


PRESENT: Cllr Paul Masters (in the Chair), Cllrs Richard Maidment and David Cload. District Cllr Sue Steele was also in attendance.

491). APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Apologies for absence had been received from Cllrs. Simon Denley, Brian Flack and County Cllr. Adam Dance.

492). DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST There were no declarations of interest.

493). MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD ON 12 th NOVEMBER 2018 Cllr Richard Maidment referred to the fact that the items discussed at the end of the meeting when County Cllr Adam Dance arrived had not been included in the Minutes. Following discussion, it was agreed to leave approval of the Minutes until the next meeting.

494). MATTERS ARISING Cllr Paul Masters said that he had received an email from Cllr Simon Denley which referred to Items a). Pavement kerbstone damage at Westmore Lane on completion of the site. f). Maintenance of Westmore Lane g). White Lining h). Damaged 40mph and 30mph road signs k). Undulation of road surface on the Road

Cllr Simon Denley advised that he had sent photographs along with an email to County Highways this week concerning the above items. He had also requested a site visit from County Highways.

Cllr Richard Maidment advised that County Cllr Adam Dance had said at the end of the last meeting that he had managed to have some dialogue with the developer concerning item (a) and that he was in dispute with his contractor about the gradient down to the road.

b). Stan Male’s Memorial Cllr Paul Masters said that since it had been decided that a Trophy Cabinet was a non-runner, he had been advised that it was proposed to put a Trophy Cabinet in the Village Hall. Mike Evans said that if we have a cabinet it would be nice to have it in the Village Hall, not just for trophies but for general memorabilia. There were photographs of the War Memorial and there should be other things that are part of the history of the village. It could be advertised in the News Sheet and residents asked if there was anything that they wished to contribute that adds to the history of the village. Cllr Paul Masters said that we could still call it Stan Male’s Memorial cabinet. He would discuss this further with Cllr Simon Denley.

c). Resurrection of Neighbourhood Watch in Hambridge and Westport Mike Evans said that he had been advised that it was coming along nicely but, it had not yet been signed off. Once it is signed off, we have someone who knows what the process is.

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d). Speedwatch Mike Evans said that he had not heard anything further and understood that Cllr Simon Denley would be speaking to Vic Faulkner. Following discussion, it was assumed that the kit had been returned.

e). Churchyard Maintenance Cllr Paul Masters had received an email from Cllr Simon Denley advising that he was still in the process of producing a draft document outlining our responsibilities and plans to provide this to the PCC for discussion before Christmas.

i). Recreational Trust Car Park The Hambridge & Westport Trust had been asked to move its Annual General Meeting to the 7th January as the proposed date clashed with a number of other events and would have prevented those who wished to attend from doing so. Cllr Simon Denley would attend and try to pin down the situation with the Car Park.

j). Caravan parked at Westport Cllr Simon Denley advised that he had emailed PC Tony-Marie Lines but, had not yet received a response.

Cllr Richard Maidment said that he had spoken to South District Council, as recommended by District Cllr Sue Steele, and he had been put through to the planning office. He thought that we now have a case that has been raised. Planning Officer Stephen Baimbridge, the Case Officer, has been out taking some more photographs. The procedure that they have to go through is to contact the landowners. He has carried out a search to see who they are. It would appear that the person who has placed the caravan does not own the land. He has written to the landowners and has given them fourteen days to reply, to establish whether or not they have given permission for someone to place the caravan on that land. If they advise that they have not given permission, they can put an enforcement order in place. There is still concern about access to the road. Stephen Baimbridge would keep us informed of the situation.

495). FINANCE REPORT a). Accounts for payment The following accounts were approved for payment on the proposal of Cllr Paul Masters seconded by Cllr David Cload.

HMRC – PAYE £ 79.00 Clerk’s Wages Month 8 £ 63.37 Grass Cutting – Max von Tyszka £330.00 Parish Magazine Printing £ 63.00

b). To set the Precept for 2018/2019 The Clerk circulated copies of spreadsheets showing Income & Expenditure to the end of November and a form for setting the Precept 2019/2020 which will be completed next month. When looking at the accruals you have to take into consideration that there are a further three months to be taken into account before the end of the financial year. The Clerk advised that a notification had been received advising that the Tax Base for next year would be £212.03.

Adjournment to Allow Public Comment

Mike Evans said a resident had brought to his attention a problem with damage on Westmore Lane which he had noticed and thought might be a contributary cause. The main subsidence is where

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pollarding has not been carried out on the trees allowing a big top growth, which causes water to be drawn up from under the ground. Cllr Paul Masters would pass this information on to Cllr Simon Denley.

Mike Evans had been given £20 by Lionel and Dinky Adams as a donation towards the Parish Magazine. A letter of thanks had been sent to them. Mike Evans said that the Parish Magazine was now printing four pages and they would be going over budget. He suggested that we do another Newsletter towards the end of January because this would be after the Recreational Trust meeting and after the first meeting of the Church.

Cllr Simon Denley had advised that there would be a community meeting of the Environmental Agency on the 14th November to discuss the Environmental Agency’s Flood Resilience Scheme. This is a scheme that could possibly supply funds to cover the cost of flood prevention to those properties that are most at risk.

A note had been received advising that Cllr Simon Denley had emailed Ken Winston, the Footpath Liaison Officer, to let him know how our last month’s Footpath Meeting went and also to Vic Faulkner to establish the whereabouts of the strimmer. Vic Faulkner has confirmed that he has the strimmer and is more than happy to carry out any work that is required. The next step is to meet up with Ken Winston and move forward.

496). REPORTS FROM COUNTY/DISRICTCOUNCILLOR S a). District Cllr Sue Steele said that a had been confirmed today by Parliament that the boundaries will definitely be changed. This will mean that when the elections are held in the Spring you will be part of District Cllr Derek Yeoman’s district. At present there are less and less people available to get jobs done and communication is not very good. She said that if there was anything that the Parish Council wanted her assistance with, they should email her and she would follow it up.

497). LAW & ORDER There was no report from PC Tony Lines and the Report on their Website was months out of date.

498). PLANNING REPORT a). Application Received Planning Application 18/03846/FUL The erection of a dwelling with new vehicular access. Land adj. Goosemead Cottage, Westport, , TA10 0BJ

The Parish Council recommends approval of this application, which is consistent with the adjacent housing, but taking into account the concerns raised about drainage and sewerage in respect of other planning in the area. It is recommended that an assessment of the drainage system should be carried out. 499). CORRESPONDENCE There was no correspondence

500). ITEMS FOR A FUTURE AGENDA a). To set Precept for 2019/2020 b). Pavement kerbstone damage at Westmore Lane on completion of the site – update c). Stan Male’s Memorial d). Resurrection of Neighbourhood Watch in Westport e). Speedwatch – Mike Evans to report f). Churchyard Maintenance g). Undulation of road surface on Westmore Lane Page 3 of 4

h). White Lining h). Damaged 40mph and 30mph road signs i). Recreational Trust Car Park j). Caravan parked at Westport


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