Obon...Obon...It’s Festival Time! Obon Season has come! The original story of Obon can be traced back to Ullanbana Sutra, which tells the story of Mogallana who used his extraordinary powers to visualize his mother 1727 Pali Highway who passed away. He was surprised to find her suffering in the realm of the , 96813 hungry ghosts. He tried to give her food and water, but as soon as she put the food into her mouth, the food burst into flames. Mogallana then ran to seek the advice of the Buddha. The Buddha explained that although his mother was kind and gentle to him, in reality, she did not help others who needed help. The GOJI Buddha told Mogallana that it would be impossible to save his mother by him- self, and that he needed the combined help of all beings. Therefore, Mogallana Vol. 70, No.6 made offerings of food from land and sea. In particular, he made a offering to JUNE 2015 all the monks who were participating at a rainy season retreat. The monks were very appreciative of the offering and accumulated their virtue and and sent it to save Mogallana’s mother. Because of everybody’s help, Mogallana’s mother was finally saved from the hell of hungry ghosts. Mogallana used his power and saw that his mother was saved. Overjoyed, he clapped his hands and jumped up as if dancing. It is said that this story is the origin of Bon Dance. NEWSLETTER of the In the Jodo Shinshu tradition, Obon is characterized as a “Joyful gathering.” It is Honpa Hongwanji a festive occasion to celebrate all that we have as living beings. It gives us the Hawaii Betsuin chance to express our gratitude to our ancestors and friends, to show appre- ciation to them, and to express how fortunate we are to be able to listen to the www.hawaiibetsuin.org Buddha’s teachings.

2015 Slogan: Betsuin Obon Schedule Embrace Change: Awareness: Bon Service: July 5, 2015 (Seek Opportunities) 8:00 AM Japanese 10:00 AM English (Combined Service) BETSUIN 1:00 PM Japanese MINISTERS Chief Minister Bon Dance: Friday, June 26, 2015 at 6:30 PM Rev. Tatsuo Muneto Saturday, June 27, 2015 at 6:30 PM Asst. Chief Minister Rev. Toyokazu Hagio Hatsu Bon Mairi: Sunday, July 12, 2015 at 5 PM Sunday, July 19, 2015 at 5 PM Ministerial Staff Combined Bon Mairi: Rev. Yuika Hasebe Saturday, July 11, 2015 at 10 AM and 6 PM Rev. Arthur Kaufmann Saturday, July 18, 2015 at 10 AM and 6 PM Rev. Satoshi Tomioka Saturday, July 25, 2015 at 10 AM and 6 PM Sunday, July 26, 2015 at 5 PM PAGE 2 GOJI JUNE 2015 Rimban’s Column: “Ocean of Human Suffering” and Rev. Tatsuo Muneto “Ocean of Amida’s Compassion” Shinran Shonin transformed into the smooth ocean of The teacher told me the cause of the often com- Amida’s compassion. trouble. The boys in his homeroom pared Amida’s were unfairly criticized by another compassion This spiritual transformation takes homeroom’s students for some trouble to the ocean. place in one’s being as a result of his/ that happened on the school campus. The ocean her awakening to Amida’s compas- In order to release their frustrations that receives sion. The ocean of suffering signifies and stresses, the boys turned inside all waters without any discrimination living in the Three Poisons of anger, their homeroom to give the girl a bad signifies “the mind and heart of the greed and blind ignorance. This time. great compassion.” At the same time, realization occurs because of Amida’s Shinran spoke of the sea of suffering. compassion that knows each of us Thus, when the cause of the boys’ He admitted his human nature that as we are. When we find that our problem was explained clearly by “sinks into the sea of lust and greed.” life does not move according to our Mr. Kagawa, I became aware of my He is not saying that there were two wishes, and if at that moment we hear Bonno (blind desire), which was different oceans; instead, he is saying or acknowledge Amida’s Name-that- selfishness. I also understood that that the rough ocean of suffering is calls, Namo Amida Butsu, the raging Mr. Kagawa, as a caring educator, ac- sea of anger and greed is transformed cepted the boys, including me. At that into the sea of Amida’s compassion. time, I thoroughly realized the ocean of suffering within my inner being was GOJI I was so fortunate to have a very transformed into the ocean of Amida’s caring homeroom teacher, Muneaki compassionate vow. This shifting from TheGOJI is a monthly publication of the Kagawa, when I was in elementary the ocean of human suffering to the Honpa Hongwanji Hawaii Betsuin, Tel. ocean of Amida’s compassion takes (808) 536-7044. There is no newsletter school. He guided his 42 students for published for the month of August. nearly four years (1948-1952) at Hiro- place as a result of awakening to the DEADLINE: shima University’s Lab School. There foolish self that is embraced by the Articles must be submitted no later than was one unfortunate incident in which compassion of Amida Buddha. the 15th of the month prior to publica- several boys bullied a girl student. Mr. tion. Mail (1727 Pali Hwy, Honolulu, HI, 96813), fax (536-0919), or e-mail Kagawa showed his concern with the The Gatha: The Wondrous Gift of ([email protected]) all items to boys’ behavior to the girl. I thought Peace beautifully illustrates this trans- the GOJI. Please include your name that the boys were so bad. When I formation: and contact information. Original images should be labeled on the reverse side with met Mr. Kagawa in 1986 in Hiroshima, We who flounder in the caption and return information. I asked him why the boys had bullied turmoil of Samsara Sea the girl. GOJI STAFF: On the boat of Editorial: Jo desMarets; Dianne Ida, Dharma do seek our destiny; Randy Kawamoto, Ralston Nagata, Rev. Mr. Kagawa looked at me with his car- Guided by the master Satoshi Tomioka, Japanese section editor, ing eyes, and said, “Mr. Muneto, you Production: Stacy Bradshaw, Alice Omura, as steadfastly we oar, Alice Tando, Kimiyo Miyose; Circulation: were one of those boys.” His comment We are borne unfailing Stacy Bradshaw; Contributing reporters was totally unexpected because I to the other shore. from Hongwanji Mission School, Buddhist thought I was a good student. Howev- Women’s Association, Dharma School & Parents, Project Dana, Wednesday Gang er, according to Mr. Kagawa, that was and Gals, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, Pacific not the case. As a Jodo Shin person, Correction: Buddhist Academy, and the Kyodan I accepted the teacher’s remark right In the March issue of the Rimban’s The opinions expressed by individual away. To apologize to the teacher Column, the English translation of a contributors are their own and do not for my hypocrisy, I said, “I am sorry,” Shin poem was quoted. The author necessarily reflect those of the Honpa and at the same time, I said, ”Thank of the original was introduced as Join Hongwanji Hawaii Betsuin. you very much, Sensei, for being so Shirai. But, it is considered that this tolerant.” poem was written by Shinran Shonin. GOJI JUNE 2015 PAGE 3 Dharma Message :“Wrong View“ Rev. Toyokazu Hagio Do you like getting old? Isn’t it sad that when we become older, our Mahalo To Everyone eyes, ears, and memory become weak? I changed my glasses to Who Gave To Aloha bifocals because I couldn’t read small letters, and now, I can see both near and far. At one time, I was able to see everything clearly, but with For Nepal age I needed two pairs of glasses. One pair was for close reading, The Honpa Hongwanji Hawaii and the other was for looking far away. But now, with bifocals, I can Betsuin would like to extend a big see both near and far quite clearly, although the focus is very narrow. mahalo to everyone who contrib- When I look sideways, instead of moving just my eyes, I have to move my head to uted to the “Aloha for Nepal” fund see. If I don’t, everything looks wavy. drive that was held in the month of May. Through our members’ This addition of bifocals to my life created four vision “illusions.” Without my glasses, I and friends’ support, the Hawaii can see, but what I see is fuzzy. With my nearsighted glasses, I can see near but not Betsuin was able to collect over far. With my other glasses, I can see far but not near. With bifocals, I can see near $5,000 for this effort. We will and far, but the focus is narrow, and I cannot see sideways. These illusions are like be forwarding it to the Honpa our perception of Buddhist teachings. Hongwanji Mission of Hawaii who in turn will be sending it to Nepal. There are five wrong views. They are (1) Shinken: Self exists permanently; (2) Hen- As you all know, on April 25, 2015 ken: Self exists after death or ceases to exist after death; (3) Jaken: Rejects causal- a large 7.8 or 8.1 magnitude ity (heresy); (4) Kenjuken: Attach to a wrong view (heresy); (5) Kaigon juken: Hold a earthquake struck Nepal, destroy- wrong teaching as right to attain enlightenment or other superior effect (heresy). ing many homes and centuries- old shrines and temples. Over The first view, “self exists permanently,” consists of two parts: belief in the self and 8,000 people were killed or belief in what belongs to the self. Therefore, even though we recognize that we lost and thousands continue to humans are aging and will die some day, we may deny it, and avoid thinking about it. As humans, we also attach ourselves to things, which results in many troubles and struggle day to day with limited problems. supplies. The Honpa Hongwanji Mission of Hawaii’s Committee The second is holding two extreme views: “self exists after death” and “self ceases to on Social Concerns has already exist after death.” The first part is saying the world is an eternal revival of the body and made an emergency contribution soul, while the second part, as stated by some scholars, is “after death, all becomes for immediate aid. Specifically rubbish.” $10,000 was donated to Kath- mandu Hongwanji and $5,000 The third view rejects causality, which is incorrect because it negates the law of cause to the disaster relief organiza- and effect. It does not accept the theory of the Four Noble Truths: Truth of suffering, tion, Mercy Corps. The Honpa Truth of the cause of suffering, Truth of the termination of suffering, and Truth of the Hongwanji Mission of Hawaii will Noble Path to the termination of desire. It also does not accept morality and religious be sending the proceeds from all practices. The correct view is that everything is created by a series of causes, and the temples who participated in everything disappears by the same rule, “Everything changes; nothing remains without the “Aloha for Nepal” fund drive at change.” a later date.

The fourth view, “to attach to a wrong view,” is when one conceives that an inferior Thank you again for your gener- doctrine is a superior one or that a wrong view is a correct one. This view also says ous support! that attachment leads to a narrow identity.

The last view is to “hold a wrong teaching as right for attainment” which means one follows practices and observances of wrong teachings in order to attain something, who seek Enlightenment will wander such as executing indiscriminate terrorism because one believes murder was a way to about forever in the bewildering maze of attain a higher class. life’s illusions. Those who understand the Four Noble Truths are called the people Therefore, Shakyamuni Buddha guides us as follows: Those who are seeking Enlight- who have acquired the eyes of Enlight- enment must understand the Four Noble Truths. Without understanding this, people enment. In gassho.


BOY SCOUT TROOP 49 Douglas Yanagihara, Troop 49 Boy Scout Makahiki On a bright sunny Saturday afternoon, May 9, Troop 49 participated in the 104th annual Boy Scout Makahiki at . This year’s Makahiki was “Get Grit”, which is what the Scouting program does best by teaching Scouts to never give up, keep trying and to do your best. Our Troop, Hongwanji Betsuin Troop 49, won the Makahiki Card Top Sales award for the most cards sold, thereby earning a lunch for the Troop at the Hard Rock Café. The skill activity our Troop showcased was to light a match stick using the sharp blade edge of a hatchet. Members of the Delta Company 715th Battalion came to try out our activity. The Cub Scouts led a geology belt loop earning activity. Some of us also helped with the Scout Games, which consisted of: 1) a sled pulling game which demonstrated scout knots and teamwork; 2) a fire-making and pancake toss; and 3) a first aid skill and “patient” transport relay. It was a great opportunity to see Scouting in action.

Memorial Day On Saturday morning, the girls scouts, cub scouts and boys scouts gathered in the Temple Social Hall to string plumeria flowers and make ti leaf leis. We managed to string almost 900 lei which is much less than the quantity we made last year. On Sunday, the boy scouts walk to Punchbowl National Memorial Cemetery of the Pacific for an interfaith worship then disperse to decorate the graves of veterans with U.S. flags and the flower leis we strung the day before. Despite the fewer quantity of leis, all the scouts gath- ered at Punchbowl managed to place leis at all the graves of the fallen veterans. It is very rewarding to perform this service to the veterans who served our country. GOJI JUNE 2015 A letter from Brazil Rev. Keizo Doi, Sao Paulo Betsuin Are There Any Submitted by Rev. Satoshi Tomioka Questions? Rev. Doi, a minister at Sao Paulo Betsuin, is a friend of Rev. Tomioka. Rev Tomioka asked Rev. Doi to share information about his temple. Rev. Yuika Hasebe The following is a translation of a letter that Rev. Doi sent. This article Do you have any questions also appears in the Japanese section of the Goji. about Jodo Shinshu?? If you Last December, the Brasilia Buddhist Temple was registered as a historical heri- have, please ask us!! We tage building by the Brazilian Federal government. This traditional Japanese style are inviting questions about temple shows uniqueness in the modern city of Brasilia. This temple was built in Buddhism, Jodo Shinshu 1973 by Architect Jihei Noda (1919-1993). and, well, anything. We are happy to answer your ques- Mr. Noda also designed Sao Paulo Betsuin. The appearance of the Sao Paulo Betsuin is similar to the design of Tsukiji Hongwanji in Japan. He manifested his tions. Please don’t hesitate thoughts and hope for Buddhism in Brazil on this Betsuin design. to send us your questions!!

For the construction of the Betsuin, Mr. Noda found a property, which was once a Contact: Yuika Hasebe British person’s house, located on a hill with a good view. Originally, Bishop Sei- Email: ha Watanabe (1912-2004, first Bishop) was thinking of just remodeling this house [email protected] into a temple. Through discussions with Mr. Noda, they concluded that a great temple worthy of the Name of Mahayana Buddhism should be built. According to Mr. Noda, there are three messages in the design of the Betsuin. Firstly, the basic Portuguese-Colonial design expresses his thought about the land where Buddhism was accepted and rooted. Secondly, the Japanese style roof and windows show the connection to traditional Buddhism in Japan. Finally, the dorm on the top, which is an Indian motif, is a link to Shakyamuni Buddha’s birthplace. These European, Indian, and Japanese building styles harmoniously create the Betsuin, together with the Greek style pillar with entasis at the entrance, which shows harmony. Annual Father’s Day Breakfast!

Sunday June 21st (8:00 am to 11:30 am) PAGE 4 GOJI JUNE 2015 Betsuin BWA News Fujiko Motobu

CRANES, THANK YOU FOR BWA CALENDAR FOR JUNE, 2015 FOLDING THE THOUSANDS OF 13 Sat BWA Executive board meeting CRANES: As of April 30, we had 59,097 10:00 am (dining room) cranes for Honokaa Hongwanji, many had 19-20 Fri, Sat. Preparation for Bontique, HELP NEEDED. been sent down by the wonderful travelers who took them back for us from Honolulu. 20 Sat Honolulu United BWA rep meeting The deadline for folding cranes is May 15, so 9-11 at Moiliili we will undoubtedly exceed 60,000 cranes. 21 Sun Father’s Day breakfast sponsored by Sudhana Anonymously some of you have folded thou- 26-27 Fri-Sat. HHHB Bon Dance and Bontique HELP NEEDED sands of cranes all by yourself. Thank you.

Important…Please Read…And React!

The Laymens’ Convention, otherwise registration assessment will be thinking and come up with some cre- known as Honpa Hongwanji Lay As- reduced because BWA will sponsor ative artwork. It’s time women show sociations will be held at Honpa Hon- you, so don’t dilly dally and sign up their power and insight. gwanji Hawaii Betsuin on September fast. 12 and 13. Sat. Sept. 12 registration As soon as you read this, sign up with begins at noon, followed by business If you happen to be a golfing nut, Florence Wasai, president of BWA, or session. On Sunday, Sept 13, 7:30 there will be a tournament on go to the office and leave your name, am continental breakfast; closing Friday, Sept. 11 at Waikele CC from AND PICK UP YOUR HANDOUTS at 11:00, followed by lunch. Jerry 9:30 am. Details will come later. If ON WRITING RESOLUTIONS. Tamamoto and Nancy Shimamoto you would like to stay at Ala Moana will co-chair this year’s 52nd Annual Hotel for $139, Kona Tower or $159 event. Tower, information will be coming soon. Email Art Nakagawa Now For A Little All sangha members who are inter- ([email protected]) if you are Laugh: ested in working toward the goals planning to stay at the hotel. He for the future of the Hongwanji are needs a rough count; otherwise It has been windy in Honolulu invited. This year’s theme is “Culti- stay at home and commute to the recently, so here’s a story. One vating Our Garden of Gratitude”. Key temple. windy day a little old lady is in note speaker on Sunday is Ms. Gwen the street holding on to her hat Fujie, Tongue Fu Master on “Grati- RESOLUTIONS must be with both hands. A gust blows tude.” submitted no later than June 30th. her skirt up revealing she has Guidelines to writing the resolutions Registration forms are available with are available in the office or with nothing underneath, and is ar- the BWA and in the office. Deadline the BWA. rested for indecent exposure. is July 31; therefore our BWA deadline The judge says, “Madam, you will be at the end of June, June30th. POSTER: Time to share, not should be ashamed of yourself This is so that you will not procrasti- time to win. Posters, 6’ x 4’ that letting your skirt blow around nate and wait until the last minute to shows how our temple meets the while you tried to save your make up your mind. Registration fee “Embrace Change” challenge in at- hat.” The old lady replies, “Why is $70.00 per person, which includes tracting new members here will be shouldn’t I? Everything under Sat. dinner, Sunday breakfast and on display during the entire days my skirt is over 80 years old— lunch. This is where the BWA ladies of the convention. So, get into the that hat was brand new.” can benefit. If you sign up early, your spirit of imagination and farsighted GOJI JUNE 2015 PAGE 5

Dharma School News Debbie Kubota and Jovie Stone Soup Anyone? On Sunday, April 19, the Kindergarten-1st Grade Dharma School class presented the story, Stone Soup, by Jon J. Muth. It’s a story of three monks visiting a small town where the villagers had long been ravaged by harsh times, causing them to be afraid and leery of any newcomers. The monks cleverly entice them to make soup from stones, and the vil- lagers discover how much they each have to give—-and how much more comes back in return. At the end of the play, the students shared their own version of “stone soup” in the form of a snack mix, made from snack item contributions from each student’s family. What a fun and educational Dharma Talk! Many thanks to the K-1 students, families and teachers. Generous Donation April 19 was indeed a wonderful Sunday, as Mrs. Kimi Uto was a special guest at the Dharma School service. Thanks to a generous donation from Mrs. Uto to the Dharma School, each person in attendance was presented with their own copy of the book, “Joyful Thoughts: Rededicating Ourselves: In Joy!” which is a collection of readings, aspirations, reflections…in joy. What a special gift to all!

Eshin-ni and Kakushin-ni Day For the Eshin-ni/Kakushin-ni Day Service on April 26, the Dharma School students and families performed three songs. They opened the service with “Let Your Love Show,” and during the service, performed “This Day of Peace” and “Do the Good You Know.” The congregation also joined them in singing some of the songs, which was a fun addition to this intergenera- tional service.

Keiki Day—Hawaiian Railroad Society Train Ride On Sunday, May 3, over 90 adults and the children enjoyed playing on children from three of the Honolulu the locomotive engine in the area, District temples, Betsuin, Jikoen, and running around and playing a Moiliili, celebrated Keiki Day at the rousing game of Simon Says (led Hawaiian Railroad Society train ride by Nannette). in Ewa Beach. A terrific picnic area was reserved for our group, where we The train ride itself lasted about were able to gather and enjoy each an hour and a half. The Hawaiian other’s company, eat snacks before Railroad Society provided an inter- our ride and lunch after our ride. Rev- esting narrative of the area and its erend Yuika Hasebe began the day history during the ride, which took along the way. When we returned to with a short opening service. Nannette us all the way out to Ko Olina and the train station, we all went back to Ganotisi led a fun ice breaker in which back. It was a beautiful day, so the the picnic area for lunch, including the the participants (children and adults) scenery was the BEST. We all en- delicious melons and fruits provided. formed a large circle and “went on a joyed the trip and waved (shaka’ed) What fun we all had! train trip.” Before the actual train ride, to all the friendly people we saw PAGE 6 GOJI JUNE 2015 More from the Betsuin BWA Hara Hachi Bu Fujiko Motobu In the April issue of Goji newsletter, I founder of Momofuku Restaurant Group begin with. As the chef pointed out we wrote an article about Hara Hachi Bu, is honored as one of the 100 in the area are too wasteful, and as Oyaji samu- which emphasized on eating only 7/8 of of Food. He said, “The last UN report rai mentioned, even a grain of rice is a portion of food, leaving 1/8 of the food estimated that we throw away at least something the farmer diligently tended to waste, in order to control overeating a third of all food. That seems dumb to and grew and should not be wasted. and gaining weight. Luckily ,a friend of me. And I think it’s happening because Therefore, don’t be a pig and take too mine, a person with extreme foresight we’ve lost the narrative that food takes much food. Take only 7/8 of what you read the article and pointed out that his time and life and energy. It would be would eat and clean up your plate. In father had always emphasized cleaning great if everyone could have a little bit Japan, the men are to have waistline the plate, eating every morsel that was of a farm or a rooftop garden, or even size not exceeding 31 inches and on the plate; therefore, a person should chickens. If we understood the process women, 33 inches. A simple Japa- take only 7/8 amount of food to eat and that went into getting our food, I don’t nese meal of miso soup, vegetables, finish that up. Thus, food is not wasted. think we would be as wasteful.” fish, etc. usually has 600 calories, whereas, the fried food like McDonald’s In the recent issue of TIME Magazine, I am glad my friend pointed out my flaw meal is nearly 3000 calories so the the 100 Most Influential People are about leaving 1/8 of food to be wasted Japanese are encouraged to go back to mentioned. David Chang, Chef and just to watch our weight, instead we their ancestor’s type of meals. should take and eat only 7/8 portion to

“Shaka” Fujiko Motobu Anyone living in Hawaii has made the as a signoff by a local TV host, Lippy shaka sign, the unmistakable thumb Espinda. Some people believe that and pinky salute. The shaka sign is the word “shaka” derived from an used whenever wherever you want ancient Buddha named Shakyamuni to send Aloha, a way of saying thank who prayed with his hands in the shape you for letting you cut in on the road, of two shakas pressed together. The or sending aloha as hello, goodbye or name Shaka from Shakyamuni Buddha thank you. The shaka sign is the heart- must be the origin. beat of Hawaii. In 1976, campaigning mayoral candi- In researching the origin of the shaka, date Frank Fasi popularized the symbol O”shaka “sama. Rev. Toshima has there are many versions. Many people after designing a campaign around interpreted further with the shaka sign. believe that the roots lie with the surf the shaka throughout the islands. The The thumb signifies the mother or par- and beach culture. One version claims shaka sign is a powerful, yet simple way ent and is always looking over the little that the shaka sign was first used in to remind all of us to look out for one pinky finger, the little child. The child the 1940s as a symbol of blessing by another and to strive the aloha spirit. never looks at his parent, but the parent a Hawaiian folk hero named Hamana Aloha means love, hello, goodbye, af- or mother is always gazing at the child, Kalili who happened to be missing the fection, regards, fondness and compas- as in real life. Another interpretation of three middle fingers on his right hand sion. The “shaka” communicates all the shaka hand sign given by another from an accident that happened in the this and more with just a simple wave of minister is that the thumb is the mother sugar mill. The shaka hand sign was the hand. and the baby finger is the father and the undoubtedly made and shown by Kalili. three sleeping fingers are the children, There are other stories, however, this We, Buddhists can appreciate that who are protected by their parents. powerful and enjoyable symbol is a Shakyamuni Buddha had a significant strong reminder of the aloha that makes part in keeping our spirits up with the Shaka is a nice sign, and we can appre- Hawaii so special. simple “shaka” sign. We can con- ciate that as Buddhists, we can always stantly be reminded that whenever think of Shakyamuni Buddha whenever The naming of the symbol as “shaka” we wave with the “shaka” sign we not we wave our hands of Aloha-Shaka. came in the 1960s when it was used only spread aloha, but are thinking of Namo Amida Butsu. GOJI JUNE 2015 PAGE 7 Capital Campaign Update

As of mid May 2015, PBA has received $6,400,000 in outright donations and pledges from foundations and corporations, PBA Board members, parents, alumni parents, other individuals and friends, Honpa Hongwanji Mission of Hawaii State Headquarters, and Hongwanji Mission temples.

The response to the Ministers' Association resolution (endorsed at the Giseikai legislative assembly) has been strong thus far, gener- ating tens of thousands of dollars in gifts and pledges from temples and their members.

Rüdiger Rückmann Director of Advancement, PBA

Note: The Betsuin is sending a letter to temple members and supporters (which you may have already received) encouraging gifts to the PBA Capital Campaign and announcing a $100,000 matching gifts program.

Jodo Shinshu Correspondence Course

Almost 800 years have passed since have access to temples nearby, with Shinran revealed the teaching of basic knowledge of Jodo Shinshu. Jodo Shinshu (Shin Buddhism) in Ja- In addition, this correspondence pan, following the path of Sakyamuni course also aims to provide those and other masters in India, China who have already joined Jodo and Japan. The teaching, with deep Shinshu temples as members, with reflection on human existence and opportunities to deepen their under- the realization of dynamic Dharma, standing. This is achieved through Please Kokua! has fascinated many people around Internet Communication with instruc- Donations of baked goods are the world. tors regarding specific topics related needed to sell at the Bon Dance to Jodo Shinshu and Buddhism in on Fri. & Sat. June 26-27! Thus, the practice of Jodo Shinshu general. The correspondence course Please package your donations does not remain solely in Japan, but takes on a new challenge and plays to sell for $2 per pkg. and drop has expanded to Hawaii, North Amer- an important role in transmitting the them off at the Betsuin office the ica, South America, Asia, Europe, teaching to all people who are inter- morning of the Bon Dance. Australia and Africa. More people are ested in Jodo Shinshu. Mahalo for your support! learning about Jodo Shinshu through ministers’ activities, publications and Registration period for the Fall 2015 the internet. As one response to their Enrollment will be from May 1 to Au- growing interest, we have established gust 15, 2015. For more information, a correspondence course providing please go to them, especially those who do not http://jscc.cbe-bca.org/. PAGE 8 GOJI JUNE 2015

Hongwanji In Memoriam APRIL 2015 Radio Programs The Hawai’i Betsuin extends its deepest sympathy to the JUNE 2015 families of the following members who recently passed KZOO 1210 AM away. May the family members find solace and comfort in Japanese Language the Nembutsu. Namo Amida Butsu Saturday at 7:30 AM 1 NAGATOSHI, Richard Sanshiro (90) 16 KAWAMOTO, Chiyuki (97) 3 KINUMATSU, Elizabeth Toshie (89) 16 MATSUMOTO, Setsuko (97) 06 Rev. Kosho Yagi 3 MURAOKA, May M. (99) 16 MATSUMURA, Herbert Yukio (83) 13 Rev. Yuika Hasebe 5 YAMANE, Ethel Yaeko (99) 17 NAGATA, Leroy Takashi (66) 20 Rev. Tatsuo Muneto 9 HARAGUCHI, Rachael Masae (94) 21 ICHIYAMA, Joyce Yayeno Sumida (93) 11 DODO, Doris Kikuye (91) 22 TAKAMIYA, George Yoshiyuki (88) 27 Rev. Toyokazu Hagio 12 MATSUI, Hayako (97) 25 FURUTA, Melvyn Tadashi (65) 12 ODA, Eiko (84) 25 MATSUMURA, Kaoru (95) Betsuin Services 13 KINOSHITA, Shingo George (89) 25 YOSHIOKA, Harue (94) 14 MATSUMOTO, Jean Teruko (86) 26 FUJIHARA, Bessie Yukiko (96) Asaji Service 8 am 15 KAWANA, Frank Masanori (66) 27 KOHASHI, Harriet Haruko (91) 07 Rev. Satoshi Tomioka 14 Rev. Tatsuo Muneto 2015 Memorial Service Schedule 21 Rev. Toyokazu Hagio 2015 is the memorial year for those who passed away in: 28 Rev. Yuika Hasebe 2014 – 1 year 2003 – 13 year 1983 – 33 year 2013 – 3 year 1999 – 17 year 1966 – 50 year Adult English Services 2009 – 7 year 1991 – 25 year 1916 – 100 year 10:00 AM 07 Rev. Yuika Hasebe Nursing Home Services 14 Rev. Satoshi Tomioka 21 Rev. Tatsuo Muneto 04 Hale Nani – Rev. Hagio 28 Rev. Arthur Kaufmann Hale Ho Aloha – Rev. Muneto Dharma School 11 Maluhia – Rev. Hasebe Service 9 AM Liliha – Rev. Kaufmann 07 Rev. Arthur Kaufmann 12 Hale Pulama Mau – Rev. Hasebe (Last service for 25 Nuuanu Hale – Rev. Kaufmann The summer) 26 Leahi – Rev. Tomioka 14 Summer Break 21 Summer Break

28 Summer Break The great practice is to say the Name of the Tathagata of un- hindered light. This practice, comprehensively encompass- Dharma School families ing all practices, is perfect and most rapid in bringing them are encouraged to attend to fullness. For this reason, it is called “great practice.” Saying the 10:00 AM Service, the Name then breaks through all the ignorance of sentient beings and readily brings all their aspirations to fulfillment. especially the July 5th Saying the Name is in itself mindfulness; mindfulness is Combined Obon Major nembutsu; nembutsu is Namo-amida-butsu. Family Service -Shinran Shonin