Creation vs. Evolution Psalm 33 First Article of the Apostle’s Creed

Creation in Summary

Proofs: We know this from clear Scripture. Christ is also resurrected from the dead.

What is Science? A systematic study of nature or other objects

Scientific Method 1. Logic 2. Hypothesis/Theory 3. Observation/Experimentation 4. Modification of Theory/Hypothesis

Ockham’s Razor: “Entities should not be multiplied unnecessarily.” or the simplest solution is usually the correct one.

Assumptions 1. Logic Works 2. There is an objective 3. The universe and its workings can be understood with human reason a. doesn’t exist and therefore miracles do not happen b. God does exist but doesn’t normally work through miracles 4. Copernicanism

Evolution Summary

Proofs 1. 2. Continental Drift 3. Weathering of Rocks 4. Rock Formation 5. Geological Arrangement of Fossils and their Dating 6. Micro-evolution 7. Genetic material and cellular structure 8. Archeology and Anthropology

Given that we know that Scripture is true and the Scientific facts point us the fact that the Universe is considerably older than 6000 years we need to resolve this discrepancy

Scripture is wrong 1. What about Christ and the resurrection? 2. What about the historicity of Scripture and its textual proof? 3. Do you expect there to be an objective reality or even a reasonable universe without a Creator? 4. Science does not hold all knowledge. (ex: History vs. Science, Science doesn’t deal well with one time unique events) 5. What about morality? 6. What about all the flaws/holes in current scientific theory?

Science is wrong 1. What about the age of the Universe? 2. What about the fact that Science has the ability to be predictive? 3. What about all the technology we have produced? 4. What about all the independent observational facts that support the theory?

Since both of these are untenable in their extreme, Scripture clearly is at least partially right and Science clearly works. There must be some sort of resolution between the two.

Creation Science: Trusts the Biblical Account and tries to prove it via Science. - Pro: Current scientific theory has problems, Provides rationally acceptable explanations of the Biblical account. - Con: Tries to explain miracles, Most of the science is not peer reviewed or accepted by the majority of the scientific community

Intelligent Design: Tries to argue from pure science that a creator is needed. - Pro: “Pure” scientific route to prove the need for a creator - Con: Does not specify who did it, most science is questionable, Ockham’s Razor, not seen as rigorous or reputable by the scientific community, theological arguments are sometimes admitted as scientific evidence

Theistic Evolution: Evolution of the world is guided by God’s hand - Pro: Would reconcile with scientific theory - Con: Requires an allegorical/symbolic interpretation of Genesis which is not permitted by other parts of Scripture namely Romans and Christ’s own treatment of Genesis. Numerous Theological problems such as What is sin? What of man? What of Christ? What of the historicity of the Bible? What of God’s power? What about death?

Omphalos Hypothesis: Omphalos meaning navel or religious stone artifact in Greek. God created a world that looks older than it really is and is logically consistent. - Pro: Would reconcile with scientific theory - Con: Why would God mislead us?

How can one be a Christian and a Scientist? Is it just untenable? The answer is no. There have been many good scientists who were Christians throughout the ages. Science would not exist as it is today without Christianity and its worldview. These days though it is becoming harder and harder to be a scientist as a Christian owing to the challenges to our faith as well as the overwhelming atheism and of most scientists. I, myself, hold to the Omphalos Hypothesis but I still struggle with what Science tells us.

We as Christians need to be conversant on this, we also need to be well catechized. Both in what Scripture teaches, but also in what the world believes regarding the origins of everything. In the end we as Christians rest on Christ and Him crucified and risen. If He has not done that we might as well all become Epicureans. We have a historic and provable religion in Christ, we do not hold to it blindly. However we do hold to it by faith. No atheist will be convinced of the truth of Scripture by reason alone. Only the Holy Spirit working can do that.

So we hold to the Word, use Science, but believe God rather than men in the end. Even if what we observe appears to tells us otherwise.

We All Believe in One True God (LSB 954) Alternate: Thy Strong Word (LSB 578)