Redefinition of the International System of Units Martin Hudlička Czech metrology institute
[email protected] CTU FEE K13117 Departmental seminar, 12th February 2019, Prague Overview • SI history • Measurement traceability • The need for change of SI units • Preparations for change – the kilogram – the mole – the ampere – the kelvin • Consequences for users • Further reading CTU FEE K13117 Departmental seminar, 12th February 2019, Prague SI history • various units used for thousands of years, some of systems stable over time • mostly based on nature or human body measures (which were thought to be constant) – Babylonian system (example – units of length) source: Wikipedia CTU FEE K13117 Departmental seminar, 12th February 2019, Prague SI history – Egyptian system measurement of length, volume, mass, time bronze capacity weight measure standard source: Wikipedia CTU FEE K13117 Departmental seminar, 12th February 2019, Prague SI history • many other official measurement systems for large societies (Olympic system of Greece, Roman system, ...), some of the systems adopted into later systems • English system – measurements used in England up to 1826, huge number of units for various areas – liquid measures (dram, teaspoon, tablespoon, pint, gallon, ...) – length (digit, finger, inch, nail, palm, hand, ...) – weight (grain, pound, nail, stone, ounce, ...) • Imperial system (post-1824) used in the British Empire and countries in the British sphere of influence credit: D. Pisano, Flickr CTU FEE K13117 Departmental seminar, 12th February 2019,