fall 2010

The Alliance of Canadian Cinema, Television and Radio Artists

Leading the

See story digital (r)evolution page 8

68253-1_P2028-ACTRA-fall10.indd 1 9/7/10 1:41 PM inSide your union magazine... interACTRA PRESIDENT’S MESSaGE 3 by Ferne Downey Fall 2010, Volume 17, Issue 2 InterACTRA is the official pub- ONlINE ThEfT TakES MONEy 4 lication of ACTRA (Alliance of OuT Of all OuR POckETS Canadian Cinema, Television page 8 and Radio Artists), a Canadian canada’s new copyright bill needs to be fixed union of performers affiliated to by Yannick Bisson the Canadian Labour Congress (CLC) and the International page 10 Federation of Actors (FIA). ThE INTERNET chaNNEl 8 InterACTRA is free of charge to all ACTRA members. leading the digital (r)evolution EdIToRIAL AdVIsoRy by Eli Goree CommITTEE: Joanne deer, Ferne downey, Brian Gromoff, Richard Hardacre, Carol Taverner, TV’s DIGITal EVOluTION 12 Theresa Tova, stephen Waddell. Republic of Doyle embraces their fans online ConTRIBuToRs: Tina Alford, by Ruth Lawrence dJ Anderson, yannick Bisson, mike Burns, marlene Cahill, nicholas Campbell, Joanne MEDIa EVOluTION 14 deer, Ferne downey, Anna Falsetta, Chris Faulkner, megan by Stephen Waddell If you’re adaptable you stay Gariepy, Raymond Guardia, page 14 Eli Goree, Allan Hawco, Alex Ivanovici, Brad Keenan, Geoff TElEPhONy facTS wITh 16 one step ahead of the game Lapaire, Ruth Lawrence, Rob BEll caNaDa’S EMIly macklin, Tyrel mcnicol, dan o’Brien, Adam Reid, Gisèle by Gisèle Rousseau Rousseau, Gary saxe, Alison stewart, marit stiles, , Theresa Tova, stephen DIGITal PERfORMaNcE IN aN awaRD- 18 Waddell, Christine Webber, wINNING RENaISSaNcE VIDEOGaME Christine Willes. by Alex Ivanovici CoVER pHoTo: Pure Pwnage stars, top: Joel Gardiner, L to R: Eli Goree, Jarett Cale and cRTc lEaVES caNcON IN ThE cOlD 21 melanie scrofano. Courtesy of showcase. by Nicholas Campbell LAyouT: Joss maclennan CEp 591 design www.joss.to page 18 MEDIa TRuThS, uNTRuThS & STEREOTyPES 24 printed in Canada by union labour at Thistle printing. women sharing lead roles All contents are copyright by Christine Willes ©2010 ACTRA. All rights are reserved and contents, in whole or in part, may not be reprinted acTRa MEMBERS wORkING TOGEThER 26 without permission.The points updates from , , of view expressed do not neces- sarily represent those of ACTRA. Saskatchewan and please return any undelivered mail to: ACTRA, 300 – 625 aPPlauSE: acTRa members honoured 29 Church street, Toronto, m4yphone 2G1 1-800-387-3516 NEwS… stuff you should know 32 orfax (416)489-1311 page 28 email (416)489-8076 @ web interactra actra.ca TREa$uRER’S REPORT 33 www.actra.ca by Theresa Tova publications mail Agreement l Janesse #40069134 eung Issn 1705-9496 Remembering , 34 Maureen forrester, Brad Moore, 10% wayne Nicklas and Rod Padmos

2 InterACTRA fall 2010

Please ensure that Please insert 68253-1_P2028-ACTRA-fall10.indd 2 9/7/10 1:41 PM this is the correct union label here. FSC % recycled logo. inSide your union magazine... adaptabIlIty as an actor. as a union. By FeRne DoWney acTRa National President

My brother Kevin is a very gifted architect. Recently I was

also created his own sold out music festival in Toronto this sum- suffering through a home renovation inconveniently timed to mer with a who’s who of hip hop royalty showing up to support coincide with a heat wave, and he was a steady source of inspira- him. And he’s still acting – most recently voicing the video game tion. To my despair the eccentricities of my 105-year-old house Gears of War 3. began to defeat elements of our carefully planned modifications. Why am I going on about this most fortunate of men? drake is But as problems arose new solutions came to mind. Kevin was versatile and his talent for re-invention is strong. He’s in the driver’s quick to observe that, “adaptability is a great strength in design.” seat, creating new opportunities for himself and he’s using digital That phrase resonated with me – adaptability in life overall is media to his advantage. These are all things that we will need to a great strength. Those who thrive under duress are those people keep doing in this digital revolution, as performers and as a union. Ifwho areyou’re able to adapt to the changes aroundadaptable them. And we are doing you it. In this issue we readstay first-hand how one step ahead of the game Stephen Waddell

And then wrote in his story in this maga - every facet of our work is changing and how we are adapting with zine about adaptability, and the chord was struck again. That’s it. aplomb. TV actors are becoming videogame heroes by donning Adapt intelligently to the curveballs the world throws and never performance capture suits and performers are taking the initia- stop adapting. The alternativeDrake is to become rigid and unyielding, tive to create their own web-based series. to get out of step, fall behind and fall by the wayside. As an actor our union is also adapting with us. We are shaping all our and union leader, I certainly don’t want that for myself or ACTRA. collective agreements from the IpA to the nCA to the Audio Code one of our members, , is for me the embodiment of to meet the new realities of our work and make certain the new the great potential of our changing times. He went from being opportunities technology offers are well covered in our jurisdic- one of the young stars of DeGrassi: The Next Generation to tion. We are also fighting tooth and nail to make sure that our being international hip hop royalty in large part because of his copyrights as performers are recognized and protected. The adaptability. He took his passion for music, posted mixtapes on IWoRKACTRA organizing campaign is in full flight and we are his myspace page, and created such a buzz that by the time he strengthening and broadening our jurisdiction. released his third mixtape it was downloaded more than 2,000 ACTRA’s national Council met in late may and discussed our times in two hours. The Grammy-nominated, Juno-winning artist membership rules in light of contemporary research and analy - sis. And it’s time for a change there too – we need to be more welcoming to young members; we need to be more welcoming to diverse members; we need to embrace those graduating from accredited universities or colleges with a performance degree. It is crystal clear that our current membership rules no longer ful- fill their purpose. Going forward our union’s membership rules need to be fair for all – and with your support they will be. If you’re adaptable you stay one step ahead of the game. Happily that’s where ACTRA and our members have been for most Inof oursolidarity, 67-year history. That’s exactly where we are now. Let’s keep Janesse l Janesse that stride together and flourish. eung

acTRa and RacS member aubrey “Drake” Graham and Ferne Downey ferne Downey. ACTRA National President

fall 2010 InterACTRA 3

68253-1_P2028-ACTRA-fall10.indd 3 9/7/10 1:41 PM Online ThefT takes money out of all of our pockets

Day one, movie release price: one ticket Same day, online, all over the world price: free Bernard Ramos Bernard

4 InterACTRA fall 2010

68253-1_P2028-ACTRA-fall10.indd 4 9/7/10 1:42 PM Online ThefT takes money out of all of our pockets

By yAnnICK bISSon

The CopyrighT Bill on The hill needs To Be fixed

Finally, after two previous failed efforts,

Day one, We get paid royalties, residuals or laws – that’s why. our government has introduced new use fees when our work is sold, but not The problem isn’t just that we don’t copyright legislation. professional when it’s stolen. The distributor’s usual get residuals when someone downloads movie release performers who work in just about every movie release cycle for a feature film our work illegally – it’s also that the pro - area imaginable will be affected. As art- is: theatrical, dVd/Vod, ppV, pay TV, ducers don’t make any money, and when price: one ticket ists it will define how we will make our free TV. This is how we do business and they don’t, there is less money in the living. While we’re happy to finally have how everyone in our industry gets paid. system to finance the next project. an update to our sorely out-of-date laws, Illegal recording and uploading on the In short, less work. let there be no mistake, Bill C-32 is a internet of film and TV shows hugely so what do we do to make sure we Same day, online, bill on the Hill that needs urgent fixing affects you, me, producers and crew: can keep our industry viable and healthy before it actually becomes law. everyone in the entertainment industry. and keep making a living? I love acting, always have. As far as When someone can do a Google search We need copyright reform. We need all over the world I’m concerned it’s the best job in the for , click a link and be new laws to make it tougher to steal our world and I can’t imagine doing anything watching full episodes from seasons work and we need to make sure we are price: free else. But, I can’t live on love alone. For one through three in 10 seconds, that compensated when people make copies a start, I like to eat. I also like to pay my person might not be so inclined to of our work. mortgage and clothe my daughters. As legally purchase the series. don’t get me wrong, I am excited by performers we all know that making a Here’s a good one. did you know the opportunities the expanding digital living isn’t easy; our incomes can fluctu- that Canada has a rep as being a ‘piracy world is creating for performers. It’s ate wildly from year to year and like any haven’? It’s no joke. Various organiza- here, get used to it. It’s getting easier for small business, we rely on small amounts tions have placed our country at or near Canadians and people around the globe of revenue from different sources to the top of intellectual property watch to see and enjoy our work. However, our pay our bills. That’s why I care about lists. some of the world’s top illegal file- laws need to be balanced. They need to copyright law and why all professional sharing sites are hosted in Canada. A kid both allow Canadians to enjoy what they performers and artists should care too. in south Korea can download an episode have legally purchased, while protecting If people have unfettered access to free of Degrassi from a bit torrent site hosted the integrity of our work as artists so we downloads of our film and TV shows, we in Canada any time of day. Why are so are paid fairly for it. Bernard Ramos Bernard don’t pay our mortgage. many of these sites hosted here? Lax – continued on next page

fall 2010 InterACTRA 5

68253-1_P2028-ACTRA-fall10.indd 5 9/7/10 1:42 PM The CopyrighT Bill on The hill needs To Be fixed

The proposed bill makes it legal for people to copy from CD to digital audio recorders like iPods, and to copy a movie from your laptop to your iPad, but it fails to give creators a cent in return. half the bill is missing…

So what’S in the new copyright bill for performerS? the Short anSwer iS – ‘not much’ over $180 million in the pockets of over need to build on it and put in place col- 97,000 composers, musicians and other lective licensing regimes that will ensure rights holders since 1997. Great… but togetherthat revenue we flows can to creatorsget thiS when our Cds are on the decline and when was the work is copied. Bill C-32 takes steps to curb the big last time you even saw a cassette? The bill changed problem of online theft, and that’s money flowing to artists from the levy is great. At first we also thought it put heading for extinction. since the new bill an end to many years of international doesn’t extend the levy to digital devices, embarrassment by giving Canadian thousands of artists will lose this import- so, my fellow actors and Canadian art- performers the same economic and moral ant source of income – and we know how ists, Bill C-32 needs to be fixed now. It’s rights our artist colleagues around the important every source is: it can make simple, our government needs to extend world enjoy by implementing the 1997 the difference between being able to the private copying levy in the new bill to World Intellectual property organization commitfor thoSe to our of career uS who as an aren’t artist and get- include digital/mp3 players. By leaving (WIpo) performances and phonograms, ting a ‘day job’. that piece out of the bill, the government Copyright and Internet Treaties. But on muSicianS, here’S the big deal is proposing to let the private copying closer examination Bill C-32 allows for about the private copying regime wither and die, stopping the flow so many more exceptions without com- of millions of dollars to music creators. pensating artists that it’s likely our laws ACTRA is working with arts and culture still wouldn’t be WIpo compliant – a step organizations across the country and that pretty much everyone agrees Canada Aside from believing it’s only right that with thewww.actra.ca government and opposition needshalf theto take bill in iSorder miSSing: to be in theline withhalf musicians get paid for going to work, parties to bring balance to the bill and the international community. here is how the levy could directly affect ensure artists aren’t ignored. Keep an that reSpectS and payS creatorS us. The levy is a form of collective licens- eye on to see how youn ing – a model for our “digital” works. can get involved. The only way that we can make sure that our creative economy, our careers creators are compensated in the digital and our next meal dependyannick on it. Bisson is But – and it’s a big but – the bill kills era is through collective licensing. It is the star of cTV’s hit the private copying levy and legalizes the simplest and most flexible way of drama series, The format shifting without building on the striking the balance between the rights Murdoch Mysteries. existing royalty systems. It jeopardizes of artists and Canadians who enjoy our he has been acting the income flows to all artists. It’s as work. If we lose the private copying levy since the age of 13 though half the bill is missing – the half for music, you can be darned sure it will and his numerous that respects and pays creators. be much harder (if not impossible) to credits include The private copying levy came out have the model expanded to cover all High Tide, of the last new copyright law in 1997. It of us, as artists. Soul Food, made it legal for people to copy from vinyl Instead of building on the private Sue Thomas: records to cassette tapes or blank C ds copying levy, the proposed bill makes F.B.Eye and but it also introduced a levy on the blank it legal for people to copy from Cd to Falcon Beach. media (a small fee included in the cost of digital audio recorders like ipods, and a Cd or cassette tape) that provided com- to copy a movie from your laptop to your pensation to artists for the use of their ipad, but it fails to give creators a cent music in this way. It accepted the fact that in return. Joe and June Consumer would copy. We need to get the private copying The result is that this levy has put levy extended to digital players and we 6 InterACTRA fall 2010

68253-1_P2028-ACTRA-fall10.indd 6 9/7/10 1:42 PM The Copyright Bill on the Hill needs to be fixed Why ACTRA’s in the music biz ACTRA RACS’ slogan says it all: ed Chartrand ed F “You play. We pay.” r F erne Downey and RACS assignor Carole Pope lobby on the Hill with the Canadian Private Copying Collective. For more than 10 years ACTRA has “Playing music for a living is a pretty amazing thing and its great knowing been distributing money to sound that ACTRA is looking recording artists through its music division – ACTRA Recording Artists’ out for my rights as a Collecting Society. performer.” To date RACS has distributed – Jordan Hastings, Juno Award winner, more than $26 million to artists col- City and Colour, Alexisonfire lected from the private copying levy

and tariffs from commercial and com- tzgerald Maurice munity radio, background music, pay F audio, CBC and soon satellite radio. i How do you get to collect from RACS? If you are a sound recording through reciprocal agreements with R ACS assignor Jordan Hastings and artist, you’re entitled to be paid when other countries. Ferne Downey at the ACTRA RACS your eligible music is broadcast or Since its inception, RACS has lob- Gibson Juno party. played in public, and you might be bied for the protection of performers’ eligible to get a slice of the money rights through copyright lobbying collected from the private copying both domestically and internationally, levy on blank media. All you need to developed great relationships with do is assign your rights to RACS and international management companies we’ll get to work to get the money and signed several reciprocal agree- you’re owed into your hands. ments with various countries around To date more than 2,500 artists the world to ensure neighbouring have signed on directly to RACS, rights payouts collected get to our “Whenwith an additional you’re 30,000busy assignedwith Canadian performers. all of the demands of a Some of the music industry’s big- performance schedule, gest names have signed on to ACTRA RACS. Why don’t you join them? studio recording, and just Drop us a line and we’ll get to work day-to-day career stuff, www.actra.ca/RACSto see if you have money waiting to it’s great to know ACTRA [email protected] you. 416-489-1311 RACS is looking out for 1-800-387-3516 my money.” – Eva Avila, Juno Award nominee and Canadian Idol winner

fall 2010 InterACTRA 7

68253-1_P2028-ACTRA-fall10.indd 7 9/16/10 2:17 PM courtesy of Showcase of courtesy

Pure Pwnage stars Eli Goree, Joel Gardiner, Melanie Scrofano, Jarett cale and Geoff lapaire. By elI goRee The Internet Channel Our lead rOle In The dIgITal (r)evOluTIOn Several pioneering projects are

Bye-bye to the ‘good ole’ days of the ‘90s not so lucky they’ll cancel that show and proving that performers don’t have to fear with lots of movies-of-the-week, sitcoms replace it with a reality TV show that costs the digital revolution. The reality is, not and soap operas with large casts and way less to produce. only is there a place for us in this digital complex story lines with long character Here in Canada we are also contending world, but our union has our back as we arcs. shorter seasons of episodic shows like with Canadian broadcasters filling their venture in. Flashpoint are the popular format where schedules with imports from the u.s. of course actors will still face challen- day roles on a two-part storyline are the that we don’t even have the opportunity 8 Interges, ACTRAold and fall new, 2010 in getting work. period. best you’ll get, if you’re lucky. And if we’re to audition for. If they can buy cheap

68253-1_P2028-ACTRA-fall10.indd 8 9/7/10 1:42 PM for any n00bs, Pure Pwnage’s Jeremy, played by Jarett cale, is a leet gamer, but For Pure Pwnage the internet he still lives in his mom’s basement. his brother kyle, played by Geoff lapaire, is was a proving ground because it an aspiring filmmaker who documents Jeremy’s life as he is forced to get off his butt and get a ‘real’ job. There is no developed a huge online audience. gamer Jeremy can’t conquer. his online skills don’t compute in the real world. – Geoff Lapaire

no-brainer imports rather than produce broadcasting online and establishing It’s hard to carry over online success to locally, they will. strong fan bases before getting television traditional TV mostly because the internet The bright side to this seemingly production deals signed. has no borders. TV stations only play in inhospitable industry is that there’s a I’m happy to be starring in Pure Pwnage egtheir region so a lot of web fans may not whole other world of digital opportun- (pronounced “own-age”), a Toronto-based be able to see the show if it switches to ity developing. The overall demand for web show created by co-stars Jarett Cale television. content keeps getting higher. people are and Geoff Lapaire. The series launched gl: do you see a day when the internet snapping up Blackberries and ipads not on the web in 2004, gained millions of will replace TV and all shows will be just to email and talk, but because they www.purepwnage.comfans worldwide, then made the leap to online? can use them to consume more TV, video, full-fledged cable TV in march, 2010, : definitely there will be a day when all films, and music whenever and wherever on showcase. The show’s website data goes through the internet, If the cur- they want. Consumers are also interacting , receives over rent broadcasting system will be involved more closely with the creators; with social 200,000eg unique visitors a month. or not in the future, I don’t know. They networking virtual feedback is cheap and I spoke to Geoff to get his thoughts wouldshe sellshave to adaptsanCTuary if they want to be instant. Advertisers note what people are on the digital frontier: relevant. consuming and are quick to lock onto : What do you see as the best way what’s hot. glto distribute content in this digital And even better news for actors – era, traditional forms like TV or online was truly a first. The production costs can be a fraction of methods? sci-fi TV series started out as eight web- what they used to be in this digital : Everyone’s fighting to discover the isodes released in 2007. picked it environment, but you still can’t make a best way to distribute media, such as up for a 13-episode season and it’s now great comedy or dramatic movie without iTunes, Bit Torrent and streaming. There into a third season. The show can be seen professional actors, Amandawriters, grips,Tapping direc- may not be one clear winner as there are in over 170 countries and has been nom- tors, musicians, etc. Increasingly, we’reJarett so many new types of media. There are inated for a primetime Emmy® Award for Caleseeing performersgeoff lapaire take hold of our own shows now about a guy in his kitchen oegutstanding special Visual Effects For A destiny – folks like , the that get hundreds of thousands of online series. Lead performer Amanda Tapping executive producer of Sanctuary, and viewers. so the “traditional” form is com- ATis also executive producer of Sanctuary. and of Pure Pwnage peting with not only other TV shows, but : Why did you choose to start Sanctuary aren’t waiting for conventional broadcast- with webisodes, Facebook, online news as a as opposed to TV? ers to call, they’re seizing the potential egaggregators, or a guy who does a show : We believed at that time that we could of the digital era and creating ground- for free on youTube. If you make a show utilize the show in a number of ways. We breaking projects that are changing the it has to compete with everything. saw the paradigm of television shifting as whole scene. : Pure Pwnage was originally a web ser- more and more people were going to the Even better news is that ACTRA was ies that became a television show based web for their information and entertain- ahead of the curve on this one. In 2007 ongl its original success online. do you ment. We wanted to create a full-service we went on strike for the first time in our think that there is going to be a lot more multi-platform website that included the 60-year history to make sure that we get of that happening? show, social networking, gaming and mar- paid for all of our work – no matter where : I think it will happen more often keting. It was a bold idea at the time, but it appears. our union is also helping navi- because people are going to make great one that didn’t return dividends. We were gate some of the other potential pitfalls web shows regardless of whether or not probably a good five years ahead of our of the digital era – namely copyright and they get a TV deal. For Pure Pwnage the time. The web by its very nature makes it online theft. internet was a proving ground because easy to pirate and download for free. some of Canada’s virtual pioneers are it developed a huge online audience. egI still see huge potential, but there has to managing to bridge the conventional- There are a lot of internet stars cross- be a way to sustain yourself long enough digital gap and incorporate the best ing to TV, but Pwnage is a whole scripted to continue producing quality product. of both worlds. Web-series-turned-TV- dramatic online show that went to TV. : How much do networks respect a series like Sanctuary and Pure Pwnage To be a successful formula the cross-over series that’s successful as a web series? have embraced the digital evolution by show needs to become a mainstream hit. – continued on next pagefall 2010 InterACTRA 9

68253-1_P2028-ACTRA-fall10.indd 9 9/7/10 1:42 PM The Internet Channel Sanctuary follows the adventures of AT the enigmatic – and 159-year-old – sci- entist Dr. , and her team at the Sanctuary as they track down, : They clearly have a lot of respect for networks to change certain aspects of our study and try to help the strange and the medium and for the social networking show in terms of opening up the stories often terrifying creatures that secretly aspect that surrounds a web series. for a longer format. The essence of the populate our world. All networks want to put their own series didn’t change, but we had to be a stamp on the product they are broad- lot less precious with our baby. At the end casting. For Sanctuary there was a clear ofeg the day the networks see potential and mandate from our Canadian and American they bank on that potential. so there is respect… and a lot of finger crossing. AT : Are there differences in storytelling between a show created for the web versus TV broadcast? : not really. you’re telling stories and shooting them in the same way that you would for TV. It’s a matter of formatting your scripts for short webisodes. It’s dif- ficult enough to tell a coherent story that has some poignancy in the 44 minutes of a full-format television show and the neces- sarily shorter webisode format means that the web series tends to be serial storytelling oreg vignettes. We challenged that by taking our two-hour premiere pilot and chopping it into webisodes. : As a producer do you believe that up ATand coming producers should focus on getting successful online shows first before or instead of pitching to networks? : I think there are many ways to skin a cat. The web offers huge potential, but it is a very difficult and long road. I am personally a fan of using the web, but the real problem then becomes monetizing your product. It costs money to produce a broadcast-quality web series that the networks will take notice of and that’s the big problem for independ- ent producers. We were constantly being told that the “quality” of our product, the production value, was a decisive factor in getting us as far as we did. Sanctuary stars (l to R) agam Having said that, I’ve seen some won- Darshi, christopher heyerdahl, derful low-budget web series with great amanda Tapping, Robin Dunne production values that would make amaz- and Ryan Robbins. ing television. I think the web is a great tool for getting your product out there and getting it noticed. successful are now becomingaCTra has television our series. BaCk The networks The web is a great tool for getting your are obviously aware of the web’s potential. product out there and getting it noticed. digital technology is giving us more – Amanda Tapping options for distribution. We can choose to make product available free on websites – but the important word here is ‘choose’. 10 InterACTRA fall 2010 The downside of digital technology is that

68253-1_P2028-ACTRA-fall10.indd 10 9/7/10 1:42 PM Sanctuary is the first north american series to shoot exclusively with the red camera and one of the only series to shoot extensively on green screen using visual effects and virtual sets.

it also makes it easier to steal our work treaty passed at the World Intellectual so for better or worse, our careers are and alter our performances. That’s why our property organization (WIpo). That would in our own hands, like shakespearean union is working so hard on the copyright give us more rights to be able to control minstrels and bards. don’t fire your agent, file. It might not sound sexy, but the fact our image in our performances and to get but if you are not working do consider is, copyright affects our ability to make a more economic rights – meaning more self-submitting for an internet series, or living as an artist every day. money. putting a monologue on youTube. If you As Wendy noss, executive director of Here in Canada, we’re working hard to want to get started, ACTRA has lots of The Canadian motion picture distributors get the government’s new copyright bill options for low-to-no-budget productions

Association says, the challenge facing amended to make sure artists aren’t cut and member-drivenn projects. Just call your performers, distributors and everyone who out. one of the biggest problems with the branch and put yourself to work. has a legitimate stake in the film and TV bill is that it legalizes format shifting with- you just might be the next internet eli goree is the industry is that you can’t compete with out building on existing royalty systems so phenomenon. co-chair of acTRa’s people that can steal your work. shows that income flows to artists. It’s as though young Emerging like Pure Pwnage intentionally offer their half the bill is missing – the half that artists’ assembly content for free online to get exposure, respects and pays creators. (acTRa Toronto). and this ‘free’ aspect is absolutely benefit- ACTRA’s mantra is that performers he currently plays ting them. But as noss says: “once the want people to be able to see and enjoy a leading role in show was brought to air by a conventional their work where they want, when they Showcase TV’s Pure broadcaster they’d want to protect it from want. But except under very special cir- Pwnage. This Nova being downloaded for free without their cumstances,ouR Role Swe ARe must e getve paidR-evolv for theI nguse Scotian has been consent. At the end of the day, there has of our work online. a lead on Global’s Da Kink in My Hair, and be a means to realize on your investment, hosted cBc’s award-winning consumer and the only way to do that is if those affairs show, Street Cents. childhood roles creators are protected.” As more and more independent producers, include appearing on numerous episodes Again, free can be great – but is has to writers and actors remove traditional broad- of Sesame Street. be a choice. casters from the picture and become their Internationally, our union is working own online broadcasters, the opportunities hard to get an audio-visual performers’ to stretch our creative muscles increase. fall 2010 InterACTRA 11

68253-1_P2028-ACTRA-fall10.indd 11 9/7/10 1:42 PM Photos by Ian Vatcher TV’s digiTal eVoluTion Republic of Doyle embraces their fans online

By RuTH lAWRenCe

Allan Hawco is one of this country’s greg Malone

, playing the same tipster the Facebook! Republic of Doyle’s Facebook most exciting triple threats, and he seems doyle’s hired in the first season, makes a page has had a higher fan count than any to be everywhere you look: on TV, on bus hilarious return to explain the secretsMarthe to other TV show in Canadian history. Hawco backs in st. John’s and other fine capital bhisernard success. In another series of webisodes, says, “We credit our loyal fans for keeping cities and on subway platforms in Toronto Crimefighter vs. Cagefighter, we see how us at the top of the charts. our online and montreal. If you look up, he may be the two competitors for Tinny’s ( responses are overwhelmingly positive. streaking across the skyline from a magical ) attentions play out their rivalry. our fans are articulate, they tell us what web silk string. He is all over the web, and Allan Hawco is a busy guy who is used they think and what they would like to I don’t mean the elusive web of a Trinity to eating his lunch as he does his inter- see next season.” Bay beach spider. From the start, Republic views (like this one). In April I bumped Facebook is still relatively new to the of Doyle creators perry Chafe, malcolm into him on the way to the Juno Awards in TV scene, but it does show the social net- macRury and Allan Hawco have used the st. John’s. As we chatted – starting on the working power of the web. spreading the internet as an essential part of their mas- stairs at mile one on Livingstone street, word, and keeping fans interested is essen- ter plan. then all the way to the stadium’s front tial to the success of any show. Republic allan, with guest star , plays Jake Doyle, a private Republic of Doyle is a one-hour CBC steps – we were stopped three times by of Doyle’s digitally attuned audience also investigator who operates an agency out of his home in partner- series that is heading into its second fans who wanted to take pictures or pitch follows them on , where the show ship with his father Malachy Doyle, played by Sean McGinley. season with some of the highest series a show idea. He also works on numerous has trended number one more than once ratings the network has seen in years. feature films, so when planning the strat- (and that’s worldwide!). For those of you not newfoundland native Allan Hawco is egy for Republic of Doyle, I asked him why yet on Twitter, it allows you to post timely writer, executive producer and the lead he took on the extra work of creating 10 status updates in up to 140 characters. It’s actor, and says that producing webisodes webisodes. He replied, “It just kind of hap- like Facebook, but with brevity. is now the norm for every TV series. pened that way.” I had told Allan that my interview Webisodes expand the show’s story- While in the middle of shooting and would take only 10 minutes, so as we lines for their loyal viewers. “The show producing the first season, Hawco was approached the seven minute-mark, I focuses so much on Jake (played by Hawco) happy to see others take the lead on thought I’d try to get a scoop for those of that we thought it would be a great way to the webisode stories. They treat their us who are eager to watch the next showcase the secondary characters more, webisodes like independent productions, 12 episodes. He wouldn’t tell me too many to let the viewers see more of them behind setting aside dedicated budgets, writers, secrets, but did say that the writing was the scenes.” Coming from a theatre back- and crew. “perry Chafe, Kerri macdonald well underway, the first day of principal ground, Hawco draws a parallel: “When and deanne Foley were in the story photography was July 5, and that there I’m doing a secondary character in a play, room with us, and primarily wrote the will be lots of surprises! In light of the I expandMark myo’brien character’s back-story by cre- webisodes. And writer/co-creator perry success of the webisodes, Allan assured ating a little movie for myself. It gives my Chafe ran the webisodes the way we did me that they’d be back with a whole slew

character a life beyond the play.” the show. We aim to produce them with of new ones.n I’m left to wonder who des , who plays the lovable the same level of quality as expected of Courtney will bug next year… so I guess but love-lost des Courtney in the ser- the show.” that I’m not as good a snoop as those ies, is the featured performer in most of I can’t help but wonder how traditional doyles! ruth Lawrence is an those stories. “des is a great character,” TV audience numbers compare to internet actor, writer and direc- says Hawco, “and the producers wanted views, but I can certainly vouch that the tor based in St. John’s. to featureSusan Kenthim. It worked out well.” In streets here go quiet on Wednesdays at She has served over webisodes titled, Tools of the Trade, des 9:30 p.m. (newfoundland time, of course). 12 years on the acTRa shows journalist Willow o’neill (played The bars get hushed as people tune in for Newfoundland and by ) some of the doyle team each new installment, and it appears that labrador branch coun- techniques, as they follow their leads and this is happening across the country as cil and six years on the crack the cases. From the latest in bugging the successful show ratings are staying National council. devices, to the secrets of a good snoop, on course. these two-to-five minute pieces allow for of huge note are the other success- deeper and uninterrupted adventures. ful numbers: more than 47,000 fans on 12 InterACTRA fall 2010

68253-1_P2028-ACTRA-fall10.indd 12 9/7/10 1:42 PM Photos by Ian Vatcher

Republic of Doyle embraces their fans online

krystin Pellerin plays const. leslie Bennett.

allan, with guest star Gordon Pinsent, plays Jake Doyle, a private investigator who operates an agency out of his home in partner- ship with his father Malachy Doyle, played by Sean McGinley. allan hawco and guest star Victor Garber.

ruth Lawrence is an actor, writer and direc- tor based in St. John’s. She has served over 12 years on the acTRa Newfoundland and labrador branch coun- cil and six years on the National council.

fall 2010 InterACTRA 13

68253-1_P2028-ACTRA-fall10.indd 13 9/7/10 1:42 PM Media Evolution By STePHen WADDell acTRa National Executive Director

In June,

together in darkened cinemas. These content in radio, the CBC was created – a I attended feature-length films were preceded by publicly supported corporation that under- the annual generally humourous shorts, live action took to reflect Canada to Canadians. Broadcasting or animated, that warmed the audiences Television followed radio, first black Invitational before the main feature movie. movies and white, then colour. In effect, visuals summitsummit in Cambridge, ontario, where took audiences to far-off places – thrillers were added to audio. drama, variety shows, amongst other broadcast industry speak- and comedies, science fiction and dramas. and commercials continued. Ad-supported ers, I had the pleasure to listen to a The star system was created, and the stars private television stations grew in number. thoughtful and erudite intervention from were supported by actors, stunt perform- And the CBC evolved to CBC Television nFB chief Tom perlmutter, an impressive ers and background players who gave life programming in two languages across this and ardent supporter of Canadian media to the characters populating imaginary vast country. And with television, a new and culture. In the context of Canada’s cinematic worlds. format of programming evolved – sitcoms digital Economy strategy, the federal Radio was the first form of broadcast – situation-based comedies built to fit the government’s consultation process, Tom media, a purely audio medium directed at 22-minute commercial television format. argued a counter-perspective to the gen- the audience who often gathered together With the advent of the internet and eral belief that media platforms change at home in front of the family radio. The digital media, we enter a new world – a but the content remains the same. Tom’s most popular non-news/sports program- world of limitless and unknown potential. proposition was essentially – the form ming on radio were entertaining variety, What new forms of content will evolve in is its own, suitable for the medium. That comedy and drama programs and series. this new medium? At this point it appears is to say, content adapts to the form of private radio was supported by advertising that there are two main business models exhibition. in the form of commercials – short-format – ad-supported and subscription-based. Let me explain in the context of the messages meant to sell advertisers’ prod- evolution of recorded media. Film was the ucts featuring announcers and actors. In first form of recorded media generally order to carve out a place for Canadian exhibited in long-format, telling narra- tive stories to paying audiences collected

alice hill, pictured here in 1948, per- Going Down the Road stands to this is our first home-grown formed live in cBc recording studios. day as one of the best and most hit to land on a major american Since the 1920s, cBc/Radio-canada influential canadian films of all time. network. Its online fans around has been a world leader in producing Since its 1970 release it has received the world are the first attributed and distributing distinctive canadian critical acclaim for its true-to-life per- to successfully bringing back a TV dramatic content – recognized today formances. Pictured here are cayle show for additional seasons, and as one of this country’s greatest cul- chernin and Doug McGrath. 12 years later they are still hosting tural institutions. Due South conventions.

14 InterACTRA fall 2010

68253-1_P2028-ACTRA-fall10.indd 14 9/7/10 1:42 PM canadian entertainment landmarks: With the advent of the internet and digital media, we enter a new world – a world of Evolution limitless and unknown potential… By STePHen WADDell acTRa National Executive Director

But the forms of content continue to evolve world which secured for us the first, and each new environment. from primordial text-based product. The arguably the best collective bargaining To bring it back to ACTRA, membership main audiovisual digital media entertain- agreement provisions for digital media rules established in the radio and early tele- ment content is by and large off-shoots of production. With each round of col- vision era cannot survive, they must evolve. television shows – webisodes and streaming lective bargaining, whether the national The idea that full membership in ACTRA content. The overwhelming bulk of original Commercial Agreement, or the CBC, or the can only be obtained by achieving six pro- digital media content is user-generated private broadcasters, ACTRA has negoti- fessional engagements in a residual category and found on youTube – the world’s largest ated new provisions adapted to digital must change. your national Council has digital media broadcaster/database. All media production intended to encourage directed that a review of our membership content in digital media struggles to find professional production using professional criteria should be conducted with a report

an audience. What forms of content will performers. back to the national Counciln which may evolve to suit the new media and attract ACTRA itself must adapt to suit the implement new criteria for membership audiences? And where will professional environment. Contrary to popular belief, entry. Look forward to news on our performers find their place in the limit- darwin’s theory of evolution was not based membership evolution. less, democratic, user-dominated digital on the principle of ‘survival of the fittest’. environment? darwin in fact proposed that the species While digital media continues to evolve, that survives is the one that best adapts to it is clear that ACTRA must change as well. And the first, most revolutionary change was ACTRA’s first strike in our history in 2007 – the only strike of performers in the

ReBoot made cartoon history on Sanctuary is the first North american Assassin’s Creed became ubisoft’s yTV and aBc as the first half-hour, series to shoot exclusively with the RED fastest-selling new IP in video game completely computer-animated TV camera and one of the only series to history. Assassin’s Creed 2 is the series. Enzo was voiced by a few shoot extensively on green screen, using follow-up game that is currently members, including Jesse Moss, visual effects and virtual sets. It was the winning critical awards all over the christopher Gray and Giacomo first canadian web show to make the world. The ac-2 lorenzo de Medici Baessato. jump to TV. amanda Tapping is star and character is played by alex Ivanovici. executive producer of the hit series.

fall 2010 InterACTRA 15

68253-1_P2028-ACTRA-fall10.indd 15 9/7/10 1:42 PM Telephony work is contracted under acTRa’s audio code. This code cov- ers a multitude of voice work projects such as audiobooks, museum audio guides, transit messages and now, increasingly in the area of , e-learning, etc. If there’s no visual component and it’s not being done under one of our broadcast agree- ments, then it’s audio code work. If it’s audio visual the production gets moved over to the Independent Production agreement.

The inside scoop on voice prompTs: Reading the phone book

I cut my teeth many years ago in “prompt land” by reading the phone book: I’m not kidding – an entire phone book, for another telecommunications company. This was, of course, well before my Bell days. I sat alone in a makeshift booth in front of a computer screen that endlessly generated proper nouns. no producer, Fromno engineer… A to noZ… fun. one letter at a time

The B’s were a breeze but the p’s gave me plenty of practice at preventing mic popping, and those hard nod-inducing K’s were brutal on my throat and vocal chords which could have ended my voice career right there! Each proper name appeared one at a time followed by an instruction – (E) plse pronounce in English, or (F) plse pronounce en français, or (E) & (F) plse pronounce in both. Telephony facts Foreign pronounciations can be challenging… as in how to properly inflect certain English or French with bell canada’s emily foreign names. sure, sure, Gretzky is easy-peasy… thank-you Wayne… but how about szczepanski or say, By gISèle RouSSeAu naaktgeboren. not so easy… Also not so easy was the computer technology in the early ‘90s. As the session progressed, the computer’s disc space decreased, which meant I had to wait progressively longer to see the next word appear… which made me want to scream… but wait – my vocal chords! 16 InterACTRA fall 2010

68253-1_P2028-ACTRA-fall10.indd 16 9/7/10 1:42 PM Telephony work is contracted under acTRa’s audio code. This code cov- ers a multitude of voice work projects such as audiobooks, museum audio guides, transit messages and now, increasingly in the area of podcasts, e-learning, etc. If there’s no visual component and it’s not being done under one of our broadcast agree- ments, then it’s audio code work. If it’s audio visual the production gets moved over to the Independent Production agreement.

The inside scoop on voice prompTs: Reading the phone book Emily is onE of thrEE voicEs i rEcord for BEll, But shE I cut my teeth many years ago in “prompt land” by reading the phone book: I’m is thE only onE who actually has a charactEr profilE. not kidding – an entire phone book, for another telecommunications company. This was, of course, well before my Bell days. I sat alone in a makeshift booth in front of a computer screen that endlessly Phone personae Phoneme – definition Phonetic skills generated proper nouns. no producer, Fromno engineer… A to noZ… fun. one letter at a time Emily is one of three voices I record Canadian oxford dictionary: any of the I studied phonetics for three years at the for Bell, but she is the only one who units of sound in a specified language Conservatoire in montreal, and before that actually has a character profile. Her that distinguish one word from another. attended courses in linguistics and trans- The B’s were a breeze but the p’s gave profile is longer than any character I’ve e.g. as in pad, pat, bad, bat, in English. lation at the university of manitoba and me plenty of practice at preventing mic ever played on stage… seven pages to be The original Emily sessions required the université de montréal. I didn’t know popping, and those hard nod-inducing exact, it describes everything from her reading approximately 750,000 phonemes where this would take me at the time, but K’s were brutal on my throat and vocal grandparents’ origins, to what and where per language, and approximately 12,000 having this knowledge base certainly has chords which could have ended my she studied, what music she listens to, utterancesWhat the per heck language. is an Phonemade it easier prompt to work in telephony. voice career right there! what countries she’s travelled to, how utterance? Each proper name appeared one she became a call centre rep, her work at a time followed by an instruction – ethic… and of course she is pERFECT!

(E) plse pronounce in English, or (F) The creators of this persona provided If you enjoyed this, Press 1. n plse pronounce en français, or (E) & (F) every detail on paper and had very In voice recognition jargon, an utterance If you didn’t, Press 2. plse pronounce in both. specific requests and requirements. signifies any sound, word or phrase that If you need to speak to a REAL person, Foreign pronounciations can be during the entire initial recording ses- is spoken or ‘uttered’. All these recorded do like the rest of us, Press 0. gisèle rousseau is a seasoned actor and challenging… as in how to properly sions, a phd in linguistics was on hand to utterances become part of a computerized voice-over artist who just recently com- inflect certain English or French set the persona: tone; pacing; inflection; voice bank that can recognize these sound pleted a successful run in Michel Tremblay’s foreign names. sure, sure, Gretzky and to ensure all of the elements were in segments in various combinations. so, if for latest play at TfT. She was the bilingual is easy-peasy… thank-you Wayne… place to constitute this new voice recog- instance, a customer calls into Bell’s voice voice of the 2010 . Thanks but how about szczepanski or say, nition system. recognition system and says, “I would like to acTRa’s audio code, Gisèle has voiced naaktgeboren. not so easy… For a self-admitted language buff, my account balance,” the system can recog- interactive voice response (IVR) systems Also not so easy was the computer the sessions were a blast! since that nize the voiced request. pretty awesome! and narrations of all sorts, for everything technology in the early ‘90s. As the first recording, my job has been to keep As odd as this may seem, here are from pharmaceuticals to banks, cars and session progressed, the computer’s disc everything consistent over the years so examples of typical utterances I recorded to rewards programs. She even gets to sneak space decreased, which meant I had to that the voice segments recorded in 2003 create the voice rec’s bank: “she addressed in the odd audiobook. wait progressively longer to see the next can match those recorded in 2010. It is omar with disrespect and careless deprecia- word appear… which made me want to much like playing a regular character in tion,” and “His body made a spasmodic jerk scream… but wait – my vocal chords! an animation series. with almost a childlike despondency.” fall 2010 InterACTRA 17

68253-1_P2028-ACTRA-fall10.indd 17 9/7/10 1:42 PM Digital acting in an epic game A magnificent role in a digital Renaissance project

By Alex IvAnovICI

he acting

various Italian states collapsed with his The difference is the gamer acts profession is death.” The Renaissance… hmmm. and the game turns the pages for varied and I later found out this was going to him, so to speak, and it’s happening unpredictable be for the sequel to ubisoft’s smash hit constantly. This means dialogue, and to say the least. game Assassin’s Creed. Furthermore, ‘onos’ (onomatopeia sounds characters Having played they were shooting a live action three- make when jumping, running, falling, a ketchup bottle in supermarkets and episode series to set-up the Assassin’s out of breath, burning alive, etc…) have a drug addict in a hospital to train Creed 2 backdrop, characters and plot. to be recorded for a variety of possible medical students, I quickly realized that The director would be yves simoneau situations. being open and flexible would be better and we would shoot in green screen It’s my sense that the video game in the long run for my mental health. with the wizards at ubisoft provid- industry is not just competing for the so when I was asked to audition ing astounding digital renderings of best narrative line, but for the most for the fourth time for a secret project Renaissance Italy as a background. I rich and wide breadth of possibility in called Ezio’s Story I was just happy to started thinking, “A Renaissance role the worlds it creates. These are known still be in the game. I had done some in a digital Renaissance project,” what as “open world” games. A good sense video game voice work before, but the would Leonardo da Vinci think of all of humour, like simon’s, can help when auditions were always in studio, with no this? pretty cool, right? repetition is a challenge. cameras. This one was on camera, and The Assassin’s CreedSimon 2 experience Peacock second, I filmed the three-part, that intrigued me. When I asked the had three dimensions for me. First, I 40-minute set-up to Assassin’s Creed 2, casting director what this was all about, recorded dialogue in a sound studio called Assassin’s Creedyves Lineage Simoneau, which is he simply said that this was big, and with ACTRA member available on youTube. many people needed to approve talent. directing the voice session for the three From the first meeting with the pre- so, I waited. Then, I forgot, again for characters I played in the game. cise and passionate , to the sake of my mental health. When an When you record dialogue for video the astonishing costume fittings – my offer came in to play Lorenzo de medici, games, you generally are alone in the first costume was scrapped because it ruler of the Florentine Republic, I did sound booth reading only your lines, so wasn’t quite magnificent enough – it some research right away. “Known as there are no other actors to work off of. was clear everybody was very excited Lorenzo the Magnificent by contempor- The director and producer try and keep and took pride in doing their best, ary Florentines.” magnificent? Cool. you on track for the tone of the game which isn’t an automatic on every set. That more than made up for sparky and the stakes of each moment. The studio was a typical green Ketchup. “He was a diplomat, politician As far as content is concerned, screen studio, the only difference was and patron of scholars, artists, and video games now are kind of like those that in one corner hung a banner which poets. His life coincided with the high choose-your-own-adventure novels I read nAsA and below it were three point of the early Italian Renaissance. read as a kid: “If you choose to talk to dozen computers with programmers His death marked the end of the the dragon, turn to page 107, if you where background renderings were Golden Age of Florence. The fragile choose to attack the dragon turn to already being tested out with freshly peace he helped maintain between the page 349.” shot action.

18 InterACTRA fall 2010

68253-1_P2028-ACTRA-fall10.indd 18 9/7/10 1:42 PM a ll of photos courtesy u BISO fT ® .

alex as lorenzo de Medici in Roger craig Smith as Ezio auditore da firenze and alex Ivanovici as lorenzo Assassin’s Creed Lineage. de Medici in Assassin’s Creed 2. We all looked pretty sexy wearing the skin-tight spandex mo-cap suits with mothball-sized white trackers velcroed to specific points, like joints.

Michel Perron Romano orzari Shawn baichoo Between ACTRA members performance to one already in the can The camera only sees the white balls. ’s jokes, ’s battle and make it seem spontaneous. But, When you look at the monitor, all you bruise collection and ’s instead of putting a voice on a body, we see are the white balls, which look like monk haircut, I was laughing through giveDusan a body, Dukic or an action, to a voice. a constellation in the shape of a human my days on set. Incidentally, the king of motion being on a black background. There are Then something strangely resonant capture in montreal is ACTRA member also green lines like a grid to give you happened: I was asked to be captured . the layout of the floor. digitally. I was on set and I entered I was with other actors, all wear- Think of each ball as a snap to con - a device, which rotated and photo- ing the skin-tight spandex suits with nect the digital video game character to graphed me with cameras all around mothball-sized white trackers velcroed your performance. stopping at every 45 degrees. The pos- to specific points, like joints. We looked once you’ve done the T-up, you’re ition I was in was reminiscent of that pretty sexy. ready to listen to the recording, block the famous sketch of human proportion by so, in the case of Assassin’s Creed scene with the mo-cap director and start Leonardo da Vinci. What would they do 2, we were acting with pre-recorded doing takes. The tricky part is that there with this captured likeness? dialogue. The first thing we do when we is no rhythmo-band like in dubbing to Third, I jumped into motion capture, enter the studio, is ‘T-up’, which means guide you, so you are sometimes asked and into the cool suits, to give spatial you are asked to do a precise sequence to learn the dialogue at home so you can dimension to what I had already recorded of actions starting and ending in a then speak the lines with the recording in audio recording for the game. ‘T’ position, standing with your arms so your actions will match up better. What’s challenging about motion extended out on either side. It’s surprising how many little capture is that it is in a way the This is so that the 3d motion details there can be in what your body opposite of dubbing. The precision is capture camera can clearly see and does when you actually talk versus the same, in that you must marry your identify each tracker ball on the suits. – continued on next page

fall 2010 InterACTRA 19

68253-1_P2028-ACTRA-fall10.indd 19 9/7/10 1:43 PM Assassin’s Creed 2: • 4 Canadian Videogame awards, inCluding Best Console game (2010) • times “game of the Year” (2009) • spike awards’ “Best aCtion-adVenture game” (2009)

Assassin’s Creed 2 is the follow-up to the title that became the fastest-selling new IP in video game history. It retains the core gameplay experience that made the first opus a resounding success. Assassin’s Creed 2 is an epic story of family, vengeance and conspiracy set in the pristine, yet brutal, backdrop of a Renaissance Italy.

alex ivanovici is a bilingual actor in Montreal whose TV when you just move without speaking and innovative world of choose-your- credits include recur- along with the recording. In my first few own-adventure video games. ring roles in Nos CrTC leaVes CanCon attempts, I was a little tentative, as it’s After the dust had settled on Étés and Les soeurs not natural to speak with a recording, the recordings, the filming and the Eliott. film credits but eventually you find a rhythm. mo-cap sessions, I received a phone include 300, Still Life, since the Assassins Creed 2 experi- call from one of my agents, Tania at Everywhere, ouT in The Cold ence I’ve worked on Splinter Cell: Reisler Talent. ubisoft was wondering le Marais, and a Conviction and they have improved if they could use my likeness for the Genie award Supporting actor nomination

motion capture to include sound capture character of Lorenzo The magnificentn for his role in Histoires d’hivers. in the same takes – another innovation in the Assassins Creed 2 game. They to bring the quality of performance up would turn me into a digital charac-

to cinematic par in the wildly submersive ter. What would Leonardo have said? l Janesse

20 InterACTRA fall 2010 eung

68253-1_P2028-ACTRA-fall10.indd 20 9/7/10 1:43 PM CrTC leaVes CanCon

ouT in The Cold By niChOlAS CAmPbell

at their June 2010 “upfronts” press conference, global TV unveiled a fall lineup paCKed with american shows. aCTra rallied outside the yorkville event and told the media that it’s not okay to squeeze Canadian programming off our airwaves. Janesse l Janesse

eung fall 2010 InterACTRA 21

68253-1_P2028-ACTRA-fall10.indd 21 9/7/10 1:43 PM Since 1999 we’ve been watching our

that is supposed to be making sure we American shows. Instead of broadcasters own TV programs get squeezed off the air have Canadian content on our airwaves, they turned into simulcasters. by a massive influx of American program- basically handed broadcasters a free pass Well, finally this year we got another ming. As each fall rolls around it’s been in ‘99 by telling them they could spend kick at the can. The CRTC was writing up harder and harder to tell the difference as much, or more accurately, as little, as a new TV policy. We were hoping that in between our own broadcasters and the they wanted on Canadian programming. this new set of rules our regulator would big u.s. networks, they’re all airing the They also loosened the requirements for fix the problems in the last policy that same stuff. airing dramatic series in prime time. This all but wiped Canadian shows off of TV This of course was due to the CRTC’s all freed up CTV and Global to fill their schedules. Instead, I think the broadcast- disastrous 1999 TV policy. our regulator, schedules with relatively cheap, pre-made ers were once again the only ones smiling fred c fred f red red c hartrand hartrand

What We got: What We got: 2010 TV poliCy • exactly what we asked for! hopefully • score! ‘corporate groups’ will have to being forced to spend a set percentage spend 5% of their revenues on canadian Spending requirements for of their gross revenues on canadian drama, comedy and award shows ‘cele- Canadian programming programming will help put the brakes brating canadian talent.’ on broadcasters’ out-of-control spending a cpe (canadian programming expenditure) What We asked for: on u.s. programming. for drama is a step in the right direction. • each corporate group be required to the old notion of ‘priority programming’ spend at least 30% of their revenues Spending requirements has also been scrapped in favour of a more on canadian programming, with conven- specifically for drama narrow definition that zeroes in on scripted tional broadcasters forced to contribute. programming. this is very good. • remove the ability of broadcasters What We asked for: to count the money they get from the • a special required spending “envelope” however, the added provision that broad- canadian media fund as part of their specifically for drama. casters can shuffle 100% of this money spending. around to whichever station they want

22 InterACTRA fall 2010

68253-1_P2028-ACTRA-fall10.indd 22 9/7/10 1:43 PM – they got another free pass on CanCon worth its salt has shows where everyone competition with regulation. Then they with the added bonus of a possible payout can see them – on conventional television turn around and ship their money down from the cable companies through fee- in prime time. We had asked the CRTC to south buying product that creates jobs in for-carriage. What did regular Canadians make broadcasters commit two hours of another country. get? Less of our own programs and higher their prime time schedule each week to despite new technology and the cable bills. Canadian drama, but they instead chose digital age, people are still gathering in The CRTC agreed that it was time to to trust broadcasters to clue in that it’s their living rooms to watch programs impose spending requirements on broad- smart business to put Canadian drama on on their TVs. And when Canadians turn casters. now they’ll have to spend 30% their prime time skeds. since they have on those TVs they want to see Canadian of their revenues on Canadian program- to spend the money making Canadian shows, and they want more than hockey ming. They’ll also have to set aside 5% dramas, it’s in their interest to get the and news. I did a show that ended almost of those revenues on ‘national interest’ most bang for their buck in return by five years ago and I still get called out programs – namely drama, comedy and putting them on prime time and promot- on the street wherever I am in Canada. long-form docs; the stuff broadcasters ing the heck out of them to make hits. people recognize me because they loved never want to make because it’s more But I get nervous when access to our the show, they loved seeing a regular expensive than reality and game shows. culture is being left to the whim and Canadian guy in a Canadian city deal- It’s great that the CRTC finally told fancy of broadcasters whose number one ing with the problems we all have in our broadcasters that they have to spend motivator is the bottom line. All we’ve Canadian communities. This spring more some money on Canadian dramas and heard from them for the past year is than 1.9 million of us tuned into Dan for comedies instead of shipping all of their boo-hoo-ing about how broke they are Mayor and Hiccups, proving that when bucks down to Los Angeles to buy the and how they’ll have to shut down local broadcasters have faith in the talent they same u.s. shows we see on Fox and nBC. TV stations if the cable companies don’t have right under their noses instead of unfortunately, they didn’t tell CTV and hurry up and give them some money. importing it from the u.s., we create Global they had to actually put the shows don’t even get me started on how much world-class programs and Canadians on the air. Instead they can fob them off they’ve spent buying American shows. watch. on their specialty channels. We asked the Well, since you asked – they spent It seems to me that in these new rules federal regulator to require them to air $846 million in 2008, and only $75 the CRTC has only addressed the con -

just two hours a week in ‘real’ prime time. million on Canadian drama. If they’ve cerns of then powerful folks who make the The CRTC thought it was too much to ask. got money troubles they should start by big money in the business, not the people Want to watch Flashpoint? Well you blaming themselves. who watch. maybe it’s time the rest of us Canadian TV isn’t just about pro- might have to order up a new cable pack - got a say. nicolas Campbell age and check it out over on Court TV. tecting our culture, it’s about our jobs. In is a Gemini award some of the best shows we’ve ever made 2008, Canada’s film and television indus- winning actor and have been on specialty channels in recent try generated 131,600 jobs, including filmmaker. he has fred c fred years.Opposite But page:it’s not Team enough; acTR anya – countrywendy 51,700 full-time jobs directly in produc- won four Gemini hartrand crewson, ferne Downey and Nicholas tion. one hour of Flashpoint provides 97 awards for his title campbell – corner cRTc chair konrad days of work for performers alone. It isn’t role in DaVinci’s von finckenstein. right that we give Canadian broadcast- Inquest. ers every advantage and get not much in return. We let them use our public airwaves and protect them from foreign within their corporate group has us wor- What We got: ried since it opens the idea of dumping • While specialty channels will keep drama on the specialty channels. their scheduling requirements, con- ventional broadcasters are getting Scheduling requirements a free pass. they’ll have to spend What We asked for: money on drama and comedy – but there’s nothing saying they have to • each conventional tV service be air it. In fact, conventional broad- required to air at least two hours of casters can funnel all of the money scripted programming in prime time – they are required to spend into buy- 8-11 p.m. sunday to friday. ing programming for their specialty • specialty services should maintain channels rather than their over-the- their individual requirements for airing air networks. canadian programming, specifically drama.

*source: crTc statistical and Financial summaries

fall 2010 InterACTRA 23

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m IFE un ierra Leone Le irector’s Chairirector’s and of the s , a new symposium in d no – unite to End Violence ranche ay b s are s to ladys ladys Also brought to the spotlight is the SexMoneyMedia g In our industry, craft mentorships with 80 ro Against “Violence Women. affects all lives, and millions of women around the world. Violence cuts across all classes and rightsimpedes women’s to participate fully in she said.society,” need for gender balance in trade union decision making, policies and activities. allWe must be at the fore front of these equal gender achieve to order in struggles ity in the workplace and and in society. informal economy. hands-on directing, writing and acting classes offered by such organizations as thein Women the B.C. this fall, will help launch that public conversation. Actors, writers, directors Labour Congress called on delegates to sign postcards in support of the campaign campaign The Female Eye Film Festival are designed designed are Festival Film Eye Female The to help advance the careers of women in the media. It is essential that we not only support these groups, but be active participants in moving beyond training to lobbying for job creation for women in our sector.

- - - he s and ’ . s SH 70

ity of workers with precarious jobs and of workers in the unprotected population, per form two-thirds of the work, but earn just of 10% the income and own only one percent of property also noted women major the up make alvin Sanders , chair of the ITuC ead women women constitute half the world’s Diana Diana Holland uC Congress states that the inequality Women’s Committee, remindedWomen’s delegates that on the fundamentals of global justice. justice. global of fundamentals the on The financial crisis that threatens workers around the world also presents opportun- ities to act as a united front, and gender equity is at the top ten of the agenda that trade unionists are pursuing as import- ant human rights. The resolution on Gender Equality that was adopted by the IT and undermining rights of women’s is a global crisis. In this same resolution, the Congress has set out a program of action work the in equality gender achieve to place and society. L

e omen lympics, ongress in Vancouver. Gradual improvements in the ’ women’s opportunities and wages opportunities in filmed women’s entertainment careers have since flatlined. c ruths, untruths & stereotypes in & the media stereotypes untruths ruths, t 2010 W TH fall onfederation c ACTRA since hosting the 2010 since o hosting the 2010 CHRISTIne WIlleS nion nion anada’s youth delegationanada’s at the International Trade c u nion Confederation Congress focused Inter Vancouver has alsoVancouver been host to inter- national gatherings worth bringing to the fore front. A large part of the active debate at the June International Trade u future, we need to make sure the history of women and the media doesn’t repeat itself. stereotypes of women beenhave often perpetrated by Hollywood, mainstream media and academia, and we can’t change that history. While we struggle for an are we sure make to need we voice, equal in the fore front and play a starring role in this digital world. If recent events mean anything, we are on the case. By As we on embark digital an exciting

24 68253-1_P2028-ACTRA-fall10.indd 24 the symposium, SexMoneyMedia, in B.C. this fall, will take on the persistent sidelining of women in media with actors, writers, directors and other media creators, industry leaders, researchers and government policy makers.


and other media creators will gather generation on a number of fronts, we are values that can’t help but play out in our

with industry leaders, researchers and ‘missing in action’ at the top echelons of recordedn stories and narratives, unless government policy makers to take on a our professions: from the floor of the House we insist equality and inclusion become very different olympic-sized challenge: the of Commons, to corporate boardrooms and essentialTo learn more components. about ac standTRa’s up, women’s speak out, persistent sidelining of women in media. even the Cannes film festival. actcommittee, now. contact chair christine willes sexmoneymedia kicks off in october and This domino effect is all the more at [email protected] and visit our ACTRA delegation will be there, along powerful and far-reaching in the worlds www.actra.ca. with IATsE and the CFTpA – a dynamic of TV and film. While various forms of Christine Willes has cross-section of media producers and media dominate our lives, who dominates been a performer media trainers and researchers. the media? Women continue to be under- for 30 years. She Hosted by ’s represented and stereotyped on our TV, received a leo award Centre for policy on Culture and computer and movie screens. With actors, Nomination for her Communities, smm will dovetail with it’s not just a question of how many roles, www.womeninview.ca work as Gladys in the the last three days of the Vancouver or how much you’ll get paid. Acting is hit comedy Reaper International Film Festival. Check where the creative ‘rubber hits the road,” and is internation- for up-to-date and we too often have to “wear” the roles ally known as Delores information. that we are cast in. ACTRA and uBCp/ herbig from the Emmy-nominated series Dead smm was prompted by studies produced ACTRA members are actively encouraged Like Me. She will play Mme. lazar in catherine by the B.C. Institute of Film professionals to attend this important new event. hardwicke’s Red Riding Hood this summer. for service Canada which revealed that The mass media continues to become She is a Director on the acTRa B.c./uBcP the gradual improvements to women’s more powerful every day and we must Executive Board, an acTRa National councillor opportunities and wages in filmed enter- be mindful of both on-the-screen and and chair of acTRa’s women’s committee. tainment careers through the ‘70s and ‘80s behind-the-scene inequities. The mass have since flatlined. Although women have media “truths” and stereotypes are ever made remarkable progress over the past powerful with the top-of-the-food-chain fall 2010 InterACTRA 25

68253-1_P2028-ACTRA-fall10.indd 25 9/7/10 1:43 PM WeWORKACTRA

“My union has protected me since the first day I stepped on a set when I was 12. That’s why I work ACTRA.” Jay baruchel ACTRA Montreal’s 2010 Award of excellence recipient At 27 years old, Jay baruchel is enjoying a banner year with the theatrical release of She’s Out of My League, How to Train Your Dragon, The Trotsky, Notre Dame de Grace and The Sorcerer’s Apprentice. Brian Bowen Smith ©Disney

26 InterACTRA fall 2010

68253-1_P2028-ACTRA-fall10.indd 26 9/7/10 1:43 PM mOnTReAl

oPenIng DooRS undercutting each these and other other in order to land issues, to be sent to ACTRA a contract. ACTRA sets our membership. the base rate. We try to We are also “It’s about taking initiative andAdam respon- Reid negotiate up, not down actively identifying sibility for our careers. It’s about more from there.” non-union com- “My union has protected me gigs. It’s about opening doors.” That’s ACTRA montreal, mercial production how ACTRA montreal member working with Adam’s in our jurisdiction since the first day I stepped describes his experience landing a gig agent, Kim Vaincourt, and pursuing it, as host of the internet series Napa Rally stepped in to ensure the wherever pos- 5000, a 10-day cross-Canada car race/ contract was legitimate, sible, to either That’s why I work ACTRA.” reality program. covering ACTRA rates halt production Too often, producers of internet-based and conditions, including or sign on to projects don’t hire ACTRA talent and jobs insurance and retirement the national are lost to non-members on non-union benefits. Commercial contracts. sometimes the rates and condi- Adam recently booked Agreement. tions are similar to union contracts. It’s season two of the Napa Rally our tireless just that the producer never considered xcellence recipient ACTRA5000 . Themembe producer was so RScommercial WORKing TOgeTheR

the possibility of using professional talent. pleased with his work that they department Adam took matters into his own hands offered him both the English has been when he heard about the Napa Rally version under an ACTRA con- coordinating 5000 project. Rather than refuse work if tract and the French version with our it wasn’t a union contract, he got creative under the union des Artistes. colleagues and proposed a different approach, work- “This experience has boosted at sAG and ing in tandem with ACTRA. “We compete my confidence in my ability the Chilean with each other based on our talent,” to approach producers,” Adam Actor’s Adam points out. “We can’t go around explains. “sometimes, we need federation to go beyond the usual casting regarding breakdowns and auditions in non-union, order to get work. We need to out of country open doors for ourselves by shoots, in approaching producers of non- order to iden- traditionalTORO projects.”nTO tify members and non-mem- geTTIng THe ber permitees WoRD ouT working on these produc- tions. We have been communicating with these individuals and taking disciplinary steps when necessary. We have been actively communicating on the film and television front we with our membership, so they are clear have forwarded a number of non-union about their working responsibilities docudramas and other productions to

Brian Bowen Smith ©Disney as ACTRA members. In addition local watch adam reid host the Napa Rally the IpA department for follow up. several agents have been sent guidelines as to of the companies we have identified 5000 at www.naparally5000.ca. what performers can and can’t do as shooting non-union productions have ACTRA members. To this end we are been signatory to our IpA. Currently we developing a series of video updates, on – continued on next page fall 2010 InterACTRA 27

68253-1_P2028-ACTRA-fall10.indd 27 9/7/10 1:43 PM ACTRA membeRS WORKing TOgeTheR

are pressuring a Toronto city councillor to withdraw his support for a non-union educational video that is being done by an urban design company. We have been successful in bring- ing some of our member producers into compliance and helping them work with ACTRA under our agreements and being both members and adhered engagers in good standing. This sets a standard of excellence for all our members to follow. SASKATCheWAn Saskatchewan members at one of many SCN Matters rallies. l to R: ruben Valdes, Mike Burns TAKIng ACTIon, Bill gardiner, Susana Valdes, rachel Cantin, Cailean Connolly and dawn Bird. geTTIng ReSulTS

saskatchewan recently faced the closure to carry on with sCn and to invest in the With a small fiscal surplus from of our provincially-owned broadcaster saskatchewan film production commun- 2009-10 budget year, we are entering sCn. needless to say our members ity. Time will tell if this is the case, but 2010 with a brighter outlook for produc- immediately took action by joining in in the meantime saskatchewan members tion. Todd & The Book Of Pure Evil and with the grassroots protest organization will continue to fight for our culture, our Men With Brooms, both 13-episode series, sCn matters. For the past 20 years sCn industrymA niand ourTO jobs.bA as well as a Hello Darling, a small feature, has been a vital contributor to our local have wrapped. is on hold production community, and our govern- Full-SPeeD AHeAD due to the death of maury Chaykin. six ment pulled funding saying that the episodes of the third season of Cashing network had outlived its usefulness. In is in completion. The Canadian/ our members gathered signatures, French official treaty co-pro Faces In The wrote letters to the government and local TV series work in manitoba has helped a Crowd and The Year Dolly Parton Was My newspapers, and staged several demon- number of Apprentice members to become Mom (which shot the first three weeks strations. The sCn matters group spent Full members. manitoba’s Full ACTRA in montreal) and the new Guy maddin three weeks sitting in the public gallery members count now stands at 245. feature, Key Hole, are in production. The in legislature, to u.s. feature Untitled Xavier Gens Project keep the issue is soon to be released and u.s. film com- in the press pany Gold Circle is planning on and to keep the shooting two features here, The government’s feet Haunting In Georgia and ATM. to the flame. The In April the provincial gov- anticipated April ernment brought down the new 30 shutdown budget and introduced a new came and due to ‘spend tax credit’ – it rebates back the overwhelming to producers 30% of total spend outcry there was a in qualifying manitoba areas. reprieve. The labour tax credit remains in In June place allowing producers to choose the network between the two. The ndp govern- was sold to an ment now led by premier Greg ontario-based selinger remains film-friendly. investment firm. Everything seems to be con- tinuing full-speed ahead. 28 TheyInter ACTRAclaim fallto want 2010

68253-1_P2028-ACTRA-fall10.indd 28 9/7/10 1:43 PM your unIon applauds ACTRA membeRS applause your performance WORKing TOgeTheR growth and diversification of opportun- ities for women. marilyn has been seen on stages across Canada enjoying a career that spans more than 25 years. A graduate of york university with a BFA in Theatre, a Writers Guild of Canada member, and a director participant in the Women in the director’s Chair workshop, she has earned numerous awards for her stage work. she can be seen as Emily Rose’s mother in The Exorcism of Emily Rose, nellie mcClung in CBC’s Life and Times and in recurring Dr. Walter borden Member Marilyn rolesCelebrating in the series Battlestar our Galactica and receives leslie norry receives the Reaper. Mike Burns genie Award winners yeo Award lorena gale Woman of Distinction Award Dr. Walter borden The 30th Annual Genie Awards gala was The 2010 Leslie yeo Award was presented Maximheld in gaudetteToronto last April. Award winners to ACTRA member in include for performance ACTRA/uBCp member marilyn norry is recognition of his outstanding dedication by anKarine Actor vinanasse a Leading Role (One Week), this year’s recipient of the Lorena Gale to volunteerism. Actra Fraternal Benefit for performance by an Woman of distinction Award. The annual society presents this award annually. Actor in a supporting Role (Polytechnique) award honours the accomplishments of and www.genieawards.ca for performance performers that advance the status of by an Actress in a Leading Role women in society. named in honour of the (Polytechnique). For a full list of nominees late Lorena Gale, the award recognizes and winners go to . notable contributions to the continued

Bruce Greenwood

b.C. entertainment Hall of Fame inductees

bruce greenwood Donna Spencer

This year’s sTARWALK inductees include and . plaques honouring the inductees are embedded in the sidewalk along Granville street’s Entertainment Row. The B.C. Joshua Jackson Entertainment bcehof.blogspot.comHall of Fame was inaugur- ated in 1994 and includes more than 300 inductees. For a complete list of members, visit . fall 2010 InterACTRA 29

68253-1_P2028-ACTRA-fall10.indd 29 9/7/10 1:43 PM your unIon applauds applause your performance

Due South still fan fare

Due South is our first home-grown hit to simultaneously land on American and Canadian networks. It had the first online fanbase to cam- paign to successfully bring it back for two more seasons. Twelve years later,TwO the O ffans caNaD are stilla’ hostingS the RESPE“RCW 139”cTED Due acSouthTORS conventions. hONOuRED bill Reiter and Alex green receive Sam Payne Awards Alex green

is the recipient of btheill Reitersam payne Award in recognition of humanity, integrity and the encour- wins the lEO for Best agement of new talent in B.C. Supporting Performance in Excited. is the recipient of the sam payne Lifetime Achievement Award in recognition of the accumula- Congratulations to tive outstanding body of work in the performing arts industry. The awards our 2010 leo Award presentation was held in April at the winners sun sui Wah Restaurant in Vancouver. Bill Reiter accepting his The West Coast event announced win- Sam Payne award, ners in 75 categories at two gabrielleseparate presented by Roseceremonies. Feature-lengthChad Willett drama william Samples, category winners included: Best chair of the Sam Marshallsupporting virtue performance to Payne awards. for ExcitedJared and Keeso for Cole; Best stunt Coordination: laara forSadiq Alice; Best Lead performances: for Keep Your Head Up Kid – The Don Cherry JacobStory; Ruppand for Excited. In the dramatic sRobineries category, Dunne winners included: Best setuntrin Karpluk Coordination: for ; Best Lead performances: Calum Worthy for Sanctuary; and for Being Erica. And in the youth or Children’swww. programleoawards.com category, wins Best performance for Stormworld. For the full list of winners go to . 30 InterACTRA fall 2010

68253-1_P2028-ACTRA-fall10.indd 30 9/7/10 1:43 PM your unIon applauds your unIon applauds your performance applause your performance

McCormack and Shatner “best in show” at banff Tv fest eric McCormack

Toronto-native William Shatner Bram Timmer (Will & Grace) was honoured with the Award of distinction for his body of work and with the Lifetime Achievement Award at the June Banff Television Festival. shatner’s 60-year career on stage golden at the box and screen has included memor- able roles such as Captain James T. office Canadian Film and Kirk in Star Trek, and lawyer denny Television Hall of Fame Crane in ABC’s comedy drama Boston Legal. He reminiscedPeter Keleghan about hisJason live performances in montreal plays and Priestly Congrats to the Trailer Park Boys for being his theatre work in stratford. ACTRA presented Telefilm’s inaugural Golden Box members and office Award. Their film Countdown to Inductees to the playback Canadian were presenters at the presti- John Candy Jay baruchel Liquor Day was the top-grossing English- Film and Television Hall of Fame include gious awards gala. language feature film of 2009. legendary actor and an our beloved . accepted the new Audi performance Award. The fourth annual Hall of Fame ceremony was held during the Toronto International Film Festival. ACTRA is a foundingInductees sponsor of announced this event. for 2010 Canada’s Walk of Fame

Canada’s Walk of Fame unveiledSarah Polleythe names oferic the McCormack 2010 inductees for Canada Honours. The inductees include ACTRA members and , in addition to david Clayton-Thomas, nelly Furtado, doug Henning, Clara Hughes and Farley mowat. Canada’s Walk of Fame honours the exceptional achievements of Canadians and nominees must be born in Canada or have spent their formative or creative years in the country. The 2010 Canada’s Walk of Fame gala will take place in Toronto on october 16 at Toronto’s Canon Theatre.

fall 2010 InterACTRA 31

68253-1_P2028-ACTRA-fall10.indd 31 9/7/10 1:43 PM ACTRA neWS STuSTuFF you SHoulD KnoWW…

eI news for artists & cultural workers employment insuranCe A 1% or 2% weekly payroll donation speCial Benefits for makes a huge difference to the Actors’ self-employed people Fund. At year-end, you will receive a www.actorsfund.catax receipt for the total amount of your payroll donations. Joining the plan is easy at . self-employed Canadians will be able to enroll in the EI program and become eligible to receive special benefits effect- ive January 1, 2011: maternity benefits, downtown Toronto, the ATm provides full parentalwww.culturalhrc.ca/research/ benefits, compassionate care access to the Interac, pLus and Exchange default-e.aspbenefits and sickness benefits. For networks. Creative Arts members can details on the new program read the deposit and withdraw from the ATm with study ( no fees using their member Card. ) to see how the premiums Creative Arts membership is open work and whether the program makes beat the rush and www.creativeartscu.comto all ontario residents. sense for you. For further information please This report examines this new pro- register for ACTRA visit the CAsCu website: gram to determine its relevance for the PRS direct deposit . cultural community and the likelihood that freelance artists and other culturalwww. serviceworkers canada.gc.cawill enroll. For more information or to register with the EI program also This year you will be able to deposit visit the service Canada website ACTRA pRs funds directly into your . existing bank or credit union account, or your agent’s trust account (if that’s what your contract with your agent requires) ACTRA pRs’ new direct deposit Canadian producers benefit will allow you to get your money faster, eliminate the risk of lost now have a new name! The Actors’ Fund or stolen cheques and an email will of Canada be sent to you as confirmation of the Voluntary payroll [email protected] along with the cheque416-489-1040 details. Beat the rush and request the authoriza- This month the Canadian media donation proGram for tion form, fill it out, and email416-644-1516 it back to production Association, formerly called film & teleVision workers [email protected], or fax it to . the Canadian Film and Television If you have any questions or concerns production Association, has launched please contact Judy Land, theirIs your new name email – the Cmp A. or . For more than 50 years the Actors’ Fund Toronto’s neW address up to date? of Canada has provided short-term emer- Creative Arts ATM! gency financial aid to help entertainment [email protected] actra.ca industry workers. The Actors’ Fund isn’t just for actors, but is for people working sign up for ACTRA email newsletters at in every aspect of the entertainment Creative Arts is pleased to announce . From , watch industry. There’s no better time to give their first ATm is installed and fully top news items, and link to Twitter and than when you’re working. functional. Located on the first floor Facebook. stay connected with your of the ACTRA Toronto building in union from wherever you may roam. 32 InterACTRA fall 2010

68253-1_P2028-ACTRA-fall10.indd 32 9/7/10 1:43 PM trea$urer’s report fOR ThE fIScal yEaR ENDED fEBRuaRy 28, 2010 By THeReSA TovA acTRa National Treasurer

Support After 15 years of service members at Canadian Film! Join the first In november 2009 we had a successful weekend CluB both branch and national councils I was day of action for ‘our TV’ with branches asked to take on the exciting challenge of across the country participating and serving as national Treasurer. Following four bus loads of members converging the money means that along with our in ottawa to meet with mps and deliver The First Weekend Club is a other officers I get to immerse myself in our messages to them. The message was free cross-Canada film club that the major files of the union. I meet with all about more Canadian content on our encourages members to attend our CFo weekly to sign cheques and ask airwaves which means work opportunities opening weekend screenings and questions and meet with the executive for ACTRA members. builds audiences for Canadian monthly to review variance reports. I want ACTRA national’s fiscal 2009-10 oper- films through grassroots initia- you to know what fun this position is. It’s ating surplus is $209,200. Consistent with tives such as special screenings, not about number crunching, it’s about the surplus policy established in october premiere parties,www.firstweekend movie alerts and- our priorities. The work of our union is 2007, this operatingwww.actra.ca surplus was distrib- muchclub.ca more! tracked by where we put our resources uted to the branches. Join up for your email news and operating plans are reflected in our To view the audited financial state- alerts now: budgets, which in turn tell our story. so, ments please go to . . here is our story for the 2009-10 fiscal year ending February 28, 2010. see you on set! InComE: our revenues of $4,642,200 represented a modest increase of $33,600 or 0.7% from the prior year. Equalization revenue increased whereas per capita pay- ments decreased due to declining member count. The decrease in membership is of Theresa Tova concern and is reflected in organizing ACTRA national Trea$urer priorities going forward. InVEsTmEnTs: In fiscal 2008-09, national’s investment incurred unrealized Want to read market losses due to the 2008 market up on you? crisis. The good news is that in fiscal 2009-10, the market started to rebound and this is reflected in the unrealized market gain of $193,200. Income from investments and operating cash did not www.actra.cayou have 24/7 access to your fare as well. private member information ExpEnsEs: Total expenses were on ACTRA’s database at $4,433,000 – a decrease of $130,500 or . By entering 2.9% from the prior year. our operating your username and password, plan focused on our national organizing log in and select ‘ACTRA campaign IWoRKACTRA, and lobby efforts membership system’ to look in ottawa. IWoRKACTRA is an 18-month up your earnings, your I&R campaign containing three distinct phases Theresa Tova information, your work history (i) member education and outreach (ii) and to make sure that your outreach to the industry and information Theresa Tova’s career spans film, TV email address, mailing address gathering and (iii) enforcement. The first projects, the Broadway musical stage and agent [email protected] are all iworkactra.caphase of this campaign was launched and and jazz concerts around the world. up-to-date. completed in fiscal 2009-10 at a cost of Forgot your password? Email $133,300. Check out our campaign at your request to . . fall 2010 InterACTRA 33

68253-1_P2028-ACTRA-fall10.indd 33 9/7/10 1:43 PM fareWell fareWell

Maury Chaykin Maureen Forrester Wayne nicklas

maury Chaykin received consider- We have lost a national Councillor. able attention and a Genie Award more than that, we have lost a for best actor for his starring SheIf you headhad into no a lifefear always mov- friend. Wayne nicklas died while role in Whale Music, a character ing forward, never looking back on a visit to Vancouver Island at based on Beach Boy . with absolutely no fear, who could the end of may. He remained active His notable protrayals include lose. That was my mother maureen throughout the year of his cancer movie mogul in Forrester. With her understand- and was determined to continue Entourage, and the infamous spot ing that she was the recipient of with his dedicated work for the of an unhinged Cavalry officer in an enormous gift, a voice that union and its members. Indeed, the oscar-winning movie Dances mesmerized and an innate ability it was his intention to attend the With Wolves. maury appeared in to interpret the great musical poets most recent meeting of the council. the Egoyan films Adoration, of humanity. But her fearlessness unfortunately, it was not to be, his , The Sweet also showed itself in the mothering mortal end was only days before Hereafter, Exotica, of five children, her tireless promo- the meeting. Wayne not only served and don mcKellar’s Cooking tion of Canadian artists, and her the national community but his with Stella and Blindness. other famous love of laughter. When home branch in manitoba as well. prominent appearances include the legendary conductor Bruno He spearheaded the institution of Canada’s Sweetheart: The Saga Walter honoured her with an audi- pAL and and we held a of Hal C. Banks and the titular tion at the age of 23, with joy she fundraiser in his memory. Anyone detective in . He earned delivered exactly what he had been who knew him, or had worked with for his spots in searching the world for. When she Wayne, knew the determination La Femme Nikita and CBC’s At finished he whispered the words with which he approached his craft. the Hotel. most recently we knew “Ja, Ja, mein kind,” (yes, yes, my They also knew how much he loved Chaykin as the father in the hit child). From that moment on she to laugh. His sense of humour was comedy Less Than Kind. says mark danced with everyone from the broadly encompassing and so his mcKinney, “He was one of our local butcher to the heads of state, company was enjoyed by all he greatest actors. maury’s an actor never ever looking back, always encountered. His wife, Judy Cook, of unparalleled gifts.” maury was moving forward. she is one of our who was with him for 32 years was an advocate for Canadian culture great Canadian voices that sings us at his side in duncan when he left bringing his passion to ACTRA into the future with great joy and us. He left a big space empty in all press conferences and events. no fear. the hearts of those who knew him. maury is survived by his wife, actor – Daniel Kash – Brian Richardson susannah Hoffmann, and their daughter Rose. He passed away on his birthday.

34 InterACTRA fall 2010

68253-1_P2028-ACTRA-fall10.indd 34 9/7/10 1:43 PM Contact ACTRA… fareWell acTRa National acTRa Manitoba 416.489.1311 204.339.9750 1.800.387.3516 www1.actra.ca/winnipeg www.actra.ca Rod Padmos acTRa Toronto acTRa Performers’ 416.928.2278 Rights Society www.actratoronto.com 416.489.1311 1.800.387.3516 acTRa Ottawa Rod padmos, a long- www.actra.ca 613.565.2168 time member of [email protected]/prs www.actraottawa.ca ACTRA Alberta, passed acTRa Montreal away on June 13 in acTRa B.c./uBcP 604.689.0727 514.844.3318 his sleep. on June 12 www.ubcp.com www.actramontreal.ca Rod had conducted a very spirited branch acTRa alberta acTRa Maritimes election meeting and 403.228.3123 902.420.1404 was in fine spirits. Rod 1.866.913.3123 www.actramaritimes.ca served on council in www.actraalberta.com acTRa Newfoundland/ most capacities and was a forceful advocate for the acTRa Saskatchewan labrador union: member’s obligations and rights. He worked 306.757.0885 709.722.0430 as an actor on stage, in film and television as well as www.actra.sask.com www1.actra.ca/stjohns being an accomplished piano player. A memorial for Rod was held at the pumphouse Theatre in , attended by over 200 family and friends. many fine tributes were given and we all learned a lot about what Rod meant to so many people. An informal wake was to follow at The Auburn where many a toast were made. His down-to-earth advice and hard work for the branch will be missed. We will all miss him as a friend and colleague. – Brian Gromoff brad Moore WIDC 2010 is calling all actors This past February, a few days after his The acclaimed Women in the Director’s 42nd birthday, Brad Chair workshop is a one-of-a-kind profes- passed away doing one sional development offering in Canada, of the things he loved held annually in beautiful Banff, Alberta. to do – playing indoor soccer! He loved Deadline actors & crew: contact sports, espe- November 30, 2010 cially hockey. He also loved working in the film industry as a professional For more information and background performer, stand-in and photo double. application forms go to: He worked on three feature films as Academy Award- www.creativewomenworkshops.com Winning actor ’s stand-in: Cinderella Man, Shoot’em Up and Barney’s Version. When you saw the two of them on set together you would swear they The Women in were twins. He was well liked by all cast and crew and was known as the performer with the big white smile, The DirecTor’s the big blue eyes and of course that big red truck. you will be missed, Brad. Love from all of us. chair Workshop – Brian Kaulback

fall 2010 InterACTRA 35

68253-1_P2028-ACTRA-fall10.indd 35 9/7/10 1:44 PM I work ACTRA because it works for ME! For the protection, professionalism and for the wages and benefits that come only when working ACTRA. And for the peace of mind knowing that I will get paid! - Al Karim

Jay Baruchel Elfina Luk Paul Francis Marika Schwandt Malcolm Wilson

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