
Peloroplites belongs to a speci c subgroup of anky- that characterizes the better known . Peloroplites cedrimontanus losaurs called nodosaurids.  e four-legged, slow Its body was encased in armor that formed moving titan was discovered in the Cedar Moun- in the skin much like on the body of crocodiles and tain Formation south of Price, at the north end of alligators.  is provided protection against large the San Rafael Swell.  is formation represents the Early from about 127 Million to 98 mil- lion ago.

 is weighed about as much as four Mini Coopers.  e skeletal remains found include bones from most parts of the skeleton, except for the hind foot.  e museum’s skeleton is of one of the largest armored ever found.  is quadrupedal dinosaur had short legs and was a slow walker. To Scienti c Name: Peloroplites cedrimontanus protect itself against predators looking for a quick Pronounced: Pel-o-rop-lites lunch, it bristled with spikes. Name Meaning: “monstrous heavy one from Cedar Mountain [Formation]”  e front is wide so that it could crop low veg- Time Period: 100 Million Years Ago (MYA) at the etation.  e teeth and the robust jaws suggest that it end of the Early could chew rather tough plants. It had a huge gut to carnivorous dinosaurs of the time.  is monster, lo- Cretaceous cated in the museum, is 23 feet long, 6 1/2 feet tall Length: 23 feet and 6 3/4 feet wide at the hips. Height: 6 1/2 feet Weight: 5 tons Peloroplites lived alongside another armored di- Diet: nosaur called Cedarpelta, found at the same site. Places Found:  ese armored dinosaurs, along with Animantarx, Discoverer: Prehistoric Museum also from the Mussentuchit Member of the , two of from the Yellow Cat and Ruby Ranch Members, as well as several more as yet unnamed ankylosaurs, make Utah one of the richest places for ankylosaurs.

 e site that Peloroplites was found also produced 155 East Main Street of a terrestrial , a  ying reptile or ptero- Price, Utah saur, four individuals of a new brachiosaurid sau- 435-637-5060 or 800-817-9949 ropod, and an iguanodont ornithopod. Paleontolo- usueastern.edu/museum digest this material.  ese dinosaurs had no tail gists are currently studying these skeletons.