3.15 Public Services
3.15 PUBLIC SERVICES EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This section discusses community facilities, health and social services, education, fire protection, and police protection within the City’s Planning Area. The City’s Planning Area consists of its incorporated boundaries and adopted Sphere of Influence (SOI). The County’s Planning Area consists of unincorporated land outside the City’s boundaries and SOI within the One Valley One Vision (OVOV) Planning Area boundaries. Both the City and the County Planning Areas comprise the OVOV Planning Area. Implementation of the proposed General Plan would allow development that will potentially impact public services. This environmental impact report (EIR) section examines the effects of General Plan buildout on public services. Potential impacts on public services were found to be less than significant. Community Facilities Library Services The potential impacts on community facilities found within the City’s Planning Area included an analysis on the number of library items, such as books, periodicals, videos, CDs and CD-ROM software, audio recordings, audio books, DVDs, and pamphlets; library square feet, and the number of library meeting rooms. Each impact area had the criteria of 2.75 items per 1,000 residents, and 0.5 square feet per 1,000 residents Currently, there is a surplus of 62,620 library items, and a deficit of 46,718 square feet. At buildout there would need to be 756,250 library items and 137,500 square feet. With the implementation of the planned library expansions and the inclusion of the existing resources there would be a deficit of 195,936 library items and a surplus of 45,172 square feet.
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