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Debian This package is supported by the Weboob Team. A stable package (version 1.0) is available in Jessie. The latest version is usually available in unstable. You can now install weboob and its applications:

# -get install weboob weboob-qt

If you only want the console applications, you can just use:

# apt-get install weboob

And if you only want the core library and utilities:

# apt-get install python-weboob-core

Ubuntu This package is supported by the Weboob Team. A stable package is available in , imported from Debian. The instructions are the same as Debian. Ubuntu is often lagging behind, so you should probably not use the package included in the distribution, but the latest one. The best is to check if it matches either the stable or unstable Debian package. Gentoo This package is supported by the Weboob Team. There is an official package.

# emerge -av --autounmask-write weboob

It is currently very outdated, so you should probably use the package from the overlay (see below). It is also available in the laurentb overlay, which is guaranteed to have the latest version and fixes.

# layman -a laurentb # emerge -av --autounmask-write weboob::laurentb

It will only install the core and console utilities if you don't set the X USE flag. Nix and NixOS Nixpkgs is a collection of packages that can be used with the Nix on various -like systems. It is also used by the NixOS distibution. This package has been checked by the Weboob team. There is an official package in Nixpkgs.

nix-env -iA pythonPackages.weboob

To try out Weboob without modifying your system, do:

nix-shell -p pythonPackages.weboob

Arch Linux This package has been checked by the Weboob team. A package is available in the AUR, and it is usually updated quickly. A development package is also available. Mandriva These instructions might not be up to date. Instructions in French: http://wiki.mandriva.com/fr/Weboob Windows An installer is available for the last stable version, on the Files page. It works only on Windows 32 bits. Note that Weboob on Windows is less tested than on Linux. From sources

Release tarballs

Get the latest tarball on the Files page


Stable branch

The stable branch is the latest release of weboob with additional fixes.

$ git clone git://git.symlink.me/pub/weboob/stable.git

Development branch

To get the latest features or to contribute to Weboob.

$ git clone git://git.symlink.me/pub/weboob/devel.git

Installation instructions

Since there are many dependencies, when you install from sources, you have to handle them by hand, according to your distribution. The requirements are provided in setup.py, except for:

python-termcolor, for colors in some console applications. gpgv (for secure updates). If not packaged alone, it should be in gnupg or gpg. PyQt4 (python-qt4) for graphical applications. For more performance, ensure you have libyaml and simplejson installed.

Some modules may have more dependencies. All installation procedures allow you to chose whether you want graphical applications. Add --no-qt --no-xdg to disable them; --qt --xdg to enable them.

User installation

There is a way to install weboob locally without messing with your system. Run ./tools/local_install.sh as your local user.

$ ./tools/local_install.sh ~/bin

The scripts are copied to ~/bin.

System installation (discouraged)

The install mode copies files to the Python system-wide packages directory (for example /usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages for Python 2.6, or /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages for Python 2.7).

# ./setup.py install

Scripts are copied to /usr/bin.

Development mode

If you are a developper, you could have a look to the development environment