Mutation Breeding Review

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Mutation Breeding Review XA0101051 INIS-XA--389 Mutation Breeding Review JOINT FAO/IAEA DIVISION OF ISOTOPE AND RADIATION APPLICATIONS OF ATOMIC ENERGY FOR FOOD AND AGRICULTURAL DEVELOPMENT INTERNATIONAL ATOMIC ENERGY AGENCY, VIENNA No. 3 May 1985 PLANT CULTIVARS DERIVED FROM MUTATION INDUCTION OR THE USE OF INDUCED MUTANTS IN CROSS BREEDING. A. MICKE, M. MALUSZYNSKI, B. DONINI Joint FAO/IAEA Division Plant Breeding and Genetics Section Vienna (Austria) Since 1969 we have collected information on cultivated varieties of plants, developed by using induced mutations. Whenever we learn about a cultivar presumably derived from an induced mutant or from use of mutants in crosses, we mail a questionnaire to the breeder. The information gathered in this way is stored in our file on "Mutant Varieties". Excerpts are published regularly in the form of a list in the FAO/IAEA Mutation Breeding Newsletter. The information presented in this issue of "Mutation Breeding Reviews" is extracted from the following publications: SIGURBJORNSSON, B. and MICKE, A., Philosophy and Accomplishments of Mutation Breeding. In: Polyploidy and Induced Mutations in Plant Breeding, IAEA Vienna 1974, pp 303-343 (cited in the table as "IAEA, 1974"). FAO/IAEA MUTATION BREEDING NEWSLETTER (A. Micke, Edit.) No. 1 (1972) - 25 (1985) (cited in the table as "MBNL"). Many interesting details about the cultivars listed are scattered in the literature. The authors plan to establish a computerized mutant cultivar file, which would comprise also relevant literature references 32/22 about origin, performance and economic value of the cultivars as well as their further use as germ plasm. Reader's assistance in this task would be much appreciated. Our mutant variety list has repeatedly provided a basis for analyses on the value and prospects of mutation breeding. The most relevant appear to be the following: BROERTJES, C. and VAN HA.RTEN A.M. (1978). Application of Mutation Breeding Methods in the Improvement of Vegetatively Propagated Crops. Elsevier Scientific Publishing Company, Amsterdam, Oxford, New York D0N1NI, B., KAWAI, T. and M1CKE, A. (1984). Spectrum of mutant characters utilized in developing improved cultivars, pp 7-31, In: Selection in Mutation Breeding, International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna DONINI, B. and MICKE, A. (1984). Use of induced mutations in improvement of vegetatively propagated crops. In: Induced Mutations for Crop Improvement in Latin America, TECDOC 305, pp 79-98, International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna. GOTTSCHALK, W. and WOLFF, G. (1983). Induced Mutations in Plant Breeding. Monographs on Theoretical and Applied Genetics No. 7. Springer Verlag, Berlin. KONZAK, C.F. (1984). Role of induced mutations. In: Crop Breeding, a contemporary basis (P.B. Vose and S.G. Blixt, Edit.), pp 216-292, Pergamon Press, Oxford MICKE, A. and DONINI, B. (1982). Use of induced mutations in improvement of seed propagated crops. In: Induced Variability in Plant Breeding. (Proc. of an International Symposium, Wagenlngen 1981). pp 2-9, Centre for Agricultural Publishing and Documentation, Wageningen. RUTGER, O.N. (1983). Applications of induced and spontaneous mutation in rice breeding and genetics. Advances in Agronomy 3^, 383-410. SIGURBJORNSSON, B. and MICKE, A. (1969). Progress in mutation breeding. In: Induced Mutations in Plants. International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, pp. 673-698. Mutation Breeding Review Joint FAO/IAEA Division of Isotope and Radiation Applications of Atomic Energy for Food and Agricultural Development International Atomic Energy Agency P.O. Box 100 A-1400 Vienna, Austria Printed by IAEA in Vienna May 1985 Name of new variety Place and date Kind and date of Main improved attributes Reference of release mutagenic treatment of variety (or approval) [treated variety, line, MBNL other clone...] or mutant Issue Page crosses (mutant underlined) Abelia sp. Mei-Fu-Hana- Japan, 1976 Gamma rays 3 kR More fixed variegated 9 17 tsukubane-Utsugi rooted young stem plants of deep green having cuttings, 1972 brighter yellow colour in [Hanazono-Tsukubane- margins of leaves than Utsugi] other variegated varieties, very dwarf, bright variegated leaves Achimenes sp. Compact Arnold The Netherlands, 1971 X-rays 2-4 kR or Compact growth habit 2 10 IAEA, 1974 fast neutrons 1-2 kR leaves, 1968 [Paul Arnold] Cupido The Netherlands, 1973 X-rays 2-4 kR or Compact, sturdy, freely 17 15 fast neutrons 1-2 kR flowering leaves, 1968 [Paul Arnold] Early Arnold The Netherlands, 1971 X-rays 2-4 kR or 1-2 weeks earlier flowering, IAEA, 1974 fast neutrons 1-2 kR slightly different flower 2 10 leaves, 1968 colour [Paul Arnold] Flamingo The Netherlands, 1977 X-rays 3 kR, leaves Good growth habit, some- 17 16 1975, [Tango] what more compact, flowers stand out better Name of new variety Place and date Kind and date of Main improved attributes Reference of release mutagenic treatment of variety (or approval) [treated variety, line, MBNL other clone...] or mutant issue Page crosses (mutant underlined) Lollipop The Netherlands, 1977 Fast neutrons 1 kR Compact, typical pink 17 16 leaves, 1975 flower colour, somewhat [Tango] fringed Orion The Netherlands, 1973 X-rays 2-4 kR or Early flowering; large 17 16 fast neutrons 1-2 kR flower; sturdy but higher leaves, 1968 plant [Paul Arnold] Pink Attraction The Netherlands, 197 7 X-rays 2.5 kR, leaves Compact, regular growth 17 16 1975, [autotetraploid habit with dark green form of cv. Repel- foliage, rather small steeltje] flower with attractive pink colour Springtime The Netherlands, 1971 X-rays 2-4 kR or 1-2 weeks earlier flowering 2 10 IAEA, 1974 fast neutrons 1-2 kR slightly different flower leaves, 1968 colour [Paul Arnold] Allium cepa L. Brunette The Netherlands, 1973 X-rays 15 kR, seeds Very early, combined IAEA, 1974 1960, [Grobol] with high yield and good quality Compas The Netherlands, 1970 X-rays 15 kR, seeds Very firm, long-keeping 7 IAEA, 1974 1960, [Grobol] variety, globe type with brownish/yellow skin, three or more dry outer leaves and therefore very suitable for mechanical handling, very uniform Alstroemeria sp. Canaria The Netherlands, 1970 X-rays, 1967 Yellow flower colour, IAEA, 1974 [Orchid Flower] original variety white with some yellow Capitol The Netherlands, 1977 X-rays, 1972 Salmon-pink flower colour 17 17 [Carmen] Fanfare The Netherlands, 1977 X-rays, 1972 Red flower colour 17 17 [Carmen] Harlequin The Netherlands, 1973 X-rays, 1970 Orange-yellow flower colour 17 17 [Paringo's Charm] Harmony stabrons The Netherlands, 1972 X-rays, 1968 Bronze flower colour 17 16 [Regina] Red Sunset The Netherlands, 1979 X-rays, 1975 Improved flower colour, 14 12 actively growing extended duration of rhizomes flowering period Result The Netherlands, 1977 X-rays, 1972 Bright red flower colour 17 17 [Carmen] Rosali staliro The Netherlands, 1975 X-rays, 1971 Pink flower colour 17 17 [Starosa] Rosita stareza The Netherlands, 1972 X-rays, 1968 Pink flower colour 17 16 [Regina] Trident The Netherlands, 1977 X-rays, 1972 Pink flower colour 17 17 [Carmen] Valiant The Netherlands, 1977 X-rays, 1972 Light red flower colour 17 17 [Carmen] White Wings The Netherlands, 1971 X-rays 300-400 R White, except yellow ears 9 IAEA, 1974 1967, plant with stolons l/i [Orchid Flower] O\ Name of new variety Place and date Kind and date of Main improved attributes Reference of release mutagenic treatment of variety (or approval) [treated variety, line, MBNL other clone... ] or mutant Issue Page crosses (mutant underlined) Yellow Tiger The Netherlands, 1970 X-rays, 1967 Yellow flower colour with IAEA, 1974 [Orchid Flower] striking black stripes, original variety white with some yellow Zebra stazeb The Netherlands, 1975 X-rays, 1968 Heavily striped flower 17 17 [Orchid Flower] Zenith The Netherlands, 1977 X-rays, 1972 Orange-red flower colour 17 17 [Carmen] Antirrhinum sp. Antirrhinum Juliva FRG, 1961 Cross with X-rays Altered flower morphology 7 13 induced mutant [A. divaricata] Bright Butterflies USA, 1966 Cross with X-rays Altered flower morphology 7 14 induced mutant [A. divaricata] Little Darling USA, 1966 Cross with X-rays Altered flower morphology 7 14 induced mutant [A.divaricata] Madame Butterfly USA, 1966 Cross with X-rays Altered flower morphology 7 14 induced mutant [A. divaricata] Arachis hypogaea L. Colorado Irradiado Argentina X-rays 20 kR, 1964 Higher yield, higher oil 7 13 [Colorado de Cordoba] content N.C.4-X USA, 1959 X-rays, dry seeds Tougher hull - resists IAEA, 1974 1949, [N.C.4] damage during harvest and transport, high yield, good quality Sin Pa detha 1 Burma, 1982 Gamma rays 40 kR, 1977 10-15 days earlier 20 16 [Magwe-10, Spanish Type] TG 3 India, 1973 X-rays 15 kR, 1958 More pods per plant, 12 14 [Spanish Improved] higher yield, esp. under rainfed conditions TG India, 1976 X-rays 15 kR, 1958 Uniform maturity, higher 12 14 [Spanish Improved] yield esp. in irrigated intercross of mutants conditions TG 17 India, 1977 X-rays 15 kR, 1958 Higher yield, short 12 14 [Spanish Improved] plants without secondary intercross of mutants branching, higher harvest index Vikrara (TGI) India, 1973 X-rays, 55 kR Large kernels (TKW 8800 g) 11 18 IAEA, 1974 [Spanish improved] particularly suitable for export as "HPS" class, 47-48% oil, maturity 130-135 days, yield potential up to 4 t/ha under irrigated conditions Yeu You No. 22 China, 1968 Yu Shi (obtained after Dwarf, higher pod number, 25 beta rays treatment) higher yield x Fu Huasheng Yeu You 551 China, 1972 Yeu You No. 22 x Dwarf, higher pod number, 25 Yeu You 431 higher yield Oo Name of new variety Place and date Kind and date of Main improved attributes Reference of release mutagenic treatment of variety (or approval) (treated variety, line, MBNL other clone...] or mutant issue Page crosses (mutant underlined) Arctium lappa L. Kobaruto-gokuwase Japan, 1981 Gamma rays 10 kR Very early maturing, 21 12 seeds, 1969 short root, reduced lYanagawa-nakate] pithiness Kobaruto-okute Japan, 1981 Gamma rays 10 kR Late maturing, reduced 21 12 seeds, 1969 pithiness, good storage [Yanagawa-nakate 3 quality Kobaruto-wase Japan, 1981 Gamma rays 10 kR Early maturing, rapid 21 12 seeds, 1969 root elongation, reduced [Yanagawa-riso] pithiness Avena sativa L.
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