“Damitas hermosas por que se esconden?” Cortesía lingüística e imagen en las salas de chat Luciana Pavez Phillips U NIVERSIDAD DE C OSTA R ICA S ISTEMA DE ESTUDIOS DE POSGRADO F ACULTAD DE L ETRAS M AESTRÍA EN L INGÜÍSTICA 2002 DISTRIBUÍDO ELECTRÓNICAMENTE436)0463+6%1%)(-') )789(-37()0(-7'9673()'368)7Ú%)2)74%Ö30 (ITEVXEQIRXSHI)WTE»SP4SVXYKYÃW ])WXYHMSW0EXMRSEQIVMGERSW 9RMZIVWMHEHHI)WXSGSPQS )WXSGSPQS7YIGME TVSKVEQE$IHMGISVK [[[IHMGISVK ¨Luciana Pavez Phillips, Universidad de Costa Rica, 2002. © Por la edición electrónica: 4VSKVEQE)(-') 1%59)8%'-Õ2 ELECTRÓNICA %VMIP'SVHMWGS
[email protected] 8SHSWPSWHIVIGLSWVIWIVZEHos. All rights reserved. The future, whatever else it may be, is always infinitely, flagrantly, more peculiarly strange than the products of our imagination. WILLIAM GIBSON I think, therefore iMac PAUTA PUBLICITARIA DE APPLE (1999) What then makes us one species? Anything? Just our anatomy and physiology? Is everything else the product of the Tower of Babel, for better or for worse? Is there nothing which transcends the heterogeneities of culture, language, ethnicity, race, gender, class, nationality, and so on? Is it not, in the end, the formal organizations of interactional practice – conversation preeminent among them– which provide that armature of sociality which undergirds our common humanity? EMANUEL SCHEGLOFF Í NDICE 1. Preliminares .................................................................................................... 4 2. Introducción ...................................................................................................