FrameMaker Transparency in


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AG Information Systems Ltd. GEO F/X Division Arnis Gubins Adobe Community Professional FrameMaker [email protected] ©4/17/17 AG Information Systems Ltd. — Contents are copyrighted. raigtasaec nPF ihFrameMaker Creating transparencyinPDFswith eeecs . References . Summary Blend mode in transparency . Blend mode intransparency Transparent images . images Transparent Additional background fillsandtransp How to create a transparent coloured coloured How tocreateatransparent an image . an image An easier way: EPS format . An easierway:EPSformat . example JPG image Radial gradient effect (Type 3) . Radial gradient (Type3) effect Linear (axial) gradient effect(Type2) Linear (axial)gradient Using EPS files as an alternative way Using EPSfilesasanalternativeway otcitTx rms etrwy . way Abetter Frames: Postscript Text Making thepostscriptcode textdisa Adding thetexttotransparentfra r tot . itout Try aborder Enhanced examplewith How this works . works How this Setting up transparency inFrameMaker uptransparency Setting How to do this . dothis How to hti eurd . What isrequired Examples ofeffectsvaryingexponent xmlso fet ayn xedpoete . Extendproperties varying effects Examples of Examples using two colours . twocolours Examples using Examples ofeffectsduetovaryin Examples ofeffectsduetovaryin Re-using postscript code . code postscript Re-using Turning on/off . Turning on/off Tips to make this easier . thiseasier Tips tomake How to usepdfmarksinFr How to /SetTransparency . /SetTransparency dmr oe . codes pdfmark . file(s) Edit joboptions Table ofContents ...... ameMaker . ameMaker . background textframethatoverlays . rnyefcs . arency effects ...... pa . ppear . g exponent . g exponent . g coordinates . e . . me ...... N . N ...... 21 . . .16 . .24 . .3 . .23 . . . .11 ...... 34 ...... 35 . . .26 . .21 . .18 . .12 6 . . .27 . .25 . .19 . .17 . .12 5 . . .28 . .11 ...... 2 ...... 29 ...... 2 . . .10 .....2 . . . . 36 . . .30 . .17 5 . .5 .2 2 i ©4/17/17 AG Information Systems Ltd. — Contents are copyrighted. ii Creating transparency in PDFs with FrameMaker

This tutorial shows you how to create transparency effects in PDFs gener- ated from FrameMaker. The steps described can be automated with script- ing (either Extendscript or Framescript) to make the whole process easier. The scripting approach also would make it possible to easily allow trans- parency of images and to more easily utilize further effects such as gradi- ents and the various colour-blending modes available. Are you interested in how to create effects like these?

FM Transparency? Lorem ipsum do pland sit amet, con sectetur a dip sching elit. I ped diam non nu my e plusmode tempor in cidunt ut labore et dolore. Oh magna alip quam erat volu pat. Ut dernime ad minim veniam, quis no strud exercit libration ullamcorper suscipit lab oris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis autem vel eum irure dolor in reprehendert in voluptate velit esse molestaie consequat, vel illum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. At vero eos et accusam et iusto odio blandit praesent luptatum delenit aigue duos dolor et molestias exceptur sint dupic non

AG Information Systems Ltd. - GEO F/X Division ©4/17/17 AG Information Systems Ltd. — Contents are copyrighted. pdfmark pdfmark SetTransparency sparency has to be added at the be has to added at sparency r all, is built on an opaque colour colour opaque an r all, on is built transparency control turned off. So aging model and postscript itself itself postscript and model aging that it’s going to have to allow trans- do pland sit amet, con con do pland sit amet, FM Transparency? sectetur a dip sching elit. I ped diam a dip sching sectetur in e plusmode tempor non nu my Oh magna dolore. et ut labore cidunt Ut dernime ad pat. volu alip quam erat exercit quis no strud minim veniam, oris lab suscipit ullamcorper libration Lorem ipsum Lorem You’ll first need to let Distiller know know let Distiller need to first You’ll back on. to turn it have you now parency to be created. Postscript, afte Distillermodel,has the default so by How to do this How doesn’t support transparency, the tran transparency, support doesn’t the using Distiller by stage creation PDF What is required items: following the with work will need to You • workflow file(s) PDF used Distiller in your joboptions/settings • effects. EPS files PS or various custom with to create editor Text As FrameMaker uses a postscript im uses a postscript FrameMaker As operator. operator. use a either must one FrameMaker, into insert operators pdfmark To PostScript text frame or import an EPS file containing the appropriate codes. pdfmark Edit joboptions file(s) Edit frame that overlays an image overlays that frame How to create a transparent coloured background text text background coloured a transparent create to How 2 transparency Creating in PDFs with FrameMaker ©4/17/17 AG Information Systems Ltd. — Contents are copyrighted. raigtasaec nPF ihFaeae 3 FrameMaker with PDFs in Creatingtransparency effects. render the transparency 7.0 orgreater to actually Distillerversionusing a of Note: You need to be be to need You .Thenfrom themenu, select 2. Start Distiller and select the joboptions/settings that file you typi- 1. 4. Check the Compatibility settings. They should be at Compatibility the be should Check least They settings. 4. If you donot have Acrobat the full installed, then inFrameMaker, 3. (PDF 1.4) used for creating your PDF. Then click on the Settings tab: Default Settings Settings tab: cally to use create your PDFs. select Print > Printer: Setup button> Properties button > Adobe button PDF > Properties button> Print >Printer: Setup . . Select the. joboptions Select that file istypically Settings >EditAdobesettings...PDF Edit... button. Acrobat 5.0 ©4/17/17 AG Information Systems Ltd. — Contents are copyrighted. Text . true and select the button). parameter to parameter SaveAs Open , select the file and then hold hold , select file then the and file using a text editor or or editor file a text using ur local settings folder, typically ur local settings folder, ve this file as a called File > Open ( /AllowTransparency in the default location presented to you. to presented location in the default g FM as the editor, use g FM as the editor, text mode Transparency.joboptions format). To those with more knowledge of PDF creation (perhaps you’ve taken one one taken you’ve (perhaps PDF creation of knowledge more with those To be wondering may courses), you excellent of Shlomo Perets/Microtype Transparency.joboptions FrameMaker in FrameMaker down the shift key when clicking on the the on clicking when key shift the down Only... Note: C:\Users\\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Adobe PDF\Settings 6. Open the 5. sa and SaveAs on click Now The file be saved in should yo now located here: 7. the of the value Change 8. file the (if usin Save 4 transparency Creating in PDFs with FrameMaker ©4/17/17 AG Information Systems Ltd. — Contents are copyrighted. /SetTransparency pdfmark codes raigtasaec nPF ihFaeae 5 FrameMaker with PDFs in Creatingtransparency The syntax of the operator looks like this: like looks operator the of syntax The commands stream. inyour PDF-specific you postscript toinsert The keys and values available for thisoperator are: to 1(completely opaque). rang value opacity The objects. draw to operators fill and stroke by used opacity) the (actually transparency One of thekeyword operators is postscript. for keyword The “ [ key0 value0 key1value1 .... /keyword pdfmark of its core from postscript. So, there exists a PDF supports more functionality than postscript does, but derives much transparent create object. a to let’s create to transparent objects, isallowed Now how Distiller that see uptransparency inFrameMakerSetting e au Meaning Value Key BM I Boolean AIS Table 1: Graphics state parameters for [ ... pdfmark why not just include yourwhyinclude not just owncallto parameters was removed, but not properly documented. to change Acrobatthe ability 8, with Unfortunately, starting >> setdistillerparams << /CompatibilityLevel 1.4 beforeruns any code, ofyour own i.e. /AllowTransparency true name orarray of names ” delimits valu the transparency ples.The isNormal, specified. ifnot default modes available. See the Appendixfor exam- Current mode. blend Thereare 16different false is ). Default false values( opacity ) or true ( values shape as interpreted be to are stant ing whether the current soft maskand alpha con- The alpha source flag(“alpha isshape”), specify- /SetTransparency e pairs and operation by the defined es from 0(completely transparent) distllerparams pdfmark . This operator sets the the sets operator This . , as the joboptions file , asjoboptions the operator to allow allow to operator global Distiller ©4/17/17 AG Information Systems Ltd. — Contents are copyrighted. on (for fill-(for /ca ansparency effect. If you want to to want effect. you ansparency If Blend mode transparency in This means that you need to use use to need you that means This sparent background on an imported imported an on background sparent d object, the required pdfmark coded object, the required one place,switch to the Reference or import the command(s) via an EPS file. along with examples. with along Current soft mask,Current specifying the mask shape or Default is mask opacity values. None the determines which flag, knockout text The a text within glyphs of overlapping behavior is Default object. true Current stroking alpha specifying constant, theCurrent shapeconstant or constant opacity be value to Defaultusedoperations. for stroking is 1.0 as Same CA is Default operations. fill for but , 1.0 transparency ). None dictionary or dictionary or v R v (blend mode) key specifies how the colours between the back- between the colours the mode) specifies (blend key how PostScript Text frame Text PostScript key affects the outlines of any drawn lines and shapes, but is not not is but shapes, and lines drawn any of outlines the affects key Table 1: Graphics state parameters for for parameters state Graphics 1: Table /BM /CA ca number TK Boolean CA number pages ( pages SMask The following steps will create a tran will create steps following The frames. text postscript using in FrameMaker graphic 1. file in FrameMaker. empty a new, Create 2. in stuff the postscript keep To In order for this command in FrameMaker to have any effect, it must be interpreted as postscript commands. a either [ /ca 0.5 /SetTransparency pdfmark The key most relevant to simple background transparency is transparency background simple to relevant most key The important in FrameMaker (though affects interesting can be in FrameMaker achieved).important The ground and foreground blend in the tr effects, see different with experiment page page values the key 36 for set a 50% transparencyTo to a fille would be: ing shapes). The The pdfmark How to use pdfmarks to How FrameMaker in Note: keys and values operator, case-sensitive.are 6 transparency Creating in PDFs with FrameMaker ©4/17/17 AG Information Systems Ltd. — Contents are copyrighted. raigtasaec nPF ihFaeae 7 sample. code the for paratag called “ps_code” Note: FrameMaker with PDFs in Creatingtransparency Create and apply 5. Set the Fillto Set None for the text frame. 5. Create atext frame on thispage. 4. .Add Reference anew page ( 3. .Turn this frame into apostscript frame: 7. Enter thefollowing into code thetext frame: 6. later this frame will be adjusted to fit your actual text content. text adjusted youractual fit to be will frame later this whatever you want it). tocall c) Click on the Click c) b) Open the Object the Properties Open window ( b) d) Click on Click d) a) Select the text ( frame the Select a) 10]. on page isexplainedThe code at theend of process this [see to enable postscript. enable to grestore def exch /Width def exch /Height gsave 0 0 Width Height rectfill Height Width 0 setrgbcolor 1 1 [ /ca.5/SetTransparencypdfmark Apply Postscript Code . ctrl+click spa check box intheText Frame property The sizeisn’t really important, as ). ) called “ ) called g o g Postscript ). How this works this How ” (or

©4/17/17 AG Information Systems Ltd. — Contents are copyrighted. ). f i i f i ). joboptions created previously. ). ctrl+c into the Anchored frame with the with frame the Anchored into v B Transparency ). selecting the the selecting ctrl+v SaveAsPDF image ( image 8. ( the to this frame clipboard Copy 12. 10. Import an image to use as a background ( 9. Body your to ( pages Switch 11. frame text the postscript Paste 8 transparency Creating in PDFs with FrameMaker ©4/17/17 AG Information Systems Ltd. — Contents are copyrighted. raigtasaec nPF ihFaeae 9 FrameMaker with PDFs in Creatingtransparency 3 You should now thefollowing see PDF displaying your image with a 13. Note: Not badfor aproduct that supposedly doesn’t support transparency! 50% transparent middle: frame inthe a PDFagain. Don’t forget to theframeback change text. frame backtochange thepostscripttext with error messages). Youwill need totheedit postscript code. You If you encounter any errors in the postscript code (e.g. there’s a Distiller log to postscript frame before creating a regular text in order to edit the the edit to order in text regular a must

©4/17/17 AG Information Systems Ltd. — Contents are copyrighted. on — val- and ), or hue-sat- or ), Height 1 1 1 setrgbcolor 1 1 setcmykcolor e-existing graphics state state graphics e-existing ). You also could add stroke stroke add could also You ). /ca .5 -size it without having to worry to having without -size it g the rest of the graphics in the the graphics of g the rest sed, the location and size of this this of size and location the sed, script code to define size and loca- define code and to size script the postscript frame. Let’s examine examine Let’s frame. the postscript at local changes can be made to the the be to made can local changes at k. This information can then bek. This information Enhanced example with a border with example Enhanced match a colour). White is defined White as a colour). match ; in hue-lightness-saturation, FM it’s so cally defined variables called defined variables cally is relative to the frame itself. This means that that means This itself. frame the to relative is pops that back off and puts things back to the the to back things puts and off back that pops operators in line 1 and 7 respectively, encapsulate encapsulate 7 respectively, in line 1 and operators pushes a copy of the pr of a copy pushes sethsbcolor ) with a different value to give an enhanced border border enhanced an give to value a different ) with grestore gsave grestore /CA ), Cyan-Magenta-Yellow-blacK ( ), Cyan-Magenta-Yellow-blacK and setgray in this example. gsave Width When a postscript text frame is proces frame text a postscript When the stac onto pushed are frame text retrieved to be used in defining the from order] [in that respectively width and the height 3 pull frame such things as the area lo load those into and stack to fill. Lines 2 and gsave /Height exch def /Width exch def pdfmark [ /ca .5 /SetTransparency 1 1 1 setrgbcolor 0 0 Width Height rectfill grestore The How this works this How The magic is in the pdfmark code in what everything means. everything what Line 4 sets the fill transparency to 50% ( 50% to Line 4 sets the fill transparency effect by drawing a rectangle.[see rectangle.[see a drawing by effect page 11] page Line 5 defines the space specific the and colour to be this used. colour In also could use gray- You White. give set to colours case, Red-Green-Blue ( scale unto a stack. The a stack. unto the contained code (lines 2-6), sothe th contained affectin without environment graphics document. The way they were before creating the transparency. the creating before were they way so environment, standalone own its frame creates text Each postscript everything specified within you can move the frame around and re post the in used values specific about tions. the order is different if trying to is different the order the hence 100% blue, and 100% green 100% red, transparency ( uration-brightness ( uration-brightness ues will always range from 0 to 1. 0 to from range ues will always 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 All dimensions in dimensions All Note: postscript code are in postscript code are point units. 10 transparency Creating in PDFs with FrameMaker ©4/17/17 AG Information Systems Ltd. — Contents are copyrighted. raigtasaec nPF ihFaeae 11 FrameMaker with PDFs in Creatingtransparency 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Line 9drawsLine the outline (border) of frame inyellow with awidth of 5pt. blue). 8changesLine thecolor to Yellow width the of 6sets Line both defines the shape and fills it. line (75% in this case) by including case) line (75%inthis the 4nowLine addsadifferent level of opacity for therectangle/frame out- angle outline (border) using the 4. Change the text frame to a Postsc a to frame text the Change 4. 6. Go to your Body page. toyour Go Body 6. Copy thepostscript text frame to theclipboard. 5. frame (0,0)to thewidth and arectangle 6specifies toLine filled be .Copy and paste thesample into code 3. Create text anew frame. 2. toyour Go Reference page (Postscript) 1. out it Try the to Analagous grestore Heightrectstroke 0 Width 0 1 0 setrgbcolor Heightrectfill 0 Width 0 5 setlinewidth 1 1 setrgbcolor pdfmark /SetTransparency 0.75 [ /ca.4/CA def exch /\Width def exch /Height gsave transparency). The following codeaddsayellow 5p of instructions. set modified You can adda bit of embellishment by Enhanced example withaborder ae7. page the ps_code paratag, asmentioned earlier). rectfill operator, the the line to at use 5pt. height of theframe. The specified linewidth andspecified colour. (i.e. 100% red, 100%green and 0% t border with 75%opacity (25% itfaea hw nse 7.on ript asshown frame instep rectstroke starting from the origin of the text creating aborder using a effect /CA the text frame (and tag it with key and value ( value and key operator draws the rect- the draws operator rectfill 0.75 operator operator ). ©4/17/17 AG Information Systems Ltd. — Contents are copyrighted. of: stacking order ent text frames (call it Content?). (call it frames text ent text frame to the same size as the the to same frame text •image on the bottom, bottom, the on •image • in the frame postscript middle • content textframe on top. with the graphic. the with To get the appearanceTo of text in a transparent frame, you now have to add another text frame to the anchored frame to hold your content. the postscript will re-size need to You and up when setting convenient is more pages the Reference on Working frame. the text postscript on frame text the content superimposing 1. pages. the Reference to Switch 2. Create a Reference page for the cont 3. Create a text frame and set the Fill to None. Adding the text to the transparent frame the transparent the text to Adding frame text the content overlay is to final The step frame. text final content the keeping frame text the postscript over 7. frame anchored the from frame text postscript original the Delete 8. frame. the anchored into frame new text the Paste 9. desired. as Resize 10. SaveAsPDF (check that the joboptions Transparency are used). 11. look like this: should now The PDF 12 transparency Creating in PDFs with FrameMaker Tips to make this easier ©4/17/17 AG Information Systems Ltd. — Contents are copyrighted. raigtasaec nPF ihFaeae 13 FrameMaker with PDFs in Creatingtransparency 6. Note on the Dimensions panel, the the panel, Dimensions Note onthe 6. 4. Enter and format your content and and content your format and Enter 4. 5. Select the text and frame the theProperties open Select window ( 5. text frame, e.g. frame, text as required, e.g. as required, e.g. Width adjust thesizeof thetext frame and and Height values of the g o g ). ©4/17/17 AG Information Systems Ltd. — Contents are copyrighted. and horizontal This will superimpose the This will superimpose ) to specify both e and open the Properties window window Properties the open e and ). This will now allow you to resize the the resize to you allow ). This will now g a g g g alignment for the frames. frames. the for alignment ). g o ( frame. page. desired transparency effect). frames as one entity. as one frames content text frame on top of the postscript text frame. text the postscript of top on frame text content vertical center 7. Select fram text the postscript 8. text content the the of size match to width and height the Change 9. reference frame text the postscript onto frame text the content Copy 10. the (with frame text the postscript and frame Select the content 11. ( the Align graphics Use 12. ( the frames Group 14 transparency Creating in PDFs with FrameMaker ©4/17/17 AG Information Systems Ltd. — Contents are copyrighted. raigtasaec nPF ihFaeae 15 16fordetails. page disappear text code to clean thisup?Pleaserefer Note: FrameMaker with PDFs in Creatingtransparency Making the postscript postscript the Making So howwe do on on the content if frame, especially At this point, you’ll notice that it’s 7 Re-sizeand re-position thetext fr 17. Paste thegrouped frames 16. anchored the Select frame with theimage. 15. Switch page. to theBody 14. Copy thegrouped frames to theclipboard. 13. 8 SaveAsPDF Transparency (usingthe joboptions). 18. image. into the anchored frame. anchored the into you have to make any edits. a bit difficult to clearly see what’s in ames asdesired on underlying the ©4/17/17 AG Information Systems Ltd. — Contents are copyrighted. xt invisible using a colour a colour using xt invisible ). th was 5pt, so you need to add add to need so you 5pt, th was g FM’s Color (call Definition it g FM’s [you did do this properly, right?] right?] did do this properly, [you inewidth command for the border. border. the for command inewidth at’s not the proper way to do it. do it. to way the proper not at’s and over top of the border. There’s There’s the border. of top over and on the on Dimension panel to add ke this scenario this easier. fit ke xt frame with the border, you’re you’re border, the with xt frame v c v Height ) and to both the Height and Width. and Height the both to Width vcd ) ( paratag, you can make the te ps_code ~Invisible 2 x 5pt = 10pt together. twice the value usedtwice in the value the setl the linewid example the previous In a few extra steps required to ma to required extra steps a few do this: could you frames, the text group and superimpose you Before a) Select the postscript text frame. b) ( g o). Open window the Properties c) the Change probably seeing the text right up up seeing right text the probably a) usin colour a new (bright) Create d) Now proceed as shown in step 9. on page 14 to group the frames b) ( Views Color Open FM’s c) the clicking radio Select on button. 1 by View Making the postscript code text disappear Making text the postscript code theSince postscript code is all tagged the with 19. te postscript the selected you If and FrameMaker’s ColorViews. No, it’s not as simple as making the post- as simple not it’s No, ColorViews. FrameMaker’s and th — white and small very text script never it but it, about (i.e. FM knows to make things invisible how Here’s gets into the output stream nor can you see it): 16 transparency Creating in PDFs with FrameMaker ©4/17/17 AG Information Systems Ltd. — Contents are copyrighted. Turning on/off raigtasaec nPF ihFaeae 17 FrameMaker with PDFs in Creatingtransparency change back to Color View 1. Color to back change To make thepostscript invisible again, shortcut the use Color co View 1. The shortcut is postscript the make to need you If tent, making edits much easier. The grouped text should frames now the required style. on/off the have already pre-defined.settings You that thenonly Styles Object two create to is way better The script one to a non-postscript one and back again for creating the PDF. change always have you to that is One nuisance, isthat order in to content the edit of text frame apostscript documents. in There are afew things to make using po Postscript Text Frames: way Abetter )Enter/select the h) )Update the paratag. k) j) Change the Color: to Change Color: the j) Font the tab/panel. Select i) )Move, using arrow the buttons, it to the e) )Click the f) g) Open the Paragraph the Open ( Designer g) d) Select the the Select d) of the window). the of right-side. Set ~Invisible button to finish configuring the colours. the configuring finish to button ps_code colour inthe ~Invisible v6 paratag list. inthestyle the framethe back and forth from apost- need to select the frame and the need to select apply de visible for editing, to thentoggle only showing be thetext con- frame . ctrl+m . stscript frames easierto (re-)use Normal ). column (on the left-side (on column left-side the Invisible v1 column on the to to ©4/17/17 AG Information Systems Ltd. — Contents are copyrighted. line. check box check is create it from from it create ). Object Style PostScript Code g o ript text frame or frame text ript or in a document or other documents, ameMaker pull the postscript code the postscript pull ameMaker statement in the PostScript text frame. frame. text in the PostScript statement ctrl + y + ctrl option ) for this style in the the in style this for ) style where the where style property. be a lot of extra work. of be a lot PS_on PS_off PostScript Code PostScript Text Frame #include "path:filename" empty to theempty create style to make the code editable. To create the styles: create To 1. frame. the text of outside somewhere Click 2. ( Designer Object Open the 4. the Enable 5. (e.g. a name Enter 3. Select the In order to re-use the re-use effect desired to order In the postsc paste & copy always could you scratch, but this could could this but scratch, do this to is to let Fr way Another the code having and insets text using of be thinking could a file. You from possible approach. — certainly document one in another flows in various file text by another from also the content will include FrameMaker But, using an 7. a this for Repeat 6. the style. Save 18 transparency Creating in PDFs with FrameMaker Re-using postscript code ©4/17/17 AG Information Systems Ltd. — Contents are copyrighted. raigtasaec nPF ihFaeae 19 FrameMaker with PDFs in Creatingtransparency make the font tiny for the re-sizing an issuewhen be could this again fail to include If file. the you ha of thePStext frame. It FrameMaker must NOT wrap! will Otherwise, postscript code) you ( Also, the passes simply and output the #include statement. the generating when postscript to pass to code OffendingCommand #include error inDistiller. FMwillfail to pull inthe Caveats. Caveats. then position and re-size as over- an with this group “transparent” and text frame (ready to accept content) that you can copy and effect desired your laying text frame [create it on aReference page]. You now will have a includes that line single a anydocument. You thencould create a of create library youto a allows This need to the path. specify same isinthe file If postscript the after scaling. This can be another wa another be can This scaling. after depending upon the typeof effect inFrameMaker scale will asyou re must asizeand values actual use specify for theshape dimensions. These The main difference with thepostscri % EOF ... postscriptandpd %%EndProlog %%BoundingBox: 0 100 100 %!PS-Adobe-3.0 EPSF-3.0 A sample format file EPS of like this: basic the looks scope limited a have some formal requirements frame, for theirlayout. text postscript have a and environment contained own aretheir They like affect. they what in files, EPS graphics). EPS into aFrameMaker (or for that file matter any application that supports lated PostScript to inject (EPS)file the and pdfmark postscript operators Instead of creating postscript text frames, you could create an Encapsu- Using EPS filesasanalternative way "filename") entire As the As by turning SmartQuotes OFF. SmartQuotes turning by line of the the of line #include must fmarks gohere... statement isaFrameMaker command (and not #include ps_code surround filename with straight-quotes required over any graphic. folder asthedocument, thenyou don’t paratag using the Paragraph designer. with filename filename with coded, the results the may distorted coded, be size and re-position an but EPSfile, effects that you could access from ve along path to the filename, then y to create different shape effects, the text frames. Thesolution isto pt text frame approach is that you you approach that is frame text pt simple frame text with postscript Otherwise, you Otherwise, willget an must fit on fit single line a ©4/17/17 AG Information Systems Ltd. — Contents are copyrighted. le to compared the postscript text dependently resulting in an ellipti- in an resulting dependently on top of this, it provides a cleaner iew to the EPS, a background fill is a background EPS, the iew to approach clips the circular gradient on page on the shows following 26, the Radial gradient effect (Type 3) (Type effect gradient Radial As you can see, the postscript frame frame postscript the see, can you As cal gradient. prev is no since there that, Also note However, image. obscures which the underlying in FrameMaker shown if you wish to place your text content Result in PDF the However, height. the than greater is width the as top/bottom the at in scales the directions EPS approach while authoring/editing. content the seeing for background Layout in FrameMaker with postscript frame above EPS graphic above frame with postscript in FrameMaker Layout rather than a negative impact. For example, using the radial fill sample sample fill radial the using example, For impact. negative a than rather in effects of distorting the defined EPS fi frame. When importing an EPS, set the fill of the imported file to None tools. graphic using FM’s imports always graph- FM of a default fill ics with White. Note: 20 transparency Creating in PDFs with FrameMaker ©4/17/17 AG Information Systems Ltd. — Contents are copyrighted. raigtasaec nPF ihFaeae 21 Additional background fillsandtransparency effects FrameMaker with PDFs in Creatingtransparency 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 grestore shfill >> ther, using asastarting point. these postscript shadin Both backgrounds. on patterns effect gradient radial and linear duce pro- to introduced be can shading Additionally, postscript effects. visual The transparency blending to use create can modes pdfmark also other /Domain /Domain << /Function 0 Width /BBox[0 Height] [0 /FunctionType /ColorSpace 1] << /ShadingType 2 /DeviceRGB 2 pdfmark /SetTransparency [ /ca.5 def exch /Width def exch /Height gsave going from leftto right for arectangular area: Here issome sample tocreate code to as an Axial or Type 2shading inpostscript. a shading pattern. If it occurs insingle direction (i.e. linear) it isreferred thatA gradient fill creates a smooth Linear (axial)gradient (Type effect 2) >> /Coords [0 0 Width 0] [0 0 /Coords /N 1 /N [1 0.50] /C0 patterns . Some of. Some are these shown here. You can explore fur- a gradient fill with transparency transparency with fill agradient transition between colours is called s or for postscript tiling repeated g and tiling are special types of of types special are tiling and g ©4/17/17 AG Information Systems Ltd. — Contents are copyrighted.

/C1 (show me (show . 1 shfill C1 and end at 0 can alsocan be defined using , which is used to specify the how is used then alone, fill goes from 5 0] (pale orange in thiscase) 5 0] (pale at orange case a vector (left-to-right) along along (left-to-right) case a vector r the exponent in the interpolation in the interpolation r the exponent a linear interpolation is wanted. A is wanted. interpolation a linear ate (0,0) of the gradient fill and the fill and the gradient (0,0) of ate C1 point to the end point of the axis of the end point to point or to black for named Width and Height accordingly. Height and named Width /ShadingType 2 specifies that smooth smooth specifies 2 that /ShadingType or C0 C0 e-existing graphic environment. graphic e-existing ern definition used for the the for used ern definition c, 3 means cubic, etc. cubic, c, 3 means . . A colour for the end-point the end-point for . A colour /Coords /C0 Line 13 provides the number to use to fo the number Line 13 provides formula used. The value of 1, means quadrati 2 means of value Dictio- Function the for definitions the terminate 15 just 14 and Lines respectively. pattern, the shading nary and the fillLine 16 shows environment. graphics the previous Line 17 restores Line 1, as before, saves the pr the saves before, as 1, Line Lines 2 and 3 retrieve the values of the postscript text frame’s width, width, frame’s text postscript the of values the 3 retrieve 2 and Lines the variables populate and height Line 4 sets transparency. a 50% Line 5 starts the shading patt Line 10 says that the function will interpolate between two endpoints. two between will interpolate function the that 10 says Line will begin the interpolation that Line 11 says the starting colour to white for for white to colour starting the Line 12 specifies [1 0. colour the RGB start, hence the fill!) operator in Line 16. The the fill!) operator Axial shading be is to used. will be used. colours RGB that Line 6 indicates frame) text postscript the to here (equal box bounding a defines 7 Line for the fill. co-ordin Line 8 specifies starting the this In (Width,0). co-ordinate ending start the will varyfill from colour defined the by the X-axis (i.e. horizontal) axis of the rectangle. axis of horizontal) the X-axis (i.e. Line 9 begins the Function Dictionary and the RGB values. If either either If values. the RGB and 22 transparency Creating in PDFs with FrameMaker ©4/17/17 AG Information Systems Ltd. — Contents are copyrighted. raigtasaec nPF ihFaeae 23 coordinates due to varying Examples ofeffects FrameMaker with PDFs in Creatingtransparency ers specify thecolo ers specify example) A and Cshowgradients: left-to-right a light or dark shade. A, B, E, F, I and J have the colour specified at the start ( start the at specified colour the have J and F,I E, B, A, /Coords [0 Height Width 0] J and Lshow diagonals from upper to left lower right: /Coords [0 0 Width Height] right: upper to left lower from diagonals show K and I F and Hshow top-to-bottom gradients: E and Gshow bottom-to-top gradients: B and Dshow right-to-left gradients: Changing starting the and ending values of the

alters the direction of the grad ur at theend ( C1 ). This shows). This how you can blendto /Coords [0 0 Width 0] /Coords [Width 0 0 0] /Coords [Width /Coords [0 0 Height] /Coords [0 Height00] ients example: this asshown in /Coords C0 (Line 8of (Line the ), while the oth- ), while ©4/17/17 AG Information Systems Ltd. — Contents are copyrighted. ine 13 of the example) affects how affects how example) the of 13 ine quickly the colour varies in the gradient. in the varies gradient. the colour quickly Changing the exponent (/N) value (L value (/N) the exponent Changing 24Examples of effects varyingdue to exponent transparency Creating in PDFs with FrameMaker ©4/17/17 AG Information Systems Ltd. — Contents are copyrighted. raigtasaec nPF ihFaeae 25 colours two Examples using FrameMaker with PDFs in Creatingtransparency 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 point of the axial(linear) shading from grestore shfill >> /Domain /Domain << /Function 0 Width /BBox[0 Height] [0 /FunctionType /ColorSpace 1] << /ShadingType 2 /DeviceRGB 2 pdfmark /SetTransparency [ /ca.5 def exch /Width def exch /Height gsave In this example, blue blue example, this In colour were defined. asingle if create a gradient the between two co fill Adding another colour definition (/C1 >> /Coords [0 0 Width 0] [0 0 /Coords /N 1 /N /C1 [0 0 1] [1 0.50] /C0 /C1 [0 0 1] was added in Line 13 as colour at the end end the at colour as 13 Line in added was ) after Line 12 in the example 12inthe ) after Line will lours of instead just white or back left (pale orange) left(pale toright (blue): ©4/17/17 AG Information Systems Ltd. — Contents are copyrighted. of the ending circle (X1, Y1) and radius of that that of radius (X1, Y1) and circle the ending of /Domain [0 1] /ColorSpace /DeviceRGB /ColorSpace /BBox [0 0 X Y] /Coords [X2 Y2 0 X2 Y2 Y2] false] /Extend [false /Function << /FunctionType 2 /C0 [1 0.5 0] /N 1 >> circle (R1). circle gsave def/Y exch /X exch def Y 0.5 mul /Y2 exch def def exch /X2 mul 0.5 X gsave pdfmark [ /ca .5 /SetTransparency 3 /ShadingType << >> shfill grestore Radial gradient effect (Type 3) effectRadial (Type gradient cir- two between blend effectThis shading occur is defined a colour as to cles. This can give a 3D type of effect in PostScript. 3 shading to as a Type to asphere or cone. This is referred defi- the/Coords for except one, the Axial shading to The code is similar and Y0) (X0, circle starting the of center the defines it time This nition. the center (R0) and radius 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 26 transparency Creating in PDFs with FrameMaker ©4/17/17 AG Information Systems Ltd. — Contents are copyrighted. properties Extend varying Examples ofeffects raigtasaec nPF ihFaeae 27 FrameMaker with PDFs in Creatingtransparency The top row shows C0 colouring, with bounding box edges specified in Line inLine specified edges box bounding that would allow the second circle’s co ean ing beyond the starting and ending ci Line 12is an optional to entry whether specify or not to extend the shad- radius. text frame’s height(Y2). Thevalues are the at located also is circle second it behaveso will asapoint from wh at mid-point (X2,Y2)(i.e.the of th 11positions circlesLine the for touse 3. radial, 8declares i.e.Line be type one- will that fill the taking i.e. 0.5, by values Y and X the half. multiplying by frame text script variables (X2, 4and new Lines 5define forbetween thecode (Type Axial 2)shading are explained here: and height, respectively, of the postscript text frame. Onlythe differences are used Y and X example, code In the D/Extend false] /Extend [true C B/ExtendA/Extend [true [false [false true] false] true] false and and false . If value second intheexample the where mid-point and aradius has of the half e frame) and hasaradius of zero (0) ich the colour willflow out of. The as the variable names for the width blending. Thefirst circle islocated rcles. Thedefault values are bool- the following the extend permissions: 10 (i.e. text thepostscript frame). entered as two triplets, i.e. x, yand lour to continue out filling to the Y2) as the mid-points of the post- true , then , then ©4/17/17 AG Information Systems Ltd. — Contents are copyrighted. the inner circle is the inner circle if the center of of if the center the same order of /Extend as the as /Extend of order the same ending (C0 & C1) with the same same the with C1) & (C0 ending value exponents would be good for be good for would exponents value function N used the exponent of in offset slightly (i.e. it could look like a light source). light a like look could it (i.e. offset slightly The rate of the fill is shown here as the fill here of shown is The rate smaller The definition. Function the Allowing the second circle to extend is the only parameter that affects the the affects that parameter only the is extend to circle second the Allowing area outside of the circle itself. in colouring C1 shows row The middle especially effects, type specular creating top row. top The bottom row showstwo-colour bl rows. modesextend as the other 28 transparency Creating in PDFs with FrameMaker Examples of effects varying exponent N ©4/17/17 AG Information Systems Ltd. — Contents are copyrighted. raigtasaec nPF ihFaeae 29 Transparent images FrameMaker with PDFs in Creatingtransparency following example (the yellow frame is pr can one information, that Knowing components). the number of bits pixel per and the Explorer, you should able be to theheight determine and width inpixels, software, or even the Windows Properties > Detail tab of the file in Using code. order it postscript to inthe use your or viewer imageediting This means that you to know need quite afew of in details image the file the number of bits colour per component. columns in the image, th tobe format needs of imagefile the what ifany compression was scheme ues, so this means that to you this need ues, so The image into needs decoded to file be arectangular array of sample val- hoops. formats (TIFF, JPG,PNG, GIF, BMP, work involved. Thisisdue toPostscri image the make to need really you If e number of colour components sample per and know how the file known, i.e. number the of rows and pt not directly supporting image file file image supporting directly not pt colourpace (hence used number of transparent, then there’s a bit more etc.) — so let’s jump through a few few a let’s so — through jump etc.) oduce atransparent image, like the used) in the first inthe used) on thepostscript text frame): was encoded (i.e. wasencoded place. Thenthe ©4/17/17 AG Information Systems Ltd. — Contents are copyrighted. ). pops JPG image as used as in JPG image .] xels, of the image file. [The values values file. [The image the of xels, a priori rses JPG as a transparent image is: image rses JPG as a transparent of the image by dividing the width width the dividing by image the of e from the stack (thee from two ). img horses running on the beach ) by the height (Y the height ) by •colourspace = RGB = 3 = • pixels = 1280 width • = 720 pixels height •colourspace •components img Lines 1–3 get the postscript text frames width, height and clear the start- the fram of co-ordinates ing to manually have that you determine Lines 4–5 specify in pi the dimensions, the aspectLine 6 determines ratio (X other examples, the following information is determined: information the following examples, other ho the insert to code postscript The /Y exchdef /X exch def pop pop def /Ximg 1280 /Yimg 720 def def Ximg Yimg div /AspectRatio Ximg Yimg ge {/Xscale X def div def /Yscale X AspectRatio } {/Yscale Y def /Xscale Y AspectRatio mul def } ifelse pdfmark [ /ca 0.6 /SetTransparency /DeviceRGB setcolorspace (E:/Test/Fm_transparency/Horses.jpg) (r) file /File_img exch def /Data {File_img /DCTDecode filter} def gsave 0 0 translate Xscale Yscale scale << /ImageType 1 /Width Ximg /Height Yimg [Ximg 0 0 /ImageMatrix Yimg mul -1 0 Yimg ] Data /DataSource /BitsPerComponent 8 /Decode [0 1 0 1 0 1] >> image grestore JPG image example image JPG Analyzing the same 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 30 transparency Creating in PDFs with FrameMaker ©4/17/17 AG Information Systems Ltd. — Contents are copyrighted. raigtasaec nPF ihFaeae 31 FrameMaker with PDFs in Creatingtransparency forthis towork properly. the entirefile pathtothe Note: You mustspecify within the text frame. The that paints image the imagedictionary/operator the 22begins Line uponframe (based theAspect ra imag the how toscale 21specifies Line postscript text frame. 20ensuresLine that image the isplaced 19savesLine thecurrent graphics environment. ReferenceLanguage Manual. The details fi of of decode all these maythese require additional paramete tation of the x and y axes ( with the upper right pixel). The second in an imagebegins of image(typically location of origin the the the give the image within thepostscript text frame space. Thefirst pair of values Line 25specifies the transformation matrix defining the positioning of thewidth and he 23–24specify Lines ward direction for image starting at top the row). The third pair specify need PNG files, the the files, PNG order in toproper encoded, originally need to know the filetype that you are importing and how the data was There are nine(9)different fi decode from image). the (asdetermined used tobe colourspace RGB is that the 15specifies Line used. that an of opacity 14specifies Line ratio.axis adjusted by aspect the postscript textimage. frame appropriate sizewith isthe the Thescaling direction (i.e.toY, aPortrait mode Otherwis mode). (i.e. toX,a Landscape the ratio is greater than 1,then the image is fit in the horizontal direction the to scaling de use 7–13Lines specify DCTDecode called 18iswhereLine theimage samples get ob 17assignsthis Line the path, must beenclosed in parentheses. read to object file a creates 16 Line LZWDecode Data in this case). The file is read and decoded using the the using and isread decoded Thefile case). inthis (Discrete Cosine Transform) (Discrete Cosine filt FlateDecode , CCITTFaxDecode ject to avariable. Yimg -1 mul mul -1 Yimg is needed. Whereas, for aTIF file, you may ImageType tio as specified in Lines 7–13). Lines in specified as tio , theimage. Thefile lters inthePostScript are described ). This scaling does not distort does the ). Thisscaling 60% (i.e. 40%transparent) isto be RunLengthDecode lters available inPostScript, you so ly decode the samples for use. With ight inpixels image. of the is used toanegative/down- specify must be 1. must be rs to properly thedata. decode e data to fit the postscript text stored (and assigned to an object pending upon the aspect ratio. If pair of orien- values the specify at the origin (lower left) of the the of left) (lower origin the at e, the image is fit in the vertical image vertical e, inthe the isfit er that is used in JPG files. JPGfiles. er that in isused , etc. and of some name, including ©4/17/17 AG Information Systems Ltd. — Contents are copyrighted. colour compo- colour lour space. The The space. lour . The details of all of all of of details The . each to keep in mind that [0 1 0 1 0 1] (in points; 1/72 of an inch) of the the of inch) an of 1/72 (in points; ript the functionality. So is there there So is functionality. the ript The JPG was created at 96dpi, so 96dpi, at The JPG was created lculated during the conversion to to the conversion during lculated when placing the pixel (i.e. move (i.e. move the pixel when placing nition and paints the image within within image the paints and nition per inch = 960pt. Likewise, the = 960pt. per inch " to get the bounding box values. values. box the bounding get " to dth as in used pixels, in the JPG JPG to EPS, the bounding box has JPG to EPS, the box bounding do is to find out the BoundingBox BoundingBox the find out to is do the PostScript Language Reference stscript code has already been done been done already code has stscript in the current co in the current mple image. The steps there are more more there are The steps image. mple e same for all components) is used and and is used all components) for e same .eps the number of colour components of the of components colour of the number filename for the image. You need need You image. the for course, use course, EPS file. an or 12. In this case, it’s 8 bits per pixel (otherwise per pixel 8 bits it’s this case, 12. In or twice in this case; Line 18). Data findstr BoundingBox EPS files can contain both vector and raster information. Most imaging imaging Most information. raster and vector both EPS files contain can simplifies This EPS file. an as image an save will also let you applications to po things as the conversion a lot, An easier way: EPS format easier way: An a si for work of a bit was quite That easier to do this?an Of for you. The only thing you need to specified are that values for the benefit of wishing anyone to sc size the physical represent these values wi and height the than rather image, the translation displacement required displacement the translation postscript the of bottom the along is row last the that so down image the text frame). (the object from coming are Line 26 specifies samples the image where called example. An EPS file can be read by mostline " text editors or you can use the command Line 27 specifies the number of bits usedLine specifies 27 to define bits of the number th Only a singlenent. value (i.e. it’s 1, 2, 4, 8 of be one can RGB). for encoding as 24-bit known Line the describe image that 28 specifies numbers to map of how array an used values of a range into samples current colour space (Line 15). The values will always be 0 or 1. For this 1. For be 0 or will values 15). The (Line always space colour current required are six values RGB, using image length must always be always length must the bounding box value for width is ca width for value box the bounding / 72 points * 96dpi EPS as 1280 pixels Using the horses file converted from file the horses converted Using 540pt. of a height and 960pt a width of these decode arrays are described are in these decode arrays Manual. dictionary the image Line defi 29 ends the postscript text frame. text postscript the environment. graphics the original Line 30 restores 32 transparency Creating in PDFs with FrameMaker ©4/17/17 AG Information Systems Ltd. — Contents are copyrighted. raigtasaec nPF ihFaeae 33 FrameMaker with PDFs in Creatingtransparency 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 direction (i.e.toY, aPortrait mode Otherwis mode). (i.e. toX,aLandscape the ratio is greater than 1,then the image is fit in the horizontal direction to dependingupon use scaling theAspect the ratio. 7–13specify Lines If file, the postscript code to code postscript the file, So, only needing the width and height along with the name of the EPS file [whichfile you have to determine thebounding box 4–5specify va Lines following height calculates to 540pt. The boun (X ratio 6determinesLine theaspect co-ordinatesing of fram the 1–3getLines postscript the text fram grestore (E:/Test/Fm_transparency/Horses.eps) run scale Yscale Xscale 0 translate gsave pdfmark [ /ca.6/SetTransparency ifelse } def Yscale /Xscale divdef Y Ybox {/Yscale } /YscaleXscale def Xbox div def {/Xscale X Xbox Yboxge Ybox divdef /AspectRatio Xbox /Ybox 540 def def /Xbox 960 pop def /X exch def /Y exch box ) by height the (Y findstr query: box ). create a transparent image is: image transparent a create e from the stack (the two e from (the thestack a priori of image the by dividing thewidth ). This scaling does not distort does the ). Thisscaling ding box values are shown inthe es width, height and clear start- the lues and (width height) of EPS the e, the image is fit in the vertical image vertical e, inthe the isfit ]. pops ). ©4/17/17 AG Information Systems Ltd. — Contents are copyrighted. in live transparency in Lines 7–13). /AllowTransparency true /AllowTransparency at the origin (lower left) of the e data to fit the postscript text text postscript the fit to e data atement to keep things simple in simple keep things to atement ing the ratio of the postscript text text postscript the of ratio the ing lly, you should have enough infor- enough have should you lly, own scripts to apply these affects in apply to scripts own to text frames. This opens the door the door opens This frames. text to e specified EPS file.The file name, 60% (i.e. 40% transparent) is to be is to 40% transparent) 60% (i.e. tio as specified specified tio as e bounding box size. box e bounding the FrameMaker documents and for re-use in multiple files in multiple re-use for and documents the FrameMaker Reference pages Reference • in images transparency to create use EPS files want if you hopefu aficionados, scripting the For frame (based upon the Aspect ra the Aspect (basedframe upon postscript other effects, such as linear/axial and Additionally, PDFs. also be applied can radial gradients effects. creative and some interesting for The take aways from this tutorial are: • fileDistiller a with joboptions create • off and frames on text Object toggle styles to Postscript create • small your text files the on postscript for work create code or • st "path:filename" #include the use your be to able to create now mation a more transparent manner. postscript text frame. text postscript Line 17 specifies to scale the how imag transparency effects apply to now can you work, of a bit a little just With text frames and images in FrameMaker and create Line 15 saves the current graphics environment. graphics the current Line 15 saves is placed the image that Line 16 ensures th of the contents Line 18 processes be enclosed in parentheses. must the path, including environment. graphics the original Line 19 restores details other any know to have don’t You it? wasn’t easier, a lot was That the box. the bounding the by than other size given the image of image. The scaling isimage. calculated us by the imag to size frame Line 14 specifies that an opacity of Line 14 specifies of opacity an that used. You don’t need to specify must You Summary Note: specify the colour space, specify the colour space, within as this is defined the EPS file. to the path file the entire thisfor to work properly. Note: 34 transparency Creating in PDFs with FrameMaker ©4/17/17 AG Information Systems Ltd. — Contents are copyrighted. raigtasaec nPF ihFaeae 35 References FrameMaker with PDFs in Creatingtransparency Workbook, 2001 Shlomo. Perets, lin, 1998.Chapter 6,“pdfmark Primer”, isavailable on-line from: tion Adobe Systems Incorporated., Merz, Thomas. Thomas. Merz, Lancaster, Don: Deubert, John: 2015 Mac Windows® OS® and Microsoft® for Settings ation Adobe Systems Incorporated., May 2015 Windows®, Linux®, and UNIX® Microsoft® Mac for OS®, ence Adobe Systems Incorporated., ; ISBN 0-201-37922-8 Acumen Journal — PostScript Tech. PostScript — Journal Acumen Web Publishing with Acrobat/PDF FrameMaker-to-Acrobat Advanced Techniques Advanced FrameMaker-to-Acrobat PostScript Library. Don Lancaster's Guru's Lair. Guru's Lancaster's Library. Don PostScript Adobe® Acrobat® DC SDK Adobe PDF Cre- PDF Adobe SDK DC Acrobat® Adobe® PostScript Language Reference, third edi- Adobe® Acrobat® DC SDK pdfmark Refer- pdfmark SDK DC Acrobat® Adobe® . Springer-Verlag Ber- , Edition 1.0,May ; Edition 2.0, , Course , Course ©4/17/17 AG Information Systems Ltd. — Contents are copyrighted. a transparent image placed on an end modes behave so that you can specifying transparency the is of the object on top. There are 16 are There top. on the object of e then switched on the next page, the next page, on e then switched al (Section 11.3.5 Blend Mode Mode al (Section Blend 11.3.5 enario follows (only the highlighted the highlighted (only follows enario (with applied transparency and all ences between the two scenarios. ences between the two mode. parameter). This defines how the background colours /BM /Normal /Y exchdef /X exch def pop pop /Xbox 720 def def /Ybox 1080 /AspectRatio Xbox Ybox div def Xbox Ybox ge {/Xscale X Xbox div def def Xscale /Yscale } {/Yscale Y Ybox div def /Xscale Yscale def } ifelse [ /ca .5 /BM /Normal /SetTransparency pdfmark gsave 0 0 translate Xscale Yscale scale run (E:/Test/Fm_transparency/cat_cropped2.eps) grestore One of the optional parameters when parameters the optional One of blend mode ( mode blend geta feel for what you may need. default the In most cases, you probably want to use different blend modes currently available. The details of these are these are of The details available. modes currently blend different defined manu Reference in the PDF p.324). This section the various bl how shows interact with the transparent colours colours transparent the with interact The postscript code for the first sc first the for code postscript The varied): was line pdfmark The following pages show examples of examples show pages The following All the background. blend modes gradient of are multi-coloured opaque ar graphics The image. the to applied gradient multi-coloured the with file. image opaque now the of front in modes applied) blend differ of a bit quite are There 36 transparency mode in Blend adih otih ifrneExclusion Difference SoftLight HardLight omlMlil cenOverlay Screen Multiply Normal aknLgtnClrog ColorBurn ColorDodge Lighten ©4/17/17 AG InformationDarken Systems Ltd. — Contents are copyrighted. u auainClrLuminosity Color Saturation Hue Cat infront (50%transparency) 37 ©4/17/17 AG Information Systems Ltd. — Contents are copyrighted. Spectrum in front (50% transparency) Hue Saturation Color Luminosity Darken Lighten ColorDodge ColorBurn Normal Multiply Screen Overlay HardLight SoftLight Difference Exclusion 38