December 18, 2017 Time: 4:00 Pm Location: Council Chambers, Town Hall
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Town of Amherst Committee of the Whole Date: Monday, December 18, 2017 Time: 4:00 pm Location: Council Chambers, Town Hall Pages 1. Call to Order 1.1 Approval of Agenda (7067) 1.2 Approval of Minutes - November 27, 2017 (7068) 1 - 3 2. In Camera 4:05 2.1 Approval of In Camera Agenda 2.2 Approval of In Camera Minutes 2.3 MGA 22(2)(f) Potential Litigation 3. Council Direction Requests 4:15 3.1 CCTS Funding Request (6574) - SCHURMAN 4:15 4 - 15 3.2 Electronic Voting (3697) - JONES 4:25 16 - 21 3.3 East Pleasant Street Renewal (7057) - MacDONALD 4:35 22 - 24 3.4 Solid Waste Bylaw Amendment - Dual Stream Recyclables (7058) - 25 - 43 MacDONALD 4:45 3.5 Residential Solid Waste Collection RFP (7071) - MacDONALD 4:55 44 - 45 3.6 Municipal Hub Strategy (6886) - COUNCILLOR JONES 5:05 46 - 51 4. Information Items 5:15 4.1 80/20 Trucking Rule Report (4083) - MACDONALD 5:15 52 - 52 4.2 Isthmus of Chignecto - Tantramar Marsh (7022) - MAYOR KOGON 5:25 53 - 63 5. Monthly Reports 5:35 5.1 Corporate Services (7062) - ARBING 5:35 64 - 64 5.2 Operations (7063) MacDONALD 5:40 65 - 65 5.3 Police Services (7064) - NAYLOR 5:45 66 - 67 5.4 Recreation (7065) - SCHURMAN 5:50 68 - 69 5.5 Fire (7066) - JONES 5:55 70 - 70 6. Adjournment 6:00 ________________________ Amherst Town Council Committee of the Whole Minutes Date: November 27, 2017 Time: 4:00 pm Location: Council Chambers, Town Hall Members Present Mayor David Kogon Deputy Mayor Sheila Christie Councillor Jason Blanch Councillor Vince Byrne Councillor Darrell Jones Councillor Wayne MacKenzie Councillor Terry Rhindress Staff Present Greg Herrett, CAO Jason MacDonald, Deputy CAO Operations Dwayne Pike, Deputy Police Chief Vince Arbing, Treasurer Bill Schurman. Director Recreation Greg Jones, Fire Chief Rebecca Purdy, Executive Assistant Tom McCoag, Corporate Communications Officer _____________________________________________________________________ 1. Call to Order Mayor Kogon called the meeting to order at 4:00 PM 1.1 Approval of Agenda Moved By Councillor MacKenzie Seconded By Councillor Byrne To approve the agenda MOTION CARRIED 1.2 Approval of Minutes - November 20, 2017 Moved By Councillor Rhindress Seconded By Councillor Jones To approve the minutes of the November 20, 2017 Committee of the Whole meeting MOTION CARRIED 1 3. In Camera Moved By Councillor Rhindress Seconded By Councillor MacKenzie To go In-Camera MOTION CARRIED 4. Council Direction Requests 4.1 Policy Amendments - Budget Development Policy and Procurement Policy (6442; 6875) - ARBING Moved By Councillor Byrne Seconded By Deputy Mayor Christie That the amended Procurement Policy along with the new Budget Management Policy be referred to the November 27, 2017 regular meeting for Council’s consideration MOTION CARRIED Nay: Councillor Jones 6. Monthly Reports (Deferred from November 20, 2017 meeting) 6.1 Corporate Services (6878) – ARBING Information item; no direction given. 6.2 Operations (6879) - MACDONALD Moved By Councillor MacKenzie Seconded By Councillor Rhindress That the traffic authority be directed to investigate potential installation of a sign to caution drivers of the presence of deer in the area of the Super 8 Motel on Lord Amherst Drive MOTION CARRIED 6.3 Police Services (6880) – PIKE Information item; no direction given. 6.4 Recreation (6881) – SCHURMAN Information item; no direction given 6.5 Fire (6882) – JONES Information item; no direction given 2 7. Adjournment Moved By Councillor Blanch Seconded By Councillor Byrne To adjourn at 6:15 PM MOTION CARRIED _________________________ Gregory D. Herrett, CPA, CA Town Clerk and Chief Administrative Officer ___________________________ David Kogon, MD Mayor 3 COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE CDR# 2018054 Date: December 18, 2017 TO: Mayor Kogon and Members of Council SUBMITTED BY: Gregory D. Herrett, CPA, CA – Chief Administrative Officer DATE: December 18, 2017 SUBJECT: Funding Request – Cumberland County Transportation Services ORIGIN: Application for funding received from Cumberland County Transportation Services (CCTS) LEGISLATIVE AUTHORITY: MGA 65 (au)(v) authorizes a council to make a contribution to “any charitable, nursing, medical, athletic, educational, environmental, cultural, community, fraternal, recreational, religious, sporting or social organization within the Province,” Community Support Grants Policy, 72000-08 RECOMMENDATION: That the CCTS request for funding be referred to the December 18, 2017 regular meeting for Council’s consideration of approving a one-time five thousand dollar capital grant to assist in the purchase of a bus BACKGROUND: This request was received in September, and staff have spent some time reviewing, engaging with the society and getting more information in support of the application. The request is outside the staff approval limits in the Community Support Grants Policy DISCUSSION: The society currently receives $20,000 per year from the County in operating funding. The Town currently does not provide funding to this organization. The society has allocated $5,000 of the $20,000 that they receive from the County this year for the purchase of a bus and is requesting that the Town contribute $5,000. This contribution would support issues for the Town in the areas of support for seniors and dealing with poverty issues. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: This request can be accommodated within the current budget for grants to organizations. ATTACHMENTS: CCTS Request for Funding CCTS Financial Reports Report prepared by: Gregory D. Herrett, CPA, CA – Chief Administrative Officer Report and Financial approved by: 98 Victoria Street East, P.O. Box 516, Amherst, Nova Scotia, Canada B4H 4A1 Phone: (902) 667-3352 Fax: (902) 667-3356 4 Cumberland County Transportation Services (CCTS) PO Box 952 Amherst NS B4H 4E1 Tel#: (902) 667-8149 E-mail: [email protected] September 27, 2017 Town of Amherst 98 East Victoria Street AmherstNS B4H IX6 Dear: Mayor Kogon and Council I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for the opportunity to showcase the services of CCTS with our PowerPoint presentation back in June. As we mentioned during that presentation, the fleet of CCTS had been reduced from five vehicles to four and that is down to three vehicles in the span of six months due to their age and the costly repairs required to keep them on the road. With this critical situation in our future, CCTS will find it very challenging to continue to provide transportation for our clients. We do not wish to reduce services and while a small fare increase is necessary (our last increases were in 2013) to keep pace with rising fuel and repair costs, this is not the answer for a long term solution. CCTS must purchase a new vehicle with-in the next few months or service will be severely impacted. During the summer, the average weekly trips for clients was 209 and we drove 26,000 kms per month. These trips included 42 bus trips from the senior care facilities located in Amherst and around Cumberland County; local day care centers and Community organizations. CCTS provides transportation across the County and Province for our clients which enables them to attend work, school, medical appointments (including dialysis) and specialized programs including the seniors VON day program, Mental Health programs; seniors bowling and children's activities. Our provincial funding was cut for the 2017-18 fiscal year due to a decrease in the population of Cumberland County, so we must look to other partners for financial assistance to help us maintain our services. CCTS is requesting funding from the Town of Amherst in the amount of $5,000. The mandate of CCTS is to provide a sustainable transportation service that is accessible, reliable, affordable and safe for residents of Cumberland County and with you financial assistance we can continue to do just that. Thank you for your consideration of our request and I look forward to hearing from you in the near future regarding your response. RECEIVED A faithfully,"/ / SEP Z 9 2017 k~~~ Corporate Services George ruce Cuco - Chair Person AmhP.~ . N.S. 5 Cumberland County Transportation Services (CCTS) PO Box 952 Amherst NS B4H 4El Tel#: (902) 667-8149 E-mail: [email protected] RECEIVED OCT Z5 2017 October 23, 2017 Corpore:.~.~ :-- ~ 11rvices Amherst. N.S. Director of Recreation Town of Amherst 98 East Victoria Street AmherstNS B4H 1X6 Dear Mr. Bill Schurman: Please find enclosed the financial statements for CCTS for our fiscal year ending March 31, 2017 as requested in your e-mail of October 6, 2017. We have included out 2017-18 budget plus the cost breakdown of the proposed new vehicle purchase for next spring to replace one of our older vehicles that is no longer operational. If you require further information please contact us at the above address or e-mail. We appreciate any financial assistance that the Town of Amherst can provide, which will enable us to continue our door to-door transportation services for the residents of Amherst and Cumberland County. Yours faithfu.lly, . ~ ~~~ G~ Chair Person 6 Please note: Space limited - book early. are booked in order of pnonty. (Priority is given to wheelchair users and medical appointments.) Prices (round trip): • Wheelchair Accessible Within Amherst - $9 • Door-to-Door Service Springhill, Oxford - $25 • Reasonable Rates Pugwash, Parrsboro • $30 • Serving all of Cumberland Wentworth, Advocate • $40 County & Beyond Moncton - $80 Halifax- $195 Tel: 667-8149 New Glasgow - $150 (Weekdays 8:30 am • 4:30 pm) Antigonish - $220 141 VIctoria St. East, Unit K Wolfville - $245 Email: ccts( CCTS Is a Non-Profit Charity Tak•ng You Where You Need To Gel 7 Cumberland County Transportation Services Income Statement 2016-04-01 to 2017-03-31 REVENUE Revenue CTAP 108,418 00 ATAP- new vehicle funding 0 00 Federal Student Grant - CSJ 0.00 Provincial Student Grant 3,654.00 Fuel Tax Rebate - Provincial 3,546.35 Municipalities 20,000.00 Fuel Tax Rebate - Federal 343.40 Federal HST Rebate 5,065.23 Fare Income n ,oss.oo Charter 0.00 Contractual 0.00 Interest Earned 0.00 Fund Raising 0.00 Memberships 0.00 Miscellaneous Revenue 400.00 Donations 3,264.00 Corporate Sponsorship 0.00 Other - United Way 5,001.00 Rev.