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The BG News January 21, 2000

Bowling Green State University

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Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The BG News January 21, 2000" (2000). BG News (Student Newspaper). 6590.

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the time to see it. because it is so "I enjoy the stars and sky. It is Observers beautiful." very peaceful, something you don't The Earth's shadow started it's get to see very often," said Todd eclipse of the moon shortly after Roll, a freshman sports management impressed, 10:00. with the total eclipse occur- major. ring at 11:05. Dan Zalinski. a sophomore 1 despite bad An eclipse is the cause of the sun physics education major agreed, "I and moon being on directly opposite am very excited about this, it is sides of the Earth, blocking sunlight something that only happens once in weather from reaching the moon. This caus- a long while." es the moon to be covered by a shad- "This is a very unique opportuni- ow, often giving it a reddish glow. ty," said Brian Rose, a senior premed. major. STAI+ WRITER Rarely has it been possible, as it was last night, for an eclipse to be Others were in attendance for the viewed by such a vast amount of the thrill of a new experience. The first lolal lunar eclipse of the "This is really interesting, since it new century was filled with snow, world, without the necessity of a telescope or binoculars. will be a new experience," said Jay causing bad visibility at times, how- Vandcrsall. a freshman art education ever everyone who gathered at the Because this event was so widely major. "It is good to be aware of the University's observatory agreed that anticipated, people around the world things that are happening around it was an amazing event. went so far as to hold parties for the you." "This is another one of the Uni- viewing. "I am really happy I was able to versity's beauties; it is great and Many members of the University, come up here and see this." said Lia amazing." said Stacy Hunt, resident as well as Bowling Green residents, Vanderzwart, a freshman creative BEN FRENCH/ The BG News of Bowling Green. were in attendance and excited to writing major. Greg Abernathy, a graduate of the witness the rare feat. The last lunar eclipse took place ECLIPSE — Silhouttees of students observe the lunar eclipse on the roof top of the University University agreed. "Something like Everyone agreed that this was September. 1997. with the next one observatory. this is just so rare you should take going to be a unique experience. expected for July 16. Proposed teacher evaluations give students stronger voice Tower

JENNIFER LULEY department to department, most consist of working with faculty members to decide how that adjustments to courses and leaching styles STAFF WRrrtR about 20 close-ended questions where stu- to distribute the evaluations. Optimally, he should be made based on the results dents rank the instructor and course as well as said, the evaluations could be ready to distrib- in addition. Frizado said as the chairman of tests BG Nearly every college student has had them about five open-ended questions where stu- ute by the end of the spring semester. a department, he views the evaluations as an — instructors who can make everything from dents can write comments. "What we're trying to do is