r » / r < * ; 'f* t ' , ' . : f.. ;fti. i ABBEVILLE PRESS & BANNER. '

i -..-t. MAY 1880. NO. 49. VOLUME XXV. BY HUGH WILSON AND H. T. WARDLAW. . ABBEVILLE, S. C., WEDNESDAY, 12, * - I ' ' .. Mnnwp.Clpniiiiiir Time.* i Dreams. Fail of the Alauio. TLMJLLiX IVriUk mine for but I had The Rojfjl Gorge In Colorado. FIRM, GARDEN AND HOUSEHOLD. Prophetic A scene ol desolation grocta the eye; The Windmill. face flushed with excitement, and comfort, nothing _ we come to i,l In 1836, after being under Spanish flros to as is the view of this remark When uupernaturs has written a The carpets up, tiic curtains down, out, Behold, a giant am I! coils of hair, tumbled into lustrousthe ready say. Grand Iodine and Turpentine for Poultry. ( a writer in Bar, we rule for a century and a half, Texas A Texan professor " I could not stand alone," ho able canon when seen from the windovj. ireams, says Temple free to that cities built of Furniture all upset ami piled about; A lott here in my tower wildest disorder, while she accompanied being or swelled head |:readon and must b volted and declared the province ree pamphlet prove after a short "thfc its of For treatment ofroup dangerous ground, in Ifcc* with heads in towel* the whole performance with strange and muttered, silence; of the rushing train, power inspir two articles ( for have eyes like the and independent. The republic, how- limestone are the healthiest While back and lorth, With pij* granite jaws I devour is with her now, and in a awe can best be tested tour- in fowls I have found these jautious; sxeptics much visited inarticulate sounds*. Her mother, the doctor ing by-the I have ever < of keen an d ever, had a terrible struggle. Hard -hrorld. and never by bound, The maize, the wheat and the rye, was so I hear that my little contented to make his way thithe r of more value than anything jagle, weapons opposition and same Mrs. Hanway who perfect may momentist, either chickens or turkeys, i and are as and battles were fought noble patriots rtia*arial diseases, including yellow With skirts up a loot above the ground, And them into flour. a of dress and that must.in fact may hear the on horseback or in the "schooners of used with iharp-edged, jealous In this conflict the ft;ver. The is that the looped grind model carriage many daughter are as liable to he affected £lolicitous about the uniformity c»f bled for freedom. argument arm,: creatures.can it b® friends were wont to lament worst." the In the g Young turkeys at San Antonio, turned si carbonic acid arising And all bared, fly of her lady prairie." approaching gorgi The first wilJ dis- ilature's law as a lover of his mistressi. Alamo mission, absorbs limeone neat I see I look down over the farms; themselves that she While he was I seemed to it is observed that the pinion ns as older ones. you furnishes" the most om My lovely wife and servants among gave speaking, growth a and out 1[t must be frankly admitted that powers into a military fort, fi animal and vegetable In the fields ot I see was on the have remarks to rank and cover of it is swelling puffing i nbout in those outroppoufl duds, grain such airs, seated herself fifty consoling offer; dense; just beyond, great bleajf beak.it ifi the clos- imd influences of a natural kind e thrilling chapter. ti , decomposion«Tearing to but but when he no one sentence of cold rock contrast between the eye and may^b awlul smell of suds The harvest that is be, floor dressed for walking, stopped, ridges bare, the nostrils. times I tit work in producing dreams of whic'li On Sunday, the sixth of March, 1636, And stirring up this bonnet. she was would itself from the rest. with the of a up of Many the a And I fling alolt my arms, her Yes, without disengage strongly profusion foiiagi ing it is caused from eating soft food iare are ignorant, but which may some General Santa Anna, selt-styled | The St. Gothard tunnel furnishes While in their eyes tbere gleams dangeroos on an tea What I blurted out at last seems beneath from t think surrounded now me. drumming invertedcertainly hiding everything sight the < be the r "Napoleon of the West," 0 of accurate For I k it is all for a on the beak, hardens in discovered by ever-brighten striking example with the of the almost ridiculous a# I look back on it. while away in the dim distance th( that collects lay fort with a Mexican array anther ligl.t? tray wrong end. poker. " which i 01 science. provisional^ the Alamo v the entire length of what a dreadlul was You must for the best," I said; the continenta1 nostrils and stops the discharge, ng eye £iit Although sureying.Great heavons, 'tis they ! Oh, 1 hear the sonnd of flails And the philosopher? It hope snow-crowned of and is tue disease tit all events, we must claim for some 4,000 men, while inside the t]ae tunnel is ine and a miles, to meet know she has on her side." are outlinedpeaks and clea;r then forms in the head numbering Texan quarter sight! Far off from the thrashing-floors after three years'separation,perplexing,"you youth divide sharp When I find one diseased cIreams a origin. By such dreams walLs was a devoted band of tjlie two galleries were bored with such was The words were out of my the solid blue ofthe called ri'Up. higher once from them aloof. In barns with their him thus. The philosopher scarcely against morning sky I catch it and cleanse the pas- jis these, great and crushing evils liave heroes numbering only 183. Among precision that they met with a The dog, scalded, keeps open doors, room on all mouth when I heard a measured step If the tourist is his ardoif this to in that nf innhpa in lpvfll and a on the round the fours, wearing impetuous, way in 1seen the innocent amd the noble martyrs liberty Uvvr U* 1UU4 tuvuvw differnnaThe cat has sought ior safety root, And the wind, the wind in my sails cantering the the door was the foir sage and beak by putting my finger avoided, spared, VfiliJ on his head his own waste-paper basket. upon stairs; presently will be checked by guide, on the and t;he detected. Some years ago, it doomed garrison were the brave Col. j,iteral deviation of less than eight And in the where I had thought Louder and louder roars. ever and anon the noiseless footman, and or horse a few 3 the mouth, thumb outside, guilty dining-room, Briskly he cantered round, opened by after leaving wagon step and if this does not is related, a peddler was murdered iia Travis, the gallantCol. Bowie, and that j,iches. To find.a toothsome they have goft famous of London doctors . pressing it; dinner, frisking like a lamb in spring time, until the most will bring him to the edge of the preci gently or of Scotland, and the crime r I- eccentric hunter from Tennessee, David I stand here in my place, room. friend leaned j remove it I take a lance sharp pen- the north A fiend ot A/rica blood, who joys to swing he reached my feet, which were rooted the My enteredpice. Shuddering, he will peer dowi i ior a time a A t Crockett. Long before daylight on With my foot on the rock below, on but looked at the knife, and commencing close to the beak, nained long mystery. There is terrible distress in Asia A and everything. > to the spot with astonishment. He heavily my arm, the awful slopes; fascinated, he wilj in the same a man came forward and dc!- that Sabbath morning Santa Anna's whitewash-brush, spatter it a man science with calmness. a veri make a small incision, and jength & even within miles of | And whichever way may blow, glanced up sideways, rose with cry to of seeming; steal a little nearerjto circumvent j matter out < he had had a dream in whiclb souuded an advance, and the fero- linor, fifty But I am not torgot. My feast is spread " I am to said the manner press all the colleeted :lared that bug.e s and Angora I meet it face to face, the normal attitude of man, and erasped happy say," mountain that has rolled into the chasm with a me- there was shown to him a house, and a cious Mexicans rushed with tumultous Cattle, sheep Contantinople.Ont. in tlirt wnofiflliml on a barrel-need. ^ our little friend is as clean as possible. Then, are off in numbers "that * oats carried As a brave man mets me the hand. At the sound of his cheerily, physicianand at last the eye reaches down tl " J . T. T owninf a near the the Alamo. TheTexans g large hs his foe. by d-uuh ulu-u *. <*>ivU» foice directed him to shouts toward One alico ot a of warmed-up wife the from on as well as to the bed of thi2 amm-Bizeu uaiuei spot b disease. which is almost bread, plate voice, his dropped paper getting possible." sharp incline 3.000 feet the ofthe louse where was buried the pack of the had but little hope of success against y Brigandage, " the cut and top beak, 3 .J Kaim is on the beans, ,i And while we wrestle and strive, her raised them to her "And she is out of danger." the Arkansas, U3 carefully ocaiui and no necessiiated by hunger, hands, quickly " river, impetuous forty to let in nuruureu miuj j uuu uu uciu;g such overwhelming numbers, as She never was in it." a being very careful not any go c The between Angora Some water in a mng, a diali of greens. My master the miller stands hair; and his mother-in-law, with sixty feet in width, yet to him mer<; Treat them in this manner nade the pack was actually found near hope of m°rcy in case of surrender. Al- country inrease. much as the effort would allow, "Never in? danger?"'cried I, almost ribbon of molten silver. 1 the eyes. were and Ismidt is becoming a desert. Four banquot rich ! And heat of all, you see, And feeds we with his hands, dignity Though surg once a or once in two days, as the he spot. At first it was thoueht that ready the Mexican bands playing Ob, scrambled on to her feet. Then in an ing madly against its rocky sides, leap . day, was himself the murderei the dreadful that no tltiousand people of the Moussoul I've brought a fellow home to dine with me. For he knows who makes him thrive, eccentric disappointed.""She has the matter with case may require, and if there are any he dreamer dequelo, signifying ti have to instant the cause of their nothing ing wildly over gigantic masses ofrock the mouth or throat I n:t the man who had been accused coni- mercy need be expected, so they re- emigrated Bagdad. disrict .Benton Pod. i! Who makes him lord ol lands. was made clear. Throned upon ber," he reDlied, "but a feverish iti3 cankered spots in conduct slight and hoarsely murmuring against touch them in the same way. Keep the "essed the crime, and said that the solved to sell their lives as dearly as the hearthrug, and showing by a gra- cold. I iiave seldom seen a finer or bars, nothing is heard of its fury knew about it. It lor the sake of liberty. On Sundays I take my rest; more prison cut open, not allowing it to collect. ireamer nothing possible The of fruits has grown to cious smile a few of the newest teeth, healthy child. Good morning." TUB solemn silliness OI neaiu pervaae:j r to , preserving INTEREST. * aiterward that the murdere Twice the Mexicans ITEMS OF Church-going bells begin never was more Here was Sometimes this matter becomes hard, ;urned out attempted e an enormous industry in the United jat a fine baby of some fifteen months. I annoyed. the scene; the waters as viewed are as if in such md the dreamer had been drinking tc>- scale the walls, and twice they stag- 5 , a substance, and &tates the and Their low, melodious din; In one fist was clinched a. waste ox my nnest ieenngs. xaere and as as the like cheesy r fire of the brave during past twenty years, not dimpled tightly polished, stationary wightj cases I use tweezers to remove it, and cether for several days a short time afte gared back before the 0ne which to be Shave your face, bat your I roos my arms on my breast, the which had so was I stirred to the depth, well-nigh walls that look down on them from suclj as strewn - appears steadily .(i.. i" brush, neatly arranged the iodine the same. ;he murder. It has been suggested, defenders, leaving the ground was a few customers.T)(i:V' And all is within. the mother's braids; while the other moved to tears, by a baby's feverish fearfhl continue murderer a third Delaware yearsinreasing. peace height. In case of wattles, though not i possible solution, that the with their dead. Then charge 8c; center You can't clams without moving was in the smile almost as persevering as his pendicular as the tallest house, afj a charm than iodine, rom the flames. A lady dreamt that ai& by overpowering numbers mounted the 1'he weight of an insured letter is be for Hanway, w^en for a noble woman," I r acts nearer like " tunnel will, it is thought, open to the philosopher. Why did she iimiabie offspring. Yt t it was he who at "Yes, straight as if built by line. So narrow the with it; and as you iged femalerelative bad been muraerei3 walls, and tumbled over like sheep." nlarked 011 the envelope, and on arrival the first of October, this year. gaged an to our awkward He received the dart meekly.renarked. that one would think tilt, touching spots dream was was short and traffic by him? It is true that he is both Iast put end position ] ' is the gorge can it much than to buy, >y a black servant, and this The last struggle terrible, at its destination the letter is'again accept said » » » « a ^«Am oi/^o fn aiHn fVw make cheaper last ranked a wild desire to have Philosopher," I, suddenly I'lII U W UX a OlA/UC ll^iu oiuv IV Oiuu tn\j' to the without a shadow y Michigan university year imaginative and critical, but faculties sy expressing my " I will add the proportions in preparing epeated so often that she repaired The Texans fought weighed, and it the second weighing of the United. ! < on the new curtains in his ' to rouse him at any cost, deterninedwhen easiest of no liv set a t0 with no other alterna- and letter second amor g the colleges exercised in the formation of psycho- )pinion study. f f hio rn.-im vnn xxrova nr\(rmcra/1 in accomplishments, yet one alcoiioi, c)ld lady's house, and gentleman of hope, fought tallies with the marks, if the V*w«4* it. Iodine, ounce; Thia 'L bUWIVU II1IU 1 V «/UA JWH Tl or succeededI viz., States in the number oi students. hypothecs, and the laborious de- 1lather sheepishly I said good-bye to the ing man has ever done it, one potassa-iodine. one drachm. ivatch in the night. About three o'cloc]it tive but death before them. Fought in shows no evidence of having been logical 1 the house, to Ijraver." His color certainly deepened. so that it would pint; servant was for it is said when year, first. struction of those of one's neighbor do ady of trying express by ' in thiowing any object Should fowls show signs of in- in the morning the black their dying -agony, p with, it is assumed to be intameredthe I never cail May I ask," I inquired with an below. ' your room ladies the fichu-sba»eortant member of the conde- ational order Universe?" mountain that has and r a \vas buried beneath the coal3 the dead of Crockett frt>m a horse-car can't keep their shape for day, I family a but parted actualis off the side feathers, leaving found Around body that they can't step s to leave a the He made gesture of impatience The s , gulling are rew hats are never new. If he notices the cended damp spot by studied admiration: slid into the chasm. gorge 2,00£ nice bunch on the end. (These feathers 1The coincidences of dreams very were nine Mexicans he had slain in Armenia to without getting off a good an which e of my left whisker. inswered stiH with feet and most precipito-jj two to drean last The Christians appeal rain, he opens umbrella mi?ht :dge J ' sheer-depth, I- always save when my poultry is rnarkable. For persons ? in the bloody struggle. Post. thing.-r-5oy residing at a school a hundred mile3 the traveler may read: "Thermopylae rifling on in ternly as having all its cant phrases onsubectthe and freely that he went to hi8 avaged, and their women treated with that the Bible is particularly severe be seen walking the park at the fash- that he was a "father. "Not been Can't 1 to the appallinej depths ruggtedsituation,health it is necessary for a fowl to have from homo dreamt had her messenger of defeat, the Alamo f; utmost For all this there bases his discovery on ionable hour with a, far-off look in his t "do mean to jip of your tongue. speak the tascination of the dinger feel father's house, found all closed for th e had none." r be brutality. cremation. He old?"echoed he; you say £xod without to be paid paths, warm feet and legs. Should tbey i no redress. The Turks, call them 2, verses 1-3. eyes, and his hat thrust back as if to that you did not know about the baby?" expecting to give birth to greatest caution.appearscold to the touch anoint with turpen- rlight but the back door, went into hi3 On the twenty-fir3t of April folfowing Jj Amos, chapter » ' j:or it?" " Christian and treat them cow lessen the external pressure on his ac- Not so much as that it was," I replied, The canon, except in the dead of winter, these remedies rnother's room and found herawake. the massacre at San Antonio, the battle dogs," Professor Arnold says a good This was the tables. If he tine. When applying " J Since the Crimean war the milk tive brain; more rarely you may hear a He was overwhelmed. Of turning is approached only from the top, the mu*t use as I cannot see come to bid you he said, I of San Jacinto -was fought. In this last 5 acordingly.should give 8,000 pounds of yearly loomily. ^ take to I knew I you judgment, good-bye," of Armenia has vas to - Ihristian him into enthusiasm in Picca- course he had that one going questions walls below so precipitous and in aim on a She an for the Texans went, r population .nearly twenty-two pounds, or eleven bursting supposed every a fool, being* my patient..Mrs. L. E. McMdhan, going long journey."" struggle liberty and in some of is me iasi ®hould end by admitting myself such a torrent as to all dear as a war °een reduced one-fourth, for in the year. amy, aitnougu riccaamy tmew it from the queen downward. Of I the riyer defy Pacific Rural Press. 8 wered with great trembling, Oh, into battle shouting cry, are no quarts, every day in which a man should allow to have io to avoid a Socratic dialogue put my access. When frozen, as the waters arc; art dead!" And he awoke Ala'mo." The Hexi- he cities and towns there place course fifty people ought told on friend's shoulder and said: Cowl Under the Weather. on, thou "Remember the t! left. Never in the history of Pennsylvania himself to be enthusiastic. In course me J;land my for brief the coldest; he received a letter from hi3 werfl Santa Anna was J; Chrisians of short, Doe, who of had told every- r' are a periods during influ- ioon after cans defeated, has there beerf in so short a space thouirh he is a true friend, he is an un- t At last the You good man, philosopher; may months, the way up the canon may be Cows are very sensitive to the J;ather anxious aftef and Toxan iron hing else. my curiosity got ou and the noble woman live a weather. In clear ; making inquiries captured, independence time such valuable discoveries of comfortable and his vol- btetter of and I cut short 1 but only at the risk olI. ence of the bright, lis health, in consequence or a ingnuu cured. From 1836 to 1845 Texas wasseJ In cases of suspended , or acquaintance; my indignation, a years." accomplished, their vital forces are more active ore made as those of the past year. canic utterances, after long periods ol b apologies by beginning my questions. lis thousnd'personal comfort and not a little dan days cIream which Ms mother had on thp an independent republic, having, during asphyxia, life should not be too soon are with ' "Thank he "and i3 more The German papers teeming calm contemplation, cause such shocks Does the of its head content you," said, simply; ?er. ,and vigorous, digestion rapid ame and which was exactl;7 the four In 1845 this given up. Discussing premature shape 11 nw vrm must, lfit mfi im n.nd sin^ a Dflean waste are more ? night, time, presidents." accounts of the unheard-of proportions to one's nerves a: woujd be to "The of whose and assimilation and 1 even to the word3 " was to our a in a recent to the conveyed 5 ou?" I asked. shape ritii the nobler woman, my patient and secretions which, like butter, dentical with his, very Ion? star republic added communication burils,which emigration to America is the citizen the of ? r active, c no sa<* I 'rench Professor Fort states Sunday by eruption rhat?" cried the philospher, apparently * sweet wife." Printing' Under Difficulties. of >f the conversation. Fortunately constellation of States. Academy, on account yi the new military laws, Primrose hill. But it it was odd that 'enelope, my 9 depend upon the destruction tissue, it bav e . to restore to life a too surprised for grammar. "Of the So he went with strides over the Lassitude is favor- results followed, though may tlhat he was enabled to assuming the beautiful Winifred Hanway should t abv's head, of course," I replied, long The Will of the is the title olf are more abundant. troved a warning to the boy in som hild three years old by practicing A merchant may manage grub along a and I took to People to because it relaxes I An Island Romance. £ and a man friend, it was more odd wish to know if the s£>hodel meadow, myself the of the Nihilists in Russia,. It; able transudation, manner unknown to hi 3 " on it four hours, without advertising, sojmav marry my yet tartily; "I merely tent full of pleasant organ and makes the Inscrutable ofrecent date respiration articial water a that he should marry anyone. There child is to be as intellectual as ay thoughts.. appears in the most extraordinary way the delicate membranes 1rienris. A New York paper says: three hours and a half after empty a hogshead of with likely ^'Blackwood's and conse- or comlencinc: Magazine. of easier _ woman child in this tedious were uo topics more certain to excite an y ou "Isn't the hair love- in unexpected corners, and when least passage liquids The case of the gentleman from Corn The man, death. In another case which but both are decidedly hoped." Thus while of even p aparent triw frm teaspoon, in the than the rnis for. that it is quently more abundant. ' before th try of free schools, who knows a Ulllici kuaiujga. explosion philosopher Iy?" lie asken, inconsequently. looked They say ' rail who dreamt eight days coune c ame under his observation, physician the fats in milk diminish, the albumi- . the existence of the Tristan da Cunha excessive population of the country, and v7as too much, and assuming my Arrowroot. to be found on the toilet tableconitantlyof and vent that he saw Mr. Percival mur ?estored a nearly drowned person alter A Western householder in fillinj; up in j . can be most the wholesome solitude of the thinker. severesi manner I delivered the emperor and under the pillows of noids increase mur/zy weather, clered in the lobby of the House of Com islands, scarcely found; yet :>ur hours of artificial respiration, his census schedule, under the column ' " mnkes'less some 1' ' a of ni'.lk . show them, and in How," he would fiercely ask, can a s in this wise: "I thought, thoughmyelf A Sandwich Island letter to the San itatesmen and generals. The manner yet given weight 1nons by Bellingham, and distinctly re maps cyclope- 1'bis person had been in the water ten where born," described one of his'' cheese than in lair weather. This loss dias are in the few .A ovritrafl rvno " man think on fundamental n o I was that the use or a ose says: The unde- in which this curious is from after the murder they recognizable auu UUM aixnvvt born in the nnd tho effectually doubt wrong, (Cal.) Mercury organ printed is to the fact that it is as ?ognized prints, about Tristan da Cunha. There 1II1UIG3, piijoivitMl children parlor," subjects, who is compelled by the des-1 b to would be to furnish y resources of the island are won- jis defcribed at length by the St. in cheese owing >oth the assassin and his victim, whoni lines J1hou'- after other "upstairs." iaby you partly eloped the albumen ofthe blood over into F orp t.hrpp islands in the crnnn. which asphyxia. tm-able circumstances of life to exhaust 5 ou with raw material for a philoso- derful. The cocoanut palm requires only j correspondent of the Manchester passes rle had never seen previously, seem Western papers are discussing the Petersburg of it is . about a the milk-vessels tlie major part mnnhlonnlt nf n. lies in the South Atlantic ocean, L his in how to enable constant tio be when it becomes in few The office is a M. ,annprnatiiral PTnlana women work?" analytical faculty considering piher, partly you by planted, Guardian. gloomy, covered into which is MJ/WVUV WMAJ between Africa and In the village of Fnirraount, Ind., question, *'Sliallma.ried L to pay his butcher and when to buy his 0 bservation to gain further evidence years very profitable. Indigo is indi- miserable room at the top of a house in caseine, coagu Jion, especially when it is remembere hunger vwhether the infant gains its ideas of nlanioc, from which starch of some fictitious trade.announcementnoooiionot^ id nflPut his friends thinking it fool' He is a law book3. and would doubtless take a ritli -riT-rtfif trt frhnap whn tnim t.hpir nh. squalid. weather this is reversed. Tuese changes ago next May day; and now, t<3 religion. attractingquite look over the victim, }j,er thoughts." "Her thoughts?" cried v is editor, compositor, reporter,apartment rrand, he allowed the matter to dro]p years If some ofthe most house his back with the don't mean to t< to them. The manioc low often amount to enouga to make rei. Captain East, of her majesty's ship numbering foljwing.M. Louis Favre, tho engineer-in-chief upon docility } , in amazement; "you jntion is,a printer and publisher. Under the of ill the news of the murder rudely citizens of the village. They tunnel, fell of a snail. S; a are s bush a smooth red five per cent, difference in the yield Comus, has just reported his delivery of s] repectablewho built the St. Gothard ay it's girl? Good gracious! you preading having of the miserable bed the typemattressis while mscitated it. rofes3 extreme holiness, aud an entire on the evie of the 1 could not soive the problem; I n ot to educate a female a with short along cheese in ft»vor of good weather, about U3 the presents sent by President Hayts to p dead in the tunnel going" philoso- talk, prominentjoints bidden. Thence, when occasion offers, as shown A lady of our acquaintance crew, si from the world and its soruid His bust in" would not it up. So, full of the berH" He looked rather vexed. "Of tltie stcfiis and a tuft of small : to the total of albuminoids by saw in ai! the isianders who succored the ?paration of the boring. £ive p growing it is transferred the multitudinous is in the ihange her habitation sleep and are pursuto Some of them are so extreme completion be over tlie entrance. determination to drag Diogenes out ol (.ourse it's a he said. "The father almated leaves at the top. The roots, coat. He out analysis the greater muggy ixact of her future home, anook, hangs public buildings, heavier than fat, the milk of the muggy island when was home circle being corrupted by congratulations. My isn't it enough to be a father of a noble posit and attain two or four inches in ' at in whom he ®tocount for to her Miat by England Bonaparte below their servmts. Consequently jliires people authority, shows the gravity, {this by saying on St. Helena, 1,500 miles ii for bread. Their leader professes I in study apparently writing, really eating viroman?" d iameter two or three feet in days greater specific her conduct t imprisoned laborig the of the Chinese professor by length, would kill if a glance could murder, ' he dream really influenced tlle utmost familiarity with the Deity, family a quill pen. He rose at me with a rush, sld woman wHo showed the 100m ad being even tunnel were Italians, anxious to it. I had 'i «««* anoaW r\f TT inspirators. from oneofseed. They e:xhaustive knowledge of Qotnard mostly say Indeed. hardly _ i/v/ v/a ~ lolded into cakes and balked like floor, before with ortwelvebushels " is it uuu latiiui canJ o^caa pems, ' and which laying them, spirits cIress the audience, and treasured u]p us a new at the rate of five and six dollars 3 naid mnrpfhjin Mv dear fpllnw T Hnn't or on a the until dangerous painful duty difficult, or benzine. have 500 hundred cattle, 500 sheep an d a works must force upon standrdpaid shovel natives, of of voicc , * * our daughter as a noble woman?" by just that scribe performs under turpentine c arefully her very peculiarities state lost their limbs or lives know when I am so " a in which condition the poot patient of fowls. The little e:jtimate of what constitutes day. Many * * * really Not at said the little brown; an can be softened and re- c manner and features, and createiii any quantity but I it's in all," philosopher. can detect no the direction of inexorable t Dry paint Iress, is both and contented, and Peter si The plethora of print under through accidents, altogether they glad. every awfullyI had aloof from the lost careful investigation from whom he receives little help, moved by an application with a swab, considerable amusement among his orderly havescholarlip.one the heat and were less way so, such a satisfactory, you know kept philosopher dj* from the taste and committee, a Green is looked up to as the chief, al- «rhich we are suffering will stood frightened '' some like ifference general or not be in accordance with of a strong solution of oxalic acid. friends mimicking the aim less at than the Swiss I do wish all :>r weeks, nursing my wrath, may may by phanton disclaims all to ood effect if it drives us to in handling dynamite* really possible, a ppearance of well prepared dry toast ] the 8how-woman when he awoke. He though he preventions and all that sort of know" l Ichiles I said to myself.cross as a bpar, exam- truth; but there remains Never touch lettuce with a knife, as the fact that nearly tlle of complete knowledge and Germans. thing, you f|wheaten bread. I ate of it and nose *vent to London at the time, am1 power. Doubtless acquirement .when he burst in with a so flu- £* overheard my landoidv say in the ? fact that under the very undeniableof the it impairs the flavor and destroys the pjroper of are in some tllan at the of full and A the speech 11led it as carefully as possible, and saw cif course visited the Towar, where he a majority the population possession young lady surprised that I knew I was passage.when I received a hasty note cassava 'terrible Third Section, despite all the ofthe leaf; always tear it apart to him.he has had sixteen o minds. To know where to clerk" at one of our dry sroodc entiy delivered, no difference. This bread, or crispness ras astonished and somewhat sobereiJ way related wellrdered "gentlemanly " me to come at once. I fancied ofthe a sheet is of rents in f not his earliest visitor that morning. egging akes, constitute a part of the vigilance police, printed, witn the finger^. 2 children.accounts for the estimation in lc>ok for any particular kind literary stores by offering him fifty u summoned to a council of ? large and circulated, and no man J >y the phantom's counterpart, whicl we is an "It amounts "Of course it's taken you by surprise?' lyself chiefs; 11 of the in the Azores, and published When it is necessary to chop suet for which he is held. Captain*East recom- ft)od for which may hunger for a dollar purchase. payment armor, I Portuguese can those who thus ^vas identical in every respect. to of said the be said, ."as I knew it would; a, having donned my shining f the inhabitants of Central and Southlivig put his hand upon any culinary purpose, if flour is mends his son, William Green, for the v second only that beingadantageto a dollar, if you please," f and was the but the truth is, that T have 2ft my tent with fitting dignity, °. and is way to contribute to the literature of sprinkled over it while chopping, it Albert medal, or the life-saving medal rell supplied with it; and for this clerk. "I know it does," escended with a into the imerica, every superior 1 a measure " been thinking of it fo: long time, and clang plain, tie taro and its products aa an article of revolution.will prevent the pieces from adhering. of the Royal Humane society, and, as he v we depend in great adantageanswer, but papa is only paying fifty *ret I could not but be aware of of unread authors, I aui sure I am right." Here I tried to my J11(>od. Strange as it may appear, the Fish, when fresh, have firm flesh, '"Her Deeds on Her Head." greatly distinguished himself on the oc- u oon our knowledge cents on the dollar now." in an impreB3ion of wonder at his '!mdlady's eye piercing me through the the manioc is. A White Infant Tarnsr Black. casion of the Mabel Clark's wreck, the Iit is well worth-while to study the the Ann get juice of grated exressedby clenr eyes, rigid fins, and ruddy father re. The comet discovered by new notion of but he was bent on crack ot the parlor door purposelv left ? not well bright, An uptown one for attention of literature, even if we three minutes duty, "ispissation and some A honk nittepn months :ljto a child was Lobsters and crabs must be intelligent his j matter is somebody's geography Arbor professor has a tail of the matter, and hurried on 3.jar, and of the hasty flapping of loose used as an arrow gills. :ently determin ed to present onl; also. years ago n to be great travelers ourselves. affair. The being,rid startled " manipulation, underSood John Salter and of bright in color and lively in movement. maid of t in this country So^ie hope servecanot long. An insignificant to his reasons. "In the first place," s Uppers which told of the oison the natives of Central and bornio wife, laughter.a beautiful eighteei the islanders begged some cats from a KReviews and other critical has a tale " by - g New York Ledger frequently said he, I am sure that, instead of in- 8lavey's flight into the abyss blow: 1 which promised to developPhiladelphia,iuto with a couple of practical proof which, for some reason, stopped at tliie same purpose as voyages and travels, A tail three minutes gouth America. a man. was a beautiful Some Facts. of twf his affection in the shape Tristan da Cunha, bat the perverse ani- and are, on the whole, not less our attention, and creasing had tine long is hardly worth t ill will transfer them in a to blouse that The door was with fair complexion, dark eyes and Millet is so fruitful that it will often valuable building lots. He rabbits and chickens to who win bodymarriage morning. in an mals preferred trustworthy.no doubt there are persons my wife; and, secondly, when I con- o before I had 'time to ring a 3ilky, dark brown hair, which grew yield a thousand seeds for one planted. leeds prepared, and evening ago elusive mice, and now run wild all comet.. pened by Words ofWisdom. But in a few the th* absence of his child at sI they second U3 in this view of the sider the vast number of fools who are naelancholy footman, who, walking profusion. days parents In old times the tomato was called t.he luring over island, while the mice are . himself were alarmed at a remarkable change to room and laif an heir of all the ages. What should Never join witb your friend when he hair grew stiff and jet black, and the Iron is rolled eo thin at the Pittsburg is in aid to her toilet for dinner part; building, and their duty is to keep watch t from the siuht of mankind. counry Some ten years or his wife, unless the also so that the line >n the intellectual zeal and manly into Russia, and that country at the corner 01 nis moutn. 111s re- i do? The dismal menial had fled to abuses his horse eyes grew darker, (Pa.) rolling mills that 10.000 sheets are following day. 3 over all its inhabitants and report their boy, full of introduced fr/% a rhiolr. an< mind to rust no less than markable fluency was gone, and indeed the shades without a word, without one is about to be sold and the other to between the pupils and the iris could fonnivo/l mate inAl» in Hpr hands fell unon the deeds, doings at stated times. Special regular 8pirit would not allow his has now established have liis voice sounded quite choky when he tven a glance into the room. If I re- be buried. not be distinguished. In spite of ness. is as flexible as tissue paper, }without a moment's examination sh tions are issued for the surveillance of or grow morbid; and, when after several factories, while 260personseightythree «It into slen * a in connection said: "Johnny, you don't know what treated, I left my friend unaided and To is to be ungrateful treatment the boy became worse,medicaland: and quite as thin. i mmediately converted them each floor of the palace. It is ordered y ears his brothers died, leaving very been taught in the school despond all the time the color of ( soon her raven tresse be Nickolas Railway Dairy an angel she i3." A light broke in upon i ignorant of the cause of hisrenamedj] Be not looking for evil. Often grew very weak, A woman birth to four female lor strips, and had that the officers on guard at the floor 1;irge estate to his guidance, emerged with the St. " " beforeiand. la3t he became as gave knobs and three of the me. I said, I be- jitrange conduct. If I advanced, I was thou drainest the of fear while evil his skin deepening. At at last >rnamented with the usual spiral where the emperor resides shall tur i firom his library a rarely cultivated factory. In the Oojesdas Philosopher,'' gall a children Topeka, Illinois, Decern- J and will so are forty-six licve you are to be married be- t the intruder on a scene not ji5 black as full-blooded negro. Then he soon Hie next morning, without removinj?£ back every one who is found there wi' .1- birilliant man, with a brain government of Vologda going " tgain passing thy dwelling. ber. The mother died after, but of 4 520 cause you fell in loVe?" Perhaps ycu j for my In an was attacked byconvulsions, which greiv 1,he papers, she went down to breakfast out authority and does not oe- 11 rained that it was a very easy matter factories, :it which the milk prepared inspection. are uttered one the four are all and in , specinl When words of charity more and violent until £girls living good her witl[' life and affairs, From this milk 12,420 aie right," said the philosopher. jigony of hesitation I feei to brushing my . an frequent they health. ind found her father awaiting to the family. Between 1toJUim to grasp practical cows is utilized. instrument _ long imperial hinks the human tongue threatened the child's life. It was in i smile on his benevo are Mr. cheese have hem m «le. and After the wedding, the philosopher 1iat with my elbow; but not finding the when words of slander are peculiarly happy twelve at night and eight in the morn- Slo delightful Kavanagh's ponds ol value an < was livine; one of these that Dr. wae When the yacht Lancashire Witch jent countenance." His face drew downl' admitted t and that he 8.085 of butter The total and his wife went abroad for indefin- ?xpected reliefin the occupation. I t one wonders the world was Reynolds snout ing not even the czarewitch is spiritual graces inellectualpoods heard ! to why uteredcalled in. He succceded in curing the was docked at San Francisco, the jlowever, when his gave hin he obtained viron for his wife a vnry beautiful and of this has been i?0fi,700 rubles.a ruble' ite period, and their friends but ibout desist, when my hat decided dumb. daughter i without a special pass, to i lot made and then devoted his attention of a sword-fish was found to have pene- t;he usual salutation and seatec woman. His children are all about seventy-six little ofthem. He wrote to nobody, and what my head could not, by falling with what is reasonable and spasms, trated and in her bot- morning from the court marshal, Von Grote c harming I being equivalent she di«1 not write tome. YettLere were ii crack on the floor. The effect was If 50U hope for to the strange disease which Afflicted copper planking \lerself at the table. He fidgeted about This is so strictly carried out h right and handsome, and he is greatly cents of Amoi ican avney. then work will probably get it. die child. He at once it as torn, and broken off. t or a moment or two, »nu men, win regulation and his occasional rumors. Now they were electrical. Without one glance at the you like recognized that Dr. Bolkin, the empress1 body pi:y- 1:>eloved. both by tliera by ihe keen air of the j the "made a *iut if you expect the impossible, melanosis or pigmentation, which iti Bugs are an important article in the jill-concealed anxiety, inquired: one for a n In of his bodily breathing Engardine, intruder, philosopher grab wanted to a or sician, had to wait night pa-w spite tenantry. of the Dead. man who a are I now sinking to the chestnuts and vines jit the nearest book shelf, dragged out a 1he buy pair mentioned in the nooks in general way, trade of Rio Janeiro. Their wings "Hem! Laura, didn't you get you before he was admitted lo his patient. 11 Mr. Kavanaghis a note Nimrod,ruisforune Disposal '* lV. l...... n cnMi^'n u*lnr>li ' s with which to a bird's-eye no case where it had and some of in u nwuii »* ijivii clops of Chiavenna; now he was lashing him- volume which had not been touched for pectacles get but there is given made into artificial flowers, (ieeds?" and the medicine he had sent for was rlUIIlg III ItI 1IUUII113 The Kamtchadale? keep specialdead. are to be " self to over the treasures of haif a and hunted for %riew of the city, you bound developed all through the body. This> the more brilliant varieties are worn as "The maiden looked ud in surprise back until tor i s liie himself invented. with the greatest for the purpose of pr»nsuming their frenzy ROme; century, nothing 1 ' also kept authority their now she was gazingwith sweet northern in its paces with frantic eagerness. He clisappointed. was over sixteen months ago, the child ornaments in ladies' hair. Deeds, father; what deeds?" admission was obtained. The subt^r- energy and daring. TJie Latooknf, nt Z.mzibar,> bury across tne of the was still at when I stood over him bein? then thirteen months old. Sinct! The electrical eel found in the The old gentleman looked blank" all been bricked deaj who «i L.' irom disease or old ape, eyes elowing splendor it, ponds ' ranenn apartments have Vi Aforl trrifViAiif rw fVint h n has b\ I last ' a to leave those slain of Then they were in Ger- u.uvi uisi^u. rriiuyui wunuci tuat lie uviu then the boy greatly improved, f.nd rivers of South America will give a Why, the deeds gave you night up, it having been decided that they but make it r.nJ»- bay Naples. Dalccarlian Peasant. until now h< of a Snrglonl Operation wild beasts m:iny, and about to settle for life in a ithe book upside down; then, with the Tbe degrees becoming lighter, shock almost strong enough \o knock a c;hild. shall no longer be inhabited. I Jesuit Singular in battle to be devoured by their town; but anon had fled imitation of which I The in this Swedish district is of a light chestnut brown color. Since! man down. It kills its prey with this There was an honest look of astonish A little Jessie Ltimlv. upon where they Ho. The Parsers brinir university surprise people case girl, towers, called from it in haste after a long night's Eoorestave ever seen, he rose and grasped my *(till to their old costumes, which Dr. Reynolds has had the in charge and delends itseli tnerewith. mnnt. in the vouncr cirl's eves. Balloons. virhom the of pastrotomy, or dead to oertair rotind " cling over 20( power father ? Submarine operation be eaten in the course of which my learned hand. You found me on the track of ?ire picturesque; but they the child has been visited by ; force to "The deeds you gave me, ° utting through the stomach, was towers of silence, to by vuiJ dispute, quaintly The Chinese oysters produce ,tVhere arp Experiments in a deep lake near Ber- who has sinee make those towers their Iriend had well-nigh come to blows with something," he said; "I was looking < go abroad in, all their splendor sellomphysicians. small beads into the they?" of a last August, and perormeutures. which men women pearls by putting And then a sudden recollectioiti lini have shown the practicability |'' nourishment The Moors lay the the university's most celebrated pro- it out in.in" t Sunday. Then both and un;il > shells ef the live oyster and returning it for received all her through dwelling places. The iron workers of England includ< * her and with a new and ingenious plan raising and on the ground", and lessor. Here it occurred to him that he did <'.ome forth as clean and neat as it is aroin to the sea, where soon cover irossed mind, other *lie stomach, is gaining strength bodies of the dead 140,000 laboreis in furnaces and forges , they movement her hand sought sunken vessels and heavy objects The child masticates thorns on them to keep At last I heard that were not know the name of the venerable s for soap and water and possible the beads with a them irightful invention 13 that lesh very radidly. pilimr prickly they again of ma secretion, making water. The -»r IrtnTTa 169,000 ::i the manufacture The old lost ill the |11 +Vio»n toW- dPO.1V. The enthusiasm, tome which he so to make them. Short red nor curl papers. gen the food her, and, bein a < with kneebreeches, chinery, 5,.WO j ;leman noticed her confusion, wallow, takes the chewed diet ami Colehians suspended the ancientorpses d art ed round the confer to welcome them and with heightened color and a sud- green sleeve*, waistcoats and *200,000 in varioui3 the relics in the office of the his struck in the satne dii- an unintiated balloon, containing a !s the women they them but den chanae of manner, he turned :md leathern aprons covering the shipbuilding, Among jinstantly gaze s it into her stomach through inertsof men in trees, but their home. Nobodywas with quickly long iron steel manufacture, board in is a his bottle of acid in salt, " constitute the usual male branches of and police Cleveland, 0., rope rection.and there, twined with sulphuric, p.-cked 'ube there by t:se surgeon. She buried. The Gonds and Bhils. of India, I to me and said: child is ill." I sliest, these - of placed Mrs. Haiiway, Winifred's mother. My about in all. The min that has It saw nif which, when to the action own corf nnrtP.H'S women. he exposed nf»-- Uwn\_ and 570,000 ( « felt nositivelv euiltv. I had been antrrv while the women making hanged eighteen culprits. laughter's tresses, strips c (U1int i »/«/ --r~ i bum their men but bury their would enter unannounced and surprise workaday apparel; is about and thi2 is of three-fourths of an inch in " and there a tell - the acid, carbonic-acid gas. for wear thick ankle boots and short dark ing population 530,000, hemp, legal cap." with here generates r> be healthy and as cheerful The Zodas bury their children, the thepmlosopher. I entered unannounced, with that baby making my wise laborers in cotton mills abcut 600,000. thickness, and is strengthened by braid- ( ot red wax. The balloon is taken under the water by 1t( perfectly Antonia burn all others; for not a for woolen skirts, which, on Sundays, are taleliit sealing " *'1a .my of her playniates..1-San of infanticide, and aud was surprised myself. Was this the friend foolish, being boy, ing a small tarred strand of hemp in " deeds," he thy deed s a diver and fastened to the object that is burial ttnd victims called a noble woman. Was it enlivened bodices and aprons a in Thy groaned, (Texas) Express. the Greeks used both eff- rt ot matrimony or of foreign travel? bein? by bright has new institution f the crevices left by the large strands- be on head!" to be raised. Then a screw is turned burial was a of red and or black and ^Baltimore cuxthj thy Among tlie Romans Each occupant of the room was engaged not shameful that great hulking brute blue, yellow, sliape or a Dig van, loaneu wiui 1101 beaut,iful did not sh e which liberates the acid, ens is formed, wasburning.not a snow-white linen sleeves, A puzzle to scientists is the remarkB The girl faint; of the earlier custom. Burning in an exercise as it should sneer at weak thing that could with large, ee, which is driven about the streets fo;^ - the balloon and rises, an<1 it is Tho happiness your depends wholly unconnected, or scar aide of certain odors. More lust humbly begged her parent's for expands lifi^ till the but was uni with those of the rest. My noteven answer with a taunt? Were and rather tightly-fitting white accommodation of laborers. A cuj persistence e a of the size of the balloon, u pon t:io quality 01 your iiiuu£ina« general republic, se(med, How contrive to the than 1,0P0 years ago the mortar used in sjiveness for her carelessness, and th only question and take versal under the empire. The y friend's wife, the whom I had not my sarcasms enough to crush so let caps. they keep of the is sold for three cents. so elated over hi s the strength ofthe tack!;;, »nd the weight t lierofore, cuard nccordingly, lady in such a beverage the construction of the mosque of St. f>ld gentleman felt I'liMTtriin no notions embalmed their dead. The a The little noble their finery spotless state, - whether it sh:ili be carc that you Egyptians loved, queen of ail grace and almost plantP poor delicate in was witticism that he not only foi of the sunken object, ana and the Christians both wa3 woman was in danger and I could do while their houses are so small and their Sophia, Constantinople, charged happy or not. The near p to virtu«» :irr1 unreasonable to Mohammed appearing and disappearingcomeliness, A Paris says that don - with the of which per- scavener. but duplicated the document,s raised experiments unuitaM';use a to her. There were tears furniture so scanty, is a which correspondent musk, perfume were successful. n uturo. burial. like flash behind the day's Times, nothing help problem meat is to horse or pork. meates the to this day. the very same day..Chicago Times. Berlin showing at the moments of disclosure a in the eyes which were looking into the stranger will find it hard to solve. key superi# building