Minutes of a Meeting held in the Phoenix Hall th On Thursday, 7 ​ February, 2019 at 7.00 p.m. ​

PRESENT Cllr. D. Burke Vice-Chairman Cllr. F. Collison Cllr. C. Coslett Cllr. B. Covil Cllr. R. Hayward Cllr. D. Jaffray Cllr. A. Linscer Cllr. Mrs. M. Mitchell In Attendance Cllr. I. Blair-Pilling Council Mrs. Mary Towle Clerk of the Council 6 members of the public


1. The members of the public made various points about the proposed RA Museum as follows: ● Impact of traffic on A345 ● Visual and physical appearance ● Commercial impact ● Access to the Museum – need footpath along dangerous road ● Speeding traffic along A345 ● The area needs jobs, but access to the village is needed

2. Two people from the Dog and Gun were at the meeting to explain why it is important that the function room has the same licensing hours as the pub. They explained that the long hours would rarely be used.

Cllr. Burked thanked all the members of the public for attending the meeting.


Cllr. Blair-Pilling reported that: ● there will be a 2.99% increase in the Council Tax. Wiltshire Council has to make savings of £20m in the next financial year. They are re-organising adult and child care to make the service better while saving money. ● There is a consultation on the recommendations of the Boundary Commission for the Electoral Review. In this area it has agreed with Wiltshire Council recommendations. The area which includes is recommended to consist of: Netheravon, , , , Milston and . ● The MoD are re-instating MoD police on Plain. There will be a Sgt and 4 Policemen.


Apologies were received from: Cllrs. Trevor and Lesley Barker



Cllr. Linscer declared interest in item 5.

18/82 MINUTES ​ th It was RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on 11 ​ January, 2019 be accepted as a true ​ ​ ​ record.


1. Authorization of Cheques The following cheques were approved for the months of November/December 2018:

Payroll £951.83 Mrs. M. Towle – Use of home as office/fencing £30.00 Cardiac Science £49.14

2. Bank reconciliation

Balance in accounts: £17,782.14


1. Planning

18/11784/FUL FULL PLANNING APPLICATION to build a 2 storey and single storey extension at Vine Cottage, Salisbury Road, Netheravon Parish Council Comments: The Parish Council is concerned that this area is liable to flooding.

18/11715/FUL FULL PLANNING APPLICATION to amalgamate 2 dwellings to form a single dwelling at Paddock House, High Street. Parish Council Comments: 1. The Parish Council would like clarification as to the management of the surface water as there is a history of the existing drain flooding in extreme weather 2. The screen should be fixed or if swivelled it must give privacy in its entirety.

18/11973/FUL FULL PLANNING APPLICATION for Temporary planning permission for use of land for film-making for 23 weeks to include construction of set within main building and use of adjacent land for stationing of support services, associated storage and parking at Avon East and West camp, Salisbury Road, Netheravon, SP4 9RN Parish Council Comments: 1. The Parish Council are concerned about the ​ potential volume of traffic on the two days of filming and would ask that the traffic be managed on this dangerous junction at the top of the hill. 2. The Parish Council are concerned about the light pollution from the floodlights which are already on at night in Avon Camp East. The lights are shining directly into Harefield Crescent and so the Parish Counciol would like a condition that the lights are directed away from the houses at Harefield Crescent and East and West Court.


License Application for Dog and Gun

Cllr. Burke explained the application which is to vary the license for the Dog and Gun to include the Function Room which would bring the licensing hours into line with the pub. There was much discussion and concern was expressed that although the licensee assured the Parish Council that the long opening hours would not be used very often – only for special events – they are worried that the neighbours will be disturbed in the early hours of the morning.

It was agreed to write to the Licensing Authority to express concerns. Cllr. Linscer declared an interest and therefore did not vote.

2. Flooding and Adverse Weather

Emergency Store The Men’s Shed has not contacted the Parish Council so the Clerk will chase this up.

Emergency Plan The Draft Emergency Plan is almost ready to send to Wiltshire Council for approval/comments. . 3. Highways

The Clerk reported that the Gateway Signs will be installed in March this year.

4. Cemetery/Enhancement

It was agreed that 7 tubs can be purchased to replace the tubs around the village which have been there for many years. There will be a ‘Netheravon in Bloom’ this year with hanging baskets along the High Street , the tubs and other competitions.

5. Recreation

There will be a children’s party at the Millennium Park on Easter Monday with an Easter Egg Hunt and possibly a bouncy castle. The Clerk and Cllr. Linscer to take this forward with input from the Youth Club. . 6. Allotments

There are two vacant allotments.

7. Phoenix Hall

Cllr. Coslett reported:

● The baby changing unit is now installed in the disabled toilet ● A review of how best to heat the Hall economically is being undertaken. ● The Hall has lost a regular user


● The Hall has formally adopted a Health and Safety Policy, Child Safeguarding and Vulnerable Adult Safeguarding policies. Work is ongoing on its website ● The rest of the Hall will be painted soon ● Once Building Control has signed off the new kitchen (formally), we can plan shelving in the storeroom, applying for a TAB grant for this.

8. Rights of Way

Cllr. Ian Blair-Pilling reported that an Area Board Rights of Way Project is being started which will have funding from the Area Board. The funding will come from 3 different areas: Health and Wellbeing, Community Area Grant and Youth Grant. It will therefore be important to involve young people in the workshop which will be arranged for possibly the May Area Board meeting.


Community Area Board th The next Area Board is on 4 ​ March, 2019 in Tidworth Garrison Theatre. ​


Cllr. Burke reported that the RA Museum had held a very informative Consultation Day in the Phoenix Hall where plans were displayed. The professional Planners were on hand to explain the plans, together with Jeff Smith, Simon Wright and Martin Harvey from the Museum.

It was well attended by people from all over the area including, Durrington, Figheldean, Fittleton and Enford.

There will be a public planning meeting as soon as the planning application is out for consultation. The RA Museum will be asked to the Annual Parish Meeting with the plans so members of the public can see them and ask any questions.


th 1. The Clerk reported that the Bishop will re-dedicate the Cemetery on 10 ​ March ​ (After note: Some of the Cemetery is not consecrated so will have to be done in the future) ​ 2. Ideas for the Annual Parish Meeting include: 1. RA Museum 2. Dog and Gun 3. WW1 Film 4. Cheese and Wine 5. Invite PCSO


1. Notice of Meeting of the Local Performance and Scrutiny Committee of Dorset and Wiltshire Fire Brigade.


1. Cllr. Blair-Pilling was asked if he could find out point of contact for MoD police.



th Thursday 14 ​ March , 2019 at 7.00 pm in the Phoenix Hall. Annual Parish Meeting followed by ​ short Parish Council Meeting.

