Minutes of a Meeting held in the Phoenix Hall On Thursday, 24th June, 2021 at 7.00 p.m.

PRESENT Cllr. D. Burke Chairman Cllr. R. Ayling Vice-Chairman Cllr. B. Covil Cllr. F. Collison Cllr. D. Jaffrey Cllr. Mrs. M. Mitchell Cllr. Mrs. P. Panther Cllr. Mrs. P. Perry Cllr. S. Perry In Attendance Cllr. I. Blair-Pilling Councillor Mrs. Mary Towle Clerk of the Council


There were no members of the public present.


Cllr. Ian Blair-Pilling reported that: ● Netheravon is now part of the Area Board which has been renamed Stonehenge Area Board ● The Chairman of the Stonehenge Area Board is Cllr. Graham Wright with Cllr. Ian Blair-Pilling as Vice-Chairman ● They are hoping to develop informal meetings with parishes some of which will be held remotely. ● The informal sessions will be held monthly. If anyone has any questions please in the first instance email either [email protected] or [email protected]


Apologies were received from Cllr. Coslett


There were no Declaration of Interests


It was RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on 9th May, 2019 be accepted as a true record.


1. Authorization of Cheques

The following cheques were approved for the months of May/June 2019:

Payroll £983.27 138

SSE - village clock £19.01 Hales Road Tub £39.90 Wessex Water £15.12 Hurdcott Landscape £201.83 WALC – subs £424.03 Mrs. M. Towle – use of home as office £30.00 Payroll £1018.91 Andrea Linscer – Internal Audit £50.00 BHIB - insurance £738.18 Hurdcott Landscapes £201.83 WALC – training £36.00 SSE – Village Clock £24.10 Mrs. M. Towle – Stationery £49.16 RGV - printing £18.00 RGV turn on water at allotments £90.00 Luke Rawlins £60.00 Wessex Water – Pigott Close £250.64 Wessex Water – Dog and Gun £14.23 Landmarc BMX rent £50.00 Mrs. M. Towle – Use of home as office £30.00

2. Bank reconciliation

Balance to agree with bank statement: £25,806.81

3. Bank Mandate

It was RESOLVED that Cllr. Richie Ayling will become a signatory and that Andy Linscer be removed.

4. Picnic Bench for Millennium Park

It was RESOLVED to purchase a picnic bench for the Millennium Park. The Clerk agreed to apply to the Area Board for a grant to help pay for two benches.


1. Planning

PL/2021/03368 FULL PLANNING APPLICATION to demolish 2 storage buildings and the erection of 5 bedroom house, garage and associated external works at land adjacent to 118 High Street, Netheravon

Parish Council Comments: Object because they wish to retain one of the last pieces of land in the village for industrial use. Also they consider that the scale of the proposed development in the planning application does not fit with the local conservation area. 139

PL/2021/06189 WORK TO TREES IN CONSERVATION AREA Fell pear tree at 8 Vicarage Gardens. Parish Council Comments:

Appeal by landowner of the Old Mink Farm, A345. Planning meeting held with full council and public invited. It was agreed to fully support Enforcement Notice. A letter will be sent to the Planning Inspector with full background information of former applications.

2. Flooding and Adverse Weather

● Nothing to report .

3. Highways ● The A345 is being closed on 13th July from Netheravon to just beyond for resurfacing. The layby is being used as storage for chippings. Clerk to remind Wiltshire Council about the gully which needs to be cleared after the chippings have been removed. ● A360 is being closed for 3 months. There will be a Q&A session on 29th June. ● The ditch along Lower Road is very overgrown and is obscuring vision for exiting onto Lower Road from the private driveway. Cllr. Burke to talk to Netheravon House Management with a view to having the ditch cleared.

4. Cemetery/Enhancement

The Cemetery Committee have agreed to have a meeting in the Cemetery each month. The next meeting is on 7th July. The Clerk will attend.

5. Recreation

It was agreed that a working party would be held to paint the Court Farm Playground.

BMX track The Clerk reported that there will be a meeting at the BMX Track in the near future. . 6. Allotments

The Clerk reported that she has emailed 2 allotment holders about the untidy state of their allotments.

7. Phoenix Hall

Cllr. Coslett reported:

The major threat to the Phoenix Hall is lack of use and lack of interest from the villagers. The committee needs new blood, and locals are really encouraged to offer their support.

1. Since mid May, the Bridge Club and band practices have restarted, and we have had a new HiT class use the hall. It is a Covid Secure venue. 2. Other regular users do not yet feel able to restart. 140

3. The delay, from the Government, of the final relaxation of safety measures regarding Anti-Covid practices has delayed our full reopening. 4. The Car boot and Produce Sale, planned for 3rd July, is now cancelled. 5. The Hall’s income is much reduced over 2019, to be expected, but good management and grants from the Government via Wiltshire Council has allowed the hall to come through the past 16 months in a secure financial position. 6. The PHMC is keen to encourage more villagers to be members of the committee. 7. The AGM is planned for Tuesday 6th July 6.30pm with drinks available. 8. For the future the committee hope to a. Find a solution to disabled access via the front door (it is side-door only at present) b. Find a solution to the car park surface c. Improve the soft furnishings (curtains) in the hall to update the look d. Restart the 200 Club as means of fundraising e. Find a local person to take on managing the garden border at the front of the hall to improve our first impressions for our visitors f. Continue to encourage villagers to buy via Amazon Smile to support Netheravon and Haxton Village Hall. 9. The most important point for the future is: a. To encourage anyone to use to the hall for i. Your child’s birthday party ii. Any celebratory event iii. A newly started club (cooking classes, sports training, painting classes, etc.) Do you have skills to share?. 1. Without more people using and becoming involved with their village hall it will fail to represent the needs of its community. What can you do to help?

8. Rights of Way

It was reported that stinging nettles and other foliage needs clearing from some kissing gates. The Clerk explained that users should be responsible for keeping the paths clear.

9. Jubilee Committee

There has been no meeting but at the next meeting plans for a Queens Platinum Jubilee Event will be discussed.


Stonehenge Community Area Board Cllr. Ayling reported: As a new member (having moved across from Tidworth) we were given a warm welcome by the Chairman of the board Graham Wright.

Having attended the online teams meeting of the Amesbury (now Stonehenge) Area Board the main points that came from the meeting are as follows:

Enford & Avon Valley Youth Club got both funding for £429.00 (for a laptop) and also £714.16 for the cooking workshops – Great News.

There is £7,900.00 available as a grant for Health and Well Being.

£5,000.00 available for a councillor led initiative for community engagements activities – Well worth tapping into. 141

The main area of concern would be the disruption of the closure of the A360 in approx. 3 months and the A345 as the diversion route (from Salisbury, through Amesbury to Countess roundabout).

Marcia Daniels is the POC for highways and can be contacted at [email protected].

Q&A meeting for the A303 Tunnel project at 7pm on 29th June 2021 by Highways England

Link to website can be found here: Click here to Highways England - Q&A web page.

Date of Next Meeting – 23 Sep 21 should be face to face and anticipate a 1900hrs start time.


It was agreed that the Parish Council should organise tree planting for the Jubilee. Talks will be taking place to decide on a suitable location.


Cllr. Ayling explained that the purpose of this proposal is to put forward an idea and an area for improvement to provide the parish of Netheravon outdoor fitness equipment which will assist with general fitness, wellness and improve overall mental health for all ages.

These facilities have been successfully provided in other local parishes.

It was RESOLVED that plans should be set in motion to provide outside exercise equipment for adults. The equipment should be distributed on parcels of land around the village which would be accessible to all ages. Costs will be investigated and the Clerk will look into sources of funding.

NB Full proposal attached to these minutes


It was RESOLVED that a laptop be provided for the Clerk at a cost of approximately £350. 21/26 CORRESPONDENCE

1. An email was received asking that the Cemetery records be put online on a central data base. It was agreed that as the Cemetery records are on the Parish Council website and that there is an annual fee, that this would not be done at the moment.


1. There have been complaints about vehicles parking on the junction of Queensway. 2. The Clerk agreed to ask the police to the next Parish Council Meeting 3. The subject of Walnut Close was brought up. There is no play equipment for children living in the area as the swings have been taken down. 4. It was reported that the manager of the shop has been asked to provide a bin outside the shop. 142


Thursday 8th July, 2021 at 7.00 pm in the Phoenix Hall.

