Laxmimoni Dasi, the Dean of Students Our heartfelt thanks to the scholarship donors:

This year the administrative team Ambarisha Dasa clarifi ed the college’s direction. Anuttama Dasa By examining the needs and op- Mahaprabhu Dasa portunities in ISKCON and defi n- Sham and Saroj Idnani ing the college’s spiritual expec- tations of the students, we paved the way for success in the future. Members: As a team we clarifi ed our vision Dina Dayal Dasa and Anupama Dasi and how we want to achieve Dinasraya Dasa our goals and what we want to Newsletter Autumn 2008 Gurudas Dasa and Rati Manjari Dasi communicate to the students by Jacky Willaert Newsletter: What you were doing detailed discussion. So we have a more before coming to the college? determined system, and that should Kumari-priya Dasi Sixth Academic Year Ends Successfully bring increased clarity into our dealings Nadia-bihari Dasa and Shyamalika Dasi For twenty-nine years I was the Principal and vocational studies, combined with the with the students. A new building is be- Nora Kalesse of the Vaishnava Academy for Girls, in spiritual programmes of the Radhadesh ing constructed, which will increase our Peter Pühler America. I was also involved in ISKCON community, enable students to both receive facilities. Now the groundwork is laid for education on other levels, as a child- Rajesh C. (Srinivas Fine Arts) an education and grow in Krsna conscious- the college to become a dynamic force protection advocate, a trainer, and a judge, Ranaka Dasa ness. Our graduates become more mature, in Srila Prabhupada’s mission of spread- and as a member of ISKCON’s Ministry for Rupa Manjari Dasi responsible, and focused. ing consciousness. Educational Development. Sri Ananga Manjari Dasi Devotees worldwide apply for admis- sion. Our three-year programme entitles NL: What inspired you to serve as the NL: Tell us something about your Stephen Butler them to a Bachelor of degree Dean of Students? experiences with the students. (B.Th.), awarded by the University of Wales Donations of library books One reason is that I am inspired by the Most students have almost no prior expe- Lampeter, and the degree is recognised in rience living in a temple. They do not all team of wonderful devotees developing We thank the donors of books, especially: almost fi fty countries so far. Our graduates know the standards of temple life or the Architectural drawing of the fi rst college building the college and training the students. Mahaprabhu Dasa have various possibilities for their future Another is that I am inclined to remain Vaishnava etiquette between men and In the picture are six of the seven graduates and the College education or activities. cessfully completing postgraduate studies. women. We have students of many ages, Prof. Winand Callewaert Principal: Kalindi Dasi, Jaya Bhadra Dasi, Lilasuka Dasa, connected to ISKCON’s educational de- Yadunandana Dasa (Principal), Aravindaksa Dasa, Bhakta- We take care that students do services All of them took more responsibility for Gangadhara Dasa velopment. The process of education is so there is a bit of a challenge in bridg- vasa Govinda Dasa and Dina Dayala Dasa (kneeling); other than studying, to ensure that their de- their lives and showed increased dedica- Rasa Dasa not pictured. the backbone of ISKCON, on all levels, and ing the generation gap; their social needs velopment is balanced. They cook breakfast in tion to Srila Prabhupada’s movement. I have always felt that whatever little good are diff erent. And we have students from General donors: Srila Prabhupada wrote that one of ISKCON’s shifts for the community, make garlands and This summer, on June 19th, seven stu- about fi fteen countries; the language and thing I can do becomes many times more Jacky Willaert purposes is ‘to systematically propagate spiri- lead for the pleasure of the Deities, dents received B.Th. degrees. It is a great joy valuable if I teach many others to do it. cultural diff erences are challenging. tual knowledge to society at large and to ed- and perform dramas at festivals. They also go and encouragement for the college staff to Jaya Krsna Dasa NL: What are the plans to develop this ucate all people in the techniques of spiritual to nearby towns to chant or distribute books. see students leave Radhadesh with bright NL: What are your responsibilities? Josef Lauber service? life.’ The establishment of Bhaktivedanta Col- Bhaktivedanta College graduated its faces, useful life skills, clearer goals, and Counseling the students and working Mahaprabhu Dasa and Ashoka Dasi lege, in 2002, resulted from a growing aware- fi rst six B.Th. students in June 2007. This year, deepened understandings of the Vaishnava We hope to off er exciting and enjoyable with the administration to improve the -Gaurasundara Dasa and ness of ISKCON’s need to systematically train some of these graduates served on the col- tradition. recreational, social, and cultural activities facilities and programs. Dasi and educate its members. The academic lege staff or taught a course. Some are suc- (cont’d. on the next page) within the community of Radhadesh and Sham and Saroj Idnani NL: What was accomplished in your more mentorship opportunities for the fi rst year? new students. Sri Ananga Manjari Dasi Vaishnava Dasa An unnamed donor in Denmark Lampeter Representative Attends the Graduation Ceremony Dr. Minna Shkul, the Assistant Director of Open Learning Theology & Religious Studies at the University of Wales Lampeter, A Second CD by Students made these selected comments at the graduation ceremony.

‘Divine Love’ is the name of Bhaktivedanta The guest of honour at programme, which adds to the diversity capable, expert tutors. You have strong, College’s second CD. The tracks are texts from the graduation cere- of our department. The beauty of teach- sound management and a communal the Srimad-Bhagavatam, about the divine love mony in mid-June was ing in actual, vibrant communities like leadership team that benefi ts the life of shared by Krishna and His intimate devotees, Dr. Minna Shkul. this is that people can learn in their con- the college and the movement. . . . Your with music composed by the students. The fessional environment and benefi t the programme is academically sound and students, supported by additional devotees, ‘I am very proud of our communal life without compromising theologically challenging. I particularly produced a wonderful CD that will touch the partnership. . . . One academic requirements. . . . You have a enjoy its comprehensive and wide per- hearts of devotees and other listeners. The CD would struggle to fi nd ISKCON studies in team of capable people working here. spective on theological education, which is part of the college’s fundraising programme and will mainly be distributed to the public. The CD is British or European universities, and Your college is headed by qualifi ed, inno- is both commendable and extremely therefore we are privileged to host your vative scholars, and you have highly useful.’ Kalindi Dasi and Krishangi-lila Dasi recording available from Bhaktivedanta Library Services.

Petite Somme 2 • 6940 Durbuy • Belgium • Tel: +32 (0) 86 32 32 77 • [email protected] • Petite Somme 2 • 6940 Durbuy • Belgium • Tel: +32 (0) 86 32 32 77 • [email protected] • In addition, Bhaktivedanta College annual- ly off ers a four-month Bhakti Shastri course, an First Elected Student Representative Introductory Course in Krsna Consciousness, and other courses according to the needs Because of the large number of stu- our spiritual practices. I also got the op- and interests of the devotees. Representa- dents this year (about twenty-fi ve), portunity to serve the students as their tives of Bhaktivedanta College also go to other the students felt the need for a stu- representative. I became aware of many countries to teach courses on communications, dent representative, and in an election challenges in reaching a genuine un- teacher training, and leadership and manage- chose Bhaktin Biljana from Macedonia derstanding within our small but com- ment. The college is a model for future ISKCON as their fi rst Student Representative. By plex institution, and of the natural dif- colleges worldwide. accepting this service she took up the fi culties people have in seeing others’ Bhaktivedanta College needs its own build- responsibility of being a link between perspectives. My main role has been to ings to be able to off er more education. We the students and the staff . She informs facilitate dialogues that led us to mu- wish to off er Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees the college staff about students’ con- tual discoveries and understandings. Bhaktin Biljana articulates the students’ concerns. in Business Administration and a Master’s de- cerns and informs the students of the As our Communications lecturer said the senior, experienced devotees lead- gree in Theology. We started constructing our staff ’s feedback. recently, this fi eld is about processes, ing the college and the students’ sincer- fi rst building in October 2007, a teacher and Biljana said about this service: ‘My role not products; relationships are always ity to participate in building a healthy staff dormitory. Initially it will be used for stu- as a student is primarily to be a good something that are in the process of community, I think the results are both dent accommodation, too. Student dormito- student and a sincere practitioner of being built and nourished. Considering predictable and promising.’ ries and a building with classrooms, a library, and offi ces will complete the campus. When the College started its fi rst building, the Radhadesh devotees were very pleased. It amount of funding is still needed. your interest in supporting this unique ISKCON was signifi cant that one of ISKCON’s fi rst edu- There are various ways to support this proj- project. cational institutions was establishing its place. ect. You can contribute to the building fund, Applied Education: Preaching in The Hague by Shyama-sakhi Dasi As the building grew, many expressed their en- sponsor a scholarship for students, or give a Contacts: thusiasm. Unfortunately, the construction has donation to be used at the discretion of the [email protected] of -, Laxmana and . not yet been completed because a substantial management. We will be happy to discuss mobile: 0032 496 30 81 89. Gaura-, a fi rst-year student from India, gave a Bhagavad-gita class, which was followed by forty minutes of chanting () by students. After the It Takes More Commitment To Be a Master program, devotees took their instruments An interview with one of the fi rst six graduates of Bhaktivedanta College and his wife, who fi nished and kirtan to a beach. While chanting the Bhakti Shastri course and the fi rst year of the Undergraduate Programme of Bhaktivedanta College. at sunset, the devotees were joined by various people.

Newsletter: What are you two doing now? undergraduate and graduate school? On the second day, a morning The students chant in a park in The Hague. program at the center was followed Yugala Kisora Dasa: Concluding my work on YKD: At the graduate level you are expected to us took part. I fi nd it hard to preach a- a Master’s degree in religious studies (Asian show more ingenuity and fl uency in data col- by a kirtan, short dramas, and lunch Jalasaya presenting at the university lone, but in a group, preaching becomes religions) at Cardiff University. I will fi nish my lection, research, and analysis. Completion of in a park. In the evening, Parvati Dasi’s a natural thing. Our chanting attracted dissertation by September. a Master’s degree requires a bit more commit- family hosted the students and local people, and we were all so inspired that ment and costs a bit more. This summer I will In May, eight students went to a three- devotees. Her two children, Varsha and Bhakti Tina: I am a social worker. I help with be working to pay for it. Arvin, were good hosts. After dinner, it was hard to stop. I am happy that we children’s services. I am occupied with work Yugala Kisora visiting a scenic place near Bristol day program in The Hague, because a the students performed a kirtan that made new friends. I hope to take part in and satisfi ed. Social work these days, unfortu- NL: Which skills that you gained at Bhakti- key part of their education is applying will increase the practical skills I need for more preaching opportunities.’ nately, is more than needed because of both a College are valuable now? the theoretical knowledge from their everyone enjoyed. teaching and presenting Chaitanya Vaish- lack of support from an extended family and a courses. Students learn how to speak YKD: In the devotional atmosphere of Bhakti- navism to diverse audiences. On the third day, the students gave Preaching is more than just giving lack of the loving encouragement that children in public, give presentations, and vedanta College, I received the best of both an hour-and-a-half presentation at people information. Building relation- need. Doing this work, I again and again realize NL: What do you miss about Bhakti- explain philosophy. So when there is worlds: spiritual nourishment and academic Den-Haag University. Everyone did his ships is what will inspire others to the importance of healthy family systems and vedanta College? training. The spirit of devotion let me feel the an opportunity to meet new audiences, or her best to prepare. The idea was all that stems from them; positive values steer accept Krishna consciousness. And by pulse of a living tradition and provided access YKD: The care and warmth of a devotee everyone feels enthusiastic. one toward becoming a responsible citizen. As to present as a way to connect taking care of and helping one other, to a higher understanding that is inaccessible community. Radhadesh was a home for a hobby, I do fi ne beadwork weaving. And I en- In February, some students had al- to our inner self, the environment, devotees show how their philosophy in a merely academic setting. The ample prac- us, a place to learn new skills, and a place joy being married to Yugala Kisora. ready visited The Hague, and the local the universe, and the spiritual world. is applied in daily life. The devotees in tice I received in verbal and written commu- of worship. Above all, it was a place to devotees invited more students to return Everyone in the audience was attentive NL: Why did you go to Cardiff ? nication, critical thinking, and overall analysis meet and associate with devotees. We The Hague have a great service attitude for the three-day program in mid-May. and enjoyed it. Ali and Gopinatha, both was most helpful. miss our friends there. and strong friendships. This inspired YKD: To continue my studies after graduating The students enjoyed every moment of fi rst-year students, ended the program and left an impression on the students. from the college. Cardiff is one of Britain’s lead- NL: What are some of your aims? NL: What are your plans? the many events in May. by leading a kirtan that enlivened all. Although the students went to The ing teaching and research universities, and the YKD: I strongly feel that for ISKCON to grow it YKD: It is challenging and at times diffi - Devotees made a number of friendships School of Religious and Theological Studies On the fi rst day, Jayadharma Dasa and Hague to apply in practice what they needs to strive for effi ciency and competence cult to live in a foreign country. So in a year with the university students. has a good reputation. The city is neither too his wife, Natasha, the main organizers, learned from various teachers, they on all levels. By becoming a qualifi ed devotee, or two, we plan to start a family in Slovenia, big nor too small. So I saw this as an ideal place warmly received the students at their Gopinatha, from India, said, ‘We had received more than they off ered. They I hope to take part in building a better ISKCON Tina’s country. I am from Croatia, so we will to pursue my passion for the academic study a great time, great , and great were able to preach the philosophy, and to play a role in the sort of progress and have our families and friends nearby. There home and provided places for them of religion. hosts. I could feel the team spirit of the chant the holy name constantly, and development that ISKCON members want to is a lively devotee community in Slovenia, to relax before the Sunday Feast. The NL: What is the diff erence like for you between see. I am confi dent that my graduate work and we look forward to being part of it. Hague ISKCON centre houses Deities devotees and was impressed that all of make new friends. In addition, Bhaktivedanta College annual- ly off ers a four-month Bhakti Shastri course, an First Elected Student Representative Introductory Course in Krsna Consciousness, and other courses according to the needs Because of the large number of stu- our spiritual practices. I also got the op- and interests of the devotees. Representa- dents this year (about twenty-fi ve), portunity to serve the students as their tives of Bhaktivedanta College also go to other the students felt the need for a stu- representative. I became aware of many countries to teach courses on communications, dent representative, and in an election challenges in reaching a genuine un- teacher training, and leadership and manage- chose Bhaktin Biljana from Macedonia derstanding within our small but com- ment. The college is a model for future ISKCON as their fi rst Student Representative. By plex institution, and of the natural dif- colleges worldwide. accepting this service she took up the fi culties people have in seeing others’ Bhaktivedanta College needs its own build- responsibility of being a link between perspectives. My main role has been to ings to be able to off er more education. We the students and the staff . She informs facilitate dialogues that led us to mu- wish to off er Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees the college staff about students’ con- tual discoveries and understandings. Bhaktin Biljana articulates the students’ concerns. in Business Administration and a Master’s de- cerns and informs the students of the As our Communications lecturer said the senior, experienced devotees lead- gree in Theology. We started constructing our staff ’s feedback. recently, this fi eld is about processes, ing the college and the students’ sincer- fi rst building in October 2007, a teacher and Biljana said about this service: ‘My role not products; relationships are always ity to participate in building a healthy staff dormitory. Initially it will be used for stu- as a student is primarily to be a good something that are in the process of community, I think the results are both dent accommodation, too. Student dormito- student and a sincere practitioner of being built and nourished. Considering predictable and promising.’ ries and a building with classrooms, a library, and offi ces will complete the campus. When the College started its fi rst building, the Radhadesh devotees were very pleased. It amount of funding is still needed. your interest in supporting this unique ISKCON was signifi cant that one of ISKCON’s fi rst edu- There are various ways to support this proj- project. cational institutions was establishing its place. ect. You can contribute to the building fund, Applied Education: Preaching in The Hague by Shyama-sakhi Dasi As the building grew, many expressed their en- sponsor a scholarship for students, or give a Contacts: thusiasm. Unfortunately, the construction has donation to be used at the discretion of the [email protected] of Sita-Rama, Laxmana and Hanuman. not yet been completed because a substantial management. We will be happy to discuss mobile: 0032 496 30 81 89. Gaura-Hari, a fi rst-year student from India, gave a Bhagavad-gita class, which was followed by forty minutes of chanting (kirtan) by students. After the It Takes More Commitment To Be a Master program, devotees took their instruments An interview with one of the fi rst six graduates of Bhaktivedanta College and his wife, who fi nished and kirtan to a beach. While chanting the Bhakti Shastri course and the fi rst year of the Undergraduate Programme of Bhaktivedanta College. at sunset, the devotees were joined by various people.

Newsletter: What are you two doing now? undergraduate and graduate school? On the second day, a morning The students chant in a park in The Hague. program at the center was followed Yugala Kisora Dasa: Concluding my work on YKD: At the graduate level you are expected to us took part. I fi nd it hard to preach a- a Master’s degree in religious studies (Asian show more ingenuity and fl uency in data col- by a kirtan, short dramas, and lunch Jalasaya presenting at the university lone, but in a group, preaching becomes religions) at Cardiff University. I will fi nish my lection, research, and analysis. Completion of in a park. In the evening, Parvati Dasi’s a natural thing. Our chanting attracted dissertation by September. a Master’s degree requires a bit more commit- family hosted the students and local people, and we were all so inspired that ment and costs a bit more. This summer I will In May, eight students went to a three- devotees. Her two children, Varsha and Bhakti Tina: I am a social worker. I help with be working to pay for it. Arvin, were good hosts. After dinner, it was hard to stop. I am happy that we children’s services. I am occupied with work Yugala Kisora visiting a scenic place near Bristol day program in The Hague, because a the students performed a kirtan that made new friends. I hope to take part in and satisfi ed. Social work these days, unfortu- NL: Which skills that you gained at Bhakti- key part of their education is applying will increase the practical skills I need for more preaching opportunities.’ nately, is more than needed because of both a vedanta College are valuable now? the theoretical knowledge from their everyone enjoyed. teaching and presenting Chaitanya Vaish- lack of support from an extended family and a courses. Students learn how to speak YKD: In the devotional atmosphere of Bhakti- navism to diverse audiences. On the third day, the students gave Preaching is more than just giving lack of the loving encouragement that children in public, give presentations, and vedanta College, I received the best of both an hour-and-a-half presentation at people information. Building relation- need. Doing this work, I again and again realize NL: What do you miss about Bhakti- explain philosophy. So when there is worlds: spiritual nourishment and academic Den-Haag University. Everyone did his ships is what will inspire others to the importance of healthy family systems and vedanta College? training. The spirit of devotion let me feel the an opportunity to meet new audiences, or her best to prepare. The idea was all that stems from them; positive values steer accept Krishna consciousness. And by pulse of a living tradition and provided access YKD: The care and warmth of a devotee everyone feels enthusiastic. one toward becoming a responsible citizen. As to present yoga as a way to connect taking care of and helping one other, to a higher understanding that is inaccessible community. Radhadesh was a home for a hobby, I do fi ne beadwork weaving. And I en- In February, some students had al- to our inner self, the environment, devotees show how their philosophy in a merely academic setting. The ample prac- us, a place to learn new skills, and a place joy being married to Yugala Kisora. ready visited The Hague, and the local the universe, and the spiritual world. is applied in daily life. The devotees in tice I received in verbal and written commu- of worship. Above all, it was a place to devotees invited more students to return Everyone in the audience was attentive NL: Why did you go to Cardiff ? nication, critical thinking, and overall analysis meet and associate with devotees. We The Hague have a great service attitude for the three-day program in mid-May. and enjoyed it. Ali and Gopinatha, both was most helpful. miss our friends there. and strong friendships. This inspired YKD: To continue my studies after graduating The students enjoyed every moment of fi rst-year students, ended the program and left an impression on the students. from the college. Cardiff is one of Britain’s lead- NL: What are some of your aims? NL: What are your plans? the many events in May. by leading a kirtan that enlivened all. Although the students went to The ing teaching and research universities, and the YKD: I strongly feel that for ISKCON to grow it YKD: It is challenging and at times diffi - Devotees made a number of friendships School of Religious and Theological Studies On the fi rst day, Jayadharma Dasa and Hague to apply in practice what they needs to strive for effi ciency and competence cult to live in a foreign country. So in a year with the university students. has a good reputation. The city is neither too his wife, Natasha, the main organizers, learned from various teachers, they on all levels. By becoming a qualifi ed devotee, or two, we plan to start a family in Slovenia, big nor too small. So I saw this as an ideal place warmly received the students at their Gopinatha, from India, said, ‘We had received more than they off ered. They I hope to take part in building a better ISKCON Tina’s country. I am from Croatia, so we will to pursue my passion for the academic study a great time, great kirtans, and great were able to preach the philosophy, and to play a role in the sort of progress and have our families and friends nearby. There home and provided places for them of religion. hosts. I could feel the team spirit of the chant the holy name constantly, and development that ISKCON members want to is a lively devotee community in Slovenia, to relax before the Sunday Feast. The NL: What is the diff erence like for you between see. I am confi dent that my graduate work and we look forward to being part of it. Hague ISKCON centre houses Deities devotees and was impressed that all of make new friends. Laxmimoni Dasi, the Dean of Students Our heartfelt thanks to the scholarship donors:

This year the administrative team Ambarisha Dasa clarifi ed the college’s direction. Anuttama Dasa By examining the needs and op- Mahaprabhu Dasa portunities in ISKCON and defi n- Sham and Saroj Idnani ing the college’s spiritual expec- tations of the students, we paved the way for success in the future. Members: As a team we clarifi ed our vision Dina Dayal Dasa and Anupama Dasi and how we want to achieve Dinasraya Dasa our goals and what we want to Newsletter Autumn 2008 Gurudas Dasa and Rati Manjari Dasi communicate to the students by Jacky Willaert Newsletter: What you were doing detailed discussion. So we have a more before coming to the college? determined system, and that should Kumari-priya Dasi Sixth Academic Year Ends Successfully bring increased clarity into our dealings Nadia-bihari Dasa and Shyamalika Dasi For twenty-nine years I was the Principal and vocational studies, combined with the with the students. A new building is be- Nora Kalesse of the Vaishnava Academy for Girls, in spiritual programmes of the Radhadesh ing constructed, which will increase our Peter Pühler America. I was also involved in ISKCON community, enable students to both receive facilities. Now the groundwork is laid for education on other levels, as a child- Rajesh C. (Srinivas Fine Arts) an education and grow in Krsna conscious- the college to become a dynamic force protection advocate, a trainer, and a judge, Ranaka Dasa ness. Our graduates become more mature, in Srila Prabhupada’s mission of spread- and as a member of ISKCON’s Ministry for Rupa Manjari Dasi responsible, and focused. ing Krishna consciousness. Educational Development. Sri Ananga Manjari Dasi Devotees worldwide apply for admis- sion. Our three-year programme entitles NL: What inspired you to serve as the NL: Tell us something about your Stephen Butler them to a Bachelor of Theology degree Dean of Students? experiences with the students. (B.Th.), awarded by the University of Wales Donations of library books One reason is that I am inspired by the Most students have almost no prior expe- Lampeter, and the degree is recognised in rience living in a temple. They do not all team of wonderful devotees developing We thank the donors of books, especially: almost fi fty countries so far. Our graduates know the standards of temple life or the Architectural drawing of the fi rst college building the college and training the students. Mahaprabhu Dasa have various possibilities for their future Another is that I am inclined to remain Vaishnava etiquette between men and In the picture are six of the seven graduates and the College education or activities. cessfully completing postgraduate studies. women. We have students of many ages, Prof. Winand Callewaert Principal: Kalindi Dasi, Jaya Bhadra Dasi, Lilasuka Dasa, connected to ISKCON’s educational de- Yadunandana Dasa (Principal), Aravindaksa Dasa, Bhakta- We take care that students do services All of them took more responsibility for Gangadhara Dasa velopment. The process of education is so there is a bit of a challenge in bridg- vasa Govinda Dasa and Dina Dayala Dasa (kneeling); other than studying, to ensure that their de- their lives and showed increased dedica- Bhakti Rasa Dasa not pictured. the backbone of ISKCON, on all levels, and ing the generation gap; their social needs velopment is balanced. They cook breakfast in tion to Srila Prabhupada’s movement. I have always felt that whatever little good are diff erent. And we have students from General donors: Srila Prabhupada wrote that one of ISKCON’s shifts for the community, make garlands and This summer, on June 19th, seven stu- about fi fteen countries; the language and thing I can do becomes many times more Jacky Willaert purposes is ‘to systematically propagate spiri- lead bhajans for the pleasure of the Deities, dents received B.Th. degrees. It is a great joy valuable if I teach many others to do it. cultural diff erences are challenging. tual knowledge to society at large and to ed- and perform dramas at festivals. They also go and encouragement for the college staff to Jaya Krsna Dasa NL: What are the plans to develop this ucate all people in the techniques of spiritual to nearby towns to chant or distribute books. see students leave Radhadesh with bright NL: What are your responsibilities? Josef Lauber service? life.’ The establishment of Bhaktivedanta Col- Bhaktivedanta College graduated its faces, useful life skills, clearer goals, and Counseling the students and working Mahaprabhu Dasa and Ashoka Dasi lege, in 2002, resulted from a growing aware- fi rst six B.Th. students in June 2007. This year, deepened understandings of the Vaishnava We hope to off er exciting and enjoyable with the administration to improve the Nitai-Gaurasundara Dasa and ness of ISKCON’s need to systematically train some of these graduates served on the col- tradition. recreational, social, and cultural activities facilities and programs. Matsya Dasi and educate its members. The academic lege staff or taught a course. Some are suc- (cont’d. on the next page) within the community of Radhadesh and Sham and Saroj Idnani NL: What was accomplished in your more mentorship opportunities for the fi rst year? new students. Sri Ananga Manjari Dasi Vaishnava Dasa An unnamed donor in Denmark Lampeter Representative Attends the Graduation Ceremony Dr. Minna Shkul, the Assistant Director of Open Learning Theology & Religious Studies at the University of Wales Lampeter, A Second CD by Students made these selected comments at the graduation ceremony.

‘Divine Love’ is the name of Bhaktivedanta The guest of honour at programme, which adds to the diversity capable, expert tutors. You have strong, College’s second CD. The tracks are texts from the graduation cere- of our department. The beauty of teach- sound management and a communal the Srimad-Bhagavatam, about the divine love mony in mid-June was ing in actual, vibrant communities like leadership team that benefi ts the life of shared by Krishna and His intimate devotees, Dr. Minna Shkul. this is that people can learn in their con- the college and the movement. . . . Your with music composed by the students. The fessional environment and benefi t the programme is academically sound and students, supported by additional devotees, ‘I am very proud of our communal life without compromising theologically challenging. I particularly produced a wonderful CD that will touch the partnership. . . . One academic requirements. . . . You have a enjoy its comprehensive and wide per- hearts of devotees and other listeners. The CD would struggle to fi nd ISKCON studies in team of capable people working here. spective on theological education, which is part of the college’s fundraising programme and will mainly be distributed to the public. The CD is British or European universities, and Your college is headed by qualifi ed, inno- is both commendable and extremely therefore we are privileged to host your vative scholars, and you have highly useful.’ Kalindi Dasi and Krishangi-lila Dasi recording available from Bhaktivedanta Library Services.

Petite Somme 2 • 6940 Durbuy • Belgium • Tel: +32 (0) 86 32 32 77 • [email protected] • Petite Somme 2 • 6940 Durbuy • Belgium • Tel: +32 (0) 86 32 32 77 • [email protected] •