Congressional Record United States Th of America PROCEEDINGS and DEBATES of the 110 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION

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Congressional Record United States Th of America PROCEEDINGS and DEBATES of the 110 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 110 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 154 WASHINGTON, TUESDAY, JUNE 17, 2008 No. 100 House of Representatives The House met at 12:30 and was Currently, about 3,000 people in Just last month, they won multiple called to order by the Speaker pro tem- North Carolina are awaiting life-saving awards at the SMARTT Challenge com- pore (Mr. LARSEN of Washington). organ transplants. The Clemmons Ro- petition in Raleigh. The SMARTT elec- f tary’s Billboards on Wheels program is tric vehicle challenge, which draws going to improve the lives of these peo- hundreds of students from across the DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO ple in need of an organ transplant in southeast, stands for Students Making TEMPORE North Carolina. In fact, this brilliant Advancements in Renewable Transpor- The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- marketing idea is beginning to garner tation Technology. fore the House the following commu- some national attention from other ro- The students and teachers at West nication from the Speaker: tary clubs that would like to replicate Wilkes High School are on the cutting WASHINGTON, DC, this program in States other than edge of hands-on instruction and learn- June 17, 2008. North Carolina. ing, and I congratulate them for main- I hereby appoint the Honorable RICK The trend-setting people of the ro- taining one of the best high school LARSEN to act as Speaker pro tempore on tary club are model citizens who are electric vehicle programs in the Na- this day. working to make our world a healthier tion. I hope they’ll keep up the good NANCY PELOSI, and more livable place. I hope that work. Speaker of the House of Representatives. their good deeds inspire others to take This leads me into my next com- f up this great outreach idea and to help ments, Mr. Speaker. The Democrats MORNING-HOUR DEBATE match donors with those in need. are inventing false arguments again. Mr. Speaker, today, I also want to ‘‘Use it or lose it’’ is already the law. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- call special attention to the innovation For Federal onshore competitive oil ant to the order of the House of Janu- and hard work of the students involved and gas leases, an oil company must ary 4, 2007, the Chair will now recog- in West Wilkes High School’s electric have a producing well by 10 years. This nize Members from lists submitted by vehicle program. comes from section 17(e) of the Mineral the majority and minority leaders for Under the guidance and direction of Leasing Act, (source: 30 U.S.C. 226(e)). morning-hour debate. Advisor Chris Tolbert, students in the Prior to 1992, the lease term was 5 f West Wilkes electric vehicle program years. The Energy Policy Act of 1992, have completely rebuilt two vehicles— under a Democrat House, modified it to CLEMMONS ROTARY CLUB CRE- a Ford pickup and a Mazda Miata—into 10 years. For Federal offshore oil and ATES INNOVATIVE PUBLIC OUT- fully functional electric cars. This gas leases, an oil company must REACH PROGRAM award-winning electric vehicle pro- produce energy between 5 and 10 years. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gram is exactly the sort of program we This is from the Outer Continental Chair recognizes the gentlewoman from need to help teach young people the Shelf Lands Act. North Carolina (Ms. FOXX) for 5 min- skills and technology of the future. So House Democrats do not even utes. I applaud Mr. Tolbert and the stu- know what is existing law. What Demo- Ms. FOXX. Mr. Speaker, I rise today dents at West Wilkes for their forward- crats would have you believe is that a to praise the critical community serv- thinking mindset. These students have lease is a license to produce oil and ice being performed by the Rotary Club custom-built electric cars, cars with- gas. It is not. A lease is only the start of Clemmons, North Carolina. out gas engines, from the ground up. of a process involving several steps the The Clemmons Rotary Club launched This is a herculean accomplishment government requires an oil company to a unique initiative this year to boost with more than 3,000 hours of hard take before it may get permission to awareness of organ and tissue donor work going into the design and build- drill. programs in North Carolina. They have ing of the Mazda Miata alone. Democrats are effectively arguing spruced up the sides of about a dozen Fortunately, their hard work is pay- that we should pull leases away from semi-truck trailers with huge public ing dividends. Not only are they invest- oil companies before they even receive service ads, calling attention to the ing in a cleaner environment and in an permission to drill. That’s like saying constant need for organ donors in economy that is less dependent on gas we should flunk a first grader on his North Carolina. Each truck highlights and oil, but they have brought home first day of school because he has not organ donor programs in North Caro- many awards and have captured na- yet taken his final exam. lina and directs potential donors to tional attention for their electric car Most of the drilling on Federal leases visit innovations. has been for natural gas. Natural gas b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H5413 . VerDate Aug 31 2005 06:35 Sep 14, 2008 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD08\RECFILES\H17JN8.REC H17JN8 mmaher on PROD1PC76 with CONG-REC-ONLINE H5414 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE June 17, 2008 production was up, way up last year, I’ve got a petition here. Don’t worry. curity and prosperity. For Jews in and so was demand. In fact, the indus- This is one board. We’ve got five America, we owe it to our ancestors to try is producing more gas under these boards. We’ve got every district, all 435 protect the Jewish homeland that they leases, but they cannot keep up with Members who can vote in this House. toiled for centuries to achieve. We owe demand because Democrats and their We’ve got a petition, and it says, ‘‘I to it our grandparents and to our great radical environmental allies will not will vote to increase U.S. oil produc- grandparents who never saw the Prom- allow the leasing of new areas. Ninety- tion to lower gas prices for Ameri- ised Land. We owe it to our children seven percent of Federal offshore areas cans.’’ How simple is that? That’s pret- and to our grandchildren, who must al- are not leased. Ninety-four percent of ty simple. ways know a world with a Jewish Federal onshore areas are not leased. So what we’ve done is we’ve got this. homeland. We owe them peace in our Again, I say, Mr. Speaker, the Demo- Congressman PRICE and myself didn’t time. crats are inventing false arguments to bring it out until, really, after every- f keep us from increasing our supply of body had kind of gone home up here RISING GAS PRICES energy in this country. last Thursday, and we’ve already got- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The f ten 20 signatories. I’ve got two pens that I’m going to attach to these peti- Chair recognizes the gentleman from LOWER GAS AND ENERGY PRICES tions. Mr. Speaker, I’m going to put Georgia (Mr. PRICE) for 5 minutes. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The them over here by the back door here Mr. PRICE of Georgia. Mr. Speaker, Chair recognizes the gentleman from on the minority side, and I’m going to it’s a privilege to come to the well of Georgia (Mr. WESTMORELAND) for 5 invite every Member of Congress who the House and address this body. It’s minutes. believes that they would vote to reduce Tuesday, about 16 minutes to 1 o’clock, and the House is back in session for an- Mr. WESTMORELAND. Mr. Speaker, these prices to come by and sign them. I want to take just a moment, before I Just to give the American people, other week. Today, we are going to be taking up start with any of my energy remarks, Mr. Speaker, a way to look at this, we some interesting resolutions. H.R. 1002 to welcome President Chen, Joy and are going to post, and are going to try expresses support for the designation of Sean Chen here with General Protecht to post in as real a time as we can, on April 2008 as Public Radio Recognition that is opening up a business in my dis- different Web pages who has signed it. trict in Barnesville, Georgia. It’s great Month. We are going to take up House So, if you want to know who has signed Resolution 1029, which congratulates to have them visiting Washington, D.C. so far, you can go to What I really want to talk to the and recognizes Chi-Chi Rodriguez for moreland, and you can also go to his continued success on and off the people about today, Mr. Speaker, is the
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