‘vît?'.- *• *■•'?( b——■’ • ■ •■ ’ * W. -'J 1 . y,


day as pastor of Cummings Bv gec:c:m. coleman Street Baptist Church and was honored throughout the day at various programs.

What will he uo new? He'll ''rest- no fome" and -io seme preaching when invited.” The new p. s'ar of Cummings Mrs. Groce Eagle, who a neigh­ Street is expected to be the Rev. bor described asJihe nicest person Eugene Waller, currently minister you cculd meet,’’ spent her lan rf Early Grove P ptist. He'll pro­ Christm.’s on e:rth Tuesday,-and bably take over the Cummings pul­ was killed-¡e-ss than 24 hours later pit the first Sundry in February. as she leaned ever a kitchen stove preparing dinner for her mentally who is new ill, were honored Feb." dsturbed nephew, whem she had 23 on their golden anniversary, brought heme from a hospital less I He bas served as a trustee of than on hour previous^. Jackson College and Natchez Col­ lege in Mississippi, as trustee and teacher at Birmingham Baptist College, as chairman of the board of directors of American Baptist Theological Seminary in Nashville and currently is vice chairman of the board of trustees of Owen Col­ lege. I He and Mrs. Varnado are the parents of four daughters and one son: Mrs. Peor! Crawford of Merid­ ian, Miss.; ,W. C Varnado of De­ troit; Mrs. Doris Conic of Jackson, 'Miss.; Mrs. Lillian Watkins, wife of The new "Miss Co-Ette” of the REV W. L. VARNADO the president of Alabama State Memphis chapter ot Co-Ette Club, College in Montgomery, and Mrs. Inc., is cute Miss Twyla Miles, a Ernestine Guy of Memphis. junior at Father Bertrand High School. She is the daughter of Born in Pike County, Miss., Rev. Mrs. Charlesteen Miles, 713 Lucy, Mr. Varnado pastured in that state Community and John Mlles of , several years before moving to She was presented last Thursday Jackson, Tnin. in 1924. He came to . Memphis in 1937 to pastor Salem night at the club's fourth annual Club Idea Baptist and took over the Cum­ Pink Paradise charity Ball in mings Street pulpit in 1949. Bruce Hall. -, Miss Miles’ royal court consist­ ed of Miss Myrna Wilhajns, first Paying Off alternate; Mrt Carita HAnfeofi. second alternate, aiyl Miss Jcquc- lyn Young. * Miss Miles and her court were presented by Miss Maudette Brown­ lee. co - chairman of the ball. The gaily decorated Bruce Hall was set off by 27 pink - attired mannequins representing the Co - Ettes. A Christmas tree graced the of the floor. The Impalas, to make funeral a youthful musical aggregation, filled the hall with scintillating mas day and reached Memphis the sounds. * following day. The Laster children are Brio, 14

'Miss Co-Ette' contestants; Miss Carità Harrison, second alternate; Miss Myrna Williams, first al­ ternate, and Miss Maudette Brownlee, co-chair­ man of the charity ball.


INDIANAPOLIS, Ind. - Dr. W. S, Davis, president of Tennessee State University, told the Friday luncheon meeting of—the annual conclave of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity that* manhood should have been the principal weapon in the fight for first class citizenship in the past and recommended it as th? principal weapon for ‘h. future

187, Laid To Rest

: S-l'iæa i i ■l'fe rit' fe. monster clown . > it Church and btrial was in Elmwood . Cemetery. The Rev. viigcne Diu.i- ld that the ■tr.re’le I. • ■ ... - , „ . _ - nt the Ncn.ro .finds ; «Wm*» on Page four) WASHINGTON - (NN Indian Embassy has i military observer’s succour oism of army scout Havil Singh, who was second in of one of the Indian pot Ladakh area. < Early on the morning < the Chinese encircled th

(Continued on Page Four)

RW jjp WASHINGTON—(NNPA)—Col­ Nat’l Prayer Weak 1«! SS» 1K* ored workers accounted for 21 per­ cent. or 793.210 of the 3,801,000 MEREDITH TO STAY-James Set For Jan. 6-12 Americans listed as unemployed Meredith, the first Negro to National Braver Week, founded SIIÉ during November, the Labor De­ enter the University of Missis­ in 1954 by Edgar T. Stewart oi partment announced. sippi, tells newsmen In Chi­ THE MEMPHIS CENSOR BOARD did not ban the film although cago that he is determined to 1072 Mississippi Blvd., will lie ob­ The Department rglepseclfigures some members were reluctant to approve its showing here. The served Jan. 6-12. showing the jobless rate for hon- remain at the university de­ spite, the shooting at W ea ­ Nashville Tennesseeamdltorially said: "This capricious censorship Pamphlets explaining National whites stood at 10 percent of the ther's home at Kosciusko, has made lennessees largest city lock ridiculous in the eyes of Praver Week have been guWWaed. civilian, labor force In each cate- by Mr; Stewart and they are' avail­ ■Soviet factory m.vnagei eek MRS. MINNIE P. SHIELDS Miss. Meredith returned to ♦he nation." able to those desiring them.- . (Continued on Paga Four) his home after the Incident more autonomy, And Grandchildren • w.n j. ij ■ ■ ■ .- ’..71. J dU' k », re. ' and guinea pigs. PROVIDED CHRISTMAS BASKETS - The Mothers' Club of LaRose Left to right: Mrs. Almasene Higgs, Mrs. Marie Johnson, Mrs? I School and faculty put forth a special effort to provide sunshine Jinnie Rawlings, Mrs. Ruth Tate, J. L. Brinkley, Jr., principal; Mrs. j V iand happiness to needy families during the Christmas holiday Clark, instructor; Mrs. Lucille Brown, PTA president; Mrs. Rosie DOUGLASS season. These families were presented W’th five huge baskets fill- ¡.ee Knowlton, Mrs. Clara Gordon and Mrs. Laura Holmes, ed with a variety of groceries.

m t HIGH SCHOOL ¡ PAST PRESIDENTS - Past presidents of thei Avenue. Back row, left to right: Johnny Watson, Collect Food, Clothing ¡Miss King Of GOP Chairman RoforJv Hawkins Student Chapter of the Nation­ teacher at Carver; McAllister Waters, advertis­ By BARBARA TOWNSEND al Education Association, atleMoyne were cited and TYRANT MOORE ing manager of the Tri-State Defender, and Wil­ Hi, after such a long holiday, recently at a reception held at the college. Front, i X • ¥ 11 c v lie Terry,’viry, TcuGnerteacher utat /vieirost?Melrose juniorJunior nicjn.High. Theinc we’re sure everyone Is ready to be ,For Deprived In Miss. ¡Los Angeles Peers Into Pardon left terightt Miss Shjrley Wilson, teacher at Wis- chapter was organized by Mrs. Charle P. Roland, back with us to take you on a tour conskiSchool; Miss Élise Cox, teacher at Carver, audio-visual instructor ot LeMoyne. cf the. Red Devil Campus. let’s LOUISVILLE, Ky. — Students, der the direction of the Studen' Geraldine Taylor, teacher at Georgia begin with our spin ... :and older persons have joined In, Nonviolent Action Committee ¡l Make Debut Of John Factor SPOTLIGHT: mkers: Charles I Walker, Oscar Gates, Harold Walk­ well. Origin, Is Burneil the tea there was a game in the Therm’s and Vertis W--sb?m. er, Mrs. Viva Wooten, Mrs Rosie | Ervin Little and Delza Parrish. 'Jons D*n between ti.e Dougins Smhcmore Twlsf-rs- Sldclev MONTGOMERY, Ala. - VSNS) Eoerhardt, ¡Albert Walker,. Miss Willie Phillins and Bettv Moses. Red Devils and the porter Uons Williams and'Her.rv 4."orere ' —•A Fegte ch’ir» n which v. is the FNancy Ji rner, Robert Conley and THE WAY WE HEARD IT The score was .19 t > 35 in favor Freshmen Cutest •. Alan Pryor ■ scene of the first trass meeting at .Rev.'.Mauri i Miller. E'olse Austin has a crush on of Porter. and Gwenivere Holi | the beginning of the'Monigomery Mrs. Alberta Fa-yne is reporter. Willie Nunnally-Shirley Hicks was Until .next week this is Barbara Spotlgiht: This week our spot­ 1 bus boycott in 1955 suffo’ed wh?i •'Nn-r to lose ‘'Diego Red"—Vertis saying, *'By al) means dj .that yon light falls on two of our star Worsham will be head majorette firemen called extensive damage ROBIN HOOD -RIG. 63c D’avers — Willie Dicker- want to do, but msv’ sure you V ■'ext year—The Swlnring Seven is sometime Sunday moinirg prior son and Sammy Netiers. . know what you're doing? Eastern Star 'Mug to snatch Sidney Brown- to services. We would like to congratulate our Waltar Winfrey ought to be shot I I 7-9 grade honor roll students T" -William ¡Fleming is loosing that Fire tiuef C. C. Strane, however, Will Celebrate those who didn’t make it and magic touch — James Nave will LUCKY HEART theorized the fire was caused by those who were so close to it re­ soon be In the haps with—Wilbert heater situated to ckse j wall Eastern Star Baptist Church is member what Mr. Tarply said keep ’imith has a crush on Flora Flem­ in the church, ind the polteg-fire ^elehraKi..; its 62nd anniversary climbing up and you arc sure to 1EAUTY SALON ing-Douglas High will always be Cordially invites you to visit our commissioner said he has volun­ Sunday, Jan, 6, with special ¡ser­ make It. too. f vices- and its annual registration beautiful new Beauty Shop at teered nil information to the FBI. Top seventh Traders • Joyce Fen- the WAY WE SEE IT program. At this time all members Charles Thomas thinks hes in- 300 E. MclEMORE | The Holt Street Baptist Chui ch are asked tn attend and register. Whitsey (FBH), Clyde Warren despensible — The Junior Class for the latest, most glamorous has been the meeting place of The theme for the day is: "I was I (MEL). Ted McDaniel (HAM), and should be having a meeting along HAIR STYLES many interracial, and intergratior. glad when they said unto me: Let -bout now . . Mary WMe, Anita STORES A', in Floyd (CAR). Avar Hur.d ” by gatherin; since 1955. us go into the House of the Lord.” (MAN), Stella Harris (LEST), Lee Jackson, Paulette Lainpkins and Miss Pat Jones 973 S. THIRD 1578 LAMAR 3511 PARK 7'e pastor, Rev. W. M. Fields^ will Ann Cooper (HAM). Yvonne Wil­ Mildred Crawford ought- to be proud Miss Classie Peoples | 1378 NO. HOLLYWOOD AND 4321 SUMMER liams (BTW), Joyce Carr.ey (MAN) of Douglas—Betty Moses is a cute Miss Zehnie Hill Wii..v Mr.-.-s. great San Fra cisco


marriage when th# are' MntfflSt': 1 lcIii.uIiiJm al Tuskegee's V. A .There miae be a Mason for*W- ‘ FRIDAY Hospital, is home for the holiday pushing, and it is a wise tetti-ager CO-ET1FS TAKE TUI season with her mother, MRS. who recognizes' the problem ’twda SPOTLIGHT AT FORM)) MAGGIE KIRTLAND on McKin­ seeks to find an answer to? Why?? PRLSENI VHON ley 'What haye I d*ne or I doing that I should be sc piuSS/K'* ------L. _ — L'NTON AiDS GARMEXT WORKERS IN KENYA Philadelphia; - «iii® The PhiladeWa,Dress J of the Ladies Garment Worktrc, AFL-CIO; has setup ¿lifyioo fund to finkmce a.-WrtaC.MiMtfft

—MrrStekes ii the son of the latr ' ' V W - 'Si A Mr. Thaddeus Stokes Sr. end Mrs ■■ ® ; 'y, ? 'i' EUBEN DAVIS, a native Mcm- Beulah stokes cf Union -Tf-wn. w ■ ' -■.a. i phian and Us Annies Chemist, was home with his parents, MR. HOMER y .AND MRS. RUBEN DAVI3, SR, | for the holidays. AL».*.* K..k ..

1? Jp

»7^^’ ’..wV-

DR. AND MRS. LELAND AT- ■ KINS ypem Christmas in Cleveland I '.villi Dr. Al kin’s parents, MR aryi i MRS. HARVEY ATKINS ... and I were joined here by Dr. Atkins' I brother -in law a North Carolina 0 wIf I physician and his sister.

i ’

A c>rd from MRBi. BERNI MR. LOUIS JHNSON JET RE­ i AT i OWAY who wii attending PRESENTATIVE on the West Coast Oiocga Conclave in Indianapi flew into Memphis last week from 'USt tftÄ. nor Angeles ~ and is~no.v -in 'Chlcago.IKfirhradqunrters. —

FELTON EARLS, JR. (whose fa­ ther lias a too position at the Memphis downtwon Post Office ., with oifices there) is home from Howard University where he is a senior .. and has already been accepted in the. Medical 3chool.

MRS. THELMA WEST DIBRLF a former Memphian was homo fcr a visit with a re’atlve, MRS. RU­ BY BERRY JONES on Kansa' Street.

MR FOVERT NA^t WASH INGTON, DC Architect, is bwc^ hi the Nation's canital after at­ tendine bls sister’s weddlnr and visitimi with hin mfents, Mr and Mrs. Andrew Nash

THVRSPH’ Ml?. mrisr DAVI? and MVS. TANA PORTER COMPLIMENT CHICAGO MATRON1- ' J'"s. Louie Davis~a.’ d Mrs. J.i-

’ v i v W i '

> and recently w prac- "We like to say yes to your loan request" Examined and Supervised by the • DR WENDELL COX, f wel' 8t#eDept. ot lisnan» and known Detroit dentist, was ayair Banking the house nes‘ of DR. ANE 2 LOCATIONS MPS STANLEY ISH.JR T' 181 ft Main JA. 7-8581 to, .no was her with ht wlf 152 Madison —------JA. 5-7611 Th.inksyivinj camo down 'o Im- î

"iChaiges Racism fBETWEEN THE Unes j . I (For The Associated Negro Freu) MY WEEKLY ORLD ' police In Reverse By DEAN GORDON B. HANCOCK i WASHINGTON - (ANP) - A’ SERMON by MEMPHIS WORLD PCBUBHING <0- j charge that some prominent Amer- SATURDAY ti Ml BEALE - Ph. JA. 6-48N ' kan Negro leadeis are practicing Som« Political Manna By ■ ■ ‘C » r tt SCOTT NEWSPAPER 8YND1CATK i "racism in iev»rse" -wus made last When Israelites were journeying In the wilderness on their A. Stott, n, Founder; C. A. Scott, General Mu oner ! wivk by Dr. Martin T. C'maoho REV. BLAIR T. HUNT, I oi Boston, clialriiwi of hie Portu- way to the promised land, fhe>r fcod supplies ron out, for even Becanl-dM* postal« paid at Memphis, Thus. ! gutite-A meric ,ih ('Moiultt«- on thc-ir resourceful and highly educated Mose' had not anticipated PASTOR, 1 Foreign Atfoiïs.' - such a contingr-nc/. Ul’HAKR _ Manegtag Miter ’ ; . i MISSISSIPPI BLVD. CHRISTIAN CHURCH 'ilic I’wtugw«- ■ Aaittlejn com-1 . . , dCBSCRIPTION RATES; >itt;te I abated with fehug. I reputation for bls vigor and valour » IMonth« J2J» - 3 Month« fi ts (lu Ad»* s.iid the Negro ' to il.ii:'. deriitii destination. tions are in Washington, but it New Year." Our friends say to us hour. If you follow tills great tea- I«k W, New Tori (’Mean«* * IMnow ■; leaders "are çskmg for equalit)Lhi j with 4 ïuod shortage faring him has silenced his activities. Ln__ the. "Happy New Year.” This is a new eey of teachers in "1963" you shall tffie United Stated but at the same Muses referred the matter to Je^ XAACPTIghtr The fighting front WORLD <• an Independent newspaper - non-secUrUn year wish. have wisdom that is from, above ■ time they me supporting racism hi hoi ah, and Jehovah responded by misses Spottswood Robinson III and printing new* tmbiaeedly and supporting those thing« The . poet, Robert Battle, tells for in the words of Robert Lee:’ ■ Africa.” seuding manna from Heiven. When his powerful legal intellect in the feted interest te ite readers and oppoalnj those thlnp us toe way to a happy new yeni. "Christ is the way, and men with­ ' of ita readers. He oted in supixmt of his state-, ‘hJ. on“ornln« cause of Negro liberation. Where - ment the action, tiken at the 1 nd,fo'^ l.’!e ^0lucov^ he„ is,, .,lie mayk be fight- ing, cJust , as ‘To leave the old with a burst out Him are wanderers and vaga­ of song, bonds; Christ is the truth, and "American Negro Lt-idersHp _Co;fo’^r‘!“ "’lh ^h®-ft«»U«e”*ri»taneer^effretviely, but‘we are 1not hearing NATHAN WARFORD ference 011 Africa,” Harriman, New'1 ,h‘> h‘d,"° M“e f" u front kihim.“ ' To recall the light and forgive; men without Christ axe liars like | toe devil of old, Christ is toe life, ’s Emancipation Proclamation meeting attend- cal!ed ll manna Hebrew name for -0- In loving memory of my darling York, Nov. 23-25, a and men without Christ are dead ed bv many prominent Negro?.,. "Khat Is It”? And since no name And there is the case of Atty, son, Nathan Warford, who passed was ever found tor it, the name Oliver W Hill whose name Is a away December 25,1945, while Irv­ in trespasses and sins; Christ is Announcedi September22.1862 through the centuries has remain­ synonvm for fight. It cannot — be ing In die U. S. Army at For’ Mc­ To Hie vain regrets of the ycar the-li?ht,-and-witoout Him men ed unchanged, "What Is II?” denied that Attorney Hill is me Pherson, Georgia. that is past; are in darkness here and hereafter; preliminary proclamation, really a notification^ to the , As even thé casual observer of the stalwarts in the fight lor A precious one. from us has gone; To have the strength to let you Christ is the vine, and without jhat certain slaves would be freed, was issued on Sep- Soprano Grace looks about him, he sees some- Negro freedom and the Negro race a voice we loved, is still; a place Laid of the not worm while of ,he Him men are withered branches ?22,;1$62. The Emancipation Proclamation itself was made ■ thing happening in 1 lie realms of In particular and the nation in is vacant in our home, that never days grown old. iI prepared for toe fire; Christ is the political and race relations that general owe Attorney Hill a great can be filled. Some wliere back cf To dare go forth with a purpose I rock,rnrV and menm’An wiihmifwithout HimWim araare on Jppuary 1, 1863. I Bumbry Triumphs 1 arimunls to a kind of "What Is debt of gratitude for the magnifi­ (F true ' carried away with the flood." lives in a Lind of glory .... ‘mid »■Its importance was so great and its effects so far reaching lt|"ror ,1 kind of political manna. cent light he has waged in the To the unknown task ui the year Yes, you and 1 will have a happy CHICAGO < AN1J) Gran-1 the gold and blue of the skies. Not I 71.is writer remembers quite dis- courts on the enemies of Negro ad that’s new; new year "1963” if we follow thatst is given here in full as follows: On the First day of January Bumbry, internationally . famout dead to us who loved him, outoonly tinctl; that a few years ago Dr vanee. Attorney Hill had an ap­ To help your brother along the Christ. , In fhe year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty- mezzo-soprani) from St. . .Louis, gone before; he lives with us in Robert Weaver emerged from Har­ pointment to places higher up and road We are standing on the thres­ Ihreey all persons held as slaves within any State or designated i staged a iriumphani return to Chi­ memories and will forever more. vard with a Ph. D degree in econ­ to all intents and purposes his able To >lo his work and lift his load. hold of two yeairi, T962” and “19- cago recently nttei an iibsenw oi Mrs Faiullne Warford, mother pavl' Of a State, the people whereof shall then be in rebellion1 To add your gift to the world's 63;" we have a backward loow we some six year:. omics, one oi the few Negroes to voice has been .silenced on the Mrs. Fary Lee Thomas, sister. against the United States, shall be then thenceforward, and for "Discovered’ while Mill a stu­ bring tills degree out of Harvard. fighting front And when Attorney good cheer have a forward look Our tears ever free, and the Executive Government of the United States, dent- ol Prut. Lotti! Lechnunn at Weaver came out of his corner Hill's voice was silenced —if il Ii to have and to give a Happy fall on the blotted record of "1962’. nearby Northwestern university in fighting! He was pulling no punch­ is - a great voice was silenced. New Year.” But while wiping away our tears, including the military and navy authority thereof, will recognize the late 1950s, Miss Bumbry since es but was hitting hard at every­ And there, is the ease of Thur- I 11 We would be happy this year we have a sweet surprise as we and maintain the freedom of such persons, and will do no act then has gone on to achieve fame body and everything that stood in good Marshall who is perhaps the Time Magazine T963" we must avoid undue sensi- remember God’s dally graces be- or acts to repress sudi persons, or any of them in any effort they throughout America and In Eurcpe, the path of the Neero on his up- greatest legal Roman of them all. tiveness, prejudice, borrowing trou- .•■.owed upon us in "1962.’ God has land List year w.is the-star-of may moke for their aduol freedo warrt wav. = Th e -Ncgrophobe lawyers fairly ------ble. We must not follow the will of been good to us; God has helped — m. '. ' — ——--Wieland -Wagners —"Tannhauser/’ r Now, therefore I, Abraham Linijpln, President of the United Attention was 3oon attracted to Trembled at to? Tail of Thurgcod the wisps cf sinful indulgences. us bear our burdened past. The I singing the role 01 "Black Venus." till snew young titan in the ranks Marshall s footsteps. It was my good There is a positive good old future days “1963” are in God’s, Sfareir by virtue of the power in me vested as Commander in In her .return to the "Wind) of Negro fight wr. And then when fortune to hear him plead toe fa­ fashioned way of becoming happy, hands. So let us not tremble; Let City," Miss Bumbry thrilled a ca- Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States in time of actual. it seemed as if young Dr. Weaver mous primary caee in Columbia, S and that ir by being good. “Hap­ us cast our cares upon God, and I pacify audience in Orchestra Hall, arrtied rebellion against the authority and Government of the was about to stir up something ser­ C , and the opposing lawyers look­ py is the man that findeih Wis­ In prayer and praise let us pre­ .singing a program of songs that Man Of Year ious, he Ind a federal appointment ed pitiful beifo'Y Marshall. But. dom,’’ and that means the kind United States, and as a fit and necessary war measure for re-1 ranged from Tchaikovsky’s “Adieu, pare to make “1963” the best, be­ and since this appointment we Thurgood Marshall is now judge - (ULI) - Pope pressing said rebellion, do on the first day of January, in the' forets,’’ to other challenging works of wisdom of which te wise Solo­ cause of nobler work and sweeter have heard but little of Dr. Weav­ and this bars him from activities John XXIII, 81-year-old head of mon speaks wen he says, The fear rest yeorof our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-three, by Eohubcrt, Brahma, Liszt, and Strauss, to several stirring Negro er's fighting albeit, he may be in the field of N"gro rights fight the Remand Catholic Church, has of wisdom of wiileh the wne Sch- Yes, our friends wish us a “Hap­ Cfnd'Tn accordance with my purpose so to do, publicly proclaimed spirituals with verve, beauty and quietly fighting just the srne. that made him famous. In many been named "man of the year" mcn speaks when he savs "The fear py New Year" and we wish our for’the full period of one hundred days from the day first above poise. .Today Dr. Weaver is one of the wavs it is 'tragic for the cause of for 1962 by Time magazine. can become so by becoming a friends a "Happy New Year," but mentioned order and designate as the States and parts of States;; She not only captured the con­ higher ups in the political world. Nearo advarcc to losp the, .expert The weekly newsmagazine said true, sincere, heart enlisted Chris- ¡’remember happiness should never And nobody will deny the fact that Iceal services of Thurgood Marshall it was the first time a man of re­ wherein the people thereof respectively are this day in rebellion cert audience proper, but won the tian; or if you are a Christian be an end in itself; but a blessed plaudits of Chicago critics, dp- he is being felt in a big wav, but- .albeit he is to a n'sit’on of great' ligion had been so designated since then by becoming >i better Chris­ accompaniment addins; an incre­ agdljhHt the United States. scribed as being among the most not in the fio’d of protest But it power and influence. ThejcftuSe of Time established the tradition in tian ment of joy to etch unselfish ef­ ¿1 do order and declare that all persons held as slaves with­ severe in the nation. One referr­ cannot he denied that on our fight­ Negro advance will miss Marshal) 1927, If you would have a happy "1963" fort like the cold at the end of the upqn whom we haye learned to lean in sited designated States and parts of Stateyore and hencefor­ ed to her voice as "enormous," with ing front Dr. Weaver is silent. had been .so designa ted since Time follow Jesus. If you follow Jesus, rainbow. "wide range, good flexibility" alidji------—• ■■■—•——Q■ —---- and hnavily. .. ’ ward shall be free, and that the Execuitvr Government of the established the tradition m 1927. I described her assets as "a vibrant­ And then came an annointment Now latest accounts have it that lime said the jxmtiff, bv con­ Unjteff States, Including the military and ndvol authorities there­ ly handsome presence, sensitivity, for Atlv. Spottswood Robinson III. Attorney C’r,or of New York an- vening the Ecumenical Council of,. w)|l recognize and maintain the freedom of such persons. and an intelligent handling of half It is to be remembered that At­ othe" ’’rant fighter has been called “set in motion ideas and forces »4 further declare and make known that such persons, of a dozen languages" torney Robinson was one of the ud hnho'-. And sc for powerful in- that will affect not only Raman KNOW ordinal court giants who tough’ fluen"° d'"°rtod. Who will take un Suitable condition, will be received into the armed service of the Catholics, not only Christians, but vvlUntlv with the ;NAACP and the ficht tfoti men can no longer the whole world's ever-expanding United States to garrison forts, positions, stations and other places - soon made for himself a national make? Political manna? and to man vessels of all sorts In said service. And upon this I . __ population long after -Cuba is once Program To Help again liberated and India is free of act, "Sincerely believed to be an act of justice, warranted by the at’ick."_ constitution upon military necessity, I invoke the considerate judej- President Kennedy was named LIBRARY meijf of mankind, and the gracious favQr of Almighty God. . . “man. ->f the year” for 1961 by the Slow Learners And SEEING and SAYING magazine. By MAUDDEAN THOMPSON SEWARD 1 By WILLIAM A. FOWLKES Managing Editor, Atlanta Daily World Mrs. M. P. Shields The old year is gone. Nothing sign. (Continued from Page One) can recall ■ it but memory. With For by its steadfast, kindly ray, program to help slow learners and It has gone some problem, seme Someone will walk a friendlier aan iificiated, and rOange .Mound way. By DAN DAY prevent school dropouts was ex­ Get On The Track, Or Gel Back! difficulty, some limitation. I bless plained on Dec. 27 bv Dr. Jack FLneral Home was in charge of the year and its’ lessons and let Some lonely friend will see the 111.1 I.I II. .. I ...... arrangements. . ■ . 1 Abramowltz, supervisor of social AS 1963 PUSHES towards the front of the track, fresh to start them pass. glow, studies in the Farmingdale, N. Y., a race beset with many obstacles, one great warning goes out L native Memphian, the deceased The new yea r'is here I I welcome And feel new courage mount and Treaiury Should Heed JFK Advice 1 public schools. ______was_a member of Collins Chapel its opportunities, its challenges, -and —grown.——------—■——— to peoples of color around the globe: Remain oh the alert for -- WABHINGTON iNNPA)-Fl^ures dbh't mearrwhat they say j The U. 3. Office of Education CUE Church before she married its privileges. I will be alert to Light a candle in your prayer; Slid slow learners represent 20 per those without and within the fold who would divert the attention William W. Shields -r. July, 1395. make the most and the best of A flame of faith, serene and when it come« to colored people arid total employment in the cent, or 8 million students of the from unification of efforts and objective, for it Alter living in Blinklev. Airk. for" them. 1 am open and receptive to fair. Federal Government. You will not know or ever guess total school population. was such that enslaved and colonized the Afri­ several years, Mr. and Mrs. Shields its blessings, responsive of its new Abramowltz developed a world returned to Memphis. forms of geed, How many hearts your light will can continent for a thousand years. By'juggMng digits the statistic­ le«) In its lowest pay classifications, history course for the junior-senior She became an active member of I will not let memories of the bless. >■ ' | ians! came up with a act of figures QS-1 thru 4. About 5.028 or one- high school level whlph uses nine • The same principle applies in the Congo, Coleman Chapel and served as a past or hopes for the future steal Justine Huntley Ulp that tend to prove or disprove any fourth of ltd 20,059 employes in booklets,, totaling 624 pages, the the South, in Atlanta! member cf the stewardess Board, from me the bounties of today. In Gull, at: your library today and desired. read a ccpy cf TILE MIRACLE OF these grades are colored. equivalent oi one large, hardbound She ,'s survived by two sons and thought I blend them into the vis­ I '■f -o- CHRISTMAS. But when the pay increases, the textbook on content. three daughters. ion of the timeless new, and for . For. example, » report nut out last number of non-whites diminishes "The slow learner is frustrated '63 LOOMS as a tremendous year, but so them give my thanks and praise. Will you try to light a candle in November by the President’s Cun- all out of proportion to fhelr pres­ by a heavy, bulky text but feels was'62. LIGHT A CANDLE IN 1963 1963? May the Good Lord grant flt on W^l Employment Op- ence In the total population. In the he can handle a booklet," Abra­ James Meredith entered the University of Light a candle, Let it shine, ycu a very prosperous New Year in (CJW Service com- US-5 to 06-11 Jobs, only 1,954 or mowltz said at a news conference. Miss Go-Elte As your faith's clear outward which to light many candles. «that the Trea­ Mississippi and set that "last citadel" of south­ (Continued from Page One) 4.9 percent are persons of color. Abramowltz said he became in­ V' sury; Department hired 125 percent From that point on. tony drop -to terested in reading material for ern resistance on riotous fire for a spell. It is more 'colored employes Ur grades Linda Hargrave': nd Edwrd Har­ less than a fraction of 1 percent. toe slow learner because special­ still burning, but certain cooling winds have GS-12 thru 18 In 1963 than ris, But whatever action the Treasury ised material did not exist for this tempered things at Ole Miss and in Mississippi considerably. Department takes, it should heed group. Lynne Bien and Jerne; Ellis; President Kennedy’s advice to 'Standard texts had words toto Meredith did enter the university, whatever the cost was to Wandro. Johnson and Charles Tlty actual Increase In numbers union leaders when they met at difficult, sentences too long, and I further the growth of American democracy for all. Diggs; cam« ito a pMtry 48 new Jobs above the White Hour? on Nov. 15 to sign I content too advanced for slow I ' ... Twyla Miles ar.ci George Lowe; Mississippi Teacher Appealed the »held ln.JPune 1961. And the -o- fairrtii. hraavukapractices agreements; learners, he said. Textbooks, ’ for Pnsoillr. Marr and James Parker majority of the In- AMERICA HAS STOOD tall and strong in the handling of the "So I ask you today to join in children of lower grades were Sall ye June Bowman and Wal­ WASHINGTON, D. C. - (ANP) that although she had paid poll ,waa in O6»1S positions which an old cause and a new one, and juvenile for the older but slower Cuban Crisis and in the Space Race, pitting arms with all that ter Evans; — A federal judge’s refusal to order | taxes for several years, she had wt 19900 annually. the reinstatement of a 32-year-old faced continual delays In her ar- that is to make sure that in the students, he said. Russia has dared show, and more, Brenda Sawyer and Ernest Bell tempts to- register in neighboring Treasury actually had'11,865 em­ ranks of labor, labor itself practices After experimenting with the There is a favorite American trust that we may be slow in | and Jacquelyn Your-; and O'Leary Ne1;ro school teacher who, It is al­ ploye -in w grades QS43 thru leged, was fired because she com­ George County, where she lived. what is preaches. This is true of method for a year, Abramowltz said getting off to the wars and demonstrations, but, oh boy - what I Ankton-______18. )A11 except 81 trf these (rare labor, it must be true of us all. 80 per cent of the slow learners plained about being hampered by In the appeal, the Justice De­ wMihrOf the 81, not more than 4 "It must be true of the National passed, and more than 40 per cent a finishi Dixie officials in her attempts to partment named as defendants the ‘ j wer^rgted higher than GS-13 (lilr register to vote in her home county, Green County school board, its Government. We must make Fure of them had grades of 80 to 100 -0- . 1 150). la further broken down Unemnlovment Rises was appealed last week by the members and Supt. Martin. that in our employment practices THE KENNEDY ADMINISTRATION cut some fancy capers in into«.! colored person in GS-14 in the National Government, in all (Continued from Page One) Justice Department. The suit said the action by thé (812MD, 3 In GS-15 (814^65) and grades, that we practice what we 1962 with leadership, appointments and opportunity fulfill­ The Justice Department took the gory of the unemployed. For white Green Cunty school board "was • in.fiS.16 ($16,000). preach ments. The President's Executive Order on Equal Opportunity appeal action in the case of Mrs. 6o6d’,'ttie',ttie President’s Committee’s NAACP Seeking workers without jobs, the rate was Ernestine Denham Talbert, a grad­ without justification and was and in Housing finally came through and though not covering 4.7. 1 epKIJs misleading! It gives a uate of Alcorn A. and M. college is an attempt to intimidate, of Negroes in pay everything, it covers plenty, standing as an example for the Non-whites made up 23.6 per and a teacher for 10 years. threaten and coerce Ernestine Den­ iades GS-12 thru GS-18, but there nation. cent of workers out of jobs for 15 Last Aug. 30, U. S. District Judge ham Taioert and other Negro citi­ zens for the purpose of interfering single nun-white In either Readmission weeks or more and 315 per cent Harold Cox refused to order the We need plenty of it in government and industry, for thé with the right of suoh Negroes to (818,000) or 18 ($20,000). of workers Idle for 27 weeks or Green County, Miss., school board sons and daughters of freedmen have long been behind in jobs become registered to vote and to or otherwise, tor fact I more. to re-hire Mrs. Talbert, despite the vote...... " the cboire or super- To Alabama and opportunities, despite1 declarations of the Constitution and , fact that the school bard’s aiper- M in Treasury have been Race Relations oaths of public offhlals. intendent, Evans J. Martin, had The suit Wa.. brought under the tored citizens. ^ MONTGOMERY. All. Appeal -o- recommended the re-employment Civil Rights Act of 1957, which . can ,Treasuiy do shout of every Negro teacher in the coun­ ing a yr.ir-old ruling of Mantgo-1 ON THE OCCASION of the 100th annivarsary of the Emanci­ (Continued from Page One) sets up nenalties for acts 'that de­ fofc&Iiican be fair and correct the ty’s Vocational High «.tool except prive citizens of the right to ¡Are Improved rarry Circuit Court Judge Walter' pation Proclamation there are continuing stories of incompletp dtuation. But it can’t do it with. I B. Jones. NAACP General Coun-1 toout pains in the back of the Mrs. Talbert. register to vote without distinction thorax.______' wo’s or three’s — tt must m.ikr I new’ YORK - vUPIi, - A South. .;teel R7beiLL.. Cart' r called Lir..re-.- frecdom for the Negro in America. This means that there will be REGIS I RATION DELAYED____ us to race or color, ------— ‘cm newspaper publisher said Sun- ' versai of the decree which imposes more community and area-wide educational struggles, featuring Dr. Nuttal was admitted, to Pro­ Judge Cox contended that Mrs. ■DFBOMJTION day that "race reletins in the I a perm ment injunction on A ssoci- vidence hosp il last month suffer­ Talbert had failed to prove that _ ■ people talking and acting about the problems at hand. Those Treasury can do is 8o^,,1 iTe unproved and : etion activities in Alabama ...... A tern- ing Lorn two stab wounds of the the dwendants “breached or violat­ the COW’S POINT OF VIEW «4 G5-16, brilliant Har- !"u,?h better than they u»d to I porary injunction had been in cL ’ who fear reasonable approaches to fulfillment of "liberty and middle of his back and a stab ed any civil rights of any Negro.” - * ’ ■ - u . . -feet since J.ine 1956. justice for all" ought to retire to their closets and lock themselves wound of the thigh, which police It was alleged that toe county^, re­ Finding the needle In a hay­ Dr. Oamuel z. West- -r. ------, . - ' feet sinfe June 1956. ~ ~ .'Ralph¿Ralph McGH. bublisherpublisher o'o’ the I TnTa argument before thetie Ali-All' said was inflicted by another fusal to reinstate Mrs. Talbert was stack is no a pleasant achieve­ who has been Senior up for the era. America is 0 great and lovely land. If she is 10 1 daughter, Bern'te Thomas, 38, He due to testimony she had given ment for a hungry cow. t» the Director of Inter- Atlanta ConsLtution, wrltinr in . bam a St. > St.orcmc Court here on lead the world m the ideals of brotherhood and godliness, let's Oct. 1961. Ithf fti-rnt issue of I .-ok Maia- I1 Dei . IF Mr. Carter th;! the was discharged from the hospital since Co* help her in 19631 d is a former”dmn izire,llre' saidMld respectresPefl a.ida'ltl u riders’an 1-1 tin on the NAACP w .s a puni- Nov 28; the ecbool of Business at At,1 "" L . dnd„2 "mere 1 "vc met sure inasmuch as the law University. He has been an1I meaningful relation blp^ 8-e;.av"d- | requiring registration of out - of- of economics at Howard er. st.ite corporations under which the "There may be oc aslonal sw­ Injunction was issued had not Maryland Gets First Diversity, where; he received his Registered U. S. Patent Office. B. degree oiagna cunr laude in ings of hate and ignorance In been applied to, any other non- Recommend Inclusion Of Taverns L963. McGiU saldv .t’but- v toe' erupi- fprofit'toiiihWlon. County Prosecutor )-60 he was visiting pro- tions will be fewer. In toe areas The case has been in and out 7 8 2 5 6 3 8 4 7 2 6 3 8 BALTIMORE — (ANP) -James 43» Graduate 6chool of where such volcanoes erupted, an of state and federal courts since C A G A A P L R A R W R L invisible deposit of sociological and In Rights Law For Maryland H Taylor of'Fairmont Heights has 2 3 5 4 6 at Harvard University, 1956 when a temporary injunction 8 5 3 6 4 7 8 2 becomerihe first Negro to be named med ids M. A. and Ph. economic larva covered their cities was Issued restraining toe NAACP W D A I I S I I Y I C S N and towns. It got into toe wheels of Assistant State s Attorney in Prince 4 6 “3 from doing business In Alabama. BALTIMORE - (ANP) - The In addition to taverns the com­ T~ 6 “8~ 2 7 3 8 5 ■ 2 7 E L A W E L E H F N I R two positions at Ttea- business and slowed them. It caus­ The U. 8. Supreme Court has twice State Commission on Inter-racial mission bill would outlaw discrimi­ Georges County H ed new Industries to turn away and 4 2 8 3 6 8 »uld use Dr. Wester- remanded the case to lower courts Problems and Relatior>s voted nar­ nations in any restaurant, inn, Taylor, 36, was one of five as­ 2 5 7 3 6 7 D T S I u ‘ Ë E. E" B S L s E ts. One is Deputy As- teachers to leave for he. :thier cli­ for a trial on its merits. rowly last week to s .pport a con­ motel or hotel open to the public. sistant state's attorneys named mates,” -TTr"...... T" 4 i 5 8 3 6 4 5 a 6 etary for International In December, 1961, Judge Jones troversial bill outlawing racial dis­ Taverns were not Included in the ’ast week by the new State At­ 8 7 . " An. evaluation of the situation L A D N L B 0 A E R O j R director­ heard the ca e and sustained toe crimination by taverns; public accommodations bill that torney Arth’v a. Marshall. shows progress "almost every­ 8 6 3 8 7 4... 8 2 6 4 7 office of state's petition for the restraining William C. Rogers, Sr., commis­ lost last March by two votes in Taylor will serve pail time at a "K-v where,” McGill said. He cited N 0 Y L K E s R N Y I i A ot these Injunction.injunction. The present appeal te sion chairman, broke a tie vote the House of Delegates. salary rangin’ from $3660 to $6000 states which have had segregated from this ruling. T~T~ 4 3 2 7 S 6 3 4 2 3 7 of 3-3 in backing the proposed The legislation proposed last weok school systems and have almost F JL Y E I £ u £ Ï £ T . s D legislation. by S. Edward Smith, chairman of, eliminated them, in Georgia, both Machine, tool ordcisinNovcm- He spoke for the majority in the commission’s legislative com­ e the -University of Georgia and QUEEN ATTENDS CHURCH arguing that “we must say up-and- mittee, omitted taverns. It was pat­ ber totaled $62 nillicn, down from , * Georgia Tech tast September be­ SANDRINGHAM, England (UPD T -IFRE is a pb leant little game thr. will gi«!. you a meseage down what we stand for." terned on the Pennsylvar’''. x'i- |64 6 million ir. October and $29 1 t 1 rt’ery ¿¡i. It is a numerical puzzle designed to spell out gan their second year of integra­ -Queen Elizabeth and the royal The minority contended, howr ,.r the Hr.’! 11 mcn'.h'. :i«’i 5 add, j T,.r m ilt ia your key number. Start at th« still strong, McGill said. toe holiday, a croid of 1,50b pr- ta'.mn, ' otep the siv.Mhaf i Liter by t-tm Luulaturr.'b .* tout ;’n mt' ■rin i- ' vp-r >'r-I; r.d r ,r/r i ! t v rectangle and check every on« " «''i r n. a tzi i Tf’t tj right. Then read th« meuag* » much better ‘There to much to be done. But sons waited in brkut • b 1 would fo orV-e/* • ’î àiv’" ' Cw Amur’’.’'.m should "»37 v.i"‘ ' 'o ■ P". • o’! »veranent agenc- It/will be done,” he said. l 4 letter« uk«.r ttai ita-Mjl figure« jive you. cheer toe royal family. Txe tafA" .1,. i J 1 ■

By DAN DAY WASHINGTON (NNPA)-A-group of Senate liberáis said Fri­ day they have amassed sufficient strength to assure a change in Senate Rule 22, that governs filibusters whén Congress con­ Chicago's New TV venes Jan. 9.

At. an impromptu press confer­ ence, Ben. Hubert H. Humphrey Sialion To Service (Dem. - Minn.) joined with Sena­ tors Philip A Hart (Dem. • Mich.) and Joseph,S Clark (Dem.-'Pa) in pledging "We're going to make a rules change in. this session CHICAGO - iANP) - A new Congress." television stutien, (fevoted to serv- -’ing the city’s Negro citizens an Humphrey s id a plan wlil-h other et‘ ;ic-„ - . — - his group suoports has heen dis­ Negro staff personnel, has been cussed wilh members of both par­ approved by the Federal Communi- ties, including the Minority Whlf>, catlcn Commission and will si art .. ■ AKA STATESWOMEN - Exalted stateswomen of garet Bowen, Atlanta; Mrs. Thelma Hollis, Detroit Sen I humus H. Kuchel of Califor­ operation next May. Alpha Kappa Alpha sorority confer during break and Mrs. Marjorie Parker, Washington. Mmes. nia, and thev are prepared for a The’ launching of the new sta­ “real figlit" on theTtdlcs C' Tm’t- tion, Station WCIU, Channel 26, in proceedings at 40th annual convention at , Mitchell,„>llklloll, Bowenu, and Parker are former national tec issue. . was announced las. week by John Detroit, Dec. 26-30. Left to right: Mrs. L. Pearl presidents. . - v . • • . . ’ ' .' 1- ?'-¡I. ' ' Senate Rule 22 n'w veqnlrrs a Weigel, pr«sldent of company own­ Mitchell, Mrs. Arnette Burwell, Detroit; Mrs. Mar- two - thirds vote of Senators pre­ CHECK FOR UNCF - W. J ing the station. sent to »»hit- r. ■■ rt-Hte b, clotur«. Trent Jr., left, executive director WINS SCHOLARSHIP - Miss Hannah Walker, a fourth year phar- " SIMPLF MAJORITY high frequency, wjii«b is more ex­ of the United Negro Colle-e Fund, macy student at Florida À&M University, has been awarded-a Humnhrev's bi - p j-tjsiin group, aecopt < a check for $4,500 form pensive than the current very rn f ,".vil ri his l«,r- New York . C,ty Di p umeii'il iJ- J tn ».pin >’« ] ri titi.uly. '/(' individual must be at least a second yeur pharmacy student Wlh'-: > tion ■ - . CummiltecToLtlmjlNCL.-T.ve-!vilt, IU 'will not 1 < mpct? against they The ' ifiji/il'- Rule" lur the 19J2 ..pneif i,i irked the! 'thcr e.tohtmed commercial s a- a "B" cumulative average in pharmacy and a resident of Florida,-- ■;hl(h th«v I'Oii'i' ri’h-» -io- for fourih can e______. —------Th—q-XlLxaJ— ..»-»zi—/.I/I—. JACKIE WILSON FACES®: served as the centennial ofthe signing :of ithe Emancipation in aeir il photos .rod old rhppinTS. imirerrailes. < Th-.re is a n< .niiul vharge to visit i1 tee’thei 1 However, their Proclamation by Abraham Lincoln, might also be regarded as ,, n < - , ' 0 '’’’«I were:■ withheld.“* ♦his privately tpmred nnueurn. Mi Pi 'er ¡1 :i _j w.-’ , chair-1 the Emancipators year. m 11 cf Ihe TA (m-pioy,.-r.! General VARII D PROGRAMS OPERATION IN STOMACH I Sv. t' ’> h •> i .-VK--- In the nation’,s capital one may Charity-1uhd.-During 4963 it dii- ^'^TW^i’ditixi l-i p itting on pro- Perhaps more tlnn any other In nraiby Harrod..aura, Ky., x vim the ford Theater wheic Lin- 1 unused time, i (n’i-uted $32.800 to.,..49 uvte and'Ne- NEW YORK - (ANP) - If a moved in a delicate cperatioikbs. President's, the career of Lincoln the Pioneer Memorial State P rk co.n was slut, and aero», the street eduvation organizations. The Cui- groes, the city's ltroot ethnic rumor circulating lust week is sub­ was one uf the Hállete. Physicians , ¡ can be traced geographically by a. where the Lincoln Marriage Tem­ i, the house to wliich tiie injured If tli" lion ’'Tpv'1' t'•« ore-t te’e Fund received tin- third la»,(- , rou’>, the station will also tele- ir Hitt, ted, singer Jackie Wilson however, refused to 'remove, Pme - variety of shrines and monuments ple houses the original leg cabin f .esident was curried In th - Smlth- fo- a ■ min’« matnrlly th’-r '«-I'f'1 e 1 ,c mtributiun.' raet f.irelgu lanuu'-je films and tin.- idol of the teen age rock ‘n‘ roll ether bullet because of WilaótVS’"; marking the many highlights of his in wliich Lincoln's parents were 1 man Imiltuton Mary Todd Lin­ • li’.'r’-ls y-nvl-) fi',' iripiW H'tchliO'l ■ t ' nrorrms 'or various othe. minoi- et, will ¿jolt enter a hospital here wi-kened condition. But they <$53, life. wed. coln's liuugmal f-nwii is on dis­ I«» ii’c in»» n ta'ked abraJ tbroe- lor a delicate operation (his »econd vised him that he might have to In fact, one of the best ways to Springfield, Ill., is fairly close play. ’ ' ■ I it;. . groups ii'ih'i in jenty, in two years) that mry seriously return for a second operatioii^ tl! __ observe the 100th anniversary ol to the Kentucky of Lincoln’s boy­ And the Lincoln Mrmn 1 i> mm 1 Channel 2J 1" me f f (tee addlt- threaten his theatrical career and complications arose. . the issuance of the. emancipation hood. Here in Springfield Lincoln cf the burt-ts’ ‘‘rn'ist»’; here Lin­ T’-imiihl'«, «‘’T th« .horv-"' IO 1 mind channels recently r” icated bv even ’his life. Wilson remained in the hosplfaU'" proclamation might be d historical lived as the legislator coln, carved in rnnole,' sit with all R 1'e -’1 sh »»'d be on’v ‘»»e the FC'l for Uhf-ngo. The others about three months before return/;.. motor tour of the Lincoln land­ For four elections in succession, the weight and wisd m cf hi» ri'”1 <■' 1 di'v« •« "nifiHoviv-p th« .ire 2. 32. J8 add 44. Wilson, it was reported in the marks. each for a term of two years, Lin­ years. piq-ii’- er; of por»'’•'■'•s for the_Ag.e I In r’dio broadrastthg, two sta- rumor, is cancelling all . several en­ ing to shew business. But he His career began with a humble coln served in the lower house of in M h’«h w« Ii».'«." rhn’*pr,ni’- 1 tions WYNR and WHFC,. are cur- gagements io re-tenter Roosevelt. carried the other bullet in his body. Wilson afeo expressed compassion birth in a Kentucky log cabin, pro­ the Illinois General Assembly. I. Te Ihin-iis his reads ,cu.?e t riveted ipz 4 n-pc,eT)t frennf-e e es "p i rintly devoted to servii g th« Ne- Hospital to undergo the operation for the woman and refused to prtes gressed through Springfield, Ill., he had his first chance tu make a bv the 16th Pre:idem, maiked as rfr.1 || r -"■n-r'-s ' n«l ‘"'I' nitl'’"’'- r ' ere community. Since it junked its to remove a bullet that has lodge in his stoma "h since Feb. 15, 1961. charges against her. Lm- and then to Washington. D. C. public statement on his attitude to-' (■he Lincoln Trail. In Chicago, the n' '»I'n must t ke n’"’f ” the , f ’rm«r foreign language broadcas's I The bullet was one of two fired It was reported, h .wever, that a : ■ Abraham Lincoln was born Feb. ward slavery. Lincoln P. .k boasts a bronze statue Ip'prlniA «’ hnnn 3 flin ’116 ris- 1 in favor of th« Nc-rro urograms of of Lincoln, cast by Augustus ?aint- point blank into his body by a 28- recent examination revealed tifmt 12,1809, three miles south of Hodg­ When he and Miry Todd were I rot! «'the p'O'fe.- ..news and mu-h. WYNR. fcrmi"ly Gaudens. T..t> tall, stoiped figure NEW. YORK - A “Hallelujah" year-old love-crazed ex-Waa named the bullet has shifted in his stem- enville, Ky„ on the Lincoln farm. married they lived in a Springfield I . krown as-WGES in just four Part' of this farm new is the boarding huse for only $4 a week with the homely, kind 1 ice, i > con­ program celebrating t’-.e Nrav Year Juanita; Jones. ach and moved dangerously close I SIBJrt T vt'T DlSClteSLO . I imnibs h‘S moved un to third Abraham Lincoln Birthplace His­ Then in less than two years, he sidered by miny ns the best statue will be broadcast uver the A?>C - T. e woman, an avid admirer of to a vital organ. Therefore, I Radio Ne‘work senes ‘'Negro Col-'”'aie among, the eit-’s radio sta- toric Site. Lincoln lived rat Slngking bought the simple but comfrt. ble cf Lincoln, Ask'd ?te>»>t a st':temg)i‘ made Wilson, bad gone to the singer’s second operation became imipeya- ■ :H'ge.;,Ciioirs'!_tiie first.week in Jan--'-1-!1-,.______Spring Farm near the Big South frame house that served' as his I bv Si n C!,if»»rd P c.nse (Rep.- N. apartment-threatening to kill her­ tive, the’reports Ky. . Fork of Nolin Creek until he was family home until he went to .J i tl.nt p>-rs»d«iii K’^nedt eovld uary. The’choral groups uf four., _ ~ 7 self if h° rejected her. In the con­ Neither Wilscn nor his manager, nearly three years old. The grounds Washington to serve as Pn '¡dent, ! Armstrong, Others at uro 1 'cb-ir.ff in- th« f('ibus‘«r member mstitutlcir- of the Unite:!.1 fillip Paef TklC Wfifix frontation, she pulled a pistol from Nat Tam.-ipool, could be immediate- “ include 100 acres cf the original Today that family home in r»i’e, Hn"'"ih',«y '•rnlied that be Negro Callege Fund will present, uie1 »IvW the waist of her shack and pointed ly contacted regarding the nmwr,.„_ , but a nationally-circulated weekly Thomas lincoln farm.' Springfield is open, also f.ee of h.d no1 di'"»’ red (lie silnret-ui'li wc-k c" seven cempsers who set'» (An ANP Featnr") it a' Wilson. To Aid Refugees magazine indicated that the singer _ LITTLE LOG CABIN charge ,to visitors. 1 the W I»*« Hou a (he word ''H.allPluj.h:' tJ music 1 (For Week Fnding January 5) ONE BULLET REMAINS GENEVA - rd over the Garrison. such as marriage certificates, on Edith Piaf, Ann Shel oi. Y eij 1 thcr we're going to do somethin ' Kentucky. It was the work cf A. ABO Network th - ra onti week in January ? 1822 — Monrovia, the display. Montand, Nai'r Mouskeuri ft M- 1 nUnniabout s-bools-hnnl segregationsporpo-nfinn andnnri ciis-ri s- *A. Weinman a pupil < f the world- .January, The choirs of Huston- capital of Liberia, Wat Africa, was Also its covers re cf the Civil War Katdrian Valente. The courses will offei’ instruction famed sculptor Saint-Gaudent. vrimination in employment.” Tillotson College, Austin; Wiiey founded. TAG - AFRICAN AFFAIRS on Nigerian government policy and »f January 2, 1647 - Nathaniel Bo- BOSTON, Mass. - A Bcsion Uni­ com, Virginia planter, colonial poli­ versity African affairs specialist. organization and will explore the JOINTS INVOLVED tician and soldier, was bom in Eng­ Dr. John D. Montgomery of News country's cultural, economic and 15 tonville, Mate:, Associate. Director social environment. k land. January 3. 1793 — Abolitionist of Boston University's African Stu­ They will be taught-by faculty z<*■\; ‘ Lucretia Mett was bom. She died dies Program, will leave early in members of the respective univer­ in 1880.' January for Nigeria to develop sities while regular classes are not January 3,1834 - Alonzo J. Rans- special ctmses fcr Americans work­ in session. ' ' . ^ ier, Negro congressman from South ing in that country. Dr. Montgomery plans to s Carolina, was barn. f rom Jour 10 weeks Jn January 4, 1935 - Flcyd Fatter- He will visit newly - founded Kjs trip is being undertaken son, former heavyweight champion universities in each of the country’s part of a contract between three reigons where he hopes to CLEVELAND, Ohio (UPI)-Roy Wilkins, executive secretary of 1 Uniwralty and the .^chey for establish a two • week orientation the National Association for the Advancement of Colored Peopl j | ternationai Development al the Hi■; College, Marshall: and Bishop Col­ course for the 10C Americans ar­ II lege .Dallas are featured. The pro­ S Department of state. Under the (NAACP) charged Saturday that freedom of speech in the South ' riving each year. Dr. Montgomery gram originates Jan. 13. agreement, fthe Center- • ’ for‘ Develop*’ ’ Electrician Wins will sp

ZEPHYRREPAY.BELLAMY i ■toy’s scoring difficulties.- 'wfere 01 Hawaiian Tour WITH iNGlUmUDE fuse tiisp.aying ignorance Of NPA By BENNIE THOMAS a reliable source after all. basketball strateremsl Every dis­ HONOLULU—(ANP)—The visit­ Less than two weeks ago, the CHICAGO - (ANP) - The Chi­ ing Tennessee State university, led cerning fan knows that Walt is BATON ROUGE, La.-They say-They, whoever he is, is every­ Jaguars ended up the surprise of cago Zephyrs, r ream composed beipg double teamed unmercifully bv Big Bobbv Edmonds, »cored its the Grambling invitational Tourna­ body's reliable source of information-that the early play of Sou­ largely of a few seasoned veterans, thia season and that is the reason fourth straight victory in a seven­ ment, hitting the finals opposite a few starry - eyed rockets, a new­ he is not attempting more shots. game tour of Hawaii by outclassing thern University's saucy young basketbqllers is cause for a lot of the host Tigers by gobbling up comer ccach to ¿he National Bas­ Another strategy used by opposing Meijl university of Japan, 95-64. squirming around the Southwestern Athletic Conference. Wiley College and Artems in the ketball Assn., and one of the great­ coaches is to clog up the time-lim­ In a basketball game here bst week. first round and semi-finals rounds. est stars in pro basketball, has ited free - throw lane to force i||gre$ilve, intelligent, and executive type Negro athletes In the SWAC. there are three of suprisingly moved to a 5-i season ♦ ♦ • ♦ , <. Edmonds netted 18 points while been waging a frustrating cam­ the so called "biggies" — Prairie record. And since that time, Arkansas Big Walt outside where he usually ring, ih professional sports are winning responsible jobs with n’ayipg only 14 minutes, as Coach paign in the NBA for the past picks up two and occasionally three View, Jackson College and Gramb­ came through with a concrete two years. ' I firms during their off-seasons. The trend istoward em- Harold Hunter started with his ling College — and this season an­ pitch in justification of their ac­ defenders. The result is that he On the team’s roster a’»•- if ^s i^meh,' public relations representatives arid exed- first team end then used second- other one, Arkansas AM&N, made Anu there are some circumstances ceptance into the society of biggies. such is forced t<- feed off more often stringers against the short Tokyo a gran dentree upon the scene. surrounding some of the early sea­ capable veteran performers as Tex­ than normally. dtives. This is a far cry from the traditional posture of race stars team. The Lions solidly thumped as Southern’s Woody Sauldsberry son play, though not directly hav­ who frequently loafed and goodtimed awaiting seasonal com­ While the early bubbling over on Grambling M-77 in the finals of and former Duqqesne star Sihugo A more studious ench wou'd So outclassed were the Japa- the-invincibility of tlie "big four” ing a -bearing on wherejhe Jaguar^ have discerned this to be the cause petition, A few still do but these are few and far between in this th» Arkanm Invitational, and this Green; and a quintet of rromls- s- th'it Tennessee State sped to was'going on, Head Coacn Richard are and where they are goin;;. which isn’t something they said. lng rookie stars in Terry Dischin- uf Bellamy's scoring difficulty and; era jof prestige living. 22-8 l'-ad In the opening minutes Mack’s Jaguars have quietly and to some, just might make "They” ♦»• • gcr of Putdue, Charles Hardnet of in>tend of popping oil in public, o the contest. The second-stiing- In non-league action, the Jaguars w otk patiently and confidently with You may hot recognize the trend eral states in various phases of Grambling college; Bill McGill ol “’s were then brought In and State have won twice over conference the hard - pressed player to devise of spurts organization ownership by , promotion. / Utah, of Iowa and Mel + basted to a 45-34 half time lead. upponentei while dropping one tilt. a counter strategy to halt the major breweries, distillers, soft I The St. Louis Cardinals organi- Nowell of Ohio .State 'I be coach The MtiJi ten rallied in the For the Jagu-rs, the run for the is Jack McMahon, who coached pressing puzzleme.t. Why, Lane ev­ drink firms, cigarette and cigar \ zation through W*11*»™ G. Porter, plum in tire SWAC begins Januai; r’ond half 'o »ithin seven mints ast vear in the .' Ancrlcar Basket­ en went ho fat' fts to say it would makers and other franchises of i an assistenl in Anheuser - Busch, 5, here In University Gymnasium, yf tvlng the 'ore, but the Tigers ball League. be all right with him if McMahon mass marketing. This business tie- Jnc., has employed as consultants I| with the Mackmen hostinr Gramb- I . up between professional sports' Bill White, Curtis F,ood and Min- I •minted vi;h 15 points to clinch But (lid big star and prize of the had benched Beltoy prior to a — ling. - - ■' recent game. _____ and enterprises have blueprinted a ■ nie Minoso, to name a few. l:liu victory team is , former In­ new type of contracts which pro-' After the Gramibling encounter, diana university All - American, The. w>3 the 1-ut p.n rite I There are dozen other exantples 1 Gei;a,d DurleJ' J-ee McKnight vldes for off - season employment the Jaguars will be busy defend­ who hm been “crrayin’" the team whole deal, | involving such clubs, as- the Pitta-1 «re and''retirement jobs. ing their honor a,.ainsi the likes from the day it played ir. firsi ganging up on W ilt, l'h>s has bran I purgh pirates, Chicago Cubs, Los I fnnessfe awt • tallying 14 and 12 of Alcorn College (Jan. 7), md NBA contest. done before, particularly In t,ie . ■ “ ■ ; - "O’ -tints. respectively. A3 a matter of fact, professionalI. AriguieisAngeles pOdgciSDodgers and¿uu thevhv Washii.g-vvSShuag- Jackson State College on consecu- A star of the U. S. 1%a Olympic c»vs of chamberlain and P i'dnr. I tr.n ktanat/Trl Kelshifo Nozue and Yoshltake t live nights here mid in Jdekson,- team, Bellamy came to the then -0 ^tKtetes can now face (he future ton senators. Emra tied for Meijl scoring honors i f witB confidence instead of the old i An illustration of the trend L Mississippi, January 11-1:’ Chicago Packers with outstanding The Zvphvrs bosrea, however, with 13 points each. »* * • fedft and uncertalntle». In Hie past | the story of chuck Hinton, tire credentials, «o far. Big Wa’t has eeun to be preoccupies with Irv­ tlte Negro athlete never knew what fleet Washington outfielder who ! Pollowin« the victory over Meijl, lived uu to .ill expectations, and ing to make Dischlnger the new Southern's stock soared sky « .red re nnessee State s is scheduled for more. In his first year in the NB\ d.irllrio of th’ team. Airnough Ter­ was'war going ioto happennappen aucrafter piuyuyrplaying n-uled theuie ciuuclub u:in virtuallyvuiuuhj >every wiy uc-de-1 , . , y last week when the Jaguars dis­ the 6-11 23 • wound Brlnimy sur­ careers were completed. Many were partment who has opened an in-1 counted the bad omen claim for ry, with the mce of Bellamy unskilled for any type of jobs ex- surance office in the nations capi- j ' *” ' vived the tradHonal “baptism of ha- been playing outstandingly of I visiting teams in Dillard Univer­ cept th athletics. However sports tai. sity's Gymnasium, as they over­ nre" and emerged at season’s end late, is recalled here that he failed ! exist and thrive on building new -0- whelmed the New Orlrrneans 11-65 as the uninlnwus rhoice for Rook­ m teable in u fvv; of his horn a stars, so acceptance is rarely for John Roseboro, star catcher of to break a home court winning ie of the Year” honor". To gain games uid no one popped off about more titan a decade. After this the the L. A. Dodgers, operates a travel streak for the Blue Devils at 4u such salutation. Wait pi.iyrd s?n- it. majority of one • time star» are agency. straight dating back to 1958. sational basketball. He was a ter­ Regardless of ¿bat McMahon, casfoffs, discards and retreads who —-Q— COLLEGIATE KINGS AND QUEENS are honored at a pre­ I ♦»»» ror both on offense and defense.13 Lane and of herb ray about Bell,'my sometime cling aronnd their pro- Several baseball organizations game luncheon tendered by Pepsi-Cola Company, honoring ♦lowcvcr. right ..th’nking ard ob­ What does Coach Mick ittriiute >. He outscored such greet Jara as ■ fessional like old cars in a unused have their Negro players working Florida A & M University officials and their guests, marking ' of the Lo" Angeks serving fans will continue to prat e as season - ticket salesmen during the early successes of his team to? and regal’d him ns one-of~thM-u- car Jot. the school’s Diamond Anniversary celebration. The luncheon Lakers, Oscar ('Big 0") Robert­ the off - season. One who is ehalk- “This is one of tiie flghtingest ly great sta’s of the NBA. 0 ■■ v.as held just prior to the Orange BlossornJootball classic in son of the Cincinnati Royals and ing up record Hales is Jim (Mud­ teams I hive ever coached," said They nny wonder, though, if Miami, Florida. Seen, left to right are: Dr. and Mrs. Jacob L. the likeable mentor. “You’ll never of the St, Louis Card­ .This all began to change when cat) Grant, the ex - Florida A & Bellamv’s well deserved silary in­ NEW YORK - (UPI) Keddix, Pres. Jackson State College; Julian Nicholas,-Pepsi, . hear this bunch yell quits. They inals. alone, the jaqkle Robinsoh ended his career M football and baseball scholarship crease is not the real basis for all government has agreed to release New^York; Gwendolyn Clark. "Miss FA MU": Dr and Mrs greatest scorer in basketball his­ seOing his retirement story to Look winner is working for the Cleve­ have given with a tremendous team I he furor about hb scorin’. approximately $1,000,0» to Champ­ tory, topped Bellamy .n scoring. Magazine and joiriln? Chock Ful- land Indians. George W. Gore Jr., Pres. Florida A A M University; and effort each time out, and you've O-Nuti as vice - president. Jackie ionship Sports. Inc. CSI, of re­ George Brown, Pepsi Atlanta, got to admit that such a quality is Walt’s 2,495 points was the second fo­ Immediately began to project a Grant has revitalized the ceipts sciged for tax purposes af­ 1 real important," concluded Mack. highest total ever rocked up by a new lritage and concept of the Ne­ Jians’ attendance prospects. It is ter the September Sonny Liston - first year man in NBA history. gro athlete. remembered that Grant stayed one Floyd Patterson heavyweight title Bellamy also outrebounded all lreshman year at Florida A & M fipht, Thomas Bolan announced other players, except Chamberlain (facile became a symbol of the before concentrating on a career in Sunday. and the great Boston Celtics star athlete - businessman. His stature organized baseball Bill Riissell; so outstanding was was universally recognized, ills ac­ Johnny Bright, the one - time Bolan, president of CSI. said Big Walt in all - aro'ind ability ceptance was genuine and his acu­ "this paves the way for a quick I' that he was selected for NBA's sue BISKETBALL great Drake football star, now Is a SCHEDULE men as an executive loftv in scope. wealthy businessman in ' Canada. completion of arrangements for Western D'’’ision All -Star te?m last year. Excepting fch^nherlalp, . -0- Bright retired after 10 seasons of the return match “within the next January 4 few days" with Las Vegas, Nev., As an alumnus of UCLA, the Canadian football and wisely in­ no other p’aycr achieved so much 1 Clark vs. Morehouse, Atlanta, Ga Baltimore or Miami Beach as the trailblazing “first" of Ills race to vested his earnings In a restau­ in his freshman year in pro ball, I Florida A & M vs, Benedict. Col­ play In modern organized baseball, rant venture. probable site." I and Be’lamy did all' that despite umbia, S. C. Jacket's greatness was quickly re- the fact that he had the z

NEW YORK—"All aspects of American life" harboring ves- iges of racial discrimination will be the target of "a program to re carried forward vigorously in 1963" by the National Associ­ ation for the Advariyement of Colored People, the organization's executive secretary, Roy Wilkins, said in a statement taped for broadcast by Radio Liberty to the Soviet Union on the hundredth anniversary of the Emancipation Proclamation on January 1.

The nationally known NAACP of­ free voice of the peoples of the So­ ficial gave a detailed review of the viet Union,” ripeaJns to its listeners Negro minority's progress since in the USSR in Russian and 16 are, from left, first row-. Diane Ferguson, Spring­ 1863 to Radio Liberty’s Soviet au­ other languages of the Soviet THEY FIXED TOYS FOR NEEDY IN NASHVILLE - dience of millions. field Gardens, N.Y.; Diane Peele, Kelford, N.C.; Union. The network broadcasts SeasonalSeaslihdl ¡oy fOrfdr fhesethese Fisk universityUniversity coeds was field wardens, N.T.; uiane reeie, ikoiiviu, n.s.., He pointed out that Negroes in around the clock from stations in found In the refurbishing old toy dolls for needy Betty Taylor, Houston, Texas; Harietta Floyd, the United States today enjoy a Germany, Spain and Formosa. children in the Nashville area as a project in Crosby, Miss.; Frederica Smith, Miami, Fla.; higher living standard than most Since an increase in broadcasting peoples of the world including not power in 1961, Radio Liberty has the "Toys for Tots" program sponsored by the Dorothy Higgins, Tuskegee, Ala. only those of Africa, Asia and Latin been the free world's most power­ Nashville Fire Department. Included in the group America, but the Europeans as ful shortwave voice heard in the Second row, from left, Myrna well. Soviet Union. Martin, Houston, Texas; Gloria The picture the Soviet propa­ Johnson, Richmond, Va.; Gwen­ ganda media like to paint of the GALA EVENT IN INDIANAPOLIS - This is one of Jacobs and his wife, Jessie, as they held open dolyn Bentley, Miami, Fla.; Carol living conditions of the Negro the many social events that occurred at the 51st house. They are shown on the extreme left. Kelly, Indianapolis; Anita Crew, Alpha Kappa Alphas Propose minority in the United States is Dinah Sings Blues annual conclave of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Others are Attorney and Mrs. Milo Murray, Lt. Cleveland, Ohio; Sandra Chester­ essentially th:t of the pre-Civil held in Indianapolis, Indiana recently. This group L. A. Oxley and Father and Mrs. H. A. Ferrell. field, Cleveland; Pearlie Johnson, War period; the image conjured up Jonesboro, La.; Gloria Anderson, by the Kremlin propagandists is shown in the home of Grand Basileus Cary D. Lewisburg, Tenn.; La Vera Ferrell, would shew the U. S. Negro citizen For Sarah Atkins Mt. Pleisant, Tenn.; Brenda Means, as a terrified, ¡helpless being, driven DETROIT - A decade of experimenting in community sei /ice Mexia, Texas; Carolyn Barnes, without' recourse and respite Wilson, N. C; Faula Whittington, protect v/as proposed to 900 Negro women thought leaders at through a morass of discriminatory New York City; Jacqueline Brown, laws and organized persecution. And Seeks Peace the 40th convention of Alpha Kappa Alpha sorority here, Satur­ Louisville, Ky.; Teena Lloyd, Phil­ day, os a meaniof finding the most effective role for a sister- adelphia; and Rose Mary Rogers, REBUTTAL TO DER LINE NEW YORK - (ANP) - Blues TTentonrTenn.— "The per capita income of U, S. queen Dinah Washington, herself hood of college graduates. Nezroes in 1961 was 51.050. as com- j a controversial figure, played the Third row, left, Patricia Ran­ pared with a general per capita in­ BlockersOf vice as well as intellectual ability. role of peacemaker to singer Sarah JESUS PREPARES FOR announcing that the m v time ha . .The .proposal was included in the dolph, Baltimore, Md.; Carole come of $1,000 in Great Britain, Other -major , recommendations Vaughan and her embattled and HIS MINISTRY. come. report of a year-long self-study Hoierman, Sacramento Calif.; Sue $850 in France and West Germany," were that the- sorority attempt to estranged husband, C.. B Akins, International Sunday School Ann Matthews, Jacksonville, Fla.; Wilkins declared in a self-evident Jesus w:s baptized, And the reve glowing Black Muslim movement Improve the status cf Negroes, es­ at the Birdland night club here last Democracy Lesson for January 6, 1963. Rosalyn Little, Columbus, Ga.; rebuttal to the Communist line. lation of the new age began — bi that originated in Detroit In 1930; pecially women, and that it move week. MEMORY SELECTION. “Because Rita J. Dugas, Fort Valley, Ga.; The Negro citizens, the NAACP INDIANAPOLIS, Ind. - The re­ with conflict. The temptations hi - Qje non-violent approach to great­ toward the mainstream of Ameri­ “Sassy” and Atkins had attended he himself has suffered and Charlie Mae Powell, Miami, Fla.; executive went on, “have ¡amassed port of the committee on Social dicate the dimensions of this cor er freedom for Negroes, and the can life .rather than restrict it­ Miss Washington’s opening perfor­ teen tempted, he is able to help Etoile Clift, Memphis, Tenn.;M billions of dollars of property, con­ Action, Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, flivt. In these temptations the ns significance of the John Birch so- self to the Negro community. those who are tempted." Veronica Marshall, Houston, Texas; tributed measurably to the econom­ mance at the Birdland here, but headed by Attorney Herbert E. ture of Jesus' messiahship was df deties. New study cf the impact cf —(Hebrew 2:18). Sylvia (Marable, Greensboro, N. C.; ic growth of the country and to its Miss Vaughan annarenth r wng ’’H- Tucker, Boston, Mass., and assist­ fined: Jesus would not be a politic: * urbanization and Uchnotegicalad- It was proposed that conventions LESSON TEXT: Mark 1: 1-13. be held biennially in August, be­ Carolyn Ratcliff, Houston, Texas;' cultural enrichment. They are re­ aware of the presence cf her hus­ ant District Attorney for the MessUih, He ¡was not to do th : vances upon Negroes was also urged, band...... •. ginning with the 1964 gathering in Linda -Berry, Mt. Pleasant, Texas; potted to represent a $20-billion-a- Commonwealth of Mass., at the spectacular. He was to live faith - approval of the proposals was ex-, The purpose of our study today Philadelphia. Guida Moore, Savannah, Ga.; Cora year market for consumer goods. Both seem to have been enjoy­ Friday session of the annual con­ fully by the word of commissio « pected In a ¡secret ballot to be An­ is to introduce the Gospel of Mark James, AUamonte Springs, Fla.; "Three-fifth of Negroes new own ing Dinah’s blues chirping until clave lashed out at those who he had heard. The temptation t “ In support of Increased commun­ and to consider the preparation nounced Bunday. Ercel ¡Redman, Oxiord, Miss.; Glo­ their homes, hundreds of thou­ Atkliu spotted Miss Vaughan at a would stand in the way of making turn stones into bread was a temp > The study was carried out by A ity service and social action pro­ that jesus and other made for his grams, it was proposed that a ria Dillon, Jaokson, Miss.; and sands own farms,” Wilkins said. table and went over to join her. America the arsenal of democracy. totion for Jesus to prove to himsel special commission headed by Mrs. ministry. descriptive brochure be published Charlette Randle, Tougaloo, Miss. There are 19 million Negro citizens An argument ensued and Dinah, that he was the; Messiah. But Jesu 5 Beulah Whitoy of Detroit .chairman The report struck out against .- In understanding any book it is in the United States. Of these, who had left the stage during the refused and stated that he mu: of the department of sociology at for pufolic information. men like Ross Barnett, of the helpful to know something of its same 80,000 are currently attend­ intermission, went over and tried live by faith in tlie word of Go Mercy College, and a former presi­ Members of the Study Commis­ sovereign state of Mississippi and hstorical setting. This is especially ing the colleges and universities of to persuade the couple to "quiet which had been s]>oken to dent of tX.fi. Dr. Cyril 0. Houle and sion, In addition to Mrs. Whitby Oryal Faubus. It pointed out that true df the Bock of M'ark. the country, according to Wilkins. down,” according to w’tnesses. Then Jesus was told to jump fro Dr Alexander Llverlght of Chica­ are: Mrs. Sadie Barrow. New Or­ acts, such as those perpetrated by The Bock cf Mark is not a bio­ Appearing on the s?me program, However, Dinah’s effort proved these two men, hinderihis nation the top of the Temple, to prove t go assisted in.the design of the leans; Mrs. Angle Brooks, Monrovia, graphy, nor a histbry of Jesus of James McBride Datebs, one of the others that he was the Messla etikiy. The findings were analyzed Liberia; Mrs. Leadle Clark, Alta­ futile and she finally It , Sarah in continuing to be the chief cut- Nazareth. It is clearly and South's most ¡articulate spokesmen Do the unusual, the unexpecte by Dr. Nan McGee, a university of dena, Calif.; Mrs. Pauline Coggs, to her backstage dressing room, todian of the democratic heritage of and unr.polcgeticelly ■ evangelistic and the author of the book, "The miraculous. But Jesus’ refusal to d Illinois psychologist. Milwaukee; Mrs. Jewell Freeman, locking Atkins out. In the mean­ the free world. in its emphasis and in its purpose. Southern Heritage," said in a re­ this meant that he would li COMMUNITY SERVICE Kansas City, Mo.; Jocelyn Jackson, time, the nkht club maiiRcement The report was critical of the fact It is the good news cf one who corded telephone Interview that the that in many instances America among men and serve them Alpha Kippa Alpha is presently Orangeburg, S. C.; Joyce Jacks, had summoned police, who led At- was thoroughly human but unmis­ desegregation process, leading to proof cf his messiahship. Ar engaged In pregrams ci community Champaign, Ill.; Jarold Lenned, ikns through the fornt door. “Sas­ was missing the boat, in its nuclear takably the Son ¡cf God. It is di­ the creation of a better social finally, Jesus was given the oppoi service, scrlolanhlp, ¡and medtol Baton Rotige, Li. Nation's Libraries sy” fled through a rear 'exit. race, 'by n • using all available rected to those who were already order in the South, is inevitable tunity to rule the world. This w resuroh grants, carried out by Its Also, Mia. Eugene Long, Tyler, The Birdland has’le was. the lat­ man power, because of petty jelous- Christians, but who were under CHICAGO - (aNP) - How ma­ and t' at a sense cf inevitability of a tempt.ition to be a political m chapters comprising college grad­ Texas; Mrs. Funette Norris, De­ est of a series of turbulent en­ ies and bigotry, engendered by dis­ persecution fcr their Christianity. ny doors to America’s thousands the great social change h:s per­ siah. But again lesus refused, uates. It also maintains the tradi- troit; Mrs. Estelle Osborne, New counters between the famous song­ crimination and sc-gregaticn. They were disturbed by the martyr­ of libraries aie slammed in the meated Southern thinking. He had came to minister, to serve, t tionAl ccmpiw sorority program of York, Mrs. Marjorie Parker, Wash­ stress a”d her show business hus­ The report' ended by enlisting dom cf the apostles Peter and Foul, faces if Negroes? spoke at his ¡North Carolina home. give his life for many. He mu financial ¡M moral support, and ington; Mrs. Grace Pleasants, Rich­ band. Atkins was formerly Sarah's the support of ail the members of and faced with imminent martyr­ Radio Liberty, which as an ob­ fulfill this role. guidance among undergradiutos; mond, Va.; Mrs. Garey Preston, the organization fro the NAACP. It dom themselves. The American Library Associa­ jective news-gathering organiza­ entertainment manager. It was proposed that ' future Chicago! Mrs.- B. Beatrix Scott, pointed out that many of the chap­ Murk was writ.on to demonstrate Mark’s Gospel is the story tion is going to spend $35,000 to tion has correspondents all over Atk’ns was first hailed into court menbera be rcoraited because of Washington, ¡and Mrs. Mayme F ters toad taken life members'\ is, to the Christian community in. God in mans history. God ha find the answer. The association, the world, functions also as an in­ after Miss Vavvhsn amused him their potential for o.'mmunlty ser- Williams, Miami. but there are still those that were Rome the power and purpose, of identified himself with us; he ha which opposes st rogation In li­ tellectual iorum, acquainting its of threatening lrr m'd invading ------L... .. ------p ying on same and others that entered the struggle agtanst evi braries, will conduct a study on vast audience with the latest de­ her dros'ln®' renin. P't the cou­ Jesus Christ, whose own life and had net started. The report set death ¡and life after death is the in our history; and he has con , I freedom of access to libraries. The velopments in today’s t complex ple hu’died that dlfHoidtv by kii • cut that no devoted American1 citi­ only answer to suffering and dis­ quered the hostile forces. This ac stud, is expected to begin next world and placing historical events, ine and making up in court. zen should rest on his laurels until couraged men. It. is the “good news” count is the gospel — the goot 1 menth in all states, the areocia- sirh as the Emancipation Procla­ However, a short time later they every vintage of second class citi­ of- the strong Son of G od whose news. We are not alone in on ticn said. mation cf 1863, in their true per­ were again in the news when Sar­ wur»d. We ao not have to battl spective. zenship was erased frem this na­ mighty deeds overcome the sinister ah filed suit for divorce against tion. by ourselves against evil. God 1 State chapters of the association In outlining NAACP’s role in the forces which blocked and beset him Atkins. m It was cognizant of the fact that with us. He has come to bring'ma: have beer, given three years to de­ growing emancipation of the U. S. and even put him to d oth. In an Recent’v. however, Atkins has the Negroes must continue to fight, into a living relationship with him segregate or face expulsion. The Negro, Wilkins emphasized that, understanding cf the purpose of been trying to h®al the breach but they also must be p ¡pared to self. national body avoids holding Its “under toe democratic system cf the death cf Jesus Christ, traced ■ between th®m and. rencrtedlv gave perform efficiently, when the op- through the condensed account of annual meetings In places that the United States of America, citi­ his wife a $12.000 mink coat as a poaunity presented itself. his active ministry, revealed in Is | (These comments are based practice segregation. zens can organize into organiza­ ’•X "peace offering." own life and teachings, demonst;. on outlines of the International .. WASHINGTON-^More than 200 schools and colleges are al­ tions like the NAACP, they can Sunday School Lessons, copy­ The study will be handled by In­ protest, they can lobby, end they ed in his de?th and vindicated in ready conducting braining programs for over 13,000 unemploy­ VIPGIvn wngiifi group his resurrection, the Christian in righted by the International ternational Research Associates of can seek to enact legislation. And Council of Religious Education, AIDS SCHOOLLESS PIT ILS NMA President the midst cf his own crisis could ed men, women and out-of-school youth under the new Man- New York, under the direction of thus, they cm improve their own find meaning .and ¡purpose, courage and used by permission). Bower Development and Training Act, the Department of Health, the association. It is being made condition. Omy under a democratic RICHMOND - INNPA) - The system," he reiterated, "is this type education of 102 colored pupils, and spiritual rescurces. Education and Welfare announced this week. posflb’e by contributions from the of private organization permissible who have been locked out of pub­ The introductory section of the H. W Foundation the New York Asks Contributions Goiipel of Mark, with which we ore .Illy December 10. the 15tli week and this type of organized activity lic schools, in Prince Edward Publish Greetings for the per od ending Tune 30. World Foundation, the R R. Bow­ concerned in this lesson, prepares ker company, a publishing house; | brought to boar on the improve­ County, is being sponsored by the MOSCOW (UPT)-The CcmmuL qf operations under the new law, 1963. Fifty million dollars addition­ us for the Galilean ministry. Here ment cf the lot of the citizen.” Virginia Teachers Assdbiation, the Hist party newspaper Pravda Tues*' there were 361 such procrams in ally has been set aside for train­ Mi'S Dorothy Bcndlx, an associa­ there were two iir~irt.ini occur­ Radio Liberty, known also as “the organization said Dec. 2£th. day published “sincere greetings ■ operation in 39 f lates and the pis® ing allowances paid to unemployed tion member, and the Colorado Li- To March 01 Dimes rences:. John k'.'ptized Jesus, and from Soviet -cosmonauts to tlik tjict of Columbia. Mote than 100 heads at families and youth be-1 braiy association, “The need is there, but I lie trea­ Jesus faced temptation. Jesus' bap­ American Mercury .'ipicemen. “Jus 4 tween the ages of 19 and 22. mGMENTm FACTS WdHional training proposals from sury Is hare." declared Dr John tism introduced his public ministry. tifiably proud that the- pioneer 1; y, Communities around the country It identified him with John the the conquest, of the -universe wa The Manpower Development and Factual background on the ex- A. Kenney, Jr., Washington, D C , 1$ currently under review by Fed­ Blight Of Discrimination! Baptist’s proc'amaticn that the cur socialist slate,” the statemen Troining Act is a three - yeai ()f rtiaTiininatiOn jn libraries president of the National Medical eral and state education and labor Association. “Both the Salk and kingdom of God was at hand. And said, “we Soviet cosmonauts sin program .Tmed nt reduclrtg unem- ls fragmentary. The survey will 'irBantifled Jesus with the sinful authorities. Sabin polio vaccines were develop­ ceraly greet the courageous Amerl j plcyment erased by technologicaJ jr^ possibility that croups nation that.was seeking God's for­ ed solely through contributions of i can (spacemen, who last year car* :';iri® .legislation prorides that change, shifts in market demaneb. 0^er ^ian ^egroc5 aie denied equal Ma$tBeEradicated...Meany giveness and grace. Jesus comes to ; ried out for the first ime in th»'1 the American people to the March public vocational education facili­ relocations of industry and foreign acces. to facilltles where we are; he shires in cur I U.SA. orbital flights around thj WASHINGTON - (NNPA- -"It "Through other administrative cif Dimes, As a result, polio has tas shall be used for training competition. It is estimated that condition eo that he can open the I glebe.” is clearly the sentiment _ oL the ■steps, such as the_more vigorous ceased to be a pub’ic health men- wherever possible. Such facilities abcut 50.000 people will be trataed T-rellmlnan' information reaching way for us to return to Gcdr ------!. American people that the blight of enforcement of voting rights and ¿¿lude vocation'll rhools and high for new Jobs by the middle of next assocladcn headquarters here indi- acc in this country," he said Again, the baptism was a time of llscrlmination must now be eradi­ ' ton’s with vnratioiial training , . ... . cates that 62 per cent of Negroer of court orders cn the desegrega- ' We must never ferget, however, vocational change for Jesus. He cated,” George Meany, president of ' ton of schools, the Adr.iinlstiation Honor Romanoff «£ ¡rksliops: teehnlea’ institutes and year. Because training is offered .n nave equal access. Mi- that, there are still 120,000 Ameri­ was now aware cf a new task, end the AFL-CIO. said hi a New Year's made notable contribtuions to dem­ HOLLYWOOD - (UPI) - A ho| colleges: and munlctoal and only in fields whors work oppor- ami and mj81,: Beach libraries are cans suffering from the paralytic he undertook a new mirsion. The Day stetement distributed Friday. ocratic principles. of filmland o tebrities honoic tie roller’s n’terinff wcial nm- tunitle« exist, placement should specifically noted as being integrat- effects of polio with patient aid event vf his baptism introduced “We in the AFL-CIO are proud costs mnning to millions of dol­ Mike Romanoff, who lx am. f£ fetalaureate programs and idillt be ocnslstcntly high. At present. 90 ed-. The statement dealt with a num­ this new work. Jesus was baptized tensión services.1 of the affiliated national and in­ lars a year. March of Dimes funds by John. John the Baptist was the mous as a fake Rus '.,n prince, < pereent cf thore who have com- , . ... ber pf issues, ranging from Com­ i pleted training are employed. Kentucky, t le da.a show ternational unions whose leaders must also be used to help persons transitional figure. He stood be­ the closing of his swank resist munism and the cold war to health 1 JCrsiplni' n®®v 'to offered ’n any F bookmobiles give equal service, a1 signed, at the White House, a with birth defect? and arthritis as tween the old ¡age and the new. He rant New Y< v Eve. More than 1( nsurance and civil rights. I field In which there are job op- The Secretary of Health. Ednca- do public libraries In Louisville and pledge that guarantees equal right.’ well as to support research to find was a part cf the old covenant; poisons attended the banquet i About the past year’s “momen­ c •¡■’•riitlv. training is lion, and welfare Is designated n$ 2 other cities, and equal opportunity to all with­ causes and pieevntives for those he leaked forward to the coming Romanoff's Beverly Hills vestal tous progress" in the field of hu­ mtiab'e in nearly lo occupation- admln'stiatnr of .training under the . „ out regard to race, creed, or na­ crippling conditions, he added. of the Messiah; but he was unique, i nt which , was cl ed to the pul lradslation. The Secrr'arv of Labor In N?thA,C’i man rights, Mr. Meany had this tional origin. We congratulate the ■ tor to him was given the task of1 He. al' categorinSt chief among which to say: “I wish we could foresee a less-' directs s'liveys of employment ip- ¡cs ln ?L°‘ he lcs'counUe3 hundreds of employers who joined electric?! and mechanical ening in the incidence of birth portunities in each Staked l?.|ln^rraX in Tpnnpfl.pp.s “' u,™- “The President's historic- order in a similar pledge. defects and arthritis, but thejacts trades and stenographic - clerical Libraries in Tennessee's large fa* saipptinn 01 trninees [ toro.dding discrimination in feder­ “It is clearly the sentiment of indicate just the opposite.’ Each work The urgent need in most cities are said to be integrated and nRvnW nf tracin'* allowances ally • assisted homing develop- the American people that the year, he explained, there are parts the country for service also ti'ose in Oklahoma City. Tuls- . to those who are eligible. Trainin' nents, white not quite as sweeping blight of discrimination must now more than 253.000 babies born in heln |n hM’th f’elds hss stimulated •■ and Norman in Oklahoma. ■ is p- ’ Hu Hr i jtiU out by lo- s some had hoped, insures the be eradicated. That sentiment mus the United States with significant , a growing number o' programs for cal vo®atl?nal edu®atlon nuthoritie'| Houston, Fourth Worth. Sra iltimate right tices system ”' surgery' and medical techniques, ment se®urltv:**-' the U S Office o' ¡ more malformed infants will sur­ CONDITIONER “Cmirs’s range In length from Education: «nd the u 3 Dcpa't vive. This will nlace added bur­ rtbnt three weeks to a year, de- ment of Labor. In Arkansas, Little Rock’s librar dens on , medical and social ser-; pehding upon the nature of train- ®s are desegregated. Virginia i SUPPORT DIMES DRIVE vices which are inadequate even National, State, and local advis­ In the trcdfs and ¡rtdustria’ enorted to have desegregated a- at present. ctcvrotinns. trclniro ime Jias beer, ory committees, made up of repre­ ■ubile libraries, while in Louisian "B®t the Mareh of. Dimes is )e®d- averaging apToxlmately 25 weeks. sentatives of education, organized ■’I but two parishes (counties) ar inor the wav in .rna-tf"? thi® vita' labor, business, industry, agricul­ ®,M tn have done ten. nroWm ” t«<* MwIJmI As’ceiation '* Training costs to date are necr- ture and the puWlc, serve tc gen­ ■''Cllies In. nine Southern Stats Pr»sM®nt ”ta. ei’-onrinv p lift Í7 ml’lion, approximately erate the cooçer.ition necessary 1 -re rpvrted tn have “limited” ssr number of treatment cent«"” third of the $20|?0 millionmilitan allocated-aline nrke the-legislation effective. ■ W—______te.o for Negroes. " — Hvrniraboto th® ronni»v for —bir-** detects rP.r>®H® There nre now npvn Hian "Sfl XX’r®K r'f -'J'lln’®’'~ Get fast, temporary relk Pnnf.®r’ pnd th®’’ ir® hnln® rst®h- STpP! 'ished in more •" '"® commun1- MILLIONS with pt. t.te« fnra a’ rre-ih'e, analgetic LOOKI "Th® e* Dir"r' is n’®”. of RHEUMATIC PAIN action nbiecr>’® y pin "onfideot we ®an ddressed envelope to:____y Teachers Association, and Miss LaVerne Thomas, Hopewell, Va, presi­ IVORY'S PROBLEM BUREAU regtiM!-» meet, the ’»«»hiem The dent New Homemakers of America, appeal for generous support of the Temporary Relist For Minor Paint Oty» P. 0. Box 5262 '•«v y-crrl ’’ *mon®v.’ I '»"ze the na­ RHEUMATISM. ARTHRITIS, NEURITIS. March cf Dimes. The campaign opened Jan. 2. Aid for polio patients, tion to ci™ noherons’’’ th the St Louie 15, Mo. birth defects ami arthritis patients, depends nn money raised in the 1953 LUMBAGO. MUSCLE ACHES '»arch of D1"’®’ - to ’Give fcr the March of Dimes. Life of n Child.’