www.enfordnewsletter.org July-August 2020




www.enfordnewsletter.org July-August 2020



DOCTORS DURRINGTON Avon Valley Practice Surgery 01980 652378 DURRINGTON Cross Plains Surgery 01980 652221 UPAVON Avon Valley Practice Surgery, Fairfield 01980 630221






ELECTRICITY 105 ENVIRONMENTAL AGENCY 0800 80 70 60 FLOOD LINE 0345 988 1188 GAS 0800 111 999 PLAINWATCH 01980 674700


LINK (Durrington & District) 01980 594857


DURRINGTON, Avon Valley Secondary School 01980 652467 , All Saints’ C of E Primary 01980 670339 RUSHALL, Rushall C of E Primary 01980 630360 PEWSEY, Pewsey Vale Secondary School 01672 565000


BIN COLLECTIONS 0300 456 0102 http://www.wiltshire.gov.uk/rubbish-collection-day

HOUSEHOLD RECYCLING CENTRES (HRC) http://www.wiltshire.gov.uk/household-recycling-centres


If any crime is taking place call 999 and do not under any circumstances challenge the offenders. Report suspicious activity to PLAINWATCH (01980 674700) or [email protected]. The more information received the better, e.g. time, place, vehicle registration, description of individuals and vehicles.

Health and Safety reminder for all Military Training Areas and Ranges:

Do not touch or tamper with Military debris. Wash your hands before you eat. Clean your footwear before you enter your car or home.

2 www.enfordnewsletter.org July-August 2020

The next Newsletter deadline is

Useful Telephone Numbers/ FRIDAY Crime Reduction 2 21st August 2020

Next Newsletter Deadline/ 3 Emails are preferred but all Local Pubs Notice items for inclusion, whether they Church Notice/ 4 are handwritten, typed or via Condolences e-mail, MUST be submitted by the deadline date. Team Curate’s Musings/ 5 These articles may be handed in Age UK to any Newsletter Committee Church Support Contacts 6 member.

NHS Notice/Thank You 7 Please send e-mails to [email protected] CrimeStoppers/ 8 Wilts Council Information/ Newsletter Committee Newsletter Advice reserves the right to reject or omit from publication any SPTA news/Defibrillator/ 9 material that is considered by Fly-tipping/ majority of Committee Members Enford Community Fund to be detrimental to any person Quiz Answers/ 10 or which is not in the best Victim Support interest of the community as a Parish Council Annual General 11-13 whole. Review All letters and articles must be signed, but the Committee will Gardening Club/ 14 withhold the name of the writer Village Hall Update if this is requested when Camera Club/ 15 submitted. Libraries A Taste of South America 16-17 Local Pub Dog Mess Bins 18 Services Thank you/PC Meetings/ 19 The Swan Pop-up Shop We are very lucky that both the Poem/ 20 pubs in our distribution area, Advertising the Red Lion and The Swan are Advertising 21-28 offering shop and takeaway Village Hall Diary 29 services during the current Village Committees 30 lockdown.

July Diary 31 See pages 19 and 25 for full August Diary 32 details. 3 www.enfordnewsletter.org July-August 2020

Churches Open for Individual Private Prayer and Reflection

We are delighted that most of our churches are open for individual private prayer and reflection.

If you would like to take a quiet moment with God or just find time to think in a place that’s been a reminder of hope and love for centuries, you are welcome to pop in.

Church Opening Times  – Remaining closed for the moment  Durrington – Expected to be open from 29th June  Enford – Sundays from 1-4pm and Thursdays from 9am – 12noon  – Sundays, Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10am-5pm till end of June and then every day  – Sundays, Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays from 9am-4pm  Milston – Every day from 9am – 4pm  Netheravon – Sundays from 9am-4pm and Wednesdays from 9am-4pm

Please follow the guidance in church to help us keep everyone safe and well.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the clergy or churchwardens in the first instance.


It is with great sadness that we have to report the passing of 3 current or previous residents of Enford Parish. We extend our sympathy and condolences at this sad time to... the family of Viktor Abrahamowicz who used to live in Enford and had moved to Haxton;

Eddie and all the family of Dave Smith of New Buildings;

Paula and all the family of Gaston de Chalus from Chisenbury.

4 www.enfordnewsletter.org July-August 2020

A word from Heather Breary our Team Curate:

As I write this we have heard from our Government that we can now begin to open our church buildings. This is a very restricted opening and for now is purely for small funerals and for private individual prayer. We cannot hold any other services or meet together in our buildings.

We know that many of you in our community appreciate the peace and tranquillity of our church buildings. Many people pop into the buildings to sit quietly and be with God. I suspect that as we continue to find our way through this pandemic and all the ways in which it has affected us as a country, as individuals as families and as a community the peace of our church buildings will be something that many will wish to partake of. We are trying to navigate the guidelines and ‘rules’ to ensure that we can open and at the same time keep everybody safe. But….

You do not have to be in a church building to be in the presences of God and to talk to God. He is wherever you are. We can pray in many different places.

We are fortunate that we live in a beautiful part of Wiltshire with the countryside on our doorstep. I have been on very many ‘Prayer’ walks over the last few weeks. Walking through God’s Creation, noticing with wonder and awe all that he has designed, and made. Whilst praying for many different people and things, as well as giving thanks for all that we have been blessed with.

I have sat in the quiet of my garden with the birds singing and the sound of children laughing and talked with God or just rested in His presence.

I have sat at my desk and listened to someone on YouTube or a live Facebook stream, or on Zoom hundreds of miles away pray and worship God and I have joined with them. I know that for many being in a church building and saying prayers there has more significance, but for God it matters not where we are. God just wants us to spend time with him. So whilst we wait for our buildings to open fully, let’s see if we can encounter God in our homes, through gathered prayer over the internet and in His wonderful Creation all around us. Be assured of our continued prayers for all of you in all of our communities.

Dear Heavenly Father, May those in our community who are tired and overwhelmed find You to be a close comfort. I pray that they will strongly feel Your presence in their lives today and that they will hear Your voice guiding them as You walk beside them throughout each day. Amen

Take Care, Reverend Heather

Do you have some time to spare to support local old- er people? Information about all our roles can be found:  on our website www.ageukwiltshire.org.uk or  by calling our office on 01380 727767  or emailing us at [email protected]

5 www.enfordnewsletter.org July-August 2020

It’s Good to Talk

In these challenging times if you would like to chat to someone about anything, we are all available to talk to you and to listen to you. Just pick up the phone and give us a call.

Team Rector: Team Vicar: Curate: Assistant Priest: Rev Philip Bromiley Rev. Gale Hunt Rev Heather Brearey Rev Susan Drewett (01980) 258549 (01980) 670326 (01980) 555679 (01980) 652751

Licensed Lay Padre Nick Adley Padre Minister: 07973 737540 Andrew Thompson Chrysogon Bamber 07973735639 (01980) 670296

Andy Lund Katie Crothers Durrington Community Church Baptist Church (01980) 594420 07881381589

6 www.enfordnewsletter.org July-August 2020

Don’t delay seeking medical help because of Coronavirus

People living in Wiltshire are being advised not to let worries about coronavirus stop them asking for medical help for themselves or their children if they become ill, have a serious accident or have a concern about their health.

They are also being warned that not seeking medical help for symptoms that could be the early warning signs of serious conditions such as cancer could be putting lives at risk.

The warning comes as new data shows a considerable drop in the number of people coming forward to ask their GP for help and advice during the coronavirus outbreak.

Dr Ruth Grabham, Medical Director at BaNES, Swindon and Wiltshire CCG, said the statistics made for worrying reading because the drop in numbers “is not because people are not experiencing symptoms. ”

“While it may seem that coronavirus has put a stop to most aspects of everyday life, the one thing it hasn’t stopped is what’s going on inside our bodies,” she says. “Now more than ever, we need to pay attention to anything that isn ’t normal and seek help early on.

For example, if you notice blood when going to the toilet, or if you ’ve found a lump that wasn’t there previously, or if you’ve just noticed something odd that is causing you to worry, you need to speak to your GP.

Should the symptom be the early warning sign of something serious like cancer, that delay in seeking help could have serious implications for how successful possible treatments may be. ”

Emergency departments are at three hospitals in Bath, Swindon and Salisbury, all of which continue to be open 24 hours a day for people with a genuine and life-threatening health concern.

Additionally, all healthcare facilities in the region, have put in place stringent infection control measures to ensure that the risk of contracting coronavirus while visiting a hospital or GP surgery remains low.

Details of which services continue to open, as well as how to get in contact, can be found online by visiting www.bswccg.nhs.uk

For information about local hospital services visit https://www.ruh.nhs.uk/, www.gwh.nhs.uk or www.salisbury.nhs.uk

Further information on how to stay well throughout the coronavirus outbreak can be found at www.nhs.uk/conditions/coronavirus-covid-19. Communications & Engagement Specialist – Strategic Projects NHS Bath and North East Somerset, Swindon and Wiltshire Clinical Commissioning Group

The Newsletter Committee would like to thank the Parish Council for kindly donating very generously so that the newsletter can continue to be published.

7 www.enfordnewsletter.org July-August 2020


We work with County Police Forces to help reduce crime in our communities and to protect vulnerable individuals. Crimestoppers nationally runs a large number of campaigns each year educating the public about different crime types and appealing for information. The national website is www.crimestoppers-uk.org. should you want to find out more.

In Wiltshire, we are trying to increase our reach to the public with a number of initiatives to make our communities more aware of our service and encourage its use. We are also looking for volunteer 'Ambassadors' within individual parishes to help us stay aware of local issues and promote the use of the service. Public reporting of crime and anti-social behaviour using 999 or 101 is sometimes inhibited through fear of identification, and thus also of recrimination or reprisal. In providing a 100%-guaranteed anonymous reporting system through Crimestoppers using the number 0800 555 111, we hope to overcome those fears and thus make our communities safer for all. In the last year alone, anonymous reports of crime to Crimestoppers in our county have led to a number of convictions.

One of our objectives this year is to make more people in Wiltshire, especially the more vulnerable members of our communities, aware of the Crimestoppers reporting service through the parish magazines of the County. We hope, for example, to keep the Crimestoppers logo and contact details constantly in the public eye through regular placements in publications such as these.

Finally, as a volunteer Committee we are always looking for people to help our cause and kindly give us their time to make our communities safer; if you know of anyone who may be interested please do let me know.

Matt McGinn Chairman Wiltshire Crimestoppers. Email: [email protected]

COVID19 (Coronovirus) -

For the most up to date information on Council services that may be affected by COVID-19 and health advice and information, please visit http://www.wiltshire.gov.uk/public-health-coronavirus. This will be regularly

updated for all Council services and will hold all information in a central place.

Please feel free to contact Ian Blair-Pilling if you have concerns or questions, which you would like him to pursue. Wiltshire Councillor for The Collingbournes and Netheravon Division Home: 01980670812 Mobile: 07518942216 [email protected]

A message from your Newsletter Committee

Given current Government advice and the speed with which it changes, we suggest you contact the organisers before attending events advertised within these pages.

8 www.enfordnewsletter.org July-August 2020


For Training Area News, giving times of live firing, current and upcoming exercises go to https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/salisbury-plain-training-area-spta-newsletter

ENFORD DEFIBRILLATOR The defibrillator is in a yellow box on the wall of

Hill House, 9 Longstreet, SN9 6DD Grid Ref SU142515.

It is located in the centre of Enford 25m north of The Swan next to the parish notice boards.

If you think you need to use the defibrillator call 999.

The Emergency Service will give you the code to get into the cabinet.


Wiltshire Council Launch the “We’re Targeting Fly-tippers Campaign”

Wiltshire Council has launched a reward campaign to reduce fly-tipping throughout the county. They are urging anyone with any information about fly-tipping in Wiltshire to report it to them with as much information as possible, and any successful prosecution will earn a voucher of up to £200 for the person who reported it.

IMPORTANT: Do not try to rummage through or disturb the waste, as this could affect the scene and put people in danger. It is also essential that people do not attempt to con- front anyone who is fly-tipping or put themselves in danger in any way.

To report fly-tipping in Wiltshire, or to find out more about the campaign, including terms and conditions, go to: www.wiltshire.gov.uk/community-environment-wtf.

The Enford Community Fund Funding is available to help projects/events in the Parish of Enford (which includes East and West Chisenbury, Coombe, Fiffield and Littlecott).

Applications for awards must be made to the treasurer, Amanda Farrow, by email or letter, no later than the first day of the award month (March and September). [email protected] or 537 East Chisenbury.

The following guidelines will be followed in allocating funds: 1. Awards will be considered every 6 months in March and September. 2. Awards will be made for individual projects and are not designed to allow awardees to become reliant on the award on an annual/regular basis. 3. Awards will be made to causes that benefit the community and not specific individuals. 4. No awards will exceed £1,000. 5. For any award to be made, there must be agreement by at least 75% of the Committee.

9 www.enfordnewsletter.org July-August 2020

...to last month’s quizzes!

Pub Quiz 1 Black 2 Goats 3 Squirrel 4 The Police 5 Pisces 6 The Spice Girls Parts of the Body 7 Asia 1 Nail 13 Head 8 World War I 2 Hair 14 Index Finger 9 Krypton 3 Pupils 15 Lip 10 Malta 4 Arm 16 Shoulder 11 Royal Flush 5 Temple 17 Spine 12 Hadrian's Wall 6 Chest 18 Pelvis 13 U2 7 Hands 19 Bottom 14 King Midas 8 Nose 20 Calf 15 Grain, Hops, Yeast, Water 9 Mouth 21 Feet 16 George Foreman and Muhammad Ali 10 Navel 22 Sternum 17 29th September 11 Elbow 23 Eye 18 Warp and Weft 12 Hip 24 Toe 19 Violet Carson Coronation Street 25 Palm 20 Potassium Chlorate

10 www.enfordnewsletter.org July-August 2020

ENFORD PARISH ANNUAL REVIEW Draft Minutes Collated from email by Elizabeth Harrison Parish Clerk, May 2020

REPORT FOR ENFORD PARISH COUNCIL As usual it has been a busy year for the Parish Council. In respect of benefits/improvements to the village that have been achieved we have commissioned and installed a village information board sited on the side of the central bus shelter, we have installed two new, oak notice boards (in the centre of the village and also at Coombe) to replace the old, somewhat dilapidated ones, the bench by the central bus stop has been completely renovated and is now regularly used, we have installed and lit a beautiful village Christmas tree and we have welcomed a new Councillor, Mrs Charlotte Clark who has agreed to take on the supervision of Neighbourhood Watch and Police Liaison. In terms of on-going ‘projects’, we have installed private speeding signs of 20mph in the central part of the village. This will hopefully work well with the Community Area Transport Group (CATG) whom we have asked to complete the research/surveys for a formal speed limit of 20mph. This will take time (possibly 6 months) but it is all to the greater good of the village. For the Playpark area, we commissioned a potential new layout and new equipment which came to approximately £37,000. This was based on the current site but there is the possibility of extending the area and offering more facilities for a wider age range. This requires a Land Asset Transfer from Wiltshire Council who have also offered smaller parcels of land within the parish, but these will not benefit the village as their only requirement is maintenance which would be costly. The decision on the extended Playpark area therefore is in the balance and currently we are awaiting a decision from Wiltshire Council on whether we can choose which parcels of land they are offering. As part of Wiltshire Council’s ‘Paths For All’ initiative, the parishes of Enford, Fittleton, Netheravon and Everleigh have established an informal body of volunteers called the 'Avon Valley Group’ to promote and encourage the use and enjoyment of the many Public Rights of Way in the local area. The Group has been working with Wiltshire Council’s footpath officers to install new kissing gates where the PRoWs cross field boundaries either side of the river between Fifield and Fittleton. Additionally, the Group has catalogued and recorded several attractive and interesting walks of differing lengths ready for printing on tri-fold posters that will be freely available throughout the valley. The children of Netheravon primary school have adopted the project of designing the map and artwork for the poster advertising a local walk around Netheravon and Haxton. The activities of the Group are on hold currently but hope to resume as soon as the lock down eases. The Council continues to organise and pay for the ground care in the Community Garden and at the Playpark site, to install/maintain/fill the salt/grit bins around the village, to install/empty the 6 village litterbins and maintain supplies for flooding emergencies some of which were used this year. Sadly, due to the Coronavirus situation, we had to cancel the now Annual Village Litter Pick in March, but we are hopeful that this may be arranged for later in the year. As the lockdown was announced the Council immediately set up a Support Network for the village co-ordinated by the Clerk. It has been cheering to see how many of the residents of the Parish have put their names forward to assist anyone in need from the Chisenburys to Fifield and everywhere in between – a real community spirit, looking out for each other which was also demonstrated by the excellent support from both our pubs with the provision of essential supplies and takeaway meals. Another example of the supportive spirit within the village, that deserves credit, has been the initiative of some residents in making, in vol- ume, sets of scrubs for key workers and the masks that have been displayed and made available in the bus shelter. Financially the Parish Council continues to keep the cost of the Precept as low as possible. However, we face a potential reduction of services from Wiltshire Council which we will have to cover as well as the usual/predictable village running costs and rising prices for everything. We run a contingency fund which is ringfenced for specific future spending requirements and retain a minimum balance. The Parish Accounts and systems are run by the Clerk and are audited every year both internally and externally. These are available to see on the Newsletter website alongside the minutes of PC meetings. I, as the Chairman of Enford PC (Cllr Richard Roberts), together with the Vice Chairman (Cllr Mark Hiskett) and one other (Cllr Peter Cliffe-Roberts) were all the subjects of an extremely detailed, malevolent Code of Conduct complaint raised against them into the manner in which they acted on very specific Parish Council business. Having reviewed the complaint Wiltshire Council dismissed it both initially and following an appeal. Parish Councillors voluntarily give their time for the benefit of the village, I thank them for all their support and the clerk, Elizabeth Harrison, for all her efforts in keeping us and the not insignificant bureaucracy in order. 2 REPORT FOR THE PAROCHIAL CHURCH COUNCIL Firstly, a massive thank you to all the villagers who have supported the church throughout the year, 11 www.enfordnewsletter.org July-August 2020 either by offering your valued services, or by attending services, or one or more of the fund-raising events. Church services had(!) settled down to a popular monthly schedule offering something for everyone - full-on communion on the 1st Sunday of each month, a shared ART (Avon River Team) service somewhere in the valley on the 2nd Sunday, Breakfast Church on the 3rd Sunday, authentic sung Evensong on the 4th. We are pleased to see Breakfast Church growing in popularity - this takes a more casual approach to the church season and offers a supervised activity 'break out' for young children as well. Breakfast (yes it involves bacon usually) is on offer at the start of the session. Church is more than just ‘regular services’ - Enford hosted many weddings throughout the summer and Brides and Grooms have been delighted by the enchanting setting and atmosphere of the church and churchyard. Equally baptisms and other personal services take place as and when requested. Talking about the churchyard, this space is enjoyed well beyond the regular church community - The PCC spends huge time and energy in keeping the grounds looking tidy and 2020 will see more outside projects to enhance the experience further - trees will be pruned and the war grave in Enford opened up a bit to give it the respect it deserves. Please, please continue to support events such as the concerts, the summer BBQ, and the Christmas Fair so that we can keep the buildings and outside space to the highest standards. Finances remain tight so please come forward if you would be willing to join the regular parish giving scheme. Donations ensure that the community can safely (and with some relief) hand the Church, as a centrepiece of village life, over to future generations of villagers. We are grateful to the parish council for their small contribution each year. In closing, we are indebted to the wonderful support we get from Revd’s Phillip and Gale and the rest of the River Valley clergy team. They have pivoted with great success into providing digital content online during lockdown for all to follow in place of our regular services, and we appreciate these efforts greatly. We are hopeful to be able to re-open church soon. 3 REPORT FOR ENFORD VILLAGE HALL The Management Committee would like to thank the Parish Council for its continued support and generous donation which helps towards the maintenance of the Recreation Ground and subsidising village user groups. Thanks are also due to the Enford Community Fund and to the organisers of the February Jumble Sale who have made generous donations towards the expenditure of replacing the car park lighting system. Both of these donations helped with the considerable cost of £10,088. Last year the Village Hall hosted a party for the community celebrating the 10th Anniversary of the official opening in June 2009. Held on a lovely summer’s evening it was attended by many residents who also enjoyed the display of photographs of the old village hall and school and the construction phase of the new hall. Also on display from the hall archive were historical documents and photographs of previous celebrations such as the Coronation, the Millennium and Royal Weddings. The Committee provided the drinks and refreshments as a Thank You for all the support shown by the village over the years – unsurprisingly the Committee was asked to organise another party this year. Plans were well advanced for a VE Day Celebration Party to be held on 8 May but sadly this had to be cancelled – it is hoped this can be held later in the year or next summer. Following on from the Anniversary Party the summer and winter months continued to be successful and, up until January 2020, there was a small increase in income compared with the same period in the previous year. This was encouraging. Several parties and weddings had been booked and these, together with the regular classes and clubs, meant the Committee was hopeful that the Hall would break even this financial year. The Hall closed mid-March in line with Government lockdown rules and it is still not certain when it will be allowed to re-open – perhaps in July. The Committee has taken advantage of the closure to put in place an extensive programme of deep cleaning, maintenance and repairs which is now almost completed. This has been hard work and a time-consuming exercise with thanks to all those who have been helping. Prior to re-opening a Risk Assessment has been drawn up to ensure the Hall will be safe and compliant. Inevitably it is clear that the Hall will be in deficit this financial year with the loss of income. The weddings and parties have chosen to re-book for next year rather than cancel which is good news. However, arrangements have had to be made to draw down from the reserves to tide the Hall over financially until the autumn, when it is hoped bookings may return to something near normal and income starts up again. I would like to thank Hamish Scott-Dalgleish for continuing to mow and maintain the Recreation Ground. The grounds are looking better than ever and it has been noticeable how many local families have enjoyed playing and picnicking during the warm sunny weather. 12 www.enfordnewsletter.org July-August 2020

5 REPORT FOR THE ENFORD COMMUNITY FUND The Enford Community Fund reported that this last year has brought changes. Amanda Farrow who has run it for many years has now stepped down and been succeeded by Richard Pettit and Gareth Holden. They had hoped to organise a Fete this year but that has been unfortunately cancelled. The other main point of organisation is the Fireworks night which will hopefully proceed as normal. These two fund-raising events give the Community Fund the ability to give grants to specific village projects, by application, in both March and September. 6 REPORT FOR THE ENFORD FOOTBALL CLUB Until the start of the Covid-19 outbreak Steve Todd was still running the Saturday morning sessions with the help of qualified coaches from Innov8sportz. Numbers were fluctuating between 6-10, but after handing in flyers to local schools and posting on sites like Netheravon Notice Board, we managed to get some new faces to the point where prior to the cessation of activities due to the Covid-19 outbreak, we were getting between 8-12 each week. We also had a change of Coach after the summer school break, as the existing coaches (Terry & Kane) from Innov8sportz wanted to take a break. They managed to get a colleague, Josh Hodder, to take over the coaching role for us, and the kids have really taken to him as he mixes up the training to keep it fresh. The risk we are now facing is that Innov8sportz obviously depend on providing training/coaching activities to local schools/clubs & groups, so it remains to be seen if they have managed to survive the lockdown period. I will update you once I know more (Steve has messaged Josh to see how he is and if he thinks they will be able to resume sessions). The charges are still the same as when we initially started the sessions and as the Village Hall make no charge to the club for the use of the facilities there is no planned increase in prices for the fore- seeable future. We still pay the coaches every Saturday morning and as long as we get 10 children attending then the cost of the coaches is covered. Steve carries out his duties on a voluntary basis and continues to do a great job, sometimes in very difficult conditions. The club is in need of some new goals, nets and footballs and we have requested some funding from the Enford Fete Committee to assist in the purchase of these items. We are still having problems with the rabbits on site digging holes all over the pitch. The concern here is that if the holes are not all filled in prior to training then it would be very easy for the children to injure themselves if they step into one of the holes causing serious injury. Steve arrives early to fill in the holes but it is a job which has to be done before every session. The club would like to take this opportunity to thank the Parish Council, the Village Hall Committee and the Enford Fete Committee for its continued support. 7 REPORT FOR THE ENFORD NEWSLETTER Due to the Covid-19 Lockdown we have been unable to meet in person as a Committee since March. We have instead been working remotely, discussing articles, advertising etc via email. As a Committee, we wish to say a very special and HUGE thank you to Sue Cosgrove, our Compiler, who has been so efficient and shown an extraordinary amount of patience with us! We can only publish the monthly newsletter with the help of donations and paid advertising. We are extremely appreciative of the generous donation from the Parish Council and from the villagers who donate, plus of course organisations that support us by way of advertising. Advertising: In May 2019, we had 25 Advertisers in the Newsletter. During the past year, 5 advertisers left us and were replaced by 5 new entrants. Our total income from advertising for May 2019-May 2020 was £1002.00. Additionally, The Swan has been advertising in the main body of the Newsletter during the Covid-19 crisis. Hamish Scott-Dalgleish has agreed to pay the charges for the Swan as part of a contribution to the village effort to support the community. Finances: Our only outgoings are to the printer each month and for the Web site. As stated above our income is from advertising and donations and Jeni has done a good job replacing lost advertisers with new. We try and keep enough money in our account to publish the Newsletter for a year (without donations etc) and once again we have managed to do so. Priority is given to village mat- ters, but we continue to include information about what is happening further afield as we know this is of interest our readers. In 2019 we endeavoured to produce an up-to-date telephone directory for the village. Unfortunately we received a surprisingly low response. The Committee therefore decided to produce a shortened version for those who did respond and this went out inside the August 2019 newsletter. Finally, I would like to thank our volunteers who work so hard to produce the newsletter each month for the benefit of others – that’s everyone on the Committee, Kim Riche who posts on the village website and our amazing distributors who go out in all weathers to pop it through letterboxes. 8. DATE OF NEXT ANNUAL PARISH MEETING – One year’s time, to be advised 13 www.enfordnewsletter.org July-August 2020


Because of Coronavirus, we are sadly cancelling our meetings.

As I am sure everyone knows, there are no meetings until September, when we are still hoping that we will be able to meet again in person. We are dependent on government directives and the Village Hall’s decisions. Please contact me nearer the time for more information. We will also update you through the Gardening Club email list; if you are not on it and would like to be, please let me know. Happy gardening and stay safe.

Further details from Fanny Middleton, 01980 671645 email: [email protected]

Enford Village Hall Update

In line with Government lockdown rules the Hall was closed in mid March. Since then the Committee has taken advantage of the closure to undertake an extensive deep clean and has also used the time to carry out repairs and various maintenance jobs. Thank you to everyone who has helped.

It is hoped that the Hall will be allowed to re-open from 6 July, albeit with continued restrictions on numbers and social distancing. In line with insurance requirements there will be a need for all hirers to help comply with additional cleaning and disinfecting standards, before and after their own booking or event. The Committee has carried out the necessary Risk Assessments to ensure the Hall will be safe and compliant with Wiltshire Council and ACRE (Action with Rural Communities in ) guidelines. Advice will be provided to all users, and please contact the Village Hall if you have any queries or concerns.

Various private events have chosen to postpone or re-book for next year and hopefully all the Clubs and Classes will return in September after the usual summer break. Pre- lockdown, plans were well advanced for a VE Day Celebration Party to be held in the Hall on 8 May but sadly this had to be cancelled. Instead it is hoped the Village Hall will host a party next summer similar to the very successful 10th Anniversary event held last year.

The grounds are looking better than ever and it has been noticeable how many local families have enjoyed playing and picnicking during the warm sunny weather.

Thanks are due to Hamish Scott-Dalgleish for mowing and maintaining the Recreation Ground to such a high standard. The Management Committee would also like to thank the Parish Council for its continued support and precept donation. In addition a big thank you to the Enford Community Fund and the organisers of the February Jumble Sale who gave generous donations towards the considerable cost of replacing the car park lighting system.

Thank you all for the continued support and help - the Committee looks forward to welcoming everyone back before too long!!

If you have any queries or concerns please contact: 01980 670501 or email [email protected] 14 www.enfordnewsletter.org July-August 2020

Enford Camera Club

Based on Government Advice regarding the Coronavirus, we will be cancelling the next two meetings of Enford Camera Club (June and July).

Photo: Enford School 1913 In the meantime, please take the opportunity to get some fresh air and practice taking photos on the themes of: • The moon • Flora and fauna There is no meeting in August so hopefully we will be able to meet again in September.

The camera club charge only £3 per evening. You don’t have to join the club, just turn up for the night. Contact [email protected] for more information.

The Mobile and Other Library Services

Following government advice and to help stop the transmission of COVID-19, Wiltshire Council has taken the decision to close all its libraries and leisure centres until further notice. The mobile library service will also be suspended during this time. If anyone knows of any family, friends or neighbours who rely upon this service, please feel free to share books with them if possible, but please take into account the latest public health advice on contact with people, particularly with the elderly and vulnerable. For further information, please go to http://www.wiltshire.gov.uk/public-health-coronavirus

15 www.enfordnewsletter.org July-August 2020

A Taste of South America Episode 5 The Spanish Word for Poncho is...poncho!

I’ve now caught up to where I previously mentioned we were awaiting our delayed flight to Puerto Maldonado in the Amazon (last month’s instalment). After finally arriving in Puerto Maldonado at 5pm, we were advised that, due to recent attacks on boats travelling in the dark, the Peruvian Navy had banned all boats travelling by boat into the jungle after 5pm. A little disappointed at missing out on a night in the jungle we decided to cheer ourselves up and make the most of happy hour cocktails! It was here that I adopted the nickname “Poncho”! With the high possibility of getting rain in the jungle, we were advised to buy a cheap plastic poncho. Worried that with my limited Spanish and being on the outskirts of the jungle I wouldn’t be able to communicate what it was I wanted, I asked the question “how do you say poncho in Spanish?”! The rest is history!

The next morning, after re-packing our belongings for the jungle into a small duffle bag, we boarded a motorised canoe for a 3hour trip down the Tambopata, a tributary of the Amazon river, into the Madre de Dios region. Thankfully, our journey was uneventful, stopping en route for our first jungle walk. Walking for about 45minutes we came to a lake known to be home to some otters. We took a small wooden barge out on the lake, powered by manual wooden rudder and oar. Not lucky enough to see any otters, we did spot various birds and small turtles. As we continued by boat on to our lodge we saw Capybara, a rather large Guinea pig and some Caimans bathing on the shore.

In the afternoon we did another jungle walk. A little disappointed we didn't get to see any interesting animals other than some leaf cutter ants and locust mounds, you could hear various bird life high in the trees above. Dallas also went out on a night walk, this being his highlight of our jungle experience, seeing stick insects, fire, soldier and army ants and 2 tarantula including a pink toed tarantula - hence why I didn't go!

The next morning, we were woken by a loud noise, all convinced it was some sort of industrial machine/engine. We were surprised to learn though it was actually a Red Howler Monkey. Unfortunately, we didn't get to see it or any other monkeys, but the haunting sound was definitely unreal. After rising we trekked through the jungle for 1hour to a 44metre tower with a viewing platform. From here we could get up close and personal with some wildlife and saw Toucans, Woodpeckers, and some Orioles. It was then time to board our boat out of the jungle and back to the mainland. As transport seems to be a theme on the trip you won't be surprised to hear we nearly hit a log on the way out!

I thought The Amazon would be another highlight of the trip, but for me I came away a little disappointed. I was hoping to see far more wildlife and exotic looking plants and flowers. With nature though (and a slogan that was adopted early in the tour) 'anything is possible, nothing's guaranteed'!

Our Journey then took us to Cusco. Once the capital of the Inca empire it sits at an altitude of 3,399m/11,152 ft. It has now become a major commercial and tourism centre, being the gateway to the Inca Trail and Machu Picchu and therefore it's no surprise it's the prime destination for first time visitors to Peru.

16 www.enfordnewsletter.org July-August 2020

After Cusco we took a private bus towards the Sacred Valley. En route we stopped at a local village for lunch where we learnt about community life, traditions and tools they make and use for building homes and gardening.

We also stopped at a local market where women make and sell Alpaca textiles. We saw demonstrations on the process of spinning, cleaning and dyeing the wool using natural products, including the bug from a plant which is white in colour, changing to bright purple when squashed!! It was then on to Ollantaytambo and where the real adventure would begin. After a brief orientation tour we headed to the one stop shop where we were guaranteed to find anything and everything we would need for our upcoming trek, the Original Inca Trail - excitement much! Wet-wipes, snacks, extra-long toilet roll and bags for carrying rubbish (including used toilet paper) we were off to celebrate Inca Eve! While travelling, you have to do those things you may never get the opportunity or nerve to do again. In this case it was trying the local delicacy, Alpaca and Guinea Pig and probably where a few of you will stop reading! All I will say is, one's very gamey; the other you'd easily go hungry on, or so I've been told....

The Inca Trail has definitely been one of the highlights so far, exceeding expectations in every aspect. I think we both had the Inca trail at the back of our minds from the start of our trip. Would we manage it physically? Would we succumb to altitude sickness and if so, would it stop us from completing the trail?

There are over 30,000km of tails joining Cuzco to surrounding provinces. The Inca trail, which took around 80years to make is 26miles (42km) long. Throughout the trail you see many Inca sites which seem to become grander the closer you get to Machu Picchu.

We were introduced to Joseph, who would be our guide for the trail, and immediately we knew we would be in good hands. A guy full of smiles, a great attitude and someone who has completed the trail over 100 times. Giving us an overview of the trail, he briefed us on the distances, altitudes and time we could expect to complete each day. Accompanying us on our journey would be 13 porters and 2 chefs. They would carry all our tents, food, equipment and most importantly our 6kg of personal belongings including sleeping bag for the duration of the trip. Trying to decide what to take didn't prove easy; needing clothes for 4 days of hiking, for all weather conditions - the possibility of rain, freezing cold at night and baking hot during the day and all packed inside a small duffel bag along with your toiletries, sleeping bag and liner! You can take more but you have to carry it in your day pack along with your 3litres of water, rain jacket, head torch, camera and snacks for the day!

Lisa and Dallas’ journey on the Inca Trail starts here and is, understandably, too long to fit in this month. Join us in September for the full story! 17 www.enfordnewsletter.org July-August 2020

ENFORD VILLAGE – DOG MESS BINS Please clean up after your dog and use the bins provided. Thank you.

This image represents the bins available for bagged dog mess in the village.

This image represents the footpath from Coombe Lane to Fifield.

The bins have been paid for by the Parish Council who also pay for their regular emptying. This is to try keep the kerbs, walks and paths etc. around the village as clean and pleasant as possible for everyone to enjoy. 18 www.enfordnewsletter.org July-August 2020

MANY THANKS FOR THE WATER SUPPLY I would like to thank the very kind person who has placed the water supply on the Village Hall track, by the barn, as you did last year. Our Ferny thanks you so much too, as I'm sure other creatures do also. It is very selfless of you, considering that it can take quite a bit of effort in getting up there, and of course, replenishing this supply. AN ANGEL IN DISGUISE!!!!!, so very much appreciated. Clare Burge


Just a reminder...all Parish Council meetings are cancelled. The Council will continue to operate and discuss/deal with business

as usual but not at a meeting. If you have any concerns or issues you would like the council to discuss, please contact the Clerk, either by phone or email, leaving a name and telephone

number/email address. This will enable you to get a response in due course.

Thank you. Clerk, Elizabeth Harrison. Tel: 01980 670034. Email: [email protected]

19 www.enfordnewsletter.org July-August 2020

Dear All, I have taken this poem from my poetry book as I thought it appropriate at this time, in a troubled world. It has been set to music and I have sung it in church, when I was a lot younger and had a voice! Keep Safe. Thank you, Doreen Fay

Neighbours and Friends We live together in God’s own world Children play together in God’s own world We live together His love foretold People love each other, young and old We live our lives just for each other Caring for each other every day Our neighbours and our friends Our neighbours and our friends

Though some are rich and some are poor We join in prayer together We know each other just next door We sing our praises to Our Lord

Neighbours and our friends Together we laugh and sing Neighbours and our friends To us mean everything Doreen Fay

You too can advertise in this magazine. Just call Jeni Scott-Dalgleish on 01980-670210 or 07779 986920 £22 per 1/8 page £48 per 1/3 page £60 per 1/2 page and £100 per full page for 10 issues. Prices can be negotiated for other sizes/periods.

S.O. CHIMNEY TIM BUCKLAND SWEEPING BOILER MAINTENANCE  Camera Surveys FOR SERVICE AND BREAKDOWNS  Birds Nests Removed Friendly and efficient service  Fully Insured 20 www.enfordnewsletter.org July-August 2020


Established 1999, operated by retired Army SNCO to military precision

Fantastic reputation Used by several local estate/lettings agents Luxury quality Fully insured www.cleanlivingmcc.com [email protected] 01980 621621

21 www.enfordnewsletter.org July-August 2020

WILTSHIRE WILLOW: LOGS AND FIREWOOD FOR SALE Seasoned and split logs, kindling and firewood Ideal for wood-burning stoves and open fires *Trailer loads for £85.00 *Weekend bags for £20.00

Kindling on request. To order your free delivery, please call Martin on 07788 429772 DELIVER FREE WITHIN 5 MILE RADIUS OF ENFORD



Tel: MIKE 01980 635324

Ring Donna on

07711 579403

Servicing, MoT tests and Repairs for Classic Cars as well as Modern

Telephone: 01980 670348

www.themotorgarage.co.uk [email protected]

Netheravon, Salisbury, Wiltshire, SP4 9RH

22 www.enfordnewsletter.org July-August 2020

18 The Bluestone Centre, Sunrise Way, Solstice Park, Amesbury, Wiltshire, SP4 7YR T: 01980 258472 E: [email protected]

We sell a variety of Equine Feed, Supplements and Health Care Products Field and Stable Accessories High Viz items Clothing Equine and Small Animal Bedding Poultry Feed, Oyster Shell and Grit Dog Feed Small Animal Feed If you require something not in stock, let us know and we will try to get it for you. Also Available Rug Wash and Reproofing Service Horse Rug Repair Service Horse Trailer Hire Paddock Cleaner Hire

23 www.enfordnewsletter.org July-August 2020

24 www.enfordnewsletter.org July-August 2020

Wellocks at Home We are now a 'click and collect' hub for our excellent and usual supplier, Wellocks. Simply visit the Wellocks at Home website to order next day delivery of fruit and veg boxes plus lots of essentials. They deliver to the Red Lion, then you pick up from us- maybe with some ready meals or fresh bread from our kitchen. Wednesday - Saturday 9.30am - 4.30pm Team Red Lion The Red Lion also has 5 river front guest rooms across the road at our boutique guest house, Troutbeck, Please visit our website for more information or to make a table booking.

ENGLISH COUNTRY GARDENS Garden & lawn maintenance, hedge and tree work, fences, driveways & weed control Garden waste removed. Qualified, fully insured and licensed, 23 years experience

WE SUPPLY Mushroom compost, manure, Pro Grow, woodchips, gravel, stone & scalpings Loads of logs by size: £80, £140, £180 All seasoned & dry native species. Can stack Bags of kindling: £4.50 or 5 bags for £20

Call or text Nick on 07835299247 Free Delivery

25 www.enfordnewsletter.org July-August 2020

26 www.enfordnewsletter.org July-August 2020


New Memorials, Additional Inscriptions Restorations, Free Home Visits Free Brochure Marlborough (01672) 516797 Email: [email protected] Website: www.mjsly.co.uk Workshop & Showroom at Pelham Court, London Road, Marlborough, Wiltshire

Oil Boiler Servicing Commissioning & Repairs

Call Graham C Brown & Son 01980 622737

Fully Qualified Fully Insured

Experienced Technician

“PAMCAKES” Art Classes

Bespoke Cakes for your special Collingbourne Kingston Thursdays 13:30 – 16:00 occasions (any age group). Traditional and 3D, cupcakes and Water Colour - Acrylics some Wedding Cakes. See my FB Drawing

page “pamcakes of netheravon” Learn about colour, for more details & website composition, values pamcakesofnetheravon.co.uk Want more information? [email protected] or call 07919656141 Alta Edwards 07709718280 [email protected]

Carpentry & Joinery Building Works & Maintenance Bathrooms and Kitchens

Please Call 01980 630545 Or 07759 586162

27 www.enfordnewsletter.org July-August 2020 Jonathan Green Antiques

We Buy & Sell Repair & Restoration Silver Silver Jewellery Jewellery Gold Coins Hand Engraving Anything interesting Machine Engraving Home Visits no obligation Remodelling of Jewellery

You can find us at the rear of the ground floor. The Antiques Market 37 Catherine Street Salisbury SP1 2DH 01722 332635 Email: [email protected]

28 www.enfordnewsletter.org July-August 2020

ENFORD VILLAGE HALL & RECREATION GROUND Contact Details: It is hoped that Classes Booking Officer 01980 670501 and Clubs will re-start as [email protected] soon as Government www.enfordnewsletter.org guidelines allow. In the meantime contact details for the Chairman 01980 670501 organisers are included Grounds Officer 01980 670210 below if you would like Maintenance Officer 01980 670526 further Treasurer 07788 426473 information. Day Activity Time Contact Monday Yoga 6.00pm – 7.30pm Emma Petitt Beginners & 7.30pm – 9.00pm 01980 670510 Intermediate [email protected] Tuesday Enford Film 4th Tuesday in the 01980 670501 Club month enford- Doors open 7.00pm [email protected] Wednesday Short Mat 7.30pm – 10.00pm David Spencer Bowls October - April 01980 670526 [email protected] Thursday Pilates 8.30am – 9.30am Nicci Caswell 01980 625245 Work [email protected] Thursday Camera Club 8.00pm – 9.00pm Martin Webb 01980 670537 1st Thursday in the [email protected] month

Thursday Gardening 7.00pm – 9.00pm 2nd Fanny Middleton Club Thursday in the 01980 671645 month [email protected] m Saturday Enford 10.00am - 11.00am Ollie Stagg Junior Recreation Ground 01980 670634 Football Club Steve Todd [email protected] Sunday Salisbury 11.00am – 1.00pm Scott Jackson Mob 07854 League Check dates with 284451 Durrington organiser [email protected] Football Club

Private Parties The Village Hall is the perfect venue for Weddings and special Anniversaries or Birthdays. It is also ideal for Children’s Parties and Christening Celebrations – or for any other excuse for a celebration! 29 www.enfordnewsletter.org July-August 2020


PARISH COUNCIL Chairman Richard Roberts 671055 Vice Chairman Mark Hiskett (PROW) 670955 PCC Representative Public Rights of Way Planning Peter Cliffe-Roberts 671676 Parish Clerk Elizabeth Harrison 670034 Playpark/Village Amenities Jane Young 670532 and Youth Representative Neighbourhood Watch/ Charlotte Clark 670276 Police Liaison Tidworth Area Board and Anthony D’Arcy Irvine 670501 Village Hall Representative Flood Warden Bruce Waight 670113 No specific role Pat Holdway 671792 No specific role Vick Exley 07870 189235 Steward contact Rob Coulthard 670967

NETHERAVON SCHOOL Chairman of Governors Mr Richard March Head Teacher Mrs Gillian Durrans


Chair Diane Christie-Rundle Church Wardens Sue de Candole Vice Chair Jane Young Treasurer Tom Hunter Secretary Ann Houghton Secretary Tom Hunter Treasurer Roz Perry Council Members: Mary Burdick Advertising Jeni Scott-Dalgleish Anastasia Dubovic, Village Hall Rep Jacqui Elkins Fanny Middleton Parish Council Rep Jane Young Tim Edwards Compiler: Sue Cosgrove Michael Whitaker Committee Member Gay Monk

VILLAGE HALL Chairman and Judy D’Arcy-Irvine Booking Officer (670501) Vice Chairman Vacant PC Rep A D’Arcy-Irvine Secretary Vacant Camera Club Jane Young Newsletter Jacqui Elkins Property Officer David Spencer Grounds Officer Hamish Scott-Dalgleish Gardening Club Rosemary Cox Short Mat Bowls David Spencer Junior Football Club Ollie Stagg Youth Club

30 www.enfordnewsletter.org July-August 2020

YOUR DIARY July 2020 (For regular Village Hall dates, see page 29) NB. Chuches open for private prayer and reflection - Figheldean 10am-5pm and Milston 9am-4pm every day. Other churches which are open intermittently are shown below. 1st Wed * Netheravon Church 9am-4pm 2nd Thu Household Waste/Enford Church 9am-12noon/Fittleton Church 9am-4pm Fittleton Church 9am-4pm/Little Phoenix Toddlers, 9:30am, Phoenix Hall, 3rd Fri * Netheravon (term time) Check with organiser 4th Sat * Fittleton Church 9am-4pm 5th Sun Enford Church 1pm-4pm/Fittleton and Netheravon Churches 9am-4pm 6th Mon 7th Tue Black box, Blue bin 8th Wed * Netheravon Church 9am-4pm 9th Thu Enford Church 9am-12noon/Fittleton Church 9am-4pm Fittleton Church 9am-4pm/Little Phoenix Toddlers, 9:30am, Phoenix Hall, 10th Fri * Netheravon (term time) Check with organiser 11th Sat * Fittleton Church 9am-4pm 12th Sun Enford Church 1pm-4pm/Fittleton and Netheravon Churches 9am-4pm 13th Mon 14th Tue 15th Wed * Netheravon Church 9am-4pm 16th Thu Household Waste/Enford Church 9am-12noon/Fittleton Church 9am-4pm Fittleton Church 9am-4pm/Little Phoenix Toddlers, 9:30am, Phoenix Hall, 17th Fri * Netheravon (term time) Check with organiser 18th Sat * Fittleton Church 9am-4pm 19th Sun Enford Church 1pm-4pm/Fittleton and Netheravon Churches 9am-4pm 20th Mon 21st Tue Black box, Blue bin 22nd Wed * Netheravon Church 9am-4pm 23rd Thu Enford Church 9am-12noon/Fittleton Church 9am-4pm Fittleton Church 9am-4pm/Little Phoenix Toddlers, 9:30am, Phoenix Hall, 24th Fri * Netheravon (term time) Check with organiser 25th Sat * Fittleton Church 9am-4pm 26th Sun Enford Church 1pm-4pm/Fittleton and Netheravon Churches 9am-4pm 27th Mon 28th Tue 29th Wed * Netheravon Church 9am-4pm 30th Thu Household Waste/Enford Church 9am-12noon/Fittleton Church 9am-4pm Fittleton Church 9am-4pm/Little Phoenix Toddlers, 9:30am, Phoenix Hall, 31st Fri * Netheravon (term time) Check with organiser

31 www.enfordnewsletter.org July-August 2020

YOUR DIARY August 2020 (For regular Village Hall dates, see page 29) NB. Chuches open for private prayer and reflection - Figheldean 10am-5pm and Milston 9am-4pm every day. Other churches which are open intermittently are shown below. 1st Sat * Fittleton Church 9am-4pm 2nd Sun Enford Church 1pm-4pm/Fittleton and Netheravon Churches 9am-4pm 3rd Mon 4th Tue Black box, Blue bin 5th Wed * Netheravon Church 9am-4pm 6th Thu Enford Church 9am-12noon/Fittleton Church 9am-4pm Fittleton Church 9am-4pm/Little Phoenix Toddlers, 9:30am, Phoenix Hall, 7th Fri * Netheravon (term time) Check with organiser 8th Sat * Fittleton Church 9am-4pm 9th Sun Enford Church 1pm-4pm/Fittleton and Netheravon Churches 9am-4pm 10th Mon 11th Tue 12th Wed * Netheravon Church 9am-4pm 13th Thu Household Waste/Enford Church 9am-12noon/Fittleton Church 9am-4pm Fittleton Church 9am-4pm/Little Phoenix Toddlers, 9:30am, Phoenix Hall, 14th Fri * Netheravon (term time) Check with organiser 15th Sat * Fittleton Church 9am-4pm 16th Sun Enford Church 1pm-4pm/Fittleton and Netheravon Churches 9am-4pm 17th Mon 18th Tue Black box, Blue bin 19th Wed * Netheravon Church 9am-4pm 20th Thu Enford Church 9am-12noon/Fittleton Church 9am-4pm Fittleton Church 9am-4pm/Little Phoenix Toddlers, 9:30am, Phoenix Hall, 21st Fri * Netheravon (term time) Check with organiser 22nd Sat * Fittleton Church 9am-4pm 23rd Sun Enford Church 1pm-4pm/Fittleton and Netheravon Churches 9am-4pm 24th Mon 25th Tue 26th Wed * Netheravon Church 9am-4pm 27th Thu Household Waste/Enford Church 9am-12noon/Fittleton Church 9am-4pm Fittleton Church 9am-4pm/Little Phoenix Toddlers, 9:30am, Phoenix Hall, 28th Fri * Netheravon (term time) Check with organiser 29th Sat * Fittleton Church 9am-4pm 30th Sun Enford Church 1pm-4pm/Fittleton and Netheravon Churches 9am-4pm 31st Mon Bank Holiday