The Hatchet Inn Lower Chute

A warm welcome awaits locals & visitors alike Tuesday Evenings – Quiz Night Home cooked food served in the restaurant or bar with a changing menu of special dishes Modern rooms with en-suite facilities in a quiet annex away from the bar & restaurant for your family or guests Telephone 01264 730229 or by fax: 730212 E-Mail - enquiries - [email protected]


3 4 Savernake Team Letter Revd Robert Grist, Assistant Curate writes: What a difference a few days can make… The week before Easter my world was turned upside-down by the unexpected and untimely death of my dear mother. At the time it made it difficult for me to reconcile the emptiness I was feeling inside with the triumphant emptiness of Jesus’ tomb. And then, after some time off work, I returned only to find that two of my three senior managers were leaving the business (one had gone already) now throwing my whole work situation into confusion.

It’s at times such as these that all any of us can do is to reach out in faith to the one who is unchanging, unfailing and dependable – as the Psalmist puts it; he is our rock, our fortress, deliverer, shield and refuge. (Psalm 8:2) And he is still our hope.

At the end of this month we remember a day which also turned the world upside-down for a lot of people. For we celebrate the festival of Pentecost - the fiftieth day after Easter. The word literally means ‘fiftieth’ and, as a multiple of seven, is a special number in biblical terms. Seven has always indicated God’s fullness or completion; in the Genesis account, God created the world in six days and rested on the seventh, when it was complete. And so as a multiple of seven plus one day, Pentecost also points beyond the fullness of God’s revelation in Jesus to the Holy Spirit.

At Christmas we celebrate God the Father’s wonderful gift of his Son; at Easter we celebrate Christ’s triumph over death; and at Pentecost, the third most important festival for the Christian Church, we celebrate the coming of the Holy Spirit who gives the gift of faith.

On the first Pentecost (Acts 2), we read how the Holy Spirit came powerfully upon the disciples. Such was the revelation that ‘about three thousand’ were baptised that day. This tradition continued through history and is the very reason we also call it Whit Sunday (after ‘White Sunday’) when those newly baptised into the church would dress in white. Pentecost celebrates the birthday of the Christian Church - the Church which survives to this very day.

5 And so, on reflection, I thank God that a few days can indeed make a difference. Because in a few days at Easter the world was indeed turned upside down…not just for me, but for everybody. And we are reminded of this right through until Pentecost and we continue to celebrate….


With every blessing,


Your Church In May Love is all we have, The only way that each can help the other. Euripides








andDate Readings


Sidesmen 6 May 6pm Chris John B David Isobel Easter 5 Evensong David Eileen 13 May 11am Pets’ Service outside the Village Hall Rogation 17 May 7pm Ascension Day on the Causeway 20 May 11am Vikki Karen Vikki Dorothy John & Easter 7 Morning Lesley Janet Worship 27 May 9.30am Holy Amanda Mary- ME Audrey Pentecost Communion Mary Vere Caroline 3 June 6pm Jubilee David tbd tbd Jessica Lesley & Trinity Service Amanda Amanda

6 The church looked (and smelt) really wonderful for Easter – so much thought, talent, work, time (and money) is given to achieve this and I hope the flower arrangers know just how very grateful we all are!

(Ed – we are pleased to include some photographs of a small selection of the arrangements; sadly just in black & white, which doesn’t really do them justice.)

Please note these special services: Pets’ Service on Sunday 13th May outside the Village Hall. Several people last year said they hadn’t been aware of it and missed it … we do hope you will come and bring all your pets and animals to be blessed and to join the Phoenix Silver Band outside the Village Hall – it is always fun! The more the merrier.

Ascension Day 7pm on Thursday 17th May on the Causeway – This outdoor service has become so popular that people from other parishes come to share the wonderful views and spirituality offered by the Causeway. Bring a folding chair, and from Anton Post you will see where to go.

Jubilee Service 6pm 3rd June As the Queen is the Defender of our Faith, it seems important and right to honour her and we hope you will come to this special service, followed by refreshments in the churchyard.

Also Sunday Club on 6th May for 3-11 year olds in Chute Village Hall

Collingbourne Ducis Puddingfest in their Village Hall 7pm on Friday 4th May. Sample as many as you can eat! £5 per person on the door or www.standrewsducis.org.uk

‘The Life of Christ’ Tuesday 19-Sunday 24 June - this amazing outdoor play 10am-4pm 01483 892167 or google Wintershall Life of Christ 2012 for tickets or more information.

7 Team Services –excluding Chute Ham/ Shalb'n/ C' Little St Date Burbage Tidcombe C' Ducis Grafton Gt Bedwyn B'mere Bagshot Kingston Bedwyn Katharine 8am HC 6 May 11am 9.30am RG 6pm 5th 9.30am HC Family 8am HC Family 11am 11am 09.30am 11am - Evensong Sunday RG Service ME Service HC AD Matins Lay HC AD AAW Lay of Easter Lay ME RG 12 noon 9.30am 9 May Holy MU HC ------(Wed) Communion ME ME 13 May 8am MP 6pm 09.30am 6th of Lay Evensong 9.30am 9.30am 9.30am Family 8am HC 11am HC Easter/ 11am at Parish - - HC LD HC AD Service AD ME Rogation Fam Buttermere Com ME Lay Sunday Com LD Lay 8am HC 20 May RG 6.00pm 11.00am 11.00am 7th 9.30am 11am - - Evensong Rogation - Rogation - - Sunday HC RG All Age ME ME Cluster RG of Easter Lay 11am 9.30am 8.00am Pentecost 11.00am Cluster MP LD 11.00am Service - Joint HC (Bedwyn's 27 May 11am 9.30am Family - Charlie with - & St - - Pentecost Family HC LD Service Allen Kingston Katharine's) Service Lay (with ME Communion Lay Ham) MC 8

9 Chute And Parish Councils - Annual Parish Meeting

Chute and Chute Forest Parish Councils held the first joint annual parish meeting on April 19th 2012 at the Village Hall.

The meeting was well attended by Parishioners of both parishes, and with representatives and presentations from Council, The Police, The Link Scheme, Village Hall, King George’s Field, Chute Website, Chute Chronicle, Chute Relief and Chute Emergency Planning.

The Chairmen of both councils, Cllr Rowan Cherrington and Cllr Eddie Quirk, reported a quiet year, and thanks were given to Gordon White for the mowing of the War Memorial Green and to Mr and Mrs Thistlthwaite for storing surplus winter grit supplies.

Thanks were also given to fellow Councillors whose work is invaluable to the community, and to Jim Haines and Michelle Taylor (CPC) and Judy Woods (CFPC) who were co-opted as Councillors this year.

Chute Forest Parish Council reported 10 planning applications in the last year, and Chute Parish Council 32, which is a 120% increase over last year with several large applications.

Extracts of the reports are included later in this magazine and the full minutes will be available on the Chute Web site, or if you would like a printed copy, please contact the Clerk.

Carolyn Wall 730758 Clerk to Chute and Chute Forest Parish Councils



June 2nd 1.00pm Soap Box Derby – see separate notice re this event.

June 2nd 3.30pm Children’s Tea Party for 11year olds and under at the King George Field with a Magician Games and a Bouncy Castle. No need to book, just bring your under 11 year olds.

June 3rd 12.00pm Pram Race between the Hatchet and Cross Keys. Make your own pram, anything un-motorised with 4 wheels! Arrive at the Hatchet by 11.45am. All ages welcome

June 4th 6.30pm Celebrations on Chute Causeway by Limmer Pond with a Complimentary Hog Roast and Barbecue, 3 Live Bands, Licensed Bar and lighting of the Jubilee Beacon

All weekend Scarecrow Competition Make your own scarecrow and put outside your house for a hunt the scarecrow competition all weekend.

Contact Carolyn for further information on 730758 11 Chute Wednesday Club

On the wild and wet Wednesday of April 18th we had our first trip of the year to Exbury Gardens. Despite the weather, 37 members with macs and wellingtons went to this lovely garden where the Azaleas and Rhododendrons were blooming with many more yet to bloom in the coming weeks.

Our outing on May 16th is to The Gloucestershire Steam Railway where we will have a short train ride with a lunch of Fish and Chips. This event has to be booked in advance owing to the lunch so it is important to book early.

Please phone if you would like to be added to the list.

Eileen Soper, 730698

Bourne Valley Movies

Our next film is “War Horse” (12A), the Steven Spielberg interpretation of the wonderful National Theatre production which those who saw it will never forget. No constraints of the theatre stage this time, so real horses! Joey is sold to the Army for WW1 duties but the bond with the young farm boy is so strong that Albert enlists underage. This is the story of how he rescues the horse from the battlefield and brings him home safely. You’ll probably need the tissues! 6 Oscar nominations.

The showing will be at the Vernham Dean Millennium Hall on Wednesday, 16th May 2012 at 7.30pm (the bar opens at 7pm). Tickets, priced at £5, can be purchased in advance at Hurstbourne Tarrant post office and at the George Inn, Vernham Dean, Pat Caddick on or £5.50 on the door.

To wind up our season, we have the multiple prize winning “The Artist”. More next month.

Pat Caddick 730730

12 Chute Gardening Club

Club Talks

We did not have a talk in April due to the Jumble Sale, so a talk has been arranged for May on:

PONDS by Kelvin Mason Tuesday 15th May 2012, 8.00pm at Chute Village Hall

The Annual subscription is still £7.50 for the year. Non-members are welcome at a cost of £2 for each talk.

Jumble sale – 15th April

The Jumble Sale was a success again, the committee would like to thank everyone who donated anything, helped on the day and especially to those who came along and supported the Jumble Sale.

Forthcoming Club Visits  West Woodhay Estate – June  Mushroom Farm at Sutton Scotney – September

Potato Competition – 7th July

This is being held at the Cross Keys Inn at the usual time of 11.00am, refreshments will be available.

Flower Show – 21st July

The schedule for the Flower Show is in the process of being completed and will be available in the June chronicle.

Jan Quirk Secretary to Chute Gardening Club, 730347

13 Weather For March Rain: 33 mm [21] Max 24hrs: 24mm [16] Days:4 [3] Days without sun: 3[4] Days full sun: 9 [4] Temperature Max Day:18c [14] Min day: 7c [3] Min night -1c [-2] Days below 5c: 0 [1] Nights zero or less: 4 [7] Average day:13c [10] Average Night 3c [5] The warmest March I have recorded, with 8 consecutive days of full or slightly hazy sun. A day of heavy rain early in the month. [For those of us who still think in inches, 25mm = one inch!] Virginia Chambers

House Wanted In Chute 3/4 Bedrooms Village family currently renting. Very keen to buy in Chute. No chain. If you are considering selling your house in the near future please contact me. Louise Stormer 730451

Dog Crate For Sale Our puppy has tripled in size so we have an almost new dog/puppy crate for sale. 90 x 56 x 60 cm (35x 22x 24 inches). Folds flat, easy to assemble (Cost £50 new) now £20 and can deliver. Also available a 35 cm/14inch black fabric collar - free. Mary Holden 730628

Family History Search I am writing in search of people with the surname of Ayles, or who are part of an Ayles family tree. My husband’s great-great grandfather Joseph Ayles, lived somewhere in Wiltshire, before leaving with his wife Elizabeth Lansley in 1840, to settle in the new colony of South Australia. They became farmers near the present day city of Adelaide. The Australian family tree of Joseph and Elizabeth is known, but I would like to know some of the history of the family in England. If any readers of this newspaper are connected to an Ayles family and would be willing to correspond with me, I can be contacted at [email protected] or by writing to PO Box46, Kadina, South Australia 5554, Australia Thanking you Julie Ayles 14


Chute Village Soap Box Derby Saturday 2nd June 2012 1st Race @ 1pm Please see a member of staff at The Cross Keys Inn Upper Chute for an entry form, rules and regulations, racing categories, map of course and all further information.

Entries forms to be received by Sunday 13th May 2012

£5.00/go-kart entry fee


The Cross Keys Inn Annual Beer and Music Festival 13th and 14th July 2012

Friday 13th July “Stone Pig” playing live from 8pm ~BBQ Saturday 14th July “No Fret” playing live from 8pm ~Hog Roast The Cross Keys Inn Upper Chute Andover SP11 9ER 01264 730295 www.upperchute.com 17 Village Diary 1 May 7:45 St Nicolas PCC mtg Cross Keys Inn 1 May 8:00 Fete Committee mtg Cross Keys Inn 1 May 8:00 Quiz Night Hatchet Inn household & 2 May 7:00 House kerbsides garden waste collection 2 May 10:30 Mothers & Toddlers Village Hall 3 May 6:00 Two for One night Cross Keys Inn 3 May 10:00 Mulberry Moon Village Hall 4 May 9:30 Yoga Village Hall 6 May 10:00 Sunday Club Village Hall 6 May 6:00 Evensong St Nicolas 7 May Bank Holiday Monday 8 May 8:00 Quiz Night Hatchet Inn 9 May 8:00 Investment Club Andover Wilts County Council Mobile C Forest (9.45), C Cadley 9 May 9:45 Library (10.10), Upper C (10.45) Wiltshire Council recycling 9 May 7:00 House kerbsides collection 9 May 10:30 Mothers & Toddlers Village Hall 10 May 7:30 Chute Parish Council meeting Village Hall 10 May 6:00 Two for One night Cross Keys Inn 10 May 10:00 Mulberry Moon Village Hall 11 May 9:30 Yoga Village Hall 13 May 11:00 Pets Service Village Hall 14 May 7:30 Line Dancing Village Hall 14 May 10:00 Mulberry Moon Village Hall 15 May 8:00 Gardening Club Village Hall 15 May 8:00 Quiz Night Hatchet Inn Wiltshire Council household & 16 May 7:00 House kerbsides garden waste collection 16 May 10:30 Mothers & Toddlers Village Hall 17 May 6:00 Two for One night Cross Keys Inn 17 May 7:00 Ascension Day Service Chute Causeway Chute Forest Annual Parish 17 May 7:30 Village Hall Council 17 May 10:00 Mulberry Moon Village Hall 18 May 6:00 CCC v Jamie Williams XI (T20) King George's Field

18 18 May 9:30 Yoga Village Hall 20 May 11:00 Morning Worship St Nicolas 21 May 7:30 Line Dancing Village Hall 21 May 10:00 Mulberry Moon Village Hall Village Hall Annual General 22 May 8.00 Village Hall Meeting 22 May 8:00 Quiz Night Hatchet Inn Wilts County Council Mobile C Forest (9.45), C Cadley 23 May 9:45 Library (10.10), Upper C (10.45) Wiltshire Council recycling 23 May 7:00 House kerbsides collection 23 May 10:30 Mothers & Toddlers Village Hall 24 May 6:00 Two for One night Cross Keys Inn 24 May 10:00 Mulberry Moon Village Hall 25 May 9:30 Yoga Village Hall 27 May 1:30 CCC v Wilton CC King George's Field 27 May 9:30 Holy Communion St Nicolas 28 May 7:30 Line Dancing Village Hall 28 May 10:00 Mulberry Moon Village Hall 29 May 8:00 Quiz Night Hatchet Inn Wiltshire Council household & 30 May 7:00 House kerbsides garden waste collection 30 May 10:30 Mothers & Toddlers Village Hall 31 May 6:00 Two for One night Cross Keys Inn 31 May 10:00 Mulberry Moon Village Hall

Village Hall The Village Hall Annual Meeting will take place on May 22nd at 8pm at the Village Hall

Everyone is welcome


Please contact any of the stall holders if you would like to be of any help on the day or if you are able to supply any of the items needed.

Stalls Organisers Books & Music Gwen - 730301 Draw David & Nicky Pike 730463 Cakes TBC Hoopla Barbara Long - 730655 Nearly New Sheila & Peter - 772459 Plants Mark & Chris - 730284 Produce Virginia Chambers - 730227 Toys Claire Warrender 730603 Portobello Wally Long - 730655 Teas Marylin - 730422 Bottles Jim Foxen – 730601

Produce Stall If you are able to provide Jams, chutneys and any fresh vegetables, fruit, eggs etc Please contact Virginia Chambers 730227

Tea & Cake Stall – Bakers Needed!! If you are able to provide some yummy cakes, scones or biscuits for the ‘Teas & Cakes’ and the ‘Cake stand’ OR are able to offer your services on the Tea stand for one hour, please contact Marylin on 730422


Please come and help put up the TENTS

Help is needed at the Playing Fields from 18.00hrs on Thursday 14th

June and Friday 15th June to help put up Tents etc.. We need the young men of the village to come and help..... PLEASE !!!

We would also be very grateful of any help in setting up on the morning

of the Fete and clearing up when the Fete closes at 5pm.



(Running time, approx. 1 ½ Hours – approx 10 mins per class) Entries £1 Prizes given for first place and Rosettes to third place. The judge’s decision is final.

Class 1 Best Pedigree Class 2 Best Cross-breed Class 3 Best Puppy (under one year) Class 4 Best Veteran (over 7 years’) Class 5 Dog with the ‘waggiest’ tail Class 6 Dog the judge would most like to take home Class 7 Best Trick Class 8 Dog most like owner

Best in show: 1st and 2nd place winners from each class eligible.

Judge: Mr Chris Green, Conholt Park Estate


Sport Relief is now a distant memory!

Thank you to everyone who supported the Chute run on March 25th.

Over 100 runners, 10 dogs, and 1 pony took part, and luckily the weather was excellent.

Marcus Doyle finished the 6 mile course in 42 minutes 47 seconds, followed by Tim Harker in 51:53 and David Brown and Simon Falla equal at 61.23.

Rory Guinness was the fastest 3-miler on 27:35, while Rory Burden followed on 29:00 and David Pike 30:45.

Although the full figures have not yet been published by Sport Relief, we raised well over £2000.

Thank you also to everyone who made donations and helped on the day.

Carolyn Wall


Marcus Doyle, Chute’s fastest 6-miler, crosses the finishing line

23 Local Police Report

I have been asked to advise you of a suspect vehicle seen before rural crimes are committed; it is a Renault Kangoo car-derived van, colour white, current keeper not known.

Some advertisements have appeared in national media advertising tickets for the Olympic Games. The advertisements just feature a mobile phone number or email address to contact for more information. You should not attempt to buy tickets from ads such as these as you risk paying over the odds for tickets that may not exist and your personal details may be stolen and used in other crimes. The safest way to buy tickets for the Olympic and Paralympic Games is from the London 2012 website. On this site you will find the most up to date information about tickets, future Olympic and Paralympic Games ticket sales and the London 2012 website checker. If you’ve tried to buy a ticket through a shady ad contact [email protected] For advice on ways to buy a ticket for the Games, visit the Metropolitan Police on http://www.met.police.uk/olympic_and_paralympic_games_policing/ticketin g.htm

Local Crime There was an attempted shed break at Conholt last month, a resident disturbed three males breaking into a farm building, they ran off to their getaway car, and made off at speed. Nothing had been taken, but the offenders had used bolt croppers to cut a route to the target shed through fields and padlocked gates. There was theft of diesel from a tank at Chute Standen. There was fly tipping of car parts in Chantry Lane.

Michael Bayliss Maria Downham Philippa Royston Police Constable 1250 PCSO 6078 PCSO 6235

101 Extension 744 817 Ludgershall and Rural Neighbourhood Policing Team [email protected]

24 Police Public Online Chat Chief Officers and the Wiltshire Police Authority Chairman are hosting a public online chat on Thursday 3rd May.

The live session from 7pm to 8pm will provide members of the public with anopportunity to ask questions directly to Temporary Chief Constable Pat Geenty, Temporary Deputy Chief Constable Mike Veale and Wiltshire Police. Authority Chairman Chris Hoare.

For more information visit www.wiltshire.police.uk.

25 Report by King George’s Field to the Annual Parish Meeting

The Cricket and Football Clubs continue to make good use of the field. However the Touch Rugby Club has struggled to get adequate numbers, and it is increasingly unlikely that they will continue using the field, or indeed playing at all. Considerable use continues to be made by members of the public, whether for informal games, the play area, golf practice, or pre- arranged rounders / family type activities. The Fete continues to be a big supporter of the field.

The 2011/12 year has seen much activity as follows:  We acquired a used Allen National ride on mower which after some initial age related teething problems, is now providing excellent service.  Extensive repair work was undertaken to the goal posts, which duly prompted further work to be undertaken realigning and correctly resizing the football pitch.  Work to the trees around the field, particularly on the road side to the field, continues to be required and undertaken; sadly, many of the trees are beginning to near the end of their shelf life, and we now expect at least one coming down a year. Work also continues to remove the hawthorns around the field which may be environmentally beneficial, but are also rather problematic and dangerous in maintaining a sports facility.  Optimistically, an application for Jubilee funded trees has been submitted.  The pavilion loft space has been insulated to a very high specification, and we are grateful to Eddie Quirk for his assistance with this.  Power has been laid onto the container (courtesy of the Cricket Club) which has immediately made a considerable difference in undertaking maintenance work.  Substantial maintenance has been undertaken to the (pre 1969) Ransome gang mowers, an activity which will be on-going for the foreseeable future while we continue trying to postpone buying a replacement (the cost of which may well exceed £12,000). Over £1,000 was spent in equipment maintenance in 2011/12; we do not envisage this cost reducing in the immediate future.  Work is about to start on fencing off the play area, preventing dog entry and fowling.

26 We are grateful to Tim Harker for his welding expertise on a number of issues.

The one failure this year has been not being able to devise, agree or implement a sound financial model, and we continue to be reliant on the sport clubs, the fete, project based grant funding and one very generous donation (in 2011/12) to survive.

To address this, it is our view that:  The Sports clubs need to continue having their rates increased year by year, as has happened recently.  We need to continue imploring the Fete Committee to be generous.  We need to continue being imaginative in the sourcing of grant funding, but this is likely to dry up, indeed we have already been told not to apply to the Tidworth Community Area Board in 2012/13.  There should be a precept applied by the two Councils to help fund this much used and ‘free to access’ public asset that remains owned by them, albeit subject to limitations of use. I appreciate that this last item is emotional and sensitive, but to put it in perspective, if all 198 households in Chute & Chute Forest (according to the 2001 census) were to pay just 20p per week, that would provide the Playing Fields with over £2,000 per annum and allow us to make real progress.

Grant funding is unlikely in 2012/13, so we will be dependent upon the very small margin made from the sports clubs and the generosity of the Fete for our financial survival – that is not a sustainable position if the community want to continue being able to enjoy a well maintained playing field.

As a committee, I would assure you that we will continue to do everything we possibly can to maintain and develop the King George’s Field, for the benefit of the community as a whole.

Chris Stock, Chairman, KGF Management Committee, 730613 [email protected]

27 Report by Chute Chronicle to the Annual Parish Meeting

The major issue facing the Chronicle in recent years had been the losses of £313 in 2009 and £83 in 2008. In 2010, these losses were converted into a profit of £397, which fell in 2011 to a profit of just £197. Subscription and advertising rates have been increased marginally for 2012/2013. The editorial sadly has lost Emma Hawkins and Simon Falla, but Lisa Jackson and Chris Stock recently welcomed Janna Purdie.

We would however welcome an additional editor to share in this most rewarding of tasks, and would be keen to discuss this with anyone who’s interested. With the invaluable support of our steadfast distribution team led by Virginia Chambers, we continue to get the magazine delivered to the majority of houses before the 1st of each month. Hopefully it continues to be a useful source of information on all that’s happening in the Chutes.

Thanks are due to the editorial team, and all the distributors, advertisers and contributors – without whose support the Chronicle would not be viable and would no longer be the best selling publication in the Chutes.

Chris Stock, 730613, [email protected]

Report by Chute Website - www.thechutes.org.uk - to the Annual Parish Meeting

Since its inception just a few years ago, the village web site has received 225,000 hits, which is quite remarkable for such a small community project.

We continue to make every effort possible to keep it up-to-date, relevant and interesting, however are very much dependent upon contributions and help from the community as a whole.

If anyone has any web site knowledge and would like to get involved we would welcome the help. Or if you would like to get involved and develop web site skills, please get in touch with either Simon Falla or myself.

Chris Stock, 730613, [email protected] 28 Report by Wiltshire Council to the Annual Parish Meeting

The past year has been one of good progress in many ways, of which I will mention just some:  Council tax increase frozen for another year.  Radical changes to the way that the Council works, with massive savings in running costs through efficiencies achieved following the creation of Wiltshire Council from the previous County and District Councils.  Additional funding for road repairs and improvements.  The new recycling arrangements have been rolled out, to include collection of plastic and cardboard.  Unlike some other neighbouring councils, we have maintained all our public libraries and leisure facilities. Looking ahead to the coming year residents of Wiltshire can look forward to the following improvements:  Additional spending of over £13 million on care for elderly and vulnerable people.  Over £40 million to provide new affordable homes, £35 million to open new community campuses to bring services to people locally, and over £18 million to improve and repair our roads.  Allocation of major resources to creating and safeguarding jobs in Wiltshire.  Implementation of the programme to improve broadband speeds in the County.

Local Matters. I have been involved in a variety of issues in the parishes of Chute and Chute Forest during the past year including planning applications, road gritting and street lighting. I remain available and happy to assist members of the parishes with any appropriate problems that they have.

I look forward to continuing to work with you in the coming year.

Charles Howard Wiltshire Councillor for Netheravon and the Collingbournes (including Chute)

29 Report by Collingbournes, Chute and Everleigh LINK Scheme to the Annual Parish Meeting

GS Hooper is the new Chairman of our LINK Scheme, following the resignation at our AGM of Basil Frost. Basil did a magnificent job over the past 5 years in running the original Scheme, and overseeing the expansion to include Chute. I can report that we had another successful year in 2011, with the number of tasks increasing from the previous year. Our Treasurer has been successful too in gaining donations to fund the Scheme, with major donations coming from Friends of Savernake Hospital, the Ducis and Everleigh Village Show, and the Concessionary Fares Scheme. We do, of course, collect voluntary donations that our clients wish to give us and this income, together with the generous grants, helps to cover the Scheme costs. Our main item of expenditure is reimbursement of our volunteer expenses; mileage costs are repaid at 40p per mile. We travelled a total of 5,748 miles during the year, we had 29 volunteers, and our drivers spent 512 hours of their own time in helping our clients. Our coordinators and other Committee Members in running the Scheme also racked up a total of 343 hours.

We have 6 Volunteer Drivers covering Chute and Chute Forest, and new volunteers are always welcome. It is not an onerous job, it is an opportunity to help your neighbours, and I generally find that our valuable volunteers get even more out of it than they put in. New volunteers can contact any committee member, especially our Chute member, Virginia Chambers.

Those who read the magazine ‘Wiltshire Life’ will know that the LINK Schemes in Wiltshire won the award as the Community Groups of the year, in bringing outstanding help to our communities. There was some strong competition in this category so we were very pleased for our contributions to have been recognised in this way.

I would like to stress that LINK Schemes are here to help our neighbours in whichever way we can, and not just taking them to the doctors. We can also help with shopping, or with transport to take our clients to do their own shopping. We visit people who are lonely or who need befriending, we collect prescriptions, we are generally happy to help our neighbours wherever we can. G S Hooper Chairman Collingbournes, Chute and Everleigh LINK Scheme 30

Advertise your business here! For very competitive rates and full details, please contact Chris Stock [email protected] 01264 730613

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Is This You? Can you Spare some time? Can you Share your knowledge, skills & experience? We need volunteers NOW to benefit our disabled clients in many different ways:

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Example: one of our volunteers runs a popular nature club. Activities range from a bat walk to a visit to the Hawk Conservancy.

All the disabled people who use Enham’s services seek choice and independence in their lives. But they need your help. Martin’s beaming face shows the value your contribution can make.

Please contact: Jo Young, Volunteer Programme Manager T: 01264 345836 E: [email protected]