Transcript by ApproxTenCats Ep 401: Hot Doc

[ph] – Indicates preceding word has been spelled phonetically [sic] – Indicates preceding word has been transcribed verbatim

MUSIC : Write My Story by Olly Anna ANNOUNCER GUY : You've tuned in to the Earp Fiction Addiction , a fan podcast all about fanfiction. Join our intrepid host DarkWiccan and Delayne as they dive deep into the sometimes sweet, sometimes spicy, and always varied world of fanfiction for the Wynonna Earp fandom. MUSIC : A Proper Story by Darren Korb DARKWICCAN: Thanks Announcer Guy and welcome everybody to a brand new fourth season of the Earp Fiction Addiction , the podcast dedicated entirely to Wynonna Earp fanfiction. I remain your host DarkWiccan and with me are my fantastic cohosts. From here in the United States... DELAYNE: Hi it’s Delayne. DARKWICCAN: And from all the way over the pond in bonny Ireland... LARAGH: Hey it’s Laragh. DARKWICCAN: Well gosh it’s so good to hear your voices, I can’t even begin to tell you. DELAYNE: [laughs] No kidding. DARKWICCAN: I have missed you guys so much, and now we’re all trapped in our homes so I can’t come see you. DELAYNE: All the plans that we had made to perhaps see each other have so far been delayed. DARKWICCAN: Delayed, not cancelled entirely, but at the very least delayed. Yes. Darn you Covid 19. You know who I feel really bad for? I feel really bad for Corona beer. Because even though their beer is literally the worst, [laughs] this is truly going to destroy them. DELAYNE: Because corona just means crown in Spanish so... DARKWICCAN: Right, because the virus looks like it’s wearing a whole bunch of little crowns, like I get the idea but seriously, the branding on this, I feel really bad for the beer. But let’s talk about other stuff that’s been going on. So before we wrapped up season three of the podcast we learnt that Wynonna Earp had been given the green light to start production again and we were eagerly anticipating the beginning of that when we finished up season three of this show. Other things that happened, so okay you remember how in the last episode of the season when I was nine months pregnant I said that my goal was to pull a Melanie Scrofano and have my kid four days after the end of production? Well I beat Melanie Scrofano you guys. ALL: [laughs] DARKWICCAN: I had my kid three days after the end of production. DELAYNE: [clapping] Good job, congratulations, proud of you. Way to Scrofano that up. DARKWICCAN: Right? So yes, as everyone who follows me on Twitter knows at this point I had a wee baby, a wee baby girl named Éilis Rose. She’s doing spectacularly, she is the light of my life and the apple of my eye and all of those other sayings. She is adorable and super smart and the greatest baby ever and you can’t convince me otherwise. ALL: [laughs] LARAGH: We wouldn’t want to. DELAYNE: Yeah, we agree, hard agree. DARKWICCAN: So that has been quite an adventure so far and will continue to be for the rest of my life but I’m loving every second of it, even when I’m getting spat up on, haven’t gotten pooped on yet. I’m sure it will happen. I have gotten peed on, that was due to me not thinking when I was changing my kid out of her diaper to take a bath, I changed her out of her diaper and then I was just holding her to carry her over, I was literally turning to carry her to the bath, and then she started peeing all over me. “She’s peeing, she’s peeing,” I’m yelling at my wife Jen, “Jen she’s peeing, she’s peeing.” And Jen just laughed, laughed, laughed. I mean I was also laughing to be fair. LARAGH: It sounds like fan fic material. DARKWICCAN: Yeah, totally. Pocket that away there Laragh for future use in one of your family fics. LARAGH: You’re joking but I’m actually doing it. ALL: [laughs] DELAYNE: We didn’t think you were joking, we figured you were going to do it. DARKWICCAN: Yeah, yeah, I was not joking at all. So had a baby, so that happened. Let’s see, um, what’s been going on for you guys since we wrapped production on season three? LARAGH: oh. DELAYNE: uh. DARKWICCAN: You’re like, “jeez Jen, how do we fricking top” LARAGH: I got a new rug. DELAYNE: [laughs] DARKWICCAN: Hey, nice, what style. LARAGH: It's, um, you know, the style of art. DARKWICCAN: It’s a style of art? Okay. LARAGH: Yes, that’s about as much as I it has [inaudible] and it is soft to put your feet on, like a rug. DARKWICCAN: Nice, well that sounds wonderful, yeah. LARAGH: Pretty much it. DELAYNE: Uh work. DARKWICCAN: But you recently moved into a new place right? DELAYNE: I would love to say that, because we were supposed to be there on friday, and we’re hoping we’re able to get the keys on monday. So, anyway I could vent about the many many issues that has been. But right now I am in my room in my apartment but everything has been disbanded so I’m not shoved into my plaid studio at the moment, so I’m out in the open, hopefully it sounds okay. DARKWICCAN: I think you sound great. I’m just thrilled to hear both of your voices honestly. DELAYNE: Right? LARAGH: I know yeah. DELAYNE: I mean it’s not like we don’t pretty much talk every day, with the texting, with the words. DARKWICCAN: But not with our voices. It’s different, it’s a different thing, yeah yeah. But so it’s been a while, it’s been a minute, it’s been four months. Literally four months since we sat down to record so this is one of our longer hiatuses, I think. Our previous hiatus was only, what, a month and a half? Not even two months. DELAYNE: I don’t know. You keep track of that stuff. DARKWICCAN: Yeah, but I mean, you guys LARAGH: And I think the show aired in that hiatus as well didn’t it? So there was stuff going on. DARKWICCAN: It did. There was. So we thought okay we’re sitting down coming back after a pretty epic hiatus and we want to do something kind of, well to be redundant, epic. And we’ve interviewed Kat, we’ve interviewed Dom, we’ve interviewed Varun and Varun kind of put an idea in our heads with his interview in that he said you know it would be great to get Tim on. Now he pitched both him and Tim together and I think, yes that is something that will definitely be checked off the bucket list down the line, I just wanted to talk to the man himself, Doc Holliday by himself to start off. And you know, you never know until you ask, right? So I did my usual kind of thing, reaching out through the proper channels, always the proper channels, and seeing if there was some interest on Tim’s part, and yes! He agreed to come on the show! Even though we can’t actually talk to him about what the show’s about we can talk to him about characterisation and all the other fun stuff that we always talk to actors about. So we will be talking with Tim, that’s our premier surprise. Surprise everybody! DELAYNE: [laughs] LARAGH: Yay. DELAYNE: Well, it’s kind of fun because I think Tim is like, he is the “earpiest Earp” but also he has like the dream of almost every fanfic writer has come true for him, he has participated in writing of the canon comic. DARKWICCAN: Now, I’m glad you bring that up, he’s gotten to participate in the official comic. I don’t actually consider the comic to be canon. DELAYNE: Oh yes, we’ve had this discussion before. Either way he’s working with original material. DARKWICCAN: Yes, and it’s official, with IDW’s publishing label, it’s an official Wynonna Earp comic. DELAYNE: Yes. DARKWICCAN: So yes he is definitely living the dream that way, because not only is he a huge comic book fan so there’s that, he’s also as you say the “earpiest Earp”, he truly is, I mean everybody on the show is supportive of their own show but Tim is like a superfan for his own show. And it’s delightful to watch him get so excited about it, and how much love he puts into the character and the show and also the fandom. So yeah, you’re absolutely right Delayne, he is living that dream. So it’ll be great to talk to him about the writing process, writing these characters outside of the television series so that’s going to be great to talk to him about. But this is the Earp Fiction Addiction so we must discuss some Doc Holliday fanfiction before we can get to the interview and I think we’ve stretched this opening bit as much as we can that it only makes sense at this point to dive into the fics that we’re going to talk about. DELAYNE: Sounds great. I’ll let you go first. DARKWICCAN: Yeah, so we’re only talking about two Doc Holliday based works. Now the work that I’m talking about is technically a series of stories, but I’m just going to talk about the series as a whole instead of breaking it down into individual fics within that series. Okay so, something we’ve talked about very very briefly, like ships passing through the night on previous seasons, was that the most prevalent form of fanfiction is meant for, or written by, or catering to the queer dude. And that’s not true within this fandom but if you just look across fanfiction as an art in general, and the art form leaning more toward the rated M to Explicit style of writing and across many fandoms, it seems like what the term slash fiction is is really a major chunk of the percentage of fic in the world. Not in this fandom, this fandom is the exception, in this fandom it’s extremely rare, extremely rare. But it is a part of fanfiction culture and so we’re going to give it a couple of minutes on this show. So this series is called Second Verse and it’s by the author Cards_Slash, that’s Cards underscore Slash. And it is a slash fiction series and it is centred on the ship of Doc Holliday and Bobo Del Rey which I’m going to possibly coin as the Hollirey ship. DELAYNE: [laughs] I have not heard that before, but it’s kind of fun. It actually sounds like a good name for a ship. If I ever get a boat I’m going to call it The Hollirey. People will have no idea what I’m referencing. DARKWICCAN: I will. [laughs] So this is a series, the Second Verse series currently has eight works in it, it is unfinished so that means that Cards_Slash is continuing to write pieces to add to it. Every single fic in this series is explicit. Every single fic is gay male, and you know what? Great. That is great. That means that the people who want to read this, who want to see these two characters in this scenario have the opportunity to read about these two characters in this scenario. We really don’t see that often in this fandom, this fandom is very often queer lady type or queer unassigned individual, heavily leaning towards female/female pairings. You’ve got Wayhaught of course, you’ve got Wynhaught, or Wynaught as Melanie has demanded. You’ve got Wynaught, you’ve got Wynsita, you’ve got... DELAYNE: Wyncedes and Wynsita. DARKWICCAN: And much to Laragh’s absolute chagrin there’s the occasional Waverly/Rosita which doesn’t have an official name which is good. LARAGH: It doesn’t deserve one. ALL: [laughs] DARKWICCAN: But we really don’t see male pairings that often, we’re more likely to see a straight pairing of Wyndoc or Wyndolls than we are to see a pairing of Doc and another male character. So I’m calling this the Hollirey ship, watch somebody come at me saying, “it’s Deliday, goddamnit.” LARAGH: Yeah, I’m sure someone will disagree because that’s what the internet is for. DARKWICCAN: This is a slash pairing and every fic is explicit that means you’re gonna get in your face gay sex of the male persuasion, and because it’s Bobo it’s going to be rough. But it’s always consensual even when it’s slightly dubious in some cases, it’s one of those things like it’s questionably dubious, is it really dubious or are they just playing games with each other? But I mean, you know, here’s the thing I will say, is this my cup of tea? Absolutely not. But it is well written and I have to give props to Cards_Slash for that. It is well written, it is clever, the characters are truly themselves, they aren’t behaving like not them. And even insofar as the relationship goes, if you want to call it a relationship. But what gets them to that point of physical intimacy makes sense, it’s within character, and it’s not a stretch of the imagination in that we do know, from canon, that Doc and Wyatt had a little thing going on. It’s not impossible to imagine that there was a love triangle between Wyatt and Doc and Bobo and now that Wyatt’s not around, which I think Wyatt was the object of both of their affections, Bobo is redirecting his intent toward Doc and, you know, Doc has his reasons behind letting things happen or not happen. So again, characters are themselves, stories are well written, they lead one from the other, each to the next, and again it’s slash fiction, most of our listeners are probably not going to be interested in this but for those of you who are this is a worthy diversion of your time. And again the series is called Second Verse by Cards_Slash. DELAYNE: I did read the first one of the series, and the comment section was the best. Because the comment section everyone was like, “wow, that was great, they’re in character and everything.” And Cards_Slash was like, “oh, I was just writing some smut, cool.” And it seemed to go from there. So I will agree with all of your points for the only first one that I read. DARKWICCAN: At least you’re being honest about the fact that you only read the first one. DELAYNE: It was all I was willing to put into it. [laughs] DARKWICCAN: But again, it’s not your cup of tea. DELAYNE: It’s not my thing. But it is really well written. DARKWICCAN: Yeah, it has nothing to do with the quality of writing and everything to do with personal preference, and I did make the decision to sit down and read, as you know I read everything, and it was absolutely not a chore to read these stories. It wasn’t what I would normally sit down to read but again I gotta give credit where credit is due in that the writing and characterisation is excellent. So one more time before I toss it over to you Delayne, it is called Second Verse by Cards_Slash, currently eight works in the series, it is a Doc/Bobo AKA Hollirey ship, explicit all of them, and you know maybe just check one out and hopefully you’ll agree with us at least that the writing is really really good. DELAYNE: Alright, so how about we, there’s not a lot of sort of Doc specific, Doc alone sort of fics, but when Boo submitted this fic for the toothpaste challenge I was super happy to see it even though I knew it would not get very far because again, as you said our audience is kind of specific as to what we enjoy. But this is, it’s called Doc Versus the Twenty-First Century by BaggerHeda, as we call Boo. And literally just kind of being in Doc’s head what this new world is like and he does take a trip to the toothpaste aisle looking for tooth powder, which of course is, I mean it’s coming back in vogue, I actually found some, [inaudible] tooth paste powder recently, that was cool. But you know I’m terrible at summarising, it’s just so well written and I love the story so much because it really just takes a good look at Doc and his essentially waking up to a brand new world and what those differences are. DARKWICCAN: Yeah, that’s something that we didn’t really get to experience too much on the show, Doc sort of just appeared. And while we do know that he struggled to understand things like “automobiles”... DELAYNE: [laughs] Eventually he did. DARKWICCAN: Yep. We didn’t really get to see on the show him struggling too much with modern things. He seemed to slide into, what’s the word I’m looking for here? Laragh help me. LARAGH: I just slid into the modern way of life without too much... awkwardness I guess?

DARKWICCAN: Yeah exactly, there didn’t seem to be too much of a learning curve. DELAYNE: At least that’s what they showed on the show. LARAGH: Right. There was some other stuff going on.

DELAYNE: “This telephoney sounds angry.” DARKWICCAN: [laughs] DELAYNE: But also it seems like people forget that Doc was a dentist as well, so this toothpaste prop was used perfectly me with words, we’re off to a great start. [laughs] LARAGH: You’re doing good, you’re doing good. I completely agree with everything you’re saying.

DARKWICCAN: Something that I really enjoyed about this story is that Doc isn’t entirely trusting of the Earps, and Waverly appears in the drugstore, you know just happens to be there, and so I love that we have his thought process of “is she mocking me? Is she trying to trip me up? No she seems like she’s being pretty genuine.” And at this point in the story telling within the canon Waverly doesn’t know that John Henry, Johnny Hank, is Doc Holliday. So as far as she knows he’s just a kind of eccentric hipster type. ALL: [laughs] DELAYNE: Yeah, and that makes sense because tooth powder as I said, making a comeback. DARKWICCAN: Yeah. LARAGH: “Old timey” I think she called it. I like that the prose even is written in Doc’s head, his internal monologue, even though it’s not first person.

DARKWICCAN: I love the fact that he’s a dentist, in name if not in practice, and he is overwhelmed by the wide array of options for dental hygiene available in this modern world. At least he recognises that dental hygiene is important. DELAYNE: Yes, which not very many people did at that time. LARAGH: He probably needs a pretty good swig of mouthwash after a hundred years down a well.

DARKWICCAN: Oh god, I don’t want to think about how fuzzy his mouth feels. I will say this, having a kid your daily routine does take a serious knocking, and there have been a couple of times where I didn’t get around to brushing my teeth until the afternoon and boy it was, ew. DELAYNE: [laughs] Another thing, I could praise Boo all day and every day, but the research that went into this, you know, when toothpaste was a thing, what brands there were, Doc does see a brand that he recognises, so it’s brilliantly done. And very very Doc. DARKWICCAN: Very Doc. And very fanfiction writerly of Boo. One of my favourite memes I’ve seen go around is the whole “me reading fanfiction: Ah I can suspend my disbelief no problem! Me writing fanfiction: If I don’t know the exact amount of a wool merchant’s earning in 1623 I will die!” DELAYNE: [laughs] Yep. LARAGH: Relatable.

DARKWICCAN: Very relatable. So yeah, it’s a fun little diversion called Doc Versus The Twenty-first Century ? DELAYNE: Yes, Doc Versus The Twenty-first Century , the EFA Challenge season two toothpaste prompt. DARKWICCAN: Yes, you got there eventually. Written by our pal BaggerHeda, known on Twitter as @BooinLA, so yeah, I think we’ve discussed our requisite amount of Doc fanfiction, shall we launch into the main event my friends? DELAYNE: There was something that I saw on the internet that I would like to put out into the world. DARKWICCAN: Okay. DELAYNE: There are fans that want more Wyndoc, so writers put on your Wyndoc and write us more of that, we have requests. Putting that out there. DARKWICCAN: Okay that’s totally fair, absolutely. There is an abundance of Wayhaught, I would say there’s even more Wyncedes and Wynsita than there are Wyndoc stories so absolutely. DELAYNE: So that is my plea to the writers. DARKWICCAN: Give us some more content y’all. Craving it. So let us take off our fic reviewer hats and put on our interviewer hats, and prepare for the next segment, but of course before we can get to our interview with the fantastic Mr Timothy Rozon we need to introduce this week’s reverse sponsor, Laragh who is this week’s reverse sponsor? LARAGH: This week’s reverse sponsor is Ratscape.

Do you like your sauce 'Haught'? Then you'll want to check out the iconic artwork of Arne Ratermanis aka Ratscape!

Ratscape is responsible for the trio of Nicole Haughtinspired 'Bullet Proof Haught Sauce' poster designs as well as numerous other Wynonna Earpcentric art pieces and illustrations!

A professional graphic artist, Arne was even commissioned by directly to create the playing card artwork that adorned the Wynonna Earp trolleys at San Diego Comic Con in 2018!

You can find Ratscape's full portfolio of work by visiting his site: ratermanis dot com.

That's RATERMANIS dot com.

Ratscape: it's getting Haught in here.

DARKWICCAN: And welcome back everybody to the season four premier episode of the Earp Fiction Addiction , the podcast dedicated entirely to Wynonna Earp fanfiction. I remain your host DarkWiccan and with me are my fabulous cohosts, the lovely Delayne... DELAYNE: Hi. DARKWICCAN: And the amazing Laragh. LARAGH: Hey. DARKWICCAN: And as we teased before the break we are over the moon excited to welcome to the show, the nicest guy to ever play a vampire cowboy, the sweetest fellow to major in the mustache arts, the earpiest Earp of them all, Tim Rozon. TIM: Wow, best introduction ever right there. ALL: [laugh] DARKWICCAN: Thank you. DELAYNE: DW’s really good at them, yeah. TIM: That was awesome. DARKWICCAN: If you like I can copy it and send it on to Allison to forward to you so you can just have it printed. TIM: It’ll be my new Twitter status. DARKWICCAN: There you go [laughs]. That’s awesome, Tim thank you so much for taking time out of your quarantine to chat with us today. TIM: It’s my absolute pleasure. DARKWICCAN: What a bizarre time we are living in. TIM: Yeah, that’s a complete understatement. DARKWICCAN: [laughs] It absolutely is. Gosh, I mean, the only thing we have as a point of reference happened over a hundred years ago. I want to say though that I’m grateful if it’s happening it’s happening now at a time where we have technology and we’re able to connect with each other like this. TIM: Yeah, the internet’s been incredible throughout this. I was talking to somebody else actually about that and we had the ability to Facetime and still connect with people and friends and family. Yeah, it’s really wonderful. DARKWICCAN: Yeah, it definitely takes the edge off of isolation. TIM: Yeah, I mean if we could just get fictional Jeremy and fictional Waverly to come to life I feel like the two of them, if we left them in a Black Badge lab for long enough they’d have the cure. DARKWICCAN: Oh absolutely. DELAYNE: [laughs] Genius, that was genius. DARKWICCAN: Totally genius. It would probably be contrived of some dubious source materials but we would definitely have the cure. TIM: Yes, and Wynonna would have to travel somewhere, to a back door or whatever, and shoot some nimrod in the head, who created it, and we would fix everything guys. DARKWICCAN: Yes, curse the whole fictional character thing. Why do they have to be fictional! [laughs] Well, I’m grateful in a way that they are fictional because that means that you get the opportunity to play the incredible Doc Holliday and do such a spectacular job doing so. TIM: Oh thank you, that means a lot to me. DARKWICCAN: Much deserved my friend, and again a massive understatement. It’s an absolute delight watching you perform on screen, not only as Doc but as Mutt and now as Isaac on Vagrant Queen , and really you’re a great actor man, because just thinking about the character you played on and comparing it to Doc, I mean completely I have to remind myself that it was you. TIM: I really really really really like this podcast so far, I gotta tell you guys. ALL: [laughs] DELAYNE: Now, DW and I were discussing it and I, seriously, I still go back and watch Lost Girl and think, “that’s not Tim, that can’t be Tim, Tim plays Doc, this is some other dude.” TIM: Look, I felt bad for Massimo, the guy was kind of in love with his mom. The whole dynamic was just wrong. DARKWICCAN: Yes. TIM: Lost Girl was a real fun experience too because it was one of those things where it’s kind of I did it, and Massimo died. And I was like, “okay that was a fun four episodes on that show, that’s cool.” And then eight months goes by and I get a call from my agent saying, “hey, so I have your dates for Massimo on Lost Girl,” I’m like, “uh, my character’s dead but sure?” He’s like, “oh yeah, you’re in six episodes,” and then all of a sudden the twig of Zamora or the seed, I think it was the seed that time. One time there was a twig, [inaudible], there was the twig of Zamora and a seed, what was the name of that seed I ate? I don’t know, there was a seed, I ate a seed, I came back superpowerful then the incident happened that we never need to discuss involving a sword, yeah. DARKWICCAN: No, we shan’t, we’ll steer clear of that entirely. TIM: Thank you, I appreciate that. DARKWICCAN: Basically Massimo lived or died based on plants. DELAYNE: [laughs] TIM: Exactly. Yeah, exactly. Maybe they were nuts, seeds, I don’t know. DARKWICCAN: Maybe they were nuts. DELAYNE: Someone was definitely nuts. TIM: He was definitely vegan. DARKWICCAN: So we know that Dominique would have approved. TIM: And you know the cool thing was that was Emily Andras writing those, super cool. Also I had flannel shirts back then, Massimo paving the way for the rest of my career in flannel shirts. If there’s a paisley shirt anywhere on the truck, man they’re going to stick it on my character I’ll tell you that much. DELAYNE: You do look nice in paisley. TIM: Thank you, I appreciate that. DARKWICCAN: You do, you carry it off. Well, circling back around to Wynonna Earp , as I mentioned in the intro this is the Earp Fiction Addiction and we do primarily discuss fanfiction. Now, being an actor on the show of which our fanfiction is written we can’t really discuss fanfic with you in depth or in specifics because you’re not allowed to read it. Understandably so, this is something that we support in the fanfiction community. But one thing I will say is that the Wynonna Earp fic community is first and foremost for fans of the show, but also is an incredibly talented group of authors so Tim, asking you, what is it about Wynonna Earp that you think inspires so much creativity. TIM: Oh, I mean there’s just so many strong powerful characters and, you know, they’re flawed and there’s so much dynamic to each of them. And the world itself is so huge and the Ghost River and the mythological aspect of it. There’s so much fun and there’s so many areas to play and so many characters to play with, and interact with. It’s like a writer's dream. DARKWICCAN: Yeah, you hit the nail on the head in one there. [laughs] It is absolutely a fantastically beautiful and wonderfully realised fantasy world that we get to play with and it is massive TIM: It’s huge. DARKWICCAN: So there’s always something. DELAYNE: And the characters are, I guess, well designed in that they can also be moved into alternate universes very well. People like to play outside the Wynonna Earp canon which is fun. TIM: Oh, that sounds super cool. DARKWICCAN: It is cool. The only thing, I will say, hmm I want Wynonna Earp to go on for seasons and seasons, I want it to become the of the SYFY channel, I want this to go on forever. But we know unfortunately that at some point someone’s going to say “we have had enough.” Now I hope that that person is ultimately Emily, I hope it’s on her terms. But until such a time in the far distant future that that happens, the one thing to look forward to for the cast is to finally be able to sit down and read fanfiction that’s been produced for this world. Because I think you’re going to be suitably impressed, and also flattered. TIM: Oh man, I’m ready to break some rules and read some fanfic now. DELAYNE: [laughs] No, no. DARKWICCAN: No no, we’re not encouraging that at all. DELAYNE: You can wait until the show is over, I promise. TIM: Well you know one of our production teams, it’s the same production team that does Heartland , they’re on season fourteen. We’re only on season four, it could be a while before I get around to the fanfic. DARKWICCAN: It could be a while, but just think of the library of works that will then be available to you. TIM: That I like, I’ll get the Pride and Prejudice of fanfics, it’ll be perfect. LARAGH: Someone should write a Pride and Prejudice Wynonna Earp fic, just for Tim. DARKWICCAN: Okay, authors who are listening, there’s the prompt, TIM: ™, ™. DARKWICCAN: Make sure you credit Tim. LARAGH: So, when did you start writing? Have you always been a writer? TIM: Ah, interestingly enough, yeah, I kind of always wrote. I used to write comic books as a kid, it was something I did, I obviously collected comic books, read them first as a kid and then started collecting them and was kind of like, you know I’d get my five bucks allowance at the end of the week, ride my bicycle, go to the comic shop, buy my comic, come home, try and trace the drawings and redraw, make my own comic books, make my brothers read them, over and over and over. My first character was like a super pig, he had a metal helmet, ironmanish inspired helmet, but he was a pig. DARKWICCAN: [laughs] TIM: My favourite children’s story was Charlotte’s Web so I wanted to make a pig super, then I gave him super powers, he had a cape but he couldn’t afford a cape, so his cape was a tickle blanket, asecurity blanket that he had as a piglet and he wore that as a cape, the tickle blanket, and the helmet. It was pretty awesome. DELAYNE: Okay, this needs to be a children’s book stat. DARKWICCAN: You absolutely need to do this. TIM: So I did that, I always like writing, it was probably the only thing I was good at at school, and badminton oddly enough I was pretty good at. ALL: [laughs] DARKWICCAN: Did you write stories about a super badminton player? TIM: No I didn’t, I should have though. DARKWICCAN: There’s still time. DELAYNE: Well, since you obviously know quite a bit about comics, in the Marvel Universe we have the multiverse, in Wynonna Earp we have the show and the comics, so is it fun to play in that alternative universe of the comics? TIM: Yeah, it’s incredible. Plus the super cool thing about writing for the comics as opposed to writing for episodic television or something or a feature is that there’s no budget, you know what I mean? Because if you can draw it then it can be written. You know, if I say the four of us jump into a rocket ship right now, go to the moon, eat grilled cheese sandwiches and finish the podcast up there and fly back down here, I can do that in a comic book. Whereas if that were an episode, if we’re trying to film this like a reality podcast that’d be a little difficult and I’m sure as producers you guys would be like, “yeah, we can’t get the rocket, or permission to fly on the moon, maybe the grilled cheese but” So yeah. DARKWICCAN: We can sit around in spacesuits, attempting to get grilled cheese through our visors. TIM: Exactly. We could Kickstart the moon. We could try. DELAYNE: I need one of our talented Earper artists to draw us four on the moon, eating grilled cheese. I will pay an absurd amount of money for this right now. TIM: Awesome. DELAYNE: Just putting that out there. TIM: The real question is cheddar is better? Or you can’t miss with swiss? DARKWICCAN: Both. LARAGH: Both. DELAYNE: [laughs] DARKWICCAN: Why not both? DELAYNE: All of the cheeses. TIM: Even better. So, yeah, and Beau Smith he’s such a generous man. He’s a very humble guy, and very generous. Just the fact that he lets me into that world and lets me write with him is just such an honour and it’s such a fun thing to do is write with Beau Smith. It’s just a highlight of the year when it comes up. And the world, he lets me kind of do what I want in some ways too which is really beautiful and you know I got a couple of characters that I’ve created which are now part of that Wynonnaverse, which is pretty sick awesome. DARKWICCAN: That is incredible, that is so cool. And speaking of writing for the comic books, and writing specifically Doc for the comic books, do you find it easier or more difficult to write Doc’s voice in the comics having played him on screen? TIM: Oddly enough, just the way it kind of worked out, it was normally Beau who wrote Doc, and I actually wanted to write the other characters. My favourite’s Wynonna, obviously, you know she’s got those snarky oneliners that are just so beautiful. And I love writing the Wayhaught kind of stuff too. I wrote the original sniper scene with the two girls sniping bad guys, that was actually me who wrote that one, that was super cool because we kind of had a nod to it in the show later. I never brought it up again really but just a subtle reminder, “I’m pretty sure I wrote that scene in the comic first and it’s cool”. And then there’s Bobo, Bobo’s one of my favourites, getting to write one of my favourite scenes ever was just a one page panel of a wolf in the woods with a deer and then the wolf becomes Bobo, because Mikey also loves his wolves and I know how much it means to Michael Eckland and it’s so beautiful we can do that and then so many characters. And then the character of Nora Radd that I created which got to be a pivotal character in the second book I did with Beau, which was his idea to bring her back which I thought was so giving and so amazing of him. But I mean, Nora Radd, if anybody knows me they know my favourite comic book character of all time is the Silver Surfer who is Norrin Radd, and I got to create this young girl named Nora Radd, yeah so Easter eggs are also aplenty, I love Easter eggs from the books. DELAYNE: This is such wonderful insider information, I am loving this. TIM: Yeah, guys, I got the goods. DARKWICCAN: You do no doubt. [laughs] Sorry, to bring a perennial quote from Wynonna Earp back, “that’s what she said.” TIM: Touche. LARAGH: So you kind of just touched on this from the sniper scene but is there something from the comics, something else from the comics, that you’d love to see on the show or vice versa. TIM: Well, obviously Valdez. You know, what an incredible character in the book that Beau created and I’ll just leave it there. [evil laugh]. I can’t say anything else. DELAYNE: What a tease. [laughs] Sorry. TIM: Yeah, I’m not saying another word, so. LARAGH: If we just wait it out. DELAYNE: Well, maybe you can answer this then. Doc has made some dubious moral decisions in his life, what is it about his character that drives him to make these choices and have you enjoyed getting to act out Doc’s darker side as the seasons have gone on? TIM: I mean, he does these things because he’s flawed and not perfect, which is great because who wants to play a perfect character? Wait, I lied, I do. Because I kind of had the opportunity last year and I did my first Hallmark movie and I played a character called Travis who is just this perfect guy and you know what, it was really fun and it was really nice and I liked it. ALL: [laughs] TIML Listen, Doc is it’s fun to play that stuff. I’m a nicer person than Doc can be sometimes, so sometimes it's a little... challenging to see the reaction to what he has done. It’s never hard to do because I’m playing the character and I want to give one hundred percent to whatever the material I’m given and the direction that my character is going in. So Doc has his own reasons for doing these things, he’s selfish in his ways, but the thing that I always gotta remember is the other most selfish character is Wynonna in a lot of ways. To me they’re the two they really are. Waverly, and Haught, kind of put others before themselves while Wynonna is kind of Wynonna you know? And Doc is Doc. Which is kind of why they’re good for each other because they’re so flawed together that together they kind of make one whole person. DARKWICCAN: One whole flaw TIM: One whole flawed person, less flawed, but it’s okay that they’re flawed to each other. But there are some challenges in the reaction to some of this stuff that Doc did. You know I’m an earpy Earp, I don’t want people doing bad stuff to our characters and I don’t want anybody causing Wynonna any pain and sometimes Doc does and as an Earper I’m like, “you son of a.” but as Doc, I mean that’s the way it’s gonna be. That’s just the way it’s gonna be. You know, season four hopefully there’s some redemption for some of the things that might have happened in season three. DARKWICCAN: You know what, I have a feeling, based on where we were set up at the end of season three that Doc is gonna have a redemption arc. Obviously I don’t know, but I have this feeling. And you know better than us but you can’t say anything understandably. TIM: Yeah, well look, I mean we’ve all followed his journey from day one, it’s pretty safe to say that at the end of the day the guy does have a good heart and I think his intentions are in the right place. He’s just not very good at doing the right thing and definitely not saying the right thing. But I personally believe that Doc Holliday’s got a good heart and I know what I want for him, I just think it’s boring TV. I want what he wanted in season one where he was talking to Dolls, and talking about he wanted to just raise barley and have a little farm and raise chickens and have barley. And season two you have came along and his dream is to be with Wynonna and Alice and live in a little house up in the country and kind of just be in love. But who’s going to watch that? I mean I will but... DARKWICCAN: Well, listen, Little House on the Prairie was a very successful series for a very long time. TIM: Yeah, it was. It was also pretty depressing because now you’ve got Alice, Alice goes blind, she’s got consumption, Little House on the Prairie got pretty heavy. ALL: [laughs] DARKWICCAN: Yeah, that’s true, that’s true. So unfortunately we are, thanks to this pandemic, on a temporary production halt on Wynonna Earp , but we Earpers, and when I say Earpers I include everyone in that category, Tim yourself included, the entire cast, the crew, the writers, 7/24, everybody, SYFY, fought very hard to make sure Wynonna came back. So in the time you have had on set what has it been like being back on set following the success of the “Fight for Wynonna”. TIM: Listen, I was never a person to take one second of being on that set for granted, or getting to play that character for granted, not one second for granted. But after almost losing something you love so much to get it back, let me tell you, am I happy. I’m just happier than I’ve ever been. You know, we’re on set, Dominique and I were on set and we were just looking at each other and we kept smiling, she smiled and then I smiled, and she laughed and I burst out laughing and you didn’t have to say why, we were freezing and we’re in a little tent, but I’ve got the hat on, and she’s Waverly and we’re back, you know what I mean? We’re happy, and it’s a great great great feeling. Yeah, I was super lucky. The Win for Wynonna and the Earpers and the fighting and what they did was just, one of the most meaningful experiences of my life and I’m grateful forever, it was inspiring. And no matter what happens we’ll always have this chapter in our lives. And I know for myself, and a lot of other people, I’ll look back on [inaudible] that was a great time in my life, maybe the best time in my life. You know? So I’m very, very lucky for that. I’m fortunate. And I think that every Earpers that fought, that tweeted, that built the billboards, that didn’t stop fighting and didn’t stop loving our show. And as you said Earpers and don’t forget producers too. I mean Josh Van Houdt at SYFY is one of our greatest allies and we were really, really fortunate and really lucky to have a TV exec, and sometimes in this business those are the villains, but we have one of them on our side fighting harder than anybody else, because he’s in the trenches, he’s an Earper. So it just trickles down from him, to Emily, to 7/24, to the cast, to the crew like you said, to the fans. It’s a once in a lifetime experience, and I’m aware of it and I’m grateful. And thank you. DARKWICCAN: Hey, our pleasure, absolutely our pleasure. I think that something that happened for the fandom in having to fight and ultimately winning showed us that small groups of people who are filled to the brim with intention can move mountains. Yeah, and I think it was a rough time but I wouldn’t trade it for anything. We all grew as people in the process. TIM: I mean that has just been on brand with our show from day one. You know, season two Mel came back, because Mel was pregnant, and a lot of other shows or scenarios with the lead actress coming back pregnant in the beginning of production pregnant, we either would have been on hold, or even god forbid we could have been stopped. Who knows? We were in the early stages, we didn’t know. We kept going, and there was the People’s Choice Awards where the fans fought for, they had to fight so hard, and we won when everybody said we couldn’t, this little show can’t and it shouldn’t, and we did. And then of course we’re going to lose our show for the exact reasons I can’t understand, some money was missing or who knows what happened exactly but we almost lost our show, we didn’t, we fought and we came back, and you know it’s on brand that a worldwide pandemic for the first time in history comes along literally the monday of hiatus, we’d just finished halfway through, everyone was going home for like a week and, “oh guys, by the way, nobody come back, well legally you can’t fly anywhere anyway, so we’re on hold indefinitely.” So yeah, it’s on brand. But we will finish, you know, we will get through this as a people, as a world, and as Earpers we will finish season four. DARKWICCAN: Absolutely, Wynonna Earp really is the little show that could. And speaking of little shows that could, you are on a new one. And I think the hiatus from Wynonna actually gave you the ability to take up this opportunity, you’re now Isaac on Vagrant Queen , which at the time of this recording premiered last night, and dude it was so cool, I loved it so much. It reminded me, I was saying to Laragh and Delayne earlier, it basically reminded me of the Hitchhiker's Guide mooshed in with Firefly a little bit, but I think it’s better than Firefly , and I love the production design, it’s very 1980s neon pop colours, it’s just such a fun, fun show. And I’m so thrilled for you that you were able to book it. TIM: Um, first of all, great description, I would have agreed with you one hundred percent, you almost took the words out of my mouth so that’s great because I’m not great with words always. Copy and paste exactly what you said because that’s how I feel, really. And I love Hitchhiker's Guide and I freaking love Firefly and I love the neon eighties and I get exactly what you’re saying. And mostly it was fun. Last night was the first time I got to watch it also. I’m superstitious like that, I never watch shows [inaudible] the night of the live tweet and that’s really because of what happened with the Earp fandom and it was such a magical experience and like I said before, a once in a lifetime experience that I think just forever now that’s what I’m going to do. So I just got in there and how magical was it that Emily Andras, Kat Barrell, Melanie Scrofano all joined the live tweet yesterday. I mean, the support of these girls, to have their support, it means so much, it’s incredible, and you know a lot of other costars wouldn’t do that for a costar on another show. But they all did it, they were awesome and then just the live tweet they [inaudible] were incredible. Isaac, it’s like Doc, as an actor I’m always happy to work, I never take that for granted how hard it is to get a job as an actor and then if you do you’re very lucky. But once in a while you get these parts where you just can’t believe you were lucky enough to get. And those two parts, you know, Doc Holliday of Wynonna Earp , and Isaac Stelling of Vagrant Queen , getting to do them simultaneously is like the most kickass experience ever. LARAGH: I was just going to ask if you were familiar with the Vagrant Queen comic book series prior to auditioning? TIM: So I wasn’t when I first auditioned, I did a first tape and I remember being in Florida and I remember getting a side and a small breakdown and I loved it already. And in the breakdown it said it was based on a comic book but I got the sides the night before and I was on vacation so I didn’t have time to go to a comic book shop yet, I just had to find a person to put me on tape in Orlando. So I remember I actually wore a Mickey Mouse shirt to the audition because I had one, plus the guy was supposed to be from Earth trapped in space so I said if the guy is going to represent in space who better to represent than Mickey. So I remember I did the audition and I loved it and I really wanted it and when I got the call for the call back I made sure, when I got home I had put in my pull list, I have a comic shop back home. A pull list, for anybody who doesn’t know you can put comic books aside that your retailer will hold for you and you can go on a Tuesday or whatever and get your books. And Vagrant Queen was added to it. And the book is by Magdalene Visaggio and Jason Smith and it’s incredible. I mean it’s the show, it’s super fun, if you thought what the show would be in the comic book, you know she kicks a lot of ass and Isaac gets in the way and Lazaro is there and the Admiralty are dicks, and she’s gonna try and take them all down and it’s pretty awesome. DELAYNE: Were you relieved to not have to dye your hair orange for the series? TIM: What do you mean? I kind of did, which sucks because your saying you didn’t notice, that’s horrible. DARKWICCAN: [laughs] Dude, oh no. TIM: I tried, the thing is I have a darker beard. There’ll be a couple of episodes where there’ll be hints of ginge in there, I promise you that. It’s not a consistent redness that’s for sure. But I actually did it for the callback, I really wanted it man, I really wanted that part. So I wore the Mickey Mouse shirt but I also went to a hair salon and said, “I want red” so what they had to do is they stripped my hair and by stripping it they made it horrible, which I was like, “this is perfect”, and they were “you can’t leave like this I haven’t put in the colour”, and I’m like, “no this is what I want, this is what I’m looking for.” She’s like, “no please,” and I’m like “you don’t understand, this is amazing.” And I left. And I remember it was actually Josh again from SYFY who saw my tape later and said “I saw your tape, what a great tape.” And I said “thanks, did you like my hair?” and he said “what do you mean your hair?” And I said “Because it was red.” He said, “I didn’t notice.” And I looked back and I guess the lighting, you couldn’t even tell, it looked darker than Wynonna’s. But I know, you know. DELAYNE: We’ll blame it on the lighting. TIM: Whatever I did worked so, if I’ve gotta bleach my hair for each part I will. DARKWICCAN: [laughs] Which is typically like don’t you have to sign an appearance contract for what you that you’ll physically maintain your appearance for the thing at the time. TIM: Well, Wynonna was on hiatus, I didn’t know what was happening. This was at a time when I thought I’d lost Wynonna Earp , you know. So I had been sitting around all winter with that moustache, waiting for work. And then all of a sudden it’s like yeah I finally, finally heard it doesn’t look like we’re coming back. You know, Wynonna’s in trouble, we don’t have a date. Because we had a start date that they passed way over, they were over by a couple of months at that point it’s like, “holy moly what are we doing here?” Agents are like, they want to start throwing you out all the time for stuff, they have no mercy. Then this part came up and I’m like, “well I’m shaving”, I’m gonna try and do what I can do and see if I can get a part. I did book the Hallmark movie three days after bleaching my hair so I did apologise for that to my hair and makeup because I showed up in Vancouver looking pretty weird but you know, they’re professional and they fixed it, and you know. DELAYNE: Behind the scenes secrets, I love it. DARKWICCAN: So what elements in Vagrant Queen do you think Earpers are particularly going to enjoy and latch onto, besides you. TIM: Look, there’s a whole bunch of stuff going on, right off the top you’ve got strong leading female characters, kicking ass, the LGBT is very represented and in a great way. It’s an all female directing, writing, producing, maybe the first in sci fi history, don’t quote me on that but I’m pretty sure. It’s all women. Jem Garrard is amazing, as a showrunner too. And I know how much the Earpers love our showrunner Emily, she’s right up there with Em. She’s incredible, she’s a powerhouse of a woman, and a person and she’s an inspiration. She writes and she directs and she showruns and she’s super kickass, and the girls kick ass, and I’m just lucky enough to play a supporting character to them. And it’s super awesome. DARKWICCAN: Would you say it’s different being on a set where the production team is entirely female versus a more traditional set. TIM: This is the norm for me, I’ve been supporting to strong female leads since the beginning of my career. I don’t know why I’m different to everybody else but that just seems to be the way for me, it’s where I fit in the world. So it’s always kind of been the norm for me. My first show, Instant Star on the Nickelodeon network and the star of that was a young girl named Alexz Johnson and she was the lead and number one and she was amazing and it was my absolute honour and pleasure to be a support for her because that girl right off the bat showed me what it is to be a number one and to be a leader and amazing. Because she would film all day and then she would go and record the album, the actual songs for the show because it was a music show, and her work ethic was amazing and her positivity was also infectious and I worked with her for four or five years and a lot of that writing team works as the Wynonna Earp writing team now. You know it was Emily, started on that. I’ve been working for Emily since I started in this business and I’ve been grateful for it, and you know going from that to Lost Girl which was Emily’s show again. And between that the other show that I did between Wynonna and Vagrant Queen I was lucky enough to do a show called Diggstown shooting in Halifax, and the lead of that was Vinessa Antoine so again an incredible leading actress and I played support. It’s just one hundred percent normal to me. It’s great. I highly recommend it to everybody. DARKWICCAN: I think that’s fantastic and I think that should be the normal for everybody. I think you’re very lucky that’s been your career experience. DELAYNE: I’m trying to think of something supportive to say about it too but I’m coming up all bras. DARKWICCAN: [laughs] Nice call back. DELAYNE: No that’s awesome. LARAGH: It is awesome. You know what else is awesome is your writing career, so veering back to that for a moment, do you think you’ll have an opportunity to write a comic for Vagrant Queen or is that something you would like to do? TIM: Oh, I mean, as much as t I would love to... I have a special relationship with Beau, it’s different, so I don’t know if I’d even approach I’d be scared of Magdalene and Jason, I would be like “hey, would you trust me with your characters?” And they’d have every right to be like, “fuck no,” and I’d get it. ALL: [laughs] TIM: I get it. But, my goal at this point in my writing career is just to be a fly on the wall, I’ve said it to Emily and I’ve said it to Jeff, my goal would just to be if I could go watch and just sit in the writers room, not even to think that I could write or say that I would be opportuning to write with them, no it would just be to watch and learn from either one of them. That’s my goal at this point and it’d be more for TV at this point, and to be with them. I would love to write something with Beau, now would be a great time, in quarantine it would be amazing, we can release it digitally, I’m down. So yeah, my goal at this point writingwise is just to learn and who better to learn from than an Emily Andras or a Jem Garrard. It would be incredible. DARKWICCAN: Master classes for sure. That’s amazing. DELAYNE: I would like to bring up something that was mentioned before we started recording, DW has apparently talked to you about this before but I think the rest of the world would be interested in knowing about your restaurant career. What drew you to become a restauranteur? TIM: You know, there’s two types of bees in the world, there’s queen bees and worker bees and I’ve just always been a worker bee. And I started working in restaurants since I was fourteen and I started in a restaurant cutting potatoes from fourteen to whenever, and then all my jobs were restaurants, front of house, back of house, and it was during that time when I was filming Instant Star I was up in Toronto filming the show but the opportunity came to open a space in Montreal with my best friend and another partner and I just said screw it man, I’m in, and I just took every single penny I had out of the bank account and we just kind of did this thing, and we built it and when I had the time off between filming seasons of Instant Star I would go and work there and was fortunate enough that it worked. Now I have two restaurants and have over fifty six employees and it’s pretty incredible. But it’s a testament to my partner and how amazing they are. Of course now with the world we’re living in I don’t know what’s happening. We’ll see what happens when all this is over, if I still have both, any, one. You know, I worry about my staff at a time like this and luckily I was able to get them all UI at this point and our government is coming in with pretty good stimulus packages for young restaurant workers and stuff like that but it’s a difficult time, and we’ll see what happens. DARKWICCAN: Fingers crossed for you, I really hope that once this is all over you still have those restaurants. Because you know that an influx of Earpers will come in to eat at your restaurants so that you are able to start turning profits again. TIM: I’ve had so many come and it’s my pleasure. I love serving Earpers because they’re always like their mind is blown for a second, “why is Tim in an apron making food for us?” Because I said, that’s just my style, I’m a worker bee. Nobody would know that I own a restaurant, if you saw me there you’d never see me in the front of house, I’m in the back still probably cutting potatoes to this day, that’s what I do if I’m in there, I do dishes or I’m in the back wearing an apron. I’m not a front of the house type person. But I love when Earpers come, try to give me a message and a heads up before, it’s my greatest gift in life is to take care of Earpers at the restaurants, I love it. Plus I get to show them all the knick knacks that I have hidden around the restaurant you know? I have some of Megan’s stitches, I have an “All In” crossstitch, I’ve got comic books, I’ve got all kinds of little Earp paraphernalia lying around the restaurant. Pretty sick. DARKWICCAN: That’s fantastic. What’s the name of your restaurants? TIM: Le Garde Manger and Le Bremner. You have to be francais in Montreal. DARKWICCAN: Ah oui oui, is it French cuisine? TIM: No, more like an East Coast bistro, like East Coast stuff, a lot of seafood, home cooking stuff. My partner, my friend and partner, he blew up, he had his own food show on the Food Network called Chuck’s Day Off , he was on Iron Chef , he actually beat Bobby Flay with lobster as his ingredient. DARKWICCAN: Oh man. TIM: So we became famous, it’s a small little place, we had no money. Like I said I put in everything I had, I didn’t say I had a lot. I was a Canadian actor over here guys. So yeah, and yeah my partner he just blew up, his career really took off and that was great for us, as a small little place. Once we became known as the place that beat Bobby Flay, the little place in Old Montreal that was able to beat Bobby the people started coming even more. So that was great, I’ve been very fortunate. And to be honest the only reason I ever opened the second one was because I had such an incredible staff, what do you do with these kids? I had waiters and waitresses that are just so suited to be managers, you know, what do we do with them? Alright, so let's open up another place and right now the boss, her name’s Jessica, and without her it all falls apart, but that was the easiest decision ever was to give her shares because like this girl’s running the whole show. Chuck’s doing his TV show and I’m doing mine but at the end of the day who do we depend on the most, Jess. So at the end of the day she’s the boss now, she has the shares. She is the boss. She’s also the hammer. They don’t mess with Jess. Like nobody cares about me, I’m not the boss, you know what I mean? I’m never going to be the boss when I come in there. I’m the fun uncle, everybody likes when I’m there because I’m going to be the fun uncle. But that’s not good for business. You need Jess. You need a Jessica guys, get yourselves a Jessica. I highly recommend it. It makes your life a lot easier. She’s the best. DARKWICCAN: Everybody needs a Jess. So skipping along from your restaurant life, you’re also an accomplished musician on the guitar. If you could record an album, or if you had plans to record an album, what style of music would it be, and if you had any duets who would you feature with you? TIM: I would never record an album, my little brothers are amazing. They were both on the Canadian version of The Voice and they made it to almost the final round, two of them. They’re just really really incredible. But I noodle, I play around and it’s something I used to do as a teenager. I was kind of an introvert so I just hid at home and read comic books and played guitar, which is great because now I can shred. ALL: [laughs] TIM: Those things pay off later, you don’t realise. But yeah, I’m not good enough. But if I ever did it would probably be along the country lines of an album. If I could do a duet with Dolly Parton. I’m not asking much... DARKWICCAN: Oh. Islands in the Stream featuring Tim Rozon and Dolly Parton. TIM: You know, Dolly, Willy Nelson, you know just a couple of young country upandcomers. The Dollys, the Willy Nelsons, there’s a Canadian guy from Saskatoon called Colter Wall that I listen to religiously and he’s incredible. I love him. And there’s another gentleman named William Prince and he was just making really good music, and he’s out of Winnipeg, Manitoba, just really really inspirational stuff. DARKWICCAN: Well, you know, I know you say you’ll never record an album but if a producer comes up to you and says, “listen, just an EP” I hope you’ll take them up on the offer. TIM: Um, you might regret that. DARKWICCAN: Listen, auto tune is a thing if you need a little help, but I don’t think that you’d need it. TIM: If you listen to William Prince, William Prince from Manitoba, he’s a First Nations singer, I’ll never record an album because this guy is just. It’s soul, it’s beautiful, what am I going to be, when there’s this guy out there. DARKWICCAN: Well, let me flip the question a little bit then. If Dominique were to record an album and came up to you and said, “Tim would you please sing back up or sing a duet on the album with me?” would you take her up on the offer? TIM: I would do whatever Dominique ProvostChalkley asked me to do. I would prefer to noodle on guitar in the background. We’ve jammed from time to time, you know, if there’s a guitar around and the two of us are there we’ll play together. But again, she’s a real singer, Dom, she’s the real deal. And this year I know she’s been playing a lot so she’s really honing that skill. So this would be a real question for her, if you speak to her. I think that’s something she would like to pursue and I think I’d love it if she did because she writes her own stuff and from what I’ve heard it’s pretty amazing and beautiful. DELAYNE: I guess that means we’ll have to have her back on right DW? DARKWICCAN: We’ll have to have her back on the show. And we’ll say that Tim you said that she needed to come back on so we’ll use that when we reach out to her agent Well Tim, this has been so much fun. What a wonderful way to while away an hour in this strange selfisolation situation we’re all in. TIM: Yeah, I forgot we were in quarantine for a minute. DARKWICCAN: Sorry to remind you. My bad. But I’m looking forward to when this is over with and you being able to get back to normal on set with Wynonna Earp , and your restaurants, and Vagrant Queen , and everything you’ve got going on. I am so happy that you’ve got all of these wonderful positive things happening in your life. And it couldn’t happen to a nicer guy. TIM: You know what, thank you so much, it means a lot. I’ll say this on that note, I’m aware of that fact, of how lucky I am. Sometimes I think in life good things happen people aren’t aware of it, and they need to be because moments like this, they don’t come along all the time. And I’m one hundred percent aware and really grateful for amazing things going on in my life. DARKWICCAN: And we’re grateful for you and we look forward to seeing what amazing thing you do next. TIM: Guys, it’s been a pleasure. DELAYNE: I’m tipping my hat. DARKWICCAN: Likewise. TIM: Nice.

And that's all for this season 4 premiere episode of the Earp Fiction Addiction. Thanks for joining us.

Thank you so much to the charming and delightful Tim Rozon for chatting with us today!

Thanks also to our announcer Byron Tidwell for our intro

Background music for the episode was:

A Proper Story and In case of Trouble by Darren Korb

A Cowboy Reborn by BythewayMay

and the outro music is Don't Deal with the Devil by Kristoffer Madigan

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