Ike See on Clique
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- !>•-•••.• •? k.u. V.V '■•• JV ■ \ » ' / i 'S ^ A Daily Net Preaa Ron For Vw Week Badod The Weather ^ Oetober 6, 196S roTMMt of V. k WeathOT 13,638 Moetly' elondy, milder toBicht, Member M the' Audit low >eiir (O. Tneedajr parti)! ' Boremi o f OircnlatiaB Noady, warmer. Hi|(k bi 70*. Mancket^r— A City o f Village Charm ' TOL. L X X X II, NO. 13 (FOURTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1962 ‘(OlaMMed AdvertMaf ea Pafe It) PRICE nVE CENTS 6 Questioned State News 2 Tell of Raid Roundup Ike See Traffic Tieup On Cuban Boat On Parkways Biggest E.v e r Sixf* Suarez’ account of the incident on Clique ^ MIAMI, Fhi. (AP) "men described by the Coast conflicted with a Cuban govern HARTFORD I a P) — Con ment announcement that a pirate Guard as raiders who sank a necticut’s throughways were vessel had attacked, a pleasure jammed with traffic from the Cuban patrol boat and rescued yacht, apparently killing two per: two wounded Cuban militia sons. Massachusetts to the New York border late Sunday. men east of Havana are being A Cuban exile, Antonio Bustlllo, Greets Seely-Brown, said the_ raid_ had been .planned Cars inched along, bumper-to questioned by immigration by 50 Cubans in Miami. BustUlo' bumper, in many sections, ihinaer- authorities. identified tnb raiders as Manolo ous minor accidents, mostly of me The unidentified men were Quiza, Manolo' /Casanova. Eddie rear-end variety, were reporte<!i> taken to Key West by a Coast Moore, Juan Esptnola, Jorge Ro Eight of 10 such mishaps took Alsop at GOP Rally Guard boat from the British Is driguez and Roberto Parson. place on Route 15 in' the vicinity of land of Cay Sal Sunday night. Manchester alone. __________ ______________ They had sought refuge at Cay The accidents generally stemmed Sal after the raid. Newsmen were from the heavy traffic and did not By aSX>ROE BAZAN not allowed to talk to them. Two Refugees produce the congestion, however. HARTFORD^ (AP)—Former President Dwight Eisen The two militiamen were flown What brought but all the cars were hower sharply attacked today what he called “ sophisticated from the tiny island off the south the lures of a four-day holiday, east Florida coast to Miami by Slip Back East, bataiy weather and perhaps the nonsense ” from a clique of theorists in Washington. Coast Guard, helicopter. They last good chance to observe the au In a lO-'minute speech plumping'ior Republican candidates, were listed in fair condition at a tumn foliage. Eisenhower said the sophisticates sfty “We are dead wrong hospital after surgery for bullet Bring 8 West For a long time east and north if we think we can achieve our destiny'bii^our own. wounds. bound traffic formed a solid dou- “Specifically they want a Washin^bn where Congress is District Immigration Director RiCRT TN fAPi Eiffht Fast line from the Charter Oak Edward Ahrens .said one'^ of the BERLIN (AP) — Bl^t East Bridge in Hartford to Framing- controlled by one party, where the one party gets its orders two, Sgt. Fillberto Suares Lima, German refugees savored ^eir| ^am. Mass., some 90 miles away. first full day of freedom Jn West from the executive, where the executive gqts its goals and 40. asked for asylum in the United West of the bridge there was purposes from a clique of theorists who specializVjn experi States. The other man was IdenU- Berlin today because two friends bumper-to-bumper traffic on Route fied as Cpl. Miguel Cao Mendina, returned for them after making 15 through Berlin, Newington and mental tampering and tinkering and talk.” about SO. their own escape three weeks agb. Meriden. Nearer the New York line Ruddy and beaming, the 72-year-old former President spoke Ahrens said the two toid immi One of the four women in the the heavy traffic, on both the Mer at a Republican outdoor rally in Bushnell Park as GOP sta^e group collapsed with emotion gration officers they and two ritt Parkway and the Connecticut and congressional candidates sat by. other military men were on patrol when she reached the West Sun Tumplke, was mostly west-bound. duty in an 18-foot boat ^ d a y day and was reunited with her Assistant Police Chief Thomas Kerrigan said a noon hour parents. The woman had spent six crowd of 25,000 was present. Newsmen thought an estimate night, off Varadero Beach, east of Diet of Injuries Havana. months in jail for an earlier un of about 15,000 would have been more accurate. successful attempt to flee. Cao and Suarez said a larger HARTFORD (A'P) — Twelve- Eisenhower said he was elected with the support of mil boat opened fire on them, sinking Names of the refugees, were year-old Daniel Lattimore of Dur their vessel and wounding Cao in withheld to prevent reprisals ham died at Hartfdrd Hospital Sat lions of Democrats and Independents. But now, he said, he the groin and Suarez in the leg. against relatives and friends in urday night of injuries suffered in believes one faction of the Democratic party is in control and The patrol boat sank, and men on East Germany. a ti^fic accident. The two-car “ has a monopoly bn sophisticated nonsense. the larger boat/lifted the two mil The refugees told this story: crash occurred in Durham Sept. 23. ‘Against it I must speak out my<^ — ^ itiamen from the water. The other Two men, who escaped three bel’ that America today desper- two men were swimming to shore weeks>,agOjdecided after loo|; dis- Extended Forecast ately needs Republican administra when last seen, Suarez said. cussionsHtSi refugee center that WINDSOR liOCKS— (AP)—The tlon within its states and communi Ike’s Birthday The six walked off the Coast they 'would try to return for their U.S. Weather Bureau at Bradley ties, Republican management of Guard boat at Key West, clinibed friends. Field issued this forecast for Con-' the House of Representatives, in into waiting automobiles, and They swam a stretch of water ne<^cut today; creased Republican representative Dinner to Aid were whisked off to immigration on the border Saturday, cut 'reniperatures for the five day in the Senate..." offices for preliminary question through barbed wire on the east perlod/'q^esday through Saturday, The crowd greeted the former ing before being sent to Miaitit bank and went to the home of a are expeftfd to average 7 degrees Chief Executive warmly, waving Bay State GOP One had a bandage on his hand, friend. There they met three men above ^ m a l. Rising temperature scores of welcomlhg signs, tlirow- but none of the dishev.eled group trend ^Tuesday and Wednesday ' ing confetti and whooping it up. BOSTON (A P)—Tonight’s 8100- appeared to be seriously hurt. (CoBtinaed on Page Thlrteea) After his speech he was present- with more seasonable temperatures a-plate birthday j^inner for for during the remainder of the period. c* with a 40-pound birthday cake Some normal high and lows for in recognition of his 72nd birthday mer President Dwight D. Eisen R's probably a little gift for Mamie. Former president Dwigtit Eisenhower enjoysXa joke over hower is expected to add half a Connecticut are Hartford 64-40; the pot holder Congressman Horace Seely-Brown, left has been u.sing for-many years^^ a cam yesterday. End Aloof Attitude million dollars to Massachusetts Bridgeport 63-44; New Haven 63- paigning gimmick. Se^y-Brown and' GOP gubernatorial candidate John Alsop greeted E^enhbwer Then, after being in Connecticut 42. on his arrival, at Rentschler Field today. (Herald photo by Oflara). about au hour, he left for Rentsch Republican's campaign war chest. Precipitation may total one half ler Airfield to depart for Boston. Some 6,000 members of the for inch or more occurring as showers In hi.? trip to and from the alr- mer .president's party are expect Vatican II May Soften over mountain areas on Thursday New Crisis Expected po"t, he wjiB accompanied by <30P ed at Commonwealth Armory to and rain over most of the district Kennedy Rests candidates and crowds cheered his hear a' 20-minuta speech starting on Friday. motorcade along the way. at 9:80 p.m. Gubernatorial candidate John '.fter an earlier campaign ap ! Vows NLRB Backs Union For Eight-State isop and Rep. Horace Seely- pearance at Hartford, Conn., Ei HARTFORD (AP) — The Na U.S. Restktes Policy Brbwn, the senatorial candidate, senhower was scheduled to fly to tional Labor Relations Board rodeNlh the closed automobile with Boston by private plane for an ROME (AP) — Roman Catholic|>with the Vatican Secretariat tar (NLRB) has ordered Pratt A Political Tour him. afternoon arrival at Logan Inter and Protestant clergymen here Church Unity, official contact on Whitney Aircraft to stop interfjer- national Airport. e:q)ress belief the current Second The former president, 72 Sun scale that has never been at iag with distribution of union liter By. WHITNEY SHOEMAKER (CoBtl6^^ OB Page Sevea) Vatican Coimcil will discuss the tempted previously. ature at its North Haven plant. On Rights to Berlin day, was expected to be greeted WASHINGTON (AP) — President question of mixed marriages and The action over the weekend by Republican' Gov. John.. A. ‘ a likeness of mind can be de Kennedy catches his campaign ' the vows the Catholic CSiurch de tected in public statements by the came almost two years to the day V^olpe; George Cabot Ixjdge, who mands of non-Catholics who mar after Paul Bisgyer, the trial ex breath for the next two days, then Presides Arrives is the GOP nomintee for U.