rtWiwinirritiBiiai ^ ^ V. ^alf*ipB BSBKf reBSaBrffl ( 2 ) BVC/HAR GEOMANCY. BY THE SAME AUTHOR. s. d. Magic : White and Black... ... ... ... ... 7 6 Paracelsus ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 10 6 Jehoshua: The Life of the Prophet of Nazareth ... 7 6 An Adventure among the Rosicrucians ... ... 5 o The Secret Symbols of the Rosicrucians 25 o THE PRINCIPLES ASTROLOGICAL GEOM ANCY O O o o o o THE ART OF DIVINING BY PUNCTUATION, According to Cornelius Agrippa and others. WITH AN APPENDIX CONTAINING 2,048 ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS. BY FRANZ HARTMANN, M.D. Xon5on : Tmeosopiiical Publishing Company, Limited Adelphi, W.C. 7, Duke Street, : XonC)on Allen, Scott and Co,, 30, Bouverie Street, E.C. 1889. [i) 6/C CONTENTS. PAGE Introduction ... ... ... ... ... g Astrology ... ... ... ... ... 13 The Seven Planets ... ... ... ... 17 Conjunctions ... ... ... ... ... 22 The Twelve Signs of the Zodiac ... ... 23 The Symbols of Geomancy ... ... ... 31 Preparation for the Practice of Geomancy ... 34 Instructions for Practice ... ... ... 35 Astrological Geomancy ... ... ... 39 Significations of Geomantic Symbols according TO THEIR Positions... ... ... ... 44 Example ... ... ... ... ... 59 Astronomical Geomancy ... ... ... 62 Example ... ... ... ... ... 63 Conclusion ... ... ... ... ... 65 PREFACE. The following book is not intended to be a “ fortune teller,” but an aid for the student of the higher science, who desires to develop his intuition. A book teaching the art of mixing colours would not make an artist out of a person who has no talent for painting but to one who is an artist by nature ; such a book may be very useful. Likewise a work on Geomancy, teaching the rules by which certain truths which are spiritually perceived by the soul, may be brought within the understanding of the external mind, will be of little service to those whose souls have no power of perceiving the truth. Nevertheless, there is at least a germ of truth in every human being, and every power is developed by exercise. The practice of Geomancy requires above all concentration of thought, and the use of that faculty of the mind by which several ideas may be grasped at once, and be brought to a focus within the field of consciousness, and those who follow the rules prescribed in these pages, may thereby expand their mental faculties and strengthen their intuition, so as to be able to correctly prophecy future events and divine unknown things. The superficial reasoner, whose mind is captivated by the external and illusive appearance of the world of phenomena, will naturally treat with contempt all knowledge claiming to have been derived from a source superior to reasoning a deeper from the base of external observation ; but penetration into the realm of causes will disclose to the lover of truth, the Unity of the divine Law that governs all things, and according to which all external things, 8 PREFACli. phenomena and events are nothing else but the ultimate outcome of pre-existing causes in the realm of ideas. The divine order of things in nature has left nothing to blind chance the spirit may know the causes and the mind ; calculate the elfects. God, the divine self-consciousness in the universe, knows All, and those who approach in spirit to the divine source of All will obtain more spiritual knowledge than those whose minds, wandering away from the centre of Divine Wisdom, become forgetful of their own spiritual nature, and lost in the labyrinth of little external details. Those who desire to practise the art of Geomancy, should remember that spiritual truth is not found by external calculation and argumentation, but only by the knowledge of self. “ Why idly seek in outward things ? The answer inner silence brings, So to the calmly gathered thought, The uttermost of truth is taught.” INTRODUCTION. The tcmi “divining,” or “divination,” comes from divine," and the art of divination is based upon the recognition of a universal divine principle acting within the soul. Man is said to be the crown of creation in him are combined the ; quintessences of all the four kingdoms. He is at once a mineral, a plant, an animal, and a god, and each of these constituent parts has its own peculiar states of consciousness, its own sensations, desires, feelings, and perceptions. The divine Light which shines within the darkness of his material constitution is the eternal Spirit of God, in which there exists neither past nor the future time, but in whose consciousness all things are forever present. Its presence is felt within the soul as the divine power of Intuition, and if the Mind of man were to rise entirely above the realm of selfishness, to become illuminated by the Light of the Spirit, there would be no need for Geomancy or for any other artificial aids to bring the knowledge of the Spirit to the understanding of the material Intellect. We could then not only intuitively feel the truth, but see it and know it without any argumenta- tion or mathematical reasoning. There are, however, only a few saints or adepts in the world who are in possession of such a state of perfection, and the majority of men and women upon this globe have to go the roundabout way of speculation and calculation to obtain information in regard to things unknown. The psychological process by which the knowledge of the spiritual soul comes to the understanding of the human intellect appears to be very complicated ; it seems that the divine ray of Light has to pass through many stnita of matter, and ; lO INTRODUCTION. is broken many times, before it is ultimately rellected within the field of external consciousness, and the more we are able to spiritually rise above these clouds of matter that darken the mental sky, the more will we become able to see the sunlight of truth in its purity. By practising the art of Geomancy in that state of mind and feeling which brings Man nearer to the perception of the Truth, the Intuition may teach the reasoning Intellect. The first four symbols of which the geomantic figure is con- structed, are the products of Intuition, and from them the final result is obtained by intellectual labour. The condition for obtaining success is the full and entire concentration of thought and will upon the question which . is to be answered. In the art of GeoiDancy it is not the mind, but the soul which answers the question and the answer is received by means of the power of the living divine Spirit of God, whose temple isman. Itis, therefore, clear that this magical art ought not to be practised in any other frame of mind than that of worship, adoration, and faith in the eternal Law of order and harmony. If undertaken merely for the purposes of gratifying idle curiosity, or for selfish purposes, or from motives of greed or revenge, its results will be unreliable because in such cases the intuitional ray becomes distorted by the perverted images existing within the mind. Like- wise the answers will only be reliable, if the whole strength of will and thought is concentrated upon the question asked a vacillating mind has but little power, for the truth suffers no other loves, only those who rise up to it and embrace it with all their soul, with all their mind, and with their whole being, will receive true knowledge. Finally, it may be well to state that the foreseeing oi will enable us to change their course for future events not ; if these events did not already exist in the future, they could not be foreseen, while if they were to be altered, the alteration would also be seen. Nevertheless, the art of INTRODUCTION. 11 Geomancy may be very useful to act as our guide in meeting future events, in enabling us to take courage in what we know to become a success, and to give up insisting in fruitless attempts to attain that which would end in a failure if carried out. It should, however, always be kept in mind that the reliability of all such arts depends on our own reliability of perception, and the decisions of Geomancy can be infallible only when all the conditions required to make them infallible have been complied with. Geomancy is not a substitute but an aid for divine Reason. PLANETARY SIGNS. O The Sun. 5 Venus. Ip Saturn. The Moon. Mars. Uranus. j) $ ^ ^ Mercury. 11 Jupiter. Neptune. SIGNS OF THE ZODIAC. Northern. Southern. T Aries. Libra. y Taurus. Ill Scorpio. n Gemini. t Sagittarius. 5B Cancer. Capricornus. AW Si Leo. AW Aquarius. 11JJ Virgo. K Pisces. ASTROLOGY. The science of Astrology is based upon a correct under- standing of the true nature of Man and his position in the Universe. Natural man is not, as many vainly imagine, a self-existent being, creating his own ideas, thoughts and feelings but as his physical body is the product of the ; confluence and assimilation of physical atoms, likewise the constitution of his mind is the product of the action of the intellectual and emotional elements entering his psychic organism. His visible and tangible form receives from the great storehouse of physical nature the four originally invisible elements, called : Earth, Water, Fire and Air (solid, fluid and gaseous essences, heat, electricity, life, etc.), and by means of the physiological processes going on in his visible form he transforms them into such substances and activities as are required by the nature of his corporeal body. These processes are taking place without the intellectual supervision of man they are going on instinctivel}'-, ; involuntarily and even without his being conscious of it. All this nobody will deny because we see the food which ; we eat and the water we drink we know of the existence of ; the air which we inhale, and we feel the heat that warms our bodies.
DIVINATION SYSTEMS Written by Nicole Yalsovac Additional Sections Contributed by Sean Michael Smith and Christine Breese, D.D
DIVINATION SYSTEMS Written by Nicole Yalsovac Additional sections contributed by Sean Michael Smith and Christine Breese, D.D. Ph.D. Introduction Nichole Yalsovac Prophetic revelation, or Divination, dates back to the earliest known times of human existence. The oldest of all Chinese texts, the I Ching, is a divination system older than recorded history. James Legge says in his translation of I Ching: Book Of Changes (1996), “The desire to seek answers and to predict the future is as old as civilization itself.” Mankind has always had a desire to know what the future holds. Evidence shows that methods of divination, also known as fortune telling, were used by the ancient Egyptians, Chinese, Babylonians and the Sumerians (who resided in what is now Iraq) as early as six‐thousand years ago. Divination was originally a device of royalty and has often been an essential part of religion and medicine. Significant leaders and royalty often employed priests, doctors, soothsayers and astrologers as advisers and consultants on what the future held. Every civilization has held a belief in at least some type of divination. The point of divination in the ancient world was to ascertain the will of the gods. In fact, divination is so called because it is assumed to be a gift of the divine, a gift from the gods. This gift of obtaining knowledge of the unknown uses a wide range of tools and an enormous variety of techniques, as we will see in this course. No matter which method is used, the most imperative aspect is the interpretation and presentation of what is seen.
The Effects of Superstition As Destination Attractiveness on Behavioral Intention
The Effects of Superstition as Destination Attractiveness on Behavioral Intention Yunzhou Zhang Thesis submitted to the faculty of the Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science In Hospitality and Tourism Management Muzaffer Uysal, Committee Chair Ken McCleary Vincent P. Magnini May 2, 2012 Blacksburg, VA Keywords: destination attractiveness, superstition attitude, behavioral intention, superstition as destination attractiveness (SADA) The Effects of Superstition as Destination Attractiveness on Behavioral Intention Yunzhou Zhang ABSTRACT Superstitious beliefs date back thousands of years and continue to the present, and research suggests that superstitious beliefs have a robust influence on product satisfaction and decision making under risk. The study therefore examines how superstition attitude will impact potential tourists’ intention to visit a destination so that relevant organizations (e.g. destination management/marketing organizations) could better understand potential tourists’ behaviors, identify a niche market encompassing those prone to superstition, and tailor the tourism products to the needs and beliefs of potential tourists. The study used a survey instrument which consists of four components: the scale of Superstition as Destination Attractiveness (SADA), the revised Paranormal Belief Scale, the measurement of Intention to Visit, and respondents’ demographics and travel experiences. A mixed-method data collection procedure was adopted
The Punishment of Clerical Necromancers During the Period 1100-1500 CE
Christendom v. Clericus: The Punishment of Clerical Necromancers During the Period 1100-1500 CE A Thesis Presented to the Academic Faculty by Kayla Marie McManus-Viana In Partial Fulfillment of the Degree Requirements for the Bachelor of Science in History, Technology, and Society with the Research Option Georgia Institute of Technology December 2020 1 Table of Contents Section 1: Abstract Section 2: Introduction Section 3: Literature Review Section 4: Historical Background Magic in the Middle Ages What is Necromancy? Clerics as Sorcerers The Catholic Church in the Middle Ages The Law and Magic Section 5: Case Studies Prologue: Magic and Rhetoric The Cases Section 6: Conclusion Section 7: Bibliography 3 Abstract “The power of Christ compels you!” is probably the most infamous line from the 1973 film The Exorcist. The movie, as the title suggests, follows the journey of a priest as he attempts to excise a demon from within the body of a young girl. These types of sensational pop culture depictions are what inform the majority of people’s conceptions of demons and demonic magic nowadays. Historically, however, human conceptions of demons and magic were more nuanced than those depicted in The Exorcist and similar works. Demons were not only beings to be feared but sources of power to be exploited. Necromancy, a form of demonic magic, was one avenue in which individuals could attempt to gain control over a demon. During the period this thesis explores, 1100-1500 CE, only highly educated men, like clerics, could complete the complicated rituals associated with necromancy. Thus, this study examines the rise of the learned art of clerical necromancy in conjunction with the re-emergence of higher learning in western Europe that developed during the period from 1100-1500 CE.
By.the same author 'Terrestrial Astrology A Narghile ofPoems The Search for Abraxas(with Nevill Drury) DIVINATION BY Techniques ofHigh Magic (withFrancis King) The OracleofGeomancy Enocbian Magic GJEOMANCY Edited AleisterCrowley'sAstrology AleisterCrowley'sTao TebKing In Pursuit ofGold Stephen Skinner The Magical Diaries ofAleister Crowley The Complete Enocbian Dictionary ROUTLEDGE & KEGAN PAUL LONDON, BOSTON AND HENLEY Contents Acknowledgments · Xll Author's note · xiii Introduction · 1 Part one HISTORY 1 The roots of geomancy · 11 2 Raml and Islamic 'origins · 30 3 Fa, ifa and voodoo · 53 4 The sikidy of Madagascar · 71 5 European geomancy in the middle ages · 88 6 The Renaissance: the apogee of geomancy · 120 7 The great astrological revival · 140 8 Geomancy in the twentieth century · 156 Part two PRACTICE 9 Method and manipulation · 167 10 Generation of the Judge · 176 11 The sixteen figures in detail · 184 12 Practical divination · 198 13 Astrogeornancy . 204 14 Summary of technique and interpretation · 215 15 Astrogeomantic examples · 225 vii viii Contents Part three APPENDICES I Zodiacal attributions ofthe Illustrations geomantic figures · 233 II Element attributions ofthe geomantic figures · 235 III Allocation ofthe geomantic figures to the Houses · 237 IV Times ofplanetary days and hours · 240 V Names ofthe sixteen geomantic figures in Arabic, Greek, Provencal, Hebrew, Berber, Malagasy, and FIGURES various west African dialects . 242 1 Origins and lines of transmission of geomancy · 7 Notes · 250 2 Arabicmanuscript attributed to Tum-Tumvshowing Bibliography · 257 a geomantic talisman for finding water (MS Arabe Index · 287 2697, fol. 16, Bibliotheque Nationale) · 21 3 The expansion ofIslam and spread oframlAD 635-760.· 25 4 Geomantic talisman against diseases of various parts of the body, from an eighteenth-century Arab manuscript attributed to Idris (MS Arabe 2631, fol.
The Principles of Astrological Geomancy, the Art Of
THE PRINCIPLES OF ASTROLOGICAL GEOMANCY O O O O O O THE ART OF DIVINING BY PUNCTUATION, A ccording to C ornelius A grippa and others. WITH AN APPENDIX CONTAINING 2,048 ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS. BY FRANZ HARTMANN, M.D. Zon&on: T heosophical Publishing Company, L imited 7, Duke Street, Adelphi, W.C. 1889. rj Di| Dy Google Zon&on: A llen, Scott and Co., 30, Bouverie Street, E.C. 1889. Digitized by v ^ o o Q l e CONTENTS PAGE I ntroduction ... 9 A strology 13 T he S even P lan ets 17 C onjunctions ... ... 22 T he T w elve S igns of the Z odiac ... 23 T he S ymbols of G eomancy 31 P reparation for th e P ractice of G eomancy 34 I nstructions for P ractice 35 A strological G eomancy ... 39 S ignifications of G eomantic S ymbols according to th eir P ositions... 44 E xample ... 59 A stronomical G eomancy ... 62 E xample ... 63 C onclusion ... 65 Digitized by v ^ o o Q l e Digitized by v ^ o o Q l e PREFACE. T he following book is not intended to be a “ fortune teller,” but an aid for the student of the higher science, who desires to develop his intuition. A book teaching the art of mixing colours would not make an artist out of a person who has no talent for painting; but to one who is an artist by nature such a book may be very useful. Likewise a work on Geomancy, teaching the rules by which certain truths which are spiritually perceived by the soul, may be brought within the understanding of the external mind, will be of little service to those whose souls have no power of perceiving the truth.
{PDF} Consult the Oracle : a Victorian Guide to Folklore and Fortune
CONSULT THE ORACLE : A VICTORIAN GUIDE TO FOLKLORE AND FORTUNE TELLING PDF, EPUB, EBOOK Gabriel Nostradamus | 168 pages | 22 Jul 2014 | Bloomsbury Publishing PLC | 9781908402738 | English | London, United Kingdom Consult the Oracle : A Victorian Guide to Folklore and Fortune Telling PDF Book If they are unaccompanied by a jesting mouth, they denote cool reflection, taste, elegance, accuracy, and an inclination rather to avarice then generosity. If you have a long, high forehead contract no friendship with an almost spherical head; if you have an almost spherical head contract no friendship with a long, high, boney forehead. Just as astrologers use the planets and signs of the zodiac to explore relationships and predict the future, so do numerologists use numbers. In America these statues are called Mammy statues, and they carry a lot of racist baggage with them. Geomancy For Beginners by Richard Webster Geomancy, a three-thousand-year-old form of earth divination, can answer your questions about relationships, career, money, and all aspects of life. A drooping of the upper eyelids is not a good sign; it is generally observed in persons of low, cunning disposition and very secretive habits. Jasper, Red Sphere 3" The image shown is typical of the stone named, but does not display the individual sphere you will receive. Gypsy Witch Orange Box , Lenormand Deck A learning tool for card readers seeking to memorize the Lenormand method of telling fortunes with an unmarked deck. La Madama statues represent a middle-aged, heavy-set woman of African descent, dressed in 19th century house-clothes as a domestic worker, cook, or servant.
Identity, Land, Feng Shui and the Law in Traditional Hong Kong*
Identity, Land, Feng Shui and the Law in Traditional Hong Kong* Peter Wesley-Smith Introduction It is said the sharp edges of the new Bank of China building in Hong Kong bring bad luck to those at whom they point unless the malevolent influences they project are deflected by the judicious placement of a mirror or eight-sided diagram (paat kwa). The gracious old banyan trees in Nathan Road, Kowloon were once saved from the axe on geomantic grounds.1 In 1991 the construction of a columbarium at Pat Heung in the New Territories of Hong Kong was halted by determined villagers desperately fearful the good fortune of their village would be ruined forever.2 These are random examples of the belief held by many Hong Kong citizens in feng shui (Chinese geomancy).3 The purpose of this paper is to explore* S This paper is not based on fieldwork but purely on a review of the literature, and is contributed by a legal scholar whose knowledge and understanding of anthropology are rudimentary. As the author is also no Sinologist, the romanisation of Chinese terms is frankly a mess: no attempt has been made to impose consistency, the particular romanised terms used by the various authors consulted having been adopted willy-nilly. Particular thanks for advice on sources are due to Michael Palmer and Stephen Selby. S H Peplow and M Barker, Hongkong, Around and About, 2nd ed, Ye Olde Printerie, Hong Kong, 1931, p 127. See Far Eastern Economic Review, 26 March 1992. Variously romanised as fung shui, feng-shui, funshui, feng shui etc depending on the system adopted.
What Are Some Taoist Influences in Vietnamese Culture?
https://www.quora.com/What-are-some-Taoist-influences-in-Vietnamese-culture Sign In Taoism (道教) Culture of Vietnam Vietnamese Ethnicity and People Vietnam Culture (social science) What are some Taoist influences in Vietnamese culture? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taoism_in_Vietnam Ad by Gundry MD How to entirely empty your bowels every morning (revealed). World renowned cardiologist explains how with at home trick. Learn More 2 Answers Thư Nguyễn, lives in Ho Chi Minh City Answered June 25, 2019 · Author has 397 answers and 669.9K answer views A bit of history first, Taoism is the result of the union between the folk religions of northern China and the folk religions of southern China. Taoism is partly a philosophy of life and partly a belief. Taoism was first introduced to Vietnam during the first Chinese domination period. In the 2nd century, emperor Lingdi died and “mainland China” fell into chaos, leading a exodus of immigrants, some of which were Taoist practitioners, to the more peaceful border Jiaozhi. Under the circumstances, Taoism’s first influence to Vietnam was erratic and unorganized. Because of Taoism’s bases as a culmination of several Chinese folk religions, the scattered, unorganized form of Taoism had a lot in common with the native Vietnamese folk religions and was readily nativized and adopted into the fold of the additive, multi-faceted Vietnamese folk religions. Unlike in China, where Taoism was organized and nominated as an official state religion several times, throughout Vietnam’s history, Taoism was rarely ever an organized religion on its own but acted as a philosophy of life, as bits and pieces, as the glue of several other religions.
Libri Nigromantici: the Good, the Bad, and the Ambiguous in John of Morigny’S Flowers of Heavenly Teaching
View metadata, citation and similar papers at core.ac.uk brought to you by CORE provided by DSpace at Rice University Libri Nigromantici: The Good, the Bad, and the Ambiguous in John of Morigny’s Flowers of Heavenly Teaching CLAIRE FANGER Rice University Soon after his conversion away from the nefarious art of necromancy (having been rescued by a divine voice while fashioning the fourth of the ‘‘four rings of Solomon’’), John of Morigny describes a vision of Mary: It seemed to me that I was in the great church of the blessed Mary at Chartres, in front of the main altar of the church, and I was petitioning the glorious Virgin there. And when I had been asking for a little while, lo, the silver image, having been transformed carnally and corporeally into the selfsame Virgin, descended from the altar and came to me. Taking me by the hand, she led me to the middle of the steps in front of the altar and said to me, ‘‘Stand here, and worship God, and give Him thanks.’’ And though I was going to pray with the common prayers, the blessed Virgin said ‘‘No, this way: Gracias ago tibi.’’ And when I was there with knees bent and hands clasped, the whole choir was singing ‘‘Te Deum laudamus’’ because of the miracle that the blessed virgin Mary had fashioned in my person in the sight of all. While they were singing, I meditated in my heart and said, ‘‘Mary, if books of that most nefarious art of necromancy are discovered to belong to me, will it be said that this is no miracle, but by means of that art that I made your image descend and change? And what shall I do with the books of this knowledge? Shall I remove and hide them from my colleagues?’’ While I was thinking these things over, I woke up.
Divination As Spiritual Practice in Song Confucianism
Divination as Spiritual Practice in Song Confucianism Joseph A. Adler Kenyon College Presented to the American Academy of Religion Annual Meeting (Chicago, 2008) Panel: "Questioning the Spirits: The Yijing as a Way of Personal Spirituality in the Confucian Tradition" Introduction Despite the steadily increasing body of scholarship in both the West and East Asia on the religious dimensions of the Confucian tradition, it is still not unusual to find Confucianism characterized as fundamentally a socio-ethical tradition in which ritual (li 禮) is primarily a method and legitimation of social control.1 The theme of moral self-cultivation, especially in the "Neo-Confucian" movement, is likewise often regarded as something akin to contemporary humanistic psychology or "self-help" regimens. Thus neither ritual nor self-cultivation in Confucianism is commonly understood to be essentially religious. Yet Confucian ritual included two particular forms, divination and sacrifice, which are clearly religious in character and which are systematically related to the Confucian theory and practice of self-cultivation. Divination and sacrifice as a ritual dyad constitute the earliest known form of Chinese religion: that of the rulers of the Shang dynasty at least as early as the 14th century BCE. And they have continued throughout Chinese history, to the present day, as central features of popular Chinese religious life. They can be considered a model of the fundamental Chinese way of orienting the human world to the sacred: a kind of ritual axis mundi rooting our world in something that transcends it and thereby making it meaningful. Today I will explore one aspect of the continuity of the Confucian tradition with this central core of Chinese religiosity by focusing on the theory of Yijing 易經 divination developed by Zhu Xi 朱熹 (1130-1200), whose version of the Confucian tradition came to dominate the tradition and exerted tremendous influence on all levels of Chinese society into the twentieth century.