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November 2019 Hambridge and Westport

A fantastic Big Breakfast was held in October raising over £300 for the Recreation Trust. It was even bigger than the last one, and now with improved equipment and menu. The breakfast was also used as a meeting venue for the newly formed Entertainment Group chaired by Richard Meecham which is developing plans for three large village events for 2020. Watch out for a music event on March 14th, VE celebrations on May 8th and a Grand Village Fete on June 20th. Big Breakfasts are now to become a regular feature, Saturday 30th November is the next one from 9 ‘till 12.30

The Friends of Hambridge School have exciting things planned. There’s the Bingo on November 22nd at 6.30 p.m., and the Christmas Fair on December 6th from 5 -7 p.m. complete with a Father Christmas grotto! If anyone would like a stall at the Christmas Fair there are a couple of spaces so phone 07747 864857. Unfortunately the Murder Mystery evening “Hambridge Huedunnit” has been postponed until 6th March next year.

The History Group is thriving, with loads of photos and information on the village web site at and on Facebook Hambridge&Westport History. Recent discussions include the wartime plane crash at Lane, missing milestones (see map) and Hambridge and Westport carnival photos. Give Mike a ring on 01460 281114 if you would like to know more. To celebrate VE Day next May, several people have suggested that we record some of the wartime contributions made by those from the villages. So if your relatives or friends served in HM Forces, The Home Guard, Land Army, Emergency Services, or similar wouldn’t it be great to have that documented. We can also record with pride the names on the War Memorial. Perhaps meet next at the Big Breakfast on the 30th November?

What do we want from the Newsletter? I don’t get upset so please let’s have your views, good or bad. Do you want more of this …. Or less of that ….? It goes to every house, it’s on the web and sent by e-mail. Perhaps you would like to add your touch and give it a refresh? Give me a call on 01460 281114. The History Facebook site is like a mini Friends Reunited so would encourage a visit. But please let me know…. What is best for YOU! There is a village distribution list for occasional village e-mails so send an e-mail to [email protected] if you would like to be added. They are always blind copies (except once when I forgot) Why not see if you can tick one of the boxes in our new “To Do” list later in this Newsletter,

For more information call 01460 281114 phone/text 07831 600375 [email protected]

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Christmas wreath making: After the success of last year’s event, Tammy Hill has decided to do two weekends: December 1st and December 8th at Manor Farm, Hambridge from 1 p.m. Tammy tells us “In June 2020 a group of students are going on an expedition through Borneo for 3 weeks. During this time, they will be submerged in the local culture and help to improve the community, They will also get to experience the beautiful landscape and vibrant wildlife as they gain life-changing experiences. Evie, Tammy’s daughter, has to raise almost £4,000 and all profits from the wreath making will go towards the trip! For information call 07508 202747 or e-mail [email protected] . Tammy and Graham will be hosting a fund raising Big Breakfast next year, and a Christmas Quiz at the Lamb & Lion on 22nd Dec with an 8pm start. It’s £2 per person, maximum teams of 6. Contact 07818 016988 to book a table.

We need your talents to continue to maintain and revitalise the Village Hall. The entire committee comes up for election every year. We need financial, admin, project management, organisational and practical skills. This could be a BIG year ahead and we need those who can really get stuck in. You would be very welcome at the AGM on Monday 2nd December. It can be great fun working together and making such a great contribution to village life. If you are new to the village, that’s a real plus. New ideas are welcome and we need a wide range of support, so however much or little you can contribute will be just right. The existing committee have achieved marvellous results over many years so you would be very very welcome to join the team and add your skills and talents and celebrate the year with us.

Neighbourhood Watch update from Trevor: A property in has had the workshop broken into between the 9th & 10th overnight. The lock to the workshop has been prised off to gain entry and once inside the offenders stole a number of items. In High St, , a business address has been burgled in the early hours of the 9th October between 3:40a.m. & 4 a.m. The offenders jemmied open a main metal door, stealing items including a Kawasaki Quad Bike, Strimmer, Chainsaw, Generator and fuel. There has been another instance of money being taken from unlocked cars. It happened recently, both in Westmoor Lane and Playses Green. To contact the , Call Crimestoppers on 0800555111

Vince Carrington, who helps us so much at many events, asks us to mention a family nativity event taking place at North St church in Taunton, that’s opposite Debenhams. It includes a petting zoo, craft activities, snacks, drinks, songs around the manger and more fun for the little ones!! It's a free event and is on Sunday 22nd December 4 - 6pm. You could contact Richard Shaw on 07766 313500 or Janice Carrington if you wanted to know more.

For more information call 01460 281114 phone/text 07831 600375 [email protected]

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Our School, from Sharon: It has been a very busy first half term at Hambridge Primary School. We have continued with our fantastic sporting achievements and have taken part in a variety of fixtures. The children always do amazingly well and represent the school fantastically. During one of our recent cross-country running events I was impressed to see how many children supported each other. It was in those difficult stages of the race, when the children felt they had nothing left, that I saw even non -runners run alongside the children to cheer them across the line. Hambridge school children are simply incredible!

At Hambridge primary school we are always thinking about how we can improve and how we can make every child's day - even better. It is with that in mind that I would like to ask for your help. Across the school we need volunteers to hear our children read. You can give as little or as much time as you would like. But even a little bit of time can make such a huge difference. If you would be interested in being a volunteer reader please contact the school office for more information. November and December are always a busy times in the run-up to Christmas and the children are already getting prepared for carol concerts, the nativity and church service. Please lookout for dates and get involved if you have any skills you can offer with costumes or cooking for example. Kind Regards, Sharon Chapman, Head teacher @ Hambridge Primary School

Here are two village stalwarts who noticed that the foliage had become overgrown opposite their houses. So, what did they do? Out with the shovel and brushes and they sorted it. Perhaps there is an area of the village that each one of us can improve. Washing road signs, cutting back vegetation from pavements. Just look around and say “How could I make this better”. Elaine and Mark saw that the War Memorial needed a little extra TLC, and have made such a difference! Using local tradesmen or village facilities helps keep our community alive as well.

St James the less one year on! From Kate ……

It’s been a really busy year at the Church. We had a very successful gift day with tea and cakes in the church. In July we had a wedding which was lovely. More recently we had a joint Harvest Service and supper with Isle Brewers. New lighting has been put up on the outside of church. We do have a number of other bits to do for the general maintenance of the Church. We are also still keen to get a loo and kitchen, however we are in need of a project manager. Perhaps you could help with this. This is all in addition to the regular Sunday services, Communion on the 2nd Sunday of the month at 9.30 and the All age shorter informal service on the 3rd Sunday of the month again at 9.30, there are refreshments after this service and everyone is welcome to come along to both services. We will soon be planning this year's Christingle service on Christmas Eve at 3 p.m. If anyone would like to be involved in the service or prepare oranges please call Kate on 01460 281300. There is a list of December services below. It’s hoped that we will be hosting a Big Breakfast in Hambridge Village Hall on Saturday February 1st 2020 please come and join us.

We would like to thank everyone for your help and support in making these things happen.

For more information call 01460 281114 phone/text 07831 600375 [email protected]

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Hambridge and Westport Youth Cafe from Mandy Brister and Ruth Evans … We meet on the first Tuesday of the month from 7pm to 9pm and The Café is open to young people in secondary school years 7 - 13. We have an open policy of young people being able to turn up for some or all of the meeting to fit around their other commitments. It’s a safe space to meet friends and have a natter or play games like table football, table tennis etc. Any suggestions for activities will be considered. Subs are £1 per session and there is a tuck shop. The next meeting is the 3rd December. It’s our annual Christmas film night with Christmas jumpers (if you like) film, pizza, popcorn, and is usually very popular. Please let us know if you’d like to attend this session so we can cater accordingly. Please contact the club by messaging through our Facebook page “Hambridge and Westport Youth Cafe”

Tributes to Liz For over 50 years Liz Martin has been the recognized face of our Village Hall. From her family involvement, with her dad collecting funds on the milk round, to her massive contribution as Treasurer, Liz has always been there with enthusiasm and wisdom. Recently Liz has been restricted on day to day involvement so is retiring from the committee this year. The gap will surely be impossible to fill to the same extent. Indeed the continued service was recognized some years ago by Liz receiving the County Council’s Award for her contribution to the community. Many of us will want to recognize all that good work with a suitable “thank you” and there is an opportunity for us to contribute at the village shop.

Remembrance Sunday

A large number from the villages attended a short but moving wreath laying ceremony on Sunday 10th November. It was led by Simon the Parish Council Chair and attended by Parish Councilors, members of the public, and with a special warm welcome for three residents from the vicarage. The memorial looked super spick and span thanks to Elaine and Mark

School gardening club. Tucked away behind the newly painted blue gate next to the Village Hall is a mini chalet for the gardening club erected in the last few days and at the time of the photo not quite finished. Looks like it’s going to be really fun for the children. It’s thanks to Paul Knight for brightening up the metal paintwork and improving the drainage outside the Hall doors, plus loads of other good works

The Vicarage. Corrine tells me that visitors are always welcome to have a cuppa and a chat with residents. There is an "Elf day" coming up on the 6th December, which is a way to raise money for Alzheimers. Why not pop up and enjoy the cake sale and a few games around 2 p.m. and at the same time perhaps offer to visit occasionally. And don’t forget The Christmas fair is on the 14th of December at 12 noon.

For more information call 01460 281114 phone/text 07831 600375 [email protected]

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The Parish Council: Recent topics from the November meeting include:

If you haven’t been to a Parish Council meeting, these are some of the discussions you will have missed based on last night. Full details will be published in the minutes of course, Normally a printed copy is in the shop as well as online.

 Vision for Hambridge Mill – have a look at the vision further on in this newsletter!  Statements and promises made at the time of planning applications sometimes seem to be quickly forgotten.  It’s good to ask householders to cut back foliage that blocks pavements. It’s much easier that issuing a fixed penalty notice (which can happen) or visiting injured accident victims who had to step in the road. Perhaps a few photos in the next newsletter to explain what is meant.  Our Parish Clerk Jenny has been the Clerk for 36 years and never missed a meeting.  The Alford Close pavement problem is about to celebrate its third birthday.  The political representatives are in purdah because of the election. However we hear that the County Council has only met in July and won’t meet again until January, or later. Hardly seems like effective representation!  A request has been made for more mirrors at road junctions in the villages. However they are not funded or provided by the District or County Council.  Tree cutting near the rookery will possibly take place.  Recycling changes are pushed back to next September – Black bins every three weeks from then.  The District Council phone response is generally not good. It’s more successful using the Internet.  There’s a tree planting scheme, with free trees being sponsored by The Woodland Trust, and the Rec Trust will be looking at it as well.  There is a local Curry Rivel and Hambridge charity that gives small grants to individuals at this time of the year. Perhaps you know of someone who might really welcome a little extra. Please let Simon know (01460 281340)  Hundry Lane dog bin missed out on being emptied. Action is being taken.  Banners in progress of being obtained, to promote village events  HWRT AGM 2nd December

Meetings are open to the public (with a very few exceptions), and there is a slot allocated for public comment. The next meeting is in the committee room of the village hall on Monday December 9th at 8 p.m. Parish Council documents are held on the website www.hambridgeandwestportThe Parish Council would be pleased to receive any contributions for the newsletter or for discussion at the meetings.. Just contact Simon Denley on 01460 281340 or Jenny Ludgate our clerk on 01458 251432 [email protected], or for the newsletter, e-mail Mike Evans [email protected] or call 01460 281114 or check

This is the last Newsletter before Christmas, so may we wish you all a Very Happy Christmas and New Year from Hambridge and Westport Parish Council

For more information call 01460 281114 phone/text 07831 600375 [email protected]

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The Village “To Do” List

Quite often people would like to help in the village but don’t want to be part of committees and so on, or may not know who to contact to offer their help. It might just be for one single village activity or perhaps for more general help. Helping can be loads of fun and a real chance to meet others. You might be an older person looking to help in your newly found spare time or even a young person who could work with more experienced people from the village. Why not “just do it”. So here is a first attempt at a list.

Job Who it might appeal to Who to contact

Cleaning road signs Anyone physically active Mike 01460 281114

Helping children Good with children, patience Sharon at the with their reading school call 281370

Taking on the job of Able to organize, project Kate 01460 281300 getting a WC in the management skill, Gill 01460 282913 church communication

Looking after plants Plant lover, gardener Contact any member at Village Hall of the committee

Website help or Someone who knows about IT or Mike Evans 01460 Village Hall IT wants to learn 281114

Typing and admin Can be carried out in your own home for various organizations.

Improving public Dog walkers, ramblers, keep fit footpaths or enthusiasts delivering stuff

Replacing the public Sorting the replacements and The Parish Council benches arranging installation – organizing and practical skills

Financial skills – Clever with accounts and Mike Evans helping to prepare a spreadsheets 01460 281114 budget

Clearing pavements Physically fit or able to ask a This is a do it and gutters outside friend or neighbor. If you have a yourself job  - our homes real problem with this, the especially to cut Parish Council can help back plants

If there is no number listed, give Mike a call on 01460 281114 for more information

For more information call 01460 281114 phone/text 07831 600375 [email protected]

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Do something amazing this year!

The Parish Council have been asked to publicise this appeal

For many, the start of a new year brings an opportunity for reflection, fresh starts and change - but could you change a child’s story this year?

For over 500 children in , spending time at home isn’t possible right now, which is why we urgently need more foster carers to offer safe, loving homes to our children in care. Foster carers can make a real difference to children’s lives. They help them through tough times and give them the support they need to achieve their full potential.

Fostering is not a one size fits all. There are a variety of different avenues within fostering to match the vast and sometimes complex needs of the children in our care, and the lifestyles of our carers; from the dedication of long term fostering over a period of years, to the flexibility of respite providing care just one weekend a month. In return our carers receive ongoing support and training, a dedicated social worker and a weekly fee and allowance (amounts vary – please speak to our team or visit the website for details).

If you’re aged 21 or over and have a spare room, along with the time and patience to support a Somerset child in care, visit or call our team on 0800 587 9900 to find out how you could help change a child’s story. There is no upper age limit, and things like your gender, sexual preference or marital status are not important – you just need the right qualities and mindset. Alternatively, come along to our next information evening and find out more about fostering over a coffee and cake. Costa Coffee, 8 Townsend Shopping Park, Shepton Mallet on Tuesday 14th January 2020 from 7-9pm.

To find out more get in touch Michelle Mitchell -Fostering In Somerset at County Hall Phone Michelle on Direct: 01823 356267 Mobile: 07890 583075

or e-mail: [email protected]

December services at the church Sunday 1st 9.30 a.m. Communion at Isle Brewers with Rev Phil Sunday 8th 9.30 a.m. Communion Canon Ian Gibson Wednesday 11th 2 p.m. and 6 p.m. School Nativity Thursday 12th 6 p.m. School Carol Service Sunday 15th 9.30 a.m. Family Service Rev Phil Tuesday 17th 7 p.m. Carol Service at Isle Brewers CHRISTMAS EVE 3 p.m. Christingle service CHRISTMAS DAY 10 a.m. Family Communion Rev Tim Gibson

For more information call 01460 281114 phone/text 07831 600375 [email protected]

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Exciting vision for Hambridge Mill Hambridge Mill is probably the earliest building in Hambridge,being listed from around 1252. In later years it became a brewery and then a distribution depot for Inde Coope. During this time the Social Club became an important entertainment venue for those in the village. In more recent time a thriving kitchen furniture manufacturer used the mill and outbuildings as a marketing and manufacturing base. The stone parts of the building are listed and recently the bell that is missing from the bell tower, as seen in the photo, has been located. Currently up for sale at £1 million plus, the four acre site is waiting for a new life. So what does the future hold? At the November Parish Council meeting a transformation vision was presented by a representative of Somerset Eco-Centre. They would like to make an Eco Centre a sustainable reality using the mill and outbuildings. They envisage a housing co-op, visitor center, education facility and business incubator units to help and encourage startup businesses. They would hope to generate local employment opportunities and create a vibrant destination for the locality. Of course this is some way off and will involve investment by both individuals and organizations. However, the co-operative leading this initiative see it having a real chance of success.

Steve Howell, the Development Worker and Fundraiser who attended the Parish Council meeting says “We're also interested in the community's views on the housing we propose to provide in the "stone buildings part of the site. It will be co-operative housing for the community, and we currently anticipate, some if not all, will be at affordable rent. We'd very much like to hear from any local residents who may want to live there, or know of anyone with a local connection that may. This includes family relatives and people who work in the parish or surrounding areas.”

To find out more visit / Give feedback by email [email protected] or call 0300 456 2265 Steve can be contacted at [email protected] or on 07786 064 005

And finally ……. An advert

In the Village Hall car park on the last day of term December 20th from 5 p.m.

Published by Mike Evans and generally reflects the views or discussions of the Parish Council

For more information call 01460 281114 phone/text 07831 600375 [email protected]