Ecophysiology of Oxygen Supply in Cephalopods Matthew A

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Ecophysiology of Oxygen Supply in Cephalopods Matthew A University of South Florida Scholar Commons Graduate Theses and Dissertations Graduate School June 2018 Ecophysiology of Oxygen Supply in Cephalopods Matthew A. Birk University of South Florida, [email protected] Follow this and additional works at: Part of the Biology Commons, Other Oceanography and Atmospheric Sciences and Meteorology Commons, and the Physiology Commons Scholar Commons Citation Birk, Matthew A., "Ecophysiology of Oxygen Supply in Cephalopods" (2018). Graduate Theses and Dissertations. This Dissertation is brought to you for free and open access by the Graduate School at Scholar Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in Graduate Theses and Dissertations by an authorized administrator of Scholar Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Ecophysiology of Oxygen Supply in Cephalopods by Matthew A. Birk A dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy College of Marine Science University of South Florida Major Professor: Brad A. Seibel, Ph.D. Cameron Ainsworth, Ph.D. Robert H. Byrne, Ph.D. Jay Dean, Ph.D. Heather Judkins, Ph.D. Date of Approval: June 22, 2018 Keywords: metabolism, hypoxia, respiration, squid, octopod Copyright © 2018, Matthew A. Birk DEDICATION I dedicate this work to Jen Goff and Pam Kimber, two of my high school teachers that saw potential in me and invested their time and energy in me in hopes to make a difference in my life. You have. I also dedicate this work to my parents, Greg and June Birk, for their consistent support of my ambitions and their many sacrifices to give me a better life. To my bright and beautiful daughter, Natalie, and your siblings after you: I pray you discover your passion, and your calling, and that you love each step of the journey set before you. To my beautiful bride, Marianne: you know well that this work would not have been possible without you. You have supported me in so many ways through this journey. I thank you for your many sacrifices and your commitment to me through five years of moving, research cruises, loneliness, and busyness. My heart has trusted in you and I have had no lack of gain. Finally, I dedicate this work to the Creator and Redeemer of all things. What an opportunity it has been to see first-hand the many beautiful, wonderful, and amazingly complex aspects of God’s creation, and to contribute one tiny piece more to our knowledge of His work, that we may better know Him. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This work would not have been possible without the support of many individuals. Firstly, I thank my advisor, Brad Seibel, for his willingness to take on this “squid hugger” in his lab. Thanks are due especially for the support both financially and mentally throughout this endeavor. I am particularly indebted for your commitment to ensure I got to see a Dosidicus egg mass in situ (and the extra dive time that required) as well as your support of my work-life balance in the last year of this position. I am also grateful to Tracy Shaw for her support, antics, and thoughtful insight to many situations over the past years. I thank Abigail Bockus for her guidance, encouragement, and repeated attempts to teach me how to tie knots. I thank Erin McLean for her tolerance of my bullheadedness, at times, her commitment to our collaboration, and for always reminding me to consider “what’s love got to do with it?” I am grateful for the camaraderie of Gordon Ober, Elaine Potter, Agnieszka Dymowska, Alyssa Andres, Yue “Jeremy” Jin, and Alexandra Burns. I thank my committee members both at USF (Cameron Ainsworth, Bob Byrne, Jay Dean, and Heather Judkins) and at URI (Art Spivack and Sarah Zylinski) for their helpful comments and contributions to this dissertation, as well as David Murphy for chairing the defense of this dissertation. Thanks are due to collaborators and those that have provided methodological support: Karen Wishner, Allison Smith (KAS Mislan), Ann Kelly, Jillon McGreal, Joe Langan, Mandy Tyler-Jedlund, Dennis Graham, Xuewu “Sherwood” Liu, Amy Maas, and Josh Rosenthal. A special thanks to Dave Ullman and Jeremy Jin for their sacrifice of sleep to join me in my vain and pitiful attempts to catch squid that have no interest in being caught into the early morning hours. I also especially thank Ed Baker and the Seawater Facilities program at URI, without which this research would not have been possible. Thanks in particular to Ed for his presence and encouragement in the long winter days, his grace when I flooded half the aquarium building (at least twice), and for ensuring I learned what “ullage” means before graduating. Thanks as well to the captains and crew of the R/V Endeavor, Oceanus, and Sikuliaq. Finally, thanks are due to David Naar, Brittany Sheehy, and Kevan Main for their arrangement of my teaching assistantship at USF. I also thank the National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship program (DGE-1244657) for its investment in my academic future. TABLE OF CONTENTS List of Tables ................................................................................................................................. iii List of Figures ................................................................................................................................ iv Abstract .......................................................................................................................................... vi Chapter One: Introduction ...............................................................................................................1 Focus statement ....................................................................................................................2 Chapter 2: Do squids breathe through their skin? ................................................................3 Chapter 3: Is squid metabolism impaired by ocean acidification? ......................................3 Chapter 4: How do mesopelagic octopods breathe in the oxygen minimum zone? ............4 Relevance and implications .................................................................................................5 References ............................................................................................................................6 Chapter Two: Do squids breathe through their skin? ......................................................................9 Abstract ................................................................................................................................9 Introduction ..........................................................................................................................9 Methods..............................................................................................................................13 Animal capture and maintenance ...........................................................................13 Divided chamber setup ..........................................................................................14 Calculation of cutaneous oxygen uptake ...............................................................15 Ammonia excretion rates .......................................................................................15 Results ................................................................................................................................16 Oxygen consumption .............................................................................................16 Ammonia excretion ................................................................................................17 Discussion ..........................................................................................................................17 Limitations to cutaneous uptake ............................................................................18 Where did previous studies go wrong? ..................................................................21 References ..........................................................................................................................23 Tables .................................................................................................................................26 Figures................................................................................................................................27 Chapter Three: Will ocean acidification limit metabolism via blood O2 supply?: maximal effects on a model organism with extreme blood pH-sensitivity .............................31 Abstract ..............................................................................................................................31 Introduction ........................................................................................................................32 Methods..............................................................................................................................36 i Animal capture and maintenance ...........................................................................36 Hypoxia tolerance assessment ...............................................................................36 Ventilation ..............................................................................................................38 MO2 and Pcrit analysis ............................................................................................39 Carbonate chemistry ..............................................................................................40
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