
Detecting with TaroMancy cards are one of many forms of . They are commonly used to measure potential outcomes and evaluate influences surrounding a person, event, or both. The technical term for tarot reading is taro Mancy (divination through the use of tarot cards), which is a subsection of carto Mancy (divination through cards in general).A Tarot reading is like a snapshot of what your life looks like at the time of the reading. The cards tune into your - the person asking the question - to give you a picture of unseen influences from people and places, patterns of behavior, Weakness, and strengths. A reading is not only giving an idea of your past ,present and future but also showing the Building energy problems like sleeping on stress lines , cause and effects of geopathic illness and solutions .. What is ? Tarot is one of the oldest forms of Divination techs known to man. A tarot pack is a deck of usually 78 cards that is used by someone who is skilled in the reading of them. Depending on the type of reading that you are wanting to have, the reader will consult the cards to show them what you are needing to know. Tarot cards have been around since the 15th century and are still one of ’s most common ways of divining into the future. Card Compass For me tarot card is like a compass showing the subtle energy spots in Body, Mind and place. Whenever we do geopathic stress examination to people and places we use tarot cards as a magical mirror compass. They make a wonderful navigation tool for our intuition to grow by pointing our gut feelings to a “bigger picture. Bundle of seventy eight cards of symbols, once activated, these beautiful cards will tell thousands of stories, answer any number of questions and provide insights on countless lives – and loves. Symbol meanings of Tarot are essential to our interpretational process. Indeed, symbols themselves serve as messages from our higher selves and the Universe. A prime reason why the Tarot is such an effective divining tool is because it deals with the common ground of symbols and their meanings.

Tuning is TarotTalent My Guru Dr. Sukumaran is a tarot reader. But loves working and researching with and scanning whereas me with tarot seeing. Almost half of our life time has been spent on science researches. We always work as a team, so that reconfirmation of our results becoming possible.Guru has createdTaro Angel initiation, breathing exercises, chakra /granthy block clearing sessions and daily soul connecting meditations for the Tarot Divination, so that tuning with tarot is made easy for the practitioners. Channeling is a challenge to tune with Tarot Reading.Anyone can shuffle a deck, pick a card, and look up a meaning in a book. If you’ve done this, you know it only gets you so far. The reading doesn’t feel meaningful; it feels like you’re winging it, or worse, faking it. Less than satisfying when you’re reading for yourselfand plain humiliating when you’re reading for a client.Although modern physicists have various ideas about the universe, they do agree that every bit of it consists of energy. It may be a tiny bit of energy, or it may be enough to generate all of creation, but all matter is energy. Because energy is the power that causes every action and reaction in creation, it is handily available in many forms. One form that we know well is the human soul or a non-physical expression of energy. Every one of us can channel, that is, receive energy as information through dreams, intuition, but not as a clear clarification for the confusions and stressful situations we are undergoing in our day to day life. TarotTips When you look into the pictures, allowing your mind to go numb as you zone into your inner voice. • Awakening Alpha Theta State of Mind • Gazing Cards • Capturing the Pictures in right brain • Connecting with Current issues of client • Creating a short story • Clear Clarifying is the climax.

Remote Reading With Tarot cards we can do on-line distant reading over phone, e-mail, Map reading, skype counselling and so on.What we need is the name of the person and location and site map, which can be mailed to us. People think that the distant reading would not have any chance of accuracy, the person needs to be right there at the table, so that they can physically handle the cards. You can visualize the victim in your mind with protection and can do remote Tarot reading .We do radio reading, live telecast reading always.Since then, the collective consciousness has been linked to the electro-magnetic field, generated by the Tarot readings liquid iron core that surrounds and protects the earth. It is thought that migratory animals make use of itand of course, it follows that we are also affected by this field. Yet another theory is that thoughts, being electrical pulses, are actual things; packets of energy that can effect change in particles.

Quantum state of Entanglement When a person contacts me for a reading, we have a connection – a tenuous one indeed, but still a connection. And, if thoughts really are things; actual particles of energy, then these particles are bouncing around between us along the pathways of the web of collective consciousness. Scientists call this state, where particles can alter each other’s behavior, ‘entanglement’. Therefore, when I hold thoughts of a person in my mind, and turn the cards, then the results will relate to that person. I don’t even have to have details of the client’s situation, in fact, I’d prefer not to mess up the connection with any preformed ideas or judgment. I ask only that the client gives me their name, date of birth and general location to help me establish the connection. I also ask that they form a question so that I have something to ‘hang’ the reading on, although I often do a reading without a question in mind

Geopathic Stress Site Testing can be done through aligning with affected . We work with house maps and look at all the cards, trying to see a story in them. Then we sit at the computer and begin to type. I describe the cards and scan each one, so the client can see for themselves what I am referring to. As I type out my interpretations and link them to the client, I make sure I link each card to its predecessor and successor. I also point out pairs and interesting combinations. At the end I put together a summary with conclusions and guidance. A ten-card reading can take several hours and up to ten pages to complete What is GeopathicStress? GS or Geopathic Stress is a catch-all name used to describe the stress produced in our bodies due to Electro Magnetic Fields (EMF) and/or distorted Earth’s natural radiation. It is wrongly used this way because it should be used only to describe the stress in our bodies from natural radiation coming from the earth ("geo" = Earth). The term geopathic stress derives from the Greek and it also means the suffering of the Earth. Geo (Earth) and pathos (suffering, diseases). We consider them to be negative energies, but in reality they are natural radiations that rise up from the earth due to the weakened electro-magnetic fields caused by underground running waters, mineral concentrations and underground cavities. The term ‘geopathic stress’ is used to describe negative energies, also known as ‘harmful earth rays’, which emanate from the earth and cause discomfort and ill health to those living above. Earth energies can be bad, good or neutral.

How it affects us?The two broad categories of geopathic disturbance are yin – the discharging field, and yang – the charging field.The yin fields are associated with underground water flows, underground caverns and rock hollows, the running water causing a decrease in the intensity of the rocks’ geomagnetic field strong enough to influence living organisms on the surface. Where two underground streams cross the effect is enhanced.The pathological states associated with the yin fields manifest first as the sleep disturbances and mental symptoms. Over time, energy deficiency syndromes worsen to become Blood deficiencyand wasting and paralyzing conditions – fatigue, neurasthenia, depression, arthritis, diabetes mellitus, cancers, multiple sclerosis, myopathies and neuropathies and other degenerative disorders. The yang fields are especially associated with fault zones and with coal and oil deposits. Found in such regions are changes in ionization, infra-red emission and AC & DC current; low frequency atmospheric pulsations with increased probability of lightning strikes; and low-level radiation emissions. As might be expected, yang fields lead to Shi (energy excess) states such as hypertension, cardiac problems, strokes, migraines, epileptiform fits, gastritis, alcoholism, mania and schizophrenia.Global geomagnetic grid crossing points can be associated with both yin and yang fields.

Geopathic stress - System of Belief? Geopathic stress is not a “question of belief”, but an area which has been studied in-depth over millennia and today includes scientifically measurable and “respectable” quantities and factors such as electro smog (electrical field, magnetic field, electromagnetic fields as those emanating from high- voltage power lines, electric cables, electrical appliances and synthetic materials) and high frequency pollution (mobile [cell] phone antenna, mobile [cell] phone radiation, DECT telephones, hotspot/WLAN, radar). The latter are also referred to as techno pathy stress. Sick Building Syndrome the World Health Organization estimate that 30% of offices, hotels, institutions and industrial premises have SBS. causing: headaches, tension between staff, lethargy, respiratory infection, dry skin and throat, eye symptoms, loss of concentration, depression, stress and fatigue, leading to a high rate of absenteeism, increased staff turnover, and lowered morale. While electro-, micro-, and radio wave and chemical pollution are undoubtedly major factors, SBS is generally rooted in the presence of Sha streams under the property. Sha Qi can be spread from the path of the streams throughout a building by the steel construction frame, wiring loom and pipework, just as it is spread along railway tracks or a metal bed frame. Thus a steel- framed cattle shed with Sha streams running through it will usually feel much more unhappy than a brick and wood barn. DoctorsDocumenting Dr.Ulrike Banis, MD, ND, author of "Geopathic Stress - and What You Can Do about It", has integrated the knowledge of Geopathic Stress into her medical practice with categorical success. From her former stance as a staunch skeptic she now reports, “But my experience - being a medical professional myself - is that at least 30% of all chronic medical conditions are derived from this cause - or to put it differently, our patients would be, on average, 30% healthier if we manage to find good sleeping places for everyone”. Doctors DowsingShe had used dowsing to identify areas in and around the home of her patients that had GS, and recommended that the patients move their beds to an area free of these toxic zones. She also prescribed homeopathic remedies to detox the body of toxic charge that GS causes in a patient’s body.

How to GetRid of GS Grids? A geopathic consultation determines if there are Earth energies under a home or office and if they are neutral or negative, polluted or potentially harmful? The consultation also checks for the presence of human entities (ghosts). If negative water lines or Ley lines are found, they are identified and if possible neutralized, and of course the detection of Earth Energy lines are in every home, business, and farm everywhere around the world. Types of naturally occurring geopathic stress under are the following Underground water currents Ley Lines Black Lines Spots &Spirals Vortexes Global Grids – Hartmann Grid, Curry Grid, Benker Grid and so on. (These grids have been named after their founders).

Get GS Certified This potentially harmful earth energy rays runs in lines along the earth and permeates whatever is above it affecting anything within its field. This might be plants, trees, animals, women and babies. These fields can cause physical, mental and emotional discomfort, illness and disease. These fields can be measured with scientific equipment and subtler fields that vibrate at a level beyond the spectrum currently detectable. The greater the of the field and amount of time spent in it, the greater the chance of illness or disease setting into the body; the immune system is compromised, sleep affected and the body’s repair system detrimentally affected. In many countries it forms a part of the moving package, whereby houses have to be certificated by a professional dowser/geomancer as clear of geopathic stress before being put up for sale. By removing Geopathic Stress we are ensuring that we are providing a healthy environment for everyone concerned and removing a risk of illness.

Ancient wisdom & Today’s Science Magnetic lines attract, electro lines stimulate, and electromagnetic lines both activate and attract. Ancient people have innate understanding about these telluric energies and inserted temples, churches, stone circles into the grid at intersections to activate, amplify, regulate, harmonize and ground the energy. This can also be done through the ancient systems of Indian Bhoomi Vaasthu, Chinese (), Geo Puncture, Western Dowsing, Egyptian Pyramidology, Amazing 7 force Orgo Geo Vaasthu and so on. Major ways of shielding, supporting, transmuting, grounding and negative ions forming can be done after finding the GS line with the Dowsing of Pendulum, Scanning of Scantenna and Applying Kinesiology of Muscle Testing also .

Are we Sleeping on Stress lines?

Long-term, detailed and strictly scientific researchers of India Germany, Austria France and Switzerland have confirmed that the Geopathic stress zone disturbance is intense during sleeping at night time. One of the chief reasons why these lines are toxic is because they are polarized, moving energy from one end of the line to the other. In simple terms, this creates an “energy tornado”, where the atomic, molecular, and energetic structures within a system are grossly disturbed and shaken. When someone sleeps on a stress Line crossing on a consistent basis, this is like sleeping in a microwave oven, which has a similar impact on the cellular DNA. Sleeping in a safe zone? Or Geo pathogenic Zone People spend a considerable time in bed--six to nine hours a night--and sleep in basically one general area, it is wise to be aware of symptoms that can arise through the presence of zones of disturbance. During sleep your brain is supposed to rest half the time and is busy healing your body the other half. However, if you are exposed to geopathic stress during sleep your brain never receives the full rest it requires to repair and regenerate due to the geopathic stress. To have optimal health it is important to make certain you are not sleeping on one of the geopathic stress zones. I’ll most of you wouldn’t even think of it. But that is exactly what a large number of you are doing every night. Only this type of “snake” has a slow-acting poison. The snake is formed by underground streams of water that throw up walls of microwaves and other types of radiation which can cross your bed, forming a Geopathogenic zone. Symptoms of suffering Geo- Stress Sleep 1. An aversion to certain spots in the bed. A feeling of “falling out” of bed. 2. Sleepwalking. 3. Night sweats. Also feeling cold or shivering in bed. 4. Waking up tired most mornings. Fatigue and apathy. 5. Nausea in the morning, even vomiting. 6. Despondency, stress, depression. 7. Frequent crying upon waking up in the morning. 8. Rapid heartbeat while lying still in bed. Cramps. 9. Restlessness, difficulty in getting to sleep, excessive dreaming, excessively heavy sleep, waking up with head ache or back pain , Asthma and respiratory difficulties in night etc. Naturally, one of these symptoms is sufficient to indicate a problem. However, there may be several of these symptoms appearing at one time.

Self-Assessment about Sleeping Ask yourself the following questions and proceed with remedies 1. When did you first start sleeping in the exact place where you now sleep? 2. When did your current condition first manifest itself? 3. Did the condition persist when you went away for a holiday, on business or were in hospital? 4 Did the condition return when you returned to your normal bed? Working on such questions will help us for self-Assessment about sleeping on stress lines. Through Taromancy we can easily see the person sleeping on stress line Seven Stages of Geopathic illness Common symptoms linked to geopathic stress include chronic body pains, headaches, and sudden signs of physical aging, irritability and restless sleep. It is also a common factor in cases of infertility and miscarriages, learning difficulties, behavioral problems and neurological disabilities in children. But Geopathic stress is not directly diseasing the body, but compromising the immune system, so that we start getting into problems stage by stage.Some people are highly sensitive to those places physically and emotionally and often those individuals are thin, fair skinned, serious minded and easily hurt. It especially affects children and the elderly.Usually it takes month or even years until the body becomes sensitized and weakened to the Geopathic irritations to which it is exposed. Bacteria and parasites will more easily infect those individuals and multiply more rapidly. Those affected are often overlooked by Medical Doctors.When all else fails, suspect a Geopathic disturbance and check the living or sleeping arrangements. • Research has shown that over 85% of people who die from have been regularly exposed to geopathic stress. Dr. E. Hartman MD claimed after treating thousands of cancer patients for over 30 years that cancer is a disease of location where people have been exposed to GS over a period of time. • Similarly, Dr. Hans Nieper, a world renowned cancer and MS specialist, found that 92% of all his cancer patients and 75% of his MS patients were geopathically stressed. • Dr. Gustav Freiherr Von Pohl proved to the Central Committee for Cancer Research in Berlin, almost 60 years ago, that people were unlikely to get cancer unless they spent some time in geopathically stressed places, mainly when sleeping. He also reckoned that gout was the only ailment not caused or exacerbated by geopathic stress. Cancer is the most notorious of these, and tumors are known to develop almost always at exactly the spot where two or more GS lines cross a person’s body as they lie asleep in their bed. All mammals are considered to produce cancerous cells on a continual basis, though they are also continuously destroyed by the body’s immune system. Stress on the immune system caused by GS is seen as responsible for the resulting overgrowth of cancer cells. Our body responds to GS like it responds to stress, modifying its hormone output to adapt to the location with distorted radiation. The body can’t compensate this anomaly for a long period of time, opening the possibility for the onset of an illness in our body. The length of this period until an illness sets in depends on how healthy the person is and also on how many hours are spent on the affected zone. The sleeping place is usually where we spend the most time. This period can vary from a few months to several years. 1. Starting with strange sensations This can occur within one or two months. Typical symptoms are slow to heal, mood swings, apathy and worry, feeling uncomfortable in bed, unpleasant sensations, unreasonable sadness and so on. Although there are few physical symptoms, neurotransmitter imbalance is the Root cause for everything. Hormonal imbalance: Harmons are powerful chemical messengers in the body, controlling everything from the reproductive system to mood, sleep and appearance.Despite the important role hormones play, manypeople, men and women alike,are unaware that even minor hormonal imbalances can cause symptoms ranging from inability to lose weight to fatigue to uncontrollable sugar cravings and can even increase the risk of conditions associated with aging-diabetes, osteoporosis, and heart disease. Slow Recovery –serotonin (mood Hormone) syndrome:As a neurotransmitter, the serotonin chemical helps to relay messages from one area of the brain to another. Because of the widespread distribution of its cells in brain, it is believed to influence a variety of psychological and other body functions there are many researchers who believe that an imbalance in serotonin levels may influence mood in a way that leads to depression. Serotonin regulates sleep patterns and set the mood. According to the world health organization, depression is the leading cause of disability as measured by the years lost due to disability. Both depression and anxiety are linked to elevated cortisol, coupled with an imbalance of our “feel good “hormones, including serotonin, dopamine and noradrenaline .Ongoing exposure to GS can deplete our serotonin reserves, leading to intense food carvings. Protein Rich foods are to be given importance. It is possible to naturally have lower levels of serotonin than normal, but what more often happens is that environmental stressors cause a decrease in already low levels of serotonin, resulting in a chemical imbalance. 2. Suffering with Sleep Disorders The most frequently found symptoms occurring at an early stage of exposure to geopathic stress, perhaps immediately upon moving to a new house, are sleep disruption. The siting of a patient’s bed seems to be the most important factor, after which come favorite chair, desk, room in which most working time is spent, and so forth. This can occur within few months. Decrease in serotonin can lead to difficulty sleeping, Muscle aches, Fatigue, Headaches, Frequent nightmares Panic attacks (rapid heart rate, sweating, shaking, shortness of breath, dizziness, nausea) and on. Difficultysleepingsignals are difficulty falling asleep, staying asleep, and waking too early, restless sleep, feeling cold in bed, waking frequently, Lack of appetite in the morning and anxiety. These symptoms can disrupt people’s lifestyle and lead to weakness and drowsiness.

3. Secretion of Stress Hormones- Excess Cortisol This take a few months or several years to occur. Accelerated heartbeat, hypertension, depression, cramps, lack of sex drive are the physiological and psychological distress. Stress may be defined as any situation which tends to disturb the equilibrium between a living organism and its environment. The body starts to actively respond to natural radiation threat. The hypothalamus start sending signals and triggering the release of the stress hormone Cortisol. Controlling Cortisol-stress hormone:Cortisolisproduced by your adrenal glands, this "stress hormone" helps regulate blood pressure and the immune system during a sudden crisis, whether a physical attack or an emotional setback. This helps you to tap into your energy reserves and increases your ability to fight off infection. The more stressed we are , the more cortisol we produce. Trouble is, relentless stress can keep this survival mechanism churning in high gear, subverting the hormone's good intentions. Chronically high cortisol levels can cause sleep disruption, a known cause of weight gain, a depressed immune response, and even abdominal weight gain. "When cortisol spikes, it tells the body to eat something with a lot of calories. Cortisol can cause blood sugar imbalance, resulting in hypo-glycaemia and symptoms of shakiness, irritability, fatigue and headaches between meals. Omega three Rich diet & Ohm chanting control cortisol: People who practiced meditation significantly decreased both cortisol and blood pressure in 3 weeks. Similarly, participants who meditated daily for four months decreased the hormone by an average of 20% in a study at Maharishi University, while levels in the non-meditating control group actually went up slightly. 4. Digestivedisorders It takes one or three years for symptoms to occur. Due to long term over arousal and excessive flow of hormone depletes the body’s energy reserves, gradually weakening the organism. Stress makes us soft, flabby, and much older than we truly are. Typical symptoms like Diarrhea, poor digestion, colon irritation, constipation, stomach ache, ulcers, irritable bowel syndrome, accumulation of abdominal fat, obesity, increased susceptibility to stroke and cancer are occurring. ExcessEstrogen (sex hormone) to be a great risk factor for obesity-for both sexes as poor eating habits, lack of exercise. As the body responds to high level of GS stress, it seals progesterone (sex hormone) to manufacture the stress hormone cortisol, often leaving a relative excess of estrogen. Estrogen dominance is thought to be responsible for many types of cancers. 5. Behavioral problems It takes three to five years to occur. Prolonged cortisol secretion leads to Diabetes and behavioral problems. Typical symptoms like panic attacks, learning difficulties, Attention Deficit disorder, chronic fatigue, memory problems starts. Mental, physical and emotional resources suffer heavily. A few years of overreaction to GS overloads the brain with powerful hormones that are intended only for short term duty in emergency situations. Cumulative effect is damage and of brain cells. Loss of concentration at work, inappropriate responses to major changes in life situations, problems staying calm, lack of interest in doing anything and so on. 6. CommonCold to Karmic Cancer Symptoms can occur after 5 years or more. Susceptible to everything from colds and flu to cancer .Studies have shown that subjects under GS have low white blood cell counts and are vulnerable to infection and diseases. High risk of cardiac e v e n t s a n d c o m p l e t e suppression of the immune system is the final stage. Symptoms may be cancer, kidney disorders, Allergies, skin diseases, Asthma, infertility, high cholesterol, Pneumonia like that the list goes on. 7. Karmic suffering There are physical reasons of sickness and disease, but sometimes that physical or biological manifestation is evidence of something going wild spiritually in your life. If karmic forces can be met in definite spiritual purposes, then the physician working with a patient with an "incurable" disease is challenged to treat such a person as an individual who may, at any moment, find that he has learned the lesson inherent in the experience. His treatment program must then have a spiritual direction, engaging the mind in the total educational process. And the physician must work patiently with those trying to overcome that which has become part of their total life experience.

. Secret Cards connecting to GS/EMF- (samples shown) Almost all the seventy eight cards are the secret signs and symbols of people and place energy. Few card secrets are revealed here to prove the power of Taromancy. SwordSuit Shows Stress Lines The Suit of Swordcard meanings are associated with action, change, force, power, oppression, ambition, courage and conflict. Action can be both constructive and/or destructive, sometimes resulting in violence. This suit can also mean hatred, battle, and enemies, and of all the suits, this one is considered to be the most powerful and dangerous. With sword symbolism we can accurately detect the number of water streams running under cot,crossing at hot spots, negative power zones in Brahmas than, sleeping on stress lines,Geo vortices, spirals , ley lines, Black lines, Hartmann grid, Entities, Emotional vampires , sick building syndrome ,directional disturbances and the suitable remedies. Tower Card shows Vampire vision of Vortex If this card is in your future position take it as a warning and examine your house /work place energy. By identifying your ivory tower of illusion, you may save yourself a lot of grief in the future.Pre-planned terrorism of Twin tower turmoil is a very good example for tower card disaster.

VoiceofVortex Wakes up: a tower on a rocky outcrop, a powerful bolt of lightning, one or two figures falling from , sometimes waves crashing below. When a sudden, cataclysmic change occurs, such as what the Tower card suggests, it is an anomaly of sorts. Such a drastic upheaval means the Universe trying to wake us up from our zombie-like state. This wake-up call comes in the form of an event that blind-sides us and shakes us out of the fog we've been living in. It's as if we we've been comatose and the Universe comes along with those electric paddles to jolt our hearts back to life.Sudden Shattering of security:Tower shattering shakes the foundation of our current sense of security and forces us toquestion our strongly-held beliefs, perceptions, attitudes and behaviors. It may be a divorce, death of a loved one, financial failure, health problems or job loss, or any event that penetrates to the core of your inner being, affecting you spiritually, mentally and physically. It is often descriptive of a major upheaval, disruption, emergency or crisis, and is likely to bring chaos in the aftermath of such an event. Whenever we get tower cards, it detects the existence of Vampire Vortexes typically where there are strong concentrations of gravitational anomalies, in turn creating an environment that can defy gravity, bend light, scare animals, twist plant life into contorted shapes, and cause humans to feel strange. These swirling pools of energy can either lift you up, or damage you by draining your subtle body of its vitality causing innumerable ailments and illnesses. In tower card, we can see two figures of opposite sex falling.Actual Geo vortex formation is almost same,wheretwo or more different types of energy cross or meet, and they are not compatible or sympathetic with each other, they will begin to turn upon each other in a rotating and spiral motion. This toroidal form or rolling will continue until one absorbs and cancels the other out, or they become so equally balanced the rotating can go on indefinitely for a long cycle of time. The vortex motion is like a fast moving generator, and when the current between the two opposite poles becomes too great, the walls of the vortex are spanned by great and powerful electrical discharges that whirl into the spherical shape.

Falling people for Escaping from EMF/GS: Falling is a befitting way to convey absolute loss of control. There is no railing and no net to save us. When we're free- falling there's not one thing that can be done but fall and hope for the best when we land. Most decks depict two figures falling: A male who represents conscious thought/ action, and a female who represents unconscious thought/action. In this case, this is a symbol of duality and opposition. The two figures represent conflicting thoughts and actions, inevitably leading to an eruption. Fearful Fireisthrashing: is typically an aggressive symbol. Masculine symbol for creation, purification, revelations and transformation .It obliterates everything in its path, leaving little semblance of the original landscape. This is further indication that the Tower card means serious business, and when change comes it will significantly alter the landscape of our lives. It's also worth mentioning that the fire in the card burns from the top down. This indicates that change is long overdue, and that we may be "at the top of our game" when a shift comes. Lighteningisfrightening:Modern western sign for danger, heat together .Lightening has long been seen by ancient peoples to be a direct signal from God. Some Native Americans thought lightening was brought about by a wink from the Thunderbird who was considered the Great Creator. In India, lightening was considered a flash from the third eye of Shiva, symbolizing the light of truth and enlightenment. Lightening is a powerful message of truth emanating from our highest source forcing us to conduct a reality check.Rushingclouds are the gray clouds of misfortune that rain on everyone indiscriminately. The ruling planet of this card is (Twin Tower Disaster happenedon Tuesday).

Upright, orreversed the Tower indicates a time of great turmoil and destruction, which will eventually bring with it change and regeneration. Reversed, however, the Tower card indicates that you are simply delaying the necessary ‘destruction’. You need to go through this difficult time in order to learn an important lesson. Do not resist it. Even though it is shocking and hard to deal with, it is a very important part of your life journey.

Empress is an Earth Mother Card Shakti the Feminine Yang Symbol - The Tarot card meanings associated with are strongly linked with motherhood. When we pull this card for ourselves or for others it is often a message to a mother or from a mother.The mother figure of the Tarot deckmeanings are all about love, abundance, nurturing, and pleasure. When we observe the card we see the earth elements of nature - all exploding on the card - the Empress brings about the flood of growth and is the epitome of abundance. She reminds us that there is always enough for everyone to enjoy. There is no shortage.

Belly is Promising Pregnancy:many decks depict the Empress as pregnant. This is very symbolic, and when pulled, this card conveys a message that the situation is pregnant with promise - full of opportunity. Along with the symbolism of pregnancy holding promise, comes the waiting period. Just as there is an incubation time until the child comes forth, so too is there a time of waiting until our desires become manifest. Crown is connecting: The Empress wears a crown of 12 stars. Crowns signify ruler ship and authority, a “marriage ring” between heaven and earth. The Empress rules over fertility and reproduction; it is under her rule that all manner of flora and fauna proliferate unchecked.Scepteris shielding: Shield symbol meanings deal with defense, protection and covering up. Featured in the Empress card, the shield is an unlikely symbol for a card exhibiting virtues of love and abundance. However, even in the midst of the most happy and abundant times the shield is a message for us to protect ourselves from over-indulgence and is a signal for us to make preparations to shield or protect that which we value most (family, friends, future, etc.).

White Magical Robe is purifying: The Empress's gown is white to symbolize purity and it's adorned with budding flowers, together these symbols represent the purity of the newborn. Some theorize that the fruits on the robe are pomegranates sliced in half, which would connect to Waite’s comment about The Empress being “the fruitful mother of thousands”. Red Robe Resisting: Red is the color of passion, sensuality and love. And yet, red is also associated with war, aggression, blood and warning. Cushion is Neutralizing: Cushions imply comfort and sensuality, so it could be argued that red cushions imply the application of “feminine wiles” in the attempt to neutralize or influence powerful males

Sacred Water falling Waterfalls are continual, rushing waters symbolizing perpetual refreshment and life-sustaining nourishment. In Buddhist tradition, waterfalls represent “permanent impermanence” Water is a universal sign of motion, emotion, abundance, and also gives the reader a concept of abundance as it is usually depicted on the card in the form of a waterfall. This symbol expresses the ability of the Empress to open up her intuitive resources and allow abundance to flow through her freely. Consider the exhilarating rush of a waterfall - expansive and powerful - even a little frightening as it crashes against the rocks. The waterfall is a reminder that with tranquility also comes extreme force - we must be mindful of our capacity to love and create - as well as our ability to hate and destroy. Green Trees without Twisting Trunks /Tumors;Trees of life has roots in the water of the underworld, its trunk in the earthly world, and its branches in heaven. Seen as a way of accessing other worlds. There is grain growing around her feet to symbolize the everlasting cycle of birth growth death and rebirth. Grain also represents nourishment for the body, fruitfulness fertility and abundance. Venusforvictory: visually this symbol speaks to us on two levels: Spiritual and Material. On the top half we feel the openness and inclusivity (circle). Yet, on the lower half we experience a narrowing, or a "coming to the crux." Visually you can see opening and closing, beginnings and endings, in this symbol.Three for Trinity: The Empress, whose number is 3, an important number in terms of relatedness, resonance, and the general "all-inclusiveness" of the Great Mother archetype.

Empressreversed; Symbolize Goddess Kali - Feminine yin symbol. Goddess kali is shown with black tongue, rolling eyes, pointed teeth and a garland of skulls. These are the signs of geo stress. when the lovely Empress reverses she loses her natural balance and stability within. Gone is the self-assured and powerful woman who is successful in all areas of her life. Instead we find an insecure and tense woman who finds it hard to get anything off the ground or complete any projects she has started. She finds it hard to be productive and loses her positive personality and sunny disposition. Wecan be sure the querant is experiencing difficulty with Geopathic stress. Crossing of Underground water veins, Ley Line transforming as Black line, twisting the trees, Botheringbabies in Womb, disturbing planetary benefits, are supposed to be the predictions. Whatever your situation, you can't avoid the truth with Tarot. Tarot puts you in touch with your higher self, also known as your intuition, and it will force you to take an honest look at your life -- even the things you'd rather not admit! Once you have that clarity, you'll be able to make more responsible choices. Improve your life -- Never forget the power of free will! If you see something you don't like about your life in a Tarot reading, you have the power to change it. That's the whole point!