The Mishkan at Central Synagogue Parashat Vayelech, September 15, 2018 / 6 Tishrei 5779

Morning Blessings of Gratitude / Birchot HaShachar Supplementary and Songs:

Waking / Pitchu Li (Shefa Gold; text: Psalm 118) (Handout) Gathering / Pitchu Li Pitchu li, sha’rei tzedek Avo vam, odeh Yah (Handout) Our Bodies /

Our Souls / Elohai Neshama Open for me the gates of justice; Everyday Miracles / Nisim B’Chol Yom I will enter and praise God

Learning Asher Yatzar (Dan Nichols) Songs of Praise / Pesukei D’Zimra I thank You for my life, body, and soul. Psalm 145 / Help me realize I am beautiful and whole. / Mizmor Shir l’Yom HaShabbat I’m perfect the way I am and a little broken too, (100) / Hallelujah I will live each day as a gift I give to You. The Shema and its Blessings Baruch Atah Adonai rofei chol basar umafli (Handout) Call to / Bar’chu la’asot

(Reading) The Wonder of Creation / Yotzeir Or Bar’chu / Am I Awake? (Noah Aronson) (Handout) The Loving Gift of Torah / Ahavah Rabbah Am I awake? (114) Proclaiming God’s Oneness / Shema Am I prepared? Are you listening to my prayer? (116) V’ahavta Can you hear my voice? (122) Song of Our Redemption / Mi Chamocha Can you understand? (122) Our Rock & Redeemer / Tzur Yisrael Am I awake? Am I prepared? Standing Prayer / Tefillah /

(124) Open our Mouths / Adonai Sefatai Tiftach Ba-rechu et Adonai, Ha-mevorach (126) God of Our Ancestors / Avot Baruch Adonai Ha-me-vorach Le-o-lam va-ed (2x) (128) Life-Giving and Powerful God / G’vurot

(130) Sanctifying God’s Name / (Elana Arian) Sanctifying / Yis’m’chu or V’Shamru Ahavah Rabbah (3x) Ahavtanu (3x), Adonai Eloheinu. We Give Thanks / Modim Anachnu Lach How deeply you have loved us (3x) Prayer for Peace / Sim Shalom Adonai Eloheinu (142) Guarding our Speech / Elohai N’ztor

May Our Prayers Be Heard / Yih’yu L’ratzon

Torah Service (248) Proclaiming God’s Greatness / (V’hasheivota) Mourners’ Prayer / YaTom

The Mishkan at Central Synagogue Parashat Vayelech, September 15, 2018 / 6 Tishrei 5779

V’Hasheivota / V’neemar V’hasheivota el levav’cha ki Adonai, Hu HaElohim … V’neemar, v’haya Adonai L’melech al kol HaAretz Bayom Hahu, yih’yeh Adonai echad Ush’mo echad

Know in your heart that Adonai is God . . . Thus it has been said: Adonai will become Sovereign of all the earth. On that day Adonai will be One, and God’s Name will be One.