‘vît?'.- *• *■•'?( b——■’ • ■ •■ ’ * W. -'J 1 . y, MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE, SATURDAY, JANUARY 5, >963 83-YEAR-OLO MINISTER RETIRES Waller Called By day as pastor of Cummings Bv gec:c:m. coleman Street Baptist Church and was honored throughout the day at various programs. What will he uo new? He'll ''rest- no fome" and -io seme preaching when invited.” The new p. s'ar of Cummings Mrs. Groce Eagle, who a neigh­ Street is expected to be the Rev. bor described asJihe nicest person Eugene Waller, currently minister you cculd meet,’’ spent her lan rf Early Grove P ptist. He'll pro­ Christm.’s on e:rth Tuesday,-and bably take over the Cummings pul­ was killed-¡e-ss than 24 hours later pit the first Sundry in February. as she leaned ever a kitchen stove preparing dinner for her mentally who is new ill, were honored Feb." dsturbed nephew, whem she had 23 on their golden anniversary, brought heme from a hospital less I He bas served as a trustee of than on hour previous^. Jackson College and Natchez Col­ lege in Mississippi, as trustee and teacher at Birmingham Baptist College, as chairman of the board of directors of American Baptist Theological Seminary in Nashville and currently is vice chairman of the board of trustees of Owen Col­ lege. I He and Mrs. Varnado are the parents of four daughters and one son: Mrs. Peor! Crawford of Merid­ ian, Miss.; ,W. C Varnado of De­ troit; Mrs. Doris Conic of Jackson, 'Miss.; Mrs. Lillian Watkins, wife of The new "Miss Co-Ette” of the REV W. L. VARNADO the president of Alabama State Memphis chapter ot Co-Ette Club, College in Montgomery, and Mrs. Inc., is cute Miss Twyla Miles, a Ernestine Guy of Memphis. junior at Father Bertrand High School. She is the daughter of Born in Pike County, Miss., Rev. Mrs. Charlesteen Miles, 713 Lucy, Mr. Varnado pastured in that state Community and John Mlles of Los Angeles, several years before moving to She was presented last Thursday Jackson, Tnin. in 1924. He came to . Memphis in 1937 to pastor Salem night at the club's fourth annual Club Idea Baptist and took over the Cum­ Pink Paradise charity Ball in mings Street pulpit in 1949. Bruce Hall. -, Miss Miles’ royal court consist­ ed of Miss Myrna Wilhajns, first Paying Off alternate; Mrt Carita HAnfeofi. second alternate, aiyl Miss Jcquc- lyn Young. * Miss Miles and her court were presented by Miss Maudette Brown­ lee. co - chairman of the ball. The gaily decorated Bruce Hall was set off by 27 pink - attired mannequins representing the Co - Ettes. A Christmas tree graced the center of the floor. The Impalas, to make funeral a youthful musical aggregation, filled the hall with scintillating mas day and reached Memphis the sounds. * following day. The Laster children are Brio, 14 'Miss Co-Ette' contestants; Miss Carità Harrison, second alternate; Miss Myrna Williams, first al­ ternate, and Miss Maudette Brownlee, co-chair­ man of the charity ball. ¡TOTAL CONTRIBUTIONS NOW $14,449 INDIANAPOLIS, Ind. - Dr. W. S, Davis, president of Tennessee State University, told the Friday luncheon meeting of—the annual conclave of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity that* manhood should have been the principal weapon in the fight for first class citizenship in the past and recommended it as th? principal weapon for ‘h. future 187, Laid To Rest : S-l'iæa i i ■l'fe rit' fe. monster clown . > it Church and btrial was in Elmwood . Cemetery. The Rev. viigcne Diu.i- ld that the ■tr.re’le I. • ■ ... - , „ . _ - nt the Ncn.ro .finds ; «Wm*» on Page four) WASHINGTON - (NN Indian Embassy has i military observer’s succour oism of army scout Havil Singh, who was second in of one of the Indian pot Ladakh area. < Early on the morning < the Chinese encircled th (Continued on Page Four) RW jjp WASHINGTON—(NNPA)—Col­ Nat’l Prayer Weak 1«! SS» 1K* ored workers accounted for 21 per­ cent. or 793.210 of the 3,801,000 MEREDITH TO STAY-James Set For Jan. 6-12 Americans listed as unemployed Meredith, the first Negro to National Braver Week, founded SIIÉ during November, the Labor De­ enter the University of Missis­ in 1954 by Edgar T. Stewart oi partment announced. sippi, tells newsmen In Chi­ THE MEMPHIS CENSOR BOARD did not ban the film although cago that he is determined to 1072 Mississippi Blvd., will lie ob­ The Department rglepseclfigures some members were reluctant to approve its showing here. The served Jan. 6-12. showing the jobless rate for hon- remain at the university de­ spite, the shooting at W ea ­ Nashville Tennesseeamdltorially said: "This capricious censorship Pamphlets explaining National whites stood at 10 percent of the ther's home at Kosciusko, has made lennessees largest city lock ridiculous in the eyes of Praver Week have been guWWaed. civilian, labor force In each cate- by Mr; Stewart and they are' avail­ ■Soviet factory m.vnagei eek MRS. MINNIE P. SHIELDS Miss. Meredith returned to ♦he nation." able to those desiring them.- . (Continued on Paga Four) his home after the Incident more autonomy, And Grandchildren • w.n j. ij ■ ■ ■ .- ’..71. J dU' k », re. ' and guinea pigs. PROVIDED CHRISTMAS BASKETS - The Mothers' Club of LaRose Left to right: Mrs. Almasene Higgs, Mrs. Marie Johnson, Mrs? I School and faculty put forth a special effort to provide sunshine Jinnie Rawlings, Mrs. Ruth Tate, J. L. Brinkley, Jr., principal; Mrs. j V iand happiness to needy families during the Christmas holiday Clark, instructor; Mrs. Lucille Brown, PTA president; Mrs. Rosie DOUGLASS season. These families were presented W’th five huge baskets fill- ¡.ee Knowlton, Mrs. Clara Gordon and Mrs. Laura Holmes, ed with a variety of groceries. m t HIGH SCHOOL ¡ PAST PRESIDENTS - Past presidents of thei Avenue. Back row, left to right: Johnny Watson, Collect Food, Clothing ¡Miss King Of GOP Chairman RoforJv Hawkins Student Chapter of the Nation­ teacher at Carver; McAllister Waters, advertis­ By BARBARA TOWNSEND al Education Association, atleMoyne were cited and TYRANT MOORE ing manager of the Tri-State Defender, and Wil­ Hi, after such a long holiday, recently at a reception held at the college. Front, i X • ¥ 11 c v lie Terry,’viry, TcuGnerteacher utat /vieirost?Melrose juniorJunior nicjn.High. Theinc we’re sure everyone Is ready to be ,For Deprived In Miss. ¡Los Angeles Peers Into Pardon left terightt Miss Shjrley Wilson, teacher at Wis- chapter was organized by Mrs. Charle P. Roland, back with us to take you on a tour conskiSchool; Miss Élise Cox, teacher at Carver, audio-visual instructor ot LeMoyne. cf the. Red Devil Campus. let’s LOUISVILLE, Ky. — Students, der the direction of the Studen' Geraldine Taylor, teacher at Georgia begin with our spin ... :and older persons have joined In, Nonviolent Action Committee ¡l Make Debut Of John Factor SPOTLIGHT: <collecting food and clothing for (SNAG), an affiliate of SNCC, and ' ‘z This week’s spotlight will rall on Ithousands of Negroes cut off from the Louisville office of the South-I WASHINGTON - (UPI) - Re­ em Conference Educational Fund | the Superlatives of the Junior surplusi foods for trying to vote In publican National Chairman Wil­ (8CEFL Class— Mississippi. liam E. Miller demanded assurances University, high sthool, and grade They are: — ~ The first shipment of goods was from President ..Kennedy Thursday Smartest — Fred Henderson and 1taken to the Delta area of Mis­ school students prepared the way hat $22,000 in campaign contrlbu- By TONI SMITH AND sissippi at Christmas. A receiving for food collections by passing out G’orla Knox. Hons to the Democratic party play­ DORIS JONES ¡Most Intellectual-Wallace Her- jstation has been set up at Forth leaflets trom door to door in many ed no part in Kennedy's Christmas Visited By Stork Xmas Day Street Drug Store, Clarksdale, Miss., parts of the city. Clothing and Hello you kats and kittens, these derson and Sandra Nelson. oardon of John "Jake the. Barber" ?;.;6oipel Temple Baptist Church had a very good holiday are your news reporters starting Best Dre'sed: Johnny Martin and 'operated by Aaron Henry, state money were donated along with Factor. this New Year wtth the latest president of NA.XOf food in many cases. Miller’s demand came after a sebwn beginning with a 5 a.m. service and a 6 a.m. preaching Ovnth'.n Herris. The local effort was coordlnatea The leaflets said: "While familes dope and data around Porter Coolrst : Tyrant Moore and Jean heck of House records showed seFvI&'on Christmas Day. Highlight of the day was that the School. with similar action oy Friends c are on the verge of starvation Factor and his wife gave polltloal Framer. the Student Nonviolent Coordinat­ in 13 countries in the state of Mis­ minister, Rev. N. Alston, was called home from the church to The way we heard It: iBe't Physique: Sidney Brown & contributions to three Democratic ing. Committee (SNCC) at Ann Ar- : sissippi Thousands have been out rroups m 1960. take his wife to the hospital for the delivery of an 8 lb. 1% o?. Mary Balfour finally decided. V'rtls Worham. i bor, Michigan. FNCC is one of the oil from surplus foods because peo­ On Christmas Day. Kennedy Doris Brown got her sweater (for •Most Popular: Charles Thomas named Rebecca Carol-Carol because she was born oh organizations sparking the voter­ ple are' tryiAg to register and vote. -(ranted a pardon to Factor which Xmas) william Fort Isn't what he pnd Barbara Tcwnsend. Christmas Day. * , registration drive in Mississippi. Their fight L your fight and they quashed threatened deportation thinks he 13.
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