I BOX ib'tB ST AUaO3II:ii FLA 32024 *7 ~& * - £ ' ?*" 5: Ann Landers 2B Oct. 19-21, 1967 Classifieds 10-11A Hi Lo Rain Editorials 4A Thurs. 82 62 0 Sports 6A Fri. 84 62 0 Young People Think IB CA RATON NEWS Sat. 82 62 tr. Vol. 12, No. 144 Sunday, October 22, 1967 20 Pages Marymount New test gets funds slated for for library lake weeds Solution to the weed control problem in Sabal Lake^is still A $100,000 gift for construc- up in the air — or underwater tion of a new library at Mary- — some 21 days" after test ap- mount College has been received plication of a new chemical con- from the Milton F. and Rita C, trol agent. Lewis Charitable Foundation. City crews treated an acre of the lake with a solution of Di- Receipt of the gift was an- quat and copper sulphate, a nounced Friday at a reception special mixture devised by Dr. at the College to honor the Robert Blackburn, aquatic weed family. specialist for the U.S. Depart- "Receipt of this generous ment of Agriculture. The mix- contribution from the Lewis ture was intended to kill the family, whose daughter Maureen weeds ~ mostly Florida Elo- graduated from the college in dea — without injuring the fish. May, 1967, provides that much However, as the trial period needed incentive which will en- drew to a close, high water able the college to complete levels in the lake made evalua- the library fund drive success- tion of the test difficult, ac- fully," Sister de la Croix, pres- cording to Public Works Direc- ident of the college commented. tor William Prendergast, He In presenting the gift to the t 1 said the water level is now college, Lewis stated that the about a foot higher than when grant was made to the college, ; : the chemicals were applied. in part, because of his admir- ^;4*& ^' >i * 1^?^ Prendergast said samples of ation of the work the Religious the weeds have been sent to of the Sacred Heart of Mary Blackburn for evaluation in his were doing among the poor and laboratory. Samples both of migrant children. weeds "burned" by the chemi- cals and fresh growth were "Marymount College has been sent. a glowing example in this field of assistance to the underpriv- "We feel that we've gotten ileged," he said. some results," Prendergast Total cost of the new library Mascots and special acts are coming cuter ev- said, "but it's difficult to de- is $720,000. Construction is Cindy, but it's old hat for Kim Southards, the termine how effective the chem- planned to begin in February, Homecoming eryday, it seems, especially at Boca Raton High two-year-old mascot for the high school's Pom icals were." 1968, with completion set for School. Little Cindy Hall, 5, daughter of the high Pom Girls. Kim, the daughter of Paul Southards He said that another one- December, 1968. school band director, Albert Hall, led the major- and niece of Pom Pom Girl Sue Monlgomery, leads acre test will get underway Lewis is a member of the ettes in the high school's homecoming parade the girls at every high school football game. More next week. For the new test, college's board of regents and Friday evening. All this fuss might be new for homecoming pictures on page 7A. Prendergast said, city crews is a general partner in the in- will use straight copper sul- vestment banking firm of Hall- phate, garten & Co., members of the Most came with objections "It shouldn't bother the New York Stock Exchange. fish," he said, "since, they'll be able to move away from the chemicals and into the untreated portion of the lake." house for P&Z hearings Copper sulphate is the cheap- est chemical that can be used, Boca Harbour and Lake Rog- ing to appose the petition of be rescheduled for public hear- Reed, again attorney for It- but heavy doses are also fatal to the fish population. When used Couple emerging from a ers Isles residents turned out Florida Palm Aire Corp. for ing at the board's Nov. 16 meet- venus, based his plea for re- enmasse at city hall Thursday rezoning of property bounded by ing. zoning on the fact that before in small quantities in combina- downtown lounge startled prac- tion with Diquat, the dose is not tically out of their wits by all night to either object to or put Tropic Isles, Boca Harbour, The overflow crowd stayed the land was annexed to Boca in a good word for two rezoning Intracoastal and Federal High- on, though, to hear the petition Raton, Delray Beach City large enough to kill fish. the hornblowing, cheering and The Sabal Lake hassle has what not of Friday's Home- petitions by Itvenus Corporation way from R1A to RBI, R3 and of Itvenus Development and In- Council had been considering and Charles B. Marqusee. R3A to allow for a business dustrial Corp. for rezoning of rezoning the area for residen- been in and out of the city coun- coming parade. ..Congressman cil chambers for some months, PAUL ROGERS quitting Wash- The Boca Harbour residents and apartment complex. How- land along the C-15 canal bound- tial to multiple dwellings to originally came to the Planning ever, Don Reed, attorney for ed by Hidden Valley and Intra- allow for an apartments and still is a long way from being ington briefly to make a few solved. Councilmen have been remarks at yesterday morn- and Zoning Board's public hear- Palm Aire asked that the matter coastal Waterway. townhouses complex by Itvenus. Itvenus had planned to pur- reluctant to foot the bill for lake ing's Post Office ceremony, maintenance with tax funds and Postmaster CECIL RO- chase the property- at the time of the annexation in June 1967, since there is no public access SEKE beaming with pleasure to the lake. Residents on the as one of his men was honor- City's teens start to work to Reed said. However, the actual purchase did not take place un- lake shore maintain that since ed. .Despite dogged efforts the city owns the lake, it ought to dampen the area down, huge til after the annexation, It- venus, Reed said did not con- to be maintained with municipal clouds of dust kicked up by funds. traffic hanging over the Dixie- put 'Humpty' together again test the annexation because Palmetto intersection. .Beach Boca Raton city councilmen said they would consider rezoning bunnies getting the last of sum- Boca Raton teenagers are the teenagers themselves. droves. New master's mer's tanning rays. .Surfers the area for Itvenus upon the making like "all the kings men "It certainly was different "We were really surprised," approval of Planning and Zon- taking advantage of a school and trying to put humpty dumpty from that last dance we held Rutherford said, "but so were 9 holiday Friday and strong east ing Board. together again" in their attempt when only 63 teenagers showed the kids. They kept saying'what • The board members, how- degree OK d winds piling up waves. .Winter to re-organize Teen Town. up, 36 of whom were from out are you doing here?' and 'I traffic starting to pile up on ever tabled the issue so they Approval for immediate start Only difference is they just of town," Rutherford said. thought you said you wouldn't could study it further in rela- Number One Street. .Lady may be a hundred percent more "We had only expected 30 be here.' " on a program in anthropology driver churning east on the tion to the Palm Aire petition leading to the master of arts de- successful than the king's men teenagers," he added, "and we Rutherford said he had 46 which would affect land next west-bound traffic lane at the were in the famous nursery had been told by just about all candidates for the center's six gree has been granted by the Camino Real-2nd Avenue in- to Itvenus and Charles B. Mar- Board of Regents to the College rhyme. the teenagers we talked to that offices. One candidate is a re- qusee' s petition which also terchange, throwing several they wouldn't be able to make it cent high school graduate, of Social Science's anthropology motorists into semi-shock, .. A total of 92 teenagers came would affect land to the south of department at Florida Atlantic to the faltering center's rescue that night." "We've got a good group of Itvenus. The scene at Boca Raton High Wednesday night, much to the However, come 7:30 p.m., candidates, he added. "They University. School Friday night resembling Marqusee is asking for re- This marks the eleventh surprise of not only Jim Ruth- cars began rolling into the Com- are a good mixture of senior zoning of land along Federal a game of musical cars. erford, recreation director, but munity Center parking lot in (Continued on Page 12A) graduate program to be insti- (Continued on Page 12A) tuted at the four year old uni- versity and the third in the College of Social Science which already offers the master's in psychology and political sci- ence. / Emphasis in the anthropology graduate program will be on field work, and four major areas will be covered. Dr. William Sears, chairman of the depart- ment, will be the major advisor for human pre-history; Dr. Gerald Weiss will handle cul- tural anthropology; Dr. Audrey Sublett, physical anthropology, and Dr.
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