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Partial and endocranial cast of the ankylosaurian Hungarosaurus from the Late of : implications for locomotion

Attila Ősi, Xabier Pereda Suberbiola, and Tamás Földes


A partial skull of ankylosaur from the Upper Cretaceous () Csehbánya Formation in Iharkút and the endocranial cast taken from it are described. The mor- phology of the exoccipital, the elongated ‘neck’ region of the basioccipital, the shape of the occipital condyle, and the different flexure of the medulla relative to the forebrain unambiguously differentiate this specimen from the basicranium of , so it is assigned to Hungarosaurus sp. Whereas the endocranial cast reflects a brain gener- ally similar to those of other ankylosaurs, the dorsally hypertrophied cerebellum (also present is Struthiosaurus transylvanicus) is quite unusual within the group suggesting a more sophisticated cerebral coordination of posture and movement, and perhaps a more cursorial locomotary habit than predicted for other ankylosaurs.

Attila Ősi. Hungarian Academy of Sciences – Eötvös Loránd University, Lendület Dinosaur Research Group, Pázmány Péter sétány 1/c, Budapest, 1117, Hungary [email protected] Xabier Pereda Suberbiola. Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea, Facultad de Ciencia y Tecnología, Dpto. Estratigrafía y Paleontología, Apartado 644, 48080 Bilbao, Spain [email protected] Tamás Földes. Institute of Diagnostic Imaging and Radiation Oncology of the University of Kaposvár, Kaposvár, 7400 Guba S. 40, Hungary [email protected]

Keywords: Santonian, Iharkút, , Hungarosaurus, skull, endocranial cast

INTRODUCTION gary, which includes disarticulated cranial bones (Ősi, 2005; Ősi and Makádi, 2009), mainly the Cranial remains of ankylosaurs are among the material of Struthiosaurus, Struthiosaurus - rarest from the of . cus Bunzel, 1870 (Gosau beds, Lower , Until the discovery of the assemblage Austria) and a second , Struthiosaurus assigned to the species Hungarosurus tormai Ősi, transylvanicus Nopcsa, 1915 (Sinpetru beds, 2005 from the Santonian of Iharkút, western Hun- , ), were available to provide

PE Article Number: 17.1.1A Copyright: Palaeontological Association January 2014 Submission: 28 May 2013. Acceptance: 5 December 2013

Ősi, Attila, Pereda Suberbiola, Xabier, and Földes, Tamás. 2014. Partial skull and endocranial cast of the ankylosaurian dinosaur Hungarosaurus from the Late Cretaceous of Hungary: implications for locomotion, Palaeontologia Electronica Vol. 17, Issue 1; 1A; 18p; palaeo-electronica.org/content/2014/612-skull-of-hungarosaurus ŐSI, PEREDA SUBERBIOLA, & FÖLDES: SKULL OF HUNGAROSAURUS information on the cranial morphology of European further support for distinguishing the two species Late Cretaceous ankylosaurs. The ankylosaur (Pereda Suberbiola and Galton, 2001). material published in the last two decades from New discoveries of ankylosaur remains from Campano-Maastrichtian sediments of southern the Santonian Csehbánya Formation in Iharkút and northern Spain, including Struthiosau- resulted in an ankylosaur skull fragment, including rus languedocensis Garcia and Pereda Suberbiola, the braincase and a small portion of the skull roof. 2003 (‘Fuvelian’ beds, Lower Campanian, France), Besides teeth, this is the only known, common cra- is composed mainly of postcranial material (e.g., nial element in all European Late Cretaceous anky- Pereda Suberbiola, 1993, 1999; Garcia and losaurs (except in S. languedocensis) that can help Pereda Suberbiola, 2003), and the cranial ele- to distinguish the different species from each other. ments are represented only by edentulous maxil- Institutional Abbreviations lary and dentary fragments and isolated teeth (Pereda Suberbiola, 1992, 1999). A new partial AMNH – American Museum of Natural His- skull from the Chera locality, in Valencia, eastern tory, New York, NY, USA; CAMSM – Sedgwick Spain is now under description (Company et al., Museum of Earth Sciences, University of Cam- 2009; work currently in progress). bridge, Cambridge, UK; CEUM – College of East- Cranial remains of Struthiosaurus austriacus ern Utath Prehistoric Museum, Price, , USA; include a fragmentary braincase (PIUW 2349/6), MCM – Mikasa City Museum, Mikasa, Japan; MTM two fragments of the orbital region (PIUW 2349/ – Hungarian Natural History Museum, Budapest, 17), a distal fragment of right quadrate (PIUW Hungary; NHMUK – The Natural History Museum, 2349/uncatalogued), a fragmentary right dentary London, UK (formerly BMNH, British Museum of (PIUW 2349/5), the anterior end of left and right Natural History); PIUW – Paläontologisches Institut (PIUW 2349/uncatalogued) and about der Universität Wien, Vienna, Austria; ROM – 18 teeth (PIUW 2349/7-9, 39, and uncatalogued). Royal Ontario Museum, Toronto, Canada; UALVP After the initial descriptions of Bunzel (1870, 1871), – University of , Laboratory for Vertebrate various authors reviewed these cranial remains, , Edmonton, AB, Canada; ZPAL – especially the braincase. These studies and opin- Institute of Palaeobiology (Zaklad Paleobiologii) of ions on the taxonomic position of this small speci- the Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland. men are summarized by Pereda Suberbiola and Galton (1992, 1994), so they are not repeated LOCALITY AND GEOLOGICAL SETTING here. For today, the most accepted view is that the The Late Cretaceous Iharkút vertebrate local- braincase of S. austriacus is from a subadult nodo- ity is situated close to the villages of Németbánya saurid ankylosaur (Pereda Suberbiola and Galton, and Bakonyjákó, in the heart of the Bakony Moun- 1994). tains, western Hungary (47° 13’ 52’’ N, 17° 39’ 01’’ The material of Struthiosaurus transylvanicus E, see Figure 1.1). The locality is in an abandoned includes the posterior half of the skull with the skull and recultivated open-pit bauxite mine (Figure 1.3) roof, temporal region and, most importantly, the that now belongs to Dino Park Ltd. The discovery braincase (NHMUK R4966). This material, col- of the locality is mainly due to intensive mining lected together with associated postcranial activities in the area. Although it has been known remains, was regarded as a primitive ankylosau- since the first decades of the 20th century that rian (Nopcsa, 1915, 1929). The most informative bauxite occurs in various parts of the Bakony and single overlapping cranial element known in Mountains, the quest for the ‘red gold’, as the both Central European species of Struthiosaurus is bauxite is frequently called by inhabitants of the the braincase. In addition, the morphology of the region, was started in the late 1960s. Extensive endocranial cast is also available in both species. search and mining provided huge open-pit mines, Pereda Suberbiola and Galton (1994) made a the only outcrops of the bone-yielding Csehbánya detailed comparison of the braincases of the two Formation. Struthiosaurus species and concluded that the The Iharkút vertebrate locality is situated on Transylvanian material cannot be assigned cer- the Transdanubian Central Range that was on the tainly into a different species, and they regarded northern part of the triangular-shaped Apulian this material as Struthiosaurus cf. S. austriacus. microplate between and Europe during the This view was also suggested by Parish (2005). Mesozoic. Southwards and westwards, this block Comparison of the other remains, however, gives had direct connection with the southern and east- ern Alps (Csontos and Vörös, 2004), the latter


FIGURE 1. (1) Location map of the Iharkút vertebrate locality (Upper Cretaceous [Santonian] Csehbánya Formation, Bakony Mts, western Hungary). (2) Schematic section of the open-pit Iharkút (after Ősi and Mindszenty, 2009). The black arrow indicates the position of the bone-yielding beds that, among other fossils, provided the fragmentary skull referred to Hungarosaurus sp. (in this work) and the associated Hungarosaurus skeletons. (3) The Iharkút locality from a bird’s eye view. Asterisk marks the site where the fragmentary skull was found.

3 ŐSI, PEREDA SUBERBIOLA, & FÖLDES: SKULL OF HUNGAROSAURUS yielding the early Campanian Austrian Muth- evaluated by the Medical Volume Explorer (MVE) mannsdorf vertebrate fauna (e.g., Bunzel, 1871; Software. Osteological terminology, as much as Seeley, 1881; Pereda Suberbiola and Galton, possible, follows Baumel and Witmer (1993). 2001; Buffetaut, Ősi and Prondvai, 2011). East- A silicone rubber mould of the endocranial wards, the Transdanubian Central Range could cavity was made from the specimen using Oxam have been relatively close to the Moeasian corner S1 two component silicone to show the approxi- and the famous Haţeg Basin from which an excep- mate structure of the brain, the arrangement of the tional Maastrichtian terrestrial vertebrate fauna has principal cranial nerves and part of the vascular been documented (e.g., Nopcsa, 1923; Csiki and system. Most parts and various features of the Grigorescu, 2007; Weishampel et al., 2010 and ref- endocranial cavity (e.g., orientation of different erences therein). parts of the brain) were more easily studiable by As in most parts of the Transdanubian Central the silicone rubber mould in contrast to the CT Range, the thick basement of the Iharkút locality is scans. However, some inner structures (e.g., the formed by the Upper Main Dolomite For- diameter, morphology and orientation of pathways mation (Figure 1.2). Deep (50 to 90 m), tectonically of cranial nerves) can be better reconstructed via controlled sinkholes on the karstified surface of this CT slices. dolomite were filled up by the Cretaceous (pre- Anatomical Abbreviations Santonian) bauxite (Figure 1.2). Palynological results indicate that this paleosurface including Tri- bo, basioccipital; brca, brain cavity; bs, basisphe- assic rocks and the accumulated bauxite lens were noid; bt, tubera; ca, canal; cbl, cerebellum; covered by fluvial deposits of the Csehbánya For- cer, cerebrum; cr, crest; cso, cartilage filled pit of mation no later than the Santonian (Bodor and the supraoccipital; de, depression; eo, exoccipital; Baranyi, 2012). Bone-yielding beds occur in this fo, foramen; fr, frontal; gr/cso?, groove, perhaps formation as an alluvial flood plain deposit consist- the cartilage filled pit in the supraoccipital; la-sph, ing of alternating coarse basal breccia, sandstone, laterosphenoid-sphenethmoid; me, medulla; mes, siltstone and paleosol beds (Jocha-Edelényi, 1988; mesencephalon; ob, olfactory bulbs; oc, occipital Ősi and Mindszenty, 2009; Figure 1.2). Although condyle; ol, olfactory lobes; op-pr, opisthotic- isolated bones, teeth and plant remains appear in prootic complex; pa, parietal; pal ar, palatine artery; various stratigraphic horizons of the formation pit, pituitary fossa; po fl, pontine flexure; pp, paroc- (including red paleosols, blackish, organic rich cipital process; so, supraoccipital; tca, temporal clay), the most productive sequence is a greyish, cavity, II–XII, cranial nerves. coarse basal breccia covered with sandstone and braunish siltstone. These beds produced a rich and DESCRIPTION AND COMPARISON diverse vertebrate fossil assemblage (Ősi et al., OF THE SKULL 2012 and references therein), including five pub- The specimen (PAL 2013.23.1, Figures 2, 3) lished (Ősi, 2005; Ősi and Makádi, 2009) and two preserves the posterior and central parts of the undescribed skeletons of Hungarosaurus. skull roof, most of the occipital region and the par- tial basicranium. This preservation is quite similar MATERIAL AND METHODS to that of Struthiosaurus austriacus (PIUW 2349/6), The partial skull (PAL 2013.23.1, Appendix 1) in the latter form only the frontal region is missing referred here to Hungarosaurus sp. is housed in (Pereda Suberbiola and Galton, 1994). Due to dia- the Hungarian Natural History Museum (MTM). genetic events, the Hungarian specimen was Preparation, including the cleaning of the brain slightly compressed from the left lateral direction cavity of the specimen was done mechanically. (Figures 2.5–2.6, 3.1-3.4), thus the skull roof and Some anatomical features were studied with the the braincase lost their original shape being slightly help of computer tomograph scans at the Institute damaged. The greatest length measured from the of Diagnostic Imaging and Radiation Oncology of anteriormost point of the skull roof to the occipital the University of Kaposvár, a method that also condyle is 115 mm, the greatest height from the helped to provide a 3D reconstruction and visual- base of the occipital condyle to the top of the skull ization of the specimen. For the CT scanning a Sie- is approximately 80 mm (Table 1). In most cases, mens Stomatom Definition Flash machine was the cranial elements are completely ossified with used. The fossils were scanned using a resolution each other, and the sutures cannot be recognized of 1.0×1.0×0.6 mm in three different directions between them, so the individual bones were identi- (saggital, horizontal and coronal). CT scans were fied on the basis of the characteristic structures.


FIGURE 2. Fragmentary skull (PAL 2013.23.1) and its CT scan visualisation referred to Hungarosaurus sp. from the Upper Cretaceous (Santonian) Csehbánya Formation, Iharkút, western Hungary. (1–2) right lateral; (3–4) left lateral; (5–6) ventral view. Scale bar is 2 cm. For abbreviations see text.


FIGURE 3. Fragmentary skull (PAL 2013.23.1) and its CT scan visualisation referred to Hungarosaurus sp. from the Upper Cretaceous (Santonian) Csehbánya Formation, Iharkút, western Hungary. (1–2) anterior; (3–4) posterior; (5–6) dorsal view. Scale bar is 2 cm. For abbreviations see text.


TABLE 1. Cranial measurements (in mm) of Hungarosaurus and Struthiosaurus. Data for Struthiosaurus specimens taken from Pereda Suberbiola and Galton (1994). ‛+’ indicates that in that case of measurement the specimen is not complete or compressed.

Hungarosaurus sp. Struthiosaurus Struthiosaurus Measurements (MTM PAL austriacus (PIUW transylvanicus 2013.23.1) 2349/6) (NHMUK R4966) Skull length (preserved) +115 +54 +115 Maximum skull width behind the orbits - - 255 Breadth of paroccipital processes - - 113 Depth from skull roof to base of basipterygoid process - - 114 Transverse diameter of occipital condyle 29.5 21 24 Greatest diameter of foramen magnum +19 17 18 Breadth of basipterygoid processes - +18 35 Height from base of occipital condyle to skull roof 80 56 81 Angle of basisphenoid relative to occipial condyle 95° 105° -

PAL 2013.23.1 is broken anteriorly somewhere 1996) is present neither on this specimen nor in within the frontals, anteroventrally at the level of Struthiosaurus. A complex series of foramina the prootic and basisphenoid–basipterygoid pro- pierces the ventrolateral wall of the braincase most cess, laterally in the frontals and parietal and the probably in the area at the junction of the basioc- paroccipital processes (Figures 2, 3.5-3.6). cipital and the opisthotic–exoccipital–paroccipital process. In the identification and description of Basioccipital these openings we mainly follow the work of Eaton The basioccipital is a massive and thick ele- (1960) and Carpenter and Kirkland (1998) on Silvi- ment (Figures 2, 3). It borders the posteroventral saurus, Pereda Suberbiola and Galton (1994) on side of the braincase and forms the whole occipital Struthiosaurus, Lee (1996) on Pawpawsaurus, condyle. The condyle is sub-spherical (Figure 3.3– Norman and Faiers (1996) on cf. , and 3.4), in contrast to the much wider than high con- Vickaryous and Russell (2003) on . dyle of Struthiosaurus, almost identical in shape Other papers describe ankylosaurian braincases: with that of Silvisaurus (based on the cast NHMUK Maryańska (1977) on ; Tumanova (1987) 11189), and its greatest lateromedial width is 29.5 on ; Sullivan (1999) on Nodocephalosau- mm and the greatest dorsoventral height is 26.2 rus; Carpenter et al. (2001) on Cedarpelta; Averi- mm. (These parameters of the condyle in the holo- anov (2002) and Parish and Barrett (2004) on type material of Hungarosaurus [PAL 2013.23.1] Bissektipelta; Parsons and Parsons (2009) on are 32.2 mm and 27 mm, respectively; the greatest Tatankacephalus. Discussed from posterior to width in S. austriacus is 21 mm and 24 mm in S. anterior direction, the first opening of PAL transylvanicus [Pereda Suberbiola and Galton, 2013.23.1, with a diameter of 4 mm and visible on 1994]). The greatest width of the foramen magnum both sides (Figure 2.4), is considered the exit of the in PAL 2013.23.1 is 19 mm but its lateral walls are hypoglossal nerve (CN XII). Based on parasagittal slightly compressed medially, so originally it could CT scans the canal of CN XII has a dorsomedial– have been approximately 5 mm wider. Ventrally, lateroventral orientation. A 2–3 mm thick bony sep- the rounded surface of the condyle is very slightly tum separates this aperture from the following one. eroded. The ‘neck’ region of the basioccipital con- On the better preserved right side, this second necting the condyle with the anterior part of the opening is slightly smaller (ca. 3 mm), but after a basioccipital is relatively longer (Figure 2.3-2.6) thin bony septum a third opening is in the row. On than that of S. austriacus and that of Pawpawsau- the left side the second and third foramina occur as rus from the of , USA (Lee, a single, large opening and they appear to corre- 1996). The ventral surface of the basioccipital is spond to the exits of the accessory (CN XI), vagus deeply concave and marginated laterally by the (CN X) and glossopharyngeal (CN IX) nerves (Fig- anteroposteriorly elongate basal tubera. A promi- ure 2.4, 4.4). Anterior to the third aperture, an nent, anteroposteriorly oriented central ridge on almost vertically oriented crest of the paroccipital this concave surface seen in Pawpawsaurus (Lee, process connects with the basioccipital.


FIGURE 4. CT slices through the fragmentary skull (PAL 2013.23.1) referred to Hungarosaurus sp. from the Upper Cretaceous (Santonian) Csehbánya Formation, Iharkút, western Hungary. (1–2) axial slice through the basisphenoid; (3–4) parasagittal slice through the openings of the posterior cranial nerves.

Basisphenoid not as wide as that seen in Struthiosaurus (PIUW 2349/6). A ‘large opening for the internal carotid Ventrally and anteriorly, the basioccipital con- artery’ as described in Struthiosaurus austriacus tinues within the basisphenoid (Figures 2, 3), which (Pereda Suberbiola and Galton, 1994, p. 178) can- is slightly broken and compressed dorsally, and not be recognized on the Hungarian specimen. anteriorly, so the basipterygoid process is very This is probably due to the damaged anterolateral fragmentary. The most characteristic feature of this margins of the basisphenoid. Posterior to the open- element is its ventral orientation with an angle of ing of the abducens nerve (CN VI) an elongated about 95° relative to the axis of the occipital con- groove extends from the ventral part of the basi- dyle, a feature shared with Struthiosaurus (this sphenoid up to a large opening with rounded mar- angle is 105° in Struthiosaurus austriacus; Pereda gins, just in the connection of the basisphenoid– Suberbiola and Galton, 1994), the only other anky- prootic. This large, partially preserved opening, losaur with a markedly ventrally projecting basi- better preserved on the left side (Figure 3.2), is sphenoid. In other nodosaurids, for example in considered the aperture of the trigeminal nerve (Pereda Suberbiola and Galton, (CN V). If preserved, then only the dorsalmost part 1994) and cf. Polacanthus (Norman and Faiers, of the basipterygoid process is present (no sutures 1996), this angle is 125°, 135° in Pawpawsaurus can be observed with the basisphenoid). Centrally, (Lee, 1996), 160° in Silvisaurus (Eaton, 1960). On on the posteroventral surface a marked, dorsally the other hand, this angle is usually higher in anky- directed 2 mm wide foramen enters into the basi- losaurids, for example, it is about 150° in Euoplo- sphenoid. CT imaging, however, do not reveal any cephalus (Coombs, 1978a). pathway continuing into deeper parts of the bone. An opening is visible on both sides anterodor- Nevertheless, axial CT scans through the basi- sally on the basisphenoid. These foramina open sphenoid demonstrated a thin and approximately 2 into the pituitary fossa, thus they are most probably cm long canal (Figure 4.2); the function or connec- the exits for the abducens nerve (CN VI, Figure tions of it is, however, unknown. 3.2). In anterior view, the pituitary fossa is relatively


Exoccipital-opisthotic-prootic Complex Supraoccipital Although the individual cranial elements are in The supraoccipital is co-ossified with the skull most cases massively fused, on the basis of com- roof. Because no sutures marginating the supraoc- parisons with other ankylosaurs the preserved cipital can be detected, the extent of this bone is sidewall of the braincase in the Hungarian speci- unclear. Nevertheless, a 6 to 8 mm wide, shallow men is formed by the exoccipital-opisthotic-prootic bony ridge, present on the posterodorsally facing complex (Figure 2.1-2.4). The more anteriorly posi- nuchal shelf in various nodosaurids (e.g., Struthio- tioned laterosphenoid-sphenethmoid region is saurus, Pawpawsaurus, Silvisaurus), extends almost completely missing, only their dorsalmost anteroposteriorly and merges anteriorly with the edges are preserved at the connection to the pari- presumed posterior margin of the parietal, and pos- etal-frontal (Figure 1.5-1.6). The exoccipital-opist- teriorly ends between the two protuberances of the hotic-prootic complex forms the dorsal border of exoccipitals to form the dorsalmost margin of the the row of exits for the cranial nerves. The exoccip- foramen magnum (Figure 3.3-3.4). The nuchal ital forms the lateral border of the foramen mag- region above the foramen magnum was the inser- num and dorsolaterally it bears a thickened, oval- tion surface for the musculus trapezius group shaped, posteromedially pointed protuberance. among others; the complex surface of this margin These protuberances are suggested to be (exoccipital-supraoccipital) indicates strongly ‘tubercles for neural arches of the atlas’ sensu Par- developed boundles of these muscles. This is ish and Barrett (2004). The left and right protuber- related to the downward angle of the head relative ances are closer together (but still positioned to the neck (supported by a posteroventrally dorsal to the occipital condyle, Figure 3.3-3.4) than angled occipital condyle); ‘this posture facilitated those of S. austriacus. These protuberances are cropping low vegetation but required strong mus- relatively smaller than in S. transylvanicus and, in cles to sustain the head posture’ (Lee, 1996, p. the latter form, they are interpreted as remains of 244). Although in most ankylosaurids the supraoc- the proatlases (Pereda Suberbiola and Galton, cipital is covered dorsally by the parietal (see 1994). Anterolateral to these protuberances a Maryańska, 1977), in the skeletally immature spec- deep, anteromedial-posterolaterally oriented imen of Pinacosaurus (ZPAL MgD II/1) the antero- depression extends slightly below the skull roof, posteriorly extended ridge of the supraoccipital can but there is no posterodorsal overhang by the skull still be observed. roof, as seen e.g. in ankylosaurids (Vickaryous et Parietal al., 2004). The paroccipital process is massive and it is oriented lateroventrally and slightly posteriorly, Although the skull roof is slightly compressed similar to that of S. austriacus (Pereda Suberbiola from the dorsal direction, the posterior part of the and Galton, 1994). Anteriorly it is fused with the parietal shows its originally convex, slightly domed opisthotic and ventrally a crest extends towards the dorsal surface (Figure 2.3-2.4). At the posterior basal tubera. On the right side, anterior to this end of the parietal in the anteriormost margin of the crest, at least one opening is present that is slightly steeply inclined nuchal shelf, a transverse, shallow damaged. This opening is probably the foramen crest can be observed that might represent the ovale for the vestibulocochlear nerve (CN VIII). CT sutural boundaries of the parietal with the supraoc- scans indicate that the pathway of CN VIII is a cipital and exoccipital (Figure 3.5-3.6). Another robust, ca. 4 mm wide canal (Figure 4.4) and has a option is that this suture is the posterior margin of a dorsomedial to lateroventral orientation. The opist- dermal co-ossified with the parietal, hotic and the prootic are relatively poorly preserved similar to that seen in Struthiosaurus austriacus but one foramen (2 mm in diameter), which is visi- (Pereda Suberbiola and Galton, 1994, figure 2a). ble on each side is probably present on the opist- The dorsal surface of the parietal is ornamented by hotic. Foramina in similar positions have been small pits and shallow grooves. The broken lateral identified as possible openings of veins in Silvisau- edges of the skull roof indicate that the supratem- rus (Eaton, 1960). The skull roof is slightly com- poral fenestrae were closed as in all ankylosaurs. It pressed dorsally, so that the connection of the is uncertain whether some small parts of the squa- parietal with the opisthotic-prootic complex cannot mosal and postorbital are preserved in this speci- be studied. men being fused to the parietal-frontal part of the skull roof, or the preserved part of the skull roof is exclusively formed by the parietal and frontal.


FIGURE 5. Topographic drawing of a silicone rubber mould of the endocranial cavity taken from the braincase of Hungarosaurus sp. (PAL 2013.23.1). (1) dorsal; (2) right lateral; (3) ventral view. Scale bar is 2 cm. For abbreviations see text.

Frontal the highly derived (Panoplosaurus; Witmer and Ridgely, 2008) and the more basal (Hungarosau- The anterior portion of the preserved skull roof rus) forms could have had this feature, and per- is formed by a slightly domed element suggested haps the complex looping pathway of the airway here to be the frontal (Figures 2, 3.5-3.6). This was more general within the group. approximately 9 mm thick bone possesses two A wide and shallow, anteroposteriorly oriented roughly parallel crests ventrally, which laterally bor- groove is present on the dorsal surface that is quite der the olfactory lobes (CN I) and probably formed similar to that one separating the two trapezoid the contact between the frontal and the laterosphe- posterior dermal plates in the frontal region of Paw- noid-sphenethmoid complex. In addition, on the pawsaurus (Lee, 1996, figure 4). If this interpreta- ventral side of the anteriormost part of the frontal, a tion is correct, then the frontal region of shallow, eroded crest that becomes wider anteri- Hungarosaurus could have been similarly orna- orly can be observed (Figures 2.5-2.6). We sug- mented by two, relatively large dermal plates as gest that this crest served to separate from dorsally seen in the North American form. the olfactory lobes, which were divergent anteriorly, though not as strongly as described in ankylosau- DESCRIPTION AND COMPARISON OF THE rids (Coombs, 1978a). Witmer and Ridgely (2008) ENDOCRANIAL CAST pointed out that divergent olfactory tracts are also present in the derived nodosaurid Panoplosaurus The endocranial cast taken from the brain- (ROM 1215). If Hungarosaurus also had divergent case of PAL 2013.23.1 reveals the main structures olfactory tracts, a feature that was suggested to be and proportions of the hindbrain and partially those associated with the complex nasal passages of the midbrain; the absence of the anterior walls of (Coombs, 1978a; Norman and Faiers, 1996), then the braincase (i.e., laterosphenoid-sphenethmoid) not only in ankylosaurids (Coombs, 1978a; Witmer prevents the reconstruction of the anterior, antero- and Ridgely, 2008), but also nodosaurids including ventral and ventral sides of the telencephalon and


TABLE 2. List of ankylosaur endocranial cast specimens.

Taxon Material (braincase) Provenance References Euoplocephalus tutus AMNH 5337 Campanian, Alberta, CA Coombs (1978a), Hopson AMNH 5403 (1979) AMNH 5405, UALVP 31, 47977 Witmer and Ridgely (2008) Miyashita et al. (2011) Panoplosaurus mirus ROM 1215 Campanian, Alberta, CA Witmer and Ridgely (2008) Struthiosaurus transylvanicus NHMUK R4966 Maastrichtian, Romania Nopcsa (1929), Pereda Suberbiola and Galton (1994) Struthiosaurus austriacus PIUW 2349/6 Campanian, Austria Pereda Suberbiola and Galton (1994) Cf. Polacanthus foxii CAMSM X26242 , UK Norman and Faiers (1996) Cedarpelta bilbeyhallorum CEUM 10267, 12360 -, USA Carpenter et al. (2001) “Hokkaido nodosaurid” MCM A522 Cenomanian, Japan Hayakawa et al. (2005) Hungarosaurus sp. MTM PAL 2013.23.1 Santonian, Hungary This work those of the olfactory lobes and bulbs (Figure 5). Forebrain (prosencephalon) Only the ventral side of the parietal and frontal pro- The dorsal surface of the olfactory lobes seen vides some information on the dorsal surface of the on the endocast of PAL 2013.23.1 indicates that forebrain, and the dorsal side of the basisphenoid they were divergent by about 25° (Figure 5.1). In provides some information of the posteroventral Panoplosaurus (Witmer and Ridgely, 2008, figure surface of the diencephalon. The endocranial cast 7d) and especially in Euoplocephalus (Coombs, clearly shows that the brain cavity was com- 1978a), they are much more divergent, with an pressed transversely due to taphonomic pro- angle of about 80° in the latter . The dorso- cesses, thus the lateral extension of the different ventral extension and anteroposterior length of the brain regions cannot be precisely determined. lobes and the form of the bulbs cannot be deter- However, this deformation did not significantly mined. The cerebral region is slightly doomed dor- change the orientation and dorsoventral extension sally and, though the braincase is transversely of the cavity. As in the endocranial casts of other compressed, the cerebral lobes slightly expand lat- ankylosaurs (see Table 2), the relatively smooth erally compared to the width of the mid- and hind- surface indicates that the brain was not closely brain regions. The cerebrum of PAL 2013.23.1 is applied to the braincase wall, thus the original form not as expanded dorsally and do not form the dom- and sharp boundaries of the different regions of the inant portion of the brain as was noted in cf. Pola- brain cannot be precisely determined. Neverthe- canthus by Norman and Faiers (1996). The main less, the endocranial cast provides significant infor- body of the diencephalon (posterior segment of the mation on the orientation and approximate extent forebrain) cannot be recognized on the endocast, of the principal regions (fore-, mid- and hindbrain). mostly because of the posterior expansion of the The endocranial cast taken from PAL cerebral lobes. 2013.23.1 shows a significant flexure along its long axis (Figure 5.2). The medulla is flexed ventrally Midbrain (mesencephalon) relative to the forebrain by about 25°; this flexure is Only a slightly concave, 5-7 mm wide, pos- 15° in Euoplocephalus, 16° in cf. Polacanthus, 32° terodorsal-anteroventrally oriented surface can be in Panoplosaurus, and 45° in Struthiosaurus tran- observed laterally (better seen on the right lateral sylvanicus. The Iharkút specimen is most similar to side). It is situated between the cerebral lobes and the endocasts of Struthiosaurus and Panoplosau- a posterodorsal-anteroventrally oriented groove, rus in having a relatively compact and high mid- the latter of which was also described in Struthio- and hindbrain (compare Figure 6.5 to Figure 6.3, saurus as the ‘cartilage-filled pit in the supraoccipi- 6.4, 6.6). The pontine flexure is well developed as tal’ (Hopson, 1979; Pereda Suberbiola and Galton, in other ankylosaurs. 1994, p. 182). The ‘epiphysis’ (Nopcsa, 1929) or protuberance on the dorsal side of the midbrain described in Struthiosaurus (Pereda Suberbiola


FIGURE 6. Comparison of ankylosaur endocasts in left lateral view. (1) cf. Polacanthus sp. (inverted image; redrawn from Norman and Faiers, 1996); (2) Euoplocephalus sp. (redrawn from Coombs, 1978a); (3) Struthiosaurus transyl- vanicus (redrawn from Pereda Suberbiola and Galton, 1994); (4) Struthiosaurus austriacus (redrawn from Pereda Suberbiola and Galton, 1994); (5) Hungarosaurus sp. (reversed image); (6) Panoplosaurus mirus (modified from Wit- mer and Ridgely, 2008). Note the hypertrophied cerebellum in Struthiosaurus transylvanicus and Hungarosaurus sp. Scale bars are 2 cm. For abbreviations see text. and Galton, 1994; i.e. the ‘cotylus on the latero- vanicus (Nopcsa, 1929; Pereda Suberbiola and sphenoid’, Galton, 1989) cannot be seen on the Galton, 1994). In S. austriacus, the dorsal expan- Hungarian specimen. sion of this region is not as prominent, however, this feature might be explained by the suggested Hindbrain (rhombencephalon) subadult nature of the specimen (PIUW 2349/6, The anterior portion of the hindbrain is domi- Pereda Suberbiola and Galton, 1994). A relatively nated by the cerebellum that is strongly expanded low, little expanded cerebellum is present in cf. dorsally. The posterior side of the cerebellum is Polacanthus, Panoplosaurus and Euoplocepha- narrow and steeply inclined, at an angle of 55° rel- lus; on the other hand, this feature is more typical ative to the long axis of the medulla (Figure 5.2). In of ornithopod (e.g., Kritosaurus [Ostrom, ankylosaurs, a similar, dorsally expanded cerebel- 1961], Dryosaurus [Galton, 1989]). As a posterior lum is documented only in Struthiosaurus transyl- continuation of the pontine region, the myelen-

12 PALAEO-ELECTRONICA.ORG cephalon (posterior portion of the hindbrain) is a the specimen of Hungarosaurus tor- relatively short segment with an oval, originally mai (MTM Gyn/404). probably subcircular cross section. The ventral 2. The specimen shows several important differ- side of this portion of the endocast shows the ences compared to the basicrania of Struthio- openings on the different cranial nerves poorly. saurus spp. The more elongated ‘neck’ region However, on the posterior part of the pontine flex- of the basioccipital, the shape of the occipital ure the casts of canals of the cranial nerves IX–XI condyle, the morphology of the exoccipital, and the XII can be recognized (Figure 5.3). The and the more ventral flexure (45°) of the number of canals for the branches of the hypoglos- medulla relative to the forebrain clearly distin- sal (CN XII) nerves is two in nodosaurids (Hopson, guish the new specimen from the basicrania 1979; Norman and Faiers, 1996) and in some of Struthiosaurus. Asian ankylosaurids (Kurzanov and Tumanova, 3. The new ankylosaur from Iharkút is repre- 1978; Parish and Barrett, 2004), but three in Euop- sented by a complete, 21 cm long, skeletally locephalus (Coombs, 1978a) and Bissektipelta mature that suggests a total body (Parish and Barrett, 2004). In PAL 2013.23.1 only length of 2–2.5 m (Ősi and Prondvai, in one larger opening can be certainly referred to the press). The estimated size of this small bod- aperture of CN XII (Figure 5.3), but due to the ied ankylosaur is almost half the length of slightly damaged region of the exoccipital-basioc- Hungarosaurus (humerus length: 45.5 cm, cipital contact, the presence of an additional exit adult body length ca. 4 m; Ősi and Makádi, cannot be excluded. 2009). The new braincase and its preserved occipital condyle (width: 29.5 mm) is from an TAXONOMIC POSITION OF PAL 2013.23.1 much closer in size to that of Hungaro- Following Thompson et al. (2012) and earlier saurus (occipital condyle width: 32.2 mm) works used therein (e.g., Coombs and Maryańska, than from the small bodied ankylosaur 1990; Lee, 1996; Vickaryous et al., 2004), the basi- referred to cf. Struthiosaurus, thus herein we cranium described above can be referred to the tentatively refer the new specimen to Hunga- Ankylosauria on the basis of the obliterated cranial rosaurus sp. Accepting this hypothesis, the sutures, the presence of well developed cranial braincase is perhaps not from a fully grown, ornamentation, and the closed supratemporal old individual. fenestrae. The nodosaurid status is supported by the slightly domed parietal (Thompson et al., 2012) IMPLICATIONS FOR ANKYLOSAUR and the posteroventrally oriented occipital condyle LOCOMOTION that is formed exclusively by the basioccipital (Vick- Limb Morphology and Paravertebral Elements aryous et al., 2004; this feature defines Group ‘C’ within in Thompson et al., 2012). The discovery of the fifth skeleton revealed The ‘single large median polygon of ornamentation gracile, elongate forelimb elements and an unusual present in the parietal region’, regarded as a syn- 1:1 forelimb-hindlimb ratio in Hungarosaurus (Ősi apomorphic feature under ACCTRAN for Group ‘D’ and Makádi, 2007, 2009). within Nodosauridae by Thompson et al. (2012, The total length of the humerus+ is 86.5 suppl. information), is ambiguous in PAL cm, whereas the length of the + is 85.8 2013.23.1. This region in the Hungarian specimen cm. Although the humerus (45.5 cm) is shorter is apparently covered with a slightly thickened, than the femur (49 cm), the length ratio between ornamented surface but the margins of a single them is 0.92. This ratio is 0.7 in large median polygon cannot be recognized. (Ostrom, 1970), 0.5 in Niobrarasaurus (Carpenter Although there is now direct evidence for two et al., 1995), and approximately 0.54 in sympatric species of ankylosaurs (Hungarosaurus (Gaston et al., 2001). We assume that in Hungaro- and cf. Struthiosaurus) in the Iharkút fauna (Ősi saurus the anterior part of the body was in a more and Prondvai, in press), the new braincase can be elevated position (at least 25% higher) than in referred to Hungarosaurus on the basis of the fol- other ankylosaurs, suggesting a different, more lowing characters: erect posture. This may be further supported by the extremely small deltopectoral crest of the humerus. 1. The size, height/width ratio and shape of the This crest does not extend as far distally as in other occipital condyle of PAL 2013.23.1 is very ankylosaurs, and its lateral extension is also similar to the occipital condyle preserved in smaller than usual in ankylosaurs. Its relative sur-

13 ŐSI, PEREDA SUBERBIOLA, & FÖLDES: SKULL OF HUNGAROSAURUS face for the attachment of forelimb muscles is correlation between the relative size and histologi- almost half that in Sauropelta or in Euoplocephalus cal and morphological complexity of the cerebellum (Coombs, 1978b). Sauropsids with a well- devel- and the agility of an animal. Additionally, in mam- oped deltopectoral crest are usually regarded as mals (especially in humans) it may also be involved sprawling in which some of the muscles in some cognitive functions such as attention and attaching onto this crest are essential to provide in regulating fear and pleasure responses, but its support for wide-gauge forelimb posture. However, movement-related functions are the most solidly as noted by Paul and Christiansen (2000), various established. The cerebellum does not initiate perissodactyl , including rhinos, also movement, but it contributes to coordination, preci- have a well-developed deltopectoral crest, so its sion and accurate timing (Fine et al., 2002). Larsell development is not necessarily an indicator of (1967) pointed out that in the Trionyx japon- sprawling posture. Significant reduction of this ica, having a sensitive carapace, the medial region crest is, however, a better indicator of an erected of the cerebellar cortex is extremely developed and forelimb posture. that is related to ‘massive tactile sensory input’ Long limbs and erected forelimb posture of from the carapace, not to the limited motor capabil- Hungarosaurus might be associated with a more ities of the dorsal musculature (Paulin, 1993). Stud- cursorial habit than in other ankylosaurs. Coombs ies by Larsell (1967) show that in hummingbirds (1978c) listed cursorial adaptations that would be the legs, used mainly for perching, are not an expected in most cursors and regarded ankylo- important sensory organ, so the cerebellar regions saurs as ‘low-grade to intermediate grade medipor- related to the use of the legs are poorly developed. tal’ animals. In Hungarosaurus, none of the listed The same can be found in the tail feathers: they adaptations can be seen that do not occur in other are extremely important for controlling and stabiliz- ankylosaurs. This indicates that Hungarosaurus ing flight, but it does not seem to be an important was most probably not even a subcursorial or cur- sensory structure. Therefore, the lobule I of the sorial animal in terms of Coombs (1978c, p. 395). cerebellum, related to innervation of the tail, is rela- Nevertheless, the relatively more lightly built tively small (Larsell, 1967; Paulin, 1993). appendicular skeleton and the elongate forelimb The endocast taken from the braincase of suggest significant differences in posture and loco- Hungarosaurus unambiguously indicates that this motion between Hungarosaurus and other ankylo- ankylosaur can be characterized by a dorsally saurs, especially massively built ankylosaurids. hypertrophied cerebellum in contrast to most anky- This interpretation is further supported by the losaurs (Coombs, 1978a; Norman and Faiers, presence of paravertebral elements in Hungaro- 1996; Witmer and Ridgely, 2008). Struthiosaurus saurus, which are similar in morphology to those transylvanicus and perhaps the adult individuals of described in Minmi (Molnar and Frey, 1987). In the S. austriacus are the only other taxa among anky- biomechanical model introduced by these authors losaurs to show a similar development of the cere- for Minmi, it was suggested that these paraverte- bellum (Nopcsa, 1929; Pereda Suberbiola and bral elements are constructed to withstand flexion Galton, 1994). This neuroanatomical feature, along and tension, and to stiffen the . with the strongly ventrally pointed basisphenoid, They concluded that Minmi, in contrast with other might be a synapomorphic feature of Struthiosau- massive, heavily armoured ankylosaurs, was prob- rus and Hungarosaurus. ably more of a long distance cursor that obtained Here we suggest that the gracile and elongate speed primarily ‘by the action of limbs, rather than forelimbs, the presence of paravertebral elements by flexion of the vertebral column’ (Molnar and along the epaxial musculature and the dorsally Frey, 1987, p. 33). We assume that this model is hypertrophied cerebellum are all the consequence also applicable for Hungarosaurus, and suggest of a more erected posture and an agile behaviour that the latter, in contrast with other ankylosaurs for Hungarosaurus. That is further supported by except for Minmi, was probably more cursorial, the calculated, relatively low body mass (650 kg for with fast limb movement and long stride. an adult, 4 m long animal; Ősi and Makádi, 2009). The elongate and most probably quite erect fore- Development of the Cerebellum limbs in a lightly built ankylosaur resulted in a rela- As was summarized by Paulin (1993, and ref- tively more dorsally positioned head than in other erences therein), the main function of the cerebel- ankylosaurs, with short and wider gauge forelimb lum is to control and coordinate movements. posture. This demands a more sophisticated cere- Pearson and Pearson (1976) noted that there is a

14 PALAEO-ELECTRONICA.ORG bral coordination of posture and movement than is Research of X.P.S. is supported by the Ministerio expected in other ankyloaurs. de Economía y Competitividad of Spain (project CGL2010-18851/BTE) and the Gobierno Vasco/ CONCLUSIONS Eusko Jaurlaritza (group IT834-13). Partial skull discovered from the Upper Creta- REFERENCES ceous (Santonian) of Iharkút is referred to Hunga- rosaurus sp. on the basis of its similar size and the Averianov, A.O. 2002. An ankylosaurid (: shape and size of the occipital condyle compared Ankylosauria) braincase from the Upper Cretaceous to that of the holotype. In addition, it differs from of Uzbekistan. Bulletin de l’Insti- that of Struthiosaurus spp. in the morphology of the tut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique, Sci- exoccipital, the more elongated ‘neck’ region of the ences de la Terre, 72:97–110. Baumel, J.J. and Witmer, L.M. 1993. Osteologia, p. 45– basioccipital, the shape of the occipital condyle and 132. In Baumel J.J. (ed), Handbook of Avian Anat- the more ventral flexure (45°) of the medulla rela- omy: Nomina Anatomica Avium, 2nd edition. Cam- tive to the forebrain. The endocranial cast taken bridge, Massachusetts, Nuttall Ornithological Society. from this specimen of Hungarosaurus has a dor- Bodor, E.R. and Baranyi, V. 2012. Palynomorphs of the sally hypertrophied cerebellum similarly to that of Normapolles group and related plant mesofossils Struthiosaurus. This feature, along with the ven- from the Iharkút vertebrate site, Bakony Mountains trally oriented basisphenoid, might be synapomor- (Hungary). Central European Geology 55/3:259–292. pies shared by these European ankylosaurs. Buffetaut, E., Ősi, A., and Prondvai, E. 2011. The ptero- The elongate and most probably quite erect saurian remains from the Grünbach Formation (Cam- forelimbs, the presence of paravertebral elements panian, ) of Austria: a reappraisal. along the epaxial musculature and the dorsally Geological Magazine, 148:334–339. Bunzel, E. 1870. Notice of a fragment of a reptilian skull hypertrophied cerebellum indicate that the posture from the Upper Cretaceous of Grünbach. Quarterly and movement of Hungarosaurus could have been Journal of the Geological Society London, 24:394. more advanced, and perhaps this form was more Bunzel, E. 1871. Die Reptilfauna der Gosau Formation in cursorial than in other ankylosaurs. der Neuen Welt bei Wiener-Neustadt. Abhandlungen der k. k. geologische Reichsanstalt, 5:1–18. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Carpenter, K., Dilkes, D., and Weishampel, D.B. 1995. The dinosaurs of the Niobrara Chalk Formation The authors wish to thank T.A. Tumanova and (Upper Cretaceous, Kansas). Journal of Vertebrate S. Brusatte for their useful comments that highly Paleontology, 15:275–297. improved the standards of the manuscript. We Carpenter, K. and Kirkland, J.I. 1998. Review of Lower thank the 2000–2012 field crew for their assistance and Middle Cretaceous ankylosaurs from North in the fieldwork. We are especially grateful to the America, p. 249–270. In Lucas, S.G., Kirkland, J.I., Bakony Bauxite Mining Company and the and Estep, J.W. (eds.), Lower and Middle Creta- Geovolán Zrt. for their logistic help, and T. Németh ceous Terrestrial Ecosystems. New Mexico Museum for his cooperation. We thank G. Zboray (Eötvös of Natural History and Science Bulletin. University), E. Prondvai (ELTE Lendület Dinosaur Carpenter, K., Kirkland, J.I., Burge, D., and Bird, J. 2001. Research Group) and L. Makádi (MTA–ELTE Dino- Disarticulated skull of a new primitive ankylosaurid from the Lower Cretaceous of eastern Utah, p. 211– saur Research Group) for useful discussions, Zs. 238. In Carpenter, K. (ed.), The Armored Dinosaurs. Hajdu, D. Csengődi (MTA–ELTE Dinosaur Indiana University Press, Bloomington. Research Group) and L. Makádi for their technical Company, J., Pereda Suberbiola, X., and Ruiz- assistance, and R. Tokai (Diagnostic Institute of Omeñaca, J.I. 2009. Ankylosaurian remains from the University of Kaposvár, Hungary) for making the Late Cretaceous of Chera (Valencia, Spain), p. 19. In CT scans on the braincase and J. Abel for creating Schwarz-Wings, D., Wings O., and Sattler F. (eds.), the Medical Volume Explorer visualization pro- Abstract Volume of the 7th Annual Meeting of the gram. Field and laboratory work was supported by European Association of Vertebrate Paleontology. the MTA–ELTE Lendület Dinosaur Research Berlin. Group (Grant no. 95102), Hungarian Scientific Coombs, W.P., Jr. 1978a. An endocranial cast of Euoplo- Research Fund (OTKA T–38045, PD 73021, NF cephalus (Reptilia, Ornithischia). Palaeontographica Abteilung A, 161:176–182. 84193), National Geographic Society (Grant No. Coombs, W.P., Jr. 1978b. Forelimb muscles of the Anky- 7228–02, 7508–03), Bolyai Fellowship, Hungarian losauria (Reptilia, Ornithischia). Journal of Paleontol- Natural History Museum, Eötvös Loránd University, ogy, 52:642–657. Foundation and Hantken Foundation.


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Hungarosaurus partial skull from the Upper Cretaceous (Santonian) of Iharkút (western Hungary). For animated movie please see website.