolu- alternate resolutions as would go to the top of the Empire State * * * out with this extra hour of sun- tion but then switched over to a Building?" We don't have a area. be necessary to cover the me- One of our cute young ladies shine every day. There were many vociferous square footage method. Now, thods of assessment now brought complaints concerning the they don't know which of six forth. Then let the people af- inequity of capitalization of sew- methods, with alternates, to use. fected sit down together and de- Exploring words ers in other parts of the city, While all of this utter confusion termine which resolution would is occurring, the refunding be least objectionable. yet not allowing capitalization agreements to previous sewer in the Winfield Park area. The commitments between the City As long as our City Council people of Winfield Park were of Boca Raton and Boca Verde has ordained they must pay, let told to forget the delusions of have been completely over- the people pay in a manner of Tarzan, you dreamer the past, getting something for looked and trouble is brewing their own choosing, nothing, that you must now pay s/EmilF. Danciu in full for what you get. They sey's, a popular magazine of the major role which will perpetuate By JOHN BARCLAY era. the Tarzan legend for future Letters... TARZAN — The name Tar- Next, in the wonderland of his generations yet unborn. zan was an inspired figment in mind, Burroughs dreamed up a Perhaps the Tarzan stories the fecund mind of Edgar Rice handsome demigod adored by in their simple way return The Boca Raton News beautiful women of exotic races welcomes letters to the edi- 4A Burroughs who created the most whose early background was an most of us to that Eden, free Sunday October 22,1967 captivating "nature boy" of all orphan baby raised by monkeys of fickle fashions and the false tor, especially on matters ages to strike the fancy of chil- inhibitions of society, where of general interest to the Published every Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday at 34 S.E. in the African jungle. This fan- mankind can achieve harmony dren and adults the world over. tasy was apparently an exten- community. We will not un- 2nd st.( Boca Raton, Fla., 33432, by the Boca Raton Pub- Burroughs was a devoted day- sion of his own wish fulfillment instead of indulging in corro- dertake to condense letters lishing Co., Inc. Phone 395-8300. dreamer akin to Thurber's and a projection into the land of sive hatreds. classical hero Walter Mitty and without the of the Cinderella where oppressions There is a unique little com- writers, but reasonable JAMES H. SHUMAKER, Publisher led a precarious career as of reality could be escaped. munity on the western fringe of a drifter until the age of 36 Los Angeles' sprawling San length is advised to assure when he discovered the lurid Based upon this premise, publication. Our only re- JOHN T.OPEL H.CLAY.RILEY Bur rough's first book was titled, Fernando Valley called Tar- Editor _ fiction of Rider Haggard. To "Tarzan of the Apes," pub- zana in honor of Edgar Rice strictions on content are that Adv Mgr him, these pulp fantasies were lished in 1914. Since then until Burroughs who was the leading letters be free of libel and Entered as second class mail at the post office at Boca pallid in comparison to the his death in 1950, he produced squire of the town and a prophet that they not violate good Raton, Florida under the act of March 8, 1879. make-believe plots which con- over 60 books on this eternal revered in his own land. Tar- tinuously coursed through his taste. Unsigned letters will 1 theme of nature versus society. zana is not far from where the not be published, and we Member of the Florida Press Association and National fantastic dreams. Inspired also His books have sold almost 30 motion picture moguls film their by the genius of Jules Verne, he million copies and appeared in fantasies of the "Old West." will not withhold the names Newspaper Association. Subscription rates: By carrier in first wrote a serial about Mars 60 languages. Motion pictures, Ironically, the creator of Tarzan of writers for any reason. the-city 7Q# per month; by mail in the U.S., one year $10.00, which was published in Mun- television and radio also share a never stepped foot in Africa! 6 months $6.00, 3 months $4.00. ' BOCA RATON NEWS Sunday, October 22, 1967 5A Tours of hospital scheduled for Tuesday Tours of the Com- sons interested in tak- munity Hospital are ing the tours which he scheduled Tuesday af- guides should meet in ternoons at 1:15, Dr. the hospital lobby. Visi- George E. Morgan, vice tors see each of the president of theDebbie- hospital's departments and hear brief discus- Rand Foundation, said sions by department yesterday. heads of various phases Dr. Morgan said per- of the hospital.

Third, cut casting, re- Second, make plaster Fourth, pour in hot lead, move model, and then tape cast by pouring plaster slowly and carefully, while the mold back together mold sits in bucket of into form holding model... again. ... sand...

Florida Atlantic University art student Zoran Stev- Finally, break the plaster away and remove statue. . .well, sometimes it's back to the model- enov demonstrates lead casting technique used for ing clay again. making statues. First step is to make a clay model...

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Florida's largest, most surprising Shopping Mall opens Thursday, October 26th, at 10 a.m. Be there to see the most magnificent assortment of merchandise If you're one of the first 10,000 ladies ever assembled under one roof! Cover 1,000,000 square feet poking through gift to visit Palm Beach Mall, # shops. Shopping for groceries. Strolling past fountains and lush foliage. you'll receive a beautiful Peeking in extravagant new windows. Stopping for lunch. Shop through orchid corsage from Hawaii — with our compliments! 87 distinctively decorated stores, keeping cool and enclosed throughout — even as you go from store to store. STORES Hardy Shoes Palm Beach Camera Salon FOODS AND MEN'S APPAREL SERVICE AND Jarman Shoes Radio Shack AUTOMOTIVE SUPERMARKETS Baron's FINANCIAL Kinney Shoes Robbins Uniforms ' AND REPAIRS National Shirts Mary Jane Salon of Music Barricini Candy Bank Stuart's Juvenile Singer Sewing Center Goodyear Butterkist Bakery Schwobilt Men's Wear Barber Shop Spec's Music Surrey's Men's Shop Thayer McNeil J. C. Penney Fanny Farmer Beltone Hearing Aid Thorn McAn Walden Books Richards Food Fair First Lady Beauty Shoppe SPECIALTY - Hickory Farms Home Federal Savings & Loan WOMEN'S APPAREL BOYS' APPAREL Walgreen Liquor RESTAURANTS Optometrist Apparel & Accessories Boy's Towne AND SNACK BARS Plymouth Optical Centres Joan Bari Cricket Shop HOME FURNISHINGS Shoe Repair Park Lane Hosiery Harriet Stroke French Cafe Judi Leslie DEPARTMENT STORES Modernage Furniture Travel Bureau Regent Shops Harvest House Cafeteria Scot Ties Lane Bryant Jordan Marsh Jordan Marsh SHOES Lerner's J. C. Penney JEWELRY AND GIFTS Junior's Albert Shoes SPECIALTY SHOPS Lillie Rubin Richards Barefoot Mailman J. C. Penney Andrew Geller Baccus Flower Shop Lory's Fashion Shop Jacob's Jewelry Orange Bowl Butler Shoes Broward Sporting Goods Mister 'G' Ladies' Wear DRUGS AND VARIETY Memory Lane Richards Edison Shoes Card Mart Nina Walgreen Spencer Gifts Walgreen Snack Florsheim Shoes Harris Music Norman's Apparel Just F. W. Woolworth Zale Jewelry F. W. Woolworth Hanover Shoes Heide Cosmetics Sandra Post Jo-Ann Fabrics Young Sophisticates 5 minutes from down- town Palm Beach, on Palm Beach Lakes Boulevard at Inter- OOL , <:i> A\I»I J: state 95. 6A Sunday, October 22, 1967 BOCA RATON NEWS

Jim Rifenburg | Stuart blanks ailing Cats, 28 to 0 Early Injuries and sickness opening riddle defensive line 1/ time, he swivel-hipped points for a 28-0 win at Injuries and sickness, the whistle. The J W. Corbett Wildlife Management Area combined with a solid 24 yards down the right side topaydirt. The PAT The win gave Martin located north of Boca Raton will be opened by the opposition offensive County undisputed pos- Game and FreshWater Fish Commission one week line, took the toll of was good, Stuart had a Coach Joe Pribil's Bob- commanding 26-0 lead. session of the Western prior to the general season for the purpose of al- Tired, hurt and far Division lead in the Sun- lowing hunters to prepare camp sites. cats Friday night, 28 coast Conference. They The gate will be open Saturday, Nov. 4. How- to 0. behind, Boca Raton had Missing from the line no chance to catch up. have a record of four ever hunters are reminded that the possession But it still wasn't over. wins and one loss. Boca of guns in the area before Friday, Nov. 10, is was 180-pound Sam Ba- tista, Quarterback Rusty Only three seconds re- Raton now has a 2-4 prohibited. Guns must not be loaded until one-half mained on the clcok record. hour before sunrise on Saturday, Nov. 11« Martin came into the game following a 24- when Rusty Martin faded Next Friday the Cats Turkey hunting will be allowed on the area hour seige with a virus back for the -last des- will make the long through Jan. 21. The area will also be open for infection. Halfback Mike peration pass. Nailed journey to Okeechobee sprini gobbler season, March 9 through March Hart, although he did a behind the goal line, Stu- looking for their third 24, on weekends only. tremendous job, s aw art collected two more win. Hunters must check in and out at the check limited action. station when entering or leaving the area. Any "But you can't take persons entering or leaving the area over or anything away from through its perimeter fences are subject to arrest Stuart," Coach Pribil for illegal exit or entrance. said. "They played a Camp structures and hunt vehicles must bear great ball game." the name and address of the owner and must be Statistics echoed the removed from the management area by fee. i, Stuart's George Dotson digs for the goal line coach's comments. Stuart rolled up 302 19Rifles are prohibited after Jan 1. Possession yards rushing and added of use of shot larger than No. 4 is prohibxted Keglers kornei another 20 yards in the air0 In addition, they Dogs^ust wear a with name and address gained back 118 yards of of owner attached. penalties that were as- Use or possession of airboats in the Corbett Charlie hits big time sessed against them. Boca Raton took to Area is prohibited. Unbelieveable, but 2-Birch 218 the air in an attempt to It is unlawful for any person to dump or place Rizzo's 9 12 penetrate the solid line any garbage, refuse, or litter in the management true, Charlie Marqusee J.C.Mitchell 9 12 3-T.Miller 217 rolled scratch game of 4-Morgan 215 of defense but was able area! All such material should be buried at camp Wentworth 7.5 13,5 to connect on only three sites or removed from the area. 239. High team game, First 5-Lehman 214 As a believer in the High team game, Davis, of 15 pass attempts. All rules and regulations pertaining to the J.w. sport and active partici- Bank & Trust Co. 973; Only two yards were Corbett Wildlife Management Area will be strictly High team triple, Dat- Nauman, Mo Long, Bond, pant, Charlie has al- 758; High team triple, gained by this route. enforced by Wildlife Officers of the Game Com- zyk Cabinet Interiors, George Dotson scored ways visited the lanes 2786; Ind. high, Abner Bovaniger, Lane, Spar, mission. to practice bowl and T. Miller & Grossman, the first of two touch- Jacobson, 249; Ind. downs in the second each season participated triple, Dave O'Maley, 2144; Ind. high, T.Mill- in at least two regular 620. 34, 217; Ind. triple, quarter to put Stuart on Ray St. John takes leagues. Most of us know Kreuscher, 575. the board. The speedy that beside the exercise back carried two Bob- EARLY BIRDS cat players with him as all good sports give you, Team Won Lost to become proficient in BOCA RATONERS he slammed nine yards Bill Williams stops Boca's Mike Hart tourney with net 70 the sport it usually takes Sparrows 18 10 Team Won Lost up the middle to pay- Dodos 17.5 10.5 Kreuscher 21 7 dirt. Ray St. John shot an Mrs. Flannery shot a 74 a considerable amount Mocking B. 16 12 85-15-70 to take thelow of concentration, co- D.Screen 21 7 Later in the same for low net member. Dirty Birds 15 13 Green & M. 20 8 Eighty golfers play net tournament for men ordination and skill. 14 quarter, Quarterback at University Park Charlie being an ac- Egrets 14 Rizzo's 20 8 Jim Dragseth went four Kookaburras 13 15 AmSprad 18 10 Country Club Wednes^ tive individual has de- 15 yards for the second day. - Dirty Dozen veloped the habit of Skylarks 13 B.Verde E. 17 11 touchdown. Neither kick in stag day event Mynahs 12 16 lstFed.S/L 17 11 Claude Fisher was bowling and carrying on 17 for conversion was good only one stroke off the many of his other busi- Dirty Pigeons 11 B.R.Laundry 15 13 but Stuart had a 12-0 Eighty players par- man, Monty Monroe, Niteingales 10 17.5 Nielsen,Inc. 14.5 13.5 Mac McKenzie and Mac winner with a 71. in finals ness interests via the High team game and lead at the halfway ticipated in the Royal Blind Bogey winners phone, between frames, B.R.Natl.#l 12 16 mark. Palm Yacht and Country McTaffe. They had a triple, Mocking Birds, score of 61. were Dick Decker, Bugs Dirty Dozen Plus golf and so, as a result, over 682-1948; Ind. high and South.T.V. 11 17 Coming back after the Club Men's Stag Day Brierley, Dale Shaef- members will go into the past many years has half time ceremonies, Wednesday. With scores of 61, a triple, Julia Baeren- Team #3 10 18 five-way tie appeared fer, C.K. Loughrey, semi-finals next week only broken the 200 bar- klau, 215-552. A.F.T.Apts. 8 20 Boca Raton took the With a net score of Clarence Berbaum, W. looking for a champion rier a very few times. kickoff and appeared 58, the winning four- for third place. Includ- at Boca Raton Country B.Natl.Bk.#g 2 7 21.21 5 ed were JoeWolfel.Wag S. Millener and Lou This year, he rolls on CHURCH FELLOWSHIP Ferguson Int. 6.6 ready to make a march some was composed of Horton. Club. the Snow Construction Team #9 6 22 down the field. But the Fred Sumption, Jack Wagstaff, Carl Fields, In Class A, Star Wa- Team Won Lost High # team game, •Hugh Suhr; George King, Thursday the ladies team, in the University Uni.Baptist219 5 line of defense held and Heberling, John Degnan held a guest day tourn- ters, Al Raguse and Sam 810 Scratch, on the Ro- Kreuscher Const., 821; the Cats were forced to and Jack Harper. Earl Hamilton, Dan Winebrenner are left in Uni.Baptist41p 7 7 High team triple, Green Treanor, Paul Thomas; ament and saw a tie for tary Club in the Civic d 1 16 8 kick out. Once again the Second place went to best ball of four. In- the running. Waters and league, and in the Mixed Advent 1 16 & Marra, 2405; Ind. high ball changed hands and the team of Sid Tilgh- Red As cher, Jerry Mill- Raguse will oppose each Com. 1 16 8 Ed Zita, 235; Men's ind. er, Bill Keiper, Rich cluded were Ida Ja- Boca His and Hers Fun 9 Boca Raton was in com- coby, Judy Denit, Molly other in the coming play- league. Advent 2 15 triple, Ed Zita, 642; Wo- mand. However misfor- Richardson; Howie Davis, Karen Andre, off. Winebrenner has Presby. 14 10 men's ind. high and 46 ladies Sprague, George Hart- The IBM Mixed Bowl- 11 tune hit deep in Cat ter- and Ginny Nichols, Mar- drawn a bye. Trinity 2 13 triple, Jeanne Brownlee, ritory and Stuart re- wigsen, Bill Kelly, S. garet Flannery, Joan In Class B, Harold ing league will have its 1st Baptist 13 11 212-552. MacQuail; and Art Da- opening session Mon- 11 covered a fumble on the Grimes, Mary Olinger. Poole, Harlan Crowell Advent 3 13 23-yard line. in low net vis, Bill Korn, Roy Each foursome had a and Bob MacLaren are day evening at 9:15 p.m. Com. 3 12 12 LIBERTY GLASS Bachman, Ray Livings- 12 BANTAMS Three plays later, A score of 310 was score of 64, still in the running for 1ST BANK AND TRUST St.Gregory 12 Jeff Bruner, 170-pound ton. the crown. CLASSIC 900 Com. 5 12 12 Team Won Lost the winner Thursday at Low gross guest was 12 Stuart halfback went Royal Palm Country Lucy Taylor with a 93. In Wednesday's golf, Team Won Lost Trinity 1 12 #6 6 0 around left end 14 yards Winebrenner took the Clearwater 14.5 6.5 1st Christian 11 13 #7 6 0 Club as 46 ladies took Low gross member was 13 for the touchdown. The to the links. Sharpen your Game of Dot Stamm with the same crown for being nearest lstBk.&Trstl2 9 Uni.Bap. 1 11 #3 6 0 conversion kick put the figure. to the pin, dropping his AltieriLawn 11 10 Com. 4 9 15 #15 5 1 Playing in a low net 16 score at 19-0. foursome, the winners Kay Siler had a 70 drive 38 inches from Datzyk 11 10 Com. 2 8 #10 5 1 Early in the fourth for low net guest and the hole. Deerfld.C/C 10 11 Christian Re. 7 17 #18 5 1 were Ruth Ward, Betty 18 quarter, George Dotson Delle, Billie Treanor Uni.Bap. 3 6 #2 5 1 got loose again. This Com. 6 4 20 #14 5 1 and Jan Day. High team game, First #12 4 2 Second place went to DRIVING Christian, 767; Higgh #11 2 4 Faye Speers the foursome of Norma Phone d team triple, Advent #13 1 5 Barns, Ruth Martin, Lu- 276-9992 COURSE Lutheran 2, 2235; Men's #9 1 5 wins at BRCC anna Crane and Jobey NOW ind. high. Earl Rathke, #1 15 Welch. Lessons 232 and Paul Althouse, #17 1 5 Faye Speers came in A two way tie appear- Available OPEN! 232; Men's ind. triple, #16 1 5 with a plus five this week ed for third place with a Gordon Steele, 591; Wo- #5 0 6 to win the stroke play score of 316. Included men's ind. high, Marge #4 0 6 tourney for women at were Lucille Smith, Ambrose, 180; Women's #8 0 6 Boca Raton Country Laddie Campbell, Es- ind. triple, Carolyn High team game and ther Thompson and Ruth One Mile South of Delray Club. Kerber, Mid Waddell, Steele, 483. triple, #2J626-1184;Ind<) Second place at plus on U.S.I high and triple, Jeff three was a tie between Mabel Sumption and ST. JOAN OF ARC Gunn, 195-315. Ella Noll, Agnes Sloan Dottie Church. Team Won Lost and Irene Tucker. 9 7 CAMINO GARDENS Snappers Team Won Lost Twenty-five ladies BOWLING Sails 9 7 made the 18-holeround. 9 7 Butternuts 16 4 Billiards Wahoos Peach Trees 13 7 Kingfishs Apple Trees 11 9 If you run into a school RESTAURANT Marlins Tamarinds 11 9 of dolphin while in the * TROPHIES Tarpons 7 9 Gulf Stream, always * AWARDS 6 10 Hickories 9 11 * ENGRAVING Dolphins Hollyhocks 8 12 keep one on the line. High team game, Mar- This will keep the other High team Pepperidges 7 13 UNIVERSITY BOWL lins, 828; dolphin within striking "The South's Most Luxurious Recreation Center" triple, Wahoos, 2348; Sycamores 5 15 High team game and vicinity. Corner N-E. 2Qth St. and Dixie Hwv. Phone 395-5222 Ind. high, Ludwig, 201; triple, Hickories, 810- Ind. triple, Durrance, 2358; Men's ind. high 569. and triple, Warren Por- Hollywood's Monroe breaks for goal line. STURDY OAKS ter, 222-539; Women's Weekly Winners ind. high and triple, Can You Beat Us ? Myra Watson, 178-428. Long plays spell victory 1-VanSttenberg 221 * 90% Residential Financing to Qualified Properties and BOCA RATON Purchasers. * 27 Years on New Construction St. Andrew's bows, 19-13 COUNTRY CLUB * More than Competative Rates **No Pre- payment Penalties Three long plays took passing arm in the stanza on a pass from a 19-13 victory from St. second quarter with a Appleyard to Steve * Appraisals in 24 to 48 hours Andrew's School Thurs- 50-yard bomb to Robert Streeter. •DRIVE RANGE * No obligation or deposit required to receive prompt comm. day, even though the Schroder and again in With the exception of Scots appeared to con- the fourth quarter on a passing yardage, St. An- CALL trol the entire contest. 73-yard aerial play to drew's was ahead of CLUB RENTAL Robert Monroe of Wilbert Jones. Hollywood in all other GOLF INSTRUCTION Hollywood Hills started St. Andrew's came departments. First ANDERSON MORTGAGW 1 E COMPLY the big day with a 64- back with a tally in the downs showed the local 10 PLAY BOOK) WEI R PLAZA BUILDING yard run on the first second quarter when school out in front, 14- 399-6153 855 South Federal Highway play of the ball game. Hewitt plunged for the 8. Rushing yardage 500 yards west of U.S. G. Wm. Anderson, Broker Boca Raton, Florida 33432 Quarterback Steve touchdown. They added echoed this figure at between Delray and Boca I Williams unlimbered his another in the third 174 to 141. BOCA RATON NEWS Sunday, October 22, 1967 7A

Benson accepts athletic department's new car keys from Booster President Pete Blum.

All for Boca, stand up and holler.

Boca Raton High School Homecoming-1967

Touchdown signal by cheerleaders at pep rally.

Majorettes and Pom Pom girls greet football players.

Queen Janet Boldizar and escort Tom Guy.

Head majorette Cindy Stone and Mary Rose Clark.

Homecoming queen and her regal court.

Kickoff queen Jean Kolinski and escort Jim Davidson.

'66 Homecoming queen Diane Borchardt Winning homecoming float, Juniorette Club. and escort Phil Mallon. Floats line up for big parade. 8A Sunday, October 22, 1967 BOCA RATON NEWS Zoning can be changed

"Bowling Is Cool Fun" Regulations not fixed BRING A FRIEND

John Q. Public may Dade County which de- Property owners take encouragement clared-invalid the city's seeking to block the con- from a decision handed zoning of the disputed struction of a low-rent MfEf.itAY ItOWMANG- M.ANES down in a zoning case by area. The court's find- housing project in the PLAY POOL SNACK BAR PRO SHOP Florida's Third Dis- ing was later overturn- East Coast city chose trict Court recently. A ed by the Third District the wrong tack in press- PHONE 278-2613 BILL AND SUE CROSLOW 325 S. E. FIRST AVENUE Managers-Owners blow was struck for the Court of Appeals. ing their suit. They con- riLLRAY BEACH. FLORIDA public welfare when a The higher court said tended city officials had Miami landowner was in clear strong language been coerced into re- denied permission to that if property owners zoning. They held that build a motel in an area were always entitled to "threats and duress'* zoned for apartments. the "highest and best from federal housing The decision is sum- use" of their property, people pushed the com- RIZZO'S i marized in the current no zoning could ever mission into action that issue of "Florida Plan- stand. In addition the permitted the construc- ning and Development" assumption was de- tion. published by Florid a At- clared contrary to Flor- The objectors got set ITALIAN FOOD lantic University's Col- id a law. back on their heels and STEAK HOUSE arid LOUNGE lege of Social Science. Professor Bartley freedom of thought was The writer, Dr. Ern- believes the Miami case advanced a jot when the est R. Bartley, profes- may prove to Be a ianu- Fourth District Court New OPEN sor of political science mark decision in the of Appeals handed down at the University of developing history of its decision. It applied Florida, says the signi- zoning. to the zoning commis- cance of the decision de- A second decision sion the general prin- SUNDAYS rives from the fact that closes the door to any ciple long followed in zoning regulations are future attempts to pry other branches of gov- Dinners 4 toll a growing, not fixed, into the thinking of le- ernment: that the courts body of rules. They gislators; It involved the cannot inquire into the BAR OPEN 1 TO 77 emerge over the years Housing Authority of motives of a governing OPEN *LUNCHES from just such decisions Melbourne. body. 7 DAYS -/ DINNERS of leading cases in the A WEEK"' DAILY courts of the state. Travel Agent Costs Ho In the Miami case the NEXT TO BROWN'S PACKAGE STORE landowner contended the city's regulation pro- hibited him from the JIM, 64 Ihml Swm "highest and best use" of the property. His idea Steamship Tours of such use was what would bring him the greatest dollar gain, Cruises Airline rather than what would 103 E. PALMETTO PARK benefit the surrounding BOCA RATON area. This " appraiser's PH. 391-0303 concept" was accepted From "Brunch" to a Banquet- One of the latest type of pile driver is being used at the Boca Raton Ho- by the Circuit Court of Popular enjoy traditional American recipes tel and Club Cloister Tower addition. The eight ton Vibro Hammer drives AT 7:15 rooked to order by world famous First meeting & 10:45 . Prices piling in minutes with a minimum of noise a spokesman for the Turner Con- §CHRAFFTS Chefs. On your next struction Co. said. The eight ton hammer is being used to drive the 45 foot First meeting of the 1 3fJames.l evening out...include^c)iRAFFTS piling for the Tower foundation. 75 per cent of the piling has been driven Riviera Civic Assn. will etween Pompa and Deerfield *m ^% ^* MM •«• L 9 m r+ A f*. . Turner officials said. be held Monday at 7:30 COCKTAILS 484 p.m. at the Community 4 TO 6 P.M. Center. Michael Huffe, tem- OUR SPECIALTY Ken Jenne elected to head porary chairman of the BROILED FLORIDA association, said the LOBSTER COLOR meeting will be open to hy Deluxe Phone 391-4800 all residents of the JULIE ANDREWS student government at FA U Riviera section.

Florida Atlantic Uni- are Paul Schere, vice and Mike Mallor. Court versity elected Ken president; Harry Boze- clerk is Jeanne Wilson. Jenne as president of man, chief justice; Les The students also the Student Government LeBow, Katrina A. Rea- voted against the pro- Association last week. gan and Joan Wyliner, posed new student char- Other new officers associate justices. ter and approved having Elected to the senate national fraternities and seats are Vivian Garcia, sororities on campus. Thorpe to Joan Nugent, Marty Both proposals will go Mize, Larry Gordon, before the university Don Boggs, Sarah Fal-- administration for ap- be speaker lon, Howard GeVertz, proval in the near fu- Burt Wilkins. Bob Stone ture. A. D. Thorp, chair- man of the Palm Beach THE GOLD COAST SHRSME SHRINE CLUB County Board of Public Instruction, will be OF MAHI TEMPLE, PRESENTS - guest speaker at a spe- cial Parent-Teacher's Association meeting Clfde (tatty - C@I© Bros. Greys Monday at J. C. Mit- THURS. OCT. 26 - 4 & 8 P.M. chell School. No, we don't turn the air-conditioning up at lunch and dinner hours. The meeting, which Opposite Washgtn. Senators Bail Park will be open to the pub- We just seem to be serving a lot more clams than we used to. lic, will begin at 8 p.m. Pompano Beach Cape Charles Cherrystone or Virginia Little Neck^Iams Dr. Thorp will discuss SPECIAL CIRCUS TICKET OFFICE on the half-shell. (Great for openers.) school financing with special emphasis on AT THE CLUB Lip-smacking-good steamed Ipswich clams, served with clear broth the Nov. 7 millage elec- Open Daily 10 A.M. to 4 P.M. and drawn butter. Golden-brown fried Ipswich clams. tion. Adults $2.50 - Children $1.25 On the lighter side, hot or cold clam broth. To Place a THIS IS THE MAN WHO Our renowned old-fashioned Boston cream or Manhattan m Classified Ad SPECIAL CiRCUSTICKET PHONES clam chowder. Fresh-shucked clam stew. Cali 395-8300 399-3081 and 3S9-3095 Clam lovers have a lot of choice at a New England Oyster House. Tickets Also Available HATES FRENCH FOOD And they seem to be on the increase. EARLY BIRD SPECIAL Mon. thru Fri. - 50

Ho more nllmfj and sullllig! Ho mure eepiy teaysl lissg© Mil stees to 8% Its, f£

©Almost! iwiee ifco capacity, ye& fits saaie So«S? space as old 8 or 9 m*fL zebijgaatnxs {1948-52} •Giant Sol-out Freeze? ends waucl bending,, stooping. ®Aafasta-gBde Shelves—adjusfc op or dawn, e^en glide-out ®€oii¥«pfibl8 Heat Faa— ehange


«Ice storage Mas MM mpt©S cubes! steres ^ to 146 lbs. frozen « of foods. adjustable, % Actfosfa-SIielves out sliel^es in re-anrange, intsreliai^e to food fc yosr storage *SIMe-oel BfoaA Fan, fruit and. vegetable biss, batter ®P©?eeIaIii - on -®f eel

bosiiel! frait

20.5 ca. ft. wilb Foodcenter 21' kmiaker replaces the ice you use,

The Word Is Reliance At , . ,

Just right for your: snack ban patio: iff .roe-room: simmer m • bedroom: nun

• CooK8feotfpee!zerinahB&-ice,fast a 2 DOT Siefees-eise fete tsi botlfes lEFlIIEilTOl SHOPPERS HAVEN 5fh * Removable egg tads (6 ^g^ Also Available, Model TA2C 3154121 « No coifs oa back OpHosia! Portable With Walnut Finish, Vinyl- WH 1-5837 Tea Cart Available Covered Door Slightly Higher. POMPANO BEACH BOCA RATON TOA Sunday, October 22, 1967 BOCA RATON NEWS

Yellow Mini-Bike, good" Boca Palm Day School* Wanted Retiree, part DECOKATOR CHAIRS Deluxe 2/2-1/2 40' Bal- Classified Tires, Briggs & Strat- Children 3 to 6 *yrs. time man with hardware & Misc. Royal Palm, by cony. Beautiful Ocean ton 3 H.P. Engine. Will 1/2 Dayy — — Full Day retail experience. Give appt. 395-0584. view. Heated Pool, Golf. ^iwysin go 40 MPH. is in perf- 395-3698 Lis. & Ins, Resume of past exper- 399-7344. Winter rental. Service and Parts ect running condition for ience and age. Write to "We Buy and Seii On All Makes RATES New and Used Guns 1 3 6 9 $75. Worth $120o — Boca Raton News, Box Use flie Classified CAMPBELL L1 es MAID, 5 day week, 10- Boca Tackle Shop " Day Days Days Days Days 395-4169, #0-10. HOME & AUTO 4 COATS OUPONT BAKED EHAHU 4 1.20 3.36 5.76 7.92 10.56 395-0969 1 bedroom Apt, & Effcy. 5 1.50 4.20 - - • 4. Own Transportation. 144 ,S. Federal Hwy. 7.20 9.90 13.20 65 Suzuki, cerfect cond. TaxF cab™drlvers need- nicely furnished.Jordan Tracks Fainted kai Utttrri 6 1.6S 4.60 7.92 10.80 14.40 Write Boca Raton News SOFA, Antique velvet, 395-3830 7 1.96 5.46 9.24 12.60 16.80 50cc 1100 miles, for Box #0-12. ed for day and night s Manor, 395-4567, 101 Pka • 1 0«y S*nk« 2.08 5.76 9.60 12.96 17.28 sale or will trade for 98 long, teal blue, pxac- Authorized Sehwinn Dealer 2.34 6.48 10.80 14.58 19.44 shifts. Good earnings. tically new. Worth $500, N.W. Pine Circle. Boca. o IOBY »o«« o af soisiiar » p*iais 10 2.50 6.90 11.40 15.30 20.40 Boat & Motor. 395-8290 EXPERIENCED ' Wait- Call Boca Raton 395- » SEAT (OV»S • <0HVUTI»E TOM 11 2.75 7.59 12.54 16.63 22.44 (Completely refurnish- Furn. 1 bedrm. & eff. 12 2.88 7.92 12.96 18.36 24.48 ress Wanted. Lunch and 3221 for interview. apt. Air cond. 300' to LEASE * atamttn *ost> 12 3.12 8.58 14.04 19.89 26.52 BLACK7~Brown and dinner hours. Apply in ing home) so will sell Sanin* Each for $150. Call after 11 Beach, 1910 SE 2nd St. A BRA NO NEW Take ni|H re Mmhadi Additional White Beagle, lost vicin- Person, Rickshaw Res- "EX PERIENCE'D" Draf ts- itTo PAUL S C-nty«« Une .24 .661,08 1,53 2.04 A.M. 391-0328. Deerfield, 399-4453. 1963 SUICK 10 yean ity of A&P., answers to taurant, 5990 N. Fed. man for Construction Effic. Newly Furn. New CLEANINGEST carpet As Low as $89.50 AUTO BOSY& PAINTSHOP Schatzie. Call 395-9681 Hwy.a Boca, work. Bring sample of cleaner you ever used, Friedrick Air Cond,, 100 per month 4T8 So. H St. LAKE WORTH Dear Advertiser: work. Apply at Snow Insurance & Maintenance after 4 p.m. Reward. SECRETARY for Real yds. to beach. 1910 SE 585-6220 Please Check Your Construction, 2174 N.E__ . so easy too. Get Blue Included Estate office. Please 2nd St. 399-4453. One Block West of Dinks Ads! 1st "Ave.7Boca, "between L^slre: Rent electric call for appointment — FRANK Open Sundays (or estimates Our advertisers are To Buy or Sell 4-6 p.m. ~shampooer $1. Belzer HAPPINESS IS A MacLaren & Anderson, Hardware, 3198 N. Fed. COULSON very important to us, AVON Realtor, 395-1333. New 1 bedrm. apt. di- and that's why we care- Call 278-4972 Machinist First Class, Hwy., Boca Raton, rectly on Intracoastal BU1CK A Reliable Young woman , ANTIQUE desk, German fully proofread each Waterway (ocean side In Little Delray TIC TOC Nursery Kin* own tools, steady work, mugs, brass lamp. 48 Classified Ad to make for part time cleaning at Deerfield). 1st floor 278-3292 vacation — benefits. NCE. 1st Ave., Boca sure it's printed just and dusting in new lug- covered parking, pool, St. Boca -- Apply Zonolite Division Raton. the way you want it. We gage shop in Boca. Ref- dock, private patio, 395-5044 W.R. Grace & Co. 1555 To Place a have a large volume op- erences. Apply in per- d i s h was her, garbage N.W, 1st Ave., Boca. DINETTE Set 4 chairs. Classified Ad erations. Errors will son. Royal Palm Plaza. disposal, laundry com- Daniel Home Luggage. C r i.b, new mattress. occur in content and NATURAL FOODS Experienced lawn & pletely furnished $1800 Call 395-8300 classification. If you Natural, Vitamins &' landscape men, steady Reel mower, garden B CASHIER, experience S tools. Good condition,, season or $175. mo. ~ find an error in your ad fd M b h yearly, owner 523-0543. or if it's omitted and grown™2F, drie. °fr'd fruit^ . Pr*"ei M^e MgE «*?395-1985.* «^ ~ 395-7378. you notify us the first Dietetic Foods &. Vege- ' DELUXE """""" Fed. Hwy., Boca INTSACOASTAL If66 VW CAMPER day of such an error, table Juices. Raton. See 'Mr. Bryan. PEKINGESE' at Stud we will be responsible 3206 E. Atlantic Blvd. Full time Salesman EENTAL APARTMENTS SALES woman, 40 hr.needed by Realtor at 701 Outstanding dogs for Like Brand New. Very towmilag e and correct it promptly. Pompano 941-8120 week. Time & a half. services English Im- One block from Boca If you do not notify us E. Palmetto Park Rdo Raton Hotel & Club, ov- WEIGHT WATCHERS Experience preferred. Call Ed Garvy for ap- ports & Show Winners. This unit is fully equipped with the first day an error is 943-0016. erlooking Royal Palm Meets Wed. 7:30 P.M. Vacation withTpay. 5day pointment, 391r0900. Yacht & Country Club.1 made, the responsibility 'First Fed. Delray — week. See Mr. or Mrs. is yours. In any event, Outstanding Job Free kittens, Calico and Seasonal & Yearly. Pop-up Top. Tent, Refrigerator, ALSO Thursdays 7:30 Cross, 123 E. Palmetto the rule is that this Opportunities Black & White. House Furnished Models open P.M., First Fed. of Del- Pk. Rd. Plus MM MAiY EXTRAS. newspaper can't be li- SIGMA PERSONNEL broken. 276-7018. Daily 10 to 5. able for an amount 2801 E. Oakland Pk. WANTED good home h 1075 Spanish River Rd. greater than the amount a week. Must have own Ft. Lauderdale love.for 5 baby rabbits. ALL A refined couple with or paid for such advertis- NEW: Burton's transportation. Phone Age 7 weeks. Sold sep- without a Cat or Dog or ing. Please check your Nursery & Kindergarten, j95-52£8. KNAPP SHOES arately. 395-4490. a Child or Two, tolease ad each day it appears Year Round. Full Care, Please call 933-7322, RED Imperial MaCay our spacious Town USED CARS and notify our Classified 274 SE 9 Ave, Deerfield Time means money anytime. C.M. White.. Parrott. Talks & Tame House 1/2 block from Department promptly in Beach. 399-4586. to all of us and all of $ 10 0. Young Amazon the Ocean. PH: 395-5017 M. hdere! Hwy. P0gnp§no Beach case of errors. the time you are out of WASHER & Electric Toucan, just getting his OCEAN FRONT We thank you for your PROFESSIONAL our newspaper, it is Dryer, Speed Queen. plummage $50,391-0794. Phone 942-7400 cooperation. All ages, All problems. costing you money. So! Excellent condition — Efficiency & 1 bedroom M.I.T. 1943 Honor Grad. Come and join our Busr 395-1307. Apartments Air cond. & Harold Selleck 395-3303 iness Directory." SEWING Machine, West- DOG Pool0 Low rates till Dec. THIS IS WHAT A VOLVO IS: inghouse. Portable ~ Reservations Necessary 15tht 399-7900a Ttie cat that's driven an average of 11 years in Sweden, Call ElectricLike new. $59* Accommodations Cozy Cottage - Screen- where there are over 70,000 miles of unpaved roads, no |SERV1CE DIRECTORY Call 395-7975. Limited ed Porch, 1 bedroom, speed on the highways, and driving is virtually a Air Conditioned national pastime. And while we don't guarantee it, it AIR CONDITIONING IRONING LAMPS GALORE Kitchenette, Shower, looks like Volvos are going to last at least as long in Fedders Air Cond. re- All Types, from $2.98 up MARMACK Utilities incl.278-1150. America as they do in Sweden. More than 95% of the Vol- Experienced - will take Richard's Furniture 395-8300 sidential, commercial, in Ironing in my home, 3925 S. Fed. Hwy. 1 bedroom furnished vos sold here in (he last 11 years are still on the road. central & room. Tom 2739 N. Federal Hwy. Delray 278-4896 Volvo is also the ear that gets nearly 25 miles to the $1.00 per hour. Phone Pompano - 941-0617 Apartment-1421 SE 3rd Myers Appliance—2029 Pompano 943-4833. RESPONSIBLE lady who Ct, Apt. 3, Deerfield. gallon and runs away from eveiy compact in its class. loves dogs will'care for NW 2 Ave. 395-4611. LEARN TO DRIVE SINGER call: R. Binger 391-0500 399-6719 ALTERATIONS your small fem. dog in Ihe'68's Are Here Help with Driver's'li- DIAL-O-MATIC ext, 2145 until 5: PM. CONSOLE MODEL her home. 399-2356. EXCELLENT Tailor — cense tests. Qualified UNFURNISHED 1 Bed ©Volvo, Inc. All kinds of Ladies & instructor, reliable SEWING MACHINE Automatic transmission optional. Overseas delivery available. Must place in your area. Apt. Wall to Wall car- 1966 Chevrolet Malibu, Men's Alterations — door-to-door service. 3-1/2 HP Evinrude Out- peting, drapery rods & 2 door ht. V8. Automa- Barton & Miller Clean- _?_gy MethocTDrTvi"ng A-l Shape, Zig Zags, makes button holes, board, $60. Call 395- appliances included. tic, Power Steering, Ra- ers &. Laundry, 2600 N. School 278-4140 6357O Form $105. monthly - fancy designs, sews on s dio, etc. (extra sharp). Dixie Hwy, at 5 Points. "LUMBER 14 Boat & Trailer, 35 395-4254. Must sell $1995. Will Wilton Manors. buttons, appliques, mon- Do it yourself center. ograms, etc. Sold new HP. Johnson Motor — BEAT THIS take trade & finance. 566-4314 $275. 399-5293. 943-1051. Building materials & for over $300. MUST s SEASONAL supplies from our mill SACRIFICE. Just pay MOHAWK I960, 20'8 , 8 APARTMENT .t V ,»n«» 1964 Cadillac Fleet- Ladies & Men's Altera- KENTAL! service, lumber & Ply- balance $62 or assume ft. Beam, 75 HP Out- wood, full power & fac- tions. Fast service, board. $700. Good Con- v ~ * 7*''*J-> *\ tory air. Vinyl Roof & Pick up & deliver. Phone wood cut to size while $8 monthly payment. Ocean bathing from you wait. dition. 395-5165. "Polly" Boca 391-1896 C all Credit Manager, J property. Beautifully every extra possible. 14 Aluminum Fishing 34,000 miles (like show Classified Ad Service DEERFIELD COLLECT — W. Palm furnished 2/2 double BUILDERS SUPPLY Beach, 848-6257 any- Boat & Trailer. Excel- width balcony overlook- room new) $2495. Will lent Condition. 391-1407 take trade & finance Phone 395-8300 Hillsboro Blvd. at Fla. time. Will deliver. No ing wide Intracoastal Alterations" &! Complete East Coast Railroad 196.3 30* NORWALK ii fie speettome!er.Vbhfo h®§ six* 943-1051. obligation. with boat dock: pooltoo0 Dry Cleaning & Shirt 399-1010 Trunk Cruiser powered Maid service available. TJSEDXSRSHFOR SALE Laundry Plant. Matty's MOVING-STORAGE VALUABLE Antique by twin 150 hp inter- A GOOD SELECTION What else does a mil- One could get the Inpressioit. 1 Hour Cleaners. 1943 Willie's Transfer & Mahogany Sofa, 7 Feet ceptor V-8 engines. Fly lionaire have? Four Boca Raton Motors N. Fed. Boca, 395-2440 Storage. Local & Long length, good condition, bridge, full controls up- Dixie at SE 1st St. recent red upholstery, per and lower stations. month season - $3,200,, f hot the people who made pur €or "~=" Quality Distance moving & stor- FIRST REALTY CORP. Boca Raton age. Packing & Crating. over 100 years old -- Sleeps 6, walk in head 395-5300 Alterations 395-9321. with vanity, complete 20 S E 1st Ave. Done in my home. 391-0606. 389 NW 1st Call anytime 395-8600 We Also Buy Aye., Boca Raton. galley with 110 volt re- Agnes Parks .395-5471 MAHOGANY Drop Leaf 1966 OLDSMOBILE, 2 PLUMBING frigerator, 45 watt ship door V8 automatic, Pow- Expert Fitting, Altei> • „, Table, 6 chairs, com- to shore radio, full can- I1YEI IiTQlS9 ifta ation, formerly with ex- Expert Plumbing, Sew- bination china buffet, vass, compass, fish box, 116 S.S. SixHi Ave. — S23-4381 er steering, Brakes, er connection. Kohtz 3 mahogany bed- Radio, etc. (extra sharp) clusive Dress Shop. For piece monel gas tank, Co2 Ft. tauderdale $4975. Will take trade appointment call: Delray Plumbing & Heating — roonij _bl0 bed. Swivel system, wired for 110 & Finance. 943-1051. 278-1804. J95-0800. Time pay- chairs, Tables and misc. volt dock sid~eVA-l cond". ments canbe arranged. 1960 Chevrolet 4 door items.395-9456.1-6pm. ready to go.. Reduced ALTERATIONS RE-UPHOLSTERY SEALY Impala. Good condition, Pick Up & Delivery $1,000 to $5,995. low mileage, one own- 395-0874 Rattan Cushions remade, 510 Coil, extra firm LANTANA erl. Call: 395-0954. Your Fabric or Ours, mattress and box spring. BOATYARD, INC. R.C. Bennet Foam Rubber, Poly- Twin or full size. Reg. Open Mon.-Fri. 'til 9 1 1965 Rambler Classic. Ladies & Men's alter- '66 LINCOLN 4SS"BSS- foam, direct from fac- $119.95, our price p.m., Sun. 12-5, 838 N. tiful Turquoise, full cower, fac- series, automatic fac- j tory air, Sinted glass, ens. at ons 1821-B NE 25 tory, Phone: 399-5152. $59.95. per set. Dixie,Lantana, 585-9374 y , owner. tory air, etc. $1275. will s Pomp7942-54i4. ROOF PAINTING & sun furniture BFC TRADE take trade & finance — '66 CHEVROLET "£ CLEANING of Boca Raton, on US 1, CAR FOR BOAT Spt. 2-Dr. HT. Radio, heater, 943-1051 AUTO PARTS automatic, power steering, buck- Car Truck & PRIDE WHITE ROOFS at Boca-Delray Line — We have two late model et seats, factory air. Beautiful '57 Chevy Wagon — ' Tractor Maroon, black vinyl interior. parts Fastl D&M Aut0 941-0248 391-1163 cars that would like to needs paint job - $150. '66 MUSTANG ^ ts Dick 391-0599 trade for boats of equal SINGEK Blue, V-8 engine, radio, heater, SALES SERVICE call 395-3475 after 6- ^ ' Heidgerd. value. 3 speed, standard shift. 22 S S & M PAINTERS^ STYLE-O-MATIC ; ° - »™> 395-2412. 1964 Corvair. , .$1150. ILL F-'M 6 cyl. V2-ton W Interior & Exterior. . IN BLOND TABLE 00 pickup styleside perfect condition. 29,000 AWNINGS body. All white. Exceptionally DeiuXE 1963 Tempest Station Xvv 5 fPUGUEl I E 4-Door sedan, big six, actual miles. $600 — Canvas Awnings, Cano- Lie. & Insured. Call Zig-Zag Sewing Machine clean. A-l condition. bnHf OJX powerglide, factory air con- Wagon. . . 8$ 850o SSI 395-8765. ?ies, etc., take down, 391-1739 at 5: PM. 1 yr. old. This machine LANTANA '65 CHEVROLET J ditioned, power steering. $ I g i makes button holes, Fleetside body. V-8 engine, au- Real nice ,n,, „ ,. —,—•• re-hang, re-covers — SCREEN REPAIR BOATYARD, INC. tomatic trans. Custom cab, Tu- 1961 Valiant-V200-Sta- Brooks Canvas Products Window & Patio Screens monograms and sews tone blue & white. Absolutely 836 N. Dixie Hwy. the cleanest pickup truck in m 4 DDor uon Wagon a black inc., 1167 S. Fed. Hwy.,Repaired. Delray Screen with twin needles. Cash Lantana 585-9374 South Florida. V.V. - HI TC Oft " P I shift Aa tn-y email raT lFlorid lvJJ-ius -- umCar- m,l*UU.U(Accutronl 0&1 DUlUVa Bulova, etCetc. . Sf° o"0 Wat" M.i.1t. iP.A ,XT... pJUlgping,, VULU^llCSchurches,, StllUUiOschools, 284-314 Soafh last 6th Ave. or Trade i or smau C«LL _ _ _ . amplifier Model MX 60A, Weekly-MontMy-SE AS - g patios Aym Beadstringin Engrav REA ISTOtS DELRAY BIACH equal value. 395-4624. 4n_._ _D_W.y^-h-M- fT,c -^ fr^z %ri Cost $324New, ammh. 0NAL 200 EAST SUNRISE I '65 HOD AK A CYCLE -Additions-Storm Pan- con Lite Jewelers — old, m perfect condition, call: 395-8220. .Yearly 523-3446 $225. Call 395-3475 ~ els. ANYTHING. Phone Beacon Lite Shopping £est offer over $175* from 5100- per'month. OPEN EVES, and SUNDAYS m After 6- :3Q5-4884 C enter. • phoqe 395-7480. An Itvenus Enterprise. BOCA RATON NEWS Sunday, October 22, 1967 11A 35 H Homes for Sale 2S B Aparltnenf^iof Rchf 25 6 Wattled W Rent 35 A Lots & Acreage Sale 35 H Homts for Sale 35 H Homes lor Sale 35 H Homes for Sale LUXURIOUS 2/2 yearly lease. Couple BOCA RATON. Immediate occupancy, ROYSL PALM YACJHT BOCA INLET & COUNTRY CLUB OCEAN FRONT — access to Intracoast-' EXCEPTIONAL CAMINO GARDENS 'New 3 and 4 Bedroom lovely 3/2 central air & Fabulous View from the 1 & 2 Bedroom Apart- al. Furn. orunfurn.Call 3 BEDROOM 2 BATH Homes for Immediate Ht. W/W Carpeting,dish 3/2-1/2 Den - Near In- 12tn floor. Extra large ments, 301 S. Ocean 395-5252. MULTIPLE R-3 BB* NO-VAC POOL occupancy. Good terms. washer, luxury bath & tracoastal, Dock, Cen- and special 2 bedroom 1 For knowledgeable buy- tral Ht., Air, Washer & 2 bath Condominium — kitchen. Only $23,500. Blvd. (A1A), Boca Raton 30 C Business Opportunities; To clear an estate, this 1399-5922. Carpeting & Drapes in- property is approxi- er who wants Camino low down payment. 399- Dryer. SOUTHEAST — Comfortably furn. 1 & 2 KINDERGARTEN Gardens at its finest. NEAR ADDISON $62,500. , and Living quarters —• mately 3-1/2 acres with MIZNER SCHOOL 5442 or 399-4179, $65,000 Bedroom Apt. also Eff- 314 foot frontage on Decorated in exquisite iciency, Quiet location, ready to go. drive to 196 taste. Lush landscaping Large 3 bedroom, 2 bath NEW HOME BEAUTIFUL SW 15th St. then call: main highway across double garage, air cond. CAMINO ARV1DA _./ 395-2596. from a country club. An Occupancy in 30 days. ROYAL PALM YACHT & 391-0900. MLS. MLS. 884...... _ family room, walking GARDENS Realty Sales, Inc. Lovely 2 bedroom, 2 exceptional investment COUNTRY CLUB Three bedroom, 3 bath bath, Duplex. Central Going on Social Secur- opportunity for $22,000. FIRST REALTY CORP. distance to New School. 3 bedroom, 2-1/2 bath, 701 E. Camino Real ity. Must sell Estab- 20 SE 1st Ave. $25,500. MLS BR 799. plus family roomNoVac 395-5232 ht & air. Carpeting. Un- FIRST REALTY CORP. Pool. This Home must POOL - waterfront home furnished, Patio. Adults lished Handyman Home Call Anytime 395-8600 be sold, First reason- Repair Business — 20 SE 1st Ave. - carpeting and draper- 395-4663. Call anytime 395-8600 able offer accepted. 395-2519. : "A REAL NICE HOME" ies included -beautiful- AIR Efficient floor plan - 2 Owner 399-6790- ly landscaped - Immed- BE your own boss. Why 450 E- Palmetto Pk. Ed. 3 and 4 New one bedroom un- C bedrm , 2 bath with cer- iate occupancy. . .MLS work for someone else? * TOM. SAYS. c Boca Raton 399-4440 furnished Apt. Including We have many busi- amic tile on lower walls. 907 - $42,500. For fur- Bedroom range & refrigerator. nesses that may bepur- Need a lot? call us for Privacy walled patio, off SAVE $ $ $ OR HOMES ther details, call LLOYD 560 NE 46 St. Boca $95. chased with little money lots in Boca Raton long Living room,, Kit- And buy this charming, LIVELY. . . HONES per month. down & a weekly profit Square, Lake Floresta, chen has cupboards ga- custom built new House 399-5442 Weir Plaza Building • BLACKWELL REALTY such as: University Heights, Uni- lore, and all modern at Special pre-comple- 855 S. Federal Hwy. from $18,500 Realtors Ph. Answering Service versity Hills, Bible Con- built in appliances. Walk tion price. 3 bedroom, 3WM791 Boca Raton :Ph.395-4000 •564-5944 — 399-5860 ference Estates and to stores, shops, movie. 2 bath, family room, en- $90, mo. includes taxes VOGUE HOMES TV Repair owner.Selling at $17,500. 25 C Houses for RerifV Motorcycle Shop elsewhere. Uncle Tom closed garage, screen- & Ins. 3 bedrm., 2 bath, 984 W. Camino Real at the Ph: 395-4920. 5 room Bungalow. Laundromat ed Patio, convenient lo- separate utilitv rm., un- Boca Raton, Fla. 2/1-1/2, W.W. carpet- Bar and Restaurant gH§ OFFICE •' EARLY AMERICAN ^ cation. 1162 SW 12thRd. furn. $10,600., $1000 399-6190 ing, drapes, Fla. rm. PHONE 565-4331 395^1515 Beautiful 4 bedroom, 2 or call builder, . down, 299 Kingsbridge 261 NE 13 St. Delray, Lawn Mower repair bath, Home, features E.J. Ryan, 942-6091. See low Realtor 276-7690. Yrly lease. BUILDERS large living room, with C H AT H A^THlLLi) business for sale. Es- ROYAL PALM OUTSTANDING 3/2 Franklin Stove, family ROYAL PALM 2 Bedroom, 1 bath Home WOULD YOU BELIEVE? Spacious 3 BR. - 2 Bath WE'RE SEEKING tablished 9 yrs. Call: SPECIAL 732-5203.Bovnton Beach room, large dining room GOLF COURSE large Screened Patio, 2/2 Country Club Vil- ihome. Separate dining A refined couple with or Large WEST FACING with Wainscoting, large OPEN DAILY Air Condition, Carpet- lage $16,500. unfurn- room. Living room has without a Cat or Dog or Sign & Plastic letter shop. Good location. lot in good location in all electric kitchen with Colorfu1 l View down the. ing & Drapes, GE Kit- ished, Furniture option- log burning fireplace .| a Child or Two, to lease Royal Palm Yacht & breakfast bar, enclosed chen, Hurricane Awn- al. Must be seen at 451 our spacious Town Ready to operate. $1,200 fairway. A new-3 bed- Complete kitchen, drap- puts you in business. Country Club ~ $10,500 patio, big 2 car garage, room 2-1/2 bath, Pool ings, Fruit Trees, NW 12th Ave. Boca Ra- eries & many other ex- House 1/2 block from OTHERWELL central heat & air, in Fenced Back Yard. Car- ton. the Ocean. Ph: 395-5017. Mr. Conrad. 942-2100. home, large dining area, tras, Large lot. MLS 892. M REALTY SW Boynton Beach, $27, sunken living room, port, circular Drive — RICHARD F. ROSS 35 A Loft & Acreage iiale 757 S. Federal Hwy. 500. Terms, Owner — $1.5,500. 395-6241. Delightful 3/2 Home - large family room, 2 Realtor BRAMNON REALTY, Large Patio, cable heat, Royal Palm Yacht & CC Colonial Building 732-8200. car garage. Carpets & 399-6444 - 395-0650 Desirable Golf Course Boca Raton, Fla. 2~bedrooms 2-1/2 baths, INC. Pool, on lake. Winter EXECUTIVE HOME Draperies. Best priced (plus Den, could be 3rd rental 399-7344. Lot Overlooks 3 Fair- Phone 395-4044 Golf Course Home at Lovely home in quiet Realtor ways. S.E. Exposure, 7 New 3 bedroom, 2-1/2 bedroom). Wall to Wall neighborhood. Large 330 E. Palmetto Pk. Ed. Riviera-Block to Ocean bath, large living room, $59,500. Open Daily at Carpeting, Drapes, Boca Baton, Fla. beautiful Palm Trees. Zoned Apts. East of 104 Camino Real.MLS. lot, well landscaped. 3 391-0429 391-1984 2 bedroom, 2 bath, spa- Owner 395-2513. seperate dining room, Dishwasher, Washer &. U.S.I, 2OO'xl4O\ Beau- FIRST REALTY CORP. Bedrooms, 2 baths. Cen- Call Anytime cious home. Month or tiful Location. N.E. 58th GE kitchen & central Dryer, Living room, tral heat and Air condi- Season. Write P.O. Box LAKE FRONT heat & air cond., 2 car 20 SE 1st Ave. Dining room, Electric & Kingsbridge St. at Call Anytime 395-8600 tioned. Completely 795, Boca Raton, or call Excellent View Sable Carribian Keys. $18,000 garage, enclosed patio Kitchen. Pass-thru win- furnished and equipped, 395-3613. Palm Lake in Boca Ra- 941-2251. & Pool exquisit area dow to Patio, with Pool. many extras. Move right COUNTRY HOME ton Square, 75x130 on near Ocean. Immediate 2 car garage. Must be in. $21,300.00. MLS - MLS seen to appreciate — 2 Bedroom, 2 Bath, Cen- SW 11 St. occupancy. $52,500.in- 1028. tral Heat and Air Con- $4000' cluding W/W carpeting. Gets Results 122=6729. ditioning. West Subur- SEASONAL DORAN REALTORS ^Realtors M. L. DOUGHTY ~ROYAL PALM ban, Delray. 185* Lot, 2 Available Dec. 1st, long 395-1102 _ 1299 S, Ocean BWd Realtor & COUNTRY CLUB ON REALTOR cir carport, many extras. 832-9220 Days, See Your Realtor Owner has $32,000. in season. Well furnished LARGE CLEARED LOT * Boca Raton, Fla. . WATER BY. OWNER 140 N. Federal Hwy., Boca 3 bedroom, 2 bath, heat- Attractive choice loca- 732-9200 Eve. or BOCA SQUARE 3 bedrms., 2-1/2 baths, 395-8155 property. Offered for ed Swimming Pool, Cen- area 305-395-9355 732-2743. _ large utility room, quick sale at $23,500. tion for single or mul- 3/2 Home ready for oc- unfurnished. $25,000. tral heat & Air, very tiple dwelling; Private PLANNING TO cupancy. Excellent lo- washer, dryer, living ITVENUS well ' located. Call: "~GET!N THE SWIM furnished. Owner will Paved Lane between In- BUILD A HOME? MOVE RIGHT IN! cation, re - landscaped, room, dining rm., pan- take back mortgage. Harriet Jackman, Assoc. tracoastal & A1A, Boca Choice building lots 75' C arp e ting, draperies shade trees, refrigera- elled Den, large elec- FM HOMES Atlantic Boca Realty,Inc. Raton. All facilities, xl25' from $2200 up ~ and furniture included tor, cedar closets, util- tric kitchen, built - in 399-5442 BANER REALTY, INC. Realtor deeded access to Ocean 105x125 from $2800 up. with this 2 bedroom, 2- ity room, sliding doors breakfast nook. 50' 814 E. Atlantic Ave. 101 E. Palmetto Pk. Rd. Delray Beach Beach, Lake Wyman, & 1/2 bath home with spa- to screened porch — Porch, W/W carpeting 399-4179 276-7401 days 395-8500 anytime Intracoastal. 395-0995. MOTHERWELL & Drapes, concrete dock cious screened patio and $19,200. MLS 1042 BRICK 391-1173 eve. 757 S. Federal Hwy. 15x30 pool with east ex- CHARLES HUTZLER with water & electricity. Colonial Building 372 Cocoanut Palm Dr. FRONT posure in a much sought Realtor BEAUTY WILSON PAINTING CO. Boca Raton, Fla. after location. Kitchen 395-8423 eve.276-7371 Immediate possession, Phone 395-4044 has pass thru service for appt. call owner, Lovely 3 bedroom home 4 BEDROOM WITH DEN 35 B Co-ops & Condominiums Sale bar to patio — hot and APARTMENT 395-5248. Reduced to with big porch facing Best family Home value & Gsusril Repairs cold shower at pool- HEADQUARTERS $62,500. South. Fireplace, air in Delray - Built-in Wall Nine Months old, Boca SEASONAL RENTALS cond., enclosed garage, i * Roof Painting Apt. 1 bedroom 1-1/2 side, living room has Aquarium, Screened Pa- * Pressure Painting sliding doors on 2 sides WEEKLY-MONTHLY appliances, new carpet- tio , Pan elled Living bath, Furn. or unfurn. Efficiencies, 1-2 Bed- * Interior & Exterior Painting All electric Kitchen, opening onto patio — ing, etc. Excellent room wifli Fireplace, sep- MLS-BR-1072P — $24, room, beautiful furnish- neighborhood. Only $19, arate dining room, large LICENSED AND INSURED D i s hwasher, disposal, ed Apts., includes all central heat & air cond. 500 furnished. Gets Results 200. with good financing kitchen with walk in 621 N.E. 36th St, Pompano Beach utilities. Heated Pool, BR-982. MacLaren & pantry. Inspection a W/W carpeting, drapes convenient location. For 395-5472. Anderson, 135 E. Pal- "must." In Hie price Phone 943-4513 information & reserva- metto Pk. Rd. Boca Ra- range of OCEANFROlSfr 7-57 S. Federal Hwy. tions call 395-8220. ton, Ph: 395-1333. $41,750. Colonial Building 2 bedrms., 2 bath, W/W An Itvenus Enterprise. CAMINO GARDEN 35 K Duplex BANER REALTY, INC. Carpeting, drapes, View Boca Raton, Fla. PUTTING GREEN BRAND New duplex, 2b/ 814 E. Atlantic Ave. IMMEDIATE EMPLOYMENT FOR of Ocean from Living Phone 395-4044 1 Delray Beach room, kitchen & Both LARGE For that Demon of the 2b Central Heat & Air. 276-7401 days MANAGER TRAINEES Bedrooms. Putting GARVY'S DEAR ANN FAMILY?? Fairway who falls apart Both sides. 2802 NE 5th 732-1173 nights Fast growing Drug Chain has immediate open- Green, Pool, Shuffle- GOT LANDERS: Here's a new home with on the Green. . .A care- Ave. 395-4254. ings in the Boca Raton - Beerfield Area for young board, extra large un- ITT all the "goodies", in fully manicured Putting Green in the back yard. LIST NOW APARTMENT HOMES men 21 or over, willing to work hard for rapid derground garage. Sale I inherited a home at -: Boca Square priced a FOR RENT advancement. We are seeking responsible men price $22,800. Call own- 1290 Spanish River Rd. $25,500 - beautiful an- Tendered by loving care 770 East Camino Real who can quickly advance to managerial posi-1 er 395-9472. Eve. 399- in an area where homes tique brick exterior, always there. Be a good $250. to $325- per month tion. Retail selling experience desirable, but 3019. sell for over $100,000.' large rooms - central Golfer. The envy of the MLS Member Luxury 2 bedroom, 2 bath, 2325 N. Ocean Blvd. not necessary. You will be given draining in all 35 C Ap!s Motels, Hotels-Sale It has everything and I air and heat - we're Fairways. Nice home, Ranch type Apartment Home. r dropped the price from too. Ready to move in. 2 Boca Raton Nobody above you or below phases of store operations. Good starting salary 8 UNITS ready to submit any rea- 395-0822 - Anytime $53,000. to$47,900.MLS bedrooms, 2 baths, one you. Large living rooms, 14'9" and all employee benefits. Apply in person only... New. Apartment$70,000 sonable offer to this x28'- Both bedrooms will take 954, WHAT'LL I DO? anxious owner! MLS 903 Putting Green. MLS 974. twin beds, both baths at- Mr. Bach, Eckerd Drug Store 560 N%46 St. Complete —Worry Wart FIRST REALTY CORP. tractively decorated & have information - For details call JACK PARK YOUR YACHT at 150 W. Camino Real, Boca Raton Dear Wart: MEEHAN. . . . 20 S E 1st Ave. She dock of this lovely marble vanities & quick heat . BLACKWELL REALTY : Tropical Home, just off lamps. Quiet Carrier engineer- Quit worrying! HIGGS Weir Plaza Building Call anytime "395^8600 the Intracoastal fcr iust ed heat & air conditioning OR Realtors S32,500. Very clean. Big has it and GARVY'S GOT 855 S. Federal Hwy. Florida Room, and charm- with automatic switch from Mr. Signor, Eckerd Drug Store Ft. Lauderdale ins Living Room with nat- heat to air & Back, even though IT — So it'll sell —be- Boca Raton:Ph.395-4000. ural fireplace. 2 big baths 930 S. Fed. Hwy., Deerfield Beach 564-5944' — 399-5860 WATERFRONT — "Top Drawer" Coral you are not there (like on late sides the Yankees are Ridge location — Call 35 D B usinesi Property-Sale Cadillacs). Beautiful shrub- coming! Love Ann. POOL HOME SUPREME June Raulerson anytime bery & lawn. Adults only — HIALTOflS — Evenings 565-9678. FOR SALE EDWARD K. GARVY by owner - SW Delray Exceptional Waterfront No Pets. One block toward Eight Unit Apartment Ocean from Waterway. One REALTOR 3 bedroom, 2 bath, Den, Home. 3 large bedrooms FORD R. CARTER year lease. We pay all Main- Discover the House, 1 bedroom apart- INC., REALTORS Boca Raton 391-0900 Screened Roffed Patio, 3 deluxe bathrooms. 2)07 E. COMMERCIAL tenance except Utilities. ments, good investment Electric Heat. Stove, BLVD. Unique corner location MADGE & FOSTER wonders with excellent return. Refrigerator, Drapes, on end of peninsula, 203 PHONE: 563-3201 1/2 block off U.S. 1. ROYAL PALM Many extras. $17,500. CRUMLEY ft. of water frontage, Phone 395-0299 anytime under wafer! A&P CONSTRUCTION CO FAMILY HOME Financing. Call: just off Intracoastal. 2 400 N E 27th Circle 1 278-2676 or 278-2572 Docks! Heated Pool. Priced Boca Raton An exceptionally func- for Appointment. Realistic price $52,500 Phone 395-4254 tional home. Foyer en- BR-1038WP. MacLaren at only $279. 35 F Real Estate Trade trance services 3 bed- 2 BEDROOM & Anderson, Inc., 135 E. TRADE: 3 bedroom Wa- rooms without crossing 2 BATH HOME Palmetto Park Rd. Ph. terfront Home in N.E. living room. Separate all large rooms, Ex- 395-1333. NEW ARRIVALS - IBM Personnel Pompano. Coral Key. dining room. Separate cellent School area, WANT: Waterfront Lots family room, huge (14*x available short notice. REN I with OPTION to PURCHASE! New 2 & 3 Bedroom in N.E. Boca Raton. 30') Patio, large kitchen $17,000. call: Evelyn IDEAL FAMILY Homes- Furnished or Unfurn. Immediate, occupancy - Tropic Isles or Ac- serves all areas. Over- Keough assoc. HOME 90% financing available on sales. Luxury Living in xeage Near Boca Raton. size 2 car garage. A BEN ADAMS REALTY Close to schools - three Surburban Sophisticatfon- * * * * great family home at Realtor bedrooms 3 baths - large BUILDERS MODEL, IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY BEAUTIFUL with your movement or vision. The Johnson Air-Buoy en- TRADE: 4 Units, all $54,000. MLS 679. Delray 276-4191 shaded lot - fruit trees 3 BEDROOM, 2 BATH, Central Air & Hear Drapes, ables you to function naturally FIRST REALTY CORP. wall to wall carpeting, panoramic kitchen, breakfast You get al! the air you need three bedroom Apts. - washer/dryer -frost- room apart from dining room, patio roofed & screened. direct from the atmosphere, underwater because it stays with central air. Gross 20 SE 1st Ave. free refrigerator - large Lanai entry. Garage. Large corner lot, sprinkler sys- tem. " ' ••-••• $25,500.00 not second-hand from tanks. up while you go down. Fil- Income $6000. Call Anytime 395-8600 ITVEN screened roofed patio DiscoVer the many wonders tered air is pumped to your WANT: Waterfront lots DELIGHTFUL - kitchen is 16x10 - cash LOVELY 2 BEDROOM, 2 BATH, Centra! Air & Heat, Drapes, in N.E. Boca Raton, FOR HOMES Wall to Wall Carpeting, Futuristic Kitchen, Brunch area, underwater.., get out and face mask via 25-foot hoses. COMPACT HOME down $2,200. priced Tropic Isle or Acre- right! $19,900.-$155.00 apart from dining room. Patio roofed and screened, get under with the Johnson (One Air-Buoy supplies two WEST FACING 399 5442 sprinkler system, carport. people.) No tanks, mouth- age near Boca Raton — This lovely three bed- per month pays balance $19,900.00 Air-Buoy. or Stores or Warehouse including taxes & insur- pieces or gadgets to interfere room home with east 399-4179 LOVELY 3 BEDROOM, 2 BAT.H, Central Air & Heat dining in Ejoea Raton. facing patio overlooking ance. MLS - BR 1074. room, large family room adjoining ppanoramic Kitchen BLACKWELL REALTY For details, call HARRY and Patio. Entrance foyer, garage. the golf course is in LARGE FAMILY - $23,500.00. Realtors "MINT" condition. The HOME! GRIFFITHS. . . .564-5944 -- .399-586Q carpets and drapes are Weir Plaza Building CUSTOM BUILT 3 BEDROOM, IVi BATH, Dressing room. This tri-level 3 bed- Central heat & air. Drapes & wall to wall carpeting, clean and look like new. room 2 bath home is 855 S. Federal Hwy. Johnson 4 BEDROOMS, 2 BATHS Come in and see the sunken living room, entrance foyer, dining room, com- Located at 218 SW 12th perfect for you as it can Boca Raton: Ph,395-4000 plete GE built-in Kitchen, large family room, screened large walk-in closets, in Patio and Pool, cabana, 2 car garage, so»inkler. Ave; Boynton Beach, be quickly converted to 539,500.00. Located in lovely .suburban University marble sills and base- FIVE large bedrooms "NICE FAMILY HOME . Central heat & air cond. boards, the beautiful Park, city water-& sewer, no city taxes. Well & Sprinkler sys- at SMALL cost. A fine Well maintained 3 bed- 1 and scaping and, of home in excellent neigh- room, 2 bath, with fam- Russell R. Thompson - Reg, Real Estate Broker tem, enclosed garage, course, the beautiful Exclusive Agent — Broker Cooperation Invited & screened Porch, only borhood. A real BUY at ily room. Priced re- Phono 399-1872 - Open Daily Inc. Sundays view. Ask for MLS BR- $21,950. Owner will duced to $16,000. MLS $17,500. Terms, Im- 603 — Only $66,000. 838 NORTH DIXIE HWY. mediate occupancy. E.C. consider lease with op- BR890.Call: Ruth Gree- 585-9374-LANTANA, FLA. Radzow Assoc. oT ELL tion to buy, MLS 1075 son assoc, 395-7503. M. L. DOUGHTY M mw —For details, call IVAN UNIVERSITY Soatyazd Realtor 757 S, Federal Hwy. HAACK. . . Weir Plaza Building CARLEN 732-9220 days - Colonial Building Appraisal SReaify. fnc. PARK HOMES On U.S. *1 732-9220 Eve. or Boca Raton, Fla. 855 S. Federal Hwy. _ 832-2743 Phone 395-4044 Boca Raton;Ph.395-4000' 450 E. Palmetto Pk. Boca Raton 399-4440 J2A_SundoyL0ctoher 22, 1967 BOCA RATON NEWS Putting Humpty together again

(Continued from Page 1) fices were to hold a meeting will go along with the three pro- Saturday morning at which time posals. and junior high students. they were to decide if the annual However, the teenagers are The reasons for coming to children's Halloween party not in favor of holding dances the center's rescue after such sponsored by the group, willbe every week. "We may just start a lack of interest, are unknown, held as usual, if they should out with one or two dances a but Rutherford said the young- schedule a date for the annual month," Rutherford said. er teens expressed concern Teen Town Carnival, and wheth- SUPER REFRIGERATOR PRICES GOOD er or not they should hold elec- "The enthusiasm of the group •2 GALLON DEFROSTER about the dances, and the older tions along with a dance next SUNDAY AND MONDAY ones were concerned about the is running high," Rutherford HftMBY HQLPER service projects sponsored by Saturday. added, "It made me feel good to SHOP SUNDAY 10 A.M. 'TIL? P.M. the center. A poll of the teenagers before see all those kids show up Wed- MONDAY HOURS 9 A.M. TIL 9 P.M. Candidates for Teen Town of- the meeting indicated that they nesday night." "That's such a bad night any- way because of school and it was 6% OUNCE especially bad because it coin- Objections heard cided with homecoming week Serves as a convenient PALMOLIVE activities at the high school. pitcher Most of the teenagers are work- > Unbreakable plastic (Continued from Page 1) would lead traffic into the resi- ing on homecoming commit- 69c C SHAVE BOMB Highway and the Intracoastal, dential area across from 40th tees/' he said. VALUE between 40th street and 46th street. REGULAR OR street to allow for a $28 million Objection also was raised by First inkling that the teen- BED PILLOWS Battery Operated shopping center which might residents to one of the depart- age center was faltering came possibly draw four department ment stores. three weeks ago when the dan- DACRON AND FOAM SCISSORS stores, including Britts and The board, however, tabled ces were cancelled because only Jefferson. the matter so the members could 63 teenagers showed up for the Saves sewinj last dance. Non-aUergenic time His petition drew eight letters study the issue further in rela- Shape retaining Tempered steel tionship to the area and the The dances have drawn as O Soft and restful cutting edges in favor, two letters in opposi- Operates on 2 tion, one person in favor, and other rezoning petition in the many as 500 teenagers in one 20x26-inch size several residents of Lake Rog- area which are up for consider- evening. ers Isles in opposition to the ation. The dances which are the center. In other business the board money makers for the center, George Whitehouse, a mem- members agreed to recommend began losing money as far back ber of the city's earlier plan- that city council give conditional as during the summer months. approval to a petition by Keating Teen Town had to dig into re- ning and zoning board, favored QUEEN-O-MAT the shopping center. "Ironical- of Florida for a church to be lo- serve funds to pay for the dance HANDY GARDEN ly," he said, "we had planned cated on the south side of Ca- costs. Last year at this time HOSE COCA DOOR MAT mino Real 90 feet west of South- the center had $3,000 banked, for a shopping center in that west 15 Avenue. HANGER 24-in. x 14-in. size location only across the high- but this year it has only $600. Durable Coca fibre The petitioner, Church of the way when I was on the board Latter Day Saints or Mormon "In August we had $1300 but years ago." Church, plans to buy the prop- that's when we started digging Objection to the center, by erty now and build in the dis - into the funds to pay for the Lake Rogers Isles residents tant future. dances," Rutherford said. Keeps hose neat indoors was based on the fact that it or outdoors New master's Attaches easily to wall (Continued from Page 1) tions open for every and Mrs. Clarissa Scott. two applicants he said. MacLaury participated Research grants and UHGE mu in the original survey contracts in the depart- of Cat Island for which ment of anthropology M.M. REGAN vived by his wife, Helen, Dr. Sears received a are expected to absorb Boca Raton; daughter, SCOPE research grant. Mac- Services were held Miss Dorothy Madison, DRUGS-COSMETICS-SUNORIES the costs of the pro- Friday for Martin Mi- Laury will expand the gram and provide some Detroit; two sons, Ed- survey to locate pre- chael Regan Sr., 66 mund A., Don M., both MOUTH WASH assistantships for grad- Pompano Beach, form- historic sites and con-uate students, as well from D etr oit, five BOWL DEODORANT -»„ «%fN° duct excavations design- erly of Boca Raton. grandchildren and one as provide ample op- Mr. Regan moved to ed to determine the pre- portunity for research brother, Aldo, St. Pet- historic culture of Cat Pompano Beach ten ersburg. without 5.95 experience. years ago from Boca BATHROOM SCALE handle VALUE Island and the Bahamas. Dr. Sears, who holds a Services were held in Mrs. Scott is investi- Raton. He was formerly doctoral degree from from New Jersey where Cheyboygan Friday fol- gating the culture of a lowed by burial in De- * Automatic * QQ the University of Michi- he was employed by Jer- !S0 Maroon community on troit. • Rustproof '• gan, came to FAU in sey City "for 25 years DOOR CLOSER aluminum VALUE Jamaica. The Maroons 1964 to organize thede-- as a plumber. are a semi-isolated partment of anthropol- J.J. ARNOLD group of descendants of He was a member of ogy. He has published St. Ambrose Catholic Joseph J. Arnold, 71, the Negro slaves brought extensively and was a 1215 S.W. Ninth Ave., to this area from Africa. Church, Knights of Col- professor at the Uni- umbus council 4955, died Wednesday. RUBBER GLOVES = No additional facili- versity of Florida and Mr. Arnold came to ties or staff are con- and American Legion curator of the social post of Deerfield Beach. Boca Raton nine years templated to launch the sciences at the Flor- ago from Albany, N.Y. master's program. Each Survivors include his I HAND & BODY LOTION ida State Museum in son, Martin M. Jr., Clif- He was a member of senior professor will Gainesville before com- St. Gregory's Episcopal supervise no more than ford Beach, N.J.; sister 5 9 ing to FAU. Miss Julia Regan, Jer- Church, Elks Lodge of three graduate students Weiss, also a Michi- Albany, Albany Masonic VINYL PLAY BALL®"ASST. VALU" E in each of the areas of sey City and two grand- COLORS gan Ph.D., joined the children. Lodge and life member specialization. Gradu- FAU faculty in 1964. of Cypress Shrine Tem- ates will be qualified to Services were held in He has done field re- St. Ambrose Churchfol- ple of Albany. PENN FISHING COMBINATION teach or to procede with search under the spon- doctoral studies. lowed by burial in Boca Survivors include his M-85 Reel M-901 Rod sorship of the National Raton Cemetery. wife, Lillian, Boca Ra- Pier or Surf Ride Combination Dr. Sears points out Science Foundation, the ton; two stepsons, Hugh that the number of op- American Museum of A.F. MADISON C, Boca Raton, and portunities for anthro- Natural History and the Word has been re- Charles W., Albany, and TV and RADIO TUBES pologists in both govern- ceived here of the death YOUR FISHING CENTER! * Triad brand as advertised in Life- Social Science Research four grandchildren^. Magazine ment and industry pro- Council. of Arthur F, Madison, Services and burial • Fully guaranteed grams and in teaching Dr. Sublett received 901 N.E. Spanish Court, was in Albany with is multiplying many her doctoral degree Tuesday in Cheboygan, Kraeer Funeral Home in times over each year. from the State Univer- Mich. charge of local arrange- There are three posi- sity of New York Mr. Madison is sur- ments. MEM'S TOYO OIFS WATERFRONT and NON-WATERFRONT • Bille' top REG. • Ventilated 19c HOWEVER, IT IS TIME TO i LIMIT ONE WITH COUPON THRU MON. 10/23 HOMES from $20,000», .•ORDER YOUR. .. In Boca Islands, Palmetto Park Terrace, Lake Floresta and lunison Palms "" ..PHOTO SOOTT TOWELS COMPAfll VALUE! CHRISTMAS 'jj-IMIT OWE WITH COUPON THRU MDH...... __r:_^ ^ *COU BUSY PQWiER Johnsons ca~ 9-ounce size 03C Allergy safe VALUE


ORDER YOUR __ SLIMLINE Photo Greeting Cards ECKEIJD IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY Kodacdor .^2%*^ * 3, 4 and 5 BEDROOMS * POOL Models Open and Representative Btack& WWfe ^If*^ DIIUGS Present to Assist You Daily In- 2 LUXURY BATHROOMS * FAMILY ROOMS FREEI YOUR NAME IMPRINTED !N GOLD cluding Saturdays and Sundays. * WALL-TO-WALL CARPETING WITH ORDERS OP 25 OR MORE SUMLINES * CENTRAL HEAT and AIR CONDITIONING MODEL OPEN IN BOCA ISO W.CUBIM ISLANDS AT 1320 S.W. |TRJMUNE Photo Greeting Cards * GE KITCHEN Includes: 5th COURT. Americana Oven-Range, Kodacolor •j 50, iocsi Dishwasher and Disposal Black & WWfe 211* OPTIONAL-^YOUR NAME IMPHINTEB» IMftil 41 S.E. 1st Avenue ONLY $2^0 WITH ORDER OF CKEli IJVENUS Boca Raton, Florida 24 OR MORE tRIMLINfiS DRUGS Development & Industrial Corp. 395-1211 399-5442 399-4179 Section B Sunday, October 22,1967 Page One f What young people think

Students sound off on shortage of books

Robbie Bergamini Debbie Delly and crowded classrooms

An "I told you so" attitude Although the students blamed Debbi admitted though that the is pervading Boca Raton High Governor Claude Kirk for text Governor cannot be blamed for School these days. book situation, they weren't so the overcrowded classrooms. At least four students at the quick to blame him for the "Everyone knows we need a school were saying last week overcrowded classrooms. They junior high school," she said. that the teachers won't walkout also admitted that schools in But Blair put in that "he could on them. Palm Beach County are much help by appropriating more They didn't. better off than schools in other money for classrooms. However, the students did ad- Florida counties. "The parents think the teach- mit that the teachers had a At least one of the students, ers want more money," Robbie legitimate gripe. Students are Blair, did predict that the teach- said, "but it's more than that. Paula Alexander, 16, junior; ers would get what they wanted They're really upset about the Blair Portnoy, 13, freshman; without a walkout. conditions in the schools," Debbie Kelly, 16, junior, and "They'll settle it," he said, Paula added that "the special Robbie Bergamini, 15, sopho- "because the Governor will classes for advance students, more. realize that there aren't enough which are supposed to be limit- "The classrooms are over- substitute teachers to go ed to 20 students hold something crowded," Paul began, "you around." like 33 students. Even the journ- can't expect the teachers to do Paula too said she thought alism class, which is limited to their best job working under Blair Portnoy Paula Alexander the Governor will give in. "He 20, has 30 students. these copditions." doesn't have the backing he had Robbie kept going back to the "The books are old and beat before this thing started," she shortage of books. "We even up and the classrooms are so said. have a shortage of mimeograph- Around the Town crowded that we can't'even get Debbie was the only one who ing paper, so when a teacher the teacher to answer our ques- raised the problem of where to wants to give us a test he has tions half the time," Debbi get the money needed to give the to have us copy the questions put in, schools what they need and the down on our own paper." Blair added that after four teachers what they want. At any rate, the students are One big happening years new text book editions Blaire took offense with the glad the teacher walkout plan are put out but "we've got books governor's long range plans for was not put into action. , in our school that are five and education. "Five or eight years "I'd rather study now than By Sandy Wesley comedy play "Catch Me If You Chairman of the evening is six years old." from now we won't be in school have to make it up during Can" direct from New York Al Ebenroth, assisted by Claude Robbie still doesn't have his so these plans won't help us Christmas and summer vaca- Ah me, what hasn't been hap- with an all New York cast. Bierman and George Bearse. English book. any," he said. tion," they said. pening. „ „ In fact, if the Hippies will pardon the usage, Boca Raton is just one big happening. Happenings began as far back as Monday and have continued ever since. Marymount girls had a small happening Monday evening in the form of a fashion show for stu- dents. Mrs. Sam Curtis was moderator for the show, Mrs. Curtis, who presently is getting ready to open her own Irish Imports Shop in Royal Palm Shopping Center has al- ways been ready and willing to help the Marymount girls out by commentating for their fashion shows. She didn't fail them this time either. * * * Members of theBoca Raton branch, American Cancer So- ciety treked to Boynton Beach last Tuesday evening for the county's annual dinner meeting which meant election of offi- PER ANNUM cers and presentation of awards. 6 Month Savings Certificates : : : A little bird has informed us :x:: that awards were presented to Mrs. Jack Fanciulli and Mrs, Multiples of $1000. Harold Green for their work last year, and that Dr. Walter Gren- ell and Rev. Eugene 0. Krug have been placed on the board of directors for next year. * * * Mr. and Mrs. Fred Zaun MORE PEOPLE think first of First Federal - are relaxing today after a fare- SAFETr UF YOUB well party they gave in their BAVHVOS because First Federal thinks MOREof YOU ! home on Southwest 13 place, for Mr. and Mrs. Lester Hess, INSURED Golden Harbour, who are leav- ing shortly for a tour of Africa, Europe, Hong Kong, Hawaii and Ed Barnhardf Japan. The cocktail and dinner BOCA RATON party drew 15 guests who play- BRANCH MANAGER ed travel games and watched travel films. * * * Royal Oak Hills residents Good Selection of Seats for are preparing for "an evening First Federal Savings of good food and the theater.' Arrangements have been made UNIV. cif MIAMI by the civic association's social and Loan Association of Delray Beach affairs committee for the group to attend Jack Valentine's Coun- Home Office 645 E. Atlantic Blvd., Delray Beach ¥s AUBURN try Dinner and Theatre of Flo- rida in Dania, Wednesday, Nov. BOCA RATON OFFICE Oct. 27th 8. Activities will begin at 6 601 North Federal Highway - Phone 395-2121 p.m. with cocktails followed by buffet dinner and finally the 2B Sunday, October 22, 1967 BOCA RATON NEWS

Club makes Doris Hackney business and prof essional woman of year

You don't really know how it feels until of Rutgers University. it happens to you, said Boca Raton's 1968 She began her career as a kindergarten Business and Professional Woman of the teacher, but switched to a career as a legal Year. secretary 22 years ago when she moved with Miss Doris Hackney, girl friday to attor- her parents to West Palm Beach. ney, Bob Tylander, and vice president of "When she came to work for me, she had BPW Club was selected as "BP Woman of no legal training," said Tylander, her boss the Year" at a banquet Wednesday. of 22 years, "but she's now so efficient that "I feel like Miss America," she laughed.. all she needs is the paper to prove that she's "Seriously, though, this is the greatest a lawyer." honor I've had; I think what makes it so BPW Club's choice this year notpnly says special is that I was honored by my peers." she loves her work, but she loves the club Miss Hackney was born in Atlanta, Ga., too. . Although most of her work has been but she spent most of her life in New Jer- connected with either Tylander's office or the sey where she attended New Jersey College BPW Club, she also found time to devote for Woman, now Douglas College and part to campaigns for two of Florida's governors. Mrs. James Kennedy, BP Woman of the Year for 1967, helps Miss Doris Hackney, BP Woman for 1968, with her corsage.

ANN LANDERS Charles Hutchinson Church wedding is no place for 'theatrical touch' HAIR FASHIONS Dear Ann Landers: with the same minister Dear Ann Landers: I joins us which I resent something is bothering trouble. It isn't worth it. closing 50 cents in coin Recently we attended two officiating. Again he am a middle-aged widow because she gets us off me. I know what it is but and a long, stamped, church weddings. Fol- concluded, "And now who has decided to sell business matters and I don't know what to do Dear Ann Landers: I self-addressed envel- 40 S.E. 4th Street lowing the first cere- may I be the first to in- insurance. My boss is a wastes our time. She about it. Don't tell me am a girl, 16. So often I ope. (4«h Sf. Office Plaza) mony the bride and troduce—." Again the fine man and he is doing frequently interrupts us to leave the business. read letters in your col- Ann Landers will be Open Ample groom performed the guests applauded. a wonderful job of teach- during the day using Just tell me how to solve umn from married glad to help you with Monday Parking Space traditional kiss (which It seems to me that a ing me the business. The some lame excuse to this wife problem. women who seem to be your problems. Send was too long and too in- wedding should be a dig- problem is the man's talk to her husband. Sud- --KICKAPOO head of the family. Their them to her in care of timate in my opinion). nified occasion and not wife. She is beginning to denly it occurred to me husbands are off hunting Boca Raton News, Box BOCA RATON They then faced the give the guests the feel- get on my nerves.I can- that the reason she does Dear Kick: Stay with or fishing or they are 3346, Chicago, Illinois,. guests and the minister ing they are in a theat- not avoid her because this is to see what we the business, But go to so involved in business 60 6 54, enclosing a 391-0697 announced in a voice er. Please comment. the man's offices are in are doing. (His office work for an insurance that the wives must do stamped, self-address- that sounded like a carn- -DENVER his home. door is usually closed.) company with downtown double duty. It seems ed envelope. ival barker, "And now I get to work at 8:45 A nervous stomach offices. The setup you like most American may I be the first to Dear Denver: My a.m. At about 10 a.m. disorder which I haven't describe is going to wives get a raw deal. introduce Mr. and Mrs. opinion is the same as we take a coffee break. had in years is kicking create more problems I came across this ."(The guests yours, and the minis- The boss' wife always up again. My doctor says and more stomach lovely poem and I'd like laughed and broke into ter's theatrical touch, to share it with you and spontaneous applause. of course, is what set it your readers. The The second wedding off. Someone should have author is unknown. The \/oau£ is was in the same church a word with him. Please print it. Woman was created from the rib- of man. She was not made from VELVET Everyone Loves A his head — to top him; And Nor out of his feet, to WE HAVE be trampled upon; But out of his side, to be equal to him; BUICK Under his arm, to be protected; FOR THE BEST DEAL OH A And near his heart, to be loved. vnvsr t»T vayer Just sign me, LINBN vfiver —A GIRL 1968 BUICK FROM LUBBOCK Give in or lose him I SEE FRAHK COULSOH . . .when a guy gives you yoO §AV£ this line, look out! For Direct Factory Dealer tips on how to handle FINEST SERVICE * LARGE PAINT & BODY SHOP the super sex sales- man, check Ann Land- ers. Read her booklet, 4.50 TO $11.50 YD. "Necking and Petting "IF FIRSTS" $9.95 TO $22.00 'i0*+COUlSON»c. —What are the Limits ?" Send your request to DELRAY BEACH Ann Landers in care of 1616 H. Federal Hwv. - Ph. 278-3292 your newspaper, en- UNIQUE CALICO COftNER% Boutique Whatewer Yow Taste in The One and Only 20 S. Dixie Hwy., Boca Rates 395-4244 Shop in Florida "Under the Banyan Tree" Hours 9- 6 N.E- 5th Ave. Delray Beach m

Elegant plains or exciting prints — •- you'll find the "exactly right" "Renaissance Page Coat", a reversible orange and purple wool twill fabric from our huge coat designed by Rudi Gemreich is winner of a 1967 Coty American Fash- selection. No charge ion Critics' "Hall of Fame" Award. The coat is wom with an orange and iiWM*m for making full purple plaid turban, steel earrings, orange tights and purple shoes. length, regular or traverse, from $1.98 yd. Opening Monday Oct. 23rd With a Whale of a Sale FREE ESTIMATES - HOME DECORATOR SERVICE | *Custom Made Draperies *Kirsch Traverse Rods Looking forward to seeing you and having you stop *Bed Spreads *Woven Woods We service and by and having you to say, "Hello"! *Decorat!ve Shades maintain free of charge every drap- MEMBER OF GREATER FORT LAUDERDALE ery rod we sell and CHAMBER OF COMMERCE install as long as you use it. Call GperuMon.-Sat. ; 9 to 5 praying the Gold Gotist Come In Or Phone RESORT FASHIONONS A raperies ancrFabrics 399-3636 3415 S. Federal Hwy., Delray Beach, 278-2877 85 E. PALMETTO PARK RD. 1038 E Atlantic Ave. Main SStreet IN FT. LDLE. CALL Visit our nationally famous Browse 'n Think Shop 564-6556 or 565-1790 BOCA RATH" Delray Beach, Fla. Blowing Rock, No. Carolina (Cove Center) Deerfield Beach 4242 N. FEDRL. HWY., 3 BLOCKS SOUTH HOLY CROSS HOSPITAL, FT. LAUDERDALE 1603 S.E. 3rd COURT - PHONE 399-2837 BOCA RATON NEWS Sunday, October 22, 1967 SB Investors' guide SELLING YOUR HOME? For Best Results 'Goal' of stock growth List With By SAM SHULSKY A. If the $1,000 rep- tificate into municipal which will still leave resents your savings, it bonds paying 5-1/2%, you a fair income af- Q. At which point may should stay in the bank. tax exempt. ter paying taxes — or SEE YOUR REALTOR one consider he's The important step for A. I don't think a mu- some good quality util- achieved his goal of you to take now is not to nicipal bond paying ity commons which pay Cdll J95-8300 for Classified Ad Service "growth" — when mon- do something with that 5-1/2% is safe enough dividends wholly or ey involved should be particular $1,000 but to for a retired person. partly exempt from in- re-invested in other set up a comfortable, Most good quality mu- come taxes. Your State revenues REALTORS OF BOCA RATON growth stocks offering continuing investment nicipals today yield broker can supply you The following ORYAL E. HADLEY, greater income? About are members program to build a capi- about 4-1/2% or so. That with such a list. of the Boca 400 E. Palmetto Pk. 20 years ago I bought tal stake overtheyears. extra 1% could repre- Raton Board Road, 395-2244. 50 shares of Corning You can do this via a sent considerable risk. climb sharply of Realtors. CHAS. HUTZLER, 72 Glass at about $30. It mutual fund, or by a I don't think, in gen- Mr, Shulsky welcomes Doing busi- S.E. 2n3 St., Phone recently was around monthly (or quarterly) eral, that a 22% tax all reader mail and tries State revenue climbed $300,872,751 during the ness with 395-8423. $350, so my growth aims investment in Stock Ex- bracket justifies mu- to more than $2.3 bil- 1966-67 fiscal year, as them you are to include all problems assured the highest F. WOODROW KEETON, have certainly been change securities of as nicipals, anyway. of general interest in lion during the 1966-67 compared to $283,050, 2950 N. Ocean Boule- realized, but income on little as $40 at a time. If you have funds to fiscal year, Comptrol- 433 during the previous type of service that can the money involved is the column. While he ler of Florida Fred O. be administered in the vard, 395-5252. * * * invest for growth — cannot undertake to ans- year. Gasoline taxes field of Real Estate far less than I get from Q. I am in my early which you seem to have (Bud) Dickinson, Jr., produced $169,155,053 MACLAREN & ANDER- other assets. Should I wer all queries person- reported. Practice. SON, 135 E. Palmetto 60s, retired, I will prob- — do so without any re- ally, readers desiring worth of revenue, ex- Park Rd., Boca Raton, sell? I also own Amer- ably pay an income tax gard to yield. If you. ., Comptroller Dickin- ceeding the previous CROSBY W. ALLEY, 21 ican Electric Power, investment lists should S.E. 3rd St., 395-4404. 395-1333. of several hundred dol- want maximum income address requests to Sam son, in the annual sum- year's total by nearly MADDOX REALTY, 507 Atlantic Richfield, Be- lars a year in the 22%from these funds, I'd mary of state finances, NICK AMRHEB\,7601N. thlehem, Calgon, Inter- Shulsky enclosing self- $10 million. N.E. 20th St., 395-2900 bracket for the next few vote for either high addressed, stamped en- noted that during the Motor vehicle li- Fed. Hwy., 278-5038. national Paper and Cal- years. Should I switch grade preferreds or fiscal 12 months the AEVIDA REALTY MEDALLION REALTY dor. velope care of the Boca censes, beverage taxes my 5-1/2% savings cer- bonds yielding 6% ~ Raton News. cash balance in the State and cigarette taxes SALES, Inc., 998 S. 95 E. Palmetto Park Rd., A. You raise an inter- Treasury also increas- raised an additional Federal Hwy.,395-2000. 395-2421. esting question, but let's ed. $234,644,244. Other ATLANTIC BOCA THOMAS J. MEREDITH clear it up first by sep- Revenue flow out- fees, licenses and taxes REALTY, 101 E. Pal- Realtor, 42 S.E. 2nd St. arating out all reference stripped spending for all amounted to $255,405, metto Pk. Rd., Boca Phone 395-1515. to income. When you buy state purposes by more 103. Raton, 395-8500. 3.C. MITCHELL & a stock for growth, for- than $2 million during BATEMAN and CO., SONS, Inc., 22 S. Fed- A breakdown of the eral Hwy., 395;4711. get about income. the period. total disbursements for 1299 s. Ocean Blvd., To take your own suc- Receipts for the 1966- the year showed the fol- Boca Raton, 395-9355. MOTHERWELL REAL- cessful example: Corn- 67 fiscal year reached lowing major expendi- W.P. BEBOUT, 140 N. TY, 757 S, Federal Hwy ing Glass Works has $2,346,783,933, Dick- tures: Health, up $10, Fed. Hwy., 395-8155. 395-4044. shown you a capital gain inson said "That was a 064.184 for a total of STEPHEN J. BODZO, F. BYRON PARKS, Via of about 1,000%. What healthy increase of $326 $80,017,715;' Education 5501 N. Federal Hwy., Mizner, Royal Palm difference does it make million in revenue to (excluding county 395-8200. Plaza, 395-3700. whether the dividend provide the governmen- schools), up$30,020,592 PETRUZZELLI REAL- BRANNON REALTY, IY, Inc., 2325 N. Ocean works out to 1-1/2, 2- tal services authorized for a total of $198,653, Inc., 330 E. Palmetto 1/2 or 3-1/2% a year? by the Legislature." 317; Welfare, up $16, Pk. Rd., 391-0429. Boulevard, 395-0822. Unless you are now re- Disbursements 333,662 for a total of PLASTRIDGE AGENCY tired and must turn to CAMINO GARDENS Inc., 224 S. Fed. Hwy amounted to $2,344,579, $171,872,673; Highways REALTY INC., P.O. 395-1433. this money for income, 278, as compared to $2, up $12,187,972foratotal Box 520, Phone 395-7020. keep your eye on the 011,881,250 of the prev- of $288,643,996. THE REAL ESTATE same ball: Growth of ious year. County schools re- OARLEN APPRAISAL CORNER, INC 60 S. capital. The balance in the AND REALTY INC. 450 Federal Highway, 395- ceived $277,335,623 in E. Palmetto Park Rd., 4624. Now, to the more State Treasury as of Minimum Foundation 399-4440. RICHARD F. ROSS, 21 complicated question of July 1, 1967, was $164, Program funds. Other whether you have reach- 696,430, as compared to distributions to count- BRUCE E. DARRELL, S.E. 3rd St., 399-6444. $162,491,775 of July 1, Realtor, 425 E. Palmet- ROYAL PALM REALTY ed "your growth aims" ies amounted to $157, to Park Rd., 395-1322. CORP., 307 Golfview in Corning? Whether you 1966. 721,139. Aids to cities Dr., 395-1662. should sell it? Dickinson attributed WM. DAY Inc., 500 S. and towns accounted for Federal Hwy., 395-0220. TOWN & COUNTRY Corning Glass exists Florida's healthy finan- $46,485,000. PROPERTIES, 330 E. as an investment with- cial picture and hefty PETER DOR AN, 133 Palmetto Park Rd., out regard to where you end-of-year balance to Boca Raton Rd., Phone 399-4629. Large Display 395-1102. bought it and to your in- the "continuing stable By WEEKES REALTY CO., dividual profit in it. The and conservative poli- FIRST REALTY CORP. MOSLER, INC., 100 S. Federal very existence of your cies of the state's elec- 20 S.E. 1st Avenue, Hwy., 395-1214. ME1L1NK 395-8600. big profit has no bearing tive Cabinet in its bus- M.N. WEBS & SONS, on its growth potential. iness-type approach to &'STAR FLORIDA SITES, Inc., Inc., 855 S. Federal In other words, the the management of state 1N-AFL00R 38 S.E. 4th St. 395-1890. Hwy., 395-4000 question is not whether spending. IB CHESTS EDWARD GARVY, 641 JOHN A. WRIGHT, 815 you should consider Dickinson said his re- SECURITY SAFE SALES South Federal Highway, Havana Drive, Boca Ea- whether YOU have port, in the form of a 5449 N. Federal Hwy. 391-0900. ton, 391-1661. reached your goal, but Lewis Deschler Richard Simmons pamphlet entitled "Your Ft. Louderdale - 565-2011 whether the stock has Money and Where it reached its goal. If you Goes," is now ready for can argue that the com- distribution to all inter- pany is still a strong Simmons new director ested parties. growth company then A breakdown of this your selling now merely year's balance indicated because you have a good that $68,797,873, as profit would be like ask- of Boca Raton Federal compared to $54,437,688 ing for a divorce solely Richard E. Simmons, portantly, obtain his and Loan League and a of the 1965-66 fiscal the Jiaok because your marriage executive vice president highly developed talents director of the Palm year, of the total sum has been a happy one. of Boca Raton Federal and knowledge of the Beach Chapter of the represented funds cred- A decision to sell Savings and Loan Asso- savings and loan indus- American Savings and ited to the state's oper- u Sxpen&ive! Corning must be arrived ciation, has been elected try in a policy-making Loan Institute. He is ating account, the Gen- at only by your deciding to the board of directors position on the board also active in civic work eral Revenue Fund. In (1) that the company's of the Association. of directors." and serves as adult Sun- addition, the par value chances for continued In addition to being day school supervisor of investments on hand expansion are less than Lewis Deschler, II, associated with Boca for the First Methodist was $952,076,180, com- Palm Royal they have been in the chairman of the board, Raton Federal Savings Church of Boca Raton. pared to $801,864,180 past, (2) that the price- said the directors of and Loan, Simmons is a He and his wife, Carol, of last year. CONDOMINIUM APTS. earnings ratio is too Boca Raton Federal member of the manage- and their four children Sales and use tax, the high (Corning has al- considered the selection ment committee of the live at 755 NE 32nd St., state's largest revenue ways sold at a high ratio) of Simmons as recogni- United States Savings Boca Raton. producer, brought in IN BOCA RATON and, just as important, tion of his managerial ROYAL PALM YACHT CLUB (3) that you have a bet-abilities in bringing ter place for your money Boca Raton Federal to grow. You have a Savings and Loan from its opening in April, fairly sophisticated list *:•:•:• of stocks, so I'd say 1968 MODELS you should trust your 1966, to its present asset own judgment — aug-strength of over $6 mil- mented by whatever data lion. Deschler said, UNDER CONSTRUCTION at your broker can provide. "The directors of Boca Raton Federal not only * * * pay tribute to Mr. Sim- Q. We are in our 20s,mons' executive ability with modest income. We by his election to the have $1,000 we'd like to Golden Harbour board, but more im- invest. m FRIGIDAIRE LAST 1967 MODEL GM

A grouping of unusually spacious apartment residences on five acres value now for of tropically - landscaped grounds opposite exclusive Royal Palm Yacht and Country Club. Convenient to shopping, dining, beaches, golf, fishing, marina, theatre, churches and the famous Boca Ratbn priced Sate Hotrl and Club. $22400 2 BEDROOM—2 BATH NO LAND LEASE © Roam sizes, closets and storage ® Reverse cycle air conditioning or 0 Large private screened and 1968 JET ACTION WASHER WCDATN Furnished or space like that of the average optional central air conditioning roofed balcony house ® Soft city water, city sewer "Rapidry-1000" Unfurnished 9 Built-in bedroom desk @ Swimming pool and clubhouse A Fully-tiled, glamorous baths The Different Way to Wash i-BEDROOM/T/zBATH and 2-BEDRO0M/2-BATH APARTMENTS Makes life easier for you and your clothes. This washer has a 5-year Na- Dock in-on deep wide canal From $12,500 f© 517,600 tionwide Guarantee backed by.General - Full goof Pafio 1 BR V/i Bath 2 BR 2 Bath Motors. Has the Frigidaire Deep Action County & City Taxes $15.00 $25.00 Agitator that creates power currents of Maintenance 6.50 8.50 water that rushes out dirt. "Rapidry- Water and Sewer 3.50 4.00 1000" cuts drying time, saves heavy $39,500 unfurnished Electricity 4.50 4.50 lifting; Jet Action removes lint and push- Insurance 3.50 3.50 es it .down the drain. * 41,500 furnished Escrow 2.00 2.00 Matching Dryer #DCDAN 153.00 OPEN Total $35.00 $47.50 SUNDAYS Water, Electricity, 'nsurann bated on actual averages; GENERAL^ ELECTRIC othtr Items estimated. Arcade Electronic ID SUPfLltB BT Phone395-2511 Golden Harbour 80% Sold! Reserve NOW for Furnished Models Open Daily (TOM MEYERS APPLIANCES) 399-1022 5th Ave. at N.E. 12th St. Sepf. & Jan. Occupancies pLe^Tl59 2029 NW 2nd AVE. Boca Raton 395-4611 BOCA RATON hue- from l.S.-l on S.E. 13th St.. 3 blocks south of Howard Johnsons 6B Sundnv hpr ?? 1QA7 ROCA RATON NEWS

30 ACRES YELLOW 660 Ft. per 224 DOOR HIGHWAY $ acre FRONTAGE 1195 o SPECIALS from Mulfiple Lisfing Service 100 x 125 ft. PLASTRIDGE GETS HOUSES BOUGHT RESIDENTIAL @nd SOLD FAST! LOT ONLY rfl $ 700. '71 1 ROYAL PALM YACHT & COUNTRY CLUB ROYAL OAK HILLS Corner SW 4th St. and SW 7th Ave. Expanded on the GOLF COURSE Norwalk Model. 2 bedrooms, 2 baths plus Located at 1415 Fan Palm Road this excellent huge family room. Separate dining room. Patio family home has 3 bedrooms - ZlA baths - Central and kitchen carpeted. Central heat & air con- heat and air conditioning. Golf cart Garage and ditioned. Wall-to-wall carpet. Vlasher — dry- overhang door. Large 100'x2009 lot with 50'x509 er - drapes - some furnishings. 1 car garage. patio. L shaped house with huge shade tree at Yellow door and yellow shutters. MLS-BR rear of home. MLS BE-948- Call Peg Zimmerman 1023 $29,500. BOCA SQUARE Sunday - 3990512. 942 S.W. 9th Terrace SERENITY peace of mind — tranquility — warmth — love — charm $18,700 and graciousness. All can be used in describing this perfectly exquisite Colonial home. Between the ocean 2 Bedrooms - 2 Baths. Central heat and the Intracoastal on a high, huge, double lot over- looking a dedicated park, it 100 year old Buttonwood and air conditioning. A clean, well Tree alive with song birds. maintained home with beautifully land- scaped, fenced yard, carpeting in liv- 4 bedrooms, each with private entrance and bath — one studio bedroom that an artist would appreciate. A BOCA RATON SQUARE ing room & hall and drapes in living mantel fireplace and bookshelves center the large liv- PRICE REDUCED $1000. room inc. MLS BR-1002. ing room. There is a real dining room and French doors 956 SW 7th St. 2 Bedrooms, 2 Bath. A TROPI- open to two patios and a separate terrace. A full 223' CAL DELIGHT! Pick your own coconuts, banan- wide lawn and garden embraces this home that literally as, papayas in one of the most beautiful yards says "Let me offer you love and shelter". Owned by a Phone we have seen. Florida flowers in abundance. * Buying a hcme- doctor currently out of the state, it may be purchased Large rooms, carpets in living and dining room for an unbelievably low $38,500. * Selling a home- 395-0220 & drapes included. MLS-BR 935 - $21,500- Call now to arrange for your tour of this value. MLS-BR- * Renting a home 1073. You'll get expert help PLASTRIDGE M ULTiPlE &C0. REALTY, INC. So. Federal Hwy. 1299 South Ocean Boulevard L 15TING 224 Boca Katon Boca Raton 395-9355 500 S. Federal Hwy. SERVICE Evenings & Sunday - Jack Dolan - 942-6693. Boca Raton, Fla. 395-1433 - 399-6517

f ? 1 OTHERWELL Good Family Home M REALTY Just REDUCED $2,000 ROYAL PALM YACHT & COUNTRY CLUI LUXURY AT A REASONABLE PRICE AN ENCHANTING HIDEAWAY Lovely home in quiet neighborhood. This roomy, contemporary, tri-level house on a large comer lot in Esterly with friendly, likeable neighbors. ON CANAL CLOSE TO INTRACOASTAL Large lot, nicely landscaped. 3 Bed- 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, with a spacious den opening onto I a screened patio. Beautiful landscaping! Ideal loca-J ONLY $85,000 rooms, 2 Baths / Heat and Air. Com- tion for F.A.U. faculty or I.B.M. personnel. See this' pletely furnished and equipped, many house today! Will not last long at $25,500. MLS-BR 1067. Nights and Sundays - 395-7703. extras, move right in. MLS-BR-1028 $21,300. m COUNTRY CLUB VILLAGE 269 N.W. 12th Ave., 3 bedrooms - 2 baths with central heat and air-conditioned. Garage with utility room, Pink , kitchen - excellent cabinet and storage space. Walking] ^x distance to schools - excellent neighborhood. MLS-BR- I 962- - $20,900- Plenty of room to Store them - but Keep your Fishing Ik Rods Handy. . . BEAUTIFUL HOME IN BOCA ISLANDS 7 for the fish jump out to find you in this lovely water-^j way. Just one of the extra benefits you'll enjoy in this 3 bedroom, 2 bath, large screen three bedroom home with a large pool. Three bathsj panelled den, 2 car garage. You'll like the house, thi! porch, closets papered and carp- location and the price. Worth your time to investigates™ eted. Price of $26,500 (just re- Telephone 395-7934 Sunday and evenings or 395-1 Wil'-^ MLS 700 WP. duced) includes drapes & carpets. MLS-BR 682.

iitt» VARSITY HEIGHTS - 1085 N.W. 3rd Ave., 2 oearoomj 2 battis plus Den. Beautifully landscaped with com-? plete rose garden. Sprinkler system with 90' deep well.1 Deiignttui Z bedroom nome in beautiful Camitio Gar-J dens. Fully air conditioned. Well landscaped. Immac-J Inc. Re frig., Carpet, Bugs, Curtains, Drapes. MLS BR- ulate and in first class condition. Custom-made drapf 992. - $19,000. eries, carpeting, washer,dryer included. MLS BR 1034-1 INSPECTION INVITED Only S29.500- Sun. and eve. 395-6775. Ideal for Yachtsman or Golfer with large dock and se-J Immaculate home on large corner parate Golf Cart Door for Golfers. Large den, plus ^ nice bedrooms, including large master bedroom and lot, 2 bedrooms, 2 baths, large spacious dressing room adjoining. Beautiful view froinj living area with wall-to-wall car- BOCA RATON SQUARE living room across pool and canal. Kitchen, barbecue,| patio and pool make a wonderful leisure area. Price! peting. Ideal for small family. 4 Bedrooms-2 Baths George B. Van Zee, Realtor includes carpeting, draperies, washer, dryer, refri-l Handy to shopping center andFAU- gerator, etc. Too many other custom features to detail! Radiant ceiling heat plus brick fireplace with gas ROYAL PALM SHOPPING PLAZA MLS-BR-926. $15,500 log. Knotty cedar panel in dining room. Built-in break- Call for appointment to see for yourself. Price reduced] fast noon. Wall to wall carpeting in living room 9651 307 Golf View Drive $10,000 for a quick sale. MLS-BE-1835WP. Boca Raton S.W. 13th St. MLS. $25,500. Telephone 395-1661 ?: OTHERWEL r~ ^) r REALTY

395-4044 REALTOR 22 S. FEDERAL 757 S. Fed. Hwy. w yi BOCA RATON, FLA. Boca Raton 399-2346 140 N. Federal Hwy., Boca Raton REALTORS PHONE 395-4711 395-8155 PHONE 399-6711 BOCA RATON NEWS Sunday, October 22, 1967 3B Beta chapters GRIFFIN plan meeting FLOORING CO. 'Griffin Has The Floor'.' Boca Raton A joint meeting of Xi Gamma Sigma and Epsi- lon Pi chapters, Beta VINYL Sigma Phi, will be held CORK Wednesday, Oct. 25, in the home of Mrs. Em- RUBBER mette Waite, 1155 S.W. women host Third St. FORMICA The meeting will be- SANDING gin at 8 p.m. Co-Hos- tess is Mrs. Charles FINISHING Heater. Included1 in the program will be a cos- FREE ESTIMATES Federation metic demonstration. 118 N. Federal Hwy. Delray CR 8-1210 Use the Classifieds Boca Raton Woman's Club and Junior Wo- man's Club hosted clubs from as far north * -.. -^ as Vero Beach for the annual district meet- ing of Florida Federation of Woman's Clubs The meeting, which began with coffee and ended with luncheon and tour of Florida Atlantic University, drew more than 240 women, 30 of whom were from Boca Raton. FINE LINENS

Jaa.es Masek (left) president, Royale Wo- her club, Mrs. Glenn" Snnthson, Mrs. Anthony P. Mrs. Club, checks program with delegates from Tarvers and Mrs. Howard Flammer. man's a iaveig home • BED LINENS t-C • BLANKET COVERS ® COMFORTERS * TABLE LINENS • BATH fOWELS 3audoiz and 3at&


,*oyal Palm Plaza Boca Raton 2426 Las Olas Blvd., Ff. Lauderdale

*- REVIVAL Mrs. Harry Benson and Mrs. William Blosser Junior Woman's Club, pour Mrs. Joseph Artabasy, Woman's Club president, helps Mrs. Oliver Cham- coffee for Mrs. H. V- Hanson, junior district director. bers, chairman for the day, with her hostess hat. Irriino Coifftires Oct. 22-29, 7:30 Nightly S and WIG SALON 'Old legalistic moralty is gone' "^ European and American trained HAIR •i, STYLISTS to serve the mast discim- EVANGELIST inatinq Ladies at moderate prices. Marietta tells FAU women Finest QiHslity Wigs and Wiglets so, it is situational, its be a good guide," he and state are changing, By Luthien Tinuviel said. "Also, the rules Dr. Marietta noted. 251 W; Clitiino Real - Phone 395-7055 rules not applying to ev- LARRY WALKER Is it "in" to sin? erybody everytime. of the new morality are Most people now are ab- Without ans wring with "Some would say that flexible, not graven in le to think philosophi- LONG ISLAND an unequivocal 'yes' or love is the only test of stone." cally and don't need the cnoJ, Dr. Don Marietta whether an act is good The old sexual moral- authority of the church. or bad," asserted Dr. ity, he pointed out, had Also, they have the Wednesday told mem- greatest options of all bers of Florida Atlantic Marietta. "But that some grievous faults in- e of University's Women's doesn't take into ac- cluding the double times for the typ SINGER Club that "sin" still count the problem of ig- standard which is notsocial, ethnic, or reli- Custom Made Draperies and Shades carries built-in psycho- norance. And also, what allowed in the new. The gious relationship they new does not advocate wish: if they find the Slipcovers • Upholstery logical hazards to thedo you do when a deci- sinner. sion must be made be- pre-marital sex re-ideals of their own group BROADMAN WARE But the old legalistic tween two people, or be- lations but is tolerant to be lacking, they can Free Decorator Service For Consultation tween a person and so- of it when it involves adopt others. This is morality - mostly a possible because today FT. LAUDERDALE Phone 399-7033 matter of don'ts - is ciety?" two people who are com- gone, and it is neither He added that his Al- mitted to each other and is a time of mobility, possible nor desirable abama ancestors were not merely engaging in a even in the area of so- fl S 9 to bring it back. known to have loved and casual relationship. On cial stratification. Speaking before the cherished their slaves. the other hand, adultery Even the concept of FAU group, the assis- But this didn't justify is not tolerated. God is undergoing tant professor of philo- . "Though there is now change. He is regarded, DRAPERY STUDIO sophy confined his dis- "Under the new mor- more pre-marital sex- less and less as a judge FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH 3062 N. FEDERAL HWY., BOCA RATON cussion mostly to an ex- ality - which isn't en- ual activity, there is or a giver of rules. position of the new tirely new - people are less prostitution, and morality which he term- not to be degraded or less seduction of the Use the Classifieds DEERFSED BEACH - 701 Hi. 2nd Si. ed an American-British used as things or as girls on the other side movement. tools," he said. of the railroad tracks," It's not just a matter The clergyman and he said. of sex, but covers the professor noted that the His surmise was that LUX CARPET new morality is harder if the trend toward pre- whole range of life, he marital sex relations SPECIAL GOURMET DINNER MENU ;-?;:Svg2i$jiot;f N; 3f-ey(?rci| ;Hwy;; PompqrioBedch f :-.X said. It differs from to live up to than the the old in its stress on old. In the old days continues it may lead to Complete Dinner Five Dollars the motivation and con- a good businessman was an upgrading of the en- UE HOME or sequences of an act, Al- one who didn't steal and gagement period to COCKTAILS A LA CARTE DINNER Members Pomp,-Ft. Laud. Chamber of Commerce obeyed the Ten Com-something like the sta- PENTHOUSE FLOOR FROM 5 P.M. 5:30-11 P.M. mandments. Now hetus of marriage, which it Reservations must show a concern for has in some cultures. Suggested: 525^3303 (Closed Sundays) his employees and for In spite of the free- Madeleine society in general. 333 SUNSET DRIVE AWARDS 3 ROOMS CARPET dom afforded by the pill, HOLIDAY 5-STAR At The. Piano . And the Ten Com-he warned, grave possi- FDRT LAUDERDALE From. 8:30 30 SQUARE YARDS: ENOUGH TO COVER mandments? Efficient bilities for psychic da- MAGAZINE MOBIL GUIDE AVERAGE LIVING ROOM, DINING ROOM & HALL! for their day, but they mage exist for the pro- PACKHAT contain many loopholes. miscuous girl. Most GIFT CENTER Nor do they cover the counselling cases in this current situation. category he has seen Flit The lest In Your House! ALL POPULAR COLORS! "A moral code based were characterized by • LEES CARPETS NEW 1967 PATTERNS! OF DELRAY BEACH on authority alone is no p sychological p r o b- lems. « GULISTAN » INSTALLATION! SfOWflPIM longer acceptable. It • PADDING! must be reasonable and The roles of church •• -MOHAWK 9 HOME ESTIMATES! Distinctive gifts Including ® CALLAWAY Hand mode Early American Wood reproductions... ® MONARCH Novelties from oyr own fac- And Many Other Famous Brands tory in Maine ... Also SHOP AT HOME Outstanding Lamps, pottery. If not convenient for you ID COMPLETE Imported and domestic nov- come In, our-carpat .expert win elties bring samples to your home DECORATOR SERVICE where you can test coordinate 629 S.E. 6lh Ave. Dtlray iextiires and colors. He'll give Large Selection or Fabrics lor an estimate without charge. Draperies and Slipcovers. Skilled Tel. 278-2975 £ 276-5570 Come in today I • Reupholstery Work. Hours From 9 to 5 Phona m-U5T w W5-3717 Closed Sundays CALL Co. 0m. 942-2900 BOCA RATON, 64 S. Federal Hwy., 395-3717 14K GOLD $14.95 WE ARE THE LARGEST OZITE Pompano Beach, Shoppers Haven, 941-1657 up UP TO DEALERS IN THIS AREA OUTSIDE OUR LOCAL 44 S.E. 1st Ave. Amdur Bldg.. CHAKtJE ACCOUNTS 30 SQ. YDS. AREA PLEASE CALL COLLECT Downtown Boca Raton INVITED 4B Sunday, October 22, 1967 BOCA RATON NEWS

-..*(.- SALESMAN'S Electronic candlelight takes SAMPLES and ;r1 Nearly New for place of old wicker candles Evecy Occasion — It. THRIFT PRICES Golf Course, 9:30 a.m. Do you avoid dining ored lights can be used recreation rooms, they MONDAY, OCTOBER 23 Decoupage, Community Center, 9:30 a.m. by candlelight because with dimmers to create are also useful in other areas. For example, a Otra Vez Dressmaking, Community Center, 9:30 a.m. Special Christmas decorations class, Garden of dripping candlewax a variety of moods. Club center, 10 a.m. or the rislT of igniting a Dimmers are econo- dimmer in a child's bed- Dress Shop Enameling on copper, Scout Hut, 9:30 a.m. room allows Mm-to fall Adult tennis instr., tennis courts, 10 a.m. sleeve while .passing the mical as well as useful. 192 S. Dixie Corsage class, Garden Club center, 10 a,m. Lighting experts point asleep with a comforting Woman's Choral Group, First Methodist Church, Retired Physicians and Dentists organization, salad bowl? Now enjoy Boca Raton Deerfield Beach Country Club, noon. candlelight atmosphere out that dimmers save glow that's not bright 10 a.m. enough to keep him Needlecraft, Community Center, 1 p.m. Soroptimists, Dutch Pantry, 12:15 p.m. without these problems. money on electric bills, Exchange Club, Pal's, 12:15 p.m. Electronic dimmers since the cost of opera- awake. To Place a Welfare Council case worker,Unitarian-Univer- In adult bedrooms, a salist Church, 1 p.m. Welfare Council case worker, Unitarian-Univer- which allow complete tion is proportionate to salist Church, 1 p.m. control of lighting lev- the degree of bright- wife can turn the lights Classified Ad Brownies, Scout Hut, 2 p.m. on low without disturb- Flag-tag practice, pony league field, 3:30 p.m. How-to-dr&w class, Community Center, 1 p.m. els from off to full ness. Call 395-8300 Jets football practice, pony league field, 6:30 p.m. Girl Scouts, Scout Hut, 3:30 p.m. brightness, are avail- Although dimmers ing a sleeping husband. Dressmaking, Community Center, 7 p.m. Giants vs. bears (flag-tag), pony league field, able in attractive com- are most often found Leadership training course, Scout Hut, 7 p.m. 3:30 p.m. pact models at local in living, dining, and Used outside, dim- Little Theater, Community Center, 7 p.m. Colts vs. Saints (flag-tag), pony league field, hardware, department mers are ideal for por- Lion's Club, 399 N.W. 35 St., 7:15 p.m. 4:30 p.m. or variety stores. ches, or patios - as Special PTA meeting, J.C. Mitchell School, 8p.m Jets football, pony league, 6:30 p.m. Any brilliance desir- the sun sets, the light o Twilighters, Scout Hut, 7:30 p,m. ed can be selected sim- level can be dialed up. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 24 Ballroom dancing, Community Center, 7:30 p.m. ply by turning a dial - Still life composition, Community Center, 9:30 Jaycees, Scott bldg., 8 p.m. bright for reading or Masonic Lodge, 399 N.W. 35 St., 8 p.m, sewing, subdued for din- a.m. ing or entertaining, or WATCH OUT FOR Palm frond weaving, Scout Hut, 9:30 a«m. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 27 dim for television view- Plastic flowers, Community Center, 9:30 aom. THE OTHER GUY PEO, members homes, 9:45 a.m. . Designing, Community Center, 9 a.m. ing and relaxing. Col- Rug hooking, Scout Hut, 10 a.m. Oil painting, Community Center, 9:30 a.m. Dog obedience class, Community Center, 10 a.mo Glass staining, Scout Hut, 9:30 a.m. Women will Sketch group, Art Guild, 10 a.m, Crushed glass lamps, Community Center, 9:30 Let's See 1 Kiwanis Club, New England Oyster House, noon. a.m. Brownies, Scout Hut, 2:30 p.m. Weaving, Garden Club center, 10 a.m. tour gardens Storm Patriots vs. Bills, (flag-tag), pony league field, Duplicate bridge, Community Center, 12:30 p.m. 3:3 p.m. Liquid embroidery, Community Center, 1 p.m. Fifty-five members Drive Defensively! Designing 2, Community Center, 1 p.m. of both the Royal Palm Shutters, Girls Softball clinic, pony league field, 3:30 p.m. Just being in the right isn't enough. Baton twirling, Scout Hut, 3:30 p.m. Billiard instr., (children), Community Center, and Royal Poinciana Miss Chatelier Nearly half (he drivers in fatal col- 3:30 p.m. chapters, National lisions are in the right. Drive defen- Food, Tap and ballet, Community Center, 4 p.m. sively—as if your life depended on Oilers vs. chargers (flag-tag), pony league field, Flag tag practice, pony league field, 3:30 p.m. Farm and Garden Asso- it. (It does.) Jets football practice, pony league field, 6 .-30 p.m. ciation, will tour Mrs. Engagement 4:30 p.m. Published tc save lives Water, Sea Explorer Ship 307, Advent Lutheran Church, Katherine Isgette's pri- in -fiDperalion with The Advertising Council Jets football practice, pony league field, 6:30p.m. ana me National Safety Council. Boy Scout troop 307, Advent Lutheran Church, 7 p.m. vate gardens in Fort Insurance.. Beg. Bridge instr., Community Center, 7:30 p.m. Lauderdale Wednesday, is announced 7 p.m. October 25. Portrait painting, Community Center, 7:30 p.m. Golf instr., Community Center, 7:30 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Louis THE ABOVE MESSAGE IS Insurance ! ! Royal Oak Bridge Club, Community Center, 7:30 The two groups will Chatelier, 1177 S. W. PUBLISHED AS A PUBLIC SATURDAY, OCTOBER 28 meet at Bibletown park- SERVICE IN CONJUNC- p.m. Fifth St., have announc- TION WITH THE INSURE WITH "DAY" Municipal band concert, Community Center, 7:30 Children tennis instr., tennis courts, 9 a.m. ing lot at 10:30 a.m. and ed the engagement of p.m. Children tennis instr., tennis courts, 10 a.m. will travel caravan style their daughter, Linda BE SURE TOMORROW! Ceramics, Scout Hut, 7:30 p.m. Chess Club, Community Center, 10 a.m. to the gardens. Follow- Marie, to Dennis Has- BOCA RATOH Civitans, University Inn, 7:30 p.m. Drum lessons, Community Center, 10 a.m. ing the tour the women kell, son of Mr. and NE«S BPO Does Drove 173, 140 N.W. 11 St., 8 p.m. Sparky Fire Department, Boca Raton Theatre, will be served luncheon Mrs. Carl B. Haskell, 10 a.m. at the gardens and hear Venice. ANNUAL SAFETY WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 25 Song-flute lessons, Community Center, 10:30 a.m. Norman Nelson, land- Miss Chatelier is a CAMPAIGN Cancer dressing workshop, First Methodist Tenn tennis instr., tennis courts, 11 a.m. scape architect, speak graduate of Boca Raton Watch for Starting Date Church, 9 a.m. Judo instr., Community Center, 1 p.m. on "Bonsia." High School. Haskell Boca Raton Woman's Golf Association, hotel golf Guitar instr., Community Center, 1 p.m. is a graduate of Uni- Roller skating, Scout Hut, 1:30 p m. course, 9 a.m0 a BBSS students versity of Florida with Story Hour (ages 4-6), Boca Raton Library, 9 a.m. Daily: Shuffleboard, 9-noon, 1-5, 7-10 p.m. (Sun- a bachelor of science Buy with confidence from Oil painting, Community Center, 9:30 a.m. day, 5-10 p.m.); beaches, 9:30 a.m. - 5 p.m.; degree in pharmacy. Americas largest jewelers Sewing, Garden Club Center, 10 a.m. tennis courts, sun-up - 10 p.m.; Kiddie Korral, slate show The couple plans a Nov. 500 stores coast to coast Int. Bridge instr., Gommunity Center, 10 a.m. fourth grade and younger (picnic area.) 23 wedding in St. Joan Republican Woman's coffee, Community Center, Members of Boca Ra- of Arc Church. Diamonds to $5000 10 a.m. ton High School's Fu- Watches to $1300 Rotary Club, New England Oyster House, 12:15 Delta Zeta alumnae plan ture Teachers of Am- F60 Day money back guarantee if not p.m. erica are putting the Births satisfied on any purchase Liquid embroidery, Community Center, 1 p.m. finishing touches on Mr. and Mrs. William Expert watch repair their fashion show Shoppers Knitting and crocheting, Community Center, lp«m. founder's day banquet S. Edward, 264 N.E. Se- Haven scheduled for Monday, Open til Girl Scouts, Scout Hut, 3 p.m. venth St., announce the Pompano Flag-tag practice, pony league field, 3:30 p.m. Harold R. Stone, Flo- a three quarter scholar- in the high school audi- birth of a son, Mark 1 P.M.Nitely? Jets football practice, pony league field, 6:30 rid a Atlantic Universi- ship from Delta Zeta, torium. Walker, Oct. 14inBeth- 941-5710 _; p.m. ty student, will be guest is taking courses in spe- Theme for this year's esda Memorial Hos- Judo instr., Community Center, 7 p.m. speaker at Delta Zeta cial education in the show, scheduled to begin pital. Mrs. Edward is Boy Scout troop 333, First Presbyterian Church, Alumnae Founder's Day hopes of eventually at 7:30 p.m., is "Fash- the former Marion 7 p.m. banquet Tuesday. working with mentally ions on the Go". Walker. Coast Guard Auxiliary, Scout Hut, 7:30 p.m. The banquet will be retarded children, Twenty-five teenage Boy Scouts, Scout Hut, 7:30 p.m. held at 6:30 p.m. in Other guests at the models, including three Why Does Volleyball for adults, Boca Raton School gym, Pal's Captain's Table, dinner, open to all Del- from Boca Raton, De- 8 p.m. Stone who is attend- ta Zeta alumnae, will nise Ballard, Sue Wolf Elks Lodge 2166, 140 N.W. 11 St., 8 p.m. ing the university on be Ada Grace Tedder, and Carol Hutchens, will "Cocktail Hour Joint meeting, Beta Sigma Phi chapter, home of provincial vice presi- model the fashions. Last Two Hours? Mrs. Emmette Waite, 8 p.m. Newcomers dent for the group. High- Proceeds will be (All Drinks are 48? from Alcoholics Anonymous, open discussion, First light of the meeting will placed in a fund for the 4:00 to 6:00 P.M. m Methodist Church, 8:30 p.m. plan party be the announcement of Future Teachers' Con- Free Hers d'oeuvros tool) the national DZ woman vention in Clearwater U.S. 1 in Boca Raton THURSDAY, OCTOBER 26 Newcomers Club will of the year. hold a card party Nov. 9 this year. Sunrise Kiwanis Club, Royal Palm Cafeteria, in the Community Cen- 7:30 a.mo ter. Play will begin at Adult tennis instr., Tennis courts, 9 a.m. 7:30 p.m. Crushed glass, Community Center, 9:30a.m. Ticket co-chairmen PROF ANCHOR AT Holiday craft, Scout Hut, 9:30 a.m. are Mrs. August Len- Slimnastics, Community Center, 9:30 a.m. in ann and Mrs. Joseph Royal Palm Woman's Golf Association, Royal Palm Abraham, The perfect setting for your Florida home... m CAMINO BOCA RATON'S DISTINGUISHED GARDENS COMMUNITY ON THE INTRACOASTAL

4 Residential prestige and convenience in beautiful BOCA RATON, midway • Waterfront sites fully sei-walfed between Palm Beach and Ft. Lauderdale • Direct access to Intraceastal Waterway . . . no bridges to pass under Six rambling acres of garden, embracing a • • City sewers installed ... no future assess- private lake and island, lie between you and ment! for sewers and new streets the world of everyday things... in a 9 Custom-designed homes built by A & P community of sweeping hills, waterways, Construction, one of Boca Raton's longest- landscaped streets ... and homes that are no established home builders less than superb! Discover the superb HUNTINGTON ELECTRIC a home that literally surrounds its own personal portion of Florida's incomparable APPLIANCES SUPPLIED & SERVICED BY climate! The huge screened pool patio is open to every room in the home to form a V1DA APPLIANCE CORP. courtyard of modern pleasure. Three bed- BOCA RATON » POMPANO BEACH rooms, three baths, brilliant all-electric kitchen.

HOMES ON WATERFRONT SITES One of six new exhibit homes of Camino IN THE BAG -Here's a g^eat, new convenience idea. Every homemaker.knows Gardens, priced from $29,950 to $45,950. what bother it is to scurry around at the last moment to gather all the dry FROM (Slightly higher on waterfront.) On Camino Real 2 Blocks West of U. S. 1. Or see your cleaning and laundry - and usually forgetting to include one or two pieces. Realtor. Now that problem is solved by an attractive golden nylon bag which Imperial Cleaners provides to hang in your closet. HOMES ON OFF-WATER SITES During the week, as things get soiled, just pop them in the bag. Then when your Imperial FROM driver calls, just give him the bag. 28,500 If you would like to be a regular route customer for Imperial service, just call HOMES BY 566-5479- Your driver will deliver a golden mylon bag promptly. As a bonus he will give

you a free copy of a wonderful 36-page book in tho heart of "The Family Income Manager." It's the per- CLEAMERS & TAILORS •*-TO T=0Rr BOCA RATON fect way to solve family money problems 1500 E. Commercial Blvd. MODELS OPEN 9-5 DAILY DIRECTIONS: through budgeting and good management. Fort Lauderdale ENTER LAKE ROGERS COMMUNITY IN Phones: 399-7252 er 395-4254 W E Call Today. 566-5479 RATON FROM U.S. 1 AT N.E. 37tli ST. ENTERPRISE BOCA RATON NEWS Sunday, October 22, 1967 7B INewsmen will meet Former Chicago and living in Boca Ra- newspapermen and their ton. wives held their annual election of officers and for the get - together Friday, aboard the Southern CORRECT TIME Belle showboat at Fort Lauderdale. 24 hours a day Steve O'Connor of Boca Raton, is chair- Call 395-2010 man of the Florida courtesy of chapter, Chicago Press Veterans Association. BOCA RATON • Lots of action O'Connor is a-former NATIONAL BANK Chicago newspaper edi- in real estate tor and is now retired S. fed.at Camino Real Wales, his wife to Warren Rise- Recent Boca Raton ley and Loretta D. Riseley, his real estate transactions wife. as compiled for the News Lot 18, Blk 59, Boca Raton 105 East Boca Raton Road by the Laweyers Title Square Unit XI, S.S. $63.00 B a R aton> Robert C. Jares and Mary F. HAYDEN, STQNE " l !L ACnn Insurance Corp, are Jares, his wife to Camil R. — nruunn i»a Valcourt and Kathreyn N. Val- ••••ilia «iwYonK«TOen naumi Telephone: 395-4500 listed below. Jordan Marsh store to open William S. Knox. Managar Documentary stamps, court, his wife. 82 offices throughout the world. Lot 40, Blk 27, Boca Raton listed by amount, indi- Hills Sec. ~3, S.S, $9.60, James cate the approximate H. Gummin and Verna May Cum- sale price in many in- min, his wife to Otto H.Heilner and Klse Hellner, his wife. stances. They are com- Lot 19, Blk 4, Paradise Palms in Palm Beach Mall Oct 26 puted on $3 per $1,000 Unit ~1, S.S. $12.00, Milton O. value; in other words, a Hill and Emma H. Hill, his wife Thursday, Oct. 26, is in Palm Beach County. featured air-condition- viewing perspective. WHAT'S THIS ALL ASOBT? $10,000 sale would re- to Herman Hostettler and Leona the date. The Palm Encompassing ap- ing or heat according The gallery will be the quire $30 in stamps. B. Hostettler, his wife. proximately 180,000 to the distates of the setting for one-man and Lot 13, Blk 7, Winfield Park Beach Mall in West group shows of artists Unit --2, S.S. $77.10, Howard S. Palm Beach is the place. square feet of retailing climate. Week ending October 6, 1967. Marshall and Dorothy H. Mar- innovations, the three Conforming to the .around the world. On Lot 191, 2nd Sec, Tropic Isle The event is the offi- view now for three S.S. $72.00, Bushman and Ruth, shall, his wife to Leonard L. cial opening of Jordan story Jordan Marsh is successful Jordan Inc. to Rodney B. Radford and Holt and Olga Holt, his wife. Marsh retailing philos- weeks is a group show- Mary T, Radford, his wife. South One Half of Lot 10, Marsh, Florida's, fifth located in the center of ing of Florida artists, Lot 23, Blk 7, Royal Palm Blk 6, Spanish Village, S.S. $45. major department store million square foot en- ophy of a shop-within- Yacht & Country Club, S.S. Richard Castelli and Angela — and the largest one closed Mall, which will a-shop, the new depart- "The goal, which we $21.00, Charles L. Atwater and Castelli, his wife to Andrew K. ment store introduces believe we achieved," Carol D. Atwater, his wife to Brotchie and Mary M. Brotchie, his wife. dramatic variations. said William S. Ruben, Richard W. Dodge. president of Jordan Lot 19, Blk 9, Tunison Palms Lot 5, Blk 17, Blake's, S.S. The merchandising fo- HCESES! LAKE! COUNTRY GENTLEMAN LIVING! Sec. 2, S.S. $9.00, Itvenus De- $24,00, Theresa Lippert to cus is on presentation Marsh, Florida, "was velopment and Industrial Corp. Kathryn R. Greene, of goods within a co- and is to make Jordan SIX ACRES with 3500 sq. ft. lake. Bam with horse to Arthur B.Cocklin and Marian Lot 3, Blk 8, Chatham Hills, Marsh an integral part stalls, feed room, tack room, and pump house. This Cocklin, his wife. S.S. $60.00, Marion G, Butler ordinated complex, unusual three bedroom, two bath home has sunken Lot 10, Blk 8, Spanish River to Joseph Aigner and Katherine where families can shop' of the community, . .a living room - huge 75 ft. porch. Reverse cycle heat Land Co. s/d Unit #3, S.S. Aigner, his wife. for any item within a department store de- Lot 11, Blk 8, Royal Palm and central air conditioning. Property surrounded by 519.50, Richard J. Woli to Louis category without going signed to fulfill all the wooden fencing. Beautifully furnished including color E. McDonough and Annona K., Yacht &. Country Club, S.S. his wife. $150.00, Robert W. Motherwell to several in-store lo- needs of the people of TV, washer, dryer and deep freeze. This property Lot 11, Blk 1, Lake Rogers and Glennys T. Motherwell, his cations. Palm Beach County." must be seen to be appreciated. MLS-BR-1059. Isle Unit C, S.S. S85.50, Mar- wife to F. Gregg Thompson, Jr. Charles Wells, Jr., Call 395-2421 for additional information. qusee Homes, Inc. to Richard and Katherine C.Thompson,his Fashionable and func- J. Galli and Irma F., his wife. wife. tional are the keywords general manager of the Lot 15, Blk 32, Boca Raton Lots 101 and 102, Tropic Isle, in interior design and new department store, Square Unit 4, S.S. $66.00, J. S.S. $13.50, Norman S. Merkel, the vast array of mer- said "We will provide Clayton Curlee and Anna B. Joel Hoch, E.J. Bolender, Trus- Curlee his wife to Carl O. tees and Ind. joined by their chandise. A bright place the customer the fash- Realty Perry and Anna Perry, his wife. resp. wives, Edna Hoch an^ of passage, each section ion pace-setters is ap- 95 E. Palmetto Pk. Ed. - Phone 395-3421 Lot 5, Blk 2, Ocean Heights, Gertrude Bolender to Edwin W. is defined by a color and parel and home furnish- S.S. $69.00, Carl E.B.McKenry Young and June R. Young, his Jr. and Roberta M. McKenry, wife. decor. Harmony is ings supplemented with services heretofore not his wife to Thomas L. Cramer Lot 29, Blk 9, Boca Islands achieved through pro- and Betty Ann Cramsr, his wife. Sec. ~1, S.S. S24.00, Itvenus, portion, colors, woods usually offered by a re- Lot 13, Blk 18, Boca Raton Inc to Itvenus Development & and finishes. tailer." Square Unit 4, S.S. $11.70, Sid- Industrial Corp. ney R. Boiling and Jenny N. Lot 17, Blk 54, Boca Raton The various men's Boiling, his wife to Charles F. Square Unit 13, S.S. $12.60, and boy's wear areas Apartment Stanley and Anna L. Stanley, Ian B. MacLellan to George are set apart as a dis- his wife. Raymond Adams Jr. and Bonita Lot 112, Tropic Isle, First Lee, his wife. tinctively masculine Sec, S.S. $15.00, Norman S. Lot 2, Blk 5, Boca Islands shopping center with its building Merkle, E.J. Bolender and Joel Sec. -1, S.S. $60.00, Jqseph T. dark paneled walls, red Hock, as Trustees, joined by Holland, Jr. to Jane T. I Iain- their Respect Wives Gertrude line. and black tweed carpet Bolender and Edna Hoch to Lot 6, Blk 2, Ocean Heights, and heraldic wall hang- announced F. William Paas, and Louise J. S.S. S4K.60, Madeline M. Dorian Jorge Echarte Felix Granados ings from Spain. The Paas, his wife. joined by her husband JamesC. Gentry Shop is identi- Construction will be- Lot 18, Blk 10, Replat of Coun- Donan to John W. Wulff and Beth try Club Village Sec. A. John K. Wulff, his wife. fied in this complex by gin Tuesday on a $2 mil- F. Sullivan and Ethel A. Sul- Lot 7, Blk 4, Lake Floresta Leisureville opening the use of a slate tile lion 72-apartment high- livan, his wife to William D. •Park 1st section, S.S. $10.80, and oak parquet floor rise building at 3230 S. Meier and Katharine J. Meier, Martin J. Kelly and Margueritte his wife, S70.50. G. Kelly, his'wife to William and green stained glass Ocean Blvd., Palm Lot 9, Blk 52, Unit ff9 Boca L. Knight. draws more than 9,000 windows flanking the en- Beach. Raton Square SS $72.60 Ron- S 77 ft of Lot 18 plus N 3 ft trance. The high-'rise, La Tune this compact conso ette ald L. Polane and Jenie B. of Lot 17, Blk 11, Camino The palette ranges Renaissance, will fea- Polane, his wife to George H. Gardens, S.S. $26.40, Camino Deposits were taken sauna batns and exer- from your easy chair Campbell and Georgette J. Gardens, Inc. to Joseph P. on 31 homes during the cise rooms equipped from the pink, pink of ture two-bedroom, two- Campbell, his wife. Kleinkort and Marie C., his three-day grand open- with electric body- the lingerie departments bath apartments with Here's proof that quality Color TV need not Lot 10, Blk 1, Country Club wife. ing celebration last building or reducing de- to the rich gold and all - electric kitchens be expensive. New Vista Remote Control TV Village, Sec. A. SS $57.00, Wil- Lot 1, Blk 6, Palmetto Park has powerful 25,000-volt chassis with auto- liam E. Emrick and Helen C. Terrace Unit 5, S.S. Si8.00, weekend for Leisure- vices. Other recreation creamy white of the de- and individual central Emrick, his wife to Shirley D. M. Richard Robinson and Rita ville. A crowd estimated is supplied by an Olym- signer and better dress air-conditioning in each matic chroma control circuitry to keep color 95 Will. Robinson, his wife to Lewis at more than 9,000 view- pic swimming pool, departments to the sun- unit. intensity constant. Automatic colorpurifier 589 Lot 16, Blk 2, Ocean Heights Edward Barnhardt and Evelyn ed the six model homes shuffleboard courts, ny yellow counterpoint- Completion date for "cancels" magnetism that may cause pic- S/D SS $49.50. Frances E. W. Barnhardt, his wife. ture impurities. Tohms to E. Conner Johnson Lot 9, Blk G, Boca Harbour in Pompano's new adult putting green and bar- ed by black and white the building is next and Vera M. Johnson, his wife. 5th Section, S.S. $76.50, Her- club community. becue picnic area. checkerboard patterns March 30. Owner and bert C. Buckbee and AHhea C. in the junior read-to- Lot 18, Blk IS, Camino Gar- Buckbee, his wife to John C.E. Jorge Echarte and The six model houses builder of the project is dens, Sec. 2 SS S11H.50. Camino Schwab and Sara L. Schwab, his Felix Granados, offi- are priced from $8,990 wear complex to the Carmine Martucci & Son Electronic Gardens, Inc. co William E. deep velvet blue recess- Worsham and Gertrude H., his wife. cers of Caldos Town, to $13,490. In addition of New York. The firm (Tom Meyers Appliances) wife. Lot 9, Blk 12, Floresta, S.S. Inc., developers of Lei- to full use of the rec- es which display fine also owns La Renais- Lot 7, Blk 5, Unit 1, Boca $12.00, Daniel P. Donohue and sureville, signalled the reation facilities, Lei- china and sparkling sance Country Club on Raton Square SS $45.60. Leo H. lone C. Donohue, his wife to crystal. 2029 NW 2nd AYE. 395-4611 Roszell and Kathleen . Ros- Raymond J. Schuster and Grace opening of the commun- sureville residents have Long Island, N.Y, zell, his wife to William P. . E. Schuester, his wife. tiy by raising the flag their lawns watered, The Jordan Marsh In- Lot 10, Blk 10, Delray Man- ternational Art Gallery Bohn and Maria R. Bohn, his ors; S.S. $25.20, John E. Feld- on Friday morning. The mowed, fertilized and wife. mann and Natalie Feldmann, partners are refugees sprayed and the exterior has been designed with Lot 8 and NE'ly 37.5 ft Lot his wife to Ida L. Curtiss, as from Castro-dominated of their homes painted hanging panels so the art 9, Blk ft, Caldweil Heights SS Trustee in trust for Linda patron may not only get $44.70 United States Steel Cor- Prowe; Carol Prowe, Mark Cuba and they mark the "and roofs cleaned for You Are Cordially Invited To a poration to Edward P. Grime Prowe, and William C. Prowe, completion or topping- them as part of Leisure- a close look but step far and Mamlvn R., his wife. Jr. back for a different Lot 26, Blk 7, Boca Islands off of each of their many ville living. :; Lot 8, Blk 9, Chatham Hills, projects by raising the Sec. 4, S.S. S70.50, Harold G. S.S. $40.50, Lorena L. Os- Wales and Mary Doris Mary borne to W. Vernon Davis and flag of freedom. SNEAK Elsie A. Davis, his wife. The ceremonies were Lot 17, Blk 9, Tunison Palms held in front of Leisure- Sec. *2, S.S. $9.00, Itvenus Development and Industrial ville's $250,000 recrea- Corp. to Hadley Theodore Ren- tion center which fea- PREVIEW SHOWING To Place a iker, Jr. and Edith LeJean Ren- tures twin clubhouses, Classified Ad iker, his wife. Presenting The Call 355-8300 A Place of Enduring Beauty "RALEIGH" BY SEAT BELTS SERVING STOCKS Forest Oak Homes IN EVERY CAR BROWARD BONDS Quintin Liberati, Boca Raton Builder and de- veloper for over 12 years has just about com- AND MUTUAL FUNDS pleted his newest model. An outstanding 3 bed- COULD SAVE room, 2 bath home that is unusually well laid AT LEAST PALM BEACH out and features central heat and air, family COUNTIES room, double car garage, beautiful garden patio and is beautifully furnished for your inspection. 5,000 LIVES The "RALEIGH5' will be open for this preview showing Sunday from 12:00 to 4:00 P.M. only. A YEAR 6ARDEN TYPE MAUSOLEUM Stop by and see Boca Raton's newest and most . SAYS THE NATIONAL PERMANENCE-BEAUTY-DIGNITY outstanding home value. SAFETY COUNCIL Above ground burial in beautiful landscaped BETTER HOMES ARE BUILT BY Forest Lawn Memorial Gardens, Pompano Beach. USE THEM! __MJUL Published to save lives, in ca-ooeratrcn Pre-opening prices now offered in this stately 12th JVE. *j(/i The Advertizing Couficit and The and inspiring mausoleum. National Safety Council. Call or write for free color brochure and complete information on the advantages of pre-need THE ABOVE MESSAGE IS selection. PUBLISHED AS A PUBLIC SERVICE IN CONJUNC- TION WITH THE LAIRD, BISSELL S MEEDS, INC. Members New York and American Stock Exchanges c Forest Lawn DIRECTIONS: From U.S. 1 - take West BOCA RATON and Principal Commodity Exchanges Camino Real to S.W. 12th r-iitci mm Avenue. Model is on S. E. HOMES NEWS JKHMSOXD Comer, Memorial Gardens Arvida Building Boca Raton, Florida UiuTniui im ANNUAL SAFETY 1 Corner of S.W 12th Ave. & Camino Real CAMPAIGN 200 NW 24th St. Poirpano Beach 942-1520 Phone 395-7300 Watch for Starting Date 8B Sundoy, October 22, 1967 BOCA RATON. NEWS Prices In This Ad Effective Only In Dade, Broward, Palm Beach, Martin, St. Lucie and Indian River Counties.

&rt£ 4Vn &tem£tamt>s &L

Clip & Redeem Prune Juice 3 quarts $1 §©O EXTRA S 5. H GREEN STAMPS Welchade Regular or Lo-Cal with S5.00 order or more 46-oz. drupe Prink . • . * , Z cans Baj lard's Sweetr«(ilk EXTRA S&H GREEN STAMPS Comstock Apple with $10.00 order or more Pie Figging 3

Libby's Bartlett EXTRA S & H GREEN STAMP5 16-oz. with S15.00 order or more Pear Halves 3 cans BISCUITS (Coupon expires Wed. October 25,1967) (Coupon Good From Vero Beach To Miami ONLY)

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The Real Thing From Florida, Golden Gift Orange Juice. . . 2 quarts 39c rand Master's Plain or Flavored Yogurt 2 SS 29c Master's Plain Prices Effective Yncnirt 16"0Zi 25c Mon-Tue-Wed. lUgUlL cup *-***' Breakstone's California or Tiny Curd, October 23-24-25 or Regular Cottage Cheese. . ^ 29c Swift's Premium Quick Frozen Wisconsin Cured Lamb Shoulder Sale!

Brick Cheese ... *. 89c Ib. 49« Shoulder Roast « e • e (Plus 25 S&H Green Stamps. No coupon required) Kraft Sliced G Shoulder Chops .© « © Ib. 59' Mozzarella Cheese pk°|; 39c Ib. Round Bone Chops « • 69< * Tkeals {Available in Publix Markets with Service Delicatessen Departments) Swift's Quick Frozen Purchase of Any Flavor Mrs. Smith's Gov't.-Inspected Hot Pies ...... (Plus 25 S&H Green Stamps. No coupon required) Roasting Camino Gardens - Boca Raton Chickens 300 W. Camino Real 5ih Ave. PLAZA- Boca Raton U.S. Highway #1 & 5th A*e, Jumbo Canadian Smoked ib. 35* ib Palm Aire Shopping Center Cod - 69c {3 to 4 Ib. average) 272 S. Federal Hwy., Deeriield Beach

Fresh Pasteurized White Select Crab Meat »• $159