
0 071 co|'tw««k1y«nitllici»woni 0 071 . overdue wecfcly circulation O.Zll «verri«e drciilnllmi or (lie .1.//I rciircM-nUthed«oml law. UlfcH STAR for -K monihs t,«i ! u}tfl «.{ wwklv Iwwe In New - prior |o June t, i*-j. N<» ilirre <(|lt.-r U'Arrcti ctit iicwtji-iiwri! comhluril 4,wo homes every week, fumUluuKA wonderful nmo.itit of publicity.

:»2NI) VKAIt-XUMItKIS I!). WASHINGTON, WAIiHKN COUNTY. X. .1.. TliriiSDAY. NOVIttllJKIi :!0, US'l'.l. SLMM'lillTION: Sl.iid I'KIi VKAI!

TEX HOURS OF BATTLE. TIIE CATHOLIC FA IK EXIJS. »Y UXAXIMOUS VOTE. 1M.OKAVI'. AX0.TIIER Sl*hESDlD OFFER. MrtliiK-u Meet * und [Jcfculrt M,O0() EIGHT KILLED A I'anlal I.i^t ol* 1'rl/i; U'lnnirfl-AII Supn-i.i.-.l.i-llr,- Iniititiu-re l.uuks Mice i CoiifiTi'iice DecliH-slo ItrlmlM The Mi-ifilitT-. of t)i<* l.nctil Court uml Tin* St.ir unit X. V. TrMVufhiy Trl- .IS .era Nearly-"00 IiiHMi !vll!f<1 and >11--Ii.-. ]irrclutlVLMj|'Cu-<)|ifriilliin. the I'rt'Ki-iit Cliitiirt*Ilt)r, Only^$2.1i."( a Year. SCORES HURT Tho frinmtrt (tf Siipronm (Toiirt .Iim- Afiiont: I tic menior.iblo iivfnts to lie Tho H-iznar for the boneilt of Si. Tliu New York Trlhuno hns felt tbe Central Lord Motlmtm oflne llrititih tlco William Stryker Ciummtfu nrt< Ti») Hpecial nuietintj of tho Nuvvafk [iliced on thu rtconla of our "t;ood oln Josoph'H chureli, held in tho Opera dementi for n luw priced, complete metro- 'firmy In South Afriwi, ciiblmi to his nuking iKjuitit tnuvo to lanil him at M. M. ('oiifo*ft*iii:e hold in Kowark la^t town" will uutli«Orient »1 Court's fntitawllt p • li«n newtipaptr prlntc milt'H from Ivirnberloy. j Rcnr of the Buffalo whoso torin cxpiri'H'May I, l!J01. On bo rubullt on tbe »ito of the, ruiiiw. rtgulfirty on Momlnjf, \Vednwdayn tho itrtfdu* donated tti the Ba/.itur woru General MUIIIUGII'H Oinpatch \H UH fol-! itcculint ol'iti« Ciiiiiicollur's bad health, Tim inutjting -was presided ovw,.by No. M;aHd,HlthotigtitbyfitNT,«-.isa i;nmt ja;id Fridays and will embody the prlnd- tl Express. nwardi d to tho following named: sitoro(l itt •"> n. m. tlie it in expected that ho will resign at B1H!IO|I John VfnruriL of Topeka, Dr. Fully 100 prliioiH csirbcd in ttrn mo *t coUt f 10 a yenr, AHUoush Iwucd three oiiemy'H position ou th« Mmhlur river, \V. S. JikiniiL-r, hilver inul cut gl.'isi piti:1i- any time, and whoovor in appointed to John I*. IJodd of Xowark acting as ac> foil ml ilium Htronnly entrenched and ur, (loiitttvfi Iiy Mrs. C. !•'. Ktaatt-*. rotary. Addresses were madu by (ie.o. tlmeia.wcek, tho price him ht-un inmlo ;» could vonlrivti |t;irt!uIpaU-il In thu street co ti u ycitr less thun hnn hcrLtoforc been ooiicoalod, Xo ini'iuiH of H inking. W. It. Viuulurbllt, itirkuy, ilmmu-ci by F. i*crryiTAlt has in ink- ft Hpouiiil tirrnnffi- fitfOKunrtta on ri^'liL and Ninth MrlKiuIe any in Tin-in Jlnnlly Our itwc! by CtiiirlcK PIck«l. Phiinllold, 1'rfiHlilcnt iitullx of Drew Mf:«MtiryC.iViiIry,Hlhcr enrvins knife eomi< merit with th« Tribune v:h«r(.'by It enn on loft tittnykud position In widely vx~ H Wilhoiit Injury — Huilics Seminary and otheiu KenolutioiiH ml fork, tloiitttetl by Alra. D. Font Htnri Aftur thu arrival of about It) princes otl'tT the tri-wcckly edition tor one yenr nt ionded formation, Supported by ar- PH.'.! , ||oiiiis~Tlie1r<:rlPM llninl •Mi-.s Mary Smith, tluilcy nixl luni.lkcr- woro adopted aa abovo stated. from tlie Junction Court, the warriors rep- hulf price, in combination with this paper; rvstinllrikf HIIIIUHL every nationality formed tillery, tlio ndvimc" found itsolf in Half Till.-- I„;,„:•,] Tnk«n to ltfF.iimo, dwniif'l I*y MIs«fc» Ariula nnrt On^inotlDii of Dr. S. I,. Haldwin, of that [-, v.u nil! the STAI; nnd Trl- in line on Ilroiu] Htrcut nt thu cnintnund ol front or tlio whole li-jcr form, S,OUO ellloCiHlilnc. N'jw Vnrk, it was agreed that it was j Wetkly Tribune to any addref-s one yenr Chief of tho lloivcry I'oIIeti i r Htronn, with two I.iruo KUIIH ami .tour Mis» Violet Ik'titlLTHliu^cHniLTii^tmiiteri th« «on»ij 'of tbe convention that the for ;2.2. >, in advance. (Fnun tbe Svw York World j who htiided thu punu'e. About -ji-M KriippH. Tho Naviil Hrlgitiln rtindoroii by \V. W. ChriHthift. 1 fa eJluct, Tho Trl-Weekly Tribune will A shocking accident occurred on the resolution of the Newark Conference , o'clock the line IIIOVIKI, inarehiiiK to ru(j- great aiHiHtanco from tlm railway. Mi»s .Mary Hmitb', latUcs' show, (lonnttd whichlprohibited MIH trtintteH from in- be n tine, fresh, ovrry-otber-dny news- Liit'kiiA'iinnti Railroad nt!) o'clock last time nni-Ic from boat horn.s. A druu paper, containing the best nrri latest news Aftor ilenpfrato lighting lusting ten by Coinlurl Stinu Hlnru, Tronloi). curring debts in tho rebuilding, be night :tl Patorsoti. Th(i ItullUlo ex- corps wiiHiit the IIUHII of the line but thcii of tbe daily of the Name date of ixsuo,and hotirn tlio inou, wilhoiit food or water, Patrick Folcy, ItcnilluR, Pa., arm clair, press, which leuven WiiHliingtonnt-'i::^, repealed'at'the next eonfernnco, to be tininii: could bo hoard lint Httlo except at in at len-st one number a week devoting in a burning HUH, iniulo tlio enemy ijtiit donateii by Curvt-ry .t Wulkur. held on August •!. short Intervals Tbe wiiulu parade WHS hound fur Sow York, slipped within Miit-sMary I-;crt,'iM<»ii, album mid phuto- large.space to the pictorial, humorous nnd iliolr pOHitionH. (It'iioml I'ulo-O'arow 1 ilhiinini-d hy lurclu-H made from fiOO fot«t of tho Iliirulny Street Stationur-i|th case, tlomittd by Warroti C'Minlj Thoro wero no objector, * to the lituntry fenturen of tlio lato Illuxtrntcd sc^iemo of locating tho school at tlnck- wn.10,-available for tho now building. On "BriiH.HCn.stlu push" led by their Mnyor, OOOayenr." taster of those of Uepubllciui faith as the inontiiin OIIH urni particularly, it is twnj Wjtn utanding. A fihnrp curve in the the voto to rebuild tin* biilloting in in full nniforni. The pen ccntld hardly J wcpli l).inali(it>, hilvur eh oLitu [mt, Supreme Court JuHticvCuriimuru has dtecribu tbe lOOdill'isreiit cOHUimex. There Thrk-e-a-Week World does the tastes of batteries of nrtilUiry." [ rOiUj ;it ,hllt pninl ,|W ,h(! nH)r,llo train fiivor was luiaiiitnoiiH. our Democratic renders. Our principal ilc.v KitK strong emlorsoments. I'nitfii Stiites were both mule und fi'inulehnpers illations ...... „-•-• .; from tbetjnglnecr of the l'liiilipsbiirp Tho (juostion, to rebuild In ftccord- oliject in mnklng this comMniUion is to For thf want of tiim?, only a few of l-iiiu'i-itl of Vli-(* President liuiitirt. ! train, which came around tlmcnrvcwtt SonattHSewellis for him, and hae de- antte with plans submitted by the In black, red, white and even j,"rccn I'nct! give our Hcpublicnn friends the same thy artioloH donated wero dinposed of, clared hirnsulf very strongly. All of representing every natloimlity from the e to secure a metropolitan paper Tho remains of Vice President (i;ir- a speed of thirty mile.H an hour. Honrd of Trusteey, was decided in the Those remaining will he given out on tho Congressional dftlegaten, an well as Filipino up. three times a week at a nominal price a.s rot A. Ilobart woro laid to rest in (,'ediir atllniiativo. President 1-Vrry stated It phin^i'd into tho rear of tho wait- Jan. :Msr, WOO. Tho Il:txinr him been many Senators and Assemblymen,huve Alter parading the principal streets of has heretofore been enjoyed by our Demo- \j\\vn Cemetery near Pattirnoii on Sat- 1 that the plans called for a central ing exprf *^ crushing tho two (-nil carM well patronized, many of tho moat ondorn^d him. County Clerk Barker town for about an hour, the procession cratic friendt, The higher price of the mrdny laRt. The funeral Horvicef, whieti iirlmiulHtration building, containing a —a Bmoker ami an ordinary passenger nt people nf Washington .con* GumiruTu of Mercer county inii brother 'ii-bnmletl at tlie J. W. Fitts building on Tribune, however, prevents us from mak- were nmiHUnlly impressive, weru lis- JI, a dining-room, kitchen, rooms coach. The smoker wan on tho end of tribtiting to itH HU Broud atreet In tbe basement of which nu ing the price as low an for tbe STAK find tened tcj with sorrowful itttyiitfon by of tho JI I and is pushing him :tll fur oli b ftnd fui" Lh« lustr;ict many valu-iblt' presuntn nn extraordinary assemblage- of public ilong tho line, and on account of tin efther side wero to bo dormitories for two liu-ye tnbli'H seating about 'JO were laid year; tbe Tribune la §1.50 n. year. The Thero wery only about tweiily mnn donated, t'.ir tho kind and gcnerouH power that ia behind tho candidate, it man and other dlls-unH. Among Urn j in tho smoker, but tlio pas*engcr< the students, while thuro was to bo a with sandwiches, cheese, pickles, crackers, STA it's combination price -.vlth tho World disposition of those, also, who honored lu generally believed thut he will be remains $2.00 a year; with the Tribune It is formur wuru PreHldunt MuKinley, m-v- [ was crowded, and hold nuurly separate building for Mie heating and celery and cake while ojsters were served the ocrartion by their presence, aa well appointed, unless tlie Governor claims in diflercnt .styles, aim coll'ce. If miy one ;2.'2.~i. In both instances the cash must end Cabinet ofllumln, Supromu Uonrt mmi, wmiimi and uhirir lit,'liting plants and another for niU8ic.il an the kindness that lias been inanifi'.sU the appointment an a personal one, possessed the nerve to Iu ive and say tlmt accompany the order. : Old subscribers in JtiBtiffH, United Stuttw .Suimtoni nnd purpones. The co.-it would approximate Six porriOiiH weru killed almost in ed to tho church people in the past, and in thiitLMHu ho will probably name his appetite wasn't sntisliud, a second .rrear for (subscription to tiie STAR will be RopreHtintatives in ( .f2")0,00i)t Mr. Ferry said, and it would c<|tiired to pay up to dute before their Htautly. Twenty more wtira seriously the p'tstor, tho Rev. Father Hlj^noy, rf Collins, who is nho a Suprump Initiation into the Oriental inynterit's Tho Hervieos pmpor were held in tho Injured. IVtween thirty and forty bo nweHHary to raiso $100,000. Wht-n would not be sufllcient punish ment. eoiubination subscription will be received. tVt'trt very gniteful. C'Hirt Justice. Church of tho Redeemer. The altar otliern were briiined and cut and suffer- 5100.IW0 wan pledged the plans would About 175 in all partouk of tho supper and Now Is tbe best season of the year to Judge (jLimmerK is n mm uf the lnt( and casket wore hidden by tho mimer- -•it (from shock. No one in tho be drawn, ho said. still there was plenty. F.wn tho urchins subscribe for newrfpapers. The long, cold I'hf I'ri»N.ilili' lii'KMiilorltil I'lt^miu. HirkMrdiimmcn*. «iif »f tlm Inuding •us and elegant floral tnkuint which j roar uira oricaped injurv entirely. I whoaro alwuy.s present upon such oces- evenings are before us, but with plenty of The Trenton correH|jondent of the huvyccH j;i th(> bar. HH \H JL PrinueUm Lute Kli'i'tlon Klffiirfo. j sion.s to lend a bund at carrying banner*, good rending matter they will prove nil •amo from men and women iu uvoryj The locomotive of thu Phllllpsbur« ton short. Good newspapers not only ['hihulelphiii Kccprd thus wriU-H to graii n.ite, and wan counntl for Lhu Lc, got up from the taitle with a grunt rtationolUfc-all of th.m minibcrfcl j (tC(!O|umotilltIoil tore llitmJ, Front tliu rutuniK of thi: rvuutit uluutiun' tiio that p-iper concerning the forthcoming Peini.sylvittiiii R.iilnia-1 when called to nd .siid they Imtl enough—n surprise to entertain but instruct. They ire of among tho friendM of thu dnad Vic- smoker and almost through for As-oniblynnjn nuuived at the (.tticco* President. During tlio funeral tho esnion uf the State legislature : the bench by (Jrivf-rnur Werts. lie ban thuriwrutary of Staff thu to lowing table nil. value in the borne where ,. I gor coach, foruiuiforuiuirr wmntt of the seats up "Aa to tho character of tho legis- only been on tin- heneb .live years. has bt;en coinpiltid, wfik-h gives the full Mr. Charlen S.Gardner wna present with there are children. They easily interest .., poHt-ortieea ot. .the. ,e[itiru country and I ^.»i.._*..l.»-...... nii i t-f iht:c:(itnii Hi'Hsion there is Siiuulil iiw im iimnt-ti its Onaimeiior, tie tnan me other govornniLMit buildliiga so fur 1 piisaengerd in them. Other seats nnc Tbe Rppublifan boconmH t tie net it* I he;id i.-f l!;t> Judic- and entertained the diners. Junction .-! popular literature of these days. pnflflihlfi censed UU'HIK'HS, rommiing ch speculation. l:o;i. 1)0111 their occupants wero jiimmwl down will bo nothing | iary, taking preL-u(lem;u owr Mm Chief' . Mil 1S!(O Mr. Johnsing was "turned loose" and Intelligent family thut is not pro- when the sad coromoni^n Iind oonelud- say there through the lloor of tho ear. It is presumed j'Justice when the Court of K'r'rors and . 5175 1511 iTfntrd ii r-nntimirins ro;ir oi" In lighter, by wit n n daily newspaper should fail Bd. radical ' . «*i ••123-1 liis chicken specialty. to tako advantage of one of our two com- .. The shrieks of the dying and injured Cnnuli) . 11'iSll 3609 that the corporations have now nil Appeals is in session. The atl'dr was the.greatest of. to* kind binatlon ollera: STAR and World, S2,00: i The death of Mr. Holwrt all'ected con hi bo heard nearly half a mile. CajiuMny . 17!)T). 9S0 khia borough, not only beumiso ho wan they want, and that they desire to bo Cuinhla ;: •1577 ever bold in Washington and in 1900, inSTAR und Tribune, S2.2."j; four papers a ' -Thpy reached St. -Joseph's Hospital,-a let alone. As to TrustH, there doetTnot ;»Icri'hiint9 iind Iltitliliiy Tr x : . '.'WKf 21301 ttieir next annual parade, the princes of week in either case. : - : ihe second'oflk-e'r ufthiMiiuion but be- tilmiccstur . 3-i!« quarter ol'ii mile away, and before tho seem to be any disposition on tho part Our local merchants arc Inj»h»i their 3131 Oriental degree will show the people fauso ninny of our people knew him preparations to ucoommodim: tin- li< liday Hudson . 1S.SSF7 2S757 celuphono message for help camo Futh of tbe rimjority to do anything at all Ilnntenlon . 3131 121! there is much among tho Oriental secrets \V. A. A. BIlHuril und Pool Tourneys. personally. Tho largo Xumlhnm fac- trade which should be of encouriigini; v er .Julian wan on his way to the wreck, on tli;it subject. Most of the Republi- Mt;reer . 10002 SOU still to be seen, and lots they never The billiard and pool tournaments of the tory he-re numbered him among its unie. While *-ome of our p oplu will b -Middlesex . TI'.IO followed by other priests, nursea and em will nee until initiated into the order. Washington Athletic Association, which . 3tocklioltlers, and CharKM M. Tuttlo can- leaders look upon Trusta as rtt'ructud to the lurg-r cities,to .purchas Monniouth . niwo S7I7 all the doctorH of tho institution. Be- .Morris have been creating considerable interest ; also connected with the factory, wai he tie tit to the State, considering the holiday KOOCIS, the larger prop' riion 0 . 5130 -I3«b fore they earne, however, the passen- O.wui . 211)2 121!) A Visitor I'Votii tin; West. among the members the pfl3t few weeks, his brother-in-law. prosperity whie.li now prevails, nnd them will spend their money ;it home. If . Si91 57!«l gers in tho forward cars, who had which is due to tho steady employ- Washington tnuliwp-oplc want to keoji Siili'in It was the writer's pleasure yesterday to tire drawing to a close. In the billiard Mr. J. R Fulper, Postmaster JetVory, . :nm 2S03 escupod practically unhurt, also those ment of labor and the payment of stilt more money in town, they should use S . 3032 2500 have ery interesting conversation tournament Skinner and Dilts lead, while Konator-olect Johnston Cornish and every method of publicity to let ihepen- 22S7 2631 with M W. S, Tinamnn of Iowa, who tn tbe pool tournament McNnlly nnd Cox, on tlio Pbillipsburg accommodation, fairly good wages. There ia no incli- . S")9I) IHI! many others knew Mr. Hobart inti- i the hniidiciippers, are tie for tlrst place. wore working like madmen to free thu nation felt to disturb tho pre«ont •cor- iiKkiirHV just what Is on the shelves of . •£»! 13.5U with his wife is a visitor at tbe home of mately. They recall with pleasure I Washington's .stores. No method of pul his brother, Mr. Alvin \V. Titisinan, on Tlie following tables give the st'indingoi* dying and the dead. poration laws, owing to which tbe many pleasant traits of character and licity is better nor more productive of good Totals 15310S East Church street. tbe contestants: There were not moro than twenty rovenue of tho State has been au disposition, and fuel a aensoof persona: results than a wisely worded advertisunn Phinility 23018 Mr. Tinstnan's former home was in liuti- UlLLIAltDS. pasaongurti on the Phillipsburg train, largely increased, leaving a largor sur- lona in his demise. For many a. year iu a p'perof liiree and broud ttirculntioti. tcrdon county, near Frenehtoivu. Be- WON. LOST. and, fortunately, tho uar they wero in plus in the Treasury than over before The STA it is Mich a paper. It not only en- Skinner, (200) tt 2 "Clns", Hobiirt will bo uitH-soil, pai-ticu- Uiintilii^ £muothly ut Coi-nirili's lieving that there were more advantages in DilK(VJO) ti 2 was on the end of tho train hitched in its history. Of course, the Demo' ters the home of every holiday gift bu.voi larly hy those who knew him boat. Crofitin;; by tho experience of a year the West, ho went there sixteen years apjo, VnnSyckleny, , (0).(150).... . GG 3 behind baggage, milk nnd freight ears. crats will introduce measures of a:i in Washington but every week carries its ritark, (1(10) ."I Those who attended the funeral from iso, when the big force of mechanics was sottlin«nt tlrat in Nebraska, near Lincoln. Tlio Kuv. U. 6. Bullock, of Ciifoimu, tt anti-Truat and anti-corporation char- g'S of tu-ws happenings nnd stor After six yottra ho purchased a farm neiir Ileiitb, (601 -I this place wero: Mr. and Mrs. Charles or on the BullilBull'.ilo eexpresspre, , led ththe compelled tt;. work, not only ten hour." Dawt-s, (150) - -I Vork, lie ran out Di l took in tb« acter, but tho chances are that they news to every town and Itamlet in ti RL-CI (Ufc, Ioivn, which i.s a gro.it cattle nnd Christine. (GO) -1 U.* Tattle and daughter, Messrs. E. A. county, not to speak of its circulation i. nvery day hut'itights till i) and 10 o'clock appalliiif; Hittuitinn at a lanco. Ho run will be ILR mnr.li diHiipjminted as they for .several weeks, in order to mr.ko n re- bog raising country, and in which occupa- Derr.(llO) 3 Colo, IT. l-\ Hummer, J. H. R. Smith, brick into tlio purlor em- l b! >a. (TJO) 3 wero during recent years, when they ncljoiuing e Tho home merchant spectable showing at illlinc: orders, Cor- tion ho himself wns eitgngetl to quite tin J. L. Higgiiicj and Piidtniantur Jeftery, ixo. H e totM ththo oiliel r men passohfjors to ioo)0 et fixes nnd crowbar;* and to nut to work, failed in the same lino of warfare. A inns' hear in mind that tlio people of «ur- nish & Co., l;y d^n|ijlhnril work and yood extent. Scarcely any but spring wheat i.s i lives depended upnn quick action. •uised tti that section and enrn iu large preponderating majority in :.-both roiuulin^ towns are interested in his an management, succecifed in cettiiiR a lurcc •;;•.> •:-—- -:-fjruilt fc'iril 111 r'l!la*lflj|jl!il, A- lii^ Ktr.ipping Mormon set to work quantities. Mr. Tinsmim and his otic hiriid McN'aily, (90) fl like fi Trojan, mid whilo others chopped branclieH of "tho law-making body, nouncenienis, in sumo canes moro so tha ainomit of material on hnntl and auiuh of on thu roufcit'tliu cur nnd freed tin; sbriek- his nearer nciglihon;, nnd he should strive it in course, of eoiiKtriiction dnring the man cullivnted from SO to 100 acres of corn Cox, (110) !> Ovor $.1,000,000 wortSi of properly bucked by the prestigo of overwhelm- Skinner, (150) -7 ifiy men mul wnmcti, tho Mormon not in- to get them interesu d early. - . nrly fall,, nnd now, a!though..orders ..fire. each year,_}yhich_would_seem like a wnnd- •Ktia destroyed by flro in Philadelphia to Ihi! bod.v uf tlio far with n crow bur uml ing victories at the polls, gives (lift 1 even more numerous than at this time last ert'iil utttlertiiking fora New Jersey farmer Craft, "(110)'....';...!!.".'.'.."!" S jestflrd'jiy. The tiro origluntod at tho pried up thu twisted und honvy ironwork Death of .Iiiines II. Sullivan. id neiit nftcr Kent und pulled Lhe niuiint-d Republicans renewed courage to year, they are lilting them with compara- with but one hired man. A long other ChrisMnf. (85) (i eornerof Righth and Filburt streets, Jumes H. Sullivan died in n New York Flint, (ifiO)...'. 4 id wonndud niun, women uml ehildren pursuo, tho courso and follow tlie tive case. .The advantage of almost un- things he tells aa Unit the idea that sonic hospital lust Thursday nUht. In lSlb Mi Ziilauf, (70) 3 in the store of Partridge & Richardnon policy adopted by them in preceding limited capil.il and unsurprised mechnri- people have that cattle ore scarce in the i; thee ijii.jnrcc d WHHS Daniel Maxwell Sui!ivan,wl.o bud been « large contrnctor ;ib (i:15 u. m; After oating its way Legislatures. And such is the faith of nl fucilities is in strong evidence. This West, causing an increase in the price of Byrne. (7ii),. of Hnckiitt.st(iwNtstw , formerly ooff WiiHliit^tti in Niiw York oily, cnnie to tliiw town nnd : -.through hull" a block, fanned by a high will be tho banner year in tlie hiutory of meat, Is.afarce, for there is any <[n;uitity Dilts,ll.'5[.. iireniiin on the I'lullipsbiir^r t the party us dictated by the Hf pubii- bought the large lot at Bolviilero avenue wind, which sweptitirreaintibly toward Corn in h & Co.'s mamniotb business, even ef them, iu fact, moro arc being raised i leaders.. The proposed relinquish- uml Church street upon which lie-erected H, CoriiiHli. (60)""™"."!!"' 'Mm New CuiTcneyUIH. with the volume of tho holidnytratlc,un- than ever berpre. „. He states.that the ri.Spcirs, (IS) 1 Seventh etreot along Filbert, the ilatncs ment of tho charter of the Morris a fine residence." Ho occupied it with bis A preBs dispatch from tlio National known. The way it started olf is unprece- pricoof liind'In tlici" West is on tlie in- leaped acroaw tho ntreot, igniting BOV- Canal may cause a stir in thu L^gia- family for hcverfil .veurs nnd then sold tbe oral store's on tho opposio aide. Re- OapHal ways: dented. crease. Ah«ut ten yenrs HRO he purchased Kleetiou Artei-matli. Tho Uopubliciin Caucus Qonunittee, laturo nnd bring grist to the mill of property to Mr. Michael Meigcr who con- a farm for $37 per acre and sold it recently lore this Ore could bo gotten under verted it into a hotel and it tins since been In the fuce of,Republican gains through- which has In chargo tho construotion the lobby. It will not be n party ques- A Peculiar Kuuuway. .-r ir 55S. control, another tiro broke out in a ofa currency measure, will hold ita known ns tho New Windsor (louse. He- out New Jersey, Warren county remains tion by any means. Tt will involve About 9 o'clock Saturday night, n team Lust rturiiifr Mr. and Mrs.Tinsinan stnrtcd building corner of Fourth and Market fliuil muBtlnK -I" WiiahinRtrni noxt Sat- rorecoiniiiEt here Mr. Sullivan bud been a true to the principles of Democracy and urday. The toxtof tho bill, drawn at corporation influences and may emise af bay horaes attached to a rubber tired 11 a proposed trip of one year. They sends her favorite son, Johnston Cornish, BtrootB. i member of the Now York State Soimio and Saratoga last summer, will bo discusdeci more than ordinary intorent and ex- wbiluj*- rosiiclent of tbis town si rvi'd several iiirrey ran drivorlesa' idown Brond ntrcct went further Went through several states to tlio State Sentito by a rousing majority. When tlio tlames had beoncomjuorad and amendments considered. citement. yours in thu £0111111011 Council. For about hill and up Belviderc avenue n.s I'ar John- and through the wheat belt and then enmu Well limy the good citizens of Warren The chi-f object of the meeting is to the following places wero a total IOBS: 1 yenr past be iind bis wife bad been nnik- Ktonstrtet, wheru ono of the horses fell to New Jersey, arriving hero the tlrst, of, honor Johnston Cornish; for this world Partridgo & Rielmrdson, dry | goods", arrange 11 plan for jamming tho meas- nd was (j.lite badly injured on me of ita August, where they have been visiting contains too few of such ns he—a truo ure throuijh the, tTouso, and, if pos- Keocption to "L'nstor Boom. j inpi heir home with Sir. Wm. Johnson, eys. This accident, ended their ilight. till ri-ieiids midl rulnUvia. They friend under any and all conditions, and ,.- 5R75.000 ; A. 'KoHcnberg, irinimingH, iiblo, avoiding its refurenco to n com- The members of tho Baptist church tiis brother-in-law, nt Junatlon. A wllu and live cbildron survive—iliirry, I3iuT Dover on Saturday. few men who ever entered public life who ant rocpption iu the baBOtnont of the -May, Waller ami Charles, Tl;« fnneVill Mr. Tinsmim bus not yet decided upon have more friend;), better friends or truer 000; P. J. Ilullihiiii, shoes, $100,000; >e: • ' . ilnblus. Tho rig bclongctl to tSwarrer, tho A declaration for tho jjokl nLandaivl.i church on Tuesday Probably | surviucH wero held in St. Ann';! church, Jliuton liveryniati. and bud IICRII hired to '"ture pi. That ho was prosperous in friends, than Johnston Cornish; nor are Struwbridgo '& Clothier, dry gnodn, Tlio redempLion of tho greenbacks Vh Hovonly-IH-c persona wero present nnd | Junction, y itnrduy ; interment, in Wasli- .wo young men of High Htidgo who were the NVfMl, is evidenced from tbe tact thai they by any. means confined to..Warren.. ..$500,000; Mppinnott. publiahorH, §1,000,-; gold, suo.h noteR nofc.fco. _l>f .•.iignln paid onjoyxd a-Wl iboial ti.ne-wkh the icccinipariicd ontlii'ir ride by two young bei •eotisiii&rin'g hether to rot ire county. Whilo it is yet too early to enter ,. 000 ; ... .niont stored o'ltoxcepL for Void. or:.orei!t«r. tlia: bua'nt : J raa«Br"S7fib70(i(J."" ••iVirlnoroaao'orimllonftAirliioroaaoor imlional bbiink«iirreiili . p j ' ?2bo;oOOj""ii(lditidnuT a out. near tho Mnuhuul'l cemetery. The ! lie vvei/t West bis cash l!)0t, nn atl'octing New Jersey, in our cy up to the pir yiilun of IKMHU depos- Messrs. William Plotts and W, F. | Probable total loss, $11,700,000. ciiiriiigo [tuvo no et'tdence 6? having I opinion the Democratic party.nred go no This is.Ihe most disastrous flro'that ittid to aeoure such circulation. , I Smith furnished niUBio on cornetn;! erturiK'rt nnd a robe Philadelphia 1ms had in ycnrp;:\;:r:;;"^

Important. Notice.-.1 :: J. I). CornMi bogs to inform tlio public that, in (iomitiutiou with bin [front annual "cofl'co exhibit, on tho ICth, ,17th mul lSlh of December, ho will dumonHtrato Eti •: J5iiklii{i PortJur, proHt'ntiny onnh cu:4omi with u haiidiHomi) Hiimjiic. U-2:Mt-.

SATURDAY.Si'KCiAij-rLntil.Iea* $7 00 coatu for jH.UD. Aa now and ns slyliiili ns any in tho tnxrktit; epediil prlco k^s than they '--•--;• *an bo bought for at wholesale. - J; War rot •-™ Fltts' Boe Hiver" "- — -~~~—.*:~' ~"-" TIIK i\"ASillN(iTOX-STAl!, WASHINGTON, N. .1., TIIUIISDAV, NOVKMUKIJ :«l, l«H>.

ltHLVlDKUK. 11AO K KTTSTOWN. H [a expected 11]utt tlio Fellows iron Tho llrnt roollmll R^ino HIIICO tho lira WIIH mint-i , nunrOxftirdOxfrd , will nee morore activiactivitt y plnyi-it iiy tliu 0. C 1, tuHiu Utit K iturd'iy. tl t wek ill in It tin* witrii-syuitrii-syud IIn wltti the nialr Hull U'lin. Tlio Humo aviin | i untiitvreMliiirnH'lic 0. C. I Irani run tliu' ! touch wltli llio iron intvrtftwi.VH It is thowore up tn III 11 lilulr Hull's 0. j Intention oflho now owiturH, Lliu Umpire An (iliti'rliiliinl'lil, "Clover F.irui," in jSlti'l Co., to put thy ininuH In active ojicra- I dim! neIN, will l)u jiivi'tittiUcvuiiIlii; In tliu I'ratliyturhiu auua.iy Hulianl roomw. Tim B. &B. citsl ol vhnriK'Icrs nre: • I'ltlliinl-r JltiHon. [J. C Kennedy, Niiney .Ilniflon, MISM Kurr; lUoberl JIlllMini, Hhnon Wiule; Uuv. Uoort- Imiin. E. J. Wliilrlch; Slippery Ulhln, M. iNov. ist Harks S, S. S. is a Great Blessing to t^Sr^ttfr^n .::•• '-....:. nearly nil of tlio fiinknesa nmong fllrl Donnlfl It fiiuno Thom older people can imavoWeil. Moat elderly + — THE UIQ rtJU|iHj. II UlVcS Illclll pcopto are very »us(;cptU>le to illnc-sb, but it is wholly uiiiK'cessiry. By ki-ep- HQW Dlnnrl onrf I ifn (ng their blood puro they can fortify themselves nCW DlOllD dliU L1I8. w as to cxnro tlinvYonrtl.s uf tho'niiniCDU $ HEIGHT OF THE SEASON from which thoy suiTcr sit generally. S S. S, is tlio remedy which will keep their systems youn^. by purifying tho blood, thoroughly removing «l) waste accuiniihitions, ;in:M in part- $ —IN— ing new Htrf-n^th ;iinl lifo to tho wholo Wnly. It irterww.-K the appctito, lmil*ls -up_ tho eit^rgira. tintl M nds new lifu- giving blooil ihrotiKhout the entire fcystrm 'Mrs. .Sarah Pike. .177 Ilroiuhvny, South Hostnn. wri t Dress Goods. " Mrsl . .Sjiralmiy niceywtrH'o, .-)•M• anuruaiuvu}d had*notenjoye, .-uuiu i«.nd goo. d h.*..e . »'. *-^;.j " lam seventy yearsi'old. ami had not-Piijovt'"! good ticntth ^vTpHr? f°r twenty years. I was pick in diUVroiit ..wiiys, and in £ Both Black anj Coloit\i Dress Goods are Iv.iv- y~2gT?!j* __ addition, find 1'*V7.(MII:I t•irribly on out! *>( i.w legs. Tho v. ..„.. KlrOctlS ;-?," doctor said that on iifi'tuint of my it;:*', 1 would ncvpr t«* Mi« |.-iniiin irvni'ii'i nr Mnr*t«lMiroi* vl»U- i ChailM E. llurris, 1-Nq.. wiw elected p1^^ U"°N "W""in.. II tootook uu dtiKedi'tKflini l>otI Kittlet les i>of SS.. S. S. and it cured too ^ ing an enormous run uiiy season : [occupied by Dr. Mi-Curiiiiiik mul I'.iiiiily h>J Mi-V.\nii'. TiiVi'i.iii ! Dcmocmllc County Cominitlcoiniul on am) 11 number of tliu C. C. 1 stmluiit*. $$'\. completely, and I :i:n happy to say that h Mrs. .John Slack c-ive a ten party to a " I fpel an well ns I ever did in my lilifo.. " : Kill.v.. irawn •li.:! ," ','^" *; ,.irvinK knife for Uosoberry mil! Holl , An Iniireiiinuto the home of Jolm i-imw cen years' I «uiTcrt'»ll tort ns fmf a iiriicryy crupLum on $ CLOAKS AND SUITS, fl,.,. ,.| •>„. M..,,MII,.. .^Sov^ ^j''-,,;;;^ I h,,l,l,e,S. last Wednesday. ekin. T tried almost ery k n rtMtiedy. but they The Indies or thn First I'rcshyleriau I - --- ,,,,.,, ... my ekin. I tiled Junior i-vny mi...... ,.,..,. ^ Our department is full u> invrilowinji, and verv lurch hnvc nude a vcrv unique i-alcmJur A mci-pUon was held lnst night )•> tnc fill led one by out'out?,, linannd iI «ii7waT* !•••.told• ,...,tiint'm„ ,.vr ..„,.II^>., whic. h ff.l tribe Hev. U.irrv Hnien ol Korea, eon- **HiMr builillm: on Main street. Thuru us ngnins-—'-•••*t -«me- , anilI *!i:i•l...tt rI Knl.1.could1 imniiiovor hophnive A active trade in Oipes. Jackets and Fur Garments.


^ _[^

^ DiaORClS

^ They are sure to be higher in price. Do not dc-

miniciUii-n. If tbN| !S.hl'tlIK r'-'I): i-Uleof hit Cuiicr. w*i.» m»t with mi . VIt ilt'itt iiru! Is lyiiii: ecri'itisU- ill in tlie N !)•• tniv. and t'avm syi-ina to Lit- little tloultt • V* 1 1 : f.f the L'l-niiiriiMU'SHot" tut.' c»np!jUt:t, then ! .1. Warr-Mi CoH-i •Yuri; Ho-; !'' '- ttie school olIit'iaKslioiilii di-fOnttnite tnu ; spviid llit: w'iti'n-i in : ; Mrs, S.iinut pra<.'tiei\nud tiistend til" piirsuiii<: a ciurH-1 Mv^vs \ \V, Cutler, J.iliifrt .Mitchell Grand Opening of Holiday Goods ^ ^ Nio IKMM'.S of: i c. N. Wnde werv ap;>.>inH.'d eomints- atK Fuitlifully do our "ads" mirror our merchandise. As tlic ol rr(im M ln Commencing Saturday, Nov. 4th. ! MI. KIU^^M up, w7i iwrii ;^*SnS:'r«tXa tho! Ji^^F^Sin'^nr^ " i^odsare, so are thov rcllocted licrc Careful are we not to ir 11 r ' - " ' - -:n,1.t ftvi-v.Mrshwhei.il In Hie cmpUiy of. Uommls.-ti>nfr atiki-r lust Mond-iy l>VK.u. \ OVOV CmphasiZC tllO IllClitS of [\ <\\V^\C article : OqiiallV Ciirpful

p No fairer principle was ever cement-

.Ire-si lit: of crushed stone whinh will ?i on- ly improve their appearance us well as COLUMBIA. NOW WE'LL HOLD UP THE MIRROR: THE PEOPLE'S EMPORIUM. so Warren .Hnusp has razed to the [ round tlie biiiiatn^' bii Mill 'strcuL timt'lur ' JUS. itriLit- V/nltc-rsur[Ininc-'bur^spcia \our \\intcr JacKei . number of years has done service us an wt wu';k with Mis. Klbert Albert-son. yWiUimery. Mrs. Robert Zallur.- and Miss Caroline .ce liouse. W, D. llrands mnclo u business trip to li\nihu\ \oui \N ii Hull were nmonj: the callers here last il. R. Richards, our butcher, recently Stroudsburp on Tuesday. here, you have the gratifying as* Just those fabrics you are looking We have just received our line of Millinery for the hue taii trade, week. ost n valuable eow. He bcKnn to think Mrs. limi V. Strnnk was in New Vork Mr. and Mrs. Kitchen ;iml dnuyhttir, lie animal had disappeared for Rood and several days last wuuk. surance that you get all that can for to make the tailored suit or with all the beautiful novelties in the way of trimming, etc. Every- Klennor, vUited friends ut Harmony last ws about to pocket his lo>iS when tic: bap- ili-s. D-pew \V (liters; and dint filter of separate skirt. I'lease note these week, icnod to bear of a stray cow in the vicinity Ilii'ne.sburg spent Wednesday as the piiest be put into a Jacket to make it a thing new in shapes, French curled plumes, wings, birds, silks, velvets, Fred Dt'llicker is the possessor or n solf- >f Townshury. A little investigation ofMrsJohnMericlc. yood Jacket in every respect: style, j lots carefully. lemins threshing tnacbioc. showed tbo cow to be his and now he will : KU fatten her for the market. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Albert and Miss material, (it, finish. As to price, 'On^ e '"lo't All-wool, ^;c. buckles, etc. Come in and inspect our uoods: we can plense you in T^on Osinun has traded his,sray horse 1 lthini-hn Vioqtn were the Riie-ts of Mi>. for a bluck. JuO^hii; from appearances it The Warren WVnl Working Co. has Edwin Cooke in Hope on .Saturday. that little "let live"- profit is mak• Black Crej^ons, (»)c to $i..\(j. both quality and price. "... , " . is a j*ood roadster. topped out its new brick stack and is now taking use of it. It is a very tine structure Marshall Cool lost a valuable horse Ssit- • Zibalin Venetians and Broad Misses Cor.i Marlatt and Aniandu Hipp irday morning. ,: this yarmeiu section famous. Dress Coods. , viaked Mrs. A. Dauley last Thursday. nd stands S3 feet high. Margaret, wife of D. C. Gardner, of Airs. George Michaels and dauKhlor, S4.99 buys a line one. Cloths, suitable for tailor- Clam, visited with friends .in Ilrrm-ninyoii <.>!•?-> *yi;\& i;i .Biack.B:i!!ia:itine Cloths,! =^=~~.~--U Raubsvllle, Pa., died on the ;2nsh inst., buys ;t rc^uhn Si^ coat... made suits, 99c. *Xi W' We have a new line )f consumption. The family formerly in..day. \Vard Kitchen is now working fit Fnink- Henriettas and Crepons. ived in Belvidere. Come mid sin-. I Warm Winter Underwear. -r ^HUMPHREYSHUMPHREYS' The creamery at Delaware will not be 111 Furnace November holds the record for Jackets sold nt sheriff's sale, we understand, on ac- lil'iert Albtirtson spent Thursday in New :ountofan arrangement with the credi- Vork. - Your Child's CoatCoat.. j " " M. • ... . , , , 'VETERINARY ;rSPECIFIC, Milk IV S \ tJiHierwL'ai' selling. We're stocked for UuliesanJ duldren, and Capes in Astraklian d\~\i.\ Plurapeof a pen or anytbini; tliat would to suit :i!l prfcfS. Also infants': Don't confound this with 25c indicate who a ut it. week visiting his son in Kast Slrouusburji. week. The price? are rigin. The announcement'was made some dnys Mi*. J. if.'Piiiur.vWUl with friends 111 coats. • ...... : underwear. ce'iti .tfjoby certain local |>:ipors that Miss Sil- iew York recently. • I Also wool, par.', wnni and union Ginger Snaps, Lemon, Oyster and Soda Crackers at 5c p'er pound. MANKK. Skin Jlisei^c*. '•.. licllelford.tliiuglitcrui .Mr. and Mrs. Kd- C.I, Davenport has been nt l[(ipe car-' Waists and Petticoats. j ward Beii'urd. rind W. Stevens Mitchell of biiturliig the pust week. suits. • .1. K. »n\n rn\i)IT:0X. Swrlnc Coat, . Ready-to-wear.. ..Waisis uf ..wool j_. They are yoml nrul freu, were ensaged to he iii*tr- Jatues liisk ims returned humc from New •'••"• • -MliN'S L'N1>U[*\VI:AI<. • CCBD"> •••'-•use, Ton- Specifics•"•-M.ltook, Book, J&c, gr. ricd. Sli-s Ilelford danie* the statcmeiit 'si.-i or ••I'lii prciiiUU on recoli>t of prlcu. Hope where he has been making barrels and silk. Ready-to-wear I'etticoais ,ch; ey*Sinhl1 Medicino C e fie. Cor. :ecoli>William&.lQ)it of n and sn.v.s they UVL not entratied. Heside.^ for iiver two months. ' . '"" , , . , ; . . . 1 The article sold last winter at Vnrl1 iMedicin Ve fie.R Cor HI . William&.lQ)iST FIIEKn weiinderstmii that Mitchull is marriod of all knuls of popular materials j 50c, this season we can of- rli. VCTKUISARV HI.U-TJ.U. SENT FIIEK having rtcently taken unto him.'uli'a wife. A Ml'i' And Death l-'i^lil. Ho presented Miss IJotford with a hand- Time and worry saved here. Yes; j fer you at 39c. "12 Broad street, j SERT0TI8 BEBILITYj: e dinnioiid rinfr, mid iit'ler his innrrinije Mr. W. A. Mines of AlnnuheHtur, la., ; E. Wasliinyton Aw. writintr ui' hid alinoHt mintciilous escape- 75c value at 50c. -..•--..: 110 ti MIHH Vti^niiz 'oHiietl uml denmnduil U" antl money saved too. 'VITAITWEVKNESVITAITWEi S " [return of tl:e riiu; tut he didn't get it. from ilciitlideath,, ».ysmvs: "BxnosurBxponuroc after mciwlrmt'iitleas Alsoali-wuol in red and natural. lixluccfl aoriuiH luni ti-oulile, wliloli omlwl From 50c to S5.0Q. «nd P'rbstraLioa from Over- Mrs. aeorau'-Mttcrmiui, recently de inOutiiiuiipU'in. 1 liuil frequent """'"'• ilyot'k1 or, other causes.. • iftiised, left fill her veal and purHonal pro" rliii"..siuul UHIIBIIWI ills'" "'"' -e \]rdi on|y Our Hats are noted for iheir .rare beauty and ele- ket in the gance, trimmed as only our skilled, trimmers can trim very latest at them:'eacirone-is^partieular..work-of•• art; every one. : ; ^JfZl: ™~- ' ^^Z^^:r^l 'E2^ ',^««•.1.™.« !J; WARREN .HITS, AVENUE! ««««»««« r llu^c J.ivs slloiilj" bc.abit; , " Swwiirl He'itzmui's" new l.mi U r.i|.iilly | ivil.'i^.Sil'.oIlTf,"' diiyfc ""'' "'' '"" '"' DUO AH HIT P BOILERS. , «ild«iVly.»Lfwo«jii ... . .^.ml lo I'.eatins your Incise willi sU'^ni'wiin'l c<\$\ you aceiU.'VVe have : • Jcr: timt* is nioneyVMuiiJtirs Thosale;*if the PeUyTurin, wiiiuli wn« I Uiontliiv wwi removed Ity Dr. 1. have been held this f• U'd tii do you.rgn.od wiirlc, Mrs. Wm. Wenta returned home iiisr and Wlre'offering biggei-vaKies than ever before- • Thursday .after, .spending a forlni^ht witiv \viit:ih't?t;,in erectini;


IMIILL1PHISUKG. UAINKSIIUUO. William C. Drake expect* to erc«L asU>n The revival meetings have commenced NEWS MHIIB. and residence In Trenton. and we hope a Urge numtier will Inke A City Department Store Chariot Stout nnd Miss Nellie Fnrnen part. ... were married in New York about a month Charles Hsiiute mnde a huNtnesw (rip to When Money ago and have begun housekeeping at lilalrstown and vicinity on Hulurdny. Mr*. Ocorgo V. Wallace of Kaston IH Manning Cbamberlin and Indy spent in Washington. spending this week with relntivert In towir. Frank ilnst, sun »f Samuel II. Hast o Wednesday at Stroudsburg, Pa. is due under a Life Tlio union Thanksgiving ttervlcea will ho Mlirord, forme- ly of this place, died 1: A caucus was held at Columbia on Sat- The store at No.:, West Washington avenue, known as held this year lit the i'mibytcrlan church; Mil fur d on Monday of lasL week. urdny, when Henry Buck WHK elected a preaching by Itov. Mr. Johns. Mm. Albert Heath lion moved IWm. Kile; member of the Democratic County Kxe- Insurance Policy it W. W. Cliristine's Sporting Goods and Confectionery Store, cutlvo Committee. I Tho Lord'a .Supper will ho ndinlnlHlcrcd and Fillmore streets to I-ewIn street. is not only a sporting goods and confectionery store, but aIn tho Wrvubyteriiii) church next Hutiduy; Mrs. Adam Wagner entertained a larg A few from thin place ut ten dud the preparatory service Saturday nL2;'J0 p. tn. party of friends nt her home on Lew. socials on Thursday night at Mnrkshoro SHOULD BE PAID .HillHedged Department Store in itself. For instance: L. Milton Wilson was chosen County Kx- street Thursday niyht. and nt Portland. j In our Sporting Goods Department ' In our News Department ccuiivoCoiiinilUcunint] by the Democrats Cotiociltnau (I. (!. Strykcr hits move Miss Emma Kyman of Mnrkitmrn and' PROMPTLY. on Saturday. Crotu iSS Main street (nto hi* new rtsfrfenct Mis* A mi la TUuiiif) of Walnut Valley corner of Hudson and Main .streets. spout thti hitter piirt of last week with i-an be found everything In'the Sporting '. qn he lounJ all Hit- daily 'paper Tho lecture courno will open un Dec. lint, such as Guns, Killes, Aininu- tlitlatcsl periodicals ol the day. Tlio llrHt IH tn »o given by Lteut. Andrea Frederick Fisher IT having a (Uvctlhij and Kcmeaiit Heoves. who accoiupmilcd trccteu on Fillmore street. Prank and Jacob B. Beck have been lininediale ^"pay- nllion of all kinds, I lunlers'Costumes,: —— - • •"-'•' over ttio mountain the pii.nt week buying tho V, H. Army to tho Philippines nnd Joseph A. Uutz and .Miss Cliri.sH'u tieli fur. They returned Saturday night with l-isliiiiK Tackle, Baseball rjcnids, Football' Our Toy Department took piiotoffjMplin of things of iuterust. Imnl, hoth of Phillips•uirf,', we*e weddei large load. In PhEIndelphiii nhout six weeks :if,'wn, iHNpoiidiiig it week's vacation wttl N">"i"K I oys of every description. In this depart- George i'ieraon. " on a charge "f owirinu and mainUiitih fj Ills parents here. invariable rule with >:ooJs stores in l.-irne cities. • ineut will also be fmind Go-carts, K.vpres: Kr.ink Everett spent Sundny with his n'ckel-in-the-fdot Kiiiiibllnjf mnchines. The parents in Uolvtderu. warrant \vn» insned by 'Stiuiro Van Billi ird John Gardner, formerly of Columbia b WiiKons. Sleds, Velocipedes, tic. on n charge hroiiffht by Charles Sitcreaves now of Newark, was In town on Hun day, In our Musical Department Mr. and Mrs. Win. Ulrd of Wont Now woo alleges th'it he Uwt over 52OOplayinir Mrs. William Mericleand daughter Olla THE PRUDENTIAL. Brighton, Htatt-'n Iiland, are spending a the machines. cnn he ImmJ anytiiiiiK that a musician In our Stationery Department Tew days with relatives hero. of Hope, Hniiiit Sunday with Mr. nnd Mrs About 150 mcmSeni of the lire depart- Dopue Walters. sires. Vinlins, Comets, l-'lutes. Piccolos. |,,. a full line of Ho.v Po|icr. l-iiv iK S. Poyer had the good luck to OT 1VC catch a lino red fox on Monday. rnunt dttdtided Horviccsat St. Uukv'nRplH- The correspondent of the Apollo, wri copal church Sunday night. ig undur the Hnineiburg heading, hui Music Boxes, Oamnphones and Gr.iplio- |0|WSi p.ijs, Ink, Pens, Pencils, etc. Mr. and Mrs, John W. I'lurmin Kpeut lust Tho High Sehnnl foot Im 11 team was de-misrcprL*.s<>ntvd our people and mnilu him Write for Home Office phones. Instruction Honks for every - ...... week with relatives at Juhnsorisburg. feated by the Nativity Guild eluven of self ridiculous. He cjiieslions tlio truth Mr.AndMrH. f!«.»rKO W. PiV.-toii wore about the Apollo'ilHtliiill clrculttloil lion musical instrument made, .-nui .ill new aaj |n aur Confectionery Department Houth HnthlRhum nt itittersvlllc on Satur- Particulars. Newark, N. J. Friday guests of Mr. mid MM. Marshall day. Score US lo(). There nre not over three pnylng Mihtcri The Prudential np.to.J.ite Sheet Music. .. can K-found ;ill kinds ol Chocolates, Uon Mi blur, nearHpringdule. ers, Indeed if thtrn arc that ninny. Tho football elevens ofthe ,. , JOHN P. DRYIIEN, Preildent. LESLIE D. WARD. Vice Pres't. , _ , , „ , , Bons, Cream' and Mixed Candies of all W, CClarl k Kiiineney ilas spspendingg aR Toow dnvdavnn Atlethic Club nnd tho South SIdu Athletic Miss tlntllo Walters of Columbia spei •ithhii»._ ._ t._ s pn ... iH., * \tr. . ani d»•_ _Mrs nr. Wmji . U.Club met at South Iviaton on Saturday. Sunday here with her parents. EDOAR B. WARD, id V. Prci't .nil Ccun.tl. F0RRE5T F. DRYDEN. Secretary. In our Smokers Department ki,,Js. A f.iiiassortmentoi tiiecdei.rated Kinnoy, a ib The latter team won by a Hcoro of 15 to 0. Mrs. Jncob Andrefls was on the sick If A. V. 1.UNOEP, Asst. Supt., Broad St.—Washlnirtan Ave., Washington, N. J. can be found the leading brands of Tu- [jnvney cindies. In this department \vi! Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Gardner of Doliuvi.ro Abratn Vail died at Quakertown on Sat- itt week but is recovering slowly. t>.i«o and Ciiiars, ami a lull line ol Pipes also he'found a full line of Fruits. Nuts and \lr. and Mrn. B. Savacoul nf Vail pann- urday. Mm, Ogdun Brands was taken very nlci ed Sundny hero ns the RucstH of Mr. and from Ihe I'est lo the cheapest. etc. 7 Thirteen coal nnd two froicht cars were on Ttiursday night and it was Hoinetlmi Mm. Oerjihmn l'«rr. illed up on the Central road near Hi\>U 'iclbre she was ablo to speak. Or. [leek o The secret of our success in building the trade of this Mr. and Mrs. UerHham Parr spent Satur- FIridpe early Monday morning. The wreck 'ortlaud was called and tdie was ublu to bt day In I'orthtnd where they attended thu was caused by tho hronkbjr or mi nxle. around again on Saturday. Department Store is the low prices and courteous treatment unertilor his mother, Mrs. Stistui Parr. Through trains wero run over the Luhfgti Communion service nnd a general lovi Her n«e WHS 71 years, 3 months and ISValley until tl;o wreck was clenred. feast will be held in our church on Sui our customers receive. lay«. You are Invited cut to Dinner Wm. Brituner Rtid Frank Roukc are em- day. Rev. Piper wfil call the names of ii ployed at Morris Plains by Contractor Bd- the in cm horn of the church and it is hope llr I'Vuli'il llu' Sui'sentis. wnrd Mcllale^ who Is building a etono tun- thHt they will take an active part. on Thanksgiving tlay. Of course you will accept thu invitition to cut W. W. CHRISTINE, All doctors told Rentak Hamilton, of nel between the buildings of the asylum, Mr. and Mr*. Andrew Smith spent Sal Went Jefferson, 0., lifter sulfuring IS The Loliifih Valley It. II. Co. b«9 pur-urdny and Sunday with relatives i turkey .a nil criinberry suuee, but you ;iro in a quaiuiary Opera House Block, WashinKto'n. N. J. tnoutliH from Keulal Fistula, lie would die chased fl tract of 15 acres of land inSwninp- Utroudsburg, miens a costly O|it-ntt!rni wns pertiirmed; town. It is believed they will erect a Mrs. A. D. Cornell of ^HII water spent •iithe cured hliusdf with live boxes .of, round house and repair shop there. few days lust wuuk with relull?e.s nea WHAT TO WEAR. l.uoklen'H Arnica Silvu, tint surest Pit. The Lebigh Valloy Itnilrond bridge at »wn. mreon e»r(ti, and itie best Stive in tinGreen's Bridge In being widened to support A person of prominence who visited nu World. !»-. cents a box. Sold at F. N,Hnother trHck. school not long Ki nee siid It WHS one of thi I.ft us assist you—then you will sec that, while your appearance kins' Warren County Drugstore. JesBe Smith of i'urael Hill while walking most progressive and orderly schools thai irom the Vulcanite cement works toward he had visited in it long while. Gro»t s a very essential thiny, our plan of properly dressing is very simple SOME TEMPTING Ii is home Monday nignt wan struck by a reditisduo our teacher, Charles Haase, ASIJUKY. Central train. He was knocked down the who is having a very successful yenr. n itself. Mr and Mrs .iainus Cuin of .Hnmurvllli bank but escaped without nerious injury. Rorbach & Reck, our popular hlack- id Krimk CIllisui of Change water havi James Hinder-ton WHN attacked nnd imlth?, have disposod of their immenae OUR SUGGESTION— '.ecu gncits nt the home of T. l-'rank Caw robbed off 23 by two highwaymen Monday ieap of old scrap iron. BARGAINS IN SHOES ley during the pust week. night, while he was on his way home from Suit $12 00 E'''ler a three-button black cutaway frock- ' • • A very |)1en«nnL home wedding tuok htoerocfiryntore. He livea at Dempster's I'OltT OOLDKN. Although the prices of shoes are still udvuncin;! we have )lace at the home of Mr. nnd Mrs. James Park. He was making a short cut across coat, vest and a pair of neat striped worsted I. Shipiinin lust Wednesday morning, the track and when near the Hess resi- Mr. and Mrs. J. 11. Woolston of E.- some bargains to offer hoth ladies and gentle nun. These vim., their daughter. Miss Kl/zabeth, UNB dence ho WHS struck a blow behind the ear Orange were at S. B. Opdyke's over Sun- trousers, or a fashionable stripe four-button sack- mited in marriage to John Ii. Tigar. The A hand w-u pluced over his month while day. jg goods are not shop worn nor shoddy stuff and cost more, •ere'tiony wan performed by Itev. I\ B. his pockets were rilled. Mr. nnd Mrs. Whitman of Cainmal, Pa suit, beautifully tailored and superbly lined and iennt'dy. JJinnor WAS .nerved, alter wh.cn tfr. and Mn. V. IJ. Whitman und Mrs. J ..52 th.in tile prices quoted, to manufacture. Call and lit- ujuviiia-d. Mr. and Mrs. Tigar left amid n shower o Greenwich Council, Royal Arcnnutn, has J. Crnnsand dnughtcr, Francis, of Change- finished. •' ' ,; ' , iut; on tjie 1.03 train for Newark nnd othci paid to Mrs. Laura Sterner {3,000, the water recently visited nt Joseph Lee's anil Light shades in coverts or a handsome blue or [2] Women's Dongola, kid lined, opera toe, lace; regular ilnc-es of inte cst. Hoth young people are amount of insurance carried hy her hus-willed on other friends in town. Top Coat band in that organization. Messrs. David Nunn, Elijah Cravatt a 7.50 IS $2.50, at $1.98. ighly respected, and their many friends ). C Bla/.er have been entertaining com- jxtend tlit! r congratulations and best .any from out of town. hlack beaver, silk shoulder and sleeve linings. fjf) Women's Box Calf, welt, lace5 regular $3.00 at $2.25. .vishes. Messrs. J. M. Marlatt and D. C. Bla/er Derby Harry Uitnklc and family of PMlnlleli JUNCTION. lave returnerl from n week's visit in and Hat 190 blacAk correc or brownt cop.y of Dunlap's latest block, in fej Women's Dongola, patent leather tip, weH.'buHoni re beinc i-nturtiiitifd this week at the Mm. John M. Bowlby is visiting at Pat-nbout NeA-ark. i"ine of his mothei', Mrs. Kli/.nhet' tenburg and Little York. Genuine Mocha or one-button kid. fe regular $3.00, at $2.25. {unkle. Miss Harriet Transue spent Sunday out David Insulm and family expect soon 1.00 ffl Men's Box Calf Bals. in Tan and Black; regular $4.00, Mrs. Win. Ptites of your borough ha of to-vn. move to near Vienna oiu on es n;l le een spending ;i few days with her dau>;li- iss Mary Dalrymplo is visiting at Tiie boys helped to celebrate thu return Neckwear 50 l* ' T' ' " *' popular colors; Ascots g' at $2.98. er, M-s. P. J. La Ktow. Springtown. if Mr. and Mrs O. C. Breitner from thei ;••or Imperials; correct patterns. .Miss Lillian Riehey.whu has been spend- Mr. and Mrs. Inouc Chamberlin of Bnv- redding i Hp. 2j! Men's Patent Leather, opera toe, Bals.; regular $3.00, na .some time with tier sister in your bor- onne City passed Sunday at A.-Waidman's. The Port Colden and ChangiiWatc. iij;li, rettirnud home on Sunday. .'hureheH will unite in a donation for their The Outfit 22.90 W at $2.19. Communion service will be'held in theuastor. the Rev. O. M. West, next Wcdnca- T IT. Tliompsnitjind brirlx r>f Uiis Valley Presbyterian church on Sunday lay evening, De-ember iith, at the parson* S Men's Calf Welt, opera toe, Bals.; regular $3.00, at nirfr, N. V., ami Byron Thompson of morning. Preparatory ssrvice on Satur- ige and basement of the church. All are Come in and let us assist you in selecting a proper outfit, in prop- tlendhaiu were entertained at the Ii >me day at 2.30 p. m. nvited to tioine. If stormy it will be hcli if their parents, Mr and Mrs W. H. Miss Jcnnje Thomson and Walter Crater ' erly made cjotliing for all occasions. No trouble to .sho.\v.our.clothin»: hompson, frnni Knhirr|;iy nnril TIIPrrs Dr. II. rr. iladeu, Summit, Ala., snya, Thanksgiving service will he held in tin Robert Hance of Jersev are visiting .Mrs. "I think Kodol Dyspepsia Cure is a splen- Presbyterian chape* l on _Thanksgivin . . . g D. P. Nunn. ' did medicine. J prescribe it, and my con1 -night. The seiirvice will begin at 7 o'clock There will be a cineograpli eiitc-rtiiin- fidence in it prows with continued use.' prompt. inent in the church on December 12th. GOOD COAL SELLS WELL. Washington 5 and 10 Cent Store* It digests what you eat and quickly cure The Oriental Court or .the Jr. O. L\ A, Sirs. Kenjamin Opdvke is visiting rela- dvspepsi i and indigestion. F. N. Jenkins 1 That's one ol the rewards of the dealer who keeps it. That's why Warren Comity Drug Store. M. visited the Washington court last Fri- tive. * at Chester. Line of New and Popular Books. day evening and took part in the parade. Mrs. Henry Starker entertained Mi: :hings are rushing with us. Many from town accompanied them and Josie Opdyke of Brass Castle and Mrs. L. The more our Real Upper Lehigh "coal is tested, the longer our list Everything in the way of Brushes. '1 reported a glorious time. W. Rush of Glen Gardner on Wednesday PKEB UNION. Appropriate exercises for Thanksgiving oflnst neck. if patrons, grows. It can't be otherwise. The caa! is so thoroughly More Fancy China. .Mr. and Mrs Wm. Moore were inie.->ts of Day were held fu our school on Wendes- vorthy; so free from slate and clinker and dirt, that its superiority is day afternoon. Otif hundred-piece Dinner Set on nnr Ten.CetH counter..... Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Wildrick at Towns- GLI-3N (JAKDNEB, ipparent to even the most casual observer. bury on Sunday. The Jr. O. U. A. HI. worshipped at ...„ Jacob Groft" has moved from Ju,.~ Beautiful Assortment of Glassware. Albert Wildrick of this place and Luther M. E. church lost Sunday morn inn and Smith's farm near Bell's crossing and occu- We don't say it's best possible because we sell it—we sell it be- We have occasioned surprise and delight in our Major of HuttzuilU; were guests of Mr. and listened to an excellent sermon by the pas- pies a Lackawanna uou&e in Junction. Mrs. John Lommasou at iiarker's Mill on tor, Rev. Geo. Angleman. ause, after exhaustive tests and years of experience, we found the Department of Special Bargains, -- Sheriff Freck visited town Wednesday ' to BE best. "•• •••'•• '•••• '• - • : •• -Sunday. . Mrs. Geo. Hummer of Elizabeth is thenight, the 22d. On his return to Clinton 'wnere a rare assortment of Imporled Ware lias been selling at less than halt wholesale Mrs. Philip Hopkins i,s r House at Washington, Commissioner Tuuison has rep*ired tho ^viiBB, Snipped on lQilaye teat trill in your own homo under our reliable Kuarmtee of lu yrs.T.;. ""MissClara Parks was:tiie piiest of Mr.and was one of their wealthiest citizens. walk leading from Main street to tho 5}Ho satlafactlon, no pay. Organs frum S2G. Upwordn. Pianos from $16'). upward a, Writt-f* Star and Tri-Wcekly Tribune, $2.25. and Mrs. Lewis Smith at Townsbury on A law suit is now'pe.'idinfr between the de- Presbyterian church. A good walk should -'TO-DAY for Catalogue Buy direct and o»vo money, n. W. ALLEOER, Wasliincton. Now Jemey.™ aaturdny. " ... ceased and the City of New York for bo provided leading to every church in DeWittHowell of Hope was a caller in about $70,000 for contract work on thetown. He also has built another piece of Four papers a week in either instance, or 204 papers a year. aci[ueduct. A widow, two sons nnd ballast rond. town recently. He must have some special daughter mourn his loss. The funeral s.. attraction over this way.; vice wns held in St. Ann's on Saturdayand Game is mighty scarce in this neighbor- nterment in Manslleld cemetery on Si 'iood and few hunters aro out. day. Jesse Smith has moved on bis farm. Watches, Clocks A wreck occurred on the C. K. R. "< The house of Mrs. Conrad Fritts on Belt DO avenue was entered Thursday night, tho Rocky Run, on Monda*" ' y morning" . No one 23, by some unknown person. Nothing was hurt. has been missed but things in the lower and Jewelry r part ofthe house were left in a disorderly NOT way. A new and icomplete line just UPPBU HAKJUONY. Alex. Anderson of Mt. Lebanon vicinity Cnnuniinion service will bo held in tliu i-as iii town Saturday. put on display,'including many THINK Presbyterian ohurch next Sunday morn- inc. articles particularly nice for that because we're located oft Jown pi response 10 ima ntiTcr- Mr. nnd Mrs. Howard Pnr.soll of Gnrpen- MONTANA. the street \ve do not carry :tn up-to- a DISCOUNT E WILL -ship a Cornish Piano or Cornish teravillo ppont Sunday with her "parents, Mrs. Harvey Cole has been visiting her Holiday presents/ My prices >t 910.00 on tho list prlcen'nB quoted tn date grocery stock or do nol do any WlMCMMOBt.0o1.M7 CORNISH W Organ anywhere upon the distinct under- Mr. nnd Mrs. Pelcr Suiltb. sister at Port Morris and Newark. ORGAN or $•».<» on tho list prices if Mra. Wm. lliley is confined to the house Miss Flora Hush will leave for|Easton on are unusually reasonable. business. Your, first visit.to the « .oubavr. CORNISH PIANO. standing: that if it is not satisfactory to purchaser. with the grip.: ••tir.AVea~ """ t of.Phi-----l lip- s burg is Deo. 1st...... • __-.- BLUE FRONT might surprise you. j after 12 months' use, we wiii take it back 'n nttondanco. Mrs. Aiuzi Rush and daughter FIOBSIO Union Tlmnks»iving aervieus wilt bo led have been visiting at Stewartsville during We mention here just a few.ar- < nnil refund imrchrtno inDnoy, fn-lcht clitircra tinil eli tier cent Intircit by Rev. A. C. Covey 111 the Presbyterian thefpnst week. 0. B. HULL ] l'li.VM, ol iloliicbuslnwji, iliiriiip HIP tliiKithin n«Ily wmulcrfiil uircr lini* tides to try to c;itcli your attention. \ been in force, nnil thu ininii«lm(o mict-fsMof tlilHlron cliul minranwii ilcclilpil church. Henry Allsliouse met with a serious ac- un to contliiuo It so tliuUliouiundj moru fan |inrtiul]Kitu in Its ulijcut of Win. Riloy in building a large ice house. cident on Saturday last. While on bisWatch and Jewelry Repairer of 35 IXSIIUIKU THK PIlltOlUKKIt OK A COIINLSH I'UXO Oil -1 way to Stewarlsvillo the pin holding the COUiClII 01UlA.iVAaAI.NST ANY.RISK. It wwlit he R'nib Lommnauii wpent Suiulny in South whifI1fltr.m.pn!fio..oiit letting, it strike the B«StOIl.; -:.,. :---;...... ,.-...-;.,.-,.::...: :i. .-•• " inrsns' liecla causing them to runaway. rrnninl fur (wonly-nvc ywirn nml i- Mr. and Mir. Kiefer of Mt. Bethel, Pa., When turning the" corner nt Stewart iiiruntfo i'in!or»i-il hj- iibu>1iii'»H rciiuCi were guests of Air. nnd Mrs. Jesse Hnub on tiiiiOIKdI iiriijitrtiiroptrty north.oviTnorth.OVIT.. \uiillllti mlllltH ill ere g FiliilUntror's. Mit3.wu.uim was- upset throw- ; arc oveiver na QuarteUuartcr off a MillionMillion' satisfieantisrif.dt npurchasu e T Su ndn of th RNISH PIANOS and CORNISH ORGAN ' ""jou Stopp spout Sundny with his pur- encc.dislcciting both wrists and breaking t ind.crushing hisjiosc badly..;_-_-- — :— : j; AberVannatta "aiici daiighterCarritf of "niirvey DatryiiTple lihs "caught^sinco the FUIJ,PARTICULAHS of tlic WOK I.I» jMountninvills arts visiting his sister, Mrs. ijamc taw opened. 17 rabbits, three pliuas- FAMOUS CORNISH I'J,AN and for n com- Peter Voun^f iits, one. woodcock .nnd nine grny squir- rthe ••• Lev! Unuh/who lifts boon niilleriii^ from by UH, HCC new .Tulillec Cntaloiiini for 1IXM i rheumatism' for imino, time, had n slight Alr. and Mrs. Wm. Loder Visited her HANDNOMlvtV H.I.USTHATKO hi Colors iarents Saturday and Sunday. Blankets, the nmutcoinpr<»'ifii«Ivotmirfrsil i'jitnlpKiu» in tliotrnric, TIIP frniiH«l>! stroke of paralysis lust week. "il|i:iin[iTii-.iti1sli;iii'il HIIIH-MI j Isaac Reed, out" nmil currier, is (ill Mrs: Oscar. Hush visited Mrs. Ann flush i- ''•>!, C'i>(>llln mul (In- Anc smiks-it'd a boy. last week. " •" " " ' -^S nlr." T'llHtH-iuitlfnl rnti'locm* la w-iit Fltiai, c f <> hmliiiln otir novi'l ri'lrivii'-it Ixmk-"Till-! • HrAlET {'•• Extra mooting!* aro oontliiuki^irliiv M.- .,, Miss Ethel Cole Ins tdlui-uad humu iifior Whips• ana Robes, tfrn-ialoirorHfrcc tV*wiUTI3 1 church this week. nonding some time with her sister at. ! White goiiiEt tlirnugli, Lovvor Harmony iIMford. Suhirdny evening, Smmiel Miller's horse Mr. and Mrs. Alvah Beern visited liis THE BLUE FRONT, bficnino frightfiiod, throwing him out and inclo in your borough on Sunday. breaking fclio shaves, hut no serious dam-i " Miss'-" Cora--Beer's1'/visited - Up-to-Date Hardware Store. t L. M. Davis, Prop. nge was done. j |chppl.ul..SLroiidsburg IiMr.:andi-'Mra.: Westlcy" Kinnoy" on tef- j ' tfiiried conynny oh Saturday. : I Washington.. ._. _. ..p..jA —-

?&x "'II. jm*UMIT> wVeSKv THE iVASIIIMiTON STAli, WASHINGTON, N. .1., TllUliSDAY, XOVKMHK15 :«), Ittllt.

WAltltlCN 1WIM3R MILLS. ', It U rumored that a silk mill U about to : bo erected, ESTABLISH CD less. ' Fr>uicta U. Copu of itk'SehvIlioc illedotl «. . , : hi* friend, Paul BachuiHtt, IILHI Satimlfly. THE HOUSE THAT "TACT" BUILT. AAYEKU1Er K CIKCVt.ATWS FOR MX i Cliwsnii'ctliitt was lii-ld lit Hnrry Wai- * ' ' ' .son it home. There \VR* ha UOIKI mtend- This is the house tlv.U "Tact" built. Taci, Webster tells us, is''peculiar skill of fac- .WOATil.S TOJI'.Vi; I. V;. 3,'7'. iUlcu, Great Specials __ „__ . ^ chiei'urapli, htcreoptlcon ami .phono* ulty; nice perception; ready power of appreciating and doing what is required by circum- '•>> L Sintmti* EOITO" AND PKOMKTOK. cra-jib ciiu-rtalnmcnt will be held In \)w H U • chupel on Friday uveninir. Admtalon, stances." Knowing the wants of the people and promptly meeting them has made our store - _-u ndutt.H, 15 ceil*; children, lti cents. The bonnl of education met nt Sprint*- the hub to which bright people wend their steps. > Y£ARSI.50:6MOS.,75c:3MOS. 4CC, loveu on Wiilnvsilrtv. It IWH mincttuiitU for tlie Holidays ^______^. ithu ititrud-n'tlon ol physical geography Draperies and Curtains. Ladies' Desks. , •—•——-—• • • r into our school. We've taught you carefully anil Christmas is coming with giant Thu Huitiiilu of pour Hill Anthony,;There will be "no school next week, Irutlifully in the p;ist 'coikmiinn' strides It ..will ...be Here ..before. •lit- tnUant marine* of the ill filled Uuv. E. J. Heineke oi* the Ureeuwloh Furniture aiul Carpet money s;iv- ; 1 preacht>l1 Ur many are ready unless eyes are Main.', is both »:ul ana shameful- ^fiS^nd^'' ' ' ° AT STRAUS'S I itif;s—now you're proving hy the kept"wide open.' Now is the time .-ciiooi, itKi'Oitr. b -bnm*'fti* tn thiwo hi powurwlio should miner of buys, *ji; ayiility witlt whiclt you come after .to buy, and we will hold your pur- have prrtvlilt'il him with the work ho ivinwr.v>f wirlfi, '-It; uverittie daily iittotiu- A trial order will convince you that we sell Stand- drapery hartfne* of pupils pri-iiMit everv day: the helievinf;. A natural conclus- Hut we started to tell you about t« HHI-T TI. kt'.'j. jtiifi* with tin- Nail i^,, Kra-iiuri. CttUivritiu Froem;;n, ril other house in Washington; ion,! ToJ;iy. we tell of new arriv- Desks; there are several here the \\\KJ.1 I'ruH* hu-. suMM one dollar Mxrtln, I.i^tLr Cruu-c, V. irl Krti'iunii, als that ^o to itii»meiit tliis already HiaiUeiVal specially low prices, be- a thuusimi feet to tin' frii-t* <>f boards, Arthur Hull'. Wm. Hull, l/utiV-rl Hull. Dried Fruits. New California wonderful drapery line: cause we have only one or two of 1-iiiu- lint!', ll'tlit-ri (lutl.tt tyiuoiui tClti:lit'ii, it kind. Genuine, worthy Desks— wlik-h i* jii!*t hull' thr iimouia >»f the .iiiiwn Miiriln. Wm. KUtilk* mirt Win. New I,eiihoni Citron. f5<. Canned Goods. Nottingh;jm Curtains in eau aiul wliite. prot'1'"'^'*" duty, ih'iici; ilu;tv i!*,r**i>n* U >vvl;iinl. C.MMttK It. MKVi'Un.'lV.mher. the kinds coming in lo take their Ciliiornnt Apricots, t7c c*\n. ! ritese arc now made so well tliat they for n jstill ilirUur ativunee in \>nw. OtMii^e t'efi, 14c. can scarcely Iv distinguished,twin teal places are no better, they only ne- whieli will pro'.t.ibiy not In* lorn; di- " I'LMCIK'S, 17C CAW. i.ices. Scores ot attractive doii;!!-. ioii- long t" a larj.'i-r family. Get iiiyt'ti. vtau y.-.ir »i:o thr price i>f win- Nam:•»' of pnpil-t 'prtst-nt uvirry iliy: jg Lemon I'LVI, I4<. l:g;» Plums, /7cc;in. tating Htnssels i'oint—at 75c. fl.oo. Christmas in your minds and sec Clir.-1101'K, HMwul!,t.iwrviti:i>»!.Kfiln'fll.; ?i.2;. $.!.oo, up to s;.oo a pair. •nils w.is twoefiit.-* .» jiuiimi, bin theriiii*. I'. Frill-.. JoM'pn Mult, Piitlij. l-'iW.i \r\v Hv.u\>uU\! Apricots, these Desks. Trti.Htli»»*^r.'wt:dii up !*• iV>»r r.-nt-* ('(ir.-j. I.iKvc. t>,('!ir SiiiiiH't>, W.irroti W«t-: !Iu!:!i.-.t \et CiLitains—tin* very iale>l Wliitf Cherries," styles at pipular prici-s; pt-tliaps the ii vound. What ht-twivii wu' l.imihiT !i»r, C.irl suikp, Cit.i>. S Shcttnfstr, Sirnh j A full uo/en styles to select ••1 1 M. Il.ic»i Huth A. 11.11'hiu.tn, ltUl\iIf,; 25c can. most JnratMe t'.nrtai >•- lor tlie inom-y •• Trust, :hy N.'H Tnmt und tiu> (.Uuss* Sitr.id DtvH, Jeimii- l>r.uity ittid K. 15. Ih. ?!.?? to JIJ.CO a pair. from Trust, the pt'Op'f of tliw i-ountry who lil.uiclit: Huuhi*. Thtru wire in<»n • ? Ih can Baked Btsins. 5c. > k.v ihK nitinth i»mn iiny • . wUh lohuild tht msi>lvcs new uwclUn^ ; Ihcun Hein/'s B.ikt.\l Beans. ALL AT ••••'} i tin-.» . iu« it»t tii.fi.:[ puiiilo. We pi;-. or to repair old om^ are In^innisst,' ti> 20:. l:;in.-y Sev.ii-JKMi>ins, /2cpkn realize of tin- I'tingU'y t.u'itV! I'iiihi. 5 Ih cull V.YMW ChowJei, /5c itiMM-:. hv;\por.ik\i \ppR*s, 13c pkn. F"orcJ Sc Fleming's llooorrt. 2 IhsR.U.Plum I'iuU!inji,33c. Mi)-. M.irv SAM.V/V of U.M.iii^-. !'.(., i* t b Xcw C..iii!orai.i i'lunvs, 6c \b. here o!) ii vi-u. Tin- fumily u.niitrly livcil 5 Ib pail Hmok's Mince Meat, FURNITURE AND CARPET WAREROOMS, A DAV UK I'IIA>K>. h«re. i:\tr.i l..!'.'"i- C.\!ilornia i'niiK-> 1 63c. Ai:otht;rThiitiks^ivini; day hn^ ftmn» Uw. Mr. ll.f_Mr:v;-ilioMiiij: TH\UA\ **ir- 9c Ih iotiARiid.il .i« nn't-t tluit for a britt* vii<^fni>iuUjt'iKKiTi;tmr(;ti. BrickV Mince Me:it, J2< Ib. Washington, N. J. A wiMitUTful iutiTvxt is btinc uiunilWftl - Cif.tne;! Cur:.mi-, 9a Ih. ^HjHon the people ot Wsisniit^iou ami itt tilt- revival M-rvii't'S delii tn ttu> V'nn>tiuti i Butter, Cheese and Lard. 1 ; of the county shall oiler thanks to Al- eSiurch bv (lie Uuv. Mr. 1,'ri^uV. Ik i^ Smoked Meats. mighty Cod for tho hWinjM which iis-iMuU liv !{«•.•. M. V. Kroiik <»!' W.islihiq-! Fine.-t l-lgin Creamers--But- [on. [). C, whose powtrr uiitl iibiHf.v as a i He:.; SuL';ir Curt'vl Hums. I2< ter, 25c Ih arc our portion. !« o!l'erinf;thiA tribute sptMk'.-r li.u-i! not n«i-1 'heitrinn ihb town ! to th-> Creator let it be the exuri'swion fur a l(Mii,'tiiiK'. Throucti liisL'll'tri.-iiiiny I Finest Full Cream Cheese wuls hiive iitfn brought n» ttio Imht. Tiio \ W Best Caiitorifu twins. Sv. IK Whilv Hose. /6c ih. of the I*OH! und. nut tnoroly pcriinictory mtt'iiiiti!. will continue al! this wvoic. j (leferenctv to a miUtcr of furm. No Tlie t•omiiiihonors of Appual -nt at \ Best BrctklaM U.K'on; II: ib; ImptviteJ S«i>s Clu-t-cVWc. matter what the year past had •given Uundtu's on Tuesday. . j Bc>t I'lLkek-oS-iltPark,^ Ih. Ki>i.|tielort Cheese, 43c Ih. or taken from us: whether it ha* left L'tudlurd Andrew uUemk-d the liore 1 Minster Cheese, 20c !h. us sorrow or gladness.there -.houlil .-itill s,i!i-ln New York lunt wt'cl; iin-l brought 1 Hot Siiiutu -.! lk-i'f SIKVJ-, Uonicii line trotter. j be a sense of overwhelming gnititiule 26V !l\ Best Leaf L.i.-J. 9c Ih; ; Ihs tnwnrd the Maker and Giver of itU. H.'t.Mida-ifi. SIJO \\-r Ui\. fur 25c. Let us, too. on this day roniembt-r The Jr, (V T. A. M Httt'tinVd tliu amuiiil i CN.D.I l.ird, 7^ !i-. Coffees. those who are in want, perchance l;i*it riiiiiiJuy iintrriin^ umt lis'tiiiud to ivn ] Teas. through nu fault of their own. WeapprojirinU'HLTIIIUII by Rev. Mr. llauorty. j Htnesi l.iv.i :itul Mociia C^ should remember and aid them at nil 25c: ^ ll-.-i tor SI.IS. ( hlr wc times, but on this Tiianksgivinjr duy u; years, rciurm'ii to tla- Wwt this ivock. I Htnest-M.iriic.iih'>. pe'f IJ- 39c. let us heap full the measure of our I'M* I" i'i» llr»' vislt i-in™ '"•' l«" '!'« st"u'- ; lhs'foi;.?Sc. ./.<* good wishes to them and tit the same Hinest Kio, pe•>-"..'--/•?.•; Ihs 49c. time extend the material help *o nui'ih nnil "pie soy till" in ttio bsisunicnt of the tor- 65c. r-'tnest C.-\l IV.. at 53. ito lay the foundation for :-i.h"mo. All rivj property i\itu southwest of Fisher Aw.'; known needed. : church, Cnvun, cake nnd otherdulicutitcs will uls j be survfid. i as the Drake Estate, will be sold on the lvsi lilvral proposition ever irmle. Double The criticism of Admiral Uewey't* HiiW Arr Your Kliltn-yn ( "i lots ,ii x JOO, .1>I25 ; $2 down. 50c weekly. This property is .situated on a hi;-;h command- 1 DAVID M. STRAUS, aec in transferring the title of his home nr. H..b^V-^y:w!^I';!!>w prices aand on tii terms we offer this . tract, com- Ko h no {i.iuper living on public Mrs. JimiBS Shannon nml tlaitghter, Ks- tt*ll:i.wore tiuosts liiht .NVciiiiO.sil.ty at J..s, i pares with it. • ""*bounty."•""' "" • — •--" •"••- -••'••••, ; Frankantl Arthur Duvia mid Mrs. Gco. ( r "••;\6'iniefeM 'i^^ aureement. to ni'i'o^i-: <;i)Ai. 'ntisr. I" ^t'ltrin^' ruiuructi to their home, in ttit; | city last Tuursdiiy. I j For nil cash a discount of n> per cent, will be allowed. HefePring to the Wyoming .x Wesl- Amos Kays hud a woou iro'w uuo day' >rn railroad scheme which some time tins week suul cohered in ti hir^u qiiiimity I • Kor further infomintion see DAVID BARTKON. JO W. Washington Ave.. or address ago was-declared abandoned but has •Of WOOil, Mr. und Mrs. S: J. Hi'xon aiwl -iiiiu'4'utur, since revived. The True American; Kate, of Belvidtsre, wore miesttfof Mr. and ID. i£. DRAKE, 120 Broadway, New York. says: ' Mrs. D. B. (.low on Friday. The beat piece of news for the pfio-: Those on the sick Iht at this writiuff nre HIGHEST CASH PRICES pie of this country published in aMrs; . Ftter D. Ilnuids und Miss Anna THE MORRIS COUNTY khas1 never before been so easy great while is the information that the Some of our y 011ns; people :ttt ended the PAID FOR WHEAT, RYE uoal producing companies, outside of pirty at tbts hunie of Mr. and Mrs. Ctmrles for gentlemen' who desire to be welt those owned by the coal railroads, . Khi^it-r in Vail, in honor of llieir diiURbter AND CORN EARS, SAVINGS BANK dressed to do so for :i small'amount have organized to build a new and in- Mrs. Miir»ar«t Ruylhii? and Mm. E. D. dependent railroad from the mines to' Cornell of riiill water p^sed Moiiduy nt the loaded at various points on D. L. & W., MORRtSTOWN, N. J. bomfi of Mrs. i'uter Brands. of money. the seaboard. INCOBPORATED_MARCH 3, 1874. : Miss Mat.'KieUiilk'lorK.Lston i* vifittiis Central of M. J. and L. & H. roads. The causo of this is that the rates of her mother a few dnys. 0VVICV.WS Don't hesitate lo try one of our •coal freight charged these mines have HFNUV W. MII-l.ICU, 1'HKSinKST. Up-to-Date Suits and Overcoats. KST. Write for directions. II. T. Udl.L, SKUH*ilAKV ASt> TltKAil-KKH. enormous price that is charged for; They are modeled on the best lines, coal at the seaboard. It is well known \ lllfiiTu ;u:d you will avoid trouble. Tboy Mller, y y, nrn f.-iiu'itis little pilb fur c-oiihiipation and In daisy wire communication with New York markets. "'-. | t li. Hull, I'liUlii II Hoffman. made from the best fabrics and put Unit-the coal carrying business is in •liver uud bowel iroubjes. Clmrlta Y. SWHO, -M. ».. I'milltovorrt,' the bands of a combine made up very John TiiiitoliiT. .iuKoni' S. Hiirk«. Connected by Telephone with Cummins' Guy Mtuton. tpgethor by the best tailors. largely of railroads plunged to the LOffEU I1AKM0XV. lips in debt and insolvency. To sus- STATEMENT JAN. 1, 1899. If we don't fit you in eyery way Revivrtl servitus are behw continued ASt»BW. tain their existence and to earn divi- thin week. Mw. Mury Powell it. alho in and Long Distance Lines. SeojrHIos t(*U ut juir vtiluu.L Jl^'.'-JtMti '1$ come back and we will make it fit or dends and interest on their bloated Mi«rkiu vultii! of M.»uiirltloh ia osct'rtb Mr«. Critih (tarey_is visitinc her tnother, of (jar value '.'7,710 00 stock and bonds, they . have been Mrs. .Jiilin Milior. iti this place, It will undoubtedly be to the advantage of all farmers refund your money.' obliged to charge extortionate prices Ahorse belomjing to Irwin Miller in for the carriage ol" coal, with another iving within a moderate radius of Washington to consult with.me before selling their grain. RIGHT FITTING the independent- minors. seriously injured.' MinsMary Kinnuy reuinied liijine last 1SI,5IW SS These coal minors expect by theWednctrliiy t7unliiK to spend bur Thanks- r building of eighty miles of road to ilivinir vacation witii her parents, Mr. and '.iiHt.noa as Mrs. H.C. Kinttey, in this place. W, D. Gulicfc lutorwi In ilucltir.-.! ami \\n\A t utiry uad /mite an independent lino, and mar- ' .Tuly nf Biw:)i your from Hit; ITDIUJ i rv! ket their coal at a fair profit on cost I Otis »ls iiioutli-'' Inislmwrt. 11 ti •n>f..t«. ..Washington Lumber Yard and Grain Depot. •niM.->-ltn iniidp uii or oei'-m! ilio :V\ tliij- of of mining and tlie yozt of transporta- n?lui-;ili- V.inr iimvt'N I imrj", April, July and October dmw lui tion. :" ' •:••••.-• ... I t'ronuh'J tlrst d(ty of bittd mtjutlis muiiectl They lit the body as well as their • iO^!?.' if^["ttsil'rir- •;•!• ^S - Thy day that this arrangement is prices lit the .purse. ... ;._... .. c-ilcctcJ;.t!ie.':"Vl of.the coal combine : I.ONC lii::i )« K. will begin, and the people will be freed •Uilt ' "jolin I.Usoii (ind RH 1 her have iin- At ^4.00 .there's"warmth, but not all-wool warmth ; at from liif expensive* and destructive ^ proved tlieir rfside-ncts by it !"resl1 cunt of tyranny -jf a lot of bankrupt railroads ! puint. I AT HERMAN PETTY'Sl Hornbaker i Muhlon Rued and funniy InHVfe rGLurntid $ lo.oo there's luxury in warm lined overcoats of best fabrics. -"contmiied by a iiioni-y-ittT.ftt.., 1 liomcaftersyendingsoi11!? tin i« with rpla- i-tivu.i in hr.!".iycltc. & Bowers' STA'I'K N. r..' is No coon. i Miss HUa Henry, who hn sb- seriously 1 ill, is slowly improviiiR. is the best place to gel your i irpiim/.iicl as a possible feeder of na-| Geort'e Williams lias 1)0iiabt ii Hurt of tional armies, says the True American, tlie Aibmueiij-'Muuritain Of' !h" Rutbor-. HIV STOVES the Now Jersey National Guard....is a ! furdsnnd will movu bin nill thereon. We are too busy to say much, but if you are in The Clothier and Furnisher. : 'Mrs.LcwU Itunyuniirid Mrs. 0rin I Tow- rank failure, and no opportunity lias i eil Npunl fjunday with friends ncur llop.r. need of anything in ' HEATERS REPAIRED occurred in twenty years to use; it asj --.r^ an .expression of the State's power io Wo c;m furnish Kepairs for 1 C civil disorder—the only purpuHw - forj a] | "J,,^"^ BBraL'-'npnit-KopuliHutiii^ Boots, Shoes, Rubbers, any Stove and Heater made,at which there jis any reason for its con-; Demnerats, Po^uliHtH. Rvuti the " know i nnthinc" psuty known one thtny: the reasonable prices. ~ -OiJr--AcJv/5ce...-.--....---. -~=w.^^^ ^.:..::; , ,: ti nuance.-. .. • • ...... • i merits' nt1 HARPER. Wlihkuy. " "Af-ftt. Sole Leather, "Shoe Findings, The result of the past discussion of ; uloud HoU-l, Washington, N. J. L - We iiave uii hand a full line - OvergaiteK Rubber Heels; " of Ranges and Healers of tlie .Costs You Nothing; imblioniind'-lo-Llie position taken by latesT.rp)itTem^ \'ei-y"lo^';'~ tlie True- American twelve years agn,' liahiiiff :ir. item.that is iiuii to 9' .... 1 1 pewm* is Uko rmi'iinfTH rtiilr(j.id without •Jewelry, 'Watches; Sterling Silver Npi'e!tTes^""CIiiTKr: CTdclfs" when the Governors and Legislatures prices;- •••••-- ;-• ....—.v ...... :., ...... nceldoiita or itiisli!ii>s. To do either is a - ririaSilveuvure can he four.;! at DAVIDSON'S. ,(|ifls most~cx-.^ of "New Jersey entered ,011 the work of physical/impossibility. No man on enrth T you will make no mistake by calling here, as ^ y 1 •'••pensive to Rifts most inexpensive...... ;.,,...... pandering to the estravngnnt...idoas of iat'oso firetivau extent constantly at the A ;:v: ^. our ..prices are always the lowest. ^ . flomo militiajifllcera who we're anxious Hornbaker & Bowers. Our.Diamond Kings and Diamond Jewelry cannot be sur- to shine in bright uniforms und bullion of tliu irXonmtion- concerning tT^napirihs ^ -.- k.-meniher. it is. an undisputed fitct that I carr/.the & passed in quality or sold for. lower prices anywhere in Warren y :: trimmings. "' "' ' "\;.; eventH >»f'Rond or third hnndeil, or not at. fy " larpcsi stock In 'Northern New.lersey;. ••—.-•-••."••-•' ''•;;;::; *$r •County.. Buy your holiday "ill's .now; we will lay them nil.'"Frequently atattitnonts tire received ; from supposedly'";-" trust worthy sources "A year's subscription to the asid^' for you.. ' . • * ' Xutlceof Klectloii. which are subsequently found to bo with- nntiual election of directors of the out foundation. Not one editor in a oa-Wliter norapa.ny.will bov held t HERnAN PETTY. | ,'A. DAVIDSON, t.hniisani d wilfully injures11 cither friend or ue"ot JrE.Fult>er,irithc Borougl] foe by misrepresentationp <*n"-uvltim and STAR makes a splendid Christ- KH1.IAB1.1- WATCHMAKER-AND JEWELHK, " nsk for a correction and nlno cases out of :? •. • ;l A W. Creveling's olil stnnJ. &, ,,{rtpn^, County nf VViirrtiii, on j i 1 43 E._ Washington Ave. , •••• -tiiii^-M'-yr.ur-CnSs -i5";«st1- yc J-. .v!!Lb9 r«- ^ - ' -.:-":::":•-:-•:.::::::..™::::~:~z: ::::~:::?::~z:.z::::;::z=J..;:-•::--—-:= -;~P-.- fronao'ltO to 11:30 o'clock a, m. -•:: *reivet. i politely, and proper correction will r made --.wit-li --plenanrq.-~.The Fourth TIIIO WASHINGTON STAIi, WASHINGTON, X. .1., TIIUIiSIMY, NOVKMIiKIl 30, ISO!).

'TIH the day of goublor gobbling. i incuts next Mouduy. CENT A W0KD COLUMN. AN customer.1' treated with cour- Tho usunl holiday houra will bo observed Common Council meeting noxt Monday. by tliu poat-ofllce tod-iy. Advortlnomentfl under talfl hwKl aro pubtlnticotb HteHdiig X: llehnnn t-r luiti'i The U. C. I. football tonnt dofentod Ulal ntid Mr. Carpenter at my home which We cliiim to have the best all Fifty pounds of cough „-._tmik u- R ~ rail at thu hitter place on Saturday b; owners may get by call Ing. 'Mrs. C. K. f ixrt ..trikiug display In ttio dhow windod w or a wore of 10 lo 0. wool black and colored Serges ever J.t«piir tt the Wurrcn County Drutf Store. Aniermati. **l i»Hrr ioin Have you ncoured your tmatn for th A lartju number of young people from beautiful cantata, to (jc presented In tin J. U. Hampton Uvt sold ncurly' finu hot-ihown in Washington, for 50c per j I l.y iu>iiii H>J"Hl1frt Ugh ttrldtte citato itoro Saturday night to Opum 1/ou.so tonin»t? tkn ol" Jffnbnnt ttuntty'H SarsaparfHa Attire (t Cough Syrup. ,. yard. They were bought before j ulltilTiijor Illciitiiliiotix't-nui, td''l)|iurtini. tloiid St. Joseph's church buzuur. Dr. Carbart of nUirstown, it Is reported >t qiinlltlot* UIWH?* oh hnn.t, itry (un'.tcr Trio foncn in front nf St. Peter's reetory wilt duvoto it portion of bin time to tin Koit S,\I,K--.\ now and ton nigs—Ches- the advance, therefore v,*c piw our? THROUGHOUT OUR ENTIRE IT.J It mi hcuii removed, nutcb improving thu ' reeditiK of blooded " lnjsH"ntoek. ter White. Imjtjiro of Miss Nora Dilry- customers the benefit. \ appearance of tho IimdHcapu at that point. The minimi fnlrofSt. PutcrVcliurcli lia mpio, KttrrHvItk', 11 :j(Ht. iult>KC. t!Otir~S;ilo ofhorHCf*. '"'" .fAMUS I.. HUIKMJS. co-.vii, \v.i^(iii:i, fanning Implements "and Black Taffeta Silk, 75c. \ tion 10 of Wlllium akinner at Poteratjurg on j. C, Faulkner, on the LBHItiH VALLEY COAL Friday, iJeo. tfUi. Tales of immoral conditiniiH in tbo HUH furm known m D.ivfd Shulcr farm, between '. " " 27 in., S51". » Thouma HirriH, formerly of Kiiowlton IX county poor tiou-o itt lir-iriohvillo an nutlzvilleaiidUrcef.'- J'ond. JHH. Hilda- 1 MViiNhip illed nn tint lit!) in"-t., at ht.icmphiitlcitllydenlbd by thoollieialHof thai brant, auctioneer. ' Satin, 2.| in., SJC and 9X1. . • ..oinu nunr Slatoford, ['a., aucd 05. Hevcn iiLstitiition, New Basement. children aur.lvo him. WASTKK—A.irlrl for light housework. vj-inch Cloth, 5OJ to 6;c. ..'. *J tt.« P.TtO il O.inie Warden Hill bun receive C.tll at 1 |;t I'Jnst Winhlnglon Ave. 1K!O tf. Ht.tfH Ncuuritk'H held by bunks 10,000 yoini" trout from a Uovertiinun .iiiiui •"" t..'ii " " uru exempt Oiirn t-txtitlo'i, tteeordiiii; to nthli nUUmi which hu will place in th iM:iti:';ni:.\M—forsilc Troni Ifsn or more m , ;:,m » » recent decision of the Court or Errow and dillurent Ht reams of thu county. cows (Lilly, lnimin; nt STAH ollieo. iaids, \2y.c. ! l iiml Under Covurnrnl ili-tlvcrM to wiicr'n oftiilflHiutu. J>>r»«ii* Thi*nu[K*rlorlly.(iI U-liliih Vn.ln The literary and (Iranmtic untertainincn! ll-10-2t. All Wool fluids, in patterns, Si.00. i l ll»a in th» fm*t mm It Is hunter, l.uni oi'ftSundity school will bold IUI f the [.uoniiiu Litcr.try Society of Ht Thcfilcof the Jos. Lake property hfu* Pr, «lvi?n (onii nmrii limit, hums IIJI domm t-'iilcrtiiiiiini-iitnn Thursil ty civmiim:, Dec. Ann's church. Junction, will take place it; been adjourned till Wednesday, l>ec.'i>th. Full Line Dressmakers' Findings. ' I WM. IAUBACH &' SON, 'j btvt, llmrolur« iho i-lit'«|>.«t. 2Stli. in [•„: Uuild Hall RIJJJIIIMIR lh« Wells' Hall, that borough, tonight. lurch on Broad street. pcurA Thompson, Stcivnrtsvlllu, will Nearsilk, 15c to u>\ tiiiiilifii'M C.Mtt i5.5.i |MT tun. Jacob It lirytint ban already be^un t liny eleven dollars per ton for H-iil tbrcMh- m EASTON, PA. It. L.CUNE A CO. The Cnrlcrct Piirnnco in IlnekcttHtowwn t.'coritu hU Htoro for thu Holiday .HO.ISOI M I'xpt'etcpetdd locoinmenclocnmencee opvMtloopvMt n lrlyy The llrsit tmicbc-t are very tfk-ctivo un ed ryy straw delivered at once. Special. nexxt w.-t-kwk . A (|'ier i y by 'phon'honu nt tti'j furf - evident hath good taste and originality. Smu'Hn-Fresli black cow, from J. K9 •«»••••••••••••• Ciirlhtitifi.H tlirot! \vcrkn from Monthly nace yentenlfiy ileveloped the above fact. The Wanhhiiilon Atlilfittc AtisocIitUn Duckworth's farm, Anthony. ll-::ti It. The largest line "I I.itdies', .Misses' '•• Wl'Xt. The Opera !Iou»« I'harmitcy with it-i cntert limncnt eoinmlltee In armnuhii: f< KOK Uoon liitKAD use Cramer*a Flour. and Children's Underwear. Tliu Wuinan'H Auxiliary of Ht. I'clcr'a illilial unterjiristi d In windoid w Uu i „ t a bf« reception and dunce to hi? given i Headquarters for All Kinds of Goods Suitable ftutrcli will not meet tlit.H week. forth a i.v )>!;>ed«tu Hiturd ly from M itotii 1 o'cloul get, prim* Iron: J Mines I,. Shields for co.«l partment in Easton is. Their numerous visits to our »n. TTiim tn fj delivered nt their respective stations. A H wert- never in better general ilurlmithu funeral of the lutu Vice I'rcal- OII Mot big saving in money can bo citcctcd, new basement filled almost to overflowing, is evi- ; ^ of .siiv llithtrjns. II. Ilitinpton is [jrowitiit better W. 1). (Jul»:k ii not only still hi th TiiALVB)» Suits!-:.—Miss Annlo J')ufiord, boluliy tntdu. tokliii: by ruu.Hon of the prosperity nt tend- [fnti» businuAH hut hu mesniH to extend h mf.'dical, Mirgicnl and obstetrical mirttiiip. dence sufficient to convince us that we have suc- lit 11 T«1i lir|il»u foot- i{j MM tnt-rcMintilt! hu.nlnCM or elso there Tin; FlQtn!t)!*t' iiMlu-en II ure-U improvement In the iirt turriiory considerably this wi-itur. hmi'ri Address:—Wnsbington. N. J. 7-2»-tf ceeded in selecting the right kinds to please every kill IUIIIH iii'-ut hIU Ull id f cut in ikm«, tH Hm picture appeurliiR in nl v.itrnis ti>lnU on the 1)., L. & W Foil S.',f.i:-\t a very low price, a hot- i ft L'lintriilanil LnHi^h A Hiiri»nn nm.H. S:air funi'ice. J. W.irrcn FitLs, one. The expressions on every hand, concerning Ttiuru will l>o a iivif pigeon MinnL tills »r- Tun itK.NT -Stor«-rnom and dwelling at n-rmmii tit-Hut 1'i'qiiiH', lion: eiiiltelvliiere. [JriiM Castle. U. |{. AditniH. 11-^-L't. the display and assortment is proof positive that YOU Otfur ;iOO lilnls will lm uttittl. *!'! Tho davfitionil (txyrois'-s of the iliy F(M( RK.VT- Four-room Iht. KOCOIHI Monr will make a mistake if you come to Easton and neg- will Ira vtik>l>rut*iil In tliu Alet iudiHteliuicn il.ll J had over W.irron County Drug S;ore. Mr.-*. S. \\V uvrc su wi-ll pie.'isi'J witli [-x P with a union rii;uiksi;ivint,' n'mul (inc-ilt'iii of the whole number A. Kibble " n.aj.tr. survice. 1J(\ it'd l-'ohr and I'rooky, of H|iriuj,'town, lect to pay this department a visit. The most of our Miriam! will prtMcli. tliu ir.dted states. Knit SAM-: on UI-:XT--.Small f.irm; very tvspoiist: In iiur libcr;ii oflVr l;i>t \ for huntinMg rabbit* with a forret. goods were imported especially for us and cannot be ff,iuilluil-fiur hnmc in 'i wf-'t-li tin; captain cliinn to hitvu lus-t arth, S. J. U-'J3 3t. Uuib.svill'jUl , I'I).) , Nov. linn, lined fiO. .Stiu »ver*20f). Tho dofundnnt furni.shud hmirl on VVcdnesilny, Of.:. yi;h. pun-liasf ;( hottk <>[ HEADACHE 5 dealers can afford to sell for. Come and do your wiirt r.jrmurly a shlutii' or IMvlduru ami '»ra huitririif later before a lJhilli()Hburj,' The ssmmns preached nt S:. iVtor's Jast Koit HAI.K-HOIHC nnd Int ['. ncro) In An- II:IH rohitivw in ttiis county, Sund.iy dealt with Klaudfi- 'Uj'l femiiiint! bury, Warren foiinty; tiousei.f tbo lato Dr. TABLETS. ) holiday shopping a little earlier I'nan usual. You will L'urcfvMl ('lirvHtii; har.ictur. Th<- subjects warn trcit.-d wit I S A. Wt'li-h, l-'.ir tt.nni :i;>i«iy on ureHl- f the |(Mi Hrid"y Mr. C:. \V. Cuiuii , !.^, alUci.u,--,--•- d llu,- i niiicli vi«or by ftector I-'k'idner who, it I NUH. H-'i'Mt. Kej;"ul;ir pritt* IOC. / ti.tr.<>ri in ophurd lioy," in tlie Opera House to- the show window of tbo pp<;nx Hotis. Gourde Miittison, who "iiuny a time and ohd li" i l O H t Pliiirnificy, where Cyphers it Kishor hnvo • t"i" turns an honest; puii'ny in the making night. A triutuph of tiufic.il art >ind IN JEWELRY. skilkll in cost inner v. Admiunion :ii\ and 50placed four hens nnd one cock of Kn«|[Hh of picture f'rame:-it J-wt wuek complied u " " pheasant. They will be on exhibition llieru _ rmmu(ia.v.'j(}inclius—ttiulitrt'tiHt nv»u bo held here from Dec. 22ud lo Sith. • Tlie Supreme Judiciary of tho Junior lino big turkey bv tt'io mombcrs of tliu ProP m pruNuut indi(vM.indi(vM.ioti n ttio entries willl Ordor Unitud Auicrtc-wi Mechanics last Ohiinjjuvyuter M. K, coitEfrc^ittion, ».s evi-numbe, r about l,t")0Ol"0O, PPigie andd pet, Friday decided that this Stuto Councilor we are making a % 12 o'clock noon, 4 o'clock p, m,, deuce ot't'icir uppreoiiitinn of bur sorviuea c k wilill also bo representedrepresented.. HHeftlurl s t.lic order in ttio District of Oolum'iia mint in tticir tmhiilf, Tliu gift was IV very from SSoutherh n States are makinki g inquiries pay to the nutioiml body the tii'tuen cents pleasantsufprise und AITH. Mrymit daaires n| iliy -Association and will probably nuiku ser'ciipitii tux. As tlie New Jersnv State g. eating turkey. lbut the •«»£! on previous oufinsioiiocd'isions liHtoncd with? preached Lo thu comniiltiH) mm' ov^nitiR Much dejected, ho told hmv, twice :i day, Jn company with liisi oollongues on tin much, interest,to^.Dr....ni his -wifu' took him over hur— U-«iii!iJ:.Vii"ii; doubtless" Lunrout. Htroti'ij. siwnkoiHibn.^.'M'ii^tnii him"'b'»Tdro break- ' : •••;.- ;- • "• ": ••:"":"-" •' • •'•%[: . fey- . •' uoniiultlt;e" anil Others h' e wns th' e t;ucHt> meet nt lodgeld - room at S):3lS)t)) n, in. and i.vear fnst ainVti':m»(sr c-nch dny," ndmitted tho •fora whort time of L' iit McKinloy.' jd white.cloves. deffindi1.fU¥i'^vH»v..(lc!»(.'rv.cs .it,- nnd.rit-ia Mi'iJbiii;" : := i b'u"f" pleaHiirn'on go'id I'ov bis health, lie tula liiuch hotter treats! tiieir revbreini\- rbyiill,....v •find "ti'\ Mntidny • to ex- niter I'give him A good spauktng.1' She the event will lonjj bo rcmtiniborcd. amino tho bluu-prlnt plans for Assessor M. - "4u rcn hum. 'UiduuuNl. Ji - 'd' XI. Nu vas lectured and.disniisaed. The neigh- --- "• Tlioitlirco inilufltries muklinrtliulr houiu itn in Ktckcttfitow >nr« hulipvo sheJH irmiino find her .niontai „ •' . .... n : tiin l.hi.wild Itnwlby fricirii-i' -laro fitill over- Thev hud just bc«ucomptotod by Architoct sunditiou will bo'inquircd into. ,jj run with orders. The Washington Miinu- Ddltumer and lioro ovidenco of much No cliance for ju^s'iling of v;tlues, us goods .no marked " 5 ; Band Selections; tudy In their prCnaration. The exterior Dr. Jacob I. Uoe, o[ Wilkcflbarro, Pa., fitcturiii!,'CunVpatiy liaH put. on tli'c more oHicn is syinmotrical nnd artistic but un- ill, plain. Usurps. hands and ban placed or dura for two more protontioiiH, while thedonr plans are clov- lnHHolil his farm nwn- Vioiinn, formerly inacliitiOH, ' Proprietor D.IVH aitys when erly arranged to utiliKu nil the space to the iwned and out'uplcd i>y his father, Dr. W. Funny Speeches. -..y,-.th>l httor arrive ho will out up li-ciirloud crontcst ndvantn^o consistent: with1 un- . ltue. to iklr. Mninus, who hut* for several "bf'Uimbor every day. Tlio National Stool limited convenience, If built as platmod, 'ears routed the large funn near Newton, Manufactiiriiifr Oompany now employ Mr. Nunu will havo one of tho handsomest owned by Rev. Win. McCain. This in ! A conceit is^yoar liome. ' fifioon linnda and havo plonty of onlorH. and most plnnsnnt homos in' our noishbor- what i.s known as the old G risres furm, tho I WarrenJOounty Drug Store, || )"'•- 1 birthplace of Attorney General Griags. Mr. Anton Schilling filno IIIIR nioro than itipt town. No one is more dosorvincf. :-/: r hooftu do in thu wayofordunifor pilastor.s, l contains I7;"i acres, and it Is anid tiiat Mr. trUBsca nnd piuielH, WANTRn-Wtll pay hiirhostmnrket price klaiucs lina been nb!o, for sov«rnl yenrs in ensh for all kinds of BnUn. Will load pint, to divide wit.h his inndlnrH ?l,200—f(iOl) S - F. N, JENKINS, Proprietor.,,^. .SI.,, udlTICS OL __ SATDKDAY SPHOIAI.—LidicH'-.naw-fl.n<] on oars tit-points most convenient for sel-npieeo. Mr. McCiiin pnid • ^ll OHO for this) """""n^to^diito $7.00 ooam for only f \.Wt' nt "J, lers. T. Frnnk Oawley, miller and i farm and conscquontly ho receives in per | __jl Jryarr,p,n Pitts',Bee Hive, for one day milvJ dlrAb N J ^llR cent, on his investment.—Apollo. .--.: J ISW. THE WASHINGTON STAh, WASHINGTON, X. J., THUIiSDAY, NOVKMUKli

IOHNSONSI5UKG. Services will be hold In tho IVeabytorlnr HOICE Vegetables A social ovenl of much Interest to the pooplo of ihiasection occurred ut tho homo M. A. STKYKKK, No. SO K, Wiu-liliigton Ave.. will always fiml a ready of Mrs. George W. Lund j, ..v— . , _~ I Archibald Hoyt returned homo on Kri- W I Wednesday ot last wuok when her only WftShlDgtOD.N.J. daughter, Miss Badio, was united In murri- | day lust after spending several weeks with narket—but only that farmer ngo to Mr, Robert 1)., son of Mr. and Mrs.fflondsand rolativvi* hi town. He resides CouiiHClIor-nt-Iiiiw. Daniel Mabey of Butler, X. J. The rooms in Newark. BOWELS Supremo Court Com in f Banner, The employees of tho blast furnace to If ronliuTCn'l T, lionllhr inovcmmit of ttiu can raise them who has studied thu number of twenty-ono organized tho wore profusely decorated with Mowers and I Charles J. Ijiig It putting a steam heat- TCII'I it n'utiiare. Ktrk.nhealthr r i fmovem III bv.u Kv«i> juwt und Special Muster In Chancery • overgreoiit., ,mJ a* ubout throe o'clock in | ing plant in lus resUieuce in town. Porry 1 t'll. Furct'.li n tti<*ilm|ii>o( I'nwti Honor In nil New J freer and Unite 1' Itccrentlon Social Club Thuntdny night and tho afternoon HOIUO HO guostJ had assem- 4% di>u of Itelvlduro have thu contract, sssuxv::; s>"i3i»:.ullif f tniu'ruun Tho jtittt-at'ourii*. THOS. H. McKINLEY, the great secret how t hold ft banquet nt tnc Belviduro Avonuo -•- •-• onhlust. most IKTIOPI ~ g House, Mine Host McCabe had prepared bled to witness the ceremony- While Mies Misa draco VunSycklo returned homo ir autl clean ti» tu tak a fejiHt tit for a Icing and in a few witty re- Nettle Topping of Sweet Valley, Va., ren- from New Found la ud, on Wednesday lust, JEWELER, tain both quality and quantity marks introduced the club mom bow to the dered n, wedding march upon tho piano after having a very plcusant stay with her loaded tables. There were soups and the procession entered the parlor led bybrother. I AVID ilAUTltON," by the judicious use of roust*, springcliicketinnd cranberry sauce, the usher?, Robert Van Orden uf Pompton vegetables and pastry, pies and puddings, I and Motca Walters nnd George Hurt of Clarence H.nith mule a ilylng trip to Washington, N. J. leu cream and fruit, tea und colleo, milkI Johnsonsburgand Harry Morris of Andover our town on HuntUy last culling on old 2*5 NORTHAMPTON. STREET balanced fertilizers. and chectio, and the aroma of good cigam who were followed t>y Misj Jennie Mott friends. He la employed tw typewriter Attnrnoy-nt-LttW, Solicitor mirt - - Hotted lazily about tho room after thu in- of JohnsonHhurg and Miss Jo.sio Nor- for thu B.ingor A: t'ortlaiul railroad ut blaster hi Cliunccry. izer lor Vegetables can produce ner man uiul been satislled. Tbu evening cross, of Newark, the bridesmaids; Banpor, Pa, was one that will bo looked backed to with Miss Vida Ctrmnlns of Great Mtft- L.Tr.ixell, wifoaml BOH returned home NOTAIIY rUHLIOftiid do'VH, maid of honor; Frank D. Ucnnion on Friday morning lint alter spancihig DKALEU IN HEAL ESTATB . >n»tirf> by the twenty-one charter uiem- of Butler, best man, and then eamo the > next .l.-or tu UittSL Cloud H.jti-l, crsof tho Recreation Social Club. bridu leaning upon tho arm ot thu groom, i several weeks [n I own, Nebranka and I She wore a gown of white satin with white ill tie rent polntn West. They bad an Washington Avenue. at least S?£ Chns. UleKMnc has accoptcd the local enjoyable time during their Hojourn. ngency for tho Mutual Life Insurance Co, [ veil and gloves and carried it buuquet nud a small white book In which were reg Edward Patterson removed his famllj Klrrllic 1ln»»4j rnn>|iaiif, Iktrit*, Jianlrrli, S« *Ml. r~i n. SMITH, si. our bonks, which furnish full I of New York. nd a stimll white bo ch were reg- from Uamsayburamsay burg to thoe LickawuniiLiekawnnnHu Charles Hnrtnian Is routined to his home irttortatnstortd thce namenamesos oif mvii'ii""-.. Th•"e bridal comniny'ft house nenr Delaware, on Tnurs- inturnuition. We send them by sicklier, hih day last. . hit n.N. J. party facefd d a ttcmir.irary altar at which KEEP YOUR BLOOD CLEAN (S tov i». tu. .Charles K. Pichtel, the local newsdealer, stood thu Itev. A. (i. Lew!*, ptistor of tho Joseph Kimenour removed his house urn.lu]>huuucuitnL'clIou. Michael Powers, who has bee „ company eat down to a bountiful feast will bo sold Hoon by the church in tow from cancer for a long time, is dangerously , prepared by a Elackcttstown caterer. Thu which owns the property and needs th 1 I bridal sifts cmittMcd of silverware, a check Hr:\ctic;il Tin and Sheet Iron |Tj1 I", McKINSTKY, 31. I).. ill at this writing. ! forflOO, and many thincs both useful and proceeds for improvements. Wo undei Tho Washington \ formerly known .-, ornamental. Mr. and Mrs. Ma bey left the stand Mr. Hoyt will purensufe a home ii the llarrU) muiea, began working Tues- next morning on their wedding tour which the near future Worker. j WiiHhtugton, N. J. day, the water having been pumped out. arts of win" inciii'do* Nia"EaVa Fall | Henry Hurling, the former nnumirer or Upon their rel mke ANTHONY. j i , (Sto'.ta. m. | the blast furnace, who has been confined ticlr homo'in *,,.*..,., Khin Hotl'mun i)f Whito House was on Sanitary Plumbing, t onii-'O liours. < 1 to .In. m. to his home for some titno by sickness, does The following additional facts are culled NKAKTHK not Improve very fast. i from nn article by our Vienna correspon- the mountain gunning last wet-k. ! Suii'lays, 1 to » p. tu. onlp; iurth ami Ferry Si j Edward Schnrrer hoa opened an oyster I dent: Mrs. Itarhel T. Bentty Gocher is lying Steam aud Hot Air | market and ho is Used for patronage. very ill at her tiiuiglitur'n in Newark. KASTO.W l*A. Miss Xorcross wore a handsome gown o: Charles Moore of Pottersville visited John Blessing has secured the position white orgnudie trimmed with white satin TT M. COX,M. I).. ai "rolls," made vacant by Thomas Weber, ribbon und Valeiicfennc lace, aud carried Mm. Hlsie Lance ia^t week. Heating, Kdgar Luucc Is slightly indisposed. He went to work Tuesday morning. pink carnations. Miss Molt was costumed •lihiK ton, >i. ,]1, Theo. Kline has bet-nconllricd to his bed in white organdie, trimmed in pink satin Mr. and Mrs. Alex. AndersonsnentWed- Estimates jiiven for all kinds of lilt. MliWKHS y now iH'ruwnently \wnivA ribbon, and carried pink aud white enrna- a. ra. nail b fully i>rt>iinrp<) with Ml tho m*w meihoilf the pa&t week sulVuring from quinsy lit'sd^y niui Thursday vis.ting friends in (7 lo «['• "" "\immins wore a becoming 1'otterstown. Ufl]:uo h.m\r?. ii 10 3 ra- for trend 11c all uiiiuwr «f .•lirontc «ll"i-ii.-i>a both At tho Methodist pnrsonflge, on Nor, ?i, j tions. Miss C work. IT toy P. ni- of men nud women with invilk-luv, electric luitb by the Kov. U. F. B.iyless, Gimtave J. Flck, gown of pink• brocadetirni>mli*d pnlinsal in,, trimmctrimme_d Theo. Castnur has constructed a sub- ftud rt'li'iilionucDuutt tloll. or two fklltful iih recently of Seranton, und Miss Katie M. i witli embroidered chitlon and pearl trim- Untial arch bridge near Anthony. Uehlein Building, ty irom n Ui»tmu'< KlinKli e ot'tblft bis towtownn , were mndea man and I mlnnnnng. ShSboe carried uan armfunrniful of wbltwhitue Henry expects to boat out his cornstalks Jit HIL' amtltfirlum wife. They will make their home here as' citrimtlons. The bride looked very btbeautii - from the Uw lauds. j t rent^ terms. be hns secured a position us llrenmn with ' fill attired in white Duchess Mtin en tratnc, 1 WASHINGTON, N. J. Teeth Extracted, Mor;>biup Fin.l Hi[iior haMt. all abuses ot the Empire Steel and Iron Co. with ribbon and pearl trimming, and a TIK Mt. Lebanon people will hold their .itc uaturo, The otlicial board of the Methodist wreath or orange blossoms engirdled her adjourned donation on Tuesday, Doc. 12lh, Pliysioiim und Surncuii, 25 Cents A PKKMANKNT OL'UK. church will hold the monthly nieetings «»« fell by her side. The flowing veil wan at Peter Hoil'inan's. II stormy, next fair ESTABLISHED 1804. ]lU»t!ont> hereafter on the first \Vednendav evening . caught up with orange blossoms, night. Teetli l of each month instead of tho first Monday.', Among the gmwts present from John- Martin Hotl'man, wife nnd son, Charles, •IfV. 111. ) ii. ("i i' » M ii in K >, i A- •!« sonsburg were: Rev, and Mrs. Lewis, Mr. of Lchnu Offlco hours. Wnwhinglun. N. J / in , h'J'u. :. I ?v? J «nd Mrs. Wm. Kerr. Mrs. Joseph Ruder, with Alex. Andirson. Washington Planing Mills hon^Sund^iiSxt I, .LVifnc-ffl Miss Ward, Dr. nnd Mrs. F. Rorbacb; the The fongrt'gai inn of Mt. Lebanon church Iwth Filled with Gold, $1 and np. I Diseases of t he Iatnn-(, ' s,mnMrflh n'\i ' special, lnltev worc fl handsome dress of black >'. , M. iiiliatiilio will mt't't Saturday to linisli the roof on Manufactures \"V} Tooth Filled with Silver, 75 Cts. i Huntl treated by Ozone ; sermon mil bo preached. .Mt[ t, ^^ ftnd blnck frinRe. Mr> :he sheds. A set of teeth, $5. | The only cure*. The Democrats htt 1 a c IUCUS S.iturday and Mrs. Space, Mian Cora Henry, Mr. Meco Hitdebrant is going to manage All the latest designs in Panel, j * Beat set of teeth. $8. afternoon loeteut a member of the Kxccu-fltlvklus, Mr, and Mrs. Wood Vasbinder, Female Diseases. tive Commutee. Of thu lit voles out; tue Utter wcarinc a dress of black satin ; the farming for Su^an Apgar this winter. Beading and Cabinet Work. •- OnriSeetaof teeth are Oiebe&t that are mad( John Smith and family are still on the ao matter bow much you pay lortnem. Wner* Nervousness, Inward Weakness, ! Michael McCabe received JU and A* \\\ j Mr. and Mrs. D. Vasbinder nud Mra. May Sash, Doors, Blinds and Mould j in* teeth are out, patletiw coming In tie mom* Davis *. IVliet, who wore blue silk and white sick list. ing in stock and made to order. ; * iK can nave their teetH made the same day bj >cahliny: Urine, Scmiiy, Painl'ttl Men- AXFORI* vvi-'Kt'F. chiffon. The guests from Marksboro were On Saturday, Nov. 18th, » reception was i.i ith Mommy ft uruatlon curoil. Arthur Hartung of Newark xp.M.t p*tt ot £Ir- anA. Mr=- Eugene Swercool: Mrs. given in hu'-or of Mr. und Mr». Russell Mill Work antlj'oiibing, Turn latNci' HOIiKS, BIRTH MAKKS OF THKhint week with hU cousin C H Ion-It i Savercool wore cream allk Mr. and Mrs. Anderson at the hmne of his parents, Mr. ing and Rand Sawing -promptU .'"l>""(t SKIN IlKMOVKD. last, wetk wjtu uistousiin, C. H. Lep.lt. , p]a j R ghQ W(J ln blftck ^\a aild and Mr.MKs AlexAlt'X. AndersonJViuiL'I^uii,, when nunn T5i.i,, tuviuinclud"- MisHttussieMcNearishomeHr i b e a»au« i alter jetjet . MMrr. aa,,nd Mrs. C. Ingeraog l and daugb- done. ' ''""•» u AUWndfl oE artlflctftl teeth ma Consultation Free From 9 A. M, lo 8 P. M. spendiny a week in Washington\\asb|ngton. ,te|terr MisBliss Minnie; Mr. andd MrsMrs.Emmon. Ginmonas ing those present at thu wedding nnd tuBy warranted. others from Liberty Corner, Lebanon, Cali- A Full Line of Lumber an<^ 11) On Tuesday eveevenlnfn ; th" e young folk*-n—s i an__ Jd Mr»*_. an...dj Mrs.\T_D Win- , Mott"- -•. "-*Other—s fon, Barker, (.llactstone and the surround- Philadelphia Dental Rooms, gavga%-ee Miss Bertha Lepelt a Torvery pleasant'presenpleasant' present were fllr.Mr . anda Mrsiurs.. Bj>. Drakumnue ouf. ing country, took dinner. In the" evening BuiUlirg Material always or ; HOME SANITARIUM, surprisi e in honor of berr sixteenth birth-birth-jTranquilU1 Tranqullityy , Mr. and MrsMm.. Charles Coxx oofrwith guns, pans and dynamite came n hand. j >»,N. J- 214 Northampton St.; Easton, Pa. day. The evening was spent in playioE; Washington, Mr. aod Mrs. Jacob Shieldds I crowd of scrennders who made the night Omce OP.H from 7 A. M. to 8 P. X. 353 Ferry Street, Easton, Pa. eatnes. jand Mr. nnd Mrs. Andrew Ayers of Hack- hideous with their deafening noise. They Raymond Anderson of High Bridge ettstown; Mr. Beatty nf Hope; Mr. midwere invited inside Miid partook freely of E. W. Alleger & Son j— Oi>poelte St. Cloutl Hotel Tt'lf iihoue: S, .1. aud Peon. No. Kv;. was in town last week. j Mrs. Simon Ayers of Petersburg. Thoso cuke nnd cigars expressing their congratu- Mrs. Wm. Stout was taken 111 on Frlduy Sf eat ,?°"1 Yle"",\,™crc; "5:0S?iii?k lations in a few well chosen remarks, de- Manila UrondStreut. tttni-iimr* hut in nntu hnttnr I **• "• tt'OlCri ,M BIT, and 11 fS. LCWH bCUBnCK parting in a pleased frame of mind and OUce, Mill and Vurd: liroad Stre T"\ . F. l'IKRCK NEEDHAM tnormng, but w now better. | and dausht^r His9 Mattle wh0 wore black • NotltM* to Trespassers. 1 wishing that some one would give them Notice is hereby given that any aud all Miss Jennie BurroW of High Bridge spent datdatiinn trimmetriuimeda witwahn jeju-mmt anili pinH""k-"«>-"• satin>; Mr an occasion to demonstrate their powers PIANO-ORGAN COMPANY persons found trespassing In any manner, Sunday with MIsa Anna Lepelt. IandI MrsMrs.. PniletuPniletuss CumminCumminss anand daughtedaughterr , again-;.: •• -.. • .. ^ was in Mrsftn( . Cummins wearing a black aud green 1 WASHINGTON, N. J- 5UNOTACTUKBK8 01 gunning, trapping, or berrying, upon the MipMIPSs Jennie MMcKear of Ensto premises of iho tue subscribers, will ho j brocaded satin and jet and Miss Celia, a George Noland, llockland, <>., nays, "My Attention? 1 1 town on Sunday. home flcain after corn-colored satin; Miss Merrell, attired | Offlco Houw.j?g"i!! ^ prosecuted to the full extent of the law: wife bad piles forty years. DeWitt'a We have just revive J and put upoi HI6H GRADE David Shannon, Washington Township. Miss Ella Janager j in a handsome gown of maroon camel's Witch Hazel Salve cured her. It is the Abrain Roseberry, Port ColdeD: j beiiig away for rive weeks. hair, trimmed with black satin and black bent salve in America." It heals t'very- our counters an elegant stock of Secouil Uoor, Ford i Fleming Building. Arch Cole, Washington Township. Rush Hartung of Delaware was a visitor•'..»...*.. ,»_ nnA M(SJ j .\. Cummins thine and cures all skin diseases. F. N, ORGANS. E. P. Burd, Washington and Oxford Tps at Charles Le pelt's. I oHleadoVview. Among the cuests from Jenkins, Warren County Drug Store. Harris A. Godfrey, Greenwich Twp. •—•-• j a distance were Mr. and Mrs. Mabey, par- PluPlush Robes }n. G. T, FOX, How's This. ; cuts of the groom, and Mr. Harvey Maboy, ID'OClce anil H^bUlenue, \Ti Mnlu street 0FFIC3: D. S. Cnstner, Changewater. We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward brother of the groom, of Butler, N. J.; A. P. Rush, Montana. for any case of Catarrh that can not be. MisMiss FolkneFolknerr oof Butlerbutler, whwho wore grey of your town spent ijOPSB tjIQflKBtS BATH, PA, or any case of Catarr j broadcloth ; Mi-s roTaylo1 r oef MMapluwoon| d 30 EAST I4lb ST. Tbeo A. Bodine, Stewartsville. cure:ured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. i brc " " --- — - » » Sunday with his brother. bought direct from the manufacturers Huurtiurti— From 9 n. m. to 4. p. mm.. I'ractlo* .« N'EY & CO., Props., Toledo.O. | whoo wore an handsomnanaaomue K*Jgow« n•• oufi silve*.,.,„r. gre._.v Sam'l C. Weller, bet. Washn'n & Oxford Pfc. J.CHENEY &CO., Props., Toledo.O. ith teel trimmings; Miss Nettie Toppin h g James D. VanNatW. spent' Sunday with for cash, therefore, can ^ell them at limited to dlueruteti of ttio NEW VOI1E. Abrain F. Rush, Franklin.Twp. We the undersigned, have known F. J. with steel trimmings; Miss Nettie Topping R. M. Petty at Washington. bottom prices. Also haw a full J. R. Stires, Port Oolden. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe of Sweet Valley, Pa., costumed in light EYE. EAR, HOSE SHD. THROAT, ; him perfectly honorable :;i busines trans- blue satin, .white liberty silk and pearl John M. Young returned to his Lome in be burned out,.hog moved in the Peter | ***** *«*-««» 1 of SPECTACLES nnd KYg OLAriSES In Oil» WASH1NOT3W, Henry Sowers, Port Colden. to be burned out, has moved and all oos kept in a first-class Henry C. Cole, Mount Pleasant. Toledo, " *Vv A ixnsa, K t N- sAN & furd. ism,.,, ,T uvt-w Druggistsrgg, , ! The bride was a great favorite in local Young houae for the present. Harness Store. 20 Belvidere Ave.. At EEASTflN.Frnuklla House, TUSSDAYSt MEW JEBSEI Jacob M'owder, Port Colden. MAB\ The bride Samuel Danley entertained friends from Samuel C. Caruurt, Franklin Twp. Ohiobio.. ,i circles and will be much missed by ber iddresa: itnth, I'a. John S. Wi'.rne, Brnss Castle, Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, many friends, of whose best wishes she is Belvidere on Sunday. 5 T. VANNATTA. "" 'l's l-.atsin Mr. and Mrs. James McCracken spout airs. Wm. Duvia, Franklin Twp. actinuuLingy undirectl ^t.yj upon the blood and mucous assuredassured. Nicholns Wavne, Broadv/ay. Sunday in Stewartsville. TOSKPII B. DK KKMKR, surfacefcesios off thee systesystemm . Pricejoc^erbot-Price T6c per botI- MisMisss S Savill a Mushback and sister,M Mrs. The creamery is nearly completed and ! v. supervising Architect, To Horse Garner H. Weller. Broadway. tleV"So'ldby"alilll Druggists. Testtmotiials Anni-»*... e Kain_._,. wnwh~ hereo spen, iedu nthIU nDe m DUIUIU^summer wee*Os ..>,.«at.. JU jy f operation in about a Hugh YoumniLs, Washington Twp. free. their mansion here, left last week for! W De rei( or IS Eaat WBUhlngton Ave., Joseph Bodine, Brass Castle. ; Trenton and Philadelphia where they Week I Hall's Family Pills are the best. (3 to a n. ro. "Washington. B. J Owners. James Lomason, Asbury. usually make their home during the cold Jftmeg p> Kent u so overrun with work EASTONTRUST CO Daniel Slater, Port Colden nnd Chance- My time and that of my helper is // WAIS UT COK N EIt. cainc. - . •. • that he h compelled to enlarge liissliop. R. E. JAMES, PreiidenL water. Three Votvra1 Sjioclnl Courao In the Cohimbt* now given up entirely to the shoe- Peter M. Peterson, Buttzville. .;Rp'j'ert Hartung hns purchased the ihorRobert vacation.t Milroy" of Newark is home on a Mfq Rebecca NortQU hM been quKe JOHN BACON. Treasurer. Ing of horses and small Jobbing. Fitzer farm at Hnlnesburg and intends to sick for a week orr twotwo> . Unlveralty. Jacob Wyckofl\ Port Colden. The Township Committee met at the] A HtUo 8trancer oftme to tll0 homo of The work in these branches has George J. and Anna Baylor, Franklin. move there in the spring. hotel last Saturday to receive the road Mr. and Mrs. Wilson on Tuesday night. It ACCOLTNTS BO increased that 1 have been Morgan Petty. Washington township- Mrs. D. B. Low is spending a few days books and transact other business, -!-i ,_J »i— i , concluded to keep r\ Bi. XiAUBACH, compelled to give up wagon re- Win. Riddle, New Hampton. with her mother. i Presiding Elder Krantz will he present!'he*,' Pare Interest on Time and Savln^n u^-, Wm. Creveling, Washington township. Mrs. A. D. Cornell^nf StlUwtiter was the tUo rnto of 3 por com. Loans Monoy, Collects 1 IS Weot Watihlngton Ave., pairing and the like. The conse- ! at the quarterly conference to be held in I «WalteT r Iteamer is at home again for.tlie HentB, Mtikra InveetinenlM, Exr-outuu TrustB quence is that my horse shoeing aeat of her , Mrs. Peter Brands, on the M. E. church on Dec. 3rd. i winter. of every dee<;rli»tlon. llecomea ijuroly UNDKUTAKKB is giving more satisfaction man londay. Ma3ur Soelcy B.mM^has^jiumbar^f| "j'o^pl; Hoim has^new horao and tho »n HOTEL, . . Manufacturer of Mediterranean sea- Ilished """ from tiie bodv. begin to-dpv t.n foam and hydraulic shampoo. , nonth"' &orge1sa" good.ill 'round man. Sd'tHat'ricklTbnK c"ompiex'fon by takinR ^~ C. F. STAATKS, ITop'r. Shaves to-order executed on short )-. LITHIA A. H. Ward went on a hunting trip one CaawratR,-benuty for ten cents. All drug- 1 od In "locution, flcoonimcKlatlonani i lay last wetk, accompanied by his bird gists satisfaction guaranteed, 10c, 25c, 50c. •otice, with free hospital advantages f{\ h iioDAitenieut. l'onimnoiitiuid trftnalent gueatB . ' Washington _,,. CURESVALL I do)"~~>wg andi nnrrvtnicarry In trr hiHs new gunsun, ,an andd return return-- " _ ^ ' ' ' rt lpon ll e »od no extra charge for drayage. U j home with two English pbcaaunta. lie is rail enurtalnod. ITIOOH " "- '' :,1,,htn(,h » having them mounted. POUT A1UUUAY. Evory room liofttwl by steam and lighted by Over the First National Bank, ^ Round ry Dr, Garvln, who has been stopping with The iinnutil festival of the Manstlold electricity. - " ' " HEADACHES | Landlord Ball, has returned to Strouds- Cornet Band willjie ...hold on .Duo- ,14th.- Wn n Avo., Wafihlugtoii, N. J. R. Q. Bowers, Jr., Proprietor. burg. . The: IiiVckettstownBand will be preaont TRIAL SI 2E. 1_0 _ CTS.-S..- _^i,A4. "-Severm-new*" pupils have entered bur , and render some fine music. Everybody Is v" WINDSOR HOUSK, t ;=1 linviied. ../?", " ? | school for.the winter term. StEINWAY&SONS Frank Van Syckle; SOLD BY ALL, DRUGGISTS. Y Wm. Gelogly is marketing bis largo crop •• Our public school re-opened on Monday J, ROSS LAKK, Prop'r. THEPOULTROEASON of celery. It Is unusually fine this year. us tlie diphtheria scare lius blown over. No. 109 E, 14th St., New York, Marcus Predmpro is doing a good busi- All of our sick have recovered nnd we Finely urmngod, HI«U:1OU8 grouiiili!, =Biiiiafd is here again. We are taking special THE STQNEBRAKER CHEMICAL CO. now have a clean bill of health, eloctrlc lltshta, utoam boat, froe'bus to ness clipping horsefl with his •«• ••">»«,tninai, 1 oHeofferr (olor sale a larglarye stock of useJ ppianos of and Pool., pains to supply our trade with the best BALTIMORE, MD. clippers. C. I . Cregar of Newton was at bis homo and from nil trulUH., A plofuiant sum- the market affords. their own and other manufacture, acquired SAUSAGE FROM THIS MARKET by ex^haffie (or'new Steinway pianos. Re- Bank Building; Next Door to, Post 1 i,ui|t stelnwiv's will he fullv guaranteed this year surpasses all previous pro- Joseph iLderha, purchased a gun of ^ £ S t^S W rice n e P - s J'? « for Steinway uprights S350 A MICUICAN 1IOUK1C, , , Office., ducts. Compliments from customers j his brother,.Qeorire. who WHS here from Lewis Smith oF ML Bethel and lien 1 are frequent. l.tho city last week on a hunting trip. - DnVia of Uoitkporb Smith Huud DMU grands S400; Steiuway sqitare Charles Lewia is trying one of the latest $19, which he claimed to be due him lor IMemway Sfnnis .\iw, .«*.,„„„,, ..... ll N 1 1.'1 BnurSnlendirI d Tables—CourlfnnsTra': •-—-- ^- .-.-= H ANCE iinprovcti::. fodder^ .oil tt«rM .In nutting "his cutting .tics. ...The former siiid the pr-J«n I Saoo^anJ—Upwards. Other makes upri 1 «s"nt-Full Stock-ot"Hlne;t.igarS7aiiu cornstalkH. t \, was 10 centii a tie •butnhe''Jattor:-'e]aime¥u;;^^Si^TKfaT^rsisorsquar»;s$i^ ; p JOS. ANDHESS, Prop ! Bl-XViDtut AVE. ' ' i^Fhe average Plintlfi MsO mil Very Comfortably ViirulbUed'l Tobacco. "• m 'f— . . . i x .. Miss Nettie Topping of Sweet Valley, that l,e had never paid but 8 cents Tor ties - - quarts 550 aiiu upw, 1 Beware of bo^us Steinway pianos ;it private Pa. , Is visiting lrienda in ihia pUuG'mi . 1-••• ijlttniutu• ot t-linlt HITAtha. t Smittlu'ilwarranh was non-suitetlon^tlit WB«~nnrvert ion 1 niTl p'Hilic salei" 1J Have ytiur Worms gotHorses? J CruUer The yearly business meel" .fc, wil'"l 'be now MOrr|8 county. Davis settled the bill after I'. Remodeled and Renovated ,^ tlioy "ofl in the Christian chufch on terr m with r"« ArA»I»» Hi«t)i«vy COHIIIpftttiiiLK' tilililln aiiil wonwo/ik ?? Arc tlioy "ofl , | ,-, _ )iiturdnyeven-|Smit|l pjlid the COHtH> TMH ii tho nratlaw ' :-l!iillnitlol; whihr MviM'y Stnhlos attucheil. Stng*'- ont nnd is/sreas-soaneJ and iinliRest- ing of this week. Tne VI1" IlKMlUdi... D., L, &W. Kit. nt Urlilgevtile. DR. F.ni:RSON'S "DHAI) SHOT•vj.r" • ible, and has given, to the whole suit wo linve had in a long thiitt. «i '\i-ii.t or Filt; Cents. 1 receiving a box of wedding cake. are cooked hy'our own peculiar suauircn The Oculist C> B. Smith & Company, , method, which positively pre- Mr. and Mrs. M. A. LMerRon and daughter Belvidere Ave., Washington, N. J h i' Wholt'salo AKontn .Newark, N- J. from, Easton vents them from becoming v The Apiietlte of a (iont I Gmce hnvc returned home having, tjpont greasy,,,--• ••. '' '•• la envied by nil poor dyspeptics,.whoso several days with liia brother Edwin in visits Washington (j/ /tin ••••••••••••••••••*••••*•} Stomach and Liver nre. out of orderV All Newark. Oonnot FLORIST They are healthful crullers. such should know that Dr. King's New Mr. and Mra. Goo. U isl,on of Phillipsburp Second and FourthFridays Monthly, Life Pills, tho wonderful• .Stomach.., and woro Sunday guests of H. G-isloa. from 2 to.6 p.m. f, CHRISTINE, ; I ; -Try a do/.en toJay. ••--• Liver Remedy, gives a splendid appetite, Mr. Gr'uvur of Ilichmond.;.Pa., was.the OPTICIAN,_ sound digestion midn. regular bodily habit Sunday guest of Mlaa Nettie Dalrymplo, •"' at St. ClouJ Hotel.. ~;• that insures" perfect health nnd great I Mis-i' Luolia Burd nnd Misa LillJePluin of Grooulioiisea: liiRton Avo.,' r c Floral BeatRna energy. -.Only 2fi Rents at any Drug Storo. 1 Bolvidere spent Sunitny at houuu : y bod lor nil occa- ys;. •'•"'• •••-. - ' •• • •• ' ... rr. i Hi short coti TIIK WASHINGTON STAIi, WASHINGTON. N. .)., THUliSDAY, NOVKMJJKIt 30, 18011. KKOADWAY. On Sunday night ofliwt woolc Wtn. and Mr.H. JnnitH Alhcrt of Free L'nlou was Lewis Brink wfiro robbed of their Up robes tlie {,'NOHt nf Mr. find Mrs. Amos Alhcrt on and whips, and two robot and wblpH wero Mondiiy. AN IMPORTANT ISSUE!- Cold Ntolen from U'lgons at the- Plonsant Valloy Edward Mortfim of Vfonnn comes An issue that affects the feminine portion of our population in par. Hchool hou^o and ono from Now Village. through tbls placoovery week and supplies Thore must boa canp In the buulnctmand our people with fresh moat.. ticuJar is the buying of Stylish Outer Garments at Saving Prices- th ill b lk if f th d Clltiu, fifed on Sunday ovpninf*, Nov. 2Uth, they will bo lucky if Homo of them do not BIrH, Harry Teeter of Hackettutowri was While our line is not of cosmopolitan proportions, it is sufficient to meet get caught. entertained at tho homo of her mother, every practical requirement of the people of this section. Some people, Tlio revival muctin«H tlmt havo been in Mrs. Jjliziibeth Vrccland, a part of lust l strangely, would he better pleased if they bought one of these pretty nfturnooiii1N(»v.2!),lritliul1,litliulrestiy«)riiin(:i)iiirestiy«)riiin(:i)iiiuu- proijresa nt tliu Pleasant Valley school week. ttcry , thithis plucol . DeceaseDd d tvim tlio AA iiigti- liouso for several wcckH pnat licvo boon garments in a city store and paid a few dollars more; but, it is gratify- * " " " " •oininunt productive of much good. Albert Wildricl: Is driving hcarsa for K. W. Aimer, tho undertaker. ing to note that we have lots of very shrewd and clever people in our warm raiment, ami the „._ _ -t during Klton Krvvln of Oood Springs hns securer! the unrly part or thin century, und wana position JIS inspector on tlie Central Itnll- Mr.s. Uebocca Ifcridurahot hay been midst. Our sales of Jackets, Capes and Suits this fall has far exceeded inwd lirst turns intuitively to born nour Lowur Harmony whore her Girl- ivml at I'hilllpsburg. ipendlncft week with her daughter, Mrs. 1 ~"" prnwetl. After lior mnrrhtuc hor Charles Upplncott, in Washington. any previous season. The cause is obvious. Kead on und'probably- A apodal meeting of tiio Kpwortb Longua KITH wan on tli(3 farm nenr A few from this uhicoattended tlicdance you will discover the reason why. „ occupied by Jacob Kln- .;ns held hint Pridny evunlnR to elect a Heavy Underwear. president to 1111 tho unexpired tnnn of Ri?v. at Milton Bartoiv'H. iev. .Upon rcIinquMilag forming bUa to-Arthur I.ucii.4, resigned. The nominees H.K W,. AeAimer it giving his douse n t'rvnh Attention is invited to our new '''-' '-i Hint vlllngo whore her hii*f»iinil wcro: Mr*. D. C. ltlddla, Mlua Chrissle contof ppaint. . She HO mo yours Inter moved to IlGCrtf and Miss Anniu Urfttmi. -Tim Inttcr and very worthy line. We think HtctvnrtMvlllu wljore elie died. Mrs. Ullne MitrtenN and a gentle nan iroin Ladies Jackets. waa elected. ,..,.-. has hton n piitlont Invalid Tor ninny yoirn, Ueatyewlo• w were th* e „..... > Of till! it excels both in cut and quality linvini; suii'ured 'severe physical injuries Mrs. Jacob II>:nsel spent a Tew days lost (|J.firli' ;ur'? grunts. Mr. arid M s. Oeor«e lUe line of any former season. oceiiHioncd by fall inc. the lill'eots of which week with her son, Frank, at 1'ort Coldcri. in Sunday. All Wool Cheviot . . . $4.50 Hho ninfntuhied utiltl lior (loath. Slio was Dredge No. 1, which has boon working The showmen li'tvu left fwri after pick- There's Kntnctliing iihout tlie littlu prouiniuuiitly a home bntly, of a black dress that tnuclie niuuiitly home bntly, of on tho seven mile level huro, w»t» towed to In;: up several dollars The pio eutinf* Braided Cloth . . . 8.49 < ;L man in a very and rctirliitirlii^ ddlfipuitllfipuhitior)i , kindkindll y cilmrituWol , I'filllipsburg last Friday and tied up for tho contest wat won by Oe*ir£jo Hwavzw. On tender spot, He puts the little otic on i the.sumo night eich person was presented 1 r tliclicml, piu sninc pennies in her Imii'l, a Chriaii in womiin, one to bu ruinombcrcri winter...... - : Kersey, Satin lined . <).6) and tlioii^ht ui lon^atter all ottiwnrd slgna with u ticket tit the door and thon thuy! swallows lilrd :uid then—starts out In Rev. Mr. laViolotto pre^chud n special were all put into a hw«.v II. Ctliiti of all wcru pleased with his ideas us to their from his fninily by .neglect of si tuple' with a hand-noino buitrr knifo nnd munrt Stciviirt.tville nml John W, Uliiie of Now 1 " The tenth one dr.iwit won a tirlzej " " ". . . . 12,79 precautions winch would preserve liis Village. lif.'illli. Disease jjeiiernlly Infills nowa- TlioniaM A. Kilisnii of Oranjro was hurt) Oil Monday nlt-lit of last week thy fol-for Joseph Stiip'eM. He also was presumed These art- ail new an.i wry stylish. No- lowing "Ulcers atifl tuacher.'j of tlie Sundny days in "slnnmrh trouble' h?ctiiii butter knife and ouirar H\-H,MI. The V.od not di fl*"iU4 °rtllt! Ialinrs ol> llis HiibordlnntcH, Ktsk'ini u'ure eloetufl: Supurinluinlunt, D. \ guessim; bean content on Saturday night tice the substantial way in which they are \V. liuwman; 1st As.it., John Nixon; 2nd i WUH won by Charles S. li'iriow, lie having in!,.«.i;« . wholiavtibcwi dolnc yuninon's work on 1 made. ^riii" lamps mure intii general use. AMit., Mrs. D \V. l*.}Wf)iitn; Secretary, .Miss;coma tho tip«ri'st io tin L'tic"" TIM* bnrUti i/J come dih- the holding of tlio KAhrm Portland Or.i Mutchtor; Asst. Sucruurv, MUs Iii//ie!containi'ilvt-r-sug;ir bowl \ Confinement to liou:,f mukvs the or nervL-j. Ihe^ use of Dr. I J I Hiili'nin IIUNHO n-'sNters: Thorn is A. Ooldeii Mwlicttl Discovery, for dia TJbr.ui in, Miss Minuiu Xixon; Tejiehera—i and one dozen silver Npoon.4. itcmanil for good illuminatinn moiv J-Miwrm. AI-jx. tilllott, .Jr.. Orange, N. J.;Mm. ElfeibctKliz.ibeih Kiddle,. MrsMr«. EllKIUa Kymondliymoiid,, | of the organs of digestion ami nutriti A. I'. Clark, Calchvell; Win. Kent, Now AIIHfHAiMtH Annii Alotlurl , MmM . -AlicAlie WWorman, ill t th tth f wading. will avert the catastrophe of more sen- rtrV;; Hr'SrWinra.""). O i, J. . 7)Vmn!Yl'.'Uimlen*Dunn, II. Sindcii,, \ M\ZioiuTkix\"i^ir^l)'.Mr Jtu Ni M I) W.'novvinimW li ! Hon't Tobacro Spit nml Smuko Vnur Lire Anay. A oiis disease. It strengtht:iis the stnmacli, ' Am •••. "T . ,tT'•'". "C • '"Kline-• r "E. "Rush • , Allen- j KUHII& UiltsofNuw VIlliicc have put a\ •TTof '"u lf>hn^0 mslly nna forever, bo ma? j Our New Lamps purifif> tlit: blood, nourishes the IILTVCS, town, Pa. ] new roof on N.Warne's mill. i ?««<\'«» ot life, ticrre n»olli brain Sim II. K-iso of Nuw York, Ion Ladies' Capes. residunt of Wa.shin»tiin and " it/u- more iiumeruus, more v;iried body .knil handsomer than any other line in town. The price tags will cause yon to marvel. J. K. COOKE. On the Corner.

Murvfn, the vounirson of Klijah Wanii*, Hog lulling in tthe main omploymunmuntt off a Win. Teel Inid ae-nrii linsieuii,' fro] most convenient wrap m;u Sheriff's Sale. D T &" "W R R Co , number of ou it'i jt b fellll IroIr m H peak of tbu barn anil dowdown into irKrK(( number off ouourr cit/eiiH jibt now, but thhe holhle throughhh whichihh thth e bub yi in thr Uiirttay. ISUllASt;KUVOCNKW,lKl!.-KV. then; is not II,fif e tallk ;tl> >ut tho "nigresigrett one day last wk d w ikd Mi s f/IUM ! hog" that we have buun iiceu!>tomeil to linv last wet-k, aridwVis "pivkotl'tVn iin-' " Hunnett retn: home fro, Extraordinary Values in Dress Goods. tc W. 'im r,. UtHctKTO'.yoinitiniiuitit, TTMF TART F .bear in former year*: but two or ihrc« nwious. Honliortly afler revived and' Newark on Monday. -.ndJoiiii M. TI 1 i f)artit;s lni(11|O«H weiBhii»?«w pounds. it* round to be not seriously injured. j M: . und Mis... .Jjiiii!>Ciniinit .-.. _. i- ml (laugh* Gilbert's Ladies' Cloth, 52 inches wide .... 60c At the last business nieetiii? of the ]£p< Villa, attends! the wedding of n (a. f»r (•aly of mortvrj»t:<_'(t i.ri'inVo^, | A minister of the gospel in tufa vicinity t.'lnnmiit.j folnmiryTi'rni, A. l>. 11',U. dllll llOW lUlL wortli"LdiLKuo7t ,,^ Mfs» Sadie I.undy at Joliiiyonsbur^ !nwt Storm Serges, 52 inches wide ...... 90c u, • inH reportereportedd aasn payin paylnig ; ththee rathe ratherr douhtludhtfll ! d _ PonteeonUl liyi .i hooka for use . Wednesday. tt'M. A- NTKVKvtt, So!!i'fti>r. I -V ,••;:; *;' "n ' '[•»-,, HI compliment to the siTAii bv .s.iyint.'. tliat Broadcloth, 52 inches wide ...... 90c HT vlrnit. .tf t il-,v- Ptiifd wit lo mo illnv r'-v»'i'in' i "TheSTAi: is tho bmt (lewspincr publish. of tlie Ls.iyutj and sjutid-iy school. Leon Sttfl'hiiK hired with Wm. Tccl for ••i •nnil dotiv>n-rl. l.*u<"l ..lit .if III- Court • linn it. in. i ed in Wrtrreu tiounty, jnaNinuoli as it uivw Mrs.. Marryy MutchtcMut r lull out of bed OIK Uon Stiff him hired with Wm. Tccl r.ir| , , „ .. , ,. ,,, ... :, ..... , , t:kAiici>r>-urN w.!(;r-cy, 1 lmv<> l<>tit>il mx»i III in-j.-tM. -. in tho iittmeHof the irihubitnnts of every i ,„„.,. il injured herself f|ii!t< tho winter. ! Also a lull line of hincy Weaws, I'laids ;iiul Uievwis, ;iml a plens- *rtlM'll tit |iiil)|!t> vt il» iv th.' N"W \\iji.l—i IM.'n aM lw last week a HIII«O, In UIH ISorotiuh of WnnNliiiitmi, In it town, vil|.i«eand hamlet within the hord-1 * ! with friends in Oxf( L-I'.I oft he 1,'uiiiiLy who nedect ttieirchureh ! ; MrRichur. and MrsGree.n Davi wads wit\wv\wh Iii. spen' t Sumlny Jll;r .selection of Silks ami Velvets. 1 i parents Tf'KMlAV.TIIKTWKNTY-SlX I'll (Wmi |i.\V :: (id p tO4io visitinc on Sundays " J J, Willevor and dautthter, Mis Ktiima,,! Townsbiiry on Sunday. We -ii tr very proud of our dress poods stock ami teel Unit it is not .v.-i|,: ii ir. |i. "The iciiHun of Kvncimtioii D.iy: One ! of Asbtiry, .spent l-Vidav here with another Mrs. L. M. Ittinyon and d.-iu-r'iter, MM.: Of DtiCKMUKK Nli.VT, A. l>. lSW, •». •>]>. hundred and .sixteen years aKo today, ] tlaii»htor, Mrs. Henry Uower.s. iiitlleil in the county for jwod values. •••Mil i>. Oriu Howull, passed Hmui ly in Vienna. ; lliiwifr W >\ny, nit (November '£>,) the last Uritish redcoat •T.f i |i.I!!' :>.••}} [..' Mrs. Theo. Watidliny upent tlio latter ! Mr. am! Mrs. Alnhlon Uriit** h.T.- 's.:io ii. Ill IS p. letl New Vurk, and from that time to this, part of lust week in JMiillipabnrK with her ! visiting friends in Lifayuttu. i Inntl-TiiiLriUriil/i'j ', IfltlKMld 'iU»|,. it.-i'Jii. no foreign soldier hut ever net loot on ','': sister, Mrs. 1'hlllp Erwhi. who nan been! ln!W Ella-Ilonrv does not improve In' Blankets, 49c to $4.00. imliiK In Hi- Hor i,, In HIM VI) AY. Manhattan Miuui, except as a [•ui'Ht or a "t.nii urat'/, but- fiintuiiick. • tieaIth ,,s rilf,t HS i,^r frioiKis wish. I • i»$ Jt' Underwear in all wool, part wool and cotton. t '•'.'* nin prisoue,' V—Nuw York Journnl. MV.H. (iuorye 10. Iiischo returned to her TII-T hi th« tin.. Mra. 1*. S. Kine has been spending the * aft«> ?ST ^&hW BootsOu, Shoesr .stock, Rubbersincludes, everythinWaif PapL-rg kep Oilclothst in a. generaCrockery,l store• r.taware, such as, » II. C«»»k. wlfn i >i tii« 'V.lbtl la. past week with his nan Cjcoryc aud hw 0 r p In lot of Miiry Wn 'UIM)>i. II..V) n. liimily in Washington. John E. Jnacho, md Mrs. | home. :, Rubbers, V\ TJ is [i. m. •IM |i, n. j! m,.. r f«i;t t^nimlilluHtrt'ot '••'i'nnnoM, on-- ! iin Coninwt. 30 KsL-hiitifjo I'lii-jo, X, Y, ultj-. pftckingthe auditorium of Odd Fellows' to you...... v-, flit Attttcliiiivm. . . Hall mi Saturday night, awaited the i'enk Our Hlus.li Capes are beautiful. They are made of the best Sisters from Alaska, who on their arrival The supper, which was hold last Thurs- "I have recommended it to all my John P. Tiiiemaii. j speedily became aci[titiinted, then intimate day evening, was a social and linandnl friends and have given it to my „- NotlcolrilmrubyRlvon tlmt n writ »f iitin S plush obtainable. Be sure and see our numbers at S4.9S, S7.50 and finally captured the crowd entirely. success. daiiylitcr who is now getting- along" ;ni)iil,nt ttiy cult of Kri'd U. Mrnko, C^nrijo Their entertainment was pleasing, interes- Itninbo u'Tri Atmio L, Dniki'. i>-rtniTH. trnillu Lewis Sutton and mother spent Sunday splendidly. May you live many years and $10.00. Drake »nil coiiiiiiiny, ngniuitc tho rik'lits n ting and funny, aud the entertainers were with relatives at Arnoldville. l as much pleased aa tlie entertained; thus lo help our suffering sisters."—Mus. C. , moitoyH ui'd oll<yth»«buri*TM ihewimty of Wnrrua oc l visit, while complimenting their eflorts. Assemblyman H. p.. White has removed { Goif-Capes. Children's Cloaks, Dress SkirL\ Woul Waists -Ut«fliuh il iy of Octobvr, A. O, ISiW. the fence in front of his house, which'im-; Over CJC'IltV thousand ]; To the passerby, the appearance of theproves its appearance very much. I , . * , , and Ladies' Tailor-made Suits. Vou will line! our\jualHies the UJIAIU.KS K. IIAHHI^, I Lntheran church is much improved. O. 1). Miit'osSKt,, Llurk Miss Annie Kearns has gone to Little SllCll Jettei'S OS tlUS WCVQ ]*C- I Tuauks to the repairs and the new coats h?.'St and prias tlie lowest. .. 1/^ Attorney ..ri'lulntltU Brook, where she expects to make her nr*U'r>r\ KT II,.,. Pinl-K--,,i-, of nicely blended piint, the ediliee is at Cenea b iUl&> i I once neat and attractive. home with her grandmother during the 3 , ink ham winter. I A pood I v party enjoyed a hox sociable at •"" during 1S97V Surel}-this is Pelvic Truss Holds Rupture tlie residence of Mr. and Mrs. II. Oruver at Mr. and Mrs. Jeremiah Reed and daugh- Carpenter, Willow Orove on Thursday evening la^t. ter Eva visited relatives al Drakento\vn strong* proof of her ability Tlienll'tir, a pnrticularlv pleasant ntm wo n tiuder.Htand, was under the auspices ol" the° ii""p£oskinnor expects tu i,c with! 1-0 lielp suffering -,-.-omen. Easton, Pa, Armor Bearers' Mission Hand of the 1'res- his parents, MrM . and MrsM , .faeoJbb SkierSkinne , I nicte slt byterian church. .:. y,". . ,. . during Thanksgiving, ilttlnu U will Uev. William Thompson in the Presby- Daniel Heed left lust week for Itocknwuy Il terian elmroh on Sunday morning last vvhoi'o he ban secured n position in a print: •Mr W.wiiiinjj;. and .Holiday prescius ;ire gnvean tutcru.-itingsketch upon th« intro- factory. • '. ' -" • • ' '- -:rr--~;r.-;j now on exiitbitioh ui oiir warerooms.' An tal duction ami subsecjiient growth of the Judge White and son liavc puruliiiaGd.au •?jirly dall is advisahlt* in order-(a secure rito fu urs histiVmfor iiuttns. noiiHtrous Morinon belief in this country: expensive "CrmiHon Cleaner" wtilch will ti dully. 11 Momliiy and Sntiirday find wii continue and enlnrgo upon tlio cimhlc them to scud out it still lustier grade ;areful selection. - • suhjeet, ...SI'KOlALOl'l'BU-Klv.' por.:»m. dl-onml will Snndny n, m., Pec, 10.. of Hour. -TOT MU8ICB0XES; Ije allowed t« iiurwitift liHn^iai; » .;. \>y »t tills Rev. J. O. Voder of the Luthornn cliureh Mrs. Robert Martin has gone to Brook- fe exeluinged pulpits on Sntulny last with lyn, where she expects to stay a short MORRISTOWN. N. J. Prom j; cents up. '"<) U A'K'A NV \: t{ - 'iiirf i" lo nay on« wl1 Uev. Mr. Bnum of Fort Washington, Ri. time with iiorsibters before {rping to Vir- :uro 1 • ginia, whqro she expects' to make hor STELLA MUSIC BOXES, . homc-with..her~ daughter Capital S 300,000 ?20.00 tO S3O0.OO. - - ARROWSAUTHr J'.wiuH. fin-tlu^riiMOrtMi-nrliilt^—rr Uontgivo them tea or eollee. Have vou Mrs. Willinni Trezine, who was badly Surplus and Profits . 508,000 IDEAL MUSIC BOXES, \i TlK.I'rusiM-Kit'.ifr, tried tlio new food drink called GRAIN O? hurt recently by falling down a IIIffhL of . Ui«i». fi atuirs, is slowly improving. Deposits 5O0.00I0 Si.500. It is delicious nnd nourishing.nnd takes . 2,186,000 tho,place of coll'co. The more' Grain-0 Mr, Wiley, one of tho miners, had it MUSICAL NOVELTIES, you give the children Lhcuiiore health you pwhnt narrow escape-durinspduringg tho paspat s PAYS 3 PER'CENT. INTEREST ON ALL ACCOUNTS distribute tliroti«li thoi •systems. Grain-0 week by uiirt of thusliafc of the min .,.-• Alt kinds and prices. Is mftdo of pure trniins, nnd when properly falling in him. He was rescued by OF S100 AND UPWARDS, SUBJECT TO CHECK- DEPOS- Sole Ajrent for tlie Cclchratcd Martin prepared taatea like the choiee firadea of "Ditlla " s Couple nnd was somewhat bn ... ITS DRAWING INTEREST FROM TIME DEPOSITED Uuitars and Mandolins. coil'uc but eoats about about the head,, huutt not seriouslyrou , This "rovers nel! it. 35c. and shaft,'Which is forty feet deep, i for the UNTIL WITHDRAWN. "JACOT & SON, UTe. are now pfrerin^ B.pyei'iil odd present nbandonod. .. .39 Union SnusirR—Brnaflwny and tjtli St.. •MIMJ Minnie Davlso md Thuo. Perrine afcylcH of XJpi-ighrP^mosVlJotUiifw :\SBUIU; attended tlin-ivfidrilnff -1 1 — ** i>, 1 ; u —11 row at Nerturk lpst \\t,ik ml KiviMiwui; President. 1 W. W. Cutler, JJ VJc».President, anci "s(H!Oiui'iiaiid"air"groafc^l tHlirc"-" (l?rida\) mcht 1 oiv n ' R . Hull, Vice Presidiiiib.i• v lJno.il. 11. Ctirli'II, Secretao* anJ'Treas'r, v fcioiiKi ^" Sold on easy terms ' of pay-Mrs, Carson. 11. A. Vim Gift'lnr. istant Secrotnrv and .Assistant .Treasurdr.... :-- - r 1 Jn,i n« ^inith M Hnr-k tt"-ln>\ii 1 «jtud FANQY WORK- iiiQnt7or. libei'nl"Wscbuiife""alio\\*ed""f6i ing a low days witli Jesse Ilann "111 whklTsiik" I'.itches are extensively u'sej Mr. and Mra. Jacob Wisoburn ,and son Comcb ftoni Dr D B CaiLilc ol T hanks giving DIREOTOHti. CUsil. WRITE FOR PARTICULARS. WnoliltA I 1 Ho wntis Tour bottles 0htti>It:.4..1-\ Gmliw, Pres. New York Tel- • jiiuior Koumze, Kountze Dros.,;Bankers. ' > is now in vogue lor Holiday presents. We pjisyed Siturdn iiui Sand \ with hor of lilectric ltittora ban cured Mrs. Brewer will mail you lor 25c .1 lioaiitiful collection mother at Bartloy. Tuikeys and Chickens phone Company;-N. V., Morristown. ofserofHln, which hud caused her great \VtUnt-4l W.Culh'r, Bx-Law Judge, Morris N. Y., Morristown. ! suitable for this work, Sample packets 10c, Mr. find Mrs. Ciilbort Ilopler cntcrtninud Wh you are purchasing stamps or silvor. Huflcring for years. Terriblo aorca would yr Co., N. J., A\orristown. Uluhnnl A. aicCurtly, Pres't Alutua^Ufe*^* her brother from Nnughright on Sunday. break out on her head and face, and the h nkstfK'mg dinner (jive us Frederic Croinwell, Treasurer A\utua! Life I est doctors could gut no litlp but her SUJ '\ \ou with in,uK Insurance Co. of N. Y., Morris Plains."" 11 Rutherford Silk Patch Co.. Rutherford. N. J. 3 and 5 West ISth St.. Now York. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Fleming and Miss .insurance Co. of N. Y., AVendham, N. J. Ruth passed a couple of dajs Inst woek. euro is complete and her health is o\ccl j will w mi — Leiu\ I'litfrek Kjirrnlly. Gen'I AV.nnagerof Amer- II. McK, Twoiiibly, Madison, N.'J;' Mention tins paper. lonL" This shown wlmt thonsandshavo With tht,if duuhlili.r "\Irs John Rauiso or.in^es or bananas incUidt i ican News Company, N. Y.. Morristown. Jftinos A. Webh. Vice Pres't First National '' at Lebanon proved,—that Electric Bitters is the best X, n. H»H, vfee Pres'tA\orris County Sav- Bank, Madison, N. J. DR T. W. MOYER^D. V. S. blood purillcr known. It's tlie supreme ings Bank, A\orristown. Arthur Hanco is loarninp tho tblnck- remedy for eczema, totter, salt .rheum, BUTTERINK, 20c Ih :• 5 Ihs for 90c. G. G, KrcilliiKhuyHcn, Counsellor at-Law l^RitEfcS iinith trndo with Munches I.iudaborry at l Samuol Krnriinn.ii, President, Morristown. • VETERINARY SURGEON. ulcers, boils, and running sores, - It New York, Morristown, N. J. HAIR BALSAM Springtown. stimulates liver, icIdiieyH, and bowels, Gustav K. Kissel, Banker, N. Y., Morris- Cleuwt1 urfl •be*«tin« tho hi!r. OMcoOpiiosito "ank, Uulvidoro, N. ,1. town. Paul Kcvcro, Morristown, N..J. 1'roinotM * Iniutltnt (tnmth. - Mrs. William Miller spout Fridnv with expels poisons, helps digestion, builda up Movor Paila to Uoatoro Gray All uilla In Wn or o 1). WHUsJnines, Vice Pres, United State: Waltrr G-. Oakman, Pres't Guaranty Hntr to Its Youthful Oolar. her sister, Mrs. Jacob Miller, at Anderson. the strotiRth Onh "JO cents Snld b r CurancnlD iti»f««c« h Uii C.Iitujf. od to. :formerly of tlm N. Jcnkiiis' Wnrren County Drug Store. Axfords Grocery. , Trust Co. 0! New YYork,, MadisonMadis , N. J. Tru^t.Company of New York. Tho people are looking torvsard for the tr *3 H \ V N K taton. j 1 r fnctory.touc couiinenced very soon. Cur Bcividcrc and CarTTon Avc B >ork New ^ork W»K .i. Scwoll, UniteJi States,.Senatbrt—rrl~ Henry K. Taylor, Morristown, N. J. :, .. /i THE WASHINGTON STAh, WASHINGTON, N." J., TilUKSUAV, iNOVJiAIUEK 30, ' 1899.

night to discuss tho mutter of form I nc a Mr. Jiimm Blnzlcr nnd tliniRlittT of near NOT STRICTLY LOCAL. atock company for thu purpose of urcutinir MoutroHC, auj-quobiintm county, PH., wuro nnd maintaining an tlccttlc light or pisin town two dn,\a last wttk vl-nltlug bl- Notes of Interesting Occiirri-umi li plant for tho UHO of tbo town, A com-brother. . Mr. Ucorjjo \V. ULizicr nnd mlttco was appointed to look Into tins'. nophuwH and nicech-Mr. W. 11. WinltT Oilier CountlcHtiiitl Stales— Homely iniitu, Mr. Albert Illuzlcr, Mr. Clnrk We're nmitcriuid »hk the Common Council to duferlhe mntturof luvarditur a new con-131nzlurnn; d Mrs GcorKO Sclinrrur. They Knots and Humorous Squibs. tmct. Tbu council Is dbHalblletl with tho were nccoiiipiiitEcd by mmthur brother, Clnrlea, from Vnll. Souicrvillo lins a new Board of Irnde, Tn>w unntrKct and linvo naked for scnttil It* predecessors having Rone the way ot. bids.-Dovcr Indux. Invitations nro out nnnouiicliiR the mnr- All tlwth. •: j HaifHnlfna century makemakess it vasvast t tlM'uroncliltt'uroncce jrhKunf Mrs. Hullo IIHIIHUT of this plnco to Never A frelffht wreck on thu Ce»trn nc"! botlotli iinniiazltusmiiiimniittzltius.iiidd tbttio tiistcs they susup-p * Mr. Krcd Koth of Nuw York, who WHS for- Wnlto Hiiiiso on Suniiny demolished tight • ply—n ilitloruiioo which could only bo tin-)merly employed in thu NtL'dhnm factory earn. Noonu wus hurt. de'rstood by 11 ooinpttriaon of thu tint nuiu- j hero nnd nlho coiuluctuil the rurnnnnt store on IJflvldero nvenuo. The wcHdliij: will Litest Manila nd vices' clve color to tho bfrofilurper's with thu elabornto Christ- jtuk'n plnco on Saturday mxt at thu home hfliiof that tbo Philippine "rebellion" id tutis number which taiwjust been received,; of Mm. Hmi.slur'u parontw, Mr. and Mrs. Tired nwu-lvovLT •Aculnaliio, However, 1ms not mid which, IIH has boon snld, opens the' ChnrlcH HuiniiiLT, of Port Coidcn. Itcv. K captured I hatiHreAth volume. ThfaCbrimmiw nuiu- 0. M. \\\'sl of tlittt phico will oiliuititc. Talking about our Coffees. SEWS" & 7«r $ -» A^fc; - >!»«:•»• -">* *"•*." ^ »•?1 KKAl/KSTATK TltANSKKIIS. lillen Liphain (the celebrated g THE CHRiST!VSAS STORE. List of real cstatO'trnnHftTi Indeed lor authority on cooking) says Our «tw- .. . . . • ...... record nt tlio County Clt;rk'H olllco sinco Nov. IS.tSiW: Pure Mocha and Java, at 30c John S. DAvldnon ut al. tn Itelicccn Dnv- per pound is the best site has IULIIIM k»">p ^ - - - limtl-lH !_'-'»• 11 I'llV Idson of WashiiiKton, ilntud April 11, ISl'D, Thu General Assembly or the Knlclils of Ufa worth living. ( cunvt'VH property in Washington ; conyid- ever tried for [he price, Our Tjihnr at ttiuir nnnniil intelins: last werk | On nnplie.-Hlon of the N. V bun I'rint-; (.•ration, fl 00. In Bo-tnn adopted a rwoliitlmi nimlrot thoj j,i» nnd 1'uWisliliiBCuiiipnii.v ftirnn Ipjniic- Wm. II. Wultcra to Mnrllin J. Miller of goocls.certainly must have mer- "tSyosa'tonoftliel'lilllppiocs." j IU u,t.'.,li,;,i,i »ovot.,l dofaiiJ-inU. olll ;• Itcif-elsvlllf. (lilted May 10, lvi!»,• conveys Tho Snprcni" Court of ConnedIcut last! CM of various labor mimiw connected with 1 property in Wnitiikt'r; coiisltii-iatloii.fKK), it or else, we would not receive this praise. Of course you Henry W. Pnrsul mid wifu to Peter M. understand we have cheaper Coffees, such as X NX Mocha and 1 1 1! Winter of Puhiitconj:, (luted Sept. H. ISIS, «P?,SenUllon!,»«?%.ll. I" tl- l.r"o»p«tUs. i stilus .or in W. .^.'E^'"!:, "i , .! i-nnwys lot in I'olmtcoic; coimulerHtlon, fJMl, Java, 25c; Choice Maracaibo, 25c; .Best Old Rio, 20c: Best Uonrv S.-Hnrrlst, master, to Lilly M. Santos, 15c, and Lion Brand al 12c: but whal we dote on is Muyeraof Phillips!.nri:,tl.Ui<| Sov. S. 1SDU, 'c-'Hiveys prmwrty in I'ljlllfpsburj;; cousid* our Pure Mocha and Java at 30c and our XXX at 25c. onittoi), *i.S30. E Holiday Tfadirig;. I lose V. Sohafor to Itenjnnin F. Hrntz- Ht;st,Sn^ar Curetl Hams, uctb. otntcrmllne Bom.ton citizens In n-enrd. |nn( m,ui m-niiiM the president ami vleo I mmiofPnilHp-liiir-:, diltd Sept. 1S, ISiW. locBliim Ibelr plant In Boonlon. I hey i prci,ldent ot" Tvpoisraphlenl Union No. il.!conveys property in I>nlllii»ltiin*; uunsid- Best Su.^ar Cured Picnic Hams, ijc Ib. oniwe ercetinR'B plant to cost about Tljc (nJietment is tawed em n matementi vration, fLHH). }10,0000,000. | m:nk' to an advertiser ri-tlcctius: on the- ] Tliu I'., ami Lnnn ASSOOIHM'MI of i'hlllij'H- Hampton's best XXXX I.ion Hour, $2 20 owl. es^- •'We lisve made Ions; and careful preparations Colonel W. J. Bryan reeolvoj :iV> fi. .. is of the Sun. Imrs, No. 1. toTt'os. M. Wil-on of Lopnt- White Lily Hour, $z.oo cvvt. torture on "PemllnK l'roblorai." ill thu | COIIL1,dutcd Nov. 23, tSH'J, eonveVH u^operty University of Arkansas, at tayette-sviUe,; PUREIY'I^'RSOXAL. in Lopnlvonjr; cousiiUTatltm, ^t.l'tl). W'httu I.oaf Flour, $s.cc cwt. jp^I for tlie Christmas Business. We are stocked lust Thursday, nnd donated tile money to j Klias J. Miickcv, Slier ill', to Oron il. «*~ • • • - . .•oril ot tin' Movements .ol" thePerry of \Va.sliin«ton. dated Aiic L»3. \SW, c^Z as we never were before with suitable and de- ""jo'hn'coatcsof Cani.len didn't believe in ; A I! uftnyt-y? property in Wnsbinijtoii; t'Otisild-i Finest Elgin Creamery Butter, 28c Ib. banli^ and kept over fiW.000 in his house. People You Know—Various erntion fW. I To local papers noticed tho fact nnd last j Notes. ItiMirv J. Snnvi-r, ut nl. to D.tvid ,K.\ Finest Creamery Butterine, 2Oc Ib. ^^ sirable articles and fabrics for Gift Making. week bursWi visited the Coiitcs house and I • Ftvti of Iliirdwiclt, dated Svp. li'», IS«», got away with j.»,000. MMr, A. J. Dialer was quite ill the first of ponveyn land in llnrdulck; uiu^Idurntfou. > &— ' Serceant William Anthony, the hero of th....e . •'tkk. I'W' Oraniilati'i! Sugar, 5IC Ib. fi.oo. ; the .llaino, conmiltteil suicide with cocaine j|r,K . p. [)ura entertained Mr. John P. ; on Friday. Despondency over luck ot Oooke at his home at tiuminerfielel over, (^ne t^uart lSottlc .Maple S)ru|). 23c. ^- When you come to town, don't fail to come employment was the cause. A wile and a! Sninlny. ! If you hive tnmilu with your -jyo-t or [ Lur^e Can Table Syni|i. ice, month-old bnbysurvlvo him. j Mis*' 1-Mua Tictfr of .Madistm was thelieHd.ichu! n from rye-work, mil on Dr. Sotp I nt the St. Cloud Hotel nn tlic SITOUII ami' eP in if only to see the many beautiful Atticles and Fertilizer manufacturers of Sow York, gutst o| Miss Uiuni Stewart lu.iL Tbun.il.iy fmirtli Prld.i>^; hou-- 'i t-> 5 u. in. Other j Ib Package Prepareel Uuckwheat. toe. Uarylaud, VirRinia, Tennessee, Gt'orcia mill V'ritl ly. !dijvnt his linmv ulli.o HI NIK 12 Norlh Aunt .Mania Pancake l-'loiir, 10c. and Alabama held a secret meeting in jij^ Stella Shurts is spendinj? three Third struct, Huston. Uliitr^i'N for classc.H g^ Fabrics on display. Montgomery. Ala., last Friday, it Is bo-} weokswith relatives in I'iltstov.'n, Hunter-only. •• HiS-tf.. | Best St.'etlei! Raisins, 10c pfcg. lieved, to effect a combination. (j0I1 county. S. Barine Gould, Ella Mucmaho and Mr. nnci Mrs. Charles Laniilnc spent 1 '" • ~*~ * "" ! l-'iincy Xeu- Rice, 5c Ib. Sunday in Dover as thu guests ot .Mr. and Kclitnr Willliim A. liohl> or the Monisj Tom Gallon are thtne iicuofictionu contributorevm. w-.u.as t™o Sunday in uover as mu HIIVMS Journal has resigned tha'- position. Call ami see us : we want yuur traile. You will be well paid for your visit with what thoChristm as issue olthe Ameriem ljueen: MrSi jiarHhall Kurd. Arthur Julo ODodman, Tom Brown und M|i „ s of \V,u,l>ii>i;t Charles Ward are amous the illustrators. JI|m| ^ jjiatllr of Ceatyestoil you see. You will, not be' importuned to buy- Tho situation in South Africa has r|C(1 on the ltlh inst. ohanscd but little. Toe 11MM have, Mr. „,„> Mrs. James ltico II L Hampton, shrewdly manneed to prevent the relict ot,Q , d , , Sun , just look—look to your heart's content. any of the besleaed towns. M • o sk r-[ D p Bt,,,t ( \ l)t| rtn t t No. ; BelyiJcro Avenue; Dry Cioods, Notiunj mishes have taken place vitbsleh. losses.! > I Si c N 0 \V. Witshintiton Avenue. Stores connectcil. Kerry,• Mill's latest cake-wa.kcake-walk,,* ""Imps ill]*- oni|j.fi Bridj-e, are to be mar t «unious; l>:ivlsUavis" Uis maalnix.witmoetliiB witah »ai"l u.iprwore^- , - r ~ • br|(](,.3 „„, otidonttid 9sale. "Whlstliiit..g '&,,Bu » "iJ onT, Kde" | A l«rSe surprise party was te ,cre and otheherr "po pVpnlip r productions of the JohnCnltsat bb home near lo a sort. evenlny. About 10 persons w i The old wooden' pipes of Morns to wna Mr. und Mrs. J. U. Hurtle n 1 M II lnlSal1 wawate«r cotnpatijcompany- werweree nnenrtheunearthedd BuiloBailey spent several days 1 Sly by Tahorers while,, excavatingg I^ton as the guests of J. L D TOOO water company still turnlshes the tt l«n U>. town with water and Is over a hundrehudedd || ^ ,,..„.„ u,.s „.,, R^f^ gfffitli. Slio 'Tprt dispatch from Chicago last | — home by her little eo Bctt i r 1 ) f OlaraStewart attende c I htt II B EASTON, PA. ^ LI to I t I t.hu Board." I little money Lewis Price of near Readers) brought to town Friday an immense black bear, leaves tomorrow for bur horn p d r little worth wi-ighini; about 400 pounds, killed by him infra week here with her son Mr C o near hi9 homo. It is one of ttiu largest W. Ka>e, and family. | specimens -shot in tiiis county tor several Mr. Kirry II. Jenkins of the Prudential | years.—Stroudsburs Times. olliut!, Nuwlirk, has been spending a short j Our Plan The Knisto of I-.bor convention held | vaatio;. at bo.n;... . He cnnie. np last Friday | ek resolved 10 compass I ana will return to.luy. is tho must reliable iioods oniv ut We are busy as bees arranging for easy inspec- bbedofoatoihodefo.Uof McKinleMcKinleybecHtnohy bc H J[« Vhe I MiwSiillifi Rroizman has taken a posi- ! .1.c sm.1-]ll,.-t PO^ML* enemy o-•f labor• , inasmuc• - h'• a-s- h*-e- made- noltlonwltn tlon witbh MrMr. .3 3.. W.. Christine Cht,, thje jewelt-r,, i'i»- Mii.niL..i j-u^.i-it effort to redress the wrongs exUting in to take charge of his china nnd cut glass tion of the luime'rous articles we have that are 1 Ou'Jii find Wttrdner. Idaho. I department, now,open. The high qtutiity ;tnv! low prices "... M. .... • 1 Erie Engineer Inweein stopped a heavy Mrs, Arthur Alleger and two children [Q our underwear will surprise you. fast freight train near Tuxedo mi Saturday are visiting at the homn of Air. Harry i No Half-Hearted Praise About especially ..; within five feet of a little five-year-old Smith iu Phillipaburp. They will be join- More underwear sold this.season girl who had pot her foot caujrnt in n frog. ed by Mr. Allener today. When released the little eirl kissed the Mr. and Mrs. Henry C. Dilts and son so far than ever before. Couldn't engineer. Her name is not'kiiown. George and Mrs. Edwiu Gordon und two A new order has been issued that pupils uhildreti recently visited Simun Dereuier do it if they weren't the ri^ht kind attending the Morrbtown public school and family nt Mt. Bethel. at the ri£ht price. BLANKE'S must be vaccinated. It is optional with Mr. Wm. E. Welter of Berwick, Pa., Suitable for the pupil'a parents whether their family was in town the first of the week making physician performs the operation or thehis mother and brothers a short visit and Our special fleeced lined at 39c physician selected by the school board. enuwing acquaintances. of which we have sold so much James Welsh of Tobyhnnna, Pa., some Jonathan Beatty, a former resident of time ayo advertised for a wife. Since then, /.*.";.„;. y..i|.> h.is hepr will not last long, and we can get COFFEES. v made superl • he baa received hundreds of letters in i Oenillul \a!lt->i,.tm;' bLGI no more this season. If you are in Christmas Presents. repl. evid need of any of this grade we ad- hnabi vise you to make your purchases There's a Genuine" give=me=more" One-half doxea. o f ... iveli beaten i ! ,,ist. He ia hale and hearty and tlie grand- „i„ ounces of glyeennli e is said by an ex- father ot Prof. iMcCain of r.he Washington now. ch an (jo to make a goocl preservative for school. We have bought largely of new goods with a fifty gallons of cider. Pour in WIILMI the | .. , ".. • »«hprt \rriHt Mr nnA her grades-we have plenty of ring with every cup. cider is just richt. The mixture k«eps It 1 ,.'*' Q"L'' Crocker -ind Mr Hiid Mrs there, does not deaden U, and will clear w,ij,am c;ockfer weat to Euston on Monon -und priced at prices you cannot busy holiday trade in view and all will be in place the cider if turbid. to see the play, " Bonui duplicate. The Hazleton (1'a.l FOR SALE BY ALL GROCERS. BRYANT, .....bv. December. ioth. The Clothier and Furnisher. * J. B. HAMPTON,

l 1 town. Hard work on.the piirt of tho ! !»"'h°"f,-:.'s "«, '•',.hmTt i, n' Washington, N. J. Sons soon controlled the iUmes. Two b>,"10 ""• b' W • ^"h'M; D- "• The New Cash THE HOME FURNISHERS. buildlims were hurried. Tim danweo was I Mrs. M. E. Connett anil son of Erook- oan«»(l by unknown lnccndtariea who mado j Bide Imvo been aijonellrai n week or more their escipe. .. : will;, her parents, Mr. and .Mrs, J. O.Bargain Store, Oxford, N. J. Exclusive Wholesale Agent for yvwvwww v*wvwwwvwwvwy Everything in Ladies' and Gentlemen's Fi:;nishiiif;'CJooJs at about "o percent, Washington, N. J. .'less in prices than at the other stores. CORNISH'S B herself a noble lover,—but only al'ti the home ofher sister, on Saturday next. Look to your own interests. We have just received a = :_•:• o grim flght.with.rnte. Mr. Georire Weber, who inovcet to New

MONDAY, . When Thanksgiving is here we expect to have good.cheer. A Rare Opportunity. NEW WEDNESDAY. FRIDAY. As nn^icconipanimunt to next \veeU's turkey we are fully \\ Uni'cd SJMes. The third eclipse occurs dale, Pa., spoiiding a seiison with her' YORK PRACTICALLY n • ok Nov. l'2Lh but it will bo invisible to the : parents on Jackion avenue, bier brother1 First-class, low-priced Railroad Stock Western Hemisphere. j JIIIUUH will bu here for the Thanksgiving V. KRAMER, for sale as air investment. It is sell* TRI-WEEKLY A DAILY, prepared to furnish the Housekeeper, Hotel, Restaurant and-Ji.' From tho novertoror dental! to the last i fcft- Boiharo Interested in a new silk Sohner Building, Oxford, N. J. iii£ at Seven Dollars1 per Share now ; paEe tho Deeembe- Woman's Homo Com-1 mill juat built at Luidadale. I AND THE Boarding House, the Epicure and the Gourmand with the purest, .; will seil at from 515 to 520 soon. For p&iiion ia bright with Christmas cheer iind I Mrs. Rachel Allen, relict of .the Into TRIBUNE CHEAPEST KNOWN, full of new nnd practical Chmtmaa idens. I Auron Atlun, formerly of Belvldere, be- particulars inquire of the freshest and best of food supplies of all kinds at the mar- ; TtiflBptritofthenpprnnehirif; hnli(inyH en- came tho victim ofHeriouH eye trouble last A new and remarkably attractivc,pul)- .ket's lowest prices. Here is .. . livens the excellent Christmas stories nnd . week and hur Ictt eye h.id to be taken out. Photographer Cotter ...ation, .profusely.-Illustrated-iwi!li£p.or:-- yerae. Pnblinhed hv The Crowtll it Kirk-; The pperiiiion was performed ut tho home Harrington & Daiberg, traits and halt-tones; cont'iins all the '""piitriuk'Co ,"SprlnGHoliiiOnib; onedoiiar ol uer daughter atMt. Herinoh. --" ; — striking news'le'atiires of The7Daily Tri- 1 BB _who has leased and remodeled tho gallery Brokers.^ bune.... Special.War DcspaUjieS, Domestic A Ueritfipie Thanksgiving Feasir w " free. " ' !lpbiHp"ErSui"nl«yorBw?uiT"S MiM"KuVli" now prepared to do tirst-class and up-to- Washington National Rank Buildinft. and " l-"oreifj;n""" Correspondence, • Short The December number of Self Culture i U. liryant. formerly of D-invllle, hiia just date work. Special-•attention Riven to Stories, Humorous Illustrations, Industrial Celery, Lettuce, Spinach, Red Radishes, Cran- IB will meet with n hearty reception. It i« renchtd Blulrstown. Both arowcli known posing nnd lh;iuinj: in an artistic manner, Information, Fashion Notes. Agricultural ltnth*rti3UenJteKstiDS : ~ dettroG. , Tliero are povo ,riirtlc'pg^on~^when~Mi937iryuiit' wa3™ft" siudent hero.— •"itiidVj uiikliVjfi'i-iiiv'uircs."/'•':-"-"•'" "•'•'•-'•-: "••-- ?i~=^-^jrrijspQra'pes-A|rr.onds;vWalnubr-Pi^^Laycr~rnr-.- curront, bvo»ts and some ex allent iiction. I iilaiisiown Press. - hen5ive and Reliable l-inancialand Market Tllthii .Repnits. His mafied at same hour as.Jhe Raisins, Oranges, Lemons, Swiss Cheese, Pure nine irt'ittr-ictini: widespread attention. »« J only son of Mr. Siunuel S. CnimoYof lin- LIFE SIZE PICTURE FREE. daily edition, reachesa lar^e proporliou of it easily takfH the 1*-'»(1 JM tlifa ^iUt^ • laydale, and MIHH Henrietta Newing were Puri-unnt 10 tho oilcrof lhoSurctuiitimf tkv .siibscrihers on date of issue, and each Apple Cheese, Roquefort and Full Cream mmlitv of itHiirticlea andthemagnificenco In order to iiuickly nnd widely introduce Coiuilyf WitiTDit, intmW on ihnTwMi.iy 1 \e\w, edition is a thoroughly up-to-date daily married on Wecln-sdny lastiit ilie resil- 'our superior plititograpliy in this commun- diivoi S'iv(mibtT. A. 1>. ultr .t»M-u luinlm! ntnl of its tllustrati'liia. i- | (1Linc( e of the bride's n:other, 22(1 Mount nlnoly-nlatMiotl*-. l^i"'r,-tiy,ilv-ii '••nil jwnunrt family newspaper for busy people. _ Cheese. Chase & Sanborn's Mocha and Java Wm. F. Miller, head of the Franklin "PlctisnnIcMsmitt avenue, Newark, by Rev. JoliJohn nB. ity, via- make .LVie'hlldwItiii" offer, -wi'iidr havlnB«imin-«Bainaiih.» utiaunf Jowi.li An- iiolds good only uiitil Dec. soth, to wit: One floiHOii. lut'-ot Hiftfou tyi.f Anrruii. il C-VIHIHI, Regular subscription priced syndicate, which hits accepted the deposits KiiBlerof RuavUlo, N.J., aiMinde of the to nroHcnt tlio mini" to tliu H.IIJH -I III.T.-'XI'UUIOM. Coffee, Firmest in the world, at ••••• of thousandtho s of nerfiono s in Brooklyyn under fjroom, on or•Ijrforo tlio twnty.t.lsiiiii iti.y "f AtiyiiMt promise or dividends of 10 per Prank Ive.s Bull and Misa Martha-; Van LIFE SIZE CARBQN i\, I), nlnetucn liumiren, «lnj» .t.liiu nioiitii!' • $1.50 psr year. „„..... n week, or 520 per cent, per annum, from iliilo «I tlit> wilrl ri'ilt'f; m.d tmy cifilin.r k t Gllluwe, bol.h of Ocean Urovn. wern mar- •ejjloi'ihiK to brl»B I" niirl rah-lilt hi-or h-r t '\ We furnish it with the STAR for 1 and {>eU. Leslie, his seoretnry,- werp In- ried Nuv. 22U. After tho ccrcmony-'ctio' with e.ich.order./.or,a dozen cabinet photos. cUiinti umlop uam or ftlHrnmUnn, wlililii ilia rtletPd by tho Kings countygrnnrt jury luat couplo came to Wtiahlngton to spend a Call and sec .samples. Bring this ad. with limo MO limit d, will bo f .H)vi!M«irr.-Uuf hUur $2.25 per year.. • a J. O. Cornish's , Friday,. minoMiller undrasaso Illmss wcHpescapn. tiernrwmree •n• porirtinnoftht nn ot thoe hoiKi.vinuohotievmuon with AirAir,'an. andd yovoun annnd presennrKetit tor a slttlnisittingT. lior (miton (igiihi-t'ltio nnkl fX>'cii'ora ^ . ::.....-.... . warrant coulri boBorved A tew Waghing- ^ra. y,M .B «U. theieroom's parents, Tho ^u and present lor a siumt- Send. all. orders, to THrfsTAR 8 ^^3^^.._tonIaua.did_.busine«9^it)Lt^ of a larpte] "'; ~A-r^rr-n DA"T""""~ t'' il i I, niri.W-VuniDi'y f."SCCUtOrH^, _ .._ -^-~ymllor— of'Bnbri ton's citizons hiefi branch Rrdcery owneiiby tho uriu«Vrnui-• ~~=™ ™.^^(JJ^f^-ff^rnozogrspuSr.-^ iUod, Nov. 8b, l'JWt. •*'inJ.S. Salmon's law offices1 on Tueaday jer in Allcnhurat.. . ., | ""'"" ".. ""*"'