United States Patent [191 [11] 3,943,181 Fleischer Et Al
United States Patent [191 [11] 3,943,181 Fleischer et al. , [45] Mar. 9, 1976 [54] SEPARATING OPTICALLY PURE d- AND 397,212 8/1933 United Kingdom ........... .. 260/631 R l-ISOMERS 0F MENTHOL, NEOMENTHOL AND ISOMENTHOL " OTHER PUBLICATIONS [75] Inventors: Jiirgen Fleischer, Cologne; Kurt Gilman Ed., Organic Chemistry, Wiley, N.Y., 1943, p. Bauer; Ruldolf Hopp, both of 254. Holzminden, all of Germany Reed et al_, J. Chem. Soc., pp. 167-173 (1933). [73] Assignee: Haarmann & Reimer Gesellschaft mit beschrankter Haftung Primary Examiner-Be1‘nard l-lel?n Assistant Examiner-James H. Reamer [22] Filed: Sept. 3, 1974 Attorney, Agent, or Firm—Burgess, Dinklage & [21] Appl. No.: 503,004 Sprung Related US. Application Data [63] Continuation of Ser. No. 229,109, Feb. 24, 1972, [57] ABSTRACT ' abandoned. A process for the separation of optically active d— and [30] Foreign Application Priority Data l-isomers of a compound selected from the group con sisting of menthol, neomenthol and isomenthol, which Feb. 27, 1971 Germany .......................... .. 2109456 comprises esterifying a d,l-isomeric mixture of the Feb. 2, 1972 Germany .......................... .. 2204771 compound with an acid selected from the group con sisting of benzoic acid optionally carrying at least one [52] US. Cl...... 260/631 R; 260/473 R; 260/471 R; substituent on the benzene ring and hexahydrobenzoic 260/468 R; 260/476 R acid; forming a supersaturated solution or a super [51] Int. Cl.2 ........................................ .. C07C 35/12 cooled melt of the dJ-ester; inoculating the solution or [58] Field of Search ................... .. 260/631 R, 631 H melt with crystals of the d- or l-form of the ester to effect selective crystallization of one of the two [56] References Cited optical isomers; separating the crystals and subjecting UNITED STATES PATENTS them to hydrolysis to yield the corresponding enantio 2,120,131 6/1938 Harris ..........................
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