WOMEN EAST-WEST CURRENT BIBLIOGRAPHY Association for Women in Slavic Studies 2012 Compiled & edited by June Pachuta Farris Readers are encouraged to forward items which have thus far escaped listing to: June Pachuta Farris Bibliographer for Slavic, East European & Eurasian Studies Room 263 Regenstein Library 1100 East 57th Street Chicago, IL 60637 USA
[email protected] GENERAL And They Lived Happily Ever After: Norms and Everyday Practices of Family and Parenthood in Russia and Central Europe. Edited by Helene Carlbäck, Yulia Gradskova and Zhanna Kravchenko. Budapest; New York: Central European University Press, 2012. 326p. Carlbäck, Helene. "Lone Motherhood in Soviet Russia in the Mid-20th Century---in a European Context," pp. 25-46; 2. Zhidkova, Elena. "Family, Divorce, and Comrades' Courts: Soviet Family and Public Organizations during the Thaw," pp.47-64; Morell, Ildikó Asztalos. "A Life of Labor, A Life of Love: Telling the Life of a Young Peasant Mother Facing Collectivization," pp.65-84; Farhan, Christine. "East German Women Going West: Family, Children and Partners in Life-Experience Literature," pp.85-104; Leinarte, Dalia. "Why Does Public Policy Implementation Fail? Lithuanian Office of State Benefits for Mothers of Large Families and Single Mothers, 1944—1956," pp. 105-22; Runcis, Majia. "The Latvian Family Experience with Sovietization 1945—1990," pp. 123-41. Rotkirch, Anna, and Katja Kesseli. "'Two Children Puts You in the Zone of Social Misery': Childbearing and Risk Perception among Russian Women," pp. 145-64; Gradskova, Yulia. "'Supporting Genuine Development of the Child': Public Childcare Centers Versus Family in Post-Soviet Russia, pp. 165-84; Kravchenko, Zhanna.