Phylogeny of Hydradephagan Water Beetles Inferred from 18S Rrna Sequences Ignacio Ribera,1 James E
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution Vol. 23, No. 1, April, pp. 43–62, 2002 doi:10.1006/mpev.2001.1080, available online at on Phylogeny of Hydradephagan Water Beetles Inferred from 18S rRNA Sequences Ignacio Ribera,1 James E. Hogan, and Alfried P. Vogler Department of Entomology, The Natural History Museum, Cromwell Road, London SW7 5BD, United Kingdom; and Department of Biology, Imperial College at Silwood Park, Ascot SL5 7PY, United Kingdom Received March 27, 2001; revised October 27, 2001 more than 200 genera and has been subdivided into six Several families in the beetle suborder Adephaga families, summarily referred to as Hydradephaga. This have an aquatic life style and are commonly grouped includes the true diving beetles (Dytiscidae), the larg- in the “Hydradephaga,” but their monophyly is con- est group, with more than 3500 species and nine sub- tentious and relationships between and within these families, plus several smaller families including the families are poorly understood. Here we present full- Gyrinidae (whirligig beetles, approx. 1000 species), No- length 18S rRNA sequence for 84 species of Hy- teridae (burrowing water beetles, 270 species), Halipli- dradephaga, including representatives of most major dae (crawling water beetles, 220 species), and two mo- groups down to the tribal level, and a total of 68 spe- nogeneric families, Hygrobiidae (squeak beetles, 6 cies of the largest family, Dytiscidae. Using a direct species) and Amphizoidae (troutstream beetles, 6 spe- optimization method for the alignment of length-vari- cies). Diving beetles spend most of their life cycle in the able regions, the preferred tree topology was obtained when the cost of gaps and the cost of nucleotide water, with only the pupae terrestrial, and they are changes were equal, and three hypervariable regions generally characterized by a flattened hydrodynamic of 18S rRNA were downweighted by a factor of body shape and modified hind legs used as paddles.
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