Prepared for BHP Billiton Nickel West September 2016 Final Report Mt Keith Satellite Operations: Aquatic Ecology Impact Assessment © MWH Australia Pty Ltd. All rights reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced in any material form or communicated by any means without the permission of the copyright owner. This document is confidential. Neither the whole nor any part of this document may be disclosed to any third party without the prior written approval of MWH and BHP Billion Nickel West Australia. MWH Australia Pty Ltd undertook the work, and prepared this document, in accordance with specific instructions from BHP Billion Nickel West Australia to whom this document is addressed, within the time and budgetary requirements of BHP Billion Nickel West Australia. The conclusions and recommendations stated in this document are based on those instructions and requirements, and they could change if such instructions and requirements change or are in fact inaccurate or incomplete. MWH Australia Pty Ltd has prepared this document using data and information supplied to MWH Australia Pty Ltd BHP Billion Nickel West Australia and other individuals and organisations, most of whom are referred to in this document. Where possible, throughout the document the source of data used has been identified. Unless stated otherwise, MWH Australia Pty Ltd has not verified such data and information. MWH Australia Pty Ltd does not represent such data and information as true or accurate, and disclaims all liability with respect to the use of such data and information. All parties relying on this document, do so entirely at their own risk in the knowledge that the document was prepared using information that MWH Australia Pty Ltd has not verified. This document is intended to be read in its entirety, and sections or parts of the document should therefore not be read and relied on out of context. The conclusions and recommendations contained in this document reflect the professional opinion of MWH Australia Pty Ltd, using the data and information supplied. MWH Australia Pty Ltd has used reasonable care and professional judgment in its interpretation and analysis of the data. The conclusions and recommendations must be considered within the agreed scope of work, and the methodology used to carry out the work, both of which are stated in this document. This document was intended for the sole use BHP Billion Nickel West Australia and only for the use for which it was prepared, which is stated in this document. Any representation in the document is made only to BHP Billion Nickel West Australia. MWH Australia Pty Ltd disclaims all liability with respect to the use of this document by any third party, and with respect to the use of and reliance upon this document by any party, including BHP Billion Nickel West Australia for a purpose other than the purpose for which it was prepared. MWH Australia Pty Ltd has conducted environmental field monitoring and/or testing for the purposes of preparing this document. The type and extent of monitoring and/or testing is described in the document. Subject to the limitations imposed by the instructions and requirements of BHP Billion Nickel West Australia, the monitoring and testing have been undertaken in a professional manner, according to generally-accepted practices and with a degree of skill and care which is ordinarily exercised by reputable environmental consultants in similar circumstances. MWH Australia Pty Ltd makes no other warranty, express or implied. Maps produced by MWH Australia Pty Ltd may be compiled from multiple external sources and therefore MWH Australia Pty Ltd does not warrant that the maps provided are error free. MWH Australia Pty Ltd does not purport to represent precise locations of cadastral corners or the surveyed dimensions of cadastral boundaries. MWH Australia Pty Ltd gives no warranty in relation to mapping data (including accuracy, reliability, completeness or suitability) and accepts no liability for any loss, damage or costs relating to any use of the data. Mt Keith Satellite Operations: Aquatic Ecology Impact Assessment This document has been prepared for the benefit of BHP Billiton Nickel West. No liability is accepte d by this company or any employee or sub-consultant of this company with respect to its use by any other person. This disclaimer shall apply notwithstanding that the report may be made available to BHP Billiton Nickel West and other persons for an application for permission or approval to fulfil a legal requirement. QUALITY STATEMENT PROJECT MANAGER PROJECT TECHNICAL LEAD Brooke Hay Dr Fiona Taukulis PREPARED BY Dr Fiona Taukulis CHECKED BY Dr Fiona Taukulis REVIEWED BY Kylie McKay (BHP Billiton Nickel West) Dr David Jasper APPROVED FOR ISSUE BY Dr David Jasper PERTH 41 Bishop Street, Jolimont , WA 6014 TEL +61 (08) 9388 8799, FAX : +61 (08) 9388 8633 Revision Schedule Signature or Typed Name (documentation on file). Rev Date Description No Prepared by Checked by Reviewed by Approved by v1.0 13/07/16 Draft Report Dr Fiona Taukulis V2.0 20/07/16 Revised Draft Dr Fiona Taukulis Kylie McKay V3.0 22/09/16 Final Report Dr Fiona Taukulis Dr David Jasper Status: Final Project No.: 83503335 April 2016 Our ref: P:\Yakabindie\AQ\83503335 - YAKA-AQ-16001 BH\7. Deliverables\2. Final report\YAKA-AQ-16001 Final Report v3.0 20160930.docx Mt Keith Satellite Operations: Aquatic Ecology Impact Assessment Executive Summary BHP Billiton Nickel West (Nickel West) is proposing to develop the Mt Keith Satellite Operations (MKSO Project), located approximately 25 km south of Mt Keith, in the Northern Goldfields region of Western Australia. The MKSO Project will include two open pits, a waste landform, run of mine (ROM) pad and associated mining and transport infrastructure. MWH Australia Pty Ltd (formerly Outback Ecology) was commissioned to undertake an aquatic ecology impact assessment of Jones Creek and the associated southwest terminal claypans, in relation to the MKSO Project. The impact assessment comprised the following components; database searches, to identify the potential likelihood of conservation significant communities or species; a literature review of all existing aquatic surveys completed in the vicinity of the MKSO Project, including a summary of methodology, key findings, species recorded and conservation status; an aquatic baseline study (this study), completed on Jones Creek and the claypans in 2011 (Outback Ecology 2012), investigating the diversity of aquatic biota and ecological values; and an impact assessment, relating to the ecological values of Jones Creek and the claypans, which may be used to inform future environmental approvals for the MKSO Project. Previous aquatic ecology studies of Jones Creek were completed in 1992 and 2005, focussing on the aquatic invertebrate assemblage from a limited number of sites. In 2011, Outback Ecology employed a more comprehensive two phase approach to the aquatic baseline study, with field surveys undertaken in March and April 2011, following a major flood event. A total of 10 sites were established; six in Jones Creek and four in the terminal claypans, from which a range of ecological components were assessed, including for the first time planktonic and periphytic algae (primary producers). A summary of the key habitat characteristics is provided in Table E1, and a summary of the aquatic biota recorded during this study is presented in Table E2. Table E1: Summary of habitat characteristics of Jones Creek and the claypans. Waterbody Residence Time Water Clarity Substrate Type Water Quality Riparian Vegetation Freshwater, Highly degraded, Coarse sands and circumneutral to understorey of grasses Jones Creek <2 months Clear pebbles, highly alkaline, low nutrients and sedges, overstorey permeable and metals of Eucalyptus Freshwater, Highly degraded, Fine clays, circumneutral, understorey of grasses Claypan >2 months Turbid overlying elevated nutrients and herbs, overstorey of impervious layer and some metals Melaleuca and Acacia Table E2: Summary of diversity of aquatic biota recorded from Jones Creek and the claypans. Biota Jones Creek Claypan Total Taxa General Distribution Reproductive Strategies Phytoplankton 26 22 33 Cosmopolitan Desiccation resistant spores Diatoms 21 32 35 Cosmopolitan Desiccation resistant spores Aquatic 93 90 132 Western Australia or Mobile adult stages or Invertebrates Australia-wide* desiccation resistant eggs Frogs 4 2 4 Australia-wide Mobile adult stages * with the exception of new taxa. Status: Final Project number: 83503335 Our ref: YAKA-AQ-16001 Final Report v3.0 20160930 Mt Keith Satellite Operations: Aquatic Ecology Impact Assessment Jones Creek and the claypans provide an important freshwater refugia within an arid environment. The 2011 study showed that the abiotic environment was governed by hydrological, geomorphological and biogeochemical factors, which strongly influenced the aquatic biota. Planktonic algae were more abundant and diverse in the clear pools of the creek, while periphytic diatoms dominated the claypans, due to the high turbidity. Opportunistic, transient insect groups were a characteristic of the invertebrate fauna assemblage of Jones Creek, and were associated with habitat availability and the limited residence time of surface water pools. In contrast, resident crustacean fauna were a feature of the claypans, due to the longer hydroperiod. Vertebrate fauna were limited to frogs, with most species occurring along the length of the creekline and into the claypans.
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