Here at Quins, we are proud to have one of the largest mini and junior playing sections in the region. With over 450 young people playing rugby at each Sunday, it has become increasingly difficult to support the growth and demand at our current base. Following the return of the senior rugby teams to Marston Ferry Road, the Committee have been considering how best to support the future and continued growth of the club. These discussions have been centred on our desire to provide an inclusive community rugby club which offers first class facilities. Initial discussions with the to extend our lease at Marston Ferry Road have not been as positive as we had hoped. It is apparent that they are unable to offer the club a lease extension which would allow the club to grow and develop in the way that we have envisaged. In view of these challenges, the Committee have been in discussions with the RFU and Council to scope other possible options. In December 2015, the RFU announced its intention to invest in 100 floodlit Artificial Grass Pitches (AGP). Earlier this year the club expressed its interest in having a facility located at our club and following a primary review, Quins were identified as the club of choice for . The AGP is fully funded by the RFU at a cost of nearly £800,000. As the host club, we would get 12 hours free use at peak time with the option of additional hours at a much reduced cost. As this will be a community asset, the remaining time on the AGP would be managed by the RFU to support the growth of rugby in the region. Whilst the RFU retain ownership of the AGP for a period of 30 years, the asset is then fully transferred to the host club. Since the formation of Quins, the club has retained an interest in its other facility at Horspath Road. It is at this site that the RFU have agreed to undertake further feasibility tests with the option of delivering an AGP there. Horspath Road is larger site offering three times the playing area which is currently available at Marston Ferry. It has an existing clubhouse and larger, more flexible facilities than Marston Ferry Road. It offers over 300 parking spaces and also hosts an Athletics Club who we have a positive relationship with.



Were Quins to relocate to this site, we would be able to offer each of our mini and junior players 60m2 per player as opposed to the current 20m2. The Changing facilities are significantly better than that which is available at Marston Ferry Road. In order to take this forward, an EGM was held on Thursday 5 October 2017. All members who attended were asked to vote on whether to pursue the installation of an AGP at Horspath Road. The outcome of the vote was a resounding ‘yes’ and the Committee has now been given the authority to take this option forward. Our mandate is therefore the full relocation of Oxford Harlequins RFC to Horpsath Road pending the delivery of an AGP at this site. Following positive discussions with the RFU and Council we hope to secure the support of both parties to take this option forward. The club aims to confirm with the RFU later this month that we are in position to provide them with the heads of terms to support this venture. Should all parties agree on the plan to establish an AGP at Horspath Road and should the necessary planning applications be obtained, it is expected that work to build the new facility would start in April 2018. The current timeline for the pitch and wider developments at the club are aiming for all works to be completed in time for the start of the 2018/2019 season. The Committee realises that this is a significant change and are very aware of the amazing support and membership that we have built whilst based at our current location. All of the Committee have strong links to Marston Ferry Road, we boast a member who played in the first ever game here for the Oxford Old Boys in 1963! The committee also includes former junior and senior players who have played First team rugby for Quins at both Marston Ferry and Horspath Road. Our Committee are fully committed to the club and its long term future and the decision to consider our relocation is not one that has been taken lightly.

In order to make this a success we need your support, should you have any questions do not hesitate to speak to your coach or a member of the Committee.

Yours in rugby,

The Oxford Harlequins RFC Committee Neil Hopper, Chairman Stuart Wells, Mini & Junior Chairman David Woodward, President James Knox, Head of Facilities Jack Pooler, Secretary John Water, Treasurer